SAS IT Resource Management 2.6 Hotfix Updates

SAS IT Resource Management is the new name for IT Service Vision. While we are in the process of switching over, you may see references to both names within this documentation.


(82IS09) Updated Support for Tile Charts

(82IS09) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 25.08

(82IS08) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 24.02

(82IS08) Support for SMF NDMCT De-accumulation

(82IS08) Updates to sar Data Support on Linux

(82IS08) Updates to SiteScope Data Support for Daylight Savings Time adjustments

(82IS08) Updates to NTSMF Data Support

(82IS08) Updates to allow support for BMC Patrol Data in IT Service Level Management

(82IS08) Support for duplicate ID values in BMC Patrol Data

(82IS07) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 23.03

(82IS07) Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent X.03.84.02 on AIX

(82IS07) Support for SiteScope data on MVS

(82IS07) Support for web logs produced by BEA Weblogic

(82IS07) Support for DCOLLECT, EREP, IMF, TMS, TPF and VM collectors on UNIX and PC

(82IS06) Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent C.03.82 on Solaris

(82IS06) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 21.21

(82IS06) Updates to NTSMF Data Support

(82IS05) Support for sar data from SYSSTAT 5.0.0 on Linux

(82IS05) Support for new MXG method of summarizing CICS transaction data

(82IS05) Preliminary Support for SiteScope data

(82IS05) Updates to NTSMF Data Processing

(82IS05) Updates to NTSMF Data Support

(82IS05) Support for SMF TYPE30_6 De-accumulation

(82IS04) Updates to Enhanced UNIX Accounting Support

(82IS04) Updates to NTSMF Data Support

Previous Updates to SAS IT Resource Management Collector Support - Click Here.

IT Service Vision Server Setup Guide - The following link takes you to the original IT Service Vision Server Setup Guide. Parts of that documentation have since been integrated into the Online Help available from within the SAS IT Resource Management application window. For a list of these topics click here. To go to the original IT Service Vision Server Setup Guide click here.

Updated Support for Tile Charts

Note. The version of the Tile Chart that shipped with hotfix 82IS08 contained jars that showed incosistent behaviour among certain Windows operating systems. This version fixes all known problems and is a complete replacement of the original version. The documentation below is taken from the 82IS08 hotfix, and amended where necessary to include new features that have also been added. Please note that some of the %CPTILEMP macro parameters have changed from being positional parameters to keyword parameters. Also, one parameter, LAYOUT, is no longer supported.


A Tile Chart is also technically known as a Rectangular Tree Map. It is designed to view a large quantity of hierarchical based data in a limited space. Each unique category combination is represented by a rectangular tile with size and color determined by response variables. These tiles are placed in a hierarchical arrangement.

The tree-based nature of the Tile Chart makes it especially useful in an interactive environment. Because of the large amount of data displayed, detailed labeling is not useful, so data tips are very important to see specific values. Drilling down or zooming is also useful to be able to see small sections of the original chart in more detail.

The TileChart Applet is initialized via HTML applet parameters, and is rendered through the use of an XML file. Within SAS IT Resource management, a macro called CPTILEMP is used to generate both the HTML and XML files. This macro uses a SAS dataset as input, although within ITRM, it will typically use an ITRM table.

Tile Charts can also be made part of a Web Gallery, by executing the CPTILEMP macro from within the ITRM CPSRCRPT report macro. See the examples beneath.


There are two distinct items that comprise support for TileChart Applets, the CPTILEMP macro and the jars that make up the applet itself.

When the hotfix is installed, the CPTILEMP macro will be automatically installed into the correct location for it to be invoked from any SAS IT Resource Management session. The jars are installed as a self-extracting zip file on windows, called TileChartApplet.exe, and can be found in the cpe\sasmisc folder under the SAS install tree. Executing this file will unload the required jars into the same folder.

Once the jars are unloaded, they should be copied to a suitable location for use by the output files that will be created by the ITRM report macros (including CPTILEMP). One of the parameters to the CPTILEMP macro, JAVADIR=, is used to specify the chosen location. See details below.


The following table lists the parameters supported by the new CPTILEMP macro. The column denoting whether parameters are positional or keyword follows SAS Macro language standards. That is, if the parameter is positional, its order of appearance in the CPTILEMP invocation is important. And all keyword parameters must be listed after all positional parameters.

Parameter name Required? Positional or Keyword? Description
sasdsn Yes Positional Name of SAS dataset used as input. This can be any SAS dataset or ITRM table name.
dir Yes Positional Path of directory or folder in which to store the xml and html files.
xmlfile Yes Positional Name of output XML file, typically including the ".xml" suffix.
htmfile Yes Positional Name of output HTML file, typically including the ".htm" suffix.
idvars Yes Keyword List of hierarchical category (or ID) variables, delimited by spaces, typically ranging from general to specific. This sequence can be modified in the Data Options menu of the applet once the chart is running. The ID variables' labels are used in the chart instead of the variable names.
sizevar Yes Keyword Name of response variable to be used to determine the relative size of the tiles. The total size of all tiles makes up the entire tile area. Missing, zero and negative values cause their tiles to be ignored. If the othervars parameter has been used to include other variables, the Data Options menu can be used to change the Size Variable once the chart is displayed. The Size Variable's label is used in the chart instead of the variable name.
colorvar Yes Keyword Name of response variable to be used to determine the color of the tiles. The smallest color response will be assigned the minimum color list value, and the largest color response will be assigned the maximum color list value. Other color responses are assigned linearly in a gradient between colors in the list. Missing color values are assigned a special, user-settable color (default of gray). If the othervars parameter has been used to include other variables, the Data Options menu can be used to change the Color Variable once the chart is displayed. The Color Variable's label is used in the chart instead of the variable name.
othervars No Keyword List of other response variables, delimited by spaces, that are not initially displayed but are available for selection from within the Data Options menu of the applet once the chart is running.
auxvars No Keyword List of auxiliary variables, delimited by spaces, whose values are displayed when the mouse hovers over a tile.
detail No Keyword The initial number of tiles to be displayed. Its value is a number from 1 thru n, where n is the number of IDVARS specified. The default is n. For example, if there are three IDVARS specified, all three levels of tiles are displayed initially. If you specify DETAIL=2, only 2 levels are initially displayed. Note. There are known inconsistencies with how this parameter works. Certain other parameter settings of WEBLINK, for example, can cause a requested lower value of DETAIL to be ignored.
datatip No Keyword Amount of detail to display in the data tips. The accpeted values are HIGH (the default), MEDIUM, LOW and NONE. A value of NONE turns off the data tips. Low results in only the lowest ID variable's value being displayed. Medium results in the lowest ID variable's value plus the analysis variables' values being displayed. High results in all variables' values, including the auxiliary variables, if specified.
No Keyword These three parameters are used in combination to allow dynamic linking to URLs that are constructed dependent on the tile values on which you RMB click. When you regularly use the right mouse button, you will always see options to zoom in and/or zoom out, but if you specify these parameters, you will also see other text (specified by the LINKLABS parameter) that, when selected, take you to the URL that is constructed by joining the value of the LINKVALS parameter with the values of the ID variables of the relevant tile. There must be the same number of LINKLABS labels as there are LINKVALS values. Because of the sometimes necessary presence of special characters in URLs, it may be necessary to enclose the parameter values with the %STR().
a list of space-delimited variables whose values will be used to construct URL links.
a list of URLs (separated by @, the "at" sign) to which the RMB selection will take you. The value would normally include a reference to {&1} where the value for the first weblink variable would be substituted. A reference to {&2} would substitute a second variable's value, etc.
a list of descriptive labels (also separated by @) that you want displayed in the RMB menu that can also include references to {&1} and {&2}.
title1-4 No Keyword Text used for up to four titles. If none are specified, two default titles will be displayed to indicate the name of the XML file and the Size Variable being used.
foot1-2 No Keyword Text used for up to two footnotes. There is no default footnote text.
javadir No Keyword Path of directory or folder containing the java applet (jar) for the TileChartApplet and its dependent jars. If a relative path is used, it is considered relative to the location of the html file. An absolute path can be coded by using the file directive, for example, "file:///c:\applets\TileChartApplet\jars". Default is jars which is a relative location, implying a subfolder called jars under the folder containing the html file.
colorlist No Keyword List of two or more colors, delimited by spaces, to be used across the range of the color response variable's values. Each color must be specified in RRGGBB hexadecimal form, where RR is the hexadecimal red component, GG is green, and BB is blue. By default, these colors are evenly distributed along the color response value set. If a non-even distribution is desired, use the colorvals parameter. If not specified, the default colors are selected from 3 color ramp values of the graph style as specified by the style parameter. If both the colorlist and colorvals parameters are specified, the number of entries in each list must be the same.
colorvals No Keyword List of two or values from 0 to 1, delimited by spaces, to specify the normalized locations for the list of colors specified in the colorlist parameter. The numbers must begin with 0, end in 1 and be listed in ascending order. If not specified, an even distribution will be used. If both the colorlist and colorvals parameters are specified, the number of entries in each list must be the same.
labelcolor No Keyword A color to be used for the labels associated with the variables listed in the IDVARS= parameter. The color must be specified in RRGGBB hexadecimal form, where RR is the hexadecimal red component, GG is green, and BB is blue. If not specified, the default value is 000000, which is black.
labelshadowcolor No Keyword A color to be used for the shadow of the labels associated with the variables listed in the IDVARS= parameter. The color must be specified in RRGGBB hexadecimal form, where RR is the hexadecimal red component, GG is green, and BB is blue. If not specified, the default is no shadows.
style No Keyword Name of style or theme to be used. A style is a set of visual properties applied to the chart, including background, colors and fonts. Default value is ANALYSIS. Other styles include ASTRONOMY, BANKER, BLOCKPRINT, CONVENTION, CURVE, EDUCATION, ELECTRONICS, GEARS, MAGNIFY, MONEY, MONOCHROME, RSVP, SCIENCE, SKETCH, STATISTICAL, TORN and WATERCOLOR.
legendsym No Keyword Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE, used to determine if the legend color mapping should be symmetric about a fixed number (TRUE), or should strictly use the color response data (FALSE). If TRUE, LEGENDBASE must be specified with the value of that symmetry. If not specified, the default is FALSE.
legendbase No Keyword Number about which the legend for the color response variable should be symmetric. This parameter is required when LEGENDSYM=TRUE. Otherwise, it is ignored.

The following represents some examples of using the new CPTILEMP macro.

Example 1

This example uses the CPTILEMP macro directly against an ITRM table, DAY.XRMFINT. It creates the xml and html files in the c:\temp directory. It uses three hierarchical variables, DATE, SHIFT and HOUR, a size response variable of CPUTM__S (sum of CPU time) and a color response variable of PCCPUBY (mean percent CPU busy). Other variables available within the applet will be CPUTM (mean CPU time) and PAGRT (mean paging rate). As each tile is hovered over, the values of SYSPLEX and MACHINE will also appear. There are four colors in the color list associated with four values from 0 to 1. This will mean that the color gradient is skewed, such that colors will graduate from 0000bb to 00bbbb for the first 50% of observations, based on PCCPUBY. The colors will then graduate from 00bbbb to bbbb00 for the next 40% of observations. And finally, the top 10% of observations will be the darkest red color, thus highlighting when the machine was busiest. The labels of the ID variables will be white, with no shadows. When you RMB click on a tile, the popup menu will display an extra label reading "Link to report of machine=xxxx and date=ddddddd". The values for machine and date will be substituted for the values of those variables from the tile on which the RMB was selected.

%cptilemp( day.xrmfint,
           idvars=date shift hour,
           othervars=cputm pagrt,
           auxvars=sysplex machine,
           weblink=machine date,
           linklabs=%str(Details for machine={&1} and date={&2}),
           title1=Mainframe CPU Utilization,
           title2=tile size represents total cpu time,
           colorlist = 0000bb 00bbbb bbbb00 dd0000,
           colorvals = 0 .5 .9 1,

Example 2

This example uses the new CPTILEMP macro in combination with the CPSRCRPT report macro to place a Tile Chart into a web gallery. The CPTILEMP invocation is stored in a catalog entry called SASUSER.TILECHART.SARDAILY.SOURCE and the third positional parameter to the CPSRCRPT macro is used to specify that location.

The CPTILEMP macro uses data from a dataset whose name is represented by a macro variable called &DATASET. This macro variable will represent the correctly-named SAS dataset when executed within the CPSRCRPT macro. CPSRCRPT manipulates the input ITRM table and produces a temporary dataset, whose name is stored in &DATASET.

The output directory name is represented by a macro variable called &HTMLDIR. This macro variable represents the same-named macro parameter that is used in CPSRCRPT. In other words, the directory specified in the HTMLDIR= parameter of CPSRCRPT can be used here unchanged.

The xml and html files are named based on the contents of another macro variable called &OUTNAME. This macro variable represents the same-named macro parameter that is used in CPSRCRPT. In other words, the name specified in the OUTNAME= parameter of CPSRCRPT can be used here unchanged.

It uses three hierarchical variables, MACHINE, DATE and HOUR, a size response variable of FREEMEM (mean free memory) and a color response variable of CPUBUSY (mean percent CPU busy). The colors are as specified in the first example, along with the labels.

LEGENDSYM is specified as TRUE, meaning that the legend should be symmetrical about the LEGENDBASE value of 50. In this scenario, because the color response variable is a percentage, it makes sense to have the legend centered on 50%.

%cptilemp( &dataset,
           idvar=machine date hour,
           title1=UNIX CPU Utilization,
           title2=from sar data,
           colorlist = 0000bb 00bbbb bbbb00 dd0000,
           colorvals = 0 .5 .9 1,

The CPSRCRPT macro follows:

%cpsrcrpt( sar,
           outdesc=Daily CPU Utilization,
           labels=(freemem="Memory available"
                   pccpuby="Percent CPU Busy"

The combination of the first positional parameter and the REDLEVL keyword parameter tells CPSRCRPT to get the data for this report from the ITRM table, DAY.SAR.

The second positional parameter is used to define the name of a dataset used to store transient data.

The third positional parameter is used to specify the location of the catalog source entry that contains the SAS report code to be executed; in this case, the CPTILEMP invocation.

The keyword parameters that all start with "OUT" specify that the output is to be stored in a web gallery with a name of SARDAILY and a description of "Daily CPU Utilization". The report metadata is written to WORK.APPLET3 and the type of the output is ASCII, since the output created by the CPTILEMP macro is text files.

HTMLDIR specifies the directory path for the location of the xml and html files.

WEBSTYLE specifies the type of gallery to produce.

LABELS is used to override the labels used for this report. If not specified, the labels are retrieved from the data dictionary defintions for the table.

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 25.08

Summary of Changes:


 WARNING: Before applying any data dictionary maintenance, please read the
 following warnings:

   -  The following variable has changed from being character to numeric.

          Table      Variable     MXG Variable

          XTY8221    SM82SXT        SMF82SXT

      If this table already exists in your PDB and you wish to apply
      dictionary maintenance to the table, you will need to delete the
      variable first.  This can be done either by using the interactive
      interface or, preferably, by running the %CPDDUTL macro specifying a
      PDS member which contains the following statements:

           SET TABLE NAME=XTY8221;
           BUILD VIEWS NAME=XTY8221;

      Applying subsequent maintenance to the table will create a new
      variable to replace it.



 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 25.08. If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may
 contain variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later
 versions of MXG are compatible.  If new variables or tables have been added
 in a later version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a
 maintenance release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can
 use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary
 update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 Support for MXG 25.08 also implies support for the following
 enhancements to existing tables:

       Support for RMF Capacity Groups.
       Support for z/OS 1.9.
       Support for IMF Version 4.3.
       Support for TYPE89 APAR OA20314.
       Support for unknown TYPE80 TOKDANAMs.
       Support for CICS/TS 3.2.
       Support for TYPE80 CRL PUBLISH and SET UID (events 52, 79).
       Support for DB2 PK37354 Subtype 4 in DB2 1.9.
       Support for SMF 119 for z/OS 1.8.
       Support for Tape Mount Monitor ML-40.
       Support for IMS Version 10.
       Support for TPF thru PUT19.
       Support for Beta 93 Version 3.6.1
       Support for HyperPAV APAR OA12865.
       Support for NTSMF Beta Version
       Support for NetSpy Version 11.
       Support for SMF 99 Resource Group.
       Support for ThruPut Manager Version 6.
       Support for NTSMF Version
       Support for SMF 82 subtype 22.
       Support for z/OS 1.8.
       Support for NTSMF 3.0.0.
       Support for NDM/Connect-Direct Release 4.3/4.5.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been deleted from the supplied data

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NASPNTA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - apps v1.1.4322
        NASPNTV     INTERVAL    WIN NT - v1.1.4322

    This is because these metrics were combined into other, new tables
    NASPN and NASPNAP, detailed below.

 2) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NARMTAP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - armtecap
        NARMTPR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - armtecpr
        NASPN       INTERVAL    WIN NT - aspnet
        NASPNAP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - aspnetap
        NASPNSS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - state service
        NCCMSGQ     INTERVAL    WIN NT - message queue
        NCITRIX     INTERVAL    WIN NT - citrix metaframe pres server
        NDATABI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - database instances
        NDTSBUF     INTERVAL    WIN NT - usage
        NDTSPER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - library
        NETCLDT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr data
        NETCLEX     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr exceptions
        NETCLIN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr interop
        NETCLJI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr jit
        NETCLLK     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr locksandthreads
        NETCLLO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr loading
        NETCLME     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr memory
        NETCLRE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr remoting
        NETCLSE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr security
        NIPV6       INTERVAL    WIN NT - ipv6: nt ipv6
        NPSCHPI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - pipe
        NSAALER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - alerts
        NSASTAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - statistics
        NSJOB       INTERVAL    WIN NT - jobs
        NSJOBTP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - jobsteps
        NSQCUTO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - cursor manager total
        NSQCUTY     INTERVAL    WIN NT - cursor manager by type
        NSQLBFN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - buffernode
        NSQLBRD     INTERVAL    WIN NT - broker/dbmtransport
        NSQLBRK     INTERVAL    WIN NT - brokeractivation
        NSQLBRS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - brokerstatistics
        NSQLCAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - catalogmetadata
        NSQLCLR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr
        NSQLEXE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - execstatistics
        NSQLPLN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - plancache
        NSQLSPI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - ssispipeline
        NSQLSQL     INTERVAL    WIN NT - sqlerrors
        NSQLTRA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - transactions
        NSQLWAI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - waitstatistics
        NTCPV6      INTERVAL    WIN NT - tcpv6
        NUDPV6      INTERVAL    WIN NT - udpv6
        VIODHPC     EVENT       VM - hyperpav pool create/delete
        VIODHPP     EVENT       VM - hyperpav pool activity
        VIODLPT     EVENT       VM - lss pav transition
        VMTRHPP     EVENT       VM - hyperpav pool definition
        VPRCAPC     EVENT       VM - crypto performance counters
        VPRCAPM     EVENT       VM - crypto performance measurement
        VPRCDIA     EVENT       VM - diagnose counts per proc
        VPRCINS     EVENT       VM - instruction counts per proc
        VSCLSCA     EVENT       VM - set cpuaffinity changes
        VSTOSCS     EVENT       VM - scsi storage pool sample
        VSTOSXG     EVENT       VM - system execution space global
        VSTOSXP     EVENT       VM - system execution space per procesor
        VSYTLCK     EVENT       VM - formal spin lock data
        VSYTSPT     EVENT       VM - scheduler activity per proc
        VSYTSXP     EVENT       VM - system execution space per procesor
        VVNDLSD     EVENT       VM - virtual network guest link down
        VVNDLSU     EVENT       VM - virtual network guest link up
        VVNDSES     EVENT       VM - virtual nic session activity
        XASM7GC     INTERVAL    Group capacity - cec total
        XASM7GL     INTERVAL    Group capacity - lpar detail
        XCIDBDS     INTERVAL    CICS loader stats lib dsnames
        XCIDHD      INTERVAL    CICS doctemplate resource stats
        XCIISR      INTERVAL    CICS isc ip connections
        XCILDB      INTERVAL    CICS loader stats for library
        XDBTAT4     EVENT       DB2 interval statistics: subtype 4
        XSARU20     EVENT       CA VIEW - User log on
        XSARU21     EVENT       CA VIEW - User log off
        XSARU30     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was viewed
        XSARU31     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was reprinted
        XSARU32     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was loaded to database
        XSARU33     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was deleted
        XSARU34     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was deleted from disk
        XTPFKC      EVENT       TPF - kcn activity record
        XTPFSB      EVENT       TPF - nsd activity record
        XTY8052     EVENT       RACF event 52 set uid
        XTY8063     EVENT       RACF event 63 unix setgroups
        XTY8079     EVENT       RACF event 79 crl publish
        XTY8222     EVENT       CRYPTO trusted block create call
        XTY8223     EVENT       CRYPTO token data set update
        XTY9214     EVENT       OMVS file system delete/rename
        XTY99RG     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 resource group entry

 3) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NBLKBER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - blackberry server
        NDATABA     INTERVAL    WIN NT database
        NDTSCPU     INTERVAL    WIN NT - dts cpu
        NMEMORY     INTERVAL    WIN NT memory
        NMSQAES     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql access methods
        NMSQCMG     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql cache manager
        NMSQGST     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql general statistics
        NMSQLCH     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql latches
        NMSQLKS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql locks
        NMSQSTS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql sql statistics
        NNETWIN     INTERVAL    WIN NT network interface
        NSQEPLR     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlreplr
        NSQEPME     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlrepme
        NSQEPSN     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlrepsn
        NSQLACC     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlacces
        NSQLCAC     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlcacmg
        NSQLGEN     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlgenst
        NSQLLAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqllatch
        NSQLLOK     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqllock
        NSQLSTA     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlstats
        NSQRPAG     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlrepag
        NSQRPDI     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlrepdi
        NSYSTEM     INTERVAL    WIN NT system
        NTCNFIG     EVENT       WIN NT SMF configuration
        NTHRED      INTERVAL    WIN NT thread
        NTINTRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT interval data
        VAPLCMS     INTERVAL    VM - cms multitasking
        VAPLEDT     INTERVAL    VM Application Data Event Record
        VAPLSDT     INTERVAL    VM Application Data Sample Record
        VAPLSLM     INTERVAL    VM - linux memory
        VAPLSLN     INTERVAL    VM - linux networking
        VAPLSLP     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor summary
        VAPLSL0     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor detail
        VAPLSRV     INTERVAL    VM Application Data (MXG)
        VAPLTCA     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP cpu
        VAPLTCB     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ccb
        VAPLTCC     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP tree size
        VAPLTCD     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP home
        VAPLTCE     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ipv6 home
        VAPLTCY     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb process/device
        VAPLTC1     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb open
        VAPLTC2     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb close
        VAPLTC3     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool limit
        VAPLTC4     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool size
        VAPLTC5     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP lcb link
        VAPLTC6     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP ucb open
        VAPLTC7     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ucb close
        VAPLTC8     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP link definition
        VAPLTC9     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb
        VAPLVMR     EVENT       VM - vmrm workloads
        VBYUSR      INTERVAL    VM User Data (MXG)
        VIODALS     INTERVAL    VM Automated Tape Library Statistics
        VIODATD     INTERVAL    VM Attach Device
        VIODATS     INTERVAL    VM Attach Shared Device
        VIODCAD     INTERVAL    VM Cache Activity Data
        VIODDCH     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Delete CHPID
        VIODDDV     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Delete device
        VIODDEV     INTERVAL    VM Device Activity
        VIODDSB     INTERVAL    VM Disable Terminal
        VIODDTD     INTERVAL    VM Detach Device
        VIODENB     INTERVAL    VM Enable Terminal
        VIODMDV     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Modify device
        VIODMOF     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set subchan measure off
        VIODMON     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set subchan measure on
        VIODQDA     INTERVAL    VM - activate qdio device
        VIODQDD     INTERVAL    VM - qdio deactivate
        VIODQDS     INTERVAL    VM - qdio activity
        VIODSOF     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Vary off subchannel
        VIODSON     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Vary on subchannel
        VIODSTC     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - State change
        VIODSZI     INTERVAL    VM - scsi device activity
        VIODTOF     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set throttle off
        VIODTON     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set throttle rate
        VIODVOF     EVENT       VM Vary Off Device
        VIODVON     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Device
        VIODVSF     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch failover
        VIODVSR     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch recovery
        VIODVSW     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch activity
        VMINTRV     INTERVAL    VM Interval Data (consolidated by MXG)
        VMTRCCC     EVENT       VM - cpu capability change
        VMTRDDR     EVENT       VM Domain Detail
        VMTRDEV     EVENT       VM Device Configuration Data
        VMTRECM     EVENT       VM Event Alteration Command
        VMTREND     INTERVAL    VM Interval End
        VMTREOF     EVENT       VM End of Frame Indicator
        VMTREPR     EVENT       VM Event Profile
        VMTRMEM     EVENT       VM Memory Configuration Data
        VMTRPAG     EVENT       VM Paging Configuration Data
        VMTRPRP     EVENT       VM Processor Configuration
        VMTRQDC     EVENT       VM - qdio device config
        VMTRSCH     EVENT       VM Scheduler Settings
        VMTRSCM     EVENT       VM Sample Alteration Command
        VMTRSOS     EVENT       VM Event Record Start of Suspend
        VMTRSPR     EVENT       VM Sample Profile
        VMTRSUS     EVENT       VM Suspension Record
        VMTRSYS     EVENT       VM System Configuration Data
        VMTRUSR     EVENT       VM Logged on User
        VMTRXSG     EVENT       VM Expanded Storage Data
        VPRCCFF     INTERVAL    VM Remove Access to Crypto Facility
        VPRCCFN     INTERVAL    VM Add Access to Crypto Facility
        VPRCIOP     INTERVAL    VM - iop utilization
        VPRCPRP     INTERVAL    VM Processor Data (Per Processor)
        VPRCVFF     INTERVAL    VM Vary Off Vector Facility
        VPRCVFN     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Vector Facility
        VPRCVOF     INTERVAL    VM Vary Off Processor
        VPRCVON     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Processor
        VSCLADL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Dispatch List
        VSCLAEL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Eligible List
        VSCLDDL     INTERVAL    VM Drop User From Dispatch List
        VSCLIOP     INTERVAL    VM - i/o priority changes
        VSCLRDB     INTERVAL    VM Begin Read
        VSCLRDC     INTERVAL    VM Read Complete
        VSCLSHR     INTERVAL    VM Set SHARE Changes
        VSCLSQD     INTERVAL    VM Set QUICKDSP Changes
        VSCLSRM     INTERVAL    VM Set SRM Changes
        VSCLSTP     INTERVAL    VM System Timer Pop
        VSCLWRR     INTERVAL    VM Write Response
        VSEKSEK     INTERVAL    VM Seek Data
        VSTOASC     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Created
        VSTOASD     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Deleted
        VSTOASI     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Information Record
        VSTOASP     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Storage Management
        VSTOASS     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Shared Storage Management
        VSTOATC     INTERVAL    VM Page/Spool Area of a CP Volume
        VSTOBPG     INTERVAL    VM Block Paging Data
        VSTORSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Management (Global)
        VSTORSP     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Activity (Per Processor)
        VSTOSHD     INTERVAL    VM NSS/DCSS/SSP removed from storage
        VSTOSHL     INTERVAL    VM NSS/DCSS/SSP Loaded into Storage.
        VSTOSHP     INTERVAL    VM NSS/DCSS Successfully Purged
        VSTOSHR     INTERVAL    VM Shared Storage Management
        VSTOVDK     INTERVAL    VM VDisk Information Record
        VSTOXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data
        VSTOXSU     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Per User)
        VSYTASG     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Storage (Global)
        VSYTCOM     INTERVAL    VM Processor Communication Activities
        VSYTCPC     INTERVAL    VM Physical Channel Path Contention Data
        VSYTCPM     INTERVAL    VM Channel Path Measurement Data
        VSYTCUG     INTERVAL    VM Logical CPU Utilization Data (Global)
        VSYTCUM     INTERVAL    VM Physical CPU Utilization Data 4 LPAR
        VSYTCUP     INTERVAL    VM CPU Util. Data (Logical Partition)
        VSYTEPM     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Extended channel measure
        VSYTPRP     INTERVAL    VM Processor Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTRSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTRSP     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTSCG     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Global)
        VSYTSCP     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Per Processor)
        VSYTSHS     INTERVAL    VM Shared Storage Data
        VSYTSYG     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - System data global
        VSYTSYP     INTERVAL    VM System Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTUSR     INTERVAL    VM User Data
        VSYTUWT     INTERVAL    VM User Wait States
        VSYTXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTXSP     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Per Processor)
        VUSEATE     INTERVAL    VM User Activity Data at Transaction End
        VUSEITE     INTERVAL    VM User Interaction at Transaction End
        VUSELOF     INTERVAL    VM User Logoff Data
        VUSELON     INTERVAL    VM User Logon
        VUSETRE     INTERVAL    VM User Transaction End
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMCEL     INTERVAL    Summarized CEC detail
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XBETA0      EVENT       BETA 93 input of lists
        XCICINT     INTERVAL    CICS interval statistics
        XCIDS       INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher statistics
        XCIDSR      INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb resource
        XCIDST      INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb global
        XCILDR      INTERVAL    CICS program loader statistics specific
        XCIM        INTERVAL    CICS monitoring statistics
        XCIMDSA     INTERVAL    CICS storage manager DSA
        XCIPIR      INTERVAL    CICS pipeline resource stats
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XDBACCT     EVENT       DB2 accounting
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBGBPS     INTERVAL    DB2 statistics global buffer pool
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBSTA1     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 1)
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XDB2A       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - summarised to hour
        XDCBKUP     EVENT       DCOLLECT backup
        XDCCLUS     EVENT       DCOLLECT VSAM data set information
        XDCDSET     EVENT       DCOLLECT active data set information
        XDSNREC     EVENT       TMS (CA-1) dataset name record
        XHSFSRT     EVENT       HSM fsr tape volsers for detail records
        XHSM        INTERVAL    HSM fsr statistics - hourly summary
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XIMPROG     EVENT       IMF - IMS program deschedule
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XMIVCF      INTERVAL    MIM virtual control file
        XMQACCT     EVENT       MQM accounting statistics
        XMQACTQ     EVENT       MQM task queue accounting
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XNDMCT      EVENT       NDM copy termination
        XNDMFI      EVENT       NDM subtype fi
        XNDMNM      EVENT       NDM subtype nm
        XORACLE     EVENT       Oracle event record
        XPROREC     EVENT       Pro/sms recovery
        XPROSMS     EVENT       Pro/sms message
        XQACONF     EVENT       AS400 - system configuration data
        XQADISK     INTERVAL    AS400 - disk storage data
        XQAJOBL     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQAJOBM     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQAPOLB     INTERVAL    AS400 - main storage data
        XQASYSL     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XQASYST     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSTVS13     EVENT       STC VSM 13 vtcs vtv mount
        XSTVS15     EVENT       STC VSM 15 vtcs delete vtv
        XTAPES      EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTPFDH      EVENT       TPF - ss/ssu mnemonic table
        XTPFFF      EVENT       TPF - sons and vfa intercept records
        XTPFINT     INTERVAL    TPF - interval statistics
        XTPFSP      INTERVAL    TPF - system pool (gfs) data
        XTPFSX      INTERVAL    TPF - system intrvl start/stop/continue
        XTYMDF      INTERVAL    Amdahl MDFtrack
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY16       EVENT       Sort merge statistics
        XTY21       EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTY23       INTERVAL    SMF interval statistics (status)
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY57J2     EVENT       JES2 network transmission
        XTY6367     EVENT       VSAM catalog entry DEFINE/DELETE
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY70X2     INTERVAL    RMF pci crypto accelerator pcica
        XTY70Y2     INTERVAL    RMF crypto coproc facility ccf
        XTY7002     INTERVAL    RMF pci crypto coprocessor pcicc
        XTY71       INTERVAL    RMF paging and swapping activity
        XTY72       INTERVAL    RMF workload activity
        XTY72DL     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode delay states
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY72MN     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III data
        XTY7204     INTERVAL    RMF subtype 04
        XTY74       INTERVAL    RMF device activity
        XTY74CF     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility - activity
        XTY74ME     INTERVAL    RMF mon III XCF member message statistic
        XTY74PA     INTERVAL    RMF mon III XCF path message statistics
        XTY74ST     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility - structure reqs
        XTY77       INTERVAL    RMF system enqueue data
        XTY78CU     INTERVAL    RMF LCU queuing statistics
        XTY78PA     INTERVAL    RMF virtual storage private area stats
        XTY791      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space state data
        XTY792      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space resource data
        XTY799      INTERVAL    RMF mon II device activity data
        XTY80A      EVENT       RACF catchall if no racftype segment
        XTY80TS     EVENT       Top secret 103-255
        XTY8000     EVENT       RACF event 00 undocumented
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8024     EVENT       RACF event 24 setropts
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY8201     EVENT       CRYPTO initialization
        XTY8221     EVENT       CRYPTO icsf sysplex group change
        XTY85RQ     EVENT       OAM lcs read/write/requests
        XTY85TP     EVENT       OAM lcs tape read/write
        XTY88       EVENT       System logger data
        XTY89       INTERVAL    Measured usage interval
        XTY892      INTERVAL    Measured usage state interval
        XT11901     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection initiation
        XT11902     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection termination
        XT11903     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp client transfer completion
        XT11905     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP tcp/ip statistics
        XT11921     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tn3270 server sna session term
        XT11970     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp server transfer completion
        XT11972     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp server login failure
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following variable has been added to table NBLKBER:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BLBINST   Instance name for antigen scan           STRING

  2) The following 2 variables have been added to table NDATABA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOGCKDP   Log generation checkpoint depth          COUNT
       SBPRDRT   Streaming backup pages read persec       COUNT

  3) The following 3 variables have been added to table NDTSCPU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DTPNCOA   Active cores                             COUNT
       DTPNCOS   Supported cores                          COUNT
       PFSENVR   Performance sentry version that wrote    STRING

  4) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMEMORY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCAVLBY   Pct available bytes                      PERCENT100
       VTRATIO   V to r ratio                             PERCENT

  5) The following 21 variables have been added to table NMSQAES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AULBART   Au cleanup batches/sec                   RATE
       AULUPRT   Au cleanups/sec                          RATE
       BYOCRCN   By-reference lob create count            COUNT
       BYOUSCN   By-reference lob use count               COUNT
       DEDRAUS   Deferred dropped aus                     COUNT
       DERROST   Deferred dropped rowsets                 COUNT
       DROCLRT   Dropped rowset cleanups/sec              RATE
       DROSKRT   Dropped rowsets skipped/sec              RATE
       FAEPACO   Failed leaf page cookie                  COUNT
       FALBART   Failed au cleanup batches/sec            RATE
       FARPACO   Failed tree page cookie                  COUNT
       LOEAHCN   Count lob readahead                      COUNT
       LOHCRCN   Lobhandle create count                   COUNT
       LOHDECN   Lobhandle destroy count                  COUNT
       LORCRCN   Lobss provider create count              COUNT
       LORDECN   Lobss provider destroy count             COUNT
       LORTRCN   Lobss provider truncation count          COUNT
       PUFROCN   Count push off row                       COUNT
       PUNROCN   Count pull in row                        COUNT
       USEPACO   Used leaf page cookie                    COUNT
       USRPACO   Used tree page cookie                    COUNT

  6) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NMSQCMG:

       CCHUSRT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CCHUSRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

  7) The following 18 variables have been added to table NMSQGST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACMPTBL   Active temp tables                       COUNT
       EVODLDR   Event notifications delayed drop         COUNT
       HTPAURQ   Http authenticated requests              COUNT
       LOLCONN   Logical connections                      COUNT
       MASDEAD   Mars deadlocks                           COUNT
       NAOMYRT   Non-atomic yield rate                    RATE
       PRCBLKD   Processes blocked                        COUNT
       SOPMEIN   Soap method invocations                  COUNT
       SOPMTRQ   Soap empty requests                      COUNT
       SOPSEIR   Soap session initiate requests           COUNT
       SOPSETR   Soap session terminate requests          COUNT
       SOPSQRQ   Soap sql requests                        COUNT
       SOPWSRQ   Soap wsdl requests                       COUNT
       SQRPRLW   Sql trace io provider lock waits         COUNT
       TMACRDT   Temp tables creation rate                RATE
       TMADEST   Temp tables for destruction              COUNT
       TRNSACT   Transactions                             COUNT
       TRVBIQU   Trace event notification queue           COUNT

  8) The following 4 variables have been added to table NMSQLCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SURDERT   Superlatch demotions per sec             RATE
       SURLACN   Number of superlatches                   INT
       SURPRRT   Superlatch promotions per sec            RATE
       TTALWTM   Total latch wait time (ms)               TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table NMSQLCH:

       TTATWTM   Total latch wait time (ms)               TIME

  9) The following variable has been added to table NMSQLKS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOTIMEO   Lock timeouts                            COUNT

 10) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQSTS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FRPRMRT   Forced parameterizations per sec         RATE
       SQATTRT   Sql attention rate                       RATE

 11) The following variable has been added to table NNETWIN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PTNETBY   Pct network utilization                  PERCENT100

 12) The following variable has been added to table NSQEPLR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQLNAME   Sqrl instance name                       STRING

 13) The following variable has been added to table NSQEPME:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQMNAME   Sqrm instance name                       STRING

 14) The following variable has been added to table NSQEPSN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQSNAME   Sqrs instance name                       STRING

 15) The following 21 variables have been added to table NSQLACC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AULBART   Au cleanup batches/sec                   RATE
       AULUPRT   Au cleanups/sec                          RATE
       BYOCRCN   By-reference lob create count            COUNT
       BYOUSCN   By-reference lob use count               COUNT
       DEDRAUS   Deferred dropped aus                     COUNT
       DERROST   Deferred dropped rowsets                 COUNT
       DROCLRT   Dropped rowset cleanups/sec              RATE
       DROSKRT   Dropped rowsets skipped/sec              RATE
       FAEPACO   Failed leaf page cookie                  COUNT
       FALBART   Failed au cleanup batches/sec            RATE
       FARPACO   Failed tree page cookie                  COUNT
       LOEAHCN   Count lob readahead                      COUNT
       LOHCRCN   Lobhandle create count                   COUNT
       LOHDECN   Lobhandle destroy count                  COUNT
       LORCRCN   Lobss provider create count              COUNT
       LORDECN   Lobss provider destroy count             COUNT
       LORTRCN   Lobss provider truncation count          COUNT
       PUFROCN   Count push off row                       COUNT
       PUNROCN   Count pull in row                        COUNT
       USEPACO   Used leaf page cookie                    COUNT
       USRPACO   Used tree page cookie                    COUNT

 16) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NSQLCAC:

       CCHUSRT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CCHUSRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

 17) The following 18 variables have been added to table NSQLGEN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACMPTBL   Active temp tables                       COUNT
       EVODLDR   Event notifications delayed drop         COUNT
       HTPAURQ   Http authenticated requests              COUNT
       LOLCONN   Logical connections                      COUNT
       MASDEAD   Mars deadlocks                           COUNT
       NAOMYRT   Non-atomic yield rate                    RATE
       PRCBLKD   Processes blocked                        COUNT
       SOPMEIN   Soap method invocations                  COUNT
       SOPMTRQ   Soap empty requests                      COUNT
       SOPSEIR   Soap session initiate requests           COUNT
       SOPSETR   Soap session terminate requests          COUNT
       SOPSQRQ   Soap sql requests                        COUNT
       SOPWSRQ   Soap wsdl requests                       COUNT
       SQRPRLW   Sql trace io provider lock waits         COUNT
       TMACRDT   Temp tables creation rate                RATE
       TMADEST   Temp tables for destruction              COUNT
       TRNSACT   Transactions                             COUNT
       TRVBIQU   Trace event notification queue           COUNT

 18) The following 4 variables have been added to table NSQLLAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SURDERT   Superlatch demotions per sec             RATE
       SURLACN   Number of superlatches                   INT
       SURPRRT   Superlatch promotions per sec            RATE
       TTALWTM   Total latch wait time (ms)               TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table NSQLLAT:

       TTATWTM   Total latch wait time (ms)               TIME

 19) The following variable has been added to table NSQLLOK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOTIMEO   Lock timeouts                            COUNT

 20) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLSTA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FRPRMRT   Forced parameterizations per sec         RATE
       SQATTRT   Sql attention rate                       RATE

 21) The following variable has been added to table NSQRPAG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQANAME   Sqra instance name                       STRING

 22) The following variable has been added to table NSQRPDI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQDNAME   Sqrd instance name                       STRING

 23) The following variable has been added to table NSYSTEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDTHPER   Ready threads per processor              RATE

 24) The following 2 variables have been added to table NTCNFIG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ORANIZN   Organization                             STRING
       SURYINT   Summary program interval                 STRING

 25) The following variable has been deleted from table NTHRED:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RECNR     n  value of record in input file         INT

 26) The following 3 variables have been added to table NTINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCAVLBY   Pct available bytes                      PERCENT100
       RDTHPER   Ready threads per processor              RATE
       VTRATIO   V to r ratio                             PERCENT

 27) The following variable has been added to table VAPLCMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 28) The following variable has been added to table VAPLEDT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 29) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSDT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 30) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSLM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 31) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSLN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 32) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSLP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 33) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSL0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 34) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 35) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 36) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 37) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 38) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 39) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 40) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 41) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 42) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 43) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 44) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 45) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 46) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 47) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 48) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 49) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC8:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 50) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC9:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 51) The following variable has been added to table VAPLVMR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 52) The following 16 variables have been added to table VBYUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMCRPGM   Referenced pgmbks at reorder             COUNT
       VMCTPVA   Private pages above 2gb                  COUNT
       VMCTSHA   Shared resident pages above 2gb          COUNT
       VMCTSHB   Shared resident pages below 2gb          COUNT
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMDTTMP   Ttime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDTTMS   Ttime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMDVTMP   Vtime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDVTMS   Vtime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMPBKCT   Pgmbks currently on pgmbk list           COUNT
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING
       VMTMORD   Last time pgmbk list reordered           TIME
       VMUFOCT   Times when ufo list spin                 COUNT
       VMUFOTM   Elapsed ufo spin time on lock            TIME

 53) The following variable has been added to table VIODALS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 54) The following variable has been added to table VIODATD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 55) The following variable has been added to table VIODATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 56) The following variable has been added to table VIODCAD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 57) The following variable has been added to table VIODDCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 58) The following variable has been added to table VIODDDV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 59) The following 17 variables have been added to table VIODDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAFLAG1   Flags byte                               HEXFLAGS
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PACNTIM   Alias connect duration                   TIME
       PACOUNT   Cum sample count on alias                COUNT
       PACQTIM   Control unit queue duration              TIME
       PADATIM   Device active only duration              TIME
       PADBTIM   Cum alias devbusy duration               TIME
       PADDTIM   Alias disconnect duration                TIME
       PAFPTIM   Alias pending duration                   TIME
       PAINELG   Alias steal ineligible                   COUNT
       PAIRTIM   Cum cmr duration                         TIME
       PAVSSCH   Cum ssch+rsch exec on alias              COUNT
       PAVUSES   Alias took work from base                COUNT
       PRFPATH   Preferred path mask                      HEXFLAGS
       RDVHPPL   Hyperpav pool number                     INT
       RDVPVFG   Pav flag base/alias                      HEXFLAGS
       VDCIOP1   Sie assist flags                         HEXFLAGS

 60) The following variable has been added to table VIODDSB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 61) The following variable has been added to table VIODDTD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 62) The following variable has been added to table VIODENB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 63) The following variable has been added to table VIODMDV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 64) The following variable has been added to table VIODMOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 65) The following variable has been added to table VIODMON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 66) The following variable has been added to table VIODQDA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 67) The following variable has been added to table VIODQDD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 68) The following variable has been added to table VIODQDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 69) The following variable has been added to table VIODSOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 70) The following variable has been added to table VIODSON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 71) The following variable has been added to table VIODSTC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 72) The following variable has been added to table VIODSZI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 73) The following variable has been added to table VIODTOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 74) The following variable has been added to table VIODTON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 75) The following variable has been added to table VIODVOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 76) The following variable has been added to table VIODVON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 77) The following variable has been added to table VIODVSF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 78) The following variable has been added to table VIODVSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 79) The following variable has been added to table VIODVSW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 80) The following 44 variables have been added to table VMINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CACFIFL   Vmdbks dsp list console wait ifl         COUNT
       CACFZAP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait zap         COUNT
       CACFZIP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait zip         COUNT
       CACRIFL   Vmdbks dsp list on ifl                   COUNT
       CACRZAP   Vmdbks dsp list on zap                   COUNT
       CACRZIP   Vmdbks dsp list on zip                   COUNT
       CACWIFL   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait ifl             COUNT
       CACWZAP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait zap             COUNT
       CACWZIP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait zip             COUNT
       CALCFCP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait cp          COUNT
       CALCRCP   Vmdbks dsp list on cp                    COUNT
       CALCWCP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait cp              COUNT
       CALLIFL   Vmdbks dsp list limit list ifl share     COUNT
       CALLLCP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list prevent       COUNT
       CALLZAP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list zap share     COUNT
       CALLZIP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list zip share     COUNT
       CALSWCP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait cp              COUNT
       CASWIFL   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait ifl             COUNT
       CASWZAP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait zap             COUNT
       CASWZIP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait zip             COUNT
       DELTATM   Delta time between records               TIME
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       RSAFRDB   Doublewords real free below 2gb          COUNT
       RSAFRDW   Doublewords real free above 2gb          COUNT
       RSAFRIB   Doublewords in use real free below 2gb   COUNT
       RSAFRIU   Doublewords in use real free above 2gb   COUNT
       RSCALCT   Frames on cleared available list         COUNT
       RSCPLKG   Frames locked above 2gb                  COUNT
       RSFSA2G   Doublewords assigned above 2gb           COUNT
       RSFSB2G   Doublewords assigned below 2gb           COUNT
       RSFSYUA   Doublewords in use above 2gb             COUNT
       RSFSYUB   Doublewords in use below 2gb             COUNT
       RSLGFRM   Useable frames g2 2gb                    COUNT
       RSRFRSG   Frames alloc real free above 2gb         COUNT
       RSRFRST   Frames alloc real free below 2gb         COUNT
       RSSNGAV   All single frames gt 2gb available       COUNT
       RSSNG2G   All single frames lt 2gb available       COUNT
       RSSXACT   Sxs pages on queue above 2gb             COUNT
       RSSXBCT   Sxs pages on queue below 2gb             COUNT
       RSSXCLA   Locked system alias pages                COUNT
       RSSXCPL   Locked system exec space pages           COUNT
       RS2GAVL   All frames on 2gb available list         COUNT
       RS2GAV2   Can represent up to 16t                  COUNT
       SRCPUWT   Bit mask of cpus in wait state           HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its external name changed in
     table VMINTRV:

       DURATION  changed from  DELTATM   to  DURATM

     The following variable has been deleted from table VMINTRV:

       DURATM    Interval duration                        TIME

 81) The following variable has been added to table VMTRCCC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 82) The following variable has been added to table VMTRDDR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 83) The following variable has been added to table VMTRDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 84) The following variable has been added to table VMTRECM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 85) The following variable has been added to table VMTREND:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 86) The following variable has been added to table VMTREOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 87) The following variable has been added to table VMTREPR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 88) The following variable has been added to table VMTRMEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 89) The following variable has been added to table VMTRPAG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 90) The following 2 variables have been added to table VMTRPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

 91) The following variable has been added to table VMTRQDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 92) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 93) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSCM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 94) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSOS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 95) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSPR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 96) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSUS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 97) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table VMTRSYS:

       SYSTEM    System identifier                        STRING
       SYSTERM   Tod clock at termination                 DATETIME

 98) The following variable has been added to table VMTRUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 99) The following variable has been added to table VMTRXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

100) The following variable has been added to table VPRCCFF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

101) The following variable has been added to table VPRCCFN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

102) The following variable has been added to table VPRCIOP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

103) The following 3 variables have been added to table VPRCPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLSTLCT   Array of stolen vmdbks                   HEXFLAGS

104) The following variable has been added to table VPRCVFF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

105) The following variable has been added to table VPRCVFN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

106) The following variable has been added to table VPRCVOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

107) The following 2 variables have been added to table VPRCVON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

108) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSCLADL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM

     The following variable has been deleted from table VSCLADL:

       VMDMXSH   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM

109) The following variable has been added to table VSCLAEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

110) The following variable has been added to table VSCLDDL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

111) The following variable has been added to table VSCLIOP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

112) The following variable has been added to table VSCLRDB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

113) The following variable has been added to table VSCLRDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

114) The following variable has been added to table VSCLSHR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

115) The following variable has been added to table VSCLSQD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

116) The following variable has been added to table VSCLSRM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

117) The following variable has been added to table VSCLSTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

118) The following variable has been added to table VSCLWRR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

119) The following variable has been added to table VSEKSEK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

120) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

121) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

122) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOASI:

       ASCSMIG   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPGR   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPGW   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPST   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXRD   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXWT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

123) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOASP:

       ASMSSCH   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       EXCURQC   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       ASMSSCH   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       EXCURQC   changed from  BEST12.2  to  BEST12.

124) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOASS:

       EXCURQC   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       EXCURQC   changed from  BEST12.2  to  BEST12.

125) The following variable has been added to table VSTOATC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

126) The following variable has been added to table VSTOBPG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

127) The following variable has been added to table VSTORSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

128) The following 30 variables have been added to table VSTORSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLALNCG   Frames obtained from above 2gb           COUNT
       PLASFCG   Single frame above 2g from above         COUNT
       PLASFCL   Single frame below 2g from above         COUNT
       PLBGCNT   Background replenish clears run          COUNT
       PLBGCTM   Duration spent foreground replenish      COUNT
       PLFGCNT   Time foreground replenish run            TIME
       PLFOBEM   Times when fob list empty                COUNT
       PLFRETA   Free storage returns above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFRETB   Free storage returns below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSCTA   Free storage obtains above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSCTB   Free storage obtains below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSPGA   Free storage requests any                COUNT
       PLFSPGB   Free storage requests below 2gb          COUNT
       PLFSPRA   Free storage pages above 2gb             COUNT
       PLFSPRB   Free storage pages below 2gb             COUNT
       PLFSSGA   Free storage regular above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSGB   Free storage regular below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSRA   Regular subpool free above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSRB   Regular subpool free below 2gb           COUNT
       PLLTDPE   Long term dormant emerg&passes           COUNT
       PLPCPAG   Collab mm pot volatile stolen            COUNT
       PLPUPAG   Collab mm pot volatile unchanged         COUNT
       PLRETFG   Frames returned to above 2gb avail       COUNT
       PLSESSA   Essa instruction count                   COUNT
       PLUPAGE   Collab mm pages stolen                   COUNT
       PLUPREC   Collab mm unused released                COUNT
       PLVATCL   Guest to host logical adrtrans           COUNT
       PLVPAGE   Collab mm volatile stolen                COUNT

129) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 5 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOSHD:

       ASCSPGR   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPGW   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPST   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXRD   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXWT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

130) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

131) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

132) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOSHR:

       ASCSPGR   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPGW   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXRD   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXWT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

133) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

134) The following variable has been added to table VSTOVDK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

135) The following variable has been added to table VSTOXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

136) The following variable has been added to table VSTOXSU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

137) The following variable has been added to table VSYTASG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

138) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTCOM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLIUCVT   Total iucv invocations                   COUNT

139) The following variable has been added to table VSYTCPC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

140) The following variable has been added to table VSYTCPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

141) The following variable has been added to table VSYTCUG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

142) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTCUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCPTYPE   Physical processor type                  STRING
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

143) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTCUP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCCPTYP   Cpu type in character                    STRING
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

144) The following variable has been added to table VSYTEPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

145) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

146) The following 22 variables have been added to table VSYTRSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       RSAFRDB   Doublewords real free below 2gb          COUNT
       RSAFRDW   Doublewords real free above 2gb          COUNT
       RSAFRIB   Doublewords in use real free below 2gb   COUNT
       RSAFRIU   Doublewords in use real free above 2gb   COUNT
       RSCALCT   Frames on cleared available list         COUNT
       RSCPLKG   Frames locked above 2gb                  COUNT
       RSFSA2G   Doublewords assigned above 2gb           COUNT
       RSFSB2G   Doublewords assigned below 2gb           COUNT
       RSFSYUA   Doublewords in use above 2gb             COUNT
       RSFSYUB   Doublewords in use below 2gb             COUNT
       RSLGFRM   Useable frames g2 2gb                    COUNT
       RSRFRSG   Frames alloc real free above 2gb         COUNT
       RSRFRST   Frames alloc real free below 2gb         COUNT
       RSSNGAV   All single frames gt 2gb available       COUNT
       RSSNG2G   All single frames lt 2gb available       COUNT
       RSSXACT   Sxs pages on queue above 2gb             COUNT
       RSSXBCT   Sxs pages on queue below 2gb             COUNT
       RSSXCLA   Locked system alias pages                COUNT
       RSSXCPL   Locked system exec space pages           COUNT
       RS2GAVL   All frames on 2gb available list         COUNT
       RS2GAV2   Can represent up to 16t                  COUNT

147) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTRSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

148) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTSCG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       SRCPUWT   Bit mask of cpus in wait state           HEXFLAGS

149) The following variable has been added to table VSYTSCP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

150) The following variable has been added to table VSYTSHS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

151) The following variable has been added to table VSYTSYG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

152) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSYTSYP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLPAGPS   Ssch requests for paging spooling        COUNT
       PLPRVSC   Svc interrupts reflected to the vm       COUNT
       PLSTKPE   Elapsed time slice drops                 TIME
       PLTMRCE   Guest entries moved to enabled           COUNT

153) The following variable has been added to table VSYTUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

154) The following 21 variables have been added to table VSYTUWT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CACFIFL   Vmdbks dsp list console wait ifl         COUNT
       CACFZAP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait zap         COUNT
       CACFZIP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait zip         COUNT
       CACRIFL   Vmdbks dsp list on ifl                   COUNT
       CACRZAP   Vmdbks dsp list on zap                   COUNT
       CACRZIP   Vmdbks dsp list on zip                   COUNT
       CACWIFL   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait ifl             COUNT
       CACWZAP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait zap             COUNT
       CACWZIP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait zip             COUNT
       CALCFCP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait cp          COUNT
       CALCRCP   Vmdbks dsp list on cp                    COUNT
       CALCWCP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait cp              COUNT
       CALLIFL   Vmdbks dsp list limit list ifl share     COUNT
       CALLLCP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list prevent       COUNT
       CALLZAP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list zap share     COUNT
       CALLZIP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list zip share     COUNT
       CALSWCP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait cp              COUNT
       CASWIFL   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait ifl             COUNT
       CASWZAP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait zap             COUNT
       CASWZIP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait zip             COUNT
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

155) The following variable has been added to table VSYTXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

156) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTXSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

157) The following 11 variables have been added to table VUSEATE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMCTPVA   Private pages above 2gb                  COUNT
       VMCTSHA   Shared resident pages above 2gb          COUNT
       VMCTSHB   Shared resident pages below 2gb          COUNT
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMDTTMP   Ttime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDTTMS   Ttime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMDVTMP   Vtime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDVTMS   Vtime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

158) The following 5 variables have been added to table VUSEDFC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       OLPUTYP   Former cpu type                          STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

159) The following 2 variables have been added to table VUSEDTC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

160) The following 4 variables have been added to table VUSEITE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

161) The following 9 variables have been added to table VUSELOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCTPVA   Private pages above 2gb                  COUNT
       VMCTSHA   Shared resident pages above 2gb          COUNT
       VMCTSHB   Shared resident pages below 2gb          COUNT
       VMDTTMP   Ttime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDTTMS   Ttime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMDVTMP   Vtime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDVTMS   Vtime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

162) The following variable has been added to table VUSELON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

163) The following 5 variables have been added to table VUSERDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       NEPUTYP   New cpu type                             STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

164) The following 4 variables have been added to table VUSETRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

165) The following 12 variables have been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCMODE   Cpc model identifier                     STRING
       CPTYPE    Cpu model number                         HEXFLAGS
       GMTOFFT   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       IFAUPTM   Ifa processor online time                TIME
       IFAWSTT   Ifa processor wst wait time              TIME
       LPARCHG   Configuration modified                   STRING
       PCIFABY   Pct when all ifa engines are busy        PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   Pct when all zip engines are busy        PERCENT100
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time              DATETIME
       SM70LAC   Lpar 4-hr average smf70lac               AVERAGE
       ZIPUPTM   Zip processor online time                TIME
       ZIPWSTT   Zip processor wst wait time              TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASMCEC:

       STARTIM   Cec constructed startime interval start  DATETIME

166) The following 9 variables have been added to table XASMCEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMTOFFT   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       NRICFCP   Number of icf cpus                       INT
       NRIFACP   Number of ifa cpus                       INT
       NRIFLCP   Number of ifl cpus                       INT
       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus                       INT
       SM70GIE   Cec constructed smf70gie interval end    DATETIME
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASMCEL:

       STARTIM   Cec constructed startime interval start  DATETIME

167) The following 6 variables have been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BEGTMNT   Begin time tape mount event              DATETIME
       BYESU     Total uncompress bytes read and written  COUNT
       ENDTMNT   End time tape mount event                DATETIME
       SMF21DB   Compressed device bytes read             COUNT
       SMF2101   Compressed device bytes written          COUNT
       TOTMNTT   Total duration tape was mounted          TIME

168) The following 9 variables have been added to table XASM70L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMTOFFT   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       NRIFACP   Number of ifa cpus in this box           INT
       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus in this box           INT
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time now local    DATETIME
       SM70GMU   Maximum license units of group           MAXIMUM
       SM70GNM   Capacity group name                      STRING
       TOTSHAR   Total initial share weight               GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current share weight               GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASM70L:

       STARTIM   Startime                                 DATETIME

169) The following 11 variables have been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPPHYTM   Physical cpu time phy engines            TIME
       GMTOFFT   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       ICFPHYT   Physical cpu time icf engines            TIME
       IFAPHYT   Physical cpu time ifa engines            TIME
       IFAUPTM   Ifa processor online time                TIME
       IFAWSTT   Ifa processors wst time                  TIME
       IFLPHYT   Physical cpu time ifl engines            TIME
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time              DATETIME
       ZIPPHYT   Physical cpu time zip engines            TIME
       ZIPUPTM   Zip processor online time                TIME
       ZIPWSTT   Zip processors wst time                  TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASM70P:

       STARTIM   Minimum interval start datetime          DATETIME

170) The following 3 variables have been added to table XBETA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAARP   Archive retention period                 INT
       BETACTY   Cleanup type                             STRING
       BETARCM   Archive media type                       STRING

171) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCICINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MNGSMFC   Sysevent errors                          COUNT
       MNGSMFN   Sysevent records                         COUNT

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XCICINT:

       MNGSYSE   Sysevent errors                          COUNT
       MNGSYSR   Sysevent records                         COUNT

172) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSEJST    Total tcb cpu time all tcbs              TIME
       DSSRBT    Total srb cpu time all srbs              TIME

173) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIDSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSRCIUH   Cics in use storage above 16m            GAUGE
       DSRCIUL   Cics in use storage below 16m            GAUGE

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XCIDSR:

       DSRSTGH   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DSRSTGL   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

174) The following 4 variables have been added to table XCIDST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSTCIUH   Cics inuse storage above 16m             GAUGE
       DSTCIUL   Cics inuse storage below 16m             GAUGE
       DSTNIUH   Non-cics inuse storage above 16m         GAUGE
       DSTNIUL   Non-cics inuse storage below 16m         GAUGE

     The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XCIDST:

       DSTSTGH   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DSTSTGL   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DSTSTNH   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DSTSTNL   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

175) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCILDR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LDRLBDN   Program library dsname                   STRING
       LDRLBNM   Program library name                     STRING

176) The following 12 variables have been added to table XCIM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MNGAVCR   Average compressed record length         AVERAGE
       MNGAVUR   Average uncompressed record length       AVERAGE
       MNGFRL    File resource limit                      MAXIMUM
       MNGMRCM   Data compression active?                 STRING
       MNGSMFC   Smf records compressed                   COUNT
       MNGSMFN   Smf records not compressed               COUNT
       MNGTRL    Tsqueue resource limit                   MAXIMUM
       MNGWLCC   Wlm cpu critical?                        STRING
       MNGWLGI   Wlm goal importance                      INT
       MNGWLGT   Wlm goal type?                           INT
       MNGWLGV   Wlm velocity goal value                  INT
       MNGWLSK   Wlm storage critical?                    STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XCIM:

       MNSYSEE   Sysevent errors                          COUNT
       MNSYSER   Sysevent records                         COUNT

177) The following 9 variables have been added to table XCIMDSA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMADCUR   Current address spacees adressable       GAUGE
       SMADHWM   Hwm address spacees addressable          MAXIMUM
       SMCUSLM   Cushion releases                         COUNT
       SMCUSRL   Allocate in cushion releases             COUNT
       SMGDCUR   Current gdsa active                      GAUGE
       SMGDHWM   Hwm gdsa active                          MAXIMUM
       SMGETST   Getstorsize request size                 GAUGE
       SMMEMLM   Memlimit size                            MAXIMUM
       SMMEMLR   Source of memlimit?                      INT

178) The following variable has been added to table XCIPIR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PRSHELF   Pipeline shell directory                 STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XCIPIR:

       PRSHELL   Pipeline shell directory                 STRING

179) The following 23 variables have been added to table XCITRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLIPPOR   Port number of client                    INT
       DHDELCT   Document handler delete requests         COUNT
       ISALLOC   Allocate session requests ip only        COUNT
       ISIOWTC   Wait for control at end ip count         TIME
       ISIOWTT   Wait for control at end ip duration      COUNT
       ISIPCNN   Ipic connection name that attached       STRING
       OAPPLID   Originating cics region of cwxn          STRING
       OCLIPAD   Originating client ip address            STRING
       OCLIPOR   Originating client port number           INT
       OFCTYNM   Originating transaction facility name    STRING
       ONETWKI   Originating transaction network id       STRING
       OPORTNU   Originating task port number             INT
       OSTART    Originating task start datetime          DATETIME
       OTCPSVC   Originating task tcpipservice            STRING
       OTRAN     Originating task transaction name        STRING
       OTRANFL   Originating transaction flags            HEXFLAGS
       OTRANNU   Originating task transaction number      INT
       OUSERCO   Originating task user correlator         HEXFLAGS
       OUSERID   Originating task userid-2 or userid-1    STRING
       PGCSTHW   Container storage hwm bytes allocated    MAXIMUM
       WMQGETC   Wait for mq service of getwait count     COUNT
       WMQGETT   Wait for mq service of getwait duration  TIME
       WMQREQC   Mq requests issued                       COUNT

     The following 11 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XCITRAN:

       CPRLSTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       DBALLTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       PSACTTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       PSSCHTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTEIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTHIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTMIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTNIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTOIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTTIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTWIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 11 variables have had their format changed in table

       CPRLSTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       DBALLTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       PSACTTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       PSSCHTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTEIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTHIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTMIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTNIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTOIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTTIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTWIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

     The following 6 variables have been deleted from table XCITRAN:

       MQGETWC   Mqgetwcn count                           COUNT
       MQGETWT   Mqgetwtm duration                        COUNT
       MQONTCB   Mqontcbu count                           COUNT
       MQREQS    Mqreqs count                             COUNT
       MQREQUS   Mqrequs count                            COUNT
       MQWTCBU   Mqwtcbus count                           COUNT

180) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDBACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DB2UNIC   Unicode text is in all %u fields?        STRING
       QWCZIEL   Cpu time zip eligible on cp engine       TIME
       QWCZIS1   Cpu time executing on ziip               TIME
       QWCZIS2   Cpu time in db2 executing on ziip        TIME
       QWCZITR   Cpu time in triggers executing on ziip   TIME
       QWUCPU    Tcb or srb cpu time of dispatched eu     TIME

181) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBCCTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DB2UNIC   Unicode text is in all %u fields?        STRING
       QPCZITM   Cpu time this package or dbrm on zip     TIME
       QWCWLME   Service class name                       STRING
       THREADT   Type of thread                           STRING

182) The following 5 variables have been added to table XDBGBPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBGLCM    Rfcom requests for multiple pages        COUNT
       QBGLCR    Rfco requests for single page            COUNT
       QBGLMW    Warm requests for multiple pages         COUNT
       QBGLWP    Pages written by warm                    COUNT
       QBGLWS    War requests for single pages            COUNT

183) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QW1ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable master asid  TIME
       QW2ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable dbm1 asid    TIME
       QW3ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable irlm asid    TIME
       QW4ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable ddf asid     TIME

184) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBSTA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISECFA   Fails due to stmt pool full              COUNT
       QISECFR   Free pages in stmt free chain            COUNT
       QISECPG   Pages in stmt pool                       COUNT
       QISEDYN   Pages used in statement pool             COUNT

     The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XDBSTA1:

       QLLOWEM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLLOWIM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLLOW1M   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTGEM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTGIM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTG1M   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM

185) The following 8 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISECFA   Fails due to stmt pool full              COUNT
       QISECFR   Free pages in stmt free chain            COUNT
       QISECPG   Pages in stmt pool                       COUNT
       QISEDYN   Pages used in statement pool             COUNT
       QW1ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable master asid  TIME
       QW2ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable dbm1 asid    TIME
       QW3ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable irlm asid    TIME
       QW4ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable ddf asid     TIME

     The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XDBTATS:

       QLLOWEM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLLOWIM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLLOW1M   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTGEM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTGIM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTG1M   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM

186) The following 5 variables have been added to table XDB2A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBPARTY   Parallel or sequential task type         STRING
       QWCZIEL   Cpu time zip eligible on cp engine       TIME
       QWCZIS1   Cpu time executing on ziip               TIME
       QWCZIS2   Cpu time in db2 executing on ziip        TIME
       QWCZITR   Cpu time in triggers executing on ziip   TIME

187) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       UBRECRD   changed from  _NONE_    to  $MGDCORF.

188) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDCCLUS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCVDPTY   Physical control unit                    STRING
       DCVDVTY   Device type                              STRING

189) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDCDSET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCVDPTY   Physical control unit                    STRING
       DCVDVTY   Device type                              STRING

190) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XDSNREC:

       DSUCODE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DSUCODE   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

191) The following variable has been added to table XHSFSRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSRFALT   Written in duplex mode?                  STRING

192) The following variable has been added to table XHSM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HSMPLEX   Hsm complex                              STRING

193) The following 73 variables have been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQLCALS   Total db2 sql calls                      COUNT
       TRARVTH   Tran arrival time hhmmssth               TIME
       TRARVTJ   Tran arrival time miju portion           TIME
       TREAPPL   Appl elapsed time                        TIME
       TREAPPU   Trneappu                                 COUNT
       TREDB2    Db2 elapsed time                         TIME
       TREDB2U   Trnedb2u                                 COUNT
       TREDLDB   Dli/db elapsed time                      TIME
       TREDLTM   Dli/tm elapsed time                      TIME
       TREF2     Triwaits settings                        HEXFLAGS
       TRELDLI   Dli last call elap                       TIME
       TREMQS    Mqs elapsed time                         TIME
       TREMQSU   Trnemqsu                                 COUNT
       TREOESS   Ess elapsed time                         TIME
       TREOESU   Trneoesu                                 COUNT
       TREOPCL   Op/cl elapsed time                       TIME
       TRESYNC   Sync elapsed time                        TIME
       TRETFLG   Etime flags                              HEXFLAGS
       TRETIME   Stck at tran start                       DATETIME
       TREWLMC   Ewlm correlator                          HEXFLAGS
       TRE1STD   Schd to 1st dli                          TIME
       TRMODET   Trnmothr detail                          HEXFLAGS
       TRMSCTH   Orig sys arr time hhmmssth               TIME
       TRMSCTJ   Orig sys arr time miju portion           TIME
       TRMSCUT   Org arrival trnxutca value               TIME
       TRNUOWP   Network uow id  primary                  HEXFLAGS
       TROTCLF   Otma client flag                         HEXFLAGS
       TROTCLN   Ims connect client id                    STRING
       TROTCON   Ims connect start time                   DATETIME
       TROTCOR   Otma correlator                          HEXFLAGS
       TROTIP    Ims connect client ip addr               STRING
       TROTMAM   Otma tmember name                        HEXFLAGS
       TROTMAP   Otma map name                            STRING
       TROTPRT   Ims connect port id                      INT
       TROTSCF   Otma security flag                       HEXFLAGS
       TROTSLF   Otma synch level flag                    HEXFLAGS
       TROTSOC   Ims connect socket id                    INT
       TROTSTC   Ims connect stc/jobname                  STRING
       TROTSTF   Otma ims state flag                      HEXFLAGS
       TROTSYF   Otma synchronization flag                HEXFLAGS
       TROTUSR   Otma security user id                    STRING
       TRRSENM   Rse name                                 STRING
       TRSMQGN   Smq group name                           STRING
       TRSTCKE   Stck at tran end                         DATETIME
       TRSTOPA   Tran stop time offset                    TIME
       TRSTOPU   Tran stop time miju                      TIME
       TRSTRTA   Tran start time offset                   TIME
       TRSTRTU   Tran start time miju                     TIME
       TRTCPU    Total cpu by tran                        TIME
       TRUOW     Uow for transaction                      HEXFLAGS
       TRWLMRE   Iwmwqry error reason code                INT
       TRWLMRT   Iwmwqry error return code                INT
       TRWLMSC   Wlm service class                        STRING
       TRWLMZR   If binary zeros, then iwmwqry error      HEXFLAGS
       TRW1OTH   Misc iwait                               TIME
       TRW2IOO   Sync osam i/o iwait                      TIME
       TRW2IOV   Sync vsam i/o iwait                      TIME
       TRW2LCH   Sync latch iwait                         TIME
       TRW2OTH   Sync misc iwait                          TIME
       TRW3LCH   Dli/tm latch iwait                       TIME
       TRW3OTH   Dli/tm misc iwait                        TIME
       TRW4DBR   Opn/cls dbrc iwait                       TIME
       TRW4IO    Opn/cls i/o  iwait                       TIME
       TRW4OTH   Opn/cls misc iwait                       TIME
       TRW5IOD   Dli/db dedb iwait                        TIME
       TRW5IOO   Dli/db osam iwait                        TIME
       TRW5IOV   Dli/db vsam iwait                        TIME
       TRW5LCH   Dli/db latch iwait                       TIME
       TRW5LCK   Dli/db lock iwait                        TIME
       TRW5OTH   Dli/db misc iwait                        TIME
       TRXCKPC   Count of checkpoint/syncpoints           COUNT
       TRXCKPM   Max locks held (high water mark)         MAXIMUM
       TRXCKPT   Total locks held, all checkpoints        COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XIMFTRN:

       ALPCBLT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       ALPCBLT   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX16.

     The following variable has been deleted from table XIMFTRN:

       SQLCA01   Total db2 sql calls                      COUNT

194) The following 4 variables have been added to table XIMPROG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FLGSPCH   Program subtype                          STRING
       OTMATRN   Otma tran?                               STRING
       PGMSA56   Sadflag5 and sadflag6                    HEXFLAGS
       SAPEXIT   Sap pgm using sapexit?                   STRING

195) The following 11 variables have been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCEPTM   Deaccum cpu time while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip eligible cpu time                    TIME
       CPZIPTM   Zip cpu time                             TIME
       ZIEUNIT   Zip eligible units                       COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Zip service units                        COUNT

196) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XMIVCF:

       MIVFRTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       MIVFRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME13.3

197) The following 2 variables have been added to table XMQACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UOWID     Originators name for unit-of-work        HEXFLAGS
       UOWIDCH   First 6 bytes of uowid field             HEXFLAGS

198) The following 3 variables have been added to table XMQACTQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM116EV   Event i=interval t=thread end            STRING
       UOWID     Originators name for unit-of-work        HEXFLAGS
       UOWIDCH   First 6 bytes of uowid field             HEXFLAGS

199) The following 3 variables have been added to table XMQQUEU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM116EV   Event i=interval t=thread end            STRING
       UOWID     Originators name for unit-of-work        HEXFLAGS
       UOWIDCH   First 6 bytes of uowid field             HEXFLAGS

200) The following 28 variables have been added to table XNDMCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDCKPI    Checkpoint interval                      INT
       NDCPU     Cpu time of step via timeused            TIME
       NDDBPAD   Dbcs pad char                            HEXFLAGS
       NDDBSI    Dbcs shift-in char                       HEXFLAGS
       NDDBSO    Dbcs shift-out char                      HEXFLAGS
       NDDBTAB   Dbcs table name                          STRING
       NDRIP     Inbound outbound ip address              STRING
       NDRPOR    Outbound port                            INT
       NDTOT01   Cttotal field 01                         COUNT
       NDTOT02   Cttotal field 02                         COUNT
       NDTOT03   Cttotal field 03                         COUNT
       NDTOT04   Cttotal field 04                         COUNT
       NDTOT05   Cttotal field 05                         COUNT
       NDTOT06   Cttotal field 06                         COUNT
       NDTOT07   Cttotal field 07                         COUNT
       NDTOT08   Cttotal field 08                         COUNT
       NDTOT09   Cttotal field 09                         COUNT
       NDTOT10   Cttotal field 10                         COUNT
       NDTOT11   Cttotal field 11                         COUNT
       NDTOT12   Cttotal field 12                         COUNT
       NDTOT13   Cttotal field 13                         COUNT
       NDTOT14   Cttotal field 14                         COUNT
       NDTOT15   Cttotal field 15                         COUNT
       NDTOT16   Cttotal field 16                         COUNT
       NDTOT17   Cttotal field 17                         COUNT
       NDTOT18   Cttotal field 18                         COUNT
       NDTOT19   Cttotal field 19                         COUNT
       NDTOT20   Cttotal field 20                         COUNT

201) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMFI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

202) The following 7 variables have been added to table XNDMNM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNMCC    Return code of update attempt            INT
       NDNMMSG   Update message short text                STRING
       NDNMMSI   Update message id                        STRING
       NDNMMSL   Update message length                    GAUGE
       NDNMNOD   Nodename updated                         STRING
       NDNMSEQ   Sequemce number of date/time             INT
       NDNMUID   Updating uid                             STRING

203) The following 14 variables have been deleted from table XORACLE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCICTM   Cics subtask cpu time                    TIME
       CPSRBTM   Cpu srb duration                         TIME
       CPTCBTM   Cpu tcb duration                         TIME
       CPTIMER   Worker cpu timer                         TIME
       DDCOMIT   Ddl commits                              COUNT
       DDROLLS   Ddl rollbacks                            COUNT
       ENDSRB    Srb ending clock                         TIME
       ENDTCB    Tcb ending clock                         TIME
       ORCMSB    Max additional stacks used               MAXIMUM
       PCCOUNT   Pc count                                 COUNT
       STRTSRB   Srb start clock                          TIME
       STRTTCB   Tcb start clock                          TIME
       SWCHCNT   User/worker switch count                 COUNT
       TCBADDR   Tcb addr space                           STRING

204) The following 3 variables have been added to table XPROREC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PRPMODE   Mode                                     STRING
       PRPMPRE   Message prefix                           STRING
       PSMRDW    Rdw                                      INT

205) The following 2 variables have been added to table XPROSMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PRPMODE   Mode                                     STRING
       PRPMPRE   Message prefix                           STRING

206) The following 18 variables have been added to table XQACONF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GDESB1C   1st disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB1N   1st disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESB2C   2nd disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB2N   2nd disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESB3C   3rd disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB3N   3rd disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESB4C   4th disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB4N   4th disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESB5C   5th disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB5N   5th disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESCL    Collection library                       STRING
       GDESCN    Collection name                          STRING
       GDESED    End date of collection in character      STRING
       GDESEDD   End date of collection                   DATE
       GDESET    End time of collection in character      STRING
       GDESETT   End time of collection                   TIME
       GDES21    System asp capacity in bytes             GAUGE
       GDES91    Gdes91                                   STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       GDES2     changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME8.

