Shared Appendix 3: Actions and Access Rights Required

Table Of ContentsIT Service Vision Help

  1. Administration

    Logon host: where the PDB resides or will reside

    License: the logon host has a server license

    1. PDB Administration

      Read/write required: PDB

      Read-only OK: SITELIB and PGMLIB

      • create a PDB

      • add/edit/create tables and regular variables

      • create/edit PDB-specific formats

      • create/edit PDB-specific formula variables

      • edit PDB-specific work shift

      • run process

      • run process with user-exits

      • run process with data-duplication macros

      • run reduce

      • run reduce with external "detail"

      • save/modify PDB-specific report definitions in ADMIN

      • save PDB-specific graph or text reports in ADMIN

      • write PDB-specific data to downloadable file

      • maintain the PDB's data dictionary from the master data dictionary.

    2. SITELIB Administration

      Read/write required: SITELIB

      Read only OK: PDB and PGMLIB

      • copy the shipped SITELIB to make a writeable SITELIB

      • create/edit site-specific work shift and holiday schedules

      • create/edit site-specific formats

      • create/edit site-specific report definitions.

    3. PGMLIB Administration

      Read/write required: PGMLIB

      Read only OK:

      Note: These do not require read access to PDB or SITELIB:

      • initial install of IT Service Vision

      • install of IT Service Vision updates (maintenance and release)

      • install of table definitions from the PDB's data dictionary to the master data dictionary.

  2. Users (and Administrator)

    Logon host: the host on which the PDB of interest is accessible by means of the local filesystem
    License: the logon host must have a client license and/or server license (data visualization and DeskTop Reporter require at least a client license)


    Logon host: the host on which the PDB of interest is accessible by means of a remote server
    License: the logon host must have a client license (and may also have a server license, though that is not required for these tasks)

    1. General User: Use PDB-specific and site-specific reports, data, and report definitions

      Read/write required: -NONE-

      Read only OK: PDB and SITELIB and PGMLIB

      • display and perhaps print PDB-specific and site-specific graph and text reports by using the interactive interface

      • perform data visualization

      • run supplied and PDB-specific and site-specific report definitions, and display and perhaps print graph and text reports by means of the interactive interface.

      • put PDB-specific graph or text reports onto a web

      Note: These do not require read access to PDB or SITELIB or PGMLIB:

      • browse PDB-specific and site-specific graph and text reports by using a web browser (this does require read access to the web-enabled reports)

      • drill down in PDB-specific and site-specific data by using the DeskTop Reporter
        (this does require read access to the SAS library that contains data from the PDB)
    2. Power User: Modify/Create user-specific report definitions

      Read/write required:

      Read-only OK: PDB and SITELIB and PGMLIB

      • display and perhaps print tables, variables, and statistics

      • modify and run supplied and PDB-specific and site-specific report definitions, and display and perhaps print graph and text reports by means of the interactive interface

      • create and run user-specific definitions, and display and perhaps print graph and text reports in the interactive interface

      • modify (but not save)/use PDB-specific and site-specific formats

      • save/edit report definitions in SASUSER

      • save graph and text reports in SASUSER

      • create/save user-specific formats in SASUSER.

      Note: Read/write access to SASUSER is assumed in all cases, other than batch operations on MVS (where it is optional).