SAS IT Resource Management 2.7 Collector Support Hotfix Updates

SAS IT Resource Management is the new name for IT Service Vision. You may see references in our older documentation to its former name.

The hotfixes issued during the 2.7 release cycle are cumulative. That is, hotfix 27IS08 contains all the changes that were contained within hotfix 27IS07.


(27IS08) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 30.30

(27IS07) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 28.07

(27IS07) Customizations necessary for CICS UOW processing

(27IS06) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 27.09

(27IS06) Support for HP Performance Agent 5.0

(27IS05) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 26.07

(27IS04) Updated Support for Tile Charts

(27IS04) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 25.08

(27IS03) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 24.02

(27IS03) Support for SMF NDMCT De-accumulation

(27IS03) Updates to sar Data Support on Linux

(27IS03) Updates to SiteScope Data Support for Daylight Savings Time adjustments

(27IS03) Updates to NTSMF Data Support

(27IS03) Updates to allow support for BMC Patrol Data in IT Service Level Management

(27IS03) Support for duplicate ID values in BMC Patrol Data

(27IS02) Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 22.03

(27IS02) Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent X.03.84.02 on AIX

(27IS02) Support for SiteScope data on MVS

(27IS02) Support for web logs produced by BEA Weblogic

(27IS02) Support for DCOLLECT, EREP, IMF, TMS, TPF and VM collectors on UNIX and PC

Previous Updates to SAS IT Resource Management Collector Support

SAS IT Resource Management Server Setup Guide - Parts of the SAS IT Resource Management Server Setup Guide have been integrated into the Online Help available from within the SAS IT Resource Management application window. For a list of these topics click here. The original SAS IT Resource Management Server Setup Guide has been preserved but is now shipped in compressed form. On Windows, it is a zip file called and it resides in the itsvdocs folder in the !sasroot\cpe tree. On UNIX, it is a tar file called setupdoc.tar and it also resides in the itsvdocs subdirectory in the !sasroot/cpe tree. Before you can access this document, it should be uncompressed into the itsvdocs\sa folder on Windows or the itsvdocs/sa subdirectory on UNIX. Once uncompressed, the following link will take you there:

SAS IT Resource Management Server Setup Guide.

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 30.30

Summary of Changes:


 There are no warnings with this dictionary update.


 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 30.30. If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may
 contain variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later
 versions of MXG are compatible.  If new variables or tables have been added
 in a later version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a
 maintenance release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can
 use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary
 update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


    Support for MXG 30.30 also implies support for the following
    enhancements to existing tables:

       Support for BETA93 Version 4.1.0 subtype 25 changes
       Support for BETA93 Version 4.2 subtypes 25/50
       Support for BETA93 Version 4.3.0
       Support for BETA93 subtype 51
       Support for BMC Mainview IMS 4.6 a/k/a IMF, CIMS
       Support for CICS Statistics STID=143 and 144
       Support for CICS/TS 4.2
       Support for CICS/TS 5.1
       Support for DB2 IFCIDs 357 and 358.
       Support for DB2 NETEZZA optional data corrections.
       Support for DB2 V10 IFCID 225 subtype 4
       Support for DFSORT z/OS 1.13
       Support for HIS zEC12 new extended counters
       Support for HSM SMF z/OS 1.12
       Support for IBM i-series (AS400)
       Support for IMF Version 4.5
       Support for IMS Version 12 - adds ZIIP/ZAAP CPU times
       Support for IMS/DBCTL transactions in IMS0708
       Support for IMS/DBCTL transactions in IMSTRAN
       Support for MQ Version 7 compression statistics
       Support for NDM-CD subtype CX
       Support for NDM-CDI Version 5
       Support for OS/400, AS/400 Version 7.1
       Support for SMF 119 ST 6 z/OS 1.13
       Support for SMF 119 subtype 48 thru 52 (SMTP)
       Support for SMF 85 records from z/OS 1.13
       Support for SMF 99 subtype 12 and 14 HiperDispatch
       Support for TMON CICS 3.4 for CICS/TS 5.1
       Support for TMON/CICS V3.3
       Support for TMON/DB2 V5 for DB2 V10
       Support for TMON/IMS Version 3.0
       Support for Throughput Manager subtypes 10 and 16
       Support for WebSphere Version 8 ID=120 subtype 10
       Support for WebSphere WAS 8.0
       Support for WebSphere asynchronous section 120 subtype 9
       Support for Websphere for z/OS MQ Version 7.0.1
       Support for z/OS 1.12 VMGUEST option, CPU Time in 70
       Support for z/OS 1.13
       Support for zEC12 CRYPTO EXPRESS4S
       Support for zNEXT EC12 processors with 101 engines.
       Support for zVM new CRYPTO TYPE PRCAPMCT=10.
       Support for zVM new HIS (SMF113) counters, zEC12.

Supplied table changes

1) The following tables have been deleted from the supplied data

        Table       Table Type  Description

        XCIMNR      INTERVAL    CICS transaction resource
        XNDMXO      EVENT       NDM subtype xo

 2) The following tables have had their labels and descriptions changed:

        Table                   Description

        XIPLS       EVENT       Initial program load (IPL) statistics
                    changed to  IPL type 90 events
        XTY0        EVENT       Initial program load (IPL) statistics
                    changed to  IPL type 90 events

3) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        VINTUSR     INTERVAL    VM - vxintusr
        VIODMDE     EVENT       VM - minidisk activity
        VISFILC     EVENT       VM - isfc logical link definition
        VISFISA     INTERVAL    VM - isfc end point activity
        VISFISC     EVENT       VM - isfc end point status change
        VISFNOD     INTERVAL    VM - isfc end point activity
        VMTRILC     EVENT       VM - isfc logical link config
        VMTRISC     EVENT       VM - isfc end point configuration
        VMTRSSI     EVENT       VM - ssi configuration information
        VMTRSTP     EVENT       VM - server time protocol event
        VMTRTOP     EVENT       VM - system topology
        VPRCMFC     INTERVAL    VM - cpu measurement facility
        VPRCTOP     EVENT       VM - system topology
        VSCLALL     EVENT       VM - add vmdbk to the limit list
        VSCLDLL     EVENT       VM - drop vmdbk from limit list
        VSSISCH     EVENT       VM - state change/event
        VSSISCS     INTERVAL    VM - isfc end point activity
        VSSISLT     EVENT       VM - slot definition
        VSSISMI     INTERVAL    VM - isfc end point activity
        VSSIXDI     INTERVAL    VM - isfc end point activity
        VSSIXLK     INTERVAL    VM - isfc end point activity
        VSUMVMX     INTERVAL    VM - smf vmxa summary
        VUSERLE     EVENT       VM - guest relocation ended
        VUSERLS     EVENT       VM - guest relocation started
        XASM113     INTERVAL    HIS hardware monitor summary
        XBETA22     EVENT       BETA 93 browse selection action
        XBETA25     EVENT       BETA 25 spool access
        XBETA49     EVENT       BETA 93 run beta 93 job
        XBETA50     EVENT       BETA 50 web enable logon/logoff
        XBETA51     EVENT       BETA 93 definition modification
        XBETA7      EVENT       BETA 93 mailing output
        XBETA8      EVENT       BETA 93 mailing output
        XCIEPR      INTERVAL    CICS epr statistics
        XCIRDPL     EVENT       CICS resource dpl detail
        XCMA0CX     EVENT       CA SPOOL - subtype 0cx
        XDBS225     EVENT       DB2 stats ifcid 225
        XIPLSMF     EVENT       IPL type 0 events
        XMQFSTA     EVENT       MQM wq coupling facility stats
        XNDMCX      EVENT       NDM certificate expire
        XTC2TV      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tv-record
        XTM10       EVENT       Thruput manager slm lpar capacity
        XTM16J      EVENT       Thruput manager job terminate
        XTM16S      EVENT       Thruput manager step terminate
        XTY1210     EVENT       Websphere stype 10 outbound req
        XTY129A     EVENT       Websphere async
        XTY23LS     INTERVAL    SMF interval logstream stats
        XTY70Y3     INTERVAL    RMF crypto pkcs11 coprocessor
        XTY725A     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III serialization delay
        XTY725B     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III cms lock delay
        XTY725C     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III cms enq deque lock delay
        XTY725D     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III cms latch lock delay
        XTY725E     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III cms smf lock delay
        XTY725F     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III local lock delay
        XTY725G     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III cml lock owner delay
        XTY725H     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III cml lock requestor delay
        XTY725I     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III grs latchset creator dly
        XTY725J     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III grs latch requestor dely
        XTY725K     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III grs enqueue step delay
        XTY725L     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III grs enqueue system delay
        XTY725M     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III grs enqueue systems dely
        XTY74HO     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility cib/cfp
        XTY8082     EVENT       RACF event 82 ptcreate
        XTY89I      INTERVAL    Measured usage intersects data
        XTY99CC     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-12 capacity data
        XTY99CI     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-12 interval data
        XTY99CP     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-12 processor data
        XTY99EH     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-14 header data
        XTY99EM     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-14 mpwq data
        XTY99EN     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-14 node data
        XTY99EP     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-14 processor data
        XTY99EQ     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-14 mpwq hnode data
        XT11CM      EVENT       CTG communications manager
        XT11CS      EVENT       CTG cics server
        XT11CXE     EVENT       CTG exci server instance
        XT11CXI     EVENT       CTG ipic server instance
        XT11GD      EVENT       CTG gateway daemon
        XT11PH      EVENT       CTG protocol handler
        XT11SE      EVENT       CTG system environment
        XT11WT      EVENT       CTG worker threads
        XT119M2     EVENT       IBM TCPIP coz sftp server log messages
        XT119M3     EVENT       IBM TCPIP coz sftp client log messages
        XT11912     EVENT       IBM TCPIP coz sftp server log
        XT11913     EVENT       IBM TCPIP coz sftp client log
        XT11996     EVENT       IBM TCPIP openssh server xfer complete
        XT11997     EVENT       IBM TCPIP openssh client xfer complete
        XT11998     EVENT       IBM TCPIP xopenssh login failure
        X117FLO     EVENT       WBIMB message flow
        X117NOD     EVENT       WBIMB node
        X117TER     EVENT       WBIMB terminal
        X117THR     EVENT       WBIMB thread

 4) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        VAPLSLP     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor summary
        VAPLSL0     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor detail
        VAPLTCA     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP cpu
        VBYUSR      INTERVAL    VM User Data (MXG)
        VDEVDET     INTERVAL    VM Device Activity (MXG)
        VMINTRV     INTERVAL    VM Interval Data (consolidated by MXG)
        VMTRCCC     EVENT       VM - cpu capability change
        VMTRDEV     EVENT       VM Device Configuration Data
        VMTREPR     EVENT       VM Event Profile
        VMTRMEM     EVENT       VM Memory Configuration Data
        VMTRPRP     EVENT       VM Processor Configuration
        VMTRSCM     EVENT       VM Sample Alteration Command
        VMTRSPR     EVENT       VM Sample Profile
        VMTRSYS     EVENT       VM System Configuration Data
        VMTRUSR     EVENT       VM Logged on User
        VPRCAPM     EVENT       VM - crypto performance measurement
        VSCLADL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Dispatch List
        VSCLAEL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Eligible List
        VSCLDDL     INTERVAL    VM Drop User From Dispatch List
        VSTORSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Management (Global)
        VSTOSCS     EVENT       VM - scsi storage pool sample
        VSYTCUM     INTERVAL    VM Physical CPU Utilization Data 4 LPAR
        VSYTCUP     INTERVAL    VM CPU Util. Data (Logical Partition)
        VSYTEPM     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Extended channel measure
        VSYTLCK     EVENT       VM - formal spin lock data
        VSYTPRP     INTERVAL    VM Processor Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTRSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTRSP     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTSCG     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Global)
        VSYTSCP     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Per Processor)
        VSYTSHS     INTERVAL    VM Shared Storage Data
        VSYTSPT     EVENT       VM - scheduler activity per proc
        VSYTXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Global)
        VUSEITE     INTERVAL    VM User Interaction at Transaction End
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMCEL     INTERVAL    Summarized CEC detail
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM7GL     INTERVAL    Group capacity - lpar detail
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XBETA1      EVENT       BETA 93 output of lists
        XBETA2      EVENT       BETA 93 bundling
        XBETA20     EVENT       BETA 93 browse/print of list/report
        XBETA21     EVENT       BETA 93 browse selection action
        XBETA3      EVENT       BETA 93 recipient packeting
        XBETA4      EVENT       BETA 93 address packeting
        XBETA40     EVENT       BETA 93 archive of a list
        XBETA41     EVENT       BETA 93 reload of a list
        XBETA42     EVENT       BETA 93 deletion archive generation
        XBETA5      EVENT       BETA 93 action performed against list
        XBETA6      EVENT       BETA 93 completion of print request
        XCIB2GL     INTERVAL    CICS DB2 connection statistics
        XCIEPG      INTERVAL    CICS event process global
        XCIISR      INTERVAL    CICS isc ip connections
        XCIM        INTERVAL    CICS monitoring statistics
        XCIMDSA     INTERVAL    CICS storage manager DSA
        XCIRDS      EVENT       CICS resource data class
        XCISJS      INTERVAL    CICS jvmserver stats resid
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XCITSQ      INTERVAL    CICS temporary storage global
        XCIWBG      INTERVAL    CICS urimaps global
        XCIWBR      INTERVAL    CICS urimaps resource
        XDBACCT     EVENT       DB2 accounting
        XDBBPAC     EVENT       DB2 accounting-group buffer pool
        XDBCCTB     EVENT       DB2 accounting-buffer pool
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBCCTR     EVENT       DB2 remote location
        XDBCCTW     EVENT       DB2 accounting rollup correlate
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBSTA1     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 1)
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XDB2A       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - summarised to hour
        XDB2B       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - buf pool hourly summary
        XDCBKUP     EVENT       DCOLLECT backup
        XDCCAPD     EVENT       DCOLLECT DASD capacity
        XDCCAPT     EVENT       DCOLLECT tape capacity
        XDCCLUS     EVENT       DCOLLECT VSAM data set information
        XDCDSET     EVENT       DCOLLECT active data set information
        XDCMIGS     EVENT       DCOLLECT migrated
        XDCOLAG     EVENT       DCOLLECT aggregate group information
        XDCOLAI     EVENT       DCOLLECT accounting (ACS) information
        XDCOLBC     EVENT       DCOLLECT base configuration information
        XDCOLCN     EVENT       DCOLLECT cache names
        XDCOLDC     EVENT       DCOLLECT data class construct
        XDCOLDR     EVENT       DCOLLECT OAM drive record information
        XDCOLLB     EVENT       DCOLLECT OAM library record information
        XDCOLMC     EVENT       DCOLLECT management class construct
        XDCOLSC     EVENT       DCOLLECT storage class construct
        XDCOLSG     EVENT       DCOLLECT storage group construct info
        XDCOLVL     EVENT       DCOLLECT storage group volume info
        XDCVOLS     EVENT       DCOLLECT active volume information
        XDSNREC     EVENT       TMS (CA-1) dataset name record
        XD2S196     EVENT       DB2 102 lock timeout details
        XD2S225     EVENT       DB2 102 storage manager pool summary
        XHSDSRS     INTERVAL    HSM dsr statistics, general section
        XHSFSRB     EVENT       HSM fsr statistics, both tape and disk
        XHSFSRS     EVENT       HSM fsr statistics, detail records
        XHSFSRT     EVENT       HSM fsr tape volsers for detail records
        XHSVSRS     INTERVAL    HSM vsr statistics, general section
        XHSWFSR     EVENT       HSM abars abackup/arecovery fsr records
        XIDSARA     INTERVAL    IDMS area wait
        XIDSBUF     INTERVAL    IDMS buffer wait
        XIDSCDM     INTERVAL    IDMS cdmslib wait
        XIDSDBG     INTERVAL    IDMS dbgroup wait
        XIDSDBK     INTERVAL    IDMS dbkey wait
        XIDSINS     INTERVAL    IDMS interval stat
        XIDSINT     INTERVAL    IDMS interval wait
        XIDSJRL     INTERVAL    IDMS journal wail
        XIDSLNE     INTERVAL    IDMS line wait
        XIDSPGM     INTERVAL    IDMS program pool wait
        XIDSRUS     INTERVAL    IDMS run unit stat
        XIDSSTG     INTERVAL    IDMS storage pool stat
        XIDSTAS     EVENT       IDMS task information
        XIDSTAW     EVENT       IDMS task wait
        XIDSXLI     INTERVAL    IDMS dsg xeslist wait
        XIDSXLK     INTERVAL    IDMS dsg xeslock wait
        XIDSXMS     INTERVAL    IDMS dsg xcfmsg wait
        XIDSYPE     INTERVAL    IDMS storage type wait
        XILVISC     EVENT       Interlink sns/tcpvt disconnect
        XILVOGF     EVENT       Interlink sns/tcpvt logoff
        XILVOGN     EVENT       Interlink sns/tcpvt logon
        XILVONN     EVENT       Interlink sns/tcpvt connect
        XILVTOP     EVENT       Interlink sns/tcpvt stop
        XILVTRT     EVENT       Interlink sns/tcpvt start
        XIMDBDS     EVENT       IMF - IMS DBDs used
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XIMPROG     EVENT       IMF - IMS program deschedule
        XIM0A78     EVENT       IMS - imslog 0a07+0a08 records detail
        XIPLS       EVENT       Initial program load (IPL) statistics
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XMQACTQ     EVENT       MQM task queue accounting
        XMQMLOG     EVENT       MQM log manager statistics
        XMQMSGD     EVENT       MQM message and data manager statistics
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XNDMCI      EVENT       NDM subtypes ci ce ti ji
        XNDMCT      EVENT       NDM copy termination
        XNDMDT      EVENT       NDM display termination event
        XNDMFA      EVENT       NDM subtype fa
        XNDMPI      EVENT       NDM subtypes pq tq
        XNDMPS      EVENT       NDM process start event
        XNDMPX      EVENT       NDM subtype px
        XNDMQE      EVENT       NDM subtypes qe qh qt qw
        XNDMRJ      EVENT       NDM run job termination record
        XNDMRT      EVENT       NDM run task termination record
        XNDMTR      EVENT       NDM subtype tr
        XNJPURG     EVENT       JES2 NJE purge information
        XNPVX25     EVENT       NPM X.25 session
        XQACONF     EVENT       AS400 - system configuration data
        XQADISK     INTERVAL    AS400 - disk storage data
        XQASYSC     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XTAPES      EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTC2PA      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pa-transaction
        XTC2PI      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pi-interval
        XTC2SYS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - file interval
        XTC2TR      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - region interval
        XTC2TSK     EVENT       Landmark CICS MON 2 - transactions
        XTMBACT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbact
        XTMBAFF     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbaff
        XTMBBND     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbbnd
        XTMBDEA     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbdea
        XTMBLL1     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll1
        XTMBLL2     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll2
        XTMBLL3     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll3
        XTMBLL4     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll4
        XTMBLL5     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll5
        XTMBLL6     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll6
        XTMBLL7     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll7
        XTMBLL8     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll8
        XTMBLL9     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll9
        XTMBL10     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl10
        XTMBL11     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl11
        XTMBL12     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl12
        XTMBL13     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl13
        XTMBL14     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl14
        XTMBL15     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl15
        XTMBL16     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl16
        XTMBL17     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl17
        XTMBL18     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl18
        XTMBL19     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl19
        XTMBL20     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl20
        XTMBL21     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl21
        XTMBL22     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl22
        XTMBL23     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl23
        XTMBL24     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl24
        XTMBVOL     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbvol
        XTMCAFT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jcaft
        XTMCBFR     EVENT       TPMX instances: jcbfr
        XTMDBI      EVENT       TMON for DB2 dml on audited object
        XTMDDB2     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail
        XTMLIMT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jlimt
        XTMLLIM     EVENT       TPMX instances: jllim
        XTMS        EVENT       TMS (CA-1) volume record
        XTMSLM      EVENT       Thruput manager slm job stats
        XTMVVOL     EVENT       TPMX instances: jvvol
        XTYSYMT     EVENT       MXG syslog mount-related event
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTY0        EVENT       Initial program load (IPL) statistics
        XTY113      INTERVAL    HIS hardware monitor detail
        XTY129E     EVENT       Websphere event
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY16       EVENT       Sort merge statistics
        XTY19       EVENT       DASD volume
        XTY21       EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY30MU     EVENT       Measured usage data
        XTY40       EVENT       Dynamic allocation data
        XTY42D1     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS sysplex wide data set response
        XTY42D2     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS by system data set response
        XTY42D3     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS splex dataset above bar
        XTY42D4     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS dataset cf sys above bar
        XTY42X1     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS local buffer manager stats
        XTY42X2     EVENT       VSAMRLS local buffer manager detail
        XTY42X3     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS local buff mgr detail
        XTY42X4     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS local buff mgr detail
        XTY4224     EVENT       DFSMS member add/replace
        XTY6156     EVENT       ICF Activity
        XTY64       EVENT       VSAM component or cluster status
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70EN     INTERVAL    RMF engine-specific z/OS data
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY70X2     INTERVAL    RMF pci crypto accelerator pcica
        XTY7002     INTERVAL    RMF pci crypto coprocessor pcicc
        XTY71       INTERVAL    RMF paging and swapping activity
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY74       INTERVAL    RMF device activity
        XTY74CF     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility - activity
        XTY75       INTERVAL    RMF page and swap data set activity
        XTY78PA     INTERVAL    RMF virtual storage private area stats
        XTY799      INTERVAL    RMF mon II device activity data
        XTY80TK     EVENT       RACF 301 segment tokens
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8052     EVENT       RACF event 52 set uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8059     EVENT       RACF event 59 raclink
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8063     EVENT       RACF event 63 unix setgroups
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8216     EVENT       CRYPTO csfpci calls by tke
        XTY8224     EVENT       CRYPTO duplicate tokens found
        XTY8225     EVENT       CRYPTO key store policy
        XTY89       INTERVAL    Measured usage interval
        XTY892      INTERVAL    Measured usage state interval
        XTY90       EVENT       MVS operator command issued
        XTY90A5     EVENT       Operator cmd: subsys set ipl / set smf
        XTY9001     EVENT       Operator cmd: set time/set date
        XTY9003     EVENT       Operator cmd: set dmn
        XTY9004     EVENT       Operator cmd: set ips
        XTY9005     EVENT       Operator cmd: set ipl / set smf
        XTY9006     EVENT       Operator cmd: switch smf / halt eod
        XTY9008     EVENT       Operator cmd: ipl prompt
        XTY9010     EVENT       Operator cmd: ipl srm
        XTY9011     EVENT       Operator cmd: set opt
        XTY9012     EVENT       Operator cmd: set ics
        XTY9014     EVENT       Operator cmd: set mpf
        XTY9016     EVENT       Operator cmd: set dae
        XTY9017     EVENT       Operator cmd: set pfk
        XTY9018     EVENT       Operator cmd: set grsrnl
        XTY9019     EVENT       Operator cmd: set appc
        XTY9020     EVENT       Operator cmd: set asch
        XTY9021     EVENT       Operator cmd: set sch
        XTY9022     EVENT       Operator cmd: set cngrp
        XTY9023     EVENT       Operator cmd: ipl wlm service policy
        XTY9024     EVENT       Operator cmd: vary wlm service policy
        XTY9025     EVENT       Operator cmd: modify wlm service policy
        XTY9026     EVENT       Operator cmd: ipl logrec
        XTY9027     EVENT       Operator cmd: set xcf start/stop
        XTY9029     EVENT       Operator cmd: set prog lnklst
        XTY9030     EVENT       Operator cmd: reset
        XTY9031     EVENT       Operator cmd: set prog lpalst
        XTY9032     EVENT       Operator cmd: set prog lpalst
        XTY9033     EVENT       Operator cmd: set autor
        XTY9034     EVENT       Operator cmd: capacity change
        XT119A7     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP server port statistics - tcp
        XT119B7     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP server port statistics - udp
        XT11901     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection initiation
        XT11902     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection termination
        XT11903     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp client transfer completion
        XT11906     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP interface statistics
        XT11910     EVENT       IBM TCPIP udp socket close
        XT11921     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tn3270 server sna session term
        XT11922     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tso telnet client connect init
        XT11923     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tso telnet client connect term
        XT11948     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp configuration data
        XT11949     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp target server conection
        XT11950     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp mail
        XT11951     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp spool
        XT11952     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp statistics
        XT11970     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp server transfer completion
        XT11972     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp server login failure
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following 2 variables have been added to table VAPLSLP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCTSTOL   Percent when hypervisor stole ticks      PERCENT100
       STOLMOD   Time stolen by hypervisor                TIME

  2) The following 2 variables have been added to table VAPLSL0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCTSTOL   Percent when hypervisor stole ticks      PERCENT100
       STOLMOD   Time stolen by hypervisor                TIME

  3) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PFCPUAD   Processor address                        INT

  4) The following 2 variables have been added to table VBYUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ENCONFG   Configured engines                       GAUGE
       ENONLIN   Online engines                           GAUGE

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VBYUSR:

       VMSTATE   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING

     The following 44 variables have had their format changed in table

       CAIUCVR   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       CAIUCVS   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       CAIUCVY   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       CALVMCF   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMBLKCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCETS0   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCETS1   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCETS2   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCETS3   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCOPCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCPRM0   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCPRM1   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCPRM2   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCPRM3   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTFLT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTPGR   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTPGW   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTPWT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTSPR   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTSPW   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTVFL   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTXRD   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTXWT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCWSG0   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCWSG1   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCWSG2   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCWSG3   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMFLREO   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMISEVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMISTVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMISUVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMPGSPL   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMSTATE   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $MGVXADS.
       VMSVMFX   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVCSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVDISK   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVDSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVOSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVSEVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVSTVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVSUVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVTSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVUSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMX98CT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2

  5) The following 194 variables have been added to table VMINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CECSER    Cec serial number                        HEXFLAGS
       CPCAPAB   Cpu capability in the configuration      GAUGE
       CPCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       CPCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       CPRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       CPSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       CTABORT   Network aborted fast ccw translate       COUNT
       CTNDONE   Network successful fast ccw translate    COUNT
       CTNOTEL   Network not eligible fast ccw translate  COUNT
       FTABORT   Aborted fast ccw translate               COUNT
       FTNOTEL   Not eligible fast ccw translate          COUNT
       FTRDONE   Successful fast ccw translate            COUNT
       FTWRITE   Write channel fast ccw translate         COUNT
       HFUSERM   Vmdbks master only pldv                  COUNT
       LCUSMTM   System mgmt time                         TIME
       LPRNAME   Lpar name                                STRING
       LPUMBER   Lpar number                              INT
       MAIMISS   Missing adapter interruptions            STRING
       MAIUREC   Unrecoverable adapter interruptions      STRING
       PFCLEAR   First-time page faults fastpath          COUNT
       PFFSTPX   Fastpath partial execute interrupts      COUNT
       PFFSTSG   Fastpath simulations sigp ext call ints  COUNT
       PFFSTXC   Fastpath reflections guest ext call ints COUNT
       PFFST44   Fastpath simulations of diagnose x44     COUNT
       PFPTRCT   Fast path page translates                COUNT
       PFSPINC   Spin lock requests not immediate         COUNT
       PFSPINT   Elapsed time in spin locks               TIME
       PLALECG   Times when gt 2g contig list empty       COUNT
       PLALECL   Times when lt 2g contig list empty       COUNT
       PLALEMG   Times when avail gt 2g list empty        COUNT
       PLALNCG   Frames obtained from above 2gb           COUNT
       PLASFCG   Single frame above 2g from above         COUNT
       PLASFCL   Single frame below 2g from above         COUNT
       PLBGCNT   Background replenish clears run          COUNT
       PLBGCTM   Duration spent foreground replenish      COUNT
       PLCPD44   Diagnoxe x44 issued by cp                COUNT
       PLDGUCT   All user diagnose operations             COUNT
       PLDISPE   Emerg pass demand scans dispatch list    COUNT
       PLDISP1   1st pass demand scans dispatch list      COUNT
       PLDISP2   2nd pass demand scans dispatch list      COUNT
       PLDORME   Emerg pass demand scans dormant          COUNT
       PLDORM1   1st pass demand scans dormant            COUNT
       PLDORM2   2nd pass demand scans dormant            COUNT
       PLDSPCN   Time when dsp looped 200 times           TIME
       PLDSP9C   Diagnoxe x9c issued by hcpdsp            COUNT
       PLEFRC3   Forces into q3                           COUNT
       PLELIG1   1st pass demand scans eligible list      COUNT
       PLELIG2   2nd pass demand scans eligible list      COUNT
       PLFGCNT   Time foreground replenish run            TIME
       PLFOBEM   Times when fob list empty                COUNT
       PLFRECT   Requests to free storage                 COUNT
       PLFRETA   Free storage returns above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFRETB   Free storage returns below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSCTA   Free storage obtains above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSCTB   Free storage obtains below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSPCT   Calls satisfied from regular             COUNT
       PLFSPGA   Free storage requests any                COUNT
       PLFSPGB   Free storage requests below 2gb          COUNT
       PLFSPRA   Free storage pages above 2gb             COUNT
       PLFSPRB   Free storage pages below 2gb             COUNT
       PLFSSGA   Free storage regular above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSGB   Free storage regular below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSRA   Regular subpool free above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSRB   Regular subpool free below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFVRCT   Calls from satisfied from v=r subpools   COUNT
       PLFVRLS   V=r requests satisfied not from v=r      COUNT
       PLFVRRQ   V=r free storage requests                COUNT
       PLGCLEM   Times when global clear list empty       COUNT
       PLHVR9C   Diagnoxe x9c issued by hcphvr            COUNT
       PLISEAC   Good iucv from cp account service        COUNT
       PLISEAS   Times when xfer from asyncmd to a vm     COUNT
       PLISECF   Good iucv from cp config service         COUNT
       PLISECR   Good iucv from cp crm service            COUNT
       PLISEID   Good iucv from cp ident service          COUNT
       PLISELO   Good iucv from cp logrec service         COUNT
       PLISESC   Times when xfer from sclp to a vm        COUNT
       PLISESP   Good iucv from cp spl service            COUNT
       PLISESY   Good iucv from cp symptom service        COUNT
       PLISEVE   Times when xfer from vmevent to a vm     COUNT
       PLISEVS   Times when xfer from vswitch to a vm     COUNT
       PLISTAC   Good iucv to cp account service          COUNT
       PLISTAS   Times when transfer to asyncmd           COUNT
       PLISTCF   Good iucv to cp config service           COUNT
       PLISTCR   Good iucv to cp crm service              COUNT
       PLISTID   Good iucv to cp ident service            COUNT
       PLISTLO   Good iucv to cp logrec service           COUNT
       PLISTSC   Times when transfer to sclp              COUNT
       PLISTSP   Good iucv to cp spl service              COUNT
       PLISTSY   Good iucv to cp symptom service          COUNT
       PLISTVE   Times when transfer to vmevent           COUNT
       PLISTVS   Times when transfer to vswitch           COUNT
       PLISUAC   Bad iucv from cp account service         COUNT
       PLISUAS   Times when from asyncmd not xfered       COUNT
       PLISUCF   Bad iucv from cp config service          COUNT
       PLISUCR   Bad iucv from cp crm service             COUNT
       PLISUID   Bad iucv from cp ident service           COUNT
       PLISULO   Bad iucv from cp logrec service          COUNT
       PLISUSC   Times when from sclp not xfered          COUNT
       PLISUSP   Bad iucv from cp spl service             COUNT
       PLISUSY   Bad iucv from cp symptom service         COUNT
       PLISUVE   Times when from vmevent not xfered       COUNT
       PLISUVS   Times when from vswitch not xfered       COUNT
       PLIUCVT   Total iucv invocations                   COUNT
       PLLTDPE   Long term dormant emerg&passes           COUNT
       PLMVABV   Times when page lt 2g moved gt 2g        COUNT
       PLMVB2G   Page trans moved gt 2g to lt 2g          COUNT
       PLPAGPS   Ssch requests for paging spooling        COUNT
       PLPCPAG   Collab mm pot volatile stolen            COUNT
       PLPGDRD   Translatns causing page read from aux    COUNT
       PLPGDWT   Page tables paged to aux storage         COUNT
       PLPGMRD   Trans page reads from aux during migr    COUNT
       PLPGMRX   Trans page reads from estore during migr COUNT
       PLPGXRD   Translation page reads from estore       COUNT
       PLPGXTD   Free storage frame requests              COUNT
       PLPGXWT   Page tables paged to estore              COUNT
       PLPREAD   Page translates that cause page read     COUNT
       PLPRVSC   Svc interrupts reflected to the vm       COUNT
       PLPUPAG   Collab mm pot volatile unchanged         COUNT
       PLRELES   Release functions performed              COUNT
       PLRETFG   Frames returned to above 2gb avail       COUNT
       PLSESSA   Essa (b9ab)                              COUNT
       PLSFRET   Free storage returns                     COUNT
       PLSHARE   Emerg pass demand scans nss & dcss       COUNT
       PLSHAR1   1st pass demand scans nss & dcss         COUNT
       PLSLTD1   1st pass demand scans long term dormant  COUNT
       PLSLTD2   2nd pass demand scans long term dormant  COUNT
       PLSPNEW   First-time page translates not fastpath  COUNT
       PLSSYSE   Emerg pass demand scans system vmdbk     COUNT
       PLSSYS1   1st pass demand scans system vmdbk       COUNT
       PLSTKPE   Elapsed time slice drops                 TIME
       PLSTLWT   Replacement writes pending               COUNT
       PLSYN9C   Diagnoxe x9c issued by hcpsyn            COUNT
       PLS9CNR   Diag 9c target vmdstate lt vmdread       COUNT
       PLS9CWT   Diag 9c target in wait state             COUNT
       PLTMRCE   Guest entries moved to enabled           COUNT
       PLTRDCT   Trim dormant user invocations            COUNT
       PLTRECT   Trim eligible user invocations           COUNT
       PLUPAGE   Collab mm pages stolen                   COUNT
       PLUPREC   Collab mm unused released                COUNT
       PLVATCL   Guest to host logical adrtrans           COUNT
       PLVPAGE   Collab mm volatile stolen                COUNT
       PLXITCT   User exit calls made                     COUNT
       PL9CDSP   Diag 9c target already dispatched        COUNT
       PL9CSWT   Diag 9c soft-wait on target              COUNT
       QDRELOC   Vdisk blocks allocated relocation        COUNT
       RSADSFL   Rsaadsfl flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       RSDEFCT   Deferred gt 2g frame requests            COUNT
       RSDEF2G   Deferred tasks waiting  gt 2g            COUNT
       RSDSCCG   Steals not satisfy gt 2g                 COUNT
       RSDSCC0   Steals not satisfy lt 2g                 COUNT
       RSFOBCT   Fobs fcp operation blocks                COUNT
       RSFOBGC   Fobs on global lists                     COUNT
       RSFOBGH   High threshold on global  lists          COUNT
       RSFOBGZ   Global pool gone empty                   COUNT
       RSFOBLK   Lock for fob supply list                 HEXFLAGS
       RSFOBRL   Anchor for fob release list              HEXFLAGS
       RSFOBSL   Anchor for fob supply list               HEXFLAGS
       RSFOBTK   Fob tasks started                        HEXFLAGS
       RSPGMQE   Demamd scam quit emergency               COUNT
       RSPGMQ1   Demand scan quit pass 1                  COUNT
       RSPGMQ2   Demand scan quit pass 2                  COUNT
       RSRDAAN   Redrive attempts waiting anywhere        COUNT
       RSRDAA2   Redrive attempts waiting gt 2g           COUNT
       RSRDTAN   Individual task redrives anywhere        COUNT
       RSRDTA2   Individual task redrives gt 2g           COUNT
       RSREOFL   Rsareofl flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       RSRSVPG   Reserved pages                           COUNT
       RSSXALI   Sys exec space alias frmtes pages        COUNT
       RSSXAVL   Sys exec space available pages           COUNT
       RSSXBKA   Sys exec space backed gt 2g pages        COUNT
       RSSXBKB   Sys exec space backed lt 2g pages        COUNT
       RSSXQCT   Sys exec space unblocked avail pages     COUNT
       RSSXUCP   Sys exec space inuse as cp pages         COUNT
       RSSXUFG   Sys exec space backing gt 2g pages       COUNT
       RSSXUFS   Sys exec space lt 2g pages               COUNT
       RSSXUID   Sys exec space id-mapped pages           COUNT
       RSSXUSD   Sys exec space inuse deferred pages      COUNT
       RSTGTSK   Trim task cpebk                          COUNT
       RSTURNG   Gt 2g turnover rate multiplier           RATE
       RSTURNR   Calc mult lt 2g turnover rate            RATE
       RSTURN0   Lt 2g turnover rate multiplier           RATE
       SCCAPAB   Secondary cpu capability in the config   COUNT
       SXSSIZE   Sys exec space size in pages             GAUGE
       TCCPURG   Cache purges write link in ssi           COUNT
       VLCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       VLCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       VLCPNAM   Level-3 vm control program               STRING
       VLMNAME   Name of this level-3 configuration       STRING
       VLRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       VLSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       VL3CAF    Capability adjustment factor             INT
       VL3DBCT   Vm levels here to hardware               INT
       VMDUSER   User identification                      STRING
       XCMSACT   User exit active time                    TIME

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VMINTRV:

       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME  to  TIME

     The following 51 variables have had their format changed in table

       CAIUCVR   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       CAIUCVS   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       CAIUCVY   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       CALVMCF   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       CASLKTM   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME16.6
       CATLKTM   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME16.6
       SRATOD2   changed from  DATETIME21to  DATETIME26.6
       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME21to  TIME12.2
       VMCETS0   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCETS1   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCETS2   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCETS3   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCIDL0   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCIDL1   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCIDL2   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCIDL3   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCNTID   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCPRM0   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCPRM1   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCPRM2   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCPRM3   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTFLT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTIDL   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTMIG   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTPGR   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTPGW   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTPWT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTSPR   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTSPW   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTVFL   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTXRD   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCTXWT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCWSG0   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCWSG1   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCWSG2   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMCWSG3   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMFLREO   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMISEVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMISTVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMISUVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMPGSPL   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMSVMFX   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVCSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVDSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVOSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVSEVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVSTVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVSUVM   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVTSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMVUSCT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2
       VMX98CT   changed from  7.1       to  7.2

  6) The following 5 variables have been added to table VMTRCCC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NCCAPAB   Nominal cpu capability in config         GAUGE
       SS1FLGS   Ssi1flgs miscellaneous flags             HEXFLAGS
       STSI111   Stsi 1.1.1 output 1st 180 char           STRING
       SYSCAI    Capacity adjustment indication           HEXFLAGS
       SYSCCR    Capacity change reason                   HEXFLAGS

  7) The following 8 variables have been added to table VMTRDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DECHDED   Encrypted device?                        STRING
       DECHSSD   Solid-state drive?                       STRING
       DEVCHAR   Device characteristics                   STRING
       EQIDUID   Eqid of real device                      HEXFLAGS
       EQIEQID   User specified eqid                      STRING
       RDCEXFC   Device extended features                 STRING
       RDCPPRC   Device pprc ccws?                        STRING
       RDCXRC    Device supports xrc?                     STRING

  8) The following 5 variables have been added to table VMTREPR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BLOCK     Block value                              INT
       EDMAINX                                            STRING
       NAME      Dcss name                                STRING
       PART      Partition value zero=50pct               INT
       SIZE      Sample config pages                      INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table VMTREPR:

       EDMAINS   Event domains active byte 2              STRING

  9) The following variable has been added to table VMTRMEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYTRCPF   Bytes used for cp trace pages            COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VMTRMEM:

       SYTRCPC   changed from  COUNT     to  PERCENT100

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SYTRCPC   changed from  MGBYTES.  to  6.2

     The following variable has been deleted from table VMTRMEM:

       SYTRCPP   Pct of master trace for alt cpu          PERCENT100

 10) The following variable has been added to table VMTRPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CECSER    Cec serial number                        HEXFLAGS

 11) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VMTRSCM:

       CALTOD    changed from  DATETIME  to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CALTOD    changed from  DATETIME21to  TIME8.

 12) The following 2 variables have been added to table VMTRSPR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NAME      Dcss name                                STRING
       SIZE      Sample config pages                      INT

 13) The following 13 variables have been added to table VMTRSYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HCLODCK   System generation cp load datetime       DATETIME
       SLENSID   Urm ensemble id                          STRING
       STI111D   Stsi 1.1.1 output 1st 180 char           STRING
       STTODOF   Stp tod clock offset                     TIME
       SYCPMOD   Cp load module                           STRING
       SYCSSID   Channel subsystem css id hex             INT
       SYESTAT   Ensemble status                          STRING
       SYPLVOL   Ssi pdr volume serial                    STRING
       SYSCAI    Capacity adjustment indication           HEXFLAGS
       SYSCCR    Capacity change reason                   HEXFLAGS
       SYSTERM   Tod clock at termination                 DATETIME
       SYSTPFL   Stp configuration info                   HEXFLAGS
       SYSTPF2   Stp2 configuration info                  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SYSZONE   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME9.

 14) The following 4 variables have been added to table VMTRUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VMLOGFG   Flag bits set at logon                   HEXFLAGS
       VMMISF1   Miscelaneous flag byte                   HEXFLAGS
       VMRLOLG   Original logon system                    STRING
       VMRLSRC   Last relocated system                    STRING

 15) The following 10 variables have been added to table VPRCAPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMB10C0   Slow async executions                    COUNT
       CMB10C1   Fast async executions                    COUNT
       CMB10C2   Symmetric partial executions             COUNT
       CMB10C3   Symmetric complete executions            COUNT
       CMB10C4   Async generation executions              COUNT
       CMB10T0   Slow async execution time                TIME
       CMB10T1   Fast async execution time                TIME
       CMB10T2   Symmetric partial execution time         TIME
       CMB10T3   Symmetric complete execution time        TIME
       CMB10T4   Async generation execution time          TIME

 16) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSCLADL:

       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME  to  TIME

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME21to  TIME12.2
       SRMAT01   changed from  DATETIME21to  DATETIME26.6
       VMFLREO   changed from  7.1       to  7.

 17) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSCLAEL:

       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME  to  TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       SRATOD2   changed from  DATETIME21to  DATETIME26.6
       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME21to  TIME12.2

 18) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSCLDDL:

       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME  to  TIME
       VMSTATE   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       SRATOD2   changed from  DATETIME21to  DATETIME26.6
       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME21to  TIME12.2
       VMSTATE   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $MGVXADS.

 19) The following 24 variables have been added to table VSTORSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RSADSFL   Rsaadsfl flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       RSDEFCT   Deferred gt 2g frame requests            COUNT
       RSDSCCG   Steals not satisfy gt 2g                 COUNT
       RSDSCC0   Steals not satisfy lt 2g                 COUNT
       RSFOBCT   Fobs fcp operation blocks                COUNT
       RSFOBGC   Fobs on global lists                     COUNT
       RSFOBGH   High threshold on global  lists          COUNT
       RSFOBGZ   Global pool gone empty                   COUNT
       RSFOBLK   Lock for fob supply list                 HEXFLAGS
       RSFOBRL   Anchor for fob release list              HEXFLAGS
       RSFOBSL   Anchor for fob supply list               HEXFLAGS
       RSFOBTK   Fob tasks started                        HEXFLAGS
       RSPGMQE   Demamd scam quit emergency               COUNT
       RSPGMQ1   Demand scan quit pass 1                  COUNT
       RSPGMQ2   Demand scan quit pass 2                  COUNT
       RSRDAAN   Redrive attempts waiting anywhere        COUNT
       RSRDAA2   Redrive attempts waiting gt 2g           COUNT
       RSRDTAN   Individual task redrives anywhere        COUNT
       RSRDTA2   Individual task redrives gt 2g           COUNT
       RSREOFL   Rsareofl flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       RSTGTSK   Trim task cpebk                          COUNT
       RSTURNG   Gt 2g turnover rate multiplier           RATE
       RSTURNR   Calc mult lt 2g turnover rate            RATE
       RSTURN0   Lt 2g turnover rate multiplier           RATE

 20) The following 9 variables have been added to table VSTOSCS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CURRENT   Currently allocated subpool size         GAUGE
       FREEF     Failed free() calls to subpool           COUNT
       FREES     Free() calls to subpool                  COUNT
       FRXPLEN   Scsi subpool size                        GAUGE
       FRXROOT   Sssi subpool address                     INT
       MAALLOC   High water mark bytes allocated          COUNT
       MALLOC    Malloc() calls to subpool                COUNT
       MALLOCF   Failed malloc() calls to subpool         COUNT
       POLNAME   Pool name                                STRING

 21) The following variable has been added to table VSYTCUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCUSMTM   System mgmt time                         TIME

 22) The following variable has been added to table VSYTCUP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCPUPVA   Partition id lcxpupid is valid?          STRING

 23) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CSCMCMG   changed from  MGVXCMG.  to  BEST12.

 24) The following 18 variables have been added to table VSYTLCK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CALCKID   Identifier for this formal spin lock     STRING
       CASSCNT   Times lock spun for shared mode          COUNT
       CASTIME   Elapsed spin time for shared mode        TIME
       CAXLKID   Identifier for this lock                 STRING
       CAXSCNT   Times lock spun for exclusive mode       COUNT
       CAXTIME   Elapsed spin time for exclusive          TIME
       SYATTLS   Attempts held for share entry            COUNT
       SYATTLX   Attempts held for exclusive entry        COUNT
       SYATT4S   Attempts waiting for share entry         COUNT
       SYATT4X   Attempts waiting for exclusive entry     COUNT
       SYFTCLS   Considered held for share entry          COUNT
       SYFTCLX   Considered held for exclusive entry      COUNT
       SYFTC4S   Considered waiting for share entry       COUNT
       SYFTC4X   Considered waiting for exclu entry       COUNT
       SYFTGLS   Found held for share entry               COUNT
       SYFTGLX   Found held for exclusive entry           COUNT
       SYFTG4S   Found waiting for share entry            COUNT
       SYFTG4X   Found waiting for exclusive entry        COUNT

 25) The following 4 variables have been added to table VSYTPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PLS9CNR   Diag 9c target vmdstate lt vmdread       COUNT
       PLS9CWT   Diag 9c target in wait state             COUNT
       PL9CDSP   Diag 9c target already dispatched        COUNT
       PL9CSWT   Diag 9c soft-wait on target              COUNT

 26) The following 5 variables have been added to table VSYTRSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CECSER    Cec serial number                        HEXFLAGS
       LPRNAME   Lpar name                                STRING
       LPUMBER   Lpar number                              INT
       RSDEF2G   Deferred tasks waiting  gt 2g            COUNT
       RSRSVPG   Reserved pages                           COUNT

 27) The following variable has been added to table VSYTRSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PLMVABV   Times when page lt 2g moved gt 2g        COUNT

 28) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSYTSCG:

       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME  to  TIME

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       CASLKTM   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME16.6
       CATLKTM   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME16.6
       SRATOD2   changed from  DATETIME21to  DATETIME26.6
       SRMATOD   changed from  DATETIME21to  TIME12.2

 29) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSYTSCP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PLCPD44   Diagnoxe x44 issued by cp                COUNT
       PLCPUTY   Cpu type                                 STRING
       PLDSPCN   Time when dsp looped 200 times           TIME
       PLDSP9C   Diagnoxe x9c issued by hcpdsp            COUNT
       PLHVR9C   Diagnoxe x9c issued by hcphvr            COUNT
       PLSYN9C   Diagnoxe x9c issued by hcpsyn            COUNT

 30) The following variable has been added to table VSYTSHS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QDRELOC   Vdisk blocks allocated relocation        COUNT

 31) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSYTSPT:

       SRXATOD   changed from  DATETIME  to  TIME

     The following variable has had its external name changed in
     table VSYTSPT:

       CALTYPE   changed from  CALTYPE   to  CALTYPEP

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       SRATOD2   changed from  DATETIME21to  DATETIME26.6
       SRXATOD   changed from  DATETIME21to  TIME12.2

 32) The following variable has been added to table VSYTXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCCPURG   Cache purges write link in ssi           COUNT

 33) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VUSEITE:

       VMSTATE   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       VMSTATE   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $MGVXADS.

 34) The following 63 variables have been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LPAIFLS   Lpar 10 ifls                             COUNT
       LPARIFL   Lpar ifls                                COUNT
       LPBIFLS   Lpar 11 ifls                             COUNT
       LPCIFLS   Lpar 12 ifls                             COUNT
       LPDIFLS   Lpar 13 ifls                             COUNT
       LPEIFLS   Lpar 14 ifls                             COUNT
       LPFIFLS   Lpar 15 ifls                             COUNT
       LPGIFLS   Lpar 16 ifls                             COUNT
       LPHIFLS   Lpar 17 ifls                             COUNT
       LPIIFLS   Lpar 18 ifls                             COUNT
       LPJIFLS   Lpar 19 ifls                             COUNT
       LPKIFLS   Lpar 20 ifls                             COUNT
       LPLIFLS   Lpar 21 ifls                             COUNT
       LPMIFLS   Lpar 22 ifls                             COUNT
       LPNIFLS   Lpar 23 ifls                             COUNT
       LPOIFLS   Lpar 24 ifls                             COUNT
       LPQIFLS   Lpar 25 ifls                             COUNT
       LPRIFLS   Lpar 26 ifls                             COUNT
       LPSIFLS   Lpar 27 ifls                             COUNT
       LPTIFLS   Lpar 28 ifls                             COUNT
       LPUIFLS   Lpar 29 ifls                             COUNT
       LPVIFLS   Lpar 30 ifls                             COUNT
       LPWIFLS   Lpar 31 ifls                             COUNT
       LPXIFLS   Lpar 32 ifls                             COUNT
       LPYIFLS   Lpar 33 ifls                             COUNT
       LPZIFLS   Lpar 34 ifls                             COUNT
       LP0IFLS   Lpar  0 ifls                             COUNT
       LP1IFLS   Lpar  1 ifls                             COUNT
       LP2IFLS   Lpar  2 ifls                             COUNT
       LP3IFLS   Lpar  3 ifls                             COUNT
       LP4IFLS   Lpar  4 ifls                             COUNT
       LP5IFLS   Lpar  5 ifls                             COUNT
       LP6IFLS   Lpar  6 ifls                             COUNT
       LP7IFLS   Lpar  7 ifls                             COUNT
       LP8IFLS   Lpar  8 ifls                             COUNT
       LP9IFLS   Lpar  9 ifls                             COUNT
       LQAIFLS   Lpar 44 ifls                             COUNT
       LQBIFLS   Lpar 45 ifls                             COUNT
       LQCIFLS   Lpar 46 ifls                             COUNT
       LQDIFLS   Lpar 47 ifls                             COUNT
       LQEIFLS   Lpar 48 ifls                             COUNT
       LQFIFLS   Lpar 49 ifls                             COUNT
       LQGIFLS   Lpar 50 ifls                             COUNT
       LQHIFLS   Lpar 51 ifls                             COUNT
       LQIIFLS   Lpar 52 ifls                             COUNT
       LQJIFLS   Lpar 53 ifls                             COUNT
       LQKIFLS   Lpar 54 ifls                             COUNT
       LQLIFLS   Lpar 55 ifls                             COUNT
       LQMIFLS   Lpar 56 ifls                             COUNT
       LQNIFLS   Lpar 57 ifls                             COUNT
       LQOIFLS   Lpar 58 ifls                             COUNT
       LQPIFLS   Lpar 59 ifls                             COUNT
       LQQIFLS   Lpar 60 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ1IFLS   Lpar 35 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ2IFLS   Lpar 36 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ3IFLS   Lpar 37 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ4IFLS   Lpar 38 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ5IFLS   Lpar 39 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ6IFLS   Lpar 40 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ7IFLS   Lpar 41 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ8IFLS   Lpar 42 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ9IFLS   Lpar 43 ifls                             COUNT
       SM70MCR   Model capacity rating of smf70mdl        INT

 35) The following variable has been added to table XASMCEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LPRIFLS   Lpar ifls                                COUNT

 36) The following 14 variables have been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FIRST52   First jes3 iat5210 datetime              DATETIME
       FIRST59   First jes3 iat5918 datetime              DATETIME
       LAST521   Last jes3 iat5210 record                 DATETIME
       LAST591   Last jes3 iat5918 record                 DATETIME
       NR5210    Number of jes3 iat5210 messages          COUNT
       NR5918    Number of jes3 iat5918 messages          COUNT
       SM21CRR   Read compression ratio                   PERCENT
       SM21CRW   Write compression ratio                  PERCENT
       SM21MCR   Bytes read by channel                    COUNT
       SM21MCW   Bytes written by channel                 COUNT
       SM21MDR   Bytes read by device                     COUNT
       SM21MDW   Bytes written by device                  COUNT
       VOLF521   First jes3 iat5210 volser                STRING
       VOLL521   Last jes3 iat5210 volser                 STRING

 37) The following variable has been added to table XASM7GL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MAX70NS   Max pct when lpar was soft capped        MAXIMUM

 38) The following 2 variables have been added to table XASM70L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LPRIFLS   Lpar ifls                                COUNT
       SM70MCR   Model capacity rating of smf70mdl        INT

 39) The following 62 variables have been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LPAIFLS   Lpar 10 ifls                             COUNT
       LPBIFLS   Lpar 11 ifls                             COUNT
       LPCIFLS   Lpar 12 ifls                             COUNT
       LPDIFLS   Lpar 13 ifls                             COUNT
       LPEIFLS   Lpar 14 ifls                             COUNT
       LPFIFLS   Lpar 15 ifls                             COUNT
       LPGIFLS   Lpar 16 ifls                             COUNT
       LPHIFLS   Lpar 17 ifls                             COUNT
       LPIIFLS   Lpar 18 ifls                             COUNT
       LPJIFLS   Lpar 19 ifls                             COUNT
       LPKIFLS   Lpar 20 ifls                             COUNT
       LPLIFLS   Lpar 21 ifls                             COUNT
       LPMIFLS   Lpar 22 ifls                             COUNT
       LPNIFLS   Lpar 23 ifls                             COUNT
       LPOIFLS   Lpar 24 ifls                             COUNT
       LPQIFLS   Lpar 25 ifls                             COUNT
       LPRIFLS   Lpar 26 ifls                             COUNT
       LPSIFLS   Lpar 27 ifls                             COUNT
       LPTIFLS   Lpar 28 ifls                             COUNT
       LPUIFLS   Lpar 29 ifls                             COUNT
       LPVIFLS   Lpar 30 ifls                             COUNT
       LPWIFLS   Lpar 31 ifls                             COUNT
       LPXIFLS   Lpar 32 ifls                             COUNT
       LPYIFLS   Lpar 33 ifls                             COUNT
       LPZIFLS   Lpar 34 ifls                             COUNT
       LP0IFLS   Lpar  0 ifls                             COUNT
       LP1IFLS   Lpar  1 ifls                             COUNT
       LP2IFLS   Lpar  2 ifls                             COUNT
       LP3IFLS   Lpar  3 ifls                             COUNT
       LP4IFLS   Lpar  4 ifls                             COUNT
       LP5IFLS   Lpar  5 ifls                             COUNT
       LP6IFLS   Lpar  6 ifls                             COUNT
       LP7IFLS   Lpar  7 ifls                             COUNT
       LP8IFLS   Lpar  8 ifls                             COUNT
       LP9IFLS   Lpar  9 ifls                             COUNT
       LQAIFLS   Lpar 44 ifls                             COUNT
       LQBIFLS   Lpar 45 ifls                             COUNT
       LQCIFLS   Lpar 46 ifls                             COUNT
       LQDIFLS   Lpar 47 ifls                             COUNT
       LQEIFLS   Lpar 48 ifls                             COUNT
       LQFIFLS   Lpar 49 ifls                             COUNT
       LQGIFLS   Lpar 50 ifls                             COUNT
       LQHIFLS   Lpar 51 ifls                             COUNT
       LQIIFLS   Lpar 52 ifls                             COUNT
       LQJIFLS   Lpar 53 ifls                             COUNT
       LQKIFLS   Lpar 54 ifls                             COUNT
       LQLIFLS   Lpar 55 ifls                             COUNT
       LQMIFLS   Lpar 56 ifls                             COUNT
       LQNIFLS   Lpar 57 ifls                             COUNT
       LQOIFLS   Lpar 58 ifls                             COUNT
       LQPIFLS   Lpar 59 ifls                             COUNT
       LQQIFLS   Lpar 60 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ1IFLS   Lpar 35 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ2IFLS   Lpar 36 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ3IFLS   Lpar 37 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ4IFLS   Lpar 38 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ5IFLS   Lpar 39 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ6IFLS   Lpar 40 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ7IFLS   Lpar 41 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ8IFLS   Lpar 42 ifls                             COUNT
       LQ9IFLS   Lpar 43 ifls                             COUNT
       SM70MCR   Model capacity rating of smf70mdl        INT

 40) The following 30 variables have been added to table XBETA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACOUNT1   First job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT2   Second job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT3   Third job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT4   Fourth job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT5   Fifth job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT6   Sixth job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT7   Seventh job account field                STRING
       ACOUNT8   Eighth job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT9   Ninth job account field                  STRING
       BETAALV                                            HEXFLAGS
       BETAATY   Send as                                  STRING
       BETABOD   Body template member                     STRING
       BETABTY   Output type                              STRING
       BETABUF   Maximum buffer size                      MAXIMUM
       BETAFIL   Mail file name                           STRING
       BETAFRO   Mail from                                STRING
       BETAIPA   Ip address                               STRING
       BETALIN   Link template member                     STRING
       BETALTK   Ltoken list token todstamp               DATETIME
       BETAMAX   Maximum mail addresses                   MAXIMUM
       BETAPOR   Port number                              INT
       BETARPL   Mail replyto                             STRING
       BETARTK   Rtoken report token todstamp             DATETIME
       BETASEX   Source extension name                    STRING
       BETASFR   Source form name                         STRING
       BETASUB   Mail subject                             STRING
       BETATRM   Translation module                       STRING
       BETATRT   Translation table                        STRING
       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING
       NRACCTF   Nr of account fields                     INT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XBETA1:

       BETAPTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has been deleted from table XBETA1:

       BETAPGM   Programmers name                         STRING

 41) The following variable has been added to table XBETA2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

 42) The following 2 variables have been added to table XBETA20:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAPGR   Job programmer                           STRING
       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XBETA20:

       BETAPGM   Programmers name                         STRING

 43) The following 2 variables have been added to table XBETA21:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAPGR   Job programmer                           STRING
       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XBETA21:

       BETAPGM   Programmers name                         STRING

 44) The following variable has been added to table XBETA3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

 45) The following variable has been added to table XBETA4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

 46) The following variable has been added to table XBETA40:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

 47) The following variable has been added to table XBETA41:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

 48) The following variable has been added to table XBETA42:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

 49) The following variable has been added to table XBETA5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

 50) The following variable has been added to table XBETA6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

 51) The following 4 variables have been added to table XCIB2GL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D2CTHCR   Comd thread creates                      COUNT
       D2PSIGN   Partial signons                          COUNT
       D2PTHCR   Pool thread creates                      COUNT
       D2REHIT   Reuselimit hit count                     COUNT

 52) The following variable has been added to table XCIEPG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EGEVLNO   Event lost no adapter                    COUNT

 53) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIISR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ISTDBYR   Ipconn ps td reqs bytes received         COUNT
       ISTDBYS   Ipconn ps td reqs bytes sent             COUNT
       ISTDREQ   Ipconn ps transient data requests        COUNT
       ISTSBYR   Ipconn ps ts reqs bytes received         COUNT
       ISTSBYS   Ipconn ps ts reqs bytes sent             COUNT
       ISTSREQ   Ipconn ps temp storage requests          COUNT
       ISUNSUP   Isr unsupported requests                 COUNT

 54) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MNGCECI   Cec model number                         STRING
       MNGCECT   Cec machine type                         STRING

 55) The following 17 variables have been added to table XCIMDSA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMASPMO   Aux slots back 64-bit private memory     COUNT
       SMFGBYT   Fromguard failure size                   GAUGE
       SMFGFAI   Fromguard failures                       COUNT
       SMGDCUL   Current gdsa allocated                   GAUGE
       SMGDHWL   Hwm gdsa allocated                       MAXIMUM
       SMHRPMO   Hwm real frames back private memory      MAXIMUM
       SMHSBYT   Hwm shared in large memory objects       MAXIMUM
       SMHSPMO   Hwm aux slots back private memory        MAXIMUM
       SMLMOBJ   Large memory objects                     COUNT
       SMLPINR   Large pages backed in real storage       COUNT
       SMPMOBJ   Private memory objects                   COUNT
       SMRFPMO   Real frames back 64-bit private memory   COUNT
       SMSHBYT   Shared from large memory objects         COUNT
       SMSHOBJ   Shared memory objects                    COUNT
       SMVABYT   Allocated to private memory objects      COUNT
       SMVGBYT   Hwm usable in privte memory objects      MAXIMUM
       SMVHBYT   Hidden in private memory objects         COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XCIMDSA:

       SMHWMPS   Dsa peak virtual storage                 MAXIMUM

 56) The following 22 variables have been added to table XCIRDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLIPADD   Client ip address                        STRING
       ISIPICN   Ipconn name                              STRING
       OAPPLID   Originating cics region of cwxn          STRING
       OCLIPAD   Originating client ip address            STRING
       OCLIPOR   Originating client port number           INT
       OFCTYNM   Originating transaction facility name    STRING
       ONETWKI   Originating transaction network id       STRING
       OPORTNU   Originating task port number             INT
       OSTART    Originating task start datetime          DATETIME
       OTCPSVC   Originating task tcpipservice            STRING
       OTRAN     Originating task transaction name        STRING
       OTRANFL   Originating transaction flags            HEXFLAGS
       OTRANNU   Originating task transaction number      INT
       OUSERCO   Originating task user correlator         HEXFLAGS
       OUSERID   Originating task userid-2 or userid-1    STRING
       PAPPLID   Previous hop data applid                 STRING
       PHCOUNT   Previous hop data count                  COUNT
       PHNTWKI   Previous hop data networkid              STRING
       PHSTART   Previous hop task startime               TIME
       PHTRAN    Previous hop data transaction id         STRING
       PHTRANN   Previous hop data trans seq nr           INT
       TRNGRPI   Transaction group id                     HEXFLAGS

 57) The following 20 variables have been added to table XCISJS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SSGCPOL   Gc policy                                STRING
       SSHEAPC   Current heap                             GAUGE
       SSHEAPI   Initial heap                             GAUGE
       SSHEAPM   Maximum heap                             MAXIMUM
       SSHEAPO   Heap occupancy                           GAUGE
       SSHEAPP   Peak heap                                MAXIMUM
       SSHVMCL   Jvm creation datetime local              DATETIME
       SSJVMCG   Jvm creation datetime gmt                DATETIME
       SSMAJCP   Total cpu in major gc                    TIME
       SSMAJFR   Storage freed by major gc                GAUGE
       SSMAJGC   Major gc collections                     COUNT
       SSMINCP   Total cpu in minor gc                    TIME
       SSMINFR   Storage freed by minor gc                GAUGE
       SSMINGC   Minor gc collections                     COUNT
       SSSTATE   Jvmserver state                          INT
       SSSYTCN   Waits on system thread                   COUNT
       SSSYTHN   Nr waiting on sys thread                 COUNT
       SSSYTHP   Peak waiting on sys thread               MAXIMUM
       SSSYTHU   System thread use count                  COUNT
       SSSYTTM   Total wait system thread                 COUNT

 58) The following 52 variables have been added to table XCITRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACAPPLN   Application in application context data  STRING
       ACMAJVE   Major version application context data   INT
       ACMICVE   Micro version application context data   INT
       ACMINVE   Minor version application context data   INT
       ACOPERN   Operation in application context data    STRING
       ACPLATN   Platform in application context data     STRING
       CECMCHT   Cecmchtp name                            STRING
       CECMDLI   Cecmdlid name                            STRING
       CPTONCN   Task total dispatches on cp only         COUNT
       CPTONTM   Task total cpu tcb time on cp only       TIME
       CURTASK   Curtasks count                           COUNT
       FCVSWTC   Wait count for vsam string               COUNT
       FCVSWTT   Wait time for vsam string                TIME
       FCXCWTC   Wait count for exclusive vsam ci         COUNT
       FCXCWTT   Wait time for exclusive vsam ci          TIME
       ISALWTC   Waits for ipic session alloc request     COUNT
       ISALWTT   Wait for ipic session alloc request      TIME
       MAXTASS   Maxtasks count                           COUNT
       MPPRTXC   Mpprtxdc                                 COUNT
       OADATA1   Originating adapter id data 1            STRING
       OADATA2   Originating adapter id data 2            STRING
       OADATA3   Originating adapter id data 3            STRING
       OADID     Originating adapter id                   STRING
       OFFLCPC   Task ziip-eligible ran on cp dispatches  COUNT
       OFFLCPT   Task ziip-eligible ran on cp cputcb time TIME
       PHAPPLI   Previous hop data applid                 STRING
       PHCOUNT   Previous hop data count                  COUNT
       PHNTWKI   Previous hop data networkid              STRING
       PHSTARC   Previous hop task starts                 COUNT
       PHSTART   Previous hop task startime               TIME
       PHTRAN    Previous hop data transaction id         STRING
       PHTRANN   Previous hop data trans seq nr           INT
       ROMODDC   Waits for redispatch on ro tcb           COUNT
       ROMODDT   Wait for redispatch on ro tcb            TIME
       SC64CGC   64-bit c getmains                        COUNT
       SC64CHW   64-bit c storage hwm                     MAXIMUM
       SC64FSH   64-bit shared bytes freemained           COUNT
       SC64GSH   64-bit shared bytes getmained            COUNT
       SC64SGC   64-bit shared getmains                   COUNT
       SC64UGC   64-bit user storage getmains             COUNT
       SC64UHW   64-bit user storage hwm                  COUNT
       SOCIPHE   Socipher count                           COUNT
       SOMODDC   Waits for redispatch on so tcb           COUNT
       SOMODDT   Wait for redispatch on so tcb            TIME
       TAELGTM   Task ziip-eligible ran on cp cputcb time TIME
       TAZIPTM   Task ziip only cpu tcb time              TIME
       TCALWTC   Waits for mro session alloc request      COUNT
       TCALWTT   Wait for mro session alloc request       TIME
       TDELWTC   Waits for extrapart tdeplock             COUNT
       TDELWTT   Wait for extrapart tdeplock              TIME
       TDILWTC   Waits for intrapart tdiplock             COUNT
       TDILWTT   Wait for intrapart tdiplock              TIME

 59) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCITSQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A1TSCTR   Cleanup task runs                        COUNT
       A1TSQDL   Queues auto deleted                      COUNT

 60) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIWBG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WGATOMS   Atomservice requests                     COUNT
       WGJVMSV   Jvmserver requests                       COUNT

 61) The following 8 variables have been added to table XCIWBR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WRATOMS   Urimap atomservice name                  STRING
       WRAUTHE   Urimap authenticate use                  COUNT
       WRREDIR   Urimap redirection type use              COUNT
       WRSOCPK   Urimap socpool peak in pool              MAXIMUM
       WRSOCRC   Urimap sockets reclaimed from pool       COUNT
       WRSOCTO   Urimap sockets timedout while inpool     COUNT
       WRSOCTV   Urimap soclose timeout value             COUNT
       WRSOCUR   Urimap socpool current in pool           GAUGE

 62) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDBACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LUUVTIM   Datetime value in qwhsluuv               DATETIME
       QWCCTKN   Correlation token                        STRING

 63) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDBBPAC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING
       QWCCTKN   Correlation token                        STRING

 64) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDBCCTB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING
       QWCCTKN   Correlation token                        STRING

 65) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDBCCTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DB2PART   Parallel or sequential task type         STRING
       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING
       LUUVTIM   Datetime value in qwhsluuv               DATETIME
       QPCROLL   This is a rollup qpac?                   STRING
       QPCRUSM   This is a summary rollup qpac?           STRING
       QWCCTKN   Correlation token                        STRING

 66) The following variable has been added to table XDBCCTR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING

 67) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDBCCTW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOB       Job name or tso user                     STRING
       QWCCTKN   Correlation token                        STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XDBCCTW:

       QWRACE    changed from  INT       to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       QWRACE    changed from  HEX8.     to  HEX16.