207) The following 23 variables have been added to table XQADISK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSBKCT1   Bucket 1 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT2   Bucket 2 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT3   Bucket 3 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT4   Bucket 4 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT5   Bucket 5 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT6   Bucket 6 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKRT1   Bucket 1 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT2   Bucket 2 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT3   Bucket 1 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT4   Bucket 4 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT5   Bucket 5 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT6   Bucket 6 response time                   TIME
       DSBKST1   Bucket 1 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST2   Bucket 2 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST3   Bucket 3 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST4   Bucket 4 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST5   Bucket 5 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST6   Bucket 6 service time                    TIME
       DSCAT     Disk unit category? 0=no 1=external      STRING
       DSIOPF    Managed by iop? 0=no 1=yes               STRING
       DSRDT     Raid type? 0=raid 5 1=raid 6             STRING
       DSSRVT    Disk service time                        TIME
       DSWT      Disk wait time                           TIME

208) The following 4 variables have been added to table XQAJOBL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBACPU    Accumulated job cpu time                 TIME
       JBIPAD    Ip address binary                        STRING
       JBIPAF    Ip type 02x=ipv4 18x=ipv6                STRING
       JBIPPT    Ip port number                           INT

209) The following 5 variables have been added to table XQAJOBM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBACPU    Accumulated job cpu time                 TIME
       JBCUSR    Current user                             STRING
       JBIPAD    Ip address binary                        STRING
       JBIPAF    Ip type 02x=ipv4 18x=ipv6                STRING
       JBIPPT    Ip port number                           INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XQAJOBM:

       JCUSR     Current user                             STRING

210) The following variable has been added to table XQAPOLB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       POUNAL    Unallocated pool space                   COUNT

211) The following 11 variables have been added to table XQASYSL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYCTA     Configured cpu time available            TIME
       SYDPCH    Total dispatch time                      TIME
       SYIFTA    Time available interactive feature       TIME
       SYNPLA    Shared pool cpu time available           TIME
       SYNPLU    Shared pool cpu time used                TIME
       SYNUAL    Noncached user authority lookups         COUNT
       SYNUTC    Uncapped cpu time configured             TIME
       SYSHRF    Shared processor flag 0=no 1=yes         STRING
       SYSPTU    Total cpu time used                      TIME
       SYUTA     Uncapped cpu time available              TIME
       SYVCPU    Virtual processor time configured        TIME

212) The following 3 variables have been added to table XQASYST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYDPCH    Total dispatch time                      TIME
       SYSHRF    Shared processor flag 0=no 1=yes         STRING
       SYVCPU    Virtual processor time configured        TIME

213) The following 38 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BATZIE    Batch cpu zipelig time on cp             TIME
       BATZIP    Batch cpu zip time on zip                TIME
       CICSZIE   Cics cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       CICSZIP   Cics cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       CPZIETM   Task zipelig cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Task zip cpu time on zip                 TIME
       IMSZIE    Ims cpu zipelig time on cp               TIME
       IMSZIP    Ims cpu zip time on zip                  TIME
       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus for this system       COUNT
       OMVSAVG   Average omvs active                      AVERAGE
       OMVSMAX   Maximum omvs active                      MAXIMUM
       OTHRZIE   All other cpu zipelig time on cp         TIME
       OTHRZIP   All other cpu zip time on zip            TIME
       OTH0ZIE   Oth0 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH0ZIP   Oth0 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH1ZIE   Oth1 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH1ZIP   Oth1 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH2ZIE   Oth2 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH2ZIP   Oth2 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH3ZIE   Oth3 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH3ZIP   Oth3 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH4ZIE   Oth4 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH4ZIP   Oth4 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH5ZIE   Oth5 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH5ZIP   Oth5 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH6ZIE   Oth6 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH6ZIP   Oth6 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH7ZIE   Oth7 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH7ZIP   Oth7 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH8ZIE   Oth8 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH8ZIP   Oth8 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH9ZIE   Oth9 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH9ZIP   Oth9 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       PCZIPBY   Pct this systems zip busy                PERCENT100
       TSOZIE    Tso cpu zipelig time on cp               TIME
       TSOZIP    Tso cpu zip time on zip                  TIME
       ZIPACTT   Zip engine executing (active) cpu time   TIME
       ZIPUPTM   Zip engine available (up) time           TIME

214) The following variable has been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

215) The following 11 variables have been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCEPTM   Deaccum cpu time while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip eligible cpu time                    TIME
       CPZIPTM   Zip cpu time                             TIME
       ZIEUNIT   Zip eligible units                       COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Zip service units                        COUNT

216) The following 11 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCEPTM   Deaccum cpu time while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip eligible cpu time                    TIME
       CPZIPTM   Zip cpu time                             TIME
       ZIEUNIT   Zip eligible units                       COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Zip service units                        COUNT

217) The following variable has been added to table XSTVS13:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST13MRC   Mounted after a recall?                  STRING

218) The following 2 variables have been added to table XSTVS15:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST15CTP   S-cart or e-cart?                        STRING
       ST15LRI   Hstresidency recall or create?           STRING

219) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTAPES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21CRR   Read compression ratio                   PERCENT
       SM21CRW   Write compression ratio                  PERCENT
       SM21DBR   Compressed device bytes read             COUNT
       SM21DBW   Compressed device bytes written          COUNT

220) The following variable has been added to table XTPFDH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TTTOD     Date time of day                         DATETIME

221) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTPFFF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FFFARF    Farf file address                        HEXFLAGS
       FFFLG     Flag bits (mioflg)                       HEXFLAGS
       FFTOD     Record time stamp                        DATETIME

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTPFFF:

       FFADR     File adrs                                HEXFLAGS
       FFECB     Ecb sva                                  HEXFLAGS
       FTIMECH   Ecb time stamp character                 HEXFLAGS

222) The following 25 variables have been added to table XTPFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SISUTLA   I-stream-a utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLB   I-stream-b utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLC   I-stream-c utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLD   I-stream-d utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLE   I-stream-e utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLF   I-stream-f utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLG   I-stream-g utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL1   I-stream-1 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL2   I-stream-2 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL3   I-stream-3 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL4   I-stream-4 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL5   I-stream-5 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL6   I-stream-6 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL7   I-stream-7 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL8   I-stream-8 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL9   I-stream-9 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SXDISA1   4d6 pool dispensed addrs deva per sec    RATE
       SXDISA2   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devb per sec    RATE
       SXDISA3   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devc per sec    RATE
       SXDISA4   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devd per sec    RATE
       SXRTRA1   4d6 pool return hits deva per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA2   4d6 pool return hits devb per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA3   4d6 pool return hits devc per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA4   4d6 pool return hits devd per sec        RATE
       SXTCPIN   Tcp input message counter                COUNT

223) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTPFSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SXDISA1   4d6 pool dispensed addrs deva per sec    RATE
       SXDISA2   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devb per sec    RATE
       SXDISA3   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devc per sec    RATE
       SXDISA4   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devd per sec    RATE
       SXRTRA1   4d6 pool return hits deva per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA2   4d6 pool return hits devb per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA3   4d6 pool return hits devc per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA4   4d6 pool return hits devd per sec        RATE

224) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTPFSX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SHWMFPL   Frames pending list                      COUNT
       SHWMTPP   Hwm threads per process                  RATE
       SMAXTPP   Max threads per process                  RATE
       SXPFORK   Posix fork count                         COUNT
       SXTCPIN   Tcp input message counter                COUNT

225) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTYMDF:

       GBINTTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       GBINTTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

226) The following 19 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CA7INAL   Ca7 instance alias                       STRING
       CA7INID   Ca7 instance id                          STRING
       JXDBSPR   Jxdbs priority                           INT
       JXDBSUU   Jxdbs unavailable units?                 STRING
       JXDBSWG   Jxdbs workgroup                          STRING
       JXIMPOR   Jximportance                             INT
       JXSERVI   Jxservice group                          STRING
       VLVCPC    Vol vts copycross                        COUNT
       VLVCPCM   Vol vts copycross migrate                COUNT
       VLVCPCO   Vol vts copycross ondisk                 COUNT
       VLVIBM    Vol vts ibm                              COUNT
       VLVIBMN   Vol vts ibm nonresident                  COUNT
       VLVIBMR   Vol vts ibm resident                     COUNT
       VLVSTK    Vol vts stk                              COUNT
       VLVSTKN   Vol vts stk nonresident                  COUNT
       VLVSTKR   Vol vts stk resident                     COUNT
       VLVVTS    Vol vts vtape                            COUNT
       VLVVTSI   Vol vts vtape incache                    COUNT
       VLVVTSN   Vol vts vtape notincache                 COUNT

227) The following 13 variables have been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM14CD1   Encoding mechanism key 1                 STRING
       SM14CD2   Encoding mechanism key 2                 STRING
       SM14DRD   Pdse directory read request count        COUNT
       SM14DRH   Pdse directory read hit count            COUNT
       SM14KET   Key exchange time encryption overhead    TIME
       SM14KL1   Key label 1                              HEXFLAGS
       SM14KL2   Key label 2                              HEXFLAGS
       SM14MCE   Pdse member cache eligible count         COUNT
       SM14MCF   Pdse member eligible cache full count    COUNT
       SM14MNC   Pdse member eligible not cached count    COUNT
       SM14MRD   Pdse member read request count           COUNT
       SM14MRH   Pdse member read hit count               COUNT
       SM14MST   Pdse member cache stolen count           COUNT

228) The following variable has been added to table XTY16:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BGBKSZA   31-bit blocksize available?              STRING

229) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY21:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21CRR   Read compression ratio                   PERCENT
       SM21CRW   Write compression ratio                  PERCENT
       SM21DBR   Compressed device bytes read             COUNT
       SM21DBW   Compressed device bytes written          COUNT

230) The following variable has been added to table XTY23:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFF23   Smf buffer hiwatermk allocation          TIME

231) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

     The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY30_V:

       ACDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       DSDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       REDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       ACDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       DSDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       REDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

232) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

     The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY30_4:

       ACDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       DSDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       REDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       ACDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       DSDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       REDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

233) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

234) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

235) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY57J2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESFRMLN   Formlen in ess                           STRING
       ESITRAY   Intray in ess                            COUNT
       ESOFSTB   Offsetxb in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTF   Offsetxf in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTY   Offsetyb in ess                          STRING
       ESPORNO   Portno in ess                            INT
       ESRETAS   Retains in ess                           STRING

236) The following variable has been added to table XTY6367:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SPEEDXX   Do not preformat ?                       STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY6367:

       SPEED     Do not preformat ?                       STRING

237) The following 46 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus in this box           INT
       PCCIBYA   Ifa-zip 10 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYB   Ifa-zip 11 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYC   Ifa-zip 12 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYD   Ifa-zip 13 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYE   Ifa-zip 14 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYF   Ifa-zip 15 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYG   Ifa-zip 16 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYH   Ifa-zip 17 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYI   Ifa-zip 18 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYJ   Ifa-zip 19 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYK   Ifa-zip 20 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYL   Ifa-zip 21 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYN   Ifa-zip 22 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYO   Ifa-zip 23 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYP   Ifa-zip 24 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYQ   Ifa-zip 25 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYR   Ifa-zip 26 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYS   Ifa-zip 27 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYT   Ifa-zip 28 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYU   Ifa-zip 29 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYV   Ifa-zip 30 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYW   Ifa-zip 31 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYX   Ifa-zip 32 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBY0   Ifa-zip 0 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY1   Ifa-zip 1 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY2   Ifa-zip 2 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY3   Ifa-zip 3 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY4   Ifa-zip 4 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY5   Ifa-zip 5 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY6   Ifa-zip 6 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY7   Ifa-zip 7 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY8   Ifa-zip 8 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY9   Ifa-zip 9 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCRDQWT   Pct when q-based n+ tasks are waiting    PERCENT100
       SM70CSC   Sequence code of configuration           STRING
       SM70GJT   Time when partishn joined capacity group DATETIME
       SM70PMI   Avg blked dispatch units may get         AVERAGE
       SM70PML   Opt parameter blwlinthd                  COUNT
       SM70PMP   Max dispatch units being blocked         MAXIMUM
       SM70PMT   Opt parameter blwltrpct                  PERCENT100
       SM70PMU   Blked dispatch units promoted persec     COUNT
       SM70PMW   Avg dispatch units being blocked         AVERAGE
       SM70POM   Plant code of manufacture                STRING
       STFBI02   Opt parm blwltrpct changed?              STRING
       STFBI03   Opt parm blwlinthd changed?              STRING

     The following 34 variables have been deleted from table XTY70:

       NRZIPS    Number of zip engines available          INT
       PCZIBYA   Zip a percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYB   Zip b percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYC   Zip c percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYD   Zip d percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYE   Zip e percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYF   Zip f percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYG   Zip g percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYH   Zip h percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYI   Zip i percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYJ   Zip j percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYK   Zip k percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYL   Zip l percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYN   Zip n percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYO   Zip o percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYP   Zip p percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYQ   Zip q percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYR   Zip r percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYS   Zip s percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYT   Zip t percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYU   Zip u percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYV   Zip v percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYW   Zip w percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYX   Zip x percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY0   Zip 0 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY1   Zip 1 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY2   Zip 2 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY3   Zip 3 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY4   Zip 4 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY5   Zip 5 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY6   Zip 6 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY7   Zip 7 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY8   Zip 8 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY9   Zip 9 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100

238) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       SM70CTN   Count of this smf70cin engines in cec    GAUGE
       SM70GMU   Maximum license units of group           MAXIMUM
       SM70GNM   Capacity group name                      STRING

239) The following variable has been added to table XTY70X2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME

240) The following variable has been added to table XTY70Y2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME

241) The following variable has been added to table XTY7002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME

242) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY71:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM71UAC   Average current system uic               AVERAGE
       SM71UAM   Average minimum system uic               AVERAGE
       SM71UAX   Average maximum system uic               AVERAGE
       SM71UHC   Highest current system uic               MAXIMUM
       SM71UHX   Highest maximum system uic               MAXIMUM
       SM71ULC   Lowest current system uic                MINIMUM
       SM71ULM   Lowest minimum system uic                MINIMUM

243) The following variable has been added to table XTY72:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME

244) The following 12 variables have been added to table XTY72DL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       R723BPM   Buffer pool io misses samples            COUNT
       R73RW06   Resource type 6 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW07   Resource type 7 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW08   Resource type 8 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW09   Resource type 9 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW10   Resource type10 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW11   Resource type11 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW12   Resource type12 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW13   Resource type13 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW14   Resource type14 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW15   Resource type15 state samples            COUNT

245) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPZIETM   Zip eligible cpu time                    TIME
       CPZIPTM   Zip cpu time                             TIME
       R73CIFA   Ifa service unit                         COUNT
       R73CIFC   Ifa-eligible service units               COUNT
       R73CSUC   Zip-eligible service units               COUNT
       R73CSUP   Zip service units                        COUNT
       R73GMLP   Percent capacity of lpar?                STRING
       R73GMSS   Percent capacity of single system?       STRING
       R73SUCU   Zip-eligible on cp using samples         COUNT
       R73SUPD   Zip delay samples                        COUNT
       R73SUPU   Zip using samples                        COUNT
       R73TPDP   Cpu time at promoted dispatch prty       TIME
       ZIEUNIT   Zip eligible units                       COUNT
       ZIPHONP   Zip honor priority?                      STRING
       ZIPUNIT   Zip service units                        COUNT

246) The following variable has been added to table XTY72MN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMTOFF7   Gmt offset from type72                   TIME

247) The following variable has been added to table XTY7204:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMTOFF7   Gmt offset from type72                   TIME

248) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY74:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HYPERPA   Hyperpav base device?                    STRING
       IOTMERR   Connect time in error?                   STRING
       SM74HPC   Hyperpav aliases configured this lss     COUNT
       SM74PSM   Successful pav sample counts             COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY74:

       DEMTPTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DEMTPTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

249) The following 37 variables have been added to table XTY74CF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CFPTY01   1st cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY02   2nd cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY03   3rd cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY04   4th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY05   5th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY06   6th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY07   7th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY08   8th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY09   9th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY10   10th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY11   11th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY12   12th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY13   13th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY14   14th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY15   15th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY16   16th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPWG01   1st cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG02   2nd cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG03   3rd cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG04   4th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG05   5th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG06   6th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG07   7th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG08   8th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG09   9th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG10   10th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG11   11th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG12   12th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG13   13th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG14   14th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG15   15th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG16   16th cf shared processor weight          INT
       R74FLVL   Coupling facility level                  INT
       R74FMPC   Coupling facility plant code             STRING
       R74FPDN   Number of dedicated cf processors        COUNT
       R74FPSN   Number of shared cf processors           COUNT
       R74FSEQ   Sequence number of this cf               STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY74CF:

       R74VLVL   Coupling facility level                  INT

250) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY74ME:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R742MIN   Status checking interval                 INT
       R742MJO   Job that joined member                   STRING
       R742MST   Extended member state one                HEXFLAGS
       R742M01   Extended member state two                HEXFLAGS

251) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY74PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72PPND   Curr pending signals outbound            GAUGE
       R72PRCT   Path retry count                         COUNT
       R72PSTM   More path status flags                   HEXFLAGS
       R72PUSE   Current blocks of buff space used        GAUGE

252) The following variable has been added to table XTY74ST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R744SET   Structure execution time                 TIME

253) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY77:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RESIN00   Resource still in contention?            STRING
       RESIN01   Scope of systems(a) or system(b)?        STRING
       RESIN02   Owner had exclusive or shared?           STRING
       RESIN03   First job waiting exclusive or shared?   STRING
       RESIN04   Second job waiting exclusive or shared?  STRING
       RESIN05   Resource is global?                      STRING

254) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY78CU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73HAIU   Hwm in-use hyperpav aliases              COUNT
       R73HCAD   Hwm aliases in use one base              COUNT
       R73HCU    Hyperpav cu identifier                   INT
       R73HIOQ   Hwm of io-s queued                       COUNT
       R73HNAI   Times i/o no start no hyperpav available COUNT
       R73HTIO   Hyperpav i/o requests for the lss        COUNT

255) The following 12 variables have been added to table XTY78PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SHBYHWM   Hwm bytes shared above 2gb               COUNT
       SHBYMAX   Max bytes shared above 2gb               MAXIMUM
       SHBYMIN   Min bytes shared above 2gb               MINIMUM
       SHBYNTM   Time stamp of min shared above 2gb       DATETIME
       SHBYTOT   Total samples shared above 2gb           COUNT
       SHBYXTM   Time stamp of max shared above 2gb       DATETIME
       TOBYHWM   Hwm bytes allocated above 2gb            COUNT
       TOBYMAX   Max bytes allocated above 2gb            MAXIMUM
       TOBYMIN   Min bytes allocated above 2gb            MINIMUM
       TOBYNTM   Time stamp of min above 2gb              DATETIME
       TOBYTOT   Total samples above 2gb                  COUNT
       TOBYXTM   Time stamp of max above 2gb              DATETIME

     The following 6 variables have been deleted from table XTY78PA:

       VSDGHWM   Hwm bytes allocated above 2gb            COUNT
       VSDGMAX   Max bytes allocated above 2gb            MAXIMUM
       VSDGMIN   Min bytes allocated above 2gb            MINIMUM
       VSDGNTM   Time stamp of min above 2gb              DATETIME
       VSDGTOT   Total samples above 2gb                  COUNT
       VSDGXTM   Time stamp of max above 2gb              DATETIME

256) The following variable has been added to table XTY791:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R71EXCW   Excp count                               COUNT

257) The following variable has been added to table XTY792:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72EXCW   Excp count                               COUNT

258) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY799:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R799CX6   Hyperpav base device?                    STRING
       R799PSM   Successful pav sample counts             COUNT

259) The following variable has been added to table XTY80A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RECNUM    Smf input record number                  INT

260) The following variable has been added to table XTY80TS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAFTYPE   Data type                                INT

261) The following variable has been added to table XTY8000:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

262) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAFTYPE   Data type                                INT
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

263) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAFTYPE   Data type                                INT
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

264) The following variable has been added to table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

265) The following variable has been added to table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

266) The following variable has been added to table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

267) The following variable has been added to table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

268) The following variable has been added to table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

269) The following variable has been added to table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

270) The following variable has been added to table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

271) The following variable has been added to table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

272) The following variable has been added to table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

273) The following variable has been added to table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

274) The following variable has been added to table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

275) The following variable has been added to table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

276) The following variable has been added to table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

277) The following variable has been added to table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

278) The following variable has been added to table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

279) The following variable has been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

280) The following variable has been added to table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

281) The following variable has been added to table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

282) The following variable has been added to table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

283) The following variable has been added to table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

284) The following variable has been added to table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

285) The following variable has been added to table XTY8024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASNM5   Fifth class name                         STRING

286) The following variable has been added to table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

287) The following variable has been added to table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

288) The following variable has been added to table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

289) The following variable has been added to table XTY8028:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

290) The following variable has been added to table XTY8029:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

291) The following variable has been added to table XTY8030:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

292) The following variable has been added to table XTY8032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

293) The following variable has been added to table XTY8033:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

294) The following variable has been added to table XTY8034:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

295) The following variable has been added to table XTY8038:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

296) The following variable has been added to table XTY8039:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

297) The following variable has been added to table XTY8042:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

298) The following variable has been added to table XTY8043:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

299) The following variable has been added to table XTY8044:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

300) The following variable has been added to table XTY8045:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

301) The following variable has been added to table XTY8048:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

302) The following variable has been added to table XTY8050:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

303) The following variable has been added to table XTY8054:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

304) The following variable has been added to table XTY8055:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

305) The following variable has been added to table XTY8057:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

306) The following variable has been added to table XTY8061:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

307) The following variable has been added to table XTY8062:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

308) The following variable has been added to table XTY8064:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

309) The following variable has been added to table XTY8066:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

310) The following variable has been added to table XTY8201:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM82TKS   Tkds name                                STRING

311) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8221:

       SM82SXT   changed from  STRING    to  DATETIME

312) The following variable has been added to table XTY85RQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R85ST74   R85st74f flags st 74-77                  STRING

313) The following variable has been added to table XTY85TP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R85ST78   R85st78f flags st 78-79,88               STRING

314) The following variable has been added to table XTY88:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM88GRP   Group value for the log stream           STRING

315) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY89:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM89LPN   Lpar name                                STRING
       SM89ZNA   License znalc in effect?                 STRING

316) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY892:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       SM89DTO   Offset from local back to gmt            TIME
       SM89HOF   Hypervisor datetime offset               TIME
       SM89LPN   Lpar name                                STRING
       SM89ZNA   License znalc in effect?                 STRING

317) The following variable has been added to table XT11901:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       T119STC   Stck of connection establishment         DATETIME

318) The following 15 variables have been added to table XT11902:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIESTCK   Stck at timewaid or lastack              DATETIME
       TISSTCK   Stck at connection establishment         DATETIME
       TTDUAKR   Dup acks received                        COUNT
       TTELAPL   Telnet tarbet application name           STRING
       TTELLGM   Telnet logmode name                      STRING
       TTELSTA   Telnet status word                       HEXFLAGS
       TTELTCD   Telnet term code                         HEXFLAGS
       TTELUNA   Telnet lu name                           STRING
       TTERMCD   Reason code for termination              HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSCS   Tls connection status                    HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSNC   Attls negotiated cipher                  STRING
       TTTLSPS   Tls policy status                        HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSSP   Attls ssl protocol                       HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSST   Attls security type                      HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSUI   Attls partner userid                     STRING

319) The following 8 variables have been added to table XT11903:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FCCIPHE   Cipher specification                     STRING
       FCCPROE   Control connection protection level      STRING
       FCDPROE   Data connection protection level         STRING
       FCLOGIN   Login method                             STRING
       FCMECHA   Protection mechanism                     STRING
       FCPROTB   Negotiated protection buffer size        GAUGE
       FCPROTO   Protocol level                           STRING
       FCUSERI   Login user id or name                    STRING

320) The following 54 variables have been added to table XT11905:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TS6ATTF   Ipv6 attempts to forward datagrams       COUNT
       TS6CDUT   Interval duration                        TIME
       TS6DLVD   Ipv6 datagrams delivered                 COUNT
       TS6DSCA   Ipv6 discarded datagrams address errors  COUNT
       TS6DSCD   Ipv6 discarded datagrams any reason      COUNT
       TS6DSCO   Ipv6 discarded datagrams other reasons   COUNT
       TS6DSCU   Ipv6 discard datagrams unknown protocol  COUNT
       TS6DSDF   Ipv6 discarded datagrams fragmentation   COUNT
       TS6IDUT   Ipv6 interval duration                   TIME
       TS6INAP   In icmp admin prohibited                 COUNT
       TS6INDD   In icmp mcast discovery reduction        COUNT
       TS6INDQ   In icmp mcast discovery query            COUNT
       TS6INDR   In icmp mcast discovery reply            COUNT
       TS6INDS   In icmp unreachable messages             COUNT
       TS6INEC   In icmp echo request messages            COUNT
       TS6INER   In icmp error messages                   COUNT
       TS6INEY   In icmp echo reply messages              COUNT
       TS6INMS   In icmp messages                         COUNT
       TS6INNA   In icmp neighbor adversitement           COUNT
       TS6INNS   In icmp neighbor solicitation            COUNT
       TS6INPA   In icmp parameter problem messages       COUNT
       TS6INRA   In icmp router advertisement             COUNT
       TS6INRE   In icmp redirect messages                COUNT
       TS6INRS   In icmp router solicitation              COUNT
       TS6INTB   In icmp too big                          COUNT
       TS6INTI   In icmp time exceeded messages           COUNT
       TS6MSRS   Ipv6 routing discards                    COUNT
       TS6OUAP   Out icmp admin prohibited                COUNT
       TS6OUDD   Out icmp mcast discovery reduction       COUNT
       TS6OUDQ   Out icmp mcast discovery query           COUNT
       TS6OUDR   Out icmp mcast discovery reply           COUNT
       TS6OUDS   Out icmp unreachable messages            COUNT
       TS6OUEC   Out icmp echo request messages           COUNT
       TS6OUER   Out icmp error messages                  COUNT
       TS6OUEY   Out icmp echo reply messages             COUNT
       TS6OUMS   Out icmp messages                        COUNT
       TS6OUNA   Out icmp neighbor adversitement          COUNT
       TS6OUNS   Out icmp neighbor solicitation           COUNT
       TS6OUPA   Out icmp parameter problem messages      COUNT
       TS6OURA   Out icmp router advertisement            COUNT
       TS6OURE   Out icmp redirect messages               COUNT
       TS6OURS   Out icmp router solicitation             COUNT
       TS6OUTB   Out icmp too big                         COUNT
       TS6OUTI   Out icmp time exceeded messages          COUNT
       TS6RCDR   Ipv6 received datagrams need assembly    COUNT
       TS6RECD   Ipv6 datagrams received                  COUNT
       TS6RECF   Ipv6 fragmented datagrams received       COUNT
       TS6RSMB   Ipv6 datagrams reassembled               COUNT
       TS6RSMF   Ipv6 failed reassembly attempts          COUNT
       TS6TIMO   Ipv6 reassembly timeouts                 COUNT
       TS6XDAT   Ipv6 datagrams transmitted               COUNT
       TS6XDSO   Ipv6 xmit datagrams discarded other      COUNT
       TS6XDSR   Ipv6 xmit datagrams discarded no route   COUNT
       TS6XFGM   Ipv6 fragments generated                 COUNT

321) The following 19 variables have been added to table XT11921:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NTBNDB1   Upper bucket 1 time                      TIME
       NTBNDB2   Upper bucket 2 time                      TIME
       NTBNDB3   Upper bucket 3 time                      TIME
       NTBNDB4   Upper bucket 4 time                      TIME
       NTBRNBE   Bucket 4 exceeded count                  COUNT
       NTBRNB1   Bucket 1 met count                       COUNT
       NTBRNB2   Bucket 2 met count                       COUNT
       NTBRNB3   Bucket 3 met count                       COUNT
       NTBRNB4   Bucket 4 met count                       COUNT
       NTCNTIP   Ip portion rtrip time count              COUNT
       NTCNTRN   Round trip time count                    COUNT
       NTEIPSQ   Ip portion rtrip time ssq                TIME
       NTERTSQ   Round trip time ssq                      TIME
       NTESNSQ   Sna portion rtrip time ssq               TIME
       NTETSNM   Ip trip time metric                      HEXFLAGS
       NTETSSQ   Index into master group                  INT
       NTHSTNM   Tn3270 host name                         STRING
       NTIPRTS   Ip portion rtrip time sum                TIME
       NTRTS     Round trip time sum                      TIME

322) The following 3 variables have been added to table XT11970:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSCCONI   Connection id of ftp control             INT
       FSDCONI   Connection id of ftp data                INT
       FSSESSI   Connection id of ftp logging             STRING

323) The following variable has been added to table XT11972:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FFCCONI   Connection id of ftp control             INT

324) The following 3 variables have been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ABCODE    First  and last abend codes              STRING
       QWCSPCP   Tcb time for sql call in db2 spas        TIME
       QWCTRTE   Tcb time ex triggers under an enclave    TIME

     The following 10 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XUOW:

       WAITOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTDWIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTICIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTLMIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTOTIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTSHIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTTOIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTUNIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTWCIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTWEIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 10 variables have had their format changed in table

       WAITOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTDWIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTICIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTLMIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTOTIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTSHIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTTOIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTUNIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTWCIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTWEIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 24.02

Summary of Changes:


 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 24.02.  If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may
 contain variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later
 versions of MXG are compatible. If new variables or tables have been added
 in a later version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a
 maintenance release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can
 use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary
 update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 Support for MXG 24.02 also implies support for the following
 enhancements to existing tables:

       Support for MQ for z/OS Version 6.0.
       Support for NDM/Connect Direct subtype TF, TL, TW.
       Support for over 60 LPARs.
       Support for Split RMF 70 records.
       Support for CDI/NDM subtypes HW and NM.
       Support for STK VTCS 6.0 and 6.1 SMF records.
       Support for CA TopSecret 103-105,109,255 SMF80DTPs.
       Support for SMF type 82 subtypes 20 and 21 added.
       Support for deaccumulation of NDMCPUTM in NDMCT.
       Support for Mobius/IPAC Rel 6.3.
       Support for z9 CPU, new CPUTYPE='2094'x.
       Support for subtype 11 I/O Configuration Change.
       Support for SMF 99 Subtype 2 additional segments.
       Support for new FTP Server Security Section.
       Support for Top Secret Versions 5.2 and 5.3.
       Support for HSC V6 changes to STCLMU subtype 4.
       Support for DB2 V8.1 Package Data.
       Support for TMON CICS/TS V2.3 for CICS/TS 3.1.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        XASMCEL     INTERVAL    Summarized CEC detail
        XCISBAD     EVENT       CICS bad transactions
        XIPAC08     EVENT       INFOPAC Viewing report/section id
        XNDMHW      EVENT       NDM high-water mark stat record
        XNDMNM      EVENT       NDM subtype nm
        XNDMTX      EVENT       NDM subtypes tf tl tw
        XTYSYMT     EVENT       MXG syslog mount-related event
        XTYSYSL     EVENT       MXG syslog captured record
        XTY22_B     EVENT       I/O configuration change
        XTY80TS     EVENT       Top secret 103-255
        XTY8220     EVENT       CRYPTO coprocessor times
        XTY8221     EVENT       CRYPTO icsf sysplex group change
        XTY99Q2     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 queue server data
        XTY99R2     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 remote queue data
        XTY99S2     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 server sample data
        XTY99V2     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 server data

 2) The following tables have had their labels and descriptions changed:

        Table                   Description

        XTY99_1     EVENT       MVS/ESA 5 type 99 subtype 1
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 system level srm actions
        XTY99_2     EVENT       MVS/ESA 5 type 99 subtype 2
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 service classes
        XTY99_3     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 3 srvclass period
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 srvice class period
        XTY99_6     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 6
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 summary servclas periods
        XTY99_7     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 7 - PAV device
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 PAV device
        XTY99TT     EVENT       MVS/ESA 5 type 99 subtype 1 trace table
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 trace table
        XTY994I     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 4 device cluster
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 device cluster
        XTY998L     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 8 lpar
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 lpar
        XTY998P     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 8 priority table
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 priority table

 3) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NMEMORY     INTERVAL    WIN NT memory
        NTINTRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT interval data
        VAPLSLM     INTERVAL    VM - linux memory
        VAPLTC8     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP link definition
        VSYTEPM     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Extended channel measure
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XCISJR      INTERVAL    CICS jvm profile resource statistics
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XCMEXTP     INTERVAL    CMF 00 tpg
        XCM27CS     INTERVAL    CMF 27 cache sampling csc
        XCM27C9     INTERVAL    CMF 27 cache sampling model 3990-3
        XDBBPAC     EVENT       DB2 accounting-group buffer pool
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBGBPA     EVENT       DB2 global buffer pool attributes
        XDBGBPS     INTERVAL    DB2 statistics global buffer pool
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBTATB     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: buffer pools
        XDBTATR     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: remote locns
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XEDSVRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm volume information
        XICBGUT     EVENT       Iceberg space utilization
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XIMPROG     EVENT       IMF - IMS program deschedule
        XIPAC03     EVENT       INFOPAC Online viewing usage statistics
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XLMCINI     EVENT       LMS subtype 25: cart initialized
        XLMEJEC     EVENT       LMS subtype 23: cartridge ejected
        XLMENTR     EVENT       LMS subtype 20: cartridge entered
        XLMEVEN     EVENT       LMS subtypes 5,13-15: atl event
        XLMMOUN     EVENT       LMS subtype 21: atl mount
        XLMSCUP     EVENT       LMS subtype 6:cart update
        XLMSVER     EVENT       LMS subtype 22: cartridge verify
        XLMUNLD     EVENT       LMS subtype 24: unload
        XMQACTQ     EVENT       MQM task queue accounting
        XMQMSGD     EVENT       MQM message and data manager statistics
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XNDMPS      EVENT       NDM process start event
        XNDMRJ      EVENT       NDM run job termination record
        XNPNNRC     INTERVAL    NPM router cisco cip interval
        XNPNSES     INTERVAL    NPM session interval
        XNPSVCS     INTERVAL    VTAM csm common storage manager
        XNPSVMN     INTERVAL    VTAM mnps multinode persistent sessions
        XNPSVRT     INTERVAL    VTAM rtp rapid transit protocol
        XNPTEXC     INTERVAL    VTAM exception/resolution
        XNPVMNE     INTERVAL    NPM netware monitor exception/resolve
        XNPVSAL     INTERVAL    NPM LU exception/resolution
        XNPXCSL     INTERVAL    NPM csl exception/resolution
        XNPXETH     INTERVAL    NPM eth exception/resolution
        XNPXFRP     INTERVAL    NPM frp exception/resolution
        XNPXNEO     INTERVAL    NPM neo exception/resolution
        XNPXTRI     INTERVAL    NPM tri exception/resolution
        XNPXXLK     INTERVAL    NPM xlk exception/resolution
        XNPXXPU     INTERVAL    NPM xpu exception/resolution
        XNPXXVC     INTERVAL    NPM xvc exception/resolution
        XNSACCT     INTERVAL    NetSpy - network accounting record
        XNSALRT     EVENT       NetSpy - network general alert
        XNSAPPL     INTERVAL    NetSpy - application entry
        XNSETHR     INTERVAL    NetSpy - ethernet adapter entry
        XNSFRLY     INTERVAL    NetSpy - frame relay entry
        XNSLANL     INTERVAL    LanSpy - lan
        XNSLANS     INTERVAL    LanSpy - station
        XNSLINE     INTERVAL    NetSpy - line resource entry
        XNSNPSI     INTERVAL    NetSpy - npsi resource entry
        XNSTIC3     INTERVAL    NetSpy - tic3 entry
        XNSTR       INTERVAL    NetSpy - token-ring entry
        XNSVIRT     INTERVAL    NetSpy - virtual route entry
        XOMMSJO     INTERVAL    OMEGAMON II SMS job/dataset/volume
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTCLMU     EVENT       STC 4400 LMU read stats
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSTVS13     EVENT       STC VSM 13 vtcs vtv mount
        XSTVS14     EVENT       STC VSM 14 vtcs vtv dismount
        XTAPES      EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTMDB6      EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture
        XTMDB6B     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture buffer pool
        XTMDB6S     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture sql text
        XTMDB7      EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture package log
        XTMDB7B     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture package buf
        XTMDB7S     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture package
        XTYSOLV     EVENT       SOLVE NCL CPU-time accounting
        XTYTMNT     EVENT       MXG tape monitor mount event
        XTY1032     INTERVAL    HTTP Websphere server perform
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY16       EVENT       Sort merge statistics
        XTY21       EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTY22_A     EVENT       3990 storage control configuration
        XTY26J2     EVENT       JES2 purge information
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_1     EVENT       Job/TSO initiation
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY32       EVENT       TSO command data
        XTY33_1     EVENT       APPC/MVS tp accounting - transaction
        XTY42CU     INTERVAL    DFP cache control unit statistics
        XTY6        EVENT       Output writer
        XTY6ENH     EVENT       Enhanced output writer (thruput)
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY70Y2     INTERVAL    RMF crypto coproc facility ccf
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY73L      INTERVAL    RMF logical channel activity
        XTY73PC     INTERVAL    RMF physical channel activity
        XTY74CA     INTERVAL    RMF Cache Reporter - cache controllers
        XTY74PA     INTERVAL    RMF mon III XCF path message statistics
        XTY74ST     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility - structure reqs
        XTY791      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space state data
        XTY792      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space resource data
        XTY799      INTERVAL    RMF mon II device activity data
        XTY8000     EVENT       RACF event 00 undocumented
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8024     EVENT       RACF event 24 setropts
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY8218     EVENT       CRYPTO online or offline configuration
        XTY88       EVENT       System logger data
        XTY89       INTERVAL    Measured usage interval
        XTY91IC     INTERVAL    MVS pipes - input connection detail
        XTY91OC     INTERVAL    MVS pipes - output connection detail
        XTY9112     INTERVAL    MVS pipes - pipe interval
        XTY9212     EVENT       OMVS file system mmap
        XTY9213     EVENT       OMVS file system munmap
        XTY94       INTERVAL    IBM tape library dataserver stats
        XTY99_2     EVENT       MVS/ESA 5 type 99 subtype 2
        XTY99_7     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 7 - PAV device
        XT11970     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp server transfer completion
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NMEMORY:

       BTEAVAI   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT
       BTECACH   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT
       BTECOMT   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

  2) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NTINTRV:

       BTEAVAI   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT
       BTECACH   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT
       BTECOMT   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

  3) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSLM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PGFAUMJ   Page faults major only                   COUNT

  4) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VAPLTC8:

       IFESCRL   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

  5) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTEPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSCCMCN   Chpid not valid?                         STRING
       CSCCMCS   Shared channel path?                     STRING
       OLDCAL                                             COUNT

  6) The following 1062 variables hav been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LPADSA    Lpar 10 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPAZIPT   Lpar 10 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPAZIUT   Lpar 10 zip up time                      TIME
       LPAZIWT   Lpar 10 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPBDSA    Lpar 11 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPBZIPT   Lpar 11 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPBZIUT   Lpar 11 zip up time                      TIME
       LPBZIWT   Lpar 11 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPCDSA    Lpar 12 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPCTYBY   Lpar 33 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTYOV   Lpar 33 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTZBY   Lpar 34 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTZOV   Lpar 34 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCZIPT   Lpar 12 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPCZIUT   Lpar 12 zip up time                      TIME
       LPCZIWT   Lpar 12 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPDDSA    Lpar 13 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPDZIPT   Lpar 13 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPDZIUT   Lpar 13 zip up time                      TIME
       LPDZIWT   Lpar 13 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPEDSA    Lpar 14 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPEZIPT   Lpar 14 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPEZIUT   Lpar 14 zip up time                      TIME
       LPEZIWT   Lpar 14 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPFDSA    Lpar 15 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPFZIPT   Lpar 15 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPFZIUT   Lpar 15 zip up time                      TIME
       LPFZIWT   Lpar 15 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPGDSA    Lpar 16 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPGZIPT   Lpar 16 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPGZIUT   Lpar 16 zip up time                      TIME
       LPGZIWT   Lpar 16 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPHDSA    Lpar 17 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPHZIPT   Lpar 17 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPHZIUT   Lpar 17 zip up time                      TIME
       LPHZIWT   Lpar 17 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPIDSA    Lpar 18 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPIZIPT   Lpar 18 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPIZIUT   Lpar 18 zip up time                      TIME
       LPIZIWT   Lpar 18 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPJDSA    Lpar 19 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPJZIPT   Lpar 19 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPJZIUT   Lpar 19 zip up time                      TIME
       LPJZIWT   Lpar 19 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPKDSA    Lpar 20 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPKZIPT   Lpar 20 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPKZIUT   Lpar 20 zip up time                      TIME
       LPKZIWT   Lpar 20 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPLDSA    Lpar 21 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPLZIPT   Lpar 21 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPLZIUT   Lpar 21 zip up time                      TIME
       LPLZIWT   Lpar 21 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPMDSA    Lpar 22 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPMZIPT   Lpar 22 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPMZIUT   Lpar 22 zip up time                      TIME
       LPMZIWT   Lpar 22 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPNDSA    Lpar 23 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPNZIPT   Lpar 23 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPNZIUT   Lpar 23 zip up time                      TIME
       LPNZIWT   Lpar 23 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPODSA    Lpar 24 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPOZIPT   Lpar 24 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPOZIUT   Lpar 24 zip up time                      TIME
       LPOZIWT   Lpar 24 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPQDSA    Lpar 25 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPQZIPT   Lpar 25 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPQZIUT   Lpar 25 zip up time                      TIME
       LPQZIWT   Lpar 25 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPRDSA    Lpar 26 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPRZIPT   Lpar 26 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPRZIUT   Lpar 26 zip up time                      TIME
       LPRZIWT   Lpar 26 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPSDSA    Lpar 27 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPSZIPT   Lpar 27 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPSZIUT   Lpar 27 zip up time                      TIME
       LPSZIWT   Lpar 27 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPTDSA    Lpar 28 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPTZIPT   Lpar 28 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPTZIUT   Lpar 28 zip up time                      TIME
       LPTZIWT   Lpar 28 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPUDSA    Lpar 29 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPUZIPT   Lpar 29 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPUZIUT   Lpar 29 zip up time                      TIME
       LPUZIWT   Lpar 29 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPVDSA    Lpar 30 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPVZIPT   Lpar 30 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPVZIUT   Lpar 30 zip up time                      TIME
       LPVZIWT   Lpar 30 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPWDSA    Lpar 31 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPWZIPT   Lpar 31 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPWZIUT   Lpar 31 zip up time                      TIME
       LPWZIWT   Lpar 31 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPXDSA    Lpar 32 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPXZIPT   Lpar 32 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPXZIUT   Lpar 32 zip up time                      TIME
       LPXZIWT   Lpar 32 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPYBDA    Lpar 33 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPYCAP    Lpar 33 capped flag                      STRING
       LPYCHG    Lpar 33 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPYCSF    Lpar 33 cstore                           GAUGE
       LPYDED    Lpar 33 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPYDSA    Lpar 33 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPYDUR    Lpar 33 duration                         TIME
       LPYIFAT   Lpar 33 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPYIFUT   Lpar 33 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPYIFWT   Lpar 33 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPYLAC    Lpar 33 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPYMGTT   Lpar 33 management time                  TIME
       LPYMSU    Lpar 33 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPYMSUH   Lpar 33 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPYMSU7   Lpar 33 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LPYNAME   Lpar 33 name                             STRING
       LPYNRPR   Lpar 33 number of processors             INT
       LPYNSW    Lpar 33 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPYONT    Lpar 33 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPYSHAR   Lpar 33 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPYSHRC   Lpar 33 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPYSTN    Lpar 33 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPYUEDT   Lpar 33 effective time                   TIME
       LPYUPDT   Lpar 33 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPYWAIT   Lpar 33 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPYWST    Lpar 33 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPYZIPT   Lpar 33 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPYZIUT   Lpar 33 zip up time                      TIME
       LPYZIWT   Lpar 33 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPZBDA    Lpar 34 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPZCAP    Lpar 34 capped flag                      STRING
       LPZCHG    Lpar 34 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPZCSF    Lpar 34 cstore                           GAUGE
       LPZDED    Lpar 34 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPZDSA    Lpar 34 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPZDUR    Lpar 34 duration                         TIME
       LPZIFAT   Lpar 34 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPZIFUT   Lpar 34 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPZIFWT   Lpar 34 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPZLAC    Lpar 34 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPZMGTT   Lpar 34 management time                  TIME
       LPZMSU    Lpar 34 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPZMSUH   Lpar 34 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPZMSU7   Lpar 34 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LPZNAME   Lpar 34 name                             STRING
       LPZNRPR   Lpar 34 number of processors             INT
       LPZNSW    Lpar 34 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPZONT    Lpar 34 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPZSHAR   Lpar 34 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPZSHRC   Lpar 34 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPZSTN    Lpar 34 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPZUEDT   Lpar 34 effective time                   TIME
       LPZUPDT   Lpar 34 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPZWAIT   Lpar 34 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPZWST    Lpar 34 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPZZIPT   Lpar 34 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPZZIUT   Lpar 34 zip up time                      TIME
       LPZZIWT   Lpar 34 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP0DSA    Lpar  0 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP1DSA    Lpar  1 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP1ZIPT   Lpar  1 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP1ZIUT   Lpar  1 zip up time                      TIME
       LP1ZIWT   Lpar  1 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP2DSA    Lpar  2 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP2ZIPT   Lpar  2 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP2ZIUT   Lpar  2 zip up time                      TIME
       LP2ZIWT   Lpar  2 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP3DSA    Lpar  3 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP3ZIPT   Lpar  3 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP3ZIUT   Lpar  3 zip up time                      TIME
       LP3ZIWT   Lpar  3 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP4DSA    Lpar  4 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP4ZIPT   Lpar  4 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP4ZIUT   Lpar  4 zip up time                      TIME
       LP4ZIWT   Lpar  4 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP5DSA    Lpar  5 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP5ZIPT   Lpar  5 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP5ZIUT   Lpar  5 zip up time                      TIME
       LP5ZIWT   Lpar  5 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP6DSA    Lpar  6 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP6ZIPT   Lpar  6 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP6ZIUT   Lpar  6 zip up time                      TIME
       LP6ZIWT   Lpar  6 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP7DSA    Lpar  7 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP7ZIPT   Lpar  7 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP7ZIUT   Lpar  7 zip up time                      TIME
       LP7ZIWT   Lpar  7 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP8DSA    Lpar  8 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP8ZIPT   Lpar  8 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP8ZIUT   Lpar  8 zip up time                      TIME
       LP8ZIWT   Lpar  8 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP9DSA    Lpar  9 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP9ZIPT   Lpar  9 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP9ZIUT   Lpar  9 zip up time                      TIME
       LP9ZIWT   Lpar  9 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQABDA    Lpar 44 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQACAP    Lpar 44 capped flag                      STRING
       LQACHG    Lpar 44 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQACSF    Lpar 44 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQADED    Lpar 44 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQADSA    Lpar 44 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQADUR    Lpar 44 duration                         TIME
       LQAIFAT   Lpar 44 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQAIFUT   Lpar 44 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQAIFWT   Lpar 44 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQALAC    Lpar 44 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQAMGTT   Lpar 44 management time                  TIME
       LQAMSU    Lpar 44 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQAMSUH   Lpar 44 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQAMSU7   Lpar 44 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQANAME   Lpar 44 name                             STRING
       LQANRPR   Lpar 44 number of processors             INT
       LQANSW    Lpar 44 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQAONT    Lpar 44 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQASHAR   Lpar 44 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQASHRC   Lpar 44 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQASTN    Lpar 44 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQAUEDT   Lpar 44 effective time                   TIME
       LQAUPDT   Lpar 44 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQAWAIT   Lpar 44 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQAWST    Lpar 44 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQAZIPT   Lpar 44 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQAZIUT   Lpar 44 zip up time                      TIME
       LQAZIWT   Lpar 44 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQBBDA    Lpar 45 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQBCAP    Lpar 45 capped flag                      STRING
       LQBCHG    Lpar 45 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQBCSF    Lpar 45 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQBDED    Lpar 45 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQBDSA    Lpar 45 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQBDUR    Lpar 45 duration                         TIME
       LQBIFAT   Lpar 45 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQBIFUT   Lpar 45 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQBIFWT   Lpar 45 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQBLAC    Lpar 45 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQBMGTT   Lpar 45 management time                  TIME
       LQBMSU    Lpar 45 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQBMSUH   Lpar 45 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQBMSU7   Lpar 45 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQBNAME   Lpar 45 name                             STRING
       LQBNRPR   Lpar 45 number of processors             INT
       LQBNSW    Lpar 45 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQBONT    Lpar 45 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQBSHAR   Lpar 45 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQBSHRC   Lpar 45 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQBSTN    Lpar 45 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQBUEDT   Lpar 45 effective time                   TIME
       LQBUPDT   Lpar 45 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQBWAIT   Lpar 45 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQBWST    Lpar 45 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQBZIPT   Lpar 45 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQBZIUT   Lpar 45 zip up time                      TIME
       LQBZIWT   Lpar 45 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQCBDA    Lpar 46 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQCCAP    Lpar 46 capped flag                      STRING
       LQCCHG    Lpar 46 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQCCSF    Lpar 46 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQCDED    Lpar 46 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQCDSA    Lpar 46 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQCDUR    Lpar 46 duration                         TIME
       LQCIFAT   Lpar 46 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQCIFUT   Lpar 46 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQCIFWT   Lpar 46 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQCLAC    Lpar 46 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQCMGTT   Lpar 46 management time                  TIME
       LQCMSU    Lpar 46 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQCMSUH   Lpar 46 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQCMSU7   Lpar 46 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQCNAME   Lpar 46 name                             STRING
       LQCNRPR   Lpar 46 number of processors             INT
       LQCNSW    Lpar 46 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQCONT    Lpar 46 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQCSHAR   Lpar 46 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQCSHRC   Lpar 46 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQCSTN    Lpar 46 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQCTABY   Lpar 44 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTAOV   Lpar 44 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTBBY   Lpar 45 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTBOV   Lpar 45 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTCBY   Lpar 46 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTCOV   Lpar 46 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTDBY   Lpar 47 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTDOV   Lpar 47 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTEBY   Lpar 48 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTEOV   Lpar 48 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTFBY   Lpar 49 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTFOV   Lpar 49 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTGBY   Lpar 50 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTGOV   Lpar 50 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTHBY   Lpar 51 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTHOV   Lpar 51 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTIBY   Lpar 52 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTIOV   Lpar 52 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTJBY   Lpar 53 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTJOV   Lpar 53 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTKBY   Lpar 54 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTKOV   Lpar 54 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTLBY   Lpar 55 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTLOV   Lpar 55 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTMBY   Lpar 56 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTMOV   Lpar 56 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTNBY   Lpar 57 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTNOV   Lpar 57 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTOBY   Lpar 58 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTOOV   Lpar 58 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTPBY   Lpar 59 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTPOV   Lpar 59 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTQBY   Lpar 60 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTQOV   Lpar 60 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT1BY   Lpar 35 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT1OV   Lpar 35 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT2BY   Lpar 36 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT2OV   Lpar 36 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT3BY   Lpar 37 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT3OV   Lpar 37 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT4BY   Lpar 38 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT4OV   Lpar 38 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT5BY   Lpar 39 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT5OV   Lpar 39 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT6BY   Lpar 40 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT6OV   Lpar 40 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT7BY   Lpar 41 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT7OV   Lpar 41 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT8BY   Lpar 42 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT8OV   Lpar 42 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT9BY   Lpar 43 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT9OV   Lpar 43 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCUEDT   Lpar 46 effective time                   TIME
       LQCUPDT   Lpar 46 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQCWAIT   Lpar 46 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQCWST    Lpar 46 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQCZIPT   Lpar 46 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQCZIUT   Lpar 46 zip up time                      TIME
       LQCZIWT   Lpar 46 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQDBDA    Lpar 47 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQDCAP    Lpar 47 capped flag                      STRING
       LQDCHG    Lpar 47 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQDCSF    Lpar 47 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQDDED    Lpar 47 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQDDSA    Lpar 47 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQDDUR    Lpar 47 duration                         TIME
       LQDIFAT   Lpar 47 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQDIFUT   Lpar 47 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQDIFWT   Lpar 47 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQDLAC    Lpar 47 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQDMGTT   Lpar 47 management time                  TIME
       LQDMSU    Lpar 47 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQDMSUH   Lpar 47 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQDMSU7   Lpar 47 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQDNAME   Lpar 47 name                             STRING
       LQDNRPR   Lpar 47 number of processors             INT
       LQDNSW    Lpar 47 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQDONT    Lpar 47 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQDSHAR   Lpar 47 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQDSHRC   Lpar 47 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQDSTN    Lpar 47 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQDUEDT   Lpar 47 effective time                   TIME
       LQDUPDT   Lpar 47 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQDWAIT   Lpar 47 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQDWST    Lpar 47 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQDZIPT   Lpar 47 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQDZIUT   Lpar 47 zip up time                      TIME
       LQDZIWT   Lpar 47 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQEBDA    Lpar 48 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQECAP    Lpar 48 capped flag                      STRING
       LQECHG    Lpar 48 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQECSF    Lpar 48 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQEDED    Lpar 48 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQEDSA    Lpar 48 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQEDUR    Lpar 48 duration                         TIME
       LQEIFAT   Lpar 48 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQEIFUT   Lpar 48 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQEIFWT   Lpar 48 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQELAC    Lpar 48 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQEMGTT   Lpar 48 management time                  TIME
       LQEMSU    Lpar 48 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQEMSUH   Lpar 48 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQEMSU7   Lpar 48 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQENAME   Lpar 48 name                             STRING
       LQENRPR   Lpar 48 number of processors             INT
       LQENSW    Lpar 48 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQEONT    Lpar 48 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQESHAR   Lpar 48 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQESHRC   Lpar 48 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQESTN    Lpar 48 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQEUEDT   Lpar 48 effective time                   TIME
       LQEUPDT   Lpar 48 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQEWAIT   Lpar 48 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQEWST    Lpar 48 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQEZIPT   Lpar 48 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQEZIUT   Lpar 48 zip up time                      TIME
       LQEZIWT   Lpar 48 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQFBDA    Lpar 49 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQFCAP    Lpar 49 capped flag                      STRING
       LQFCHG    Lpar 49 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQFCSF    Lpar 49 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQFDED    Lpar 49 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQFDSA    Lpar 49 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQFDUR    Lpar 49 duration                         TIME
       LQFIFAT   Lpar 49 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQFIFUT   Lpar 49 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQFIFWT   Lpar 49 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQFLAC    Lpar 49 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQFMGTT   Lpar 49 management time                  TIME
       LQFMSU    Lpar 49 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQFMSUH   Lpar 49 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQFMSU7   Lpar 49 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQFNAME   Lpar 49 name                             STRING
       LQFNRPR   Lpar 49 number of processors             INT
       LQFNSW    Lpar 49 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQFONT    Lpar 49 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQFSHAR   Lpar 49 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQFSHRC   Lpar 49 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQFSTN    Lpar 49 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQFUEDT   Lpar 49 effective time                   TIME
       LQFUPDT   Lpar 49 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQFWAIT   Lpar 49 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQFWST    Lpar 49 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQFZIPT   Lpar 49 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQFZIUT   Lpar 49 zip up time                      TIME
       LQFZIWT   Lpar 49 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQGBDA    Lpar 50 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQGCAP    Lpar 50 capped flag                      STRING
       LQGCHG    Lpar 50 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQGCSF    Lpar 50 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQGDED    Lpar 50 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQGDSA    Lpar 50 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQGDUR    Lpar 50 duration                         TIME
       LQGIFAT   Lpar 50 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQGIFUT   Lpar 50 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQGIFWT   Lpar 50 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQGLAC    Lpar 50 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQGMGTT   Lpar 50 management time                  TIME
       LQGMSU    Lpar 50 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQGMSUH   Lpar 50 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQGMSU7   Lpar 50 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQGNAME   Lpar 50 name                             STRING
       LQGNRPR   Lpar 50 number of processors             INT
       LQGNSW    Lpar 50 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQGONT    Lpar 50 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQGSHAR   Lpar 50 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQGSHRC   Lpar 50 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQGSTN    Lpar 50 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQGUEDT   Lpar 50 effective time                   TIME
       LQGUPDT   Lpar 50 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQGWAIT   Lpar 50 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQGWST    Lpar 50 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQGZIPT   Lpar 50 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQGZIUT   Lpar 50 zip up time                      TIME
       LQGZIWT   Lpar 50 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQHBDA    Lpar 51 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQHCAP    Lpar 51 capped flag                      STRING
       LQHCHG    Lpar 51 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQHCSF    Lpar 51 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQHDED    Lpar 51 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQHDSA    Lpar 51 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQHDUR    Lpar 51 duration                         TIME
       LQHIFAT   Lpar 51 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQHIFUT   Lpar 51 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQHIFWT   Lpar 51 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQHLAC    Lpar 51 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQHMGTT   Lpar 51 management time                  TIME
       LQHMSU    Lpar 51 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQHMSUH   Lpar 51 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQHMSU7   Lpar 51 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQHNAME   Lpar 51 name                             STRING
       LQHNRPR   Lpar 51 number of processors             INT
       LQHNSW    Lpar 51 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQHONT    Lpar 51 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQHSHAR   Lpar 51 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQHSHRC   Lpar 51 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQHSTN    Lpar 51 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQHUEDT   Lpar 51 effective time                   TIME
       LQHUPDT   Lpar 51 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQHWAIT   Lpar 51 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQHWST    Lpar 51 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQHZIPT   Lpar 51 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQHZIUT   Lpar 51 zip up time                      TIME
       LQHZIWT   Lpar 51 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQIBDA    Lpar 52 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQICAP    Lpar 52 capped flag                      STRING
       LQICHG    Lpar 52 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQICSF    Lpar 52 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQIDED    Lpar 52 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQIDSA    Lpar 52 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQIDUR    Lpar 52 duration                         TIME
       LQIIFAT   Lpar 52 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQIIFUT   Lpar 52 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQIIFWT   Lpar 52 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQILAC    Lpar 52 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQIMGTT   Lpar 52 management time                  TIME
       LQIMSU    Lpar 52 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQIMSUH   Lpar 52 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQIMSU7   Lpar 52 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQINAME   Lpar 52 name                             STRING
       LQINRPR   Lpar 52 number of processors             INT
       LQINSW    Lpar 52 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQIONT    Lpar 52 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQISHAR   Lpar 52 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQISHRC   Lpar 52 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQISTN    Lpar 52 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQIUEDT   Lpar 52 effective time                   TIME
       LQIUPDT   Lpar 52 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQIWAIT   Lpar 52 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQIWST    Lpar 52 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQIZIPT   Lpar 52 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQIZIUT   Lpar 52 zip up time                      TIME
       LQIZIWT   Lpar 52 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQJBDA    Lpar 53 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQJCAP    Lpar 53 capped flag                      STRING
       LQJCHG    Lpar 53 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQJCSF    Lpar 53 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQJDED    Lpar 53 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQJDSA    Lpar 53 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQJDUR    Lpar 53 duration                         TIME
       LQJIFAT   Lpar 53 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQJIFUT   Lpar 53 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQJIFWT   Lpar 53 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQJLAC    Lpar 53 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQJMGTT   Lpar 53 management time                  TIME
       LQJMSU    Lpar 53 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQJMSUH   Lpar 53 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQJMSU7   Lpar 53 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQJNAME   Lpar 53 name                             STRING
       LQJNRPR   Lpar 53 number of processors             INT
       LQJNSW    Lpar 53 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQJONT    Lpar 53 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQJSHAR   Lpar 53 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQJSHRC   Lpar 53 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQJSTN    Lpar 53 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQJUEDT   Lpar 53 effective time                   TIME
       LQJUPDT   Lpar 53 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQJWAIT   Lpar 53 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQJWST    Lpar 53 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQJZIPT   Lpar 53 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQJZIUT   Lpar 53 zip up time                      TIME
       LQJZIWT   Lpar 53 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQKBDA    Lpar 54 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQKCAP    Lpar 54 capped flag                      STRING
       LQKCHG    Lpar 54 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQKCSF    Lpar 54 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQKDED    Lpar 54 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQKDSA    Lpar 54 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQKDUR    Lpar 54 duration                         TIME
       LQKIFAT   Lpar 54 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQKIFUT   Lpar 54 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQKIFWT   Lpar 54 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQKLAC    Lpar 54 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQKMGTT   Lpar 54 management time                  TIME
       LQKMSU    Lpar 54 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQKMSUH   Lpar 54 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQKMSU7   Lpar 54 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQKNAME   Lpar 54 name                             STRING
       LQKNRPR   Lpar 54 number of processors             INT
       LQKNSW    Lpar 54 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQKONT    Lpar 54 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQKSHAR   Lpar 54 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQKSHRC   Lpar 54 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQKSTN    Lpar 54 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQKUEDT   Lpar 54 effective time                   TIME
       LQKUPDT   Lpar 54 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQKWAIT   Lpar 54 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQKWST    Lpar 54 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQKZIPT   Lpar 54 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQKZIUT   Lpar 54 zip up time                      TIME
       LQKZIWT   Lpar 54 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQLBDA    Lpar 55 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQLCAP    Lpar 55 capped flag                      STRING
       LQLCHG    Lpar 55 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQLCSF    Lpar 55 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQLDED    Lpar 55 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQLDSA    Lpar 55 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQLDUR    Lpar 55 duration                         TIME
       LQLIFAT   Lpar 55 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQLIFUT   Lpar 55 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQLIFWT   Lpar 55 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQLLAC    Lpar 55 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQLMGTT   Lpar 55 management time                  TIME
       LQLMSU    Lpar 55 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQLMSUH   Lpar 55 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQLMSU7   Lpar 55 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQLNAME   Lpar 55 name                             STRING
       LQLNRPR   Lpar 55 number of processors             INT
       LQLNSW    Lpar 55 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQLONT    Lpar 55 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQLSHAR   Lpar 55 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQLSHRC   Lpar 55 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQLSTN    Lpar 55 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQLUEDT   Lpar 55 effective time                   TIME
       LQLUPDT   Lpar 55 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQLWAIT   Lpar 55 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQLWST    Lpar 55 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQLZIPT   Lpar 55 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQLZIUT   Lpar 55 zip up time                      TIME
       LQLZIWT   Lpar 55 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQMBDA    Lpar 56 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQMCAP    Lpar 56 capped flag                      STRING
       LQMCHG    Lpar 56 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQMCSF    Lpar 56 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQMDED    Lpar 56 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQMDSA    Lpar 56 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQMDUR    Lpar 56 duration                         TIME
       LQMIFAT   Lpar 56 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQMIFUT   Lpar 56 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQMIFWT   Lpar 56 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQMLAC    Lpar 56 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQMMGTT   Lpar 56 management time                  TIME
       LQMMSU    Lpar 56 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQMMSUH   Lpar 56 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQMMSU7   Lpar 56 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQMNAME   Lpar 56 name                             STRING
       LQMNRPR   Lpar 56 number of processors             INT
       LQMNSW    Lpar 56 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQMONT    Lpar 56 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQMSHAR   Lpar 56 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQMSHRC   Lpar 56 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQMSTN    Lpar 56 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQMUEDT   Lpar 56 effective time                   TIME
       LQMUPDT   Lpar 56 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQMWAIT   Lpar 56 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQMWST    Lpar 56 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQMZIPT   Lpar 56 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQMZIUT   Lpar 56 zip up time                      TIME
       LQMZIWT   Lpar 56 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQNBDA    Lpar 57 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQNCAP    Lpar 57 capped flag                      STRING
       LQNCHG    Lpar 57 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQNCSF    Lpar 57 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQNDED    Lpar 57 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQNDSA    Lpar 57 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQNDUR    Lpar 57 duration                         TIME
       LQNIFAT   Lpar 57 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQNIFUT   Lpar 57 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQNIFWT   Lpar 57 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQNLAC    Lpar 57 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQNMGTT   Lpar 57 management time                  TIME
       LQNMSU    Lpar 57 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQNMSUH   Lpar 57 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQNMSU7   Lpar 57 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQNNAME   Lpar 57 name                             STRING
       LQNNRPR   Lpar 57 number of processors             INT
       LQNNSW    Lpar 57 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQNONT    Lpar 57 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQNSHAR   Lpar 57 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQNSHRC   Lpar 57 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQNSTN    Lpar 57 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQNUEDT   Lpar 57 effective time                   TIME
       LQNUPDT   Lpar 57 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQNWAIT   Lpar 57 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQNWST    Lpar 57 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQNZIPT   Lpar 57 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQNZIUT   Lpar 57 zip up time                      TIME
       LQNZIWT   Lpar 57 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQOBDA    Lpar 58 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQOCAP    Lpar 58 capped flag                      STRING
       LQOCHG    Lpar 58 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQOCSF    Lpar 58 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQODED    Lpar 58 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQODSA    Lpar 58 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQODUR    Lpar 58 duration                         TIME
       LQOIFAT   Lpar 58 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQOIFUT   Lpar 58 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQOIFWT   Lpar 58 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQOLAC    Lpar 58 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQOMGTT   Lpar 58 management time                  TIME
       LQOMSU    Lpar 58 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQOMSUH   Lpar 58 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQOMSU7   Lpar 58 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQONAME   Lpar 58 name                             STRING
       LQONRPR   Lpar 58 number of processors             INT
       LQONSW    Lpar 58 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQOONT    Lpar 58 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQOSHAR   Lpar 58 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQOSHRC   Lpar 58 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQOSTN    Lpar 58 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQOUEDT   Lpar 58 effective time                   TIME
       LQOUPDT   Lpar 58 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQOWAIT   Lpar 58 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQOWST    Lpar 58 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQOZIPT   Lpar 58 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQOZIUT   Lpar 58 zip up time                      TIME
       LQOZIWT   Lpar 58 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQPBDA    Lpar 59 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQPCAP    Lpar 59 capped flag                      STRING
       LQPCHG    Lpar 59 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQPCSF    Lpar 59 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQPDED    Lpar 59 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQPDSA    Lpar 59 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQPDUR    Lpar 59 duration                         TIME
       LQPIFAT   Lpar 59 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQPIFUT   Lpar 59 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQPIFWT   Lpar 59 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQPLAC    Lpar 59 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQPMGTT   Lpar 59 management time                  TIME
       LQPMSU    Lpar 59 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQPMSUH   Lpar 59 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQPMSU7   Lpar 59 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQPNAME   Lpar 59 name                             STRING
       LQPNRPR   Lpar 59 number of processors             INT
       LQPNSW    Lpar 59 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQPONT    Lpar 59 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQPSHAR   Lpar 59 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQPSHRC   Lpar 59 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQPSTN    Lpar 59 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQPUEDT   Lpar 59 effective time                   TIME
       LQPUPDT   Lpar 59 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQPWAIT   Lpar 59 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQPWST    Lpar 59 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQPZIPT   Lpar 59 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQPZIUT   Lpar 59 zip up time                      TIME
       LQPZIWT   Lpar 59 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQQBDA    Lpar 60 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQQCAP    Lpar 60 capped flag                      STRING
       LQQCHG    Lpar 60 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQQCSF    Lpar 60 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQQDED    Lpar 60 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQQDSA    Lpar 60 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQQDUR    Lpar 60 duration                         TIME
       LQQIFAT   Lpar 60 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQQIFUT   Lpar 60 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQQIFWT   Lpar 60 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQQLAC    Lpar 60 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQQMGTT   Lpar 60 management time                  TIME
       LQQMSU    Lpar 60 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQQMSUH   Lpar 60 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQQMSU7   Lpar 60 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQQNAME   Lpar 60 name                             STRING
       LQQNRPR   Lpar 60 number of processors             INT
       LQQNSW    Lpar 60 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQQONT    Lpar 60 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQQSHAR   Lpar 60 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQQSHRC   Lpar 60 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQQSTN    Lpar 60 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQQUEDT   Lpar 60 effective time                   TIME
       LQQUPDT   Lpar 60 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQQWAIT   Lpar 60 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQQWST    Lpar 60 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQQZIPT   Lpar 60 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQQZIUT   Lpar 60 zip up time                      TIME
       LQQZIWT   Lpar 60 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ1BDA    Lpar 35 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ1CAP    Lpar 35 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ1CHG    Lpar 35 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ1CSF    Lpar 35 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ1DED    Lpar 35 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ1DSA    Lpar 35 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ1DUR    Lpar 35 duration                         TIME
       LQ1IFAT   Lpar 35 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1IFUT   Lpar 35 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ1IFWT   Lpar 35 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ1LAC    Lpar 35 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ1MGTT   Lpar 35 management time                  TIME
       LQ1MSU    Lpar 35 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ1MSUH   Lpar 35 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ1MSU7   Lpar 35 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ1NAME   Lpar 35 name                             STRING
       LQ1NRPR   Lpar 35 number of processors             INT
       LQ1NSW    Lpar 35 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ1ONT    Lpar 35 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ1SHAR   Lpar 35 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ1SHRC   Lpar 35 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ1STN    Lpar 35 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ1UEDT   Lpar 35 effective time                   TIME
       LQ1UPDT   Lpar 35 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ1WAIT   Lpar 35 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ1WST    Lpar 35 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ1ZIPT   Lpar 35 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1ZIUT   Lpar 35 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ1ZIWT   Lpar 35 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ2BDA    Lpar 36 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ2CAP    Lpar 36 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ2CHG    Lpar 36 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ2CSF    Lpar 36 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ2DED    Lpar 36 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ2DSA    Lpar 36 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ2DUR    Lpar 36 duration                         TIME
       LQ2IFAT   Lpar 36 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2IFUT   Lpar 36 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ2IFWT   Lpar 36 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ2LAC    Lpar 36 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ2MGTT   Lpar 36 management time                  TIME
       LQ2MSU    Lpar 36 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ2MSUH   Lpar 36 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ2MSU7   Lpar 36 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ2NAME   Lpar 36 name                             STRING
       LQ2NRPR   Lpar 36 number of processors             INT
       LQ2NSW    Lpar 36 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ2ONT    Lpar 36 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ2SHAR   Lpar 36 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ2SHRC   Lpar 36 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ2STN    Lpar 36 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ2UEDT   Lpar 36 effective time                   TIME
       LQ2UPDT   Lpar 36 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ2WAIT   Lpar 36 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ2WST    Lpar 36 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ2ZIPT   Lpar 36 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2ZIUT   Lpar 36 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ2ZIWT   Lpar 36 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ3BDA    Lpar 37 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ3CAP    Lpar 37 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ3CHG    Lpar 37 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ3CSF    Lpar 37 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ3DED    Lpar 37 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ3DSA    Lpar 37 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ3DUR    Lpar 37 duration                         TIME
       LQ3IFAT   Lpar 37 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3IFUT   Lpar 37 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ3IFWT   Lpar 37 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ3LAC    Lpar 37 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ3MGTT   Lpar 37 management time                  TIME
       LQ3MSU    Lpar 37 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ3MSUH   Lpar 37 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ3MSU7   Lpar 37 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ3NAME   Lpar 37 name                             STRING
       LQ3NRPR   Lpar 37 number of processors             INT
       LQ3NSW    Lpar 37 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ3ONT    Lpar 37 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ3SHAR   Lpar 37 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ3SHRC   Lpar 37 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ3STN    Lpar 37 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ3UEDT   Lpar 37 effective time                   TIME
       LQ3UPDT   Lpar 37 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ3WAIT   Lpar 37 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ3WST    Lpar 37 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ3ZIPT   Lpar 37 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3ZIUT   Lpar 37 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ3ZIWT   Lpar 37 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ4BDA    Lpar 38 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ4CAP    Lpar 38 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ4CHG    Lpar 38 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ4CSF    Lpar 38 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ4DED    Lpar 38 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ4DSA    Lpar 38 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ4DUR    Lpar 38 duration                         TIME
       LQ4IFAT   Lpar 38 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4IFUT   Lpar 38 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ4IFWT   Lpar 38 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ4LAC    Lpar 38 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ4MGTT   Lpar 38 management time                  TIME
       LQ4MSU    Lpar 38 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ4MSUH   Lpar 38 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ4MSU7   Lpar 38 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ4NAME   Lpar 38 name                             STRING
       LQ4NRPR   Lpar 38 number of processors             INT
       LQ4NSW    Lpar 38 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ4ONT    Lpar 38 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ4SHAR   Lpar 38 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ4SHRC   Lpar 38 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ4STN    Lpar 38 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ4UEDT   Lpar 38 effective time                   TIME
       LQ4UPDT   Lpar 38 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ4WAIT   Lpar 38 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ4WST    Lpar 38 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ4ZIPT   Lpar 38 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4ZIUT   Lpar 38 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ4ZIWT   Lpar 38 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ5BDA    Lpar 39 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ5CAP    Lpar 39 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ5CHG    Lpar 39 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ5CSF    Lpar 39 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ5DED    Lpar 39 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ5DSA    Lpar 39 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ5DUR    Lpar 39 duration                         TIME
       LQ5IFAT   Lpar 39 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5IFUT   Lpar 39 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ5IFWT   Lpar 39 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ5LAC    Lpar 39 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ5MGTT   Lpar 39 management time                  TIME
       LQ5MSU    Lpar 39 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ5MSUH   Lpar 39 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ5MSU7   Lpar 39 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ5NAME   Lpar 39 name                             STRING
       LQ5NRPR   Lpar 39 number of processors             INT
       LQ5NSW    Lpar 39 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ5ONT    Lpar 39 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ5SHAR   Lpar 39 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ5SHRC   Lpar 39 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ5STN    Lpar 39 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ5UEDT   Lpar 39 effective time                   TIME
       LQ5UPDT   Lpar 39 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ5WAIT   Lpar 39 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ5WST    Lpar 39 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ5ZIPT   Lpar 39 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5ZIUT   Lpar 39 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ5ZIWT   Lpar 39 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ6BDA    Lpar 40 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ6CAP    Lpar 40 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ6CHG    Lpar 40 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ6CSF    Lpar 40 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ6DED    Lpar 40 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ6DSA    Lpar 40 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ6DUR    Lpar 40 duration                         TIME
       LQ6IFAT   Lpar 40 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6IFUT   Lpar 40 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ6IFWT   Lpar 40 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ6LAC    Lpar 40 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ6MGTT   Lpar 40 management time                  TIME
       LQ6MSU    Lpar 40 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ6MSUH   Lpar 40 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ6MSU7   Lpar 40 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ6NAME   Lpar 40 name                             STRING
       LQ6NRPR   Lpar 40 number of processors             INT
       LQ6NSW    Lpar 40 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ6ONT    Lpar 40 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ6SHAR   Lpar 40 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ6SHRC   Lpar 40 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ6STN    Lpar 40 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ6UEDT   Lpar 40 effective time                   TIME
       LQ6UPDT   Lpar 40 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ6WAIT   Lpar 40 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ6WST    Lpar 40 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ6ZIPT   Lpar 40 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6ZIUT   Lpar 40 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ6ZIWT   Lpar 40 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ7BDA    Lpar 41 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ7CAP    Lpar 41 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ7CHG    Lpar 41 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ7CSF    Lpar 41 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ7DED    Lpar 41 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ7DSA    Lpar 41 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ7DUR    Lpar 41 duration                         TIME
       LQ7IFAT   Lpar 41 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7IFUT   Lpar 41 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ7IFWT   Lpar 41 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ7LAC    Lpar 41 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ7MGTT   Lpar 41 management time                  TIME
       LQ7MSU    Lpar 41 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ7MSUH   Lpar 41 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ7MSU7   Lpar 41 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ7NAME   Lpar 41 name                             STRING
       LQ7NRPR   Lpar 41 number of processors             INT
       LQ7NSW    Lpar 41 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ7ONT    Lpar 41 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ7SHAR   Lpar 41 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ7SHRC   Lpar 41 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ7STN    Lpar 41 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ7UEDT   Lpar 41 effective time                   TIME
       LQ7UPDT   Lpar 41 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ7WAIT   Lpar 41 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ7WST    Lpar 41 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ7ZIPT   Lpar 41 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7ZIUT   Lpar 41 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ7ZIWT   Lpar 41 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ8BDA    Lpar 42 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ8CAP    Lpar 42 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ8CHG    Lpar 42 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ8CSF    Lpar 42 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ8DED    Lpar 42 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ8DSA    Lpar 42 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ8DUR    Lpar 42 duration                         TIME
       LQ8IFAT   Lpar 42 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8IFUT   Lpar 42 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ8IFWT   Lpar 42 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ8LAC    Lpar 42 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ8MGTT   Lpar 42 management time                  TIME
       LQ8MSU    Lpar 42 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ8MSUH   Lpar 42 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ8MSU7   Lpar 42 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ8NAME   Lpar 42 name                             STRING
       LQ8NRPR   Lpar 42 number of processors             INT
       LQ8NSW    Lpar 42 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ8ONT    Lpar 42 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ8SHAR   Lpar 42 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ8SHRC   Lpar 42 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ8STN    Lpar 42 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ8UEDT   Lpar 42 effective time                   TIME
       LQ8UPDT   Lpar 42 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ8WAIT   Lpar 42 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ8WST    Lpar 42 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ8ZIPT   Lpar 42 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8ZIUT   Lpar 42 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ8ZIWT   Lpar 42 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ9BDA    Lpar 43 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ9CAP    Lpar 43 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ9CHG    Lpar 43 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ9CSF    Lpar 43 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ9DED    Lpar 43 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ9DSA    Lpar 43 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ9DUR    Lpar 43 duration                         TIME
       LQ9IFAT   Lpar 43 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9IFUT   Lpar 43 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ9IFWT   Lpar 43 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ9LAC    Lpar 43 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ9MGTT   Lpar 43 management time                  TIME
       LQ9MSU    Lpar 43 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ9MSUH   Lpar 43 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ9MSU7   Lpar 43 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ9NAME   Lpar 43 name                             STRING
       LQ9NRPR   Lpar 43 number of processors             INT
       LQ9NSW    Lpar 43 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ9ONT    Lpar 43 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ9SHAR   Lpar 43 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ9SHRC   Lpar 43 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ9STN    Lpar 43 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ9UEDT   Lpar 43 effective time                   TIME
       LQ9UPDT   Lpar 43 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ9WAIT   Lpar 43 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ9WST    Lpar 43 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ9ZIPT   Lpar 43 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9ZIUT   Lpar 43 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ9ZIWT   Lpar 43 zip wst time                     TIME
       NRIFACP   Nr of ifa cpus in cpc                    INT
       NRIFLCP   Nr of ifl cpus in cpc                    INT
       NRZIPCP   Nr of zip cpus in cpc                    INT
       PATNCPU   Total number of cpus in the cec          INT
       PCTLYBY   Lpar 33 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLYOV   Lpar 33 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLZBY   Lpar 34 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLZOV   Lpar 34 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQABY   Lpar 44 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQAOV   Lpar 44 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQBBY   Lpar 45 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQBOV   Lpar 45 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQCBY   Lpar 46 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQCOV   Lpar 46 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQDBY   Lpar 47 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQDOV   Lpar 47 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQEBY   Lpar 48 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQEOV   Lpar 48 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQFBY   Lpar 49 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQFOV   Lpar 49 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQGBY   Lpar 50 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQGOV   Lpar 50 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQHBY   Lpar 51 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQHOV   Lpar 51 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQIBY   Lpar 52 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQIOV   Lpar 52 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQJBY   Lpar 53 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQJOV   Lpar 53 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQKBY   Lpar 54 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQKOV   Lpar 54 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQLBY   Lpar 55 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQLOV   Lpar 55 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQMBY   Lpar 56 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQMOV   Lpar 56 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQNBY   Lpar 57 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQNOV   Lpar 57 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQOBY   Lpar 58 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQOOV   Lpar 58 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQPBY   Lpar 59 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQPOV   Lpar 59 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQQBY   Lpar 60 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQQOV   Lpar 60 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ1BY   Lpar 35 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ1OV   Lpar 35 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ2BY   Lpar 36 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ2OV   Lpar 36 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ3BY   Lpar 37 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ3OV   Lpar 37 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ4BY   Lpar 38 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ4OV   Lpar 38 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ5BY   Lpar 39 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ5OV   Lpar 39 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ6BY   Lpar 40 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ6OV   Lpar 40 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ7BY   Lpar 41 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ7OV   Lpar 41 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ8BY   Lpar 42 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ8OV   Lpar 42 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ9BY   Lpar 43 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ9OV   Lpar 43 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   Pct of cec zips busy                     PERCENT100
       STARTIM   Minimum interval start datetime          DATETIME
       ZIPACTT   Zip processor cpu active time            TIME
       ZIPUPTM   Zip processors up time                   TIME
       ZIPWSTT   Zip processors wst time                  TIME

