Cabletron SPECTRUM Appendix 4: Defining IT Service Vision Tables for SPECTRUM Data

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There are a number of methods for defining IT Service Vision tables for SPECTRUM data. For instance,

This appendix describes a simplified version of the input, syntax, and parameters of the %CSATR2DD macro. If you need more information about the %CSATR2DD macro, see the Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision.

For information on %CPDDUTL, see the Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision.

Input Required to Run the %CSATR2DD Macro

To create CPDDUTL control statements, the %CSATR2DD macro requires the statistics data set (which you exported earlier in this chapter), the model data set (which you exported earlier in this chapter), the model type data set and the attributes data set (which you would need to export in the same way that you exported the other two data sets).

Using these data sets as input, %CSATR2DD writes CPDDUTL CREATE VARIABLE control statements for each variable in the statistics data set.

For more information on exporting data from SPECTRUM into SAS data sets, see Section 1, Task 2: Start Your Data Collection Software.

For information on %CPDDUTL, see the Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision.

Syntax of the %CSATR2DD Macro

The %CSATR2DD macro has the following keyword syntax

%CSATR2DD( MODTYP=,      ATTR=,        STAT=,        MODEL=,
           EXTATTR=,     OUTFILE=,     FORMATS=NO,   
           BIGTEMP=,     DATSTAMP=YES, MAXNAMES=512);

The important parameters are described below. For information about the others, see the Macro Reference documentation for IT Service Vision. For the definition of the specgway libref, see Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Your Data.

For example, this program (which you can type in and submit from the SAS PROGRAM EDITOR window) generates an IT Service Vision table definition that contains all the attributes exported into specgway.stat and lists the table definition in the SAS LOG window:

* Define the specgway libref;
   libname specgway '/usr/spectrum/export.output' ;

* Generate table definition statements;
          whichvar=ALL) ;

* Read table definition statements into %CPDDUTL;
%cpddutl (filename=/tmp/table.ddutl, list=y) ;

If you want to write the SAS log to an external file, see Prerequisite 1: You have a printed copy of the table definition(s) in Section 2, Task 1: Customize and Verify your Test PDB for the steps.