 68) The following 4 variables have been deleted from table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QXWSDEL   Rows deleted                             COUNT
       QXWSFET   Rows fetched                             COUNT
       QXWSINS   Rows inserted                            COUNT
       QXWSUPD   Rows updated                             COUNT

 69) The following 56 variables have been added to table XDBSTA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QITIMAC   Dm in-memory active workfiles count      COUNT
       QITIMAH   Hwm max count dm inmem workfiles         MAXIMUM
       QITIMSC   Dm in-memory active workfiles space      COUNT
       QITIMSH   Hwm max space dm inmem workfiles         MAXIMUM
       QITSIAC   Sort inmem active workfiles              COUNT
       QITSIAH   Hwm max count sort inmem workfiles       COUNT
       QITSISC   Sort inmem active space                  COUNT
       QITSISH   Hwm max space sort inmem workfiles       MAXIMUM
       QITWFCR   Cur rid blocks stored in workfile        COUNT
       QITWFHI   Max rid blocks stored to workfile        MAXIMUM
       Q8TACPU   Accumulated accelerator cpu time         TIME
       Q8TACTV   Current active requests                  GAUGE
       Q8TAELA   Accumulated accelerator elapsed time     TIME
       Q8TAV03   Avg query queue len last 3 hrs           AVERAGE
       Q8TAV24   Avg query queue len last 24 hrs          AVERAGE
       Q8TAWAT   Accumulated accelerator wait time        TIME
       Q8TBLKR   Blocks returned                          COUNT
       Q8TBLKS   Blocks sent                              COUNT
       Q8TBYTR   Bytes returned                           COUNT
       Q8TBYTS   Bytes sent                               COUNT
       Q8TCCPU   Avg cpu util on coordiinator node        AVERAGE
       Q8TCONN   Accelerator connects                     COUNT
       Q8TCORS   Amount of processors within accel        COUNT
       Q8TCPMU   Avg phys mem usage on coordinator        AVERAGE
       Q8TDSKA   Disk storage available                   COUNT
       Q8TDSKB   Disk storage in-use for db               COUNT
       Q8TDSKU   Disk storage in-use                      COUNT
       Q8TFAIL   Failed requests                          COUNT
       Q8TFINV   Failed query req due to inval state      COUNT
       Q8TFREQ   Failed query req since start             COUNT
       Q8TMAXA   Maximum active requests                  MAXIMUM
       Q8TMAXQ   Query queue length high watermark        COUNT
       Q8TMIPS   Accelerator processing capacity          COUNT
       Q8TMSGR   Messages returned                        COUNT
       Q8TMSGS   Messages sent                            COUNT
       Q8TNMDS   V2 number of data slices                 COUNT
       Q8TNMOF   Accelerator server id offset             INT
       Q8TPRID   Accelerator product id                   STRING
       Q8TQUEM   Max accelerator queue elapsed wait       TIME
       Q8TREQ    Accelerator requests                     COUNT
       Q8TROWR   Rows returned                            COUNT
       Q8TROWS   Rows sent                                COUNT
       Q8TSCPU   Accelerator services cpu time            TIME
       Q8TSELA   Accelerator services elapsed time        TIME
       Q8TSKEW   Data skew                                COUNT
       Q8TSREQ   Successful query req since start         COUNT
       Q8TTATE                                            COUNT
       Q8TTCPU   Accelerator svcs tcp/ip cpu time         TIME
       Q8TTELA   Accelerator svcs tcp/ip elapsed time     TIME
       Q8TTOUT   Timed out requests                       COUNT
       Q8TWCPU   Avg cpu util on worker node              AVERAGE
       Q8TWNOD   Active worker nodes                      COUNT
       Q8TWPMU   Avg phys mem usage on worker             AVERAGE
       Q8TWSMA   Shared mem data available on worker      COUNT
       Q8TWSMM   Max shared mem data in use worker        MAXIMUM
       Q8TWSMU   Avg shared mem data usage on worker      AVERAGE

 70) The following 160 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QAHVAS    Dbm1 4k aux slots in use 64 priv         COUNT
       QAHVGAS   Dbm1 hwm 4k aux slots 64 priv            COUNT
       QAHVGPI   Dbm1 hwm real 4k frames 64 priv          COUNT
       QAHVPI    Dbm1 real 4k frames in use 64 priv       COUNT
       QAPRAUX                                            COUNT
       QAPRREA                                            COUNT
       QA225AN   Dbm1 address space name                  STRING
       QA225AV   Dbm1 available 31-bit storage            COUNT
       QA225AX   Dbm1 4k aux slots in use 31/64 priv      COUNT
       QA225CR   Dbm1 31-bit rsvd for must complete       COUNT
       QA225EH   Dbm1 mvs 31-bit extended high private    COUNT
       QA225EL   Dbm1 mvs 31-bit extended low private     COUNT
       QA225EP   Dbm1 curr highaddr 31-bit priv reg       COUNT
       QA225FA   Dbm1 64-bit private fixed pool           COUNT
       QA225FX   Dbm1 31-bit fixed pool storage           COUNT
       QA225GA   Dbm1 64-bit private getmained            COUNT
       QA225GM   Dbm1 31-bit getmained storage            COUNT
       QA225GS   Dbm1 31-bit getmained stack              COUNT
       QA225HI   Dbm1 mvs 24-bit high private             COUNT
       QA225LO   Dbm1 mvs 24-bit low private              COUNT
       QA225MV   Dbm1 31-bit rsvd for mvs                 COUNT
       QA225RG   Dbm1 mvs extended region size            COUNT
       QA225RL   Dbm1 real 4k frames in use 31/64 priv    COUNT
       QA225SM   Dbm1 64-bit private stor ctrl            COUNT
       QA225SO   Dbm1 storage cush warn to contract       COUNT
       QA225SU   Dbm1 31-bit stack in use                 COUNT
       QA225TP   Dbm1 curr highaddr 24-bit priv reg       COUNT
       QA225VA   Dbm1 64-bit private variable pool        COUNT
       QA225VR   Dbm1 31-bit variable pool storage        COUNT
       QBFLGS                                             HEXFLAGS
       QBHVAS    Dist 4k aux slots in use 64 priv         COUNT
       QBHVGAS   Dist hwm 4k aux slots 64 priv            COUNT
       QBHVGPI   Dist hwm real 4k frames 64 priv          COUNT
       QBHVPI    Dist real 4k frames in use 64 priv       COUNT
       QBPRAUX                                            COUNT
       QBPRREA                                            COUNT
       QBRSVD    Dist field reserved                      COUNT
       QB225AN   Dist address space name                  STRING
       QB225AV   Dist available 31-bit storage            COUNT
       QB225AX   Dist 4k aux slots in use 31/64 priv      COUNT
       QB225CR   Dist 31-bit rsvd for must complete       COUNT
       QB225EH   Dist mvs 31-bit extended high private    COUNT
       QB225EL   Dist mvs 31-bit extended low private     COUNT
       QB225EP   Dist curr highaddr 31-bit priv reg       COUNT
       QB225FA   Dist 64-bit private fixed pool           COUNT
       QB225FX   Dist 31-bit fixed pool storage           COUNT
       QB225GA   Dist 64-bit private getmained            COUNT
       QB225GM   Dist 31-bit getmained storage            COUNT
       QB225GS   Dist 31-bit getmained stack              COUNT
       QB225HI   Dist mvs 24-bit high private             COUNT
       QB225LO   Dist mvs 24-bit low private              COUNT
       QB225MV   Dist 31-bit rsvd for mvs                 COUNT
       QB225RG   Dist mvs extended region size            COUNT
       QB225RL   Dist real 4k frames in use 31/64 priv    COUNT
       QB225SM   Dist 64-bit private stor ctrl            COUNT
       QB225SO   Dist storage cush warn to contract       COUNT
       QB225SU   Dist 31-bit stack in use                 COUNT
       QB225TP   Dist curr highaddr 24-bit priv reg       COUNT
       QB225VA   Dist 64-bit private variable pool        COUNT
       QB225VR   Dist 31-bit variable pool storage        COUNT
       QITIMAC   Dm in-memory active workfiles count      COUNT
       QITIMAH   Hwm max count dm inmem workfiles         MAXIMUM
       QITIMSC   Dm in-memory active workfiles space      COUNT
       QITIMSH   Hwm max space dm inmem workfiles         MAXIMUM
       QITSIAC   Sort inmem active workfiles              COUNT
       QITSIAH   Hwm max count sort inmem workfiles       COUNT
       QITSISC   Sort inmem active space                  COUNT
       QITSISH   Hwm max space sort inmem workfiles       MAXIMUM
       QITWFCR   Cur rid blocks stored in workfile        COUNT
       QITWFHI   Max rid blocks stored to workfile        MAXIMUM
       Q0COAUX   Common aux storage                       COUNT
       Q0COREA   Common real storage                      COUNT
       Q0ECALL   Ecsa alloc                               GAUGE
       Q0ECCON   Ecsa conv                                COUNT
       Q0ECHWM   Ecsa hwm                                 MAXIMUM
       Q0ESALL   Esqa alloc                               GAUGE
       Q0ESHWM   Esqa hwm                                 MAXIMUM
       Q0ESQAS   Esqas                                    COUNT
       Q0FLGS                                             HEXFLAGS
       Q0GSGSY   64-bit shared sys agent stack            COUNT
       Q0PRAUX   Private aux storage                      COUNT
       Q0PRREA   Private real storage                     COUNT
       Q0RAVL    Real avail                               COUNT
       Q0RAVLK   Real avail ok                            COUNT
       Q0RAVLO   Real avail lo                            COUNT
       Q0RSVD    Dbm1 field reserved                      COUNT
       Q0SHAS    Aux slots used for 64-bit storage        COUNT
       Q0SHAUX   Shared aux storage                       COUNT
       Q0SHGBY   Hwm 64-bit shared bytes                  COUNT
       Q0SHINR   64-bit shrpages backed in real 4k pages  COUNT
       Q0SHNMO   Shared memory objects allocated          COUNT
       Q0SHPGS   64-bit shared memory pages allocated     COUNT
       Q0SHPIN   64-bit shrpages paged in from aux store  COUNT
       Q0SHPOT   64-bit shrpages paged out to aux store   COUNT
       Q0SHREA   Shared real storage                      COUNT
       Q0SKAUX   Shared stack aux storage                 COUNT
       Q0SKREA   Shared stack real storage                COUNT
       Q0SUGSY   64-bit shared sys agent stack in use     COUNT
       Q0WARN    Warn                                     COUNT
       Q0225DB   Active and disconnected dbats            COUNT
       Q0225FC   31-bit common fixed pool storage         COUNT
       Q0225GC   31-bit common getmained storage          COUNT
       Q0225SX   31-bit xproc storage for static sql      COUNT
       Q0225VC   31-bit common variable pool storage      COUNT
       Q225ALG   Agent local stor 64-bit shr variable     COUNT
       Q225ASG   System agent stor 64-bit shr variable    COUNT
       Q225FCG   64-bit common fixed pool storage         COUNT
       Q225GCG   64-bit common getmained storage          COUNT
       Q225GSG   64-bit shared non-sys agent stack        COUNT
       Q225SMC   64-bit common storage for control        COUNT
       Q225SMS   64-bit shared storage for control        COUNT
       Q225SUG   64-bit shared non-sys agent stack in use COUNT
       Q225VCG   64-bit common variable pool storage      COUNT
       Q8TACPU   Accumulated accelerator cpu time         TIME
       Q8TACTV   Current active requests                  GAUGE
       Q8TAELA   Accumulated accelerator elapsed time     TIME
       Q8TAV03   Avg query queue len last 3 hrs           AVERAGE
       Q8TAV24   Avg query queue len last 24 hrs          AVERAGE
       Q8TAWAT   Accumulated accelerator wait time        TIME
       Q8TBLKR   Blocks returned                          COUNT
       Q8TBLKS   Blocks sent                              COUNT
       Q8TBYTR   Bytes returned                           COUNT
       Q8TBYTS   Bytes sent                               COUNT
       Q8TCCPU   Avg cpu util on coordiinator node        AVERAGE
       Q8TCONN   Accelerator connects                     COUNT
       Q8TCORS   Amount of processors within accel        COUNT
       Q8TCPMU   Avg phys mem usage on coordinator        AVERAGE
       Q8TDSKA   Disk storage available                   COUNT
       Q8TDSKB   Disk storage in-use for db               COUNT
       Q8TDSKU   Disk storage in-use                      COUNT
       Q8TFAIL   Failed requests                          COUNT
       Q8TFINV   Failed query req due to inval state      COUNT
       Q8TFREQ   Failed query req since start             COUNT
       Q8TMAXA   Maximum active requests                  MAXIMUM
       Q8TMAXQ   Query queue length high watermark        COUNT
       Q8TMIPS   Accelerator processing capacity          COUNT
       Q8TMSGR   Messages returned                        COUNT
       Q8TMSGS   Messages sent                            COUNT
       Q8TNMDS   V2 number of data slices                 COUNT
       Q8TNMOF   Accelerator server id offset             INT
       Q8TPRID   Accelerator product id                   STRING
       Q8TQUEM   Max accelerator queue elapsed wait       TIME
       Q8TREQ    Accelerator requests                     COUNT
       Q8TROWR   Rows returned                            COUNT
       Q8TROWS   Rows sent                                COUNT
       Q8TSCPU   Accelerator services cpu time            TIME
       Q8TSELA   Accelerator services elapsed time        TIME
       Q8TSKEW   Data skew                                COUNT
       Q8TSREQ   Successful query req since start         COUNT
       Q8TTATE                                            COUNT
       Q8TTCPU   Accelerator svcs tcp/ip cpu time         TIME
       Q8TTELA   Accelerator svcs tcp/ip elapsed time     TIME
       Q8TTOUT   Timed out requests                       COUNT
       Q8TWCPU   Avg cpu util on worker node              AVERAGE
       Q8TWNOD   Active worker nodes                      COUNT
       Q8TWPMU   Avg phys mem usage on worker             AVERAGE
       Q8TWSMA   Shared mem data available on worker      COUNT
       Q8TWSMM   Max shared mem data in use worker        MAXIMUM
       Q8TWSMU   Avg shared mem data usage on worker      AVERAGE
       STATIME   Qwhsstck from db2st225                   DATETIME

 71) The following variable has been added to table XDB2A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING

 72) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDB2B:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       THREADS   Thread count                             COUNT

 73) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDCBKUP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UBLFS     Large format seq dataset?                STRING
       UBNEVEX   Never expire?                            STRING
       UBNEWNM   Newname specified?                       STRING
       UBRETDY   Specified retaindays value               INT
       UBRETSP   Retain specified?                        STRING
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 74) The following variable has been added to table XDCCAPD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 75) The following variable has been added to table XDCCAPT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 76) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDCCLUS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCAZFS    Zfs data set?                            STRING
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 77) The following variable has been added to table XDCDSET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 78) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDCMIGS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UMLRECL   Lrecl of migrated dataset                INT
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 79) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLAG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 80) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLAI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 81) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLBC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 82) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLCN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 83) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 84) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLDR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 85) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLLB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 86) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLMC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 87) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLSC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 88) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 89) The following variable has been added to table XDCOLVL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 90) The following 3 variables have been added to table XDCVOLS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCVFCYL   Free cylinders on volume                 COUNT
       DCVFTRK   Free tracks on volume                    COUNT
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 91) The following variable has been added to table XDSNREC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SCRFLAG   This dsnb is on scratch list volser      STRING

 92) The following 19 variables have been added to table XD2S196:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       Q3196HA   3rd holder holder type                   STRING
       Q3196HB   3rd holder authorization id              STRING
       Q3196HC   3rd holder end user userid               STRING
       Q3196HD   3rd holder lock duration                 STRING
       Q3196HF   3rd holder lock flags                    HEXFLAGS
       Q3196HI   3rd holder db2 member name               STRING
       Q3196HJ   3rd holder transaction name              STRING
       Q3196HK   3rd holder workstation name              STRING
       Q3196HL   3rd holder luwid first part              HEXFLAGS
       Q3196HN   3rd holder connection id                 STRING
       Q3196HO   3rd holder owning work unit              HEXFLAGS
       Q3196HP   3rd holder plan name                     STRING
       Q3196HR   3rd holder correlation id                STRING
       Q3196HS   3rd holder lock state                    STRING
       Q3196HT   3rd holder thread token                  HEXFLAGS
       Q3196HW   3rd holder h=holder blank=wanter         STRING
       Q3196HX   3rd holder luwid second part             HEXFLAGS
       Q3196HY   3rd holder statement type                STRING
       Q3196H9                                            STRING

 93) The following 8 variables have been added to table XD2S225:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       Q0COAUX   Common aux storage                       COUNT
       Q0COREA   Common real storage                      COUNT
       Q0PRAUX   Private aux storage                      COUNT
       Q0PRREA   Private real storage                     COUNT
       Q0SHAUX   Shared aux storage                       COUNT
       Q0SHREA   Shared real storage                      COUNT
       Q0SKAUX   Shared stack aux storage                 COUNT
       Q0SKREA   Shared stack real storage                COUNT

 94) The following 4 variables have been added to table XHSDSRS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSFRBKF   Total failed fast replication backups    COUNT
       DSFRBKT   Total fast replication backups           COUNT
       DSFRRCF   Total failed fast replication recovers   COUNT
       DSFRRCT   Total fast replication recovers          COUNT

 95) The following 9 variables have been added to table XHSFSRB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSRDATE   Date this dsr                            DATE
       FSDATE    Always missing use fsrbdate              COUNT
       FSDATRD   Date request made                        DATE
       FSDLMD    Date last moved                          DATE
       FSDLUD    Last ref date                            DATE
       FSF9ATT   Dscb extended attributes lost?           STRING
       FSMFLGS   Fsrfrtry fsrf remote fsrfpigb flag byte  HEXFLAGS
       FSRETDY   Retaindays value for dsn backup          COUNT
       FSSRCDV   Recall recover recycle source            INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XHSFSRB:

       FSOFF83   Fsrfrtry fsrf remote fsrfpigb flag byte  HEXFLAGS

 96) The following 7 variables have been added to table XHSFSRS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSBDATD   Backup date                              DATE
       FSDATRD   Date request made                        DATE
       FSDLMD    Date last moved                          DATE
       FSDLUD    Last ref date                            DATE
       FSF9ATT   Dscb extended attributes lost?           STRING
       FSRETDY   Retaindays value for dsn backup          COUNT
       FSSRCDV   Recall recover recycle source            INT

 97) The following 3 variables have been added to table XHSFSRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSFTKB    More than 2gb data?                      STRING
       FSFTMB    Is fsrtbybk in mbytes?                   STRING
       FSTFLGS                                            HEXFLAGS

 98) The following 5 variables have been added to table XHSVSRS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VSDATED   Vsr date                                 DATE
       VSFRBKF   Total failed fast replication backups    COUNT
       VSFRBKT   Total fast replication backups           COUNT
       VSFRRCF   Total failed fast replication recovers   COUNT
       VSFRRCT   Total fast replication recovers          COUNT

 99) The following 10 variables have been added to table XHSWFSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WFSCONT   Blank/ continuation of extension fsr     STRING
       WFSDATE   Date request completed                   DATE
       WFSDATR   Date user request made                   DATE
       WFSDATS   Date requested processing started        DATE
       WFSF9AT   Dscb attributes lost?                    STRING
       WFSHOST   Host identifier                          STRING
       WFSRETS   Datetime when request was completed      DATETIME
       WFSRMTS   Datetime when user request was made      DATETIME
       WFSRSTS   Datetime when processing started         DATETIME
       WFSXMNT   Ml2 extra mounts due to recall takeaway  COUNT

100) The following variable has been added to table XIDSARA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

101) The following variable has been added to table XIDSBUF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

102) The following variable has been added to table XIDSCDM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

103) The following variable has been added to table XIDSDBG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

104) The following variable has been added to table XIDSDBK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

105) The following 6 variables have been added to table XIDSINS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INSCPTI   Srb time on cp                           TIME
       INSENTI   Total enclave srb cpu time               TIME
       INSSYTI   Cpu time                                 TIME
       INSUSTI   User mode cpu time                       TIME
       INSZPTI   Srb time on zip                          TIME
       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

106) The following variable has been added to table XIDSINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

107) The following variable has been added to table XIDSJRL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

108) The following variable has been added to table XIDSLNE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

109) The following variable has been added to table XIDSPGM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

110) The following variable has been added to table XIDSRUS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

111) The following variable has been added to table XIDSSTG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

112) The following 7 variables have been added to table XIDSTAS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING
       TACPTI    Srb time on cp                           TIME
       TAENTI    Enclave srb cpu time                     TIME
       TASYTI    Cpu time on cp                           TIME
       TATITI    Tcb cpu time                             TIME
       TAUSTI    User mode cpu time                       TIME
       TAZPTI    Srb time on zip                          TIME

113) The following variable has been added to table XIDSTAW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

114) The following variable has been added to table XIDSXLI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

115) The following variable has been added to table XIDSXLK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

116) The following variable has been added to table XIDSXMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

117) The following variable has been added to table XIDSYPE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMFHJOB   Pm job name                              STRING

118) The following variable has been added to table XILVISC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SAFUSRI   Saf user id                              STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XILVISC:

       SAFUSER   Saf user id                              STRING

119) The following variable has been added to table XILVOGF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SAFUSRI   Saf user id                              STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XILVOGF:

       SAFUSER   Saf user id                              STRING

120) The following variable has been added to table XILVOGN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SAFUSRI   Saf user id                              STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XILVOGN:

       SAFUSER   Saf user id                              STRING

121) The following variable has been added to table XILVONN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SAFUSRI   Saf user id                              STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XILVONN:

       SAFUSER   Saf user id                              STRING

122) The following variable has been added to table XILVTOP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SAFUSRI   Saf user id                              STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XILVTOP:

       SAFUSER   Saf user id                              STRING

123) The following variable has been added to table XILVTRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SAFUSRI   Saf user id                              STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XILVTRT:

       SAFUSER   Saf user id                              STRING

124) The following variable has been added to table XIMDBDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IMSRECC   Imslog record sequence number            HEXFLAGS

125) The following 7 variables have been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IMSRECC   Imslog record sequence number            HEXFLAGS
       TRXPTIM   Offset to xtime ziip-zaap data           INT
       TRXZAOC   Dep rgn zaap eligible ran on cp          TIME
       TRXZFL1   Trxzfl1 flag                             INT
       TRXZIOC   Dep rgn ziip elibible ran on cp          TIME
       TRXZONC   Total dep rgn appl cpu on cp             TIME
       TRXZTCP   Total dep rgn appl cpu                   TIME

     The following 4 variables have been deleted from table XIMFTRN:

       TRSTOPA   Tran stop time offset                    TIME
       TRSTOPU   Tran stop time miju                      TIME
       TRSTRTA   Tran start time offset                   TIME
       TRSTRTU   Tran start time miju                     TIME

126) The following variable has been added to table XIMPROG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IMSRECC   Imslog record sequence number            HEXFLAGS

127) The following 5 variables have been added to table XIM0A78:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DLRFLG4   Dlrflag4                                 HEXFLAGS
       DLRGDUR   Database gur calls                       COUNT
       DLRICAL   Ical calls                               COUNT
       DLRZAAP   Zaap ziip cpu time                       TIME
       LINTSB2   Ims08 subtype additional                 STRING

128) The following 16 variables have been added to table XIPLS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       DTIME     Dtime possibly text possibly hex         STRING
       ICSNAME   Ieaicsxx member name                     STRING
       ID        Record id                                INT
       IPREASN   Ipl reason entered                       STRING
       IPSNAME   Ieaipsxx member name                     STRING
       OPRNAME   Operator name entered                    STRING
       OPTNAME   Parmlib opt member                       STRING
       SM90SDN   Installed service definition             STRING
       SM90SDS   System on which definition installed     STRING
       SM90SDT   Time when service definition installed   DATETIME
       SM90SDU   Userid that installed service definition STRING
       SM90SPN   Active service policy name               STRING
       SM90SPS   System on which policy activated         STRING
       SM90SPT   Time when service policy activated       DATETIME
       SM90SPU   Userid that activated serv policy        STRING

129) The following 9 variables have been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXPMISS   Asid excps missed smf lock               COUNT
       HICPPCT   High task cpu pecent                     PERCENT100
       HICPPGM   High task program name                   STRING
       IOMMISS   Asid iotm missed smf lock                TIME
       IOMNOCA   Connect time not captured in iotmtotl    TIME
       JOCLAS8   Jes3 8-byte jobclass after iatux29       STRING
       SM30AIC   Dasd connect time asid plus dependent    TIME
       SM30SNF   Ziip normalization factor                INT
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                INT

130) The following 31 variables have been added to table XMQACTQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WQCBCT    Total cpu time for mqcb requests         TIME
       WQCBET    Total elapsed time for mqcb requests     TIME
       WQCBN     Number of mqcb requests                  COUNT
       WQCLCFD   Shared queue close no cf                 COUNT
       WQCLSUE   Close suspend time                       TIME
       WQCLSUN   Close suspend count                      COUNT
       WQCLTOS   Cpu time mqclose topic                   TIME
       WQOPCFD   Shared queue open no cf                  COUNT
       WQOPSUE   Open suspend time                        TIME
       WQOPSUN   Open suspend count                       COUNT
       WQOPTOS   Cpu time open topic                      TIME
       WQPUBCN   Messages published                       COUNT
       WQPUTOS   Cpu time mqput topic                     TIME
       WQP1OSR   Cpu time mqput1 topic                    TIME
       WQSELCO   Count of selector calls                  COUNT
       WQSELMX   Maximum length of selector               MAXIMUM
       WTACTCT   Total mqctl cpu time                     TIME
       WTACTET   Total mqctl elapsed time                 TIME
       WTACTN    Count of mqctl requests                  COUNT
       WTACTSR   Cpu time under srb                       COUNT
       WTASQCT   Total mqsubrq cpu time                   TIME
       WTASQET   Total mqsubrq elapsed time               TIME
       WTASQN    Count of mqsubrq requests                COUNT
       WTASTCT   Total mqstat cpu time                    TIME
       WTASTET   Total mqstat elapsed time                TIME
       WTASTN    Count of mqstat requests                 COUNT
       WTASUCT   Total mqsub cpu time                     TIME
       WTASUET   Total mqsub elapsed time                 TIME
       WTASUN    Number of mqsub requests                 COUNT
       WTASUSC   Mqsub count of selectors                 COUNT
       WTASUSL   Mqsub maxlen selector mqsubrq            MAXIMUM

131) The following 73 variables have been added to table XMQMLOG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMT115T                                            TIME
       QJAVIO1   1st log 1-ci avg i/o time per write      TIME
       QJAVIO2   1st log 2-ci avg i/o time per write      TIME
       QJAVIO3   2nd log 1-ci avg i/o time per write      TIME
       QJAVIO4   2nd log 2-ci avg i/o time per write      TIME
       QJAVSU1   1st log 1-ci avg suspnd time per write   TIME
       QJAVSU2   1st log 2-ci avg suspnd time per write   TIME
       QJAVSU3   2nd log 1-ci avg suspnd time per write   TIME
       QJAVSU4   2nd log 2-ci avg suspnd time per write   TIME
       QJCI1     1st log 1-ci cis written                 COUNT
       QJCI2     1st log 2-ci cis written                 COUNT
       QJCI3     2nd log 1-ci cis written                 COUNT
       QJCI4     2nd log 2-ci cis written                 COUNT
       QJCNT1    1st log 1-ci writes                      COUNT
       QJCNT2    1st log 2-ci writes                      COUNT
       QJCNT3    2nd log 1-ci writes                      COUNT
       QJCNT4    2nd log 2-ci writes                      COUNT
       QJMIOL1   1st log 1-ci max i/o log name            STRING
       QJMIOL2   1st log 2-ci max i/o log name            STRING
       QJMIOL3   2nd log 1-ci max i/o log name            STRING
       QJMIOL4   2nd log 2-ci max i/o log name            STRING
       QJMIOT1   1st log 1-ci max i/o event datetime      DATETIME
       QJMIOT2   1st log 2-ci max i/o event datetime      DATETIME
       QJMIOT3   2nd log 1-ci max i/o event datetime      DATETIME
       QJMIOT4   2nd log 2-ci max i/o event datetime      DATETIME
       QJMIO1    1st log 1-ci max i/o time                TIME
       QJMIO2    1st log 2-ci max i/o time                TIME
       QJMIO3    2nd log 1-ci max i/o time                TIME
       QJMIO4    2nd log 2-ci max i/o time                TIME
       QJMSUL1   1st log 1-ci tot suspend log name        STRING
       QJMSUL2   1st log 2-ci tot suspend log name        STRING
       QJMSUL3   2nd log 1-ci tot suspend log name        STRING
       QJMSUL4   2nd log 2-ci tot suspend log name        STRING
       QJMSUT1   1st log 1-ci max susp event datetime     DATETIME
       QJMSUT2   1st log 2-ci max susp event datetime     DATETIME
       QJMSUT3   2nd log 1-ci max susp event datetime     DATETIME
       QJMSUT4   2nd log 2-ci max susp event datetime     DATETIME
       QJMSU1    1st log 1-ci max suspend event time      TIME
       QJMSU2    1st log 2-ci max suspend event time      TIME
       QJMSU3    2nd log 1-ci max suspend event time      TIME
       QJMSU4    2nd log 2-ci max suspend event time      TIME
       QJTCCB1   Log compress comp bytes algorithm1       COUNT
       QJTCCB2   Log compress comp bytes algorithm 2      COUNT
       QJTCCB3   Log compress comp bytes algorithm 3      COUNT
       QJTCFA1   Log compress failures algorithm1         COUNT
       QJTCFA2   Log compress failures algorithm 2        COUNT
       QJTCFA3   Log compress failures algorithm 3        COUNT
       QJTCRQ1   Log compress requests algorithm1         COUNT
       QJTCRQ2   Log compress requests algorithm 2        COUNT
       QJTCRQ3   Log compress requests algorithm 3        COUNT
       QJTCUB1   Log compress uncomp bytes algorithm1     COUNT
       QJTCUB2   Log compress uncomp bytes algorithm 2    COUNT
       QJTCUB3   Log compress uncomp bytes algorithm 3    COUNT
       QJTDCB1   Log decompress comp bytes algorithm1     COUNT
       QJTDCB2   Log decompress comp bytes algorithm 2    COUNT
       QJTDCB3   Log decompress comp bytes algorithm 3    COUNT
       QJTDFA1   Log decompress failures algorithm1       COUNT
       QJTDFA2   Log decompress failures algorithm 2      COUNT
       QJTDFA3   Log decompress failures algorithm 3      COUNT
       QJTDRQ1   Log decompress requests algorithm 1      COUNT
       QJTDRQ2   Log decompress requests algorithm 2      COUNT
       QJTDRQ3   Log decompress requests algorithm 3      COUNT
       QJTDUB1   Log decompress uncomp bytes algorithm1   COUNT
       QJTDUB2   Log decompress uncomp bytes algorithm 2  COUNT
       QJTDUB3   Log decompress uncomp bytes algorithm 3  COUNT
       QJTOIO1   1st log 1-ci tot i/o time                TIME
       QJTOIO2   1st log 2-ci tot i/o time                TIME
       QJTOIO3   2nd log 1-ci tot i/o time                TIME
       QJTOIO4   2nd log 2-ci tot i/o time                TIME
       QJTOSU1   1st log 1-ci tot suspend time            TIME
       QJTOSU2   1st log 2-ci tot suspend time            TIME
       QJTOSU3   2nd log 1-ci tot suspend time            TIME
       QJTOSU4   2nd log 2-ci tot suspend time            TIME

132) The following 25 variables have been added to table XMQMSGD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QMTPUBS   Publish put+put1 requests                COUNT
       QMTSTUS   Stat rquests mqstat                      COUNT
       QMTSUB    Subscribes mqsub                         COUNT
       QMTSUBR   Subscribe requests mqsubrq               COUNT
       QMTTCB    Register callback request mqcb           COUNT
       QMTTCTL   Control requests mqctl                   COUNT
       QTTETHW   Max duration app took to publish         MAXIMUM
       QTTETTO   Total duration apps took to publish      TIME
       QTTPHIG   Admin total publication requests         COUNT
       QTTPLOW   Admin total publication requests         COUNT
       QTTPNOS   Pub request produced no messages         COUNT
       QTTPTO1   Api total publication requests           COUNT
       QTTPTO2   Admin total publication requests         COUNT
       QTTPTO3   Proxy total publication requests         COUNT
       QTTSDUR   Durable subscription requests            COUNT
       QTTSEXP   Subscriptions expired removed            COUNT
       QTTSHI1   Api subscription high watermark          COUNT
       QTTSHI2   Admin subscription high watermark        COUNT
       QTTSHI3   Proxy subscription high watermark        COUNT
       QTTSLO1   Api subscription low watermark           COUNT
       QTTSLO2   Admin subscription low watermark         COUNT
       QTTSLO3   Proxy subscription low watermark         COUNT
       QTTSPHW   Apps that publshed message               COUNT
       QTTSTOT   Total subscription requests              COUNT
       QTTTMSG   Messages put to subscriber queue         COUNT

133) The following 16 variables have been added to table XMQQUEU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WQCBCT    Total cpu time for mqcb requests         TIME
       WQCBET    Total elapsed time for mqcb requests     TIME
       WQCBN     Number of mqcb requests                  COUNT
       WQCLCFD   Shared queue close no cf                 COUNT
       WQCLSUE   Close suspend time                       TIME
       WQCLSUN   Close suspend count                      COUNT
       WQCLTOS   Cpu time mqclose topic                   TIME
       WQOPCFD   Shared queue open no cf                  COUNT
       WQOPSUE   Open suspend time                        TIME
       WQOPSUN   Open suspend count                       COUNT
       WQOPTOS   Cpu time open topic                      TIME
       WQPUBCN   Messages published                       COUNT
       WQPUTOS   Cpu time mqput topic                     TIME
       WQP1OSR   Cpu time mqput1 topic                    TIME
       WQSELCO   Count of selector calls                  COUNT
       WQSELMX   Maximum length of selector               MAXIMUM

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XMQQUEU:

       WTAFLAG   Wtasflag                                 HEXFLAGS
       WTAFLG2   Wtasflg2                                 HEXFLAGS

134) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMCI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

135) The following 4 variables have been added to table XNDMCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDJOBID   Jctjobid                                 STRING
       NDJOBNM   Job name                                 STRING
       NDRIP6    Ipv6 address                             STRING
       NDTYPFK   Type file key                            STRING

136) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMDT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDXODDN   Xo nn portion of ddname                  STRING
       NDXOFL1   Xo flag byte one                         HEXFLAGS
       NDXOFL2   Xo flag byte two                         HEXFLAGS

137) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMFA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

138) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMPI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

139) The following 2 variables have been added to table XNDMPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PSSUBJI   Procsub submitted jobid                  STRING
       PSSUBJO   Procsub submitted jobname                STRING

140) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMPX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

141) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMQE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

142) The following 2 variables have been added to table XNDMRJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RJSUBJI   Run job submitted jobid                  STRING
       RJSUBJO   Run job submitted jobname                STRING

143) The following variable has been added to table XNDMRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDRTDAT   Rt record data                           STRING

144) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMTR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

145) The following 40 variables have been added to table XNJPURG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACCT      Programmer accounting number             STRING
       CVRPROC   Converter procedure name                 STRING
       ENDPRTY   Output selection priority                INT
       ESBYTES   Estimated bytes to be printed            COUNT
       ESELPTM   Estimated elapsed time                   TIME
       ESPAGES   Estimated pages to be printed            COUNT
       ESPRINT   Estimated print lines                    COUNT
       ESPUNCH   Estimated punch lines                    COUNT
       EXCNODE   Nje execution node name                  STRING
       EXCSTAT   Execution status of job                  STRING
       INTRDR    Internal reader used?                    STRING
       JCJOBID   Jctjobid typetask plus jes nr            STRING
       JOPURGE   Joe purged due to pso/sapi?              STRING
       LATNODE   Last node name                           STRING
       LIPERPG   Lines per page                           INT
       NETACCT   Network account number                   STRING
       NETNODE   Next node name                           STRING
       NJTRANS   Transmit job for execution?              STRING
       NOIFYND   Job end execution notify node            STRING
       NOIFYUS   Job end execution notify userid          STRING
       OPEXBAT   Execution batching?                      STRING
       OPJBLOG   Job log?                                 STRING
       OPJOURN   Journaling?                              STRING
       OPOUTPT   Output option?                           STRING
       ORGJBID   Original job identification              STRING
       ORGNODE   Origin node name                         STRING
       OUTFORM   Sysmsg form number                       STRING
       PRNODE    Print node number                        INT
       PRYCARD   Priority card?                           STRING
       PUNODE    Punch node number                        INT
       RDRTM     Reader event duration                    TIME
       RERUN     Rerun by jes?                            STRING
       RETARTD   Restart?                                 STRING
       ROOM      Programmer room number                   STRING
       SOURCE    Source of nje job                        STRING
       SUBSYS    Sub system                               STRING
       SYOUTPR   Sysout processed here?                   STRING
       UNPUNJB   Job went thru unspun in its lifetime?    STRING
       XMNTIME   End of job transmission time             DATETIME
       XMTTIME   Start of job transmission time           DATETIME

146) The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNPVX25:

       LXTDDTA   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       LXTGDTA   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       LXTLOCA   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       LXTXICO   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       LXTDDTA   changed from  $HEX19.   to  $HEX16.
       LXTGDTA   changed from  $HEX19.   to  $HEX16.
       LXTLOCA   changed from  $HEX19.   to  $HEX16.
       LXTXICO   changed from  $HEX19.   to  $HEX16.

147) The following 16 variables have been added to table XQACONF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GDESFT    Firmware time accumulated?               STRING
       GDESF1S   Threshold value secondary thread         COUNT
       GDESF1T   Threshold value task                     COUNT
       GDESGA    Disk response time boundary              TIME
       GDESG1    1st disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESG2    2nd disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESG3    3rd disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESG4    4th disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESG5    5th disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESG6    6th disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESG7    7th disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESG8    8th disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESG9    9th disk response time boundary          TIME
       GDESHT    Maximum smt hardware threads             MAXIMUM
       GDESMT    Processor multi-tasking?                 STRING
       GDESPF    Processor folding support?               STRING

148) The following 3 variables have been added to table XQADISK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSPTROP   Total path read operations               COUNT
       DSPTWOO   Total path write operations              COUNT
       DSWWWNN   World wide node name                     STRING

149) The following 33 variables have been added to table XQASYSC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SCPUSUM   Sum of scpunn all 64 cpus                TIME
       SCPU33    Cpu time used cpu 33                     TIME
       SCPU34    Cpu time used cpu 34                     TIME
       SCPU35    Cpu time used cpu 35                     TIME
       SCPU36    Cpu time used cpu 36                     TIME
       SCPU37    Cpu time used cpu 37                     TIME
       SCPU38    Cpu time used cpu 38                     TIME
       SCPU39    Cpu time used cpu 39                     TIME
       SCPU40    Cpu time used cpu 40                     TIME
       SCPU41    Cpu time used cpu 41                     TIME
       SCPU42    Cpu time used cpu 42                     TIME
       SCPU43    Cpu time used cpu 43                     TIME
       SCPU44    Cpu time used cpu 44                     TIME
       SCPU45    Cpu time used cpu 45                     TIME
       SCPU46    Cpu time used cpu 46                     TIME
       SCPU47    Cpu time used cpu 47                     TIME
       SCPU48    Cpu time used cpu 48                     TIME
       SCPU49    Cpu time used cpu 49                     TIME
       SCPU50    Cpu time used cpu 50                     TIME
       SCPU51    Cpu time used cpu 51                     TIME
       SCPU52    Cpu time used cpu 52                     TIME
       SCPU53    Cpu time used cpu 53                     TIME
       SCPU54    Cpu time used cpu 54                     TIME
       SCPU55    Cpu time used cpu 55                     TIME
       SCPU56    Cpu time used cpu 56                     TIME
       SCPU57    Cpu time used cpu 57                     TIME
       SCPU58    Cpu time used cpu 58                     TIME
       SCPU59    Cpu time used cpu 59                     TIME
       SCPU60    Cpu time used cpu 60                     TIME
       SCPU61    Cpu time used cpu 61                     TIME
       SCPU62    Cpu time used cpu 62                     TIME
       SCPU63    Cpu time used cpu 63                     TIME
       SCPU64    Cpu time used cpu 64                     TIME

150) The following 15 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       APPCAVG   Average appc active                      AVERAGE
       APPCMAX   Maximum appc active                      MAXIMUM
       MAXCOMN   Maximum common slots used                MINIMUM
       MAXLOCL   Maximum local slots used                 MAXIMUM
       MAXPLPA   Maximum plpa slots used                  MAXIMUM
       MPL72     Resident multi programming level         INT
       NRDSLOC   Active local datasets                    COUNT
       PCCOMN    Percent common slots used                PERCENT100
       PCLOCL    Average percent slots used all locals    AVERAGE
       PCMAXLO   Maximum percent slots used any local     MAXIMUM
       PCPLPA    Percent plpa slots used                  PERCENT100
       SLOTCOM   Common slots defined                     COUNT
       SLOTLOC   Local slots defined                      COUNT
       SLOTPLP   Plpa slots defined                       COUNT
       SYNCTIM   Smf global recording interval end        DATETIME

151) The following 10 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPTSKTM   Address space task cpu time dispatched   TIME
       EXPMISS   Asid excps missed smf lock               COUNT
       HICPPCT   High task cpu pecent                     PERCENT100
       HICPPGM   High task program name                   STRING
       IOMMISS   Asid iotm missed smf lock                TIME
       IOMNOCA   Connect time not captured in iotmtotl    TIME
       PCTSKTM   Pct when task was dispatched on physical PERCENT100
       SM30CRM   Region velocity goal managed?            STRING
       SM30DAS   Excp segments that were suppressed       COUNT
       SM30PIN   Incomplete wlm data?                     STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XSMFINT:

       SM30SNF   changed from  GAUGE     to  INT
       SM30ZNF   changed from  GAUGE     to  INT

152) The following 8 variables have been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXPMISS   Asid excps missed smf lock               COUNT
       HICPPCT   High task cpu pecent                     PERCENT100
       HICPPGM   High task program name                   STRING
       IOMMISS   Asid iotm missed smf lock                TIME
       IOMNOCA   Connect time not captured in iotmtotl    TIME
       SM30AIC   Dasd connect time asid plus dependent    TIME
       SM30SNF   Ziip normalization factor                INT
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                INT

153) The following 6 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CNT30RE   Count of physical smf 30 records         COUNT
       EXPMISS   Asid excps missed smf lock               COUNT
       HICPPCT   High task cpu pecent                     PERCENT100
       HICPPGM   High task program name                   STRING
       IOMMISS   Asid iotm missed smf lock                TIME
       IOMNOCA   Connect time not captured in iotmtotl    TIME

154) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTAPES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21MCR   Uncompressed bytes read by channel       COUNT
       SM21MCW   Uncompressed bytes written by channel    COUNT
       SM21MDR   Compressed bytes read by device          COUNT
       SM21MDW   Compressed bytes written by device       COUNT

155) The following 105 variables have been added to table XTC2PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PACAPPL   Acapplnm name appl context data          STRING
       PACMAJV   Acmajver major ver context data          INT
       PACMICV   Acmicver micro ver context data          INT
       PACMINV   Acminver minor ver context data          INT
       PACOPER   Acopernm context data opertion           STRING
       PACPLAT   Acplatnm name platform context data      STRING
       PADHDLC   Dhretct document handler deletes         COUNT
       PAOADID   Oadid adapter id for original data       STRING
       PAOAPPL   Oapplid applid from orig work req        STRING
       PAOTRAN   Otran tran id orig task                  STRING
       PAOUSER   Ouserid userid orig task                 STRING
       PAPHCNT   Phcount nbr remote req between cics      COUNT
       PBFDGSC   Bfdgstct nbr of bif digest cmds          COUNT
       PBFTOTC   Bftotct  nbr bif deedit digest cmds      COUNT
       PCECMCH   Cecmchtp cec mach type                   STRING
       PCECMDL   Cecmdlid cec model number                STRING
       PCLIPAD   Clipaddr ip address of client telnet     STRING
       PCLIPPO   Clipport port nr for client telnet       INT
       PCPUTOC   Cputoncp std cp dispatch count           COUNT
       PCPUTOT   Cputoncp std cp cpu time                 TIME
       PCURTAS   Curtasks nbr active user trans           COUNT
       PECEFOC   Ecefopct nbr event filter operations     COUNT
       PECEVNC   Ecevntct nbr user task events            COUNT
       PECSEVC   Ecsevcct nbr sync emission events        COUNT
       PECSIGC   Ecsigect nbr of signal event cmds        COUNT
       PEICTOC   Eictotct nbr of exec cics cmds           COUNT
       PFCVSWC   Fcvswtt vsam string elapsed count        COUNT
       PFCVSWT   Fcvswtt vsam string elapsed time         TIME
       PFCXCWC   Fcxcwtt vsam cntl intvl elapsed count    COUNT
       PFCXCWT   Fcxcwtt vsam cntl intvl elapsed time     TIME
       PISALOC   Isalloct nbr alloc sess using ipic       COUNT
       PISALWC   Isalwtt ipic alloc elapsed count         COUNT
       PISALWT   Isalwtt ipic alloc elapsed time          TIME
       PISIOWC   Isiowtt ipic control count               COUNT
       PISIOWT   Isiowtt ipic control time                TIME
       PISIPNM   Isipicnm name of ipic conn for tcpip     STRING
       PJVMTHC   Jvmthdwt jvm thread elapsed count        COUNT
       PJVMTHT   Jvmthdwt jvm thread elapsed time         TIME
       PMAXTAS   Maxtasks maxtasks value for region       COUNT
       PMLXMLC   Mlxmltct nbr of transform cmds           COUNT
       PMLXSSL   Mlxsstdl length of xml docs parsed       COUNT
       PMQGETC   Wmqgetwt mq wait count                   COUNT
       PMQGETT   Wmqgetwt mq wait time                    TIME
       PMQSRBC   Wmqasrbt mq srb count                    COUNT
       PMQSRBT   Wmqasrbt mq srb time                     TIME
       PMXDLYC   Maxttdly t8 tcb elapsed count            COUNT
       PMXDLYT   Maxttdly t8 tcb elapsed time             TIME
       POADAT1   Oadata1 data added to orig data          STRING
       POADAT2   Oadata2 data added to orig data          STRING
       POADAT3   Oadata3 data added to orig data          STRING
       POASTRT   Ostart start time orig task              DATETIME
       POCLIPA   Oclipadr ip addr orig client/telnet      STRING
       POCLIPP   Ocliport port nbr of orig clienttelnt    INT
       POFCTNM   Ofctynme facility name orig tran         STRING
       POFFLCC   Offlcput offloadable std cp count        COUNT
       POFFLCT   Offlcput offloadable std cp cpu          TIME
       PONETWK   Onetwkid network id from orig workreq    STRING
       POPORTN   Oportnum port nbr orig tcpipserv         INT
       POTCPSV   Otcpsvce name orig tcpipserv             STRING
       POTRNUM   Otrannum tran nbr orig task              COUNT
       POUSRCO   Ousercor correlator of orig user         STRING
       PPGCSTH   Pgcsthwm max bytes of container stg      MAXIMUM
       PPHAPPL   Phapplid applid from hop data            STRING
       PPHNTWK   Phntwkid cics id prev remote task        STRING
       PPHSTRT   Phstart start time prev remote task      DATETIME
       PPHTRAN   Phtran tran id prev remote task          STRING
       PPHTRNO   Phtranno task nbr prev remote task       INT
       PROMODC   Romoddly redispatch ro tcb elaps cnt     COUNT
       PROMODT   Romoddly redispatch ro tcb elaps time    TIME
       PSC64CC   Sc64cgct nbr user stg gdsa requests      COUNT
       PSC64CH   Sc64chwm hwm user storage gcdsa          MAXIMUM
       PSC64FS   Sc64fshr shr stg reem gcdsa              COUNT
       PSC64GS   Sc64gshr shared stg getmn gcdsa          COUNT
       PSC64SC   Sc64sgct nbr getmain req gcdsa           COUNT
       PSC64UC   Sc64ugct nbr user stg gudsa requests     COUNT
       PSC64UH   Sc64uhwm hwm user storage gudsa          MAXIMUM
       PSOCIPH   Socipher cipher suitefor ssl handshke    COUNT
       PSOMODC   Somoddly redispatch so tcb elaps cnt     COUNT
       PSOMODT   Somoddly redispatch so tcb elaps time    TIME
       PTCALWC   Tcalwtt mro alloc elapsed count          COUNT
       PTCALWT   Tcalwtt mro alloc elapsed time           TIME
       PTDELWC   Tdelwtt extraprt data lock wait count    COUNT
       PTDELWT   Tdelwtt extrapart data lock wait time    TIME
       PTDILWC   Tdilwtt intraprt data lock wait count    COUNT
       PTDILWT   Tdilwtt intrapart data lock wait time    TIME
       PTIASKC   Tiasktct nbr asktime     cmds            COUNT
       PTITOTC   Titotct nbr ask conv format time cmds    TIME
       PT8CPUC   T8cput t8 tcb dispatch count             COUNT
       PT8CPUT   T8cput t8 tcb dispatch time              TIME
       PWBATNM   Wbatmsnm atomserv resource def name      STRING
       PWBISSC   Wbissfct nbr soap faults received        COUNT
       PWBPINM   Wbpiplnm pipeline resource def name      STRING
       PWBPRON   Wbprognm urimap resource def name        STRING
       PWBSFCC   Wbsfcrct nbr soapfault create cmds       COUNT
       PWBSFTC   Wbsftoct nbr soapfault update cmds       COUNT
       PWBSREL   Wbsreqbl soap request body length        COUNT
       PWBSRSL   Wbsrspbl soap response body length       COUNT
       PWBSVCN   Wbsvcenm webserv resource def name       STRING
       PWBSVON   Wbsvopnm webserv operation name          STRING
       PWBURNM   Wburimnm urimap resource def name        STRING
       PWMQREC   Wmqreqct nbr mq requests                 COUNT
       PWSACBC   Wsacblct nbr wsacontext build cmds       COUNT
       PWSACGC   Wsacgtct nbr wsacontext get cmds         COUNT
       PWSAEPC   Wsaepcct nbr wsaepr create cmds          COUNT
       PWSATOC   Wsatotct nbr ws-addressing cmds          COUNT

156) The following 100 variables have been added to table XTC2PI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PBFDGSC   Bfdgstct of bif digest cmds              COUNT
       PBFTOTC   Bftotct bif deedit digest cmds           COUNT
       PCMDLYC   Dschmdly cics tcb chg mode dly cnt       COUNT
       PCMDLYT   Dschmdly cics tcb chg mode dly time      TIME
       PCPUTOC   Cputoncp std cp dispatch count           COUNT
       PCPUTOT   Cputoncp std cp cpu time                 TIME
       PECEFOC   Ecefopct event filter operations         COUNT
       PECEVNC   Ecevntct user task events                COUNT
       PECSEVC   Ecsevcct sync emission events            COUNT
       PECSIGC   Ecsigect of signal event cmds            COUNT
       PEICTOC   Eictotct of exec cics cmds               COUNT
       PFCVSWC   Fcvswtt vsam string elapsed count        COUNT
       PFCVSWT   Fcvswtt vsam string elapsed time         TIME
       PFCXCWC   Fcxcwtt vsam cntl intvl elapsed count    COUNT
       PFCXCWT   Fcxcwtt vsam cntl intvl elapsed time     TIME
       PIICSCC   Icstacct ic start reqs chan opt          COUNT
       PIICSCD   Icstacdl ic start reqs chan opt dlen     COUNT
       PIICSRC   Icstrcct ic start reqs chan rem          COUNT
       PIICSRD   Icstrcdl ic st reqs chan opt dlen rem    COUNT
       PIPCDCC   Pcdplcct dpl pgm links with chan opt     COUNT
       PIPCDLL   Pcdlcsdl dpl pgm lnk chan opt data len   COUNT
       PIPCDRL   Pcdlcsdl dpl pgm rtn chan opt data len   COUNT
       PIPCLCC   Pclnkcct pgm links with chan opt         COUNT
       PIPCRCC   Pcrtncct pgm returns with channel        COUNT
       PIPCRCL   Pcrtncdl pgm rtn with chan dat len       COUNT
       PIPCXCC   Pcxclcct pgm xctls with chan opt         COUNT
       PIPGBCC   Pgbrwcct brws container chan reqs        COUNT
       PIPGCCC   Pgcrecct containers created              COUNT
       PIPGCTC   Pgtotcct total chan data container       COUNT
       PIPGGCC   Pggetcct get container chan reqs         COUNT
       PIPGGCL   Pggetcdl get container chan data len     COUNT
       PIPGMCC   Pgmovcct move container chan reqs        COUNT
       PIPGPCC   Pgputcct put container chan reqs         COUNT
       PIPGPCL   Pgputcdl put container chan data len     COUNT
       PIPHCNT   Phcount remote req between cics          COUNT
       PISALOC   Isalloct alloc sess using ipic           COUNT
       PISALWC   Isalwtt ipic alloc elapsed count         COUNT
       PISALWT   Isalwtt ipic alloc elapsed time          TIME
       PISIOWC   Isiowtt ipic control count               COUNT
       PISIOWT   Isiowtt ipic control time                TIME
       PIWBBOC   Wbbrwoct web browse requests             COUNT
       PIWBIRC   Wbrcvin1 web receive requests            COUNT
       PIWBIWC   Wbiwbsct invoke webservice reqs          COUNT
       PIWBI1C   Wbchrin1 bytes rcvd by web reqs          COUNT
       PIWBOSC   Wbsndou1 web send requests               COUNT
       PIWBO1C   Wbchrou1 bytes sent web send reqs        COUNT
       PIWBPRC   Wbparsct web parse requests              COUNT
       PIWBRDL   Wbreprdl repository read data length     COUNT
       PIWBROC   Wbredoct web read requests               COUNT
       PIWBWDL   Wbrepwdl repository write data length    COUNT
       PIWBWOC   Wbwrtoct web write requests              COUNT
       PJVMTHC   Jvmthdwt jvm thread elapsed count        COUNT
       PJVMTHT   Jvmthdwt jvm thread elapsed time         TIME
       PL9CPUC   L9cput user task l9 mode cpu count       COUNT
       PL9CPUT   L9cput user task l9 mode cpu time        TIME
       PMLXMLC   Mlxmltct of transform cmds               COUNT
       PMQGETC   Wmqgetwt mq wait elapsed count           COUNT
       PMQGETT   Wmqgetwt mq wait elapsed time            TIME
       PMQSRBC   Wmqasrbt mq srb count                    COUNT
       PMQSRBT   Wmqasrbt mq srb time                     TIME
       PMXDLYC   Maxttdly t8 tcb elapsed count            COUNT
       PMXDLYT   Maxttdly t8 tcb elapsed time             TIME
       POFFLCC   Offlcput offloadable std cp count        COUNT
       POFFLCT   Offlcput offloadable std cp cpu          TIME
       PPRTXCD   Mpprtxcd policy thresholds exceeded      COUNT
       PROMODC   Romoddly redispatch ro tcb elaps count   COUNT
       PROMODT   Romoddly redispatch ro tcb elaps time    TIME
       PSC64CC   Sc64cgct user stg gdsa requests          COUNT
       PSC64FS   Sc64fshr shr stg freem gcdsa gsdsa       COUNT
       PSC64GS   Sc64gshr shared stg getmn gcdsa gsdsa    COUNT
       PSC64SC   Sc64sgct getmain req gcdsa gsdsa         COUNT
       PSC64UC   Sc64ugct user stg gudsa requests         COUNT
       PSOMODC   Somoddly redispatch so tcb elaps count   COUNT
       PSOMODT   Somoddly redispatch so tcb elaps time    TIME
       PSTDLYC   Maxstdly maxssl tcb delay count          COUNT
       PSTDLYT   Maxstdly max ssl tcb delay time          TIME
       PTCALWC   Tcalwtt mro alloc elapsed count          COUNT
       PTCALWT   Tcalwtt mro alloc elapsed time           TIME
       PTDELWC   Tdelwtt extraprt data lock wait count    COUNT
       PTDELWT   Tdelwtt extrapart data lock wait time    TIME
       PTDILWC   Tdilwtt intraprt data lock wait count    COUNT
       PTDILWT   Tdilwtt intrapart data lock wait time    TIME
       PTIASKC   Tiasktct asktim cmds                     COUNT
       PTITOTC   Titotct ask conv format time cmds        TIME
       PT8CPUC   T8cput t8 tcb dispatch count             COUNT
       PT8CPUT   T8cput t8 tcb dispatch time              TIME
       PWBISSC   Wbissfct soap faults received            COUNT
       PWBSFCC   Wbsfcrct soapfault create cmds           COUNT
       PWBSFTC   Wbsftoct soapfault update cmds           COUNT
       PWMQREC   Wmqreqct mq requests                     COUNT
       PWSACBC   Wsacblct wsacontext build cmds           COUNT
       PWSACGC   Wsacgtct wsacontext get cmds             COUNT
       PWSAEPC   Wsaepcct wsaepr create cmds              COUNT
       PWSATOC   Wsatotct ws-addressing cmds              COUNT
       PXTDLYC   Maxxtdly max xplink tcb delay count      MAXIMUM
       PXTDLYT   Maxxtdly max xplink tcb delay time       TIME
       PX8CPUC   X8cput user task x8 mode cpu count       COUNT
       PX8CPUT   X8cput user task x8 mode cpu time        TIME
       PX9CPUC   X9cput user task x9 mode cpu count       COUNT
       PX9CPUT   X9cput user task x9 mode cpu time        TIME

157) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTC2SYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TC64HWM   Cics 64 pool hwm                         MAXIMUM
       TENCCTM   Dependent enclave cpu time               TIME
       THC64ID   High cics64 task tranid                  STRING
       THU64ID   High user64 task tranid                  STRING
       TSTCPOC   Offload on cp dispatches                 COUNT
       TSTCPOT   Offload on cp cpu time                   TIME
       TSTCPUC   Standard cp dispatches                   COUNT
       TSTCPUT   Standard cp cpu time                     TIME
       TU64HWM   User 64 pool hwm                         MAXIMUM

158) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       TSTGWWT   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

159) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTC2TSK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TC64HWM   Cics 64 pool hwm                         MAXIMUM
       TSTCPOC   Offload on std count                     COUNT
       TSTCPOT   Offload on std cpu                       COUNT
       TSTCPUC   Standard cp count                        COUNT
       TSTCPUT   Standard cp cpu time                     TIME
       TU64HWM   User 64 pool hwm                         MAXIMUM

160) The following variable has been added to table XTMBACT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

161) The following variable has been added to table XTMBAFF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

162) The following variable has been added to table XTMBBND:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

163) The following variable has been added to table XTMBDEA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

164) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

165) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

166) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

167) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

168) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

169) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

170) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

171) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL8:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

172) The following variable has been added to table XTMBLL9:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

173) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL10:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

174) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL11:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

175) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL12:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

176) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL13:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

177) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL14:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

178) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL15:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

179) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL16:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

180) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL17:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

181) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL18:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

182) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL19:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

183) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL20:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

184) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL21:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

185) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL22:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

186) The following variable has been added to table XTMBL23:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

187) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTMBL24:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBL24     List vol vts                             STRING
       JESNR     Jes number                               INT
       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING
       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

188) The following variable has been added to table XTMBVOL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

189) The following variable has been added to table XTMCAFT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

190) The following variable has been added to table XTMCBFR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

191) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBI:

       BI145TS   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BI145TS   changed from  $HEX16.   to  _NONE_

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XTMDBI:

       BI145QO   Offset to sql statement                  INT
       BI145SC   Sql return code                          INT

192) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTMDDB2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBDACCT   Db2 dbmdacct account field               STRING
       DBDAPPL   Client application name                  STRING
       DBDATID   Client auth id                           STRING
       DBDDDCS   Client ddcs account field                STRING
       DBDPLAT   Client platform                          STRING
       DBDSFLN   Client ddcs account length               INT
       DBHCEUI   End user userid                          STRING
       DBHCEUT   End user transaction name                STRING
       DBHCEUW   End user workstation name                STRING

193) The following variable has been added to table XTMLIMT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

194) The following variable has been added to table XTMLLIM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

195) The following variable has been added to table XTMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACTVOL    Actual physical where virtual offloaded  STRING

196) The following 52 variables have been added to table XTMSLM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TPACCTM   Acceptable date time                     DATETIME
       TPADHOC   Adhoc job (y/n)                          STRING
       TPAPPDE   Application description                  STRING
       TPAPPNM   Application name                         STRING
       TPCA7DB   Ca7 database name                        STRING
       TPCA7EN   Ca7 entry (entry=)                       STRING
       TPCRITP   Critical path job (y/n)                  STRING
       TPC7INF   Ca7 info                                 STRING
       TPC7INS   Ca7 instance name                        STRING
       TPC7JCL   Ca7 jcl id (jclid=)                      INT
       TPC7JID   Ca7 job id (job#=)                       INT
       TPC7SCH   Ca7 schid (schid=)                       INT
       TPDIFFR   Differential time                        TIME
       TPDUEOU   Due-out date time                        DATETIME
       TPEALAT   Time early or late                       TIME
       TPELYLA   Job is on time early late                STRING
       TPELYSR   Early setup requested (y/n)              STRING
       TPELYSU   Early setup performed (y/n)              STRING
       TPESTTM   Estimated time                           TIME
       TPEXJIN   Additional reason                        INT
       TPEXJIX   Job level when flagged                   INT
       TPJSELO   Job selection option                     INT
       TPMLPQT   Pre slm queue time                       COUNT
       TPMLTBI   Binding environment                      TIME
       TPMLTDA   Datacenter                               TIME
       TPMLTDB   Dbs                                      TIME
       TPMLTDC   Dcs                                      TIME
       TPMLTDJ   Djc                                      TIME
       TPMLTEV   Scheduling environment                   TIME
       TPMLTHS   Hsm recall                               TIME
       TPMLTJL   Limiting                                 TIME
       TPMLTJS   Jss                                      TIME
       TPMLTJT   Jts                                      TIME
       TPMLTNI   Resource conflicts                       TIME
       TPMLTOP   Operations                               TIME
       TPMLTUS   User                                     TIME
       TPMLTVV   Virtual volume staging                   TIME
       TPPASSI   Passive (y/n)                            STRING
       TPPLTOD   Tod last analyzer                        INT
       TPPRDIM   Production importance                    STRING
       TPPRFDE   Non-scheduled profile desc               STRING
       TPPRFNM   Non-scheduled profile name               STRING
       TPPXEQN   Times restarted                          COUNT
       TPPXEQT   Rrevious execution time                  COUNT
       TPPXRSN   Extraordinary reason                     INT
       TPPXSPT   Selct pt when flagged                    INT
       TPPXTOD   Tod high marked extra                    INT
       TPRERUN   Rerun factor from dbji                   INT
       TPSCHEI   Scheduler importance                     HEXFLAGS
       TPSLACK   Slack time                               TIME
       TPTREHN   Tree header name                         STRING
       TPTREHS   Tree header schedule id                  STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMSLM:

       TPMLSMN   changed from  TIME      to  MINIMUM

197) The following variable has been added to table XTMVVOL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       READTIM   Smfvrst smfvrsd                          DATETIME

198) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTYSYMT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYJ3TIM   Iad5210 jes3 mount                       DATETIME
       SYLJES3   Jes3 subsystem                           STRING
       SYLMNTC   Jes3 device type                         STRING
       SYLMNTD   Jes3 mount or check                      STRING
       SYLMNTV   Jes3 verify mounted                      STRING
       SYLRING   Jes3 ring or noring                      STRING

199) The following 11 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JB54042   Jbl54042 $list l                         STRING
       JB54044   Jbl54044 $pcs ap                         STRING
       JB54045   Jbl54045 $pcs cp                         STRING
       JB54047   Jbl54047 $pcs jp                         STRING
       JB54050   Jbl54050 $pcs pp                         STRING
       JB55044   Jbl55044 $pcs a                          STRING
       JB55045   Jbl55045 $pcs cp                         STRING
       JB55047   Jbl55047 $pcs jp                         STRING
       JB55050   Jbl55050 $pcs pp                         STRING
       JB55051   Jbl55051 $pcs sp                         STRING
       TMCPUTM   Tpm cpu time                             TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTYTPMX:

       TMCPU     Tpm cpu time                             TIME

200) The following 16 variables have been added to table XTY0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       DTIME     Dtime possibly text possibly hex         STRING
       ICSNAME   Ieaicsxx member name                     STRING
       ID        Record id                                INT
       IPREASN   Ipl reason entered                       STRING
       IPSNAME   Ieaipsxx member name                     STRING
       OPRNAME   Operator name entered                    STRING
       OPTNAME   Parmlib opt member                       STRING
       SM90SDN   Installed service definition             STRING
       SM90SDS   System on which definition installed     STRING
       SM90SDT   Time when service definition installed   DATETIME
       SM90SDU   Userid that installed service definition STRING
       SM90SPN   Active service policy name               STRING
       SM90SPS   System on which policy activated         STRING
       SM90SPT   Time when service policy activated       DATETIME
       SM90SPU   Userid that activated serv policy        STRING

201) The following 64 variables have been added to table XTY113:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CECSER    Cpu serial number of the c e c           STRING
       CPUTYPE   Cpu model number                         STRING
       DWDASOR   Dir writes l1 data cache from remote     COUNT
       DWINSOR   Dir writes l1 inst cache from remote     COUNT
       EXTN157   Dirwrit to l1-i from offbook l4          COUNT
       EXTN158   Tend instruction constrained             COUNT
       EXTN159   Dirwrit to l1-i from onchip l3           COUNT
       EXTN160   Dirwrit to l1-i from offchip onbook l3   COUNT
       EXTN161   Dirwrit to l1-i from offbook l3          COUNT
       EXTN162   Counter 162 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN163   Counter 163 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN164   Counter 164 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN165   Counter 165 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN166   Counter 166 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN167   Counter 167 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN168   Counter 168 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN169   Counter 169 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN170   Counter 170 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN171   Counter 171 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN172   Counter 172 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN173   Counter 173 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN174   Counter 174 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN175   Counter 175 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN176   Counter 176 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN177   Transaction abort nonconstrained         COUNT
       EXTN178   Transaction abort constrained            COUNT
       EXTN179   Transaction abort special logic          COUNT
       EXTN180   Counter 180 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN181   Counter 181 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN182   Counter 182 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN183   Counter 183 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN184   Counter 184 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN185   Counter 185 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN186   Counter 186 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN187   Counter 187 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN188   Counter 188 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN189   Counter 189 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN190   Counter 190 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN191   Counter 191 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN192   Counter 192 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN193   Counter 193 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN194   Counter 194 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN195   Counter 195 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN196   Counter 196 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN197   Counter 197 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN198   Counter 198 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN199   Counter 199 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN200   Counter 200 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN201   Counter 201 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN202   Counter 202 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN203   Counter 203 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN204   Counter 204 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN205   Counter 205 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN206   Counter 206 undefined                    COUNT
       EXTN207   Counter 207 undefined                    COUNT
       LPARWLM   Wlm ird management of this lpar?         STRING
       SM132MM   Machine model                            STRING
       SM132MT   Machine type                             STRING
       SM70CIN   Cpu ident cp icf ifl ifa zip?            STRING
       SM70CIX   Pool number index to label               INT
       SM70CPA   Su sec of the physical cec               INT
       SM70HDM   Hiperdispatch is active?                 STRING
       SM70ONT   Online time                              TIME
       SM70PAT   Cpu parked duration                      TIME

202) The following 27 variables have been added to table XTY129E:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S1209DP   Dispatch duration                        TIME
       S1209FE   User data segment version                INT
       S1209FF   User data segment data type              INT
       S1209FG   User data segment length                 INT
       S1209FH   User data segment data                   STRING
       S1209FK   Classification only trace?               STRING
       S1209FM   Smf request activity enabled?            STRING
       S1209FN   Smf request activity timestamp?          STRING
       S1209FO   Smf request activity security?           STRING
       S1209FP   Smf request activity cpu detail?         STRING
       S1209FQ   Propagate transaction name?              STRING
       S1209FR   Stalled thread dump action               INT
       S1209FS   Cputimeused dump action                  INT
       S1209FT   Dpm dump actio                           INT
       S1209FU   Timeout recovery                         INT
       S1209FV   Dispatch timeout value                   INT
       S1209FW   Queue timeout value                      INT
       S1209FX   Request timeout value                    INT
       S1209FY   Cputimeused limit value                  INT
       S1209FZ   Dpm interval value                       INT
       S1209GA   Message tag value                        STRING
       S1209GF   Cpu usage overflow?                      STRING
       S1209GG   Ceegmto unavailable?                     STRING
       S1209GH   Length obtained affinity rname           INT
       S1209GI   Obtained affinity rname                  STRING
       S1209GJ   Length routing affinity rname            INT
       S1209GK   Routing affinity rname                   STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY129E:

       S1209DT   Sm1209dt flag field                      HEXFLAGS

203) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RASDAT0   Rasdata0 binary indicators               HEXFLAGS
       RASDAT1   Rasdata1 binary indicators               HEXFLAGS
       RFG0      Smf14rfg0 binary indicators              HEXFLAGS

204) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY16:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ICECPZE   Ziip eligible cpu time                   TIME
       ICECPZP   Ziip actual cpu time                     TIME

205) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY19:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM19VLI   Volume size information                  STRING

206) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY21:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21MCR   Uncompressed bytes read by channel       COUNT
       SM21MCW   Uncompressed bytes written by channel    COUNT
       SM21MDR   Compressed bytes read by device          COUNT
       SM21MDW   Compressed bytes written by device       COUNT

207) The following 10 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPTSKTM   Address space task cpu time dispatched   TIME
       EXPMISS   Asid excps missed smf lock               COUNT
       HICPPCT   High task cpu pecent                     PERCENT100
       HICPPGM   High task program name                   STRING
       IOMMISS   Asid iotm missed smf lock                TIME
       IOMNOCA   Connect time not captured in iotmtotl    TIME
       PCTSKTM   Pct when task was dispatched on physical PERCENT100
       SM30CRM   Region velocity goal managed?            STRING
       SM30DAS   Excp segments that were suppressed       COUNT
       SM30PIN   Incomplete wlm data?                     STRING

208) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXPMISS   Asid excps missed smf lock               COUNT
       HICPPCT   High task cpu pecent                     PERCENT100
       HICPPGM   High task program name                   STRING
       IOMMISS   Asid iotm missed smf lock                TIME
       IOMNOCA   Connect time not captured in iotmtotl    TIME
       SM30CRM   Region velocity goal managed?            STRING
       SM30DAS   Excp segments that were suppressed       COUNT
       SM30PIN   Incomplete wlm data?                     STRING

209) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXPMISS   Asid excps missed smf lock               COUNT
       HICPPCT   High task cpu pecent                     PERCENT100
       HICPPGM   High task program name                   STRING
       IOMMISS   Asid iotm missed smf lock                TIME
       IOMNOCA   Connect time not captured in iotmtotl    TIME
       SM30CRM   Region velocity goal managed?            STRING
       SM30DAS   Excp segments that were suppressed       COUNT
       SM30PIN   Incomplete wlm data?                     STRING

210) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM30CRM   Region velocity goal managed?            STRING
       SM30DAS   Excp segments that were suppressed       COUNT
       SM30PIN   Incomplete wlm data?                     STRING

211) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY30MU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MULCEGN   Mulc segment number                      INT
       SMRECNR   Smf record number in input file          INT

212) The following variable has been added to table XTY40:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXPMISS   Asid excps missed smf lock               COUNT

213) The following variable has been added to table XTY42D1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42GRJ   Read reqs retried for castout locks      COUNT

214) The following variable has been added to table XTY42D2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42GRU   Read reqs retried for castout locks      COUNT

215) The following variable has been added to table XTY42D3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMA2GRJ   Read reqs retried for castout locks      COUNT

216) The following variable has been added to table XTY42D4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMA2GRU   Read reqs retried for castout locks      COUNT

217) The following variable has been added to table XTY42X1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42JRC   Read reqs retried for castout locks      COUNT

218) The following variable has been added to table XTY42X2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42JQ2   Read reqs retried for castout lock       COUNT

219) The following variable has been added to table XTY42X3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMA2JRC   Read reqs retried for castout locks      COUNT

220) The following variable has been added to table XTY42X4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMA2JQ2   Read reqs retried for castout lock       COUNT

221) The following variable has been added to table XTY4224:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ADDREPL   Member was added or replaced?            STRING

222) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY6156:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GACNT     Gdg count                                INT
       GALIMIT   Gdg limit                                INT

223) The following variable has been added to table XTY64:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM64RLM   Ca-s reclaimed in esds since close/eov   COUNT

224) The following 28 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ENHDATA   Enhanced dat architecture available?     STRING
       LCPDEVJ   Lcpu 96 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVK   Lcpu 97 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVL   Lcpu 98 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVM   Lcpu 99 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVN   Lcpu 100 dedicated?                      STRING
       LCPDEVO   Lcpu 101 dedicated?                      STRING
       LCPWAVJ   Lcpu 96 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVK   Lcpu 97 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVL   Lcpu 98 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVM   Lcpu 99 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVN   Lcpu 100 wait complete?                  STRING
       LCPWAVO   Lcpu 101 wait complete?                  STRING
       PCONLVJ   Cpu 96 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLVK   Cpu 97 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLVL   Cpu 98 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLVM   Cpu 99 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLVN   Cpu 100 percent online time              PERCENT100
       PCONLVO   Cpu 101 percent online time              PERCENT100
       STFBI04                                            STRING
       ZIPSHAR   Total initial weight zips this cec       GAUGE
       ZIPSHRC   Total current weight zips this cec       GAUGE
       ZIPWAVJ   Zip wait duration zip 96                 COUNT
       ZIPWAVK   Zip wait duration zip 97                 COUNT
       ZIPWAVL   Zip wait duration zip 98                 COUNT
       ZIPWAVM   Zip wait duration zip 99                 COUNT
       ZIPWAVN   Zip wait duration zip 100                COUNT
       ZIPWAVO   Zip wait duration zip 101                COUNT

225) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY70EN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM70WTI   Duration lp was yielded due to wti       TIME
       SM70WTS   Wti-s returned within grace period       COUNT
       SM70WTU   Wti-s unable to return in grace          COUNT

226) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM70MCR   Model capacity rating of smf70mdl        INT
       SM70NRM   Ziip normalization factor                INT
       SM70WTI   Duration lp was yielded due to wti       TIME
       SM70WTS   Wti-s returned within grace period       COUNT
       SM70WTU   Wti-s unable to return in grace          COUNT
       VMSYSTM   This is a zos under zvm?                 STRING

227) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY70X2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R723CRC   Number of all ops 4096-bit crt-fmt       COUNT
       R723CRT   Exec time all ops 4096-bit crt-fmt       COUNT

228) The following variable has been added to table XTY7002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R723MSK   Validity bit mask                        HEXFLAGS

229) The following 50 variables have been added to table XTY71:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM71ASM   Min available not used scm blocks        MINIMUM
       SM71ASV   Avg available not used scm blocks        AVERAGE
       SM71ASX   Max available not used scm blocks        MAXIMUM
       SM71BSA   Avg bad scm blocks                       AVERAGE
       SM71BSM   Min bad scm blocks                       MINIMUM
       SM71BSX   Max bad scm blocks                       MAXIMUM
       SM71C1A   Avg high virtual common mem pages        AVERAGE
       SM71C1M   Min high virtual common mem pages        MINIMUM
       SM71C1X   Max high virtual common mem pages        MAXIMUM
       SM71C4A   Avg high virtual common on scm           AVERAGE
       SM71C4M   Min high virtual common on scm           MINIMUM
       SM71C4X   Max high virtual common on scm           MAXIMUM
       SM71LFA   Large frame area size                    MAXIMUM
       SM71L1A   Avg 1mb frames canbe used fixed memobj   AVERAGE
       SM71L1M   Min 1mb frames canbe used fixed memobj   MINIMUM
       SM71L1X   Max 1mb frames canbe used fixed memobj   MAXIMUM
       SM71L2A   Avg 1mb frames not used in lfarea        AVERAGE
       SM71L2M   Min 1mb frames not used in lfarea        MINIMUM
       SM71L2X   Max 1mb frames not used in lfarea        MAXIMUM
       SM71L3A   Avg 1mb frames inuse inlfarea by fmemobj AVERAGE
       SM71L3M   Min 1mb frames inuse inlfarea by fmemobj MINIMUM
       SM71L3X   Max 1mb frames inuse inlfarea by fmemobj MAXIMUM
       SM71L4A   Avg 1mb frames canbe used pageable/dref  AVERAGE
       SM71L4M   Min 1mb frames canbe used pageable/dref  MINIMUM
       SM71L4X   Max 1mb frames canbe used pageable/dref  MAXIMUM
       SM71L5A   Avg 1mb frames not used pageable/dref    AVERAGE
       SM71L5M   Min 1mb frames not used pageable/dref    MINIMUM
       SM71L5X   Max 1mb frames not used pageable/dref    MAXIMUM
       SM71L6A   Avg 1mb frames used by pageable/dref     AVERAGE
       SM71L6M   Min 1mb frames used by pageable/dref     MINIMUM
       SM71L6X   Max 1mb frames used by pageable/dref     MAXIMUM
       SM71L7A   Avg 1mb fixed frames not in use          AVERAGE
       SM71L7M   Min 1mb fixed frames not in use          MINIMUM
       SM71L7X   Max 1mb fixed frames not in use          MAXIMUM
       SM71S1A   Avg high virtual shared mem pages        AVERAGE
       SM71S1M   Min high virtual shared mem pages        MINIMUM
       SM71S1X   Max high virtual shared mem pages        MAXIMUM
       SM71S5A   Avg aux slots high shared mem on dasd    AVERAGE
       SM71S5M   Min aux slots high shared mem on dasd    MINIMUM
       SM71S5X   Max aux slots high shared mem on dasd    MAXIMUM
       SM71S6A   Avg high virtual shared mem on scm       AVERAGE
       SM71S6M   Min high virtual shared mem on scm       MINIMUM
       SM71S6X   Max high virtual shared mem on scm       MAXIMUM
       SM71TLS   Total number of logical swaps            COUNT
       SM71TSA   Avg 4k scm blocks avail to asm           AVERAGE
       SM71TSM   Min 4k scm blocks avail to asm           MINIMUM
       SM71TSX   Max 4k scm blocks avail to asm           MAXIMUM
       SM71USA   Avg scm blocks in use                    AVERAGE
       SM71USM   Min scm blocks in use                    MINIMUM
       SM71USX   Max scm blocks in use                    MAXIMUM

230) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPPDPTM   Cpu time at promoted dprty supervisor    TIME
       MSUSOFT   Software msu                             COUNT
       NRAMPLE   Number of samples                        COUNT
       R73RTDC   Midpoint changes                         COUNT
       R73RTDM   Midpoint response time                   TIME
       R73RTDT   Last time when midpoint changed          DATETIME

231) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY74:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AVG74ID   Average interrupt delay time millisec    AVERAGE
       SM74IDT   Interrupt delay time                     TIME
       SM74NSS   Skipped samples invalid delta value      COUNT

232) The following variable has been added to table XTY74CF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CFWATTO   Total cf cpu wait time                   TIME

233) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY75:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DEVALTC   Device has alternate control unit        STRING
       DEVVALI   Devmodel is valid?                       STRING
       MULTEXP   Multiple exposure device?                STRING
       SCMPGTY   Page space type is scm?                  STRING

234) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY78PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       COBYAVG   Avg 64bit common 2gb                     AVERAGE
       COMOAVG   Avg 64bit common                         AVERAGE
       LGMOAVG   Avg large memobj                         AVERAGE
       R7FRAVG   Avg frames can be used fixed memobj      AVERAGE
       R7FRMAX   Max frames can be used fixed memobj      MAXIMUM
       R7FRMIN   Min frames can be used fixed memobj      MINIMUM
       R7FRNTM   Time stamp of min fixed memobj           DATETIME
       R7FRXTM   Time stamp of max fixed memobj           DATETIME
       R7PAAVG   Avg frames are used pgbl/dref memobj     AVERAGE
       R7PAMAX   Max frames are used pgbl/dref memobj     MAXIMUM
       R7PAMIN   Min frames are used paxed memobj         MINIMUM
       R7PANTM   Time stamp of min pgbl/dref memobj       DATETIME
       R7PAXTM   Time stamp of max pgbl/dref memobj       DATETIME
       SHBYAVG   Avg shared above 2gb                     AVERAGE
       SHMOAVG   Avg shared above 2gb                     AVERAGE
       TOBYAVG   Avg above 2gb                            AVERAGE
       TOFRAVG   Avg 1mb frames                           AVERAGE
       TOMOAVG   Avg 64 bit private                       AVERAGE

235) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY799:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R799CPD   Conn pend disc not valid                 STRING
       R799IDT   Interupt delay time duration             TIME

236) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY80TK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKMEML   Memlimit                                 STRING
       TOKSHME   Shmemmax                                 STRING

237) The following variable has been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOBNOTA   Job name not authorized                  STRING

238) The following variable has been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K18SP03   Keyword specified phrase?                STRING

239) The following variable has been added to table XTY8028:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

240) The following variable has been added to table XTY8029:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

241) The following variable has been added to table XTY8030:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

242) The following variable has been added to table XTY8032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

243) The following variable has been added to table XTY8033:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

244) The following variable has been added to table XTY8034:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

245) The following variable has been added to table XTY8038:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

246) The following variable has been added to table XTY8039:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

247) The following variable has been added to table XTY8042:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

248) The following variable has been added to table XTY8043:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

249) The following variable has been added to table XTY8044:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

250) The following variable has been added to table XTY8045:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

251) The following variable has been added to table XTY8048:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

252) The following variable has been added to table XTY8050:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

253) The following variable has been added to table XTY8052:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

254) The following variable has been added to table XTY8054:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

255) The following variable has been added to table XTY8055:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

256) The following variable has been added to table XTY8057:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

257) The following variable has been added to table XTY8059:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

258) The following variable has been added to table XTY8061:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

259) The following variable has been added to table XTY8062:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

260) The following variable has been added to table XTY8063:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

261) The following variable has been added to table XTY8064:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF317    Bpx default user used?                   STRING

262) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SM82PDK   changed from  $HEX8172. to  $HEX8192.

263) The following 20 variables have been added to table XTY8224:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM82D21   21th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D22   22th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D23   23th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D24   24th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D25   25th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D26   26th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D27   27th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D28   28th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D29   29th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D30   30th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D31   31th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D32   32th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D33   33th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D34   34th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D35   35th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D36   36th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D37   37th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D38   38th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D39   39th duplicate key label                 STRING
       SM82D40   40th duplicate key label                 STRING

264) The following 20 variables have been added to table XTY8225:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM82K21   21st checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K22   22nd checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K23   23rd checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K24   24th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K25   25th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K26   26th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K27   27th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K28   28th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K29   29th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K30   30th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K31   31st checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K32   32nd checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K33   33rd checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K34   34th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K35   35th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K36   36th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K37   37th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K38   38th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K39   39th checked key label and key type      STRING
       SM82K40   40th checked key label and key type      STRING

265) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY89:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CECSER    Cpu serial number                        STRING
       MULCUF2   Smf89uf2 usage entry flags               HEXFLAGS
       SM89ACR   Rctpcpua actual                          INT
       SM89CAI   Capacity adjustment indicator            INT
       SM89CCR   Capacity change reason                   INT
       SM89CHC   Capacity change cnt                      INT
       SM89CR    Smf89cr                                  INT
       SM89LCR   Last record for this interval?           STRING
       SM89LNV   Lparname smf89lpn is valid?              STRING
       SM89NCR   Rctpcpua nominal                         INT
       SM89PCF   Processor capacity flags                 STRING
       SM89SCF   Rctpcpua scaling factor                  GAUGE
       SM89SEQ   Record sequence number                   INT
       SM89SIF   Smf89sif flag byte                       STRING
       SM89SNF   Ziip normalization factor                GAUGE
       SM89UZT   Product offload engine time              TIME
       SM89ZEP   Smf89zep                                 INT
       SM89ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                GAUGE

266) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY892:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM89LCR   Last record for this interval?           STRING
       SM89LNV   Lparname smf89lpn is valid?              STRING
       SM89SEQ   Record sequence number                   INT
       SM89SIF   Smf89sif flag byte                       STRING
       SM89SNF   Ziip normalization factor                GAUGE
       SM89ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                GAUGE

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTY892:

       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       SMF89UE   Usage data interval endtime              DATETIME
       SMF89US   Usage data interval startime             DATETIME

267) The following 12 variables have been added to table XTY90:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DOWNTM    Estimated system downtime                TIME
       IPLTIME   Smf record datetime stamp of the ipl     DATETIME
       SM903OA   Name of the reset job                    STRING
       SM903OB   Jes jobid of the reset job               STRING
       SM903OC   Datetime of program entry                DATETIME
       SM903OD   Operator id that issued reset            STRING
       SM903OE   Bit indicators                           HEXFLAGS
       SM903OG   Service class name after                 STRING
       SM903OH   Perfgrp before reset                     INT
       SM903OY   Perfgrp after reset                      INT
       SM929UX   User token of the issuer                 HEXFLAGS
       SM930FX   Service class name before                STRING

     The following 10 variables have been deleted from table XTY90:

       SM9029U   User token of the issuer                 HEXFLAGS
       SM9030A   Name of the reset job                    STRING
       SM9030B   Jes jobid of the reset job               STRING
       SM9030C   Datetime of program entry                DATETIME
       SM9030D   Operator id that issued reset            STRING
       SM9030E   Bit indicators                           HEXFLAGS
       SM9030F   Service class name before                STRING
       SM9030G   Service class name after                 STRING
       SM9030H   Perfgrp before reset                     INT
       SM9030Y   Perfgrp after reset                      INT

268) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY90A5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

269) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

270) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

271) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

272) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

273) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

274) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY9008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       DOWNTM    Estimated system downtime                COUNT
       IPLTIME   Smf record datetime stamp of the ipl     COUNT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

275) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY9010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       DOWNTM    Estimated system downtime                COUNT
       IPLTIME   Smf record datetime stamp of the ipl     COUNT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

276) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     COUNT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

277) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     COUNT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

278) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     COUNT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

279) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     COUNT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

280) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     COUNT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

281) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     COUNT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

282) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

283) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

284) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

285) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

286) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

287) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

288) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

289) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

290) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

291) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9029:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

292) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY9030:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING
       SM9030C   Enclave service class reset              STRING
       SM9030D   Enclave quiesced                         STRING
       SM9030E   Enclave resumed                          STRING
       SM9030H   Original independent enclave             STRING
       SM9030K   Enclave owner                            STRING

293) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9031:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

294) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

295) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9033:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

296) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9034:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMDMVS    Event causing record                     INT
       PRODUCT   Product name                             STRING

297) The following variable has been added to table XT119A7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCBIND6   Local ipv6 address                       STRING

298) The following variable has been added to table XT119B7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UDBIND6   Local ipv6 address                       STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XT119B7:

       UDLPHIG   High 96 bits of ip/v6 address            STRING

299) The following 2 variables have been added to table XT11901:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TILIP6    Local ipv6 address                       STRING
       TIRIP6    Remote ipv6 address                      STRING

300) The following 3 variables have been added to table XT11902:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TTAPLDA   Application data                         STRING
       TTLIP6    Local ipv6 address                       STRING
       TTRIP6    Remote ipv6 address                      STRING

301) The following 5 variables have been added to table XT11903:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FCCIP6    Local ipv6 address socks server          STRING
       FCCLIP6   Local ipv6 address control               STRING
       FCCRIP6   Remote ipv6 address control              STRING
       FCDLIP6   Local ipv6 address data                  STRING
       FCDRIP6   Remote ipv6 address data                 STRING

302) The following 6 variables have been added to table XT11906:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFHOME6   Home ipv6 address                        STRING
       IFQDINB   Iqds inbound bytes                       COUNT
       IFQDINU   Iqds inbound packets                     COUNT
       IFQDNAM   Iqds interface name                      STRING
       IFQDOUB   Iqds outbound bytes                      COUNT
       IFQDOUU   Iqds outbound packets                    COUNT

303) The following 2 variables have been added to table XT11910:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UCLIP6    Local ipv6 address                       STRING
       UCRIP6    Remote ipv6 address                      STRING

304) The following 2 variables have been added to table XT11921:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NTIPV6    Remote ipv6 address                      STRING
       NTLIP6    Local ipv6 address                       STRING

305) The following 2 variables have been added to table XT11922:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CILIP6    Local ipv6 address                       STRING
       CIRIP6    Remote ipv6 address                      STRING

306) The following 4 variables have been added to table XT11923:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CTLIP     Local ip address                         STRING
       CTLIP6    Local ipv6 address                       STRING
       CTRIP     Remote ip address                        STRING
       CTRIP6    Remote ipv6 address                      STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XT11923:

       CTLIPC    Local ip address                         STRING
       CTRIPC    Remote ip address                        STRING

307) The following 44 variables have been added to table XT11948:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ANYCMD    timeout anycmd                           COUNT
       BADSPOL   Badspooldisp statement value             COUNT
       CDKEY     Configuration data key                   INT
       CDLEN     Configuration data length                INT
       CFGCP     Config file code page                    STRING
       CFGPIDI   Process id value                         INT
       CHKPNT    Checkpoint options                       COUNT
       CHKPTSZ   Check point size limit                   COUNT
       CNSNAME   Console that issued command              STRING
       CODEPAG   Translate                                STRING
       CONNLIM   Concurrent connections limit             GAUGE
       CONNRTY   Timeout connectretry                     COUNT
       DATA      Data string                              STRING
       DATABLK   Timeout datablock                        COUNT
       DATACMD   Timeout datacmd                          COUNT
       DATAEOM   Timeout dataterm                         COUNT
       DEADACT   Undeliverable deadletteraction           COUNT
       ERTAGE    Extended retry age days                  COUNT
       ERTINTV   Extended retry interval minutes          COUNT
       EXTWRT    External writer name                     STRING
       FLAGS0    Configuration flags zero                 HEXFLAGS
       FLAGS1    Configuration flags one                  HEXFLAGS
       FLAGS2    Configuration flags two                  HEXFLAGS
       INITMSG   Timeout initalmsg                        COUNT
       IPADDR4   Ipv4 address                             STRING
       IPPFX     Ipv4-mapped address ffff                 STRING
       JESJBSZ   Jesjobsize                               GAUGE
       JESMSSZ   Jesmsgsize                               GAUGE
       JESSYMX   Max syntax errors allowed                MAXIMUM
       LOGLEVL   Loglevel                                 INT
       MAILCMD   Timeout mailcmd                          COUNT
       MAXMSG    Max messages sent per connection         MAXIMUM
       MSGSIZE   Maximum message size                     MAXIMUM
       PORT      Connecting target server port number     COUNT
       RCPTCMD   Timeout rcptcmd                          COUNT
       REPORT    report statement settings                COUNT
       RTNTO     Undeliverable returntomailfrom           COUNT
       RTYCOUN   Retry count value                        COUNT
       RTYINTV   Retry interval value                     COUNT
       SECURE    Value from the secure statement          COUNT
       TCPIP     Tcpip name parameter                     STRING
       TYPE      Type of target server                    COUNT
       USREXIT   Userexit version                         INT
       UTOKEN    Ichrutkn user token                      HEXFLAGS

308) The following 25 variables have been added to table XT11949:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CNDUR     Duration of connection                   TIME
       CONNID    Tcp/ip connection id                     INT
       EDATE     Date connection ended                    DATE
       EDATETM   Connection end                           DATETIME
       ERRTXT    Last error text on smtp command          STRING
       ETIME     Time connection ended                    TIME
       FLAG1     Cn flag1                                 HEXFLAGS
       FRCPTS    Recipients not accepted                  COUNT
       GRCPTS    Recipients accepted                      COUNT
       LIPPFX    000000000000000000000ffff                HEXFLAGS
       LIP4CH    Local ipv4 address                       HEXFLAGS
       LPORT     Local port address                       COUNT
       MSGSENT   Sent mail messages                       COUNT
       MSGSIZE   Maximum message size                     MAXIMUM
       RCVDBYT   Bytes inbound                            COUNT
       RIPPFX    000000000000000000000ffff                HEXFLAGS
       RIP4CH    Remote ipv4 address                      HEXFLAGS
       RPORT     Remote port address                      COUNT
       SDATE     Date connection started                  DATE
       SENDBYT   Bytes outbound                           COUNT
       STIME     Time connection started                  TIME
       TLSSSP    At-tls ssl protocol                      STRING
       TRMCD     Connection ending status                 INT
       TTLSFP    At-tls fips 140 status                   HEXFLAGS
       TTLSSNC   At-tls negotiated cipher                 STRING

309) The following 25 variables have been added to table XT11950:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JCTJOBI   Jctjobid                                 STRING
       MHDATA    Header data string                       STRING
       MHKEY     Mail header type value                   INT
       MHLEN     Mail header length                       INT
       MIBYCT    Body byte count                          COUNT
       MIDUR     Duration mail was in progress            TIME
       MIEDATE   Date mail was completed                  DATE
       MIETIME   Time mail was completed                  TIME
       MIFLAG1   Flag1                                    HEXFLAGS
       MIFLAG2   Flag2                                    HEXFLAGS
       MIFRCPT   Failed recipients                        COUNT
       MIID      Mail message number in spool file        INT
       MIRCPTS   Total recipients                         COUNT
       MIRETRY   Retry attempts                           COUNT
       MIRLOC    Record location of mail command in file  COUNT
       MISDATE   Date mail was read from jes              DATE
       MISTIME   Time mail was read from jes              TIME
       MITYPE    Type of mail message                     INT
       SICRER    Owning userid of dataset                 STRING
       SIDSKY    Jes dataset key                          INT
       SIDSNM    Jes dataset number                       INT
       SIJNUM    Jes job number                           INT
       SISYS     System where output created              STRING
       SITKID    Jes task id                              INT
       SIXEQ     Nje node where job executed              STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XT11950:

       EXTWTRN   External writer name                     STRING
       JESUBSY   Jes subsystem name                       STRING

310) The following 59 variables have been added to table XT11951:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACOUNT1   First job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT2   Second job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT3   Third job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT4   Fourth job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT5   Fifth job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT6   Sixth job account field                  STRING
       ACOUNT7   Seventh job account field                STRING
       ACOUNT8   Eighth job account field                 STRING
       ACOUNT9   Ninth job account field                  STRING
       BSIZE     Size mail headers/bodies processed       COUNT
       BYCT      Byte count                               COUNT
       CLAR      Sysout class of data set                 STRING
       CRCPT     Recipients sent successfully             COUNT
       DDND      Data set dd name                         STRING
       DEAD      Deadletter mail                          COUNT
       DSN       Data set name of the spool file          STRING
       EDATE     Date all mail is processed               DATE
       EDATETM   Datetime when all mail processed         DATETIME
       EMAIL     Mail msgs saved for extended retry       COUNT
       ERCPT     Recip to be retried for extndretry       COUNT
       ERR       Mails with syntax errors                 COUNT
       ETIME     Time all mail is processed               TIME
       FLAG1     Flag1                                    HEXFLAGS
       FLAG2     Flag2                                    HEXFLAGS
       FLAG3     Flag3                                    HEXFLAGS
       GOOD      Mail messages successfully sent          COUNT
       JCTJOBI   Jctjobid                                 STRING
       LNCT      Line count                               COUNT
       LSAB      Last abend code for the job              HEXFLAGS
       MAIL      Mail messages found                      COUNT
       NACT      Network accounting number                STRING
       NOTN      Job notify node                          STRING
       NOTU      Job notify user id                       STRING
       PNAM      Programmer name from job                 STRING
       PRCD      Data set procname                        STRING
       QDATE     Date spool file queued to jes            DATE
       QDATETM   Datetime when file queued                DATETIME
       QTIME     Time spool file queued to jes            TIME
       RCDCN     Spool file records read                  COUNT
       RCPT      Recipients in spool dataset              COUNT
       RDATE     Date when cssmtp completed               DATE
       RDATETM   Datetime when read completed             DATETIME
       RTIME     Time when cssmtp completed               TIME
       RTNCD     Processing return codes                  COUNT
       SDATE     Date when cssmtp started to read         DATE
       SDATETM   Datetime when read started               DATETIME
       SICRER    Owning userid of dataset                 STRING
       SIDSKY    Jes dataset key                          INT
       SIDSNM    Jes dataset number                       INT
       SIJNUM    Jes job number                           INT
       SISYS     System where output created              STRING
       SITKID    Jes task id                              INT
       SIXEQ     Nje node where job executed              STRING
       SKIP      Mail skipped due user exit restart       COUNT
       STIME     Time when cssmtp started to read         TIME
       STPD      Data set stepname                        STRING
       UDV       Undeliverable mails                      COUNT
       URCPT     Recipients undeliverable                 COUNT
       USREXIT   User exit version                        INT

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XT11951:

       EXTWTRN   External writer name                     STRING
       JESUBSY   Jes subsystem name                       STRING

311) The following 57 variables have been added to table XT11952:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BSIZE     Size all mail headers and body           COUNT
       CONNSTA   Connection state                         COUNT
       CRCPT     Recipients sent successfully             COUNT
       DATE      Date of last health check                DATE
       DATETM    Last health check datetime               DATETIME
       DEAD      Dead letter mail resulting spool ds      COUNT
       DLRPFRE   Pct fs space free syswide for dead ltr   PERCENT100
       DLRPUSE   Pct fs space system wide                 PERCENT100
       DURATN    Duration of interval                     TIME
       EDATE     Date interval ended                      DATE
       EMAIL     Mail messages saved extended retry       COUNT
       ERCPT     Recipients to be retried saved extend    COUNT
       ERTCNT    Mail msgs for extended reply             COUNT
       ERTERRO   Mail msgs dropped ext rtry file error    COUNT
       ERTQCNT   Cum total mail msgs extnd reply          COUNT
       ERTUNDV   Mail msgs deliverable extnd retry        COUNT
       ETIME     Time interval ended                      TIME
       FLAGS     App state flags end                      STRING
       GOOD      Mail messages succesfully sent           COUNT
       IPPFX     Ipv6 ip first12                          HEXFLAGS
       IPV4      Ipv4 address                             STRING
       JESDPER   Pct jes dest tasks busy                  PERCENT100
       JESDUSE   Jes dest tasks busy                      COUNT
       JESFILS   Jes spool files completed                COUNT
       JESRCDC   Jes records read from jes spool files    COUNT
       JESSCAN   Sum of jes scanning time                 TIME
       JESTIME   Sum completed jes spool files proc time  TIME
       JESWPER   Pct jes writer tasks busy                PERCENT100
       JESWUSE   Jes writer tasks busy                    COUNT
       LRTCNT    Mail msgs entered long retry             COUNT
       LRTDCNT   Mail msgs now dead letters               COUNT
       LRTQCNT   Mail msgs on retry queue                 COUNT
       MAIL      Mail message found in spool data sets    COUNT
       MAILCNT   New mail msgs processed                  COUNT
       MDIPFRE   Pct fs space free syswide extrty         PERCENT100
       MDIPUSE   Pct fs space used syswide                PERCENT100
       MSGSIZE   Maximum message size                     MAXIMUM
       PORT      Target server port number                INT
       RCPT      Recipients in the spool datasets         COUNT
       RCVDCNT   Mail messages received                   COUNT
       RTNCD     Jes spool jobs fail nonzero rtrn code    COUNT
       SDATE     Date interval started                    DATE
       SENTCNT   Mail messages sent                       COUNT
       SERROR    Mail with syntax error                   COUNT
       SKIP      Mail skipped user exit or restart        COUNT
       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME
       STGALOC   Storage currently in use                 GAUGE
       STGFAIL   Storage failures                         COUNT
       STGFREE   Storage currently not in use             GAUGE
       STGIFRE   Storage available after cssmtp init      COUNT
       STGPUSE   Storage percent in use                   PERCENT100
       STGTOTL   Storage region size for cssmtp           GAUGE
       STIME     Time interval started                    TIME
       TIME      Time of last health check                TIME
       UDV       Mail messages spool dataset not sent     COUNT
       UDVCNT    Mail msgs deliverable                    COUNT
       URCPT     Recipients that are undeliverable        COUNT

312) The following 4 variables have been added to table XT11970:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSCLIP6   Local ipv6 address control               STRING
       FSCRIP6   Remote ipv6 address control              STRING
       FSDLIP6   Local ipv6 address data                  STRING
       FSDRIP6   Remote ipv6 address data                 STRING

313) The following 2 variables have been added to table XT11972:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FFDLIP6   Local ipv6 address                       STRING
       FFDRIP6   Remote ipv6 address                      STRING

314) The following 7 variables have been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPTONTM   Task total cpu tcb time on cp only       TIME
       QWCZIEL   Ziip eligible ziip-cpu on cp engine      TIME
       QWCZIS1   Cls1 ziip ziip-cpu executing on ziip     TIME
       QWCZIS2   Cls2 ziip ziip-cpu indb2 exec on ziip    TIME
       QWCZITR   Trtt ziip ziip-cpu in trigers on ziip    TIME
       TASELGT   Task ziip-eligible ran on cp cputcb time TIME
       TASZIPT   Task ziip only cpu tcb time              TIME

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 28.07

Summary of Changes:


 There are no warnings with this dictionary update.


 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 28.07. If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may
 contain variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later
 versions of MXG are compatible.  If new variables or tables have been added
 in a later version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a
 maintenance release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can
 use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary
 update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 Support for MXG 28.07 also implies support for the following
 enhancements to existing tables:

    Support for DB2 Version 10
    Support for CA MIM RESOURCE SHARING R11.7
    Support for WebSphere ID=120 SUBTYPE=20 records
    Support for z/OS 1.12
    Support for z196
    Support for SMF 119 new subtypes 32-37 and 48-52
    Support for APAR OA31648 TYPE42D1 & TYPE42D3
    Support for DB2 IFCID=27
    Support for CA-Dispatch V11 SMF Type6
    Support for WebSphere SMF 120 Subtype 20
    Support for Performance Sentry NTSMF Version
    Support for all JES3 JMF TYPE84 subtypes
    Support for IMS Version 11
    Support for DB2 APAR PK62161 for new SQL Counters
    Support for Sun StorageTek VSM Version 6.2 and 7.0
    Support for Performance Sentry NTSMF Version (VMWARE)
    Support for DB2 QMDAPTYP='JCC' (Type 4 JDBC Driver)
    Support for APAR OA28670 RMF 70 Crypto Express3
    Support for restructured ORACLE SMF records
    Support for CPUZIPTM added in SYNCSORT SMF records

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NEVTRWI     INTERVAL    EVENT tracing for windows
        NEVTRWS     INTERVAL    EVENT tracing for windows session
        NGENERI     INTERVAL    GENERIC ike and authip
        NHTTPSR     INTERVAL    HTTP service request queues
        NHTTPSU     INTERVAL    HTTP service url groups
        NIPAUT4     INTERVAL    IPSEC authipv4
        NIPAUT6     INTERVAL    IPSEC authipv6
        NIPHTTP     INTERVAL    IPHTTPS global
        NIPSCDI     INTERVAL    IPSEC dos protection
        NIPSCDO     INTERVAL    IPSEC driver
        NIPSCI4     INTERVAL    IPSEC ikev4
        NIPSCI6     INTERVAL    IPSEC ikev6
        NPPNETA     INTERVAL    PER processor network activity cy
        NPPNETI     INTERVAL    PER processor network interface c
        NPROCIN     INTERVAL    PROCESSOR information
        NTERECL     INTERVAL    TEREDO client
        NTERERE     INTERVAL    TEREDO relay
        NTERESE     INTERVAL    TEREDO server
        NVMGUES     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest aggregate
        NVMHOST     INTERVAL    VMWARE host aggregate
        NWFP        INTERVAL    WFP
        NWFPTV6     INTERVAL    WFPV6
        NWFPV4      INTERVAL    WFPV4
        NWSMANQ     INTERVAL    WSMAN quota statistics
        XCIIDND     EVENT       CICS identity realm/distinguish
        XCIIDNT     EVENT       CICS identity transaction info
        XDBCCTR     EVENT       DB2 remote location
        XDBCCTW     EVENT       DB2 accounting rollup correlate
        XJM1A       INTERVAL    JMF working set plot counter
        XJM1B       INTERVAL    JMF subtask entry
        XJM1C       INTERVAL    JMF interruption request block
        XJM1D       INTERVAL    JMF irb table entry nucleus
        XJM1E       INTERVAL    JMF irb table entry auxiliary
        XJM1F       INTERVAL    JMF fct and await analysis
        XJM1G       INTERVAL    JMF fct entry
        XJM1H       INTERVAL    JMF fct await entry nucleus
        XJM1I       INTERVAL    JMF fct await entry auxiliary
        XJM2A       INTERVAL    JMF fct and await highlight
        XJM3A       INTERVAL    JMF spool partition description
        XJM3B       INTERVAL    JMF sool space utilixation
        XJM3C       INTERVAL    JMF single track table space
        XJM3D       INTERVAL    JMF spool data management
        XJM3E       INTERVAL    JMF spool i/o activity
        XJM3F       INTERVAL    JMF buffers chaining spool
        XJM3G       INTERVAL    JMF min/marginal track condx
        XJM6A       INTERVAL    JMF hot spot entry
        XTY113      INTERVAL    HIS hardware monitor detail
        XTY1220     EVENT       Websphere job usage
        XTY4226     EVENT       DFSMS NFS create/delete/rename
        XTY70EN     INTERVAL    RMF engine-specific z/OS data
        XTY9033     EVENT       Operator cmd: set autor
        XTY9034     EVENT       Operator cmd: capacity change
        XT11904     EVENT       IBM TCPIP profile information
        XT11932     EVENT       IBM TCPIP dvipa status change
        XT11933     EVENT       IBM TCPIP dvipa removed
        XT11934     EVENT       IBM TCPIP dvipa target added
        XT11935     EVENT       IBM TCPIP dvipa target removed
        XT11936     EVENT       IBM TCPIP dvipa target server started
        XT11937     EVENT       IBM TCPIP dvipa target server ended
        XT11948     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp configuration data
        XT11949     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp target server conection
        XT11950     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp mail
        XT11951     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp spool
        XT11952     EVENT       IBM TCPIP cssmtp statistics
        XT11973     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ipsec ike tunnel activate
        XT11974     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ipsec ike tunnel deactivate
        XT11975     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ipsec dynamic tunnel activate
        XT11976     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ipsec dynamic tunnel deactivat
        XT11977     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ipsec dynamic tunnel added
        XT11978     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ipsec dynamic tunnel removed
        XT11979     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ipsec manual tunnel activate
        XT11980     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ipsec manual tunnel deactivate

 2) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        MLPRAGG     INTERVAL    MSOLAP proc aggregations
        M8PRAGG     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 proc aggregations
        NADSMCL     INTERVAL    WIN NT adsm client performanc
        NASAGCA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - Analysis Svr agg cache
        NASPNAP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - aspnetap
        NBITSNE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - nt bits net utilization
        NCACHE      INTERVAL    WIN NT cache
        NCITRXI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - citrix ima networking
        NCITRXM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - citrix metaframe xp
        NCNCTME     INTERVAL    WIN NT connect - me
        NCNTRPS     INTERVAL    WIN NT connect replication service
        NDATABA     INTERVAL    WIN NT database
        NDATABI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - database instances
        NETCLLO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr loading
        NFSSTAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - fs statistics
        NHTTP       INTERVAL    WIN NT http server
        NIASACP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - accounting proxy
        NMLSTOR     INTERVAL    MSOLAP storage engine query
        NMSQBDV     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql backup device
        NMSQDAB     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql databases
        NMSQRPO     INTERVAL    MSSQL resource pool stats
        NMSXIM      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange internet mail service
        NMSXIS      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange info store
        NMSXMC      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange mta connections
        NMSXMT      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange mta
        NMSXPU      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange info store public
        NMSXWB      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange web component
        NMXDR       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangeis transport driver
        NMXFS       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchange transprt filter sink
        NMXSA       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangesa - nspi proxy
        NM8STOR     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 storage engine query
        NNETWIN     INTERVAL    WIN NT network interface
        NNTDS       INTERVAL    WIN NT ntds
        NPRINTQ     INTERVAL    WIN NT print queue
        NSAALER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - alerts
        NSERVWO     INTERVAL    WIN NT server work queues
        NSMSEND     INTERVAL    WIN NT - sms standard sender
        NSMTPS      INTERVAL    WIN NT smtp service
        NSQLBKP     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlbkpdv
        NSQLBRD     INTERVAL    WIN NT - broker/dbmtransport
        NSQLBRS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - brokerstatistics
        NSQLDAM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - database mirroring
        NSQLDAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqldatab
        NSQLPIP     INTERVAL    SQLSERVER ssis pipeline 10.0
        NSQLSPI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - ssispipeline
        NSSCONT     INTERVAL    WIN NT site server content deploymnt
        NSYSTEM     INTERVAL    WIN NT system
        NTINTRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT interval data
        NTN3270     INTERVAL    WIN NT tn3270 server
        NTRMSRS     INTERVAL    WIN NT terminal server session
        NUSB        INTERVAL    WIN NT - usb
        NVPNADA     INTERVAL    WIN NT vpn adapter
        NWEBPRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT proxy server service
        NWEBPRX     INTERVAL    WIN NT web proxy server cache
        NWEBSRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT web service
        NWSRMPC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - matching criteria
        VAPLSLM     INTERVAL    VM - linux memory
        VMGUCPU     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest cpu
        VMGUMEM     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest memory
        VMGURES     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest rescpu
        VMGUSYS     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest sys
        VMHOCPU     INTERVAL    VMWARE host cpu
        VMHOMEM     INTERVAL    VMWARE host memory
        VMHONET     INTERVAL    VMWARE host net
        VMHORES     INTERVAL    VMWARE host rescpu
        VMHOSYS     INTERVAL    VMWARE host sys
        VPRCAPM     EVENT       VM - crypto performance measurement
        VSYTEPM     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Extended channel measure
        XACFJRL     EVENT       ACF2 subtype l lid info
        XCIB2GL     INTERVAL    CICS DB2 connection statistics
        XCIB2RE     INTERVAL    CICS DB2 entry statistics
        XCIECC      INTERVAL    CICS program def
        XCIEPG      INTERVAL    CICS event process global
        XCIEXCE     INTERVAL    CICS exceptions
        XCIISR      INTERVAL    CICS isc ip connections
        XCIPGD      INTERVAL    CICS program def
        XCIPGR      INTERVAL    CICS jvm program resource statistics
        XCIRDQU     EVENT       CICS resource tsqueue detail
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XCITSQ      INTERVAL    CICS temporary storage global
        XCIW2R      INTERVAL    CICS atomservice
        XDBACCT     EVENT       DB2 accounting
        XDBBPAC     EVENT       DB2 accounting-group buffer pool
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBGBPS     INTERVAL    DB2 statistics global buffer pool
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBSTA1     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 1)
        XDBTATB     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: buffer pools
        XDBTATR     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: remote locns
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XDB2A       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - summarised to hour
        XDB2B       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - buf pool hourly summary
        XDCDSET     EVENT       DCOLLECT active data set information
        XDCOLDC     EVENT       DCOLLECT data class construct
        XD2S106     EVENT       DB2 102 system parameters in effect
        XD2S172     EVENT       DB2 102 uow involved in deadlock
        XD2S196     EVENT       DB2 102 lock timeout details
        XD2S199     EVENT       DB2 102 dataset i/o statistics
        XD2S225     EVENT       DB2 102 storage manager pool summary
        XIMFAST     EVENT       IMS fast path
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XIMPROG     EVENT       IMF - IMS program deschedule
        XIMSAPB     EVENT       SAP IMS batch record
        XIMSAPO     EVENT       SAP IMS online record
        XIMSAPP     EVENT       SAP IMS spool task record
        XIM0A78     EVENT       IMS - imslog 0a07+0a08 records detail
        XMICF       INTERVAL    MIM control file
        XMIGDBC     INTERVAL    MIM gdif benefits counts
        XMIGDBE     INTERVAL    MIM gdif benefits
        XNDMCT      EVENT       NDM copy termination
        XNDMRT      EVENT       NDM run task termination record
        XNSAPPL     INTERVAL    NetSpy - application entry
        XORACLE     EVENT       Oracle event record
        XPROREC     EVENT       Pro/sms recovery
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSTVS13     EVENT       STC VSM 13 vtcs vtv mount
        XSTVS14     EVENT       STC VSM 14 vtcs vtv dismount
        XSTVS16     EVENT       STC VSM 16 vtcs rtd mount
        XSTVS17     EVENT       STC VSM 17 vtcs rtd dismount
        XSTVS18     EVENT       STC VSM 18 vtcs migrate vtv to mvc
        XSTVS19     EVENT       STC VSM 19 vtcs recall vtv from mvc
        XSTVS25     EVENT       STC VSM 25 vtcs mvc usage
        XSTVS26     EVENT       STC VSM 26 vtcs vtv movement
        XSTVS28     EVENT       STC VSM 28 vtv replication
        XSYCSOR     EVENT       Syncsort sort end stats
        XTMDBA      EVENT       TMON for DB2 set current sqlid
        XTMDBJ      EVENT       TMON for DB2 utility start
        XTMDBK      EVENT       TMON for DB2 utility change
        XTMDBL      EVENT       TMON for DB2 utility end
        XTMDBM      EVENT       TMON for DB2 distributed authid trans
        XTPPLOF     EVENT       TPX appl logoff
        XTPPLON     EVENT       TPX appl logon
        XTPRMOF     EVENT       TPX terminal logoff
        XTPRMON     EVENT       TPX terminal logon
        XTYSYSL     EVENT       MXG syslog captured record
        XTYTCPC     EVENT       IBM TCP/IP ftp client
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY42D1     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS sysplex wide data set response
        XTY42D3     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS splex dataset above bar
        XTY42NF     EVENT       DFP nfss file usage
        XTY42NU     EVENT       DFP nfss user session
        XTY42S1     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS sysplex wide storclas response
        XTY42VS     INTERVAL    DFP volume selection failure
        XTY42X1     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS local buffer manager stats
        XTY42X2     EVENT       VSAMRLS local buffer manager detail
        XTY42X4     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS local buff mgr detail
        XTY57J2     EVENT       JES2 network transmission
        XTY6        EVENT       Output writer
        XTY6ENH     EVENT       Enhanced output writer (thruput)
        XTY64       EVENT       VSAM component or cluster status
        XTY7        EVENT       SMF lost data event
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY70X2     INTERVAL    RMF pci crypto accelerator pcica
        XTY70Y2     INTERVAL    RMF crypto coproc facility ccf
        XTY71       INTERVAL    RMF paging and swapping activity
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY74CA     INTERVAL    RMF Cache Reporter - cache controllers
        XTY747P     INTERVAL    RMF FCD Global, Switch, and Port data
        XTY748      INTERVAL    RMF ess link statistics
        XTY748A     INTERVAL    RMF ess rank array data
        XTY748R     INTERVAL    RMF ess rank statistics data
        XTY748X     INTERVAL    RMF ess extent pool statistics
        XTY80TK     EVENT       RACF 301 segment tokens
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY8210     EVENT       CRYPTO pka key part
        XTY8211     EVENT       CRYPTO clear new master key part
        XTY8214     EVENT       CRYPTO clear master key entry
        XTY8215     EVENT       CRYPTO retained key create/delete
        XTY8216     EVENT       CRYPTO csfpci calls by tke
        XTY8219     EVENT       CRYPTO begin/end pci-x-cc operation
        XTY8220     EVENT       CRYPTO coprocessor times
        XTY85AC     EVENT       OAM osreq activity
        XTY892      INTERVAL    Measured usage state interval
        XT11902     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection termination
        XT11903     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp client transfer completion

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       MLATFBW   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

  2) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       M8ATFBW   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

  3) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BTESXFR   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

  4) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       ANCBYAD   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

  5) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       ASARBIT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       ASARBOT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

  6) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BISDLBK   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

  7) The following 2 variables have been added to table NCACHE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DAFLDPG   Dirty pages                              COUNT
       DAFLDTH   Dirty page threshold                     MAXIMUM

  8) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       CINBRRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CINBSRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

  9) The following 6 variables have had their format changed in table

       CIFDABR   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CIFDABW   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CIFDSBR   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CIFDSBW   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CIFLHBR   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CIFLHBW   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 10) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BTARCHV   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 11) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BTETOTL   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 12) The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       FIYRDRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       FIYWRRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SBPRDRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

 13) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NDATABI:

       SBPRDRT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       FIYRDRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       FIYWRRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SBPRDRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

 14) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       NELBYLH   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 15) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       TOCMPBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 16) The following 6 variables have been added to table NHTTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HTPURCF   Uri cache flushes                        COUNT
       HTPURCH   Uri cache hits                           COUNT
       HTPURCM   Uri cache misses                         COUNT
       HTPURCU   Current uris cached                      GAUGE
       HTPURFL   Total flushed uris                       COUNT
       HTPURTO   Total uris cached                        COUNT

 17) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       IAPINRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

 18) The following 5 variables have had their format changed in table

       MLEBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       MLEBYSN   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       MLEDRBY   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       MLEIBRE   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       MLEMBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 19) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DVHBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 20) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       DBCBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SHKBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 21) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       QLPBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 22) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       TTBYBYQ   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 23) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NBYSENT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       VSCBYTE   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 24) The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       IBYTTOT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       OBYTTOT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       QEUEBYT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 25) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       WKQUBYT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 26) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       NBYSENT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 27) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       RDRBYTE   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 28) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       MALP1BY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 29) The following 5 variables have had their format changed in table

       MEFEXRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       MEFRDRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       MEFRFRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       MEFRLRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       MEFSFRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

 30) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BYRANRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 31) The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       M8EBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       M8EBYSN   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       M8EDRBY   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       M8EMBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 32) The following variable has been added to table NNETWIN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OFLCONN   Offloaded connections                    COUNT

 33) The following 14 variables have had their format changed in table

       DINABBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DINACBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DINBBBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DINBCBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DINNCBY   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       DINTBBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DINTOBY   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       DOUABBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DOUACBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DOUBBBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DOUBCBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DOUNCBY   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       DOUTBBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       DOUTOBY   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 34) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PRTBYTE   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 35) The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       RPBRRTE   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       RPBRTOE   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RPBSRTE   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       RPBSTOE   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 36) The following variable has been added to table NSAALER:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SALINST   Saal instance name                       STRING

 37) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       RADBYTE   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       WITBYTE   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 38) The following 5 variables have had their format changed in table

       SMATTBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       SMAVGRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SMCURBY   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SMFAIBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       SMSNTBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 39) The following 7 variables have had their format changed in table

       BTETOTL   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       MSYRCVD   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       MSYSENT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       MSYSRCV   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       MSYSSNT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       MSYSTOT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       MSYTOTL   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 40) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DVHBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 41) The following 7 variables have had their format changed in table

       SQRCBFS   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SQRCMFR   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SQRPBFR   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       SQRPBFS   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       SQRRBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SQRRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SQRSBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 42) The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       SQSFBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SQSFBTO   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       SQSFPBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 43) The following 5 variables have had their format changed in table

       SQMBRRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SQMBSRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SQMLRRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SQMLSRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SQMRQRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 44) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       DBCBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SHKBYRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 45) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       SQLBLBR   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       SQLBLBW   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 46) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       SQSBLBR   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       SQSBLBW   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 47) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BTETOTL   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 48) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       IABYTRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 49) The following 2 variables have been added to table NTINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DAFLDPG   Dirty pages                              COUNT
       DAFLDTH   Dirty page threshold                     MAXIMUM

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       IABYTRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 50) The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       TTCBRRC   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       TTCBRRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       TTCBSEN   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       TTCBSRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 51) The following 9 variables have had their format changed in table

       ICOMPBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       INBYTES   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       IWDBYTE   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       OCOMPBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       OUBYTES   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       OWDBYTE   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       TCOMPBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       TOBYTES   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       TWDBYTE   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 52) The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       USBUBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       USCDBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       USINBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       USISBRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 53) The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       TOYRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       TOYSERT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       TUYRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       TUYSERT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 54) The following 18 variables have had their format changed in table

       ARYRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       ARYSNRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       ARYTORT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CBYRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CBYSNRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       CBYTORT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       IBYRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       IBYSNRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       IBYTORT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       RVRRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       RVRSNRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       RVRTORT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SBYRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SBYSNRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SBYTORT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SCYRCRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SCYSNRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.
       SCYTORT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTRT.

 55) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BTRETRT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.