     The following 65 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XASMCEC:

       LPACSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPBCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPCCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPDCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPECSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPFCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPGCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPHCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPHMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPHNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPICSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPIMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPINRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPJCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPJMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPJNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPKCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPKMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPKNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPLCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPLMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPLNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPMCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPMMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPMNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPNCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPNMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPNNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPOCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPOMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPONRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPQCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPQMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPQNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPRCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPRMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPRNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPSCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPSMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPSNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPTCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPTMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPTNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPUCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPUMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPUNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPVCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPVMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPVNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPWCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPWMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPWNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPXCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPXMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPXNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LP0CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP1CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP2CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP3CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP4CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP5CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP6CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP7CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP8CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP9CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XASMCEC:

       NRPRCS    Number of logical partitions             INT
       PARTNCP   Total number of cpus in the cec          INT
       SM70LAC   Ibm 4-hr average hourly msu              AVERAGE

  7) The following 42 variables have been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DEVICE2   Type 21 device                           STRING
       DEVNR21   Type 21 devnr                            INT
       MNTHAVE   Syslog mount messages have found         STRING
       MSGID     Syslog message id                        STRING
       SYLASID   Address space id                         INT
       SYLDDN    Ddname from syslog                       STRING
       SYLDEN    Syslog tape density                      STRING
       SYLDEV    Syslog device number char                STRING
       SYLDSN    Syslog dsname                            STRING
       SYLDS17   Syslog last 17 of dsname                 STRING
       SYLEXPD   Syslog expdt                             STRING
       SYLKORM   Keep or mount?                           STRING
       SYLKTIM   Syslog keep event                        DATETIME
       SYLLBTY   Syslog label type                        STRING
       SYLLEN    Length of full message not kept          GAUGE
       SYLMDIA   Syslog media                             STRING
       SYLMNTY   Syslog mount type                        STRING
       SYLMSEQ   Syslog mount sequence number             STRING
       SYLMTIM   Syslog mount event                       DATETIME
       SYLNAME   System name in syslog                    STRING
       SYLPROC   Syslog proc step                         STRING
       SYLTEXT   Syslog message text after msgid          STRING
       SYLTMS6   Syslog iectms6 text                      STRING
       SYLVOL1   Syslog ios690i volser 1                  STRING
       SYLVOL2   Syslog ios690i volser 2                  STRING
       SYLVOL3   Syslog ios690i volser 3                  STRING
       SYLVOL4   Syslog ios690i volser 4                  STRING
       SYLVOL5   Syslog ios690i volser 5                  STRING
       SYLVOL6   Syslog ios690i volser 6                  STRING
       SYLVOL7   Syslog ios690i volser 7                  STRING
       SYLVOL8   Syslog ios690i volser 8                  STRING
       SYLVSER   Syslog volume serial number              STRING
       SYL070E   Syslog ios070e text                      STRING
       SYL5TIM   Iec705i message event                    DATETIME
       SYL7TIM   Ios070e message event                    DATETIME
       SYSTEM2   Type 21 system                           STRING
       SYT6TIM   Iectms6 message event                    DATETIME
       SYT9OPN   Iectms9 count of opens                   COUNT
       SYT9TIM   Iectms9 message event                    DATETIME
       TMNTEXI   Mount exit?                              STRING
       TY21TIM   Type 21 dismount datetimestamp           DATETIME
       UCBTYP2   Type 21 ucbtype                          INT

     The following 14 variables have been deleted from table XASMTAP:

       ALCEND    Deallocation event timestamp             DATETIME
       ALCSTRT   Allocation event timestamp               DATETIME
       ALCVLTM   Duration allocated for this volume       TIME
       ALEERRO   Allocation errors recorded               COUNT
       DENSITY   Tape density                             STRING
       LCU       Logical control unit                     INT
       PERFGRP   Performance group                        INT
       RDRTM     Reader event duration                    TIME
       SMFUCB    Ucb common segment at allocation         HEXFLAGS
       SMVOL01   1st volume allocated                     STRING
       TEMNAME   Terminal identification                  STRING
       TMNT008   Tmnt008i message issued?                 STRING
       XMEMABN   Cross memory abends                      COUNT
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

  8) The following 6 variables have been added to table XASM70L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM70DSA   Diagnose samples                         GAUGE
       STARTIM   Minimum interval start datetime          DATETIME
       SYSNAME   System name from ieasysxx                STRING
       ZIPACTT   Ifa processors cpu active time           TIME
       ZIPUPTM   Ifa processors up time                   TIME
       ZIPWSTT   Ifa processors wst time                  TIME

  9) The following 1060 variables hav been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPZIPTM   Zip processor cpu active time            TIME
       LPADSA    Lpar 10 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPAZIPT   Lpar 10 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPAZIUT   Lpar 10 zip up time                      TIME
       LPAZIWT   Lpar 10 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPBDSA    Lpar 11 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPBZIPT   Lpar 11 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPBZIUT   Lpar 11 zip up time                      TIME
       LPBZIWT   Lpar 11 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPCDSA    Lpar 12 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPCTYBY   Lpar 33 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTYOV   Lpar 33 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTZBY   Lpar 34 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTZOV   Lpar 34 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCZIPT   Lpar 12 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPCZIUT   Lpar 12 zip up time                      TIME
       LPCZIWT   Lpar 12 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPDDSA    Lpar 13 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPDZIPT   Lpar 13 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPDZIUT   Lpar 13 zip up time                      TIME
       LPDZIWT   Lpar 13 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPEDSA    Lpar 14 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPEZIPT   Lpar 14 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPEZIUT   Lpar 14 zip up time                      TIME
       LPEZIWT   Lpar 14 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPFDSA    Lpar 15 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPFZIPT   Lpar 15 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPFZIUT   Lpar 15 zip up time                      TIME
       LPFZIWT   Lpar 15 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPGDSA    Lpar 16 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPGZIPT   Lpar 16 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPGZIUT   Lpar 16 zip up time                      TIME
       LPGZIWT   Lpar 16 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPHDSA    Lpar 17 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPHZIPT   Lpar 17 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPHZIUT   Lpar 17 zip up time                      TIME
       LPHZIWT   Lpar 17 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPIDSA    Lpar 18 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPIZIPT   Lpar 18 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPIZIUT   Lpar 18 zip up time                      TIME
       LPIZIWT   Lpar 18 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPJDSA    Lpar 19 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPJZIPT   Lpar 19 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPJZIUT   Lpar 19 zip up time                      TIME
       LPJZIWT   Lpar 19 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPKDSA    Lpar 20 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPKZIPT   Lpar 20 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPKZIUT   Lpar 20 zip up time                      TIME
       LPKZIWT   Lpar 20 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPLDSA    Lpar 21 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPLZIPT   Lpar 21 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPLZIUT   Lpar 21 zip up time                      TIME
       LPLZIWT   Lpar 21 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPMDSA    Lpar 22 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPMZIPT   Lpar 22 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPMZIUT   Lpar 22 zip up time                      TIME
       LPMZIWT   Lpar 22 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPNDSA    Lpar 23 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPNZIPT   Lpar 23 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPNZIUT   Lpar 23 zip up time                      TIME
       LPNZIWT   Lpar 23 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPODSA    Lpar 24 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPOZIPT   Lpar 24 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPOZIUT   Lpar 24 zip up time                      TIME
       LPOZIWT   Lpar 24 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPQDSA    Lpar 25 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPQZIPT   Lpar 25 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPQZIUT   Lpar 25 zip up time                      TIME
       LPQZIWT   Lpar 25 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPRDSA    Lpar 26 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPRZIPT   Lpar 26 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPRZIUT   Lpar 26 zip up time                      TIME
       LPRZIWT   Lpar 26 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPSDSA    Lpar 27 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPSZIPT   Lpar 27 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPSZIUT   Lpar 27 zip up time                      TIME
       LPSZIWT   Lpar 27 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPTDSA    Lpar 28 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPTZIPT   Lpar 28 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPTZIUT   Lpar 28 zip up time                      TIME
       LPTZIWT   Lpar 28 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPUDSA    Lpar 29 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPUZIPT   Lpar 29 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPUZIUT   Lpar 29 zip up time                      TIME
       LPUZIWT   Lpar 29 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPVDSA    Lpar 30 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPVZIPT   Lpar 30 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPVZIUT   Lpar 30 zip up time                      TIME
       LPVZIWT   Lpar 30 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPWDSA    Lpar 31 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPWZIPT   Lpar 31 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPWZIUT   Lpar 31 zip up time                      TIME
       LPWZIWT   Lpar 31 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPXDSA    Lpar 32 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPXZIPT   Lpar 32 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPXZIUT   Lpar 32 zip up time                      TIME
       LPXZIWT   Lpar 32 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPYBDA    Lpar 33 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPYCAP    Lpar 33 capped flag                      STRING
       LPYCHG    Lpar 33 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPYCSF    Lpar 33 cstore                           GAUGE
       LPYDED    Lpar 33 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPYDSA    Lpar 33 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPYDUR    Lpar 33 duration                         TIME
       LPYIFAT   Lpar 33 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPYIFUT   Lpar 33 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPYIFWT   Lpar 33 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPYLAC    Lpar 33 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPYMGTT   Lpar 33 management time                  TIME
       LPYMSU    Lpar 33 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPYMSUH   Lpar 33 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPYMSU7   Lpar 33 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LPYNAME   Lpar 33 name                             STRING
       LPYNRPR   Lpar 33 number of processors             INT
       LPYNSW    Lpar 33 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPYONT    Lpar 33 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPYSHAR   Lpar 33 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPYSHRC   Lpar 33 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPYSTN    Lpar 33 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPYUEDT   Lpar 33 effective time                   TIME
       LPYUPDT   Lpar 33 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPYWAIT   Lpar 33 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPYWST    Lpar 33 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPYZIPT   Lpar 33 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPYZIUT   Lpar 33 zip up time                      TIME
       LPYZIWT   Lpar 33 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPZBDA    Lpar 34 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPZCAP    Lpar 34 capped flag                      STRING
       LPZCHG    Lpar 34 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPZCSF    Lpar 34 cstore                           GAUGE
       LPZDED    Lpar 34 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPZDSA    Lpar 34 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPZDUR    Lpar 34 duration                         TIME
       LPZIFAT   Lpar 34 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPZIFUT   Lpar 34 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPZIFWT   Lpar 34 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPZLAC    Lpar 34 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPZMGTT   Lpar 34 management time                  TIME
       LPZMSU    Lpar 34 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPZMSUH   Lpar 34 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPZMSU7   Lpar 34 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LPZNAME   Lpar 34 name                             STRING
       LPZNRPR   Lpar 34 number of processors             INT
       LPZNSW    Lpar 34 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPZONT    Lpar 34 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPZSHAR   Lpar 34 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPZSHRC   Lpar 34 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPZSTN    Lpar 34 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPZUEDT   Lpar 34 effective time                   TIME
       LPZUPDT   Lpar 34 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPZWAIT   Lpar 34 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPZWST    Lpar 34 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPZZIPT   Lpar 34 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPZZIUT   Lpar 34 zip up time                      TIME
       LPZZIWT   Lpar 34 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP0DSA    Lpar  0 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP1DSA    Lpar  1 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP1ZIPT   Lpar  1 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP1ZIUT   Lpar  1 zip up time                      TIME
       LP1ZIWT   Lpar  1 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP2DSA    Lpar  2 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP2ZIPT   Lpar  2 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP2ZIUT   Lpar  2 zip up time                      TIME
       LP2ZIWT   Lpar  2 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP3DSA    Lpar  3 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP3ZIPT   Lpar  3 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP3ZIUT   Lpar  3 zip up time                      TIME
       LP3ZIWT   Lpar  3 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP4DSA    Lpar  4 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP4ZIPT   Lpar  4 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP4ZIUT   Lpar  4 zip up time                      TIME
       LP4ZIWT   Lpar  4 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP5DSA    Lpar  5 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP5ZIPT   Lpar  5 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP5ZIUT   Lpar  5 zip up time                      TIME
       LP5ZIWT   Lpar  5 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP6DSA    Lpar  6 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP6ZIPT   Lpar  6 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP6ZIUT   Lpar  6 zip up time                      TIME
       LP6ZIWT   Lpar  6 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP7DSA    Lpar  7 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP7ZIPT   Lpar  7 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP7ZIUT   Lpar  7 zip up time                      TIME
       LP7ZIWT   Lpar  7 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP8DSA    Lpar  8 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP8ZIPT   Lpar  8 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP8ZIUT   Lpar  8 zip up time                      TIME
       LP8ZIWT   Lpar  8 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP9DSA    Lpar  9 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP9ZIPT   Lpar  9 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP9ZIUT   Lpar  9 zip up time                      TIME
       LP9ZIWT   Lpar  9 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQABDA    Lpar 44 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQACAP    Lpar 44 capped flag                      STRING
       LQACHG    Lpar 44 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQACSF    Lpar 44 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQADED    Lpar 44 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQADSA    Lpar 44 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQADUR    Lpar 44 duration                         TIME
       LQAIFAT   Lpar 44 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQAIFUT   Lpar 44 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQAIFWT   Lpar 44 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQALAC    Lpar 44 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQAMGTT   Lpar 44 management time                  TIME
       LQAMSU    Lpar 44 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQAMSUH   Lpar 44 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQAMSU7   Lpar 44 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQANAME   Lpar 44 name                             STRING
       LQANRPR   Lpar 44 number of processors             INT
       LQANSW    Lpar 44 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQAONT    Lpar 44 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQASHAR   Lpar 44 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQASHRC   Lpar 44 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQASTN    Lpar 44 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQAUEDT   Lpar 44 effective time                   TIME
       LQAUPDT   Lpar 44 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQAWAIT   Lpar 44 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQAWST    Lpar 44 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQAZIPT   Lpar 44 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQAZIUT   Lpar 44 zip up time                      TIME
       LQAZIWT   Lpar 44 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQBBDA    Lpar 45 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQBCAP    Lpar 45 capped flag                      STRING
       LQBCHG    Lpar 45 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQBCSF    Lpar 45 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQBDED    Lpar 45 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQBDSA    Lpar 45 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQBDUR    Lpar 45 duration                         TIME
       LQBIFAT   Lpar 45 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQBIFUT   Lpar 45 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQBIFWT   Lpar 45 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQBLAC    Lpar 45 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQBMGTT   Lpar 45 management time                  TIME
       LQBMSU    Lpar 45 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQBMSUH   Lpar 45 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQBMSU7   Lpar 45 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQBNAME   Lpar 45 name                             STRING
       LQBNRPR   Lpar 45 number of processors             INT
       LQBNSW    Lpar 45 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQBONT    Lpar 45 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQBSHAR   Lpar 45 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQBSHRC   Lpar 45 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQBSTN    Lpar 45 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQBUEDT   Lpar 45 effective time                   TIME
       LQBUPDT   Lpar 45 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQBWAIT   Lpar 45 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQBWST    Lpar 45 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQBZIPT   Lpar 45 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQBZIUT   Lpar 45 zip up time                      TIME
       LQBZIWT   Lpar 45 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQCBDA    Lpar 46 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQCCAP    Lpar 46 capped flag                      STRING
       LQCCHG    Lpar 46 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQCCSF    Lpar 46 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQCDED    Lpar 46 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQCDSA    Lpar 46 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQCDUR    Lpar 46 duration                         TIME
       LQCIFAT   Lpar 46 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQCIFUT   Lpar 46 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQCIFWT   Lpar 46 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQCLAC    Lpar 46 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQCMGTT   Lpar 46 management time                  TIME
       LQCMSU    Lpar 46 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQCMSUH   Lpar 46 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQCMSU7   Lpar 46 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQCNAME   Lpar 46 name                             STRING
       LQCNRPR   Lpar 46 number of processors             INT
       LQCNSW    Lpar 46 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQCONT    Lpar 46 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQCSHAR   Lpar 46 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQCSHRC   Lpar 46 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQCSTN    Lpar 46 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQCTABY   Lpar 44 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTAOV   Lpar 44 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTBBY   Lpar 45 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTBOV   Lpar 45 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTCBY   Lpar 46 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTCOV   Lpar 46 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTDBY   Lpar 47 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTDOV   Lpar 47 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTEBY   Lpar 48 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTEOV   Lpar 48 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTFBY   Lpar 49 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTFOV   Lpar 49 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTGBY   Lpar 50 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTGOV   Lpar 50 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTHBY   Lpar 51 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTHOV   Lpar 51 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTIBY   Lpar 52 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTIOV   Lpar 52 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTJBY   Lpar 53 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTJOV   Lpar 53 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTKBY   Lpar 54 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTKOV   Lpar 54 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTLBY   Lpar 55 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTLOV   Lpar 55 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTMBY   Lpar 56 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTMOV   Lpar 56 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTNBY   Lpar 57 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTNOV   Lpar 57 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTOBY   Lpar 58 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTOOV   Lpar 58 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTPBY   Lpar 59 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTPOV   Lpar 59 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTQBY   Lpar 60 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTQOV   Lpar 60 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT1BY   Lpar 35 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT1OV   Lpar 35 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT2BY   Lpar 36 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT2OV   Lpar 36 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT3BY   Lpar 37 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT3OV   Lpar 37 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT4BY   Lpar 38 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT4OV   Lpar 38 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT5BY   Lpar 39 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT5OV   Lpar 39 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT6BY   Lpar 40 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT6OV   Lpar 40 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT7BY   Lpar 41 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT7OV   Lpar 41 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT8BY   Lpar 42 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT8OV   Lpar 42 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT9BY   Lpar 43 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT9OV   Lpar 43 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCUEDT   Lpar 46 effective time                   TIME
       LQCUPDT   Lpar 46 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQCWAIT   Lpar 46 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQCWST    Lpar 46 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQCZIPT   Lpar 46 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQCZIUT   Lpar 46 zip up time                      TIME
       LQCZIWT   Lpar 46 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQDBDA    Lpar 47 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQDCAP    Lpar 47 capped flag                      STRING
       LQDCHG    Lpar 47 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQDCSF    Lpar 47 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQDDED    Lpar 47 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQDDSA    Lpar 47 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQDDUR    Lpar 47 duration                         TIME
       LQDIFAT   Lpar 47 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQDIFUT   Lpar 47 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQDIFWT   Lpar 47 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQDLAC    Lpar 47 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQDMGTT   Lpar 47 management time                  TIME
       LQDMSU    Lpar 47 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQDMSUH   Lpar 47 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQDMSU7   Lpar 47 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQDNAME   Lpar 47 name                             STRING
       LQDNRPR   Lpar 47 number of processors             INT
       LQDNSW    Lpar 47 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQDONT    Lpar 47 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQDSHAR   Lpar 47 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQDSHRC   Lpar 47 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQDSTN    Lpar 47 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQDUEDT   Lpar 47 effective time                   TIME
       LQDUPDT   Lpar 47 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQDWAIT   Lpar 47 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQDWST    Lpar 47 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQDZIPT   Lpar 47 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQDZIUT   Lpar 47 zip up time                      TIME
       LQDZIWT   Lpar 47 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQEBDA    Lpar 48 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQECAP    Lpar 48 capped flag                      STRING
       LQECHG    Lpar 48 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQECSF    Lpar 48 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQEDED    Lpar 48 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQEDSA    Lpar 48 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQEDUR    Lpar 48 duration                         TIME
       LQEIFAT   Lpar 48 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQEIFUT   Lpar 48 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQEIFWT   Lpar 48 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQELAC    Lpar 48 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQEMGTT   Lpar 48 management time                  TIME
       LQEMSU    Lpar 48 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQEMSUH   Lpar 48 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQEMSU7   Lpar 48 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQENAME   Lpar 48 name                             STRING
       LQENRPR   Lpar 48 number of processors             INT
       LQENSW    Lpar 48 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQEONT    Lpar 48 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQESHAR   Lpar 48 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQESHRC   Lpar 48 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQESTN    Lpar 48 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQEUEDT   Lpar 48 effective time                   TIME
       LQEUPDT   Lpar 48 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQEWAIT   Lpar 48 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQEWST    Lpar 48 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQEZIPT   Lpar 48 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQEZIUT   Lpar 48 zip up time                      TIME
       LQEZIWT   Lpar 48 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQFBDA    Lpar 49 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQFCAP    Lpar 49 capped flag                      STRING
       LQFCHG    Lpar 49 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQFCSF    Lpar 49 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQFDED    Lpar 49 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQFDSA    Lpar 49 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQFDUR    Lpar 49 duration                         TIME
       LQFIFAT   Lpar 49 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQFIFUT   Lpar 49 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQFIFWT   Lpar 49 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQFLAC    Lpar 49 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQFMGTT   Lpar 49 management time                  TIME
       LQFMSU    Lpar 49 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQFMSUH   Lpar 49 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQFMSU7   Lpar 49 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQFNAME   Lpar 49 name                             STRING
       LQFNRPR   Lpar 49 number of processors             INT
       LQFNSW    Lpar 49 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQFONT    Lpar 49 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQFSHAR   Lpar 49 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQFSHRC   Lpar 49 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQFSTN    Lpar 49 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQFUEDT   Lpar 49 effective time                   TIME
       LQFUPDT   Lpar 49 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQFWAIT   Lpar 49 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQFWST    Lpar 49 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQFZIPT   Lpar 49 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQFZIUT   Lpar 49 zip up time                      TIME
       LQFZIWT   Lpar 49 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQGBDA    Lpar 50 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQGCAP    Lpar 50 capped flag                      STRING
       LQGCHG    Lpar 50 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQGCSF    Lpar 50 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQGDED    Lpar 50 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQGDSA    Lpar 50 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQGDUR    Lpar 50 duration                         TIME
       LQGIFAT   Lpar 50 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQGIFUT   Lpar 50 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQGIFWT   Lpar 50 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQGLAC    Lpar 50 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQGMGTT   Lpar 50 management time                  TIME
       LQGMSU    Lpar 50 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQGMSUH   Lpar 50 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQGMSU7   Lpar 50 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQGNAME   Lpar 50 name                             STRING
       LQGNRPR   Lpar 50 number of processors             INT
       LQGNSW    Lpar 50 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQGONT    Lpar 50 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQGSHAR   Lpar 50 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQGSHRC   Lpar 50 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQGSTN    Lpar 50 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQGUEDT   Lpar 50 effective time                   TIME
       LQGUPDT   Lpar 50 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQGWAIT   Lpar 50 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQGWST    Lpar 50 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQGZIPT   Lpar 50 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQGZIUT   Lpar 50 zip up time                      TIME
       LQGZIWT   Lpar 50 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQHBDA    Lpar 51 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQHCAP    Lpar 51 capped flag                      STRING
       LQHCHG    Lpar 51 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQHCSF    Lpar 51 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQHDED    Lpar 51 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQHDSA    Lpar 51 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQHDUR    Lpar 51 duration                         TIME
       LQHIFAT   Lpar 51 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQHIFUT   Lpar 51 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQHIFWT   Lpar 51 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQHLAC    Lpar 51 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQHMGTT   Lpar 51 management time                  TIME
       LQHMSU    Lpar 51 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQHMSUH   Lpar 51 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQHMSU7   Lpar 51 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQHNAME   Lpar 51 name                             STRING
       LQHNRPR   Lpar 51 number of processors             INT
       LQHNSW    Lpar 51 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQHONT    Lpar 51 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQHSHAR   Lpar 51 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQHSHRC   Lpar 51 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQHSTN    Lpar 51 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQHUEDT   Lpar 51 effective time                   TIME
       LQHUPDT   Lpar 51 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQHWAIT   Lpar 51 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQHWST    Lpar 51 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQHZIPT   Lpar 51 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQHZIUT   Lpar 51 zip up time                      TIME
       LQHZIWT   Lpar 51 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQIBDA    Lpar 52 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQICAP    Lpar 52 capped flag                      STRING
       LQICHG    Lpar 52 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQICSF    Lpar 52 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQIDED    Lpar 52 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQIDSA    Lpar 52 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQIDUR    Lpar 52 duration                         TIME
       LQIIFAT   Lpar 52 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQIIFUT   Lpar 52 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQIIFWT   Lpar 52 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQILAC    Lpar 52 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQIMGTT   Lpar 52 management time                  TIME
       LQIMSU    Lpar 52 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQIMSUH   Lpar 52 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQIMSU7   Lpar 52 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQINAME   Lpar 52 name                             STRING
       LQINRPR   Lpar 52 number of processors             INT
       LQINSW    Lpar 52 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQIONT    Lpar 52 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQISHAR   Lpar 52 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQISHRC   Lpar 52 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQISTN    Lpar 52 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQIUEDT   Lpar 52 effective time                   TIME
       LQIUPDT   Lpar 52 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQIWAIT   Lpar 52 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQIWST    Lpar 52 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQIZIPT   Lpar 52 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQIZIUT   Lpar 52 zip up time                      TIME
       LQIZIWT   Lpar 52 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQJBDA    Lpar 53 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQJCAP    Lpar 53 capped flag                      STRING
       LQJCHG    Lpar 53 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQJCSF    Lpar 53 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQJDED    Lpar 53 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQJDSA    Lpar 53 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQJDUR    Lpar 53 duration                         TIME
       LQJIFAT   Lpar 53 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQJIFUT   Lpar 53 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQJIFWT   Lpar 53 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQJLAC    Lpar 53 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQJMGTT   Lpar 53 management time                  TIME
       LQJMSU    Lpar 53 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQJMSUH   Lpar 53 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQJMSU7   Lpar 53 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQJNAME   Lpar 53 name                             STRING
       LQJNRPR   Lpar 53 number of processors             INT
       LQJNSW    Lpar 53 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQJONT    Lpar 53 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQJSHAR   Lpar 53 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQJSHRC   Lpar 53 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQJSTN    Lpar 53 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQJUEDT   Lpar 53 effective time                   TIME
       LQJUPDT   Lpar 53 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQJWAIT   Lpar 53 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQJWST    Lpar 53 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQJZIPT   Lpar 53 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQJZIUT   Lpar 53 zip up time                      TIME
       LQJZIWT   Lpar 53 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQKBDA    Lpar 54 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQKCAP    Lpar 54 capped flag                      STRING
       LQKCHG    Lpar 54 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQKCSF    Lpar 54 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQKDED    Lpar 54 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQKDSA    Lpar 54 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQKDUR    Lpar 54 duration                         TIME
       LQKIFAT   Lpar 54 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQKIFUT   Lpar 54 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQKIFWT   Lpar 54 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQKLAC    Lpar 54 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQKMGTT   Lpar 54 management time                  TIME
       LQKMSU    Lpar 54 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQKMSUH   Lpar 54 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQKMSU7   Lpar 54 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQKNAME   Lpar 54 name                             STRING
       LQKNRPR   Lpar 54 number of processors             INT
       LQKNSW    Lpar 54 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQKONT    Lpar 54 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQKSHAR   Lpar 54 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQKSHRC   Lpar 54 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQKSTN    Lpar 54 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQKUEDT   Lpar 54 effective time                   TIME
       LQKUPDT   Lpar 54 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQKWAIT   Lpar 54 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQKWST    Lpar 54 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQKZIPT   Lpar 54 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQKZIUT   Lpar 54 zip up time                      TIME
       LQKZIWT   Lpar 54 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQLBDA    Lpar 55 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQLCAP    Lpar 55 capped flag                      STRING
       LQLCHG    Lpar 55 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQLCSF    Lpar 55 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQLDED    Lpar 55 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQLDSA    Lpar 55 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQLDUR    Lpar 55 duration                         TIME
       LQLIFAT   Lpar 55 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQLIFUT   Lpar 55 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQLIFWT   Lpar 55 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQLLAC    Lpar 55 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQLMGTT   Lpar 55 management time                  TIME
       LQLMSU    Lpar 55 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQLMSUH   Lpar 55 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQLMSU7   Lpar 55 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQLNAME   Lpar 55 name                             STRING
       LQLNRPR   Lpar 55 number of processors             INT
       LQLNSW    Lpar 55 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQLONT    Lpar 55 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQLSHAR   Lpar 55 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQLSHRC   Lpar 55 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQLSTN    Lpar 55 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQLUEDT   Lpar 55 effective time                   TIME
       LQLUPDT   Lpar 55 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQLWAIT   Lpar 55 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQLWST    Lpar 55 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQLZIPT   Lpar 55 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQLZIUT   Lpar 55 zip up time                      TIME
       LQLZIWT   Lpar 55 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQMBDA    Lpar 56 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQMCAP    Lpar 56 capped flag                      STRING
       LQMCHG    Lpar 56 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQMCSF    Lpar 56 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQMDED    Lpar 56 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQMDSA    Lpar 56 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQMDUR    Lpar 56 duration                         TIME
       LQMIFAT   Lpar 56 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQMIFUT   Lpar 56 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQMIFWT   Lpar 56 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQMLAC    Lpar 56 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQMMGTT   Lpar 56 management time                  TIME
       LQMMSU    Lpar 56 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQMMSUH   Lpar 56 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQMMSU7   Lpar 56 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQMNAME   Lpar 56 name                             STRING
       LQMNRPR   Lpar 56 number of processors             INT
       LQMNSW    Lpar 56 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQMONT    Lpar 56 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQMSHAR   Lpar 56 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQMSHRC   Lpar 56 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQMSTN    Lpar 56 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQMUEDT   Lpar 56 effective time                   TIME
       LQMUPDT   Lpar 56 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQMWAIT   Lpar 56 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQMWST    Lpar 56 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQMZIPT   Lpar 56 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQMZIUT   Lpar 56 zip up time                      TIME
       LQMZIWT   Lpar 56 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQNBDA    Lpar 57 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQNCAP    Lpar 57 capped flag                      STRING
       LQNCHG    Lpar 57 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQNCSF    Lpar 57 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQNDED    Lpar 57 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQNDSA    Lpar 57 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQNDUR    Lpar 57 duration                         TIME
       LQNIFAT   Lpar 57 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQNIFUT   Lpar 57 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQNIFWT   Lpar 57 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQNLAC    Lpar 57 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQNMGTT   Lpar 57 management time                  TIME
       LQNMSU    Lpar 57 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQNMSUH   Lpar 57 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQNMSU7   Lpar 57 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQNNAME   Lpar 57 name                             STRING
       LQNNRPR   Lpar 57 number of processors             INT
       LQNNSW    Lpar 57 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQNONT    Lpar 57 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQNSHAR   Lpar 57 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQNSHRC   Lpar 57 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQNSTN    Lpar 57 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQNUEDT   Lpar 57 effective time                   TIME
       LQNUPDT   Lpar 57 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQNWAIT   Lpar 57 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQNWST    Lpar 57 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQNZIPT   Lpar 57 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQNZIUT   Lpar 57 zip up time                      TIME
       LQNZIWT   Lpar 57 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQOBDA    Lpar 58 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQOCAP    Lpar 58 capped flag                      STRING
       LQOCHG    Lpar 58 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQOCSF    Lpar 58 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQODED    Lpar 58 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQODSA    Lpar 58 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQODUR    Lpar 58 duration                         TIME
       LQOIFAT   Lpar 58 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQOIFUT   Lpar 58 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQOIFWT   Lpar 58 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQOLAC    Lpar 58 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQOMGTT   Lpar 58 management time                  TIME
       LQOMSU    Lpar 58 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQOMSUH   Lpar 58 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQOMSU7   Lpar 58 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQONAME   Lpar 58 name                             STRING
       LQONRPR   Lpar 58 number of processors             INT
       LQONSW    Lpar 58 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQOONT    Lpar 58 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQOSHAR   Lpar 58 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQOSHRC   Lpar 58 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQOSTN    Lpar 58 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQOUEDT   Lpar 58 effective time                   TIME
       LQOUPDT   Lpar 58 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQOWAIT   Lpar 58 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQOWST    Lpar 58 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQOZIPT   Lpar 58 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQOZIUT   Lpar 58 zip up time                      TIME
       LQOZIWT   Lpar 58 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQPBDA    Lpar 59 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQPCAP    Lpar 59 capped flag                      STRING
       LQPCHG    Lpar 59 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQPCSF    Lpar 59 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQPDED    Lpar 59 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQPDSA    Lpar 59 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQPDUR    Lpar 59 duration                         TIME
       LQPIFAT   Lpar 59 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQPIFUT   Lpar 59 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQPIFWT   Lpar 59 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQPLAC    Lpar 59 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQPMGTT   Lpar 59 management time                  TIME
       LQPMSU    Lpar 59 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQPMSUH   Lpar 59 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQPMSU7   Lpar 59 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQPNAME   Lpar 59 name                             STRING
       LQPNRPR   Lpar 59 number of processors             INT
       LQPNSW    Lpar 59 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQPONT    Lpar 59 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQPSHAR   Lpar 59 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQPSHRC   Lpar 59 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQPSTN    Lpar 59 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQPUEDT   Lpar 59 effective time                   TIME
       LQPUPDT   Lpar 59 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQPWAIT   Lpar 59 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQPWST    Lpar 59 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQPZIPT   Lpar 59 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQPZIUT   Lpar 59 zip up time                      TIME
       LQPZIWT   Lpar 59 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQQBDA    Lpar 60 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQQCAP    Lpar 60 capped flag                      STRING
       LQQCHG    Lpar 60 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQQCSF    Lpar 60 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQQDED    Lpar 60 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQQDSA    Lpar 60 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQQDUR    Lpar 60 duration                         TIME
       LQQIFAT   Lpar 60 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQQIFUT   Lpar 60 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQQIFWT   Lpar 60 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQQLAC    Lpar 60 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQQMGTT   Lpar 60 management time                  TIME
       LQQMSU    Lpar 60 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQQMSUH   Lpar 60 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQQMSU7   Lpar 60 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQQNAME   Lpar 60 name                             STRING
       LQQNRPR   Lpar 60 number of processors             INT
       LQQNSW    Lpar 60 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQQONT    Lpar 60 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQQSHAR   Lpar 60 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQQSHRC   Lpar 60 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQQSTN    Lpar 60 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQQUEDT   Lpar 60 effective time                   TIME
       LQQUPDT   Lpar 60 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQQWAIT   Lpar 60 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQQWST    Lpar 60 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQQZIPT   Lpar 60 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQQZIUT   Lpar 60 zip up time                      TIME
       LQQZIWT   Lpar 60 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ1BDA    Lpar 35 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ1CAP    Lpar 35 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ1CHG    Lpar 35 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ1CSF    Lpar 35 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ1DED    Lpar 35 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ1DSA    Lpar 35 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ1DUR    Lpar 35 duration                         TIME
       LQ1IFAT   Lpar 35 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1IFUT   Lpar 35 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ1IFWT   Lpar 35 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ1LAC    Lpar 35 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ1MGTT   Lpar 35 management time                  TIME
       LQ1MSU    Lpar 35 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ1MSUH   Lpar 35 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ1MSU7   Lpar 35 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ1NAME   Lpar 35 name                             STRING
       LQ1NRPR   Lpar 35 number of processors             INT
       LQ1NSW    Lpar 35 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ1ONT    Lpar 35 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ1SHAR   Lpar 35 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ1SHRC   Lpar 35 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ1STN    Lpar 35 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ1UEDT   Lpar 35 effective time                   TIME
       LQ1UPDT   Lpar 35 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ1WAIT   Lpar 35 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ1WST    Lpar 35 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ1ZIPT   Lpar 35 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1ZIUT   Lpar 35 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ1ZIWT   Lpar 35 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ2BDA    Lpar 36 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ2CAP    Lpar 36 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ2CHG    Lpar 36 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ2CSF    Lpar 36 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ2DED    Lpar 36 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ2DSA    Lpar 36 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ2DUR    Lpar 36 duration                         TIME
       LQ2IFAT   Lpar 36 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2IFUT   Lpar 36 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ2IFWT   Lpar 36 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ2LAC    Lpar 36 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ2MGTT   Lpar 36 management time                  TIME
       LQ2MSU    Lpar 36 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ2MSUH   Lpar 36 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ2MSU7   Lpar 36 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ2NAME   Lpar 36 name                             STRING
       LQ2NRPR   Lpar 36 number of processors             INT
       LQ2NSW    Lpar 36 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ2ONT    Lpar 36 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ2SHAR   Lpar 36 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ2SHRC   Lpar 36 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ2STN    Lpar 36 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ2UEDT   Lpar 36 effective time                   TIME
       LQ2UPDT   Lpar 36 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ2WAIT   Lpar 36 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ2WST    Lpar 36 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ2ZIPT   Lpar 36 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2ZIUT   Lpar 36 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ2ZIWT   Lpar 36 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ3BDA    Lpar 37 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ3CAP    Lpar 37 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ3CHG    Lpar 37 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ3CSF    Lpar 37 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ3DED    Lpar 37 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ3DSA    Lpar 37 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ3DUR    Lpar 37 duration                         TIME
       LQ3IFAT   Lpar 37 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3IFUT   Lpar 37 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ3IFWT   Lpar 37 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ3LAC    Lpar 37 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ3MGTT   Lpar 37 management time                  TIME
       LQ3MSU    Lpar 37 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ3MSUH   Lpar 37 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ3MSU7   Lpar 37 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ3NAME   Lpar 37 name                             STRING
       LQ3NRPR   Lpar 37 number of processors             INT
       LQ3NSW    Lpar 37 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ3ONT    Lpar 37 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ3SHAR   Lpar 37 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ3SHRC   Lpar 37 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ3STN    Lpar 37 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ3UEDT   Lpar 37 effective time                   TIME
       LQ3UPDT   Lpar 37 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ3WAIT   Lpar 37 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ3WST    Lpar 37 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ3ZIPT   Lpar 37 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3ZIUT   Lpar 37 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ3ZIWT   Lpar 37 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ4BDA    Lpar 38 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ4CAP    Lpar 38 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ4CHG    Lpar 38 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ4CSF    Lpar 38 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ4DED    Lpar 38 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ4DSA    Lpar 38 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ4DUR    Lpar 38 duration                         TIME
       LQ4IFAT   Lpar 38 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4IFUT   Lpar 38 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ4IFWT   Lpar 38 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ4LAC    Lpar 38 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ4MGTT   Lpar 38 management time                  TIME
       LQ4MSU    Lpar 38 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ4MSUH   Lpar 38 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ4MSU7   Lpar 38 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ4NAME   Lpar 38 name                             STRING
       LQ4NRPR   Lpar 38 number of processors             INT
       LQ4NSW    Lpar 38 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ4ONT    Lpar 38 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ4SHAR   Lpar 38 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ4SHRC   Lpar 38 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ4STN    Lpar 38 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ4UEDT   Lpar 38 effective time                   TIME
       LQ4UPDT   Lpar 38 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ4WAIT   Lpar 38 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ4WST    Lpar 38 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ4ZIPT   Lpar 38 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4ZIUT   Lpar 38 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ4ZIWT   Lpar 38 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ5BDA    Lpar 39 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ5CAP    Lpar 39 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ5CHG    Lpar 39 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ5CSF    Lpar 39 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ5DED    Lpar 39 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ5DSA    Lpar 39 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ5DUR    Lpar 39 duration                         TIME
       LQ5IFAT   Lpar 39 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5IFUT   Lpar 39 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ5IFWT   Lpar 39 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ5LAC    Lpar 39 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ5MGTT   Lpar 39 management time                  TIME
       LQ5MSU    Lpar 39 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ5MSUH   Lpar 39 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ5MSU7   Lpar 39 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ5NAME   Lpar 39 name                             STRING
       LQ5NRPR   Lpar 39 number of processors             INT
       LQ5NSW    Lpar 39 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ5ONT    Lpar 39 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ5SHAR   Lpar 39 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ5SHRC   Lpar 39 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ5STN    Lpar 39 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ5UEDT   Lpar 39 effective time                   TIME
       LQ5UPDT   Lpar 39 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ5WAIT   Lpar 39 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ5WST    Lpar 39 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ5ZIPT   Lpar 39 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5ZIUT   Lpar 39 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ5ZIWT   Lpar 39 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ6BDA    Lpar 40 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ6CAP    Lpar 40 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ6CHG    Lpar 40 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ6CSF    Lpar 40 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ6DED    Lpar 40 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ6DSA    Lpar 40 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ6DUR    Lpar 40 duration                         TIME
       LQ6IFAT   Lpar 40 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6IFUT   Lpar 40 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ6IFWT   Lpar 40 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ6LAC    Lpar 40 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ6MGTT   Lpar 40 management time                  TIME
       LQ6MSU    Lpar 40 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ6MSUH   Lpar 40 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ6MSU7   Lpar 40 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ6NAME   Lpar 40 name                             STRING
       LQ6NRPR   Lpar 40 number of processors             INT
       LQ6NSW    Lpar 40 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ6ONT    Lpar 40 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ6SHAR   Lpar 40 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ6SHRC   Lpar 40 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ6STN    Lpar 40 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ6UEDT   Lpar 40 effective time                   TIME
       LQ6UPDT   Lpar 40 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ6WAIT   Lpar 40 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ6WST    Lpar 40 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ6ZIPT   Lpar 40 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6ZIUT   Lpar 40 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ6ZIWT   Lpar 40 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ7BDA    Lpar 41 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ7CAP    Lpar 41 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ7CHG    Lpar 41 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ7CSF    Lpar 41 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ7DED    Lpar 41 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ7DSA    Lpar 41 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ7DUR    Lpar 41 duration                         TIME
       LQ7IFAT   Lpar 41 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7IFUT   Lpar 41 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ7IFWT   Lpar 41 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ7LAC    Lpar 41 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ7MGTT   Lpar 41 management time                  TIME
       LQ7MSU    Lpar 41 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ7MSUH   Lpar 41 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ7MSU7   Lpar 41 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ7NAME   Lpar 41 name                             STRING
       LQ7NRPR   Lpar 41 number of processors             INT
       LQ7NSW    Lpar 41 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ7ONT    Lpar 41 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ7SHAR   Lpar 41 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ7SHRC   Lpar 41 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ7STN    Lpar 41 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ7UEDT   Lpar 41 effective time                   TIME
       LQ7UPDT   Lpar 41 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ7WAIT   Lpar 41 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ7WST    Lpar 41 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ7ZIPT   Lpar 41 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7ZIUT   Lpar 41 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ7ZIWT   Lpar 41 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ8BDA    Lpar 42 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ8CAP    Lpar 42 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ8CHG    Lpar 42 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ8CSF    Lpar 42 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ8DED    Lpar 42 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ8DSA    Lpar 42 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ8DUR    Lpar 42 duration                         TIME
       LQ8IFAT   Lpar 42 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8IFUT   Lpar 42 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ8IFWT   Lpar 42 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ8LAC    Lpar 42 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ8MGTT   Lpar 42 management time                  TIME
       LQ8MSU    Lpar 42 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ8MSUH   Lpar 42 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ8MSU7   Lpar 42 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ8NAME   Lpar 42 name                             STRING
       LQ8NRPR   Lpar 42 number of processors             INT
       LQ8NSW    Lpar 42 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ8ONT    Lpar 42 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ8SHAR   Lpar 42 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ8SHRC   Lpar 42 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ8STN    Lpar 42 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ8UEDT   Lpar 42 effective time                   TIME
       LQ8UPDT   Lpar 42 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ8WAIT   Lpar 42 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ8WST    Lpar 42 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ8ZIPT   Lpar 42 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8ZIUT   Lpar 42 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ8ZIWT   Lpar 42 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ9BDA    Lpar 43 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ9CAP    Lpar 43 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ9CHG    Lpar 43 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ9CSF    Lpar 43 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ9DED    Lpar 43 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ9DSA    Lpar 43 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ9DUR    Lpar 43 duration                         TIME
       LQ9IFAT   Lpar 43 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9IFUT   Lpar 43 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ9IFWT   Lpar 43 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ9LAC    Lpar 43 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ9MGTT   Lpar 43 management time                  TIME
       LQ9MSU    Lpar 43 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ9MSUH   Lpar 43 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ9MSU7   Lpar 43 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ9NAME   Lpar 43 name                             STRING
       LQ9NRPR   Lpar 43 number of processors             INT
       LQ9NSW    Lpar 43 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ9ONT    Lpar 43 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ9SHAR   Lpar 43 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ9SHRC   Lpar 43 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ9STN    Lpar 43 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ9UEDT   Lpar 43 effective time                   TIME
       LQ9UPDT   Lpar 43 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ9WAIT   Lpar 43 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ9WST    Lpar 43 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ9ZIPT   Lpar 43 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9ZIUT   Lpar 43 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ9ZIWT   Lpar 43 zip wst time                     TIME
       NRIFACP   Nr of ifa cpus in cpc                    INT
       NRIFLCP   Nr of ifl cpus in cpc                    INT
       NRZIPCP   Nr of zip cpus in cpc                    INT
       PATNCPU   Total number of cpus in the cec          INT
       PCTLYBY   Lpar 33 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLYOV   Lpar 33 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLZBY   Lpar 34 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLZOV   Lpar 34 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQABY   Lpar 44 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQAOV   Lpar 44 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQBBY   Lpar 45 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQBOV   Lpar 45 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQCBY   Lpar 46 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQCOV   Lpar 46 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQDBY   Lpar 47 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQDOV   Lpar 47 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQEBY   Lpar 48 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQEOV   Lpar 48 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQFBY   Lpar 49 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQFOV   Lpar 49 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQGBY   Lpar 50 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQGOV   Lpar 50 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQHBY   Lpar 51 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQHOV   Lpar 51 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQIBY   Lpar 52 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQIOV   Lpar 52 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQJBY   Lpar 53 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQJOV   Lpar 53 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQKBY   Lpar 54 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQKOV   Lpar 54 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQLBY   Lpar 55 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQLOV   Lpar 55 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQMBY   Lpar 56 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQMOV   Lpar 56 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQNBY   Lpar 57 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQNOV   Lpar 57 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQOBY   Lpar 58 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQOOV   Lpar 58 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQPBY   Lpar 59 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQPOV   Lpar 59 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQQBY   Lpar 60 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQQOV   Lpar 60 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ1BY   Lpar 35 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ1OV   Lpar 35 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ2BY   Lpar 36 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ2OV   Lpar 36 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ3BY   Lpar 37 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ3OV   Lpar 37 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ4BY   Lpar 38 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ4OV   Lpar 38 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ5BY   Lpar 39 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ5OV   Lpar 39 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ6BY   Lpar 40 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ6OV   Lpar 40 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ7BY   Lpar 41 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ7OV   Lpar 41 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ8BY   Lpar 42 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ8OV   Lpar 42 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ9BY   Lpar 43 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ9OV   Lpar 43 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       STARTIM   Minimum interval start datetime          DATETIME
       SYSNAME   System name from ieasysxx                STRING

     The following 65 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XASM70P:

       LPACSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPBCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPCCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPDCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPECSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPFCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPGCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPHCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPHMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPHNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPICSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPIMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPINRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPJCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPJMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPJNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPKCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPKMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPKNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPLCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPLMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPLNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPMCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPMMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPMNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPNCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPNMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPNNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPOCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPOMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPONRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPQCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPQMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPQNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPRCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPRMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPRNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPSCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPSMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPSNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPTCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPTMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPTNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPUCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPUMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPUNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPVCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPVMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPVNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPWCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPWMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPWNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPXCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPXMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPXNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LP0CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP1CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP2CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP3CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP4CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP5CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP6CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP7CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP8CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP9CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XASM70P:

       NRPRCS    Number of logical partitions             INT
       PARTNCP   Total number of cpus in the cec          INT

 10) The following variable has been added to table XCISJR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SJPRXCH   Sjr profile xmx value in text            STRING

 11) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XCITRAN:

       TAERRFG   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

 12) The following variable has been deleted from table XCMEXTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMHDTIM   Start of measurement interval            DATETIME

 13) The following 22 variables have been added to table XCM27CS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       C00ANSI   Min interval computing system cpu use    MINIMUM
       C275AID   Device adapter id                        STRING
       C275HDD   Nof hdd-s in raid rank                   COUNT
       C275HSS   Hdd sector size                          GAUGE
       C275NVS   Nvs space allocation                     COUNT
       C275RFL   Flags byte                               STRING
       C275RID   Raid rank id                             INT
       C275RMR   Record mode read requests                COUNT
       C275RRQ   Raid rank read requests                  COUNT
       C275RRT   Raid rank read response time             TIME
       C275RSV   Lower interface i/o response             TIME
       C275RTY   Raid rank type                           STRING
       C275SR    Raid rank fb sectors read                COUNT
       C275SW    Raid rank fb sectors written             COUNT
       C275TSP   Tracks transferred to pprc vo            COUNT
       C275WRQ   Raid rank write requests                 COUNT
       C275WRT   Raid rank write response time            TIME
       C275XCW   Xrc or cc contaminated writes            COUNT
       C275XSF   Xrc or cc sidefile read requests         COUNT
       C276LRE   Loc rcd dmn/rec ca writes                COUNT
       C276RCR   Record cache read misses                 COUNT
       C279XRS   Lower interface i/o response             TIME

 14) The following 22 variables have been added to table XCM27C9:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       C00ANSI   Min interval computing system cpu use    MINIMUM
       C275AID   Device adapter id                        STRING
       C275HDD   Nof hdd-s in raid rank                   COUNT
       C275HSS   Hdd sector size                          GAUGE
       C275NVS   Nvs space allocation                     COUNT
       C275RFL   Flags byte                               STRING
       C275RID   Raid rank id                             INT
       C275RMR   Record mode read requests                COUNT
       C275RRQ   Raid rank read requests                  COUNT
       C275RRT   Raid rank read response time             TIME
       C275RSV   Lower interface i/o response             TIME
       C275RTY   Raid rank type                           STRING
       C275SR    Raid rank fb sectors read                COUNT
       C275SW    Raid rank fb sectors written             COUNT
       C275TSP   Tracks transferred to pprc vo            COUNT
       C275WRQ   Raid rank write requests                 COUNT
       C275WRT   Raid rank write response time            TIME
       C275XCW   Xrc or cc contaminated writes            COUNT
       C275XSF   Xrc or cc sidefile read requests         COUNT
       C276LRE   Loc rcd dmn/rec ca writes                COUNT
       C276RCR   Record cache read misses                 COUNT
       C279XRS   Lower interface i/o response             TIME

 15) The following 9 variables have been added to table XDBBPAC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBGADG    Cf unregister page requests              COUNT
       QBGAP1    P-lock lock reqs for space map pages     COUNT
       QBGAP2    P-lock lock reqs for data pages          COUNT
       QBGAP3    P-lock lock reqs for index leaf pages    COUNT
       QBGAS1    P-lock lock suspnd for space map pages   COUNT
       QBGAS2    P-lock lock suspnd for data pages        COUNT
       QBGAS3    P-lock lock suspnd for index leaf pages  COUNT
       QBGAU1    P-lock lock requests                     COUNT
       QBGAWS    Write and register war requests          COUNT

 16) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XDBCCTP:

       QPACFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       QPACFLG   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX4.

 17) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XDBGBPA:

       QBGBGR1   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       QBGBGR2   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       QBGBGR1   changed from  $HEX8.    to  $HEX12.
       QBGBGR2   changed from  $HEX8.    to  $HEX12.

 18) The following variable has been deleted from table XDBGBPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BEGTIME   Beginning db2 stat interval              DATETIME

 19) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QW1PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable master asid     TIME
       QW2PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable dbm1 asid       TIME
       QW3PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable irlm asid       TIME
       QW4PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable ddf asid        TIME

 20) The following variable has been deleted from table XDBTATB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BEGTIME   Beginning db2 stat interval              DATETIME

 21) The following variable has been deleted from table XDBTATR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BEGTIME   Beginning db2 stat interval              DATETIME

 22) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QW1PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable master asid     TIME
       QW2PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable dbm1 asid       TIME
       QW3PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable irlm asid       TIME
       QW4PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable ddf asid        TIME

 23) The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XEDSVRE:

       MVEXP01   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       MVMEDAT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       MVMEDCM   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       MVMEDTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       MVEXP01   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX8.

 24) The following variable has been added to table XICBGUT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VDVFDID   Fdid name of functional device           STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XICBGUT:

       VDVNAME   Fdid name of functional device           STRING

 25) The following variable has been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FLGSPCH   Wfi/pwfi processing flag                 STRING

 26) The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XIMPROG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CTCKPNT   Checkpoints syncpoints                   COUNT
       MAXLOCK   Maximum locks held                       MAXIMUM
       TOTLOCK   Total locks                              COUNT

 27) The following variable has been added to table XIPAC03:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IPPACCE   Page accessed count                      COUNT

 28) The following variable has been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME

 29) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 30) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 31) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 32) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 33) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 34) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 35) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 36) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 37) The following 3 variables have been added to table XMQACTQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WTADBGT   Wtas db2 bytes read                      COUNT
       WTADBPT   Wtas db2 bytes written                   COUNT
       WTAVER    Wtas version number                      INT

 38) The following 25 variables have been added to table XMQMSGD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LMDEL     Db2 blob delete requests                 COUNT
       LMDSCUW   Db2 blob delete sql delete cum-tm        TIME
       LMDSMXW   Db2 blob delete sql delete max-tm        MAXIMUM
       LMDTCUW   Db2 blob delete thread delete cum-tm     TIME
       LMDTMXW   Db2 blob delete thread delete max-tm     MAXIMUM
       LMINS     Db2 blob insert requests                 COUNT
       LMISCUW   Db2 blob write sql delete cum-tm         TIME
       LMISMXW   Db2 blob write sql delete max-tm         MAXIMUM
       LMITCUW   Db2 blob write thread delete cum-tm      TIME
       LMITMXW   Db2 blob write thread delete max-tm      MAXIMUM
       LMLIS     Db2 blob list requests                   COUNT
       LMLSCUW   Db2 blob list sql delete cum-tm          TIME
       LMLSMXW   Db2 blob list sql delete max-tm          MAXIMUM
       LMLTCUW   Db2 blob list thread delete cum-tm       TIME
       LMLTMXW   Db2 blob list thread delete max-tm       MAXIMUM
       LMSEL     Db2 blob read requests                   COUNT
       LMSSCUW   Db2 blob read sql delete cum-tm          TIME
       LMSSMXW   Db2 blob read sql delete max-tm          MAXIMUM
       LMSTCUW   Db2 blob read thread delete cum-tm       TIME
       LMSTMXW   Db2 blob read thread delete max-tm       MAXIMUM
       LMUPD     Db2 blob update requests                 COUNT
       LMUSCUW   Db2 blob update sql delete cum-tm        TIME
       LMUSMXW   Db2 blob update sql delete max-tm        MAXIMUM
       LMUTCUW   Db2 blob update thread delete cum-tm     TIME
       LMUTMXW   Db2 blob update thread delete max-tm     MAXIMUM

 39) The following 15 variables have been added to table XMQQUEU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WQFLGS    Flags                                    STRING
       WQGEDVA   Successful destructive gets              COUNT
       WQGEJCE   Elapsed wait for force journal gets      TIME
       WQGEJCN   Force journal gets                       COUNT
       WQMAQDP   Maximum encountered queue depth          MAXIMUM
       WQPUJCE   Elapsed wait for force journal writes    TIME
       WQPUJCN   Force journal writes                     COUNT
       WQPUPWG   Mqput calls where msg passed             COUNT
       WQPU1JE   Elapsed wait force mqput1 journal writes TIME
       WQPU1JM   Force mqput1 journal writes              COUNT
       WQPU1PW   Mqput1 calls where msg passed            COUNT
       WQSEJCE   Elapsed wait for set                     TIME
       WQSEJCN   Number of set                            INT
       WTAFLAG   Wtasflag                                 HEXFLAGS
       WTAFLG2   Wtasflg2                                 HEXFLAGS

 40) The following 2 variables have been added to table XNDMPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PSSDSN    Dataset name                             STRING
       PSSDSNL   Length of dataset name                   INT

 41) The following 6 variables have been added to table XNDMRJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDJOBNM   Job name                                 STRING
       NDMCPUT   Ndm cpu time                             TIME
       NDPACCT   Ndm pnode account data                   STRING
       NDRJDSN   Dsname                                   STRING
       NDSACCT   Ndm snode account data                   STRING
       NDSYSRC   System return code                       STRING

 42) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPNNRC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 43) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNPNSES:

       LSCDSTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 44) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPSVCS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 45) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPSVMN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 46) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPSVRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 47) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPTEXC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 48) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPVMNE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 49) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNPVSAL:

       LSCDSTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 50) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXCSL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 51) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXETH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 52) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXFRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 53) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXNEO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 54) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXTRI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 55) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXXLK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 56) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXXPU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 57) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXXVC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 58) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSACCT:

       NSRCMPF   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSRFLAG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSRCMPF   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSRFLAG   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 59) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSALRT:

       NSPXRES   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 60) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSAPPL:

       APLFLG2   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       APLUIDR   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       APLULOK   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       APLFLG2   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       APLUIDR   changed from  $HEX4.    to  $HEX8.
       APLULOK   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 61) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSETHR:

       NSPNSUB   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSPNS01   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSPNSUB   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSPNS01   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 62) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSFRLY:

       NSPNSUB   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSPNS01   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSPNSUB   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSPNS01   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 63) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSLANL:

       LLANTYP   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       LLANTYP   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 64) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSLANS:

       LLANTYP   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       LLANTYP   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 65) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSLINE:

       NSPNSUB   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       NSPNSUB   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 66) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSNPSI:

       NSNSUBE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSNSUBT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSNSUBE   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSNSUBT   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 67) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSTIC3:

       NSPNSUB   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSPNS01   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSPNSUB   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSPNS01   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 68) The following 5 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSTR:

       NSNSUBE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSNSUBT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TRFLAG1   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TRFLAG4   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TRFLAG5   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 5 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSNSUBE   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSNSUBT   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       TRFLAG1   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       TRFLAG4   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       TRFLAG5   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 69) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSVIRT:

       VRSTATE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       VRSTATE   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 70) The following variable has been deleted from table XOMMSJO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMFS2ST   Cycle start datetime                     DATETIME

 71) The following 33 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BATIFA    Batch cpu ifa time on ifa                COUNT
       BATIFE    Batch cpu ifaelig time on cp             COUNT
       CICSIFA   Cics cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       CICSIFE   Cics cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       IMSIFA    Ims cpu ifa time on ifa                  COUNT
       IMSIFE    Ims cpu ifaelig time on cp               COUNT
       LPRNAME   Logical partition name                   STRING
       LPRNSW    Percent lpar soft capped                 PERCENT100
       OTH0IFA   Oth0 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH0IFE   Oth0 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH1IFA   Oth1 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH1IFE   Oth1 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH2IFA   Oth2 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH2IFE   Oth2 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH3IFA   Oth3 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH3IFE   Oth3 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH4IFA   Oth4 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH4IFE   Oth4 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH5IFA   Oth5 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH5IFE   Oth5 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH6IFA   Oth6 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH6IFE   Oth6 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH7IFA   Oth7 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH7IFE   Oth7 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH8IFA   Oth8 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH8IFE   Oth8 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH9IFA   Oth9 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH9IFE   Oth9 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       SM70BDA   Logical cpus active for this partition   INT
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time now local    DATETIME
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TSOIFA    Tso cpu ifa time on ifa                  COUNT
       TSOIFE    Tso cpu ifaelig time on cp               COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XRMFINT:

       TTSHARC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE

 72) The following 15 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXPERR    Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                GAUGE
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 73) The following variable has been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME

 74) The following 4 variables have been added to table XSTCLMU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LSBCONT   Lsm configuration byte                   INT
       LSECON1   Passthru port 1 connectivity             HEXFLAGS
       LSECON2   Passthru port 2 connectivity             HEXFLAGS
       OLDLSM    Old lsm three bytes                      HEXFLAGS

 75) The following variable has been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME

 76) The following 3 variables have been added to table XSTVS13:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST13CTP   Cartridge type                           STRING
       ST13HST   Originating host name                    STRING
       ST13MNR   Mounted without a recall?                STRING

 77) The following 3 variables have been added to table XSTVS14:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST14CTP   Cartridge type                           STRING
       ST14HST   Originating host name                    STRING
       ST14ULN   Mvcs to unlink                           COUNT

 78) The following variable has been added to table XTAPES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21FL1   General flag bytes                       HEXFLAGS

 79) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D6RECNR   Record number in input file              INT

 80) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB6B:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D6RECNR   Record number in input file              INT

 81) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB6S:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D6RECNR   Record number in input file              INT

 82) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D7RECNR   D7 record number                         INT

 83) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB7B:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D7RECNR   D7 record number                         INT

 84) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB7S:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D7RECNR   D7 record number                         INT

 85) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTYSOLV:

       SOLVFLA   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 86) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTYTMNT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JCTJOBI   Job type and jes number                  STRING
       PROGRAM   Program name                             STRING
       RESGROU   Resource group name                      STRING
       RPTCLAS   Reporting class name                     STRING
       SRVCLAS   Service class name                       STRING
       TMNTEXI   Mount exit?                              STRING
       TYPETAS   Type of task                             STRING
       WLMNAME   Workload name                            STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       ASID      changed from  HEX2.     to  HEX4.

 87) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY1032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Beginning of interval                    DATETIME

 88) The following variable has been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF14LG   Dsntype large format?                    STRING

 89) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY16:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ICEMON    Memory objects allocated                 COUNT
       ICEMOSI   Mosize value in effect                   COUNT
       ICEMOUS   Megabytes used for memory objects        COUNT
       MEMOBJU   Memory object used?                      STRING

 90) The following variable has been added to table XTY21:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21FL1   General flag bytes                       HEXFLAGS

 91) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY22_A:

       SMF22CY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       SMF22PC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 92) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY26J2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOEPURG   Joe purged due to pso/sapi?              STRING
       UNSPUNJ   Job went thru unspun in its lifetime?    STRING

 93) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                COUNT
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 94) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS

 95) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                COUNT
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 96) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                COUNT
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 97) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 98) The following variable has been added to table XTY32:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING

 99) The following variable has been added to table XTY33_1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXCPERR   Excptotl exceeded 4gig                   STRING

100) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY42CU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LATTIME   Last update timestamp                    DATETIME

101) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM6INDC   Record level indicator                   INT
       SM6PAD1   Section indicator                        HEXFLAGS

102) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY6ENH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM6INDC   Record level indicator                   INT
       SM6PAD1   Section indicator                        HEXFLAGS

103) The following 200 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCPDEDA   Lcpu 10 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDB   Lcpu 11 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDC   Lcpu 12 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDD   Lcpu 13 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDE   Lcpu 14 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDF   Lcpu 15 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDG   Lcpu 16 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDH   Lcpu 17 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDI   Lcpu 18 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDJ   Lcpu 19 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDK   Lcpu 20 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDL   Lcpu 21 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDN   Lcpu 22 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDO   Lcpu 23 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDP   Lcpu 24 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDQ   Lcpu 25 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDR   Lcpu 26 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDS   Lcpu 27 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDT   Lcpu 28 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDU   Lcpu 29 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDV   Lcpu 30 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDW   Lcpu 31 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDX   Lcpu 32 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDED0   Lcpu 0 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED1   Lcpu 1 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED2   Lcpu 2 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED3   Lcpu 3 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED4   Lcpu 4 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED5   Lcpu 5 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED6   Lcpu 6 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED7   Lcpu 7 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED8   Lcpu 8 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED9   Lcpu 9 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPWAIA   Lcpu 10 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIB   Lcpu 11 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIC   Lcpu 12 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAID   Lcpu 13 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIE   Lcpu 14 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIF   Lcpu 15 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIG   Lcpu 16 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIH   Lcpu 17 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAII   Lcpu 18 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIJ   Lcpu 19 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIK   Lcpu 20 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIL   Lcpu 21 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIN   Lcpu 22 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIO   Lcpu 23 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIP   Lcpu 24 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIQ   Lcpu 25 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIR   Lcpu 26 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIS   Lcpu 27 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIU   Lcpu 29 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIV   Lcpu 30 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIW   Lcpu 31 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIX   Lcpu 32 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAI0   Lcpu 0 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI1   Lcpu 1 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI2   Lcpu 2 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI3   Lcpu 3 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI4   Lcpu 4 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI5   Lcpu 5 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI6   Lcpu 6 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI7   Lcpu 7 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI8   Lcpu 8 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI9   Lcpu 9 wait complete?                    STRING
       LPRNAME   Logical partition name                   STRING
       LPRNSW    Percent lpar soft capped                 PERCENT100
       LPRSHAC   Lpar current weight                      GAUGE
       LPRSHAR   Lpar initial weight                      GAUGE
       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       NRZIPS    Number of zip engines available          INT
       PCIFBYA   Ifa a percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYB   Ifa b percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYC   Ifa c percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYD   Ifa d percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYE   Ifa e percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYF   Ifa f percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYG   Ifa g percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYH   Ifa h percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYI   Ifa i percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYJ   Ifa j percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYK   Ifa k percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYL   Ifa l percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYN   Ifa n percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYO   Ifa o percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYP   Ifa p percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYQ   Ifa q percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYR   Ifa r percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYS   Ifa s percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYT   Ifa t percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYU   Ifa u percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYV   Ifa v percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYW   Ifa w percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYX   Ifa x percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY0   Ifa 0 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY1   Ifa 1 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY2   Ifa 2 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY3   Ifa 3 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY4   Ifa 4 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY5   Ifa 5 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY6   Ifa 6 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY7   Ifa 7 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY8   Ifa 8 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY9   Ifa 9 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYA   Zip a percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYB   Zip b percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYC   Zip c percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYD   Zip d percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYE   Zip e percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYF   Zip f percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYG   Zip g percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYH   Zip h percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYI   Zip i percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYJ   Zip j percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYK   Zip k percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYL   Zip l percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYN   Zip n percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYO   Zip o percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYP   Zip p percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYQ   Zip q percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYR   Zip r percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYS   Zip s percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYT   Zip t percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYU   Zip u percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYV   Zip v percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYW   Zip w percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYX   Zip x percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY0   Zip 0 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY1   Zip 1 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY2   Zip 2 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY3   Zip 3 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY4   Zip 4 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY5   Zip 5 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY6   Zip 6 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY7   Zip 7 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY8   Zip 8 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY9   Zip 9 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   All zips percent busy (dispatched)       PERCENT100
       PLATBUS   Platform percent hardware busy           PERCENT100
       PLATCPU   Platform number of engines               INT
       SM70BDA   Logical cpus active for this partition   INT
       SM70HOF   Hypervisor datetime offset               TIME
       SM70HWM   Cpc physical model identifier            STRING
       SM70OIL   Original interval length                 INT
       SM70Q00   Percent when in ready le n cp-s          PERCENT100
       SM70Q01   Percent when in ready le n+1 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q02   Percent when in ready le n+2 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q03   Percent when in ready le n+3 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q04   Percent when in ready le n+4 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q05   Percent when in ready le n+5 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q06   Percent when in ready le n+6 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q07   Percent when in ready le n+7 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q08   Percent when in ready le n+8 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q09   Percent when in ready le n+9 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q10   Percent when in ready le n+10 cp-s       PERCENT100
       SM70Q11   Percent when in ready le n+11 cp-s       PERCENT100
       SM70Q12   Percent when in ready le n+12 cp-s       PERCENT100
       SM70SUP   Zip processors online at end of interval INT
       SM70SYN   Sync value                               INT
       STFBIT0   Smf70lac no longer includes cpu wait?    STRING
       STFBI01   Smf70mdl model capacity only?            STRING
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZIPACTT   Zip processor cpu active time            TIME
       ZIPAVAI   Zip processor available?                 STRING
       ZIPUPTM   Zip processors up time                   TIME
       ZIPWATA   Zip wait duration zip 10                 TIME
       ZIPWATB   Zip wait duration zip 11                 TIME
       ZIPWATC   Zip wait duration zip 12                 TIME
       ZIPWATD   Zip wait duration zip 13                 TIME
       ZIPWATE   Zip wait duration zip 14                 TIME
       ZIPWATF   Zip wait duration zip 15                 TIME
       ZIPWATG   Zip wait duration zip 16                 TIME
       ZIPWATH   Zip wait duration zip 17                 TIME
       ZIPWATI   Zip wait duration zip 18                 TIME
       ZIPWATJ   Zip wait duration zip 19                 TIME
       ZIPWATK   Zip wait duration zip 20                 TIME
       ZIPWATL   Zip wait duration zip 21                 TIME
       ZIPWATM   Total zip wait duration                  TIME
       ZIPWATN   Zip wait duration zip 22                 TIME
       ZIPWATO   Zip wait duration zip 23                 TIME
       ZIPWATP   Zip wait duration zip 24                 TIME
       ZIPWATQ   Zip wait duration zip 25                 TIME
       ZIPWATR   Zip wait duration zip 26                 TIME
       ZIPWATS   Zip wait duration zip 27                 TIME
       ZIPWATT   Zip wait duration zip 28                 TIME
       ZIPWATU   Zip wait duration zip 29                 TIME
       ZIPWATV   Zip wait duration zip 30                 TIME
       ZIPWATW   Zip wait duration zip 31                 TIME
       ZIPWATX   Zip wait duration zip 32                 TIME
       ZIPWAT0   Zip wait duration zip 0                  TIME
       ZIPWAT1   Zip wait duration zip 1                  TIME
       ZIPWAT2   Zip wait duration zip 2                  TIME
       ZIPWAT3   Zip wait duration zip 3                  TIME
       ZIPWAT4   Zip wait duration zip 4                  TIME
       ZIPWAT5   Zip wait duration zip 5                  TIME
       ZIPWAT6   Zip wait duration zip 6                  TIME
       ZIPWAT7   Zip wait duration zip 7                  TIME
       ZIPWAT8   Zip wait duration zip 8                  TIME
       ZIPWAT9   Zip wait duration zip 9                  TIME

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY70:

       SM70DSA   changed from  INT       to  GAUGE

104) The following 10 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       NRIFACP   Number of ifa cpus in this box           INT
       NRIFLCP   Number of ifl cpus in this box           INT
       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus in this box           INT
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time now local    DATETIME
       SM70HOF   Hypervisor datetime offset               TIME
       SM70HWM   Cpc physical model identifier            STRING
       SM70UPI   User partition id                        INT
       STFBIT0   Smf70lac no longer includes cpu wait?    STRING
       STFBI01   Smf70mdl model capacity only?            STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY70PR:

       SM70DSA   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

105) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY70Y2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CRYIH2R   Sha-256 hashing rate                     RATE
       CRYIH2S   Sha-256 hashing size                     INT
       R72NH2B   Sha-256 data bytes hash                  INT
       R72NH2C   Sha-256 calls to hash                    COUNT
       R72NH2I   Sha-256 pcmf instr used to hash          INT

106) The following variable has been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73NFFS   Normalization factor for zip times       INT

107) The following variable has been added to table XTY73L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYSNAME   System name from ieasysxx                STRING

108) The following variable has been added to table XTY73PC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYSNAME   System name from ieasysxx                STRING

109) The following variable has been added to table XTY74CA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R75DCCU   Configured control unit type             INT

110) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY74PA:

       R72PDIR   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       R72PSTA   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       R742PTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

111) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY74ST:

       R744STY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

112) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY791:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R71NFFI   Normalization factor for ifa             INT
       R71NFFS   Normalization factor for zip             INT
       R71TIFC   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R71TSUC   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R71TSUP   Zip time spent on standard cps           TIME

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY791:

       R791FLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       R791FLG   changed from  $HEX1.    to  $HEX2.

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY791:

       R71TIFE   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME

113) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY792:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72NFFI   Normalization factor for ifa             INT
       R72NFFS   Normalization factor for zip             INT
       R72TIFC   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R72TSUC   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R72TSUP   Zip time spent on standard cps           TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY792:

       R72TIFE   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME

114) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY799:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R799CX2   Timing facility not active?              STRING
       R799CX3   Extended cmb mode?                       STRING
       R799CX4   Model-dependent data not available?      STRING
       R799CX5   Initial cmr time is available?           STRING

115) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8000:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

116) The following variable has been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

117) The following variable has been added to table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

118) The following variable has been added to table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

119) The following variable has been added to table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

120) The following variable has been added to table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

121) The following variable has been added to table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

122) The following variable has been added to table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

123) The following variable has been added to table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8008:

       KW08UAC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

124) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K301DEL   Segment deleted via a noxxx keyword?     STRING
       K301IGN   Keyword ignored insuffient authority?    STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

125) The following 35 variables have been added to table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K10ER00   Keyword ignored error dfltgrp?           STRING
       K10ER01   Keyword ignored error group?             STRING
       K10ER02   Keyword ignored error password?          STRING
       K10ER03   Keyword ignored error nopassword?        STRING
       K10ER04   Keyword ignored error name?              STRING
       K10ER05   Keyword ignored error authority?         STRING
       K10ER06   Keyword ignored error data?              STRING
       K10ER07   Keyword ignored error grpacc?            STRING
       K10ER08   Keyword ignored error nogrpacc?          STRING
       K10ER09   Keyword ignored error uacc?              STRING
       K10ER10   Keyword ignored error adsp?              STRING
       K10ER11   Keyword ignored error noadsp?            STRING
       K10ER12   Keyword ignored error owner?             STRING
       K10ER13   Keyword ignored error special?           STRING
       K10ER14   Keyword ignored error nospecial?         STRING
       K10ER15   Keyword ignored error operations?        STRING
       K10ER16   Keyword ignored error nooperations?      STRING
       K10ER17   Keyword ignored error clauth?            STRING
       K10ER18   Keyword ignored error noclauth?          STRING
       K10ER19   Keyword ignored error auditor?           STRING
       K10ER20   Keyword ignored error noauditor?         STRING
       K10ER21   Keyword ignored error oidcard?           STRING
       K10ER22   Keyword ignored error nooidcard?         STRING
       K10ER23   Keyword ignored error revoke?            STRING
       K10ER24   Keyword ignored error resume?            STRING
       K10ER25   Keyword ignored error audit?             STRING
       K10ER26   Keyword ignored error noaudit?           STRING
       K10ER27   Keyword ignored error model?             STRING
       K10ER28   Keyword ignored error nomodel?           STRING
       K10ER29   Keyword ignored error when?              STRING
       K10ER30   Keyword ignored error addcategory?       STRING
       K10ER31   Keyword ignored error delcategory?       STRING
       K301DEL   Segment deleted via a noxxx keyword?     STRING
       K301IGN   Keyword ignored insuffient authority?    STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8010:

       AUTHFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       UACCFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

126) The following variable has been added to table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8011:

       UACCFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 4 variables have been deleted from table XTY8011:

       K11IG28   Keyword ignored seclabel?                STRING
       K11IG29   Keyword ignored noseclabel?              STRING
       K11SP28   Keyword specified seclabel?              STRING
       K11SP29   Keyword specified noseclabel?            STRING

127) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K301DEL   Segment deleted via a noxxx keyword?     STRING
       K301IGN   Keyword ignored insuffient authority?    STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

128) The following 35 variables have been added to table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K10ER00   Keyword ignored error dfltgrp?           STRING
       K10ER01   Keyword ignored error group?             STRING
       K10ER02   Keyword ignored error password?          STRING
       K10ER03   Keyword ignored error nopassword?        STRING
       K10ER04   Keyword ignored error name?              STRING
       K10ER05   Keyword ignored error authority?         STRING
       K10ER06   Keyword ignored error data?              STRING
       K10ER07   Keyword ignored error grpacc?            STRING
       K10ER08   Keyword ignored error nogrpacc?          STRING
       K10ER09   Keyword ignored error uacc?              STRING
       K10ER10   Keyword ignored error adsp?              STRING
       K10ER11   Keyword ignored error noadsp?            STRING
       K10ER12   Keyword ignored error owner?             STRING
       K10ER13   Keyword ignored error special?           STRING
       K10ER14   Keyword ignored error nospecial?         STRING
       K10ER15   Keyword ignored error operations?        STRING
       K10ER16   Keyword ignored error nooperations?      STRING
       K10ER17   Keyword ignored error clauth?            STRING
       K10ER18   Keyword ignored error noclauth?          STRING
       K10ER19   Keyword ignored error auditor?           STRING
       K10ER20   Keyword ignored error noauditor?         STRING
       K10ER21   Keyword ignored error oidcard?           STRING
       K10ER22   Keyword ignored error nooidcard?         STRING
       K10ER23   Keyword ignored error revoke?            STRING
       K10ER24   Keyword ignored error resume?            STRING
       K10ER25   Keyword ignored error audit?             STRING
       K10ER26   Keyword ignored error noaudit?           STRING
       K10ER27   Keyword ignored error model?             STRING
       K10ER28   Keyword ignored error nomodel?           STRING
       K10ER29   Keyword ignored error when?              STRING
       K10ER30   Keyword ignored error addcategory?       STRING
       K10ER31   Keyword ignored error delcategory?       STRING
       K301DEL   Segment deleted via a noxxx keyword?     STRING
       K301IGN   Keyword ignored insuffient authority?    STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8013:

       AUTHFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       UACCFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

129) The following variable has been added to table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8014:

       AUTHFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       UACCFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

130) The following variable has been added to table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

131) The following variable has been added to table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

132) The following variable has been added to table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

133) The following variable has been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

134) The following variable has been added to table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

135) The following variable has been added to table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8020:

       UACFLGS   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

136) The following variable has been added to table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8021:

       UACFLGS   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 6 variables have been deleted from table XTY8021:

       K21GL00   Globalaudit keyword all?                 STRING
       K21GL01   Globalaudit keyword success?             STRING
       K21GL02   Globalaudit keyword failures?            STRING
       K21GL03   Globalaudit keyword none?                STRING
       K21GL04   Globalaudit keyword success codes        INT
       K21GL05   Globalaudit keyword failure codes        INT

137) The following variable has been added to table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

138) The following variable has been added to table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

139) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY8024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACEEUSE   User name from acee                      STRING
       CLASNM2   Second class name                        STRING
       CLASNM3   Third class name                         STRING
       CLASNM4   Fourth class name                        STRING

     The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8024:

       KW24LNG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24LNI   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24MOP   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24PRL   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24SP2   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24SRL   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 6 variables have had their format changed in table

       KW24LNG   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX8.
       KW24LNI   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX8.
       KW24MOP   changed from  $HEX8.    to  $HEX10.

