RMF Appendix 1: Working with Job Data

Table Of ContentsIT Service Vision Help

The primary IT Service Vision supplied table definition for use in analyzing jobs data is XJOBS.

Note: Remember to customize IMACSPIN before collecting jobs data.

  1. Customize the MXG IMACSPIN member.

    IMACSPIN is customized when you want to use SMF jobs data for the IT Service Vision XJOBS table and related tables (XNJPURG, XPRINT, XSMFINT, XSPNJOB, and XSTEPS).

  2. Customize the MXG IMACACCT member.

    IMACACCT defines how many accounting fields are kept, and the length of each, for your site. Copy IMACACCT from MXG.MXG.SOURCLIB to MXG.USERID.SOURCLIB. Edit this copy of IMACACCT according to: the instructions (comments) in IMACACCT; the IMACACCT instructions, if any, in the most recent version of CMAPP2.

  3. Customize the MXG EXPDBSPU member.

    If you intend to collect data for the IT Service Vision table XSTEPS, copy EXPDBSPU from MXG.MXG.SOURCLIB to MXG.USERID.SOURCLIB. Add the following lines to the copy of EXPDBSPU:


Dates in and Size of the DETAIL.XJOBS Data Set

The dates on the detail-level observations in the XJOBS table (and the number of observations) are affected by the architecture of MXG spin data sets.

The following is a "reprint" of the information in the newsletter supplementary File 3.XJOBS:

   Note: This article assumes that the reader has a thorough understanding
   of the MXG JOBS and SPIN data set structures.  For more information on
   these, refer to Chapter 34 of Merrill's Expanded Guide to Computer
   Performance Evaluation Using the SAS System and related chapters and
   Chapter 34 of Merrill's Expanded Guide Supplement and related chapters.
   Or search the MXG ACHAP* files for matches on 'spin' and 'spun.'  (By
   the way, 'spin' and 'spun' appear to be plays on the word 'spooled,'
   and thus refer to data held temporarily for later action.)

   DETAIL.XJOBS is the detail level of the XJOBS table in the SAS/CPE PDB.
   The data in the XJOBS table come from the MXG PDB.JOBS data set.  The
   JOBS data set consists of summary records, which are created by a complex
   process, which (described briefly) merges data from SMF type 6, 26, and
   30 records.  Thus a summary record contains information about a job's
   batch job resource usage and response time and is sometimes used for

   Data from the JOBS data set is brought into the detail level of the
   SAS/CPE PDB through the SAS/CPE process step.  Any data older than the
   most recent data minus the detail-level agelimit of the XJOBS table is
   kept in the detail level until the next time process runs.  At that
   point, the out-of-date data is discarded.  This one-process-cycle delay
   in purging allows the out-of-date data to be picked up by the reduce
   step, assuming that the reduce step runs in the period between the two
   process steps.

   So for example, if the detail level of the XJOBS table is set to keep
   10 days of data and data that is 11 days older than the newest data is
   processed into the PDB, the older data will be kept for one cycle
   (because it is incoming data) and then purged the next time process
   runs (because it is no longer protected as incoming data and it is out
   of date).

   In the case of XJOBS, there are two data sources which can cause
   old data to be brought into DETAIL.

     1) JOBS observations that arrive after data waited in spin data
        sets for several days until the job completed:
           Sometimes a job takes several days to complete, especially if
        it has HELD or unprinted output associated with it.  In that case,
        the lack of completion data causes the already-available records
        to be held in spin data sets until all of the information about
        the job is available.  Then a number of observations are released
        from the spin data sets and result in a single observation about
        the job in JOBS.

     2) JOBS observations that arrive after some of the data waited in
        spin data sets until it was forced out and JOBS observations that
        arrive even later:
           Sometimes, a job doesn't complete within the number of days
        specified for holding records in the spin data sets.  When this
        happens, the already-available records are forced out even though
        the remaining records have not yet been received.  The already-
        available records result in a single observation (of regular
        length but with only partial data) in JOBS.
           When the job's printing or purging of old output data sets does
        complete, the remaining records are written and result in a
        second, single observation (of regular length but with only partial
        data) in JOBS.

   Let's take the example of DETAIL data kept for 10 days and a test for
   SPINCNT set to 5.  Assuming that SAS/CPE %CMPROCES is run daily, then a
   SPINCNT test of 5 means that spun data will be held for, at most, 5
   MXG cycles (thus, generally, 5 days).  If the presence of all the data
   hasn't enabled it to leave before then, it is forced out at that point.
   It then follows a path that ends at the JOBS data set.  SAS/CPE then
   processes it to the DETAIL level of the PDB.  Since the DETAIL
   retention is 10, ordinarily these observations fall late within the
   retention range and they don't appear as out-of-date data in DETAIL.

