Section 2, Task 6: Wrap Up Section 2, Task 5:  Prepare for Client Use of PDB(s)Table of ContentsIT Service Vision Documentation Help

This task walks you through the steps necessary to make the production PDB and the production reports available to IT Service Vision users. It also walks you through other steps that complete the transition into production mode.


  1. You know the complete names of the production PDB, SITELIB, PGMLIB, and platform-specific structures.

    1. If you are in doubt about the complete names of the production PDB, SITELIB, and PGMLIB, you can:

      • invoke the IT Service Vision server

      • check that the production PDB is the active PDB

      • at the command line or command windows, issue the LIBNAME command

      • for the SITELIB and PGMLIB, the complete names are listed in the right-most column

      • for the production PDB, look up the complete names for DETAIL, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, etc. The common part of these names is the complete name of the production PDB.

    2. If you are in doubt about the complete names of the platform-specific structures,

  2. You have a (non IT Service Vision) reminder file.

    Another name for a reminder file is a tickler file.


  1. Using your site's security system, verify (and adjust if necessary) access rights for IT Service Vision structures.

    The IT Service Vision administrator and general users require different access rights from the file and security system.

      Administrator User
    PDB read/write read
    SITELIB read/write read
    PGMLIB read/write read

    Platform specific structures:

    Note: For a summary of which activities require which access rights to which structures, see Shared Appendix 3: Actions and Access Rights Required.

  2. Add items for recurrent tasks to your reminder file.

  3. Congratulations! You have successfully set up for production.

    For a list of other documentation, on your PC select the Roadmap under IT Service Vision OnlineHelp -> Documentation Contents.

    For example, you may want to see

Section 2, Task 6: Wrap Up Section 2, Task 5:  Prepare for Client Use of PDB(s)Table of ContentsIT Service Vision Documentation Help