140) The following variable has been added to table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

141) The following variable has been added to table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

142) The following variable has been added to table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

143) The following variable has been added to table XTY8028:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

144) The following variable has been added to table XTY8029:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

145) The following variable has been added to table XTY8030:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

146) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

147) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8033:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

148) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8034:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

149) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8038:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

150) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8039:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

151) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8042:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

152) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8043:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

153) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8044:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

154) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8045:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

155) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8048:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

156) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8050:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

157) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8054:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

158) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8055:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

159) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8057:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

160) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8061:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

161) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8062:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

162) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8064:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

163) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8066:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

164) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SM82CGB   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX8.

165) The following variable has been added to table XTY88:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM88EAF   Ixlogr staging async buffer full         INT

166) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY89:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       SM89DTO   Local datetime offset dvtldto            TIME
       SM89HOF   Hypervisor datetime offset               TIME

167) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY91IC:

       SM91IEC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

168) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY91OC:

       SM91OEC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

169) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY9112:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INTBTIM   Interval begin timestamp                 DATETIME

170) The following variable has been added to table XTY9212:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM92MMD   Unique device number for the file        INT

171) The following variable has been added to table XTY9213:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM92UDX   Unique device number for the file        INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY9213:

       SM92UDN   Unique device number for the file        INT

172) The following 10 variables have been added to table XTY94:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S9SDEM1   Secure data erase mounts dc 1            COUNT
       S9SDEM2   Secure data erase mounts dc 2            COUNT
       S94LCSG   Vtc 0 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSH   Vtc 1 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSI   Vtc 2 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSJ   Vtc 3 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSK   Vtc 4 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSL   Vtc 5 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSM   Vtc 6 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSN   Vtc 7 write protect mode                 INT

     The following 11 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY94:

       S94CPF0   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF1   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF2   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF3   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF4   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF5   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF6   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF7   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94LCSA   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       S94LCSD   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       S94LCSE   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following 11 variables have had their format changed in table

       S94CPF0   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF1   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF2   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF3   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF4   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF5   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF6   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF7   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_

173) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY99_2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCADP     Curr achieavable demand pct              PERCENT100
       PESCS     Asids explicit storage critical          COUNT
       PGRIN     Group name                               STRING
       PIFAD     Ifa delay samples                        COUNT
       PIFAU     Ifa using samples                        COUNT
       PIFLAG    Flags                                    HEXFLAGS
       PSAMHST   Sample history rows used                 COUNT
       PSBCPUD   Sample based cpu delays                  COUNT
       PSBCPUU   Sample based cpu usings                  COUNT
       PSBIOD    Sample based i/o delays                  COUNT
       PSBNIOD   Sysplex wide non i/o delays              COUNT
       PSPMDP    Minpct proctime demanded                 PERCENT100
       PSWCPUU   Sysplex wide cpu using samps             COUNT
       PSWCT     Short wait count accumulate              COUNT
       PSWIDLE   Sysplex wide wide idle samps             COUNT
       PSWNONI   Sysplex wide non-idle samps              COUNT
       PSWOTHR   Sysplex wide other samps                 COUNT
       SM99SCI   Service class index                      INT

174) The following variable has been added to table XTY99_7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM97SCS   Sub channel set=                         INT

175) The following 7 variables have been added to table XT11970:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSPCCPL   Control correction protection level      STRING
       FSPCIPH   Cipher specification                     STRING
       FSPDCPL   Data correction protection level         STRING
       FSPLGME   Login method                             STRING
       FSPMECH   Protection mechanism                     STRING
       FSPPRBF   Negotiated protection buffer size        GAUGE
       FSPPROT   Protocol level                           STRING

176) The following variable has been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DB2IDLE   Db2 idle time                            TIME

Support for SMF NDMCT De-accumulation

The SMF data collector used by the %CMPROCES and %CPPROCES macros has been updated to execute the proper de-accumulation of the NDMCT (NDM Copy Termination) SMF record. Previously, this could only be achieved by adding the necessary MXG code to an exit point. With this fix, exit points or other extra code are not needed.

Updates to sar Data Support on Linux

The default behaviour for processing SAR output from the linux operating system has changed with this hotfix.

The SAR output from the Linux operating system appears to place parentheses around the machine name and, although not representing a major problem, additional code has been added to strip them out. This does mean that the value for the MACHINE column may change slightly and may impact existig reporting or filters that are currently in place. For example, if MACHINE contains the value (PRODLINUX), it will now contain simply PRODLINUX.

Updates to SiteScope Data Support for Daylight Savings Time adjustments

Because SiteScope does not record the duration of the intervals in its data files, it has to be derived. To achieve this, the SiteScope staging code calculates it based on the DATETIME stamps in the data file. However, this calculation method does not currently take into account Daylight Saving Time changes. As such, the duration values may misrepresent the actual duration of the interval when the DATETIME stamp reflects such a change. With this update, the calculation method can automatically adjust the duration when a Daylight Saving Time change takes place if it has been requested.

When the initial calculated duration for an interval is one hour greater than or one hour less than it should be due to a change in Daylight Saving Time, the duration may be adjusted by adding or subtracting 60 minutes. The duration will be corrected in this way only if:

Example 1 - Fall Back Scenario

When the DATETIME stamps in a SiteScope data file reflect a time change due to the end of Daylight Saving Time, there may be data like the following:

01:50:42 10/30/2005 good Monitor: 12% full, 5089MB free, 5122MB total 1:29344 1 5089
01:00:42 10/30/2005 good Monitor: 13% full, 5089MB free, 5122MB total 1:29344 1 5089

The calculated duration for the interval at 01:50:42 10/30/2005 would be -50 minutes. This will be handled in one of the two ways described in the following 2 cases.

Case 1 - &adjustDurationForDSTChange NE 1

If the global macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange is NOT set, then the duration for that interval will be set to missing:

DATETIME                   CLASS                        DURATION

01:50:42 10/30/2005        DiskSpaceMonitor             .
01:00:42 10/30/2005        DiskSpaceMonitor             10

Case 2 - &adjustDurationForDSTChange EQ 1

If the global macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange is set to 1, a daylight saving time change will be recognized as the cause of the negative duration value. 60 minutes will be added to the calculated duration value to get a corrected duration value of 10 minutes:

DATETIME                   CLASS                        DURATION
01:50:42 10/30/2005        DiskSpaceMonitor             10
01:00:42 10/30/2005        DiskSpaceMonitor             10

Example 2 - Spring Forward Scenario

When the DATETIME stamps in a SiteScope data file reflect a time change due to the beginning of Daylight Saving Time, there may be data like the following:

01:55:42 04/02/2006 good Monitor: 12% full, 5089MB free, 5122MB total 1:29344 1 5089
03:00:42 04/02/2006 good Monitor: 13% full, 5089MB free, 5122MB total 1:29344 1 5089

The calculated duration for the interval at 01:55:42 04/02/2006 would be 65 minutes. This will be handled in one of the two ways described in the following 2 cases.

Case 1 - &adjustDurationForDSTChange NE 1

If the global macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange is NOT set, do nothing.

DATETIME                   CLASS                        DURATION
01:55:42 04/02/2006        DiskSpaceMonitor             65
03:00:42 04/02/2006        DiskSpaceMonitor             5

Case 2 - &adjustDurationForDSTChange EQ 1

If the global macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange is set to 1, a daylight saving time change will be recognized and the duration will be adjusted. 60 minutes will be subtracted from the calculated duration value to get a corrected duration value of 5 minutes.

DATETIME                   CLASS                        DURATION
01:55:42 04/02/2006        DiskSpaceMonitor             5
03:00:42 04/02/2006        DiskSpaceMonitor             5

To specify that the calculated durations be adjusted for Daylight Saving Time changes, the macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange should be set to 1 before the %cpproces macro is submitted, as in the following example:

%let adjustDurationForDSTChange = 1;
           RAWDATA=<location of SiteScope log>,
           GROUPDIR=<location of SiteScope group file directory>

If this macro variable is not set or if it is set to any value other than 1, then the interval durations will NOT be adjusted for Daylight Saving Time changes. As such, the default behavior of this staging code is to remain the same and not recalculate the interval duration.

Viewing/Editing the Active PDB’s DST Definition

The Daylight Saving Time (DST) definition describes the Daylight Saving Time period. There are two ways to express the definition: as a concatenation of ranges (one each for next year, this year, last year, and the year before) and as a formula that takes the system’s year into account. Both forms of the definition work correctly. The advantage of the formula is that it does not require periodic updates. The PDB’s value for the DST definition can be displayed and edited in one of two ways:


Viewing/Editing the Active PDB's DST Definition in the GUI (UNIX, Windows)

In the SAS IT Resource Management GUI for UNIX and Windows, the active PDB’s DST definition can be displayed and edited using the following steps:

  1. On the main window’s Administration tab, select Manage PDBs. The Manage PDBs window opens. The PDB that is active is listed at the top of the window.
  2. Select Properties. The Set Active PDB Options window opens.
  3. Select the Time Zone tab. One of the fields on the tab displays the DST definition.
  4. To make changes in the DST expression, edit the field.
  5. Select OK to return to the Manage PDBs window.
  6. Select Close to return to the main window.

Updates to NTSMF Data Support

The NTSMF data dictionary has been updated to add support for the "DTS.CPU" and "DTS.LogicalProcessor" objects. The following tables list the new NTSMF tables and variables.

Table Name Description
NTDTSLP Windows NT DTS.LogicalProcessor


Variable Name Description
L1CACHE DTS.CPU: L1 Cache - L1 Cache size is broken down into Data and Instruction entries. The format for L1 is "nKB Instr + nKB Data" or "nKuops Trace + nKBData" where uops means MicroOperations.
L2CACHE DTS.CPU: L2 Cache - The format for L2 Cache is nKB or nMB where n is an integer.
L3CACHE DTS.CPU: L3 Cache - The format for L3 Cache is nKB or nMB where n is an integer.
LPRACTV DTS.CPU: # Logical Processors Active
LPSPRTD DTS.CPU: # Logical Processors Supported
DTSCPU DTS.LogicalProcessor: DTS.CPU
LGPRCSR DTS.LogicalProcessor: DTS.LogicalProcessor

Updates to allow support for BMC Patrol Data in IT Service Level Management

Customers have encountered problems when using Patrol data to determine availability, especially when that data is subsequently used within SAS IT Service Level Management.

This is because the method that ITRM uses to calculate the duration of a given interval sometimes results in values that do not actually match the difference between it and the subsequent observation's datetime stamps. When this data is subsequently processed into IT Service Level Management, the effect is to sometimes show that a server is available for greater than 100%.

While BMC Patrol data may not be the best ITRM data source to represent the availability of servers, a new macro, CPGENSLM, has been created to help solve the problem. It is used to identify an existing Patrol table and single analysis column that contains information required to determine availability. After %cpstart has activated the appropriate PDB in write mode, run the macro as follows:

%CPGENSLM(srctab=< source table >,
          srccol=< source column >,
          _rc=< macro_variable >);

Where source table is the name of an existing BMC Patrol table in the PDB, source column is the name of a metric within that table that can be used to determine availability, and macro_variable is the name of a macro variable that can be subsequently tested for successful completion.

The result will be a PTSLMnn table being added to the PDB (where nn is between 01 and 99). This table is defined with COLLECTR=GENERIC with the agelimits for all non-DETAIL summary levels set to 0.

When the next %CPPROCES is executed for the Patrol collector, the staging code will automatically identify the existence of any PTSLMnn tables and create SAS datasets in the WORK library to be used as input to the PTSLMnn tables. After the %CPPROCES macro stages the Patrol data, an additional %CPPROCES macro should be executed to process the WORK datasets into the generic PTSLMnn tables, as follows:


Support for duplicate ID values in BMC Patrol Data

Customers have reported seeing messages similar to the following when processing Patrol data:

ERROR: The ID value xxxxxxxx occurs twice in the same BY group

The result is that the Patrol data is not processed into the PDB. The cause of this problem is typically due to the raw Patrol data containing duplicate BY group data. An example of data that will cause this problem is shown below. In this example, the same logical disk drive 'D:' exists on the same machine and has data with the same datetime stamps but different data values. If Patrol generates data similar to this, either the data has to be corrected manually, or a choice of which data values to use has to be made.

        Thu Jul 16 13:02:55 1998 37.2816
        Thu Jul 16 13:04:56 1998 37.2816
        Thu Jul 16 13:02:55 1998 38.2816
        Thu Jul 16 13:04:56 1998 38.2816

If this situation is encountered, the data should first be examined and a determination made as to why it contains the duplicate by-group data. If it is decided that the data should be processed without change, a new macro variable, CPDUPSOK, should be specified prior to the invocation of the %CPPROCES macro, as follows:

%let cpdupsok=Y;

Specifying this macro variable with a Y will result in the LET option being added to the PROC TRANSPOSE that is executed as part of the staging code. This option will allow duplicate values of an ID variable instead of generating an error message. PROC TRANSPOSE transposes the observation that contains the last occurrence of a particular ID value within the data set or BY group.

The default value for this macro variable is N, which will continue to cause the staging code to fail when duplicate ID variables are encountered.

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 23.03

Summary of Changes:


 WARNING: Before applying any data dictionary maintenance, please read the
 following warnings:

   -  The following variable has changed from being character to numeric.

          Table      Variable     MXG Variable

          XNDMSD     SDSEQ          SDSEQ

      If this table already exists in your PDB and you wish to apply
      dictionary maintenance to the table, you will need to delete the
      variable first.  This can be done either by using the interactive
      interface or, preferably, by running the %CPDDUTL macro specifying a
      PDS member which contains the following statements:


      Applying subsequent maintenance to the table will create a new
      variable to replace it.



 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 23.03.  In the process of building these dictionaries, some MXG issues were
 found which precipitated changes in MXG and further modifications to these
 dictionaries.  Therefore, some of these updates are actually based on code
 that subsequently became part of 23.04 and 23.05.  If you are running an
 older version of MXG, the dictionary may contain variables that are not
 available in your version of MXG.  Later versions of MXG are compatible.
 If new variables or tables have been added in a later version, we will add
 them to our supplied data dictionary in a maintenance release.  If you need
 to add them prior to that time, you can use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE
 statements using the batch dictionary update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 Support for MXG 23.03 also implies support for the following
 enhancements to existing tables:

       Support for IFA CPU time in RMFINTRV
       Support for z/OS 1.5.
       Support for RACF Events 27, 28, 29 for unix.
       Support for z/VM Linux Application Server data.
       Support for z/VM TCP/IP Application Server data.
       Support for TMS Release 11 - no changes.
       Support for Storagetek VSM subtype 20.
       Support for many new RACF events.
       Support for CICS/TS 3.1.
       Support for MQ Series in TPF operating system.
       Support for OS/400 5.3.0.
       Support for z/VM 4.4 and 5.1.
       Support for VPS V1 R8.0 VPS-FAX data.
       Support for Mainview IMS IMF 4.1.00.
       Support for NetSpy Version 7.0.
       Support for OS/400 5.3.0.
       Support for zAAP IFA engines.
       Support for VTS R7.3.
       Support for z/OS 1.6 WITH IFA engines.
       Support for z/VM 4.4.
       Support for NTSMF Release 2.4.7.
       Support for BETA93 Release 3.5 subtypes 0-5.
       Support for ASG/Landmark TMON for DB2 V4.0.
       Support for ASG/TMON TCE for CICS/ESA 2.3.
       Support for NTSMF Exchange/Outlook/DTS CPU objects.
       Support for RMF 74 subtype 8 ESS Link Stats record.
       Support for HMF V2.7 new subtypes, compatible.
       Support for ESS GEPARMKY 003Bx and 0045x fields.
       Support for IPAC subtype 5 IPAC05.
       Support for OS/400 5.2 QAPMMIOP record new fields.
       Support for NT objects SESSION and USER in TNG cubes.
       Support for optional RMI data in CICSTRAN.
       Support for SMF 117 WBIMB WebSphere Business Integration Message
       Support for SMF 82 Crypto subtypes 14 thru 19.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been deleted from the supplied data dictionary:

        Table                   Description

        VBYCPU      INTERVAL    VM CPU Engine Data (MXG)
        VBYTIME     INTERVAL    VM System and Storage Data (MXG)
        VSUMCPU     INTERVAL    VM Summarized CPU Data (MXG)
        VSUMUSR     EVENT       VM Summarized User Data (MXG)
        XNDMEV      EVENT       NDM subtype ev
        XNDMSB      EVENT       NDM subtype sb
        XNDMWS      EVENT       NDM subtype ws
        XTY82       EVENT       Ty82: old type82 zero obs

    Data that used to be contained in these VM tables can now be found in the
    VMINTRV table.

    Data that used to be contained in these NDM tables can now be found in
    other XND tables. See MXG Change 22.133 for details.

    As its label and description suggested, this specific type of TYPE 82
    SMF data is out-dated and has now been retired.

 2) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NDTSCPU     INTERVAL    WIN NT - dts cpu
        NDTSLOG     INTERVAL    WIN NT - dts logicalprocessor
        NIASACP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - accounting proxy
        NIASAUT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - authentication proxy
        NMSXAS      INTERVAL    WIN NT - exchg activesyncnotifyomapush
        NMSXDC      INTERVAL    WIN NT - exchg dsaccess domain cntrlr
        NMSXGC      INTERVAL    WIN NT - exchg dsaccess global counts
        NMXFS       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchange transprt filter sink
        NMXIM       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangeim
        NNTDB2A     INTERVAL    WIN NT - db2 applications
        NNTDB2D     INTERVAL    WIN NT - db2 databases
        NOUTLOO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - outlook
        NRSVPIN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - rsvp interfaces
        NRSVPSE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - rsvp service
        NSMMSE      INTERVAL    WIN NT - s,ms smsmse 4.5
        NSTRSRJ     INTERVAL    WIN NT - microstrategy server jobs
        NSTRSRU     INTERVAL    WIN NT - microstrategy server users
        VAPLCMS     INTERVAL    VM - cms multitasking
        VAPLSLM     INTERVAL    VM - linux memory
        VAPLSLN     INTERVAL    VM - linux networking
        VAPLSLP     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor summary
        VAPLSL0     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor detail
        VAPLTCA     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP cpu
        VAPLTCB     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ccb
        VAPLTCC     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP tree size
        VAPLTCD     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP home
        VAPLTCE     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ipv6 home
        VAPLTCY     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb process/device
        VAPLTC1     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb open
        VAPLTC2     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb close
        VAPLTC3     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool limit
        VAPLTC4     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool size
        VAPLTC5     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP lcb link
        VAPLTC6     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP ucb open
        VAPLTC7     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ucb close
        VAPLTC8     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP link definition
        VAPLTC9     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb
        VAPLVMR     EVENT       VM - vmrm workloads
        VIODQDA     INTERVAL    VM - activate qdio device
        VIODQDD     INTERVAL    VM - qdio deactivate
        VIODQDS     INTERVAL    VM - qdio activity
        VIODSZI     INTERVAL    VM - scsi device activity
        VIODVSF     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch failover
        VIODVSR     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch recovery
        VIODVSW     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch activity
        VMTRCCC     EVENT       VM - cpu capability change
        VMTRQDC     EVENT       VM - qdio device config
        VPRCIOP     INTERVAL    VM - iop utilization
        VSCLIOP     INTERVAL    VM - i/o priority changes
        XCIPIR      INTERVAL    CICS pipeline resource stats
        XCIPIW      INTERVAL    CICS webservice resource stats
        XCIWBG      INTERVAL    CICS urimaps global
        XCIWBR      INTERVAL    CICS urimaps resource
        XNM2200     EVENT       NETM22: event/view statistics record
        XNM3000     EVENT       NETM30: resource/service view record
        XNM5000     EVENT       NETM50: performance record
        XSTVS30     EVENT       STC VSM 30
        XTMBACT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbact
        XTMBAFF     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbaff
        XTMBBND     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbbnd
        XTMBDEA     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbdea
        XTMBLL1     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll1
        XTMBLL2     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll2
        XTMBLL3     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll3
        XTMBLL4     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll4
        XTMBLL5     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll5
        XTMBLL6     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll6
        XTMBLL7     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll7
        XTMBLL8     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll8
        XTMBLL9     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll9
        XTMBL10     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl10
        XTMBL11     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl11
        XTMBL12     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl12
        XTMBL13     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl13
        XTMBL14     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl14
        XTMBL15     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl15
        XTMBL16     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl16
        XTMBL17     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl17
        XTMBL18     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl18
        XTMBL19     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl19
        XTMBL20     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl20
        XTMBL21     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl21
        XTMBL22     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl22
        XTMBL23     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl23
        XTMBL24     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl24
        XTMBVOL     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbvol
        XTMCAFT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jcaft
        XTMCBFR     EVENT       TPMX instances: jcbfr
        XTMLIMT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jlimt
        XTMLLIM     EVENT       TPMX instances: jllim
        XTMVVOL     EVENT       TPMX instances: jvvol
        XTPFMQC     EVENT       TPF - mq series channel information
        XTPFMQQ     EVENT       TPF - mq series queue information
        XTYHMFP     EVENT       HMF ultranet snmp enf statistics
        XTYHMFQ     EVENT       HMF ultranet snmp transport
        XTYHMFS     EVENT       HMF ultranet snmp decompress
        XTYSTAT     INTERVAL    MXG tape exit monitor stats
        XTY748      INTERVAL    RMF ess link statistics
        XTY748A     INTERVAL    RMF ess rank array data
        XTY748R     INTERVAL    RMF ess rank statistics data
        XTY748X     INTERVAL    RMF ess extent pool statistics
        XTY8000     EVENT       RACF event 00 undocumented
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY8214     EVENT       CRYPTO clear master key entry
        XTY8215     EVENT       CRYPTO retained key create/delete
        XTY8216     EVENT       CRYPTO csfpci calls by tke
        XTY8217     EVENT       CRYPTO interval timing/usage
        XTY8218     EVENT       CRYPTO online or offline configuration
        XTY8219     EVENT       CRYPTO begin/end pci-x-cc operation
        XTY99_3     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 3 srvclass period
        XTY994I     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 4 device cluster
        XTY998L     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 8 lpar
        XTY998P     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 8 priority table

 3) The following tables have had their labels and descriptions changed:

        Table                   Description

        NWSRMPP     INTERVAL    WIN NT -  process
                    changed to  WIN NT - process

 4) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NDATABA     INTERVAL    WIN NT database
        NDB2        INTERVAL    WIN NT db2 database manager
        NEPOXY      INTERVAL    WIN NT - epoxy
        NMSXIS      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange info store
        NMSXPU      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange info store public
        NMXAL       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangeal
        NMXOC       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangedsaccess processes
        NTCNFIG     EVENT       WIN NT SMF configuration
        VAPLSRV     INTERVAL    VM Application Data (MXG)
        VBYUSR      INTERVAL    VM User Data (MXG)
        VDEVTOT     INTERVAL    VM Device Data (MXG)
        VIODDEV     INTERVAL    VM Device Activity
        VIODDTD     INTERVAL    VM Detach Device
        VIODMOF     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set subchan measure off
        VIODSTC     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - State change
        VIODVOF     EVENT       VM Vary Off Device
        VIODVON     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Device
        VMINTRV     INTERVAL    VM Interval Data (consolidated by MXG)
        VMTRDEV     EVENT       VM Device Configuration Data
        VMTRMEM     EVENT       VM Memory Configuration Data
        VMTRPAG     EVENT       VM Paging Configuration Data
        VMTRSYS     EVENT       VM System Configuration Data
        VSCLADL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Dispatch List
        VSCLAEL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Eligible List
        VSCLDDL     INTERVAL    VM Drop User From Dispatch List
        VSTOASC     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Created
        VSTOASP     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Storage Management
        VSTOASS     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Shared Storage Management
        VSTOATC     INTERVAL    VM Page/Spool Area of a CP Volume
        VSUMIOD     INTERVAL    VM Summarized Device Activity (MXG)
        VSYTCUG     INTERVAL    VM Logical CPU Utilization Data (Global)
        VSYTCUP     INTERVAL    VM CPU Util. Data (Logical Partition)
        VSYTEPM     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Extended channel measure
        VSYTRSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTSCG     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Global)
        VSYTSYG     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - System data global
        VSYTUSR     INTERVAL    VM User Data
        VSYTXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Global)
        VUSEATE     INTERVAL    VM User Activity Data at Transaction End
        VUSEITE     INTERVAL    VM User Interaction at Transaction End
        VUSELOF     INTERVAL    VM User Logoff Data
        VUSELON     INTERVAL    VM User Logon
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XBETA0      EVENT       BETA 93 input of lists
        XBETA1      EVENT       BETA 93 output of lists
        XBETA20     EVENT       BETA 93 browse/print of list/report
        XBETA41     EVENT       BETA 93 reload of a list
        XBETA5      EVENT       BETA 93 action performed against list
        XCICINT     INTERVAL    CICS interval statistics
        XCICSUM     INTERVAL    CICS transactions - hourly summary
        XCIDS       INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher statistics
        XCIEXCE     INTERVAL    CICS exceptions
        XCIONSR     INTERVAL    CICS ISC/IRC system entry
        XCIRDFI     EVENT       CICS resource file detail
        XCISPOO     INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb pools
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XDBACCT     EVENT       DB2 accounting
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBSTA1     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 1)
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XDB2A       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - summarised to hour
        XDB2B       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - buf pool hourly summary
        XDCDSET     EVENT       DCOLLECT active data set information
        XEDSARE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm action record
        XEDSDRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm data set information
        XEDSKRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm vital record specification
        XEDSORE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm owner information
        XEDSOVO     EVENT       DFSMSrmm owner owned volume list
        XEDSPRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm software product record
        XEDSPVO     EVENT       DFSMSrmm software product volume record
        XEDSRRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm library shelf location
        XEDSSEC     EVENT       DFSMSrmm security record
        XEDSSRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm storage location shelf location
        XEDSVRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm volume information
        XHSM        INTERVAL    HSM fsr statistics - hourly summary
        XICBGCH     INTERVAL    Iceberg channel interface statistics
        XICB8SN     EVENT       Iceberg 08 snapshot - snapped extent
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XJOBSKD     INTERVAL    Job scheduling class summary
        XMQACCT     EVENT       MQM accounting statistics
        XMQACTQ     EVENT       MQM task queue accounting
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XNDMFA      EVENT       NDM subtype fa
        XNDMFI      EVENT       NDM subtype fi
        XNDMGO      EVENT       NDM subtypes go if nl
        XNDMPI      EVENT       NDM subtypes pq tq
        XNDMSD      EVENT       NDM subtype sd
        XNDMSY      EVENT       NDM subtype sy
        XNDMTP      EVENT       NDM subtype tp
        XNJPURG     EVENT       JES2 NJE purge information
        XNPVSUM     INTERVAL    NPM netware server volume summary
        XNSNCP      INTERVAL    NetSpy - NCP resource entry
        XNSTCP      INTERVAL    Netspy - tcp connections
        XNSTCPS     INTERVAL    Netspy - tcp stack
        XOVEXCE     EVENT       OMEGAMON for VTAM exceptions
        XPRINT      EVENT       Print events
        XPRINTR     INTERVAL    Printer utilisation
        XQACONF     EVENT       AS400 - system configuration data
        XQADISK     INTERVAL    AS400 - disk storage data
        XQAIFC      EVENT       AS400 - ifc
        XQAJOBL     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQAJOBM     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQASYSC     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XQASYST     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XQATCP      EVENT       AS400 - tcp
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSUMPRT     INTERVAL    Printer utilisation
        XTCCSUM     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 1.3+ - hourly summary
        XTCSUM      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON <1.3 - hourly summary
        XTC2CMX     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - cmx segment
        XTC2IDS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - ids segment
        XTC2IWT     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - iwt segment
        XTC2PA      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pa-transaction
        XTC2PI      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pi-interval
        XTC2SUM     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - hourly summary
        XTC2SYS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - file interval
        XTC2TJ      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - java data
        XTC2TKP     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tkp dispatcher
        XTC2TOS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tos sockets
        XTC2TR      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - region interval
        XTC2TSK     EVENT       Landmark CICS MON 2 - transactions
        XTMDDBR     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail - resource
        XTMDDB2     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail
        XTPALOC     INTERVAL    MXG tape allocations - hourly summary
        XTPFINT     INTERVAL    TPF - interval statistics
        XTPMNTS     INTERVAL    MXG tape monitor mount summary
        XTYHMFT     EVENT       HMF cnt2 compression entry
        XTYHMFU     EVENT       HMF cnt2 ifentry
        XTYHMFV     EVENT       HMF sysgroup/cnt2sys hdw
        XTYTARC     EVENT       MXG tape monitor allocation recovery
        XTYTCPC     EVENT       IBM TCP/IP ftp client
        XTYTCPF     EVENT       IBM TCP/IP ftp server
        XTYTMNT     EVENT       MXG tape monitor mount event
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY22_A     EVENT       3990 storage control configuration
        XTY26J3     EVENT       JES3 purge information
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY30MR     EVENT       Multi-system remote enclave cpu
        XTY30TD     EVENT       Type 30 tape devices
        XTY57J2     EVENT       JES2 network transmission
        XTY6        EVENT       Output writer
        XTY6ENH     EVENT       Enhanced output writer (thruput)
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY71       INTERVAL    RMF paging and swapping activity
        XTY72DL     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode delay states
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY73       INTERVAL    RMF channel path activity
        XTY74CA     INTERVAL    RMF Cache Reporter - cache controllers
        XTY747P     INTERVAL    RMF FCD Global, Switch, and Port data
        XTY77       INTERVAL    RMF system enqueue data
        XTY78CF     INTERVAL    RMF device configuration data
        XTY78CU     INTERVAL    RMF LCU queuing statistics
        XTY78IO     INTERVAL    RMF I/O queueing
        XTY78SP     INTERVAL    RMF virtual storage private area subpool
        XTY79E      INTERVAL    RMF mon II ES9000 I/O queueing
        XTY79EF     INTERVAL    RMF mon II ES9000 I/O config
        XTY791      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space state data
        XTY792      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space resource data
        XTY8X24     EVENT       RACF event 24 setropts extra type 21-s
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8024     EVENT       RACF event 24 setropts
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY8059     EVENT       RACF event 59 raclink
        XTY892      INTERVAL    Measured usage state interval
        XTY90       EVENT       MVS operator command issued
        XTY9024     EVENT       Operator cmd: vary wlm service policy
        XTY94       INTERVAL    IBM tape library dataserver stats
        XTY9421     INTERVAL    IBM tape library volume pool detail
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary
        XWSEVTP     EVENT       WSF2 EVT printer accounting record

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following 9 variables have been added to table NDATABA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBORDRT   I/o database reads/sec                   RATE
       DBOWRRT   I/o database writes/sec                  RATE
       IOBRDRT   I/o database reads per sec               RATE
       IOBWRRT   I/o database writes per sec              RATE
       IOGRDRT   I/o log reads per sec                    RATE
       IOGWRRT   I/o log writes per sec                   RATE
       LGORDRT   I/o log reads/sec                        RATE
       LGOWRRT   I/o log writes/sec                       RATE
       LOGECKD   Log generation checkpoint depth          COUNT

  2) The following 13 variables have been added to table NDB2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBMAAFP   Agents assigned from pool                COUNT
       DBMACEP   Agents created due to empty agent pool   COUNT
       DBMACON   Attempted connections for db2 connect    COUNT
       DBMCCON   Current connections for db2 connect      GAUGE
       DBMCWCS   Conns waiting for client to send request COUNT
       DBMCWHR   Conns waiting for host to reply          COUNT
       DBMDCPS   Drda connection pool switch connections  COUNT
       DBMHJTH   Hash join threshold                      COUNT
       DBMIDRA   Inactive drda agents                     COUNT
       DBMMXAO   Max agents overflows                     MAXIMUM
       DBMMXCA   Maximum coordinating agents              MAXIMUM
       DBMNODS   Nodes                                    COUNT
       DBMSTAG   Stolen agents                            COUNT

  3) The following 2 variables have been added to table NEPOXY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXYBYAL   Bytes allocated                          COUNT
       EXYSGAL   Segments allocated                       COUNT

  4) The following 64 variables have been added to table NMSXIS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MSISAUF   Acl upgrade failures                     COUNT
       MSISCRA   Client rpcs attempted                    COUNT
       MSISCRF   Client rpcs failed                       COUNT
       MSISCRS   Client rpcs succeeded                    COUNT
       MSISEME   Exchmem  memory errors                   COUNT
       MSSAUCU   Acl upgrade completed upgrades           COUNT
       MSSAUHR   Acl upgrade hits in upgrade retrylist    COUNT
       MSSAUPU   Acl upgrade partial upgrades             COUNT
       MSSAUTA   Acl upgrade times attempted              COUNT
       MSSCBFR   Client background rpcs failed/sec        RATE
       MSSCBRF   Client background rpcs failed            COUNT
       MSSCBRS   Client background rpcs succeeded         COUNT
       MSSCBSR   Client background rpcs succeeded/sec     RATE
       MSSCFFR   Client foreground rpcs failed/sec        RATE
       MSSCFRF   Client foreground rpcs failed            COUNT
       MSSCFRS   Client foreground rpcs succeeded         COUNT
       MSSCFSR   Client foreground rpcs succeeded/sec     RATE
       MSSCL0S   Client latency > 10 sec rpcs             COUNT
       MSSCL2S   Client latency > 2 sec rpcs              COUNT
       MSSCL5S   Client latency > 5 sec rpcs              COUNT
       MSSCRAR   Client rpcs attempted/sec                RATE
       MSSCRFB   Client rpcs failed server too busy       COUNT
       MSSCRFC   Client rpcs failed call cancelled        COUNT
       MSSCRFD   Client rpcs failed access denied         COUNT
       MSSCRFF   Client rpcs failed call failed           COUNT
       MSSCRFO   Client rpcs failed all other errors      COUNT
       MSSCRFR   Client rpcs failed/sec                   RATE
       MSSCRFU   Client rpcs failed server unavailable    COUNT
       MSSCRSR   Client rpcs succeeded/sec                RATE
       MSSCTRL   Client total reported latency            COUNT
       MSSDMCE   Dl membership cache entries count        COUNT
       MSSDMCH   Dl membership cache hits                 COUNT
       MSSDMCM   Dl membership cache misses               COUNT
       MSSDMCS   Dl membership cache size                 GAUGE
       MSSECBA   Exchmem current bytes allocated          GAUGE
       MSSECVA   Exchmem current  virtual allocations     GAUGE
       MSSECVB   Exchmem current virtual bytes allocated  GAUGE
       MSSEHME   Exchmem heaps with memory errors         COUNT
       MSSEMBA   Exchmem maximum bytes allocated          MAXIMUM
       MSSEMVB   Exchmem maximum virtual bytes allocated  MAXIMUM
       MSSETVA   Exchmem total  virtual allocations       COUNT
       MSSEXAH   Exchmem  additional heaps                COUNT
       MSSEXHE   Exchmem  heaps                           COUNT
       MSSODAB   Oab full download attempts blocked       COUNT
       MSSODDA   Oab differential download attempts       COUNT
       MSSODDB   Oab differential download bytes          COUNT
       MSSODDR   Oab differential download bytes/sec      RATE
       MSSOFDA   Oab full download attempts               COUNT
       MSSOFDB   Oab full download bytes                  COUNT
       MSSOFDR   Oab full download bytes/sec              RATE
       MSSRCBR   Rpc clients bytes read                   COUNT
       MSSRCBW   Rpc clients bytes written                COUNT
       MSSRFBR   Client rpcs failed server too busy/sec   RATE
       MSSRFCR   Client rpcs failed call cancelled/sec    RATE
       MSSRFDR   Client rpcs failed access denied/sec     RATE
       MSSRFFR   Client rpcs failed call failed/sec       RATE
       MSSRFOR   Client rpcs failed all other errors/sec  RATE
       MSSRFUR   Client rpcs failed server unavail/sec    RATE
       MSSRUBR   Rpc clients uncompressed bytes read      COUNT
       MSSRUBW   Rpc clients uncompressed bytes written   COUNT
       MSSSQPT   Slow qp threads                          COUNT
       MSSSSTH   Slow search threads                      COUNT
       VSEDECN   Virus scan messages deleted              COUNT
       VSEDERT   Virus scan messages deleted/sec          RATE

  5) The following 6 variables have been added to table NMSXPU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOLDLRT   Local delivery rate                      RATE
       LOLDLVY   Local deliveries                         COUNT
       RVHITRT   Restricted view cache hit rate           RATE
       RVMISRT   Restricted view cache miss rate          RATE
       SETSKRT   Search task rate                         RATE
       SLFNDRT   Slow findrow rate                        RATE

  6) The following variable has been added to table NMXAL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LDPMORC   Ldap modify calls/sec                    RATE

  7) The following 3 variables have been added to table NMXOC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LDPRCRT   Ldap read calls per sec                  RATE
       LDPSERT   Ldap search calls/sec                    RATE
       PID       Process id                               INT

  8) The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       MEMINBX   changed from  16.2      to  16.

  9) The following 58 variables have been added to table VAPLSRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BFAPCAT   Bytefile zapcat requests                 COUNT
       BFBRLWA   Bytefile byterange lock waits            COUNT
       BFCCESS   Bytefile ckfile accessibility requests   COUNT
       BFCHMOD   Bytefile change mode requests            COUNT
       BFCHOWN   Bytefile change owner requests           COUNT
       BFCLOSE   Bytefile close file requests             COUNT
       BFEADDI   Bytefile read directory requests         COUNT
       BFEADLI   Bytefile read link contents req          COUNT
       BFEGFCL   Bytefile unlink file cleanup req         COUNT
       BFENAME   Bytefile rename requests                 COUNT
       BFIACES   Bytefile pipe access requests            COUNT
       BFIAUDT   Bytefile change audit requests           COUNT
       BFICANC   Bytefile cancel requests                 COUNT
       BFICLOS   Bytefile pipe close requests             COUNT
       BFIOOWR   Bytefile pipeopen write requests         COUNT
       BFIPORD   Bytefile pipeopen read requests          COUNT
       BFIREAD   Bytefile pipe read requests              COUNT
       BFISTAT   Bytefile pipe status requests            COUNT
       BFIUTIM   Bytefile pipe utime requests             COUNT
       BFIWRIT   Bytefile pipe write requests             COUNT
       BFKBLKS   Bytefile create block special            COUNT
       BFKCHAR   Bytefile create char special             COUNT
       BFKEXTL   Bytefile create external link            COUNT
       BFKFIFO   Bytefile create named pipe reqs          COUNT
       BFKREGF   Bytefile create regular file req         COUNT
       BFKSYML   Bytefile create symbolic link            COUNT
       BFLINK    Bytefile create link requests            COUNT
       BFLOCKE   Bytefile logical lock exceeds            COUNT
       BFLOCKR   Bytefile logical lock retries            COUNT
       BFLOSDI   Bytefile close directory requests        COUNT
       BFMKCAT   Bytefile makecat requests                COUNT
       BFMKDIR   Bytefile create directory reqs           COUNT
       BFNLINK   Bytefile unlink requests                 COUNT
       BFNLOCK   Bytefile unlock byte requests            COUNT
       BFOCKBY   Bytefile lock byte requests              COUNT
       BFOKRET   Bytefile token return requests           COUNT
       BFOOKUP   Bytefile lookup requests                 COUNT
       BFPENDI   Bytefile open directory requests         COUNT
       BFPENIR   Bytefile openfile intent readreq         COUNT
       BFPENIW   Bytefile openfile intent writreq         COUNT
       BFPENRR   Bytefile openfile read requests          COUNT
       BFPENWR   Bytefile openfile write requests         COUNT
       BFREAD    Bytefile read file requests              COUNT
       BFRMDIR   Bytefile remove directory reqs           COUNT
       BFSLOCK   Bytefile test locked bytes req           COUNT
       BFUTIME   Bytefile change access/mod reqs          COUNT
       BFWRITE   Bytefile write file requests.            COUNT
       DODLOCK   Bytefile dir create/delete confl         COUNT
       FSECLAI   Virtual storage reclaim value            COUNT
       FSEOPEN   Create migrated file                     COUNT
       GLBCBWT   Bytefile callback wait time              TIME
       NATLOCK   Bytefile namecat unall conflicts         COUNT
       OIBLOCK   Bytefile token manager conflict          COUNT
       OIGLOCK   Bytefile global storage conflict         COUNT
       OILLOCK   Bytefile file logical lock confl         COUNT
       TOCBREQ   Bytefile token callback requestr         COUNT
       TOCBTOR   Bytefile token callback timeout          COUNT
       TOCONFL   Bytefile token conflict callback         COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table VAPLSRV:

       SFECLAI   Virtual storage reclaim value            COUNT

 10) The following 16 variables have been added to table VBYUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE
       IPDSKIP   Times dasd i/o req out-prioritied        COUNT
       IPQEFHI   I/o priority effective range hi          INT
       IPQEFLO   I/o priority effective range lo          INT
       IPQFO     I/o priority flag byte                   HEXFLAGS
       IPQRQHI   I/o priority request range hi            INT
       IPQRQLO   I/o priority request range lo            INT
       VEALERT   Alert interrupts                         COUNT
       VEHDWAI   Adapter via sie interrupts               COUNT
       VESVSCT   Guest svs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VETPIAI   Adapter via tpi interrupts               COUNT
       VETVSCT   Guest tvs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VEVIRAI   Adapter via cp interrupts                COUNT
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 11) The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVCONMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDATMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDISMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVPNDMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3

 12) The following 5 variables have been added to table VIODDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EDVTYPE   Edev emulation type                      HEXFLAGS
       SCDBTIM   Scm device busy time                     TIME
       SCGSSCH   Scm ssch and rsch count                  COUNT
       SCIRTIM   Scm cmr time                             TIME
       SGCOUNT   Scm sample count                         COUNT

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVCONMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDATMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDISMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVPNDMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3

 13) The following variable has been added to table VIODDTD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 14) The following 4 variables have been added to table VIODMOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SCDBTIM   Scm device busy time                     TIME
       SCGSSCH   Scm ssch and rsch count                  COUNT
       SCIRTIM   Scm cmr time                             TIME
       SGCOUNT   Scm sample count                         COUNT

 15) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VIODSTC:

       RDVPVFG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       RDVPVFG   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 16) The following variable has been added to table VIODVOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 17) The following 31 variables have been added to table VIODVON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EDVFCP1   Path 1 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP2   Path 2 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP3   Path 3 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP4   Path 4 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP5   Path 5 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP6   Path 6 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP7   Path 7 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP8   Path 8 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVLUN1   Path 1 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN2   Path 2 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN3   Path 3 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN4   Path 4 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN5   Path 5 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN6   Path 6 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN7   Path 7 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN8   Path 8 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVTYPE   Edev emulation type                      HEXFLAGS
       EDVWPN1   Path 1 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN2   Path 2 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN3   Path 3 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN4   Path 4 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN5   Path 5 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN6   Path 6 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN7   Path 7 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN8   Path 8 worldwide port number             STRING
       RDCRCUC   Real cu code                             HEXFLAGS
       RDEVSER   Dasd volume serial                       STRING
       RDOBRCO   Obr code                                 HEXFLAGS
       RDVDEVP   Base pav device number                   HEXFLAGS
       RDVPVFG   Pav flag base/alias                      HEXFLAGS
       RDVSIDP   Base pav host subchannel id              HEXFLAGS

 18) The following 13 variables have been added to table VMINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CATLKCT   Spin requests for trqbk lock             COUNT
       CATLKTM   Spin time on trqbk lock                  TIME
       RS2GDCT   Count deferred tasks wait 2gb            COUNT
       SYIOPHI   I/o priority system maximum              MAXIMUM
       SYIOPLO   I/o priority system minimum              MINIMUM
       SYIOPQH   I/o priority queueing hardware flags     HEXFLAGS
       SYSCGCT   Scgbks currently allocated               COUNT
       TCFSHVM   Fair share cache inserts                 COUNT
       TCMNABV   Track cache size  above 2gb              GAUGE
       TCMNBLW   Track cache size below 2gb               GAUGE
       TCMRDCT   Success reads to mdc records             COUNT
       TCPIN4K   4k aligned pageins xstore to main        COUNT
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following 7 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVCONMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDATMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDISMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVPNDMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       SRWSSD1   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SRWSSD2   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SRWSSD3   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.

 19) The following 28 variables have been added to table VMTRDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EDVFCP1   Path 1 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP2   Path 2 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP3   Path 3 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP4   Path 4 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP5   Path 5 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP6   Path 6 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP7   Path 7 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP8   Path 8 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVLUN1   Path 1 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN2   Path 2 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN3   Path 3 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN4   Path 4 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN5   Path 5 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN6   Path 6 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN7   Path 7 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN8   Path 8 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVTYPE   Edev emulation type                      HEXFLAGS
       EDVWPN1   Path 1 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN2   Path 2 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN3   Path 3 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN4   Path 4 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN5   Path 5 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN6   Path 6 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN7   Path 7 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN8   Path 8 worldwide port number             STRING
       RDVDEVP   Base pav device number                   HEXFLAGS
       RDVPVFG   Pav flag base/alias                      HEXFLAGS
       RDVSIDP   Base pav host subchannel id              HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VMTRDEV:

       RDCRCUC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       RDOBRCO   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       RDCRCUC   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.
       RDOBRCO   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 20) The following 7 variables have been added to table VMTRMEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CASCMAX   Scmbks in contig scmbk area              COUNT
       HCPMMO    Start address resident mp modules        COUNT
       HCPSYS    Start address resicent cp nucleus        COUNT
       RSGSTOR   Actual real storage size                 GAUGE
       SYGTORS   System specified storage size            GAUGE
       SYSCMEX   Extra pages requested for scmbk          COUNT
       SYTRCPP   Pct of master trace for alt cpu          PERCENT100

 21) The following variable has been added to table VMTRPAG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 22) The following 16 variables have been added to table VMTRSYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCAPAB   Cpu capability in the configuration      GAUGE
       CPCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       CPCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       CPDEDCT   Dedicated cpus                           GAUGE
       CPRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       CPSHARD   Shared cpus                              GAUGE
       CPSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       CPUCHAR   Lcpu characteristics                     HEXFLAGS
       LPARCAF   Capability adjustment factor             GAUGE
       LPRNAME   Lpar name                                STRING
       LPUMBER   Lpar number                              INT
       SCCAPAB   Secondary cpu capability in the config   GAUGE
       SYMMODL   Machine model number                     STRING
       SYMSEQC   Sequence code of the configuration       STRING
       SYMTYPE   Machine type number                      STRING
       SYSMPOM   Plant of manufacture                     STRING

 23) The following 4 variables have been added to table VSCLADL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SRMATOD   Artificial tod system                    DATETIME
       SRMAT01   Artificial tod2 user                     DATETIME
       VMDCTPV   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMDMXSH   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM

 24) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSCLAEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CASHARF   Set share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       SRATOD2   Artificial tod2 user                     DATETIME
       SRMATOD   Artificial tod system                    DATETIME
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 25) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSCLDDL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CASHARF   Set share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       SRATOD2   Artificial tod2 user                     DATETIME
       SRMATOD   Artificial tod system                    DATETIME
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 26) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE

 27) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SCGSSCH   Scm ssch and rsch count                  COUNT

 28) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 29) The following variable has been added to table VSTOATC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 30) The following variable has been added to table VSUMIOD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVCONMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDATMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDISMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVPNDMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3

 31) The following 10 variables have been added to table VSYTCUG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       CPCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       CPDEDCT   Dedicated cpus                           GAUGE
       CPRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       CPSHARD   Shared cpus                              GAUGE
       CPSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       CPUCHAR   Lcpu characteristics                     HEXFLAGS
       LPARCAF   Capability adjustment factor             GAUGE
       LPRNAME   Lpar name                                STRING
       LPUMBER   Lpar number                              INT

 32) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTCUP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCPTYPE   Type of logical processor                STRING
       LCPUPID   User partition upid                      INT

 33) The following 11 variables have been added to table VSYTEPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSCMCDP   Data unit bytes times scaling factor     COUNT
       CSCMCDU   Bytes in a data unit                     COUNT
       CSCMCMP   Message unit bytes times scaling factor  COUNT
       CSCMCMS   Bytes in a message unit                  COUNT
       ECMDUSC   Cpc data units sent                      COUNT
       ECMMDUS   Lpar data units sent                     COUNT
       ECMMSNT   Lpar message units sent                  COUNT
       ECMMURB   Lpar unavail receive buffers events      COUNT
       ECMSNTC   Cpc message units sent cpc               COUNT
       ECMUATS   Lpar unsuccessful sends                  COUNT
       ECMURBC   Cpc unavail receive buffer events        COUNT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CSCMCMG   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGVXCMG.

 34) The following 4 variables have been added to table VSYTRSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RS2GDCT   Count deferred tasks wait 2gb            COUNT
       SYSCGCT   Scgbks currently allocated               COUNT
       TCMNABV   Track cache size  above 2gb              GAUGE
       TCMNBLW   Track cache size below 2gb               GAUGE

 35) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTSCG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CATLKCT   Spin requests for trqbk lock             COUNT
       CATLKTM   Spin time on trqbk lock                  TIME

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       SRWSSD1   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SRWSSD2   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SRWSSD3   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.

 36) The following 17 variables have been added to table VSYTSYG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCAPAB   Cpu capability in the configuration      GAUGE
       CPCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       CPCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       CPRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       CPSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       CTABORT   Network aborted fast ccw translate       COUNT
       CTNDONE   Network successful fast ccw translate    COUNT
       CTNOTEL   Network not eligible fast ccw translate  COUNT
       SCCAPAB   Secondary cpu capability in the config   GAUGE
       VLCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       VLCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       VLCPNAM   Level-3 vm control program               STRING
       VLMNAME   Name of this level-3 configuration       STRING
       VLRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       VLSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       VL3CAF    Capacility adjustment factor             GAUGE
       VL3DBCT   Vm levels here to hardware               GAUGE

 37) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYIOPHI   I/o priority system maximum              MAXIMUM
       SYIOPLO   I/o priority system minimum              MINIMUM
       SYIOPQH   I/o priority queueing hardware flags     HEXFLAGS

 38) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCFSHVM   Fair share cache inserts                 COUNT
       TCMRDCT   Success reads to mdc records             COUNT
       TCPIN4K   4k aligned pageins xstore to main        COUNT

 39) The following 12 variables have been added to table VUSEATE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE
       CASHARF   Set share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       VEALERT   Alert interrupts                         COUNT
       VEHDWAI   Adapter via sie interrupts               COUNT
       VESVSCT   Guest svs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VETPIAI   Adapter via tpi interrupts               COUNT
       VETVSCT   Guest tvs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VEVIRAI   Adapter via cp interrupts                COUNT
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 40) The following 2 variables have been added to table VUSEDFC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 41) The following 4 variables have been added to table VUSEITE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HFLLIST   Times user was on limit list             COUNT
       HFPGACT   Times page fault not in page wait        COUNT
       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 42) The following 11 variables have been added to table VUSELOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE
       VEALERT   Alert interrupts                         COUNT
       VEHDWAI   Adapter via sie interrupts               COUNT
       VESVSCT   Guest svs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VETPIAI   Adapter via tpi interrupts               COUNT
       VETVSCT   Guest tvs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VEVIRAI   Adapter via cp interrupts                COUNT
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM
       VMTHRCT   Times delayed throttled device           COUNT

 43) The following 3 variables have been added to table VUSELON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE
       VMBYVAL   Byuser id logged on to this vm           STRING
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM

 44) The following 170 variables have been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFAACTT   Ifa processor cpu active time            COUNT
       IFAUPTM   Ifa processors up time                   COUNT
       IFAWSTT   Ifa processors wst time                  COUNT
       LPAIFAT   Lpar 10 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPAIFUT   Lpar 10 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPAIFWT   Lpar 10 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPASHRC   Lpar 10 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPASTN    Lpar 10 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPBIFAT   Lpar 11 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPBIFUT   Lpar 11 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPBIFWT   Lpar 11 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPBSHRC   Lpar 11 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPBSTN    Lpar 11 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPCIFAT   Lpar 12 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPCIFUT   Lpar 12 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPCIFWT   Lpar 12 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPCSHRC   Lpar 12 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPCSTN    Lpar 12 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPDIFAT   Lpar 13 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPDIFUT   Lpar 13 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPDIFWT   Lpar 13 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPDSHRC   Lpar 13 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPDSTN    Lpar 13 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPEIFAT   Lpar 14 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPEIFUT   Lpar 14 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPEIFWT   Lpar 14 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPESHRC   Lpar 14 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPESTN    Lpar 14 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPFIFAT   Lpar 15 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPFIFUT   Lpar 15 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPFIFWT   Lpar 15 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPFSHRC   Lpar 15 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPFSTN    Lpar 15 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPGIFAT   Lpar 16 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPGIFUT   Lpar 16 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPGIFWT   Lpar 16 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPGSHRC   Lpar 16 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPGSTN    Lpar 16 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPHIFAT   Lpar 17 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPHIFUT   Lpar 17 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPHIFWT   Lpar 17 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPHSHRC   Lpar 17 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPHSTN    Lpar 17 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPIIFAT   Lpar 18 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPIIFUT   Lpar 18 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPIIFWT   Lpar 18 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPISHRC   Lpar 18 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPISTN    Lpar 18 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPJIFAT   Lpar 19 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPJIFUT   Lpar 19 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPJIFWT   Lpar 19 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPJSHRC   Lpar 19 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPJSTN    Lpar 19 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPKIFAT   Lpar 20 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPKIFUT   Lpar 20 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPKIFWT   Lpar 20 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPKSHRC   Lpar 20 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPKSTN    Lpar 20 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPLIFAT   Lpar 21 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPLIFUT   Lpar 21 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPLIFWT   Lpar 21 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPLSHRC   Lpar 21 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPLSTN    Lpar 21 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPMIFAT   Lpar 22 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPMIFUT   Lpar 22 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPMIFWT   Lpar 22 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPMSHRC   Lpar 22 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPMSTN    Lpar 22 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPNIFAT   Lpar 23 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPNIFUT   Lpar 23 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPNIFWT   Lpar 23 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPNSHRC   Lpar 23 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPNSTN    Lpar 23 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPOIFAT   Lpar 24 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPOIFUT   Lpar 24 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPOIFWT   Lpar 24 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPOSHRC   Lpar 24 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPOSTN    Lpar 24 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPQIFAT   Lpar 25 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPQIFUT   Lpar 25 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPQIFWT   Lpar 25 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPQSHRC   Lpar 25 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPQSTN    Lpar 25 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPRIFAT   Lpar 26 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPRIFUT   Lpar 26 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPRIFWT   Lpar 26 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPRSHRC   Lpar 26 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPRSTN    Lpar 26 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPSIFAT   Lpar 27 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPSIFUT   Lpar 27 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPSIFWT   Lpar 27 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPSSHRC   Lpar 27 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPSSTN    Lpar 27 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPTIFAT   Lpar 28 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPTIFUT   Lpar 28 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPTIFWT   Lpar 28 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPTSHRC   Lpar 28 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPTSTN    Lpar 28 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPUIFAT   Lpar 29 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPUIFUT   Lpar 29 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPUIFWT   Lpar 29 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPUSHRC   Lpar 29 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPUSTN    Lpar 29 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPVIFAT   Lpar 30 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPVIFUT   Lpar 30 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPVIFWT   Lpar 30 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPVSHRC   Lpar 30 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPVSTN    Lpar 30 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPWIFAT   Lpar 31 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPWIFUT   Lpar 31 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPWIFWT   Lpar 31 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPWSHRC   Lpar 31 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPWSTN    Lpar 31 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPXIFAT   Lpar 32 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPXIFUT   Lpar 32 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPXIFWT   Lpar 32 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPXSHRC   Lpar 32 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPXSTN    Lpar 32 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP0SHRC   Lpar  0 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP0STN    Lpar  0 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP1IFAT   Lpar  1 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP1IFUT   Lpar  1 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP1IFWT   Lpar  1 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP1SHRC   Lpar  1 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP1STN    Lpar  1 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP2IFAT   Lpar  2 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP2IFUT   Lpar  2 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP2IFWT   Lpar  2 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP2SHRC   Lpar  2 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP2STN    Lpar  2 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP3IFAT   Lpar  3 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP3IFUT   Lpar  3 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP3IFWT   Lpar  3 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP3SHRC   Lpar  3 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP3STN    Lpar  3 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP4IFAT   Lpar  4 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP4IFUT   Lpar  4 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP4IFWT   Lpar  4 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP4SHRC   Lpar  4 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP4STN    Lpar  4 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP5IFAT   Lpar  5 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP5IFUT   Lpar  5 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP5IFWT   Lpar  5 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP5SHRC   Lpar  5 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP5STN    Lpar  5 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP6IFAT   Lpar  6 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP6IFUT   Lpar  6 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP6IFWT   Lpar  6 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP6SHRC   Lpar  6 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP6STN    Lpar  6 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP7IFAT   Lpar  7 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP7IFUT   Lpar  7 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP7IFWT   Lpar  7 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP7SHRC   Lpar  7 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP7STN    Lpar  7 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP8IFAT   Lpar  8 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP8IFUT   Lpar  8 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP8IFWT   Lpar  8 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP8SHRC   Lpar  8 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP8STN    Lpar  8 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP9IFAT   Lpar  9 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP9IFUT   Lpar  9 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP9IFWT   Lpar  9 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP9SHRC   Lpar  9 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP9STN    Lpar  9 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       NRPHYCP   Number of physical segments              GAUGE
       PCIFABY   Pct of cec ifas busy                     PERCENT100
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 45) The following variable has been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 46) The following 9 variables have been added to table XASM70L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCMSU    Cpc hourly msu hardware capacity         GAUGE
       IFAACTT   Ifa processors cpu active time           TIME
       IFAUPTM   Ifa processors up time                   TIME
       IFAWSTT   Ifa processors wst time                  TIME
       LPSHARC   Lpar share current weight pct            PERCENT100
       NRPHYCP   Number of physical segments              COUNT
       SM70STN   Lpar mvs system name                     STRING
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE

 47) The following 167 variables have been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPIFATM   Ifa processor cpu active time            TIME
       LPAIFAT   Lpar 10 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPAIFUT   Lpar 10 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPAIFWT   Lpar 10 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPASHRC   Lpar 10 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPASTN    Lpar 10 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPBIFAT   Lpar 11 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPBIFUT   Lpar 11 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPBIFWT   Lpar 11 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPBSHRC   Lpar 11 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPBSTN    Lpar 11 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPCIFAT   Lpar 12 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPCIFUT   Lpar 12 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPCIFWT   Lpar 12 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPCSHRC   Lpar 12 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPCSTN    Lpar 12 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPDIFAT   Lpar 13 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPDIFUT   Lpar 13 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPDIFWT   Lpar 13 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPDSHRC   Lpar 13 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPDSTN    Lpar 13 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPEIFAT   Lpar 14 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPEIFUT   Lpar 14 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPEIFWT   Lpar 14 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPESHRC   Lpar 14 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPESTN    Lpar 14 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPFIFAT   Lpar 15 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPFIFUT   Lpar 15 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPFIFWT   Lpar 15 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPFSHRC   Lpar 15 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPFSTN    Lpar 15 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPGIFAT   Lpar 16 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPGIFUT   Lpar 16 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPGIFWT   Lpar 16 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPGSHRC   Lpar 16 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPGSTN    Lpar 16 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPHIFAT   Lpar 17 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPHIFUT   Lpar 17 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPHIFWT   Lpar 17 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPHSHRC   Lpar 17 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPHSTN    Lpar 17 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPIIFAT   Lpar 18 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPIIFUT   Lpar 18 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPIIFWT   Lpar 18 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPISHRC   Lpar 18 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPISTN    Lpar 18 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPJIFAT   Lpar 19 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPJIFUT   Lpar 19 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPJIFWT   Lpar 19 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPJSHRC   Lpar 19 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPJSTN    Lpar 19 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPKIFAT   Lpar 20 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPKIFUT   Lpar 20 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPKIFWT   Lpar 20 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPKSHRC   Lpar 20 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPKSTN    Lpar 20 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPLIFAT   Lpar 21 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPLIFUT   Lpar 21 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPLIFWT   Lpar 21 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPLSHRC   Lpar 21 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPLSTN    Lpar 21 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPMIFAT   Lpar 22 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPMIFUT   Lpar 22 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPMIFWT   Lpar 22 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPMSHRC   Lpar 22 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPMSTN    Lpar 22 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPNIFAT   Lpar 23 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPNIFUT   Lpar 23 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPNIFWT   Lpar 23 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPNSHRC   Lpar 23 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPNSTN    Lpar 23 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPOIFAT   Lpar 24 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPOIFUT   Lpar 24 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPOIFWT   Lpar 24 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPOSHRC   Lpar 24 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPOSTN    Lpar 24 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPQIFAT   Lpar 25 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPQIFUT   Lpar 25 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPQIFWT   Lpar 25 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPQSHRC   Lpar 25 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPQSTN    Lpar 25 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPRIFAT   Lpar 26 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPRIFUT   Lpar 26 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPRIFWT   Lpar 26 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPRSHRC   Lpar 26 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPRSTN    Lpar 26 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPSIFAT   Lpar 27 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPSIFUT   Lpar 27 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPSIFWT   Lpar 27 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPSSHRC   Lpar 27 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPSSTN    Lpar 27 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPTIFAT   Lpar 28 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPTIFUT   Lpar 28 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPTIFWT   Lpar 28 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPTSHRC   Lpar 28 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPTSTN    Lpar 28 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPUIFAT   Lpar 29 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPUIFUT   Lpar 29 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPUIFWT   Lpar 29 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPUSHRC   Lpar 29 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPUSTN    Lpar 29 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPVIFAT   Lpar 30 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPVIFUT   Lpar 30 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPVIFWT   Lpar 30 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPVSHRC   Lpar 30 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPVSTN    Lpar 30 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPWIFAT   Lpar 31 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPWIFUT   Lpar 31 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPWIFWT   Lpar 31 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPWSHRC   Lpar 31 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPWSTN    Lpar 31 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPXIFAT   Lpar 32 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPXIFUT   Lpar 32 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPXIFWT   Lpar 32 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPXSHRC   Lpar 32 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPXSTN    Lpar 32 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP0SHRC   Lpar  0 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP0STN    Lpar  0 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP1IFAT   Lpar  1 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP1IFUT   Lpar  1 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP1IFWT   Lpar  1 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP1SHRC   Lpar  1 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP1STN    Lpar  1 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP2IFAT   Lpar  2 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP2IFUT   Lpar  2 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP2IFWT   Lpar  2 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP2SHRC   Lpar  2 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP2STN    Lpar  2 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP3IFAT   Lpar  3 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP3IFUT   Lpar  3 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP3IFWT   Lpar  3 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP3SHRC   Lpar  3 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP3STN    Lpar  3 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP4IFAT   Lpar  4 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP4IFUT   Lpar  4 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP4IFWT   Lpar  4 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP4SHRC   Lpar  4 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP4STN    Lpar  4 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP5IFAT   Lpar  5 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP5IFUT   Lpar  5 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP5IFWT   Lpar  5 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP5SHRC   Lpar  5 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP5STN    Lpar  5 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP6IFAT   Lpar  6 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP6IFUT   Lpar  6 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP6IFWT   Lpar  6 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP6SHRC   Lpar  6 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP6STN    Lpar  6 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP7IFAT   Lpar  7 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP7IFUT   Lpar  7 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP7IFWT   Lpar  7 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP7SHRC   Lpar  7 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP7STN    Lpar  7 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP8IFAT   Lpar  8 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP8IFUT   Lpar  8 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP8IFWT   Lpar  8 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP8SHRC   Lpar  8 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP8STN    Lpar  8 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP9IFAT   Lpar  9 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP9IFUT   Lpar  9 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP9IFWT   Lpar  9 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP9SHRC   Lpar  9 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP9STN    Lpar  9 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       NRPHYCP   Number of physical segments              GAUGE
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 48) The following 4 variables have been added to table XBETA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAAT4   Attribute byte subtype 4                 STRING
       BETAE01   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAF01   Form name                                STRING
       BETARET   Retention period                         INT

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XBETA0:

       BETAEXT   New extension name                       STRING
       BETAFRM   New form name                            STRING

 49) The following 11 variables have been added to table XBETA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETABTK   Original btoken                          STRING
       BETADCR   Dcr name                                 STRING
       BETAEXT   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAFDE   Formdef                                  STRING
       BETAFRM   Form name                                STRING
       BETAPCR   Print characteristic name                STRING
       BETAPDE   Pagedef                                  STRING
       BETARBT   Reprint btoken                           STRING
       BETAREP   Reprint datetime                         DATETIME
       BETARMO   Reprint mode                             STRING
       BETARPU   Reprint user                             STRING

 50) The following 2 variables have been added to table XBETA20:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAE01   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAF01   Form name                                STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XBETA20:

       BETAEXT   New extension name                       STRING
       BETAFRM   New form name                            STRING

 51) The following 2 variables have been added to table XBETA41:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAE01   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAF01   Form name                                STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XBETA41:

       BETAEXT   Full extension name                      STRING
       BETAFRM   Full form name                           STRING

 52) The following 5 variables have been added to table XBETA5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAEXT   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAFRM   Form name                                STRING
       BETALTK   Ltoken list token todstamp               DATETIME
       BETARTK   Rtoken report token todstamp             DATETIME
       BETAWRP   Window report name                       STRING

 53) The following 25 variables have been added to table XCICINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSHACT    Sp tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSHPERC   Sp sockets sp tcb cpu percent busy       PERCENT100
       DSHSYSW   Sp tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSHTCT    Sp tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSHTDT    Sp tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSHTWT    Sp tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSIACT    L9 tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSIPERC   L9 open mode l9 tcb cpu percent busy     PERCENT100
       DSISYSW   L9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSITCT    L9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSITDT    L9 tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSITWT    L9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSJACT    X8 tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSJPERC   X8 open mode x8 tcb cpu percent busy     PERCENT100
       DSJSYSW   X8 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSJTCT    X8 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSJTDT    X8 tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSJTWT    X8 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSKACT    X9 tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSKPERC   X9 open mode x9 tcb cpu percent busy     PERCENT100
       DSKSYSW   X9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSKTCT    X9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSKTDT    X9 tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSKTWT    X9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 54) The following variable has been added to table XCICSUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 55) The following 85 variables have been added to table XCIDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSHACT    Sp tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSHNTCB   Sp tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSHSYSW   Sp tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSHTCAF   Sp tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSHTCAL   Sp tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSHTCCA   Sp tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSHTCCU   Sp tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSHTCDO   Sp tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSHTCDS   Sp tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSHTCDU   Sp tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSHTCDX   Sp tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSHTCMD   Sp tcb mode                              STRING
       DSHTCMM   Sp tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSHTCMP   Sp tcb pool number                       INT
       DSHTCNM   Sp tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSHTCPA   Sp tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSHTCPU   Sp tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSHTCST   Sp tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSHTCT    Sp tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSHTDT    Sp tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSHTWT    Sp tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSIACT    L9 tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSINTCB   L9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSISYSW   L9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSITCAF   L9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSITCAL   L9 tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSITCCA   L9 tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSITCCU   L9 tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSITCDO   L9 tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSITCDS   L9 tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSITCDU   L9 tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSITCDX   L9 tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSITCMD   L9 tcb mode                              STRING
       DSITCMM   L9 tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSITCMP   L9 tcb pool number                       INT
       DSITCNM   L9 tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSITCPA   L9 tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSITCPU   L9 tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSITCST   L9 tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSITCT    L9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSITDT    L9 tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSITWT    L9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSJACT    X8 tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSJNTCB   X8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSJSYSW   X8 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSJTCAF   X8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSJTCAL   X8 tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSJTCCA   X8 tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSJTCCU   X8 tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSJTCDO   X8 tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSJTCDS   X8 tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSJTCDU   X8 tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSJTCDX   X8 tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSJTCMD   X8 tcb mode                              STRING
       DSJTCMM   X8 tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSJTCMP   X8 tcb pool number                       INT
       DSJTCNM   X8 tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSJTCPA   X8 tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSJTCPU   X8 tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSJTCST   X8 tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSJTCT    X8 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSJTDT    X8 tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSJTWT    X8 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSKACT    X9 tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSKNTCB   X9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSKSYSW   X9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSKTCAF   X9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSKTCAL   X9 tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSKTCCA   X9 tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSKTCCU   X9 tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSKTCDO   X9 tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSKTCDS   X9 tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSKTCDU   X9 tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSKTCDX   X9 tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSKTCMD   X9 tcb mode                              STRING
       DSKTCMM   X9 tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSKTCMP   X9 tcb pool number                       INT
       DSKTCNM   X9 tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSKTCPA   X9 tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSKTCPU   X9 tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSKTCST   X9 tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSKTCT    X9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSKTDT    X9 tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSKTWT    X9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSTOTWT   Total wait time at tcb limit             TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XCIDS:

       DSETCMP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       DSFTCMP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XCIDS:

       DSTOTWL   Open pool total wait time at limit       COUNT

 56) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIEXCE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXMNNID   Network id                               STRING
       EXMNRLU   Real luname                              STRING

 57) The following 9 variables have been added to table XCIONSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A14EICN   Interval control fs chan req             COUNT
       A14EICR   Bytes rcvd ic fs channel req             COUNT
       A14EICS   Bytes sent ic fs channel req             COUNT
       A14EPCN   Program control fs chan  req             COUNT
       A14EPCR   Bytes rcvd pc fs channel req             COUNT
       A14EPCS   Bytes sent pc fs channel req             COUNT
       A14ETCN   Terminal sharing channel req             COUNT
       A14ETCR   Bytes rcvd term sharing chann            COUNT
       A14ETCS   Bytes sent term sharing chann            COUNT

 58) The following variable has been added to table XCIRDFI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FCADDCN   File control adds                        COUNT

 59) The following 40 variables have been added to table XCISPOO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSGCMWS   L8 pool current mismatch waits           GAUGE
       DSGCMWT   L8 pool current mismatch wait time       TIME
       DSGMWTM   L8 pool total tcb mismatch wait time     TIME
       DSGMWTS   L8 pool total tcb mismatch waits         COUNT
       DSGPWWS   L8 pool peak mismatch waits              MAXIMUM
       DSGTTMT   L8 pool storage waiting time             TIME
       DSGTTMW   L8 pool storage waits                    COUNT
       DS2CMWS   J8 pool current mismatch waits           GAUGE
       DS2CMWT   J8 pool current mismatch wait time       TIME
       DS2MWTM   J8 pool total tcb mismatch wait time     TIME
       DS2MWTS   J8 pool total tcb mismatch waits         COUNT
       DS2PWWS   J8 pool peak mismatch waits              MAXIMUM
       DS2TTMT   J8 pool storage waiting time             TIME
       DS2TTMW   J8 pool storage waits                    COUNT
       DS3CMWS   H8 pool current mismatch waits           GAUGE
       DS3CMWT   H8 pool current mismatch wait time       TIME
       DS3MWTM   H8 pool total tcb mismatch wait time     TIME
       DS3MWTS   H8 pool total tcb mismatch waits         COUNT
       DS3PWWS   H8 pool peak mismatch waits              MAXIMUM
       DS3TTMT   H8 pool storage waiting time             TIME
       DS3TTMW   H8 pool storage waits                    COUNT
       DS4CMWS   S8 pool current mismatch waits           GAUGE
       DS4CMWT   S8 pool current mismatch waittime        TIME
       DS4CRNW   S8 pool current tasks waiting            GAUGE
       DS4CRWT   S8 pool current waiting time             TIME
       DS4CUAT   S8 pool current tcbs attached            GAUGE
       DS4CUUS   S8 pool current tcbs in use              GAUGE
       DS4MTCB   S8 pool maximum tcbs                     MAXIMUM
       DS4MWTM   S8 pool total tcb mismatch waitme        TIME
       DS4MWTS   S8 pool total tcb mismatch waits         COUNT
       DS4NCBL   S8 pool times at pool limit              COUNT
       DS4PANW   S8 pool maximum tasks waiting            MAXIMUM
       DS4PUAT   S8 pool peak tcbs attached               MAXIMUM
       DS4PUUS   S8 pool peak tcbs in use                 MAXIMUM
       DS4PWWS   S8 pool peak mismatch waits              MAXIMUM
       DS4TBPN   S8 tcbs pool pool number                 INT
       DS4TTMT   S8 pool storage waiting time             TIME
       DS4TTMW   S8 pool storage waits                    COUNT
       DS4TTNW   S8 pool number of waits                  COUNT
       DS4TTWL   S8 pool total wait time at limit         TIME

