SunNet Manager and Enterprise Manager Appendix 2: Defining Tables from Your Own Schema Files

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To read data logged by SunNet Manager using a schema file not supported by IT Service Vision, you must first create IT Service Vision dictionary entries for the tables of metrics defined in the schema file using the %CSSNMSCH and %CPDDUTL macros. Run these macros iteratively to create suitable definitions in your PDB for the tables in the schema file.

See the IT Service Vision Macro Reference documentation for instructions on using %CPDDUTL.


The %CSSNMSCH macro takes the following parameters:

    %CSSNMSCH( schema=,
               outfile= );


    schema=      Name of input schema file to read
    outfile=     Name of output file to contain CPDDUTL statements
    rpcids=      Name of input file that contains RPC ID definitions
    snmnams=     Name of input file that contains SNM schema name definitions

Creating Dictionary Definitions from a Schema File

Creating IT Service Vision table definitions from a SunNet Manager schema file cannot be totally automated because of the need for (sometimes) extensive input from the user. This input is in the form of interpretations of what the schema author had in mind when he or she wrote the schema and provision of a mapping from long, schema variable names to short (less than 8 characters) IT Service Vision variable names. This sometimes results in the user having to edit the schema file and virtually always means the user will have to manually enter the shortened variable names.

To create IT Service Vision dictionary definitions from a schema file, do the following:

  1. Define RPC ids

    RPC ids are used by SunNet Manager to map numbers to names (of tables). SunNet Manager uses the /etc/rpc file on your system to determine how to log data.

  2. Map long variable names to short variable names

    Schema files use names for tables and metrics. These names are too long for IT Service Vision. You must supply the file that maps long names to short names and point the %CSSNMSCH macro to it.

  3. Resolve error messages produced by %CSSNMSCH

    A number of things can go wrong with converting a schema file to IT Service Vision dictionary definitions even after the names and rpc ids are resolved. These problems are principally caused by the schema file not being totally syntactically correct. To get around these problems, do the following:

    When all messages are resolved, %CSSNMSCH will create, in the specified OUTFILE, the %CPDDUTL statements to define the tables and variables for the schema file.

  4. Define the tables and examine/correct the definitions

    Despite the best efforts of %CSSNMSCH, some schema files do not convert perfectly to IT Service Vision dictionary definitions.

  5. Use the definitions and correct if necessary.

    The ultimate test of a table definition created from a schema file is to use the table.

  6. Keep your changes. (optional)


 * Allocate IT Service Vision libraries and the PDB;
 %CPSTART(  mode=batch,
            access=write );

 * Create CPDDUTL ontrol statements from your own schema file in /u/snm.ddutl;
 %CSSNMSCH( schema=/usr/snm/schema/toaster.schema,
            snmnams=/u/nams, /* Format like !SASROOT/misc/cpe/cssnmnam */
            outfile=/u/snm.ddutl );

 * Create table and variable definitions from the CPDDUTL control statements;
 %CPDDUTL(  filename='/u/snm.ddutl',
            list=yes );

 * Process data from the new schema file;
 %CSPROCES( /usr/snm/logfile,
            collectr=SUNETMGR );