SAS/ETS User's Guide - Procedures

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SAS/ETS 15.1 User's Guide - Procedures

For the complete SAS/ETS 15.1 User's Guide, go to the SAS/ETS product documentation page.

  • The ARIMA Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes and forecasts equally spaced univariate time series data, transfer function data, and intervention data by using the autoregressive integrated moving-average (ARIMA) or autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model.
  • The AUTOREG Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Estimates and forecasts linear regression models for time series data when the errors are autocorrelated or heteroscedastic.
  • The COMPUTAB Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Produces tabular reports generated using a programmable data table.
  • The COPULA Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Enables the user to fit multivariate distributions or copulas from a given sample data set.
  • The COUNTREG Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes regression models in which the dependent variable takes nonnegative integer or count values.
  • The DATASOURCE Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Extracts time series and event data from many different kinds of data files distributed by various data vendors and stores them in a SAS data set.
  • The ENTROPY Procedure (Experimental)  PDF   |   HTML
    Implements a parametric method of linear estimation based on generalized maximum entropy.
  • The ESM Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Generates forecasts by using exponential smoothing models with optimized smoothing weights for many time series or transactional data.
  • The EXPAND Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Converts time series from one sampling interval or frequency to another and interpolates missing values in time series.
  • The HPCDM Procedure   PDF   |   HTML
    Models compound distributions that are formed by combining models of the frequency of events and the severity of those events.
  • The HPCOPULA Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Models multivariate distributions by using copula methods.
  • The HPCOUNTREG Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Fits regression models to analyze and predict counts of the number of events.
  • The HPPANEL Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Fit regression models to analyze and predict panel data where variables are recorded both over cases and over time.
  • The HPQLIM Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Fits regression models to analyze and predict qualitative and limited dependent variables where limitations or selection of the observed values must be modeled.
  • The HPSEVERITY Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Fits regression models to analyze and predict the severity of events by using a variety of probability distributions.
  • The LOAN Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes and compares fixed rate, adjustable rate, buydown, and balloon payment loans.
  • The MDC Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes models in which the choice set consists of multiple alternatives.
  • The MODEL Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes models in which the relationships among the variables comprise a system of one or more nonlinear equations.
  • The PANEL Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes a class of linear econometric models that commonly arise when time series and cross-sectional data are combined.
  • The PDLREG Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Estimates regression models for time series data in which the effects of some of the regressor variables are distributed across time.
  • The QLIM Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes univariate and multivariate limited dependent variable models in which dependent variables take discrete values or dependent variables are observed only in a limited range of values.
  • The SEVERITY Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Estimates parameters of any arbitrary continuous probability distribution that is used to model the magnitude (severity) of a continuous-valued event of interest.
  • The SIMILARITY Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Computes similarity measures associated with time-stamped data, time series, and other sequentially ordered numeric data.
  • The SIMLIN Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Reads the coefficients for a set of linear structural equations, which are usually produced by the SYSLIN procedure.
  • The SPATIALREG Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes spatial econometric models for cross-sectional data whose observations are spatially referenced or georeferenced..
  • The SPECTRA Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Performs spectral and cross-spectral analysis of time series.
  • The SSM Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Performs state space modeling of univariate and multivariate time series and longitudinal data.
  • The STATESPACE Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Uses the state space model to analyze and forecast multivariate time series.
  • The SYSLIN Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Estimates parameters in an interdependent system of linear regression equations.
  • The TIMEDATA Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes time-stamped transactional data with respect to time and accumulates the data into a time series format.
  • The TIMEID Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Evaluates a variable in an input data set for its suitability as a time ID variable in SAS procedures and solutions that are used for time series analysis.
  • The TIMESERIES Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes time-stamped transactional data with respect to time and accumulates the data into a time series format.
  • The TMODEL Procedure  PDF   |   HTML   
    Incorporates high-performance computational techniques and offers new features that enhance the functionality of PROC MODEL.
  • The TSCSREG Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes a class of linear econometric models that commonly arise when time series and cross-sectional data are combined.
  • The UCM Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Analyzes and forecasts equally spaced univariate time series data by using an unobserved components model (UCM).
  • The VARMAX Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Estimates the model parameters and generates forecasts associated with vector autoregressive moving-average processes with exogenous regressors (VARMAX) models.
  • The X11 Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Makes additive or multiplicative adjustments and creates an output data set that contains the adjusted time series and intermediate calculations.
  • The X12 Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Makes additive or multiplicative adjustments and creates an output data set that contains the adjusted time series and intermediate calculations.
  • The X13 Procedure  PDF   |   HTML
    Makes additive or multiplicative adjustments and creates an output data set that contains the adjusted time series and intermediate calculations.