 60) The following 149 variables have been added to table XCITRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       APPLNAM   Application name applname                STRING
       CMADACT   Adabas call time                         TIME
       CMADAWC   Adabas call count                        COUNT
       CMAUTH    Db2 authorization id                     STRING
       CMCORR    Db2 correlation id                       STRING
       CMDBCCP   Dbctl cpu time                           TIME
       CMDBRQ    Database call time                       TIME
       CMDBRQC   Database call count                      COUNT
       CMDB2CT   Db2 call time                            TIME
       CMDB2P    Db2 plan name                            STRING
       CMDB2T    Db2 thread type used                     STRING
       CMDB2W    Db2 thread wait indicator                STRING
       CMDB2WC   Db2 call count                           COUNT
       CMDCLOS   Db2 close cursor count                   COUNT
       CMDCOMT   Db2 commit count                         COUNT
       CMDDEL    Db2 delete count                         COUNT
       CMDFTCH   Db2 fetch count                          COUNT
       CMDINS    Db2 insert count                         COUNT
       CMDOPEN   Db2 open cursor count                    COUNT
       CMDOTHR   Db2 other sql count                      COUNT
       CMDSLCT   Db2 select count                         COUNT
       CMDSPQ    Dispatch (cpu) clock time                TIME
       CMDSQL1   Db2 first sql call wait time             TIME
       CMDUPD    Db2 update count                         COUNT
       CMPGNM    Umbrella program name                    STRING
       CMPTYPE   Umbrella type                            STRING
       CMSAPAC   Sap user/actt                            STRING
       CMSAPLT   Sap transaction id                       STRING
       CMSAPMN   Sap mandant - auth code                  STRING
       CMSAPTM   Sap terminal id                          STRING
       CMSAPTY   Sap transaction type                     STRING
       CMSAPWA   Sap work area                            STRING
       CMSAPWT   Sap work area wait                       STRING
       CMTRID    Umbrella tran code                       STRING
       CMUDATA   User data                                STRING
       CMUSER    Umbrella user id                         STRING
       CNADABN   Canadabn adabase request count           COUNT
       CNADABT   Canadabn adabase duration                TIME
       CNDEXNM   Candexnm waiting resource name           STRING
       CNDEXTY   Candexty waiting resource name           STRING
       CNPROD1   Canprod1 optional field                  HEXFLAGS
       CNPROD2   Canprod2 optional field                  HEXFLAGS
       CNPROD3   Canprod3 optional field                  HEXFLAGS
       DSCHMDC   Dschmdly count                           COUNT
       DSCHMDT   Dschmdly duration                        TIME
       EZ01A01   Eza01 field 1                            COUNT
       EZ01A02   Eza01 field 2                            COUNT
       EZ01A03   Eza01 field 3                            COUNT
       EZ01A04   Eza01 field 4                            COUNT
       EZ01A05   Eza01 field 5                            COUNT
       EZ01A06   Eza01 field 6 reusable                   COUNT
       EZ01A07   Eza01 field 7 attached                   COUNT
       EZ01A08   Eza01 field 8                            COUNT
       EZ01A09   Eza01 field 9                            COUNT
       EZ01A10   Eza01 field 10                           COUNT
       EZ01A11   Eza01 field 11                           COUNT
       EZ01A12   Eza01 field 12                           COUNT
       EZ02A08   Eza02 a 08                               COUNT
       EZ02A09   Eza02 a 09                               COUNT
       EZ02A10   Eza02 a 10                               COUNT
       EZ02A11   Eza02 a 11                               COUNT
       EZ02CON   Eza02 conn                               COUNT
       EZ02DIP   Eza02 disprog                            COUNT
       EZ02DIT   Eza02 distran                            COUNT
       EZ02GIV   Eza02 givesokt                           COUNT
       EZ02INV   Eza02 invalid                            COUNT
       EZ02SEC   Eza02 secexit                            COUNT
       EZ02STA   Eza02 started                            COUNT
       FPSAPPL   Hogan application code                   STRING
       FPSSIPR   Hogan previous screen name               STRING
       ICSACCT   Local ic start requests                  COUNT
       ICSACDL   Bytes in start channel requests          COUNT
       ICSRCCT   Interval control start channel requests  COUNT
       ICSRCDL   Bytes in containers start channel reqs   COUNT
       L9CPUTC   L9cput count                             COUNT
       L9CPUTT   L9cput duration                          TIME
       MAXSTDC   Maxstdly count                           COUNT
       MAXSTDT   Maxstdly duration                        TIME
       MAXXTDC   Maxxtdly count                           COUNT
       MAXXTDT   Maxxtdly duration                        TIME
       PCDLCRD   Bytes in dpl return channel              COUNT
       PCDLCSD   Bytes in dpl requests issued             COUNT
       PCDPLCC   Dpl requests issued                      COUNT
       PCLNKCC   Local program link requests              COUNT
       PCRTNCC   Remote pseudoconv return requests        COUNT
       PCRTNCD   Bytes in pseudoconv containers           COUNT
       PCXCLCC   Program xctl requests issued             COUNT
       PGBRWCC   Browse channel container requests        COUNT
       PGCRECC   Pgcrecct                                 COUNT
       PGGETCC   Get container requests                   COUNT
       PGGETCD   Bytes in get container channel commands  COUNT
       PGMOVCC   Move container requests                  COUNT
       PGPUTCC   Put container requests                   COUNT
       PGPUTCD   Bytes in put container channel commands  COUNT
       PGTOTCC   Channel container requests               COUNT
       RMCPSCN   Rmicpsm  count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMCPSM    Rmi cspm count                           COUNT
       RMCPSTM   Rmicpsm  duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMDATCN   Datacom count in rmi                     COUNT
       RMDATTM   Datacom duration in rmi                  TIME
       RMDBCCN   Rmidbctl count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMDBCTL   Rmi dbctl count                          COUNT
       RMDBCTM   Rmidbctl duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMDBN     Rmi dbn count                            TIME
       RMDB2     Rmi db2 count                            COUNT
       RMDB2CN   Rmi db2 count                            COUNT
       RMDB2TM   Rmi db2 duration                         TIME
       RMEXDCN   Rmiexdli count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMEXDLI   Rmi exdli count                          COUNT
       RMEXDTM   Rmiexdli duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMMQCN    Rmi mq count                             COUNT
       RMMQM     Rmi mqm count                            COUNT
       RMMQMCN   Rmimqm   count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMMQMTM   Rmimqm   duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMMQTM    Rmi mq duration                          TIME
       RMOTHCN   Rmiother count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMOTHER   Rmi other count                          COUNT
       RMOTHTM   Rmiother duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMTCPCN   Rmitcpip count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMTCPIP   Rmi tcpip count                          COUNT
       RMTCPTM   Rmitcpip duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMTOTAL   Rmi total count                          COUNT
       RMTOTCN   Rmitotal count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMTOTTM   Rmitotal duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       TCPINIC   Tcpip init events                        COUNT
       TCPINIT   Tcpip init duration                      TIME
       TCPOTHC   Tcpip other events                       COUNT
       TCPOTHT   Tcpip other duration                     TIME
       TCPREAC   Tcpip read events                        COUNT
       TCPREAT   Tcpip read duration                      TIME
       TCPSELC   Tcpip select events                      COUNT
       TCPSELT   Tcpip select duration                    TIME
       TCPWRIC   Tcpip write events                       COUNT
       TCPWRIT   Tcpip write duration                     TIME
       WBBRWOC   Browse httpheader requests               COUNT
       WBCHIN1   Bytes rcvd for receive or converse       COUNT
       WBCHOU1   Bytes sent for send or converse          COUNT
       WBIWBSC   Wbiwbsct                                 COUNT
       WBPARSC   Parse url requests                       COUNT
       WBRCVIN   Receive or converse requests             COUNT
       WBREDOC   Read httpheader requests                 COUNT
       WBREPRD   Wbreprdl                                 COUNT
       WBREPWD   Wbrepwdl                                 COUNT
       WBSNDOU   Send or converse requests                COUNT
       WBWRTOC   Write httpheader requests                COUNT
       X8CPUTC   X8cput count                             COUNT
       X8CPUTT   X8cput duration                          TIME
       X9CPUTC   X9cput count                             COUNT
       X9CPUTT   X9cput duration                          TIME

 61) The following 10 variables have been added to table XDBACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CHIELPT   Summed child wait from qwacesc           TIME
       LEACCT1   Length account one                       INT
       LEACCT2   Length account two                       INT
       LEACCT3   Length account three                     INT
       LEACCT4   Length account four                      INT
       LEACCT5   Length account five                      INT
       LEACCT6   Length account six                       INT
       LEACCT7   Length account seven                     INT
       LEACCT8   Length account eight                     INT
       LEACCT9   Length account nine                      INT

 62) The following 47 variables have been added to table XDBCCTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBACDPF   Dynamic prefetch requests per pool       COUNT
       QBACGET   Get page requests per thread per pool    COUNT
       QBACIMW   Immediate syncronous write i/o per pool  COUNT
       QBACLPF   List prefetches requested per pool       COUNT
       QBACNGT   Unsuccessful get page ops per pool       COUNT
       QBACRIO   Syncronous read i/o requests per pool    COUNT
       QBACSEQ   Prefetch read requests per pool          COUNT
       QBACSIO   Async pages reads by prefetch per pool   COUNT
       QBACSWS   Setw issued for system pages per pool    COUNT
       QPCALL    Sql call statements                      COUNT
       QPCINSP   Loaded by stored procedure?              STRING
       QPCLOSE   Closes                                   COUNT
       QPCPAC    Auth check without cat access?           STRING
       QPDELET   Deletes                                  COUNT
       QPDESC    Describes                                COUNT
       QPFETCH   Fetchs                                   COUNT
       QPINSRT   Inserts                                  COUNT
       QPLOCK    Lock tables                              COUNT
       QPOPEN    Opens                                    COUNT
       QPPREP    Prepares                                 COUNT
       QPSELEC   Selects                                  COUNT
       QPUPDTE   Updates                                  COUNT
       QTACHG    Change request count                     COUNT
       QTACHUS   Highest cpu seconds used                 TIME
       QTACLMT   Limit cpu seconds                        TIME
       QTACLNO   Claim requests                           COUNT
       QTACLUN   Unsuccessful claim requests              COUNT
       QTADEA    Lock deadlock count                      COUNT
       QTADRNO   Drain requests                           COUNT
       QTADRUN   Unsuccessful drain requests              COUNT
       QTAFLG1   Qtxaflg1                                 STRING
       QTAILMT   Infinite limit?                          STRING
       QTAIRLM   Other irlm request count                 COUNT
       QTALES    Locks escalated to shared mode           COUNT
       QTALEX    Locks escalated to exclusive             COUNT
       QTALOCK   Lock request count                       COUNT
       QTANPL    Maximum page locks held                  MAXIMUM
       QTANRUN   No run or zero limit?                    STRING
       QTAPREC   How limit was determined                 COUNT
       QTAQRY    Query request count                      COUNT
       QTARLID   Resource limit table id                  STRING
       QTASLAT   Suspend count latch conflict             COUNT
       QTASLMT   Limit in su-s asutime                    COUNT
       QTASLOC   Suspend count lock conflict              COUNT
       QTASOTH   Suspend count other conflict             COUNT
       QTATIM    Lock timeout count                       COUNT
       QTAUNLK   Unlock request count                     COUNT

 63) The following variable has been deleted from table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       Q3STHIW                                            COUNT

 64) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDBSTA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISESTM   Statements in edm dynam cache pool       COUNT
       QXALTSE   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXALTVW   Alter views                              COUNT
       QXCRESE   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXDROSE   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXPRRES   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT

 65) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISESTM   Statements in edm dynam cache pool       COUNT
       QXALTSE   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXALTVW   Alter views                              COUNT
       QXCRESE   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXDROSE   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXPRRES   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XDBTATS:

       Q3STHIW                                            COUNT

 66) The following variable has been added to table XDB2A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 67) The following variable has been added to table XDB2B:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 68) The following variable has been added to table XDCDSET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCVDVNU   Device number                            INT

 69) The following variable has been added to table XEDSARE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 70) The following variable has been added to table XEDSDRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 71) The following variable has been added to table XEDSKRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 72) The following variable has been added to table XEDSORE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 73) The following variable has been added to table XEDSOVO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 74) The following variable has been added to table XEDSPRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 75) The following variable has been added to table XEDSPVO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 76) The following variable has been added to table XEDSRRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 77) The following variable has been added to table XEDSSEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 78) The following variable has been added to table XEDSSRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 79) The following variable has been added to table XEDSVRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 80) The following variable has been added to table XHSM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 81) The following variable has been added to table XICBGCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCHANBY   Percent when channel is busy total       PERCENT100

 82) The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XICB8SN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SRCDSN    Source data set name                     STRING
       TRGDSN    Target data set name                     STRING

 83) The following 11 variables have been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       LOSUSEC   Local system su sec adjustment factor    FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 84) The following variable has been added to table XJOBSKD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 85) The following 23 variables have been added to table XMQACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QMCCPUT   Cpu time used                            TIME
       QMCGETA   Mqget requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMCGETB   Mqget requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMCGETC   Mqget requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMCGETD   Mqget requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMCGETS   Total gets                               COUNT
       QMCPUTA   Mqput requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMCPUTB   Mqput requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMCPUTC   Mqput requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMCPUTD   Mqput requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMCPUTS   Total puts                               COUNT
       QWCAID    Authorization id                         STRING
       QWCCN     Connection name                          STRING
       QWCCVMQ   Correlation id for mq                    HEXFLAGS
       QWCNID    Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWCOPID   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWCPSB    Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWCPST    Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWCTASK   Cics task number                         INT
       QWCTNO    Cics thread number                       INT
       QWCTRN    Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWCXTYP   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSIDM   Mq subsystem name                        STRING

     The following 23 variables have been deleted from table XMQACCT:

       QMACCPU   Cpu time used                            TIME
       QMACGET   Mqget requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMACG01   Mqget requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMACG02   Mqget requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMACG03   Mqget requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMACG04   Total gets                               COUNT
       QMACPUT   Mqput requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMACP01   Mqput requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMACP02   Mqput requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMACP03   Mqput requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMACP04   Total puts                               COUNT
       QWHCAID   Authorization id                         STRING
       QWHCCN    Connection name                          STRING
       QWHCCV    Correlation id                           STRING
       QWHCNID   Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWHCOPI   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWHCPSB   Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWHCPST   Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWHCTAS   Cics task number                         INT
       QWHCTNO   Cics thread identification address       INT
       QWHCTRN   Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWHCXTY   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSSSI   Db2 subsystem name                       STRING

 86) The following 12 variables have been added to table XMQACTQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWCAID    Authorization id                         STRING
       QWCCN     Connection name                          STRING
       QWCCVMQ   Correlation id for mq                    HEXFLAGS
       QWCNID    Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWCOPID   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWCPSB    Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWCPST    Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWCTASK   Cics task number                         INT
       QWCTNO    Cics thread number                       INT
       QWCTRN    Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWCXTYP   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSIDM   Mq subsystem name                        STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XMQACTQ:

       WTADBMS   changed from  TIME      to  MAXIMUM
       WTADBMT   changed from  TIME      to  MAXIMUM

     The following 12 variables have been deleted from table XMQACTQ:

       QWHCAID   Authorization id                         STRING
       QWHCCN    Connection name                          STRING
       QWHCCV    Correlation id                           STRING
       QWHCNID   Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWHCOPI   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWHCPSB   Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWHCPST   Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWHCTAS   Cics task number                         INT
       QWHCTNO   Cics thread identification address       INT
       QWHCTRN   Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWHCXTY   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSSSI   Db2 subsystem name                       STRING

 87) The following 12 variables have been added to table XMQQUEU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWCAID    Authorization id                         STRING
       QWCCN     Connection name                          STRING
       QWCCVMQ   Correlation id for mq                    HEXFLAGS
       QWCNID    Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWCOPID   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWCPSB    Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWCPST    Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWCTASK   Cics task number                         INT
       QWCTNO    Cics thread number                       INT
       QWCTRN    Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWCXTYP   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSIDM   Mq subsystem name                        STRING

     The following 12 variables have been deleted from table XMQQUEU:

       QWHCAID   Authorization id                         STRING
       QWHCCN    Connection name                          STRING
       QWHCCV    Correlation id                           STRING
       QWHCNID   Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWHCOPI   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWHCPSB   Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWHCPST   Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWHCTAS   Cics task number                         INT
       QWHCTNO   Cics thread identification address       INT
       QWHCTRN   Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWHCXTY   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSSSI   Db2 subsystem name                       STRING

 88) The following 2 variables have been added to table XNDMFA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FASEQ     Sequence nr of date/time                 COUNT
       FASERVE   Sysplex server name                      STRING

 89) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMFI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FILFILE   Long file name                           STRING
       FILFILL   Long file name length                    INT
       FISERVE   Sysplex server name                      STRING
       NDFIFLG   General purpose flag                     HEXFLAGS
       NDZUID    Expanded user id                         STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XNDMFI:

       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING

 90) The following 8 variables have been added to table XNDMGO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDGOFLG   Flag                                     HEXFLAGS
       NDODLST   Modal step start datetime                DATETIME
       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDRMUID   Userid to be notified                    STRING
       NDSCC     Step completion code                     HEXFLAGS
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

 91) The following 8 variables have been added to table XNDMPI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPIFLG   General use flag byte                    HEXFLAGS
       NDRTYPE   Record subtype                           STRING
       NDSKDAY   Day of week proc scheduled               STRING
       NDSKDTM   Proc scheduled time                      DATETIME
       NDSUBTM   Proc submitted time                      DATETIME
       PIRETRY   Retry count                              COUNT
       PISEQ     Sequence nr of date/time                 COUNT
       PISERVE   Sysplex server name                      STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XNDMPI:

       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING

 92) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNDMSD:

       SDSEQ     changed from  STRING    to  COUNT

 93) The following 10 variables have been added to table XNDMSY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDPROGN   Program name                             STRING
       NDSCC     Step completion code                     HEXFLAGS
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING
       NDSYFLG   Sy flag                                  HEXFLAGS
       NDSYOPL   Sysopt length                            INT
       NDSYOPS   Sysopts text                             STRING
       NDSYSEQ   Sequence number                          INT
       SYSERVE   Sysplex sever name                       STRING

 94) The following 16 variables have been added to table XNDMTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDACP     Processes active this pnode              COUNT
       NDACS     Processes active this snode              COUNT
       NDBIND    Data bytes inbound                       COUNT
       NDBINN    Network bytes inbound                    COUNT
       NDBOUD    Data bytes outbound                      COUNT
       NDBOUN    Network bytes outbound                   COUNT
       NDIETIM   Interval end datetime                    DATETIME
       NDISTIM   Interval start datetime                  DATETIME
       NDPEN     Processes ended                          COUNT
       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDPST     Processes started                        COUNT
       NDRCV     Receives                                 COUNT
       NDSND     Sends                                    COUNT
       NDTPSEQ   Sequence number                          INT
       TPSERVE   Sysplex sever name                       STRING

 95) The following variable has been added to table XNJPURG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 96) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNPVSUM:

       LNVSPVU   changed from  PERCENT100to  MAXIMUM

 97) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSNCP:

       BUFUTIL   changed from  PERCENT100to  MAXIMUM

 98) The following 13 variables have been added to table XNSTCP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NSYAVRT   Vtam average response host telnet        AVERAGE
       NSYINBU   In buffer                                COUNT
       NSYLOGM   Logmode                                  STRING
       NSYNROT   Vtam nr outputs telnet                   COUNT
       NSYNRTT   Vtam nr transactions telnet              COUNT
       NSYOUBU   Out buffer                               COUNT
       NSYRCBS   Receive buffer size                      GAUGE
       NSYSGNL   Signal                                   COUNT
       NSYSOOP   Socket option                            INT
       NSYSSTZ   State stack type zero                    COUNT
       NSYTIMR   Timer                                    COUNT
       NSYTNID   Vtam net id telnet                       STRING
       NSYTUID   Vtam user id telnet                      STRING

 99) The following 28 variables have been added to table XNSTCPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NSYASID   Tcp/ip address space id                  HEXFLAGS
       NSYIFNR   Interface number                         INT
       NSYIPAE   Ip address errors                        COUNT
       NSYIPFC   Ip fragment creates                      COUNT
       NSYIPFD   Ip forward datagrams                     COUNT
       NSYIPFF   Ip fragment failures                     COUNT
       NSYIPFO   Ip fragment ok-s                         COUNT
       NSYIPFR   Ip forwarding                            COUNT
       NSYIPHE   Ip header errors                         COUNT
       NSYIPID   Ip input discards                        COUNT
       NSYIPIR   Ip in receives                           COUNT
       NSYIPOD   Ip output discards                       COUNT
       NSYIPON   Ip out no routes                         COUNT
       NSYIPOR   Ip output requests                       COUNT
       NSYIPRF   Ip reassembly failures                   COUNT
       NSYIPRO   Ip reassembly oks                        COUNT
       NSYIPRR   Ip reassembly required                   COUNT
       NSYIPRT   Ip reassembly timeouts                   COUNT
       NSYIPSD   Ip input successfully delivered          COUNT
       NSYIPUP   Ip unknown protocols                     COUNT
       NSYIPVE   Ip valid routing entries discards        COUNT
       NSYTSSW   Tcp segments sent with rst flags         COUNT
       NSYUDDC   Udp datagrams delivered to custs         COUNT
       NSYUINE   Udp in errors                            COUNT
       NSYUNOP   Udp no ports                             COUNT
       NSYUOUD   Udp out datagrams                        COUNT
       NSYURBS   Udp receiver buffer size                 COUNT
       NSYUSBS   Udp send buffer size                     COUNT

100) The following variable has been added to table XOVEXCE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXTSWEP   Tsweeps                                  COUNT

101) The following 2 variables have been added to table XPRINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF26WS   Scheduling environment                   STRING
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

102) The following variable has been added to table XPRINTR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

103) The following 6 variables have been added to table XQACONF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GDESDM1   Total amount of on demand memory         COUNT
       GDESDM2   Available on demand memory               COUNT
       GDESDP1   Total number on demand processors        COUNT
       GDESDP2   Available on demand processors           COUNT
       GDESHM    Total memory used by hypervisor          COUNT
       GDESSP    Shared processor pool attributes         STRING

104) The following 6 variables have been added to table XQADISK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSHAPS    High availability parity set             STRING
       DSIP      Multi path unit initial path             STRING
       DSMC      Mirror copy remote mirrored asp          STRING
       DSMU      Multi path unit                          STRING
       DSPC      Prod copy remote mirrored asp            STRING
       DSPS      Disk parity set                          STRING

105) The following variable has been added to table XQAIFC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INTSEC    Interval duration                        TIME

106) The following 32 variables have been added to table XQAJOBL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBASH     Client fast ssl handshakes               COUNT
       JBASHA    Server fast ssl handshakes               COUNT
       JBBFA     Bytes deposited journal receiver         COUNT
       JBBFW     Journal bytes written to disk            COUNT
       JBBTA     Bytes journal receiver transient         COUNT
       JBBTW     Transient journal receiver               COUNT
       JBCOP     Primary commit operations                COUNT
       JBCOS     Secondary comit operations               COUNT
       JBCUSR    User profile                             STRING
       JBDOP     Primary decommit operations              COUNT
       JBDOS     Secondary decommit operations            COUNT
       JBFSDC    File system directory reads              COUNT
       JBFSDD    File system directory deletes            COUNT
       JBFSH     Client ssl handshakes                    COUNT
       JBFSHA    Server ssl handshakes                    COUNT
       JBFSNDC   File system directory creates            COUNT
       JBFSNDD   File system nondirectory deletes         COUNT
       JBFSOPN   File system opens                        COUNT
       JBNSJE    Non smapp journal entries                COUNT
       JBPGA     Pages allocate by job                    COUNT
       JBPGD     Pages deallocated by job                 COUNT
       JBPJE     Physical journal write operation         COUNT
       JBSJD     System smapp journal entries             COUNT
       JBSVRT    Server type                              STRING
       JBTNW     Journal bundle write wait count          COUNT
       JBTWT     Journal bundle write wait(ms)            TIME
       JBUJD     User smapp journal entries               COUNT
       JBXRBR    Stream file bytes read                   COUNT
       JBXRBW    Stream file bytes written                COUNT
       JBXRFS    Number fsync operations                  COUNT
       JBXRRR    Random stream file reads                 COUNT
       JBXRRW    Random stream file writes                COUNT

107) The following 26 variables have been added to table XQAJOBM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBASH     Fast ssl server authentications          COUNT
       JBASHA    Fast ssl server and client auths         COUNT
       JBBFA     Bytes deposited to fixed area            COUNT
       JBBFW     Bytes written to fixed area              COUNT
       JBBTA     Bytes deposited to transient area        COUNT
       JBBTW     Bytes written to transient area          COUNT
       JBCOP     Primary commit operations performed      COUNT
       JBCOS     Nested commit operations performed       COUNT
       JBDOP     Primary decommit operations performed    COUNT
       JBDOS     Nested decommit operations performed     COUNT
       JBFSH     Full ssl server authentications          COUNT
       JBFSHA    Full ssl server and client auths         COUNT
       JBNSJE    Non-smapp journal entried                COUNT
       JBPGA     Pages allocated since job start          COUNT
       JBPGD     Pages deallocated since job start        COUNT
       JBPJE     Physical journal writes                  COUNT
       JBSJD     System journal deposits                  COUNT
       JBTNW     Journal bundle waits                     COUNT
       JBTWT     Journal bundle wait time                 TIME
       JBUJD     User journal deposits                    COUNT
       JBXRBR    Stream file bytes read                   COUNT
       JBXRBW    Stream file bytes written                COUNT
       JBXRFS    Fsync operations                         COUNT
       JBXRRR    Random read operations                   COUNT
       JBXRRW    Random write operations                  COUNT
       JCUSR     Current user                             STRING

108) The following 2 variables have been added to table XQASYSC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCTCPUB   Percent when sctact cpus were busy       PERCENT100
       SCTACT    Cpus active                              COUNT

109) The following 34 variables have been added to table XQASYST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCTCPTB   Percent when systask cpu busy            PERCENT100
       SYBTAC    Async clear operations                   COUNT
       SYBTAP    Async prebring operations                COUNT
       SYBTAPC   Async create operations                  COUNT
       SYBTAPD   Async delete operations                  COUNT
       SYBTAPP   Parallel prebring operations             COUNT
       SYCTA     Configured cpu time available            TIME
       SYIFTA    Time available interactive feature       TIME
       SYIFTE    Time used exeeding threshold             TIME
       SYIFUS    Time used interactive feature            TIME
       SYJOC1    1st bundles forced                       COUNT
       SYJOC2    2nd bundles forced                       COUNT
       SYJOC3    3rd bundles forced                       COUNT
       SYJOER    Smapp evaluations requested              COUNT
       SYJOES    Smapp evaluations services               COUNT
       SYJOIB    Smapp index build time estimate          TIME
       SYJOS1    1st frequent journal entry type          STRING
       SYJOS2    2nd frequent journal entry type          STRING
       SYJOS3    3rd frequent journal entry type          STRING
       SYLPTB    Lpar time base                           TIME
       SYNPLA    Shared pool cpu time available           TIME
       SYNPLU    Shared pool cpu time used                TIME
       SYNUAL    Noncached user authority lookups         COUNT
       SYNUTC    Uncapped cpu time configured             TIME
       SYSDFAL   Unforced stream files                    COUNT
       SYSDFRL   Forced stream files                      COUNT
       SYSDNFE   Stream files exposed                     COUNT
       SYSDNFO   Stream files overdue                     COUNT
       SYSDNST   Force tasks                              COUNT
       SYSDPFD   Forced stream file pages                 COUNT
       SYSDPFF   Pages forced by fsync                    COUNT
       SYSDTET   Exposure time                            TIME
       SYSPTU    Total cpu time used                      TIME
       SYUTA     Uncapped cpu time available              TIME

110) The following variable has been added to table XQATCP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INTSEC    Interval duration                        TIME

111) The following 12 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPIFATM   Task ifa cpu time on ifa                 TIME
       CPIFETM   Task ifaelig cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPPDTTM   Total lpar dispatch cpu time             TIME
       IFAACTT   Ifa engine executing (active) cpu time   TIME
       IFAUPTM   Ifa engine available (up) time           TIME
       LPRSHAC   Lpar current weight                      GAUGE
       NRIFAS    Number of ifa engines available          GAUGE
       OTHRIFA   All other cpu ifa time on ifa            COUNT
       OTHRIFE   All other cpu ifaelig time on cp         COUNT
       PCIFABY   Pct this systems ifa busy                PERCENT100
       TTSHARC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XRMFINT:

       ZOS70WL   No longer used                           COUNT

112) The following 28 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IDMACT1   Idms batch account one                   STRING
       IDMACT2   Idms batch account two                   STRING
       IDMBLG    Idms dc/ucf billing group                STRING
       IDMCPTM   Idms transaction cpu time                TIME
       IDMLTE    Idms dc/ucf lterm                        STRING
       IDMOPR    Idms erus operator id                    STRING
       IDMTID    Idms task id number                      INT
       IDMTRM    Idms erus terminal id                    STRING
       IDMTRN    Idms erus transaction id                 STRING
       IDMTSK    Idms dc/ucf task code                    STRING
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

113) The following 11 variables have been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       LOSUSEC   Local system su sec adjustment factor    FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

114) The following 12 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       LOSUSEC   Local system su sec adjustment factor    FLOAT
       SMF26WS   Scheduling environment                   STRING
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XSTEPS:

       RDRTM     Reader event duration                    TIME

115) The following variable has been added to table XSUMPRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

116) The following variable has been added to table XTCCSUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

117) The following variable has been added to table XTCSUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

118) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2CMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCMXHWM   Class high water mark                    MAXIMUM
       TICMX     Ticmx segment count                      COUNT

119) The following 6 variables have been deleted from table XTC2IDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIDSQCN   Queued switches now reserved             COUNT
       TIDSQTM   Queued switch time now reserved          TIME
       TINTWRC   Ready queue waits after wait satisfied   COUNT
       TINTWRT   Ready queue wait time after wait satised TIME
       TIWRDCM   Ready queue wait time for dispatch       TIME
       TIWRDCT   Ready queue waits for dispatch           COUNT

120) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2IWT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIWTWRC   Wait for redispatch count                COUNT
       TIWTWRT   Wait for redispatch time                 TIME

121) The following 32 variables have been added to table XTC2PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PACBRNM   Corbaserver name                         STRING
       PADSCWC   Stg constraint wait count                COUNT
       PADSCWT   Stg constraint wait time                 TIME
       PADSMWC   Tcb mismatch wait count                  COUNT
       PADSMWT   Tcb mismatch time                        TIME
       PADSTHW   Peak open tcbs                           MAXIMUM
       PASOIMC   Socket receive requests                  COUNT
       PASOI1C   Socket chars received                    COUNT
       PASOOMC   Socket send requests                     COUNT
       PASOO1C   Socket chars sent                        COUNT
       PEJBACT   Bean activation requests                 COUNT
       PEJBCCT   Bean creation requests                   COUNT
       PEJBMCT   Ejb method calls                         COUNT
       PEJBPCT   Bean passivation requests                COUNT
       PEJBRCT   Bean removal requests                    COUNT
       PEJBTCT   Total ejb requests                       COUNT
       PHTDLYC   Hot pool delays                          COUNT
       PHTDLYT   Hot pool delays time                     TIME
       PJTDLYC   Jvm tcb delays                           COUNT
       PJTDLYT   Jvm tcb delays time                      TIME
       PJ9CPUC   J9 cpu count                             COUNT
       PJ9CPUT   Mode j9 cpu time                         TIME
       PKY9CPC   Key 9 cpu count                          COUNT
       PKY9CPT   Key 9 cpu time                           TIME
       PKY9DSC   Key 9 dispatch count                     COUNT
       PKY9DST   Key 9 dispatch time                      TIME
       PPTPWTC   Partner wait count                       COUNT
       PPTPWTT   Partner wait time                        TIME
       PROCPUC   Ro cpu count                             COUNT
       PROCPUT   Ro cpu time                              TIME
       PRODSPC   Ro dispatch count                        COUNT
       PRODSPT   Ro dispatch time                         TIME

122) The following 33 variables have been added to table XTC2PI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PEJBACT   Bean activation requests                 COUNT
       PEJBCCT   Bean creation requests                   COUNT
       PEJBMCT   Ejb method calls                         COUNT
       PEJBPCT   Bean passivation requests                COUNT
       PEJBRCT   Bean removal requests                    COUNT
       PEJBTCT   Total ejb requests                       COUNT
       PHTDLYC   Hot pool delays                          COUNT
       PHTDLYT   Hot pool delays time                     TIME
       PIDSCWC   Stg constraint wait count                COUNT
       PIDSCWT   Stg constraint wait time                 TIME
       PIDSMWC   Tcb mismatch wait count                  COUNT
       PIDSMWT   Tcb mismatch time                        TIME
       PISOIMC   Socket receive requests                  COUNT
       PISOI1C   Socket chars received                    COUNT
       PISOOMC   Socket send requests                     COUNT
       PISOO1C   Socket chars sent                        COUNT
       PJTDLYC   Jvm tcb delays                           COUNT
       PJTDLYT   Jvm tcb delays time                      TIME
       PJVIRSC   Jvm reset count                          COUNT
       PJVIRST   Jvm reset time                           TIME
       PJ9CPUC   J9 cpu count                             COUNT
       PJ9CPUT   Mode j9 cpu time                         TIME
       PKY9CPC   Key 9 cpu count                          COUNT
       PKY9CPT   Key 9 cpu time                           TIME
       PKY9DSC   Key 9 dispatch count                     COUNT
       PKY9DST   Key 9 dispatch time                      TIME
       PPTPWTC   Partner wait count                       COUNT
       PPTPWTT   Partner wait time                        TIME
       PRECICT   Pi record count                          COUNT
       PROCPUC   Ro cpu count                             COUNT
       PROCPUT   Ro cpu time                              TIME
       PRODSPC   Ro dispatch count                        COUNT
       PRODSPT   Ro dispatch time                         TIME

123) The following variable has been added to table XTC2SUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

124) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTC2SYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIWRDCT   Wait for redispatch count                COUNT
       TIWRDTM   Wait for redispatch time                 TIME
       TMIDNSC   Midnight non-segmented tasks count       COUNT
       TUSRWCT   Wait for redispatch count                COUNT
       TUSRWTM   Wait for redispatch time                 TIME

125) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2TJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCREQCT   Jvm requests with classcache             COUNT
       TSREQCT   Jvm requests with reset                  COUNT

126) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2TKP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TPTOTMT   Mvs storage constraint wait time         TIME
       TPTOTMW   Mvs storage constraint waits             COUNT

127) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTC2TOS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOSPRIV   Tcp/ip service privacy                   HEXFLAGS
       TSATSEC   Tcp/ip service attachsec                 HEXFLAGS
       TTOSICT   Totos segment count                      COUNT

128) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2TR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TSTGWCT   Storage request waits                    COUNT
       TSTGWWT   Storage request wait time                TIME

129) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTC2TSK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TAWRDCT   Ready queue waits for dispatch           COUNT
       TAWRDTM   Wait for redispatch time                 TIME
       TRNNAME   Transaction name                         STRING
       TUSRWCT   Userwait time                            TIME
       TUSRWTM   Userwait count                           COUNT

130) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DBRTYP    changed from  _NONE_    to  $MGTMDOJ.

131) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DBLTYP    changed from  _NONE_    to  $MGTMDOJ.

132) The following variable has been added to table XTPALOC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

133) The following variable has been added to table XTPFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

134) The following variable has been added to table XTPMNTS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

135) The following variable has been added to table XTYHMFT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HMFCM07   Compression ratio                        PERCENT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTYHMFT:

       HMFCMA4   Compression ratio                        PERCENT

136) The following variable has been added to table XTYHMFU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HMFIPAD   Ip address                               STRING

137) The following variable has been added to table XTYHMFV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HMFIPAD   Ip address                               STRING

138) The following 13 variables have been added to table XTYTARC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DEVNRCH   Devnr that satisfied-char                STRING
       TARFLAG   Event end flag                           STRING
       TARVL01   1st allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL02   2nd allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL03   3rd allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL04   4th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL05   5th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL06   6th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL07   7th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL08   8th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL09   9th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL10   10th allocation recovery volser          STRING
       UCBTYPE   Ucb type                                 INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTYTARC:

       TARNUMD   Number of devnrs in list                 COUNT

139) The following variable has been added to table XTYTCPC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ELAPSTM   Elapsed duration                         TIME

140) The following variable has been added to table XTYTCPF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ELAPSTM   Elapsed duration                         TIME

141) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTYTMNT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOCLINF   Local installation field                 STRING
       PROCSTE   Procedure step name                      STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTYTMNT:

       ASID      changed from  INT       to  HEXFLAGS

142) The following 39 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INCLASJ   Input job class                          STRING
       JBACTNN   Number of activate stmnts found          COUNT
       JBAFFNN   Number of system affinities              COUNT
       JBBNDNN   Number of bind stmnts found              COUNT
       JBDEANN   Number of deactivate stmnts found        COUNT
       JBLL1NN   List jbs add instances                   COUNT
       JBLL2NN   List jbs add last instances              COUNT
       JBLL3NN   List jbs bind instances                  COUNT
       JBLL4NN   List tapevols instances                  COUNT
       JBLL5NN   List jbact instances                     COUNT
       JBLL6NN   List jbdeact instances                   COUNT
       JBLL7NN   List jbs jecl instances                  COUNT
       JBLL8NN   List jbs jecl proc instances             COUNT
       JBLL9NN   List jbs needs instances                 COUNT
       JBL10NN   List jbs set instances                   COUNT
       JBL11NN   List jls add instances                   COUNT
       JBL12NN   List jls add last instances              COUNT
       JBL13NN   List jls enq instances                   COUNT
       JBL14NN   List jls jecl instances                  COUNT
       JBL15NN   List jls jecl proc instances             COUNT
       JBL16NN   List jls limit instances                 COUNT
       JBL17NN   List vol auto instances                  COUNT
       JBL18NN   List vol cart all instances              COUNT
       JBL19NN   List vol disk instances                  COUNT
       JBL20NN   List vol manual instances                COUNT
       JBL21NN   List vol reel instances                  COUNT
       JBL22NN   List vol to eject instances              COUNT
       JBL23NN   List vol to enter instances              COUNT
       JBL24NN   List vol vts instances                   COUNT
       JBVOLNN   Number of job volumes found              COUNT
       JCAFTNN   Number of jlc after stmnts found         COUNT
       JCBFRNN   Number of jlc before stmnts found        COUNT
       JLIMTNN   Number of jlc agent limit requests       COUNT
       JLLIMNN   Number of jls user limit requests        COUNT
       JVVOLNN   Number of job volumes found              COUNT
       TMUSERC   Userc                                    STRING
       TMXPLEX   Sysplex name from format mxtpmpx lookup  STRING
       TSSUSR2   User parm 2 on job statement (8 chars)   STRING
       TSSUSR3   User parm 3 on job statement (8 chars)   STRING

     The following 616 variables have been deleted from table XTYTPMX:

       JBACTC    Number of activate stmnts found          COUNT
       JBACT1    Jbs activate request #1                  STRING
       JBACT10   Jbs activate request #10                 STRING
       JBACT11   Jbs activate request #11                 STRING
       JBACT12   Jbs activate request #12                 STRING
       JBACT13   Jbs activate request #13                 STRING
       JBACT14   Jbs activate request #14                 STRING
       JBACT15   Jbs activate request #15                 STRING
       JBACT16   Jbs activate request #16                 STRING
       JBACT17   Jbs activate request #17                 STRING
       JBACT18   Jbs activate request #18                 STRING
       JBACT19   Jbs activate request #19                 STRING
       JBACT2    Jbs activate request #2                  STRING
       JBACT20   Jbs activate request #20                 STRING
       JBACT21   Jbs activate request #21                 STRING
       JBACT22   Jbs activate request #22                 STRING
       JBACT23   Jbs activate request #23                 STRING
       JBACT24   Jbs activate request #24                 STRING
       JBACT25   Jbs activate request #25                 STRING
       JBACT26   Jbs activate request #26                 STRING
       JBACT27   Jbs activate request #27                 STRING
       JBACT28   Jbs activate request #28                 STRING
       JBACT29   Jbs activate request #29                 STRING
       JBACT3    Jbs activate request #3                  STRING
       JBACT30   Jbs activate request #30                 STRING
       JBACT31   Jbs activate request #31                 STRING
       JBACT32   Jbs activate request #32                 STRING
       JBACT33   Jbs activate request #33                 STRING
       JBACT34   Jbs activate request #34                 STRING
       JBACT35   Jbs activate request #35                 STRING
       JBACT36   Jbs activate request #36                 STRING
       JBACT37   Jbs activate request #37                 STRING
       JBACT38   Jbs activate request #38                 STRING
       JBACT39   Jbs activate request #39                 STRING
       JBACT4    Jbs activate request #4                  STRING
       JBACT40   Jbs activate request #40                 STRING
       JBACT41   Jbs activate request #41                 STRING
       JBACT42   Jbs activate request #42                 STRING
       JBACT43   Jbs activate request #43                 STRING
       JBACT44   Jbs activate request #44                 STRING
       JBACT45   Jbs activate request #45                 STRING
       JBACT46   Jbs activate request #46                 STRING
       JBACT47   Jbs activate request #47                 STRING
       JBACT48   Jbs activate request #48                 STRING
       JBACT49   Jbs activate request #49                 STRING
       JBACT5    Jbs activate request #5                  STRING
       JBACT50   Jbs activate request #50                 STRING
       JBACT6    Jbs activate request #6                  STRING
       JBACT7    Jbs activate request #7                  STRING
       JBACT8    Jbs activate request #8                  STRING
       JBACT9    Jbs activate request #9                  STRING
       JBAFFC    Number of system affinities              COUNT
       JBAFF1    Job system affinity #1                   STRING
       JBAFF10   Job system affinity #10                  STRING
       JBAFF11   Job system affinity #11                  STRING
       JBAFF12   Job system affinity #12                  STRING
       JBAFF13   Job system affinity #13                  STRING
       JBAFF14   Job system affinity #14                  STRING
       JBAFF15   Job system affinity #15                  STRING
       JBAFF16   Job system affinity #16                  STRING
       JBAFF17   Job system affinity #17                  STRING
       JBAFF18   Job system affinity #18                  STRING
       JBAFF19   Job system affinity #19                  STRING
       JBAFF2    Job system affinity #2                   STRING
       JBAFF20   Job system affinity #20                  STRING
       JBAFF21   Job system affinity #21                  STRING
       JBAFF22   Job system affinity #22                  STRING
       JBAFF23   Job system affinity #23                  STRING
       JBAFF24   Job system affinity #24                  STRING
       JBAFF25   Job system affinity #25                  STRING
       JBAFF26   Job system affinity #26                  STRING
       JBAFF27   Job system affinity #27                  STRING
       JBAFF28   Job system affinity #28                  STRING
       JBAFF29   Job system affinity #29                  STRING
       JBAFF3    Job system affinity #3                   STRING
       JBAFF30   Job system affinity #30                  STRING
       JBAFF31   Job system affinity #31                  STRING
       JBAFF32   Job system affinity #32                  STRING
       JBAFF4    Job system affinity #4                   STRING
       JBAFF5    Job system affinity #5                   STRING
       JBAFF6    Job system affinity #6                   STRING
       JBAFF7    Job system affinity #7                   STRING
       JBAFF8    Job system affinity #8                   STRING
       JBAFF9    Job system affinity #9                   STRING
       JBBNDC    Number of bind stmnts found              COUNT
       JBBND1    Jbs bind request #1                      STRING
       JBBND10   Jbs bind request #10                     STRING
       JBBND11   Jbs bind request #11                     STRING
       JBBND12   Jbs bind request #12                     STRING
       JBBND13   Jbs bind request #13                     STRING
       JBBND14   Jbs bind request #14                     STRING
       JBBND15   Jbs bind request #15                     STRING
       JBBND16   Jbs bind request #16                     STRING
       JBBND17   Jbs bind request #17                     STRING
       JBBND18   Jbs bind request #18                     STRING
       JBBND19   Jbs bind request #19                     STRING
       JBBND2    Jbs bind request #2                      STRING
       JBBND20   Jbs bind request #20                     STRING
       JBBND21   Jbs bind request #21                     STRING
       JBBND22   Jbs bind request #22                     STRING
       JBBND23   Jbs bind request #23                     STRING
       JBBND24   Jbs bind request #24                     STRING
       JBBND25   Jbs bind request #25                     STRING
       JBBND26   Jbs bind request #26                     STRING
       JBBND27   Jbs bind request #27                     STRING
       JBBND28   Jbs bind request #28                     STRING
       JBBND29   Jbs bind request #29                     STRING
       JBBND3    Jbs bind request #3                      STRING
       JBBND30   Jbs bind request #30                     STRING
       JBBND31   Jbs bind request #31                     STRING
       JBBND32   Jbs bind request #32                     STRING
       JBBND33   Jbs bind request #33                     STRING
       JBBND34   Jbs bind request #34                     STRING
       JBBND35   Jbs bind request #35                     STRING
       JBBND36   Jbs bind request #36                     STRING
       JBBND37   Jbs bind request #37                     STRING
       JBBND38   Jbs bind request #38                     STRING
       JBBND39   Jbs bind request #39                     STRING
       JBBND4    Jbs bind request #4                      STRING
       JBBND40   Jbs bind request #40                     STRING
       JBBND41   Jbs bind request #41                     STRING
       JBBND42   Jbs bind request #42                     STRING
       JBBND43   Jbs bind request #43                     STRING
       JBBND44   Jbs bind request #44                     STRING
       JBBND45   Jbs bind request #45                     STRING
       JBBND46   Jbs bind request #46                     STRING
       JBBND47   Jbs bind request #47                     STRING
       JBBND48   Jbs bind request #48                     STRING
       JBBND49   Jbs bind request #49                     STRING
       JBBND5    Jbs bind request #5                      STRING
       JBBND50   Jbs bind request #50                     STRING
       JBBND6    Jbs bind request #6                      STRING
       JBBND7    Jbs bind request #7                      STRING
       JBBND8    Jbs bind request #8                      STRING
       JBBND9    Jbs bind request #9                      STRING
       JBDEAC    Number of deactivate stmnts found        COUNT
       JBDEA1    Jbs deactivate request #1                STRING
       JBDEA10   Jbs deactivate request #10               STRING
       JBDEA11   Jbs deactivate request #11               STRING
       JBDEA12   Jbs deactivate request #12               STRING
       JBDEA13   Jbs deactivate request #13               STRING
       JBDEA14   Jbs deactivate request #14               STRING
       JBDEA15   Jbs deactivate request #15               STRING
       JBDEA16   Jbs deactivate request #16               STRING
       JBDEA17   Jbs deactivate request #17               STRING
       JBDEA18   Jbs deactivate request #18               STRING
       JBDEA19   Jbs deactivate request #19               STRING
       JBDEA2    Jbs deactivate request #2                STRING
       JBDEA20   Jbs deactivate request #20               STRING
       JBDEA21   Jbs deactivate request #21               STRING
       JBDEA22   Jbs deactivate request #22               STRING
       JBDEA23   Jbs deactivate request #23               STRING
       JBDEA24   Jbs deactivate request #24               STRING
       JBDEA25   Jbs deactivate request #25               STRING
       JBDEA26   Jbs deactivate request #26               STRING
       JBDEA27   Jbs deactivate request #27               STRING
       JBDEA28   Jbs deactivate request #28               STRING
       JBDEA29   Jbs deactivate request #29               STRING
       JBDEA3    Jbs deactivate request #3                STRING
       JBDEA30   Jbs deactivate request #30               STRING
       JBDEA31   Jbs deactivate request #31               STRING
       JBDEA32   Jbs deactivate request #32               STRING
       JBDEA33   Jbs deactivate request #33               STRING
       JBDEA34   Jbs deactivate request #34               STRING
       JBDEA35   Jbs deactivate request #35               STRING
       JBDEA36   Jbs deactivate request #36               STRING
       JBDEA37   Jbs deactivate request #37               STRING
       JBDEA38   Jbs deactivate request #38               STRING
       JBDEA39   Jbs deactivate request #39               STRING
       JBDEA4    Jbs deactivate request #4                STRING
       JBDEA40   Jbs deactivate request #40               STRING
       JBDEA41   Jbs deactivate request #41               STRING
       JBDEA42   Jbs deactivate request #42               STRING
       JBDEA43   Jbs deactivate request #43               STRING
       JBDEA44   Jbs deactivate request #44               STRING
       JBDEA45   Jbs deactivate request #45               STRING
       JBDEA46   Jbs deactivate request #46               STRING
       JBDEA47   Jbs deactivate request #47               STRING
       JBDEA48   Jbs deactivate request #48               STRING
       JBDEA49   Jbs deactivate request #49               STRING
       JBDEA5    Jbs deactivate request #5                STRING
       JBDEA50   Jbs deactivate request #50               STRING
       JBDEA6    Jbs deactivate request #6                STRING
       JBDEA7    Jbs deactivate request #7                STRING
       JBDEA8    Jbs deactivate request #8                STRING
       JBDEA9    Jbs deactivate request #9                STRING
       JBLL1C                                             COUNT
       JBLL2C                                             COUNT
       JBLL3C                                             COUNT
       JBLL4C                                             COUNT
       JBLL5C                                             COUNT
       JBLL6C                                             COUNT
       JBLL7C                                             COUNT
       JBLL8C                                             COUNT
       JBLL9C                                             COUNT
       JBL10C                                             COUNT
       JBL11C                                             COUNT
       JBL12C                                             COUNT
       JBL13C                                             COUNT
       JBL14C                                             COUNT
       JBL15C                                             COUNT
       JBL16C                                             COUNT
       JBL17C                                             COUNT
       JBL18C                                             COUNT
       JBL19C                                             COUNT
       JBL20C                                             COUNT
       JBL21C                                             COUNT
       JBL22C                                             COUNT
       JBL23C                                             COUNT
       JBL24C                                             COUNT
       JBSDACT   Job binding deactiviate agent            STRING
       JBVOLC    Number of job volumes found              COUNT
       JBVOL1    Job volume #1                            STRING
       JBVOL10   Job volume #10                           STRING
       JBVOL11   Job volume #11                           STRING
       JBVOL12   Job volume #12                           STRING
       JBVOL13   Job volume #13                           STRING
       JBVOL14   Job volume #14                           STRING
       JBVOL15   Job volume #15                           STRING
       JBVOL16   Job volume #16                           STRING
       JBVOL17   Job volume #17                           STRING
       JBVOL18   Job volume #18                           STRING
       JBVOL19   Job volume #19                           STRING
       JBVOL2    Job volume #2                            STRING
       JBVOL20   Job volume #20                           STRING
       JBVOL21   Job volume #21                           STRING
       JBVOL22   Job volume #22                           STRING
       JBVOL23   Job volume #23                           STRING
       JBVOL24   Job volume #24                           STRING
       JBVOL25   Job volume #25                           STRING
       JBVOL26   Job volume #26                           STRING
       JBVOL27   Job volume #27                           STRING
       JBVOL28   Job volume #28                           STRING
       JBVOL29   Job volume #29                           STRING
       JBVOL3    Job volume #3                            STRING
       JBVOL30   Job volume #30                           STRING
       JBVOL31   Job volume #31                           STRING
       JBVOL32   Job volume #32                           STRING
       JBVOL33   Job volume #33                           STRING
       JBVOL34   Job volume #34                           STRING
       JBVOL35   Job volume #35                           STRING
       JBVOL36   Job volume #36                           STRING
       JBVOL37   Job volume #37                           STRING
       JBVOL38   Job volume #38                           STRING
       JBVOL39   Job volume #39                           STRING
       JBVOL4    Job volume #4                            STRING
       JBVOL40   Job volume #40                           STRING
       JBVOL41   Job volume #41                           STRING
       JBVOL42   Job volume #42                           STRING
       JBVOL43   Job volume #43                           STRING
       JBVOL44   Job volume #44                           STRING
       JBVOL45   Job volume #45                           STRING
       JBVOL46   Job volume #46                           STRING
       JBVOL47   Job volume #47                           STRING
       JBVOL48   Job volume #48                           STRING
       JBVOL49   Job volume #49                           STRING
       JBVOL5    Job volume #5                            STRING
       JBVOL50   Job volume #50                           STRING
       JBVOL51   Job volume #51                           STRING
       JBVOL52   Job volume #52                           STRING
       JBVOL53   Job volume #53                           STRING
       JBVOL54   Job volume #54                           STRING
       JBVOL55   Job volume #55                           STRING
       JBVOL56   Job volume #56                           STRING
       JBVOL57   Job volume #57                           STRING
       JBVOL58   Job volume #58                           STRING
       JBVOL59   Job volume #59                           STRING
       JBVOL6    Job volume #6                            STRING
       JBVOL60   Job volume #60                           STRING
       JBVOL61   Job volume #61                           STRING
       JBVOL62   Job volume #62                           STRING
       JBVOL63   Job volume #63                           STRING
       JBVOL64   Job volume #64                           STRING
       JBVOL65   Job volume #65                           STRING
       JBVOL66   Job volume #66                           STRING
       JBVOL67   Job volume #67                           STRING
       JBVOL68   Job volume #68                           STRING
       JBVOL69   Job volume #69                           STRING
       JBVOL7    Job volume #7                            STRING
       JBVOL70   Job volume #70                           STRING
       JBVOL71   Job volume #71                           STRING
       JBVOL72   Job volume #72                           STRING
       JBVOL73   Job volume #73                           STRING
       JBVOL74   Job volume #74                           STRING
       JBVOL75   Job volume #75                           STRING
       JBVOL76   Job volume #76                           STRING
       JBVOL77   Job volume #77                           STRING
       JBVOL78   Job volume #78                           STRING
       JBVOL79   Job volume #79                           STRING
       JBVOL8    Job volume #8                            STRING
       JBVOL80   Job volume #80                           STRING
       JBVOL81   Job volume #81                           STRING
       JBVOL82   Job volume #82                           STRING
       JBVOL83   Job volume #83                           STRING
       JBVOL84   Job volume #84                           STRING
       JBVOL85   Job volume #85                           STRING
       JBVOL86   Job volume #86                           STRING
       JBVOL87   Job volume #87                           STRING
       JBVOL88   Job volume #88                           STRING
       JBVOL89   Job volume #89                           STRING
       JBVOL9    Job volume #9                            STRING
       JBVOL90   Job volume #90                           STRING
       JBVOL91   Job volume #91                           STRING
       JBVOL92   Job volume #92                           STRING
       JBVOL93   Job volume #93                           STRING
       JBVOL94   Job volume #94                           STRING
       JBVOL95   Job volume #95                           STRING
       JBVOL96   Job volume #96                           STRING
       JBVOL97   Job volume #97                           STRING
       JBVOL98   Job volume #98                           STRING
       JBVOL99   Job volume #99                           STRING
       JCAFTC    Number of jlc after stmnts found         COUNT
       JCAFT1    Jcs after job request #1                 STRING
       JCAFT10   Jcs after job request #10                STRING
       JCAFT11   Jcs after job request #11                STRING
       JCAFT12   Jcs after job request #12                STRING
       JCAFT13   Jcs after job request #13                STRING
       JCAFT14   Jcs after job request #14                STRING
       JCAFT15   Jcs after job request #15                STRING
       JCAFT16   Jcs after job request #16                STRING
       JCAFT17   Jcs after job request #17                STRING
       JCAFT18   Jcs after job request #18                STRING
       JCAFT19   Jcs after job request #19                STRING
       JCAFT2    Jcs after job request #2                 STRING
       JCAFT20   Jcs after job request #20                STRING
       JCAFT21   Jcs after job request #21                STRING
       JCAFT22   Jcs after job request #22                STRING
       JCAFT23   Jcs after job request #23                STRING
       JCAFT24   Jcs after job request #24                STRING
       JCAFT25   Jcs after job request #25                STRING
       JCAFT26   Jcs after job request #26                STRING
       JCAFT27   Jcs after job request #27                STRING
       JCAFT28   Jcs after job request #28                STRING
       JCAFT29   Jcs after job request #29                STRING
       JCAFT3    Jcs after job request #3                 STRING
       JCAFT30   Jcs after job request #30                STRING
       JCAFT31   Jcs after job request #31                STRING
       JCAFT32   Jcs after job request #32                STRING
       JCAFT33   Jcs after job request #33                STRING
       JCAFT34   Jcs after job request #34                STRING
       JCAFT35   Jcs after job request #35                STRING
       JCAFT36   Jcs after job request #36                STRING
       JCAFT37   Jcs after job request #37                STRING
       JCAFT38   Jcs after job request #38                STRING
       JCAFT39   Jcs after job request #39                STRING
       JCAFT4    Jcs after job request #4                 STRING
       JCAFT40   Jcs after job request #40                STRING
       JCAFT41   Jcs after job request #41                STRING
       JCAFT42   Jcs after job request #42                STRING
       JCAFT43   Jcs after job request #43                STRING
       JCAFT44   Jcs after job request #44                STRING
       JCAFT45   Jcs after job request #45                STRING
       JCAFT46   Jcs after job request #46                STRING
       JCAFT47   Jcs after job request #47                STRING
       JCAFT48   Jcs after job request #48                STRING
       JCAFT49   Jcs after job request #49                STRING
       JCAFT5    Jcs after job request #5                 STRING
       JCAFT50   Jcs after job request #50                STRING
       JCAFT6    Jcs after job request #6                 STRING
       JCAFT7    Jcs after job request #7                 STRING
       JCAFT8    Jcs after job request #8                 STRING
       JCAFT9    Jcs after job request #9                 STRING
       JCBFRC    Number of jlc before stmnts found        COUNT
       JCBFR1    Jcs before job request #1                STRING
       JCBFR10   Jcs before job request #10               STRING
       JCBFR11   Jcs before job request #11               STRING
       JCBFR12   Jcs before job request #12               STRING
       JCBFR13   Jcs before job request #13               STRING
       JCBFR14   Jcs before job request #14               STRING
       JCBFR15   Jcs before job request #15               STRING
       JCBFR16   Jcs before job request #16               STRING
       JCBFR17   Jcs before job request #17               STRING
       JCBFR18   Jcs before job request #18               STRING
       JCBFR19   Jcs before job request #19               STRING
       JCBFR2    Jcs before job request #2                STRING
       JCBFR20   Jcs before job request #20               STRING
       JCBFR21   Jcs before job request #21               STRING
       JCBFR22   Jcs before job request #22               STRING
       JCBFR23   Jcs before job request #23               STRING
       JCBFR24   Jcs before job request #24               STRING
       JCBFR25   Jcs before job request #25               STRING
       JCBFR26   Jcs before job request #26               STRING
       JCBFR27   Jcs before job request #27               STRING
       JCBFR28   Jcs before job request #28               STRING
       JCBFR29   Jcs before job request #29               STRING
       JCBFR3    Jcs before job request #3                STRING
       JCBFR30   Jcs before job request #30               STRING
       JCBFR31   Jcs before job request #31               STRING
       JCBFR32   Jcs before job request #32               STRING
       JCBFR33   Jcs before job request #33               STRING
       JCBFR34   Jcs before job request #34               STRING
       JCBFR35   Jcs before job request #35               STRING
       JCBFR36   Jcs before job request #36               STRING
       JCBFR37   Jcs before job request #37               STRING
       JCBFR38   Jcs before job request #38               STRING
       JCBFR39   Jcs before job request #39               STRING
       JCBFR4    Jcs before job request #4                STRING
       JCBFR40   Jcs before job request #40               STRING
       JCBFR41   Jcs before job request #41               STRING
       JCBFR42   Jcs before job request #42               STRING
       JCBFR43   Jcs before job request #43               STRING
       JCBFR44   Jcs before job request #44               STRING
       JCBFR45   Jcs before job request #45               STRING
       JCBFR46   Jcs before job request #46               STRING
       JCBFR47   Jcs before job request #47               STRING
       JCBFR48   Jcs before job request #48               STRING
       JCBFR49   Jcs before job request #49               STRING
       JCBFR5    Jcs before job request #5                STRING
       JCBFR50   Jcs before job request #50               STRING
       JCBFR6    Jcs before job request #6                STRING
       JCBFR7    Jcs before job request #7                STRING
       JCBFR8    Jcs before job request #8                STRING
       JCBFR9    Jcs before job request #9                STRING
       JLIMTC    Number of jlc agent limit requests       COUNT
       JLIMT1    Jls agent limited #1                     STRING
       JLIMT10   Jls agent limited #10                    STRING
       JLIMT11   Jls agent limited #11                    STRING
       JLIMT12   Jls agent limited #12                    STRING
       JLIMT13   Jls agent limited #13                    STRING
       JLIMT14   Jls agent limited #14                    STRING
       JLIMT15   Jls agent limited #15                    STRING
       JLIMT16   Jls agent limited #16                    STRING
       JLIMT17   Jls agent limited #17                    STRING
       JLIMT18   Jls agent limited #18                    STRING
       JLIMT19   Jls agent limited #19                    STRING
       JLIMT2    Jls agent limited #2                     STRING
       JLIMT20   Jls agent limited #20                    STRING
       JLIMT21   Jls agent limited #21                    STRING
       JLIMT22   Jls agent limited #22                    STRING
       JLIMT23   Jls agent limited #23                    STRING
       JLIMT24   Jls agent limited #24                    STRING
       JLIMT25   Jls agent limited #25                    STRING
       JLIMT26   Jls agent limited #26                    STRING
       JLIMT27   Jls agent limited #27                    STRING
       JLIMT28   Jls agent limited #28                    STRING
       JLIMT29   Jls agent limited #29                    STRING
       JLIMT3    Jls agent limited #3                     STRING
       JLIMT30   Jls agent limited #30                    STRING
       JLIMT31   Jls agent limited #31                    STRING
       JLIMT32   Jls agent limited #32                    STRING
       JLIMT33   Jls agent limited #33                    STRING
       JLIMT34   Jls agent limited #34                    STRING
       JLIMT35   Jls agent limited #35                    STRING
       JLIMT36   Jls agent limited #36                    STRING
       JLIMT37   Jls agent limited #37                    STRING
       JLIMT38   Jls agent limited #38                    STRING
       JLIMT39   Jls agent limited #39                    STRING
       JLIMT4    Jls agent limited #4                     STRING
       JLIMT40   Jls agent limited #40                    STRING
       JLIMT41   Jls agent limited #41                    STRING
       JLIMT42   Jls agent limited #42                    STRING
       JLIMT43   Jls agent limited #43                    STRING
       JLIMT44   Jls agent limited #44                    STRING
       JLIMT45   Jls agent limited #45                    STRING
       JLIMT46   Jls agent limited #46                    STRING
       JLIMT47   Jls agent limited #47                    STRING
       JLIMT48   Jls agent limited #48                    STRING
       JLIMT49   Jls agent limited #49                    STRING
       JLIMT5    Jls agent limited #5                     STRING
       JLIMT50   Jls agent limited #50                    STRING
       JLIMT6    Jls agent limited #6                     STRING
       JLIMT7    Jls agent limited #7                     STRING
       JLIMT8    Jls agent limited #8                     STRING
       JLIMT9    Jls agent limited #9                     STRING
       JLLIMC    Number of jls user limit requests        COUNT
       JLLIM1    Jls agent limited #1                     STRING
       JLLIM10   Jls agent limited #10                    STRING
       JLLIM11   Jls agent limited #11                    STRING
       JLLIM12   Jls agent limited #12                    STRING
       JLLIM13   Jls agent limited #13                    STRING
       JLLIM14   Jls agent limited #14                    STRING
       JLLIM15   Jls agent limited #15                    STRING
       JLLIM16   Jls agent limited #16                    STRING
       JLLIM17   Jls agent limited #17                    STRING
       JLLIM18   Jls agent limited #18                    STRING
       JLLIM19   Jls agent limited #19                    STRING
       JLLIM2    Jls agent limited #2                     STRING
       JLLIM20   Jls agent limited #20                    STRING
       JLLIM21   Jls agent limited #21                    STRING
       JLLIM22   Jls agent limited #22                    STRING
       JLLIM23   Jls agent limited #23                    STRING
       JLLIM24   Jls agent limited #24                    STRING
       JLLIM25   Jls agent limited #25                    STRING
       JLLIM26   Jls agent limited #26                    STRING
       JLLIM27   Jls agent limited #27                    STRING
       JLLIM28   Jls agent limited #28                    STRING
       JLLIM29   Jls agent limited #29                    STRING
       JLLIM3    Jls agent limited #3                     STRING
       JLLIM30   Jls agent limited #30                    STRING
       JLLIM31   Jls agent limited #31                    STRING
       JLLIM32   Jls agent limited #32                    STRING
       JLLIM33   Jls agent limited #33                    STRING
       JLLIM34   Jls agent limited #34                    STRING
       JLLIM35   Jls agent limited #35                    STRING
       JLLIM36   Jls agent limited #36                    STRING
       JLLIM37   Jls agent limited #37                    STRING
       JLLIM38   Jls agent limited #38                    STRING
       JLLIM39   Jls agent limited #39                    STRING
       JLLIM4    Jls agent limited #4                     STRING
       JLLIM40   Jls agent limited #40                    STRING
       JLLIM41   Jls agent limited #41                    STRING
       JLLIM42   Jls agent limited #42                    STRING
       JLLIM43   Jls agent limited #43                    STRING
       JLLIM44   Jls agent limited #44                    STRING
       JLLIM45   Jls agent limited #45                    STRING
       JLLIM46   Jls agent limited #46                    STRING
       JLLIM47   Jls agent limited #47                    STRING
       JLLIM48   Jls agent limited #48                    STRING
       JLLIM49   Jls agent limited #49                    STRING
       JLLIM5    Jls agent limited #5                     STRING
       JLLIM50   Jls agent limited #50                    STRING
       JLLIM6    Jls agent limited #6                     STRING
       JLLIM7    Jls agent limited #7                     STRING
       JLLIM8    Jls agent limited #8                     STRING
       JLLIM9    Jls agent limited #9                     STRING
       JVVOLC    Number of job volumes found              COUNT
       JVVOL1    Job volume #1                            STRING
       JVVOL10   Job volume #10                           STRING
       JVVOL11   Job volume #11                           STRING
       JVVOL12   Job volume #12                           STRING
       JVVOL13   Job volume #13                           STRING
       JVVOL14   Job volume #14                           STRING
       JVVOL15   Job volume #15                           STRING
       JVVOL16   Job volume #16                           STRING
       JVVOL17   Job volume #17                           STRING
       JVVOL18   Job volume #18                           STRING
       JVVOL19   Job volume #19                           STRING
       JVVOL2    Job volume #2                            STRING
       JVVOL20   Job volume #20                           STRING
       JVVOL21   Job volume #21                           STRING
       JVVOL22   Job volume #22                           STRING
       JVVOL23   Job volume #23                           STRING
       JVVOL24   Job volume #24                           STRING
       JVVOL25   Job volume #25                           STRING
       JVVOL26   Job volume #26                           STRING
       JVVOL27   Job volume #27                           STRING
       JVVOL28   Job volume #28                           STRING
       JVVOL29   Job volume #29                           STRING
       JVVOL3    Job volume #3                            STRING
       JVVOL30   Job volume #30                           STRING
       JVVOL31   Job volume #31                           STRING
       JVVOL32   Job volume #32                           STRING
       JVVOL33   Job volume #33                           STRING
       JVVOL34   Job volume #34                           STRING
       JVVOL35   Job volume #35                           STRING
       JVVOL36   Job volume #36                           STRING
       JVVOL37   Job volume #37                           STRING
       JVVOL38   Job volume #38                           STRING
       JVVOL39   Job volume #39                           STRING
       JVVOL4    Job volume #4                            STRING
       JVVOL40   Job volume #40                           STRING
       JVVOL41   Job volume #41                           STRING
       JVVOL42   Job volume #42                           STRING
       JVVOL43   Job volume #43                           STRING
       JVVOL44   Job volume #44                           STRING
       JVVOL45   Job volume #45                           STRING
       JVVOL46   Job volume #46                           STRING
       JVVOL47   Job volume #47                           STRING
       JVVOL48   Job volume #48                           STRING
       JVVOL49   Job volume #49                           STRING
       JVVOL5    Job volume #5                            STRING
       JVVOL50   Job volume #50                           STRING
       JVVOL51   Job volume #51                           STRING
       JVVOL52   Job volume #52                           STRING
       JVVOL53   Job volume #53                           STRING
       JVVOL54   Job volume #54                           STRING
       JVVOL55   Job volume #55                           STRING
       JVVOL56   Job volume #56                           STRING
       JVVOL57   Job volume #57                           STRING
       JVVOL58   Job volume #58                           STRING
       JVVOL59   Job volume #59                           STRING
       JVVOL6    Job volume #6                            STRING
       JVVOL60   Job volume #60                           STRING
       JVVOL61   Job volume #61                           STRING
       JVVOL62   Job volume #62                           STRING
       JVVOL63   Job volume #63                           STRING
       JVVOL64   Job volume #64                           STRING
       JVVOL65   Job volume #65                           STRING
       JVVOL66   Job volume #66                           STRING
       JVVOL67   Job volume #67                           STRING
       JVVOL68   Job volume #68                           STRING
       JVVOL69   Job volume #69                           STRING
       JVVOL7    Job volume #7                            STRING
       JVVOL70   Job volume #70                           STRING
       JVVOL71   Job volume #71                           STRING
       JVVOL72   Job volume #72                           STRING
       JVVOL73   Job volume #73                           STRING
       JVVOL74   Job volume #74                           STRING
       JVVOL75   Job volume #75                           STRING
       JVVOL76   Job volume #76                           STRING
       JVVOL77   Job volume #77                           STRING
       JVVOL78   Job volume #78                           STRING
       JVVOL79   Job volume #79                           STRING
       JVVOL8    Job volume #8                            STRING
       JVVOL80   Job volume #80                           STRING
       JVVOL81   Job volume #81                           STRING
       JVVOL82   Job volume #82                           STRING
       JVVOL83   Job volume #83                           STRING
       JVVOL84   Job volume #84                           STRING
       JVVOL85   Job volume #85                           STRING
       JVVOL86   Job volume #86                           STRING
       JVVOL87   Job volume #87                           STRING
       JVVOL88   Job volume #88                           STRING
       JVVOL89   Job volume #89                           STRING
       JVVOL9    Job volume #9                            STRING
       JVVOL90   Job volume #90                           STRING
       JVVOL91   Job volume #91                           STRING
       JVVOL92   Job volume #92                           STRING
       JVVOL93   Job volume #93                           STRING
       JVVOL94   Job volume #94                           STRING
       JVVOL95   Job volume #95                           STRING
       JVVOL96   Job volume #96                           STRING
       JVVOL97   Job volume #97                           STRING
       JVVOL98   Job volume #98                           STRING
       JVVOL99   Job volume #99                           STRING
       NBINDS    Binds in job nonunique                   COUNT

143) The following variable has been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF14ED   Extended data integrity edi flag         HEXFLAGS

144) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY22_A:

       SMF22CY   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       SMF22PC   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING

145) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY26J3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBMODE0   Ran in mode=wlm                          STRING
       JBMODE1   Ran f j=job,run                          STRING
       SM26WCL   Service class at execution               STRING
       SM26WIN   Job indicators                           HEXFLAGS
       SM26WJC   Job class                                STRING
       SM26WOC   Original service class                   STRING
       SM26WSE   Scheduling environment                   STRING

146) The following 28 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IDMACT1   Idms batch account one                   STRING
       IDMACT2   Idms batch account two                   STRING
       IDMBLG    Idms dc/ucf billing group                STRING
       IDMCPTM   Idms transaction cpu time                TIME
       IDMLTE    Idms dc/ucf lterm                        STRING
       IDMOPR    Idms erus operator id                    STRING
       IDMTID    Idms task id number                      COUNT
       IDMTRM    Idms erus terminal id                    STRING
       IDMTRN    Idms erus transaction id                 STRING
       IDMTSK    Idms dc/ucf task code                    STRING
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

147) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

148) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

149) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

150) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY30MR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM30MRA   Cpu rate su sec factor                   RATE
       SM30MRD   Dependent enclaves cpu time              TIME
       SM30MRI   Independent enclaves cpu time            TIME
       SM30MRS   System name where enclaves ran           STRING
       SUBTYPE   Subtype id                               INT

     The following 4 variables have been deleted from table XTY30MR:

       CPMRDTM   Cpu time for dependent remote enclaves   TIME
       CPMRITM   Cpu time for independent remote enclaves TIME
       MRENSYS   System on which remote enclaves ran      STRING
       RMSUSEC   Remote system su sec adjustment factor   FLOAT

151) The following variable has been added to table XTY30TD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STEPNR    Step number                              INT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY30TD:

       SUBTYPE   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

152) The following 64 variables have been added to table XTY57J2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ADRESS1   First  line of address                   STRING
       ADRESS2   Second line of address                   STRING
       ADRESS3   Third  line of address                   STRING
       ADRESS4   Fourth line of address                   STRING
       BUILDIN   Building                                 STRING
       DEPT      Department                               STRING
       DESTNAT   Destination                              STRING
       ESBURST   Burst in ess                             COUNT
       ESCHARS   Chars in ess                             STRING
       ESCHAR2   Chars2 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR3   Chars3 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR4   Chars4 in ess                            STRING
       ESCLASS   Class in ess                             STRING
       ESCOPIE   Copies in ess                            COUNT
       ESDATCK   Datacheck in ess                         COUNT
       ESDEFAU   Default in ess                           STRING
       ESFCB     Fcb in ess                               STRING
       ESFLASH   Flash overlay name in ess                STRING
       ESFLCNT   Flash overlay count in ess               COUNT
       ESFMDEF   Formdef in ess                           STRING
       ESFORMS   Forms in ess                             STRING
       ESFSSDT   Fss data in ess                          STRING
       ESLINCT   Linect in ess                            COUNT
       ESMODFT   Modify trc in ess                        STRING
       ESMODFY   Modify in ess                            STRING
       ESNOTFY   Notify in ess                            STRING
       ESNOTF2   Notify2 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF3   Notify3 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF4   Notify4 in ess                           STRING
       ESOUTDB   Outdisp normal?                          STRING
       ESOUTDC   Outdisp abnormal?                        STRING
       ESPGDEF   Pagedef in ess                           STRING
       ESPIMSG   Pimsg in ess                             STRING
       ESPIMST   Pimst in ess                             STRING
       ESPIM2G   Pims2g in ess                            STRING
       ESPIM2T   Pim2t in ess                             STRING
       ESPRMOD   Prmode in ess                            STRING
       ESPRQUE   Prtqueue in ess                          STRING
       ESPRTY    Prty in ess                              STRING
       ESRETAI   Retainf in ess                           STRING
       ESRETRL   Retryl count in ess                      COUNT
       ESRETRT   Retryt time in ess                       TIME
       ESTRC     Trc in ess                               STRING
       ESUCS     Ucs in ess                               STRING
       ESULIB1   Dsname of 1st userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB2   Dsname of 2nd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB3   Dsname of 3rd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB4   Dsname of 4th userlib                    STRING
       ESUSDAT   Userdata in ess                          STRING
       ESUSDA2   Userdata 2 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA3   Userdata 3 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA4   Userdata 4 in ess                        STRING
       ESWRITR   Writer name in ess                       STRING
       ES0013    Unkn 0013x geparmky in ess               COUNT
       GROUPID   Group id                                 STRING
       NAME      Name                                     STRING
       ROOM6     Room6                                    STRING
       SMF57C1   Smf57 undoc char one                     STRING
       SMF57C2   Smf57 undoc char two                     STRING
       SMF57C3   Smf57 undoc char three                   STRING
       SMF57N1   Smf57 undoc num one                      COUNT
       SMF57N2   Smf57 undoc num two                      COUNT
       SMF57N3   Smf57 undoc num three                    COUNT
       TITLE     Title                                    STRING

153) The following 50 variables have been added to table XTY6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESCHAR2   Chars2 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR3   Chars3 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR4   Chars4 in ess                            STRING
       ESDATCK   Datacheck in ess                         COUNT
       ESDEFAU   Default in ess                           STRING
       ESFLASH   Flash overlay name in ess                STRING
       ESFLCNT   Flash overlay count in ess               COUNT
       ESFRMLN   Formlen in ess                           STRING
       ESFSSDT   Fss data in ess                          STRING
       ESITRAY   Intray in ess                            COUNT
       ESNOTFY   Notify in ess                            STRING
       ESNOTF2   Notify2 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF3   Notify3 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF4   Notify4 in ess                           STRING
       ESOFSTB   Offsetxb in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTF   Offsetxf in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTY   Offsetyb in ess                          STRING
       ESOUTDB   Outdisp normal?                          STRING
       ESOUTDC   Outdisp abnormal?                        STRING
       ESPIMSG   Pimsg in ess                             STRING
       ESPIMST   Pimst in ess                             STRING
       ESPIM2G   Pims2g in ess                            STRING
       ESPIM2T   Pim2t in ess                             STRING
       ESPORNO   Portno in ess                            COUNT
       ESPRQUE   Prtqueue in ess                          STRING
       ESRETAI   Retainf in ess                           STRING
       ESRETAS   Retains in ess                           STRING
       ESRETRL   Retryl count in ess                      COUNT
       ESRETRT   Retryt time in ess                       TIME
       ESTRC     Trc in ess                               STRING
       ESUCS     Ucs in ess                               STRING
       ESULIB1   Dsname of 1st userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB2   Dsname of 2nd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB3   Dsname of 3rd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB4   Dsname of 4th userlib                    STRING
       ESUSDAT   Userdata in ess                          STRING
       ESUSDA2   Userdata 2 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA3   Userdata 3 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA4   Userdata 4 in ess                        STRING
       ES0013    Unkn 0013x geparmky in ess               COUNT
       SM6C1     Smf6 undoc char one                      STRING
       SM6C2     Smf6 undoc char two                      STRING
       SM6C3     Smf6 undoc char three                    STRING
       SM6FTL    File transfer level indicator            INT
       SM6N1     Smf6 undoc num one                       COUNT
       SM6N2     Smf6 undoc num two                       COUNT
       SM6N3     Smf6 undoc num three                     COUNT
       SM6PQLN   Printway print queue length              GAUGE
       SM6URI    Target universal resouirce indicator uri STRING
       SM6URIL   Length of uri                            GAUGE

154) The following 51 variables have been added to table XTY6ENH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESCHAR2   Chars2 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR3   Chars3 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR4   Chars4 in ess                            STRING
       ESDATCK   Datacheck in ess                         COUNT
       ESDEFAU   Default in ess                           STRING
       ESFLASH   Flash overlay name in ess                STRING
       ESFLCNT   Flash overlay count in ess               COUNT
       ESFRMLN   Formlen in ess                           STRING
       ESFSSDT   Fss data in ess                          STRING
       ESITRAY   Intray in ess                            COUNT
       ESNOTFY   Notify in ess                            STRING
       ESNOTF2   Notify2 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF3   Notify3 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF4   Notify4 in ess                           STRING
       ESOFSTB   Offsetxb in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTF   Offsetxf in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTY   Offsetyb in ess                          STRING
       ESOUTDB   Outdisp normal?                          STRING
       ESOUTDC   Outdisp abnormal?                        STRING
       ESPIMSG   Pimsg in ess                             STRING
       ESPIMST   Pimst in ess                             STRING
       ESPIM2G   Pims2g in ess                            STRING
       ESPIM2T   Pim2t in ess                             STRING
       ESPORNO   Portno in ess                            COUNT
       ESPRQUE   Prtqueue in ess                          STRING
       ESRETAI   Retainf in ess                           STRING
       ESRETAS   Retains in ess                           STRING
       ESRETRL   Retryl count in ess                      COUNT
       ESRETRT   Retryt time in ess                       TIME
       ESTRC     Trc in ess                               STRING
       ESUCS     Ucs in ess                               STRING
       ESULIB1   Dsname of 1st userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB2   Dsname of 2nd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB3   Dsname of 3rd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB4   Dsname of 4th userlib                    STRING
       ESUSDAT   Userdata in ess                          STRING
       ESUSDA2   Userdata 2 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA3   Userdata 3 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA4   Userdata 4 in ess                        STRING
       ES0013    Unkn 0013x geparmky in ess               COUNT
       SM6C1     Smf6 undoc char one                      STRING
       SM6C2     Smf6 undoc char two                      STRING
       SM6C3     Smf6 undoc char three                    STRING
       SM6FTL    File transfer level indicator            INT
       SM6N1     Smf6 undoc num one                       COUNT
       SM6N2     Smf6 undoc num two                       COUNT
       SM6N3     Smf6 undoc num three                     COUNT
       SM6PQLN   Printway print queue length              GAUGE
       SM6URI    Target universal resouirce indicator uri STRING
       SM6URIL   Length of uri                            GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

155) The following 110 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFACTTM   Ifa engine executing (active) cpu time   TIME
       IFAVAIL   Ifa processor available?                 STRING
       IFTYPA    Ifa or cp type cpu 10                    INT
       IFTYPB    Ifa or cp type cpu 11                    INT
       IFTYPC    Ifa or cp type cpu 12                    INT
       IFTYPD    Ifa or cp type cpu 13                    INT
       IFTYPE    Ifa or cp type cpu 14                    INT
       IFTYPF    Ifa or cp type cpu 15                    INT
       IFTYPG    Ifa or cp type cpu 16                    INT
       IFTYPH    Ifa or cp type cpu 17                    INT
       IFTYPI    Ifa or cp type cpu 18                    INT
       IFTYPJ    Ifa or cp type cpu 19                    INT
       IFTYPK    Ifa or cp type cpu 20                    INT
       IFTYPL    Ifa or cp type cpu 21                    INT
       IFTYPN    Ifa or cp type cpu 22                    INT
       IFTYPO    Ifa or cp type cpu 23                    INT
       IFTYPP    Ifa or cp type cpu 24                    INT
       IFTYPQ    Ifa or cp type cpu 25                    INT
       IFTYPR    Ifa or cp type cpu 26                    INT
       IFTYPS    Ifa or cp type cpu 27                    INT
       IFTYPT    Ifa or cp type cpu 28                    INT
       IFTYPU    Ifa or cp type cpu 29                    INT
       IFTYPV    Ifa or cp type cpu 30                    INT
       IFTYPW    Ifa or cp type cpu 31                    INT
       IFTYPX    Ifa or cp type cpu 32                    INT
       IFTYP0    Ifa or cp type cpu 0                     INT
       IFTYP1    Ifa or cp type cpu 1                     INT
       IFTYP2    Ifa or cp type cpu 2                     INT
       IFTYP3    Ifa or cp type cpu 3                     INT
       IFTYP4    Ifa or cp type cpu 4                     INT
       IFTYP5    Ifa or cp type cpu 5                     INT
       IFTYP6    Ifa or cp type cpu 6                     INT
       IFTYP7    Ifa or cp type cpu 7                     INT
       IFTYP8    Ifa or cp type cpu 8                     INT
       IFTYP9    Ifa or cp type cpu 9                     INT
       IFUPTM    Ifa engine available (up) time           TIME
       IFWAITA   Ifa wait duration ifa 10                 TIME
       IFWAITB   Ifa wait duration ifa 11                 TIME
       IFWAITC   Ifa wait duration ifa 12                 TIME
       IFWAITD   Ifa wait duration ifa 13                 TIME
       IFWAITE   Ifa wait duration ifa 14                 TIME
       IFWAITF   Ifa wait duration ifa 15                 TIME
       IFWAITG   Ifa wait duration ifa 16                 TIME
       IFWAITH   Ifa wait duration ifa 17                 TIME
       IFWAITI   Ifa wait duration ifa 18                 TIME
       IFWAITJ   Ifa wait duration ifa 19                 TIME
       IFWAITK   Ifa wait duration ifa 20                 TIME
       IFWAITL   Ifa wait duration ifa 21                 TIME
       IFWAITM   Total ifa wait duration                  TIME
       IFWAITN   Ifa wait duration ifa 22                 TIME
       IFWAITO   Ifa wait duration ifa 23                 TIME
       IFWAITP   Ifa wait duration ifa 24                 TIME
       IFWAITQ   Ifa wait duration ifa 25                 TIME
       IFWAITR   Ifa wait duration ifa 26                 TIME
       IFWAITS   Ifa wait duration ifa 27                 TIME
       IFWAITT   Ifa wait duration ifa 28                 TIME
       IFWAITU   Ifa wait duration ifa 29                 TIME
       IFWAITV   Ifa wait duration ifa 30                 TIME
       IFWAITW   Ifa wait duration ifa 31                 TIME
       IFWAITX   Ifa wait duration ifa 32                 TIME
       IFWAIT0   Ifa wait duration ifa 0                  TIME
       IFWAIT1   Ifa wait duration ifa 1                  TIME
       IFWAIT2   Ifa wait duration ifa 2                  TIME
       IFWAIT3   Ifa wait duration ifa 3                  TIME
       IFWAIT4   Ifa wait duration ifa 4                  TIME
       IFWAIT5   Ifa wait duration ifa 5                  TIME
       IFWAIT6   Ifa wait duration ifa 6                  TIME
       IFWAIT7   Ifa wait duration ifa 7                  TIME
       IFWAIT8   Ifa wait duration ifa 8                  TIME
       IFWAIT9   Ifa wait duration ifa 9                  TIME
       LPARWLM   Wlm management of this lpar?             STRING
       NRCPUD    Number of cpu segments in record         GAUGE
       NRIFAS    Number of ifa engines available          GAUGE
       PCIFABY   All ifas percent busy (dispatched)       PERCENT100
       PCONLNA   Cpu a percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNB   Cpu b percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNC   Cpu c percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLND   Cpu d percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNE   Cpu e percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNF   Cpu f percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNG   Cpu g percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNH   Cpu h percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNI   Cpu i percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNJ   Cpu j percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNK   Cpu k percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNL   Cpu l percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNN   Cpu n percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNO   Cpu o percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNP   Cpu p percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNQ   Cpu q percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNR   Cpu r percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNS   Cpu s percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNT   Cpu t percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNU   Cpu u percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNV   Cpu v percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNW   Cpu w percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNX   Cpu x percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN0   Cpu 0 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN1   Cpu 1 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN2   Cpu 2 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN3   Cpu 3 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN4   Cpu 4 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN5   Cpu 5 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN6   Cpu 6 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN7   Cpu 7 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN8   Cpu 8 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN9   Cpu 9 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PLCPRDY   Lpar-cp ready-queue delay percent        PERCENT100
       SHORTCP   Short cp-s ratio                         PERCENT
       SM70IFA   Number of ifa processors online          GAUGE

156) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LPRCPUX   Smf70bdn number of cpus in this lpar     GAUGE
       MXGCIN    Mxg-created expanded smf70cin            STRING
       NRCPUD    Number of cpu segments in record         GAUGE
       NRPHYCP   Number of physical segments              GAUGE
       PLCPRDY   Lpar-cp ready-queue delay percent        PERCENT100
       SHORTCP   Short cp-s ratio                         PERCENT

157) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY71:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM71BLG   Peak shared bytes large virtual          MAXIMUM
       SM71PAH   Avg total auxstore frames above 2gb bar  AVERAGE
       SM71PCH   Avg total cstore frames above 2gb bar    AVERAGE
       SM71PIH   Pageins from auxstor for above 2gb bar   COUNT
       SM71POH   Pageouts to auxstor for above 2gb bar    COUNT
       SM71PTH   Avg total shared frames above 2gb bar    AVERAGE

158) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY72DL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73RW01   Resource type 1 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW02   Resource type 3 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW03   Resource type 4 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW04   Resource type 5 state samples            COUNT

159) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       IFACROS   Ifa crossover?                           STRING
       IFAHONP   Ifa honor priority?                      STRING
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       R73ECTC   Cpu time while dp raised                 TIME
       R73IFAD   Ifa delay samples                        COUNT
       R73IFAT   Unadjusted ifa cpu time on ifa           TIME
       R73IFAU   Ifa using samples                        COUNT
       R73IFCT   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R73IFCU   Ifa-eligible on cp using samples         COUNT
       R73NFFI   Normalization factor for ifa times       INT
       R73RCOD   Contention delay sample count            COUNT
       R73RCOU   Contention using sample count            COUNT

160) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY73:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CHANCHC   Channel path characteristics changed     STRING
       CHANDCM   Channel path is dcm managed              STRING

161) The following 17 variables have been added to table XTY74CA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R745CT1   Bytes read                               COUNT
       R745CT2   Bytes written                            COUNT
       R745CT3   Read response time                       TIME
       R745CT4   Write response time                      TIME
       R745PBR   Physical storage bytes read              COUNT
       R745PBW   Physical storage bytes written           COUNT
       R745PRO   Physical storage read operations         COUNT
       R745PRT   Physical storage read time               TIME
       R745PWO   Physical storage write operations        COUNT
       R745PWT   Physical storage write time              TIME
       R745XID   Extent pool id                           INT
       R745XTY   Extent type                              INT
       R7452XF   Extent pool flags                        INT
       R75BYTR   Bytes read                               COUNT
       R75BYTW   Bytes written                            COUNT
       R75RTIR   Response time to read bytes              TIME
       R75RTIW   Response time to write bytes             TIME

162) The following variable has been added to table XTY747P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R77SPFL   Switch processing flags                  HEXFLAGS

163) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       STATIND   changed from  _NONE_    to  HEX2.