 56) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       BYESCRS   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 57) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       WSMWSBY   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

 58) The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       BUERRAM   changed from  MGBYTES.  to  BEST12.2
       CACHED    changed from  MGBYTES.  to  BEST12.2
       SHRERAM   changed from  MGBYTES.  to  BEST12.2
       TOALRAM   changed from  MGBYTES.  to  BEST12.2

 59) The following variable has been added to table VMGUCPU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VWCSWTM   Swap wait time                           TIME

 60) The following 3 variables have been added to table VMGUMEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VWMSIRT   Memory swap in rate                      RATE
       VWMSORT   Memory swap out rate                     RATE
       VWMUPCB   Memory usage (percent) base              COUNT

 61) The following 16 variables have been added to table VMGURES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VGRAC1P   Cpu active (1 min. peak)                 MAXIMUM
       VWRABFA   Cpu active (15 min. average) base        AVERAGE
       VWRABFP   Cpu active (15 min. peak) base           MAXIMUM
       VWRAB1A   Cpu active (1 min. average) base         AVERAGE
       VWRAB1P   Cpu active (1 min. peak) base            MAXIMUM
       VWRAB5A   Cpu active (5 min. average) base         AVERAGE
       VWRAB5P   Cpu active (5 min. peak) base            MAXIMUM
       VWRRBFA   Cpu running (15 min. average) base       AVERAGE
       VWRRBFP   Cpu running (15 min. peak) base          MAXIMUM
       VWRRB1A   Cpu running (1 min. average) base        AVERAGE
       VWRRB1P   Cpu running (1 min. peak) base           MAXIMUM
       VWRRB5A   Cpu running (5 min. average) base        AVERAGE
       VWRRB5P   Cpu running (5 min. peak) base           MAXIMUM
       VWRTBFA   Cpu throttled (15 min. average) base     AVERAGE
       VWRTB1A   Cpu throttled (1 min. average) base      AVERAGE
       VWRTB5A   Cpu throttled (5 min. average) base      AVERAGE

     The following variable has been deleted from table VMGURES:

       VGRACQP   Cpu active (1 min. peak)                 COUNT

 62) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VMGUSYS:

       VGSUPTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       VGSUPTM   changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME13.3

     The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       VGSUPTM   changed from  16.2      to  16.5

 63) The following 2 variables have been added to table VMHOCPU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VWCGUAR   Cpu guaranteed                           TIME
       VWCXTRA   Cpu extra                                TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VMHOCPU:

       VHCIDLE   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       VHCUSED   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       VHCIDLE   changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME13.3
       VHCUSED   changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME13.3

     The following 2 variables have had their informat changed in table

       VHCIDLE   changed from  16.2      to  16.5
       VHCUSED   changed from  16.2      to  16.5

 64) The following 4 variables have been added to table VMHOMEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VWMINST   Vwhm instance name                       STRING
       VWMSIRT   Memory swap in rate                      RATE
       VWMSORT   Memory swap out rate                     RATE
       VWMUPCB   Memory usage (percent) base              COUNT

 65) The following 2 variables have been added to table VMHONET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VWNDRRX   Dropped receives                         COUNT
       VWNDRTX   Dropped transmits                        COUNT

 66) The following 16 variables have been added to table VMHORES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VWRABFA   Cpu active (15 min average) base         AVERAGE
       VWRABFP   Cpu active (15 min peak) base            MAXIMUM
       VWRAB1A   Cpu active (1 min average) base          AVERAGE
       VWRAB1P   Cpu active (1 min peak) base             MAXIMUM
       VWRAB5A   Cpu active (5 min average) base          AVERAGE
       VWRAB5P   Cpu active (5 min peak) base             MAXIMUM
       VWRAC1P   Cpu active (1 min peak)                  MAXIMUM
       VWRRBFA   Cpu running (15 min average) base        AVERAGE
       VWRRBFP   Cpu running (15 min peak) base           MAXIMUM
       VWRRB1A   Cpu running (1 min average) base         AVERAGE
       VWRRB1P   Cpu running (1 min peak) base            MAXIMUM
       VWRRB5A   Cpu running (5 min average) base         AVERAGE
       VWRRB5P   Cpu running (5 min peak) base            MAXIMUM
       VWRTBFA   Cpu throttled (15 min average) base      AVERAGE
       VWRTB1A   Cpu throttled (1 min average) base       AVERAGE
       VWRTB5A   Cpu throttled (5 min average) base       AVERAGE

     The following 5 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VMHORES:

       VHRACFA   changed from  COUNT     to  AVERAGE
       VHRACFP   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       VHRAC1A   changed from  COUNT     to  AVERAGE
       VHRAC5A   changed from  COUNT     to  AVERAGE
       VHRAC5P   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM

     The following 5 variables have had their format changed in table

       VHRACFA   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       VHRACFP   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       VHRAC1A   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       VHRAC5A   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       VHRAC5P   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

     The following variable has been deleted from table VMHORES:

       VHRACQP   Cpu active (1 min. peak)                 COUNT

 67) The following 26 variables have been added to table VMHOSYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VWSCAMN   Resource cpu allocation minimum mhz      MINIMUM
       VWSCAMX   Resource cpu allocation maximum mhz      MAXIMUM
       VWSCASH   Resource cpu allocation shares           COUNT
       VWSMAMN   Resource memory allocation minimum       MINIMUM
       VWSMAMX   Resource memory allocation maximum       MAXIMUM
       VWSMASH   Resource memory allocation shares        COUNT
       VWSRCAB   Resource cpu active 1 min avg base       AVERAGE
       VWSRCA1   Resource cpu active 1 min avg pct        PERCENT100
       VWSRCA5   Resource cpu active 5 min avg percent    PERCENT100
       VWSRCB5   Resource cpu running 5 min avg base      AVERAGE
       VWSRCLB   Resource cpu max limited 1 min base      MAXIMUM
       VWSRCL1   Resource cpu max limited 1 min percent   PERCENT100
       VWSRCL5   Resource cpu max limited 5 min pct       PERCENT100
       VWSRCPA   Resource cpu usage average mhz           AVERAGE
       VWSRCRB   Resource cpu running 1 min avg base      AVERAGE
       VWSRCR1   Resource cpu running 1 min avg pct       PERCENT100
       VWSRCR5   Resource cpu running 5 min avg percent   PERCENT100
       VWSRC5B   Resource cpu active 5 min avg base       AVERAGE
       VWSRL5B   Resource cpu maximum limited 5 min base  MAXIMUM
       VWSRMMA   Resource memory mapped                   COUNT
       VWSRMOV   Resource memory overhead                 COUNT
       VWSRMSH   Resource memory shared                   COUNT
       VWSRMSS   Resource memory share saved              COUNT
       VWSRMSW   Resource memory swapped                  COUNT
       VWSRMTO   Resource memory touched                  COUNT
       VWSRMZE   Resource memory zero                     COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VMHOSYS:

       VHSUPTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       VHSUPTM   changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME13.3

     The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       VHSUPTM   changed from  16.2      to  16.5

 68) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PRAPMCT   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGVXACX.

 69) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTEPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CHPIDTY   Channel type                             STRING
       PCTCPCB   Percent cpc channel busy                 PERCENT100
       PCTLPAB   Percent lpar channel busy                PERCENT100

     The following variable has been deleted from table VSYTEPM:

       OLDCAL                                             COUNT

 70) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XACFJRL:

       LIDATIM   changed from  TIME      to  DATETIME

 71) The following 3 variables have been added to table XCIB2GL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D2GRPID   Db2 group id                             STRING
       D2RSYNC   Resync                                   HEXFLAGS
       D2THLNT   Limit number of threads                  COUNT

 72) The following 3 variables have been added to table XCIB2RE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D2PTSIG   Partial signons                          COUNT
       D2REULR   Reuse limit reached                      COUNT
       D2THCRT   Thread creates                           COUNT

 73) The following 3 variables have been added to table XCIECC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ECCAPFA   Capture failures                         COUNT
       ECEMIFA   Sync emits failed                        COUNT
       ECEMODE   Emission mode                            HEXFLAGS

 74) The following 9 variables have been added to table XCIEPG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EGASYNO   Async normal events                      COUNT
       EGASYPR   Async priority events                    COUNT
       EGCMTBK   Commit backwards                         COUNT
       EGCMTFW   Commit forwards                          COUNT
       EGEVHTP   Events to http adapter                   COUNT
       EGEVLAC   Event lost adapter config                COUNT
       EGEVLAO   Event lost adapter other                 COUNT
       EGSYNCE   Synchronous events                       COUNT
       EGSYNFA   Synchronous events failed                COUNT

 75) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIEXCE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MCTSSDC   Connector fields in the smf 110 record   COUNT
       MCTSSDR   Data bytes in the smf 110 record         COUNT

 76) The following 4 variables have been added to table XCIISR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ISFSRCV   Fs fc bytes rdvd                         COUNT
       ISFSREQ   Fs fc requests                           COUNT
       ISFSSNT   Fs fc bytes sent                         COUNT
       ISMIROR   Ipconn mirrorlife                        HEXFLAGS

 77) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIPGD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PDJVMSN   Program jvm server name                  STRING
       PDPGM     Program name                             STRING

 78) The following variable has been added to table XCIPGR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PGRJMSN   Jvmprogram server name                   STRING

 79) The following 3 variables have been added to table XCIRDQU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TSIOSCN   Shared tsqueue i/o wait count            COUNT
       TSIOWCN   Tsqueue i/o wait count                   COUNT
       TSUEUEH                                            HEXFLAGS

 80) The following 109 variables have been added to table XCITRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       APPCEMP   Appcemp1 user field                      STRING
       APPLICA   Application name applicap                STRING
       ARZGEOS   Arzgeos fachg                            STRING
       ARZGS     Arzgs gsacct                             STRING
       CMDACMC   Datacom call count                       COUNT
       CMDACMT   Datacom call time                        TIME
       CMDBQTT   Mq call time                             TIME
       CMDMQTC   Mq call count                            COUNT
       CMIDMSC   Idms call count                          COUNT
       CMIDMST   Idms call time                           TIME
       CNDCOMN   Datacom total requests                   MINIMUM
       CNDCOMT   Datacom total duration                   TIME
       CNFLAGS   Candle umbrella flags                    HEXFLAGS
       CNGMTOF   Candle gmt offset                        INT
       CNIDMSN   Idms total requests                      COUNT
       CNIDMST   Idms total duration                      TIME
       CNRES01   Vsam total requests                      COUNT
       CNSUPRN   Supra total requests                     COUNT
       CNSUPRT   Supra total duration                     TIME
       CNUMBTR   Candle umbrella tranid                   STRING
       CNUMBUS   Candle umbrella program                  STRING
       CNUSRWK   Candle umbrella program                  STRING
       C2AUTH    Authorization id                         STRING
       C2CLCRC   Close cursor count                       COUNT
       C2CLCRT   Close cursor time                        TIME
       C2CMITC   Commit count                             COUNT
       C2CMITT   Commit time                              TIME
       C2CORR    Correlation id                           STRING
       C2CORRT   Correlation type                         STRING
       C2DELTC   Delete count                             COUNT
       C2DELTT   Delete time                              TIME
       C2DSCBC   Describe count                           COUNT
       C2DSCBT   Describe time                            TIME
       C2EXECC   Execute count                            COUNT
       C2EXECT   Execute time                             TIME
       C2EXIMC   Execute immediate count                  COUNT
       C2EXIMT   Execute immediate time                   TIME
       C2FTCHC   Fetch count                              COUNT
       C2FTCHT   Fetch time                               TIME
       C2INSRC   Insert count                             COUNT
       C2INSRT   Insert time                              TIME
       C2OPCRC   Open cursor count                        COUNT
       C2OPCRT   Open cursor time                         TIME
       C2OTHRC   Other count                              COUNT
       C2OTHRT   Other time                               TIME
       C2PGNM    Program name                             STRING
       C2PLAN    Plan name                                STRING
       C2PREPC   Prepare count                            COUNT
       C2PREPT   Prepare time                             TIME
       C2SLCTC   Select count                             COUNT
       C2SLCTT   Select time                              TIME
       C2THDTY   Thread type used                         STRING
       C2THDWT   Thread wait indicator                    STRING
       C2THRDT   1st thread wait time                     TIME
       C2TOTC    Total request count                      COUNT
       C2TOTT    Total request time                       TIME
       C2TRID    Tran code                                STRING
       C2UDATA   User data                                STRING
       C2UPDTC   Update count                             COUNT
       C2UPDTT   Update time                              TIME
       DIAKUND   Diakunde user field                      STRING
       ECPAUDI   Ecpaudit                                 STRING
       ECSEVCC   Synchronous emission events              COUNT
       ENTRADA   Entradao                                 STRING
       EZ0TA08   Eza02 tnotauth                           COUNT
       EZ0TA09   Eza02 tioerr                             COUNT
       EZ0TA10   Eza02 tnospace                           COUNT
       EZ0TA11   Eza02 tlenerr                            COUNT
       EZ0TCON   Eza02 tconn                              COUNT
       EZ0TDIP   Eza02 tdisprog                           COUNT
       EZ0TDIT   Eza02 tdistran                           COUNT
       EZ0TGIV   Eza02 tgivesokt                          COUNT
       EZ0TINV   Eza02 tinvalid                           COUNT
       EZ0TSEC   Eza02 tsecexit                           COUNT
       EZ0TSTA   Eza02 tstarted                           COUNT
       EZ01A13   Eza01 field 13 tcblim                    COUNT
       MCTSSDC   Connector fields in the smf 110 record   COUNT
       MCTSSDR   Data bytes in the smf 110 record         COUNT
       MQNAMEC   Mqnameci                                 STRING
       MSGLEN    Msglen                                   COUNT
       MSGNAME   Msgname                                  STRING
       MSGTYPE   Msgtype                                  STRING
       OMGADCN   Adabas wait count                        COUNT
       OMGADTM   Adabas wait duration                     TIME
       OMGDCCN   Datacomm wait count                      COUNT
       OMGDCTM   Datacomm wait duration                   TIME
       OMGIDCN   Idms wait count                          COUNT
       OMGIDTM   Idms wait duration                       TIME
       OMGRLMA   Rlim a warnings received                 STRING
       OMGRLMB   Rlim b warnings received                 STRING
       OMGSUCN   Supra wait count                         COUNT
       OMGSUTM   Supra wait duration                      TIME
       OMGUSCN   User defined wait count                  COUNT
       OMGUSTM   User defined wait duration               TIME
       OMGUWRK   User work area                           STRING
       OMGVERS   Omegamon version                         STRING
       OPID      Opid                                     STRING
       OSP       Osp user field                           STRING
       REQCNT1   Mq messages processed                    COUNT
       SOPABCT   Soap failure count                       COUNT
       SOPOUCN   Soap output count                        COUNT
       SOPOUTM   Soap output response time                TIME
       SRCE      Source identifier                        STRING
       SRCEPRO   Source program                           STRING
       SRCETYP   Source type                              STRING
       TRADEU5   Tradeu5                                  STRING
       USCBRAN   Usecbran user field                      STRING
       USCOPID   Usecopid user field                      STRING
       USCUSER   Usecuser user field                      STRING

     The following 17 variables have been deleted from table XCITRAN:

       DBALLCN   Database call dispatches                 COUNT
       DBALLTM   Database call duration                   TIME
       DLDELET   Deletes                                  COUNT
       DLIGHN    Get hold next                            COUNT
       DLIGHNP   Get hold next parent                     COUNT
       DLIGHU    Get hold unique                          COUNT
       DLIGN     Get next                                 COUNT
       DLIGNP    Get next parent                          COUNT
       DLIGU     Get unique                               COUNT
       DLNSERT   Inserts                                  COUNT
       DLREPLC   Replaces                                 COUNT
       IWAITCN   Iwait events                             COUNT
       IWAITTM   Iwait duration                           COUNT
       PSACTCN   Psb active dispatches                    COUNT
       PSACTTM   Psb active duration                      TIME
       PSSCHCN   Psb scheduled dispatches                 COUNT
       PSSCHTM   Psb scheduled duration                   TIME

 81) The following 4 variables have been added to table XCITSQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A1TSLHT   Tsmainlimit hit                          COUNT
       A1TSMAX   Maximum use of ts storage                MAXIMUM
       A1TSMLM   Tsmainlimit setting                      INT
       A1TSMUS   Current tsmain utilization               GAUGE

 82) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIW2R:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WRURIMP   Urimap                                   STRING
       WRXMLTR   Xmltransform                             STRING

 83) The following 16 variables have been added to table XDBACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NRQLAC    Number of qlac segments                  GAUGE
       QLCFLA3   This is a rollup qlac?                   STRING
       QLCFLA4   This is a summary rollup qlac?           STRING
       QLCRLNU   Threads rolled into this qlac section    COUNT
       QWCARLH   Waits for latch contention               COUNT
       QWCAWLH   Wait time due to latch contention        COUNT
       QWCPCTT   Rollups in this record                   COUNT
       QWCPQRY   Record contains parallel query rollup?   STRING
       QXTCWLD   Created duplicate statement instance     COUNT
       QXTCWLM   Found matching reusable copy             COUNT
       QXTCWLP   Parsed concentrate statements in effect  COUNT
       QXTCWLR   Replaced literal concentrate statements  COUNT
       QXWSDEL   Rows deleted                             COUNT
       QXWSFET   Rows fetched                             COUNT
       QXWSINS   Rows inserted                            COUNT
       QXWSUPD   Rows updated                             COUNT

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XDBACCT:

       QLCFLG1   Private protocols used?                  STRING
       QLCFLG2   Drda protocols used?                     STRING

 84) The following variable has been added to table XDBBPAC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWHSACE   Ace address                              INT

 85) The following 3 variables have been added to table XDBCCTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QPCANLH   Waits for latch suspensions              COUNT
       QPCAWLH   Wait time for latch suspensions          TIME
       QPCRLNU   Threads rolled up this segment           COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XDBCCTP:

       QTAPREC   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XDBCCTP:

       QBACPID   Buffer pool id this pool                 INT

 86) The following variable has been added to table XDBGBPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBGLFLG   More qbgl data follows?                  STRING

 87) The following 29 variables have been added to table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A64POST   64-bit stack allocation requests         COUNT
       A64WAIT   64-bit waits for stack allocation        COUNT
       DB2STAR   Datetime of the start of interval        DATETIME
       DISCARD   Real frame discard mode                  INT
       D64POST   64-bit stack deallocation requests       COUNT
       M64DISN   64-bit stack segments discarded          COUNT
       M64DISP   64-bit stack pages discarded             COUNT
       QDTMARD   Maximum active dbats deallocate          MAXIMUM
       QDTNARD   Current active dbats deallocate          GAUGE
       QDTNQWC   Connections sockets closed maxdbat       COUNT
       QLTCNVT   Conversations deallocated                COUNT
       QW1MCPU   Qws1mcpu undocumented                    INT
       QW2MCPU   Qws2mcpu undocumented                    INT
       QW3MCPU   Qws3mcpu undocumented                    INT
       QW4MCPU   Qws4mcpu undocumented                    INT
       QXTCWLD   Created duplicate statement instance     COUNT
       QXTCWLM   Found matching reusable copy             COUNT
       QXTCWLP   Parsed concentrate statements in effect  RATE
       QXTCWLR   Replaced literal concentrate statements  RATE
       QXWSDEL   Rows deleted                             COUNT
       QXWSFET   Rows fetched                             COUNT
       QXWSINS   Rows inserted                            COUNT
       QXWSUPD   Rows updated                             COUNT
       Q9TCDMD   Modify ddf commands                      COUNT
       SFREDEX   64-bit stack free required               COUNT
       SFRER64   64-bit stack free requests               COUNT
       SGEDEXT   64-bit stack requests required           COUNT
       SGEEXT6   64-bit stack requests satisfied          COUNT
       SGER64    64-bit stack get requests                COUNT

 88) The following 24 variables have been added to table XDBSTA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QIEDLRU   Total stealable dbd pages                COUNT
       QIEKLRU   Total stealable skel pages               COUNT
       QIEKSPA   Total storage allocated to xproc         COUNT
       QIEKSPG   Xproc requests                           COUNT
       QIESQCA   Storage allocated to plan atb            COUNT
       QIESQCB   Storage allocated to plan btb            COUNT
       QIESQKA   Storage allocated to package atb         COUNT
       QIESQKB   Storage allocated to package btb         COUNT
       QITRCCD   Read currently committed delete          GAUGE
       QITRCCI   Read currently committed insert          GAUGE
       QITRCCU   Read currently committed update          GAUGE
       QITWCTO   Current workfile storage used            GAUGE
       QITWMXA   Maxtemps zparm value                     MAXIMUM
       QITWMXU   Max workfile storage used                MAXIMUM
       QITW32T   Tot 32kb tablespace used fract mb        COUNT
       QITW4K    Current 4kb tablespace storage used      GAUGE
       QXTCWLD   Created duplicate statement instance     COUNT
       QXTCWLM   Found matching reusable copy             COUNT
       QXTCWLP   Parsed concentrate statements in effect  COUNT
       QXTCWLR   Replaced literal concentrate statements  COUNT
       QXWSDEL   Rows deleted                             COUNT
       QXWSFET   Rows fetched                             COUNT
       QXWSINS   Rows inserted                            COUNT
       QXWSUPD   Rows updated                             COUNT

 89) The following variable has been added to table XDBTATB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBSTFLG   More qbst data follows?                  STRING

 90) The following variable has been added to table XDBTATR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QLTCNVT   Conversations deallocated                COUNT

 91) The following 75 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A64POST   64-bit stack allocation requests         COUNT
       A64WAIT   64-bit waits for stack allocation        COUNT
       DB2STAR   Datetime of the start of interval        DATETIME
       DISCARD   Real frame discard mode                  INT
       D64POST   64-bit stack deallocation requests       COUNT
       M64DISN   64-bit stack segments discarded          COUNT
       M64DISP   64-bit stack pages discarded             COUNT
       NETSNAM   Originating system net-name              STRING
       QDTMARD   Maximum active dbats deallocate          MAXIMUM
       QDTNARD   Current active dbats deallocate          GAUGE
       QDTNQWC   Connections sockets closed maxdbat       COUNT
       QIEDLRU   Total stealable dbd pages                COUNT
       QIEKLRU   Total stealable skel pages               COUNT
       QIEKSPA   Total storage allocated to xproc         COUNT
       QIEKSPG   Xproc requests                           COUNT
       QIESQCA   Storage allocated to plan atb            COUNT
       QIESQCB   Storage allocated to plan btb            COUNT
       QIESQKA   Storage allocated to package atb         COUNT
       QIESQKB   Storage allocated to package btb         COUNT
       QITRCCD   Read currently committed delete          GAUGE
       QITRCCI   Read currently committed insert          GAUGE
       QITRCCU   Read currently committed update          GAUGE
       QITWCTO   Current workfile storage used            GAUGE
       QITWMXA   Maxtemps zparm value                     MAXIMUM
       QITWMXU   Max workfile storage used                MAXIMUM
       QITW32T   Tot 32kb tablespace used fract mb        COUNT
       QITW4K    Current 4kb tablespace storage used      GAUGE
       QLTCNVT   Conversations deallocated                COUNT
       QWCAID    Authorization id                         STRING
       QWCATYP   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWCCN     Connection name                          STRING
       QWCCV     Correlation id                           STRING
       QWCOPID   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWCPLAN   Plan name                                STRING
       QWCTOKN   Unique token per transaction             HEXFLAGS
       QWDPRID   Application requestor prod id            STRING
       QWDRQNM   Requestor location name                  STRING
       QWDSVNM   Srvnam parameter of drda excsat          STRING
       QWDTSTP   Dbat trace record datetimestamp          DATETIME
       QWSLUCC   Commit count for thread- char            HEXFLAGS
       QWSLUNM   Lu name                                  STRING
       QWSLUUV   Instance number for thread               HEXFLAGS
       QWSNID    Network id                               STRING
       QWSSTCK   Store clock value for header             DATETIME
       QWUCPU    Cputime of mvs tcb or srb disptchd       TIME
       QW1MCPU   Qws1mcpu undocumented                    INT
       QW2MCPU   Qws2mcpu undocumented                    INT
       QW3MCPU   Qws3mcpu undocumented                    INT
       QW4MCPU   Qws4mcpu undocumented                    INT
       QXTCWLD   Created duplicate statement instance     COUNT
       QXTCWLM   Found matching reusable copy             COUNT
       QXTCWLP   Parsed concentrate statements in effect  COUNT
       QXTCWLR   Replaced literal concentrate statements  COUNT
       QXWSDEL   Rows deleted                             COUNT
       QXWSFET   Rows fetched                             COUNT
       QXWSINS   Rows inserted                            COUNT
       QXWSUPD   Rows updated                             COUNT
       Q9TCDMD   Modify ddf commands                      COUNT
       SFREDEX   64-bit stack free required               COUNT
       SFRER64   64-bit stack free requests               COUNT
       SGEDEXT   64-bit stack requests required           COUNT
       SGEEXT6   64-bit stack requests satisfied          COUNT
       SGER64    64-bit stack get requests                COUNT
       STBTIME   Qwhsstck from db2statb                   DATETIME
       STTGRUP   Statistics group for merge               COUNT
       ST0DUR    Duratm from db2stat0                     TIME
       ST0TIME   Qwhsstck from db2stat0                   DATETIME
       ST1DUR    Duratm from db2stat1                     TIME
       ST1TIME   Qwhsstck from db2stat1                   DATETIME
       ST4TIME   Qwhsstck from db2stat4                   DATETIME
       ST5ISEQ   Qwhsiseq from db2stat5                   COUNT
       ST5TIME   Qwhsstck from ifcid 225                  DATETIME
       T102REC   n  value of this 102 record              COUNT
       UOWIDCH   First 6 bytes of uowid field             HEXFLAGS
       UOWTIME   Unit-of-work internal time stamp         DATETIME

 92) The following 111 variables have been added to table XDB2A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CHIELPT   Summed child wait from qwacesc           TIME
       CL3SUSP   Agent suspend time                       TIME
       NRQLAC    Number of qlac segments                  GAUGE
       PACL2TM   Db2party=r class 2 cpu time              TIME
       PACL3SU   Db2party=r suspend time                  TIME
       PAELAPS   Db2party=r elapsed time                  TIME
       PATCBTM   Db2party=r tcb time                      TIME
       QBGAEX    Explicit xi-s                            COUNT
       QBGAGG    Get pages for gbp dep pages              COUNT
       QBGAHS    Asynch ixlcache for pri gbp              COUNT
       QBGAP1    P-lock lock reqs for space map pages     COUNT
       QBGAP2    P-lock lock reqs for data pages          COUNT
       QBGAP3    P-lock lock reqs for index leaf pages    COUNT
       QBGAS1    P-lock lock suspnd for space map pages   COUNT
       QBGAS2    P-lock lock suspnd for data pages        COUNT
       QBGAS3    P-lock lock suspnd for index leaf pages  COUNT
       QBGAU1    P-lock lock requests                     COUNT
       QBGAWS    Write and register war requests          COUNT
       QBGA2H    Async ixlcache for secc gbp              COUNT
       QBGA2S    Completion checks suspended              COUNT
       QBGA2W    Changed page writes to sec gbp           COUNT
       QLCMDWT   Wait time db agent max dbats exceeded    TIME
       QLCRLNU   Threads rolled into this qlac section    COUNT
       QTAILMT   Infinite limit?                          STRING
       QTANRUN   No run or zero limit?                    STRING
       QTAPREC   How limit was determined                 INT
       QWCALBC   Waits for tcp/ip lob materializations    COUNT
       QWCALBW   Wait time tcp/ip lob materialization     TIME
       QWCARLG   Trace event for waits for log write i/o  COUNT
       QWCARLH   Waits for latch contention               COUNT
       QWCARNK   Child l-locks glbl contention events     COUNT
       QWCARNM   Other l-locks glbl contention events     COUNT
       QWCARNN   Pageset p-locks glbl contention events   COUNT
       QWCARNO   Page p-locks glbl contention events      COUNT
       QWCARNQ   Other p-locks glbl contention events     COUNT
       QWCATYP   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWCAWFC   Wait time for force at commit            TIME
       QWCAWLG   Wait time for log write i/o              TIME
       QWCAWLH   Wait time due to latch contention        COUNT
       QWCAWTK   Wait time glbl content child l-locks     TIME
       QWCAWTM   Wait time glbl content other l-locks     TIME
       QWCAWTN   Wait time glbl content pageset p-locks   TIME
       QWCAWTO   Wait time glbl content page p-locks      TIME
       QWCAWTQ   Wait time glbl content other p-locks     TIME
       QWCFCCT   Waits for force at commit                COUNT
       QWCIXLE   Events for async ixlcache ixlfcomp       COUNT
       QWCIXLT   Wait time for ixlcache ixlfcomp          TIME
       QWCPCTT   Rollups in this record                   COUNT
       QWCRBSV   Rollback to savepoint requests           COUNT
       QWCRINV   Reason for accounting invocation         INT
       QWCRLSV   Release savepoint requests               COUNT
       QWCSPC1   Sp cls1se stored proc class 1 on ziip    TIME
       QWCSPC2   Sp cls2se stored proc class 2 on ziip    TIME
       QWCSVPT   Savepoint requests                       COUNT
       QWCTRSE   Trte se nestd triger ziip-cpu on ziip    TIME
       QWCUDC1   Udf cls1se udf stored proc cls 1 ziip    TIME
       QWCUDC2   Udf cls2se udf stored proc cls 2 ziip    TIME
       QWCUDZC   Udfnf cp future function                 TIME
       QWCUDZI   Udfnf ziip future function               TIME
       QWUCPU    Cputime of mvs tcb or srb disptchd       TIME
       QXCBPNX   Pargroups intended run datashare         COUNT
       QXCLGTT   Declare global temporary table stmnts    COUNT
       QXCSKIP   Bypassed db2s not enuf buffers           COUNT
       QXEGDTT   Parallel groups using udf dtt in appl    COUNT
       QXERGE    Times merge statement was executed       COUNT
       QXLTCTX   Alter trusted context                    COUNT
       QXLTJR    Alter jar                                COUNT
       QXLTSEQ   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXLTVW    Alter views                              COUNT
       QXNIX     Rename index                             COUNT
       QXRCTX    Create trusted context                   COUNT
       QXRESEQ   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXRINX    Create index statements                  COUNT
       QXROSEQ   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXRPCTX   Drop trusted context                     COUNT
       QXRPROL   Drop role                                COUNT
       QXRRESI   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT
       QXRROL    Create role                              COUNT
       QXRTBL    Times truncate table was executed        COUNT
       QXSETCP   Set current precision statements         COUNT
       QXTCWLD   Created duplicate statement instance     COUNT
       QXTCWLM   Found matching reusable copy             COUNT
       QXTCWLP   Parsed concentrate statements in effect  COUNT
       QXTCWLR   Replaced literal concentrate statements  COUNT
       QXTXMLV   Max storage used for xml values          MAXIMUM
       QXWSDEL   Rows deleted                             COUNT
       QXWSFET   Rows fetched                             COUNT
       QXWSUPD   Rows updated                             COUNT
       RINV1     Threads qwacrinv=1                       COUNT
       RINV10    Threads qwacrinv=10                      COUNT
       RINV11    Threads qwacrinv=11                      COUNT
       RINV12    Threads qwacrinv=12                      COUNT
       RINV14    Threads qwacrinv=14                      COUNT
       RINV16    Threads qwacrinv=16                      COUNT
       RINV2     Threads qwacrinv=2                       COUNT
       RINV20    Threads qwacrinv=20                      COUNT
       RINV24    Threads qwacrinv=24                      COUNT
       RINV28    Threads qwacrinv=28                      COUNT
       RINV3     Threads qwacrinv=3                       COUNT
       RINV32    Threads qwacrinv=32                      COUNT
       RINV4     Threads qwacrinv=4                       COUNT
       RINV40    Threads qwacrinv=40                      COUNT
       RINV44    Threads qwacrinv=44                      COUNT
       RINV48    Threads qwacrinv=48                      COUNT
       RINV52    Threads qwacrinv=52                      COUNT
       RINV56    Threads qwacrinv=56                      COUNT
       RINV6     Threads qwacrinv=6                       COUNT
       RINV8     Threads qwacrinv=8                       COUNT
       RINV99    Unknown qwacrinv                         COUNT
       THEADS    Thread count                             COUNT
       THEADTY   Type of thread                           STRING

 93) The following variable has been added to table XDB2B:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWCATYP   Connecting system type code              INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XDB2B:

       QLCCNVR   Conversations init rcvd from ddf site    COUNT

 94) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDCDSET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCDDS9F   Format 9 dscb flag                       STRING
       DCDJBNM   Jobname used to create                   STRING
       DCDTIME   Time when dataset created                TIME
       DSCSTNM   Stepname used to create/                 STRING

 95) The following 40 variables have been added to table XDCOLDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DDCBLKL   Blkszlmt                                 GAUGE
       DDCBLMT   Block size limit specified?              STRING
       DDCBSZL   Block size limit value                   GAUGE
       DDCCFS    Rls cf cache specified?                  STRING
       DDCCT     Compression type                         INT
       DDCDSCF   Rls cf cache value                       INT
       DDCDVCS   Dynamic volume count specified?          STRING
       DDCEATT   Extended attribute                       HEXFLAGS
       DDCEX25   Over 255 extents allowed?                STRING
       DDCFATT   Eattr specified?                         STRING
       DDCFA2G   Rls above 2gb bar specified?             STRING
       DDCFCAR   Ca reclaim specified                     STRING
       DDCFCT    Compression type specified?              STRING
       DDCFEXT   Extent constraint specified?             STRING
       DDCFPSE   Performance segmentation specified?      STRING
       DDCFRLG   Cicsvr frlog specified?                  STRING
       DDCFRLO   Cicsvr frlog type                        INT
       DDCFSCA   Performance scaling specified?           STRING
       DDCFVSP   Smbvsp specified?                        STRING
       DDCOVRD   Bwo specified?                           STRING
       DDCPSCA   Performance scaling option               INT
       DDCPSEG   Performance segmentation                 INT
       DDCRBYT   Rls byte                                 STRING
       DDCSDB    Sphere recoverability specified?         STRING
       DDCTAPE   Tape support use                         STRING
       DDCVBYT   Vsam extension                           HEXFLAGS
       DDCVSP    Smbvsp unit                              STRING
       DDCVSPV   Smbvsp value                             INT
       DDFKYC1   Keycode 1 specified?                     STRING
       DDFKYC2   Keycode 2 specified?                     STRING
       DDFKYL1   Keylabel 1 specified?                    STRING
       DDFKYL2   Keylabel 2 specified?                    STRING
       DDKLBL1   Length of keylabel 1                     INT
       DDKLBL2   Length of keylabel 2                     INT
       DDKLBN1   Keylabel 1                               STRING
       DDKLBN2   Keylabel 2                               STRING
       DDKYCD1   Keycode 1                                INT
       DDKYCD2   Keycode 1                                INT
       DDSPECC   Ddcspecc additional specification flags  HEXFLAGS
       DDSPECD   Ddcspecd additional specification flags  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XDCOLDC:

       DDCSPEC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DDCSPEC   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 96) The following 6 variables have been added to table XD2S106:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QP4CHEC   Util temp storclas                       STRING
       QP4METR   Qwp4metr flags                           HEXFLAGS
       QP4MIS5   Qwp4mis5 flags                           HEXFLAGS
       QP4MS4B   Qwp4ms4b flags                           HEXFLAGS
       QP4MS4D   Qwp4ms4d flags                           HEXFLAGS
       QP4MS4E   Qwp4ms43 flags                           HEXFLAGS

     The following 9 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XD2S106:

       QPBDLEN   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       QPBTLEN   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       QP1BDUR   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       QP1FLBZ   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       QP1URCK   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       QP4OR     changed from  PERCENT100to  MAXIMUM
       QWSWSEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       T102REC   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following 9 variables have had their format changed in table

       QPBDLEN   changed from  $HEX2.    to  _NONE_
       QPBTLEN   changed from  $HEX2.    to  _NONE_
       QP1BDUR   changed from  $HEX2.    to  _NONE_
       QP1FLBZ   changed from  $HEX2.    to  _NONE_
       QP1URCK   changed from  $HEX2.    to  _NONE_
       QP4ESC    changed from  $HEX4.    to  $HEX2.

 97) The following 6 variables have been added to table XD2S172:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       Q0172HQ   More holder information                  STRING
       Q0172HY   Statement type                           STRING
       Q0172HZ   Statement id                             STRING
       Q0172WQ   More holder information                  STRING
       Q0172WY   Statement type                           STRING
       Q0172WZ   Statement id                             STRING

     The following 11 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XD2S172:

       QWCATYP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWHSIID   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSISEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSRELN   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSWSEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0172HT   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0172H9   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0172RL   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0172WT   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0172W9   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       T102REC   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

 98) The following 8 variables have been added to table XD2S196:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       Q0196HY   1st holder statement type                STRING
       Q0196H9   1st holder cached statement id           STRING
       Q0196WY   Statement type                           STRING
       Q0196W9   Waiters cached statement id              STRING
       Q1196HY   2nd holder statement type                STRING
       Q1196H9   2nd holder cached statement id           STRING
       Q2196HY   3rd holder statement type                STRING
       Q2196H9   3rd holder cached statement id           STRING

     The following 10 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XD2S196:

       QWCATYP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWHSIID   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSISEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSRELN   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSWSEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0196K2   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0196K5   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0196NU   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0196RL   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       T102REC   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

 99) The following 10 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XD2S199:

       QWCATYP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWHSIID   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSISEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSRELN   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSWSEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0199BP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0199DN   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0199VD   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       Q0199VP   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       T102REC   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

100) The following 7 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XD2S225:

       QWCATYP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWHSIID   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSISEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSRELN   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       QWSWSEQ   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       Q0225AV   changed from  AVERAGE   to  COUNT
       T102REC   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

101) The following 2 variables have been added to table XIMFAST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IMSRECC   Ims record number as hex char            HEXFLAGS
       IMSSTCK   Stck datetime of ims log record          DATETIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       IMSRECN   changed from  HEX8.     to  HEX14.

102) The following variable has been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INPUTC2   Input class 2-byte                       HEXFLAGS

     The following 5 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XIMFTRN:

       SMQFLAG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TRNFLAG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TRNMQMI   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       USERARE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 5 variables have had their format changed in table

       INPUTCL   changed from  $HEX4.    to  $HEX2.
       SMQFLAG   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.
       TRNFLAG   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.
       TRNMQMI   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX48.
       USERARE   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX32.

103) The following variable has been added to table XIMPROG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LASTCL2   Last input class 2-byte                  HEXFLAGS

104) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       IMSRECN   changed from  HEX8.     to  HEX14.

105) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       IMSRECN   changed from  HEX8.     to  HEX14.

106) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       IMSRECN   changed from  HEX8.     to  HEX14.

107) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       IMSRECN   changed from  HEX8.     to  HEX14.

108) The following 4 variables have been added to table XMICF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MICFDCT   Device connect time                      COUNT
       MICFEAT   Tcb time                                 TIME
       MICFEJS   Job step tcb time                        TIME
       MICFSRB   Srb time                                 TIME

109) The following 9 variables have been added to table XMIGDBC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MIEBFAN   Fastpath enq requests attempted          COUNT
       MIEBF1N   Fastpath enq stage 1 failures            COUNT
       MIEBF2N   Fastpath enq stage 2 failures            COUNT
       MIEBF3N   Fastpath enq stage 3 failures            COUNT
       MIECFAN   Fastpath enq requests attempted          COUNT
       MIECFL1   Fastpath tuning active this qname?       STRING
       MIECF1N   Fastpath enq stage 1 failures            COUNT
       MIECF2N   Fastpath enq stage 2 failures            COUNT
       MIECF3N   Fastpath enq stage 3 failures            COUNT

110) The following 4 variables have been added to table XMIGDBE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MIEBFAN   Fastpath enq requests attempted          COUNT
       MIEBF1N   Fastpath enq stage 1 failures            COUNT
       MIEBF2N   Fastpath enq stage 2 failures            COUNT
       MIEBF3N   Fastpath enq stage 3 failures            COUNT

111) The following 2 variables have been added to table XNDMCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDCERI    Ndmceri                                  STRING
       NDCERT    Ndmcert                                  STRING

112) The following variable has been added to table XNDMRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDRTCPU   Cpu time of task timeused                TIME

113) The following variable has been added to table XNSAPPL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TARGHOS   Targets on host response only            STRING

114) The following 10 variables have been added to table XORACLE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JCTJOBI   Job type and jes number                  STRING
       ORCUNC1   Oracle unknown character one             STRING
       ORCUNC2   Oracle unknown character two             STRING
       ORCUNN1   Oracle unknown number one                COUNT
       ORCUNN2   Oracle unknown number two                COUNT
       ORCUNN3   Oracle unknown number three              COUNT
       ORCUNN4   Oracle unknown number four               COUNT
       ORCUNN5   Oracle unknown number five               COUNT
       ORCUNN6   Oracle unknown number six                COUNT
       ORCUNN7   Oracle unknown number seven              COUNT

115) The following variable has been added to table XPROREC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GWMSGED   Msged text                               STRING

116) The following 14 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPPATTM   Total parked duration all cpus           TIME
       PCRDQWT   Percent when in ready tasks are waiting  PERCENT100
       PCWUQWT   Percent when work units are waiting      PERCENT100
       R73NFFI   Normalization factor for ifa times       INT
       R73NFFS   Normalization factor for zip times       INT
       SM70CMM   Max work units for cp-s                  MAXIMUM
       SM70CMN   Min work units for cp-s                  MINIMUM
       SM70CTT   Avg work units for cp-s                  AVERAGE
       SM70DMM   Max work units for zaaps                 MAXIMUM
       SM70DMN   Min work units for zaaps                 MINIMUM
       SM70DTT   Avg work units for zaaps                 AVERAGE
       SM70EMM   Max work units for ziips                 MAXIMUM
       SM70EMN   Min work units for ziips                 MINIMUM
       SM70ETT   Avg work units for ziips                 AVERAGE

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XRMFINT:

       SM70WLA   changed from  MAXIMUM   to  INT

117) The following 19 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CISRITM   Cpi srb step init                        TIME
       CISRTTM   Cpi srb step term                        TIME
       CITCITM   Cpi tcb step init                        TIME
       CITCTTM   Cpi tcb step term                        TIME
       SM30ACB   Smf30acb                                 COUNT
       SM30ACR   Rctpcpua actual                          COUNT
       SM30CAI   Capacity adjustment ind                  INT
       SM30CCR   Capacity change reason                   INT
       SM30CHC   Capacity change cnt                      COUNT
       SM30CR    Smf30cr                                  COUNT
       SM30HSH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit shared        MAXIMUM
       SM30HSO   Bytes in 64-bit shared storage           COUNT
       SM30HVA   Hwm aux slots back 64-bit                MAXIMUM
       SM30HVH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit obtained      MAXIMUM
       SM30HVO   Bytes in 64-bit storage obtained         COUNT
       SM30HVR   Hwm real frames back 64-bit              MAXIMUM
       SM30NCR   Rctpcpua nominal                         COUNT
       SM30PCF   Capacity flags                           STRING
       SM30SCF   Rctpcpua scaling factor                  INT

118) The following 25 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM30AIC   Dasd connect asid plus dependent         TIME
       SM30AID   Dasd disconnect asid plus dependent      TIME
       SM30AIS   Dasd ssch asid plus dependent            COUNT
       SM30AIW   Dasd pend+cu asid plus dependent         TIME
       SM30ASP   Asid designated storage-critical?        STRING
       SM30CCP   Srvclass designated cpu-critical?        STRING
       SM30CPR   Asid currently cpu-protected?            STRING
       SM30CSP   Srvclass designated stor-critical?       STRING
       SM30EIC   Dasd connect independent enclaves        TIME
       SM30EID   Dasd disconnect independent enclaves     TIME
       SM30EIS   Dasd ssch independent enclaves           COUNT
       SM30EIW   Dasd pend+cu independent enclaves        TIME
       SM30HSH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit shared        MAXIMUM
       SM30HSO   Bytes in 64-bit shared storage           COUNT
       SM30HVA   Hwm aux slots back 64-bit                MAXIMUM
       SM30HVH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit obtained      MAXIMUM
       SM30HVO   Bytes in 64-bit storage obtained         COUNT
       SM30HVR   Hwm real frames back 64-bit              MAXIMUM
       SM30JPN   Subcoln from iwmclsfy                    STRING
       SM30MSI   Remote system data incomplete?           STRING
       SM30PFR   Srvclass was modified during execution?  STRING
       SM30SNF   Ziip normalization factor                INT
       SM30SPR   Asid currently storage-protected?        STRING
       SM30WMI   Executing in wlm initiator?              STRING
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                INT

119) The following variable has been added to table XSTVS13:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST13PLX   Tapeplex from which vtv received         STRING

120) The following 3 variables have been added to table XSTVS14:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST14PLX   Tapeplex from which vtv received         STRING
       ST14RUN   Rewind unload received datetime          DATETIME
       ST14SRS   Synchronous replication status           HEXFLAGS

121) The following 2 variables have been added to table XSTVS16:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST16ADR   Mvs address of rtd                       HEXFLAGS
       ST16INF   Rtd channel interface id                 HEXFLAGS

122) The following 3 variables have been added to table XSTVS17:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST17ADR   Mvs address of rtd                       HEXFLAGS
       ST17DFL   Dismount flag                            HEXFLAGS
       ST17INF   Rtd channel interface id                 HEXFLAGS

123) The following 2 variables have been added to table XSTVS18:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST18ADR   Mvs address of rtd                       HEXFLAGS
       ST18INF   Rtd channel interface id                 HEXFLAGS

124) The following 2 variables have been added to table XSTVS19:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST19ADR   Mvs address of rtd                       HEXFLAGS
       ST19INF   Rtd channel interface id                 HEXFLAGS

125) The following 5 variables have been added to table XSTVS25:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST25LUT   Mvc last used datetime on gmt            DATETIME
       ST25LWT   Mvc last updated datetime on gmt         DATETIME
       ST25NDV   Number of holes deleted vtvs             COUNT
       ST25SCL   Mvs storage class                        STRING
       ST25TUS   Space used by current vtvs               COUNT

126) The following variable has been added to table XSTVS26:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST26MGT   Vtv management class                     STRING

127) The following 2 variables have been added to table XSTVS28:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST28PLX   Target tapeplex for export               STRING
       ST28RUN   Rewind unload received datetime          DATETIME

128) The following variable has been added to table XSYCSOR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPZIPTM   Total cpu time on zip                    TIME

129) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTMDBA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BA055NI   New  (attempted)  sqlid                  STRING
       BA055OI   Previous  (current)  sqlid               STRING
       BA055ST   Statement status success or fail?        STRING
       OCURBA    Interval statisitc records               COUNT

130) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTMDBJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BJDBNAM   Database name                            STRING
       BJNOCUR   Occurences bj                            COUNT
       BJPSNAM   Pagset name                              STRING
       BJ023DB   Dbid                                     HEXFLAGS
       BJ023DN   Items processed                          COUNT
       BJ023ID   Utility id                               STRING
       BJ023NM   Utility name                             STRING
       BJ023PD   Psid                                     HEXFLAGS
       BJ023PH   Utility phase                            STRING

131) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTMDBK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BKDBNAM   Database name                            STRING
       BKNOCUR   Occurences bk                            COUNT
       BKPSNAM   Pagset name                              STRING
       BK024DB   Dbid                                     HEXFLAGS
       BK024DN   Items processed                          COUNT
       BK024ID   Utility id                               STRING
       BK024NM   Utility name                             STRING
       BK024PD   Psid                                     HEXFLAGS
       BK024PH   Utility phase                            STRING

132) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTMDBL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BLDBNAM   Database name                            STRING
       BLNOCUR   Occurences bl                            COUNT
       BLPSNAM   Pagset name                              STRING
       BL025DB   Dbid                                     HEXFLAGS
       BL025DN   Items processed                          COUNT
       BL025ID   Utility id                               STRING
       BL025NM   Utility name                             STRING
       BL025PD   Psid                                     HEXFLAGS
       BL025PH   Utility phase                            STRING

133) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTMDBM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BMNOCUR   Occurences bm                            COUNT
       BM169AU   Resquesting db2 auth id                  STRING
       BM169LO   Responding location name                 STRING
       BM169LU   Responding luname                        STRING
       BM169NE   Translated responding auth id            STRING
       BM169TY   Translation type in/out?                 STRING

134) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTPPLOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TPIPADR   Ip address                               STRING
       TPIPPRT   Ip port                                  INT

135) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTPPLON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TPIPADR   Ip address                               STRING
       TPIPPRT   Ip port                                  INT

136) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTPRMOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TPIPADR   Ip address                               STRING
       TPIPPRT   Ip port                                  INT

137) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTPRMON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TPIPADR   Ip address                               STRING
       TPIPPRT   Ip port                                  INT

138) The following variable has been added to table XTYSYSL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYLLONG   Long syslog message                      STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTYSYSL:

       SYLTEXT   Syslog message text after msgid          STRING

139) The following variable has been added to table XTYTCPC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FTMEMBR   Member name for pds                      STRING

140) The following 10 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBSSDBL   Dbs sd automated 3590 t9840c35           COUNT
       DBSSDPA   Dbs sd virtual                           COUNT
       DBSSDPL   Dbs sd virtual 3490v                     COUNT
       HSMMH     $hsm mh?                                 STRING
       JXDBSUN   Jxdbs unknown                            COUNT
       PCSEP     Pcs ep early setup                       STRING
       PCSMP     Pcs mp managed                           STRING
       PCSPPSQ   Pcs pp passive                           STRING
       REGIONS   Maximum region size                      MAXIMUM
       SAFUSER   Saf user name                            STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTYTPMX:

       REGION    Maximum region size                      MAXIMUM

141) The following 19 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CISRITM   Cpi srb step init                        TIME
       CISRTTM   Cpi srb step term                        TIME
       CITCITM   Cpi tcb step init                        TIME
       CITCTTM   Cpi tcb step term                        TIME
       SM30ACB   Smf30acb                                 COUNT
       SM30ACR   Rctpcpua actual                          COUNT
       SM30CAI   Capacity adjustment ind                  INT
       SM30CCR   Capacity change reason                   INT
       SM30CHC   Capacity change cnt                      COUNT
       SM30CR    Smf30cr                                  COUNT
       SM30HSH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit shared        MAXIMUM
       SM30HSO   Bytes in 64-bit shared storage           COUNT
       SM30HVA   Hwm aux slots back 64-bit                MAXIMUM
       SM30HVH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit obtained      MAXIMUM
       SM30HVO   Bytes in 64-bit storage obtained         COUNT
       SM30HVR   Hwm real frames back 64-bit              MAXIMUM
       SM30NCR   Rctpcpua nominal                         COUNT
       SM30PCF   Capacity flags                           STRING
       SM30SCF   Rctpcpua scaling factor                  INT

142) The following 19 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CISRITM   Cpi srb step init                        TIME
       CISRTTM   Cpi srb step term                        TIME
       CITCITM   Cpi tcb step init                        TIME
       CITCTTM   Cpi tcb step term                        TIME
       SM30ACB   Smf30acb                                 COUNT
       SM30ACR   Rctpcpua actual                          COUNT
       SM30CAI   Capacity adjustment ind                  INT
       SM30CCR   Capacity change reason                   INT
       SM30CHC   Capacity change cnt                      COUNT
       SM30CR    Smf30cr                                  COUNT
       SM30HSH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit shared        MAXIMUM
       SM30HSO   Bytes in 64-bit shared storage           COUNT
       SM30HVA   Hwm aux slots back 64-bit                MAXIMUM
       SM30HVH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit obtained      MAXIMUM
       SM30HVO   Bytes in 64-bit storage obtained         COUNT
       SM30HVR   Hwm real frames back 64-bit              MAXIMUM
       SM30NCR   Rctpcpua nominal                         COUNT
       SM30PCF   Capacity flags                           STRING
       SM30SCF   Rctpcpua scaling factor                  INT

143) The following 19 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CISRITM   Cpi srb step init                        TIME
       CISRTTM   Cpi srb step term                        TIME
       CITCITM   Cpi tcb step init                        TIME
       CITCTTM   Cpi tcb step term                        TIME
       SM30ACB   Smf30acb                                 COUNT
       SM30ACR   Rctpcpua actual                          COUNT
       SM30CAI   Capacity adjustment ind                  INT
       SM30CCR   Capacity change reason                   INT
       SM30CHC   Capacity change cnt                      COUNT
       SM30CR    Smf30cr                                  COUNT
       SM30HSH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit shared        MAXIMUM
       SM30HSO   Bytes in 64-bit shared storage           COUNT
       SM30HVA   Hwm aux slots back 64-bit                MAXIMUM
       SM30HVH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit obtained      MAXIMUM
       SM30HVO   Bytes in 64-bit storage obtained         COUNT
       SM30HVR   Hwm real frames back 64-bit              MAXIMUM
       SM30NCR   Rctpcpua nominal                         COUNT
       SM30PCF   Capacity flags                           STRING
       SM30SCF   Rctpcpua scaling factor                  INT

144) The following 19 variables have been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CISRITM   Cpi srb step init                        TIME
       CISRTTM   Cpi srb step term                        TIME
       CITCITM   Cpi tcb step init                        TIME
       CITCTTM   Cpi tcb step term                        TIME
       SM30ACB   Smf30acb                                 COUNT
       SM30ACR   Rctpcpua actual                          COUNT
       SM30CAI   Capacity adjustment ind                  INT
       SM30CCR   Capacity change reason                   INT
       SM30CHC   Capacity change cnt                      COUNT
       SM30CR    Smf30cr                                  COUNT
       SM30HSH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit shared        MAXIMUM
       SM30HSO   Bytes in 64-bit shared storage           COUNT
       SM30HVA   Hwm aux slots back 64-bit                MAXIMUM
       SM30HVH   Hwm usable bytes in 64-bit obtained      MAXIMUM
       SM30HVO   Bytes in 64-bit storage obtained         COUNT
       SM30HVR   Hwm real frames back 64-bit              MAXIMUM
       SM30NCR   Rctpcpua nominal                         COUNT
       SM30PCF   Capacity flags                           STRING
       SM30SCF   Rctpcpua scaling factor                  INT

145) The following variable has been added to table XTY42D1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42GRW   Buffer chain latch contentions           COUNT

146) The following variable has been added to table XTY42D3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMA2GRW   Buffer chain latch contentions           COUNT

147) The following variable has been added to table XTY42NF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42CI6   Ipv6 address of client host              STRING

148) The following variable has been added to table XTY42NU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42CI6   Ipv6 address of client host              STRING

149) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY42S1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42FAI   Lock structure name                      STRING
       SM42FAJ   Lock set                                 STRING

150) The following variable has been added to table XTY42VS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42VNL   Volumne name list                        STRING

151) The following variable has been added to table XTY42X1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42JOQ   Tot buffer size goal high value          MAXIMUM

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY42X1:

       SM42J0Q   Tot buffer size goal high value          COUNT

152) The following variable has been added to table XTY42X2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42JP6   Write requests                           COUNT

153) The following variable has been added to table XTY42X4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMA2JP6   Write requests                           COUNT

154) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY57J2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESMACC1   1st macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL2   1st mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL3   2nd mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL4   3rd mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL5   4th mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMFILE   Mailfile in ess                          STRING

155) The following 25 variables have been added to table XTY6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CADARCF   Archive flag?                            STRING
       CADATYP   Archive recipient type                   STRING
       CADDJDC   Djde copies                              COUNT
       CADDPLX   Duplex option flag                       STRING
       CADEFRM   Form number                              STRING
       CADJDEI   Recipient djde jde id                    STRING
       CADJDLI   Recipient djde jdl id                    STRING
       CADOLVR   Olv recipient flag?                      STRING
       CADPASS   Multi pass flag?                         STRING
       CADPCR    Pc recipient flag?                       STRING
       CADPRTR   Print recipient flag?                    STRING
       CADXFRM   Cadi djde form number                    STRING
       ESMACC1   1st macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMACC2   2nd macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMACC3   3rd macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMACC4   4th macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL2   1st mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL3   2nd mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL4   3rd mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL5   4th mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMFILE   Mailfile in ess                          STRING
       ESMFROM   Mailfrom in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSYF   Offsetyf in ess                          STRING
       ESOUTBN   Outbin in ess                            INT
       ESPRTAT   Prtattrs print attribute in ess          STRING

156) The following 25 variables have been added to table XTY6ENH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CADARCF   Archive flag?                            STRING
       CADATYP   Archive recipient type                   STRING
       CADDJDC   Djde copies                              COUNT
       CADDPLX   Duplex option flag                       STRING
       CADEFRM   Form number                              STRING
       CADJDEI   Recipient djde jde id                    STRING
       CADJDLI   Recipient djde jdl id                    STRING
       CADOLVR   Olv recipient flag?                      STRING
       CADPASS   Multi pass flag?                         STRING
       CADPCR    Pc recipient flag?                       STRING
       CADPRTR   Print recipient flag?                    STRING
       CADXFRM   Cadi djde form number                    STRING
       ESMACC1   1st macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMACC2   2nd macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMACC3   3rd macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMACC4   4th macilcc in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL2   1st mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL3   2nd mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL4   3rd mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMAIL5   4th mail to in ess                       STRING
       ESMFILE   Mailfile in ess                          STRING
       ESMFROM   Mailfrom in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSYF   Offsetyf in ess                          STRING
       ESOUTBN   Outbin in ess                            INT
       ESPRTAT   Prtattrs print attribute in ess          STRING

157) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY64:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM64DAU   Change in reused ca-reclaims             INT
       SM64FD1   Eov diagnostic field 1                   HEXFLAGS
       SM64FD2   Eov diagnostic field 2                   HEXFLAGS

158) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM7DRP    Record because flood dropped             STRING
       SM7DTYP   Type of record that filter dropped       INT
       SM7LSD    Record because log stream filled         STRING
       SM7LSN    Name of log stream with the loss         STRING

159) The following 99 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCPDEVA   Lcpu 87 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVB   Lcpu 88 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVC   Lcpu 89 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVD   Lcpu 90 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVE   Lcpu 91 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVF   Lcpu 92 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVG   Lcpu 93 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVH   Lcpu 94 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEVI   Lcpu 95 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYD   Lcpu 64 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYE   Lcpu 65 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYF   Lcpu 66 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYG   Lcpu 67 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYH   Lcpu 68 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYI   Lcpu 69 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYJ   Lcpu 70 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYK   Lcpu 71 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYL   Lcpu 72 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYM   Lcpu 73 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYN   Lcpu 74 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYO   Lcpu 75 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYP   Lcpu 76 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYQ   Lcpu 77 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYR   Lcpu 78 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYS   Lcpu 79 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYT   Lcpu 80 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYU   Lcpu 81 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYV   Lcpu 82 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYW   Lcpu 83 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYX   Lcpu 84 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYY   Lcpu 85 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYZ   Lcpu 86 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPWAVA   Lcpu 87 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVB   Lcpu 88 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVC   Lcpu 89 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVD   Lcpu 90 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVE   Lcpu 91 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVF   Lcpu 92 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVG   Lcpu 93 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVH   Lcpu 94 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAVI   Lcpu 95 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYD   Lcpu 64 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYE   Lcpu 65 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYF   Lcpu 66 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYG   Lcpu 67 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYH   Lcpu 68 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYI   Lcpu 69 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYJ   Lcpu 70 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYK   Lcpu 71 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYL   Lcpu 72 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYM   Lcpu 73 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYN   Lcpu 74 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYO   Lcpu 75 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYP   Lcpu 76 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYQ   Lcpu 77 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYR   Lcpu 78 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYS   Lcpu 79 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYT   Lcpu 80 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYU   Lcpu 81 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYV   Lcpu 82 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYW   Lcpu 83 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYX   Lcpu 84 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYY   Lcpu 85 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYZ   Lcpu 86 wait complete?                   STRING
       PCWUQWT   Pct when work units are waiting          PERCENT100
       SM70CAI   Capacity adjustment indication           INT
       SM70CCR   Capacity change reason                   INT
       SM70CMM   Max work units for cp-s                  MAXIMUM
       SM70CMN   Min work units for cp-s                  MINIMUM
       SM70CR    Zep field zero                           INT
       SM70CTT   Avg work units for cp-s                  AVERAGE
       SM70DMM   Max work units for zaaps                 MAXIMUM
       SM70DMN   Min work units for zaaps                 MINIMUM
       SM70DTT   Avg work units for zaaps                 AVERAGE
       SM70EMM   Max work units for ziips                 MAXIMUM
       SM70EMN   Min work units for ziips                 MINIMUM
       SM70ETT   Avg work units for ziips                 AVERAGE
       SM70GAU   Capacity group available msu             COUNT
       SM70NCR   Nominal model capacity rating            INT
       SM70NPR   Nominal permanent model capacity rating  INT
       SM70NTR   Nominal temporary model capacity rating  INT
       SM70SRM   Samples taken by srm                     COUNT
       SM70U00   Pct when work units was le n cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70U01   Pct when work units was n+1 cp-s         PERCENT100
       SM70U02   Pct when work units was n+2 cp-s         PERCENT100
       SM70U03   Pct when work units was n+3 cp-s         PERCENT100
       SM70U04   Pct when work units was n+4-5 cp-s       PERCENT100
       SM70U05   Pct when work units was n+6-10 cp-s      PERCENT100
       SM70U06   Pct when work units was n+11-15 cp-s     PERCENT100
       SM70U07   Pct when work units was n+16-20 cp-s     PERCENT100
       SM70U08   Pct when work units was n+21-30 cp-s     PERCENT100
       SM70U09   Pct when work units was n+31-40 cp-s     PERCENT100
       SM70U10   Pct when work units was n+41-60 cp-s     PERCENT100
       SM70U11   Pct when work units was n+61-80 cp-s     PERCENT100
       SM70U12   Pct when work units was n+81-100 cp-s    PERCENT100
       SM70U13   Pct when work units was n+101-120 cp-s   PERCENT100
       SM70U14   Pct when work units was n+121-150 cp-s   PERCENT100
       SM70U15   Pct when work units was gt n+150 cp-s    PERCENT100
       SM70ZEI   Zep field 5                              INT

160) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM70NCA   Pct when capping limited this engine     PERCENT100
       SM70NIO   I/o-s for this cpu                       COUNT
       SM70SIG   Sigp-s done by this cpu                  COUNT
       SM70SRB   Cpu srb dispatches this cpu              COUNT
       SM70TCB   Cpu tcb dispatches this cpu              COUNT
       SM70WTD   Wait dispatch count this cpu             COUNT

161) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY70X2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R723MEC   Numberiof all ops 4096-bit me-fmt        COUNT
       R723MET   Exec time all ops 4096-bit me-fmt        COUNT
       R724MSK   Validity bit mask                        HEXFLAGS

162) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY70Y2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72AEDB   Aes decipher bytes processed             COUNT
       R72AEDC   Aes decipher calls sent                  COUNT
       R72AEDI   Aes decipher operations                  COUNT
       R72AESB   Aes encipher bytes processed             COUNT
       R72AESC   Aes encipher calls sent                  COUNT
       R72AESI   Aes encipher operations                  COUNT
       R72CDLV   Icsf data level                          INT

163) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY71:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM71FBN   Frames backed during getmains            COUNT
       SM71FFN   Frames requested to be fixed below 2gb   COUNT
       SM71FRN   Fix requests below 2gb                   COUNT
       SM71GRN   Getmain requests issued                  COUNT
       SM71NRN   Non-first reference faults               COUNT
       SM711RN   First reference faults                   COUNT

164) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPLKHTM   Cpu time at promoted lock hold           TIME
       R73CECA   Cec adjustment factor                    INT
       R73NADJ   Nominal adjustment factor cpu rate       RATE

165) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY74CA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R745CT5   Zhpf read i/o requests                   COUNT
       R745CT6   Zhpf write i/o requests                  COUNT
       R745RI2   Raid rank id second byte                 INT

166) The following variable has been added to table XTY747P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R77PAND   Node descriptor attached unit            STRING

167) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY748:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R78LFBC   Fiber chan bit error rate                RATE
       R78LFCR   Fiber chan crc errors                    COUNT
       R78LFDF   Fiber chan duplicate frame errors        COUNT
       R78LFIF   Fiber chan illegal frame error           COUNT
       R78LFIO   Fiber chan invalid rel offset fails      COUNT
       R78LFIT   Fiber chan invalid tran word errors      COUNT
       R78LFLF   Fiber chan lin failures                  COUNT
       R78LFLS   Fiber chan signal failues                COUNT
       R78LFLY   Fiber chan synchronization failures      COUNT
       R78LFOA   Fiber chan out of order ack errors       COUNT
       R78LFOD   Fiber chan out of order data errors      COUNT
       R78LFPQ   Fiber chan primative sequence fails      COUNT
       R78LFR1   Fiber chan link recovery sent            COUNT
       R78LFR2   Fiber chan link recovery received        COUNT
       R78LFTC   Fiber chan seq timeout errors            COUNT

168) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY748A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R78AAS0   Array device class                       STRING
       R78AAS2   Raid degraded?                           STRING
       R78AAS3   Ddm throttling?                          STRING
       R78AAS4   Rpm exception?                           STRING
       R78CSER   Primary cu serial number                 STRING

169) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY748R:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R78CSER   Primary cu serial number                 STRING
       R78RTQ    Rank type qualifier                      HEXFLAGS

170) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY748X:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R78CSER   Primary cu serial number                 STRING
       R78XPTQ   Data encrypted extent pool?              STRING

171) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY80TK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKAPLN   Tok applnam                              STRING
       TOKBIND   Tok bindddn text                         STRING
       TOKBINP   Tok bindpw password asterisks            STRING
       TOKJPNU   Tok jpnum                                INT
       TOKUTYP   Tok utype                                INT

172) The following 70 variables have been added to table XTY8066:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K66DSN    Data set name                            STRING
       K66FMT    Format                                   HEXFLAGS
       K66LABL   Label name                               STRING
       K66LABN   Label name                               STRING
       K66LAB2   Withlabel                                STRING
       K66NADT   Notaftere date                           STRING
       K66NATI   Notafter time                            STRING
       K66NBDT   Notbefore date                           STRING
       K66NBTI   Notbefore time                           STRING
       K66SEQN   Seqnum                                   INT
       K66SIZE   Size                                     INT
       K66SPE1   Keywords specified bit map               HEXFLAGS
       K66SPE2   Keywords specified bit map               HEXFLAGS
       K66SPE3   One flags keyword specify                HEXFLAGS
       K66SPE4   Two flags keyword specify                HEXFLAGS
       K66SP00   Keyword specified add supplied?          STRING
       K66SP01   Keyword specified alter supplied?        STRING
       K66SP02   Keyword specified delete supplied?       STRING
       K66SP03   Keyword specified connect supplied?      STRING
       K66SP04   Keyword specified remove supplied?       STRING
       K66SP05   Keyword specified site supplied?         STRING
       K66SP06   Keyword specified certauth supplied?     STRING
       K66SP07   Keyword specified icsf supplied?         STRING
       K66SP10   Keyword specified trust supplied?        STRING
       K66SP11   Keyword specified notrust supplied?      STRING
       K66SP12   Keyword specified addring supplied?      STRING
       K66SP13   Keyword specified delring supplied?      STRING
       K66SP14   Keyword spec usage(personal) supplied?   STRING
       K66SP15   Keyword spec usage(site) supplied?       STRING
       K66SP16   Keyword spec usage(certauth) supplied?   STRING
       K66SP17   Keyword specified default supplied?      STRING
       K66SP20   Keyword spec connect(site) supplied?     STRING
       K66SP21   Keyword spec connect(certauth) supplied? STRING
       K66SP22   Keyword specified gencert supplied?      STRING
       K66SP23   Keyword specified export supplied?       STRING
       K66SP24   Keyword specified genreq supplied?       STRING
       K66SP25   Keyword spec signwith(certauth) suplied? STRING
       K66SP26   Keyword spec signwith(site) supplied?    STRING
       K66SP27   Keyword specified password supplied?     STRING
       K66SP30   Keyword specified map supplied?          STRING
       K66SP31   Keyword specified altmap supplied?       STRING
       K66SP32   Keyword specified delmap supplied?       STRING
       K66SP33   Keyword specified multio supplied?       STRING
       K66SP34   Keyword specified hightrust supplied?    STRING
       K66SP35   Keyword specified pcicc supplied?        STRING
       K66SP36   Keyword specified dsa supplied?          STRING
       K66SP40   Keyword specified altip supplied?        STRING
       K66SP41   Keyword specified altemail supplied?     STRING
       K66SP42   Keyword specified altdomain supplied?    STRING
       K66SP43   Keyword specified alturi supplied?       STRING
       K66SP44   Keyword specified kuhandshake supplied?  STRING
       K66SP45   Keyword specified kudataencr supplied?   STRING
       K66SP46   Keyword specified kudocsign supplied?    STRING
       K66SP47   Keyword specified kucertsign supplied?   STRING
       K66SP50   Keyword specified rekey supplied?        STRING
       K66SP51   Keyword specified rollover supplied?     STRING
       K66SP52   Keyword specified force supplied?        STRING
       K66SP53   Keyword specified addtoken supplied?     STRING
       K66SP54   Keyword specified deltoken supplied?     STRING
       K66SP55   Keyword specified bind supplied?         STRING
       K66SP56   Keyword specified unbind supplied?       STRING
       K66SP57   Keyword specified import supplied?       STRING
       K66SP80   Keyword specified map supplied?          STRING
       K66SP81   Keyword specified delmap supplied?       STRING
       K66UID    User id                                  STRING
       K66USER   User id from id keyword                  STRING
       K66USRS   User id from id sub-keyword              STRING
       RAF318    Crl serial number                        STRING
       RAF319    Crl issuer distinguised name             STRING
       RAF320    Ring name                                STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY8066:

       CLASNAM   Class name                               STRING

173) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SM82KPH   changed from  $HEX32.   to  $HEX128.

174) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       SM82CHP   changed from  $HEX32.   to  $HEX128.
       SM82CPH   changed from  $HEX32.   to  $HEX128.

175) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       SM82AKV   changed from  $HEX32.   to  $HEX128.
       SM82ANV   changed from  $HEX32.   to  $HEX128.

176) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SM82RKN   changed from  $HEX32.   to  $HEX128.

177) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SM82PDK   changed from  $HEX144.  to  $HEX8172.

178) The following variable has been added to table XTY8219:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM82ELP   Elapsed duration                         TIME

179) The following variable has been added to table XTY8220:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM82ELP   Elapsed duration                         TIME

180) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY85AC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R85NLRD   New last refernce date                   STRING
       R85OLRD   Old last refernce date                   STRING
       R85STOU   Stimeout value                           COUNT

181) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTY892:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM89ACR   Rctpcpua actual                          COUNT
       SM89CAI   Capacity adjustment indicator            INT
       SM89CCR   Capacity change reason                   INT
       SM89CHC   Capacity change cnt                      COUNT
       SM89CR    Smf89cr                                  INT
       SM89NCR   Rctpcpua nominal                         COUNT
       SM89PCF   Processor capacity flags                 STRING
       SM89SCF   Rctpcpua scaling factor                  INT
       SM89ZEP   Smf89zep                                 INT

182) The following variable has been added to table XT11902:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TTTLSFP   Attls fips 140 status on?                STRING

183) The following 2 variables have been added to table XT11903:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FCCCONI   Tcp conn id control                      HEXFLAGS
       FCDCONI   Tcp conn id data                         HEXFLAGS

Customizations necessary for CICS UOW processing

To allow proper processing of the XCICSUM table, the MXG member, ASUMUOW, needs to be modified. Otherwise, by default, no observations will be written to the output dataset.

To modify it, copy the IMACUOW member from your MXG.MXG.SOURCLIB PDS into your MXG.USERID.SOURCLIB PDS and modify it according to the instructions contained therein. The default settings for the _NOOBS and _YESOBS macros will prevent any observations from being written. The comments within that member describe how to change them to allow data to be processed.

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 27.09

Summary of Changes:


 There are no warnings with this dictionary update.


 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 27.09. If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may
 contain variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later
 versions of MXG are compatible.  If new variables or tables have been added
 in a later version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a
 maintenance release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can
 use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary
 update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 Support for MXG 27.09 also implies support for the following
 enhancements to existing tables:

    Support for TMON DB2 for subtypes BA/BJ/BK/BL/BM.
	Support for ACF subtype 'O' OPENEDITION record.
	Support for z/OS 1.11.
	Support for CICS/TS 4.1.
	Support for NDM-CDI NDMRTYPE subtypes 'SC' and 'S2'.
	Support for new z/OS 1.10 DFSORT variables.
	Support for APAR OA30006, 8-byte DCOLDSET fields.
	Support for VMWARE objects captured by NTSMF.
	Support for z/VM 6.1.0.
	Support for z/OS 1.10 storage metrics.
	Support for BMC'S IMF 4.4.
	Support for LDAP Auditing ID=83 Subtype=3 SMF record.
	Support for IMF+IMS 45X Interval Statistics record.
	Support for CTG V7.2.
	Support for SMF 113 Hardware Instrumentation Svc HIS.
	Support for EAV, Extended Address Volume devices.
	Support for Tivoli Automation SMF 114 record.
	Support for BMC's Ultra Op Product's User SMF record.
	Support for ASG TMON for CICS V3.2 native records.
	Support for APAR OA24208 new subtype 15 for ID=92.
	Support for OA21140 zHPF High Performance FICON.
	Support for WebSphere Version 7, new subtype 9 data.
	Support for ASG/Landmark DB2 Monitor V4.1.
	Support for z/VM 5.4.
	Support for DB2 V9.1.
	Support for Thruput Manager Subtype 7.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following table has been deleted from the supplied data

        Table       Table Type  Description

        VAPLTCY     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb process/device

 2) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        MLDMPRE     INTERVAL    MSOLAP data mining prediction
        MLDMPRO     INTERVAL    MSOLAP data mining mod processing
        MLPRACT     INTERVAL    MSOLAP proactive caching
        MLPRAGG     INTERVAL    MSOLAP proc aggregations
        MLPRCES     INTERVAL    MSOLAP process
        MLPRIDX     INTERVAL    MSOLAP proc indexes
        M8DMPRE     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 data mining prediction
        M8DMPRO     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 data mining mod process
        M8PRACT     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 proactive caching
        M8PRAGG     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 proc aggregations
        M8PRCES     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 process
        M8PRIDX     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 proc indexes
        NDTSOS      INTERVAL    DTS os
        NMLCACH     INTERVAL    MSOLAP cache
        NMLCONN     INTERVAL    MSOLAP connections
        NMLLOCK     INTERVAL    MSOLAP locks
        NMLMDX      INTERVAL    MSOLAP mdx
        NMLMEMO     INTERVAL    MSOLAP memory
        NMLSTOR     INTERVAL    MSOLAP storage engine query
        NMLTHRE     INTERVAL    MSOLAP threads
        NMSQBOS     INTERVAL    MSSQL broker to statistics
        NMSQDFE     INTERVAL    MSSQL deprecated features
        NMSQRPO     INTERVAL    MSSQL resource pool stats
        NMSQWGS     INTERVAL    MSSQL workload group stats
        NM8CACH     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 cache
        NM8CONN     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 connections
        NM8LOCK     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 locks
        NM8MDX      INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 mdx
        NM8MEMO     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 memory
        NM8STOR     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 storage engine query
        NM8THRE     INTERVAL    MSAS 2008 threads
        NSQLBRT     INTERVAL    SQLSERVER broker to statistics
        NSQLDEP     INTERVAL    SQLSERVER deprecated features
        NSQLPIP     INTERVAL    SQLSERVER ssis pipeline 10.0
        NSQLRES     INTERVAL    SQLSERVER resource pool stats
        NSQLWKL     INTERVAL    SQLSERVER workload group stats
        VMGUCPU     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest cpu
        VMGUDIS     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest disk
        VMGUMEM     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest memory
        VMGUNET     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest net
        VMGURES     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest rescpu
        VMGUSYS     INTERVAL    VMWARE guest sys
        VMHOCPU     INTERVAL    VMWARE host cpu
        VMHODIS     INTERVAL    VMWARE host disk
        VMHOMEM     INTERVAL    VMWARE host memory
        VMHONET     INTERVAL    VMWARE host net
        VMHORES     INTERVAL    VMWARE host rescpu
        VMHOSYS     INTERVAL    VMWARE host sys
        VMREPOL     INTERVAL    VMWARE resourcepool
        VMTRMCC     EVENT       VM - memory configuration change
        VSTOADD     EVENT       VM - system execution space per p
        VSYTSXG     EVENT       VM - system execution space globa
        XACFOR      EVENT       ACF2 open edition
        XCIECC      INTERVAL    CICS program def
        XCIECG      INTERVAL    CICS event bindings global
        XCIECR      INTERVAL    CICS event bindings resource
        XCIEPG      INTERVAL    CICS event process global
        XCIMLR      INTERVAL    CICS xmltransform
        XCIMNR      INTERVAL    CICS transaction resource
        XCIPGD      INTERVAL    CICS program def
        XCIRLR      INTERVAL    CICS resource lifecycle bundle
        XCISJS      INTERVAL    CICS jvmserver stats resid
        XCIW2R      INTERVAL    CICS atomservice
        XD2S106     EVENT       DB2 102 system parameters in effect
        XD2S172     EVENT       DB2 102 uow involved in deadlock
        XD2S196     EVENT       DB2 102 lock timeout details
        XD2S199     EVENT       DB2 102 dataset i/o statistics
        XD2S225     EVENT       DB2 102 storage manager pool summary
        XTM0701     EVENT       Thruput manager server environment
        XTM0702     EVENT       Thruput manager general services queue
        XTM0703     EVENT       Thruput manager 1st discretionary queue
        XTM0704     EVENT       Thruput manager services group queue
        XTM0705     EVENT       Thruput manager jesplex member status
        XTM0706     EVENT       Thruput manager interval data
        XTY129C     EVENT       Websphere classify
        XTY129E     EVENT       Websphere event
        XTY129S     EVENT       Websphere security
        XTY129U     EVENT       Websphere cpu usage
        XTY42D3     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS splex dataset above bar
        XTY42D4     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS dataset cf sys above bar
        XTY42S3     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS splex sc above the bar
        XTY42S4     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS sc cf sys above the bar
        XTY42X3     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS local buff mgr detail
        XTY42X4     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS local buff mgr detail
        XTY80TK     EVENT       RACF 301 segment tokens
        XTY8224     EVENT       CRYPTO duplicate tokens found
        XTY8225     EVENT       CRYPTO key store policy
        XTY8226     EVENT       CRYPTO public key dataset refresh
        XTY83LD     EVENT       LDAP auditing
        XTY9215     EVENT       OMVS extended security changes

 3) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NASPNAP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - aspnetap
        NCITRIX     INTERVAL    WIN NT - citrix metaframe pres server
        NDATABA     INTERVAL    WIN NT database
        NDATABI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - database instances
        NETCLLK     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr locksandthreads
        NFSSTAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - fs statistics
        NHELMGM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - health service management grps
        NLOGLDI     INTERVAL    WIN NT logical disk
        NMSQAES     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql access methods
        NMSQBAC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql broker activation
        NMSQBDT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql broker/dbm transport
        NMSQBMG     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql buffer manager
        NMSQBND     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql buffer node
        NMSQBPA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql buffer partition
        NMSQBST     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql broker statistics
        NMSQCLR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql clr
        NMSQCME     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql catalog metadata
        NMSQCTY     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql cursor manager by type
        NMSQCUM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql cursor manager total
        NMSQDAB     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql databases
        NMSQECS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql exec statistics
        NMSQGST     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql general statistics
        NMSQLCH     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql latches
        NMSQLKS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql locks
        NMSQMMG     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql memory manager
        NMSQPNC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql plan cache
        NMSQSER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql sql errors
        NMSQTNS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql transactions
        NMSQWTS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql wait statistics
        NMSXDC      INTERVAL    WIN NT - exchg dsaccess domain cntrlr
        NMSXGC      INTERVAL    WIN NT - exchg dsaccess global counts
        NMXOC       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangedsaccess processes
        NNETWIN     INTERVAL    WIN NT network interface
        NNTDB2D     INTERVAL    WIN NT - db2 databases
        NNTDS       INTERVAL    WIN NT ntds
        NOUTLOO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - outlook
        NPHYSDI     INTERVAL    WIN NT physical disk
        NSAALER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - alerts
        NSASTAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - statistics
        NSJOB       INTERVAL    WIN NT - jobs
        NSJOBTP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - jobsteps
        NSQCUTO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - cursor manager total
        NSQCUTY     INTERVAL    WIN NT - cursor manager by type
        NSQLBFN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - buffernode
        NSQLBRD     INTERVAL    WIN NT - broker/dbmtransport
        NSQLBRK     INTERVAL    WIN NT - brokeractivation
        NSQLBRS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - brokerstatistics
        NSQLCAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - catalogmetadata
        NSQLCLR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr
        NSQLDAM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - database mirroring
        NSQLEXE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - execstatistics
        NSQLGEN     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlgenst
        NSQLLAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqllatch
        NSQLMEM     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlmemmg
        NSQLPLN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - plancache
        NSQLSQL     INTERVAL    WIN NT - sqlerrors
        NSQLTRA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - transactions
        NSQLWAI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - waitstatistics
        NTINTRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT interval data
        NWEBPRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT proxy server service
        VAPLTC1     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb open
        VAPLTC4     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool size
        VAPLTC9     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb
        VBYUSR      INTERVAL    VM User Data (MXG)
        VDEVTOT     INTERVAL    VM Device Data (MXG)
        VIODDEV     INTERVAL    VM Device Activity
        VMINTRV     INTERVAL    VM Interval Data (consolidated by MXG)
        VMTRPRP     EVENT       VM Processor Configuration
        VMTRSYS     EVENT       VM System Configuration Data
        VMTRUSR     EVENT       VM Logged on User
        VPRCAPM     EVENT       VM - crypto performance measurement
        VPRCCFF     INTERVAL    VM Remove Access to Crypto Facility
        VPRCCFN     INTERVAL    VM Add Access to Crypto Facility
        VPRCDIA     EVENT       VM - diagnose counts per proc
        VPRCINS     EVENT       VM - instruction counts per proc
        VPRCPRP     INTERVAL    VM Processor Data (Per Processor)
        VPRCVFF     INTERVAL    VM Vary Off Vector Facility
        VPRCVFN     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Vector Facility
        VPRCVOF     INTERVAL    VM Vary Off Processor
        VPRCVON     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Processor
        VSCLADL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Dispatch List
        VSCLAEL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Eligible List
        VSCLDDL     INTERVAL    VM Drop User From Dispatch List
        VSEKSEK     INTERVAL    VM Seek Data
        VSTOASI     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Information Record
        VSTORSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Management (Global)
        VSTORSP     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Activity (Per Processor)
        VSTOSHR     INTERVAL    VM Shared Storage Management
        VSTOSXP     EVENT       VM - system execution space per procesor
        VSTOXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data
        VSYTCOM     INTERVAL    VM Processor Communication Activities
        VSYTCUM     INTERVAL    VM Physical CPU Utilization Data 4 LPAR
        VSYTPRP     INTERVAL    VM Processor Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTRSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTRSP     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTSCG     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Global)
        VSYTSCP     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Per Processor)
        VSYTSPT     EVENT       VM - scheduler activity per proc
        VSYTSXP     EVENT       VM - system execution space per procesor
        VSYTSYG     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - System data global
        VSYTSYP     INTERVAL    VM System Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTUWT     INTERVAL    VM User Wait States
        VSYTXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTXSP     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Per Processor)
        VUSELOF     INTERVAL    VM User Logoff Data
        VUSELON     INTERVAL    VM User Logon
        VVNDSES     INTERVAL    VM - virtual nic session activity
        XACFVR      EVENT       ACF2 generalized resource log
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMCEL     INTERVAL    Summarized CEC detail
        XASM7GC     INTERVAL    Group capacity - cec total
        XASM7GL     INTERVAL    Group capacity - lpar detail
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XCIB2GL     INTERVAL    CICS DB2 connection statistics
        XCIB2RE     INTERVAL    CICS DB2 entry statistics
        XCIDHD      INTERVAL    CICS doctemplate resource stats
        XCIDS       INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher statistics
        XCIFCR      INTERVAL    CICS file control specific
        XCIIMQ      INTERVAL    CICS mq statistics
        XCIISR      INTERVAL    CICS isc ip connections
        XCIONSR     INTERVAL    CICS ISC/IRC system entry
        XCIPIR      INTERVAL    CICS pipeline resource stats
        XCIPIW      INTERVAL    CICS webservice resource stats
        XCIRDFI     EVENT       CICS resource file detail
        XCIRDQU     EVENT       CICS resource tsqueue detail
        XCIRDS      EVENT       CICS resource data class
        XCISBAD     EVENT       CICS bad transactions
        XCISPOO     INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb pools
        XCITCPI     INTERVAL    CICS TCP/IP service (sockets)
        XCITPEJ     INTERVAL    CICS enterprise java object container
        XCITPII     INTERVAL    CICS II domain request model
        XCITQR      INTERVAL    CICS transient data statistics
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XCIVT       INTERVAL    CICS VTAM global
        XCIWBR      INTERVAL    CICS urimaps resource
        XCIXMC      INTERVAL    CICS transaction manager tclass
        XCIXMR      INTERVAL    CICS transaction manager transaction
        XCM27C9     INTERVAL    CMF 27 cache sampling model 3990-3
        XDBACCT     EVENT       DB2 accounting
        XDBBPAC     EVENT       DB2 accounting-group buffer pool
        XDBCCTB     EVENT       DB2 accounting-buffer pool
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBGBPA     EVENT       DB2 global buffer pool attributes
        XDBGBPS     INTERVAL    DB2 statistics global buffer pool
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBSTA1     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 1)
        XDBTATB     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: buffer pools
        XDBTATR     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: remote locns
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XDBTAT2     EVENT       DB2 interval statistics: subtype 2
        XDBTAT4     EVENT       DB2 interval statistics: subtype 4
        XDCBKUP     EVENT       DCOLLECT backup
        XDCDSET     EVENT       DCOLLECT active data set information
        XDCOLDC     EVENT       DCOLLECT data class construct
        XDCOLSC     EVENT       DCOLLECT storage class construct
        XDCVOLS     EVENT       DCOLLECT active volume information
        XDDSTAT     EVENT       Job/TSO DD segment detail
        XDSNREC     EVENT       TMS (CA-1) dataset name record
        XERPIOS     EVENT       EREP input/output supervisor recovery
        XERPSDW     EVENT       EREP software system diagnostics
        XERPSLH     EVENT       EREP subchannel logout handler
        XICBGDE     EVENT       Iceberg deleted data space release
        XICBGUT     EVENT       Iceberg space utilization
        XILVISC     EVENT       Interlink sns/tcpvt disconnect
        XILVONN     EVENT       Interlink sns/tcpvt connect
        XIMBMPS     EVENT       IMS BMP transactions
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XIMTRAN     EVENT       IMS DC transactions
        XIM0A78     EVENT       IMS - imslog 0a07+0a08 records detail
        XIPLS       EVENT       Initial program load (IPL) statistics
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XMEACCT     EVENT       MEMO email accounting
        XNAENTA     EVENT       Candle NAF - validate network access
        XNAGPSO     EVENT       Candle NAF - pass-through sess term
        XNAGPSR     EVENT       Candle NAF - pass-through sess started
        XNDMSC      EVENT       NDM subtype sc
        XNDMS2      EVENT       NDM subtype s2
        XOCADA      EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS ADABAS detail
        XOCBOTL     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS bottleneck
        XOCDLI      EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS DL/I detail
        XOCDLIT     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS DL/I totals
        XOCFIXD     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS fixed length
        XOCIDMS     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS IDMS detail
        XOCIDMT     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS IDMS totals
        XOCRTA      EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS rta
        XOCSUPR     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS supra detail
        XOCSUPT     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS supra totals
        XOCTITL     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS esra title
        XOCTRAL     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS trailer
        XOCTRAN     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS transaction
        XOCVDCT     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS destination
        XOCVENQ     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS enque
        XOCVFCT     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS file control
        XOCVIO      EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS i/o
        XOCVJCT     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS journal control
        XOCVPCP     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS program control
        XOCVSAM     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS VSAM file detail
        XOCVSAT     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS VSAM totals
        XOCVVSA     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS variable VSAM
        XPROREC     EVENT       Pro/sms recovery
        XQAIOP1     INTERVAL    AS400 - file server IO proc pipe task
        XQAIOP2     INTERVAL    AS400 - OS/2
        XQAIOP3     INTERVAL    AS400 - HPFS386
        XQAIOP4     INTERVAL    AS400 - lan server
        XQAJOBL     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQASYST     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XRMFWKL     INTERVAL    RMF workload interval
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSTVS18     EVENT       STC VSM 18 vtcs migrate vtv to mvc
        XSYCSOR     EVENT       Syncsort sort end stats
        XTC2IRQ     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - irq segment
        XTC2PA      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pa-transaction
        XTC2SYS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - file interval
        XTC2TDQ     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - transient data int
        XTC2TSK     EVENT       Landmark CICS MON 2 - transactions
        XTMBACT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbact
        XTMBAFF     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbaff
        XTMBBND     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbbnd
        XTMBDEA     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbdea
        XTMBLL1     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll1
        XTMBLL2     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll2
        XTMBLL3     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll3
        XTMBLL4     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll4
        XTMBLL5     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll5
        XTMBLL6     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll6
        XTMBLL7     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll7
        XTMBLL8     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll8
        XTMBLL9     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll9
        XTMBL10     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl10
        XTMBL11     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl11
        XTMBL12     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl12
        XTMBL13     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl13
        XTMBL14     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl14
        XTMBL15     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl15
        XTMBL16     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl16
        XTMBL17     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl17
        XTMBL18     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl18
        XTMBL19     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl19
        XTMBL20     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl20
        XTMBL21     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl21
        XTMBL22     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl22
        XTMBL23     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl23
        XTMBL24     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl24
        XTMBVOL     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbvol
        XTMCAFT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jcaft
        XTMCBFR     EVENT       TPMX instances: jcbfr
        XTMDBA      EVENT       TMON for DB2 set current sqlid
        XTMDBB      EVENT       TMON for DB2 end of identify
        XTMDBC      EVENT       TMON for DB2 end of signon
        XTMDBD      EVENT       TMON for DB2 authorization failure
        XTMDBDA     INTERVAL    TMON for DB2 interval stats (V1 only)
        XTMDBDB     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail (V1 only)
        XTMDBD0     EVENT       TMON for DB2 auth failure additional txt
        XTMDBE      EVENT       TMON for DB2 grant and revoke
        XTMDBF      EVENT       TMON for DB2 ddl on audited object
        XTMDBG      EVENT       TMON for DB2 first write on audited obj
        XTMDBH      EVENT       TMON for DB2 first read on audited obj
        XTMDBI      EVENT       TMON for DB2 dml on audited object
        XTMDBJ      EVENT       TMON for DB2 utility start
        XTMDBK      EVENT       TMON for DB2 utility change
        XTMDBL      EVENT       TMON for DB2 utility end
        XTMDBM      EVENT       TMON for DB2 distributed authid trans
        XTMDBT      EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL trace
        XTMDB7S     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture package
        XTMDDAB     INTERVAL    TMON for DB2 interval stats - buff pool
        XTMDDAF     INTERVAL    TMON for DB2 interval stats - ddf
        XTMDDA2     INTERVAL    TMON for DB2 interval statistics
        XTMDDBB     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail - buffer pool
        XTMDDBF     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail - ddf
        XTMDDBK     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail - package
        XTMDDBR     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail - resource
        XTMDDB2     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail
        XTMLIMT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jlimt
        XTMLLIM     EVENT       TPMX instances: jllim
        XTMS        EVENT       TMS (CA-1) volume record
        XTMSLM      EVENT       Thruput manager slm job stats
        XTMVVOL     EVENT       TPMX instances: jvvol
        XTPALOC     INTERVAL    MXG tape allocations - hourly summary
        XTPFKC      EVENT       TPF - kcn activity record
        XTYDLMN     EVENT       Candle DELTAMON SMF record
        XTYSYMT     EVENT       MXG syslog mount-related event
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTYX37      EVENT       STOPX37 event
        XTY0        EVENT       Initial program load (IPL) statistics
        XTY1031     EVENT       HTTP Websphere server config
        XTY1032     INTERVAL    HTTP Websphere server perform
        XTY12SI     INTERVAL    Websphere server interval
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY16       EVENT       Sort merge statistics
        XTY23       INTERVAL    SMF interval statistics (status)
        XTY30_D     EVENT       Job/TSO DD segment detail
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_1     EVENT       Job/TSO initiation
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY42DS     INTERVAL    DFP data set statistics
        XTY42D1     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS sysplex wide data set response
        XTY42SR     INTERVAL    DFP storage class response time
        XTY42VT     INTERVAL    DFP vtoc, vtoc index, vvds response time
        XTY4225     EVENT       DFSMS member rename
        XTY6367     EVENT       VSAM catalog entry DEFINE/DELETE
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY71       INTERVAL    RMF paging and swapping activity
        XTY72DL     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode delay states
        XTY73       INTERVAL    RMF channel path activity
        XTY74CA     INTERVAL    RMF Cache Reporter - cache controllers
        XTY74CF     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility - activity
        XTY74DU     INTERVAL    RMF duplex coupling facility
        XTY747P     INTERVAL    RMF FCD Global, Switch, and Port data
        XTY78IO     INTERVAL    RMF I/O queueing
        XTY78PA     INTERVAL    RMF virtual storage private area stats
        XTY792      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space resource data
        XTY8000     EVENT       RACF event 00 undocumented
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8063     EVENT       RACF event 63 unix setgroups
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY85AC     EVENT       OAM osreq activity
        XTY85ST     EVENT       OAM osmc storage management
        XTY99BS     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-11 service data
        XT11905     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP tcp/ip statistics
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary
        XXCMDAT     EVENT       XCOM file transfer stats

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following 8 variables have been added to table NASPNAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASACATR   Cache api trims                          COUNT
       ASACMLB   Cache pct machine memory limit used base PERCENT100
       ASACMLU   Cache pct machine memory limit used      PERCENT100
       ASACPLB   Cache pct process memory limit used base PERCENT100
       ASACPLU   Cache pct process memory limit used      PERCENT100
       ASACTTR   Cache total trims                        COUNT
       ASAOCTR   Output cache trims                       COUNT
       ASARWTB   Request wait time base                   TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       ASAEXTM   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       ASAWTTM   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

  2) The following 36 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NCITRIX:

       CISDBRR   changed from  RATE      to  INT
       CISDBWR   changed from  RATE      to  INT
       CISLBRR   changed from  RATE      to  INT
       CISLBWR   changed from  RATE      to  INT
       CISYBRR   changed from  RATE      to  INT
       CISYBWR   changed from  RATE      to  INT

     The following 36 variables have had their informat changed in table

       CISAERT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISARRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDBRR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDBWR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDBYR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDFER   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDNAE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDNGE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDNSE   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDRDS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDRRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDSCF   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISDWRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISFIRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISLBRR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISLBWR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISLRRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISLSCF   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISLWRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISWQEC   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISWQPC   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISWQRC   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYBRR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYBWR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYGBS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYGCN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYQBR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYQBS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYQCN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYRRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYUBR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYUBS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYUPR   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISYWRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISZOEL   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       CISZOEW   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  3) The following 5 variables have had their informat changed in table

       IOBRDRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IOBWRRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IOGRDRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IOGWRRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       LOGECKD   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  4) The following 5 variables have had their informat changed in table

       IOBRDRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IOBWRRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IOGRDRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       IOGWRRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       LOGECKD   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  5) The following 10 variables have had their informat changed in table

       NETCORT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETCOTO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETLTCU   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETPTCU   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETQUCU   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETQUPK   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETQURT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETRTCU   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETRTRT   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       NETRTTO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  6) The following 2 variables have had their informat changed in table

       LATATIM   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       LATWTIM   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

  7) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSGABPT   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

  8) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVDSKQT   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       AVDSKST   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

  9) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQAES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 10) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQBAC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 11) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQBDT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 12) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQBMG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 13) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQBND:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 14) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQBPA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 15) The following 3 variables have been added to table NMSQBST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       QLSEQRT   Enqueued transmission q msgs per sec     RATE
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 16) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQCLR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 17) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQCME:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 18) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQCTY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 19) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQCUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 20) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQDAB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 21) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQECS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 22) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQGST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 23) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQLCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 24) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQLKS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 25) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQMMG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 26) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQPNC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 27) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQSER:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 28) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQTNS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 29) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQWTS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 30) The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NMSXDC:

       MSCLCLT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       MSCRTLT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 6 variables have had their format changed in table

       MSCDGET   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       MSCGHET   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       MSCLCLT   changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME13.3
       MSCRETI   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       MSCRTLT   changed from  BEST12.   to  TIME13.3
       MSCSETI   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

 31) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       MSCDQTI   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       MSCTDTI   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

 32) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       LDPRDTM   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       LDPSRTM   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

 33) The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       PSENOUN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 34) The following 10 variables have had their informat changed in table

       DBDHAJO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDHALO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDHJOO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDHJSO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDLSAV   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDLSUS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDMXPS   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDPCOF   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDSEIN   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2
       DBDSELO   changed from  _NONE_    to  16.2

 35) The following 13 variables have been added to table NNTDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NTSDPRO   Dra pending replication operations       COUNT
       NTSDRFN   Ds pct reads from ntdsapi                PERCENT100
       NTSDSFN   Ds pct searches from ntdsapi             PERCENT100
       NTSDWFN   Ds pct writes from ntdsapi               PERCENT100
       NTSLCCS   Ldap closed connections/sec              RATE
       NTSLNCS   Ldap new connections/sec                 RATE
       NTSLNSC   Ldap new ssl connections/sec             RATE
       NTSLVUR   Dra inbnd linkval updates remaininpacket COUNT
       NTSSAEL   Sam account group evaluation latency     COUNT
       NTSSREL   Sam resource group evaluation latency    COUNT
       NTSTGHS   Dra thrds get nc chgs holding semaphore  COUNT
       NTSTGNC   Dra threads get nc changes               COUNT
       NTSTURP   Dra inbnd total updte remainng in packet COUNT

 36) The following 6 variables have had their format changed in table

       OULAAVT   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       OULA10T   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       OULA50T   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       OULMAXT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  TIME13.3
       OULMINT   changed from  BEST12.2  to  TIME13.3
       OUL200T   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

 37) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVDSKQT   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       AVDSKST   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

 38) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSAALER:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 39) The following 3 variables have been added to table NSASTAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SATINST   Sast instance                            STRING
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 40) The following 3 variables have been added to table NSJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SAJOJOB   Sajo job name                            STRING
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 41) The following 3 variables have been added to table NSJOBTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SASJOBS   Jobsteps name                            STRING
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 42) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQCUTO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 43) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQCUTY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 44) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLBFN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 45) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLBRD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 46) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLBRK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 47) The following 7 variables have been added to table NSQLBRS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQSAETO   Activation errors total                  COUNT
       SQSCMTO   Corrupted messages total                 COUNT
       SQSDERT   Dequeued transmission q msgs per sec     RATE
       SQSDMTO   Dropped msssages total                   COUNT
       SQSEQRT   Enqueued transmission q msgs per sec     RATE
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 48) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLCAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 49) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLCLR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 50) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       SQMTACK   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       SQMTDLY   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

 51) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLEXE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 52) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLGEN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 53) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLLAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 54) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLMEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 55) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLPLN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 56) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLSQL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 57) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLTRA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 58) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLWAI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IDPRCES   Id process                               INT
       SQVERSN   Sql version                              INT

 59) The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVDSKQT   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3
       AVDSKST   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME13.3

 60) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CAVMSRQ   changed from  BEST12.2  to  TIME13.3

 61) The following 2 variables have been added to table VAPLTC1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FONIPV6   Foreign ip address ipv6                  STRING
       LOLIPV6   Local ip address ipv6                    STRING

 62) The following 2 variables have been added to table VAPLTC4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FPPALUS   Fpsp allocated locked pages gt 2g        COUNT
       FPPAV2G   Fpsp available locked pages gt 2g        COUNT

 63) The following 510 variables have been added to table VAPLTC9:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACSSC00   Process 00 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC01   Process 01 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC02   Process 02 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC03   Process 03 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC04   Process 04 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC05   Process 05 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC06   Process 06 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC07   Process 07 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC08   Process 08 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC09   Process 09 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC10   Process 10 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC11   Process 11 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC12   Process 12 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC13   Process 13 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC14   Process 14 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC15   Process 15 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC16   Process 16 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC17   Process 17 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC18   Process 18 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC19   Process 19 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC20   Process 20 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC21   Process 21 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC22   Process 22 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC23   Process 23 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC24   Process 24 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC25   Process 25 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC26   Process 26 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC27   Process 27 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC28   Process 28 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC29   Process 29 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC30   Process 30 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC31   Process 31 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC32   Process 32 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC33   Process 33 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC34   Process 34 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC35   Process 35 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC36   Process 36 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC37   Process 37 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC38   Process 38 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC39   Process 39 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC40   Process 40 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC41   Process 41 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC42   Process 42 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC43   Process 43 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC44   Process 44 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC45   Process 45 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC46   Process 46 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC47   Process 47 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC48   Process 48 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC49   Process 49 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC50   Process 50 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC51   Process 51 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC52   Process 52 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC53   Process 53 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC54   Process 54 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC55   Process 55 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC56   Process 56 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC57   Process 57 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC58   Process 58 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC59   Process 59 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC60   Process 60 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC61   Process 61 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC62   Process 62 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC63   Process 63 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC64   Process 64 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC65   Process 65 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC66   Process 66 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC67   Process 67 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC68   Process 68 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC69   Process 69 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC70   Process 70 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC71   Process 71 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC72   Process 72 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC73   Process 73 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC74   Process 74 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC75   Process 75 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC76   Process 76 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC77   Process 77 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC78   Process 78 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC79   Process 79 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSC80   Process 80 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD00   Devtype 00 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD01   Devtype 01 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD02   Devtype 02 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD03   Devtype 03 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD04   Devtype 04 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD05   Devtype 05 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD06   Devtype 06 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD07   Devtype 07 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD08   Devtype 08 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD09   Devtype 09 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD10   Devtype 10 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD11   Devtype 11 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD12   Devtype 12 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD13   Devtype 13 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD14   Devtype 14 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD15   Devtype 15 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD16   Devtype 16 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD17   Devtype 17 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD18   Devtype 18 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD19   Devtype 19 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ACSSD20   Devtype 20 acbs scheduled                COUNT
       ELPDE00   Devtype 00 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE01   Devtype 01 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE02   Devtype 02 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE03   Devtype 03 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE04   Devtype 04 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE05   Devtype 05 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE06   Devtype 06 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE07   Devtype 07 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE08   Devtype 08 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE09   Devtype 09 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE10   Devtype 10 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE11   Devtype 11 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE12   Devtype 12 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE13   Devtype 13 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE14   Devtype 14 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE15   Devtype 15 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE16   Devtype 16 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE17   Devtype 17 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE18   Devtype 18 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE19   Devtype 19 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDE20   Devtype 20 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPDM00   Devtype 00 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM01   Devtype 01 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM02   Devtype 02 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM03   Devtype 03 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM04   Devtype 04 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM05   Devtype 05 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM06   Devtype 06 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM07   Devtype 07 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM08   Devtype 08 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM09   Devtype 09 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM10   Devtype 10 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM11   Devtype 11 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM12   Devtype 12 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM13   Devtype 13 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM14   Devtype 14 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM15   Devtype 15 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM16   Devtype 16 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM17   Devtype 17 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM18   Devtype 18 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM19   Devtype 19 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPDM20   Devtype 20 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSE00   Process 00 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE01   Process 01 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE02   Process 02 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE03   Process 03 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE04   Process 04 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE05   Process 05 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE06   Process 06 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE07   Process 07 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE08   Process 08 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE09   Process 09 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE10   Process 10 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE11   Process 11 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE12   Process 12 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE13   Process 13 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE14   Process 14 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE15   Process 15 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE16   Process 16 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE17   Process 17 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE18   Process 18 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE19   Process 19 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE20   Process 20 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE21   Process 21 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE22   Process 22 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE23   Process 23 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE24   Process 24 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE25   Process 25 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE26   Process 26 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE27   Process 27 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE28   Process 28 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE29   Process 29 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE30   Process 30 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE31   Process 31 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE32   Process 32 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE33   Process 33 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE34   Process 34 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE35   Process 35 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE36   Process 36 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE37   Process 37 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE38   Process 38 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE39   Process 39 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE40   Process 40 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE41   Process 41 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE42   Process 42 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE43   Process 43 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE44   Process 44 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE45   Process 45 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE46   Process 46 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE47   Process 47 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE48   Process 48 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE49   Process 49 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE50   Process 50 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE51   Process 51 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE52   Process 52 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE53   Process 53 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE54   Process 54 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE55   Process 55 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE56   Process 56 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE57   Process 57 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE58   Process 58 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE59   Process 59 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE60   Process 60 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE61   Process 61 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE62   Process 62 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE63   Process 63 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE64   Process 64 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE65   Process 65 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE66   Process 66 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE67   Process 67 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE68   Process 68 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE69   Process 69 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE70   Process 70 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE71   Process 71 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE72   Process 72 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE73   Process 73 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE74   Process 74 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE75   Process 75 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE76   Process 76 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE77   Process 77 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE78   Process 78 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE79   Process 79 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSE80   Process 80 elapsed time acb              TIME
       ELPSM00   Process 00 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM01   Process 01 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM02   Process 02 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM03   Process 03 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM04   Process 04 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM05   Process 05 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM06   Process 06 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM07   Process 07 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM08   Process 08 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM09   Process 09 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM10   Process 10 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM11   Process 11 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM12   Process 12 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM13   Process 13 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM14   Process 14 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM15   Process 15 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM16   Process 16 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM17   Process 17 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM18   Process 18 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM19   Process 19 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM20   Process 20 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM21   Process 21 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM22   Process 22 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM23   Process 23 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM24   Process 24 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM25   Process 25 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM26   Process 26 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM27   Process 27 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM28   Process 28 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM29   Process 29 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM30   Process 30 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM31   Process 31 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM32   Process 32 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM33   Process 33 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM34   Process 34 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM35   Process 35 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM36   Process 36 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM37   Process 37 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM38   Process 38 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM39   Process 39 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM40   Process 40 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM41   Process 41 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM42   Process 42 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM43   Process 43 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM44   Process 44 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM45   Process 45 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM46   Process 46 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM47   Process 47 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM48   Process 48 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM49   Process 49 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM50   Process 50 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM51   Process 51 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM52   Process 52 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM53   Process 53 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM54   Process 54 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM55   Process 55 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM56   Process 56 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM57   Process 57 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM58   Process 58 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM59   Process 59 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM60   Process 60 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM61   Process 61 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM62   Process 62 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM63   Process 63 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM64   Process 64 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM65   Process 65 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM66   Process 66 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM67   Process 67 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM68   Process 68 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM69   Process 69 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM70   Process 70 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM71   Process 71 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM72   Process 72 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM73   Process 73 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM74   Process 74 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM75   Process 75 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM76   Process 76 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM77   Process 77 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM78   Process 78 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM79   Process 79 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       ELPSM80   Process 80 maximum elapsed time acb      MAXIMUM
       VITCD00   Devtype 00 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD01   Devtype 01 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD02   Devtype 02 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD03   Devtype 03 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD04   Devtype 04 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD05   Devtype 05 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD06   Devtype 06 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD07   Devtype 07 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD08   Devtype 08 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD09   Devtype 09 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD10   Devtype 10 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD11   Devtype 11 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD12   Devtype 12 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD13   Devtype 13 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD14   Devtype 14 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD15   Devtype 15 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD16   Devtype 16 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD17   Devtype 17 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD18   Devtype 18 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD19   Devtype 19 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCD20   Devtype 20 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP00   Process 00 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP01   Process 01 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP02   Process 02 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP03   Process 03 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP04   Process 04 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP05   Process 05 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP06   Process 06 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP07   Process 07 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP08   Process 08 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP09   Process 09 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP10   Process 10 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP11   Process 11 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP12   Process 12 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP13   Process 13 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP14   Process 14 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP15   Process 15 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP16   Process 16 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP17   Process 17 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP18   Process 18 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP19   Process 19 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP20   Process 20 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP21   Process 21 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP22   Process 22 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP23   Process 23 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP24   Process 24 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP25   Process 25 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP26   Process 26 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP27   Process 27 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP28   Process 28 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP29   Process 29 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP30   Process 30 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP31   Process 31 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP32   Process 32 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP33   Process 33 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP34   Process 34 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP35   Process 35 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP36   Process 36 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP37   Process 37 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP38   Process 38 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP39   Process 39 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP40   Process 40 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP41   Process 41 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP42   Process 42 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP43   Process 43 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP44   Process 44 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP45   Process 45 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP46   Process 46 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP47   Process 47 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP48   Process 48 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP49   Process 49 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP50   Process 50 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP51   Process 51 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP52   Process 52 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP53   Process 53 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP54   Process 54 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP55   Process 55 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP56   Process 56 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP57   Process 57 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP58   Process 58 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP59   Process 59 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP60   Process 60 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP61   Process 61 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP62   Process 62 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP63   Process 63 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP64   Process 64 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP65   Process 65 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP66   Process 66 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP67   Process 67 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP68   Process 68 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP69   Process 69 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP70   Process 70 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP71   Process 71 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP72   Process 72 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP73   Process 73 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP74   Process 74 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP75   Process 75 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP76   Process 76 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP77   Process 77 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP78   Process 78 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP79   Process 79 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VITCP80   Process 80 virtual cpu time acb          TIME
       VIXCD00   Devtype 00 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD01   Devtype 01 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD02   Devtype 02 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD03   Devtype 03 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD04   Devtype 04 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD05   Devtype 05 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD06   Devtype 06 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD07   Devtype 07 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD08   Devtype 08 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD09   Devtype 09 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD10   Devtype 10 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD11   Devtype 11 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD12   Devtype 12 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD13   Devtype 13 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD14   Devtype 14 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD15   Devtype 15 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD16   Devtype 16 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD17   Devtype 17 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD18   Devtype 18 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD19   Devtype 19 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCD20   Devtype 20 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP00   Process 00 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP01   Process 01 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP02   Process 02 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP03   Process 03 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP04   Process 04 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP05   Process 05 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP06   Process 06 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP07   Process 07 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP08   Process 08 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP09   Process 09 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP10   Process 10 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP11   Process 11 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP12   Process 12 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP13   Process 13 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP14   Process 14 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP15   Process 15 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP16   Process 16 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP17   Process 17 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP18   Process 18 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP19   Process 19 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP20   Process 20 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP21   Process 21 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP22   Process 22 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP23   Process 23 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP24   Process 24 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP25   Process 25 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP26   Process 26 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP27   Process 27 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP28   Process 28 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP29   Process 29 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP30   Process 30 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP31   Process 31 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP32   Process 32 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP33   Process 33 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP34   Process 34 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP35   Process 35 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP36   Process 36 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP37   Process 37 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP38   Process 38 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP39   Process 39 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP40   Process 40 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP41   Process 41 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP42   Process 42 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP43   Process 43 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP44   Process 44 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP45   Process 45 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP46   Process 46 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP47   Process 47 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP48   Process 48 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP49   Process 49 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP50   Process 50 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP51   Process 51 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP52   Process 52 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP53   Process 53 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP54   Process 54 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP55   Process 55 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP56   Process 56 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP57   Process 57 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP58   Process 58 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP59   Process 59 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP60   Process 60 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP61   Process 61 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP62   Process 62 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP63   Process 63 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP64   Process 64 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP65   Process 65 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP66   Process 66 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP67   Process 67 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP68   Process 68 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP69   Process 69 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP70   Process 70 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP71   Process 71 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP72   Process 72 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP73   Process 73 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP74   Process 74 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP75   Process 75 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP76   Process 76 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP77   Process 77 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP78   Process 78 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP79   Process 79 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM
       VIXCP80   Process 80 maximum virtual cpu time acb  MAXIMUM

 64) The following 4 variables have been added to table VBYUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VMCACHN   Minidisk cache inserts                   COUNT
       VMCTSTA   Times started by sigp                    COUNT
       VMCTSTO   Times stopped by sigp                    COUNT
       VMCUPGM   Unreferenced pgmbks at reorder           COUNT

 65) The following variable has been added to table VDEVTOT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 66) The following variable has been added to table VIODDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PAVCC3S   Initial cmr time                         TIME

 67) The following 138 variables have been added to table VMINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CACFICF   Vmdbks dsp list wait icf console functon COUNT
       CACRICF   Vmdbks dsp list running on real icf      COUNT
       CACWICF   Vmdbks dsp list wait icf cpu wait        COUNT
       CAFLAGS   Flag byte                                HEXFLAGS
       CALLICF   Vmdbks dsp list wait icf max share delay MAXIMUM
       CASSUBG   Gt 2g blocks free storage subpool list   COUNT
       CASWICF   Vmdbks dsp list wait icf simulate wait   COUNT
       HCSTPMB   Bias for minidisk real storage use       COUNT
       RSAEMHI   Hi  thresh emergency pgmbk pool          COUNT
       RSAEMLO   Low thresh emergency pgmbk pool          COUNT
       RSAFSDB   Lt 2g host logical aligned free storage  COUNT
       RSAFSDW   Gt 2g host logical aligned free storage  COUNT
       RSAFSIB   Lt 2g host logical aligned in use backed COUNT
       RSAFSIU   Gt 2g host logical aligned in use backed COUNT
       RSALFMF   Hcpalfmf frexscan frames scanned         COUNT
       RSAVCHG   Gt 2g contig avail list hi thresh        COUNT
       RSAVCHT   Lt 2g contig avail list hi thresh        COUNT
       RSAVCLG   Gt 2g contig avail list low thres        COUNT
       RSAVCLT   Lt 2g contig avail list low thres        COUNT
       RSAVLHG   Gt 2g single frame avail high threshold  COUNT
       RSAVLLG   Gt 2g single frame avail low threshold   COUNT
       RSBLKGC   Tasks requesting or deferred rsablkgf    COUNT
       RSCALLT   Low thresh non-negative frmtes not freq  COUNT
       RSCALMT   Mid thresh non-negative frmtes           COUNT
       RSCALUT   Up thres: non-negative target frmtes     COUNT
       RSDRMAE   Stolen gt 2g dormant emerg pass          COUNT
       RSDRMA1   Stolen gt 2g dormant pass 1              COUNT
       RSDRMA2   Stolen gt 2g dormant pass 2              COUNT
       RSDRMBE   Stolen lt 2g dormant emerg pass          COUNT
       RSDRMB1   Stolen lt 2g dormant pass 1              COUNT
       RSDRMB2   Stolen lt 2g dormant pass 2              COUNT
       RSDRMCE   Stolen contig gt 2g dorm emerg pass      COUNT
       RSDRMC1   Stolen contig gt 2g dormant pass 1       COUNT
       RSDRMC2   Stolen contig gt 2g dormant pass 2       COUNT
       RSDRMDE   Stolen contig lt 2g dorm emerg pass      COUNT
       RSDRMD1   Stolen contig lt 2g dormant pass 1       COUNT
       RSDRMD2   Stolen contig lt 2g dormant pass 2       COUNT
       RSDSPAE   Stolen gt 2g dispatch emerg pass         COUNT
       RSDSPA1   Stolen gt 2g dispatch pass 1             COUNT
       RSDSPA2   Stolen gt 2g dispatch pass 2             COUNT
       RSDSPBE   Stolen lt 2g dispatch emerg pass         COUNT
       RSDSPB1   Stolen lt 2g dispatch pass 1             COUNT
       RSDSPB2   Stolen lt 2g dispatch pass 2             COUNT
       RSDSPCE   Stolen contig gt 2g dispatch emerg pass  COUNT
       RSDSPC1   Stolen contig gt 2g dispatch pass 1      COUNT
       RSDSPC2   Stolen contig gt 2g dispatch pass 2      COUNT
       RSDSPDE   Stolen contig lt 2g dispatch emerg pass  COUNT
       RSDSPD1   Stolen contig lt 2g dispatch pass 1      COUNT
       RSDSPD2   Stolen contig lt 2g dispatch pass 2      COUNT
       RSELGAE   Stolen gt 2g eligible emerg pass         COUNT
       RSELGA1   Stolen gt 2g eligible pass 1             COUNT
       RSELGA2   Stolen gt 2g eligible pass 2             COUNT
       RSELGBE   Stolen lt 2g eligible emerg pass         COUNT
       RSELGB1   Stolen lt 2g eligible pass 1             COUNT
       RSELGB2   Stolen lt 2g eligible pass 2             COUNT
       RSELGCE   Stolen contig gt 2g eligible emerg pass  COUNT
       RSELGC1   Stolen contig gt 2g eligible pass 1      COUNT
       RSELGC2   Stolen contig gt 2g eligible pass 2      COUNT
       RSELGDE   Stolen contig lt 2g eligible emerg pass  COUNT
       RSELGD1   Stolen contig lt 2g eligible pass 1      COUNT
       RSELGD2   Stolen contig lt 2g eligible pass 2      COUNT
       RSEMBLO   Times pool below rsaemlo                 COUNT
       RSEMCPC   Pgmbks in emergency pool                 COUNT
       RSEMDFR   Times guest deferred for emergency       COUNT
       RSEMERG   Times request for emergency pool         COUNT
       RSEMPTY   Times pool went empty                    COUNT
       RSFRQDF   Deferred multiple frame requests         COUNT
       RSFRQDL   Delayed multiple frame requests          COUNT
       RSFRQMW   Tasks attempting multiple frames pgmbks  COUNT
       RSFRRDA   Lt 2g attempts to redrive tasks          COUNT
       RSFRRDC   Lt 2g redrived performed                 COUNT
       RSFVMUB   Lt 2g vmdbk free storage in use          COUNT
       RSFVMUD   Gt 2g vmdbk free storage in use          COUNT
       RSLTDAE   Stolen gt 2g lngtrmdorm emerg pass       COUNT
       RSLTDA1   Stolen gt 2g long term dormant pass 1    COUNT
       RSLTDA2   Stolen gt 2g long term dormant pass 2    COUNT
       RSLTDBE   Stolen lt 2g lngtrmdorm emerg pass       COUNT
       RSLTDB1   Stolen lt 2g long term dormant pass 1    COUNT
       RSLTDB2   Stolen lt 2g long term dormant pass 2    COUNT
       RSLTDCE   Stolcontig gt 2g lngtrmdorm emerg pass   COUNT
       RSLTDC1   Stolen contig gt 2g lngtrmdorm pass 1    COUNT
       RSLTDC2   Stolen contig gt 2g lngtrmdorm pass 2    COUNT
       RSLTDDE   Stolcontig lt 2g lngtrmdorm emerg pass   COUNT
       RSLTDD1   Stolen contig lt 2g lngtrmdorm pass 1    COUNT
       RSLTDD2   Stolen contig lt 2g lngtrmdorm pass 2    COUNT
       RSNOLKA   No-owned locked pages absolute storage   COUNT
       RSNOLKL   No-owned locked pages host local store   COUNT
       RSNPGCT   Consecutive sxpfs failures               COUNT
       RSNPGHI   Hwm consecutive sxpfs failures           MAXIMUM
       RSPLPCB   Processors looping in hcpfrfgp lt 2g     COUNT
       RSPLPCT   Processors looping in hcpfrfgp gt 2g     COUNT
       RSPPTCS   Alb/tlb purges using csp                 COUNT
       RSPPTPF   Alb/tlb purges finished prior to         COUNT
       RSPPTPS   Alb/tlb purges prior to entering wait    COUNT
       RSRESAC   Resident ptrm pages gt 2g                COUNT
       RSRESBC   Resident ptrm pages lt 2g                COUNT
       RSRSVSY   Pages reserved per processor             RATE
       RSSHRAE   Stolen gt 2g shared emerg pass           COUNT
       RSSHRA1   Stolen gt 2g shared pass 1               COUNT
       RSSHRA2   Stolen gt 2g shared pass 2               COUNT
       RSSHRBE   Stolen lt 2g shared emerg pass           COUNT
       RSSHRB1   Stolen lt 2g shared pass 1               COUNT
       RSSHRB2   Stolen lt 2g shared pass 2               COUNT
       RSSHRCE   Stolen contig gt 2g shared emerg pass    COUNT
       RSSHRC1   Stolen contig gt 2g shared pass 1        COUNT
       RSSHRC2   Stolen contig gt 2g shared pass 2        COUNT
       RSSHRDE   Stolen contig lt 2g shared emerg pass    COUNT
       RSSHRD1   Stolen contig lt 2g shared pass 1        COUNT
       RSSHRD2   Stolen contig lt 2g shared pass 2        COUNT
       RSSTLWT   Lt 2g avail list replenish steal writes  COUNT
       RSSWG2G   Gt 2g avail list replenish steal writes  COUNT
       RSSWPWT   Lt 2g replenis page writes to dase       COUNT
       RSSWP2G   Gt 2g replenis page writes to dase       COUNT
       RSSXNOP   No-owned sys exec space aliases          COUNT
       RSSYSFB   Lt 2g pages in use for system free store COUNT
       RSSYSFR   Gt 2g pages in use for system free store COUNT
       RSSYSUB   Lt 2g in use system free storage         COUNT
       RSSYSUD   Gt 2g in use system free storage         COUNT
       RSVCBDB   Lt 2g verifiable free storage backed     COUNT
       RSVCBDW   Gt 2g verifiable free storage backed     COUNT
       RSVCBIB   Lt 2g verifiable in use free storage     COUNT
       RSVCBIU   Gt 2g verifiable in use free storage     COUNT
       RSVFSDW   Virtual free storage                     COUNT
       RSVFSIU   Virtual free storage in use              COUNT
       RSVMXFB   Lt 2g pages user free in use             COUNT
       RSVMXFR   Gt 2g vmdbk user free pages allocated    COUNT
       RSVMXUB   Lt 2g in use user free storage           COUNT
       RSVMXUD   Gt 2g in use user free storage           COUNT
       SRE0ETF   Elapsed time slice time factor           TIME
       TCPINVA   Page faults resolved no-4k case          COUNT
       TCSTKEX   Cpebk deferred writes                    COUNT
       TCSTKPF   Cpebk deferred page fault priority       INT
       XSCTPGM   Pgmbks selected while migrating          COUNT
       XSMAXCT   Times target time is lowered             TIME
       XSRHICT   Times migrate thres buffer decreased     COUNT
       XSRLOCT   Times migrate thres buffer increased     COUNT
       XSUSRCY   Non-dorm guest owned asids migr targets  COUNT
       XSUSRDM   Dorm guest owned asids migr targets      COUNT

     The following 8 variables have had their format changed in table

       RSAFRDB   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSAFRDW   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSAFRIB   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSAFRIU   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSFSA2G   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSFSB2G   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSFSYUA   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSFSYUB   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

     The following variable has been deleted from table VMINTRV:

       RS2GAV2   Can represent up to 16t                  COUNT

 68) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 69) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYCMODE   Processor configuration mode             HEXFLAGS

 70) The following 27 variables have been added to table VMTRUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAICFCT   Guest defined icf cpus                   COUNT
       CAIFLCT   Guest defined ifl cpus                   COUNT
       CALCPCT   Guest defined cp cpus                    COUNT
       CAZAPCT   Guest defined zaap cpus                  COUNT
       CAZIPCT   Guest defined ziip cpus                  COUNT
       CPABSSH   Cp absolute share setting                COUNT
       CPHFLG1   Cp share flags                           HEXFLAGS
       CPMXSHR   Cp max share setting                     MAXIMUM
       CPRELSH   Cp relative share setting                COUNT
       ICABSSH   Icf absolute share setting               COUNT
       ICHFLG1   Icf share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       ICMXSHR   Icf max share setting                    MAXIMUM
       ICRELSH   Icf relative share setting               COUNT
       IFABSSH   Ifl absolute share setting               COUNT
       IFHFLG1   Ifl share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       IFMXSHR   Ifl max share setting                    MAXIMUM
       IFRELSH   Ifl relative share setting               COUNT
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       ZAABSSH   Zaap absolute share setting              COUNT
       ZAHFLG1   Zaap share flags                         HEXFLAGS
       ZAMXSHR   Zaap max share setting                   MAXIMUM
       ZARELSH   Zaap relative share setting              COUNT
       ZIABSSH   Ziip absolute share setting              COUNT
       ZIHFLG1   Ziip share flags                         HEXFLAGS
       ZIMXSHR   Ziip max share setting                   MAXIMUM
       ZIRELSH   Ziip relative share setting              COUNT

 71) The following 19 variables have been added to table VPRCAPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMB1C0    All ops operations                       COUNT
       CMB1C1    Rsa key gen operations                   COUNT
       CMB1T0    All ops execution time                   TIME
       CMB1T1    Rsa key gen execution time               TIME
       CMB3C0    1024 me operations                       COUNT
       CMB3C1    2048 me operations                       COUNT
       CMB3C2    1024 crt operations                      COUNT
       CMB3C3    2048 crt operations                      COUNT
       CMB3T0    1024 me execution time                   TIME
       CMB3T1    2048 me execution time                   TIME
       CMB3T2    1024 crt execution time                  TIME
       CMB3T3    2048 crt execution time                  TIME
       DELTATM   Delta time between records               TIME
       PRAPMAX   Ap index                                 HEXFLAGS
       PRAPMCT   Crypto type                              INT
       PRAPMRC   Store command response code              INT
       PRCAPMP   Partial or full response returned        HEXFLAGS
       PRCAPMS   Timer stepping interval                  TIME
       PRCAPMV   Mask of validity of pair                 HEXFLAGS

