How To Use This Document

Table Of ContentsIT Service Vision Help

Browser Setup

This document is viewable with almost any web browser. Preferably, use Netscape Navigator 3.x or higher or use Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x or higher. With other browsers, some formatting will be incorrect. On Netscape for UNIX, you may want to increase the font size. (There are several methods under Netscape Options -> General Preferences -> Fonts.) Other levels of these viewers and other viewers may not display all of the contents of this document. Preferably, view this document on a screen with a resolution of at least 800x600 and 16 bit color depth (65,536 colors).

Documentation on setting up and using IT Service Vision is distributed in native help form (as in Help files on Windows and Open Systems) and as HTML files. These can be accessed via the IT Service Vision Help or Other ITSV Documentation pulldown on the main menu. The HTML files are displayed using the default Web browser chosen by the user.

On Windows 95 or NT, to change the default Web browser, bring up an Windows Explorer window, use the View->Options pulldown, and go to the File Types tab of the Options screen.

On UNIX, you may change the default Web browser by specifying the X resource SAS.webBrowser. This can be done using an X resource file, or by using the -xrm option on the SAS invocation line. For example, to point to a locally installed copy of Netscape,

sas612 [other options] -xrm 'SAS.webBrowser:/usr/local/bin/netscape'

There should not be any horizontal scroll bars at the bottom of your browser.

Navigation Aids

The following is an explanation of the navigation elements used in this document.

Note: In almost all cases, you will not use the back button of your browser in the Setup Documentation. Functionality is provided to help you navigate the Setup Documentation more efficiently. The only reason you would use the back button of your browser is: when no other navigational aids are provided, or if you click a text link to another section or task.

This button replaces the back button of your browser. Click this button if you followed a path by mistake or want to go back in the setup procedure.
This button replaces the forward button of your browser. Click this button to continue to the next prerequisite, action, or section.
This button displays the Table of Contents for the Setup documentation. To return to the setup procedure from the Table of Contents, click the Return button.
This button contains information (How To Use This Document, Documentation Legend, Glossary, Error Codes) on the Setup documentation and the IT Service Vision Server setup procedure. To return to the setup procedure from Help, click the Return button.

Color coding and Representation of Platforms, Collectors, and Button Paths

Your operating system or platform is represented by a color-coded icon. Your collector color is identical to your platform color. When you see the icon representing your platform or collector, click it for more information.

For example: (The following icons are for example only, they do not resolve).

Icon Platform
Open Systems
Windows NT

Button paths and additional information are indicated by an identical background color for your platform.

For example:

MVS PDB Admin -> Define Work Shifts
UNIX Administration -> Define Work Shifts
WNT Administration -> Define Work Shifts

Thus, colored buttonpaths are associated with information that is visible on the current screen, and icons are associated with information that displays when you click on the icon.

If you see a transparent icon with the text N/A, the information does not apply to your platform or collector.

For example:

IT Service Vision contains supplied collector and generic collector facilities. To use this document, you must understand which facility applies to your collector. This information is in the Introduction.

References to Newsletter

Note: This document contains some references to the newsletter. For the newsletter, follow this path:

Online Help -> Documentation Contents -> Internet Links -> WWW Home Page