164) The following variable has been added to table XTY78CF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R783CPA   Channel path attributes                  HEXFLAGS

165) The following variable has been added to table XTY78CU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCUDST    Lcu data status                          HEXFLAGS

166) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY78IO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73CSS    Channel subsystem id                     INT
       R73GFLG   Ioq global flags                         HEXFLAGS

167) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY78SP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SUPOOL5   Subpool above 16mb value minimum         MINIMUM
       SUPOOL6   Subpool above 16mb value min time        DATETIME
       SUPOOL7   Subpool above 16mb value maximum         MAXIMUM
       SUPOOL8   Subpool above 16mb value max time        DATETIME
       SUPOOL9   Subpool above 16mb value average         AVERAGE

168) The following variable has been added to table XTY79E:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCUDST    Lcu data status                          HEXFLAGS

169) The following variable has been added to table XTY79EF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R79ECPA   Path attributes                          HEXFLAGS

170) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY791:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R71TCP    Nffi normalization factor                INT
       R71TIFA   Ifa cpu time on ifa                      TIME
       R71TIFE   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME

171) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY792:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72TCP    Nffi normalization factor                INT
       R72TIFA   Ifa cpu time on ifa                      TIME
       R72TIFE   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME

172) The following variable has been added to table XTY8X24:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASN21   Class name                               STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY8X24:

       CLASNAM   Class name                               STRING

173) The following variable has been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

174) The following variable has been added to table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

175) The following variable has been added to table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

176) The following variable has been added to table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

177) The following variable has been added to table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

178) The following variable has been added to table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

179) The following variable has been added to table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTY8007:

       CAGNAME   Added category name                      STRING
       EV0FLG1   Event 40 flag 1                          STRING
       EV0FLG2   Event 40 flag 2                          STRING

180) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAGNAME   Added category name                      STRING
       EV40FL1   Event 40 flag 1                          HEXFLAGS
       EV40FL2   Event 40 flag 2                          HEXFLAGS
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

181) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K09IG06   Keyword ignored universal?               STRING
       K09SP06   Keyword specified universal?             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

182) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASP02   Class specified user?                    STRING
       CLASP04   Class specified dasdvol?                 STRING
       CLASP05   Class specified tapevol?                 STRING
       CLASP06   Class specified terminal?                STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

183) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K11IG28   Keyword ignored seclabel?                STRING
       K11IG29   Keyword ignored noseclabel?              STRING
       K11SP28   Keyword specified seclabel?              STRING
       K11SP29   Keyword specified noseclabel?            STRING
       SECLABL   Seclabel name                            STRING
       SECLEVL   Seclevel name                            STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

184) The following variable has been added to table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

185) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASP02   Class specified user?                    STRING
       CLASP04   Class specified dasdvol?                 STRING
       CLASP05   Class specified tapevol?                 STRING
       CLASP06   Class specified terminal?                STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

186) The following variable has been added to table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

187) The following variable has been added to table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

188) The following variable has been added to table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

189) The following variable has been added to table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

190) The following variable has been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

191) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLAS26N   Class name                               STRING
       FROMRES   From resource name                       STRING
       FVOLUME   Fvolume volume serial                    STRING
       K19CL07   Class keyword specified from?            STRING
       K19FC05   Fclass keyword specified conditional?    STRING
       K19FC06   Fclass keyword specified standard?       STRING
       K19FC07   Fclass keyword specified from?           STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       VOLSER    Volume volume serial                     STRING

192) The following 62 variables have been added to table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF29AD   Application data                         STRING
       RES25MA   Resource name 10                         STRING
       RES25MB   Resource name 11                         STRING
       RES25MC   Resource name 12                         STRING
       RES25MD   Resource name 13                         STRING
       RES25ME   Resource name 14                         STRING
       RES25MF   Resource name 15                         STRING
       RES25M1   Resource name  1                         STRING
       RES25M2   Resource name  2                         STRING
       RES25M3   Resource name  3                         STRING
       RES25M4   Resource name  4                         STRING
       RES25M5   Resource name  5                         STRING
       RES25M6   Resource name  6                         STRING
       RES25M7   Resource name  7                         STRING
       RES25M8   Resource name  8                         STRING
       RES25M9   Resource name  9                         STRING
       RES25TA   Resource name 10 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TB   Resource name 11 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TC   Resource name 12 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TD   Resource name 13 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TE   Resource name 14 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TF   Resource name 15 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T1   Resource name  1 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T2   Resource name  2 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T3   Resource name  3 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T4   Resource name  4 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T5   Resource name  5 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T6   Resource name  6 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T7   Resource name  7 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T8   Resource name  8 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T9   Resource name  9 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RSBYTEA   10th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEB   11th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEC   12th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTED   13th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEE   14th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEF   15th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTE1   1st resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE2   2nd resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE3   3rd resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE4   4th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE5   5th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE6   6th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE7   7th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE8   8th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE9   9th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSNAMEA   10th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEB   11th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEC   12th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMED   13th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEE   14th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEF   15th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAME1   1st resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME2   2nd resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME3   3rd resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME4   4th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME5   5th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME6   6th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME7   7th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME8   8th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME9   9th resource name                        STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY8020:

       RESBYTE   Resource name flag byte                  STRING

193) The following 32 variables have been added to table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF29AD   Application data                         STRING
       RSBYTEA   10th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEB   11th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEC   12th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTED   13th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEE   14th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEF   15th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTE1   1st resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE2   2nd resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE3   3rd resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE4   4th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE5   5th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE6   6th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE7   7th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE8   8th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE9   9th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSNAMEA   10th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEB   11th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEC   12th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMED   13th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEE   14th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEF   15th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAME1   1st resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME2   2nd resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME3   3rd resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME4   4th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME5   5th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME6   6th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME7   7th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME8   8th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME9   9th resource name                        STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

194) The following variable has been added to table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

195) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K23GRUP   Group name group keyword                 STRING
       K23IGNR   Group keyword ignored?                   STRING
       K23IGOW   Owner keyword ignored?                   STRING
       K23OWNR   User id or group name owner keyword      STRING
       K23SPGR   Group keyword specified?                 STRING
       K23SPOW   Owner keyword specified?                 STRING
       K23USER   User id to be removed                    STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

196) The following 50 variables have been added to table XTY8024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASN21   Class name                               STRING
       K24ASTE   Flags for asterisk                       STRING
       K24I102   Keyword specified primary language?      STRING
       K24I103   Keyword specified secondary language?    STRING
       K24I104   Keyword specified addcreator?            STRING
       K24I105   Keyword specified noaddcreator?          STRING
       K24I106   Keyword specified list?                  STRING
       K24I107   Keyword specified kerblvl?               STRING
       K24I108   Keyword specified eimregistry?           STRING
       K24I109   Keyword specified noeimregistry?         STRING
       K24I110   Keyword specified mlfsobj(active)?       STRING
       K24I111   Keyword specified mlfsobj(inactive)?     STRING
       K24I112   Keyword specified mlipcob(active)?       STRING
       K24I113   Keyword specified mlipcob(inactive)?     STRING
       K24I114   Keyword specified mlnames?               STRING
       K24I115   Keyword specified nomlnames?             STRING
       K24I116   Keyword specified seclbysystem?          STRING
       K24I117   Keyword specified noseclbysystem?        STRING
       K24KERB   Kerblvl setting                          INT
       K24S102   Keyword specified genlist?               STRING
       K24S103   Keyword specified nogenlist?             STRING
       K24S104   Keyword specified raclist?               STRING
       K24S105   Keyword specified noraclist?             STRING
       K24S106   Keyword specified seclevelaudit?         STRING
       K24S107   Keyword specified noseclevelaudit?       STRING
       K24S108   Keyword specified seclabelaudit?         STRING
       K24S109   Keyword specified noseclabelaudit?       STRING
       K24S110   Keyword specified primary language?      STRING
       K24S111   Keyword specified secondary language?    STRING
       K24S112   Keyword specified addcreator?            STRING
       K24S113   Keyword specified noaddcreator?          STRING
       K24S114   Keyword specified list?                  STRING
       K24S115   Keyword specified kerblvl?               STRING
       K24S116   Keyword specified eimregistry?           STRING
       K24S117   Keyword specified noeimregistry?         STRING
       K24S118   Keyword specified mlfsobj(active)?       STRING
       K24S119   Keyword specified mlfsobj(inactive)?     STRING
       K24S120   Keyword specified mlipcob(active)?       STRING
       K24S121   Keyword specified mlipcob(inactive)?     STRING
       K24S122   Keyword specified mlnames?               STRING
       K24S123   Keyword specified nomlnames?             STRING
       K24S124   Keyword specified seclbysystem?          STRING
       K24S125   Keyword specified noseclbysystem?        STRING
       K24S126   Keyword specified asterisk generic?      STRING
       K24S127   Keyword specified asterisk global?       STRING
       K24S128   Keyword specified asterisk audit         STRING
       K24S129   Keyword specified asterisk statistics?   STRING
       K24S130   Keyword specified asterisk classact?     STRING
       K24S131   Keyword specified asterisk gencmd?       STRING
       K24S132   Keyword specified asterisk logoptions?   STRING

197) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K25VI00   Violation command denied by operator?    STRING
       K25VI01   Violation nonzero return code?           STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

198) The following variable has been added to table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

199) The following variable has been added to table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

200) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY8059:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K59ST00   Status flag  association established?    STRING
       K59ST01   Status flag  association pending?        STRING
       K59ST02   Status flag  association deleted?        STRING
       K59ST03   Status flag  password is not valid?      STRING
       K59ST04   Status flag  valid password supplied?    STRING
       K59ST05   Status flag  expired password supplied?  STRING
       K59ST06   Status flag  revoked user id?            STRING

201) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY892:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM89LP3   Lpar partition id                        COUNT

202) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY90:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM9029A   Name of the lnklst set activated         STRING
       SM9029X   Sequence number for lnklst set           INT
       SM9030Y   Perfgrp after reset                      INT

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTY90:

       SM9029N   Name of the lnklst set activated         STRING
       SM9029S   Sequence number for lnklst set           INT
       SM9030I   Perfgrp after reset                      INT

203) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM9024T   Unique token value                       DATETIME
       SVPOLNS   New policy name                          STRING

204) The following 107 variables have been added to table XTY94:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S94AVT1   Avg physical mount seconds 1             AVERAGE
       S94AVT2   Avg physical mount seconds 2             AVERAGE
       S94CCR0   Vtc 0 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR1   Vtc 1 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR2   Vtc 2 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR3   Vtc 3 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR4   Vtc 4 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR5   Vtc 5 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR6   Vtc 6 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR7   Vtc 7 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCSA   Vtc 0 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSB   Vtc 0 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSC   Vtc 0 primary i/o                        COUNT
       S94CCSD   Vtc 0 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSE   Vtc 1 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSF   Vtc 1 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSG   Vtc 1 primary i/o                        COUNT
       S94CCSH   Vtc 1 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSI   Vtc 2 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSJ   Vtc 2 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSK   Vtc 2 primary i/o                        COUNT
       S94CCSL   Vtc 2 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSM   Vtc 3 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSN   Vtc 3 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSO   Vtc 3 primary i/o                        COUNT
       S94CCSP   Vtc 3 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSQ   Vtc 4 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSR   Vtc 4 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSS   Vtc 4 primairy i/o                       COUNT
       S94CCST   Vtc 4 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSU   Vtc 5 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSV   Vtc 5 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSW   Vtc 5 primairy i/o                       COUNT
       S94CCSX   Vtc 5 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSY   Vtc 6 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSZ   Vtc 6 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCS0   Vtc 0 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS1   Vtc 1 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS2   Vtc 2 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS3   Vtc 3 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS4   Vtc 4 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS5   Vtc 5 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS6   Vtc 6 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS7   Vtc 7 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CLT0   Composite library mounts done b18-0      COUNT
       S94CLT1   Composite library mounts done b18-1      COUNT
       S94CPFA   Vtc 0 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFB   Vtc 0 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFC   Vtc 1 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFD   Vtc 1 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFE   Vtc 2 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFF   Vtc 2 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFG   Vtc 3 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFH   Vtc 3 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFI   Vtc 4 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFJ   Vtc 4 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFK   Vtc 5 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFL   Vtc 5 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFM   Vtc 6 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFN   Vtc 6 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFO   Vtc 7 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFP   Vtc 7 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPF0   Vtc 0 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF1   Vtc 1 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF2   Vtc 2 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF3   Vtc 3 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF4   Vtc 4 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF5   Vtc 5 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF6   Vtc 6 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF7   Vtc 7 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CRLA   Vtc 0 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLB   Vtc 0 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLC   Vtc 1 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLD   Vtc 1 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLE   Vtc 2 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLF   Vtc 2 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLG   Vtc 3 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLH   Vtc 3 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLI   Vtc 4 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLJ   Vtc 4 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLK   Vtc 5 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLL   Vtc 5 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLM   Vtc 6 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLN   Vtc 6 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLO   Vtc 7 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLP   Vtc 7 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRL0   Vtc 0 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL1   Vtc 1 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL2   Vtc 2 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL3   Vtc 3 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL4   Vtc 4 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL5   Vtc 5 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL6   Vtc 6 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL7   Vtc 7 relative link speeds               INT
       S94LCSA   Vtc 6 primairy i/o                       COUNT
       S94LCSB   Vtc 6 controller mode                    INT
       S94LCSC   Vtc 7 copy mode                          INT
       S94LCSD   Vtc 7 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94LCSE   Vtc 7 primairy i/o                       COUNT
       S94LCSF   Vtc 7 controller mode                    INT
       S94MGTC   Copyvol mgmt preference level            INT
       S94MGTR   Recall mgmt preference level             INT
       S94MGTS   Cache managment setting                  INT
       S94VLMR   Library code release value               INT
       S94VLMV   Library code version value               INT
       S94VVCF   Vts code fix value                       INT
       S94VVCM   Vts code modification value              INT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY94:

       S94CMT1   changed from  COUNT     to  AVERAGE

     The following variable has had its external name changed in
     table XTY94:

       S94CMT1   changed from  S94CLMT1  to  S94CMMT1

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY94:

       S94CMT0   Composite library mounts done b18-0      COUNT

205) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY9421:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S94RDSL   Reclaim days since accessed              COUNT
       S94RD01   Reclaim days since invalidation          COUNT
       S94RD02   Reclaim days since written               COUNT
       S94RMAD   Reclaim min active percentage            PERCENT100

206) The following 38 variables have been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QMCCPUT   Cpu time used                            TIME
       QMCGETA   Mqget requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMCGETB   Mqget requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMCGETC   Mqget requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMCGETD   Mqget requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMCPUTA   Mqput requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMCPUTB   Mqput requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMCPUTC   Mqput requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMCPUTD   Mqput requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       WTABACT   Backout cpu time                         TIME
       WTABAET   Backout elapsed time                     TIME
       WTABAN    Backout calls                            COUNT
       WTACMCT   Commit cpu time                          TIME
       WTACMEC   Ixllstm calls                            COUNT
       WTACMET   Commit elapsed time                      TIME
       WTACMN    Commit calls                             INT
       WTACSEC   Ixllste calls                            COUNT
       WTAGPN    Get pages new                            COUNT
       WTAGPO    Get pages old                            COUNT
       WTAJCET   Duration waiting for forced to dasd      TIME
       WTAJCN    Times when the log was forced            COUNT
       WTAJWB    Bytes written to the log                 COUNT
       WTAJWET   Log write elapsed time                   TIME
       WTAJWN    Log writes wtasjwb if required           COUNT
       WTAMLW    Maximum latch wait time                  INT
       WTAMLWN   Maximum wait latch number                MAXIMUM
       WTAMSTC   Time spent ixllstm calls                 TIME
       WTANEXT   Used when accumulating statistics        COUNT
       WTAOTCT   Other mqi calls cpu time                 TIME
       WTAOTET   Other mqi calls elapsed time             TIME
       WTAOTN    Other calls                              COUNT
       WTAPSE0   Elapsed time logging page set 0          TIME
       WTAPSN0   Logging requests page set 0              COUNT
       WTARMEC   Ixllstm redrives                         COUNT
       WTARSEC   Ixllste redrives                         COUNT
       WTASSTC   Time spent ixllste calls                 TIME
       WTASUSE   Total suspend time                       TIME
       WTASUSN   Times when the task was suspended        COUNT

207) The following variable has been added to table XWSEVTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACCIPAD   Ip address                               STRING

Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent X.03.84.02 on AIX

Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent X.03.84.02 on Solaris added three new metrics to existing tables in the data dictionary:

GLBMAVT GBL_MEM_ACTIVE_VIRT The total virtual memory allocated for processes that are currently on the run queue or processes that have executed recently.
PROFCSW PROC_FORCED_CSWITCH The number of times that the process was preempted by an external event and another process was allowed to execute during the interval.
PROVCSW PROC_VOLUNTARY_CSWITCH The number of times a process has given up the CPU before an external event preempted it during the interval.

Support for SiteScope data on MVS

In February 2004, SAS IT Resource Management announced preliminary support for Mercury Interactive's SiteScope product on Windows and UNIX patforms with hotfix 82IS05 for 2.6. This hotfix now adds support for processing on MVS.

Because of the way in which SiteScope stores its data, the raw data files and the group (MG) files must be stored and processed from HFS. This collector will not work if the data files are stored in a PDS. RAWDATA= must still point to one file, and GROUPDIR= must point to a directory containing the group (MG) files. An example follows:


Otherwise, the rules for processing SiteScope logs, including support for duplicate checking, is the same.

Support for web logs produced by BEA Weblogic

SAS IT Resource Management has supported the processing of web server logs for quite some time. This hotfix also enables the support of web logs produced by BEA Weblogic. These files differ slightly from the web logs encountered previously because of their use of tab delimiters and differently-sequenced header fields.

To process these logs, you must specify the tab character to the %CPPROCES macro to override its default use of the space as a delimiter. An example follows:


Otherwise, the rules for processing BEA Weblogic logs is the same as for regular web logs.

Support for DCOLLECT, EREP, IMF, TMS, TPF and VM collectors on UNIX and PC

Support has been added to the UNIX and PC platforms for the above MXG-based collectors. Similar to the existing support for SMF data, you should use the %CPPROCES macro to load these data sources. You can pre-allocate the raw data with a filename statement, using the appropriate fileref for that collector, or use the RAWDATA= parameter on the %CPPROCES macro invocation.

Duplicate checking is also fully supported, as it is on the mainframe. You can find sample %CPDUPCHK macro invocations in the "sasmisc" subdirectory under the "SAS\CPE" tree on the PC or in the "misc" folder under the "!sasroot/cpe" tree on UNIX. Like their MVS counterparts in the CPMISC pds, they are called, where xxx is the three-letter mnemonic for that collector. Please note the comments at the top of each file that describe how they should be renamed when used on UNIX and the PC.

Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent C.03.82 on Solaris

Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent C.03.82 on Solaris added several metrics to existing tables in the data dictionary:

BYCPCLK BYCPU_CPU_CLOCK The clock speed of the CPU in the current slot (in MHz).
BYCPINT BYCPU_INTERRUPT The number of device interrupts for this CPU during the interval.
BYCPSMT BYCPU_CPU_SYS_MODE_TIME The time, in seconds, that this CPU was in system mode during the interval.
BYCPUMT BYCPU_CPU_USER_MODE_TIME The time, in seconds, during the interval that this CPU was in user mode.
BYCTOTT BYCPU_CPU_TOTAL_TIME The total time, in seconds, that this CPU was not idle during the interval.
DSKNUMB BYDSK_ID The ID of the current disk device.
FSDEVNO FS_DEVNO Filesystem device number.
FSSPRES FS_SPACE_RESERVED The amount of file system space in MBs reserved for superuser allocation.
FSSPUSD FS_SPACE_USED The amount of file system space in MBs that is being used.
GBLINT GBL_INTERVAL The amount of time in the interval, in seconds.
GBLMSOB GBL_MEM_SWAPOUT_BYTE The number of KBs (or MBs if specified) transferred out to disk due to swap-outs (or deactivations on HP-UX) during the interval.
GBLNCR GBL_NET_COLLISION_RATE The number of collisions per second on all network interfaces during the interval.
GBLSPR GBL_STARTED_PROC_RATE The number of processes that started per second during the interval.
GLBCSWR GBL_CSWITCH_RATE The average number of context switches during the interval.
GLBINTR GBL_INTERRUPT_RATE The average number of IO interrupts per second during the interval.
GLBINTS GBL_INTERRUPT The number of IO interrupts during the interval.
GLBMCHE GBL_MEM_CACHE The amount of physical memory (in MBs unless otherwise specified) used by the buffer cache during the interval.
GLBMFRE GBL_MEM_FREE The amount of memory not allocated (in MBs unless otherwise specified).
GLBMPGS GBL_MEM_PG_SCAN The number of pages scanned by the pageout daemon (or the Clock Hand on AIX) during the interval.
GLBMSIB GBL_MEM_SWAPIN_BYTE The number of KBs transferred from disk due to swap-ins (or reactivations on HP-UX) during the interval.
GLBMSIR GBL_MEM_SWAPIN_RATE The average number of swap-ins (or reactivations on HP-UX) per second during the interval.
GLBMSWB GBL_MEM_SWAPIN_BYTE_RATE The number of KBs per second transferred from disk due to swap ins (or reactivations on HP-UX) during the interval.
GLBMSYS GBL_MEM_SYS The amount of physical memory (in MBs unless otherwise specified) used by the system (kernel) during the interval.
GLBMUSR GBL_MEM_USER The amount of physical memory (in MBs unless otherwise specified) allocated to user code and data at the end of the interval.
GLBSCAL GBL_SYSCALL The number of system calls during the interval.
GLBSOBR GBL_MEM_SWAPOUT_BYTE_RATE The number of KBs (or MBs if specified) per second transferred out to disk due to swap outs (or deactivations on HP-UX) during the interval.
GLBSTM GBL_STATTIME An ASCII string representing the time at the end of the interval, based on local time.
GLBSWAK GBL_SWAP_SPACE_AVAIL_KB The total amount of potential swap space, in KB.
GLBSYUS GBL_SYSTEM_UPTIME_SECONDS The time, in seconds, since the last system reboot.
TBBCCHA TBL_BUFFER_CACHE_AVAIL The size (in KBs unless otherwise specified) of the file system buffer cache on the system.
TBMSGTU TBL_MSG_TABLE_USED On HP-UX, the number of message queues currently in use, otherwise, the number that have been built.
TBSEMTU TBL_SEM_TABLE_USED On HP-UX, this is the number of semaphore identifiers currently in use, otherwise, the number that have been built.
TBSMA TBL_SHMEM_ACTIVE The size (in KBs unless otherwise specified) of the shared memory segments that have running processes attached to them.
TBSMTU TBL_SHMEM_TABLE_USED On HP-UX, this is the number of shared memory segments currently in use or for other UNIX systems, the number that have been built.
TBSMU TBL_SHMEM_USED The size (in KBs unless otherwise specified) of the shared memory segments.
NETIFID BYNETIF_ID The ID number of the network interface.
PROARG1 PROC_PROC_ARGV1 The first argument (argv[1]) of the process argument list or the second word of the command line, if present.
PROEUID PROC_EUID The Effective User ID of a process.
PROPGFL PROC_PAGEFAULT The number of page faults that occurred during the interval for the process.
PROPGFR PROC_PAGEFAULT_RATE The number of page faults per second that occurred during the interval for the process.

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 21.21

Summary of Changes:


 Before applying any data dictionary maintenance, please read the following

   -  The following variable has changed from being numeric to character.

          Table      Variable     MXG Variable

          XTC2TXN    TNDYN          TXNDYN

      If this table already exists in your PDB and you wish to apply
      dictionary maintenance to the table, you will need to delete the
      variable first.  This can be done either by using the interactive
      interface or, preferably, by running the %CPDDUTL macro specifying a
      PDS member which contains the following statements:


      Applying subsequent maintenance to the table will create a new
      variable to replace it.



 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG 21.21.
 If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may contain
 variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later versions of
 MXG are compatible.  If new variables or tables have been added in a later
 version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a maintenance
 release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can use CREATE
 VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary update
 utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 Support for MXG 21.21 also implies support for the following
 enhancements to existing tables:

       Support for z/OS 1.5.
       Support for JVM Heap sizes in SMF 120 subtypes 1, 3.
       Support for DB2 Version 8.1.
       Support for Type 42 Subtype 10.
       Support more NDM/Connect Direct subtypes.
       Support for Web Service Cache, WSRM objects.
       Support for SMF 99 subtype 7 PAV Device record.
       Support for Oracle V9.x.
       Support for CICS/TS 2.3.
       Support for several ESS segments '34x,35x,37x,47x'.
       Support for z/990.
       Support for Windows 2003 Server MEMORY object.
       Support for HMF Subtype 29,30,32,33 changes.
       Support for APAR PQ71799 HTTP Server SMF 103 data.
       Support for WebSphere APAR PQ74463 - adds CPU time.
       Support for NDM Release 4.3.
       Support for STK IXFP SMF L2P00A2/LZP00A9.
       Support for TCP and TCPIEF objects for AS/400.
       Support for IDMS/R PerfMon type 30 subtype 3.
       Support for NTSMF 2.4.5.
       Support for NTSMF BlackBerry Server object.
       Support for Domino Server Relase 6.0.0.
       Support for ASG/TMON CICS V2.2.
       Support for Tivoli Netview NPM 2.7 SMF 28 records.
       Support for DFSMSrmm Extended Extract 'X' records.
       Support for SYNCSORT for z/OS 1.1 SMF record.
       Support for IDMS V1500 new subtypes 13, 14, 15.
       Support for NetSpy Version 6 subtypes G,H.
       Support for AS/400 5.2 Collection Services.
       Support for NTSMF new objects from MS Exchange 2000 SP3,
                   XP Professional, Citrix, DataCore, MSMQ, and
                   changes to PROCESSOR and MQSERIES objects.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NANTIGE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - antigen scan
        NASPNTA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - apps v1.1.4322
        NASPNTV     INTERVAL    WIN NT - v1.1.4322
        NBLKBER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - blackberry server
        NCITRXI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - citrix ima networking
        NCITRXM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - citrix metaframe xp
        NDACOCA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - datacore cache
        NDACODO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - datacore domain controller
        NDACOFI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - datacore fibre channel
        NDACOMI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - datacore mirroring
        NDACOND     INTERVAL    WIN NT - datacore nmv disks
        NDACONP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - datacore nmv pools
        NDACOSC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - datacore scheduling
        NIPV4       INTERVAL    WIN NT - ipv4: nt ipv4
        NIPV4SD     INTERVAL    WIN NT - v4 driver
        NIPV4SI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - v4 ike
        NMSMQSR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - msmq service
        NMSMQUE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - msmq queue
        NPSCHFL     INTERVAL    WIN NT - psched flow
        NSQLBFP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - sqlbufbp
        NTCPV4      INTERVAL    WIN NT - tcpv4
        NUDPV4      INTERVAL    WIN NT - udpv4
        NWEBSVC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - cache
        NWMIOBJ     INTERVAL    WIN NT - wmio: nt wmi objects
        NWSRMPC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - matching criteria
        NWSRMPL     INTERVAL    WIN NT -  policy
        NWSRMPP     INTERVAL    WIN NT -  process
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XCIDSR      INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb resource
        XCIDST      INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb global
        XCIPGR      INTERVAL    CICS jvm program resource statistics
        XCIRDQU     EVENT       CICS resource tsqueue detail
        XCISJR      INTERVAL    CICS jvm profile resource statistics
        XCISMED     INTERVAL    CICS shared medical oas transactions
        XCMA0AX     EVENT       CA SPOOL file reset
        XCMA0BX     EVENT       CA SPOOL print end
        XCMA00X     EVENT       CA SPOOL start
        XCMA01X     EVENT       CA SPOOL termination
        XCMA02X     EVENT       CA SPOOL smf data lost
        XCMA03X     EVENT       CA SPOOL vtam session start
        XCMA04X     EVENT       CA SPOOL vtam session end
        XCMA05X     EVENT       CA SPOOL file open
        XCMA06X     EVENT       CA SPOOL file close
        XCMA07X     EVENT       CA SPOOL file purge
        XCMA08X     EVENT       CA SPOOL file route
        XCMA09X     EVENT       CA SPOOL file transfer
        XIDSXLI     INTERVAL    IDMS dsg xeslist wait
        XIDSXLK     INTERVAL    IDMS dsg xeslock wait
        XIDSXMS     INTERVAL    IDMS dsg xcfmsg wait
        XNDMCI      EVENT       NDM subtypes ci ce ti ji
        XNDMCS      EVENT       NDM subtype cs
        XNDMEI      EVENT       NDM subtype ei
        XNDMEV      EVENT       NDM subtype ev
        XNDMFA      EVENT       NDM subtype fa
        XNDMFI      EVENT       NDM subtype fi
        XNDMGO      EVENT       NDM subtypes go if nl
        XNDMJX      EVENT       NDM subtype jx
        XNDMLS      EVENT       NDM subtype ls
        XNDMMF      EVENT       NDM subtype mf
        XNDMPE      EVENT       NDM subtype pe
        XNDMPI      EVENT       NDM subtypes pq tq
        XNDMPX      EVENT       NDM subtype px
        XNDMQE      EVENT       NDM subtypes qe qh qt qw
        XNDMRE      EVENT       NDM subtype re
        XNDMRO      EVENT       NDM subtype ro
        XNDMSB      EVENT       NDM subtype sb
        XNDMSC      EVENT       NDM subtype sc
        XNDMSD      EVENT       NDM subtype sd
        XNDMSH      EVENT       NDM subtype sh
        XNDMSY      EVENT       NDM subtype sy
        XNDMS2      EVENT       NDM subtype s2
        XNDMTP      EVENT       NDM subtype tp
        XNDMTR      EVENT       NDM subtype tr
        XNDMWS      EVENT       NDM subtype ws
        XNDMXO      EVENT       NDM subtype xo
        XNSINTR     INTERVAL    Netspy - interface
        XNSUDP      INTERVAL    Netspy - udp connections
        XQAIFC      EVENT       AS400 - ifc
        XQATCP      EVENT       AS400 - tcp
        XTC2PA      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pa-transaction
        XTC2PI      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pi-interval
        XTC2TF      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - file interval
        XTC2TFF     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - file interval
        XTC2TJ      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - java data
        XTC2TKD     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tk dispatcher
        XTC2TKM     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tkm dispatcher
        XTC2TKP     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tkp dispatcher
        XTC2TN      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tn enqueue
        XTC2TO      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - to sockets
        XTC2TOS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tos sockets
        XTYHMFW     EVENT       HMF ultranet snmp transport
        XTYHMFX     EVENT       HMF ultranet snmp snmp enf
        XTYTARC     EVENT       MXG tape monitor allocation recovery
        XTY12SH     EVENT       Websphere server region jvm heap
        XTY12SR     INTERVAL    Websphere server region interval heap
        XTY42VS     INTERVAL    DFP volume selection failure
        XTY8XEK     EVENT       ETF/R relocate segment
        XTY80EK     EVENT       ETF/R firecall event
        XTY82       EVENT       Ty82: old type82 zero obs
        XTY8201     EVENT       CRYPTO initialization
        XTY8203     EVENT       CRYPTO status change
        XTY8204     EVENT       CRYPTO condition code 3
        XTY8205     EVENT       CRYPTO special security mode
        XTY8206     EVENT       CRYPTO master key part
        XTY8207     EVENT       CRYPTO keuk part
        XTY8208     EVENT       CRYPTO ckds refresh
        XTY8209     EVENT       CRYPTO ckds update
        XTY8210     EVENT       CRYPTO pka key part
        XTY8211     EVENT       CRYPTO clear new master key part
        XTY8212     EVENT       CRYPTO public key secure cable
        XTY8213     EVENT       CRYPTO public kds update
        XTY90A5     EVENT       Operator cmd: subsys set ipl / set smf
        XTY9001     EVENT       Operator cmd: set time/set date
        XTY9003     EVENT       Operator cmd: set dmn
        XTY9004     EVENT       Operator cmd: set ips
        XTY9005     EVENT       Operator cmd: set ipl / set smf
        XTY9006     EVENT       Operator cmd: switch smf / halt eod
        XTY9008     EVENT       Operator cmd: ipl prompt
        XTY9010     EVENT       Operator cmd: ipl srm
        XTY9011     EVENT       Operator cmd: set opt
        XTY9012     EVENT       Operator cmd: set ics
        XTY9014     EVENT       Operator cmd: set mpf
        XTY9016     EVENT       Operator cmd: set dae
        XTY9017     EVENT       Operator cmd: set pfk
        XTY9018     EVENT       Operator cmd: set grsrnl
        XTY9019     EVENT       Operator cmd: set appc
        XTY9020     EVENT       Operator cmd: set asch
        XTY9021     EVENT       Operator cmd: set sch
        XTY9022     EVENT       Operator cmd: set cngrp
        XTY9023     EVENT       Operator cmd: ipl wlm service policy
        XTY9024     EVENT       Operator cmd: vary wlm service policy
        XTY9025     EVENT       Operator cmd: modify wlm service policy
        XTY9026     EVENT       Operator cmd: ipl logrec
        XTY9027     EVENT       Operator cmd: set xcf start/stop
        XTY9029     EVENT       Operator cmd: set prog lnklst
        XTY9030     EVENT       Operator cmd: reset
        XTY9031     EVENT       Operator cmd: set prog lpalst
        XTY9032     EVENT       Operator cmd: set prog lpalst
        XTY99_7     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 7 - PAV device
        XT119A7     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP server port statistics - tcp
        XT119B7     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP server port statistics - udp
        XT11901     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection initiation
        XT11902     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection termination
        XT11903     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp client transfer completion
        XT11905     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP tcp/ip statistics
        XT11906     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP interface statistics
        XT11908     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp/ip stack start/stop
        XT11910     EVENT       IBM TCPIP udp socket close
        XT11920     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tn3270 server sna session init
        XT11921     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tn3270 server sna session term
        XT11922     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tso telnet client connect init
        XT11923     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tso telnet client connect term

 2) The following tables have had their labels and descriptions changed:

        Table                   Description

        XNDMAE      from:       NDM authorization event
                      to:       NDM subtypes ae du is su um

 3) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NACTVSR     INTERVAL    WIN NT active server pages
        NCOLDFU     INTERVAL    WIN NT coldfusion server
        NCOMTRN     INTERVAL    WIN NT com transaction integrator
        NDATABA     INTERVAL    WIN NT database
        NDB2        INTERVAL    WIN NT db2 database manager
        NDNS        INTERVAL    WIN NT dns
        NEPOXY      INTERVAL    WIN NT - epoxy
        NMEMORY     INTERVAL    WIN NT memory
        NMQQUS      INTERVAL    WIN NT mqseries queues
        NMSQBPA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql buffer partition
        NMSQCMG     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql cache manager
        NMSXIS      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange info store
        NMSXPU      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange info store public
        NMXAP       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangeimap4
        NMXCH       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangedsaccess caches
        NMXP3       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangepop3
        NPRCESR     INTERVAL    WIN NT cpu (processor)
        NSEAGAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT seagate
        NSMEXTH     INTERVAL    WIN NT - sms executive thread states
        NSMINME     INTERVAL    WIN NT - sms in-memory queues
        NSMSEND     INTERVAL    WIN NT - sms standard sender
        NSMTPDS     INTERVAL    WIN NT smtpds
        NSMTPS      INTERVAL    WIN NT smtp service
        NSQLBKP     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlbkpdv
        NSQLBUF     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlbufmg
        NSQLCAC     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlcacmg
        NSQLDAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqldatab
        NSSLDAP     INTERVAL    WIN NT site server ldap service
        NTCNFIG     EVENT       WIN NT SMF configuration
        NTINTRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT interval data
        NTRMSRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT terminal server
        NVINES      INTERVAL    WIN NT vines communications
        NWINPRX     INTERVAL    WIN NT winsock proxy server
        VBYCPU      INTERVAL    VM CPU Engine Data (MXG)
        VMINTRV     INTERVAL    VM Interval Data (consolidated by MXG)
        VMTRSCH     EVENT       VM Scheduler Settings
        VSCLSRM     INTERVAL    VM Set SRM Changes
        VSUMCPU     INTERVAL    VM Summarized CPU Data (MXG)
        VSYTPRP     INTERVAL    VM Processor Data (Per Processor)
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XCIAUTO     INTERVAL    CICS auto install statistics
        XCICINT     INTERVAL    CICS interval statistics
        XCICS4D     INTERVAL    CICS named counter server list
        XCIDS       INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher statistics
        XCIFS6D     INTERVAL    CICS cfdt server cf list stats
        XCIM        INTERVAL    CICS monitoring statistics
        XCIMDSA     INTERVAL    CICS storage manager DSA
        XCITM       INTERVAL    CICS table manager statistics
        XCITPSJ     INTERVAL    CICS jvmpool statistics
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XCIXQ1      INTERVAL    CICS shared ts queue server cf stats
        XCM27C9     INTERVAL    CMF 27 cache sampling model 3990-3
        XCOTROL     EVENT       4th Dimension CONTROL-D
        XDBACCT     EVENT       DB2 accounting
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBSTA1     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 1)
        XDBTATB     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: buffer pools
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XDSNREC     EVENT       TMS (CA-1) dataset name record
        XHIRSAM     EVENT       Hipercache sam dataset activity
        XHIRVSA     EVENT       Hipercache vsam dataset activity
        XHIRVSB     EVENT       Hipercache vsam detail buffer stats
        XHSDSRS     INTERVAL    HSM dsr statistics, general section
        XHSFSRB     EVENT       HSM fsr statistics, both tape and disk
        XHSFSRS     EVENT       HSM fsr statistics, detail records
        XHSFSRT     EVENT       HSM fsr tape volsers for detail records
        XHSWFSR     EVENT       HSM abars abackup/arecovery fsr records
        XHSWVOL     EVENT       HSM abars tape volser records
        XIMDBDS     EVENT       IMF - IMS DBDs used
        XIMDB2      EVENT       IMF - IMS DB2 activity
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XIMPROG     EVENT       IMF - IMS program deschedule
        XIMTRAN     EVENT       IMS DC transactions
        XIPAC01     EVENT       INFOPAC Batch printing usage statistics
        XIPAC02     EVENT       INFOPAC Online printing usage stats
        XIPAC03     EVENT       INFOPAC Online viewing usage statistics
        XIPAC04     EVENT       INFOPAC Archive recall usage statistics
        XIPAC05     EVENT       INFOPAC Archive i/o subsys statistics
        XIPAC06     EVENT       INFOPAC Pages/hierarchy code
        XIPAC07     EVENT       INFOPAC Archive placement/longevity
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XMQACCT     EVENT       MQM accounting statistics
        XMQACTQ     EVENT       MQM task queue accounting
        XMQBUFE     EVENT       MQM buffer manager statistics
        XMQCFMG     EVENT       MQM coupling facility manager
        XMQMLOG     EVENT       MQM log manager statistics
        XMQMSGD     EVENT       MQM message and data manager statistics
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XNDMAE      EVENT       NDM authorization event
        XNDMCH      EVENT       NDM change process termination event
        XNDMCT      EVENT       NDM copy termination
        XNDMDP      EVENT       NDM delete process termination event
        XNDMDT      EVENT       NDM display termination event
        XNDMFP      EVENT       NDM flush process termination record
        XNDMGF      EVENT       NDM general function termination record
        XNDMMC      EVENT       NDM pds member copy record
        XNDMPS      EVENT       NDM process start event
        XNDMPT      EVENT       NDM process termination event
        XNDMRJ      EVENT       NDM run job termination record
        XNDMRT      EVENT       NDM run task termination record
        XNDMSI      EVENT       NDM signon file record
        XNDMST      EVENT       NDM stop NDM record
        XNDMWO      EVENT       NDM wto statistics
        XNPMDNC     INTERVAL    NPM DNC commands
        XNPMNET     EVENT       NPM network commands
        XNPNNIT     INTERVAL    NPM router interface interval
        XOVTCPA     INTERVAL    OMEGAMON for VTAM tcp appl
        XOVTCPC     INTERVAL    OMEGAMON for VTAM tcp connect
        XPRINT      EVENT       Print events
        XQACONF     EVENT       AS400 - system configuration data
        XQADISK     INTERVAL    AS400 - disk storage data
        XQAETH      INTERVAL    AS400 - ethernet statistics
        XQASYSL     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSYCSOR     EVENT       Syncsort sort end stats
        XTCCSUM     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 1.3+ - hourly summary
        XTCSUM      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON <1.3 - hourly summary
        XTC2DSA     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - dsa segment
        XTC2IDS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - ids segment
        XTC2SUM     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - hourly summary
        XTC2TDQ     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - transient data int
        XTC2TPD     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tpd segment
        XTC2TPG     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tpg segment
        XTC2TSK     EVENT       Landmark CICS MON 2 - transactions
        XTC2TSQ     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tsq segment
        XTC2TXN     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - txn segment
        XTC2T2      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - db2 intvl for cics
        XTMDBDA     INTERVAL    TMON for DB2 interval stats (V1 only)
        XTMDBDB     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail (V1 only)
        XTMDB6      EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture
        XTMDB7      EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture package log
        XTMDDB2     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail
        XTMS        EVENT       TMS (CA-1) volume record
        XTYHMFT     EVENT       HMF cnt2 compression entry
        XTYSASU     EVENT       SAS SMF record
        XTYTMNT     EVENT       MXG tape monitor mount event
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTY1031     EVENT       HTTP Websphere server config
        XTY1032     INTERVAL    HTTP Websphere server perform
        XTY1081     INTERVAL    Domino server server load
        XTY12CM     EVENT       Websphere class method
        XTY12JC     EVENT       Websphere j2ee container class avtivity
        XTY12JI     INTERVAL    Websphere j2ee container interval
        XTY12SA     EVENT       Websphere server activity
        XTY12SC     EVENT       Websphere server container activity
        XTY12SI     INTERVAL    Websphere server interval
        XTY12WA     EVENT       Websphere webcontainer activity
        XTY12WI     INTERVAL    Websphere webcontainer interval
        XTY22_A     EVENT       3990 storage control configuration
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY30TD     EVENT       Type 30 tape devices
        XTY50       INTERVAL    VTAM tuning statistics
        XTY6156     EVENT       ICF Activity
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70X2     INTERVAL    RMF pci crypto accelerator pcica
        XTY72DL     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode delay states
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY72SC     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode service class section
        XTY73       INTERVAL    RMF channel path activity
        XTY74       INTERVAL    RMF device activity
        XTY74CA     INTERVAL    RMF Cache Reporter - cache controllers
        XTY747P     INTERVAL    RMF FCD Global, Switch, and Port data
        XTY77       INTERVAL    RMF system enqueue data
        XTY78CF     INTERVAL    RMF device configuration data
        XTY78CU     INTERVAL    RMF LCU queuing statistics
        XTY78PA     INTERVAL    RMF virtual storage private area stats
        XTY79C      INTERVAL    RMF mon II channel path activity data
        XTY79E      INTERVAL    RMF mon II ES9000 I/O queueing
        XTY79EF     INTERVAL    RMF mon II ES9000 I/O config
        XTY799      INTERVAL    RMF mon II device activity data
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY89       INTERVAL    Measured usage interval
        XTY892      INTERVAL    Measured usage state interval
        XTY942      INTERVAL    IBM tape library volume pooling stats
        XTY9421     INTERVAL    IBM tape library volume pool detail
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following 4 variables have been added to table NACTVSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASCENHR   Script engine cache hit rate             RATE
       ASNFLNO   Engine flush notifications               COUNT
       ASNMTCA   In memory templates cached               COUNT
       ASNMTHR   In memory template cache hit rate        RATE

  2) The following 5 variables have had their informat changed in table

       CAPOPRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBITSRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       PGITSRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       RERUNIN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       RETIMOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  3) The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       HRPCNLK   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  4) The following 3 variables have been deleted from table NDATABA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOAHIRT   Table open cache hits/sec                RATE
       TOAMIRT   Table open cache misses/sec              RATE
       TOAPCHT   Table open cache pct hit                 PERCENT100

  5) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SRTHEAP   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

  6) The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       DIXRQCN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  7) The following 2 variables have had their informat changed in table

       EXYAFCL   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       EXYFAST   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  8) The following variable has been added to table NMEMORY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TRGRERT   Transition pages repurposed per sec      RATE

  9) The following variable has been added to table NMQQUS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MQUINST   Mqseries instance                        STRING

 10) The following 2 variables have had their informat changed in table

       FRIMTRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       FRIRQRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 11) The following 3 variables have had their informat changed in table

       CCHOBCT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CCHPAGE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CCHUSRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 12) The following 3 variables have been added to table NMSXIS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BKXQULN   Background expansion queue length        COUNT
       RPAVLAT   Rpc average latency                      AVERAGE
       RPSLOPK   Rpc slow packets                         COUNT

 13) The following 9 variables have had their informat changed in table

       HDOLOCR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HDORQCN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HDORQRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HDOSUCR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HDOSUEX   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HDUPENO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HDUSUCN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HDUTRLK   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       LOOPSRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 14) The following 3 variables have been added to table NMXAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CNNFAIL   Connections failed                       COUNT
       CNNREJE   Connections rejected                     COUNT
       INALICR   Invalid commands rate                    RATE

 15) The following 14 variables have been added to table NMXCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CANSRRX   Cache inserts/sec config data            RATE
       CANSRTX   Cache inserts total config data          COUNT
       CAXPIRX   Cache expiries/sec honfig data           RATE
       CAXPITX   Cache expiries total config data         COUNT
       DNENTMX   Dn entries memory config data            COUNT
       DNENTRX   Dn entries config data                   COUNT
       NNENTMX   Not found dn entries memory config data  COUNT
       NNENTRX   Not found dn entries config data         COUNT
       NUENTMX   Not found guid entries memory configdata COUNT
       NUENTRX   Not found guid entries config data       COUNT
       SEENTMX   Search entries memory config data        COUNT
       SEENTRX   Search entries config data               COUNT
       TOENTMX   Total entries memory config data         COUNT
       TOENTRX   Total entries config data                COUNT

 16) The following variable has been added to table NMXP3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INALICR   Invalid commands rate                    RATE

 17) The following 7 variables have been added to table NPRCESR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCTC1TM   Pct c1 time                              PERCENT100
       PCTC2TM   Pct c2 time                              PERCENT100
       PCTC3TM   Pct c3 time                              PERCENT100
       PTIDLTM   Pct idle time                            PERCENT100
       TRSC1RT   C1 transitions/sec                       RATE
       TRSC2RT   C2 transitions/sec                       RATE
       TRSC3RT   C3 transitions/sec                       RATE

 18) The following 11 variables have had their informat changed in table

       ACVJOBS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CUEOBJS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CUUOJBS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBCRATE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       FISJOBS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       FODOBJS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       PRGOBJS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       REPRATE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       REQRATE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       RPTOBJS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SZOBJMP   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 19) The following variable has been added to table NSMEXTH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMXNAME   Smex instance named                      STRING

 20) The following variable has been added to table NSMINME:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMMNAME   Smim instance name                       STRING

 21) The following variable has been added to table NSMSEND:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMENAME   Smse instance name                       STRING

 22) The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       MGDLVLO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 23) The following variable has been added to table NSMTPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAQUELN   Categorizer queue length                 COUNT

 24) The following variable has been added to table NSQLBKP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQDNAME   Sqbd instance name                       STRING

 25) The following 13 variables have been added to table NSQLBUF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AWNCART   Awe unmap calls/sec                      RATE
       AWNPGRT   Awe unmap pages per sec                  RATE
       AWRMART   Awe write maps per sec                   RATE
       AWTMART   Awe stolen maps/sec                      RATE
       AWUMART   Awe lookup maps per sec                  RATE
       FRISTRT   Free list stalls/sec                     RATE
       PAEPROC   Procedure cache pages                    COUNT
       PAETARG   Target pages                             COUNT
       PGEDATA   Database pages                           COUNT
       PGEFREE   Free pages                               COUNT
       PGELIFE   Page life expectancy                     COUNT
       PGETOTL   Total pages                              COUNT
       PGOOKRT   Page lookups/sec                         RATE

 26) The following 3 variables have had their informat changed in table

       CCHOBCT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CCHPAGE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CCHUSRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 27) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLDAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LGLBYRT   Log bytes flushed per sec                RATE
       LOFUSED   Log file(s) used size (kb)               GAUGE

 28) The following 4 variables have had their informat changed in table

       RPMDICT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       RPMDIRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       RPMDOCT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       RPMDORT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 29) The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       MEMINBX   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 30) The following variable has been added to table NTINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TRGRERT   Transition pages repurposed per sec      RATE

 31) The following 2 variables have had their informat changed in table

       INCSESS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       TTLSESS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 32) The following 32 variables have had their informat changed in table

       HEPFAIL   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HEPSIZE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       HEPUSED   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IPRCERR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IPRECEV   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IPSENDS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IPSNBYR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IPSNBYS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IPSNERR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SOKALFL   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SOKCNFG   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SOKINUS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SOKMXOP   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPCONCF   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPCONMX   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPCONUS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPDISRC   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPDISSN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPPRORC   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPPROSN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPRCERR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPRECEV   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPSENDS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPSNBYR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPSNBYS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       SPSNERR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       VIRCERR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       VIRECEV   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       VISENDS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       VISNBYR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       VISNBYS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       VISNERR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 33) The following 3 variables have had their informat changed in table

       DNCACHI   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DNCACPC   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DNRETRV   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 34) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VBYCPU:

       DURATM    changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       LOSTTM    changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       DURATM    changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME12.2
       LOSTTM    changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME12.2

 35) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VMINTRV:

       DURATM    changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       LOSTTM    changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       DURATM    changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME12.2
       LOSTTM    changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME12.2

 36) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VMTRSCH:

       SRBIASD   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SRBIASD   changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME12.3

 37) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSCLSRM:

       SRBIASD   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SRBIASD   changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME12.3

 38) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSUMCPU:

       LOSTTM    changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       LOSTTM    changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME12.2

 39) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSYTPRP:

       DURATM    changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DURATM    changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME12.2

 40) The following 420 variables have been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCFNAM                                            STRING
       CPUTYPE   Cpu model number                         HEXFLAGS
       LPACSF    Lpar 10 cstore                           COUNT
       LPANSW    Lpar 10 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPBCSF    Lpar 11 cstore                           COUNT
       LPBNSW    Lpar 11 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPCCSF    Lpar 12 cstore                           COUNT
       LPCNSW    Lpar 12 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPCTHBY   Lpar 17 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTHOV   Lpar 17 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTIBY   Lpar 18 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTIOV   Lpar 18 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTJBY   Lpar 19 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTJOV   Lpar 19 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTKBY   Lpar 20 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTKOV   Lpar 20 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTLBY   Lpar 21 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTLOV   Lpar 21 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTMBY   Lpar 22 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTMOV   Lpar 22 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTNBY   Lpar 23 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTNOV   Lpar 23 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTOBY   Lpar 24 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTOOV   Lpar 24 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTQBY   Lpar 25 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTQOV   Lpar 25 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTRBY   Lpar 26 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTROV   Lpar 26 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTSBY   Lpar 27 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTSOV   Lpar 27 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTTBY   Lpar 28 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTTOV   Lpar 28 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTUBY   Lpar 29 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTUOV   Lpar 29 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTVBY   Lpar 30 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTVOV   Lpar 30 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTWBY   Lpar 31 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTWOV   Lpar 31 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTXBY   Lpar 32 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTXOV   Lpar 32 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPDCSF    Lpar 12 cstore                           COUNT
       LPDNSW    Lpar 13 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPECSF    Lpar 14 cstore                           COUNT
       LPENSW    Lpar 14 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPFCSF    Lpar 15 cstore                           COUNT
       LPFNSW    Lpar 15 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPGCSF    Lpar 16 cstore                           COUNT
       LPGNSW    Lpar 16 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPHBDA    Lpar 17 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPHCAP    Lpar 17 capped flag                      STRING
       LPHCHG    Lpar 17 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPHCSF    Lpar 17 cstore                           COUNT
       LPHDED    Lpar 17 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPHDUR    Lpar 17 duration                         TIME
       LPHLAC    Lpar 17 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPHMGTT   Lpar 17 management time                  TIME
       LPHMSU    Lpar 17 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPHMSUH   Lpar 17 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPHMSU7   Lpar 17 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPHNAME   Lpar 17 name                             STRING
       LPHNRPR   Lpar 17 number of processors             COUNT
       LPHNSW    Lpar 17 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPHONT    Lpar 17 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPHSHAR   Lpar 17 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPHUEDT   Lpar 17 effective time                   TIME
       LPHUPDT   Lpar 17 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPHWAIT   Lpar 17 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPHWST    Lpar 17 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPIBDA    Lpar 18 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPICAP    Lpar 18 capped flag                      STRING
       LPICHG    Lpar 18 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPICSF    Lpar 18 cstore                           COUNT
       LPIDED    Lpar 18 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPIDUR    Lpar 18 duration                         TIME
       LPILAC    Lpar 18 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPIMGTT   Lpar 18 management time                  TIME
       LPIMSU    Lpar 18 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPIMSUH   Lpar 18 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPIMSU7   Lpar 18 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPINAME   Lpar 18 name                             STRING
       LPINRPR   Lpar 18 number of processors             COUNT
       LPINSW    Lpar 18 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPIONT    Lpar 18 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPISHAR   Lpar 18 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPIUEDT   Lpar 18 effective time                   TIME
       LPIUPDT   Lpar 18 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPIWAIT   Lpar 18 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPIWST    Lpar 18 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPJBDA    Lpar 19 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPJCAP    Lpar 19 capped flag                      STRING
       LPJCHG    Lpar 19 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPJCSF    Lpar 19 cstore                           COUNT
       LPJDED    Lpar 19 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPJDUR    Lpar 19 duration                         TIME
       LPJLAC    Lpar 19 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPJMGTT   Lpar 19 management time                  TIME
       LPJMSU    Lpar 19 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPJMSUH   Lpar 19 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPJMSU7   Lpar 19 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPJNAME   Lpar 19 name                             STRING
       LPJNRPR   Lpar 19 number of processors             COUNT
       LPJNSW    Lpar 19 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPJONT    Lpar 19 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPJSHAR   Lpar 19 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPJUEDT   Lpar 19 effective time                   TIME
       LPJUPDT   Lpar 19 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPJWAIT   Lpar 19 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPJWST    Lpar 19 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPKBDA    Lpar 20 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPKCAP    Lpar 20 capped flag                      STRING
       LPKCHG    Lpar 20 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPKCSF    Lpar 20 cstore                           COUNT
       LPKDED    Lpar 20 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPKDUR    Lpar 20 duration                         TIME
       LPKLAC    Lpar 20 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPKMGTT   Lpar 20 management time                  TIME
       LPKMSU    Lpar 20 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPKMSUH   Lpar 20 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPKMSU7   Lpar 20 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPKNAME   Lpar 20 name                             STRING
       LPKNRPR   Lpar 20 number of processors             COUNT
       LPKNSW    Lpar 20 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPKONT    Lpar 20 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPKSHAR   Lpar 20 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPKUEDT   Lpar 20 effective time                   TIME
       LPKUPDT   Lpar 20 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPKWAIT   Lpar 20 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPKWST    Lpar 20 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPLBDA    Lpar 21 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPLCAP    Lpar 21 capped flag                      STRING
       LPLCHG    Lpar 21 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPLCSF    Lpar 21 cstore                           COUNT
       LPLDED    Lpar 21 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPLDUR    Lpar 21 duration                         TIME
       LPLLAC    Lpar 21 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPLMGTT   Lpar 21 management time                  TIME
       LPLMSU    Lpar 21 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPLMSUH   Lpar 21 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPLMSU7   Lpar 21 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPLNAME   Lpar 21 name                             STRING
       LPLNRPR   Lpar 21 number of processors             COUNT
       LPLNSW    Lpar 21 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPLONT    Lpar 21 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPLSHAR   Lpar 21 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPLUEDT   Lpar 21 effective time                   TIME
       LPLUPDT   Lpar 21 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPLWAIT   Lpar 21 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPLWST    Lpar 21 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPMBDA    Lpar 22 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPMCAP    Lpar 22 capped flag                      STRING
       LPMCHG    Lpar 22 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPMCSF    Lpar 22 cstore                           COUNT
       LPMDED    Lpar 22 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPMDUR    Lpar 22 duration                         TIME
       LPMLAC    Lpar 22 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPMMGTT   Lpar 22 management time                  TIME
       LPMMSU    Lpar 22 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPMMSUH   Lpar 22 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPMMSU7   Lpar 22 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPMNAME   Lpar 22 name                             STRING
       LPMNRPR   Lpar 22 number of processors             COUNT
       LPMNSW    Lpar 22 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPMONT    Lpar 22 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPMSHAR   Lpar 22 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPMUEDT   Lpar 22 effective time                   TIME
       LPMUPDT   Lpar 22 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPMWAIT   Lpar 22 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPMWST    Lpar 22 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPNBDA    Lpar 23 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPNCAP    Lpar 23 capped flag                      STRING
       LPNCHG    Lpar 23 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPNCSF    Lpar 23 cstore                           COUNT
       LPNDED    Lpar 23 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPNDUR    Lpar 23 duration                         TIME
       LPNLAC    Lpar 23 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPNMGTT   Lpar 23 management time                  TIME
       LPNMSU    Lpar 23 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPNMSUH   Lpar 23 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPNMSU7   Lpar 23 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPNNAME   Lpar 23 name                             STRING
       LPNNRPR   Lpar 23 number of processors             COUNT
       LPNNSW    Lpar 23 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPNONT    Lpar 23 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPNSHAR   Lpar 23 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPNUEDT   Lpar 23 effective time                   TIME
       LPNUPDT   Lpar 23 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPNWAIT   Lpar 23 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPNWST    Lpar 23 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPOBDA    Lpar 24 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPOCAP    Lpar 24 capped flag                      STRING
       LPOCHG    Lpar 24 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPOCSF    Lpar 24 cstore                           COUNT
       LPODED    Lpar 24 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPODUR    Lpar 24 duration                         TIME
       LPOLAC    Lpar 24 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPOMGTT   Lpar 24 management time                  TIME
       LPOMSU    Lpar 24 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPOMSUH   Lpar 24 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPOMSU7   Lpar 24 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPONAME   Lpar 24 name                             STRING
       LPONRPR   Lpar 24 number of processors             COUNT
       LPONSW    Lpar 24 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPOONT    Lpar 24 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPOSHAR   Lpar 24 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPOUEDT   Lpar 24 effective time                   TIME
       LPOUPDT   Lpar 24 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPOWAIT   Lpar 24 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPOWST    Lpar 24 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPQBDA    Lpar 25 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPQCAP    Lpar 25 capped flag                      STRING
       LPQCHG    Lpar 25 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPQCSF    Lpar 25 cstore                           COUNT
       LPQDED    Lpar 25 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPQDUR    Lpar 25 duration                         TIME
       LPQLAC    Lpar 25 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPQMGTT   Lpar 25 management time                  TIME
       LPQMSU    Lpar 25 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPQMSUH   Lpar 25 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPQMSU7   Lpar 25 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPQNAME   Lpar 25 name                             STRING
       LPQNRPR   Lpar 25 number of processors             COUNT
       LPQNSW    Lpar 25 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPQONT    Lpar 25 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPQSHAR   Lpar 25 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPQUEDT   Lpar 25 effective time                   TIME
       LPQUPDT   Lpar 25 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPQWAIT   Lpar 25 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPQWST    Lpar 25 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPRBDA    Lpar 26 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPRCAP    Lpar 26 capped flag                      STRING
       LPRCHG    Lpar 26 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPRCSF    Lpar 26 cstore                           COUNT
       LPRDED    Lpar 26 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPRDUR    Lpar 26 duration                         TIME
       LPRLAC    Lpar 26 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPRMGTT   Lpar 26 management time                  TIME
       LPRMSU    Lpar 26 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPRMSUH   Lpar 26 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPRMSU7   Lpar 26 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPRNAME   Lpar 26 name                             STRING
       LPRNRPR   Lpar 26 number of processors             COUNT
       LPRNSW    Lpar 26 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPRONT    Lpar 26 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPRSHAR   Lpar 26 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPRUEDT   Lpar 26 effective time                   TIME
       LPRUPDT   Lpar 26 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPRWAIT   Lpar 26 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPRWST    Lpar 26 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPSBDA    Lpar 27 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPSCAP    Lpar 27 capped flag                      STRING
       LPSCHG    Lpar 27 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPSCSF    Lpar 27 cstore                           COUNT
       LPSDED    Lpar 27 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPSDUR    Lpar 27 duration                         TIME
       LPSLAC    Lpar 27 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPSMGTT   Lpar 27 management time                  TIME
       LPSMSU    Lpar 27 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPSMSUH   Lpar 27 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPSMSU7   Lpar 27 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPSNAME   Lpar 27 name                             STRING
       LPSNRPR   Lpar 27 number of processors             COUNT
       LPSNSW    Lpar 27 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPSONT    Lpar 27 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPSSHAR   Lpar 27 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPSUEDT   Lpar 27 effective time                   TIME
       LPSUPDT   Lpar 27 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPSWAIT   Lpar 27 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPSWST    Lpar 27 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPTBDA    Lpar 28 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPTCAP    Lpar 28 capped flag                      STRING
       LPTCHG    Lpar 28 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPTCSF    Lpar 28 cstore                           COUNT
       LPTDED    Lpar 28 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPTDUR    Lpar 28 duration                         TIME
       LPTLAC    Lpar 28 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPTMGTT   Lpar 28 management time                  TIME
       LPTMSU    Lpar 28 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPTMSUH   Lpar 28 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPTMSU7   Lpar 28 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPTNAME   Lpar 28 name                             STRING
       LPTNRPR   Lpar 28 number of processors             COUNT
       LPTNSW    Lpar 28 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPTONT    Lpar 28 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPTSHAR   Lpar 28 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPTUEDT   Lpar 28 effective time                   TIME
       LPTUPDT   Lpar 28 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPTWAIT   Lpar 28 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPTWST    Lpar 28 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPUBDA    Lpar 29 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPUCAP    Lpar 29 capped flag                      STRING
       LPUCHG    Lpar 29 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPUCSF    Lpar 29 cstore                           COUNT
       LPUDED    Lpar 29 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPUDUR    Lpar 29 duration                         TIME
       LPULAC    Lpar 29 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPUMGTT   Lpar 29 management time                  TIME
       LPUMSU    Lpar 29 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPUMSUH   Lpar 29 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPUMSU7   Lpar 29 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPUNAME   Lpar 29 name                             STRING
       LPUNRPR   Lpar 29 number of processors             COUNT
       LPUNSW    Lpar 29 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPUONT    Lpar 29 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPUSHAR   Lpar 29 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPUUEDT   Lpar 29 effective time                   TIME
       LPUUPDT   Lpar 29 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPUWAIT   Lpar 29 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPUWST    Lpar 29 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPVBDA    Lpar 30 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPVCAP    Lpar 30 capped flag                      STRING
       LPVCHG    Lpar 30 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPVCSF    Lpar 30 cstore                           COUNT
       LPVDED    Lpar 30 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPVDUR    Lpar 30 duration                         TIME
       LPVLAC    Lpar 30 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPVMGTT   Lpar 30 management time                  TIME
       LPVMSU    Lpar 30 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPVMSUH   Lpar 30 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPVMSU7   Lpar 30 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPVNAME   Lpar 30 name                             STRING
       LPVNRPR   Lpar 30 number of processors             COUNT
       LPVNSW    Lpar 30 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPVONT    Lpar 30 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPVSHAR   Lpar 30 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPVUEDT   Lpar 30 effective time                   TIME
       LPVUPDT   Lpar 30 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPVWAIT   Lpar 30 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPVWST    Lpar 30 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPWBDA    Lpar 31 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPWCAP    Lpar 31 capped flag                      STRING
       LPWCHG    Lpar 31 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPWCSF    Lpar 31 cstore                           COUNT
       LPWDED    Lpar 31 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPWDUR    Lpar 31 duration                         TIME
       LPWLAC    Lpar 31 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPWMGTT   Lpar 31 management time                  TIME
       LPWMSU    Lpar 31 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPWMSUH   Lpar 31 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPWMSU7   Lpar 31 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPWNAME   Lpar 31 name                             STRING
       LPWNRPR   Lpar 31 number of processors             COUNT
       LPWNSW    Lpar 31 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPWONT    Lpar 31 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPWSHAR   Lpar 31 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPWUEDT   Lpar 31 effective time                   TIME
       LPWUPDT   Lpar 31 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPWWAIT   Lpar 31 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPWWST    Lpar 31 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPXBDA    Lpar 32 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPXCAP    Lpar 32 capped flag                      STRING
       LPXCHG    Lpar 32 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPXCSF    Lpar 32 cstore                           COUNT
       LPXDED    Lpar 32 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPXDUR    Lpar 32 duration                         TIME
       LPXLAC    Lpar 32 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPXMGTT   Lpar 32 management time                  TIME
       LPXMSU    Lpar 32 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPXMSUH   Lpar 32 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPXMSU7   Lpar 32 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPXNAME   Lpar 32 name                             STRING
       LPXNRPR   Lpar 32 number of processors             COUNT
       LPXNSW    Lpar 32 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPXONT    Lpar 32 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPXSHAR   Lpar 32 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPXUEDT   Lpar 32 effective time                   TIME
       LPXUPDT   Lpar 32 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPXWAIT   Lpar 32 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPXWST    Lpar 32 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LP0CSF    Lpar  0 cstore                           COUNT
       LP0NSW    Lpar  0 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP1CSF    Lpar  1 cstore                           COUNT
       LP1NSW    Lpar  1 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP2CSF    Lpar  2 cstore                           COUNT
       LP2NSW    Lpar  2 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP3CSF    Lpar  3 cstore                           COUNT
       LP3NSW    Lpar  3 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP4CSF    Lpar  4 cstore                           COUNT
       LP4NSW    Lpar  4 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP5CSF    Lpar  5 cstore                           COUNT
       LP5NSW    Lpar  5 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP6CSF    Lpar  6 cstore                           COUNT
       LP6NSW    Lpar  6 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP7CSF    Lpar  7 cstore                           COUNT
       LP7NSW    Lpar  7 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP8CSF    Lpar  8 cstore                           COUNT
       LP8NSW    Lpar  8 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP9CSF    Lpar  9 cstore                           COUNT
       LP9NSW    Lpar  9 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       PCTLHBY   Lpar 17 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLHOV   Lpar 17 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLIBY   Lpar 18 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLIOV   Lpar 18 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLJBY   Lpar 19 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLJOV   Lpar 19 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLKBY   Lpar 20 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLKOV   Lpar 20 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLLBY   Lpar 21 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLLOV   Lpar 21 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLMBY   Lpar 22 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLMOV   Lpar 22 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLNBY   Lpar 23 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLNOV   Lpar 23 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLOBY   Lpar 24 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLOOV   Lpar 24 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLQBY   Lpar 25 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLQOV   Lpar 25 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLRBY   Lpar 26 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLROV   Lpar 26 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLSBY   Lpar 27 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLSOV   Lpar 27 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLTBY   Lpar 28 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLTOV   Lpar 28 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLUBY   Lpar 29 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLUOV   Lpar 29 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLVBY   Lpar 30 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLVOV   Lpar 30 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLWBY   Lpar 31 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLWOV   Lpar 31 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLXBY   Lpar 32 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLXOV   Lpar 32 percent overhead                 PERCENT100

 41) The following 6 variables have been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSNAME    Data set name                            STRING
       TMNTACT   Mntflg: 80 04 02 01                      HEXFLAGS
       TMNTDEV   Device number as character               STRING
       TMNTEDU   Event duration                           TIME
       TMNTFLA   Mntflg: 80 04 02 01                      HEXFLAGS
       TMNTRCN   Relative concatenation number            COUNT