 72) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 73) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 74) The following 195 variables have been added to table VPRCDIA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PFCPUAD   Processor address                        INT
       PLDGUCT   All user diagnose operations             COUNT
       PLDGXAC   Diagnose xac                             COUNT
       PLDGXA0   Diagnose xa0                             COUNT
       PLDGXA4   Diagnose xa4                             COUNT
       PLDGXA8   Diagnose xa8                             COUNT
       PLDGXBC   Diagnose xbc                             COUNT
       PLDGXB0   Diagnose xb0                             COUNT
       PLDGXB4   Diagnose xb4                             COUNT
       PLDGXB8   Diagnose xb8                             COUNT
       PLDGXCC   Diagnose xcc                             COUNT
       PLDGXC0   Diagnose xc0                             COUNT
       PLDGXC4   Diagnose xc4                             COUNT
       PLDGXC8   Diagnose xc8                             COUNT
       PLDGXDC   Diagnose xdc                             COUNT
       PLDGXD0   Diagnose xd0                             COUNT
       PLDGXD4   Diagnose xd4                             COUNT
       PLDGXD8   Diagnose xd8                             COUNT
       PLDGXEC   Diagnose xec                             COUNT
       PLDGXE0   Diagnose xe0                             COUNT
       PLDGXE4   Diagnose xe4                             COUNT
       PLDGXE8   Diagnose xe8                             COUNT
       PLDGXFC   Diagnose xfc                             COUNT
       PLDGXF0   Diagnose xf0                             COUNT
       PLDGXF4   Diagnose xf4                             COUNT
       PLDGXF8   Diagnose xf8                             COUNT
       PLDGX0C   Diagnose x0c                             COUNT
       PLDGX00   Diagnose x00                             COUNT
       PLDGX04   Diagnose x04                             COUNT
       PLDGX08   Diagnose x08                             COUNT
       PLDGX1C   Diagnose x1c                             COUNT
       PLDGX10   Diagnose x10                             COUNT
       PLDGX14   Diagnose x14                             COUNT
       PLDGX18   Diagnose x18                             COUNT
       PLDGX2C   Diagnose x2c                             COUNT
       PLDGX20   Diagnose x20                             COUNT
       PLDGX24   Diagnose x24                             COUNT
       PLDGX28   Diagnose x28                             COUNT
       PLDGX3C   Diagnose x3c                             COUNT
       PLDGX30   Diagnose x30                             COUNT
       PLDGX34   Diagnose x34                             COUNT
       PLDGX38   Diagnose x38                             COUNT
       PLDGX4C   Diagnose x4c                             COUNT
       PLDGX40   Diagnose x40                             COUNT
       PLDGX44   Diagnose x44                             COUNT
       PLDGX48   Diagnose x48                             COUNT
       PLDGX5C   Diagnose x5c                             COUNT
       PLDGX50   Diagnose x50                             COUNT
       PLDGX54   Diagnose x54                             COUNT
       PLDGX58   Diagnose x58                             COUNT
       PLDGX6C   Diagnose x6c                             COUNT
       PLDGX60   Diagnose x60                             COUNT
       PLDGX64   Diagnose x64                             COUNT
       PLDGX68   Diagnose x68                             COUNT
       PLDGX7C   Diagnose x7c                             COUNT
       PLDGX70   Diagnose x70                             COUNT
       PLDGX74   Diagnose x74                             COUNT
       PLDGX78   Diagnose x78                             COUNT
       PLDGX8C   Diagnose x8c                             COUNT
       PLDGX80   Diagnose x80                             COUNT
       PLDGX84   Diagnose x84                             COUNT
       PLDGX88   Diagnose x88                             COUNT
       PLDGX9C   Diagnose x9c                             COUNT
       PLDGX90   Diagnose x90                             COUNT
       PLDGX94   Diagnose x94                             COUNT
       PLDGX98   Diagnose x98                             COUNT
       PLDG2AC   Diagnose x2ac                            COUNT
       PLDG2A0   Diagnose x2a0                            COUNT
       PLDG2A4   Diagnose x2a4                            COUNT
       PLDG2A8   Diagnose x2a8                            COUNT
       PLDG2BC   Diagnose x2bc                            COUNT
       PLDG2B0   Diagnose x2b0                            COUNT
       PLDG2B4   Diagnose x2b4                            COUNT
       PLDG2B8   Diagnose x2b8                            COUNT
       PLDG2CC   Diagnose x2cc                            COUNT
       PLDG2C0   Diagnose x2c0                            COUNT
       PLDG2C4   Diagnose x2c4                            COUNT
       PLDG2C8   Diagnose x2c8                            COUNT
       PLDG2DC   Diagnose x2dc                            COUNT
       PLDG2D0   Diagnose x2d0                            COUNT
       PLDG2D4   Diagnose x2d4                            COUNT
       PLDG2D8   Diagnose x2d8                            COUNT
       PLDG2EC   Diagnose x2ec                            COUNT
       PLDG2E0   Diagnose x2e0                            COUNT
       PLDG2E4   Diagnose x2e4                            COUNT
       PLDG2E8   Diagnose x2e8                            COUNT
       PLDG2FC   Diagnose x2fc                            COUNT
       PLDG2F0   Diagnose x2f0                            COUNT
       PLDG2F4   Diagnose x2f4                            COUNT
       PLDG2F8   Diagnose x2f8                            COUNT
       PLDG20C   Diagnose x20c                            COUNT
       PLDG200   Diagnose x200                            COUNT
       PLDG204   Diagnose x204                            COUNT
       PLDG208   Diagnose x208                            COUNT
       PLDG21C   Diagnose x21c                            COUNT
       PLDG210   Diagnose x210                            COUNT
       PLDG214   Diagnose x214                            COUNT
       PLDG218   Diagnose x218                            COUNT
       PLDG22C   Diagnose x22c                            COUNT
       PLDG220   Diagnose x220                            COUNT
       PLDG224   Diagnose x224                            COUNT
       PLDG228   Diagnose x228                            COUNT
       PLDG23C   Diagnose x23c                            COUNT
       PLDG230   Diagnose x230                            COUNT
       PLDG234   Diagnose x234                            COUNT
       PLDG238   Diagnose x238                            COUNT
       PLDG24C   Diagnose x24c                            COUNT
       PLDG240   Diagnose x240                            COUNT
       PLDG244   Diagnose x244                            COUNT
       PLDG248   Diagnose x248                            COUNT
       PLDG25C   Diagnose x25c                            COUNT
       PLDG250   Diagnose x250                            COUNT
       PLDG254   Diagnose x254                            COUNT
       PLDG258   Diagnose x258                            COUNT
       PLDG26C   Diagnose x26c                            COUNT
       PLDG260   Diagnose x260                            COUNT
       PLDG264   Diagnose x264                            COUNT
       PLDG268   Diagnose x268                            COUNT
       PLDG27C   Diagnose x27c                            COUNT
       PLDG270   Diagnose x270                            COUNT
       PLDG274   Diagnose x274                            COUNT
       PLDG278   Diagnose x278                            COUNT
       PLDG28C   Diagnose x28c                            COUNT
       PLDG280   Diagnose x280                            COUNT
       PLDG284   Diagnose x284                            COUNT
       PLDG288   Diagnose x288                            COUNT
       PLDG29C   Diagnose x29c                            COUNT
       PLDG290   Diagnose x290                            COUNT
       PLDG294   Diagnose x294                            COUNT
       PLDG298   Diagnose x298                            COUNT
       PLDG3AC   Diagnose x3ac                            COUNT
       PLDG3A0   Diagnose x3a0                            COUNT
       PLDG3A4   Diagnose x3a4                            COUNT
       PLDG3A8   Diagnose x3a8                            COUNT
       PLDG3BC   Diagnose x3bc                            COUNT
       PLDG3B0   Diagnose x3b0                            COUNT
       PLDG3B4   Diagnose x3b4                            COUNT
       PLDG3B8   Diagnose x3b8                            COUNT
       PLDG3CC   Diagnose x3cc                            COUNT
       PLDG3C0   Diagnose x3c0                            COUNT
       PLDG3C4   Diagnose x3c4                            COUNT
       PLDG3C8   Diagnose x3c8                            COUNT
       PLDG3DC   Diagnose x3dc                            COUNT
       PLDG3D0   Diagnose x3d0                            COUNT
       PLDG3D4   Diagnose x3d4                            COUNT
       PLDG3D8   Diagnose x3d8                            COUNT
       PLDG3EC   Diagnose x3ec                            COUNT
       PLDG3E0   Diagnose x3e0                            COUNT
       PLDG3E4   Diagnose x3e4                            COUNT
       PLDG3E8   Diagnose x3e8                            COUNT
       PLDG3FC   Diagnose x3fc                            COUNT
       PLDG3F0   Diagnose x3f0                            COUNT
       PLDG3F4   Diagnose x3f4                            COUNT
       PLDG3F8   Diagnose x3f8                            COUNT
       PLDG30C   Diagnose x30c                            COUNT
       PLDG300   Diagnose x300                            COUNT
       PLDG304   Diagnose x304                            COUNT
       PLDG308   Diagnose x308                            COUNT
       PLDG31C   Diagnose x31c                            COUNT
       PLDG310   Diagnose x310                            COUNT
       PLDG314   Diagnose x314                            COUNT
       PLDG318   Diagnose x318                            COUNT
       PLDG32C   Diagnose x32c                            COUNT
       PLDG320   Diagnose x320                            COUNT
       PLDG324   Diagnose x324                            COUNT
       PLDG328   Diagnose x328                            COUNT
       PLDG33C   Diagnose x33c                            COUNT
       PLDG330   Diagnose x330                            COUNT
       PLDG334   Diagnose x334                            COUNT
       PLDG338   Diagnose x338                            COUNT
       PLDG34C   Diagnose x34c                            COUNT
       PLDG340   Diagnose x340                            COUNT
       PLDG344   Diagnose x344                            COUNT
       PLDG348   Diagnose x348                            COUNT
       PLDG35C   Diagnose x35c                            COUNT
       PLDG350   Diagnose x350                            COUNT
       PLDG354   Diagnose x354                            COUNT
       PLDG358   Diagnose x358                            COUNT
       PLDG36C   Diagnose x36c                            COUNT
       PLDG360   Diagnose x360                            COUNT
       PLDG364   Diagnose x364                            COUNT
       PLDG368   Diagnose x368                            COUNT
       PLDG37C   Diagnose x37c                            COUNT
       PLDG370   Diagnose x370                            COUNT
       PLDG374   Diagnose x374                            COUNT
       PLDG378   Diagnose x378                            COUNT
       PLDG38C   Diagnose x38c                            COUNT
       PLDG380   Diagnose x380                            COUNT
       PLDG384   Diagnose x384                            COUNT
       PLDG388   Diagnose x388                            COUNT
       PLDG39C   Diagnose x39c                            COUNT
       PLDG390   Diagnose x390                            COUNT
       PLDG394   Diagnose x394                            COUNT
       PLDG398   Diagnose x398                            COUNT
       PLTOTDI   All z/vm defined diagnose operations     COUNT

 75) The following 53 variables have been added to table VPRCINS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PFCPUAD   Processor address                        COUNT
       PLBISAS   Stap (b212)                              COUNT
       PLBISBT   Tb (b22c)                                COUNT
       PLBISCP   Stidp (b202)                             COUNT
       PLBISIU   Iucv (b2f0)                              COUNT
       PLBISPB   Ptlb (b20d)                              COUNT
       PLBISSI   Sie (b214)                               COUNT
       PLBISST   Stsi (b27d)                              COUNT
       PLBISTE   Sck (b204)                               COUNT
       PLBISXE   Spx (b210)                               COUNT
       PLBISXS   Stpx (b211)                              COUNT
       PLKEYIE   Iske (b229)                              COUNT
       PLKEYIK   Isk (09)                                 COUNT
       PLKEYRE   Rrbe (b22a)                              COUNT
       PLKEYRR   Rrb (b213)                               COUNT
       PLKEYSE   Sske (b22b)                              COUNT
       PLKEYSK   Ssk (08)                                 COUNT
       PLLPSWE   Lpswe (b2b2)                             COUNT
       PLPCVSC   Servc (b220)                             COUNT
       PLPRVGP   Sigp (ae)                                COUNT
       PLPRVLC   Lctl (b7)                                COUNT
       PLPRVLG   Lctlg (eb2f)                             COUNT
       PLPRVLP   Lpsw (82)                                COUNT
       PLPRVMN   Stnsm (ac)                               COUNT
       PLPRVMO   Stosm (ad)                               COUNT
       PLPRVMS   Ssm (80)                                 COUNT
       PLPRVSG   Stctg (eb25)                             COUNT
       PLPRVSV   Svc (0a)                                 COUNT
       PLPRVTC   Stctl (b6)                               COUNT
       PLPRVTP   Tprot (e501)                             COUNT
       PLPRVVN   Guest svc 76-s reflected                 COUNT
       PLRSCHC   Virtual rschs executed                   COUNT
       PLSCKPF   Sckpf (0107)                             COUNT
       PLSCTCS   Real cschs executed                      COUNT
       PLSCTHS   Real hschs executed                      COUNT
       PLSCTRS   Real rschs executed.                     COUNT
       PLSCTSS   Real sschs executed.                     COUNT
       PLSESSA   Essa (b9ab)                              COUNT
       PLSIOCT   Virtual sios executed                    COUNT
       PLSIOFC   Virtual siofs executed                   COUNT
       PLSPTFF   Ptff (0104)                              COUNT
       PLSSCHC   Virtual sschs executed                   COUNT
       PLSTCCC   Virtual test and clear channels          COUNT
       PLSTFLE   Stfle (b2b0)                             COUNT
       PLVIDTE   Idte (b98e)                              COUNT
       PLVIESB   Iesbe (b259)                             COUNT
       PLVPTNV   Ipte (b221)                              COUNT
       PLXPGIN   Pgin (b22e)                              COUNT
       PLXPGOU   Pgout (b22f)                             COUNT
       PLXPG5A   Bsa (b25a)                               COUNT
       PL0EPSW   Epsw (b98d)                              COUNT
       PL0ESEA   Esea (b99d)                              COUNT
       PL0STFL   Stfl (b2b1)                              COUNT

 76) The following 33 variables have been added to table VPRCPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PLSTL31   Vmdbks stolen cpu 31                     COUNT
       PLSTL32   Vmdbks stolen cpu 32                     COUNT
       PLSTL33   Vmdbks stolen cpu 33                     COUNT
       PLSTL34   Vmdbks stolen cpu 34                     COUNT
       PLSTL35   Vmdbks stolen cpu 35                     COUNT
       PLSTL36   Vmdbks stolen cpu 36                     COUNT
       PLSTL37   Vmdbks stolen cpu 37                     COUNT
       PLSTL38   Vmdbks stolen cpu 38                     COUNT
       PLSTL39   Vmdbks stolen cpu 39                     COUNT
       PLSTL40   Vmdbks stolen cpu 40                     COUNT
       PLSTL41   Vmdbks stolen cpu 41                     COUNT
       PLSTL42   Vmdbks stolen cpu 42                     COUNT
       PLSTL43   Vmdbks stolen cpu 43                     COUNT
       PLSTL44   Vmdbks stolen cpu 44                     COUNT
       PLSTL45   Vmdbks stolen cpu 45                     COUNT
       PLSTL46   Vmdbks stolen cpu 46                     COUNT
       PLSTL47   Vmdbks stolen cpu 47                     COUNT
       PLSTL48   Vmdbks stolen cpu 48                     COUNT
       PLSTL49   Vmdbks stolen cpu 49                     COUNT
       PLSTL50   Vmdbks stolen cpu 50                     COUNT
       PLSTL51   Vmdbks stolen cpu 51                     COUNT
       PLSTL52   Vmdbks stolen cpu 52                     COUNT
       PLSTL53   Vmdbks stolen cpu 53                     COUNT
       PLSTL54   Vmdbks stolen cpu 54                     COUNT
       PLSTL55   Vmdbks stolen cpu 55                     COUNT
       PLSTL56   Vmdbks stolen cpu 56                     COUNT
       PLSTL57   Vmdbks stolen cpu 57                     COUNT
       PLSTL58   Vmdbks stolen cpu 58                     COUNT
       PLSTL59   Vmdbks stolen cpu 59                     COUNT
       PLSTL60   Vmdbks stolen cpu 60                     COUNT
       PLSTL61   Vmdbks stolen cpu 61                     COUNT
       PLSTL62   Vmdbks stolen cpu 62                     COUNT
       PLSTL63   Vmdbks stolen cpu 63                     COUNT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

     The following variable has been deleted from table VPRCPRP:

       PLSTLCT   Array of stolen vmdbks                   HEXFLAGS

 77) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 78) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 79) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 80) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 81) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSCLADL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMDTTMP   Ttime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDTTMS   Ttime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMDVTMP   Vtime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDVTMS   Vtime for user on sec processor          TIME

 82) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSCLAEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS

 83) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSCLDDL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMDTTMP   Ttime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDTTMS   Ttime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMDVTMP   Vtime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDVTMS   Vtime for user on sec processor          TIME

 84) The following variable has been added to table VSEKSEK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VDEVDEV   Device address                           HEXFLAGS

 85) The following 4 variables have been added to table VSTOASI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASCHLLC   Pages locked in host logical storage     COUNT
       ASCHLRC   Host logical resident count              COUNT
       ASCTPLK   Frames locked by this segment            COUNT
       ASCTPRG   Gt 2g resident pages for asid            COUNT

 86) The following 64 variables have been added to table VSTORSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CASSUBG   Gt 2g blocks free storage subpool list   COUNT
       RSAEMHI   Hi  thresh emergency pgmbk pool          COUNT
       RSAEMLO   Low thresh emergency pgmbk pool          COUNT
       RSAFSDB   Lt 2g host logical aligned free storage  COUNT
       RSAFSDW   Gt 2g host logical aligned free storage  COUNT
       RSAFSIB   Lt 2g host logical aligned in use backed COUNT
       RSAFSIU   Gt 2g host logical aligned in use backed COUNT
       RSALFMF   Hcpalfmf frexscan frames scanned         COUNT
       RSAVCHG   Gt 2g contig avail list hi thresh        COUNT
       RSAVCHT   Lt 2g contig avail list hi thresh        COUNT
       RSAVCLG   Gt 2g contig avail list low thres        COUNT
       RSAVCLT   Lt 2g contig avail list low thres        COUNT
       RSAVLHG   Gt 2g single frame avail high threshold  COUNT
       RSAVLLG   Gt 2g single frame avail low threshold   COUNT
       RSBLKGC   Tasks requesting or deferred rsablkgf    COUNT
       RSCALLT   Low thresh non-negative frmtes not freq  COUNT
       RSCALMT   Mid thresh non-negative frmtes           COUNT
       RSCALUT   Up thres: non-negative target frmtes     COUNT
       RSCPLKG   Gt 2g locked frames by cp lock           COUNT
       RSEMBLO   Times pool below rsaemlo                 COUNT
       RSEMCPC   Pgmbks in emergency pool                 COUNT
       RSEMDFR   Times guest deferred for emergency       COUNT
       RSEMERG   Times request for emergency pool         COUNT
       RSEMPTY   Times pool went empty                    COUNT
       RSFRQDF   Deferred multiple frame requests         COUNT
       RSFRQDL   Delayed multiple frame requests          COUNT
       RSFRQMW   Tasks attempting multiple frames pgmbks  COUNT
       RSFRQWT   Lt 2g deferred requests none avail       COUNT
       RSFRRDA   Lt 2g attempts to redrive tasks          COUNT
       RSFRRDC   Lt 2g redrived performed                 COUNT
       RSFVMUB   Lt 2g vmdbk free storage in use          COUNT
       RSFVMUD   Gt 2g vmdbk free storage in use          COUNT
       RSNOLKA   No-owned locked pages absolute storage   COUNT
       RSNOLKL   No-owned locked pages host local store   COUNT
       RSNPGCT   Consecutive sxpfs failures               COUNT
       RSNPGHI   Hwm consecutive sxpfs failures           MAXIMUM
       RSPLPCB   Processors looping in hcpfrfgp lt 2g     COUNT
       RSPLPCT   Processors looping in hcpfrfgp gt 2g     COUNT
       RSPPTCS   Alb/tlb purges using csp                 COUNT
       RSPPTPF   Alb/tlb purges finished prior to         COUNT
       RSPPTPS   Alb/tlb purges prior to entering wait    COUNT
       RSRSVSY   Pages reserved per processor             RATE
       RSSTLWT   Lt 2g avail list replenish steal writes  COUNT
       RSSWG2G   Gt 2g avail list replenish steal writes  COUNT
       RSSWPWT   Lt 2g replenis page writes to dase       COUNT
       RSSWP2G   Gt 2g replenis page writes to dase       COUNT
       RSSXCLA   Locked sysexsp alias logical in logical  COUNT
       RSSXCPL   Sysexecsp locked alias cp lock           COUNT
       RSSXNOP   No-owned sys exec space aliases          COUNT
       RSSYSFB   Lt 2g pages in use for system free store COUNT
       RSSYSFR   Gt 2g pages in use for system free store COUNT
       RSSYSUB   Lt 2g in use system free storage         COUNT
       RSSYSUD   Gt 2g in use system free storage         COUNT
       RSVCBDB   Lt 2g verifiable free storage backed     COUNT
       RSVCBDW   Gt 2g verifiable free storage backed     COUNT
       RSVCBIB   Lt 2g verifiable in use free storage     COUNT
       RSVCBIU   Gt 2g verifiable in use free storage     COUNT
       RSVFSDW   Virtual free storage                     COUNT
       RSVFSIU   Virtual free storage in use              COUNT
       RSVMXFB   Lt 2g pages user free in use             COUNT
       RSVMXFR   Gt 2g vmdbk user free pages allocated    COUNT
       RSVMXUB   Lt 2g in use user free storage           COUNT
       RSVMXUD   Gt 2g in use user free storage           COUNT
       RS2GDCT   Requests await any available frame       COUNT

 87) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 88) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSTOSHR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASCHLLC   Pages locked in host logical storage     COUNT
       ASCHLRC   Host logical resident count              COUNT
       ASCTPRG   Gt 2g resident pages for asid            COUNT

 89) The following 28 variables have been added to table VSTOSXP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PFCPUAD   Processor address                        COUNT
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLSAPUC   Gt 2g avail backed was prefered and used COUNT
       PLSAQMT   Gt 2g avail backed was preferd but empty COUNT
       PLSARTC   Gt 2g pages return to backed avail queue COUNT
       PLSATKC   Gt 2g taken from backed avail queue      COUNT
       PLSBPUC   Lt 2g avail backed was prefered and used COUNT
       PLSBQMT   Lt 2g avail backed was preferd but empty COUNT
       PLSBRTC   Lt 2g pages return to backed avail queue COUNT
       PLSBTKC   Lt 2g taken from backed avail queue      COUNT
       PLSPDQC   Hcpfrfdq calls to release a page         COUNT
       PLSPGBD   Lt 2g page request deferred on frame     COUNT
       PLSPGFD   Page requests defered any frame          COUNT
       PLSPGPD   Page requests deferred on page           COUNT
       PLSPNDF   Non-deferable requests failed frame lack COUNT
       PLSPNDP   Non-deferrable requests failed page lack COUNT
       PLSUPUC   Times avail unbacked was prefered used   COUNT
       PLSUQMT   Times avail unbacked was prefered empty  COUNT
       PLSURTC   Pages returned to unbacked avail queue   COUNT
       PLSUTKC   Pages taken from unbacked avail queue    COUNT
       PLSXADC   Locked aliases dequeued                  COUNT
       PLSXAFC   Non-deferable alias req not fulfilled    COUNT
       PLSXALD   Create alias requests deferred           COUNT
       PLSXALS   Alias steals from potential avail empty  COUNT
       PLSXASC   Alias stolen                             COUNT
       PLSXCSP   Csp instructios to invalidate            COUNT
       PLSXIPC   Ipte instructions to invalidate          COUNT
       PLSXNST   Rsasxnst flag turn ons                   COUNT

 90) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSTOXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       XSCTPGM   Pgmbks selected while migrating          COUNT
       XSMAXCT   Times target time is lowered             COUNT
       XSRHICT   Times migrate thres buffer decreased     COUNT
       XSRLOCT   Times migrate thres buffer increased     COUNT
       XSUSRCY   Non-dorm guest owned asids migr targets  COUNT
       XSUSRDM   Dorm guest owned asids migr targets      COUNT

 91) The following 12 variables have been added to table VSYTCOM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PLISEAS   Times when xfer from asyncmd to a vm     COUNT
       PLISESC   Times when xfer from sclp to a vm        COUNT
       PLISEVE   Times when xfer from vmevent to a vm     COUNT
       PLISEVS   Times when xfer from vswitch to a vm     COUNT
       PLISTAS   Times when transfer to asyncmd           COUNT
       PLISTSC   Times when transfer to sclp              COUNT
       PLISTVE   Times when transfer to vmevent           COUNT
       PLISTVS   Times when transfer to vswitch           COUNT
       PLISUAS   Times when from asyncmd not xfered       COUNT
       PLISUSC   Times when from sclp not xfered          COUNT
       PLISUVE   Times when from vmevent not xfered       COUNT
       PLISUVS   Times when from vswitch not xfered       COUNT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 92) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 93) The following 4 variables have been added to table VSYTPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PFFSTPX   Fastpath partial execute interrupts      COUNT
       PFFSTSG   Fastpath simulations sigp ext call ints  COUNT
       PFFSTXC   Fastpath reflections guest ext call ints COUNT
       PFFST44   Fastpath simulations of diagnose x44     COUNT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 94) The following 64 variables have been added to table VSYTRSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAFLAGS   Flag byte                                HEXFLAGS
       HCSTPMB   Bias for minidisk real storage use       COUNT
       RSDRMAE   Stolen gt 2g dormant emerg pass          COUNT
       RSDRMA1   Stolen gt 2g dormant pass 1              COUNT
       RSDRMA2   Stolen gt 2g dormant pass 2              COUNT
       RSDRMBE   Stolen lt 2g dormant emerg pass          COUNT
       RSDRMB1   Stolen lt 2g dormant pass 1              COUNT
       RSDRMB2   Stolen lt 2g dormant pass 2              COUNT
       RSDRMCE   Stolen contig gt 2g dorm emerg pass      COUNT
       RSDRMC1   Stolen contig gt 2g dormant pass 1       COUNT
       RSDRMC2   Stolen contig gt 2g dormant pass 2       COUNT
       RSDRMDE   Stolen contig lt 2g dorm emerg pass      COUNT
       RSDRMD1   Stolen contig lt 2g dormant pass 1       COUNT
       RSDRMD2   Stolen contig lt 2g dormant pass 2       COUNT
       RSDSPAE   Stolen gt 2g dispatch emerg pass         COUNT
       RSDSPA1   Stolen gt 2g dispatch pass 1             COUNT
       RSDSPA2   Stolen gt 2g dispatch pass 2             COUNT
       RSDSPBE   Stolen lt 2g dispatch emerg pass         COUNT
       RSDSPB1   Stolen lt 2g dispatch pass 1             COUNT
       RSDSPB2   Stolen lt 2g dispatch pass 2             COUNT
       RSDSPCE   Stolen contig gt 2g dispatch emerg pass  COUNT
       RSDSPC1   Stolen contig gt 2g dispatch pass 1      COUNT
       RSDSPC2   Stolen contig gt 2g dispatch pass 2      COUNT
       RSDSPDE   Stolen contig lt 2g dispatch emerg pass  COUNT
       RSDSPD1   Stolen contig lt 2g dispatch pass 1      COUNT
       RSDSPD2   Stolen contig lt 2g dispatch pass 2      COUNT
       RSELGAE   Stolen gt 2g eligible emerg pass         COUNT
       RSELGA1   Stolen gt 2g eligible pass 1             COUNT
       RSELGA2   Stolen gt 2g eligible pass 2             COUNT
       RSELGBE   Stolen lt 2g eligible emerg pass         COUNT
       RSELGB1   Stolen lt 2g eligible pass 1             COUNT
       RSELGB2   Stolen lt 2g eligible pass 2             COUNT
       RSELGCE   Stolen contig gt 2g eligible emerg pass  COUNT
       RSELGC1   Stolen contig gt 2g eligible pass 1      COUNT
       RSELGC2   Stolen contig gt 2g eligible pass 2      COUNT
       RSELGDE   Stolen contig lt 2g eligible emerg pass  COUNT
       RSELGD1   Stolen contig lt 2g eligible pass 1      COUNT
       RSELGD2   Stolen contig lt 2g eligible pass 2      COUNT
       RSLTDAE   Stolen gt 2g lngtrmdorm emerg pass       COUNT
       RSLTDA1   Stolen gt 2g long term dormant pass 1    COUNT
       RSLTDA2   Stolen gt 2g long term dormant pass 2    COUNT
       RSLTDBE   Stolen lt 2g lngtrmdorm emerg pass       COUNT
       RSLTDB1   Stolen lt 2g long term dormant pass 1    COUNT
       RSLTDB2   Stolen lt 2g long term dormant pass 2    COUNT
       RSLTDCE   Stolcontig gt 2g lngtrmdorm emerg pass   COUNT
       RSLTDC1   Stolen contig gt 2g lngtrmdorm pass 1    COUNT
       RSLTDC2   Stolen contig gt 2g lngtrmdorm pass 2    COUNT
       RSLTDDE   Stolcontig lt 2g lngtrmdorm emerg pass   COUNT
       RSLTDD1   Stolen contig lt 2g lngtrmdorm pass 1    COUNT
       RSLTDD2   Stolen contig lt 2g lngtrmdorm pass 2    COUNT
       RSRESAC   Resident ptrm pages gt 2g                COUNT
       RSRESBC   Resident ptrm pages lt 2g                COUNT
       RSSHRAE   Stolen gt 2g shared emerg pass           COUNT
       RSSHRA1   Stolen gt 2g shared pass 1               COUNT
       RSSHRA2   Stolen gt 2g shared pass 2               COUNT
       RSSHRBE   Stolen lt 2g shared emerg pass           COUNT
       RSSHRB1   Stolen lt 2g shared pass 1               COUNT
       RSSHRB2   Stolen lt 2g shared pass 2               COUNT
       RSSHRCE   Stolen contig gt 2g shared emerg pass    COUNT
       RSSHRC1   Stolen contig gt 2g shared pass 1        COUNT
       RSSHRC2   Stolen contig gt 2g shared pass 2        COUNT
       RSSHRDE   Stolen contig lt 2g shared emerg pass    COUNT
       RSSHRD1   Stolen contig lt 2g shared pass 1        COUNT
       RSSHRD2   Stolen contig lt 2g shared pass 2        COUNT

     The following 8 variables have had their format changed in table

       RSAFRDB   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSAFRDW   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSAFRIB   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSAFRIU   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSFSA2G   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSFSB2G   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSFSYUA   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.
       RSFSYUB   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGBYTES.

     The following variable has been deleted from table VSYTRSG:

       RS2GAV2   Can represent up to 16t                  COUNT

 95) The following 5 variables have been added to table VSYTRSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PLALECG   Times when gt 2g contig list empty       COUNT
       PLALECL   Times when lt 2g contig list empty       COUNT
       PLALEMG   Times when avail gt 2g list empty        COUNT
       PLGCLEM   Times when global clear list empty       COUNT
       PLMVB2G   Page trans moved gt 2g to lt 2g          COUNT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 96) The following variable has been added to table VSYTSCG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SRE0ETF   Elapsed time slice time factor           COUNT

 97) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

 98) The following 7 variables have been added to table VSYTSPT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CALTYPE   Type of space page or spol               STRING
       SRABSDL   Absolute shares dsplist vmdbks           COUNT
       SRATOD2   Artificial tod2 user time and cpu wait   DATETIME
       SRCONLL   Users actually on limit list             COUNT
       SRLLCNT   Adds to the limit list                   COUNT
       SRRELDL   Total relative shares dsplist vmdbks     COUNT
       SRXATOD   Artificial tod system running            DATETIME

 99) The following 17 variables have been added to table VSYTSXP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PFCPUAD   Processor address                        COUNT
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLSPFSC   Hcpsxpfs calls                           COUNT
       PLSPGCC   Contig sys exec space gt 2 page requests COUNT
       PLSPGCT   Contig sys exec space gt 2 given out     COUNT
       PLSPGFC   Free storage pages given out             COUNT
       PLSPGPC   Single non-contiguous pages given out    COUNT
       PLSPRCC   Contig sys exec space gt 2 returns       COUNT
       PLSPRCT   Contig sys exec space gt 2 returned for  COUNT
       PLSPRFC   Free storage pages returned              COUNT
       PLSPRPC   Single non0contig pages returned         COUNT
       PLSPRQC   Sys exec space returns of queues         COUNT
       PLSPRQT   Sys exec space returns via queues        COUNT
       PLSXACC   Create alias requests                    COUNT
       PLSXAQC   Queue sxste requests to requeue          COUNT
       PLSXARC   Remove alias requests                    COUNT
       PLSXREP   Available replenishments attempted       COUNT

100) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTSYG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MAIMISS   Missing adapter interruptions            STRING
       MAIUREC   Unrecoverable adapter interruptions      STRING

101) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

102) The following 5 variables have been added to table VSYTUWT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CACFICF   Vmdbks dsp list wait icf console functon COUNT
       CACRICF   Vmdbks dsp list running on real icf      COUNT
       CACWICF   Vmdbks dsp list wait icf cpu wait        COUNT
       CALLICF   Vmdbks dsp list wait icf max share delay MAXIMUM
       CASWICF   Vmdbks dsp list wait icf simulate wait   COUNT

103) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCPINVA   Page faults resolved no-4k case          COUNT
       TCSTKEX   Cpebk deferred writes                    COUNT
       TCSTKPF   Cpebk deferred page fault priority       INT

104) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       PFCPUAD   changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX4.

105) The following 20 variables have been added to table VUSELOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPABSSH   Cp absolute share setting                INT
       CPHFLG1   Cp share flags                           HEXFLAGS
       CPMXSHR   Cp max share setting                     INT
       CPRELSH   Cp relative share setting                INT
       ICABSSH   Icf absolute share setting               INT
       ICHFLG1   Icf share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       ICMXSHR   Icf max share setting                    INT
       ICRELSH   Icf relative share setting               INT
       IFABSSH   Ifl absolute share setting               INT
       IFHFLG1   Ifl share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       IFMXSHR   Ifl max share setting                    INT
       IFRELSH   Ifl relative share setting               INT
       ZAABSSH   Zaap absolute share setting              INT
       ZAHFLG1   Zaap share flags                         HEXFLAGS
       ZAMXSHR   Zaap max share setting                   INT
       ZARELSH   Zaap relative share setting              INT
       ZIABSSH   Ziip absolute share setting              INT
       ZIHFLG1   Ziip share flags                         HEXFLAGS
       ZIMXSHR   Ziip max share setting                   INT
       ZIRELSH   Ziip relative share setting              INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       VMPGSPL   changed from  MGBYTES.  to  BEST12.

106) The following 20 variables have been added to table VUSELON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPABSSH   Cp absolute share setting                INT
       CPHFLG1   Cp share flags                           HEXFLAGS
       CPMXSHR   Cp max share setting                     INT
       CPRELSH   Cp relative share setting                INT
       ICABSSH   Icf absolute share setting               INT
       ICHFLG1   Icf share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       ICMXSHR   Icf max share setting                    INT
       ICRELSH   Icf relative share setting               INT
       IFABSSH   Ifl absolute share setting               INT
       IFHFLG1   Ifl share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       IFMXSHR   Ifl max share setting                    INT
       IFRELSH   Ifl relative share setting               INT
       ZAABSSH   Zaap absolute share setting              INT
       ZAHFLG1   Zaap share flags                         HEXFLAGS
       ZAMXSHR   Zaap max share setting                   INT
       ZARELSH   Zaap relative share setting              INT
       ZIABSSH   Ziip absolute share setting              INT
       ZIHFLG1   Ziip share flags                         HEXFLAGS
       ZIMXSHR   Ziip max share setting                   INT
       ZIRELSH   Ziip relative share setting              INT

107) The following variable has been added to table VVNDSES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MSVCMAC   Vdev mac address                         HEXFLAGS

108) The following 3 variables have been added to table XACFVR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACGFLGS   Acvmflgs after ni with 3ex               INT
       ACVMFRE   Resource type abbreviation               STRING
       ACVMTYP   Resource type acvmfrsc+acvmflgs          STRING

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XACFVR:

       ACVMFXK   Rsrcname key used part two               STRING
       ACVMF02   Audit logstr part two                    STRING
       ACVMF03   Rsrcname upon entry part two             STRING

109) The following 437 variables have been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPIFLTM   Ifl processor cpu active time            TIME
       ICFPHYT   Physical cpu time icf engines            TIME
       IFAACTT   Ifa processors cpu active time           TIME
       IFACPUS   Ifa average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       IFAPATT   Ifa parked pat time                      TIME
       IFAPHYT   Physical cpu time ifa engines            TIME
       IFLCPUS   Ifl average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       IFLPATT   Ifl parked pat time                      TIME
       IFLPHYT   Physical cpu time ifl engines            TIME
       IFLUPTM   Ifl processor online time                TIME
       IFLWSTT   Ifl processor wst wait time              TIME
       LPAIFKT   Lpar 10 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPAILAT   Lpar 10 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPAILKT   Lpar 10 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPAILUT   Lpar 10 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPAILWT   Lpar 10 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPAPAT    Lpar 10 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPAZIKT   Lpar 10 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPBIFKT   Lpar 11 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPBILAT   Lpar 11 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPBILKT   Lpar 11 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPBILUT   Lpar 11 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPBILWT   Lpar 11 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPBPAT    Lpar 11 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPBZIKT   Lpar 11 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPCIFKT   Lpar 12 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPCILAT   Lpar 12 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPCILKT   Lpar 12 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPCILUT   Lpar 12 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPCILWT   Lpar 12 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPCPAT    Lpar 12 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPCZIKT   Lpar 12 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPDIFKT   Lpar 13 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPDILAT   Lpar 13 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPDILKT   Lpar 13 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPDILUT   Lpar 13 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPDILWT   Lpar 13 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPDPAT    Lpar 13 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPDZIKT   Lpar 13 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPEIFKT   Lpar 14 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPEILAT   Lpar 14 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPEILKT   Lpar 14 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPEILUT   Lpar 14 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPEILWT   Lpar 14 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPEPAT    Lpar 14 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPEZIKT   Lpar 14 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPFIFKT   Lpar 15 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPFILAT   Lpar 15 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPFILKT   Lpar 15 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPFILUT   Lpar 15 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPFILWT   Lpar 15 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPFPAT    Lpar 15 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPFZIKT   Lpar 15 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPGIFKT   Lpar 16 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPGILAT   Lpar 16 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPGILKT   Lpar 16 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPGILUT   Lpar 16 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPGILWT   Lpar 16 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPGPAT    Lpar 16 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPGZIKT   Lpar 16 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPHIFKT   Lpar 17 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPHILAT   Lpar 17 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPHILKT   Lpar 17 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPHILUT   Lpar 17 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPHILWT   Lpar 17 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPHPAT    Lpar 17 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPHZIKT   Lpar 17 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPIIFKT   Lpar 18 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPIILAT   Lpar 18 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPIILKT   Lpar 18 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPIILUT   Lpar 18 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPIILWT   Lpar 18 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPIPAT    Lpar 18 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPIZIKT   Lpar 18 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPJIFKT   Lpar 19 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPJILAT   Lpar 19 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPJILKT   Lpar 19 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPJILUT   Lpar 19 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPJILWT   Lpar 19 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPJPAT    Lpar 19 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPJZIKT   Lpar 19 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPKIFKT   Lpar 20 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPKILAT   Lpar 20 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPKILKT   Lpar 20 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPKILUT   Lpar 20 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPKILWT   Lpar 20 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPKPAT    Lpar 20 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPKZIKT   Lpar 20 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPLIFKT   Lpar 21 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPLILAT   Lpar 21 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPLILKT   Lpar 21 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPLILUT   Lpar 21 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPLILWT   Lpar 21 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPLPAT    Lpar 21 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPLZIKT   Lpar 21 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPMIFKT   Lpar 22 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPMILAT   Lpar 22 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPMILKT   Lpar 22 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPMILUT   Lpar 22 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPMILWT   Lpar 22 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPMPAT    Lpar 22 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPMZIKT   Lpar 22 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPNIFKT   Lpar 23 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPNILAT   Lpar 23 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPNILKT   Lpar 23 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPNILUT   Lpar 23 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPNILWT   Lpar 23 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPNPAT    Lpar 23 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPNZIKT   Lpar 23 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPOIFKT   Lpar 24 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPOILAT   Lpar 24 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPOILKT   Lpar 24 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPOILUT   Lpar 24 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPOILWT   Lpar 24 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPOPAT    Lpar 24 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPOZIKT   Lpar 24 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPQIFKT   Lpar 25 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPQILAT   Lpar 25 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPQILKT   Lpar 25 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPQILUT   Lpar 25 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPQILWT   Lpar 25 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPQPAT    Lpar 25 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPQZIKT   Lpar 25 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPRIFKT   Lpar 26 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPRILAT   Lpar 26 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPRILKT   Lpar 26 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPRILUT   Lpar 26 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPRILWT   Lpar 26 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPRPAT    Lpar 26 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPRZIKT   Lpar 26 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPSIFKT   Lpar 27 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPSILAT   Lpar 27 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPSILKT   Lpar 27 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPSILUT   Lpar 27 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPSILWT   Lpar 27 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPSPAT    Lpar 27 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPSZIKT   Lpar 27 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPTIFKT   Lpar 28 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPTILAT   Lpar 28 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPTILKT   Lpar 28 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPTILUT   Lpar 28 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPTILWT   Lpar 28 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPTPAT    Lpar 28 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPTZIKT   Lpar 28 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPUIFKT   Lpar 29 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPUILAT   Lpar 29 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPUILKT   Lpar 29 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPUILUT   Lpar 29 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPUILWT   Lpar 29 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPUPAT    Lpar 29 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPUZIKT   Lpar 29 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPVIFKT   Lpar 30 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPVILAT   Lpar 30 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPVILKT   Lpar 30 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPVILUT   Lpar 30 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPVILWT   Lpar 30 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPVPAT    Lpar 30 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPVZIKT   Lpar 30 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPWIFKT   Lpar 31 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPWILAT   Lpar 31 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPWILKT   Lpar 31 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPWILUT   Lpar 31 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPWILWT   Lpar 31 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPWPAT    Lpar 31 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPWZIKT   Lpar 31 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPXIFKT   Lpar 32 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPXILAT   Lpar 32 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPXILKT   Lpar 32 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPXILUT   Lpar 32 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPXILWT   Lpar 32 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPXPAT    Lpar 32 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPXZIKT   Lpar 32 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPYIFKT   Lpar 33 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPYILAT   Lpar 33 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPYILKT   Lpar 33 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPYILUT   Lpar 33 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPYILWT   Lpar 33 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPYPAT    Lpar 33 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPYZIKT   Lpar 33 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPZIFKT   Lpar 34 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPZILAT   Lpar 34 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPZILKT   Lpar 34 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPZILUT   Lpar 34 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPZILWT   Lpar 34 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPZPAT    Lpar 34 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPZZIKT   Lpar 34 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP0PAT    Lpar  0 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP1IFKT   Lpar  1 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP1ILAT   Lpar  1 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP1ILKT   Lpar  1 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP1ILUT   Lpar  1 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP1ILWT   Lpar  1 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP1PAT    Lpar  1 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP1ZIKT   Lpar  1 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP2IFKT   Lpar  2 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP2ILAT   Lpar  2 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP2ILKT   Lpar  2 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP2ILUT   Lpar  2 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP2ILWT   Lpar  2 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP2PAT    Lpar  2 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP2ZIKT   Lpar  2 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP3IFKT   Lpar  3 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP3ILAT   Lpar  3 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP3ILKT   Lpar  3 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP3ILUT   Lpar  3 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP3ILWT   Lpar  3 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP3PAT    Lpar  3 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP3ZIKT   Lpar  3 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP4IFKT   Lpar  4 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP4ILAT   Lpar  4 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP4ILKT   Lpar  4 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP4ILUT   Lpar  4 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP4ILWT   Lpar  4 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP4PAT    Lpar  4 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP4ZIKT   Lpar  4 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP5IFKT   Lpar  5 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP5ILAT   Lpar  5 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP5ILKT   Lpar  5 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP5ILUT   Lpar  5 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP5ILWT   Lpar  5 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP5PAT    Lpar  5 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP5ZIKT   Lpar  5 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP6IFKT   Lpar  6 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP6ILAT   Lpar  6 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP6ILKT   Lpar  6 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP6ILUT   Lpar  6 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP6ILWT   Lpar  6 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP6PAT    Lpar  6 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP6ZIKT   Lpar  6 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP7IFKT   Lpar  7 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP7ILAT   Lpar  7 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP7ILKT   Lpar  7 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP7ILUT   Lpar  7 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP7ILWT   Lpar  7 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP7PAT    Lpar  7 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP7ZIKT   Lpar  7 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP8IFKT   Lpar  8 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP8ILAT   Lpar  8 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP8ILKT   Lpar  8 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP8ILUT   Lpar  8 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP8ILWT   Lpar  8 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP8PAT    Lpar  8 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP8ZIKT   Lpar  8 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP9IFKT   Lpar  9 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP9ILAT   Lpar  9 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP9ILKT   Lpar  9 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP9ILUT   Lpar  9 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP9ILWT   Lpar  9 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP9PAT    Lpar  9 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP9ZIKT   Lpar  9 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQAIFKT   Lpar 44 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQAILAT   Lpar 44 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQAILKT   Lpar 44 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQAILUT   Lpar 44 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQAILWT   Lpar 44 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQAPAT    Lpar 44 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQAZIKT   Lpar 44 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQBIFKT   Lpar 45 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQBILAT   Lpar 45 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQBILKT   Lpar 45 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQBILUT   Lpar 45 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQBILWT   Lpar 45 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQBPAT    Lpar 45 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQBZIKT   Lpar 45 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQCIFKT   Lpar 46 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQCILAT   Lpar 46 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQCILKT   Lpar 46 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQCILUT   Lpar 46 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQCILWT   Lpar 46 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQCPAT    Lpar 46 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQCZIKT   Lpar 46 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQDIFKT   Lpar 47 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQDILAT   Lpar 47 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQDILKT   Lpar 47 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQDILUT   Lpar 47 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQDILWT   Lpar 47 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQDPAT    Lpar 47 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQDZIKT   Lpar 47 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQEIFKT   Lpar 48 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQEILAT   Lpar 48 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQEILKT   Lpar 48 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQEILUT   Lpar 48 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQEILWT   Lpar 48 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQEPAT    Lpar 48 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQEZIKT   Lpar 48 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQFIFKT   Lpar 49 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQFILAT   Lpar 49 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQFILKT   Lpar 49 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQFILUT   Lpar 49 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQFILWT   Lpar 49 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQFPAT    Lpar 49 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQFZIKT   Lpar 49 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQGIFKT   Lpar 50 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQGILAT   Lpar 50 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQGILKT   Lpar 50 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQGILUT   Lpar 50 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQGILWT   Lpar 50 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQGPAT    Lpar 50 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQGZIKT   Lpar 50 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQHIFKT   Lpar 51 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQHILAT   Lpar 51 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQHILKT   Lpar 51 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQHILUT   Lpar 51 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQHILWT   Lpar 51 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQHPAT    Lpar 51 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQHZIKT   Lpar 51 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQIIFKT   Lpar 52 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQIILAT   Lpar 52 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQIILKT   Lpar 52 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQIILUT   Lpar 52 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQIILWT   Lpar 52 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQIPAT    Lpar 52 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQIZIKT   Lpar 52 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQJIFKT   Lpar 53 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQJILAT   Lpar 53 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQJILKT   Lpar 53 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQJILUT   Lpar 53 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQJILWT   Lpar 53 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQJPAT    Lpar 53 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQJZIKT   Lpar 53 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQKIFKT   Lpar 54 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQKILAT   Lpar 54 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQKILKT   Lpar 54 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQKILUT   Lpar 54 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQKILWT   Lpar 54 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQKPAT    Lpar 54 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQKZIKT   Lpar 54 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQLIFKT   Lpar 55 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQLILAT   Lpar 55 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQLILKT   Lpar 55 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQLILUT   Lpar 55 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQLILWT   Lpar 55 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQLPAT    Lpar 55 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQLZIKT   Lpar 55 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQMIFKT   Lpar 56 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQMILAT   Lpar 56 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQMILKT   Lpar 56 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQMILUT   Lpar 56 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQMILWT   Lpar 56 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQMPAT    Lpar 56 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQMZIKT   Lpar 56 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQNIFKT   Lpar 57 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQNILAT   Lpar 57 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQNILKT   Lpar 57 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQNILUT   Lpar 57 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQNILWT   Lpar 57 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQNPAT    Lpar 57 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQNZIKT   Lpar 57 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQOIFKT   Lpar 58 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQOILAT   Lpar 58 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQOILKT   Lpar 58 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQOILUT   Lpar 58 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQOILWT   Lpar 58 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQOPAT    Lpar 58 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQOZIKT   Lpar 58 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQPIFKT   Lpar 59 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQPILAT   Lpar 59 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQPILKT   Lpar 59 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQPILUT   Lpar 59 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQPILWT   Lpar 59 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQPPAT    Lpar 59 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQPZIKT   Lpar 59 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQQIFKT   Lpar 60 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQQILAT   Lpar 60 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQQILKT   Lpar 60 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQQILUT   Lpar 60 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQQILWT   Lpar 60 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQQPAT    Lpar 60 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQQZIKT   Lpar 60 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ1IFKT   Lpar 35 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ1ILAT   Lpar 35 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1ILKT   Lpar 35 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ1ILUT   Lpar 35 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ1ILWT   Lpar 35 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ1PAT    Lpar 35 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ1ZIKT   Lpar 35 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ2IFKT   Lpar 36 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ2ILAT   Lpar 36 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2ILKT   Lpar 36 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ2ILUT   Lpar 36 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ2ILWT   Lpar 36 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ2PAT    Lpar 36 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ2ZIKT   Lpar 36 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ3IFKT   Lpar 37 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ3ILAT   Lpar 37 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3ILKT   Lpar 37 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ3ILUT   Lpar 37 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ3ILWT   Lpar 37 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ3PAT    Lpar 37 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ3ZIKT   Lpar 37 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ4IFKT   Lpar 38 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ4ILAT   Lpar 38 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4ILKT   Lpar 38 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ4ILUT   Lpar 38 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ4ILWT   Lpar 38 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ4PAT    Lpar 38 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ4ZIKT   Lpar 38 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ5IFKT   Lpar 39 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ5ILAT   Lpar 39 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5ILKT   Lpar 39 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ5ILUT   Lpar 39 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ5ILWT   Lpar 39 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ5PAT    Lpar 39 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ5ZIKT   Lpar 39 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ6IFKT   Lpar 40 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ6ILAT   Lpar 40 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6ILKT   Lpar 40 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ6ILUT   Lpar 40 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ6ILWT   Lpar 40 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ6PAT    Lpar 40 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ6ZIKT   Lpar 40 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ7IFKT   Lpar 41 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ7ILAT   Lpar 41 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7ILKT   Lpar 41 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ7ILUT   Lpar 41 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ7ILWT   Lpar 41 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ7PAT    Lpar 41 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ7ZIKT   Lpar 41 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ8IFKT   Lpar 42 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ8ILAT   Lpar 42 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8ILKT   Lpar 42 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ8ILUT   Lpar 42 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ8ILWT   Lpar 42 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ8PAT    Lpar 42 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ8ZIKT   Lpar 42 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ9IFKT   Lpar 43 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ9ILAT   Lpar 43 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9ILKT   Lpar 43 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ9ILUT   Lpar 43 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ9ILWT   Lpar 43 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ9PAT    Lpar 43 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ9ZIKT   Lpar 43 zip parked time                  TIME
       PCIFLBY   Ifl percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       ZIPACTT   Zip processors cpu active time           TIME
       ZIPCPUS   Zip average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       ZIPPATT   Zip parked pat time                      TIME
       ZIPPHYT   Physical cpu time zip engines            TIME

110) The following 13 variables have been added to table XASMCEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFACPUS   Ifa average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       IFAPATT   Ifa parked pat time                      TIME
       IFLACTT   Ifl processors cpu active time           TIME
       IFLCPUS   Ifl average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       IFLPATT   Ifl parked pat time                      TIME
       IFLUPTM   Ifl processors up time                   TIME
       IFLWSTT   Ifl processors wst time                  TIME
       PCIFABY   Ifa percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       PCIFLBY   Ifl percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   Zip percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       SM70PAT   Lpar parked duration smf70pat            TIME
       ZIPCPUS   Zip average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       ZIPPATT   Zip parked pat time                      TIME

111) The following variable has been added to table XASM7GC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

112) The following variable has been added to table XASM7GL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

113) The following 15 variables have been added to table XASM70L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFACPUS   Ifa average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       IFAPATT   Ifa parked pat time                      TIME
       IFLACTT   Ifl processors cpu active time           TIME
       IFLCPUS   Ifl average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       IFLPATT   Ifl parked pat time                      TIME
       IFLUPTM   Ifl processors up time                   TIME
       IFLWSTT   Ifl processors wst time                  TIME
       NRICFCP   Installed icf engines                    INT
       NRIFLCP   Installed ifl engines                    COUNT
       PCIFABY   Ifa percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       PCIFLBY   Ifl percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   Zip percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       SM70PAT   Lpar parked duration smf70pat            TIME
       ZIPCPUS   Zip average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       ZIPPATT   Zip parked pat time                      TIME

114) The following 433 variables have been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPIFLTM   Ifl processor cpu active time            TIME
       IFACPUS   Ifa average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       IFAPATT   Ifa parked pat time                      TIME
       IFLCPUS   Ifl average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       IFLPATT   Ifl parked pat time                      TIME
       IFLUPTM   Ifl processor online time                TIME
       IFLWSTT   Ifl processor wst wait time              TIME
       LPAIFKT   Lpar 10 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPAILAT   Lpar 10 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPAILKT   Lpar 10 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPAILUT   Lpar 10 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPAILWT   Lpar 10 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPAPAT    Lpar 10 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPAZIKT   Lpar 10 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPBIFKT   Lpar 11 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPBILAT   Lpar 11 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPBILKT   Lpar 11 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPBILUT   Lpar 11 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPBILWT   Lpar 11 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPBPAT    Lpar 11 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPBZIKT   Lpar 11 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPCIFKT   Lpar 12 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPCILAT   Lpar 12 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPCILKT   Lpar 12 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPCILUT   Lpar 12 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPCILWT   Lpar 12 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPCPAT    Lpar 12 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPCZIKT   Lpar 12 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPDIFKT   Lpar 13 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPDILAT   Lpar 13 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPDILKT   Lpar 13 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPDILUT   Lpar 13 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPDILWT   Lpar 13 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPDPAT    Lpar 13 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPDZIKT   Lpar 13 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPEIFKT   Lpar 14 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPEILAT   Lpar 14 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPEILKT   Lpar 14 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPEILUT   Lpar 14 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPEILWT   Lpar 14 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPEPAT    Lpar 14 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPEZIKT   Lpar 14 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPFIFKT   Lpar 15 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPFILAT   Lpar 15 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPFILKT   Lpar 15 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPFILUT   Lpar 15 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPFILWT   Lpar 15 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPFPAT    Lpar 15 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPFZIKT   Lpar 15 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPGIFKT   Lpar 16 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPGILAT   Lpar 16 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPGILKT   Lpar 16 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPGILUT   Lpar 16 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPGILWT   Lpar 16 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPGPAT    Lpar 16 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPGZIKT   Lpar 16 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPHIFKT   Lpar 17 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPHILAT   Lpar 17 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPHILKT   Lpar 17 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPHILUT   Lpar 17 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPHILWT   Lpar 17 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPHPAT    Lpar 17 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPHZIKT   Lpar 17 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPIIFKT   Lpar 18 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPIILAT   Lpar 18 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPIILKT   Lpar 18 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPIILUT   Lpar 18 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPIILWT   Lpar 18 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPIPAT    Lpar 18 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPIZIKT   Lpar 18 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPJIFKT   Lpar 19 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPJILAT   Lpar 19 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPJILKT   Lpar 19 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPJILUT   Lpar 19 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPJILWT   Lpar 19 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPJPAT    Lpar 19 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPJZIKT   Lpar 19 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPKIFKT   Lpar 20 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPKILAT   Lpar 20 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPKILKT   Lpar 20 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPKILUT   Lpar 20 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPKILWT   Lpar 20 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPKPAT    Lpar 20 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPKZIKT   Lpar 20 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPLIFKT   Lpar 21 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPLILAT   Lpar 21 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPLILKT   Lpar 21 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPLILUT   Lpar 21 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPLILWT   Lpar 21 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPLPAT    Lpar 21 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPLZIKT   Lpar 21 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPMIFKT   Lpar 22 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPMILAT   Lpar 22 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPMILKT   Lpar 22 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPMILUT   Lpar 22 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPMILWT   Lpar 22 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPMPAT    Lpar 22 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPMZIKT   Lpar 22 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPNIFKT   Lpar 23 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPNILAT   Lpar 23 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPNILKT   Lpar 23 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPNILUT   Lpar 23 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPNILWT   Lpar 23 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPNPAT    Lpar 23 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPNZIKT   Lpar 23 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPOIFKT   Lpar 24 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPOILAT   Lpar 24 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPOILKT   Lpar 24 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPOILUT   Lpar 24 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPOILWT   Lpar 24 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPOPAT    Lpar 24 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPOZIKT   Lpar 24 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPQIFKT   Lpar 25 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPQILAT   Lpar 25 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPQILKT   Lpar 25 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPQILUT   Lpar 25 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPQILWT   Lpar 25 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPQPAT    Lpar 25 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPQZIKT   Lpar 25 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPRIFKT   Lpar 26 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPRILAT   Lpar 26 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPRILKT   Lpar 26 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPRILUT   Lpar 26 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPRILWT   Lpar 26 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPRPAT    Lpar 26 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPRZIKT   Lpar 26 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPSIFKT   Lpar 27 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPSILAT   Lpar 27 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPSILKT   Lpar 27 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPSILUT   Lpar 27 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPSILWT   Lpar 27 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPSPAT    Lpar 27 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPSZIKT   Lpar 27 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPTIFKT   Lpar 28 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPTILAT   Lpar 28 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPTILKT   Lpar 28 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPTILUT   Lpar 28 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPTILWT   Lpar 28 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPTPAT    Lpar 28 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPTZIKT   Lpar 28 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPUIFKT   Lpar 29 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPUILAT   Lpar 29 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPUILKT   Lpar 29 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPUILUT   Lpar 29 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPUILWT   Lpar 29 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPUPAT    Lpar 29 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPUZIKT   Lpar 29 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPVIFKT   Lpar 30 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPVILAT   Lpar 30 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPVILKT   Lpar 30 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPVILUT   Lpar 30 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPVILWT   Lpar 30 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPVPAT    Lpar 30 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPVZIKT   Lpar 30 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPWIFKT   Lpar 31 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPWILAT   Lpar 31 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPWILKT   Lpar 31 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPWILUT   Lpar 31 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPWILWT   Lpar 31 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPWPAT    Lpar 31 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPWZIKT   Lpar 31 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPXIFKT   Lpar 32 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPXILAT   Lpar 32 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPXILKT   Lpar 32 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPXILUT   Lpar 32 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPXILWT   Lpar 32 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPXPAT    Lpar 32 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPXZIKT   Lpar 32 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPYIFKT   Lpar 33 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPYILAT   Lpar 33 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPYILKT   Lpar 33 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPYILUT   Lpar 33 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPYILWT   Lpar 33 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPYPAT    Lpar 33 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPYZIKT   Lpar 33 zip parked time                  TIME
       LPZIFKT   Lpar 34 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LPZILAT   Lpar 34 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LPZILKT   Lpar 34 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LPZILUT   Lpar 34 ifl up time                      TIME
       LPZILWT   Lpar 34 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LPZPAT    Lpar 34 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LPZZIKT   Lpar 34 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP0PAT    Lpar  0 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP1IFKT   Lpar  1 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP1ILAT   Lpar  1 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP1ILKT   Lpar  1 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP1ILUT   Lpar  1 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP1ILWT   Lpar  1 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP1PAT    Lpar  1 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP1ZIKT   Lpar  1 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP2IFKT   Lpar  2 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP2ILAT   Lpar  2 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP2ILKT   Lpar  2 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP2ILUT   Lpar  2 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP2ILWT   Lpar  2 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP2PAT    Lpar  2 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP2ZIKT   Lpar  2 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP3IFKT   Lpar  3 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP3ILAT   Lpar  3 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP3ILKT   Lpar  3 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP3ILUT   Lpar  3 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP3ILWT   Lpar  3 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP3PAT    Lpar  3 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP3ZIKT   Lpar  3 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP4IFKT   Lpar  4 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP4ILAT   Lpar  4 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP4ILKT   Lpar  4 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP4ILUT   Lpar  4 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP4ILWT   Lpar  4 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP4PAT    Lpar  4 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP4ZIKT   Lpar  4 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP5IFKT   Lpar  5 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP5ILAT   Lpar  5 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP5ILKT   Lpar  5 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP5ILUT   Lpar  5 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP5ILWT   Lpar  5 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP5PAT    Lpar  5 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP5ZIKT   Lpar  5 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP6IFKT   Lpar  6 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP6ILAT   Lpar  6 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP6ILKT   Lpar  6 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP6ILUT   Lpar  6 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP6ILWT   Lpar  6 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP6PAT    Lpar  6 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP6ZIKT   Lpar  6 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP7IFKT   Lpar  7 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP7ILAT   Lpar  7 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP7ILKT   Lpar  7 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP7ILUT   Lpar  7 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP7ILWT   Lpar  7 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP7PAT    Lpar  7 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP7ZIKT   Lpar  7 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP8IFKT   Lpar  8 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP8ILAT   Lpar  8 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP8ILKT   Lpar  8 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP8ILUT   Lpar  8 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP8ILWT   Lpar  8 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP8PAT    Lpar  8 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP8ZIKT   Lpar  8 zip parked time                  TIME
       LP9IFKT   Lpar  9 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LP9ILAT   Lpar  9 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LP9ILKT   Lpar  9 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LP9ILUT   Lpar  9 ifl up time                      TIME
       LP9ILWT   Lpar  9 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LP9PAT    Lpar  9 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LP9ZIKT   Lpar  9 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQAIFKT   Lpar 44 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQAILAT   Lpar 44 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQAILKT   Lpar 44 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQAILUT   Lpar 44 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQAILWT   Lpar 44 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQAPAT    Lpar 44 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQAZIKT   Lpar 44 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQBIFKT   Lpar 45 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQBILAT   Lpar 45 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQBILKT   Lpar 45 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQBILUT   Lpar 45 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQBILWT   Lpar 45 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQBPAT    Lpar 45 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQBZIKT   Lpar 45 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQCIFKT   Lpar 46 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQCILAT   Lpar 46 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQCILKT   Lpar 46 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQCILUT   Lpar 46 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQCILWT   Lpar 46 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQCPAT    Lpar 46 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQCZIKT   Lpar 46 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQDIFKT   Lpar 47 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQDILAT   Lpar 47 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQDILKT   Lpar 47 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQDILUT   Lpar 47 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQDILWT   Lpar 47 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQDPAT    Lpar 47 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQDZIKT   Lpar 47 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQEIFKT   Lpar 48 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQEILAT   Lpar 48 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQEILKT   Lpar 48 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQEILUT   Lpar 48 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQEILWT   Lpar 48 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQEPAT    Lpar 48 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQEZIKT   Lpar 48 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQFIFKT   Lpar 49 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQFILAT   Lpar 49 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQFILKT   Lpar 49 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQFILUT   Lpar 49 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQFILWT   Lpar 49 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQFPAT    Lpar 49 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQFZIKT   Lpar 49 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQGIFKT   Lpar 50 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQGILAT   Lpar 50 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQGILKT   Lpar 50 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQGILUT   Lpar 50 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQGILWT   Lpar 50 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQGPAT    Lpar 50 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQGZIKT   Lpar 50 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQHIFKT   Lpar 51 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQHILAT   Lpar 51 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQHILKT   Lpar 51 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQHILUT   Lpar 51 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQHILWT   Lpar 51 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQHPAT    Lpar 51 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQHZIKT   Lpar 51 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQIIFKT   Lpar 52 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQIILAT   Lpar 52 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQIILKT   Lpar 52 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQIILUT   Lpar 52 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQIILWT   Lpar 52 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQIPAT    Lpar 52 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQIZIKT   Lpar 52 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQJIFKT   Lpar 53 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQJILAT   Lpar 53 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQJILKT   Lpar 53 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQJILUT   Lpar 53 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQJILWT   Lpar 53 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQJPAT    Lpar 53 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQJZIKT   Lpar 53 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQKIFKT   Lpar 54 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQKILAT   Lpar 54 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQKILKT   Lpar 54 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQKILUT   Lpar 54 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQKILWT   Lpar 54 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQKPAT    Lpar 54 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQKZIKT   Lpar 54 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQLIFKT   Lpar 55 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQLILAT   Lpar 55 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQLILKT   Lpar 55 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQLILUT   Lpar 55 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQLILWT   Lpar 55 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQLPAT    Lpar 55 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQLZIKT   Lpar 55 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQMIFKT   Lpar 56 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQMILAT   Lpar 56 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQMILKT   Lpar 56 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQMILUT   Lpar 56 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQMILWT   Lpar 56 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQMPAT    Lpar 56 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQMZIKT   Lpar 56 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQNIFKT   Lpar 57 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQNILAT   Lpar 57 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQNILKT   Lpar 57 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQNILUT   Lpar 57 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQNILWT   Lpar 57 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQNPAT    Lpar 57 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQNZIKT   Lpar 57 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQOIFKT   Lpar 58 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQOILAT   Lpar 58 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQOILKT   Lpar 58 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQOILUT   Lpar 58 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQOILWT   Lpar 58 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQOPAT    Lpar 58 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQOZIKT   Lpar 58 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQPIFKT   Lpar 59 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQPILAT   Lpar 59 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQPILKT   Lpar 59 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQPILUT   Lpar 59 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQPILWT   Lpar 59 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQPPAT    Lpar 59 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQPZIKT   Lpar 59 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQQIFKT   Lpar 60 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQQILAT   Lpar 60 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQQILKT   Lpar 60 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQQILUT   Lpar 60 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQQILWT   Lpar 60 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQQPAT    Lpar 60 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQQZIKT   Lpar 60 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ1IFKT   Lpar 35 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ1ILAT   Lpar 35 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1ILKT   Lpar 35 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ1ILUT   Lpar 35 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ1ILWT   Lpar 35 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ1PAT    Lpar 35 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ1ZIKT   Lpar 35 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ2IFKT   Lpar 36 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ2ILAT   Lpar 36 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2ILKT   Lpar 36 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ2ILUT   Lpar 36 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ2ILWT   Lpar 36 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ2PAT    Lpar 36 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ2ZIKT   Lpar 36 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ3IFKT   Lpar 37 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ3ILAT   Lpar 37 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3ILKT   Lpar 37 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ3ILUT   Lpar 37 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ3ILWT   Lpar 37 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ3PAT    Lpar 37 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ3ZIKT   Lpar 37 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ4IFKT   Lpar 38 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ4ILAT   Lpar 38 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4ILKT   Lpar 38 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ4ILUT   Lpar 38 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ4ILWT   Lpar 38 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ4PAT    Lpar 38 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ4ZIKT   Lpar 38 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ5IFKT   Lpar 39 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ5ILAT   Lpar 39 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5ILKT   Lpar 39 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ5ILUT   Lpar 39 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ5ILWT   Lpar 39 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ5PAT    Lpar 39 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ5ZIKT   Lpar 39 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ6IFKT   Lpar 40 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ6ILAT   Lpar 40 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6ILKT   Lpar 40 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ6ILUT   Lpar 40 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ6ILWT   Lpar 40 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ6PAT    Lpar 40 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ6ZIKT   Lpar 40 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ7IFKT   Lpar 41 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ7ILAT   Lpar 41 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7ILKT   Lpar 41 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ7ILUT   Lpar 41 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ7ILWT   Lpar 41 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ7PAT    Lpar 41 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ7ZIKT   Lpar 41 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ8IFKT   Lpar 42 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ8ILAT   Lpar 42 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8ILKT   Lpar 42 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ8ILUT   Lpar 42 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ8ILWT   Lpar 42 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ8PAT    Lpar 42 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ8ZIKT   Lpar 42 zip parked time                  TIME
       LQ9IFKT   Lpar 43 ifa parked time                  TIME
       LQ9ILAT   Lpar 43 ifl dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9ILKT   Lpar 43 ifl parked time                  TIME
       LQ9ILUT   Lpar 43 ifl up time                      TIME
       LQ9ILWT   Lpar 43 ifl wst time                     TIME
       LQ9PAT    Lpar 43 wait state duration smf70pat     TIME
       LQ9ZIKT   Lpar 43 zip parked time                  TIME
       PCIFABY   Ifa percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       PCIFLBY   Ifl percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   Zip percent cpu busy                     PERCENT100
       ZIPCPUS   Zip average online cpu count             AVERAGE
       ZIPPATT   Zip parked pat time                      TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASM70P:

