For the complete SAS/OR 9.3 User's Guide: Mathematical Programming, go to the SAS/OR product documentation page.
- The BOM Procedure
Performs bill of material processing.
- The CLP Procedure
A finite-domain constraint programming solver for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) with linear, logical, global, and scheduling constraints.
- The CPM Procedure
Used for planning, controlling, and monitoring a project.
- The DTREE Procedure
An interactive procedure for decision analysis, it interprets a decision problem represented in SAS data sets, finds the optimal decisions,
and plots on a line printer or a graphics device the decision tree showing the optimal decisions.
- The GA Procedure
Enables implementation of the basic genetic algorithm by default, and to employ other advanced techniques to handle constraints, accelerate convergence,
and perform multiobjective optimizations.
- The GANTT Procedure
Produces a Gantt chart, which is a graphical scheduling tool for the planning and control of a project.
- The NETDRAW Procedure
Draws a network diagram of the activities in a project.
- The OPTLP Procedure
Provides three methods of solving linear programs (LPs).
- The OPTMILP Procedure
The OPTMILP procedure is a solver for general mixed integer linear programs (MILPs).
- The OPTMODEL Procedure
Comprises the powerful OPTMODEL modeling language and state-of-the-art solvers for several classes of mathematical programming problems.
- The OPTQP Procedure
Solves quadratic programs用roblems with quadratic objective function and a collection of linear constraints, including lower and/or upper bounds on the decision variables.
- The PM Procedure
An interactive procedure that can be used for planning, controlling, and monitoring a project.
- The Linear Programming (LP) Solver
Provides a framework for specifying and solving linear programs (LPs).
- The Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Solver
Provides a framework for specifying and solving mixed integer linear programs (MILPs).
- The Nonlinear Programming (NLP) Solver
The sparse nonlinear programming (NLP) solver is a component of the OPTMODEL procedure that can solve optimization problems containing both nonlinear equality and inequality constraints.
- The Quadratic Programming (QP) Solver
Provides a framework for specifying and solving quadratic programs.
Legacy Procedures and Solvers
- The INTPOINT Procedure
Solves the Network Program with Side Constraints (NPSC) problem and the more general Linear Programming (LP) problem.
- The LP Procedure
Solves linear programs, integer programs, and mixed-integer programs. It also performs parametric programming, range analysis, and reports on solution
sensitivity to changes in the right-hand-side constants and price coefficients.
- The Interior Point NLP (IPNLP) Solver
Can solve nonlinear programming (NLP) problems that contain both nonlinear equality and inequality constraints.
- The NETFLOW Procedure
Accepts the network specification in a format that is particularly suited to networks.
- The NLP Procedure
Offers a set of optimization techniques for minimizing or maximizing a continuous nonlinear function f(x) of n decision variables,
x = (x1.....xn)T with lower and upper bound, linear and nonlinear, equality and inequality constraints.
- The NLPC Nonlinear Optimization (NLPC) Solver
Solves unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems and problems with a nonlinear objective function subject to bound, linear, or nonlinear constraints. It provides several optimization techniques that
effectively handle these classes of problems.
- The Unconstrained Nonlinear Programming (NLPU) Solver
Used for solving general unconstrained nonlinear programming (NLP) problems.
- The Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) Solver
The sequential quadratic programming (SQP) solver is a component of the OPTMODEL procedure, and it can be used for solving general nonlinear programming (NLP) problems.