 42) The following 420 variables have been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCFNAM   Cpc table full name                      STRING
       CPUTYPE   Cpu model number                         HEXFLAGS
       LPACSF    Lpar 10 cstore                           COUNT
       LPANSW    Lpar 10 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPBCSF    Lpar 11 cstore                           COUNT
       LPBNSW    Lpar 11 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPCCSF    Lpar 12 cstore                           COUNT
       LPCNSW    Lpar 12 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPCTHBY   Lpar 17 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTHOV   Lpar 17 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTIBY   Lpar 18 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTIOV   Lpar 18 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTJBY   Lpar 19 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTJOV   Lpar 19 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTKBY   Lpar 20 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTKOV   Lpar 20 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTLBY   Lpar 21 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTLOV   Lpar 21 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTMBY   Lpar 22 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTMOV   Lpar 22 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTNBY   Lpar 23 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTNOV   Lpar 23 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTOBY   Lpar 24 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTOOV   Lpar 24 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTQBY   Lpar 25 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTQOV   Lpar 25 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTRBY   Lpar 26 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTROV   Lpar 26 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTSBY   Lpar 27 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTSOV   Lpar 27 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTTBY   Lpar 28 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTTOV   Lpar 28 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTUBY   Lpar 29 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTUOV   Lpar 29 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTVBY   Lpar 30 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTVOV   Lpar 30 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTWBY   Lpar 31 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTWOV   Lpar 31 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTXBY   Lpar 32 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTXOV   Lpar 32 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPDCSF    Lpar 13 cstore                           COUNT
       LPDNSW    Lpar 13 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPECSF    Lpar 14 cstore                           COUNT
       LPENSW    Lpar 14 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPFCSF    Lpar 15 cstore                           COUNT
       LPFNSW    Lpar 15 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPGCSF    Lpar 17 cstore                           COUNT
       LPGNSW    Lpar 16 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPHBDA    Lpar 17 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPHCAP    Lpar 17 capped flag                      STRING
       LPHCHG    Lpar 17 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPHCSF    Lpar 17 cstore                           COUNT
       LPHDED    Lpar 17 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPHDUR    Lpar 17 duration                         TIME
       LPHLAC    Lpar 17 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPHMGTT   Lpar 17 management time                  TIME
       LPHMSU    Lpar 17 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPHMSUH   Lpar 17 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPHMSU7   Lpar 17 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPHNAME   Lpar 17 name                             STRING
       LPHNRPR   Lpar 17 number of processors             COUNT
       LPHNSW    Lpar 17 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPHONT    Lpar 17 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPHSHAR   Lpar 17 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPHUEDT   Lpar 17 effective time                   TIME
       LPHUPDT   Lpar 17 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPHWAIT   Lpar 17 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPHWST    Lpar 17 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPIBDA    Lpar 18 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPICAP    Lpar 18 capped flag                      STRING
       LPICHG    Lpar 18 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPICSF    Lpar 18 cstore                           COUNT
       LPIDED    Lpar 18 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPIDUR    Lpar 18 duration                         TIME
       LPILAC    Lpar 18 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPIMGTT   Lpar 18 management time                  TIME
       LPIMSU    Lpar 18 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPIMSUH   Lpar 18 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPIMSU7   Lpar 18 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPINAME   Lpar 18 name                             STRING
       LPINRPR   Lpar 18 number of processors             COUNT
       LPINSW    Lpar 18 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPIONT    Lpar 18 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPISHAR   Lpar 18 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPIUEDT   Lpar 18 effective time                   TIME
       LPIUPDT   Lpar 18 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPIWAIT   Lpar 18 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPIWST    Lpar 18 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPJBDA    Lpar 19 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPJCAP    Lpar 19 capped flag                      STRING
       LPJCHG    Lpar 19 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPJCSF    Lpar 19 cstore                           COUNT
       LPJDED    Lpar 19 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPJDUR    Lpar 19 duration                         TIME
       LPJLAC    Lpar 19 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPJMGTT   Lpar 19 management time                  TIME
       LPJMSU    Lpar 19 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPJMSUH   Lpar 19 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPJMSU7   Lpar 19 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPJNAME   Lpar 19 name                             STRING
       LPJNRPR   Lpar 19 number of processors             COUNT
       LPJNSW    Lpar 19 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPJONT    Lpar 19 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPJSHAR   Lpar 19 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPJUEDT   Lpar 19 effective time                   TIME
       LPJUPDT   Lpar 19 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPJWAIT   Lpar 19 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPJWST    Lpar 19 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPKBDA    Lpar 20 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPKCAP    Lpar 20 capped flag                      STRING
       LPKCHG    Lpar 20 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPKCSF    Lpar 20 cstore                           COUNT
       LPKDED    Lpar 20 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPKDUR    Lpar 20 duration                         TIME
       LPKLAC    Lpar 20 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPKMGTT   Lpar 20 management time                  TIME
       LPKMSU    Lpar 20 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPKMSUH   Lpar 20 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPKMSU7   Lpar 20 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPKNAME   Lpar 20 name                             STRING
       LPKNRPR   Lpar 20 number of processors             COUNT
       LPKNSW    Lpar 20 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPKONT    Lpar 20 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPKSHAR   Lpar 20 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPKUEDT   Lpar 20 effective time                   TIME
       LPKUPDT   Lpar 20 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPKWAIT   Lpar 20 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPKWST    Lpar 20 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPLBDA    Lpar 21 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPLCAP    Lpar 21 capped flag                      STRING
       LPLCHG    Lpar 21 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPLCSF    Lpar 21 cstore                           COUNT
       LPLDED    Lpar 21 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPLDUR    Lpar 21 duration                         TIME
       LPLLAC    Lpar 21 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPLMGTT   Lpar 21 management time                  TIME
       LPLMSU    Lpar 21 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPLMSUH   Lpar 21 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPLMSU7   Lpar 21 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPLNAME   Lpar 21 name                             STRING
       LPLNRPR   Lpar 21 number of processors             COUNT
       LPLNSW    Lpar 21 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPLONT    Lpar 21 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPLSHAR   Lpar 21 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPLUEDT   Lpar 21 effective time                   TIME
       LPLUPDT   Lpar 21 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPLWAIT   Lpar 21 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPLWST    Lpar 21 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPMBDA    Lpar 22 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPMCAP    Lpar 22 capped flag                      STRING
       LPMCHG    Lpar 22 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPMCSF    Lpar 22 cstore                           COUNT
       LPMDED    Lpar 22 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPMDUR    Lpar 22 duration                         TIME
       LPMLAC    Lpar 22 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPMMGTT   Lpar 22 management time                  TIME
       LPMMSU    Lpar 22 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPMMSUH   Lpar 22 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPMMSU7   Lpar 22 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPMNAME   Lpar 22 name                             STRING
       LPMNRPR   Lpar 22 number of processors             COUNT
       LPMNSW    Lpar 22 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPMONT    Lpar 22 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPMSHAR   Lpar 22 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPMUEDT   Lpar 22 effective time                   TIME
       LPMUPDT   Lpar 22 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPMWAIT   Lpar 22 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPMWST    Lpar 22 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPNBDA    Lpar 23 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPNCAP    Lpar 23 capped flag                      STRING
       LPNCHG    Lpar 23 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPNCSF    Lpar 23 cstore                           COUNT
       LPNDED    Lpar 23 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPNDUR    Lpar 23 duration                         TIME
       LPNLAC    Lpar 23 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPNMGTT   Lpar 23 management time                  TIME
       LPNMSU    Lpar 23 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPNMSUH   Lpar 23 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPNMSU7   Lpar 23 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPNNAME   Lpar 23 name                             STRING
       LPNNRPR   Lpar 23 number of processors             COUNT
       LPNNSW    Lpar 23 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPNONT    Lpar 23 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPNSHAR   Lpar 23 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPNUEDT   Lpar 23 effective time                   TIME
       LPNUPDT   Lpar 23 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPNWAIT   Lpar 23 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPNWST    Lpar 23 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPOBDA    Lpar 24 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPOCAP    Lpar 24 capped flag                      STRING
       LPOCHG    Lpar 24 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPOCSF    Lpar 24 cstore                           COUNT
       LPODED    Lpar 24 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPODUR    Lpar 24 duration                         TIME
       LPOLAC    Lpar 24 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPOMGTT   Lpar 24 management time                  TIME
       LPOMSU    Lpar 24 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPOMSUH   Lpar 24 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPOMSU7   Lpar 24 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPONAME   Lpar 24 name                             STRING
       LPONRPR   Lpar 24 number of processors             COUNT
       LPONSW    Lpar 24 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPOONT    Lpar 24 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPOSHAR   Lpar 24 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPOUEDT   Lpar 24 effective time                   TIME
       LPOUPDT   Lpar 24 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPOWAIT   Lpar 24 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPOWST    Lpar 24 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPQBDA    Lpar 25 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPQCAP    Lpar 25 capped flag                      STRING
       LPQCHG    Lpar 25 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPQCSF    Lpar 25 cstore                           COUNT
       LPQDED    Lpar 25 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPQDUR    Lpar 25 duration                         TIME
       LPQLAC    Lpar 25 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPQMGTT   Lpar 25 management time                  TIME
       LPQMSU    Lpar 25 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPQMSUH   Lpar 25 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPQMSU7   Lpar 25 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPQNAME   Lpar 25 name                             STRING
       LPQNRPR   Lpar 25 number of processors             COUNT
       LPQNSW    Lpar 25 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPQONT    Lpar 25 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPQSHAR   Lpar 25 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPQUEDT   Lpar 25 effective time                   TIME
       LPQUPDT   Lpar 25 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPQWAIT   Lpar 25 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPQWST    Lpar 25 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPRBDA    Lpar 26 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPRCAP    Lpar 26 capped flag                      STRING
       LPRCHG    Lpar 26 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPRCSF    Lpar 26 cstore                           COUNT
       LPRDED    Lpar 26 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPRDUR    Lpar 26 duration                         TIME
       LPRLAC    Lpar 26 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPRMGTT   Lpar 26 management time                  TIME
       LPRMSU    Lpar 26 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPRMSUH   Lpar 26 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPRMSU7   Lpar 26 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPRNAME   Lpar 26 name                             STRING
       LPRNRPR   Lpar 26 number of processors             COUNT
       LPRNSW    Lpar 26 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPRONT    Lpar 26 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPRSHAR   Lpar 26 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPRUEDT   Lpar 26 effective time                   TIME
       LPRUPDT   Lpar 26 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPRWAIT   Lpar 26 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPRWST    Lpar 26 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPSBDA    Lpar 27 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPSCAP    Lpar 27 capped flag                      STRING
       LPSCHG    Lpar 27 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPSCSF    Lpar 27 cstore                           COUNT
       LPSDED    Lpar 27 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPSDUR    Lpar 27 duration                         TIME
       LPSLAC    Lpar 27 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPSMGTT   Lpar 27 management time                  TIME
       LPSMSU    Lpar 27 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPSMSUH   Lpar 27 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPSMSU7   Lpar 27 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPSNAME   Lpar 27 name                             STRING
       LPSNRPR   Lpar 27 number of processors             COUNT
       LPSNSW    Lpar 27 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPSONT    Lpar 27 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPSSHAR   Lpar 27 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPSUEDT   Lpar 27 effective time                   TIME
       LPSUPDT   Lpar 27 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPSWAIT   Lpar 27 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPSWST    Lpar 27 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPTBDA    Lpar 28 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPTCAP    Lpar 28 capped flag                      STRING
       LPTCHG    Lpar 28 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPTCSF    Lpar 28 cstore                           COUNT
       LPTDED    Lpar 28 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPTDUR    Lpar 28 duration                         TIME
       LPTLAC    Lpar 28 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPTMGTT   Lpar 28 management time                  TIME
       LPTMSU    Lpar 28 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPTMSUH   Lpar 28 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPTMSU7   Lpar 28 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPTNAME   Lpar 28 name                             STRING
       LPTNRPR   Lpar 28 number of processors             COUNT
       LPTNSW    Lpar 28 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPTONT    Lpar 28 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPTSHAR   Lpar 28 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPTUEDT   Lpar 28 effective time                   TIME
       LPTUPDT   Lpar 28 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPTWAIT   Lpar 28 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPTWST    Lpar 28 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPUBDA    Lpar 29 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPUCAP    Lpar 29 capped flag                      STRING
       LPUCHG    Lpar 29 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPUCSF    Lpar 29 cstore                           COUNT
       LPUDED    Lpar 29 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPUDUR    Lpar 29 duration                         TIME
       LPULAC    Lpar 29 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPUMGTT   Lpar 29 management time                  TIME
       LPUMSU    Lpar 29 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPUMSUH   Lpar 29 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPUMSU7   Lpar 29 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPUNAME   Lpar 29 name                             STRING
       LPUNRPR   Lpar 29 number of processors             COUNT
       LPUNSW    Lpar 29 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPUONT    Lpar 29 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPUSHAR   Lpar 29 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPUUEDT   Lpar 29 effective time                   TIME
       LPUUPDT   Lpar 29 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPUWAIT   Lpar 29 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPUWST    Lpar 29 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPVBDA    Lpar 30 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPVCAP    Lpar 30 capped flag                      STRING
       LPVCHG    Lpar 30 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPVCSF    Lpar 30 cstore                           COUNT
       LPVDED    Lpar 30 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPVDUR    Lpar 30 duration                         TIME
       LPVLAC    Lpar 30 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPVMGTT   Lpar 30 management time                  TIME
       LPVMSU    Lpar 30 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPVMSUH   Lpar 30 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPVMSU7   Lpar 30 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPVNAME   Lpar 30 name                             STRING
       LPVNRPR   Lpar 30 number of processors             COUNT
       LPVNSW    Lpar 30 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPVONT    Lpar 30 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPVSHAR   Lpar 30 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPVUEDT   Lpar 30 effective time                   TIME
       LPVUPDT   Lpar 30 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPVWAIT   Lpar 30 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPVWST    Lpar 30 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPWBDA    Lpar 31 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPWCAP    Lpar 31 capped flag                      STRING
       LPWCHG    Lpar 31 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPWCSF    Lpar 31 cstore                           COUNT
       LPWDED    Lpar 31 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPWDUR    Lpar 31 duration                         TIME
       LPWLAC    Lpar 31 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPWMGTT   Lpar 31 management time                  TIME
       LPWMSU    Lpar 31 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPWMSUH   Lpar 31 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPWMSU7   Lpar 31 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPWNAME   Lpar 31 name                             STRING
       LPWNRPR   Lpar 31 number of processors             COUNT
       LPWNSW    Lpar 31 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPWONT    Lpar 31 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPWSHAR   Lpar 31 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPWUEDT   Lpar 31 effective time                   TIME
       LPWUPDT   Lpar 31 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPWWAIT   Lpar 31 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPWWST    Lpar 31 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPXBDA    Lpar 32 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPXCAP    Lpar 32 capped flag                      STRING
       LPXCHG    Lpar 32 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPXCSF    Lpar 32 cstore                           COUNT
       LPXDED    Lpar 32 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPXDUR    Lpar 32 duration                         TIME
       LPXLAC    Lpar 32 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPXMGTT   Lpar 32 management time                  TIME
       LPXMSU    Lpar 32 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPXMSUH   Lpar 32 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPXMSU7   Lpar 32 msu defined capacity smf70msu    COUNT
       LPXNAME   Lpar 32 name                             STRING
       LPXNRPR   Lpar 32 number of processors             COUNT
       LPXNSW    Lpar 32 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPXONT    Lpar 32 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPXSHAR   Lpar 32 share weight pct                 PERCENT100
       LPXUEDT   Lpar 32 effective time                   TIME
       LPXUPDT   Lpar 32 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPXWAIT   Lpar 32 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPXWST    Lpar 32 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LP0CSF    Lpar  0 cstore                           COUNT
       LP0NSW    Lpar  0 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP1CSF    Lpar  1 cstore                           COUNT
       LP1NSW    Lpar  1 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP2CSF    Lpar  2 cstore                           COUNT
       LP2NSW    Lpar  2 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP3CSF    Lpar  3 cstore                           COUNT
       LP3NSW    Lpar  3 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP4CSF    Lpar  4 cstore                           COUNT
       LP4NSW    Lpar  4 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP5CSF    Lpar  5 cstore                           COUNT
       LP5NSW    Lpar  5 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP6CSF    Lpar  6 cstore                           COUNT
       LP6NSW    Lpar  6 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP7CSF    Lpar  7 cstore                           COUNT
       LP7NSW    Lpar  7 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP8CSF    Lpar  8 cstore                           COUNT
       LP8NSW    Lpar  8 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LP9CSF    Lpar  9 cstore                           COUNT
       LP9NSW    Lpar  9 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       PCTLHBY   Lpar 17 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLHOV   Lpar 17 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLIBY   Lpar 18 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLIOV   Lpar 18 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLJBY   Lpar 19 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLJOV   Lpar 19 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLKBY   Lpar 20 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLKOV   Lpar 20 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLLBY   Lpar 21 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLLOV   Lpar 21 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLMBY   Lpar 22 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLMOV   Lpar 22 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLNBY   Lpar 23 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLNOV   Lpar 23 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLOBY   Lpar 24 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLOOV   Lpar 24 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLQBY   Lpar 25 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLQOV   Lpar 25 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLRBY   Lpar 26 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLROV   Lpar 26 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLSBY   Lpar 27 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLSOV   Lpar 27 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLTBY   Lpar 28 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLTOV   Lpar 28 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLUBY   Lpar 29 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLUOV   Lpar 29 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLVBY   Lpar 30 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLVOV   Lpar 30 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLWBY   Lpar 31 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLWOV   Lpar 31 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLXBY   Lpar 32 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLXOV   Lpar 32 percent overhead                 PERCENT100

 43) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIAUTO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A04CIDA   Average current idle time                TIME
       A04TIDA   Averate total idle time                  TIME

 44) The following 13 variables have been added to table XCICINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSEACT    Jm tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSEPERC   Jm tcb 14 cpu percent busy               PERCENT100
       DSESYSW   Jm tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSETCT    Jm tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSETDT    Jm tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSETWT    J9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSFACT    J9 tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSFPERC   J9 tcb 15 cpu percent busy               PERCENT100
       DSFSYSW   J9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSFTCT    J9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSFTDT    J9 tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSFTWT    J9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       XXXCPUT                                            COUNT

 45) The following variable has been added to table XCICS4D:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S4RP7CT   Structure temporarily unavailable        COUNT

 46) The following 55 variables have been added to table XCIDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSATCAF   L8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSBTCAF   S8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSCTCAF   H8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSDTCAF   D2 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSEACT    Jm tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSENTCB   Jm tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSESYSW   Jm tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSETCAF   Jm tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSETCAL   Jm tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSETCCA   Jm tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSETCCU   Jm tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSETCDO   Jm tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSETCDS   Jm tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSETCDU   Jm tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSETCDX   Jm tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSETCMD   Jm tcb mode                              STRING
       DSETCMM   Jm tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSETCMP   Jm tcb pool number                       COUNT
       DSETCNM   Jm tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSETCPA   Jm tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSETCPU   Jm tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSETCST   Jm tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSETCT    Jm tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSETDT    Jm tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSETWT    J9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSFACT    J9 tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSFNTCB   J9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSFSYSW   J9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSFTCAF   J9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSFTCAL   J9 tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSFTCCA   J9 tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSFTCCU   J9 tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSFTCDO   J9 tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSFTCDS   J9 tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSFTCDU   J9 tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSFTCDX   J9 tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSFTCMD   J9 tcb mode                              STRING
       DSFTCMM   J9 tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSFTCMP   J9 tcb pool number                       COUNT
       DSFTCNM   J9 tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSFTCPA   J9 tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSFTCPU   J9 tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSFTCST   J9 tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSFTCT    J9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSFTDT    J9 tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSFTWT    J9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSTCBAF   Qr tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DS2TCAF   Ro tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DS3TCAF   Co tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DS4TCAF   Sz tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DS5TCAF   Rp tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DS6TCAF   Fo tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DS7TCAF   Sl tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DS8TCAF   So tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DS9TCAF   J8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT

 47) The following variable has been added to table XCIFS6D:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S6RP9CT   Structure temporarily unavail rebuild    COUNT

 48) The following 8 variables have been added to table XCIM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MNGRR     Resource records                         COUNT
       MNGRRS    Resource records supp. by exit           COUNT
       MNGWLMM   Workload management mode                 COUNT
       MNGWLMR   Wlm report class name                    STRING
       MNGWLMS   Wlm service class name                   STRING
       MNGWLMW   Wlm owning workload name                 STRING
       MNGWL01   Wlm resource group name                  STRING
       MNGWL02   Wlm addr space server status             COUNT

 49) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIMDSA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMSWAIC   Number of requests causing waits         COUNT
       SMSWAIT   Total time waiting for mvs storage       TIME

 50) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       A16TS01   changed from  _NONE_    to  MGBYTES.

 51) The following 3 variables have been added to table XCITPSJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SJCUWCJ   Jvm current worker cache jvms            GAUGE
       SJMXWCJ   Jvm peak worker cache jvms               MAXIMUM
       SJRQWCJ   Jvm requests class cache                 COUNT

 52) The following 28 variables have been added to table XCITRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CBSRVRN   Corba server name                        STRING
       DSMMSCC   Mvs storage no tcb wait count            COUNT
       DSMMSCT   Mvs storage no tcb wait time             TIME
       DSTCBHW   Open tcb high water mark                 COUNT
       DSTCBMC   Tcb mismatch elapsed wait count          COUNT
       DSTCBMT   Tcb mismatch elapsed wait time           TIME
       EJBCREC   Ejb bean creation calls                  COUNT
       EJBMTHC   Ejb bean method calls executed           COUNT
       EJBREMC   Ejb bean removal calls                   COUNT
       EJBSACC   Ejb bean activations                     COUNT
       EJBSPAC   Ejb bean passivations                    COUNT
       EJBTOTC   Ejb total requests                       COUNT
       J9CPUTC   User task j9 mode cpu tcb count          COUNT
       J9CPUTT   User task j9 mode cpu tcb time           TIME
       KY9CPUC   User-task key 9 tcb cpu count            COUNT
       KY9CPUT   User-task key 9 tcb cpu time             TIME
       KY9DISC   User-task key 9 tcb dispatch count       COUNT
       KY9DIST   User-task key 9 tcb dispatch time        TIME
       MQGETWC   Mqgetwcn count                           COUNT
       MQGETWT   Mqgetwtm duration                        COUNT
       MQONTCB   Mqontcbu count                           COUNT
       MQREQS    Mqreqs count                             COUNT
       MQREQUS   Mqrequs count                            COUNT
       MQWTCBU   Mqwtcbus count                           COUNT
       WTICICN   Interval control delay count             COUNT
       WTICITM   Interval control delay duration          TIME
       WTWCICN   Wait cics/event wait delay count         COUNT
       WTWCITM   Wait cics/event wait delay duration      TIME

 53) The following variable has been added to table XCIXQ1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S1RP9CT   Structure temp unavail eg rebuild        COUNT

 54) The following variable has been added to table XCM27C9:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CM27MDL                                            STRING

 55) The following variable has been added to table XCOTROL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYSTEM    System id                                STRING

 56) The following 14 variables have been added to table XDBACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBGAP1    P-lock lock reqs for space map pages     COUNT
       QBGAP2    P-lock lock reqs for data pages          COUNT
       QBGAP3    P-lock lock reqs for index leaf pages    COUNT
       QBGAS1    P-lock lock suspnd for space map pages   COUNT
       QBGAS2    P-lock lock suspnd for data pages        COUNT
       QBGAS3    P-lock lock suspnd for index leaf pages  COUNT
       QBGAU1    P-lock lock requests                     COUNT
       QBGAWS    Write and register war requests          COUNT
       QLCOFF1   Offset to rest of truncated qlaclocn     COUNT
       QXALTSE   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXALTVW   Alter views                              COUNT
       QXCRESE   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXDROSE   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXPRRES   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT

 57) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       Q3STHIW                                            COUNT
       Q3STHWC   Cthread thread highwater mark            COUNT
       Q3STHWI   Idback thread highwater mark             COUNT
       Q3STH01   Idfore thread highwater mark             COUNT

 58) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDBSTA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBSTLPL   Times when pages added to lpl            COUNT
       QTGSFLM   False contentions encountered            COUNT

     The following 341 variables have been deleted from table XDBSTA1:

       B1HITRA   Bp 1 hit ratio                           PERCENT
       B2HITRA   Bp 2 hit ratio                           PERCENT
       B3HITRA   Bp 3 hit ratio                           PERCENT
       B4HITRA   Bp 4 hit ratio                           PERCENT
       QATPFDC   4th times prefetch disabled concurrent   COUNT
       QBGLAC    Cf writes under db2 for clean pages      COUNT
       QBGLAD    Cf reads prefetch data returned          COUNT
       QBGLAN    Cf reads prefetch no data suppress       COUNT
       QBGLAR    Cf reads prefetch no data no suppress    COUNT
       QBGLAW    Cf writes under db2 for changed pages    COUNT
       QBGLAX    Rpl requests done by prefetch            COUNT
       QBGLAY    Gbp-reads prefetch changed page          COUNT
       QBGLAZ    Gbp-reads prefetch clean page            COUNT
       QBGLCC    Ixlcache read castout class requests     COUNT
       QBGLCK    Gbp ckpoints triggered by this member    COUNT
       QBGLCN    Times when castout engine not available  COUNT
       QBGLCS    Ixlcache read castout stats requests     COUNT
       QBGLCT    Castout class threshold                  COUNT
       QBGLDG    Unregister page requests                 COUNT
       QBGLDN    Ixlcache delete name requests            COUNT
       QBGLEX    Cf explicit cross invalidates            COUNT
       QBGLGG    Getpages for gbp dep pages               COUNT
       QBGLGT    Castout gbp threshold                    COUNT
       QBGLHS    Async for primary gbp                    COUNT
       QBGLMD    Cf reads buff miss data returned         COUNT
       QBGLMN    Cf reads buff miss no data suppress      COUNT
       QBGLMR    Cf reads buff miss no data no supp       COUNT
       QBGLN1    P-loc lock negotiate space map pages     COUNT
       QBGLN2    P-loc lock negotiate data pages          COUNT
       QBGLN3    P-loc lock negotiate index leaf pages    COUNT
       QBGLOS    Other cf requests not counted            COUNT
       QBGLP1    P-loc lock req space map pages           COUNT
       QBGLP2    P-loc lock req data pages                COUNT
       QBGLP3    P-loc lock req index leaf pages          COUNT
       QBGLRB    Gbp rebuilds participated by member      COUNT
       QBGLRC    Pages castout                            COUNT
       QBGLRD    Ixlcache read dirinfo requests           COUNT
       QBGLRF    Cf reads failed due lack cf storage      COUNT
       QBGLRG    Register page requests                   COUNT
       QBGLSU    Times when cf write engine not avail     COUNT
       QBGLSW    Cf writes under user for changed pages   COUNT
       QBGLS1    P-loc lock suspend space map pages       COUNT
       QBGLS2    P-loc lock suspend data pages            COUNT
       QBGLS3    P-loc lock suspend index leaf pages      COUNT
       QBGLUN    Ixlcache unlock castout requests         COUNT
       QBGLU1    P-loc unlock requests                    COUNT
       QBGLWC    Cf writes under user for clean pages     COUNT
       QBGLWF    Cf writes failed due lack cf storage     COUNT
       QBGLXD    Cf reads xi-ed data returned             COUNT
       QBGLXN    Cf reads xi-ed no data suppress          COUNT
       QBGLXR    Cf reads xi-ed no data no suppress       COUNT
       QBGL2D    Delete name list requests                COUNT
       QBGL2F    Changed page writes failed storage       COUNT
       QBGL2H    Async for secondary gbp                  COUNT
       QBGL2N    Delete name requests                     COUNT
       QBGL2R    Read castout stats requests              COUNT
       QBGL2S    Completion checks suspended              COUNT
       QBGL2W    Changed page writes for duplexing        COUNT
       QBTPFDC   1st times prefetch disabled concurrent   COUNT
       QBTWBVQ   1st pages dequeued for destruct read     COUNT
       QBTWDRP   1st pages requested for destruct read    COUNT
       QBTWKPD   1st prefetch abort - zero prefetch qty   COUNT
       QBTWMAX   1st wk file not create insuf buffers     COUNT
       QB1TALX   1st qb1talx                              COUNT
       QB1TARA   1st pages read from hp to vp asynch admf COUNT
       QB1TARF   1st unsuccess hp to vp reads async admf  COUNT
       QB1TAWA   1st pages write from vp to hp async admf COUNT
       QB1TAWF   1st unsuccess vp to hp writes async admf COUNT
       QB1TBPX   1st successful buffer pool expansions    COUNT
       QB1TCBA   1st active buffers at interval end       COUNT
       QB1TDIO   1st dynamic prefetch async read i/o-s    COUNT
       QB1TDMC   1st data manager threshold reached       COUNT
       QB1TDPF   1st dynamic prefetchs requested          COUNT
       QB1TDPP   1st pages read due to dynamic prefetch   COUNT
       QB1TDSO   1st successful buffer pool opens         COUNT
       QB1TDWC   1st qb1tdwc                              COUNT
       QB1TDWT   1st deferred write threshold reached     COUNT
       QB1TDWV   1st times vert deferred write threshed   COUNT
       QB1TDWX   1st qb1tdwx                              COUNT
       QB1TGET   1st physical data base page requests     COUNT
       QB1THBE   1st hiperpool buffs curr backd by estore GAUGE
       QB1THPA   1st successful hpool exp/contractions    COUNT
       QB1THPL   1st buffers allocated for hiper pool     COUNT
       QB1THRA   1st pages read hp to vp asynch mvpg      COUNT
       QB1THRE   1st pages reads hp to vp synch mvpg      COUNT
       QB1THRF   1st unsuccessful hp to vp mvpg reads     COUNT
       QB1THWA   1st pages write from vp to hp async mvpg COUNT
       QB1THWF   1st unsuccessful vp to hp page writes    COUNT
       QB1THWR   1st pages write from vp to hp synch mvpg COUNT
       QB1TIMW   1st immediate writes for system page     COUNT
       QB1TJIS   1st prefetch i/o streams denied          COUNT
       QB1TLIO   1st list prefetch async read i/o         COUNT
       QB1TLPF   1st list prefetches requested            COUNT
       QB1TLPP   1st pages read due to list prefetch      COUNT
       QB1TMAX   1st bpool not support concurr workfiles  COUNT
       QB1TMIG   1st times migrated dsets encountered     COUNT
       QB1TNGT   1st unsuccessful getpage due to condit   COUNT
       QB1TPID   1st buffer pool id                       INT
       QB1TPIO   1st prefetch (async) read io-s           COUNT
       QB1TPL1   1st occur when prefetch norm to half     COUNT
       QB1TPL2   1st occur when prefetch half to qtr      COUNT
       QB1TPQF   1st i/o parallelism has been downgraded  COUNT
       QB1TPQO   1st negotiations between bm and rds      COUNT
       QB1TPWS   1st system pages written to dasd         COUNT
       QB1TPWU   1st unit of work pages written to dasd   COUNT
       QB1TREE   1st prefetch disabled no read engine     COUNT
       QB1TRIO   1st media manager read io-s              COUNT
       QB1TRPI   1st reads with frames                    COUNT
       QB1TRTO   1st recall timeouts                      COUNT
       QB1TSEQ   1st sequential prefetches requested      COUNT
       QB1TSGT   1st get page issued by sequential req    COUNT
       QB1TSIO   1st sync. read i/o operations performed  COUNT
       QB1TSPD   1st seq pre req disabled unavail buffer  COUNT
       QB1TSPP   1st reads sequential prefetch requests   COUNT
       QB1TSWS   1st data base system pages updated       COUNT
       QB1TSWU   1st unit of work pages updated           COUNT
       QB1TVPA   1st successful vpool exp/contractions    COUNT
       QB1TVPL   1st buffers allocated for virtual pool   COUNT
       QB1TWEE   1st write engine not avail for i/o       COUNT
       QB1TWFD   1st workfiles denied during sort         COUNT
       QB1TWFF   1st sort ineff (buffer shortage)         COUNT
       QB1TWFM   1st max workfiles alloc during sort      MAXIMUM
       QB1TWFR   1st requests to query for wrkf in sort   COUNT
       QB1TWFT   1st workfiles requested during sort      COUNT
       QB1TWIO   1st write i/os by media manager          COUNT
       QB1TWPI   1st write with frames                    COUNT
       QB1TXFL   1st expansion failures (at maxpages)     COUNT
       QB1TXFV   1st expansion failures (virtual)         COUNT
       QB1TXIS   1st highest prefetch i/o streams alloc   MAXIMUM
       QB2TALX   2nd qb2talx                              COUNT
       QB2TARA   2nd pages read from hp to vp asynch admf COUNT
       QB2TARF   2nd unsuccess hp to vp reads async admf  COUNT
       QB2TAWA   2nd pages write from vp to hp async admf COUNT
       QB2TAWF   2nd unsuccess vp to hp writes async admf COUNT
       QB2TBPX   2nd successful buffer pool expansions    COUNT
       QB2TCBA   2nd active buffers at interval end       COUNT
       QB2TDIO   2nd dynamic prefetch async read i/o-s    COUNT
       QB2TDMC   2nd data manager threshold reached       COUNT
       QB2TDPF   2nd dynamic prefetchs requested          COUNT
       QB2TDPP   2nd pages read due to dynamic prefetch   COUNT
       QB2TDSO   2nd successful buffer pool opens         COUNT
       QB2TDWC   2nd qb2tdwc                              COUNT
       QB2TDWT   2nd deferred write threshold reached     COUNT
       QB2TDWV   2nd times vert deferred write threshed   COUNT
       QB2TDWX   2nd qb2tdwx                              COUNT
       QB2TGET   2nd physical data base page requests     COUNT
       QB2THBE   2nd hiperpool buffs curr backd by estore GAUGE
       QB2THPA   2nd successful hpool exp/contractions    COUNT
       QB2THPL   2nd buffers allocated for hiper pool     COUNT
       QB2THRA   2nd pages read hp to vp asynch mvpg      COUNT
       QB2THRE   2nd pages reads hp to vp synch mvpg      COUNT
       QB2THRF   2nd unsuccessful hp to vp mvpg reads     COUNT
       QB2THWA   2nd pages write from vp to hp async mvpg COUNT
       QB2THWF   2nd unsuccessful vp to hp page writes    COUNT
       QB2THWR   2nd pages write from vp to hp synch mvpg COUNT
       QB2TIMW   2nd immediate writes for system page     COUNT
       QB2TJIS   2nd prefetch i/o streams denied          COUNT
       QB2TLIO   2nd list prefetch async read i/o         COUNT
       QB2TLPF   2nd list prefetches requested            COUNT
       QB2TLPP   2nd pages read due to list prefetch      COUNT
       QB2TMAX   2nd bpool not support concurr workfiles  COUNT
       QB2TMIG   2nd times migrated dsets encountered     COUNT
       QB2TNGT   2nd unsuccessful getpage due to condit   COUNT
       QB2TPID   2nd buffer pool id                       INT
       QB2TPIO   2nd prefetch (async) read io-s           COUNT
       QB2TPL1   2nd occur when prefetch norm to half     COUNT
       QB2TPL2   2nd occur when prefetch half to qtr      COUNT
       QB2TPQF   2nd i/o parallelism has been downgraded  COUNT
       QB2TPQO   2nd negotiations between bm and rds      COUNT
       QB2TPWS   2nd system pages written to dasd         COUNT
       QB2TPWU   2nd unit of work pages written to dasd   COUNT
       QB2TREE   2nd prefetch disabled no read engine     COUNT
       QB2TRIO   2nd media manager read io-s              COUNT
       QB2TRPI   2nd reads with frames                    COUNT
       QB2TRTO   2nd recall timeouts                      COUNT
       QB2TSEQ   2nd sequential prefetches requested      COUNT
       QB2TSGT   2nd get page issued by sequential req    COUNT
       QB2TSIO   2nd sync. read i/o operations performed  COUNT
       QB2TSPD   2nd seq pre req disabled unavail buffer  COUNT
       QB2TSPP   2nd reads sequential prefetch requests   COUNT
       QB2TSWS   2nd data base system pages updated       COUNT
       QB2TSWU   2nd unit of work pages updated           COUNT
       QB2TVPA   2nd successful vpool exp/contractions    COUNT
       QB2TVPL   2nd buffers allocated for virtual pool   COUNT
       QB2TWEE   2nd write engine not avail for i/o       COUNT
       QB2TWFD   2nd workfiles denied during sort         COUNT
       QB2TWFF   2nd sort ineff (buffer shortage)         COUNT
       QB2TWFM   2nd max workfiles alloc during sort      MAXIMUM
       QB2TWFR   2nd requests to query for wrkf in sort   COUNT
       QB2TWFT   2nd workfiles requested during sort      COUNT
       QB2TWIO   2nd write i/os by media manager          COUNT
       QB2TWPI   2nd write with frames                    COUNT
       QB2TXFL   2nd expansion failures (at maxpages)     COUNT
       QB2TXFV   2nd expansion failures (virtual)         COUNT
       QB2TXIS   2nd highest prefetch i/o streams alloc   MAXIMUM
       QB3TALX   3rd qb3talx                              COUNT
       QB3TARA   3rd pages read from hp to vp asynch admf COUNT
       QB3TARF   3rd unsuccess hp to vp reads async admf  COUNT
       QB3TAWA   3rd pages write from vp to hp async admf COUNT
       QB3TAWF   3rd unsuccess vp to hp writes async admf COUNT
       QB3TBPX   3rd successful buffer pool expansions    COUNT
       QB3TCBA   3rd active buffers at interval end       COUNT
       QB3TDIO   3rd dynamic prefetch async read i/o-s    COUNT
       QB3TDMC   3rd data manager threshold reached       COUNT
       QB3TDPF   3rd dynamic prefetchs requested          COUNT
       QB3TDPP   3rd pages read due to dynamic prefetch   COUNT
       QB3TDSO   3rd successful buffer pool opens         COUNT
       QB3TDWC   3rd qb3tdwc                              COUNT
       QB3TDWT   3rd deferred write threshold reached     COUNT
       QB3TDWV   3rd times vert deferred write threshed   COUNT
       QB3TDWX   3rd qb3tdwx                              COUNT
       QB3TGET   3rd physical data base page requests     COUNT
       QB3THBE   3rd hiperpool buffs curr backd by estore GAUGE
       QB3THPA   3rd successful hpool exp/contractions    COUNT
       QB3THPL   3rd buffers allocated for hiper pool     COUNT
       QB3THRA   3rd pages read hp to vp asynch mvpg      COUNT
       QB3THRE   3rd pages reads hp to vp synch mvpg      COUNT
       QB3THRF   3rd unsuccessful hp to vp mvpg reads     COUNT
       QB3THWA   3rd pages write from vp to hp async mvpg COUNT
       QB3THWF   3rd unsuccessful vp to hp page writes    COUNT
       QB3THWR   3rd pages write from vp to hp synch mvpg COUNT
       QB3TIMW   3rd immediate writes for system page     COUNT
       QB3TJIS   3rd prefetch i/o streams denied          COUNT
       QB3TLIO   3rd list prefetch async read i/o         COUNT
       QB3TLPF   3rd list prefetches requested            COUNT
       QB3TLPP   3rd pages read due to list prefetch      COUNT
       QB3TMAX   3rd bpool not support concurr workfiles  COUNT
       QB3TMIG   3rd times migrated dsets encountered     COUNT
       QB3TNGT   3rd unsuccessful getpage due to condit   COUNT
       QB3TPID   3rd buffer pool id                       INT
       QB3TPIO   3rd prefetch (async) read io-s           COUNT
       QB3TPL1   3rd occur when prefetch norm to half     COUNT
       QB3TPL2   3rd occur when prefetch half to qtr      COUNT
       QB3TPQF   3rd i/o parallelism has been downgraded  COUNT
       QB3TPQO   3rd negotiations between bm and rds      COUNT
       QB3TPWS   3rd system pages written to dasd         COUNT
       QB3TPWU   3rd unit of work pages written to dasd   COUNT
       QB3TREE   3rd prefetch disabled no read engine     COUNT
       QB3TRIO   3rd media manager read io-s              COUNT
       QB3TRPI   3rd reads with frames                    COUNT
       QB3TRTO   3rd recall timeouts                      COUNT
       QB3TSEQ   3rd sequential prefetches requested      COUNT
       QB3TSGT   3rd get page issued by sequential req    COUNT
       QB3TSIO   3rd sync. read i/o operations performed  COUNT
       QB3TSPD   3rd seq pre req disabled unavail buffer  COUNT
       QB3TSPP   3rd reads sequential prefetch requests   COUNT
       QB3TSWS   3rd data base system pages updated       COUNT
       QB3TSWU   3rd unit of work pages updated           COUNT
       QB3TVPA   3rd successful vpool exp/contractions    COUNT
       QB3TVPL   3rd buffers allocated for virtual pool   COUNT
       QB3TWEE   3rd write engine not avail for i/o       COUNT
       QB3TWFD   3rd workfiles denied during sort         COUNT
       QB3TWFF   3rd sort ineff (buffer shortage)         COUNT
       QB3TWFM   3rd max workfiles alloc during sort      MAXIMUM
       QB3TWFR   3rd requests to query for wrkf in sort   COUNT
       QB3TWFT   3rd workfiles requested during sort      COUNT
       QB3TWIO   3rd write i/os by media manager          COUNT
       QB3TWPI   3rd write with frames                    COUNT
       QB3TXFL   3rd expansion failures (at maxpages)     COUNT
       QB3TXFV   3rd expansion failures (virtual)         COUNT
       QB3TXIS   3rd highest prefetch i/o streams alloc   MAXIMUM
       QB4TALX   4th qb4talx                              COUNT
       QB4TARA   4th pages read from hp to vp asynch admf COUNT
       QB4TARF   4th unsuccess hp to vp reads async admf  COUNT
       QB4TAWA   4th pages write from vp to hp async admf COUNT
       QB4TAWF   4th unsuccess vp to hp writes async admf COUNT
       QB4TBPX   4th successful buffer pool expansions    COUNT
       QB4TCBA   4th active buffers at interval end       COUNT
       QB4TDIO   4th dynamic prefetch async read i/o-s    COUNT
       QB4TDMC   4th data manager threshold reached       COUNT
       QB4TDPF   4th dynamic prefetchs requested          COUNT
       QB4TDPP   4th pages read due to dynamic prefetch   COUNT
       QB4TDSO   4th successful buffer pool opens         COUNT
       QB4TDWC   4th qb4tdwc                              COUNT
       QB4TDWT   4th deferred write threshold reached     COUNT
       QB4TDWV   4th times vert deferred write threshed   COUNT
       QB4TDWX   4th qb4tdwx                              COUNT
       QB4TGET   4th physical data base page requests     COUNT
       QB4THBE   4th hiperpool buffs curr backd by estore GAUGE
       QB4THPA   4th successful hpool exp/contractions    COUNT
       QB4THPL   4th buffers allocated for hiper pool     COUNT
       QB4THRA   4th pages read hp to vp asynch mvpg      COUNT
       QB4THRE   4th pages reads hp to vp synch mvpg      COUNT
       QB4THRF   4th unsuccessful hp to vp mvpg reads     COUNT
       QB4THWA   4th pages write from vp to hp async mvpg COUNT
       QB4THWF   4th unsuccessful vp to hp page writes    COUNT
       QB4THWR   4th pages write from vp to hp synch mvpg COUNT
       QB4TIMW   4th immediate writes for system page     COUNT
       QB4TJIS   4th prefetch i/o streams denied          COUNT
       QB4TLIO   4th list prefetch async read i/o         COUNT
       QB4TLPF   4th list prefetches requested            COUNT
       QB4TLPP   4th pages read due to list prefetch      COUNT
       QB4TMAX   4th bpool not support concurr workfiles  COUNT
       QB4TMIG   4th times migrated dsets encountered     COUNT
       QB4TNGT   4th unsuccessful getpage due to condit   COUNT
       QB4TPID   4th buffer pool id                       INT
       QB4TPIO   4th prefetch (async) read io-s           COUNT
       QB4TPL1   4th occur when prefetch norm to half     COUNT
       QB4TPL2   4th occur when prefetch half to qtr      COUNT
       QB4TPQF   4th i/o parallelism has been downgraded  COUNT
       QB4TPQO   4th negotiations between bm and rds      COUNT
       QB4TPWS   4th system pages written to dasd         COUNT
       QB4TPWU   4th unit of work pages written to dasd   COUNT
       QB4TREE   4th prefetch disabled no read engine     COUNT
       QB4TRIO   4th media manager read io-s              COUNT
       QB4TRPI   4th reads with frames                    COUNT
       QB4TRTO   4th recall timeouts                      COUNT
       QB4TSEQ   4th sequential prefetches requested      COUNT
       QB4TSGT   4th get page issued by sequential req    COUNT
       QB4TSIO   4th sync. read i/o operations performed  COUNT
       QB4TSPD   4th seq pre req disabled unavail buffer  COUNT
       QB4TSPP   4th reads sequential prefetch requests   COUNT
       QB4TSWS   4th data base system pages updated       COUNT
       QB4TSWU   4th unit of work pages updated           COUNT
       QB4TVPA   4th successful vpool exp/contractions    COUNT
       QB4TVPL   4th buffers allocated for virtual pool   COUNT
       QB4TWEE   4th write engine not avail for i/o       COUNT
       QB4TWFD   4th workfiles denied during sort         COUNT
       QB4TWFF   4th sort ineff (buffer shortage)         COUNT
       QB4TWFM   4th max workfiles alloc during sort      MAXIMUM
       QB4TWFR   4th requests to query for wrkf in sort   COUNT
       QB4TWFT   4th workfiles requested during sort      COUNT
       QB4TWIO   4th write i/os by media manager          COUNT
       QB4TWPI   4th write with frames                    COUNT
       QB4TXFL   4th expansion failures (at maxpages)     COUNT
       QB4TXFV   4th expansion failures (virtual)         COUNT
       QB4TXIS   4th highest prefetch i/o streams alloc   MAXIMUM
       QCTWBVQ   4th pages dequeued for destruct read     COUNT
       QDTWDRP   4th pages requested for destruct read    COUNT
       QETWKPD   4th prefetch abort - zero prefetch qty   COUNT
       QFTWMAX   4th wk file not create insuf buffers     COUNT
       Q0TPFDC   2nd times prefetch disabled concurrent   COUNT
       Q1TWBVQ   2nd pages dequeued for destruct read     COUNT
       Q2TWDRP   2nd pages requested for destruct read    COUNT
       Q3TWKPD   2nd prefetch abort - zero prefetch qty   COUNT
       Q4TWMAX   2nd wk file not create insuf buffers     COUNT
       Q5TPFDC   3rd times prefetch disabled concurrent   COUNT
       Q6TWBVQ   3rd pages dequeued for destruct read     COUNT
       Q7TWDRP   3rd pages requested for destruct read    COUNT
       Q8TWKPD   3rd prefetch abort - zero prefetch qty   COUNT
       Q9TWMAX   3rd wk file not create insuf buffers     COUNT

 59) The following variable has been added to table XDBTATB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWSACE    Ace address                              INT

 60) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBSTLPL   Times when pages added to lpl            COUNT
       QTGSFLM   False contentions encountered            COUNT
       Q3STHIW                                            COUNT
       Q3STHWC   Cthread thread highwater mark            COUNT
       Q3STHWI   Idback thread highwater mark             COUNT
       Q3STH01   Idfore thread highwater mark             COUNT

     The following 53 variables have been deleted from table XDBTATS:

       QBGLAC    Cf writes under db2 for clean pages      COUNT
       QBGLAD    Cf reads prefetch data returned          COUNT
       QBGLAN    Cf reads prefetch no data suppress       COUNT
       QBGLAR    Cf reads prefetch no data no suppress    COUNT
       QBGLAW    Cf writes under db2 for changed pages    COUNT
       QBGLAX    Rpl requests done by prefetch            COUNT
       QBGLAY    Gbp-reads prefetch changed page          COUNT
       QBGLAZ    Gbp-reads prefetch clean page            COUNT
       QBGLCC    Ixlcache read castout class requests     COUNT
       QBGLCK    Gbp ckpoints triggered by this member    COUNT
       QBGLCN    Times when castout engine not available  COUNT
       QBGLCS    Ixlcache read castout stats requests     COUNT
       QBGLCT    Castout class threshold                  COUNT
       QBGLDG    Unregister page requests                 COUNT
       QBGLDN    Ixlcache delete name requests            COUNT
       QBGLEX    Cf explicit cross invalidates            COUNT
       QBGLGG    Getpages for gbp dep pages               COUNT
       QBGLGT    Castout gbp threshold                    COUNT
       QBGLHS    Async for primary gbp                    COUNT
       QBGLMD    Cf reads buff miss data returned         COUNT
       QBGLMN    Cf reads buff miss no data suppress      COUNT
       QBGLMR    Cf reads buff miss no data no supp       COUNT
       QBGLN1    P-loc lock negotiate space map pages     COUNT
       QBGLN2    P-loc lock negotiate data pages          COUNT
       QBGLN3    P-loc lock negotiate index leaf pages    COUNT
       QBGLOS    Other cf requests not counted            COUNT
       QBGLP1    P-loc lock req space map pages           COUNT
       QBGLP2    P-loc lock req data pages                COUNT
       QBGLP3    P-loc lock req index leaf pages          COUNT
       QBGLRB    Gbp rebuilds participated by member      COUNT
       QBGLRC    Pages castout                            COUNT
       QBGLRD    Ixlcache read dirinfo requests           COUNT
       QBGLRF    Cf reads failed due lack cf storage      COUNT
       QBGLRG    Register page requests                   COUNT
       QBGLSU    Times when cf write engine not avail     COUNT
       QBGLSW    Cf writes under user for changed pages   COUNT
       QBGLS1    P-loc lock suspend space map pages       COUNT
       QBGLS2    P-loc lock suspend data pages            COUNT
       QBGLS3    P-loc lock suspend index leaf pages      COUNT
       QBGLUN    Ixlcache unlock castout requests         COUNT
       QBGLU1    P-loc unlock requests                    COUNT
       QBGLWC    Cf writes under user for clean pages     COUNT
       QBGLWF    Cf writes failed due lack cf storage     COUNT
       QBGLXD    Cf reads xi-ed data returned             COUNT
       QBGLXN    Cf reads xi-ed no data suppress          COUNT
       QBGLXR    Cf reads xi-ed no data no suppress       COUNT
       QBGL2D    Delete name list requests                COUNT
       QBGL2F    Changed page writes failed storage       COUNT
       QBGL2H    Async for secondary gbp                  COUNT
       QBGL2N    Delete name requests                     COUNT
       QBGL2R    Read castout stats requests              COUNT
       QBGL2S    Completion checks suspended              COUNT
       QBGL2W    Changed page writes for duplexing        COUNT

 61) The following 3 variables have been added to table XDSNREC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       COMPRES   Pct space saved due to idrc compress     PERCENT100
       CTLGCNT   Nr times dataset was uncataloged         COUNT
       FILPERC   Pct of physical space used by file       PERCENT100

 62) The following variable has been added to table XHIRSAM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 63) The following variable has been added to table XHIRVSA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 64) The following variable has been added to table XHIRVSB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 65) The following 6 variables have been added to table XHSDSRS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSRABAC   Abackups requested                       COUNT
       DSRABAK   Abacks failed                            COUNT
       DSRABXT   Extra mounts recall takeaway             COUNT
       DSRBREC   Tracks reconnected to tape               COUNT
       DSRDREC   Data sets reconnected                    COUNT
       DSREXRE   Extent reductions                        COUNT

 66) The following variable has been added to table XHSFSRB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 67) The following variable has been added to table XHSFSRS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 68) The following variable has been added to table XHSFSRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 69) The following variable has been added to table XHSWFSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 70) The following variable has been added to table XHSWVOL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 71) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XIMDBDS:

       RECSTAT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       RECSTAT   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 72) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XIMDB2:

       RECSTAT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       RECSTAT   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 73) The following 9 variables have been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ABENDSY   System abend code                        INT
       ABENDUS   User abend code                          INT
       SAPEXP1   Sap exit pass 1?                         STRING
       SAPEXP2   Sap exit pass 2?                         STRING
       SAPTRNC   Sap transaction code                     STRING
       SMQFLAG   Shared message queue environment?        STRING
       SMQGROU   Shared message queue group name          STRING
       SRVCLAS   Service class name                       STRING
       UOWTRAN   Uow for transaction                      HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XIMFTRN:

       RECSTAT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       RECSTAT   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 74) The following 2 variables have been added to table XIMPROG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPUTMRB   Cpu timer working storage                COUNT
       SRVCLAS   Service class name                       STRING

 75) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XIMTRAN:

       DLRNPGM   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DLRNPGM   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX16.

 76) The following 4 variables have been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDETTM   Dependent enclave cpu time               TIME
       DOCLENF   Document length (feet)                   COUNT
       PAGECNT   Approx page count                        COUNT
       SMF6LPG   Logical page count                       COUNT

 77) The following variable has been added to table XMQACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM116RE   Mqm subsystem id                         STRING

 78) The following variable has been added to table XMQACTQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM116RE   Mqm subsystem id                         STRING

 79) The following variable has been added to table XMQBUFE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM115RE   Websphere mq version release             STRING

 80) The following variable has been added to table XMQCFMG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM115RE   Websphere mq version release             STRING

 81) The following 17 variables have been added to table XMQMLOG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QSTABND   Abends due to storage sos                COUNT
       QSTCONF   Fixed pool segments contracted           COUNT
       QSTCONT   Storage contractions (due to sos)        COUNT
       QSTCONV   Variable pool segments contracted        COUNT
       QSTCRIT   Shortage of storage (sos) detected       COUNT
       QSTEXPF   Fixed pool segments expanded             COUNT
       QSTEXPV   Variable pool segments expanded          COUNT
       QSTFPLF   Fixed pools deallocated                  COUNT
       QSTFPLV   Variable pools deallocated               COUNT
       QSTFREF   Fixed pool segments freed                COUNT
       QSTFREM   Freemain requests (other)                COUNT
       QSTFREV   Variable pool segments freed             COUNT
       QSTGETM   Getmain requests (other)                 COUNT
       QSTGPLF   Fixed pools created                      COUNT
       QSTGPLV   Variable pools created                   COUNT
       QSTRCNZ   Nonzero returns by gm/fm                 COUNT
       SM115RE   Websphere mq version release             STRING

 82) The following 13 variables have been added to table XMQMSGD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISTDLM   Delete marked message requests           COUNT
       QISTENU   Enumerate select requests                RATE
       QISTGET   Gets that got message from bp            COUNT
       QISTG01   Gets that got message off disk           COUNT
       QISTLOM   Lock marked message requests             COUNT
       QISTMBL   Release browse lock requests             COUNT
       QISTMCN   Message count requests                   COUNT
       QISTRAB   Read aheads from buffer pool             COUNT
       QISTRAI   Read aheads doing i/o                    COUNT
       QLSTGET   Get lock requests                        COUNT
       QLSTHLD   Times requested lock held                COUNT
       QLSTREL   Release lock requests                    COUNT
       SM115RE   Websphere mq version release             STRING

 83) The following 19 variables have been added to table XMQQUEU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWHSACE   Ace address                              INT
       QWHSISE   Sequence number for ifcid                COUNT
       QWHSMTN   Active trace number mask                 COUNT
       QWHSRN    release indicator                        COUNT
       QWHSSTC   Store clock value of header              DATETIME
       QWHSWSE   Sequence number for destination          COUNT
       SMFRECN   Smf record number   n                    COUNT
       SMF116L                                            COUNT
       SM116RE   Mqm subsystem id                         STRING
       WQGEPMS   Persistent got by mqget                  COUNT
       WQPUPMS   Persistent got by mqput                  COUNT
       WQPU1PM   Persistent got by mqput1                 COUNT
       WQTTECN                                            HEXFLAGS
       WQTTIME                                            DATETIME
       WQTTIRS                                            HEXFLAGS
       WQ11NR                                             COUNT
       WTAINTE   Interval end                             DATETIME
       WTAINTS   Interval start                           DATETIME
       WTASTRT   Datetime when wtas allocated             DATETIME

 84) The following 2 variables have been added to table XNDMAE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDRTYPE   Record subtype                           STRING
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT

 85) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNODEF   This node is                             STRING
       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING
       NDPNODE   Primary node name                        STRING
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       NDSNODE   Secondary node name                      STRING

 86) The following 16 variables have been added to table XNDMCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDCLASP   Pnode server class                       STRING
       NDCLASS   Snode server class                       STRING
       NDCNF1    Secure copy flag1                        HEXFLAGS
       NDCNF2    Secure copy flag2                        HEXFLAGS
       NDCPEA    Merged secure encrypt                    HEXFLAGS
       NDECZL    Compression routine used                 COUNT
       NDEXITF   From dataexit name                       STRING
       NDEXITT   To dataexit name                         STRING
       NDNEGBF   Negotiated v2 buff size                  COUNT
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       NDSERVR   Sysplex server name                      STRING
       NDTBUFS   Tcp buffer size used                     COUNT
       NDV2BUF   V2 buffer size specified                 COUNT
       NDZLVL    Compression level                        COUNT
       NDZMEM    Compression memory level                 COUNT
       NDZWIN    Compression window size                  COUNT

 87) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMDP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNODEF   This node is                             STRING
       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING
       NDPNODE   Primary node name                        STRING
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       NDSNODE   Secondary node name                      STRING

 88) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMDT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNODEF   This node is                             STRING
       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING
       NDPNODE   Primary node name                        STRING
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       NDSNODE   Secondary node name                      STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XNDMDT:

       NDMSID4   Condition code                           STRING

 89) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMFP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNODEF   This node is                             STRING
       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING
       NDPNODE   Primary node name                        STRING
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       NDSNODE   Secondary node name                      STRING

 90) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMGF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNODEF   This node is                             STRING
       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING
       NDPNODE   Primary node name                        STRING
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       NDSNODE   Secondary node name                      STRING

 91) The following variable has been added to table XNDMMC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT

 92) The following 10 variables have been added to table XNDMPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       PSSDSNN   Displ to dataset name                    COUNT
       PSSFUNC   Function code for the submit             HEXFLAGS
       PSSPACT   Displ to pnode acct data                 COUNT
       PSSPARS   Parse error in submit command            STRING
       PSSSACT   Displ to snode acct data                 COUNT
       PSSSEQ    Sequence nr of date/time                 COUNT
       PSSSYNT   Syntax error in submit command           STRING
       PSSWPNA   Submitted process name                   STRING
       PSSWPNU   Submitted process num                    COUNT

 93) The following variable has been added to table XNDMPT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT

 94) The following variable has been added to table XNDMRJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT

 95) The following variable has been added to table XNDMRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT

 96) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMSI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNODEF   This node is                             STRING
       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING
       NDPNODE   Primary node name                        STRING
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       NDSNODE   Secondary node name                      STRING

 97) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNODEF   This node is                             STRING
       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING
       NDPNODE   Primary node name                        STRING
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT
       NDSNODE   Secondary node name                      STRING

 98) The following variable has been added to table XNDMWO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  COUNT

 99) The following 82 variables have been added to table XNPMDNC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMAUTI    Monitor smcautil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMAUTIH   Monitor smcautil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMBCONH   Monitor smcbcong higher criteria         COUNT
       SMBCONL   Monitor smcbcong lower criteria          COUNT
       SMBUFUH   Monitor smcbufu higher criteria          COUNT
       SMBUFUL   Monitor smcbufu lower criteria           COUNT
       SMBYTEH   Monitor smcbyter higher criteria         COUNT
       SMBYTEL   Monitor smcbyter lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCCH     Monitor smccct higher criteria           COUNT
       SMCCL     Monitor smccct lower criteria            COUNT
       SMCIPU    Monitor smcciput lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCIPUH   Monitor smcciput higher criteria         COUNT
       SMCMORH   Monitor smcmorco higher criteria         COUNT
       SMCMORL   Monitor smcmorco lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCONEC   Monitor smconeco lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCONEH   Monitor smconeco higher criteria         COUNT
       SMCPUT    Monitor smcputil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCPUTH   Monitor smcputil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMCUTI    Monitor smccutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCUTIH   Monitor smccutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMDDGSH   Monitor smcddgs higher criteria          COUNT
       SMDDGSL   Monitor smcddgs lower criteria           COUNT
       SMDLFRH   Monitor smcdlfrm higher criteria         COUNT
       SMDLFRL   Monitor smcdlfrm lower criteria          COUNT
       SMDUTI    Monitor smcdutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMDUTIH   Monitor smcdutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMERRCH   Monitor smcerrc higher criteria          COUNT
       SMERRCL   Monitor smcerrc lower criteria           COUNT
       SMFBUFH   Monitor smcfbuf higher criteria          COUNT
       SMFBUFL   Monitor smcfbuf lower criteria           COUNT
       SMFCONH   Monitor smcfcong higher criteria         COUNT
       SMFCONL   Monitor smcfcong lower criteria          COUNT
       SMGUTI    Monitor smcgutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMGUTIH   Monitor smcgutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMIDIS    Monitor smcidisc lower criteria          COUNT
       SMIDISH   Monitor smcidisc higher criteria         COUNT
       SMIUTI    Monitor smciutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMIUTIH   Monitor smciutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMLUTIH   Monitor smclutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMLUTIL   Monitor smclutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMMSGRH   Monitor smcmsgr higher criteria          COUNT
       SMMSGRL   Monitor smcmsgr lower criteria           COUNT
       SMNPOL    Monitor smcnpoll lower criteria          COUNT
       SMNPOLH   Monitor smcnpoll higher criteria         COUNT
       SMODIS    Monitor smcodisc lower criteria          COUNT
       SMODISH   Monitor smcodisc higher criteria         COUNT
       SMOQUEH   Monitor smcoque higher criteria          COUNT
       SMOQUEL   Monitor smcoque lower criteria           COUNT
       SMPDUDH   Monitor smcpdud higher criteria          COUNT
       SMPDUDL   Monitor smcpdud lower criteria           COUNT
       SMPPOL    Monitor smcppoll lower criteria          COUNT
       SMPPOLH   Monitor smcppoll higher criteria         COUNT
       SMPUTI    Monitor smcbutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMPUTIH   Monitor smcbutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMRBYTH   Monitor smcrbyt higher criteria          COUNT
       SMRBYTL   Monitor smcrbyt lower criteria           COUNT
       SMREXMH   Monitor smcrexmt higher criteria         COUNT
       SMREXML   Monitor smcrexmt lower criteria          COUNT
       SMRIFH    Monitor smcrif higher criteria           COUNT
       SMRIFL    Monitor smcrif lower criteria            COUNT
       SMRRNRH   Monitor smcrrnr higher criteria          COUNT
       SMRRNRL   Monitor smcrrnr lower criteria           COUNT
       SMRTMOH   Monitor smcrtmo higher criteria          COUNT
       SMRTMOL   Monitor smcrtmo lower criteria           COUNT
       SMSLDNH   Monitor smcsldn higher criteria          COUNT
       SMSLDNL   Monitor smcsldn lower criteria           COUNT
       SMSUTI    Monitor smcsutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMSUTIH   Monitor smcsutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMTUTIH   Monitor smctuti higher criteria          COUNT
       SMTUTIL   Monitor smctuti lower criteria           COUNT
       SMXBYTH   Monitor smcxbyt higher criteria          COUNT
       SMXBYTL   Monitor smcxbyt lower criteria           COUNT
       SMXDEFH   Monitor smcxdefr higher criteria         COUNT
       SMXDEFL   Monitor smcxdefr lower criteria          COUNT
       SMXIFH    Monitor smcxif higher criteria           COUNT
       SMXIFL    Monitor smcxif lower criteria            COUNT
       SMXRNRH   Monitor smcxrnr higher criteria          COUNT
       SMXRNRL   Monitor smcxrnr lower criteria           COUNT
       SMXXBYH   Monitor smcxxbyt higher criteria         COUNT
       SMXXBYL   Monitor smcxxbyt lower criteria          COUNT
       SM3UTIH   Monitor smc3util higher criteria         COUNT
       SM3UTIL   Monitor smc3util lower criteria          COUNT

100) The following 82 variables have been added to table XNPMNET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMAUTI    Monitor smcautil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMAUTIH   Monitor smcautil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMBCONH   Monitor smcbcong higher criteria         COUNT
       SMBCONL   Monitor smcbcong lower criteria          COUNT
       SMBUFUH   Monitor smcbufu higher criteria          COUNT
       SMBUFUL   Monitor smcbufu lower criteria           COUNT
       SMBYTEH   Monitor smcbyter higher criteria         COUNT
       SMBYTEL   Monitor smcbyter lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCCH     Monitor smccct higher criteria           COUNT
       SMCCL     Monitor smccct lower criteria            COUNT
       SMCIPU    Monitor smcciput lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCIPUH   Monitor smcciput higher criteria         COUNT
       SMCMORH   Monitor smcmorco higher criteria         COUNT
       SMCMORL   Monitor smcmorco lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCONEC   Monitor smconeco lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCONEH   Monitor smconeco higher criteria         COUNT
       SMCPUT    Monitor smcputil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCPUTH   Monitor smcputil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMCUTI    Monitor smccutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMCUTIH   Monitor smccutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMDDGSH   Monitor smcddgs higher criteria          COUNT
       SMDDGSL   Monitor smcddgs lower criteria           COUNT
       SMDLFRH   Monitor smcdlfrm higher criteria         COUNT
       SMDLFRL   Monitor smcdlfrm lower criteria          COUNT
       SMDUTI    Monitor smcdutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMDUTIH   Monitor smcdutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMERRCH   Monitor smcerrc higher criteria          COUNT
       SMERRCL   Monitor smcerrc lower criteria           COUNT
       SMFBUFH   Monitor smcfbuf higher criteria          COUNT
       SMFBUFL   Monitor smcfbuf lower criteria           COUNT
       SMFCONH   Monitor smcfcong higher criteria         COUNT
       SMFCONL   Monitor smcfcong lower criteria          COUNT
       SMGUTI    Monitor smcgutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMGUTIH   Monitor smcgutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMIDIS    Monitor smcidisc lower criteria          COUNT
       SMIDISH   Monitor smcidisc higher criteria         COUNT
       SMIUTI    Monitor smciutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMIUTIH   Monitor smciutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMLUTIH   Monitor smclutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMLUTIL   Monitor smclutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMMSGRH   Monitor smcmsgr higher criteria          COUNT
       SMMSGRL   Monitor smcmsgr lower criteria           COUNT
       SMNPOL    Monitor smcnpoll lower criteria          COUNT
       SMNPOLH   Monitor smcnpoll higher criteria         COUNT
       SMODIS    Monitor smcodisc lower criteria          COUNT
       SMODISH   Monitor smcodisc higher criteria         COUNT
       SMOQUEH   Monitor smcoque higher criteria          COUNT
       SMOQUEL   Monitor smcoque lower criteria           COUNT
       SMPDUDH   Monitor smcpdud higher criteria          COUNT
       SMPDUDL   Monitor smcpdud lower criteria           COUNT
       SMPPOL    Monitor smcppoll lower criteria          COUNT
       SMPPOLH   Monitor smcppoll higher criteria         COUNT
       SMPUTI    Monitor smcbutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMPUTIH   Monitor smcbutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMRBYTH   Monitor smcrbyt higher criteria          COUNT
       SMRBYTL   Monitor smcrbyt lower criteria           COUNT
       SMREXMH   Monitor smcrexmt higher criteria         COUNT
       SMREXML   Monitor smcrexmt lower criteria          COUNT
       SMRIFH    Monitor smcrif higher criteria           COUNT
       SMRIFL    Monitor smcrif lower criteria            COUNT
       SMRRNRH   Monitor smcrrnr higher criteria          COUNT
       SMRRNRL   Monitor smcrrnr lower criteria           COUNT
       SMRTMOH   Monitor smcrtmo higher criteria          COUNT
       SMRTMOL   Monitor smcrtmo lower criteria           COUNT
       SMSLDNH   Monitor smcsldn higher criteria          COUNT
       SMSLDNL   Monitor smcsldn lower criteria           COUNT
       SMSUTI    Monitor smcsutil lower criteria          COUNT
       SMSUTIH   Monitor smcsutil higher criteria         COUNT
       SMTUTIH   Monitor smctuti higher criteria          COUNT
       SMTUTIL   Monitor smctuti lower criteria           COUNT
       SMXBYTH   Monitor smcxbyt higher criteria          COUNT
       SMXBYTL   Monitor smcxbyt lower criteria           COUNT
       SMXDEFH   Monitor smcxdefr higher criteria         COUNT
       SMXDEFL   Monitor smcxdefr lower criteria          COUNT
       SMXIFH    Monitor smcxif higher criteria           COUNT
       SMXIFL    Monitor smcxif lower criteria            COUNT
       SMXRNRH   Monitor smcxrnr higher criteria          COUNT
       SMXRNRL   Monitor smcxrnr lower criteria           COUNT
       SMXXBYH   Monitor smcxxbyt higher criteria         COUNT
       SMXXBYL   Monitor smcxxbyt lower criteria          COUNT
       SM3UTIH   Monitor smc3util higher criteria         COUNT
       SM3UTIL   Monitor smc3util lower criteria          COUNT

101) The following 11 variables have been added to table XNPNNIT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NIALIMB   Message i-frame bytes received           COUNT
       NIALIXB   Xid bytes received                       COUNT
       NIALOMB   Message i-frame bytes sent               COUNT
       NIALOXB   Xid bytes sent                           COUNT
       NIAPPNI   Appn data                                COUNT
       NIIFSPB   Interface table speed bytes              COUNT
       NIIFUC    Input unicasts packets dlvd higher       COUNT
       NIIFUTI   Percentage total link capacity used      PERCENT100
       NIINUC    Input bcst/mcst packets dlvd higher      COUNT
       NIOFUC    Output unicasts packets dlvd higher      COUNT
       NIONUC    Output bcst/mcst packets dlvd higher     COUNT

102) The following 9 variables have been added to table XOVTCPA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ON2DGIC   Current datagrams in                     GAUGE
       ON2DGIT   Datagrams in                             COUNT
       ON2DGMR   Datagram rate kbytes/min                 MINIMUM
       ON2DGOC   Current databrams out                    GAUGE
       ON2DGOT   Datagrams out                            COUNT
       ON2DGTC   Current datagrams total                  GAUGE
       ON2DGTT   Datagrams total                          COUNT
       ON2RXTC   Current retransmits                      GAUGE
       ON2RXTT   Current retransmits                      GAUGE

103) The following 9 variables have been added to table XOVTCPC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ON3DGIC   Current datagrams in                     GAUGE
       ON3DGIT   Datagrams in                             COUNT
       ON3DGMR   Datagram rate kbytes/min                 MINIMUM
       ON3DGOC   Current databrams out                    GAUGE
       ON3DGOT   Datagrams out                            COUNT
       ON3DGTC   Current datagrams total                  GAUGE
       ON3DGTT   Datagrams total                          COUNT
       ON3RXTC   Current retransmits                      GAUGE
       ON3RXTT   Current retransmits                      GAUGE

104) The following variable has been added to table XPRINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM6LPGE   Logical page count                       COUNT

105) The following variable has been added to table XQACONF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GDES18    Gdes18 ibm internal by dsppfrdta         INT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XQACONF:

       GDESPN    changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       GDESAP    changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       GDESAT    changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       GDESPN    changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

106) The following variable has been added to table XQADISK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSASPN    Asp resource name                        STRING

107) The following variable has been deleted from table XQAETH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ETMUPF    Unsupported protocol frames              COUNT

108) The following 4 variables have been added to table XQASYSL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JSCPTOT   Total cpu time in jsxcpu variables       TIME
       NRCPUS                                             INT
       PCCPUBY                                            PERCENT100
       SCPSTOT   Total cpu time in scpu01-32 variables    TIME

109) The following 20 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPUMVST   Mvs cpu busy duration                    TIME
       CPUSERG   Serial number cpu 16                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERH   Serial number cpu 17                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERI   Serial number cpu 18                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERJ   Serial number cpu 19                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERK   Serial number cpu 20                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERL   Serial number cpu 21                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERN   Serial number cpu 22                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERO   Serial number cpu 23                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERP   Serial number cpu 24                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERQ   Serial number cpu 25                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERR   Serial number cpu 26                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERS   Serial number cpu 27                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERT   Serial number cpu 28                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERU   Serial number cpu 29                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERV   Serial number cpu 30                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERW   Serial number cpu 31                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERX   Serial number cpu 32                     HEXFLAGS
       PCMVSBY   Mvs cpu percent busy                     PERCENT100
       SM70ONT   Online time                              TIME

110) The following 12 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSTORE3   Cstore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE
       DATETIM   Datetime of shift                        DATETIME
       ESTORE3   Estore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE
       LEACCT1   Length account one                       COUNT
       LEACCT2   Length account two                       COUNT
       LEACCT3   Length account three                     COUNT
       LEACCT4   Length account four                      COUNT
       LEACCT5   Length account five                      COUNT
       LEACCT6   Length account six                       COUNT
       LEACCT7   Length account seven                     COUNT
       LEACCT8   Length account eight                     COUNT
       LEACCT9   Length account nine                      COUNT

111) The following 4 variables have been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDETTM   Dependent enclave cpu time               TIME
       DOCLENF   Document length (feet)                   COUNT
       PAGECNT   Approx page count                        COUNT
       SMF6LPG   Logical page count                       COUNT

112) The following 3 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDETTM   Dependent enclave cpu time               TIME
       CSTORE3   Cstore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE
       ESTORE3   Estore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE

113) The following 5 variables have been added to table XSYCSOR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYNCHDB   Db2 query input indicator?               STRING
       SYNOPLE   Opsys product mod level                  STRING
       SYNOPRE   Opsys product release                    STRING
       SYNOPSY   Opsys product name                       STRING
       SYNOPVE   Opsys product version                    STRING

114) The following 23 variables have been added to table XTCCSUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSPDIOC   First dispatch total delay count         COUNT
       DSPDIOT   First dispatch total delay duration      TIME
       RSPVAL1   Response bucket 1 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL2   Response bucket 2 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL3   Response bucket 3 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL4   Response bucket 4 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL5   Response bucket 5 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL6   Response bucket 6 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL7   Response bucket 7 limit                  INT
       WTDISPC   Usertask re-dispatches                   COUNT
       WTDISPT   Usertask re-dispatch time                TIME
       WTFCIOC   File control io waits                    COUNT
       WTFCIOT   File control io wait time                TIME
       WTIRIOC   Irc (other region) waits                 COUNT
       WTIRIOT   Irc (other region) wait time             TIME
       WTJCIOC   Journal control io waits                 COUNT
       WTJCIOT   Journal control io wait time             TIME
       WTRLIOC   Rls io waits                             COUNT
       WTRLIOT   Rls io wait time                         TIME
       WTTDIOC   Vsam transient data io waits             COUNT
       WTTDIOT   Vsam transient data io wait time         TIME
       WTTSIOC   Temporary storage io waits               COUNT
       WTTSIOT   Temporary storage io wait time           TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTCCSUM:

       CPUTM     Task cpu tcb+srb time                    SUM

115) The following 23 variables have been added to table XTCSUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSPDIOC   First dispatch total delay count         COUNT
       DSPDIOT   First dispatch total delay duration      TIME
       RSPVAL1   Response bucket 1 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL2   Response bucket 2 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL3   Response bucket 3 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL4   Response bucket 4 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL5   Response bucket 5 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL6   Response bucket 6 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL7   Response bucket 7 limit                  INT
       WTDISPC   Usertask re-dispatches                   COUNT
       WTDISPT   Usertask re-dispatch time                TIME
       WTFCIOC   File control io waits                    COUNT
       WTFCIOT   File control io wait time                TIME
       WTIRIOC   Irc (other region) waits                 COUNT
       WTIRIOT   Irc (other region) wait time             TIME
       WTJCIOC   Journal control io waits                 COUNT
       WTJCIOT   Journal control io wait time             TIME
       WTRLIOC   Rls io waits                             COUNT
       WTRLIOT   Rls io wait time                         TIME
       WTTDIOC   Vsam transient data io waits             COUNT
       WTTDIOT   Vsam transient data io wait time         TIME
       WTTSIOC   Temporary storage io waits               COUNT
       WTTSIOT   Temporary storage io wait time           TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTCSUM:

       CPUTM     Task cpu tcb+srb time                    SUM

116) The following variable has been added to table XTC2DSA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TDSACRS   Cond reqs returning insuff stg           COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTC2DSA:

       TRDSACR   Cond reqs returning insuff stg           COUNT

117) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTC2IDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIDSWRC   Ready queue waits while switched or run  COUNT
       TIDSWRT   Ready queue wait time while run or swtch TIME
       TINTWRC   Ready queue waits after wait satisfied   COUNT
       TINTWRT   Ready queue wait time after wait satised TIME
       TIWRDCM   Ready queue wait time for dispatch       TIME
       TIWRDCT   Ready queue waits for dispatch           COUNT

118) The following 23 variables have been added to table XTC2SUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSPDIOC   First dispatch total delay count         COUNT
       DSPDIOT   First dispatch total delay duration      TIME
       RSPVAL1   Response bucket 1 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL2   Response bucket 2 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL3   Response bucket 3 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL4   Response bucket 4 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL5   Response bucket 5 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL6   Response bucket 6 limit                  INT
       RSPVAL7   Response bucket 7 limit                  INT
       WTDISPC   Usertask re-dispatches                   COUNT
       WTDISPT   Usertask re-dispatch time                TIME
       WTFCIOC   File control io waits                    COUNT
       WTFCIOT   File control io wait time                TIME
       WTIRIOC   Irc (other region) waits                 COUNT
       WTIRIOT   Irc (other region) wait time             TIME
       WTJCIOC   Journal control io waits                 COUNT
       WTJCIOT   Journal control io wait time             TIME
       WTRLIOC   Rls io waits                             COUNT
       WTRLIOT   Rls io wait time                         TIME
       WTTDIOC   Vsam transient data io waits             COUNT
       WTTDIOT   Vsam transient data io wait time         TIME
       WTTSIOC   Temporary storage io waits               COUNT
       WTTSIOT   Temporary storage io wait time           TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       TACPUTM   changed from  TIME13.3  to  TIME12.2

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTC2SUM:

       CPUTM     Task cpu tcb+srb time                    SUM

119) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTC2TDQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TQDELCT   Deletes                                  COUNT
       TQRDDNM   Remote dd name                           STRING
       TQRDSNM   Remote data set name                     STRING
       TQREADC   Reads from queue                         COUNT
       TQTRGCT   Number of triglvl triggers               INT
       TQWAITA   Indoubt action ind                       HEXFLAGS
       TQWRITC   Writes to queue                          COUNT

     The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTC2TDQ:

       TDQDELC   Deletes                                  COUNT
       TDQRDDN   Remote dd name                           STRING
       TDQRDSN   Remote data set name                     STRING
       TDQREAD   Reads from queue                         COUNT
       TDQTRGC   Number of triglvl triggers               INT
       TDQWA01   Indoubt action ind                       HEXFLAGS
       TDQWRIT   Writes to queue                          COUNT

120) The following variable has been added to table XTC2TPD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TTPDICT   Tptpd segment count                      COUNT

121) The following variable has been added to table XTC2TPG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TTPGICT   Tptpg segment count                      COUNT

122) The following 19 variables have been added to table XTC2TSK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TMQQMGR   Mq series queue manager name             STRING
       TMQSCLM   Mqseries mqclose call time               TIME
       TMQSCLT   Mqseries mqclose calls                   COUNT
       TMQSGTM   Mqseries mqget call time                 TIME
       TMQSGTT   Mqseries mqget calls                     COUNT
       TMQSIQM   Mqseries mqinq call time                 TIME
       TMQSIQT   Mqseries mqinq calls                     COUNT
       TMQSOPM   Mqseries mqopen call time                TIME
       TMQSOPT   Mqseries mqopen calls                    COUNT
       TMQSPTM   Mqseries mqput call time                 TIME
       TMQSPTT   Mqseries mqput calls                     COUNT
       TMQSP1M   Mqseries mqput1 call time                TIME
       TMQSP1T   Mqseries mqput1 calls                    COUNT
       TMQSRCT   Mq series api request count              COUNT
       TMQSRTM   Mq series api request time               TIME
       TMQSSTM   Mqseries mqset call time                 TIME
       TMQSSTT   Mqseries mqset calls                     COUNT
       TMQSWCT   Mq series wait count                     COUNT
       TMQSWTM   Mq series wait time                      TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       TAENDDT   changed from  BEST12.   to  DATE9.
       TASTRDT   changed from  BEST12.   to  DATE9.

