Setup for the SAS IT Resource Management Server

IT Service Vision Help

Important SAS IT Resource Management Updates

SAS IT Resource Management is the new name for IT Service Vision. While we are in the process of switching over, you may see references to both names within this documentation.

Click on the following links to see important information about SAS IT Resource Management collector updates for the appropriate release.

SAS IT Resource Management Collector Updates for 2.7
SAS IT Resource Management Collector Updates for 2.6

Introduction (start here)
Preliminary Checklist

Note: It is important that you have read how to use the document in the introduction before continuing.

Section 1, Getting Up and Running

The purpose of this section is to guide you through the steps that are necessary to collect representative performance data at your site, create a test IT Service Vision PDB, process the data into it, reduce the data in the PDB, and analyze and report on the data.

Section 1, Task 1: Start the IT Service Vision Server Software
Section 1, Task 2: Start Your Data Collector Software
Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Your Data

Section 2, Making the Transition to Production

Section 1 got you started with data collection, a test PDB, and some simple report definitions. This section describes how to finish customizing the data collection, PDB, and report definitions to the specific requirements at your site. It also describes how to put the customized versions into production.

Section 2, Task 1: Customize and Verify Your Test PDB
Section 2, Task 2: Create Your Production PDB
Section 2, Task 3: Customize Your Report Definitions
Section 2, Task 4: Set Up Your Production Job
Section 2, Task 5: Prepare for Use of the Client
Section 2, Task 6: Wrap Up

Section 3, Advanced Setup

Section 3, Advanced Setup

Shared Appendices

Shared Appendix 1: Overview of IT Service Vision
Shared Appendix 2: Navigating SAS Windows
Shared Appendix 3: Actions and Access Rights Required
Shared Appendix 4: IT Service Vision Error Codes and Messages
Shared Appendix 5: Glossary
Shared Appendix 6: Characteristics of Variables
Shared Appendix 7: Supplied Reports Naming Convention
Shared Appendix 8: Exits for the Process Task: General Information
Shared Appendix 9: Exits for the Process Task: Generic Collector Specifics and MVS Specifics
Shared Appendix 10: Exits for the Process Task: Open Systems and Windows NT Specifics
Obsolete Shared Appendix 11: Creating a Derived Variable Using Process Exits
Shared Appendix 12: Analyzing Your System
Shared Appendix 13: Creating and Installing a Collector Package
Shared Appendix 14: Restrictions on Modifications of BY-Variables Lists

Generic Collector Appendices

Generic Collector Appendix 1: Algorithm Used by GENERATE SOURCE
Generic Collector Appendix 2: Using Character-Delimited Data
Generic Collector Appendix 3: Defining Tables and Variables without Using GENERATE SOURCE
Generic Collector Appendix 4: Other Considerations
Generic Collector Appendix 5: Character Delimited Support in Generate Source

Platform - Specific Appendices


MVS Appendix 1: Tables and Variables Naming Convention
MVS Appendix 2: Tips for Reporting
MVS Appendix 3: Printing Graphs
MVS Appendix 4: Alternate Data Browsing Method
MVS Appendix 5: The Transition from MXG Software to IT Service Vision Software with MXG
MVS Appendix 6: Use of SAS/SHARE Software with IT Service Vision Software

Open Systems (UNIX)
Windows NT

Open Systems and Windows NT Appendix 1: Tables and Variables Naming Convention
Open Systems and Windows NT Appendix 2: Tips for Reporting
Open Systems and Windows NT Appendix 3: Printing Graphs
Open Systems and Windows NT Appendix 4: MIB to Dictionary Compiler

Collector - Specific Appendices

Enhanced UNIX Accounting Support

Enhanced UNIX Accounting Support Appendix 1: User Guide

Generic Collector | Fax Collector

Fax Appendix 1: Sample Log
Fax Appendix 2: Sample Code for Staging the Data
Fax Appendix 3: Sample Code for Generating the Definitions
Fax Appendix 4: Sample Table and Variable Definitions
Fax Appendix 5: Sample Code for Updating the Definitions
Fax Appendix 6: Sample Daily Processing and Reduction Job


RMF Appendix 1: Working with Job Data
RMF Appendix 2: Tips for Doing Ad Hoc Analysis


NTSMF Appendix 1: NTSMF Support Description
NTSMF Appendix 2: Using GENERATE SOURCE to construct PATROL and NTSMF tables

Open Systems | Cabletron SPECTRUM

Cabletron SPECTRUM Appendix 1: Starting the processd Daemon
Cabletron SPECTRUM Appendix 2: Alternate Data-Logging Method
Cabletron SPECTRUM Appendix 3: SPECTRUM Specific Tips for Reporting
Cabletron SPECTRUM Appendix 4: Defining IT Service Vision Tables for SPECTRUM Data
Cabletron SPECTRUM Appendix 5: Editing Model Types for SPECTRUM
Cabletron SPECTRUM Appendix 6: Mapping SPECTRUM Data Types to an IT Service Vision PDB

Open Systems | OpenView and NetView

OpenView and NetView Appendix 1: Recommended Metrics
OpenView and NetView Appendix 2: Alternate Data-Logging Method
OpenView and NetView Appendix 3: OVW-Specific Tips for Reporting

Open Systems | SunNet Manager and Enterprise Manager

SunNet Manager and Enterprise Manager Appendix 1: Mapping SunNet Manager Metrics to IT Service Vision Tables and Variables
SunNet Manager and Enterprise Manager Appendix 2: Defining Tables from Your Own Schema Files


PATROL Appendix 1: BMC PATROL Support
PATROL Appendix 2: Using GENERATE SOURCE to construct PATROL and NTSMF tables


SAP/R3 Appendix 1: SAP/R3 Peformance Data Support


UNIX sar Appendix 1: UNIX sar Data Support


WEBLOG Appendix 1: WEBLOG Support