   However, let's say one of these jobs was forced out of the spin data
   sets after 5 days but still had HELD or unprinted output associated
   with it.  If the output is printed a week later, then you will get a
   second JOBS record at that time containing print and job purge
   activity.  Or, if the output is canceled a week later, then you will
   get a second JOBS record reflecting the fact that the job was purged.
   SAS/CPE processes that record into DETAIL.XJOBS.  The record arrives
   out of date for the retention period but, as an incoming record, is
   kept until the next process step.  So, during that time, it appears as
   out-of-date data in DETAIL.  It also occupies extra space in DETAIL
   for that one cycle.

   There are several ways to cut down on the volume of JOBS data.

    1) You can change the test for SPINCNT to a higher value.  More jobs
       will complete in time for all of the data to be on a single record
       in JOBS and XJOBS.  Fewer jobs will be represented by pairs of
       records.  For details, see the Merrill books mentioned at the
       beginning of this file.
          However, if you test SPINCNT against a higher number (high
       enough for most or all jobs to complete printing and purging), a
       significant number of jobs will arrive in DETAIL.XJOBS much later
       than the day they ran.
          The main effect of this is that the partial data that is
       already available is delayed a long time waiting for the remainder
       of the data.  Thus a report based on DETAIL.XJOBS during that
       period would show only the data for jobs that have been printed and
       purged, not the data for the jobs still waiting to print and purge.
    2) If you're not interested in the number of lines SPOOLed (as
       opposed to actually printed) then you can use the MXG exit EXPDBJOB
       to delete records with an INBITS value of '    P'.
    3) If you're not interested in any output writer or purge activity
       that may occur after the SPIN count has been exhausted, you can
       eliminate records with INBITS values of '    P', '   WP', or
       '   W '.

   This is a "use at your own risk" approach.  Exit EXPDBJOB is not
   documented as a place to delete observations, but it will work
   because it is the last thing executed in the DATA step that creates
   the JOBS data set.

   Finally, the best way to reduce space for the XJOBS table is not to use
   it at all.  If the following are all true, then use XTY30_5 instead of
   XJOBS.  It's a lot faster and a lot smaller.

      1) You don't care about JES2 SPOOL counts.
      2) You're not interested in associating output writer activity with
      3) You don't mind losing data for jobs which cut some 30_4 records
         but never cut a 30_5 record because the system crashed.

How to Tell How Many Jobs Ran

As explained in File 3.XJOBS, XJOBS can have more than one observation per job. The fastest way to get a count of the number of jobs that ran is to use the Count statistic that is associated with the CPU time.

The following is a "reprint" of the information in the newsletter article I4.A24.M on counting jobs:

   How to Tell        The table with jobs data is XJOBS.  As explained in File
   How Many Jobs      3.XJOBS, XJOBS can have more than one observation per job.
   Ran                  The fastest way to get a count of the number of jobs that
                      ran is to use the Count statistic associated with the CPU
                      time.  Although it is possible for a job to be counted twice
                      (for instance, if the data center loses power the first time
                      the job is running), it is unlikely.  So the variable to use
                      is CPUTM__C at the DAY, WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR level, as
                        The statistic CPUTM average is explicitly selected by
                      default.  Thus, because the CPUTM count is required to
                      calculate the CPUTM average, the statistic CPUTM__C is
                      implicitly selected by default.  (For an explanation of
                      explicitly and implicitly selected statistics, see "Default
                      statistics" on p. 222 of SAS/CPE Software for the MVS
                      Environment: Usage and Reference, Version 6, First Edition.)
                      [Or see Help -> Help Index -> Variable Interpretations and
                      Default Statistics -> ItemActions -> Browse Help... .]
                      Implicitly selected statistics are calculated and are
                      available internally (for instance, the count is used in
                      calculating the average).  To make them available
                      externally, you must explicitly select them.
                        To select the Count statistic by means of the interactive
                      interface, check that you have Write access to the PDB and
                      then follow this path from the main menu:

                         PDB Operations -> PDB Dictionary -> XJOBS -> ItemActions
                         -> List Variables -> CPUTM -> ItemActions -> Edit
                         Statistics -> select Count at each of the levels at which
                         you want to use it -> OK -> File -> End -> OK

                        To select the Count statistics in batch, use these
                      statements in the %CPDDUTL macro:

                         set table name=xjobs;
                         update variable name=cputm
                         day=(count)               | specify Count at
                         week=(count)              | each of the levels
                         month=(count)             | at which you want
                         year=(count);             | to use it

                      Note: It is worth reading File 3.XJOBS to understand the
                      effect of the delay in the MXG spin data sets on the jobs
                      that are *available* to count during a particular period.