     The following 5 variables have been deleted from table XTC2TSK:

       TAMQQMG   Mq series queue manager name             STRING
       TAMQSRC   Mq series api request count              COUNT
       TAMQSRT   Mq series api request time               TIME
       TAMQSWC   Mq series wait count                     COUNT
       TAMQSWT   Mq series wait time                      TIME

123) The following variable has been added to table XTC2TSQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TQNAMES   Short name of ts queue                   STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTC2TSQ:

       TSQNAME   Short name of ts queue                   STRING

124) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       TNDYN     changed from  BEST12.   to  $HEX2.

125) The following 25 variables have been added to table XTC2T2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCAUTYP   Command authtype                         COUNT
       TCCALCT   Dsnc command calls                       COUNT
       TCOVFCT   Command overflows to pool                COUNT
       TCSMOCT   Command number of signons                COUNT
       TCTDTCT   Command thread terminates                COUNT
       TCTHDCR   Command current threads                  GAUGE
       TCTHDLM   Command maximum threads                  MAXIMUM
       TPABRCT   Pool abort count                         COUNT
       TPACCTR   Pool accountrec setting                  COUNT
       TPAUTID   Pool static authid                       STRING
       TPAUTYP   Pool authtype                            COUNT
       TPCALCT   Calls using pool                         COUNT
       TPCMTCT   Pool commits                             COUNT
       TPPLANM   Static plan name                         STRING
       TPPLXNM   Plan exit name                           STRING
       TPRDYQC   Tasks on readyq                          COUNT
       TPSNOCT   Sign on count                            COUNT
       TPSPHCT   Pool single phase commits                COUNT
       TPTDRCT   Pool thread reuse count                  COUNT
       TPTDTCT   Pool thread terminates                   COUNT
       TPTHDCR   Pool current threads                     GAUGE
       TPTHDWP   Pool threadwait setting                  COUNT
       TPTH01T   Pool maximum threads                     MAXIMUM
       TPTSKCR   Pool current tasks                       GAUGE
       TPTS01T   Pool task total                          COUNT

     The following 25 variables have been deleted from table XTC2T2:

       T2CAUTY   Command authtype                         COUNT
       T2CCALC   Dsnc command calls                       COUNT
       T2COVFC   Command overflows to pool                COUNT
       T2CSMOC   Command number of signons                INT
       T2CTDTC   Command thread terminates                COUNT
       T2CTHDC   Command current threads                  GAUGE
       T2CTHDL   Command maximum threads                  MAXIMUM
       T2PABRC   Pool abort count                         COUNT
       T2PACCT   Pool accountrec setting                  COUNT
       T2PAUTI   Pool static authid                       STRING
       T2PAUTY   Pool authtype                            COUNT
       T2PCALC   Calls using pool                         COUNT
       T2PCMTC   Pool commits                             COUNT
       T2PPLAN   Static plan name                         STRING
       T2PPLXN   Plan exit name                           STRING
       T2PRDYQ   Tasks on readyq                          COUNT
       T2PSNOC   Sign on count                            COUNT
       T2PSPHC   Pool single phase commits                COUNT
       T2PTDRC   Pool thread reuse count                  COUNT
       T2PTDTC   Pool thread terminates                   COUNT
       T2PTHDC   Pool current threads                     GAUGE
       T2PTHDW   Pool threadwait setting                  COUNT
       T2PTH01   Pool maximum threads                     MAXIMUM
       T2PTSKC   Pool current tasks                       GAUGE
       T2PTS01   Pool task total                          COUNT

126) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBDA:

       XARLID    changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       XARLID    changed from  $HEX4.    to  _NONE_

127) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBDB:

       XARLID    changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       XARLID    changed from  $HEX4.    to  _NONE_

128) The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDB6:

       D6APREC   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       D6ARLID   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       D6CPACE   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       D6CRINV   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       D6APREC   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGTMDLM.
       D6ARLID   changed from  $HEX4.    to  _NONE_
       D6CPACE   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX8.
       D6CRINV   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGTMDRC.

129) The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDB7:

       D7APREC   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       D7ARLID   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       D7CPACE   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       D7CRINV   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       D7APREC   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGTMDLM.
       D7ARLID   changed from  $HEX4.    to  _NONE_
       D7CPACE   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX8.
       D7CRINV   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGTMDRC.

130) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTMDDB2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACE       Ace value for parallel task match up     INT
       DBACLS2   Accounting class 2 data exists?          STRING
       DBACLS3   Accounting class 3 data exists?          STRING
       DBACPAR   Rollup (sum) of all parallel children?   STRING
       DB2PART   Parallel or sequential task type         STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDB2:

       DBCPACE   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DBCPACE   changed from  $HEX8.    to  HEX8.

131) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       COMPRES   Pct space saved due to idrc compress     PERCENT100
       CTLGCNT   Nr times dataset was uncataloged         COUNT
       FILPERC   Pct of physical space used by file       PERCENT100
       VOLPERC   Pct of physical space on vol in use      PERCENT100

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XTMS:

       B1DIS     B1 security disclosure label             INT
       B1INT     B1 security integrity label              INT

132) The following variable has been added to table XTYHMFT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HMFCMA4   Compression ratio                        PERCENT

133) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTYSASU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SASJOBI   Sas user jobid                           STRING
       SASPROD   Product name                             STRING
       SASUSER   Sas user id                              STRING
       SASVERE   Sas version and release                  STRING

134) The following 13 variables have been added to table XTYTMNT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASID      Address space id                         INT
       DSNAME    Data set name                            STRING
       JOBCLAS   Job class                                STRING
       PGMRNAM   Programmer name field                    STRING
       RAFGRUP   Racf group identification                STRING
       RAFTERM   Racf/vtam terminal name used             STRING
       RAFUSER   Racf user identification                 STRING
       STEPNAM   Step name                                STRING
       TMNTACT   Mntflg: 80 04 02 01                      HEXFLAGS
       TMNTDEV   Device number as character               STRING
       TMNTEDU   Event duration                           TIME
       TMNTFLA   Mntflg: 80 04 02 01                      HEXFLAGS
       TMNTRCN   Relative concatenation number            COUNT

135) The following 312 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACOUNT1   First job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT2   Second job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT3   Third job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT4   Fourth job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT5   Fifth job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT6   Sixth job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT7   Seventh job account field                STRING
       ACOUNT8   Eighth job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT9   Ninth job account field                  STRING
       ADDRSA    Addrsa                                   STRING
       A3490P    Max automated 3490 drives (prefer)       MAXIMUM
       A9834A    Unit auto 9840 r34                       COUNT
       A9834AE   Unit auto 9840 r34 e                     COUNT
       A9834AP   Unit auto 9840 r34 p                     COUNT
       A9835A    Unit auto 9840 r35                       COUNT
       A9835AE   Unit auto 9840 r35 e                     COUNT
       A9835AP   Unit auto 9840 r35 p                     COUNT
       A9840A    Unit auto 9840                           COUNT
       A9840AE   Unit auto 9840 e                         COUNT
       A9840AP   Unit auto 9840 p                         COUNT
       A9934A    Unit auto 9940 p34                       COUNT
       A9934AE   Unit auto 9940 p34 e                     COUNT
       A9934AP   Unit auto 9940 p34 p                     COUNT
       A9935A    Unit auto 9940 p35                       COUNT
       A9935AE   Unit auto 9940 p35 e                     COUNT
       A9935AP   Unit auto 9940 p35 p                     COUNT
       A9940A    Unit auto 9940                           COUNT
       A9940AE   Unit auto 9940 e                         COUNT
       A9940AP   Unit auto 9940 p                         COUNT
       CA7       Ca7                                      STRING
       CA7DD     Ca7 dueout date                          DATE
       CA7DTM    Ca7 dueout time                          TIME
       CA7E      Ca7 entry                                STRING
       CA7I      Ca7 info                                 STRING
       CA7JCL    Ca7 jclid                                COUNT
       CA7JOBN   Ca7 job number                           COUNT
       CA7SCHI   Ca7 schid                                COUNT
       CONVEC    Convec                                   STRING
       CURMSC    Curmsc                                   STRING
       CURREC1   Current day of month                     GAUGE
       CURREC2   Current day of week                      GAUGE
       CURREC3   Current day of year                      GAUGE
       CURREC4   Current month                            GAUGE
       CURREC5   Current time of day                      TIME
       CURREC6   Current year                             GAUGE
       CURREC7   Current sched environment                STRING
       CURREC8   Current service class                    STRING
       DISPLD1   Display jal create 1                     DATE
       DISPLD2   Display jal create 2                     TIME
       DISPLD3   Display jal version                      STRING
       DISPLD4   Display tm version                       STRING
       DJCLOSE   Djc close                                STRING
       DJGROUP   Djc group                                STRING
       DJHISTC   Djc history count                        COUNT
       DJHISTD   Djc history days                         COUNT
       DJHOLD    Djc hold                                 STRING
       DJLTIME   Djc close time                           COUNT
       DJRELSH   Djc relscht                              STRING
       EXEMPE    Exempe                                   STRING
       INMSGI    Inmsgclass                               STRING
       INRMTNR   Input remote number                      COUNT
       INSCHEN   In schedule environment                  STRING
       INSEI     Inservice class                          STRING
       JALDESC   Jal description                          STRING
       JALNOJ    Jalnode                                  STRING
       JALSYJ    Jalsyj                                   STRING
       JBAFFC    Number of system affinities              COUNT
       JBAFF1    Job system affinity #1                   STRING
       JBAFF10   Job system affinity #10                  STRING
       JBAFF11   Job system affinity #11                  STRING
       JBAFF12   Job system affinity #12                  STRING
       JBAFF13   Job system affinity #13                  STRING
       JBAFF14   Job system affinity #14                  STRING
       JBAFF15   Job system affinity #15                  STRING
       JBAFF16   Job system affinity #16                  STRING
       JBAFF17   Job system affinity #17                  STRING
       JBAFF18   Job system affinity #18                  STRING
       JBAFF19   Job system affinity #19                  STRING
       JBAFF2    Job system affinity #2                   STRING
       JBAFF20   Job system affinity #20                  STRING
       JBAFF21   Job system affinity #21                  STRING
       JBAFF22   Job system affinity #22                  STRING
       JBAFF23   Job system affinity #23                  STRING
       JBAFF24   Job system affinity #24                  STRING
       JBAFF25   Job system affinity #25                  STRING
       JBAFF26   Job system affinity #26                  STRING
       JBAFF27   Job system affinity #27                  STRING
       JBAFF28   Job system affinity #28                  STRING
       JBAFF29   Job system affinity #29                  STRING
       JBAFF3    Job system affinity #3                   STRING
       JBAFF30   Job system affinity #30                  STRING
       JBAFF31   Job system affinity #31                  STRING
       JBAFF32   Job system affinity #32                  STRING
       JBAFF4    Job system affinity #4                   STRING
       JBAFF5    Job system affinity #5                   STRING
       JBAFF6    Job system affinity #6                   STRING
       JBAFF7    Job system affinity #7                   STRING
       JBAFF8    Job system affinity #8                   STRING
       JBAFF9    Job system affinity #9                   STRING
       JBDEACN   Number of deactivate agent stmnts        COUNT
       JBLL1C                                             COUNT
       JBLL2C                                             COUNT
       JBLL3C                                             COUNT
       JBLL4C                                             COUNT
       JBLL5C                                             COUNT
       JBLL6C                                             COUNT
       JBLL7C                                             COUNT
       JBLL8C                                             COUNT
       JBLL9C                                             COUNT
       JBL10C                                             COUNT
       JBL11C                                             COUNT
       JBL12C                                             COUNT
       JBL13C                                             COUNT
       JBL14C                                             COUNT
       JBL15C                                             COUNT
       JBL16C                                             COUNT
       JBL17C                                             COUNT
       JBL18C                                             COUNT
       JBL19C                                             COUNT
       JBL20C                                             COUNT
       JBL21C                                             COUNT
       JBL22C                                             COUNT
       JBL23C                                             COUNT
       JBL24C                                             COUNT
       JBSDACT   Job binding deactiviate agent            STRING
       JBSNEED   Jbs needs                                COUNT
       JBSSETN   Jbs set number                           COUNT
       JCLUJ     Jcl unitname tmmap                       STRING
       JCLVJ     Jcl volser                               STRING
       JCXPUCA   Misspelled jxcpuca use jxcpuca instead   COUNT
       JES3M51   Jes3 main acmain                         STRING
       JES3M52   Jes3 main bytes                          COUNT
       JES3M53   Jes3 main bytes act                      STRING
       JES3M54   Jes3 main cards                          COUNT
       JES3M55   Jes3 main cards act                      STRING
       JES3M56   Jes3 main class                          STRING
       JES3M57   Jes3 main deadline                       STRING
       JES3M58   Jes3 main deadline                       COUNT
       JES3M59   Jes3 main deadline                       COUNT
       JES3M60   Jes3 main deadline                       COUNT
       JES3M61   Jes3 main deadline                       STRING
       JES3M62   Jes3 main expdtchk                       STRING
       JES3M63   Jes3 main failure                        STRING
       JES3M64   Jes3 main fetch                          STRING
       JES3M65   Jes3 main hold                           STRING
       JES3M66   Jes3 main iorate                         STRING
       JES3M67   Jes3 main journal                        STRING
       JES3M68   Jes3 main lines                          COUNT
       JES3M69   Jes3 main lines act                      STRING
       JES3M70   Jes3 main lregion                        COUNT
       JES3M71   Jes3 main mss                            STRING
       JES3M72   Jes3 main org                            STRING
       JES3M73   Jes3 main pages                          COUNT
       JES3M74   Jes3 main pages act                      STRING
       JES3M75   Jes3 main proc                           STRING
       JES3M76   Jes3 main ringchk                        STRING
       JES3M77   Jes3 main setup                          STRING
       JES3M78   Jes3 main spart                          STRING
       JES3M79   Jes3 main system                         STRING
       JES3M80   Jes3 main thwssep                        STRING
       JES3M81   Jes3 main trkgrps p                      COUNT
       JES3M82   Jes3 main trkgrps s                      COUNT
       JES3M83   Jes3 main type                           STRING
       JES3M84   Jes3 main update                         STRING
       JES3M85   Jes3 main user                           STRING
       JES3M86   Jes3 netacct acct                        STRING
       JES3M87   Jes3 netacct bldg                        STRING
       JES3M88   Jes3 netacct dept                        STRING
       JES3M89   Jes3 netacct pname                       STRING
       JES3M90   Jes3 netacct room                        STRING
       JES3M91   Jes3 netacct userid                      STRING
       JES3M92   Jes3 operator                            STRING
       JES3M93   Jes3 process                             STRING
       JES3M94   Jes3 route xeq                           STRING
       JLSENQ    Jls enq                                  STRING
       JLSENQN   Jls enq#                                 COUNT
       JLSLIMT   Jls limit#                               COUNT
       JOBIDJ    Jobidj                                   STRING
       JOBPERF   Job perform                              COUNT
       JSSMODE   Jss mode                                 STRING
       JXARRIV   Jx arrival                               STRING
       JXCATJ    Jxcatalog lookup                         STRING
       JXCPUCA   Jx cpu cap                               TIME
       JXCVLJ    Jxcvlaccum                               STRING
       JXDCSDR   Jx dcs dr                                STRING
       JXFAIJ    Jxfail                                   STRING
       JXJBAJ    Jxjbany                                  STRING
       JXJBMJ                                             STRING
       JXJBSJ1   Jxjbs bind from sac                      STRING
       JXJBSJ2   Jxjbs environment h                      STRING
       JXJBSJ3   Jxjbs unavailable h                      STRING
       JXJBSJ4   Jxjbsysaff                               HEXFLAGS
       JXJCBJ    Jxjcbat                                  STRING
       JXJESJ    Jxjesjhold                               STRING
       JXJLAJ    Jxjlany                                  STRING
       JXJLMJ    Jxjlmax                                  STRING
       JXJLSJ    Jxjls dbs                                STRING
       JXLABEL   Jxlabel                                  STRING
       JXMHSJ1   Jxmhs hold                               STRING
       JXMHSJ2   Jxmhs vol exempt                         STRING
       JXMSGJ    Jxmsgclass                               STRING
       JXNORJ    Jxnormalize                              STRING
       JXRECJ    Jxreccall                                STRING
       JXSCHEN   Jx schedule environment                  STRING
       JXSRVCL   Jx service class                         STRING
       JXVL      Jxvl                                     STRING
       MEMLIMI   Memlimit                                 COUNT
       MHSUSER   Mhs user hold number                     COUNT
       MSALTER   Msgclass altered                         STRING
       MSOUTCL   Msgclass outclass d                      STRING
       MSOUTDA   Msgclass outdisp ab                      STRING
       MSOUTDN   Msgclass outdisp no                      STRING
       M9834     Unit manual 9840 r34                     COUNT
       M9834AE   Unit manual 9840 r34 e                   COUNT
       M9835     Unit manual 9840 r35                     COUNT
       M9835AE   Unit manual 9840 r35 e                   COUNT
       M9835AP   Unit manual 9840 r35 p                   COUNT
       M9840A    Unit manual 9840                         COUNT
       M9840AE   Unit manual 9840 e                       COUNT
       M9840AP   Unit manual 9840 p                       COUNT
       M9934     Unit manual 9940 p34                     COUNT
       M9934AP   Unit manual 9940 p34 e                   COUNT
       M9935     Unit manual 9940 p35                     COUNT
       M9935AE   Unit manual 9940 p35 e                   COUNT
       M9935AP   Unit manual 9940 p35 p                   COUNT
       M9940A    Unit manual 9940                         COUNT
       M9940AE   Unit manual 9940 e                       COUNT
       M9940AP   Unit manual 9940 p                       COUNT
       NEWTBLL   New tables loaded                        STRING
       NRACCTF   Nr of step acct fields                   COUNT
       RD        Rd                                       STRING
       RDRDATE   Reader date                              DATE
       RDRDOMO   Reader day of month                      COUNT
       RDRDOWK   Reader day of week                       COUNT
       RDRDOYR   Reader day of year                       COUNT
       RDRMONT   Reader month                             COUNT
       RDRTIME   Reader time                              TIME
       RDRTIOD   Reader time of day                       COUNT
       RDRYEAR   Reader year                              COUNT
       SCHENV    Schedule environment                     STRING
       SCRTAPA   Scratch tape all                         COUNT
       SCRTAPV   Scratch tape vts                         COUNT
       SETUP     Setup                                    STRING
       SODEFBU   Sos default burst                        STRING
       SODEFFO   Sos default forms                        STRING
       SODEFLC   Sos default line count                   COUNT
       SODEFPR   Sos default print d                      STRING
       SODEFPU   Sos default punch d                      STRING
       SOJOBCY   Sos job copies                           COUNT
       SOJOBLN   Sos job lines                            COUNT
       SOJOBNO   Sos job nolog                            STRING
       SRVCLAS   Service class                            STRING
       SUBMRAC   Submittor racf group                     STRING
       SUBMRAF   Submittor racf fu                        STRING
       SUBMTSS   Submittor tssu                           STRING
       TMEXMDC   Tm exempt dcs                            STRING
       TYPHOLD   Type hold                                STRING
       TYPSCAN   Type scan                                STRING
       USRL1DC   Userl1 dcs                               STRING
       USRL1RS   Userl1 rss                               STRING
       USRL1SO   Userl1 sos                               STRING
       USRL1TM   Userl1 tm                                STRING
       USRL2DC   Userl2 dcs                               STRING
       USRL2RS   Userl2 rss                               STRING
       USRL2SO   Userl2 sos                               STRING
       USRL2TM   Userl2 tm                                STRING
       USRL3DC   Userl3 dcs                               STRING
       USRL3RS   Userl3 rss                               STRING
       USRL3SO   Userl3 sos                               STRING
       USRL3TM   Userl3 tm                                STRING
       USRL4DC   Userl4 dcs                               STRING
       USRL4RS   Userl4 rss                               STRING
       USRL4SO   Userl4 sos                               STRING
       USRL4TM   Userl4 tm                                STRING
       USRL5DC   Userl5 dcs                               STRING
       USRL5RS   Userl5 rss                               STRING
       USRL5SO   Userl5 sos                               STRING
       USRL5TM   Userl5 tm                                STRING
       USRL6DC   Userl6 dcs                               STRING
       USRL6RS   Userl6 rss                               STRING
       USRL6SO   Userl6 sos                               STRING
       USRL6TM   Userl6 tm                                STRING
       USRL7DC   Userl7 dcs                               STRING
       USRL7RS   Userl7 rss                               STRING
       USRL7SO   Userl7 sos                               STRING
       USRL7TM   Userl7 tm                                STRING
       USRL8DC   Userl8 dcs                               STRING
       USRL8RS   Userl8 rss                               STRING
       USRL8SO   Userl8 sos                               STRING
       USRL8TM   Userl8 tm                                STRING
       USRL9DC   Userl9 dcs                               STRING
       USRL9RS   Userl9 rss                               STRING
       USRL9SO   Userl9 sos                               STRING
       USRL9TM   Userl9 tm                                STRING
       UTAPEAL   Unit tape all                            COUNT
       UTAPEVT   Unit vts                                 COUNT
       U3580AE   Max number of 3580 drives (ensure)       MAXIMUM
       U9480AE   Max number of 9840 drives (ensure)       MAXIMUM
       U9834A    Max number of 9840-r34 drives (all)      MAXIMUM
       U9834AE   Max number of 9840-r34 drives (ensur     MAXIMUM
       U9834AP   Max number of 9840-r34 drives (prefe     MAXIMUM
       U9835A    Max number of 9840-r35 drives (all)      MAXIMUM
       U9835AE   Max number of 9840-r35 drives (ensur     MAXIMUM
       U9835AP   Max number of 9840-r35 drives (prefe     MAXIMUM
       U9840A    Max number of 9840 drives (all)          MAXIMUM
       U9840AP   Max number of 9840 drives (prefer)       MAXIMUM
       U9940A    Max number of 9940-p35 drives (all)      MAXIMUM
       U9940AE   Max number of 9940-p35 drives (ensur     MAXIMUM
       U9940AP   Max number of 9940-p35 drives (prefe     MAXIMUM
       VOLTAPE   Vol tape all                             COUNT
       VOLVTS    Vol vts                                  COUNT
       WLMMODE   Wlm mode                                 STRING

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTYTPMX:

       NLIMITS   Limits in job nonunique                  COUNT
       UA3290P   Max automated 3490 drives (prefer)       MAXIMUM
       U3590AE   Max number of 3590 drives (ensure)       MAXIMUM

136) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY1031:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       APLENVN   Application environment name             STRING
       SUBSYS    Sub system                               STRING

137) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTY1032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       APLENVN   Application environment name             STRING
       CGIREQS   Cgi requests                             COUNT
       DNSLKUP   Dns lookup directive                     COUNT
       PROXYRE   Proxy responses                          COUNT
       RQCOUNT   Request counter                          COUNT
       SRVICPL   Service plugins                          COUNT
       SSLHAND   Ssl handshakes                           COUNT
       SUBSYS    Sub system                               STRING

138) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY1081:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DMCACOM   Domino cache command count               COUNT
       DMCADES   Domino cache design count                COUNT
       DMCAREQ   Domino cache requests total              COUNT
       DMCASES   Domino cache session count               COUNT
       DMCAUSR   Domino cache user count                  COUNT

139) The following variable has been added to table XTY12CM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DURATN    Duration of interval                     TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY12CM:

       S120SST   Activity start datetime                  DATETIME

140) The following 17 variables have been added to table XTY12JC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S120CEL   Websphere cell name                      STRING
       S120JME   Ejbload invocations                      COUNT
       S120JMF   Ejbload avg execution time               AVERAGE
       S120JMG   Ejbload max execution time               MAXIMUM
       S120JMH   Ejbstore invocations                     COUNT
       S120JMI   Ejbstore avg execution time              AVERAGE
       S120JMJ   Ejbstore max execution time              MAXIMUM
       S120JMK   Ejbactivate invocations                  COUNT
       S120JML   Ejbactivate avg execution time           AVERAGE
       S120JMM   Ejbactivate max execution time           MAXIMUM
       S120JMN   Ejbpassivate invocations                 MINIMUM
       S120JMO   Ejbpassivate avg execution time          AVERAGE
       S120JMP   Ejbpassivate max execution time          MAXIMUM
       S120JMQ   Avg cpu time                             TIME
       S120JMR   Min cpu time                             TIME
       S120JMS   Max cpu time                             TIME
       S120NOD   Websphere node name                      STRING

141) The following 17 variables have been added to table XTY12JI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S120CEL   Websphere cell name                      STRING
       S120JME   Ejbload invocations                      COUNT
       S120JMF   Ejbload avg execution time               AVERAGE
       S120JMG   Ejbload max execution time               MAXIMUM
       S120JMH   Ejbstore invocations                     COUNT
       S120JMI   Ejbstore avg execution time              AVERAGE
       S120JMJ   Ejbstore max execution time              MAXIMUM
       S120JMK   Ejbactivate invocations                  COUNT
       S120JML   Ejbactivate avg execution time           AVERAGE
       S120JMM   Ejbactivate max execution time           MAXIMUM
       S120JMN   Ejbpassivate invocations                 MINIMUM
       S120JMO   Ejbpassivate avg execution time          AVERAGE
       S120JMP   Ejbpassivate max execution time          MAXIMUM
       S120JMQ   Avg cpu time                             TIME
       S120JMR   Min cpu time                             TIME
       S120JMS   Max cpu time                             TIME
       S120NOD   Websphere node name                      STRING

142) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY12SA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DURATM    Duration of interval                     TIME
       S120CEL   Websphere cell name                      STRING
       S120NOD   Websphere node name                      STRING
       S120WCP   Total wlm enclave cpu time               TIME

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XTY12SA:

       DURATN    Interval duration                        TIME
       S120AST   Start datetimestamp                      DATETIME

143) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY12SC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S120AST   Start datetimestamp                      DATETIME

144) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY12SI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S120BFH   Bytes from server to all clients         COUNT
       S120BTH   Bytes to server from all clients         COUNT
       S120CEL   Websphere cell name                      STRING
       S120NHA   Http sessions attached and active        COUNT
       S120NHS   Http sessions exist at end               COUNT
       S120NOD   Websphere node name                      STRING
       S120TEC   Total wlm enclave cpu time               TIME

145) The following variable has been added to table XTY12WA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S120CPU   Cpu time                                 TIME

146) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY12WI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S120CEL   Websphere cell name                      STRING
       S120NOD   Websphere node name                      STRING
       S120WJ4   Average cpu time                         TIME
       S120WJ5   Minimum cpu time                         TIME
       S120WJ6   Maximum cpu time                         TIME

147) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY22_A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF22CY   State of copy services functions         HEXFLAGS
       SMF22PC   State of previous cs functions           HEXFLAGS

148) The following 11 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSTORE3   Cstore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE
       ESTORE3   Estore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE
       LEACCT1   Length account one                       COUNT
       LEACCT2   Length account two                       COUNT
       LEACCT3   Length account three                     COUNT
       LEACCT4   Length account four                      COUNT
       LEACCT5   Length account five                      COUNT
       LEACCT6   Length account six                       COUNT
       LEACCT7   Length account seven                     COUNT
       LEACCT8   Length account eight                     COUNT
       LEACCT9   Length account nine                      COUNT

149) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSTORE3   Cstore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE
       ESTORE3   Estore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE

150) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSTORE3   Cstore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE
       ESTORE3   Estore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE

151) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSTORE3   Cstore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE
       ESTORE3   Estore memory average occupancy          AVERAGE

152) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY30TD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ALOCTIM   Start of allocation event                DATETIME
       DDNAME    Dd name                                  STRING
       INBTIME   Interval begin timestamp                 DATETIME
       INTETIM   Interval end timestamp                   DATETIME
       SUBTYPE   Subtype id                               COUNT

153) The following variable has been added to table XTY50:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DURATION  Duration of interval                     TIME

154) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY6156:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RECNR15                                            COUNT
       TRUEDSN   Truetype dsname                          STRING
       TRUETYP   Truetype data or index                   STRING

155) The following 189 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAIG      On-line status cpu 16                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIH      On-line status cpu 17                    HEXFLAGS
       CAII      On-line status cpu 18                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIJ      On-line status cpu 19                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIK      On-line status cpu 20                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIL      On-line status cpu 21                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIN      On-line status cpu 22                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIO      On-line status cpu 23                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIP      On-line status cpu 24                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIQ      On-line status cpu 25                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIR      On-line status cpu 26                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIS      On-line status cpu 27                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIT      On-line status cpu 28                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIU      On-line status cpu 29                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIV      On-line status cpu 30                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIW      On-line status cpu 31                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIX      On-line status cpu 32                    HEXFLAGS
       CPEDTMG   Lcpu 16 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMH   Lcpu 17 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMI   Lcpu 18 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMJ   Lcpu 19 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMK   Lcpu 20 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTML   Lcpu 21 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMN   Lcpu 22 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMO   Lcpu 23 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMP   Lcpu 24 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMQ   Lcpu 25 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMR   Lcpu 26 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMS   Lcpu 27 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMT   Lcpu 28 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMU   Lcpu 29 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMV   Lcpu 30 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMW   Lcpu 31 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMX   Lcpu 32 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMG   Lcpu 16 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMH   Lcpu 17 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMI   Lcpu 18 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMJ   Lcpu 19 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMK   Lcpu 20 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTML   Lcpu 21 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMN   Lcpu 22 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMO   Lcpu 23 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMP   Lcpu 24 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMQ   Lcpu 25 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMR   Lcpu 26 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMS   Lcpu 27 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMT   Lcpu 28 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMU   Lcpu 29 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMV   Lcpu 30 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMW   Lcpu 31 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMX   Lcpu 32 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPUSERG   Serial number cpu 16                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERH   Serial number cpu 17                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERI   Serial number cpu 18                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERJ   Serial number cpu 19                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERK   Serial number cpu 20                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERL   Serial number cpu 21                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERN   Serial number cpu 22                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERO   Serial number cpu 23                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERP   Serial number cpu 24                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERQ   Serial number cpu 25                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERR   Serial number cpu 26                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERS   Serial number cpu 27                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERT   Serial number cpu 28                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERU   Serial number cpu 29                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERV   Serial number cpu 30                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERW   Serial number cpu 31                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERX   Serial number cpu 32                     HEXFLAGS
       CPWAITG   Cpu wait duration cpu 16                 TIME
       CPWAITH   Cpu wait duration cpu 17                 TIME
       CPWAITI   Cpu wait duration cpu 18                 TIME
       CPWAITJ   Cpu wait duration cpu 19                 TIME
       CPWAITK   Cpu wait duration cpu 20                 TIME
       CPWAITL   Cpu wait duration cpu 21                 TIME
       CPWAITN   Cpu wait duration cpu 22                 TIME
       CPWAITO   Cpu wait duration cpu 23                 TIME
       CPWAITP   Cpu wait duration cpu 24                 TIME
       CPWAITQ   Cpu wait duration cpu 25                 TIME
       CPWAITR   Cpu wait duration cpu 26                 TIME
       CPWAITS   Cpu wait duration cpu 27                 TIME
       CPWAITT   Cpu wait duration cpu 28                 TIME
       CPWAITU   Cpu wait duration cpu 29                 TIME
       CPWAITV   Cpu wait duration cpu 30                 TIME
       CPWAITW   Cpu wait duration cpu 31                 TIME
       CPWAITX   Cpu wait duration cpu 32                 TIME
       IORATEG   Cpu 16 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEH   Cpu 17 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEI   Cpu 18 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEJ   Cpu 19 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEK   Cpu 20 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEL   Cpu 21 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEN   Cpu 22 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEO   Cpu 23 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEP   Cpu 24 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEQ   Cpu 25 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATER   Cpu 26 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATES   Cpu 27 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATET   Cpu 28 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEU   Cpu 29 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEV   Cpu 30 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEW   Cpu 31 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEX   Cpu 32 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       MVSWATG   Mvs cpu 16 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATH   Mvs cpu 17 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATI   Mvs cpu 18 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATJ   Mvs cpu 19 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATK   Mvs cpu 20 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATL   Mvs cpu 21 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATN   Mvs cpu 22 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATO   Mvs cpu 23 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATP   Mvs cpu 24 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATQ   Mvs cpu 25 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATR   Mvs cpu 26 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATS   Mvs cpu 27 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATT   Mvs cpu 28 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATU   Mvs cpu 29 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATV   Mvs cpu 30 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATW   Mvs cpu 31 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATX   Mvs cpu 32 cpu wait duration             TIME
       PCCPBYG   Cpu 16 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYH   Cpu 17 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYI   Cpu 18 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYJ   Cpu 19 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYK   Cpu 20 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYL   Cpu 21 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYN   Cpu 22 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYO   Cpu 23 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYP   Cpu 24 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYQ   Cpu 25 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYR   Cpu 26 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYS   Cpu 27 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYT   Cpu 28 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYU   Cpu 29 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYV   Cpu 30 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYW   Cpu 31 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYX   Cpu 32 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCTPIG    Cpu 16 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIH    Cpu 17 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPII    Cpu 18 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIJ    Cpu 19 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIK    Cpu 20 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIL    Cpu 21 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIN    Cpu 22 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIO    Cpu 23 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIP    Cpu 24 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIQ    Cpu 25 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIR    Cpu 26 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIS    Cpu 27 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIT    Cpu 28 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIU    Cpu 29 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIV    Cpu 30 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIW    Cpu 31 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIX    Cpu 32 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       SM70ONT   Online time                              TIME
       VFFFTMG   Vector affinity time cpu 16              COUNT
       VFFFTMH   Vector affinity time cpu 17              COUNT
       VFFFTMI   Vector affinity time cpu 18              COUNT
       VFFFTMJ   Vector affinity time cpu 19              COUNT
       VFFFTMK   Vector affinity time cpu 20              COUNT
       VFFFTML   Vector affinity time cpu 21              COUNT
       VFFFTMN   Vector affinity time cpu 22              MINIMUM
       VFFFTMO   Vector affinity time cpu 23              COUNT
       VFFFTMP   Vector affinity time cpu 24              COUNT
       VFFFTMQ   Vector affinity time cpu 25              COUNT
       VFFFTMR   Vector affinity time cpu 26              COUNT
       VFFFTMS   Vector affinity time cpu 27              COUNT
       VFFFTMT   Vector affinity time cpu 28              COUNT
       VFFFTMU   Vector affinity time cpu 29              COUNT
       VFFFTMV   Vector affinity time cpu 30              COUNT
       VFFFTMW   Vector affinity time cpu 31              COUNT
       VFFFTMX   Vector affinity time cpu 32              MAXIMUM
       VFONG     Vector online to cpu 16?                 STRING
       VFONH     Vector online to cpu 17?                 STRING
       VFONI     Vector online to cpu 18?                 STRING
       VFONJ     Vector online to cpu 19?                 STRING
       VFONK     Vector online to cpu 20?                 STRING
       VFONL     Vector online to cpu 21?                 STRING
       VFONN     Vector online to cpu 22?                 STRING
       VFONO     Vector online to cpu 23?                 STRING
       VFONP     Vector online to cpu 24?                 STRING
       VFONQ     Vector online to cpu 25?                 STRING
       VFONR     Vector online to cpu 26?                 STRING
       VFONS     Vector online to cpu 27?                 STRING
       VFONT     Vector online to cpu 28?                 STRING
       VFONU     Vector online to cpu 29?                 STRING
       VFONV     Vector online to cpu 30?                 STRING
       VFONW     Vector online to cpu 31?                 STRING
       VFONX     Vector online to cpu 32?                 STRING
       ZARCHMD   System is in z/architecture mode?        STRING

156) The following variable has been added to table XTY70X2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R724EN    Number of crypto engines                 COUNT

157) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY72DL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R723RAP   Active application state samples         COUNT
       R723RRR   State with wait for register worktable   COUNT
       R723RRT   State with wait for regular thread       COUNT
       R723RST   State with wait for ssl thread           COUNT
       R723R05   Resource type 6 state samples            COUNT

158) The following variable has been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R723PLS   Service class for heterogeneous          STRING

159) The following 9 variables have been deleted from table XTY72SC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R723RAP   Active application state samples         COUNT
       R723RRR   State with wait for register worktable   COUNT
       R723RRT   State with wait for regular thread       COUNT
       R723RST   State with wait for ssl thread           COUNT
       R723R01   Resource type 1 state samples            COUNT
       R723R02   Resource type 3 state samples            COUNT
       R723R03   Resource type 4 state samples            COUNT
       R723R04   Resource type 5 state samples            COUNT
       R723R05   Resource type 6 state samples            COUNT

160) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY73:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM73CSS   Channel subsystem id                     HEXFLAGS
       SM73GEN   Channel type generation                  COUNT

161) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY74:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AVGCMRM   Average command response msec per ssch   AVERAGE
       DLYCMRT   Device command response duration         TIME
       MPL74                                              COUNT

162) The following variable has been added to table XTY74CA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SIO74CA   Sio count in 74ca cache record           COUNT

163) The following variable has had its external name changed in
     table XTY747P:

       R747PFL   changed from  R747SPFL  to  R747PPFL

164) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY77:

       RESIND    changed from  INT       to  COUNT

165) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY78CF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R783CBT   Cu busy delay time                       TIME
       R783CMR   Initial command response time            TIME
       R783CPX   Channel path extended flags              HEXFLAGS
       R783SBS   Switch busy counts all partitions        COUNT

166) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY78CU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73CBTM   Cu busy time for dcm managed channels    COUNT
       R73CMRM   Cmr time for dcm managed channels        COUNT
       R73CSST   Channel subsystem wait time              COUNT
       R73SBSM   Switch busy counts for dcm managed       COUNT

167) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY78PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VSDGHWM   Hwm bytes allocated above 2gb            COUNT
       VSDGMAX   Max bytes allocated above 2gb            MAXIMUM
       VSDGMIN   Min bytes allocated above 2gb            MINIMUM
       VSDGNTM   Time stamp of min above 2gb              DATETIME
       VSDGTOT   Total samples above 2gb                  COUNT
       VSDGXTM   Time stamp of min above 2gb              DATETIME

168) The following variable has been added to table XTY79C:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R79CCSS   Channel subsystem id                     HEXFLAGS

169) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY79E:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R9ECBTM   Cu busy delay time                       TIME
       R9ECMRM   Cmr time                                 TIME
       R9ECSST   Channel subsystem wait time              TIME
       R9ESBSM   Switch busy count                        COUNT

170) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY79EF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R79ECBT   Cu busy delay time                       COUNT
       R79ECMR   Cmr time                                 COUNT
       R79ECPX   Channel path extended flags              STRING
       R79ESBS   Switch busy count                        COUNT

171) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY799:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R799CMR   Command response time                    TIME
       R799CNX                                            HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY799:

       R799TMS   Time skipped if nr alias exp was changed TIME

172) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

173) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

174) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

175) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

176) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

177) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

178) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

179) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

180) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

181) The following 42 variables have been added to table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EV44FLD   Event 44 13th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLE   Event 44 14th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLF   Event 44 15th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44TXD   Event 44 13th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXE   Event 44 14th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXF   Event 44 15th directed command info      STRING
       EV44VAA   Event 44 10th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAB   Event 44 11th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAC   Event 44 12th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAD   Event 44 13th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAE   Event 44 14th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAF   Event 44 15th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VA1   Event 44 1st directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA2   Event 44 2nd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA3   Event 44 3rd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA4   Event 44 4th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA5   Event 44 5th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA6   Event 44 6th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA7   Event 44 7th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA8   Event 44 8th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA9   Event 44 9th directed command value      STRING
       SEGNAMD   Event 44 13th name of segment            STRING
       SEGNAME   Event 44 14th name of segment            STRING
       SEGNAMF   Event 44 15th name of segment            STRING
       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

182) The following 61 variables have been added to table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EV44FLA   Event 44 10th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLB   Event 44 11th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLC   Event 44 12th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLD   Event 44 13th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLE   Event 44 14th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLF   Event 44 15th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL2   Event 44 2nd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL3   Event 44 3rd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL4   Event 44 4th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL5   Event 44 5th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL6   Event 44 6th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL7   Event 44 7th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL8   Event 44 8th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL9   Event 44 9th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44TXA   Event 44 10th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXB   Event 44 11th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXC   Event 44 12th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXD   Event 44 13th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXE   Event 44 14th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXF   Event 44 15th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TX2   Event 44 2nd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX3   Event 44 3rd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX4   Event 44 4th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX5   Event 44 5th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX6   Event 44 6th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX7   Event 44 7th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX8   Event 44 8th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX9   Event 44 9th directed command info       STRING
       EV44VAA   Event 44 10th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAB   Event 44 11th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAC   Event 44 12th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAD   Event 44 13th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAE   Event 44 14th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAF   Event 44 15th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VA1   Event 44 1st directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA2   Event 44 2nd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA3   Event 44 3rd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA4   Event 44 4th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA5   Event 44 5th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA6   Event 44 6th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA7   Event 44 7th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA8   Event 44 8th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA9   Event 44 9th directed command value      STRING
       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

183) The following 61 variables have been added to table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EV44FLA   Event 44 10th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLB   Event 44 11th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLC   Event 44 12th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLD   Event 44 13th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLE   Event 44 14th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLF   Event 44 15th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL2   Event 44 2nd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL3   Event 44 3rd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL4   Event 44 4th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL5   Event 44 5th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL6   Event 44 6th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL7   Event 44 7th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL8   Event 44 8th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL9   Event 44 9th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44TXA   Event 44 10th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXB   Event 44 11th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXC   Event 44 12th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXD   Event 44 13th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXE   Event 44 14th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXF   Event 44 15th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TX2   Event 44 2nd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX3   Event 44 3rd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX4   Event 44 4th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX5   Event 44 5th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX6   Event 44 6th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX7   Event 44 7th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX8   Event 44 8th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX9   Event 44 9th directed command info       STRING
       EV44VAA   Event 44 10th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAB   Event 44 11th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAC   Event 44 12th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAD   Event 44 13th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAE   Event 44 14th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAF   Event 44 15th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VA1   Event 44 1st directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA2   Event 44 2nd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA3   Event 44 3rd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA4   Event 44 4th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA5   Event 44 5th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA6   Event 44 6th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA7   Event 44 7th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA8   Event 44 8th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA9   Event 44 9th directed command value      STRING
       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

184) The following 42 variables have been added to table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EV44FLD   Event 44 13th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLE   Event 44 14th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLF   Event 44 15th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44TXD   Event 44 13th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXE   Event 44 14th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXF   Event 44 15th directed command info      STRING
       EV44VAA   Event 44 10th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAB   Event 44 11th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAC   Event 44 12th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAD   Event 44 13th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAE   Event 44 14th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAF   Event 44 15th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VA1   Event 44 1st directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA2   Event 44 2nd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA3   Event 44 3rd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA4   Event 44 4th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA5   Event 44 5th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA6   Event 44 6th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA7   Event 44 7th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA8   Event 44 8th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA9   Event 44 9th directed command value      STRING
       SEGNAMD   Event 44 13th name of segment            STRING
       SEGNAME   Event 44 14th name of segment            STRING
       SEGNAMF   Event 44 15th name of segment            STRING
       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

185) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

186) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

187) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

188) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

189) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

190) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

191) The following 61 variables have been added to table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EV44FLA   Event 44 10th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLB   Event 44 11th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLC   Event 44 12th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLD   Event 44 13th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLE   Event 44 14th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLF   Event 44 15th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL2   Event 44 2nd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL3   Event 44 3rd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL4   Event 44 4th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL5   Event 44 5th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL6   Event 44 6th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL7   Event 44 7th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL8   Event 44 8th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL9   Event 44 9th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44TXA   Event 44 10th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXB   Event 44 11th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXC   Event 44 12th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXD   Event 44 13th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXE   Event 44 14th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXF   Event 44 15th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TX2   Event 44 2nd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX3   Event 44 3rd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX4   Event 44 4th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX5   Event 44 5th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX6   Event 44 6th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX7   Event 44 7th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX8   Event 44 8th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX9   Event 44 9th directed command info       STRING
       EV44VAA   Event 44 10th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAB   Event 44 11th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAC   Event 44 12th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAD   Event 44 13th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAE   Event 44 14th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAF   Event 44 15th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VA1   Event 44 1st directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA2   Event 44 2nd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA3   Event 44 3rd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA4   Event 44 4th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA5   Event 44 5th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA6   Event 44 6th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA7   Event 44 7th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA8   Event 44 8th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA9   Event 44 9th directed command value      STRING
       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

192) The following 61 variables have been added to table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EV44FLA   Event 44 10th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLB   Event 44 11th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLC   Event 44 12th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLD   Event 44 13th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLE   Event 44 14th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLF   Event 44 15th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL2   Event 44 2nd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL3   Event 44 3rd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL4   Event 44 4th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL5   Event 44 5th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL6   Event 44 6th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL7   Event 44 7th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL8   Event 44 8th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL9   Event 44 9th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44TXA   Event 44 10th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXB   Event 44 11th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXC   Event 44 12th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXD   Event 44 13th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXE   Event 44 14th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXF   Event 44 15th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TX2   Event 44 2nd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX3   Event 44 3rd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX4   Event 44 4th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX5   Event 44 5th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX6   Event 44 6th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX7   Event 44 7th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX8   Event 44 8th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX9   Event 44 9th directed command info       STRING
       EV44VAA   Event 44 10th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAB   Event 44 11th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAC   Event 44 12th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAD   Event 44 13th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAE   Event 44 14th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAF   Event 44 15th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VA1   Event 44 1st directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA2   Event 44 2nd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA3   Event 44 3rd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA4   Event 44 4th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA5   Event 44 5th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA6   Event 44 6th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA7   Event 44 7th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA8   Event 44 8th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA9   Event 44 9th directed command value      STRING
       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

193) The following 61 variables have been added to table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EV44FLA   Event 44 10th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLB   Event 44 11th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLC   Event 44 12th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLD   Event 44 13th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLE   Event 44 14th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FLF   Event 44 15th flag one                   HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL2   Event 44 2nd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL3   Event 44 3rd flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL4   Event 44 4th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL5   Event 44 5th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL6   Event 44 6th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL7   Event 44 7th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL8   Event 44 8th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44FL9   Event 44 9th flag one                    HEXFLAGS
       EV44TXA   Event 44 10th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXB   Event 44 11th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXC   Event 44 12th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXD   Event 44 13th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXE   Event 44 14th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TXF   Event 44 15th directed command info      STRING
       EV44TX2   Event 44 2nd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX3   Event 44 3rd directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX4   Event 44 4th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX5   Event 44 5th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX6   Event 44 6th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX7   Event 44 7th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX8   Event 44 8th directed command info       STRING
       EV44TX9   Event 44 9th directed command info       STRING
       EV44VAA   Event 44 10th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAB   Event 44 11th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAC   Event 44 12th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAD   Event 44 13th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAE   Event 44 14th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VAF   Event 44 15th directed command value     STRING
       EV44VA1   Event 44 1st directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA2   Event 44 2nd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA3   Event 44 3rd directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA4   Event 44 4th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA5   Event 44 5th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA6   Event 44 6th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA7   Event 44 7th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA8   Event 44 8th directed command value      STRING
       EV44VA9   Event 44 9th directed command value      STRING
       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

194) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

195) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

196) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

197) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKFLG1   Miscellaneous flag tokflg1               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG2   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKFLG3   Miscellaneous flag tokflg2               HEXFLAGS
       TOKGRUP   Groupname                                STRING
       TOKHOME   Home                                     STRING
       TOKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

198) The following variable has been added to table XTY89:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPUTM     Total cpu time                           TIME

199) The following variable has been added to table XTY892:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM89LP3   Lpar partition id                        COUNT

200) The following variable has been added to table XTY942:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF94VL   Library sequence number character        STRING

201) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY9421:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF94VL   Library sequence number character        STRING
       S94PPPF   First media type to borrow               COUNT
       S94PPPR   Returns allowed?                         STRING
       S94PPPS   Second media type to borrow              COUNT

202) The following 12 variables have been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LU62IOC   Lu6.2 i/o wait count                     COUNT
       LU62IOT   Lu6.2 i/o wait duration                  TIME
       QWCAJST   Accumulated ascb tcb time in db2         TIME
       QWCSPEA   Et executing stored procs includes sql   TIME
       QWCSPEB   Et executing stored procs sql time       TIME
       QWCSPNE   Sql entry/exits by stored procedures     COUNT
       QWCSPTT   Tcb time for sql issued by stored proc   TIME
       QWHSSSI   Db2 subsystem id                         STRING
       STRHWMH   User storage (hwm) in eudsa above 16mb   COUNT
       STRHWMK   User storage (hwm) in udsa below 16mb    COUNT
       SYNCDLT   Syncpoint delay time                     TIME
       SYNPTCN   Sync points                              COUNT

Updates to NTSMF Data Support

The NTSMF data dictionary has been updated to add support for the "MSExchangeDSAccess Caches" object. The following tables list the new NTSMF table and variables.

Table Name Description
NTACCHS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches


Variable Name Description
CCHHTSC MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Hits/Sec - the number of "object found in cache" events per second.
CCHMSSC MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Misses/Sec - the number of "object not found in cache" events per second.
CCHTTTL MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Hits Total - the total number of "object found in cache" events since system initialization.
CCMSTTL MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Misses Total - the total number of "object not found in cache" events since system initialization.
CESCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Expiries/Sec (Configuration Data)
CETCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Expiries Total (Configuration Data) - the total number of objects expired from the cache since system initialization.
CEXPSUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Expiries/Sec (User Data)
CEXPTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Expiries Total (User Data) - the total number of objects expired from the cache since system initialization.
CINSCND MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Inserts/Sec (Configuration Data) - the number of objects inserted into the cache per second.
CINSSUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Inserts/Sec (User Data) - the number of objects inserted into the cache per second.
CINSTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Inserts Total (User Data) - the total number of objects inserted into the cache since system initialization.
CINTCND MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Inserts Total (Configuration Data) - the total number of objects inserted into the cache since system initialization.
DAPSTTL MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: LDAP Searches Total - the total number of LDAP search requests issued since system initialization.
DNECNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: DN Entries (Configuration Data) - the total number of Distinguished Name objects in the cache.
DNEMCND MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: DN Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all DN objects in the cache.
DNENMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: DN Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all DN objects in the cache.
DNENTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: DN Entries (User Data)- the total number of Distinguished Name objects in the cache.
DSACCHS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: MSExchangeDSAccess Caches
FDNEMCD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found DN Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all "Not Found DN" Entries in the cache.
FDNEMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found DN Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all "Not Found DN" Entries in the cache.
GUIDECD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found GUID Entries(Configuration Data) - the total number of "Not Found GUID" type entries in the cache.
GUIDEUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found GUID Entries(User Data) - the total number of "Not Found GUID" type entries in the cache.
LDAPSSC MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: LDAP Searches/Sec - the number of LDAP search requests issued per second.
NFDNECD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found DN Entries (Configuration Data) - the total number of "Not Found DN" type entries in the cache.
NFDNEUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found DN Entries (User Data) - the total number of "Not Found DN" type entries in the cache.
OASRCHS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Outstanding Async Searches - the number of outstanding LDAP search requests.
OTANTFS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Outstanding Async Notifies - the number of outstanding LDAP notification requests.
OTSARDS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Outstanding Async Reads- the number of outstanding LDAP read requests.
SEMCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Search Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all Search Entries in the cache.
SENCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Search Entries (Configuration Data) - the total number of Search type entries in the cache.
SRENMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Search Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all Search Entries in the cache.
SRENTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Search Entries (User Data) - the total number of Search type entries in the cache.
TEMCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Total Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all entry objects in the cache excluding the cache tables overhead.
TENCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Total Entries (Configuration Data) - the total number of entries in the cache, including all DN, Search, Not Found DN and Not Found GUID type entries.
TENTMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Total Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all entry objects in the cache excluding the cache tables overhead.
TTENTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Total Entries (User Data) - the total number of entries in the cache, including all DN, Search, Not Found DN and Not Found GUID type entries.
UIDEMCD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found GUID Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all "Not Found GUID" Entries in the cache.
UIDEMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found GUID Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all "Not Found GUID" Entries in the cache.

Support for sar data from SYSSTAT 5.0.0 on Linux

Support has been added for processing sar data from SYSSTAT 5.0.0 on Linux.

Summary of Changes:

Processing sar Data

sar data can be processed from the following operating systems:

Operating System Notes
Linux Use Sysstat 4.0.1 OR Sysstat 5.0.0

Tables and Variables

The Sysstat 5.0.0 support adds the following metrics:

Required Report Job Changes

With Sysstat 5.0.0, sar no longer reports Block Transfer Rate (BLKTRRT). Instead it reports Sectors Read and Sectors Written. Because the ITRM sar QuickStart report job (rreport) uses BLKTRRT, customers with an existing QuickStart report job for sar should change it as follows. Locate the following %CPIDTOPN macro within your rreport job:

         INLIB    = DAY
        ,INMEM    = SARDEV
        ,TOPNSTAT = MEAN
        ,TOPN     = 16
        ,BEGIN    = &QS_BEGDY
        ,END      = &QS_ENDDY

and delete it. Then locate the four references to the &TOPBLOCK macro variable and replace them with &TOPDATA. Upgrading to 5.0.0 and leaving BLKTRRT coded will yield unpredictable results in your reports, since that variable will contain missing values.

If you execute the sar QuickStart Wizard with this hotfix or some future maintenance applied, the rreport job will be re-generated with these changes in place,

Support for new MXG method of summarizing CICS transaction data

MXG Change 21.105 documents an improved method for summarizing CICS transactions. Prior to that change, any site using MRO would see multiple observations per "unit of work" representing work done in different CICS regions on behalf of the original CICS transaction. With this change, all CICS transactions from the same unit of work are merged together to represent the single, originating transaction's workload.

This change affects the SMF table XCICSUM and the ASG (formerly Landmark) Monitor for CICS tables XTC2SUM, XTCSUM and XTCCSUM. When any of these tables are processed, SAS IT Resource Management will now submit the newly recommended ASUMUOW (or ASUMUOWT) and ASUMCICX members, instead of the original ASUMCICS member.

Preliminary Support for SiteScope Data

This update provides preliminary support for Mercury Interactive's SiteScope product on Windows and UNIX platforms. Currently, there are no supplied report definitions or QuickStart Wizard support for this collector.

Summary of Changes:

Processing SiteScope Data

This initial support processes the following SiteScope monitors:

To process SiteScope data into your SAS IT Resource Management PDB, use the %CPPROCES macro as follows:

         ,RAWDATA=<location of SiteScope log>
         ,GROUPDIR=<location of SiteScope group file directory>

SiteScope's default settings are that the log files are stored in a folder referred to as <SiteScope data location>\logs and the group file directory is a folder referred to as <SiteScope data location>\groups. Use the rawdata parameter to point to one SiteScope log file. If the groupdir parameter is not specified, the %CPPROCES macro will assume that the group files can be found according to the above defaults. If the group file directory can not be located using this rule, the groupdir parameter must be used to specify the actual folder that contains the group files.

The SiteScope collector support also includes the automatic execution of duplicate checking macros. As with other similar collectors, code DUPMODE=DISCARD on the %CPPROCES macro to initiate duplicate checking of incoming data.

The Process Wizard has been updated to support this new collector but, as with all collectors that the Process Wizard supports, the tables need to exist in the PDB before invoking it.

Tables and Variables

The following tables list the currently supported SiteScope tables and variables that have been added to the SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary.

Variable Name Description
Table: SSCPU - CPUMonitor - reports the percentage of CPU currently in use.
Table: SSDISK - DiskSpaceMonitor - reports the percentage of disk space currently in use.
DSKFREE Disk free (MB)
DSKUSED Disk used (%)
Table: SSMMR - MemoryMonitor - measures virtual memory usage.
MEMFREE Memory free (MB)
MEMRATE Pagerate (pgs/sec)
Table: SSPING - PingMonitor - checks the availability of a host via the network.
GOOD Good packets (%)
TRIP Round trip time (ms) - the average of the round trip times from 5 pings executed each time the monitor runs.
Table: SSURL - URL Monitor - verifies availability and access time for specified URLs.
AGE Age - the amount of time between the current time and the last-modified time for the page, in seconds.
CONN Connect time (ms) - the amount of time to make the connection, in milliseconds.
DNS DNS time (ms) - the amount of time to translate the host name to an IP address, in milliseconds.
DOWNL Download time (ms) - the amount of time to receive the page contents, in milliseconds.
MATCH Content match
OSTATUS Overall status
RESPONS Response time (ms) - the amount of time before the response was received, in milliseconds.
STATTXT Status text - the text representation of the HTTP status based on the HTTP status code.
STATUS Status - the HTTP status code.
TOTERR Total errors
TRIP Round trip time (ms) - the total time for the entire request, in milliseconds.

Updates to NTSMF Data Processing

In the past, SAS IT Resource Management has allowed processing of NTSMF log files containing comma delimited data only. However, within the NTSMF product, the user has the option of generating log files with a delimiter of either a comma or a TAB. The %CPPROCES macro in ITRM has been updated to process NTSMF log files with either comma delimited data or TAB delimited data. If the delimiter is a comma in your NTSMF files, nothing needs to be changed. If the delimiter is a TAB in the NTSMF files, you should use the DELIM= option on the %CPPROCES macro to specify the delimiter.

For example, if the delimiter in the NTSMF data is a comma, the macro may look like this:

         ,RAWDATA=<location of NTSMF data files>

If the delimiter in the NTSMF data is a TAB, the macro may look like this:

         ,RAWDATA=<location of NTSMF data files>

The default delimiter when processing NTSMF data is a comma, so the DELIM= parameter value does not need to be set if the log files contain comma delimited data.

Updates to NTSMF Data Support

Summary of Changes:

New NTSMF Tables

The NTSMF data dictionary has been updated to add support for the "MSExchangeIS Mailbox" object. The following tables list the new NTSMF table and variables.

Table Name Description
NTSMLBX Windows NT MSExchangeIS Mailbox


Variable Name Description
ACCLGNS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Active Client Logons
AVLDLTM MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Average Local Delivery Time
AVRDLTM MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Average Delivery Time
CLNLGNS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Client Logons
CORITMS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Total Count of Recoverable Items
CTGRCNT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Categorization Count
DAVNRSC MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Notify Requests/sec
EISMLBX MSExchangeIS Mailbox: MSExchangeIS Mailbox
FLDOPSC MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Folder opens/sec
LCDLVRS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Local deliveries
LCDLVRT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Local delivery rate
LOPRTSC MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Logon Operations/sec
MRCPDMN MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Message Recipients Delivered/min
MRDLVRD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Message Recipients Delivered
MSDLVMN MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Delivered/min
MSDLVRD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Delivered
MSGSNMN MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Sent/min
MSGSSNT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Sent
MSOPNSC MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Message Opens/sec
MSSBMMN MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Submitted/min
MSSBMTD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Submitted
NTFCTNS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Current Pending Notifications
PCLLGNS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Peak Client Logons
RCVQSZ MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Receive Queue Size
SBSCRPT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Current Subscriptions
SNDQSZ MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Send Queue Size
SNINSRT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Single Instance Ratio
SORITMS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Total Size of Recoverable Items
TNRQSTS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Total Notify Requests
TSEXPRD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Total Subscriptions Expired
VCTLCKS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Current Transaction Locks
VTLCRTD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Total Locks Created
VTSCRTD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Total Subscriptions Created

Updated NTSMF Tables

The following tables list the NTSMF tables for which new variables have been added to the SAS IT Resource Management dictionary.

Variable Name Description
AEXPNDD MSExchangeIS: Recurring Master Appointments Expanded
APICRTD MSExchangeIS: Appointment Instances Created
APNICRT MSExchangeIS: Appointment Instance Creation Rate
APNIDRT MSExchangeIS: Appointment Instance Deletion Rate
BCKGRN0 MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Scanned in Background
BCKGRND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Folders Scanned in Background
BFBLCKS MSExchangeIS: VM Total 16MB Free Blocks
EQLNGTH MSExchangeIS: Background Expansion Queue Length
FBPBCNT MSExchangeIS: FB Publish Count
FBPBLRT MSExchangeIS: FB Publish Rate
FQRNTND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Quarantined
MQRNTND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Quarantined
OSPCKTS MSExchangeIS: RPC Num. of Slow Packets
PCALTNC MSExchangeIS: RPC Averaged Latency
RAPCRTD MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointments Created
RAPDLTD MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointments Deleted
RAPMDFD MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointments Modified
RAPNDRT MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointment Deletion Rate
RAPNMRT MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointment Modification Rate
RAPPCRT MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointment Creation Rate
RCMEXRT MSExchangeIS: Recurring Master Expansion Rate
SAPCRTD MSExchangeIS: Single Appointments Created
SAPDLTD MSExchangeIS: Single Appointments Deleted
SAPMDFD MSExchangeIS: Single Appointments Modified
SAPNCRT MSExchangeIS: Single Appointment Creation Rate
SAPNDRT MSExchangeIS: Single Appointment Deletion Rate
SAPNMRT MSExchangeIS: Single Appointment Modification Rate
SMPRCSD MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Processed
SQLNGTH MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Queue Length
TFBLCKS MSExchangeIS: VM Total Free Blocks
TLFBBTS MSExchangeIS: VM Total Large Free Block Bytes
VMLRBSZ MSExchangeIS: VM Largest Block Size
VSBSCND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Bytes Scanned
VSFCLND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Cleaned
VSFCLSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Cleaned/sec
VSFQRSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Quarantined/sec
VSFSCND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Scanned
VSFSCSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Scanned/sec
VSMCLND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Cleaned
VSMPRSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Processed/sec
VSMQRSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Quarantined/sec
VSMSCSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Cleaned/sec
AVLDLTM MSExchangeIS Public: Average Local Delivery Time
AVRDLTM MSExchangeIS Public: Average Delivery Time
DAVNRSC MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Notify Requests/sec
LOPRTSC MSExchangeIS Public: Logon Operations/sec
NTFCTNS MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Current Pending Notifications
SBSCRPT MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Current Subscriptions
TNRQSTS MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Total Notify Requests
TSEXPRD MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Total Subscriptions Expired
VCTLCKS MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Current Transaction Locks
VTLCRTD MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Total Locks Created
VTSCRTD MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Total Subscriptions Created

Support for SMF TYPE30_6 De-accumulation

The SMF data collector used by the %CMPROCES and %CPPROCES macros has been updated to execute the proper de-accumulation of the TYPE30_6 SMF record. Previously, this could only be achieved by adding the necessary MXG code to an exit point. With this fix, you do not need to code any exit points or execute any extra code.

Updates to Enhanced UNIX Accounting Support

Common Header File Functionality

Before this release, it was necessary to run the itsvacct shell script against every pacct binary file before it was processed. At a minimum, this script prefixed the binary data with a header record containing information that assists with the processing of the binary data (it can also include passwd and group information).

If a UNIX system produces multiple binary pacct files each day (for example, one per hour), it was necessary to run itsvacct script against each binary pacct file, even though it was prefixing the same information.

To resolve this problem, the itsvacct shell script has been modified so that it can be run without specifying the -i option (no binary pacct file), the result being a file that only contains header information, and possibly passwd and group information. The raw binary pacct files can then be processed with no modification by the %CPPROCES macro using the CPACCHDR macro variable to specify the location of the file that contains the common header information.

      %let CPACCHDR=/mydata/header.only;

As a result of this update the following functionality changes were implemented:

Removal of Passwd and Group Dependency

Prior to Hotfix 82IS04, the passwd and group data where treated as one, that is, they both had to be either included with binary raw data using the itsvacct script, both pre-built using the itsvfmt shell script and the %CPACCFMT macro or both stored locally. With Hotfix 82IS04, the group and passwd data are treated independently. For example, the passwd data could be included with the binary pacct file using the itsvacct command and the group data could be derived from the pre-built formats.

Updates to NTSMF Data Support

Summary of Changes:

New NTSMF Tables

The NTSMF data dictionary has been updated to add support for "Citrix", "Datacore", "WMI", "Psched" and "MSMQ" objects. The following tables list the new NTSMF tables and variables.

Table Name Description
NTCASSN Windows NT ICA Session
NTCMFXP Windows NT Citrix MetaFrame XP
NTCNTWK Windows NT Citrix IMA Networking
NTCNTRL Windows NT DataCore Domain Controller
NTDCCCH Windows NT DataCore Cache
NTFCHNL Windows NT DataCore Fibre Channel
NTMRRNG Windows NT DataCore Mirroring
NTMVPLS Windows NT DataCore NMV Pools
NTSCHDL Windows NT DataCore Scheduler
NTVDSKS Windows NT DataCore NMV Disks
NTQSRVC Windows NT MSMQ Service
NTPSFLW Windows NT PSched Flow
NTWMIOB Windows NT WMI Objects


Variable Name Description
BNDWDTH ICA Session: Input Audio Bandwidth
BNDWDT0 ICA Session: Input Clipboard Bandwidth
BNDWDT1 ICA Session: Input COM 1 Bandwidth
BNDWDT2 ICA Session: Input COM 2 Bandwidth
BNDWDT3 ICA Session: Input COM Bandwidth
BNDWDT4 ICA Session: Input Control Channel Bandwidth
BNDWDT5 ICA Session: Input Drive Bandwidth
BNDWDT6 ICA Session: Input Font Data Bandwidth
BNDWDT7 ICA Session: Input Licensing Bandwidth
BNDWDT8 ICA Session: Input LPT 1 Bandwidth
BNDWDT9 ICA Session: Input LPT 2 Bandwidth
BNDWD10 ICA Session: Input Management Bandwidth
BNDWD11 ICA Session: Input PN Bandwidth
BNDWD12 ICA Session: Input Printer Bandwidth
BNDWD13 ICA Session: Input Seamless Bandwidth
BNDWD14 ICA Session: Input Session Bandwidth
BNDWD15 ICA Session: Input Text Echo Bandwidth
BNDWD16 ICA Session: Input ThinWire Bandwidth
BNDWD17 ICA Session: Input VideoFrame Bandwidth
BNDWD18 ICA Session: Output Audio Bandwidth
BNDWD19 ICA Session: Output Clipboard Bandwidth
BNDWD20 ICA Session: Output COM 1 Bandwidth
BNDWD21 ICA Session: Output COM 2 Bandwidth
BNDWD22 ICA Session: Output COM Bandwidth
BNDWD23 ICA Session: Output Control Channel Bandwidth
BNDWD24 ICA Session: Output Drive Bandwidth
BNDWD25 ICA Session: Output Font Data Bandwidth
BNDWD26 ICA Session: Output Licensing Bandwidth
BNDWD27 ICA Session: Output LPT 1 Bandwidth
BNDWD28 ICA Session: Output LPT 2 Bandwidth
BNDWD29 ICA Session: Output Management Bandwidth
BNDWD30 ICA Session: Output PN Bandwidth
BNDWD31 ICA Session: Output Printer Bandwidth
BNDWD32 ICA Session: Output Seamless Bandwidth
BNDWD33 ICA Session: Output Session Bandwidth
BNDWD34 ICA Session: Output Text Echo Bandwidth
BNDWD35 ICA Session: Output ThinWire Bandwidth
BNDWD36 ICA Session: Output VideoFrame Bandwidth
ICASSN ICA Session: ICA Session
INSLSPD ICA Session: Input Session Line Speed
LLRCRDD ICA Session: Latency - Last Recorded
LTSAVRG ICA Session: Latency - Session Average
LTSDVTN ICA Session: Latency - Session Deviation
OTSLSPD ICA Session: Output Session Line Speed
SCMPRS0 ICA Session: Output Session Compression
SCMPRSN ICA Session: Input Session Compression
APENMSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: Application Enumerations/sec
APLRSSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: Application Resolutions/sec
APLRSTM Citrix MetaFrame XP: Application Resolution Time (ms)
DNMSRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DynamicStore reads/sec
DNSBRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: Dynamic Store bytes read/sec
DNSBWSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DynamicStore bytes written/sec
DNSWRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DynamicStore writes/sec
DSBWRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DataStore bytes written/sec
DSCNFLR Citrix MetaFrame XP: Data Store Connection Failure
DSTBRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DataStore bytes read/sec
DSTRDSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DataStore reads/sec
DSTWRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DataStore writes/sec
FAPENSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: Filtered Application Enumerations/sec
LCHCRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: LocalHostCache reads/sec
LHCBRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: LocalHostCache bytes read/sec
LHCBWSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: LocalHostCache bytes written/sec
LHCWRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: LocalHostCache writes/sec
ZELCTNS Citrix MetaFrame XP: Zone Elections
ZELCTWN Citrix MetaFrame XP: Zone Elections Won
BTRCVSC Citrix IMA Networking: Bytes Received/sec
BTSSNSC Citrix IMA Networking: Bytes Sent/sec
NCNCTNS Citrix IMA Networking: Network Connections
NTWRKNG Citrix IMA Networking: Citrix IMA Networking
DCNTRLR DataCore Domain Controller: DataCore Domain Controller
THRGHPT DataCore Domain Controller: Total Throughput
TRCMNSC DataCore Domain Controller: Total Read Commands/sec
TRPNDNG DataCore Domain Controller: Total Read Pending
TRTRNRT DataCore Domain Controller: Total Read Transfer Rate
TWARCSC DataCore Domain Controller: Total Write and Read Commands/sec
TWCMNSC DataCore Domain Controller: Total Write Commands/sec
TWTRNRT DataCore Domain Controller: Total Write Transfer Rate
WAPNDNG DataCore Domain Controller: Total WriteAlloc Pending
CCHNDVS DataCore Cache: CacheNumDevs
CCRHTSC DataCore Cache: CacheReadHits/sec
CCRMSSC DataCore Cache: CacheReadMisses/sec
CCTIOSC DataCore Cache: CacheTotal IO/sec
CCTTRSC DataCore Cache: CacheTotalReads/sec
CCTWRSC DataCore Cache: CacheTotalWrites/sec
CNFBFRS DataCore Cache: CacheNumFreeBuffers
CNFCMDS DataCore Cache: CacheNumFreeCmds
CRPNDSC DataCore Cache: CacheReadPending/sec
DTCRCCH DataCore Cache: DataCore Cache
DCFCHNL DataCore Fibre Channel: DataCore Fibre Channel
INDTRRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Data Transfer Rate
INROPSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Read Operations/sec
INRTRRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Read Transfer Rate
INWOPSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Write Operations/sec
INWTRRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Write Transfer Rate
OICMNDS DataCore Fibre Channel: Outstanding Initiator Commands
OTCMNDS DataCore Fibre Channel: Outstanding Target Commands
SCSICS0 DataCore Fibre Channel: Target SCSI Commands/sec
SCSICS1 DataCore Fibre Channel: Total SCSI Commands/sec
SCSICSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator SCSI Commands/sec
TDTRNR0 DataCore Fibre Channel: Total Data Transfer Rate
TDTRNRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Data Transfer Rate
TOCMNDS DataCore Fibre Channel: Total Outstanding Commands
TROPRSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Read Operations/sec
TRR1RSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 1 Reads/sec
TRR1WSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 1 Writes/sec
TRR2RSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 2 Reads/sec
TRR2WSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 2 Writes/sec
TRR3RSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 3 Reads/sec
TRR3WSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 3 Writes/sec
TRR4RSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 4 Reads/sec
TRR4WSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 4 Writes/sec
TRTRNRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Read Transfer Rate
TWOPRSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Write Operations/sec
TWTRNRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Write Transfer Rate
CIOTMRR DataCore Mirroring: Pending client I/Os to mirror
DCMRRNG DataCore Mirroring: DataCore Mirroring
KBOOSNC DataCore Mirroring: KB out of Sync
PNDRIOS DataCore Mirroring: Pending Recovery I/Os
RCVRKBS DataCore Mirroring: Recovery rate (KB/s)
RMTRDSC DataCore Mirroring: RemoteRead/sec
RMTWRSC DataCore Mirroring: RemoteWrite/sec
RPRCNTG DataCore Mirroring: Recover Percentage
AVCHNKS DataCore NMV Pools: Available Chunks
CNMVPLS DataCore NMV Pools: DataCore NMV Pools
PHSDSKS DataCore NMV Pools: Physical Disks
TTCHNKS DataCore NMV Pools: Total Chunks
VRTDSKS DataCore NMV Pools: Virtual Disks
CSCHDLR DataCore Scheduler: DataCore Scheduler
PRDCPSC DataCore Scheduler: Productive Polls/sec
UNPRPSC DataCore Scheduler: Unproductive Polls/sec
ALCHNKS DataCore NMV Disks: Allocated Chunks
NMVDSKS DataCore NMV Disks: DataCore NMV Disks
BTIJRNQ MSMQ Queue: Bytes in Journal Queue
BTSINQ MSMQ Queue: Bytes in Queue
MSGIJRQ MSMQ Queue: Messages in Journal Queue
MSGSINQ MSMQ Queue: Messages in Queue
INCMMSC MSMQ Service: Incoming Messages/sec
IPSSNS MSMQ Service: IP Sessions
IPXSSNS MSMQ Service: IPX Sessions
MQIMSGS MSMQ Service: MSMQ Incoming Messages
MQOMSGS MSMQ Service: MSMQ Outgoing Messages
OTGMSSC MSMQ Service: Outgoing Messages/sec
SESIONS MSMQ Service: Sessions
TMSIAQS MSMQ Service: Total messages in all queues
TTBIAQS MSMQ Service: Total bytes in all queues
APISHPR PSched Flow: Average packets in shaper
BSCHDLD PSched Flow: Bytes scheduled
BSCHDSC PSched Flow: Bytes scheduled/sec
BTRNSSC PSched Flow: Bytes transmitted/sec
MPISHPR PSched Flow: Max packets in shaper
NNCPSSC PSched Flow: Nonconforming packets scheduled/sec
NNCPTSC PSched Flow: Nonconforming packets transmitted/sec
PCKDRPD PSched Flow: Packets dropped
PCKDRSC PSched Flow: Packets dropped/sec
PCSCHSC PSched Flow: Packets scheduled/sec
PCTRNSC PSched Flow: Packets transmitted/sec
PINTCR0 PSched Flow: Maximum Packets in netcard
PINTCRD PSched Flow: Average Packets in netcard
PISQNC0 PSched Flow: Max packets in sequencer
PISQNCR PSched Flow: Average packets in sequencer
PSCHDL0 PSched Flow: Packets scheduled
PSCHDLD PSched Flow: Nonconforming packets scheduled
PSCHFLW PSched Flow: PSched Flow
TRNSMT0 PSched Flow: Nonconforming packets transmitted
TRNSMT1 PSched Flow: Packets transmitted
TRNSMTD PSched Flow: Bytes transmitted
HPRCLSS WMI Objects: HiPerf Classes
HPRVLDT WMI Objects: HiPerf Validity


Updated NTSMF Tables

The Interpretation types of 3 variables changed from COUNT to GAUGE in the Windows NT Memory (NTMMR) table.

  1. Committed Bytes (CMTDBTS)
  2. System Code Total Bytes (SSCTBTS)
  3. System Driver Total Bytes (SSDTBTS)

The following tables list the NTSMF tables for which new variables have been added to the SAS IT Resource Management dictionary.

Variable Name Description
JBOBJCT Job Object Details: Job Object
C1TRNSC Processor: C1 Transitions/sec
C2TRNSC Processor: C2 Transitions/sec
C3TRNSC Processor: C3 Transitions/sec
PCTC1TM Processor: % C1 Time
PCTC2TM Processor: % C2 Time
PCTC3TM Processor: % C3 Time
PCTIDTM Processor: % Idle Time