       CPPHYTM   Physical cpu time phy engines            TIME

115) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIB2GL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D2CHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       D2CHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       D2CHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       D2GRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       D2INSAG   Install agent                            INT
       D2INSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       D2INSUS   Install userid                           STRING

116) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIB2RE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D2CHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       D2CHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       D2CHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       D2GRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       D2INSAG   Install agent                            INT
       D2INSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       D2INSUS   Install userid                           STRING

117) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIDHD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DHCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       DHCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       DHCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       DHGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       DHINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       DHINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       DHINSUS   Install userid                           STRING

118) The following 63 variables have been added to table XCIDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSLACT    T8 tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSLNTCB   T8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSLSYSW   T8 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSLTCAF   T8 tcb tcb attach failures               COUNT
       DSLTCAL   T8 tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSLTCCA   T8 tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSLTCCU   T8 tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSLTCDO   T8 tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSLTCDS   T8 tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSLTCDU   T8 tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSLTCDX   T8 tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSLTCMD   T8 tcb mode                              STRING
       DSLTCMM   T8 tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSLTCMP   T8 tcb pool number                       INT
       DSLTCNM   T8 tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSLTCPA   T8 tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSLTCPU   T8 tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSLTCST   T8 tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSLTCT    T8 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSLTDT    T8 tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSLTWT    T8 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSMACT    Ep tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSMNTCB   Ep tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSMSYSW   Ep tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSMTCAF   Ep tcb tcb attach failures               COUNT
       DSMTCAL   Ep tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSMTCCA   Ep tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSMTCCU   Ep tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSMTCDO   Ep tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSMTCDS   Ep tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSMTCDU   Ep tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSMTCDX   Ep tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSMTCMD   Ep tcb mode                              STRING
       DSMTCMM   Ep tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSMTCMP   Ep tcb pool number                       INT
       DSMTCNM   Ep tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSMTCPA   Ep tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSMTCPU   Ep tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSMTCST   Ep tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSMTCT    Ep tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSMTDT    Ep tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSMTWT    Ep tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSNACT    Tp tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSNNTCB   Tp tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSNSYSW   Tp tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSNTCAF   Tp tcb tcb attach failures               COUNT
       DSNTCAL   Tp tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSNTCCA   Tp tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSNTCCU   Tp tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSNTCDO   Tp tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSNTCDS   Tp tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSNTCDU   Tp tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSNTCDX   Tp tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSNTCMD   Tp tcb mode                              STRING
       DSNTCMM   Tp tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSNTCMP   Tp tcb pool number                       INT
       DSNTCNM   Tp tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSNTCPA   Tp tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSNTCPU   Tp tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSNTCST   Tp tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSNTCT    Tp tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSNTDT    Tp tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSNTWT    Tp tcb duration in os wait               TIME

119) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIFCR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A1CHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       A1CHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       A1CHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       A1GRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       A1INSAG   Install agent                            INT
       A1INSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       A1INSUS   Install userid                           STRING

120) The following 21 variables have been added to table XCIIMQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMBUFMH   Total bufmh                              COUNT
       CMCB      Total cb                                 COUNT
       CMCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       CMCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       CMCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       CMCRTMH   Total crtmh                              COUNT
       CMCRTNE   Callback rtne invocations                COUNT
       CMCTL     Total ctl                                COUNT
       CMDLTMH   Total dltmh                              COUNT
       CMDLTMP   Total dltmp                              COUNT
       CMGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       CMINQMP   Total inqmp                              COUNT
       CMINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       CMINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       CMINSUS   Install userid                           STRING
       CMMHBUF   Total mhbuf                              COUNT
       CMRESYN   Resync member setting                    HEXFLAGS
       CMSETMP   Total setmp                              COUNT
       CMSTAT    Total stat                               COUNT
       CMSUB     Total sub                                COUNT
       CMSUBRQ   Total subrq                              COUNT

121) The following 17 variables have been added to table XCIISR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ISCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       ISCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       ISCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       ISFSICQ   Fs interval control requests             COUNT
       ISFSICR   Fs interval control bytes rcvd           COUNT
       ISFSICS   Fs interval control bytes sent           COUNT
       ISGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       ISINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       ISINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       ISINSUS   Install userid                           STRING
       ISIPADR   Ip resolved address                      STRING
       ISIPFAM   Ip family                                STRING
       ISLAUTH   Ipconn linkauth                          HEXFLAGS
       ISRMTST   Remote terminal starts                   COUNT
       ISTRBYR   Tr req bytes received                    COUNT
       ISTRBYS   Tr req bytes sent                        COUNT
       ISTRREQ   Transaction routing requests             COUNT

122) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIONSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A14CHGA   Change agent                             INT
       A14CHGD   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       A14CHGU   Change userid                            STRING
       A14GRFR   Group installed from                     STRING
       A14INSA   Install agent                            INT
       A14INSD   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       A14INSU   Install userid                           STRING

123) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIPIR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PRCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       PRCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       PRCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       PRGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       PRINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       PRINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       PRINSUS   Install userid                           STRING

124) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIPIW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PWCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       PWCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       PWCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       PWGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       PWINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       PWINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       PWINSUS   Install userid                           STRING

125) The following variable has been added to table XCISBAD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RSYSID    Remote sysid routed to                   HEXFLAGS

126) The following 19 variables have been added to table XCISPOO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DS5CMWS   Thrd pool current mismatch waits         GAUGE
       DS5CMWT   Thrd pool current mismatch waittime      GAUGE
       DS5CRNW   Thrd pool current tasks waiting          GAUGE
       DS5CRWT   Thrd pool current waiting time           GAUGE
       DS5CUAT   Thrd pool current tcbs attached          GAUGE
       DS5CUUS   Thrd pool current tcbs in use            GAUGE
       DS5MTCB   Thrd pool maximum tcbs                   MAXIMUM
       DS5MWTM   Thrd pool total tcb mismatch waitme      COUNT
       DS5MWTS   Thrd pool total tcb mismatch waits       COUNT
       DS5NCBL   Thrd pool times at pool limit            COUNT
       DS5PANW   Thrd pool maximum tasks waiting          MAXIMUM
       DS5PUAT   Thrd pool peak tcbs attached             MAXIMUM
       DS5PUUS   Thrd pool peak tcbs in use               MAXIMUM
       DS5PWWS   Thrd pool peak mismatch waits            MAXIMUM
       DS5TBPN   Thrd pool pool pool number               COUNT
       DS5TTMT   Thrd pool storage waiting time           COUNT
       DS5TTMW   Thrd pool storage waits                  COUNT
       DS5TTNW   Thrd pool number of waits                COUNT
       DS5TTWL   Thrd pool total wait time at limit       COUNT

127) The following 12 variables have been added to table XCITCPI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SRCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       SRCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       SRCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       SRGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       SRHOST    Hostname                                 STRING
       SRINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       SRINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       SRINSUS   Install userid                           STRING
       SRIPFAM   Ip family                                STRING
       SRMXDAT   Tcpip service maxdata length             MAXIMUM
       SRTRNID   Tcpip service transaction id             STRING
       SRURM     Tcpip service urm                        STRING

128) The following 10 variables have been added to table XCITPEJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EJASSRT   Tcp/ip asserted                          STRING
       EJCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       EJCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       EJCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       EJGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       EJINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       EJINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       EJINSUS   Install userid                           STRING
       EJIPADR   Ip address                               STRING
       EJIPFAM   Ip family                                STRING

129) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCITPII:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IICHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       IICHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       IICHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       IIGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       IIINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       IIINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       IIINSUS   Install userid                           STRING

130) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCITQR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TQCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       TQCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       TQCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       TQGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       TQINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       TQINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       TQINSUS   Install userid                           STRING

131) The following 35 variables have been added to table XCITRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BFDGSTC   Exec cics bif digest commands            COUNT
       BFTOTCT   Exec cics bif deedit bif digest commands COUNT
       ECEFOPC   Event filter operations                  COUNT
       ECEVNTC   Events captured                          COUNT
       ECSIGEC   Signal event requests                    COUNT
       EICTOTC   Exec cics requests                       COUNT
       JVMTHDC   Jvmserver thread wait count              COUNT
       JVMTHDT   Jvmserver thread wait duration           COUNT
       MAXTTDC   Maxttdly wait for t8 tcb count           COUNT
       MAXTTDT   Maxttdly wait for t8 tcb duration        TIME
       MLXMLTC   Exec cics transform requests             COUNT
       MLXSSCC   Mxlssctm count                           COUNT
       MLXSSCT   Mlxssctm duration                        TIME
       MLXSSTD   Total document length                    COUNT
       TIASKTC   Exec cics asktime commands               COUNT
       TITOTCT   Exec cics ask/convert/format time cmds   COUNT
       T8CPUTC   T8cput jvm multithreaded count           COUNT
       T8CPUTT   T8cput jvm multithread duration          TIME
       WBATMSN   Atomservice res def name used            STRING
       WBISSFC   Invoke xxxservice soap faults            COUNT
       WBPIPLN   Pipeline res def name used               STRING
       WBPROGN   Program name from urimap res def         STRING
       WBSFCRC   Soapfault create requests                COUNT
       WBSFTOC   Total soapfault requests                 COUNT
       WBSREQB   Soap request body length                 COUNT
       WBSRSPB   Soap response body length                COUNT
       WBSVCEN   Webservice res def name used             STRING
       WBSVOPN   Webservice operation name                STRING
       WBURIMN   Urimap res def name mapped               STRING
       WMQASRC   Websphere mq api cpu srb count           COUNT
       WMQASRT   Websphere mq api cpu srb duration        COUNT
       WSACBLC   Wsacontext build requests                COUNT
       WSACGTC   Wsacontext get requests                  COUNT
       WSAEPCC   Wesaepr create requests                  COUNT
       WSATOTC   Total ws-addressing requests             COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XCITRAN:

       APPLNAM   Application name applname                STRING

132) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIVT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A03PSDI   Psdint time                              COUNT
       A03PSTY   Snps mnps nops persistency               COUNT

133) The following 9 variables have been added to table XCIWBR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WRCHGAG   Change agent                             INT
       WRCHGDT   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       WRCHGUS   Change userid                            STRING
       WRGRFRM   Group installed from                     STRING
       WRINSAG   Install agent                            INT
       WRINSDT   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       WRINSUS   Install userid                           STRING
       WRIPADR   Ip address                               STRING
       WRIPFAM   Ip family                                STRING

134) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIXMC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       XMCCHAG   Change agent                             INT
       XMCCHGT   Change create time                       TIME
       XMCCHUS   Change userid                            STRING
       XMCDEFS   Group installed from                     STRING
       XMCINAG   Install agent                            INT
       XMCINST   Install create time                      TIME
       XMCINUS   Install userid                           STRING

135) The following 7 variables have been added to table XCIXMR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       XMRCHGA   Change agent                             INT
       XMRCHGD   Change create datetime                   DATETIME
       XMRCHGU   Change userid                            STRING
       XMRGRFR   Group installed from                     STRING
       XMRINSA   Install agent                            INT
       XMRINSD   Install create datetime                  DATETIME
       XMRINSU   Install userid                           STRING

136) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCM27C9:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CM27CCU   Cache cu base addr                       HEXFLAGS
       CM27CHN   Ucbchan                                  HEXFLAGS

137) The following 16 variables have been added to table XDBACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWCOAUD   Original application userid              STRING
       QWCROLE   Role name                                STRING
       QWCTCXT   Trusted context name                     STRING
       QXCBPNX   Pargroups intended run datashare         COUNT
       QXCSKIP   Bypassed db2s not enuf buffers           COUNT
       QXERGE    Times merge statement was executed       COUNT
       QXLTCTX   Alter trusted context                    COUNT
       QXLTJR    Alter jar                                COUNT
       QXNIX     Rename index                             COUNT
       QXRCTX    Create trusted context                   COUNT
       QXRINX    Create index statements                  COUNT
       QXRPCTX   Drop trusted context                     COUNT
       QXRPROL   Drop role                                COUNT
       QXRROL    Create role                              COUNT
       QXRTBL    Times truncate table was executed        COUNT
       QXTXMLV   Max storage used for xml values          MAXIMUM

138) The following 3 variables have been added to table XDBBPAC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWCOAUD   Original application userid              STRING
       QWCROLE   Role name                                STRING
       QWCTCXT   Trusted context name                     STRING

139) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBCCTB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWCOAUD   Original application userid              STRING
       QWCROLE   Role name                                STRING
       QWCTCXT   Trusted context name                     STRING
       QWHSACE   Ace address                              INT

140) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBCCTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBACPID   Buffer pool id this pool                 INT
       QWCOAUD   Original application userid              STRING
       QWCROLE   Role name                                STRING
       QWCTCXT   Trusted context name                     STRING

141) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDBGBPA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       QWAMEMN   Db2 member name                          STRING

142) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBGBPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBGLWM    Warm requests for multiple pages         COUNT
       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       QWAMEMN   Db2 member name                          STRING
       QWHSACE   Ace address                              INT

143) The following 35 variables have been added to table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QSTFRER   Qsst sfreer requests to free a segment   COUNT
       QSTFRES   Qsst sfreem segment freemain requests    COUNT
       QSTGETE   Qsst sgetext stack extensions            COUNT
       QSTGETR   Qsst sgetr get requests                  COUNT
       QSTGETS   Qsst sgetm stack request getmains        COUNT
       QVSCBOF   Failed sysevent boosts thread-wait       COUNT
       QVSCBOS   Succeed sysevent boosts thread-wait      COUNT
       QVSL254   Contentions latch class 254              COUNT
       QVSMBOF   Failed sysevent boosts thread-store      COUNT
       QVSMBOS   Succeed sysevent boosts thread-store     COUNT
       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       QWAMEMN   Db2 member name                          STRING
       QWDARIR   Not rollup due to key fields null        COUNT
       QWDARSG   Rollups due to storage thresh exceeded   COUNT
       QWDARST   Rollups due to staleness thresh exceded  COUNT
       QWDARTH   Rollups due to rollup thresh exceeded    COUNT
       QWSFLG    Status flag for rmf-api (s)              HEXFLAGS
       QWSLUIC   Unrefernced inverval count               COUNT
       QWSRCDE   Return code from rmf-api (s)             COUNT
       QWSRSNC   Reason code from rmf-api (s)             COUNT
       QXERGE    Times merge statement was executed       COUNT
       QXLTCTX   Alter trusted context                    COUNT
       QXLTJR    Alter jar                                COUNT
       QXLTSEQ   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXLTVW    Alter views                              COUNT
       QXNIX     Rename index                             COUNT
       QXRCTX    Create trusted context                   COUNT
       QXRESEQ   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXROSEQ   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXRPCTX   Drop trusted context                     COUNT
       QXRPROL   Drop role                                COUNT
       QXRRESI   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT
       QXRROL    Create role                              COUNT
       QXRTBL    Times truncate table was executed        COUNT
       QXTXMLV   Max storage used for xml values          MAXIMUM

144) The following 7 variables have been added to table XDBSTA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QIJFAIL   Failures caused by full star join pool   COUNT
       QIJMAX    Maximum size of star join pool (mb)      MAXIMUM
       QIJSIZE   Current size of star join pool (mb)      GAUGE
       QIJTRY    Allocation requests in star join pool    COUNT
       QXCBPNX   Pargroups intended run datashare         COUNT
       QXCSKIP   Bypassed db2s not enuf buffers           COUNT
       QXRINX    Create index statements                  COUNT

145) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDBTATB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       QWAMEMN   Db2 member name                          STRING

146) The following 3 variables have been added to table XDBTATR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       QWAMEMN   Db2 member name                          STRING
       QWHSACE   Ace address                              INT

147) The following 100 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ALLOWST   Allowable storage                        COUNT
       CUSHION   Cushion warning                          COUNT
       MAXTHRD   Maximum threads                          MAXIMUM
       NDB2STO   Total dbm1 storage                       COUNT
       OVERALL   Over allocated threads                   COUNT
       QIJFAIL   Failures caused by full star join pool   COUNT
       QIJMAX    Maximum size of star join pool (mb)      MAXIMUM
       QIJSIZE   Current size of star join pool (mb)      GAUGE
       QIJTRY    Allocation requests in star join pool    COUNT
       QSTFRER   Qsst sfreer requests to free a segment   COUNT
       QSTFRES   Qsst sfreem segment freemain requests    COUNT
       QSTGETE   Qsst sgetext stack extensions            COUNT
       QSTGETR   Qsst sgetr get requests                  COUNT
       QSTGETS   Qsst sgetm stack request getmains        COUNT
       QVSCBOF   Failed sysevent boosts thread-wait       COUNT
       QVSCBOS   Succeed sysevent boosts thread-wait      COUNT
       QVSL254   Contentions latch class 254              COUNT
       QVSMBOF   Failed sysevent boosts thread-store      COUNT
       QVSMBOS   Succeed sysevent boosts thread-store     COUNT
       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       QWAMEMN   Db2 member name                          STRING
       QWDARIR   Not rollup due to key fields null        COUNT
       QWDARSG   Rollups due to storage thresh exceeded   COUNT
       QWDARST   Rollups due to staleness thresh exceded  COUNT
       QWDARTH   Rollups due to rollup thresh exceeded    COUNT
       QWSFLG    Status flag for rmf-api (s)              HEXFLAGS
       QWSLUIC   Unrefernced inverval count               COUNT
       QWSRCDE   Return code from rmf-api (s)             COUNT
       QWSRSNC   Reason code from rmf-api (s)             COUNT
       QW225AL   Agent local pool storage                 COUNT
       QW225AS   Agent system storage                     COUNT
       QW225AT   Active allied threads                    COUNT
       QW225AV   Amount of available storage              GAUGE
       QW225AX   Storage in aux frames in use             COUNT
       QW225BB   Buffer manager blocks below the bar      COUNT
       QW225CD   Compress dictionary storage              COUNT
       QW225CE   Castout engines                          COUNT
       QW225CR   Reserved for must complete storage       COUNT
       QW225DW   Deferred write engines                   COUNT
       QW225EC   Mvs extended csa size                    GAUGE
       QW225EH   Mvs 31 bit extended high private         GAUGE
       QW225EL   Mvs 31 bit extended low private          GAUGE
       QW225FA   Fixed storage above the bar              GAUGE
       QW225FX   Fixed storage                            GAUGE
       QW225F1   Serviceability qw0225f1                  COUNT
       QW225F2   Serviceability qw0225f2                  COUNT
       QW225GA   Getmained storage above the bar          GAUGE
       QW225GM   Getmained storage                        GAUGE
       QW225GS   Getmained stack storage                  GAUGE
       QW225GW   Gbp write engines                        COUNT
       QW225HC   Hwm statements in thread copies cached   MAXIMUM
       QW225HI   Mvs 24 bit high private                  GAUGE
       QW225HS   Hwm storage thread copies cached         MAXIMUM
       QW225HT   Timestamp at high water mark             DATETIME
       QW225H2   Hwmalocstor cachd thrdcpys above pools   COUNT
       QW225LC   Statements in cached sql stmt pools      COUNT
       QW225LO   Mvs 24 bit low private                   GAUGE
       QW225LS   Alloc storage thread copies cached       COUNT
       QW225L2   Alocstor cached threadcpys above pools   COUNT
       QW225MV   Mvs usage storage                        GAUGE
       QW225PF   Prefetch engines                         COUNT
       QW225PL   P-lock notify exit engines               COUNT
       QW225PM   Pipe manager subpool storage             GAUGE
       QW225RG   Mvs extended region size max             MAXIMUM
       QW225RL   Storage in real frames in use            GAUGE
       QW225RO   Rds op pool storage                      GAUGE
       QW225RP   Rid pool storage                         GAUGE
       QW225SB   Statement cache block storage            GAUGE
       QW225SC   Thread copies cached sql storage         GAUGE
       QW225SF   Fixed virtual 64bit shared               COUNT
       QW225SG   Getmained virtual 64bit shared           COUNT
       QW225SJ   Sj op pool storage above the bar         GAUGE
       QW225SO   Cushion warning to contract storage      GAUGE
       QW225SU   Stack storage in use                     COUNT
       QW225SV   Variable virtual 64bit shared            COUNT
       QW225S2   Statement cache block storage gt 2gb     COUNT
       QW225TT   Bm/dm internal trace table storage       GAUGE
       QW225VA   Variable storage above the bar           GAUGE
       QW225VR   Variable storage                         GAUGE
       QXCBPNX   Pargroups intended run datashare         COUNT
       QXCSKIP   Bypassed db2s not enuf buffers           COUNT
       QXERGE    Times merge statement was executed       COUNT
       QXLTCTX   Alter trusted context                    COUNT
       QXLTJR    Alter jar                                COUNT
       QXLTSEQ   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXLTVW    Alter views                              COUNT
       QXNIX     Rename index                             COUNT
       QXRCTX    Create trusted context                   COUNT
       QXRESEQ   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXRINX    Create index statements                  COUNT
       QXROSEQ   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXRPCTX   Drop trusted context                     COUNT
       QXRPROL   Drop role                                COUNT
       QXRRESI   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT
       QXRROL    Create role                              COUNT
       QXRTBL    Times truncate table was executed        COUNT
       QXTXMLV   Max storage used for xml values          MAXIMUM
       THRDFTP   Thread storage per thread                COUNT
       THRDUSE   Thread storage used                      COUNT
       TOTTHRD   Total threads                            COUNT

     The following 15 variables have been deleted from table XDBTATS:

       QXALTCT   Alter trusted context                    COUNT
       QXALTJR   Alter jar                                COUNT
       QXALTSE   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXALTVW   Alter views                              COUNT
       QXCRCTX   Create trusted context                   COUNT
       QXCRESE   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXCRROL   Create role                              COUNT
       QXDROSE   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXDRPCT   Drop trusted context                     COUNT
       QXDRPRO   Drop role                                COUNT
       QXMERGE   Times merge statement was executed       COUNT
       QXPRRES   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT
       QXRNIX    Rename index                             COUNT
       QXSTXML   Max storage used for xml values          MAXIMUM
       QXTRTBL   Times truncate table was executed        COUNT

148) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDBTAT2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       QWAMEMN   Db2 member name                          STRING

149) The following 11 variables have been added to table XDBTAT4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWADSGN   Db2 data sharing group name              STRING
       QWAMEMN   Db2 member name                          STRING
       QW225F1   Serviceability qw0225f1                  COUNT
       QW225F2   Serviceability qw0225f2                  COUNT
       QW225H2   Hwmalocstor cachd thrdcpys above pools   COUNT
       QW225L2   Alocstor cached threadcpys above pools   COUNT
       QW225SF   Fixed virtual 64bit shared               COUNT
       QW225SG   Getmained virtual 64bit shared           COUNT
       QW225SU   Stack storage in use                     COUNT
       QW225SV   Variable virtual 64bit shared            COUNT
       QW225S2   Statement cache block storage gt 2gb     COUNT

150) The following 3 variables have been added to table XDCBKUP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UBFLAG3   Information flag 3                       HEXFLAGS
       UBGVCN    Genvsamcompnames processed?              STRING
       UBNOSPH   Sphere(no) processed?                    STRING

151) The following variable has been added to table XDCDSET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCDFLG5   Dcdflag5 63-bit fields flag              HEXFLAGS

152) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDCOLDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DDCFSDB   Sdb is specified?                        STRING
       DDCFVOR   Override jcl specified?                  STRING
       DDCSFLG                                            HEXFLAGS
       DDCSPCB                                            HEXFLAGS

153) The following 9 variables have been added to table XDCOLSC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSCBAKU   Acc backup parm value                    INT
       DSCBUSP   Acc backup parm specified                INT
       DSCDSSE   Dataset separate profile                 INT
       DSCFLG3   Dsc flag byte 3                          HEXFLAGS
       DSCFOSL   Oam sublevel 1                           INT
       DSCTIER   Multi-tier sg value                      INT
       DSCTIES   Multi-tier sg specified                  INT
       DSCVRSN   Acc version parm value                   INT
       DSCVRSP   Acc versioning parm specified            INT

154) The following 9 variables have been added to table XDCVOLS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCVCYLM   Eav indicator flag                       STRING
       DCVEAVO   Eav indicator flag                       HEXFLAGS
       DCVTRAL   Allocated track managed                  COUNT
       DCVTRFR   Fragmentation index track managed        COUNT
       DCVTRFS   Freespace track managed                  COUNT
       DCVTRFX   Free extents track managed               COUNT
       DCVTRLG   Largest extent track managed             COUNT
       DCVTRPC   Pct freespace track managed              PERCENT100
       DCVTRVL   Total capacity track managed             COUNT

155) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDDSTAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DEVCLAS   Device class type (ucbtyp3)              INT
       DEVTYPE   Device type  (numeric)   hex             INT

156) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDSNREC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TMSDATE   Tms read catalog date                    DATE
       TMSLIB    Tms library identifier                   STRING

157) The following variable has been added to table XERPIOS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LXC2SNI   Snid table data first                    HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XERPIOS:

       LX2SNI1   Snid table data first 114 bytes          HEXFLAGS
       LX2SNI2   Snid table data last  114 bytes          HEXFLAGS

158) The following 2 variables have been added to table XERPSDW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SDARC4    Fourth recordable extension              HEXFLAGS
       SDWA      Sdwa control block                       HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       SDARC1    changed from  $HEX100.  to  $HEX912.
       SDAVRA    changed from  $HEX100.  to  $HEX510.

     The following 4 variables have been deleted from table XERPSDW:

       SDARC1A   First recordable ext second 200          HEXFLAGS
       SDARC1B   First recordable ext last 32             HEXFLAGS
       SDA1      Sdwa control block first 200             HEXFLAGS
       SDA1A     Sdwa control block last  200             HEXFLAGS

159) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SLIRB     changed from  $HEX100.  to  $HEX128.

160) The following variable has been added to table XICBGDE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RELEASC   Task id of interval subtask              STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XICBGDE:

       RELEASI   Task id of interval subtask              STRING

161) The following variable has been added to table XICBGUT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VDVTYIC   Type of virtual device                   STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XICBGUT:

       VDVTYPE   Type of virtual device                   STRING

162) The following variable has been added to table XILVISC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       USDAILK   User data                                STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XILVISC:

       USRDATA   User data                                STRING

163) The following variable has been added to table XILVONN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       USDAILK   User data                                STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XILVONN:

       USRDATA   User data                                STRING

164) The following variable has been added to table XIMBMPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ELAPSTM   Bmp elapsed duration                     TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       DLRTMEI   changed from  TIME15.6  to  TIME16.6
       DLRTMEP   changed from  TIME15.6  to  TIME16.6

165) The following 11 variables have been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPUTRNX   Cpu after trn stop set                   TIME
       MSGSW     Input by message switch                  STRING
       TRNCAPP   Cics applid                              STRING
       TRNCVTZ   Trncvttz gmt time zone offset            INT
       TRNEXTE   Offset to trn extension                  INT
       TRNEXTL   Length of trn extension                  INT
       TRNFLSC   False schedules                          COUNT
       TRNFLST   False schedule elapsed time              TIME
       TRNMQMI   Mqs message id                           STRING
       TRNOTCL   Ims connect clien port number            INT
       TRNTFLA   Copy of rattflag det trace               HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XIMFTRN:

       TROTCON   changed from  DATETIME  to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       TROTCON   changed from  DATETIME21to  TIME12.2

     The following 4 variables have been deleted from table XIMFTRN:

       TREAPPU   Trneappu                                 COUNT
       TREDB2U   Trnedb2u                                 COUNT
       TREMQSU   Trnemqsu                                 COUNT
       TREOESU   Trneoesu                                 COUNT

166) The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       DLRTMEI   changed from  TIME15.6  to  TIME16.6
       DLRTMEP   changed from  TIME15.6  to  TIME16.6
       GMTOFFT   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME16.6

167) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       GMTOFFT   changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME16.6

168) The following variable has been added to table XIPLS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CVTTZ     Cvttz time difference local to gmt       TIME

169) The following 9 variables have been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       MEMLIMI   Memlimit value                           COUNT
       SM30MLS   Source of memlimit value?                INT
       SM30ZEP   Smf30zep reserved                        COUNT
       USSBYTE   Uss-omvs total bytes                     COUNT
       USSCALL   Uss-omvs total calls                     COUNT
       USSCPUT   Uss-omvs syscalls cpu time               TIME
       USSEXCP   Uss-omvs total excps                     COUNT

170) The following 3 variables have been added to table XMEACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACTCOME   Account code  (first 6 characters)       STRING
       MEMOSES   Number of sessions                       COUNT
       USNAMEM   User name                                STRING

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XMEACCT:

       ACTCODE   Account code  (first 6 characters)       STRING
       SESSION   Number of sessions                       COUNT
       USERNAM   User name                                STRING

171) The following variable has been added to table XNAENTA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NAFTERM   Naf terminal                             STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XNAENTA:

       TEMINAL   Terminal                                 STRING

172) The following variable has been added to table XNAGPSO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VLUNAF    Virtual lu                               STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XNAGPSO:

       VLU       Virtual lu                               STRING

173) The following variable has been added to table XNAGPSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VLUNAF    Virtual lu                               STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XNAGPSR:

       VLU       Virtual lu                               STRING

174) The following 8 variables have been added to table XNDMSC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDARCTM   Archive datetime                         DATETIME
       NDSCETM   New record datetime                      DATETIME
       NDSCFLG   Sc record flags                          HEXFLAGS
       NDSCPCE   Percent full of the esds                 PERCENT100
       NDSCPCK   Percent full of the ksds                 PERCENT100
       NDSCPGM   Program that did archive notify          STRING
       NDSCSEQ   Sequence number of datetime              INT
       NDSCWRT   Reason for last switch from              INT

175) The following 31 variables have been added to table XNDMS2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDARCTM   Archive datetime                         DATETIME
       NDS2AKN   Avg pnum ksds/esds ci                    AVERAGE
       NDS2AKP   Avg pname ksds/esds ci                   AVERAGE
       NDS2AKS   Avg snode ksds/esds ci                   AVERAGE
       NDS2AKT   Avg total ksds/esds ci                   AVERAGE
       NDS2AKU   Avg user ksds/esds ci                    AVERAGE
       NDS2BRE   Avg bytes/record                         AVERAGE
       NDS2BYT   Esds bytes written                       COUNT
       NDS2CIS   Esds ci-s written                        COUNT
       NDS2ESD   Avg esds writes/sec                      AVERAGE
       NDS2INT   Duration of interval                     TIME
       NDS2KRE   Ksds recs written                        COUNT
       NDS2KSD   Avg ksds writes/sec                      AVERAGE
       NDS2MKN   Max pnum ksds/esds ci                    MAXIMUM
       NDS2MKP   Max pname ksds/esds ci                   MAXIMUM
       NDS2MKS   Max snode ksds/esds ci                   MAXIMUM
       NDS2MKT   Max total ksds/esds ci                   MAXIMUM
       NDS2MKU   Max user ksds/esds ci                    MAXIMUM
       NDS2NKN   Min pnum ksds/esds ci                    MINIMUM
       NDS2NKP   Min pname ksds/esds ci                   MINIMUM
       NDS2NKS   Min snode ksds/esds ci                   MINIMUM
       NDS2NKT   Min total ksds/esds ci                   MINIMUM
       NDS2NKU   Min user ksds/esds ci                    MINIMUM
       NDS2QWA   Waits for q element                      COUNT
       NDS2RCI   Avg recs/ci                              AVERAGE
       NDS2REC   Esds recs written                        COUNT
       NDS2SEQ   Sequence number of date/time             COUNT
       NDS2SER   Avg service time                         AVERAGE
       NDS2STM   S2 start datetime                        DATETIME
       NDS2TKE   Date/time keys written                   COUNT
       NDS2UID   Stats userid stat.user parm              STRING

176) The following 4 variables have been added to table XOCADA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AFNAMEC   File name                                STRING
       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCADA:

       AFNAME    File name                                STRING

177) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCADAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

178) The following variable has been added to table XOCBOTL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCBOTL:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

179) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCDLI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

180) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCDLIT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

181) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCDTCO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

     The following 8 variables have been deleted from table XOCDTCO:

       DTCLK02   Detail elapsed time backout              TIME
       DTCLK07   Detail elapsed time locate generic       TIME
       DTCLK09   Detail elapsed time log operation        TIME
       DTCLK14   Detail elapsed time system/other         TIME
       DTCNT02   Detail count of backout                  COUNT
       DTCNT07   Detail count of locate generic           COUNT
       DTCNT09   Detail count of log operation            COUNT
       DTCNT14   Detail count of system/other             COUNT

182) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCDTCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

     The following 8 variables have been deleted from table XOCDTCT:

       DTCLK02   Total elapsed time backout               TIME
       DTCLK07   Total elapsed time locate generic        TIME
       DTCLK09   Total elapsed time log operation         TIME
       DTCLK14   Total elapsed time system/other          TIME
       DTCNT02   Total count of backout                   COUNT
       DTCNT07   Total count of locate generic            COUNT
       DTCNT09   Total count of log operation             COUNT
       DTCNT14   Total count of system/other              COUNT

183) The following variable has been added to table XOCFIXD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCFIXD:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

184) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCIDMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

185) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCIDMT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

186) The following variable has been added to table XOCRTA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCRTA:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

187) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCSUPR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

188) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCSUPT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

189) The following variable has been added to table XOCTITL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCTITL:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

190) The following variable has been added to table XOCTRAL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCTRAL:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

191) The following variable has been added to table XOCTRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCTRAN:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

192) The following variable has been added to table XOCVDCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCVDCT:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

193) The following variable has been added to table XOCVENQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCVENQ:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

194) The following variable has been added to table XOCVFCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCVFCT:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

195) The following variable has been added to table XOCVIO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCVIO:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

196) The following variable has been added to table XOCVJCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCVJCT:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

197) The following variable has been added to table XOCVPCP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCVPCP:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

198) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCVSAM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

199) The following 3 variables have been added to table XOCVSAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMCIJOB                                            STRING
       OMGAPPL                                            STRING
       OMSAPPL                                            STRING

200) The following variable has been added to table XOCVVSA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESTDTIM   Intr report datetime                     DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XOCVVSA:

       ESTTIME   Intr report time                         DATETIME

201) The following variable has been added to table XPROREC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PRDRLPR   Product release                          STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XPROREC:

       PRDREL    Product release                          STRING

202) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XQAIOP1:

       XIDTYP    changed from  INT       to  STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       XIDTYP    changed from  BEST12.   to  _NONE_

203) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XQAIOP2:

       XIDTYP    changed from  INT       to  STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       XIDTYP    changed from  BEST12.   to  _NONE_

204) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XQAIOP3:

       XIDTYP    changed from  INT       to  STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       XIDTYP    changed from  BEST12.   to  _NONE_

205) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XQAIOP4:

       XIDTYP    changed from  INT       to  STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       XIDTYP    changed from  BEST12.   to  _NONE_

206) The following 26 variables have been added to table XQAJOBL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBFLDR1   Reserved                                 COUNT
       JBFLDR2   Reserved                                 COUNT
       JBFLDR3   Reserved                                 COUNT
       JBFLDR4   Reserved                                 COUNT
       JBJTHDT   Jvm thread type                          HEXFLAGS
       JBJVMF    Jvm started                              STRING
       JBJVMT    Jvm type                                 HEXFLAGS
       JBMDYR    File system directory reads              COUNT
       JBMLCH    File system lookup cache hits            COUNT
       JBMLCM    File system lookup cache misses          COUNT
       JBMNDC    File system non-dir create ops           COUNT
       JBMNDD    File system non-dir delete ops           COUNT
       JBMOPN    File system open operations              COUNT
       JBMSLR    File system symbolic link reads          COUNT
       JBNFFNC   Reserved                                 COUNT
       JBNFFNP   Reserved                                 COUNT
       JBNFGRP   Reserved                                 HEXFLAGS
       JBNFHN    Reserved                                 HEXFLAGS
       JBNFHNC   Reserved                                 COUNT
       JBNFHNP   Reserved                                 COUNT
       JBNFLVL   Reserved                                 HEXFLAGS
       JBPASE    I5/os pase runtime active                STRING
       JBPGRL    Page frames released                     COUNT
       JBPGRQ    Page frames requested                    COUNT
       JBSCPU    Scaled cpu microseconds                  TIME
       JBSTCPU   Total scaled job cpu                     TIME

207) The following 2 variables have been added to table XQASYST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYSCIU    User authorizations needed               TIME
       SYSIUL    User authorizations available            COUNT

208) The following 5 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAPIFAR   Rmf ifa capture ratio                    PERCENT
       CAPZIPR   Rmf zip capture ratio                    PERCENT
       IFATM     Task ifa cpu time on ifa                 TIME
       NRINTRV   Number of original rmf intervals         COUNT
       ZIPTM     Task zip cpu time on zip                 TIME

     The following 24 variables have had their format changed in table

       CISFRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       CISIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OTRFRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OTRIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT0FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT0IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT1FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT1IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT2FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT2IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT3FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT3IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT4FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT4IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT5FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT5IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT6FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT6IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT7FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT7IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT8FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT8IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT9FRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       OT9IOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

209) The following 3 variables have been added to table XRMFWKL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WKLIOCT   Workload io count                        COUNT
       WKLIORT   Workload io rate                         RATE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

210) The following 7 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASID      Address space id                         INT
       SM30INV   Smf30inv flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZEP   Smf30zep reserved                        COUNT
       USSBYTE   Uss-omvs total bytes                     COUNT
       USSCALL   Uss-omvs total calls                     COUNT
       USSCPUT   Uss-omvs syscalls cpu time               TIME
       USSEXCP   Uss-omvs total excps                     COUNT

211) The following 9 variables have been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       MEMLIMI   Memlimit value                           COUNT
       SM30MLS   Source of memlimit value?                INT
       SM30ZEP   Smf30zep reserved                        COUNT
       USSBYTE   Uss-omvs total bytes                     COUNT
       USSCALL   Uss-omvs total calls                     COUNT
       USSCPUT   Uss-omvs syscalls cpu time               TIME
       USSEXCP   Uss-omvs total excps                     COUNT

212) The following 9 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       MEMLIMI   Memlimit value                           COUNT
       SM30MLS   Source of memlimit value?                INT
       SM30ZEP   Smf30zep reserved                        COUNT
       USSBYTE   Uss-omvs total bytes                     COUNT
       USSCALL   Uss-omvs total calls                     COUNT
       USSCPUT   Uss-omvs syscalls cpu time               TIME
       USSEXCP   Uss-omvs total excps                     COUNT

213) The following variable has been added to table XSTVS18:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST18CTP   Cartridge type                           STRING

214) The following variable has been added to table XSYCSOR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYNCHJO   Join feature indicator?                  HEXFLAGS

215) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTC2IRQ:

       TIRQIDS   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       TIRQIDS   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX4.

216) The following 44 variables have been added to table XTC2PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCMDLYC   Dschmdly cics tcb chg mode dly cnt       COUNT
       PCMDLYT   Dschmdly cics tcb chg mode dly time      TIME
       PDFHAP1   Emp #1 aka dfhappl1                      HEXFLAGS
       PDFHAP2   Emp #2 aka dfhappl2                      HEXFLAGS
       PICSCC    Icstacct no. ic start reqs chan opt      COUNT
       PICSCD    Icstacdl ic start reqs chan opt dlen     COUNT
       PICSRC    Icstrcct no. ic start reqs chan rem      COUNT
       PICSRD    Icstrcdl ic st reqs chan opt dlen rem    COUNT
       PL9CPUC   L9cput user task l9 mode cpu count       COUNT
       PL9CPUT   L9cput user task l9 mode cpu time        TIME
       PPCDCC    Pcdplcct dpl pgm links with chan opt     COUNT
       PPCDLL    Pcdlcsdl dpl pgm lnk chan opt data len   COUNT
       PPCDRL    Pcdlcsdl dpl pgm rtn chan opt data len   COUNT
       PPCLCC    Pclnkcct no. pgm links with chan opt     COUNT
       PPCRCC    Pcrtncct no. pgm returns with channel    COUNT
       PPCRCL    Pcrtncdl no. pgm rtn with chan dat len   COUNT
       PPCXCC    Pcxclcct no. pgm xctls with chan opt     COUNT
       PPGBCC    Pgbrwcct no. brws container chan reqs    COUNT
       PPGCCC    Pgcrecct no. containers created          COUNT
       PPGCTC    Pgtotcct total no. chan data container   COUNT
       PPGGCC    Pggetcct no. get container chan reqs     COUNT
       PPGGCL    Pggetcdl get container chan data len     COUNT
       PPGMCC    Pgmovcct no. move container chan reqs    COUNT
       PPGPCC    Pgputcct no. put container chan reqs     COUNT
       PPGPCL    Pgputcdl put container chan data len     COUNT
       PSTDLYC   Maxstdly max ssl tcb delay count         MAXIMUM
       PSTDLYT   Maxstdly max ssl tcb delay time          MAXIMUM
       PWBBOC    Wbbrwoct no. web browse requests         COUNT
       PWBIRC    Wbrcvin1 no. web receive requests        COUNT
       PWBIWC    Wbiwbsct no. invoke webservice reqs      COUNT
       PWBI1C    Wbchrin1 no. bytes rcvd by web reqs      COUNT
       PWBOSC    Wbsndou1 no. web send requests           COUNT
       PWBO1C    Wbchrou1 no. bytes sent web send reqs    COUNT
       PWBPRC    Wbparsct no. web parse requests          COUNT
       PWBRDL    Wbreprdl repository read data length     COUNT
       PWBROC    Wbredoct no. web read requests           COUNT
       PWBWDL    Wbrepwdl repository write data length    COUNT
       PWBWOC    Wbwrtoct no. web write requests          COUNT
       PXTDLYC   Maxxtdly max xplink tcb delay count      MAXIMUM
       PXTDLYT   Maxxtdly max xplink tcb delay time       MAXIMUM
       PX8CPUC   X8cput user task x8 mode cpu count       COUNT
       PX8CPUT   X8cput user task x8 mode cpu time        TIME
       PX9CPUC   X9cput user task x9 mode cpu count       COUNT
       PX9CPUT   X9cput user task x9 mode cpu time        TIME

217) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTC2SYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIRECIC   Ti record count                          COUNT
       TMQSCLC   Number of mqclose calls                  COUNT
       TMQSCLT   Mqclose call time                        TIME
       TMQSGTC   Number of mqget calls                    COUNT
       TMQSGTT   Mqget call time                          TIME
       TMQSIQC   Number of mqinq calls                    COUNT
       TMQSIQT   Mqinq call time                          TIME
       TMQSOPC   Number of mqopen calls                   COUNT
       TMQSOPT   Mqopen call time                         TIME
       TMQSPTC   Number of mqput calls                    COUNT
       TMQSPTT   Mqput call time                          TIME
       TMQSP1C   Number of mqput1 calls                   COUNT
       TMQSP1T   Mqput1 call time                         TIME
       TMQSSTC   Number of mqset calls                    COUNT
       TMQSSTT   Mqset call time                          TIME

218) The following variable has been added to table XTC2TDQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TDRECIC   Td record count                          COUNT

219) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2TSK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TDFHAP1   Emp #1 aka dfhappl1                      HEXFLAGS
       TDFHAP2   Emp #2 aka dfhappl2                      HEXFLAGS

220) The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTMBL24:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBL24     List vol vts                             STRING
       JESNR     Jes number                               INT
       JOB       Job stc or  tso name                     STRING

221) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBA:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

222) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBB:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

223) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBC:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

224) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBD:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

225) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

226) The following 44 variables have been added to table XTMDBDB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBCARNK   Waits trc events ck l-lk                 COUNT
       DBCARNM   Waits trc events oth l-lk                COUNT
       DBCARNN   Waits trc events pg/pt plk               COUNT
       DBCARNO   Waits trc events page p-lk               COUNT
       DBCARNQ   Waits trc events othr p-lk               COUNT
       DBCAWTK   Wait time global l-locks                 TIME
       DBCAWTM   Wait time global other locks             TIME
       DBCAWTN   Wait time global pg/pt p-locks           TIME
       DBCAWTO   Wait time global page p-lck locks        TIME
       DBCAWTQ   Wait time global other p-lck             TIME
       DBCLGTT   Declare global temporary tables          COUNT
       DBCRBSV   Rollback to savept requests              COUNT
       DBCRLSV   Rls savepoint requests                   COUNT
       DBCSVPT   Savepoint requests                       COUNT
       DBCTREE   Elap time enclave triggers               TIME
       DBCTRTE   Tcb time enclave triggers                TIME
       DBEGDTT   Parallel groups in udf                   COUNT
       DBEZIIP   Ziip eligible cpu time                   TIME
       DBFIL71   Ziip reserved 1                          COUNT
       DBFIL72   Ziip reserved 2                          COUNT
       DBFIL73   Ziip reserved 3                          COUNT
       DBFIL74   Ziip reserved 4                          COUNT
       DBLTSEQ   Alter sequences statements               COUNT
       DBLTVW    Alter view statements                    COUNT
       DBPRESI   Prepares indexes pending                 COUNT
       DBRESEQ   Create sequences statements              COUNT
       DBROSEQ   Drop sequences statements                COUNT
       DBSETCP   Set current precision statements         COUNT
       DBSHSQL   Highest severity sqlcode                 MAXIMUM
       DBSLSQL   Time of last sql statement               TIME
       DBTZIIP   Ziip cpu time triggers                   TIME
       DBXAWFC   Phase 1 dbio wait time                   TIME
       DBXFCCT   Waits force-at-commit                    COUNT
       DBXIXLE   Waits ixlcache ixlfcomp invcns           COUNT
       DBXIXLT   Waits ixlcache ixlfcomp asynch           COUNT
       DB1ZIIP   Total ziip cpu time                      TIME
       DB112CC   Encoding ccsid value                     INT
       DB112IW   Immediate write gbp buffer?              STRING
       DB112LN   Length of opthint hin-id                 INT
       DB112OF   Offset to opthint hin-id                 INT
       DB112SC   Encoding scheme ccsid                    STRING
       DB2ZIIP   Db2 ziip cpu time                        TIME
       SQIDLEN   Length of current sqlid                  INT
       SQIDNAM   Sqlid thread term                        STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

227) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

228) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBE:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

229) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTMDBF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BFDBNAM   Database name                            STRING
       BFNOCUR   Occurences ddl aud obj                   COUNT
       BF142AC   Statement type (create, drop, or alter)  STRING
       BF142CR   Table creator                            STRING
       BF142DB   Database id (dbid)                       HEXFLAGS
       BF142HO   Host options                             HEXFLAGS
       BF142LL   Sql statement text length in record      INT
       BF142OB   Record obid                              HEXFLAGS
       BF142OW   Table owner                              STRING
       BF142RL   Sql statement real length                INT
       BF142TN   Table name                               STRING
       BF142TT   Sql statement                            STRING
       DBCEUID   End user userid                          STRING
       DBCEUTX   End user transaction name                STRING
       DBCEUWN   End user workstation name                STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBF:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

230) The following 11 variables have been added to table XTMDBG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BGDBNAM   Database name                            STRING
       BGNOCUR   Occurences wrt aud obj                   COUNT
       BGOBNAM   Table name                               STRING
       BGPSNAM   Pageset name                             STRING
       BG143DB   Database id (dbid)                       HEXFLAGS
       BG143OB   Record obid                              HEXFLAGS
       BG143PS   Pageset obid                             HEXFLAGS
       BG143UR   Unit of recovery id (log rba or zeros)   HEXFLAGS
       DBCEUID   End user userid                          STRING
       DBCEUTX   End user transaction name                STRING
       DBCEUWN   End user workstation name                STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBG:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

231) The following 11 variables have been added to table XTMDBH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BHDBNAM   Database name                            STRING
       BHNOCUR   Occurences rd aud obj                    COUNT
       BHOBNAM   Table name                               STRING
       BHPSNAM   Pageset name                             STRING
       BH144DB   Database id (dbid)                       HEXFLAGS
       BH144OB   Record obid                              HEXFLAGS
       BH144PS   Pageset obid                             HEXFLAGS
       BH144UR   Unit of recovery id (log rba or zeros)   HEXFLAGS
       DBCEUID   End user userid                          STRING
       DBCEUTX   End user transaction name                STRING
       DBCEUWN   End user workstation name                STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBH:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

232) The following 21 variables have been added to table XTMDBI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BIDBNAM   Database name                            STRING
       BINOCUR   Occurences dml aud obj                   COUNT
       BIOBNAM   Table name                               STRING
       BI145DB   Audit log table dbid                     HEXFLAGS
       BI145HO   Host options                             HEXFLAGS
       BI145LL   Sql statement length                     INT
       BI145LN   Location name                            STRING
       BI145OB   Audit log table obid                     HEXFLAGS
       BI145PC   Package collection id                    STRING
       BI145PN   Program name                             STRING
       BI145QO   Offset to sql statement                  INT
       BI145SC   Sql return code                          INT
       BI145SN   Precompile statement number              INT
       BI145ST   Sql statement type                       INT
       BI145TL   Table info entry length                  INT
       BI145TN   Table info entry count                   COUNT
       BI145TO   Offset to table info                     INT
       BI145TS   Time stamp                               HEXFLAGS
       DBCEUID   End user userid                          STRING
       DBCEUTX   End user transaction name                STRING
       DBCEUWN   End user workstation name                STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBI:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

233) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBJ:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

234) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBK:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

235) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBL:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

236) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBM:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

237) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDBT:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

238) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTMDB7S:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D7AASC    Time in db2                              TIME
       D7AAWLG   Log write time                           TIME
       D7AAWTI   I/o elapsed time                         TIME
       D7AAWTJ   Gbl lock contention time                 TIME
       D7AAWTL   Lock latch time                          TIME
       D7ABPID   Bufferpool                               STRING
       D7ADBID   Database id                              HEXFLAGS
       D7AOBID   Object id                                STRING
       D7AOCUR   Occurrences                              COUNT
       D7AOTSN   Tablespace                               STRING
       D7AOTTY   Object type                              HEXFLAGS
       D7ASDB2   Db2 cpu time                             TIME
       D7ASDYN   Table dynamic sql usage                  HEXFLAGS
       D7ASFL1   Main table usage flag                    HEXFLAGS
       D7ASFL2   Sub-table usage flag                     HEXFLAGS
       D7ASTAB   Database+table                           STRING
       D7ATRET   Trigger time                             TIME
       D7AUDEA   User def function time                   TIME

239) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDAB:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

240) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDAF:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

241) The following 57 variables have been added to table XTMDDA2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DABGLGG   Getpages for gbp dep pages               COUNT
       DABGLHS   Async ixlcache invoc primary gbp         COUNT
       DABGLN1   Page p-lock lock nego space map pages    COUNT
       DABGLN2   Page p-lock lock negotiations data pgs   COUNT
       DABGLN3   Page p-lock lock nego index leaf pgs     COUNT
       DABGLP1   Page p-lock lock reqs space map pgs      COUNT
       DABGLP2   Page p-lock lock reqs data pages         COUNT
       DABGLP3   Page p-lock lock reqs index leaf pgs     COUNT
       DABGLS1   Page p-lock lock susps space map pgs     COUNT
       DABGLS2   Page p-lock lock susps data pages        COUNT
       DABGLS3   Page p-lock lock susps index leaf pgs    COUNT
       DABGLU1   Page p-lock unlock requests              COUNT
       DABGL2H   Async ixlcache invoc secondary gbp       COUNT
       DABPFIX   Pgfix attribute                          INT
       DABPGST   Pgsteal attribute                        STRING
       DABSLA    Serviceability                           COUNT
       DABSTLP   Times pages added to lpl                 COUNT
       DABVDQB   Pool vertical write threshold            COUNT
       DADNDBA   Requests required dbat thread            COUNT
       DADPOOL   Requests satisfied by pool thread        COUNT
       DADSPSR   Dbm1 address space preemptable srb       COUNT
       DADSZSR   Dbm1 address space preemptable srb ziip  COUNT
       DAGSFLM   False contentions                        COUNT
       DAISPSR   Irlm address space preemptable srb       COUNT
       DAISTCO   Columns terminated max concurr           MAXIMUM
       DAISZSR   Irlm address space preemptable srb ziip  COUNT
       DAJSBPA   Log write buffer paged in                COUNT
       DAJSCIW   Log write ci-s written                   COUNT
       DAJSLOG   Log write i/o requests                   COUNT
       DAJSLSU   Log write suspends                       COUNT
       DAJSSER   Serial log write requests                COUNT
       DAJSTHR   Log write rescheduled threshold          COUNT
       DAMSPSR   Mstr address space preemptable srb       COUNT
       DAMSZSR   Mstr address space preemptable srb ziip  COUNT
       DASECFA   Fail due to stmt pool full               COUNT
       DASECFR   Free pages in stmt free chain            COUNT
       DASECPG   Pages in statement pool                  COUNT
       DASEDFA   Fail due to dbd pool full                COUNT
       DASEDFR   Free pgs in dbd free chain               COUNT
       DASEDPG   Pages in dbd pool                        COUNT
       DASEDYN   Pages used in stmt pool                  COUNT
       DASSPSR   Spas address space preemptable srb       COUNT
       DASSZSR   Spas address space preemptable srb ziip  COUNT
       DASTCX4   Set sysparm commands                     COUNT
       DASTHWB   High water mark for idback threads       MAXIMUM
       DASTHWC   High water mark for cthread threads      MAXIMUM
       DASTHWF   High water mark for idfore threads       MAXIMUM
       DAXALTS   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       DAXALTV   Alter view statements                    COUNT
       DAXCRES   Create sequences                         COUNT
       DAXDCLG   Declare global temporary tabl stmts      COUNT
       DAXDEGD   Paral grps in udf qblk w/decl temp tbl   COUNT
       DAXDROS   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       DAXPRES   Prepare where indx use restrictd/pendg   COUNT
       DAXSETC   Set current precision statements         COUNT
       DAXSPSR   Dist address space preemptable srb       COUNT
       DAXSZSR   Dist address space preemptable srb ziip  COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDA2:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

242) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDBB:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

243) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDBF:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

244) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDBK:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

245) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTMDDBR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBRACE    Ace token                                HEXFLAGS
       DBRFLG    Object flag                              HEXFLAGS
       DBRNCNT   Dbrncntr occurrences                     COUNT
       DBRPAR    Partition number                         STRING
       DBRPF1    Partitioned pageset?                     STRING
       DBRPF2    Processing partitions?                   STRING
       DBRTSBP   Pageset bpid                             STRING
       DBRTVOL   Pageset volser                           STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDBR:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

246) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTMDDB2:

       HSIID     changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       ACE       changed from  BEST12.   to  HEX8.
       HSIID     changed from  MGTMDII.  to  MGDB2II.

247) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TMSDATE   Tms read catalog date                    DATE
       TMSLIB    Tms library identifier                   STRING

248) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTMSLM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TPMLXGF   Execution end time                       TIME
       TPMLXGN   Execution start time                     TIME

249) The following variable has been added to table XTPALOC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AVGDRIV   Tape drives average allocated            AVERAGE

250) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTYDLMN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NWNMDLM   New member name                          STRING
       USNADLM   User name from aceeusri                  STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XTYDLMN:

       NEWNAME   New member name                          STRING
       USERNAM   User name                                STRING

251) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTYSYMT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STPNAME   Step name                                STRING
       SYLBLKS   Total blocks first volser                COUNT
       SYLENCR   Encrypted tape identifier                STRING

252) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACCTJOB   Job account field                        STRING
       JXSLNGD   Jxslm managed                            STRING
       JXSLSRV   Jxslm service                            COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTYTPMX:

       ACCT      Job account field                        STRING

253) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTYX37:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACTNO37   Account number                           STRING
       MESGX37   Message issued                           STRING
       PRDRL37   Product release                          STRING

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTYX37:

       ACCTNO    Account number                           STRING
       MESSAGE   Message issued                           STRING
       PRODREL   Product release                          STRING

254) The following variable has been added to table XTY0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CVTTZ     Cvttz time difference local to gmt       TIME

255) The following variable has been added to table XTY1031:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SUBS103   Subsystem name                           STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY1031:

       SUBSYS    Sub system                               STRING

256) The following variable has been added to table XTY1032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SUBS103   Subsystem name                           STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY1032:

       SUBSYS    Sub system                               STRING

257) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY12SI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S120BFP   Bytes xfer from server to sip            COUNT
       S120BPT   Bytes xfer to server from sip            COUNT
       S120NPA   Sip sessions attached and active         COUNT

258) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCBEEX3   Dcbe specified loc=any?                  STRING
       SM14ABD   Task is terminationg tcbfa is on?        STRING
       SM14BFG   Additional dataset indicators            HEXFLAGS
       SM14LBS   Smf14lbs blocksize                       INT
       SM14TCL   Task termination closed the dcb?         STRING
       XTIOTYE   Dd has xtiot?                            STRING

259) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY16:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ICEINMR   Intermediate merges performed            COUNT
       ICEMFLG   Size=max in effect?                      STRING
       ICEMVLX   Specified or default storage             COUNT
       ICEMVLY   Theoretical storage available            COUNT
       ICEMVLZ   Available storage                        COUNT

260) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTY23:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM23NFD   Interval fix requests issued lt 2gb      COUNT
       SM23NGD   Interval getmain requests issued         COUNT
       SM23NID   Interval total i/o operations            COUNT
       SM23NRD   Interval non-first reference faults      COUNT
       SM23PBD   Interval pages backed for getmains       COUNT
       SM23PFD   Interval frames fixed below 2gb          COUNT
       SM23SRD   Interval srb dispatches                  COUNT
       SM23TCD   Interval unlocked tcb dispatches         COUNT
       SM231RD   Interval first reference faults          COUNT

261) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY30_D:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DEVCLAS   Device class type (ucbtyp3)              INT
       DEVTYPE   Device type  (numeric)   hex             INT

262) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASID      Address space id                         INT
       SM30INV   Smf30inv flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZEP   Smf30zep reserved                        COUNT
       USBYTES   Uss-omvs total bytes                     COUNT
       USCALLS   Uss-omvs total calls                     COUNT
       USCPUTM   Uss-omvs syscalls cpu time               TIME
       USEXCPS   Uss-omvs total excps                     COUNT

263) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASID      Address space id                         INT

264) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASID      Address space id                         INT
       SM30INV   Smf30inv flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZEP   Smf30zep reserved                        COUNT
       USBYTES   Uss-omvs total bytes                     COUNT
       USCALLS   Uss-omvs total calls                     COUNT
       USCPUTM   Uss-omvs syscalls cpu time               TIME
       USEXCPS   Uss-omvs total excps                     COUNT

265) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASID      Address space id                         INT
       SM30INV   Smf30inv flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZEP   Smf30zep reserved                        COUNT

266) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASID      Address space id                         INT
       SM30INV   Smf30inv flag byte                       HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZEP   Smf30zep reserved                        COUNT

267) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY42DS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S42DSRD   Average read ms disconnect time          AVERAGE
       S42DS02   Read operations to dataset               COUNT

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XTY42DS:

       S42DSMX   Max dset i/o response                    MAXIMUM
       S42DS01   Max dset service time                    MAXIMUM

268) The following variable has been added to table XTY42D1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42GAQ   Lock structure name                      STRING

269) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY42SR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S42DSRD   Average read ms disconnect time          AVERAGE
       S42DS01   Read operations to dataset               COUNT

270) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY42VT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S42DSRD   Average read ms disconnect time          AVERAGE
       S42DS01   Read operations to dataset               COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY42VT:

       REPTIME   changed from  COUNT     to  AVERAGE

271) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY4225:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42PF1   Smf42pf1 flags                           HEXFLAGS

272) The following variable has been added to table XTY6367:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACTIONR   Action requested                         STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY6367:

       ACTION    Action requested                         STRING

273) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PARTICF   Partition number of icf engines          GAUGE
       PARTIFA   Partition number of zaap engines         GAUGE
       PARTIFL   Partition number of ifl engines          GAUGE
       PARTZIP   Partition number of ziip engines         GAUGE
       SM70NRM   Ziip normalization factor                INT
       SM70ZEC   Smf70zec reserved                        COUNT
       SM70ZEE   Smf70zee reserved                        COUNT
       SM70ZEP   Smf70zep reserved                        COUNT
       SM70ZER   Smf70zer reserved                        COUNT

274) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ICFACTT   Icf engine executing (active) cpu time   COUNT
       IFLACTT   Ifl engine executing (active) cpu time   COUNT
       POLARCH   Polarity changed during interval?        STRING
       POLARIT   Polarization                             INT
       SM70CIX   Pool number index to label               INT

275) The following variable has been added to table XTY71:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM71GIE   Projected interval end time              COUNT

276) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY72DL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73RN01   Resource type 1 description              STRING
       R73RN02   Resource type 2 description              STRING
       R73RN03   Resource type 3 description              STRING
       R73RN04   Resource type 4 description              STRING
       R73RN05   Resource type 5 description              STRING
       R73RN06   Resource type 6 description              STRING
       R73RN07   Resource type 7 description              STRING
       R73RN08   Resource type 8 description              STRING
       R73RN09   Resource type 9 description              STRING
       R73RN10   Resource type10 description              STRING
       R73RN11   Resource type11 description              STRING
       R73RN12   Resource type12 description              STRING
       R73RN13   Resource type13 description              STRING
       R73RN14   Resource type14 description              STRING
       R73RN15   Resource type15 description              STRING

277) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY73:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CHANEXC   Extended channel measurements supported? STRING
       CHFACTV   Ficon operations concurrently active     GAUGE
       CHFDFER   Ficon operations deferred per sec        RATE
       CHFRATE   Ficon operations per sec                 RATE
       CHFXACT   Zhpf operations concurrently active      GAUGE
       CHFXDFE   Zhpf operations deferred per sec         RATE
       CHFXRAT   Zhpf operations per sec                  RATE
       SM73ECP   Channel path identification              INT
       SM73EIX   Index to extended channel data           INT
       SM73EOC   Ficon command mode operations attempts   COUNT
       SM73EOD   Ficon command mode operations not init   COUNT
       SM73EOS   Sum count of command mode operations     COUNT
       SM73ETC   Ficon transport mode operations attempts COUNT
       SM73ETD   Ficon transport mode operations not init COUNT
       SM73ETS   Sum count of transport mode operations   COUNT

278) The following 7 variables have had their external name changed in
     table XTY74CA:

       R745PBR   changed from  R7451PBR  to  R7452PBR
       R745PBW   changed from  R7451PBW  to  R7452PBW
       R745PRO   changed from  R7451PRO  to  R7452PRO
       R745PRT   changed from  R7451PRT  to  R7452PRT
       R745PWO   changed from  R7451PWO  to  R7452PWO
       R745PWT   changed from  R7451PWT  to  R7452PWT
       R745XTY   changed from  R7451XTY  to  R7452XTY

279) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY74CF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CFBSYTO   Total cf cpu busy time                   TIME
       R74FLPN   Partition identifier of cf               INT

280) The following variable has been added to table XTY74DU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R744FNA   Name of coupling facility                STRING

281) The following variable has been added to table XTY747P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R77PAVG   Rmf report average frame pacing          AVERAGE

282) The following variable has been added to table XTY78IO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCIOPBY   Iop/sap percent busy                     PERCENT100

283) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY78PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SHMOMAX   Max frames shared memory objects         MAXIMUM
       SHMOMIN   Min frames shared memory objects         MINIMUM
       SHMONTM   Time stamp of min shared above2gb        DATETIME
       SHMOTOT   Total samples shared above 2gb           COUNT
       SHMOXTM   Time stamp of max shared memobj          DATETIME
       TOFRMAX   Max frames 1mb frames                    MAXIMUM
       TOFRMIN   Min frames 1mb frames                    MINIMUM
       TOFRNTM   Time stamp of min 1mb frames             DATETIME
       TOFRTOT   Total samples 1mb frames                 COUNT
       TOFRXTM   Time stamp of max 1mb frames             DATETIME
       TOMOMAX   Max frames 64bit private allocated       MAXIMUM
       TOMOMIN   Min frames 64bit private allocated       MINIMUM
       TOMONTM   Time stamp of min 64 bit private         DATETIME
       TOMOTOT   Total samples 64 bit private             COUNT
       TOMOXTM   Time stamp of 64bit private              DATETIME

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XTY78PA:

       COMOHWM   Hwm bytes 64bit common                   COUNT
       LGMOHWM   Hwm bytes large memobj                   COUNT

284) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY792:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72FLG    Type 79 subtype 5 flag                   HEXFLAGS
       R72FLG2   Type 79 subtype 5 flag 2                 HEXFLAGS

285) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8000:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

286) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

287) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

288) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

289) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

290) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

291) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

292) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

293) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

294) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

295) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

296) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

297) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

298) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

299) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

300) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

301) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

302) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

303) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

304) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

305) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

306) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

307) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

308) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

309) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

310) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

311) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

312) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8028:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

313) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8029:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

314) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8030:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

315) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

316) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8033:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

317) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8034:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

318) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8038:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

319) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8039:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

320) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8042:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

321) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8043:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

322) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8044:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

323) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8045:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

324) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8048:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

325) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8050:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

326) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8054:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

327) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8055:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

328) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8057:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

329) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8061:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

330) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8062:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

331) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8063:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

332) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8064:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

333) The following 7 variables have been deleted from table XTY8066:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT

334) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY85AC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R85RC2    Osreq return code two                    HEXFLAGS
       R85STOK   Osreq stoken                             HEXFLAGS
       R85STY    Record subtype                           INT

335) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY85ST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R85PUDK   Bytes deleted tape sublevel 2            COUNT
       R85PUDO   Primary objects deleted tape sublevel 2  COUNT
       R85PURK   Bytes read tape sublevel 2               COUNT
       R85PURO   Primary objects read tape sublevel 2     COUNT
       R85PUWK   Bytes written tape sublevel 2            COUNT
       R85PUWO   Primary objects written tape sublevel 2  COUNT

336) The following variable has been added to table XTY99BS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S9BCUWT   Current weight of lpar                   GAUGE

337) The following 4 variables have been added to table XT11905:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TS6EALO   Current ecsa storage allocated           GAUGE
       TS6ENIU   Current ecsa aloc but not inuse          GAUGE
       TS6PALO   Current auth private allocated           GAUGE
       TS6PNIU   Current auth private not in use          GAUGE

338) The following 2 variables have been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPMQMTM   Total mq cpu time                        TIME
       CPUOWTM   Total uow cpu cics+db2+mq time           TIME

339) The following variable has been added to table XXCMDAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       USERXCO   Xcom user id                             STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XXCMDAT:

       USERID    User id                                  STRING

Support for HP Performance Agent 5.0

Support for HP Performance Agent 5.0 added many new metrics to existing tables in the data dictionary:

 WARNING: Before applying any data dictionary maintenance, please read the
 following warning:

   -  The following variable has changed from being numeric to character.

          Table      Variable

          PCSPRO     PROSTTM

      If this table already exists in your PDB and you wish to apply
      dictionary maintenance to the table, you will need to delete the
      variable first.  This can be done either by using the interactive
      interface or, preferably, by running the %CPDDUTL macro specifying a
      PDS member which contains the following statements:


      Applying subsequent maintenance to the table will create a new
      variable to replace it.


APPAUL0 APP_MINOR_FAULT The number of minor page faults satisfied in memory (a page was reclaimed from one of the free lists) for processes in this group during the interval.
APPAULT APP_MAJOR_FAULT The number of major page faults that required a disk IO for processes in this group during the interval.
APPLSID APP_LS_ID APP_LS_ID represents the zone-id of the zone associated with this application.
BYDSKTM BYDSK_BUSY_TIME The time, in seconds, that this disk device was busy transferring data during the interval.
GLBACHE GBL_MEM_FILE_PAGE_CACHE The amount of physical memory (in MBs unless otherwise specified) used by the file cache during the interval.
GLBARE0 GBL_LS_NUM_SHARED Number of partitions which share the processors.
GLBARED GBL_LS_CPU_NUM_SHARED Number of processor units in shared partitions.
GLBATE0 GBL_LS_NUM_DEDICATED Number of partitions which have dedicated processors.
GLBATED GBL_LS_CPU_NUM_DEDICATED Number of processor units in dedicated partitions.
GLBAVG5 GBL_LOADAVG5 The 5 minute load average of the system obtained at the time of logging.
GLBCPQU GBL_CPU_QUEUE The average number of processes orkernel threads using the CPU plus all of those processes or kernel threads blocked on PRIORITY waiting for their priority to become high enough.
GLBDITM GBL_TOTAL_DISPATCH_TIME Total lpar dispatch time in seconds during the interval.
GLBDPC0 GBL_NET_DEFERRED_PCT The percentage of deferred packets to total outbound packet attempts during the interval.
GLBEHIT GBL_MEM_CACHE_WRITE_HIT The number of write cache hits - logical writes that did not result in physical IOs during the interval.
GLBHOLD GBL_BYDSK_THRESHOLD disk threshold specifies the threshold for DISK class.
GLBLOCK GBL_CPU_CLOCK The clock speed of the CPUs in MHz if all of the processors have the same clock speed.
GLBMUTL GBL_MEM_ENTL_UTIL In a virtual environment, this metric indicates the maximum amount of memory utilized against memory configured for this logical system.
GLBMVRT GBL_MEM_VIRT The total private virtual memory (in MBs unless otherwise specified) at the end of the interval.
GLBNCOL GBL_NET_COLLISION The number of collisions that occurred on all network interfaces during the interval.
GLBOTAL GBL_LS_PHYS_MEM_TOTAL Total physical memory (in MBs) allotted across all the partitions.
GLBPHYS GBL_MEM_PHYS The amount of physical memory in the system (in MBs unless otherwise specified).
GLBPPE0 GBL_LS_NUM_UNCAPPED Number of Uncapped shared partitions.
GLBPPED GBL_LS_NUM_CAPPED Number of Capped shared partitions.
GLBSLRT GBL_MEM_PG_STEAL_RATE The number of pages stolen per second by the Virtual Memory Manager during the interval.
GLBSTDT STATDATE The end date timestamp of the interval for which the information in this record was captured, based on local time.
GLBTIM0 STATTIME The local time of day for the end of the interval.
GLBTPCT GBL_MEM_CACHE_WRITE_HIT_PCT The percentage of logical disk writes that did not result in physical disk IOs during the interval.
GLBUMED GBL_LS_PHYS_MEM_CONSUMED The physical memory (in MBs) that is consumed by partitions.
GLBUTI0 GBL_MEM_FILE_PAGE_CACHE_UTIL The percentage of physical_memory used by the file cache during the interval.
GLBUTI1 GBL_POOL_TOTAL_UTIL Percentage of time, the pool CPU was not idle during the interval.
GLBVAIL GBL_POOL_CPU_AVAIL The available physical processors in the shared processor pool during the interval.
BLSALTH BYLS_MEM_HEALTH On vMA, for a host, it is a number that indicates the state of the memory.
BLSAPIN BYLS_MEM_SWAPIN On vMA, for a logical system the value indicates the amount of memory that is swapped in.
BLSBYT0 BYLS_NET_IN_BYTE On vMA, for a host and logical system, it is number of bytes, in MB, received during the interval.
BLSBYT1 BYLS_NET_OUT_BYTE On vMA, for ahost and logical system, it is the number of bytes, in MB, transmitted during the interval.
BLSBYTE BYLS_DISK_PHYS_BYTE On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the number of KBs transferred to and from disks during the interval.
BLSCKE0 BYLS_NET_OUT_PACKET On vMA, for a host and a logical system, it is the number of successful packets sent through all network interfaces during the last interval.
BLSCKE1 BYLS_NUM_SOCKET On vMA, for a host, this metrics indicates the number of physical cpu sockets on the system.
BLSCKED BYLS_MEM_LOCKED This metric indicates the amount of locked physical memory available to a zone.
BLSCKET BYLS_NET_IN_PACKET On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the number of successful packets received through all network interfaces during the interval.
BLSCLNM BYLS_CLUSTER_NAME On vMA, for a host and resource pool it is the name of the cluster to which the host belongs to when it is managed by virtual centre.
BLSCORE BYLS_NUM_CPU_CORE On vMA, for a host this metric provides the toal number of CPU cores on the system.
BLSFREE BYLS_MEM_FREE On vMA, for a host and logical system, it is the amount of memory not allocated (in MBs unless otherwise specified).
BLSINTR BYLS_PHANTOM_INTR It is the number of phantom interrupts that the logical partition received during the interval.
BLSLASS BYLS_SCHEDULING_CLASS This metric indicates the scheduling class for the zone.
BLSLMAX BYLS_CPU_CYCLE_ENTL_MAX On vMA, for a host, logical system and resource pool this value indicates the maximum processor capacity, in MHz, configured for the entity.
BLSLMIN BYLS_CPU_CYCLE_ENTL_MIN On vMA, for a host, logical system and resource pool this value indicates the minimum processor capacity, in MHz, configured for the entity.
BLSLOCK BYLS_CPU_CLOCK On vMA, for a host and logical system, it is the clock speed of the CPUs in MHz if all of the processors have the same clock speed.
BLSMSYS BYLS_MEM_SYS On vMA, for a host, it is the amount of physical memory (in MBs unless otherwise specified) used by the system (kernel) during the interval.
BLSNAM0 BYLS_LS_HOSTNAME This is the DNS registered name of the system.
BLSNAM1 BYLS_LS_HOST_HOSTNAME On vMA, for logical system and resource pool, it is the FQDN of the host on which they are hosted.
BLSNAM2 BYLS_POOL_NAME This metric indicates the name of the cpu pool this zone is attached to.
BLSODEL BYLS_MACHINE_MODEL On vMA, for a host, it is the CPU model of the host system.
BLSOURS BYLS_UPTIME_HOURS On vMA, for a host and logical system the metrics is the time, in hours, since the last system reboot.
BLSPATH BYLS_LS_PATH This metric indicates the installation path for the logical system.
BLSPEAK BYLS_DISK_UTIL_PEAK On vMA, for a host, it is the utilization of the busiest disk during the interval.
BLSPHYS BYLS_MEM_PHYS On vMA, for host the value is the physical memory available in the system and for logical system this metric indicates the minimum memory configured.
BLSPOUT BYLS_MEM_SWAPOUT On vMA, for a logical system the value indicates the amount of memory that is swapped out.
BLSRAT0 BYLS_DISK_PHYS_READ_BYTE_RATE On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the average number of KBs transferred from the disk per second during the interval.
BLSRAT1 BYLS_DISK_PHYS_READ_RATE On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the number of physical reads per second during the interval.
BLSRAT2 BYLS_DISK_PHYS_WRITE_BYTE_RATE On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the average number of KBs transferred to the disk per second during the interval.
BLSRAT3 BYLS_DISK_PHYS_WRITE_RATE On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the number of physical writes per second during the interval.
BLSRAT4 BYLS_NET_BYTE_RATE On vMA, for a host and logical system, it is the sum of data transmitted and received for all the NIC instances of the host and virtual machine.
BLSRAT5 BYLS_NET_IN_PACKET_RATE On vMA, for a host and alogical system, this metric indicates the number of successful packets per second received through all network interfaces during the interval.
BLSRAT6 BYLS_NET_OUT_PACKET_RATE On vMA, for a host and alogical system, this metric indicates the number of successful packets per second sent through the network interfaces during the interval.
BLSRAT7 BYLS_NET_PACKET_RATE On vMA, for a host and a logical system, it is the number of successful packets per second, both send and received, for all network interfaces during the interval.
BLSRATE BYLS_DISK_PHYS_BYTE_RATE On vMA, for a host and alogical system, this metric indicates the averagenumber of KBs per second at which data was transfered to and from disks during the interval.
BLSREAD BYLS_DISK_PHYS_READ On vMA, for a host and a logical system this metric indicates the number of physical reads during the interval.
BLSRESS BYLS_VC_IP_ADDRESS On vMA, for a host, the metric indicates the IP address of the Virtual Centre that the host is managed by.
BLSRGET BYLS_MEM_SWAPTARGET On vMA, for a logical system the value indicates the amount of memory that can be swapped.
BLSRITE BYLS_DISK_PHYS_WRITE On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the number of physical writes during the interval.
BLSROLE BYLS_LS_ROLE On vMA, for a host the metric is HOST.
BLSRVE0 BYLS_MEM_UNRESERVED On vMA, for a host it is the amount of memory, that is unreserved.
BLSRVED BYLS_CPU_UNRESERVED On vMA, for host, it is the number of CPU cycles that are available for creating a new logical system.
BLSSWAP BYLS_MEM_SWAP This metric indicates the total amount of swap that can be consumed by user process address space mappings and tmpfs mounts for this zone.
BLSTIME BYLS_BOOT_TIME On vMA, for a host and logical system the metric is the date and time when the system was last booted.
BLSTIVE BYLS_MEM_ACTIVE On vMA, for a logical system it is the amount of memory, that is actively used.
BLSTYP0 BYLS_LS_TYPE The type of this logical system.
BLSTYPE BYLS_LS_PARENT_TYPE On vMA, the metric indicates the type of parent entity.
BLSUID0 BYLS_LS_PARENT_UUID On vMA, the metric indicates the UUID of the parent entity.
BLSUMLS BYLS_NUM_LS On vMA, for a host, this indicates the number of logical systems hosted in a system.
BLSUSE0 BYLS_MEM_BALLOON_USED On vMA, for logical system, it is the amount of memory held by memory control for ballooning.
BLSUSE1 BYLS_MEM_LOCKED_USED This metric indicates the amount of locked memory consumed by the zone with respect to total configured locked memory (BYLS_MEM_LOCKED).
BLSUSE2 BYLS_MEM_SWAP_USED This metric indicates the amount of swap memory consumed by the zone with respect to total configured swap memory (BYLS_MEM_SWAP).
BLSUSE3 BYLS_MEM_USED On vMA, for host, resource pool and logical system the value indicates the amount of memory used represented in MB.
BLSUSED BYLS_CPU_CYCLE_TOTAL_USED On vMA, for host, resource pool and logical system, it is the total time the physical CPUs were utilized during the interval, represented in cpu cycles.
BLSUTI0 BYLS_CPU_PHYS_READY_UTIL On vMA, for a logical system it is the percentage of time, during the interval, that the CPU was in ready state.
BLSUTI1 BYLS_CPU_PHYS_WAIT_MODE_UTIL The percentage of time the physical CPUs were in wait mode for the logical system during the interval.
BLSUTI2 BYLS_CPU_PHYS_WAIT_UTIL On vMA, for a logical system it is the percentage of time, during the interval, that the virtual CPU was waiting for the IOs to complete.
BLSUTI3 BYLS_CPU_SYS_MODE_UTIL On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the percentage of time the CPU was in system mode.
BLSUTI4 BYLS_CPU_USER_MODE_UTIL On vMA, for a host and a logical system, this metric indicates the percentage of time the CPU was in user mode during the interval.
BLSUTI5 BYLS_DISK_UTIL On vMA, for a host, it is the average percentage of time during the interval (average utilization) that all the disks had IO in progress.
BLSUTI6 BYLS_MEM_BALLOON_UTIL On vMA, for logical system, it is the amount of memory held by memory control for ballooning.
BLSUTI7 BYLS_MEM_FREE_UTIL On vMA, for a host and logical system, it is the percentage of physical memory that was free at the end of the interval.
BLSUTI8 BYLS_MEM_LOCKED_UTIL This metric indicates the percentage of locked memory consumed by the zone with respect to total configured locked memory (BYLS_MEM_LOCKED).
BLSUTI9 BYLS_MEM_SWAP_UTIL This metric indicates the percentage of swap memory consumed by the zone with respect to total configured swap memory (BYLS_MEM_SWAP).
BLSUTIL BYLS_CPU_PHYS_IDLE_MODE_UTIL The percentage of time the physical CPUs were in idle state for the logical system during the interval.
BLSVAIL BYLS_MEM_AVAIL On vMA, for a host, the amount of physical available memory in the host system (in MBs unless otherwise specified).
BLSVELS BYLS_NUM_ACTIVE_LS On vMA, for a host, this indicates the number of logical systems hosted in a system that are active.
NETBYT0 BYNETIF_OUT_BYTE The number of KBs sent to the network via this interface during the interval.
NETBYTE BYNETIF_IN_BYTE The number of KBs received from the network via this interface during the interval.
NETTYPE BYNETIF_NET_TYPE The type of network device the interface communicates through.
PROCCMD PROC_PROC_CMD The full command line with which the process was initiated.
PROINTL INTERVAL The number of seconds in the measurement interval.
PROLSID PROC_LS_ID PROC_LS_ID represents the zone-id of the zone, this process is running in.
PROUTI0 PROC_CPU_ALIVE_TOTAL_UTIL The total CPU time consumed by a process (or kernel thread, if HP-UX/Linux Kernel 2.
PROUTI1 PROC_CPU_ALIVE_USER_MODE_UTIL The total CPU time consumed by a process (or kernel thread, if HP-UX/Linux Kernel 2.
PROUTIL PROC_CPU_ALIVE_SYS_MODE_UTIL The total CPU time consumed by a process (or kernel thread, if HP-UX/Linux Kernel 2.
TRNDATE DATE The date the information in this record was captured, based on local time.
TRNDAY DAY The julian day of the year that the data in this record was captured.
TRNINTV INTERVAL The number of seconds in the measurement interval.
TRNRCTY RECORD_TYPE ASCII string that identifies the record.
TRNSECS DATE_SECONDS The time that the data was captured, expressed in seconds since January 1, 1970.
TRNTIME TIME The local time of day the information in this record was captured.
TRNYEAR YEAR The year, including the century, the data in this record was captured.

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 26.07

Summary of Changes:


 WARNING: Before applying any data dictionary maintenance, please read the
 following warnings:

   -  The following VMMON table has had its table type changed from
      EVENT to INTERVAL due to an oversight when the table was created.

          Table           Description

          VVNDSES     VM - virtual nic session activity

      If this table already exists in your PDB, you will need to delete
      it if you want to start collecting the data as interval-type data.

      This can be done by either using the interactive interface or,
      preferably, by running the %CPDDUTL macro specifying a PDS member
      which contains the following statements:




 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 26.07. If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may
 contain variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later
 versions of MXG are compatible.  If new variables or tables have been added
 in a later version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a
 maintenance release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can
 use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary
 update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 Support for MXG 26.07 also implies support for the following
 enhancements to existing tables:

    Support for z/OS 1.10.
    Support for IMS Log record 0A (CPI-CI Driven PGM).
    Support for Tape Mount Monitor ML-43.
    Support for new RMFWKLRV (RMFINTRV workload-only) dataset.
    Support for AS/400 Version 6.1.0.
    Support for TPF PUT22 changes.
    Support for SMF 99 Subtype 11 Group Capacity Limits.
    Support for new BESKEY variable for encrypted CA-1 tapes.
    Support for new NTSMF objects: BITS NET UTIL, PACER PIPE, USB.
    Support for new NTSMF fields in MEMORY, PROCESS objects.
    Support for IMS Version 10 '08'x Log Record.
    Support for 64 CP Engines.
    Support for new NTSMF objects: Database Mirroring.
    Support for OAM subtypes 38, 39 and 40.
    Support for Thruput Manager SLM and DB2 data.
    Support for new variables in OAM subtype 32-35 records.
    Support for new NTSMF objects for MSSQL.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NBITSNE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - nt bits net utilization
        NCITRXC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - cpu utilization mgmt user
        NCITRXL     INTERVAL    WIN NT - licensing
        NHELMGM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - service management groups
        NHELSER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - service
        NMSQBAC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql broker activation
        NMSQBDT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql broker/dbm transport
        NMSQBND     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql buffer node
        NMSQBST     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql broker statistics
        NMSQCLR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql clr
        NMSQCME     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql catalog metadata
        NMSQCTY     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql cursor manager by type
        NMSQCUM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql cursor manager total
        NMSQECS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql exec statistics
        NMSQPNC     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql plan cache
        NMSQSER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql sql errors
        NMSQTNS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql transactions
        NMSQWTS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql wait statistics
        NOPSMGR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - connection
        NPACEPI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - pacer pipe
        NSECTIK     INTERVAL    WIN NT - ticket authority
        NSQLDAM     INTERVAL    WIN NT - database mirroring
        NUSB        INTERVAL    WIN NT - usb
        XCIIMQ      INTERVAL    CICS mq statistics
        XIM0A78     EVENT       IMS - imslog 0a07+0a08 records detail
        XRMFWKL     INTERVAL    RMF workload interval
        XTMALG      EVENT       Thruput manager dbs algorithm
        XTMDBS      EVENT       Thruput manager dbs pool
        XTMSLM      EVENT       Thruput manager slm job stats
        XTY42P3     INTERVAL    RLS cf directory/element ratio
        XTY4222     EVENT       DFSMS audit record
        XTY4223     EVENT       DFSMS security record
        XTY4224     EVENT       DFSMS member add/replace
        XTY4225     EVENT       DFSMS member rename
        XTY424A     EVENT       Subtype 24 delete alias
        XTY85IB     EVENT       OAM immediate backup copy
        XTY85RE     EVENT       OAM osmc recall to db2 dasd
        XTY85TR     EVENT       OAM tape recycle
        XTY99BG     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-11 capacity group
        XTY99BS     EVENT       OS/390 type 99-11 service data

 2) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NARMTAP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - armtecap
        NARMTPR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - armtecpr
        NCITRIX     INTERVAL    WIN NT - citrix metaframe pres server
        NDATABA     INTERVAL    WIN NT database
        NDTSCPU     INTERVAL    WIN NT - dts cpu
        NLOGLDI     INTERVAL    WIN NT logical disk
        NMEMORY     INTERVAL    WIN NT memory
        NMSQDAB     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql databases
        NMSQLCH     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql latches
        NPRCES      INTERVAL    WIN NT process
        NSQLBRD     INTERVAL    WIN NT - broker/dbmtransport
        NSQLDAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqldatab
        NSQLLAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqllatch
        NSQLTRA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - transactions
        NTINTRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT interval data
        VVNDSES     EVENT       VM - virtual nic session activity
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XCICDB2     EVENT       CICS/DB2 UOW accounting
        XCICINT     INTERVAL    CICS interval statistics
        XCIDS       INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher statistics
        XCITPSJ     INTERVAL    CICS jvmpool statistics
        XDBTAT2     EVENT       DB2 interval statistics: subtype 2
        XDBTAT4     EVENT       DB2 interval statistics: subtype 4
        XDCBKUP     EVENT       DCOLLECT backup
        XDCDSET     EVENT       DCOLLECT active data set information
        XHSFSRB     EVENT       HSM fsr statistics, both tape and disk
        XHSFSRS     EVENT       HSM fsr statistics, detail records
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XOCDLI      EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS DL/I detail
        XOCFIXD     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS fixed length
        XOCVENQ     EVENT       OMEGAMON CICS enque
        XPRINT      EVENT       Print events
        XQACONF     EVENT       AS400 - system configuration data
        XQADISK     INTERVAL    AS400 - disk storage data
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSYCSOR     EVENT       Syncsort sort end stats
        XTMS        EVENT       TMS (CA-1) volume record
        XTPFDX      EVENT       TPF - rtc data collection begin
        XTPFSX      INTERVAL    TPF - system intrvl start/stop/continue
        XTYTMNT     EVENT       MXG tape monitor mount event
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY1718     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set scratch or rename
        XTY19       EVENT       DASD volume
        XTY22_A     EVENT       3990 storage control configuration
        XTY23       INTERVAL    SMF interval statistics (status)
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_1     EVENT       Job/TSO initiation
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY30OM     EVENT       OpenEdition/MVS process segment
        XTY42D2     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS by system data set response
        XTY42S2     INTERVAL    VSAMRLS by system storclas response
        XTY422A     EVENT       Delete alias
        XTY4220     EVENT       Stow initialize delete pdse
        XTY4221     EVENT       Delete pds or pdse member
        XTY50       INTERVAL    VTAM tuning statistics
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY70Y2     INTERVAL    RMF crypto coproc facility ccf
        XTY71       INTERVAL    RMF paging and swapping activity
        XTY72DL     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode delay states
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY74       INTERVAL    RMF device activity
        XTY74CA     INTERVAL    RMF Cache Reporter - cache controllers
        XTY747C     INTERVAL    RMF FCT Connector data
        XTY77       INTERVAL    RMF system enqueue data
        XTY78CU     INTERVAL    RMF LCU queuing statistics
        XTY78PA     INTERVAL    RMF virtual storage private area stats
        XTY8000     EVENT       RACF event 00 undocumented
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8063     EVENT       RACF event 63 unix setgroups
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY8216     EVENT       CRYPTO csfpci calls by tke
        XTY85ST     EVENT       OAM osmc storage management

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NARMTAP:

       ARARELI   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       ARAVMLI   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM

  2) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NARMTPR:

       ARPVMLI   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM

  3) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NCITRIX:

       CISDNAE   changed from  INT       to  COUNT
       CISDNGE   changed from  INT       to  COUNT
       CISDNSE   changed from  INT       to  COUNT

  4) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NDATABA:

       SBPRDRT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

  5) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NDTSCPU:

       DTPNCOA   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DTPNCOS   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

  6) The following variable has been added to table NLOGLDI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSKSIZE   Size of disk volume megabytes            GAUGE

  7) The following 5 variables have been added to table NMEMORY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FRRPLBY   Free and zero page list bytes            COUNT
       MOFPLBY   Modified page list bytes                 COUNT
       SBACOBY   Standby cache core bytes                 COUNT
       SBANPBY   Standby cache normal priority bytes      COUNT
       SBARSBY   Standby cache reserve bytes              COUNT

  8) The following variable has been added to table NMSQDAB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INSTNCE                                            STRING

  9) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NMSQLCH:

       SURLACN   changed from  INT       to  COUNT

 10) The following variable has been added to table NPRCES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WSETPRV   Working set private                      COUNT

 11) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NSQLBRD:

       SQRMRSZ   changed from  GAUGE     to  AVERAGE
       SQRMSSZ   changed from  GAUGE     to  AVERAGE

 12) The following variable has been added to table NSQLDAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INSTNCE                                            STRING

 13) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NSQLLAT:

       SURLACN   changed from  INT       to  COUNT

 14) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NSQLTRA:

       SQTTRNV   changed from  INT       to  COUNT
       SQTVSUR   changed from  INT       to  COUNT
       SQTVSUT   changed from  INT       to  COUNT

 15) The following 5 variables have been added to table NTINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FRRPLBY   Free and zero page list bytes            COUNT
       MOFPLBY   Modified page list bytes                 COUNT
       SBACOBY   Standby cache core bytes                 COUNT
       SBANPBY   Standby cache normal priority bytes      COUNT
       SBARSBY   Standby cache reserve bytes              COUNT

 16) The following 46 variables have been added to table VVNDSES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DURATION  Delta time between records               TIME
       LADEFER   Times waited for network lock            COUNT
       LANID     Lan id owner name                        STRING
       LOKREQS   Lock requests for network lock           COUNT
       NICBASE   Base device address                      INT
       NICMAC    Mac address of nic                       HEXFLAGS
       NICTRAN   Session layer codes                      INT
       NICTYPE   Nictype hipersockets/osa codes           INT
       NIDNUM1   1st osa device number                    INT
       NIDNUM2   2nd osa device number                    INT
       NIDNUM3   3rd osa device number                    INT
       NIDNUM4   4th osa device number                    INT
       NIDNUM5   5th osa device number                    INT
       NIDNUM6   6th osa device number                    INT
       NIDNUM7   7th osa device number                    INT
       NIDNUM8   8th osa device number                    INT
       OWNER     Userid of owner                          STRING
       RXDEFER   Times waited for lock when receiving     COUNT
       RXREQS    Lock requests while rcvng from this port COUNT
       SESRBYT   Bytes received from osa                  COUNT
       SESRDSC   Rx packets discarded                     COUNT
       SESRERR   Rx packets in error                      COUNT
       SESRPCI   Pci/aif events reflcted for input queues COUNT
       SESRPKT   Packets received from osa                COUNT
       SESTBYT   Bytes sent to osa                        COUNT
       SESTDSC   Tx packets discarded                     COUNT
       SESTERR   Tx packets in error                      COUNT
       SESTPCI   Pci/aif events rflcted for output queues COUNT
       SESTPKT   Packets sent to osa                      COUNT
       STDEFER   Mult attempts to stack work on this port COUNT
       STREQS    Lock requests to stack or unstack        COUNT
       SWGROUP   Name of the link agg port group          STRING
       SWINTSC   Secs between load balancing operations   COUNT
       TXDEFER   Times waited for lock when sending       COUNT
       TXREQS    Lock reqs while sending from this port   COUNT
       VDEVDEV   Device address                           HEXFLAGS
       VDEVSUB   Subchannel id                            INT
       VRTPFM1   1st device packets last interval         COUNT
       VRTPFM2   2nd device packets last interval         COUNT
       VRTPFM3   3rd device packets last interval         COUNT
       VRTPFM4   Rth device packets last interval         COUNT
       VRTPFM5   5th device packets last interval         COUNT
       VRTPFM6   6th device packets last interval         COUNT
       VRTPFM7   7th device packets last interval         COUNT
       VRTPFM8   8th device packets last interval         COUNT
       VSWITCH   Vswitch indicator                        INT

 17) The following variable has been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYLVTIM   Syslog verify event                      DATETIME

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XASMTAP:

       SYLKORM   Keep or mount?                           STRING
       SYLLEN    Length of full message not kept          GAUGE

 18) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XASM70L:

       LPRCPUS   changed from  COUNT     to  AVERAGE

 19) The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XCICDB2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NINCICS                                            COUNT
       NINDB2                                             COUNT

 20) The following 4 variables have been added to table XCICINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CICTCTT   Total dsgtct duration time               TIME
       CICTDTT   Total dsgtdt dispatched time             TIME
       CICTWTT   Total dsgtwt in os wait time             TIME
       PCREGBY   Pct tcb/(tdt+twt) busy                   PERCENT100

     The following variable has been deleted from table XCICINT:

       XXXCPUT                                            COUNT

 21) The following 4 variables have been added to table XCIDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CICTCTT   Total dsgtct duration time               TIME
       CICTDTT   Total dsgtdt dispatched time             TIME
       CICTWTT   Total dsgtwt in os wait time             TIME
       PCREGBY   Pct tcb/(tdt+twt) busy                   PERCENT100

 22) The following variable has been added to table XCITPSJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SJRQRST   Jvm requests with reset                  COUNT

 23) The following variable has been added to table XDBTAT2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QDBPPFI   Pgfix attibute?                          STRING

 24) The following variable has been added to table XDBTAT4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QW225BB   Storage manager blocks below the bar     COUNT

 25) The following 5 variables have been added to table XDCBKUP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UBBWO     Backup while open candidate?             STRING
       UBINCAT   Backup version of cataloged data set     STRING
       UBNOENQ   No dfsmshsm enqueue?                     STRING
       UBNQN1    Enq attempted but failed?                STRING
       UBNQN2    Enq fail backup tried enq failed again?  STRING

 26) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDCDSET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCDCKDS   Checkpoint ds indicated?                 STRING
       DCDCPOI   Checkpointed dataset?                    STRING
       DCDFLG3                                            HEXFLAGS
       DCDG64K   Gt 64k track dataset?                    STRING
       DCDSRG1   Dcdsorg1 flags                           HEXFLAGS
       DCDSRG2   Dcdsorg2 flags                           HEXFLAGS

 27) The following variable has been added to table XHSFSRB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSDSORG   Decoded dsorg                            STRING

 28) The following 39 variables have been added to table XHSFSRS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSCALTW   Recall caused tape takeaway?             STRING
       FSCPNAM   Copy pool name                           STRING
       FSDSORG   Decoded dsorg                            STRING
       FSECYCN   Recycle counter                          COUNT
       FSECYSO   Source for recycle operation             STRING
       FSFBKTP   Backup version deleted is on tape?       STRING
       FSFDASD   Dasd copy deleted?                       STRING
       FSFDCPY   Dump class copy pool deleted?            STRING
       FSFDVER   Entire dump version deleted?             STRING
       FSFEXBV   Backup version deleted by expirebv?      STRING
       FSFEXDT   Dataset deleted by expdt or mgmtclass?   STRING
       FSFFSTR   From striped?                            STRING
       FSFG402   Fsrf inc copy pool incremental?          STRING
       FSFG404   Fsrf alterpri high keyword?              STRING
       FSFG408   Fsrf alterpri command?                   STRING
       FSFG410   Fsrf multivolume frrrecov request?       STRING
       FSFG420   Fsrf multiple dsnames specified?         STRING
       FSFG440   Fsrf frrecov fromdisk only?              STRING
       FSFG480   Fsrf frrecov dsname command?             STRING
       FSFNONQ   Not serialized enqueu?                   STRING
       FSFNQN1   Enque failed once?                       STRING
       FSFNQN2   Enque failed again?                      STRING
       FSFPIGB   Used tape already mounted?               STRING
       FSFRDMP   Fast replication dump or resore?         STRING
       FSFREAS   Fsr fr reas return code                  INT
       FSFREMO   Completed on remote system?              STRING
       FSFRHOS   Mwe processed by remote host?            STRING
       FSFRTRY   Backup during retry inuse?               STRING
       FSFTSTR   To striped?                              STRING
       FSFVINI   Recovery scheduled from volume request?  STRING
       FSFXPL1   Dataset being expired is from ml1?       STRING
       FSFXPL2   Dataset being expired is from ml2?       STRING
       FSORGID   Host id that generated request           HEXFLAGS
       FSPSQTY   Tracks needed when ml1 out of space      COUNT
       FSRCLIP   Target vol+from mwe vol restore          STRING
       FSRDATE   Fsrd julian date                         INT
       FSRECON   Reconnection migration?                  STRING
       FSRFLG4   Fsrflg4 flags                            STRING
       FSRFVER   Fsrgen contains verson?                  STRING

 29) The following 2 variables have been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TRNFLAG   Trnflag3 offset 169                      STRING
       TRNTMRF   Tmr imetwk flag                          HEXFLAGS

     The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XIMFTRN:

       TROTCLN   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TROTSTC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TROTUSR   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       INPUTCL   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX4.
       TROTCLN   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX16.
       TROTSTC   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX16.
       TROTUSR   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX16.

 30) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XMQQUEU:

       WQ11NR    changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XMQQUEU:

       SMFRECN                                            COUNT
       SMF116L                                            COUNT

 31) The following variable has had its external name changed in
     table XOCDLI:

       DIFTYPE   changed from  DIFTYPE   to  DIFTYPEF

 32) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       EDSFLG    changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 33) The following variable has been added to table XOCVENQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EQENAMH   Queue element name in hex                STRING

 34) The following variable has been added to table XPRINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASS     Job class on main                        STRING

 35) The following variable has been added to table XQACONF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GDESXP    Pm agent data obtained?                  STRING

 36) The following 3 variables have been added to table XQADISK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSIOARN   Storage adapter resource name            STRING
       DSSECT    Disk unit sector size                    GAUGE
       DSSRLN    Disk unit serial number                  STRING

 37) The following variable has been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZARCHMD   System is in z/architecture mode?        STRING

 38) The following 3 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCRPTM   Cpu time at chronic contention           TIME
       JOCLAS8   Job class (8-byte) jes3                  STRING
       SM30SNF   Ziip normalization factor                GAUGE

 39) The following 2 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASS     Job class on main                        STRING
       JOCLAS8   Job class (8-byte) jes3                  STRING

 40) The following variable has been added to table XSYCSOR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYNHWMP   Highwatermark pagefixed storage used     MAXIMUM

 41) The following variable has been added to table XTMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BESKEY    Tape encryption key index                INT

 42) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTPFDX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCRYP     Bit mask for which apps are act          HEXFLAGS
       DLMRSTT   Number of tracks rsvd for restart        GAUGE
       DLMTRKS   Number of tracks for rlog records        GAUGE
       DMODL     Cpu model from sysib 1.1.1               STRING
       DNSDIN    Nsd weighted input messagese             COUNT
       DTSWB     Tas swb shutdwon levels                  COUNT

 43) The following variable has been added to table XTPFSX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S4KFRMS   4k frames by system heap in use          COUNT

 44) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTYTMNT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TMNTJBC   Job cancelled by operator                STRING
       TMNTJBI   Job ended event                          STRING
       TMNTMSG   Mount message issued                     STRING

 45) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JXSLCC    Jxslm control center                     STRING
       JXSLTYP   Jxslm type                               STRING

 46) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DEB2XUP   Bsam pgfix option specified?             STRING
       EADSCBO   Dcbeadscbok flag ok on?                  STRING
       SM14EAV   Eav bam detected excp or xdap?           STRING

 47) The following variable has been added to table XTY1718:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM18CON   Continuation record indicator mult-vol   STRING

 48) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY19:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM19CYM   Volume has cyl-managed space?            STRING
       SM19TRK   Total tracks on volume                   COUNT
       SM19TRM   Total tracks in track-managed space      COUNT
       SM19VLI   Volume size information                  STRING

 49) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY22_A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM22CYL   Device high cylinder                     INT
       SM22PCP   Device high cylinder previous            INT

 50) The following 10 variables have been added to table XTY23:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM23NFR   Fix requests below 2gm                   COUNT
       SM23NGR   Getmain requests issued                  COUNT
       SM23NIO   Total i/o operations                     COUNT
       SM23NRF   Non-first reference faults               COUNT
       SM23PBG   Pages backed during getmains             COUNT
       SM23PFX   Frames fixed below 2gb                   COUNT
       SM23SFG   Statistics section flag                  HEXFLAGS
       SM23SRB   Srb dispatches                           COUNT
       SM23TCB   Unlocked tcb dispatches                  COUNT
       SM231RF   First reference faults                   COUNT

 51) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCRPTM   Cpu time at chronic contention           TIME
       JOCLAS8   Job class (8-byte) jes3                  STRING
       SM30SNF   Ziip normalization factor                GAUGE

 52) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOCLAS8   Job class (8-byte) jes3                  STRING

 53) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCRPTM   Cpu time at chronic contention           TIME
       JOCLAS8   Job class (8-byte) jes3                  STRING
       SM30SNF   Ziip normalization factor                GAUGE

 54) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCRPTM   Cpu time at chronic contention           TIME
       JOCLAS8   Job class (8-byte) jes3                  STRING
       SM30SNF   Ziip normalization factor                GAUGE

 55) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCRPTM   Cpu time at chronic contention           TIME

 56) The following variable has been added to table XTY30OM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INBTIME   Interval begin timestamp                 DATETIME

 57) The following variable has been added to table XTY42D2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42GBQ   Lock structure name                      STRING

 58) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY42S2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42FBM   Lock structure name                      STRING
       SM42FBN   Lock set                                 STRING

 59) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY422A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM42LDS   Data set name                            STRING
       SM42LJB   Job name stc or tso userid who stow-d    STRING
       SM42LVS   Volser                                   STRING

 60) The following 16 variables have been added to table XTY4220:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UTKFLG1   Utknflg1 miscellaneous flags             HEXFLAGS
       UTKFLG2   Utknflg2 miscellaneous flags             HEXFLAGS
       UTKFLG3   Utknflg3 miscellaneous flags             HEXFLAGS
       UTKGRUP   Session owner groupid                    STRING
       UTKLEN    Utoken rtoken length                     INT
       UTKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       UTKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       UTKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       UTKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       UTKSGRP   Submitting groupid                       STRING
       UTKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       UTKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       UTKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       UTKUSER   Session owner userid                     STRING
       UTKVERS   Utoken rtoken version number             INT
       UTKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

 61) The following 16 variables have been added to table XTY4221:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UTKFLG1   Utknflg1 miscellaneous flags             HEXFLAGS
       UTKFLG2   Utknflg2 miscellaneous flags             HEXFLAGS
       UTKFLG3   Utknflg3 miscellaneous flags             HEXFLAGS
       UTKGRUP   Session owner groupid                    STRING
       UTKLEN    Utoken rtoken length                     INT
       UTKNETW   Remote network name                      STRING
       UTKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       UTKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       UTKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       UTKSGRP   Submitting groupid                       STRING
       UTKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       UTKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       UTKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       UTKUSER   Session owner userid                     STRING
       UTKVERS   Utoken rtoken version number             INT
       UTKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

 62) The following 20 variables have been added to table XTY50:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       T50AVQD   Osa-exp avg queue depth for wr/x queue   AVERAGE
       T50AVSB   Osa-express avg sbals for wr/x queue     AVERAGE
       T50INLP   Inbound nlps                             COUNT
       T50MXQD   Osa-exp max queue depth for wr/x queue   MAXIMUM
       T50MXSB   Osa-express max sbals for wr/x queue     MAXIMUM
       T50NLBY   Nlp byte count                           COUNT
       T50ONLP   Outbound nlps                            COUNT
       T50OSAQ   Osa-express datapath queues              COUNT
       T50PCIR   Osa-express pcir for read queue          COUNT
       T50PCIT   Osa-express pcit for read queue          COUNT
       T50PCIU   Osa-express pciu for read queue          COUNT
       T50PCIV   Osa-express pciv for read queue          COUNT
       T50PDFR   Osa-express proc defer reqd queue        COUNT
       T50PKCN   Osa-express packet count                 COUNT
       T50PKTS   Osa-express packet count for wr/x queue  COUNT
       T50RDEX   Osa-express reads exhausted for read     COUNT
       T50REDE   Osa-exp replenishment deferrals for read COUNT
       T50SBAL   Osa-express sbal count for wr/x queue    COUNT
       T50SBRD   Osa-express sbal count for read          COUNT
       T50SIGA   Osa-express siga count for wr/x queue    COUNT

 63) The following 726 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAIY      On-line status cpu 33                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIYA     On-line status cpu 61                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIYB     On-line status cpu 62                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIYC     On-line status cpu 63                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZ      On-line status cpu 34                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZA     On-line status cpu 35                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZB     On-line status cpu 36                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZC     On-line status cpu 37                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZD     On-line status cpu 38                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZE     On-line status cpu 39                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZF     On-line status cpu 40                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZG     On-line status cpu 41                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZH     On-line status cpu 42                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZI     On-line status cpu 43                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZJ     On-line status cpu 44                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZK     On-line status cpu 45                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZL     On-line status cpu 46                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZM     On-line status cpu 47                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZN     On-line status cpu 48                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZO     On-line status cpu 49                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZP     On-line status cpu 50                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZQ     On-line status cpu 51                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZR     On-line status cpu 52                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZS     On-line status cpu 53                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZT     On-line status cpu 54                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZU     On-line status cpu 55                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZV     On-line status cpu 56                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZW     On-line status cpu 57                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZX     On-line status cpu 58                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZY     On-line status cpu 59                    HEXFLAGS
       CAIZZ     On-line status cpu 60                    HEXFLAGS
       CPEDTMY   Lcpu 33 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTMZ   Lcpu 34 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTYA   Lcpu 61 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTYB   Lcpu 62 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTYC   Lcpu 63 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZA   Lcpu 35 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZB   Lcpu 36 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZC   Lcpu 37 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZD   Lcpu 38 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZE   Lcpu 39 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZF   Lcpu 40 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZG   Lcpu 41 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZH   Lcpu 42 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZI   Lcpu 43 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZJ   Lcpu 44 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZK   Lcpu 45 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZL   Lcpu 46 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZM   Lcpu 47 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZN   Lcpu 48 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZO   Lcpu 49 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZP   Lcpu 50 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZQ   Lcpu 51 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZR   Lcpu 52 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZS   Lcpu 53 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZT   Lcpu 54 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZU   Lcpu 55 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZV   Lcpu 56 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZW   Lcpu 57 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZX   Lcpu 58 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZY   Lcpu 59 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPEDTZZ   Lcpu 60 effective dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPATMA   Cpu 10 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMB   Cpu 11 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMC   Cpu 12 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMD   Cpu 13 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATME   Cpu 14 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMF   Cpu 15 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMG   Cpu 16 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMH   Cpu 17 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMI   Cpu 18 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMJ   Cpu 19 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMK   Cpu 20 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATML   Cpu 21 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMN   Cpu 22 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMO   Cpu 23 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMP   Cpu 24 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMQ   Cpu 25 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMR   Cpu 26 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMS   Cpu 27 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMT   Cpu 28 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMU   Cpu 29 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMV   Cpu 30 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMW   Cpu 31 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMX   Cpu 32 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMY   Cpu 33 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATMZ   Cpu 34 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATM0   Cpu 0 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM1   Cpu 1 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM2   Cpu 2 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM3   Cpu 3 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM4   Cpu 4 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM5   Cpu 5 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM6   Cpu 6 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM7   Cpu 7 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM8   Cpu 8 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATM9   Cpu 9 parked duration                    TIME
       CPPATTM   Total parked duration all cpus           TIME
       CPPATYA   Cpu 61 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATYB   Cpu 62 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATYC   Cpu 63 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZA   Cpu 35 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZB   Cpu 36 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZC   Cpu 37 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZD   Cpu 38 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZE   Cpu 39 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZF   Cpu 40 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZG   Cpu 41 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZH   Cpu 42 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZI   Cpu 43 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZJ   Cpu 44 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZK   Cpu 45 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZL   Cpu 46 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZM   Cpu 47 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZN   Cpu 48 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZO   Cpu 49 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZP   Cpu 50 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZQ   Cpu 51 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZR   Cpu 52 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZS   Cpu 53 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZT   Cpu 54 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZU   Cpu 55 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZV   Cpu 56 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZW   Cpu 57 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZX   Cpu 58 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZY   Cpu 59 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPATZZ   Cpu 60 parked duration                   TIME
       CPPDTMY   Lcpu 33 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTMZ   Lcpu 34 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTYA   Lcpu 61 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTYB   Lcpu 62 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTYC   Lcpu 63 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZA   Lcpu 35 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZB   Lcpu 36 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZC   Lcpu 37 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZD   Lcpu 38 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZE   Lcpu 39 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZF   Lcpu 40 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZG   Lcpu 41 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZH   Lcpu 42 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZI   Lcpu 43 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZJ   Lcpu 44 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZK   Lcpu 45 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZL   Lcpu 46 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZM   Lcpu 47 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZN   Lcpu 48 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZO   Lcpu 49 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZP   Lcpu 50 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZQ   Lcpu 51 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZR   Lcpu 52 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZS   Lcpu 53 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZT   Lcpu 54 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZU   Lcpu 55 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZV   Lcpu 56 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZW   Lcpu 57 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZX   Lcpu 58 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZY   Lcpu 59 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPPDTZZ   Lcpu 60 partition dispatch cpu time      TIME
       CPSERYA   Serial number cpu 61                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERYB   Serial number cpu 62                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERYC   Serial number cpu 63                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZA   Serial number cpu 35                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZB   Serial number cpu 36                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZC   Serial number cpu 37                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZD   Serial number cpu 38                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZE   Serial number cpu 39                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZF   Serial number cpu 40                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZG   Serial number cpu 41                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZH   Serial number cpu 42                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZI   Serial number cpu 43                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZJ   Serial number cpu 44                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZK   Serial number cpu 45                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZL   Serial number cpu 46                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZM   Serial number cpu 47                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZN   Serial number cpu 48                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZO   Serial number cpu 49                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZP   Serial number cpu 50                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZQ   Serial number cpu 51                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZR   Serial number cpu 52                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZS   Serial number cpu 53                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZT   Serial number cpu 54                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZU   Serial number cpu 55                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZV   Serial number cpu 56                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZW   Serial number cpu 57                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZX   Serial number cpu 58                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZY   Serial number cpu 59                     HEXFLAGS
       CPSERZZ   Serial number cpu 60                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERY   Serial number cpu 33                     HEXFLAGS
       CPUSERZ   Serial number cpu 34                     HEXFLAGS
       CPWAITY   Cpu wait duration cpu 33                 TIME
       CPWAITZ   Cpu wait duration cpu 34                 TIME
       CPWAIYA   Cpu wait duration cpu 61                 TIME
       CPWAIYB   Cpu wait duration cpu 62                 TIME
       CPWAIYC   Cpu wait duration cpu 63                 TIME
       CPWAIZA   Cpu wait duration cpu 35                 TIME
       CPWAIZB   Cpu wait duration cpu 36                 TIME
       CPWAIZC   Cpu wait duration cpu 37                 TIME
       CPWAIZD   Cpu wait duration cpu 38                 TIME
       CPWAIZE   Cpu wait duration cpu 39                 TIME
       CPWAIZF   Cpu wait duration cpu 40                 TIME
       CPWAIZG   Cpu wait duration cpu 41                 TIME
       CPWAIZH   Cpu wait duration cpu 42                 TIME
       CPWAIZI   Cpu wait duration cpu 43                 TIME
       CPWAIZJ   Cpu wait duration cpu 44                 TIME
       CPWAIZK   Cpu wait duration cpu 45                 TIME
       CPWAIZL   Cpu wait duration cpu 46                 TIME
       CPWAIZM   Cpu wait duration cpu 47                 TIME
       CPWAIZN   Cpu wait duration cpu 48                 TIME
       CPWAIZO   Cpu wait duration cpu 49                 TIME
       CPWAIZP   Cpu wait duration cpu 50                 TIME
       CPWAIZQ   Cpu wait duration cpu 51                 TIME
       CPWAIZR   Cpu wait duration cpu 52                 TIME
       CPWAIZS   Cpu wait duration cpu 53                 TIME
       CPWAIZT   Cpu wait duration cpu 54                 TIME
       CPWAIZU   Cpu wait duration cpu 55                 TIME
       CPWAIZV   Cpu wait duration cpu 56                 TIME
       CPWAIZW   Cpu wait duration cpu 57                 TIME
       CPWAIZX   Cpu wait duration cpu 58                 TIME
       CPWAIZY   Cpu wait duration cpu 59                 TIME
       CPWAIZZ   Cpu wait duration cpu 60                 TIME
       IFTYPY    Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 33             INT
       IFTYPYA   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 61             INT
       IFTYPYB   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 62             INT
       IFTYPYC   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 63             INT
       IFTYPZ    Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 34             INT
       IFTYPZA   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 35             INT
       IFTYPZB   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 36             INT
       IFTYPZC   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 37             INT
       IFTYPZD   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 38             INT
       IFTYPZE   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 39             INT
       IFTYPZF   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 40             INT
       IFTYPZG   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 41             INT
       IFTYPZH   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 42             INT
       IFTYPZI   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 43             INT
       IFTYPZJ   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 44             INT
       IFTYPZK   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 45             INT
       IFTYPZL   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 46             INT
       IFTYPZM   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 47             INT
       IFTYPZN   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 48             INT
       IFTYPZO   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 49             INT
       IFTYPZP   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 50             INT
       IFTYPZQ   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 51             INT
       IFTYPZR   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 52             INT
       IFTYPZS   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 53             INT
       IFTYPZT   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 54             INT
       IFTYPZU   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 55             INT
       IFTYPZV   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 56             INT
       IFTYPZW   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 57             INT
       IFTYPZX   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 58             INT
       IFTYPZY   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 59             INT
       IFTYPZZ   Ifa or zip or cp type cpu 60             INT
       IFWAITY   Ifa wait duration ifa 33                 TIME
       IFWAITZ   Ifa wait duration ifa 34                 TIME
       IFWAIYA   Ifa wait duration ifa 61                 TIME
       IFWAIYB   Ifa wait duration ifa 62                 TIME
       IFWAIYC   Ifa wait duration ifa 63                 TIME
       IFWAIZA   Ifa wait duration ifa 35                 TIME
       IFWAIZB   Ifa wait duration ifa 36                 TIME
       IFWAIZC   Ifa wait duration ifa 37                 TIME
       IFWAIZD   Ifa wait duration ifa 38                 TIME
       IFWAIZE   Ifa wait duration ifa 39                 TIME
       IFWAIZF   Ifa wait duration ifa 40                 TIME
       IFWAIZG   Ifa wait duration ifa 41                 TIME
       IFWAIZH   Ifa wait duration ifa 42                 TIME
       IFWAIZI   Ifa wait duration ifa 43                 TIME
       IFWAIZJ   Ifa wait duration ifa 44                 TIME
       IFWAIZK   Ifa wait duration ifa 45                 TIME
       IFWAIZL   Ifa wait duration ifa 46                 TIME
       IFWAIZM   Ifa wait duration ifa 47                 TIME
       IFWAIZN   Ifa wait duration ifa 48                 TIME
       IFWAIZO   Ifa wait duration ifa 49                 TIME
       IFWAIZP   Ifa wait duration ifa 50                 TIME
       IFWAIZQ   Ifa wait duration ifa 51                 TIME
       IFWAIZR   Ifa wait duration ifa 52                 TIME
       IFWAIZS   Ifa wait duration ifa 53                 TIME
       IFWAIZT   Ifa wait duration ifa 54                 TIME
       IFWAIZU   Ifa wait duration ifa 55                 TIME
       IFWAIZV   Ifa wait duration ifa 56                 TIME
       IFWAIZW   Ifa wait duration ifa 57                 TIME
       IFWAIZX   Ifa wait duration ifa 58                 TIME
       IFWAIZY   Ifa wait duration ifa 59                 TIME
       IFWAIZZ   Ifa wait duration ifa 60                 TIME
       IORATEY   Cpu 33 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATEZ   Cpu 34 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATYA   Cpu 61 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATYB   Cpu 62 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATYC   Cpu 63 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZA   Cpu 35 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZB   Cpu 36 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZC   Cpu 37 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZD   Cpu 38 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZE   Cpu 39 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZF   Cpu 40 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZG   Cpu 41 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZH   Cpu 42 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZI   Cpu 43 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZJ   Cpu 44 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZK   Cpu 45 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZL   Cpu 46 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZM   Cpu 47 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZN   Cpu 48 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZO   Cpu 49 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZP   Cpu 50 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZQ   Cpu 51 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZR   Cpu 52 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZS   Cpu 53 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZT   Cpu 54 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZU   Cpu 55 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZV   Cpu 56 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZW   Cpu 57 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZX   Cpu 58 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZY   Cpu 59 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       IORATZZ   Cpu 60 i/o interrupt rate                RATE
       LCPDEDY   Lcpu 33 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDZ   Lcpu 34 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYA   Lcpu 61 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYB   Lcpu 62 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEYC   Lcpu 63 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZA   Lcpu 35 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZB   Lcpu 36 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZC   Lcpu 37 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZD   Lcpu 38 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZE   Lcpu 39 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZF   Lcpu 40 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZG   Lcpu 41 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZH   Lcpu 42 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZI   Lcpu 43 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZJ   Lcpu 44 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZK   Lcpu 45 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZL   Lcpu 46 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZM   Lcpu 47 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZN   Lcpu 48 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZO   Lcpu 49 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZP   Lcpu 50 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZQ   Lcpu 51 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZR   Lcpu 52 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZS   Lcpu 53 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZT   Lcpu 54 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZU   Lcpu 55 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZV   Lcpu 56 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZW   Lcpu 57 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZX   Lcpu 58 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZY   Lcpu 59 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEZZ   Lcpu 60 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPWAIT   Lcpu 28 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIY   Lcpu 33 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIZ   Lcpu 34 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYA   Lcpu 61 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYB   Lcpu 62 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAYC   Lcpu 63 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZA   Lcpu 35 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZB   Lcpu 36 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZC   Lcpu 37 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZD   Lcpu 38 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZE   Lcpu 39 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZF   Lcpu 40 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZG   Lcpu 41 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZH   Lcpu 42 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZI   Lcpu 43 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZJ   Lcpu 44 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZK   Lcpu 45 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZL   Lcpu 46 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZM   Lcpu 47 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZN   Lcpu 48 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZO   Lcpu 49 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZP   Lcpu 50 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZQ   Lcpu 51 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZR   Lcpu 52 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZS   Lcpu 53 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZT   Lcpu 54 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZU   Lcpu 55 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZV   Lcpu 56 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZW   Lcpu 57 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZX   Lcpu 58 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZY   Lcpu 59 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAZZ   Lcpu 60 wait complete?                   STRING
       MVSWATY   Mvs cpu 33 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWATZ   Mvs cpu 34 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAYA   Mvs cpu 61 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAYB   Mvs cpu 62 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAYC   Mvs cpu 63 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZA   Mvs cpu 35 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZB   Mvs cpu 36 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZC   Mvs cpu 37 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZD   Mvs cpu 38 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZE   Mvs cpu 39 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZF   Mvs cpu 40 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZG   Mvs cpu 41 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZH   Mvs cpu 42 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZI   Mvs cpu 43 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZJ   Mvs cpu 44 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZK   Mvs cpu 45 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZL   Mvs cpu 46 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZM   Mvs cpu 47 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZN   Mvs cpu 48 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZO   Mvs cpu 49 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZP   Mvs cpu 50 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZQ   Mvs cpu 51 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZR   Mvs cpu 52 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZS   Mvs cpu 53 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZT   Mvs cpu 54 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZU   Mvs cpu 55 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZV   Mvs cpu 56 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZW   Mvs cpu 57 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZX   Mvs cpu 58 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZY   Mvs cpu 59 cpu wait duration             TIME
       MVSWAZZ   Mvs cpu 60 cpu wait duration             TIME
       PCCIBXA   Ifa-zip 61 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBXB   Ifa-zip 62 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBXC   Ifa-zip 63 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYY   Ifa-zip 33 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYZ   Ifa-zip 34 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZA   Ifa-zip 35 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZB   Ifa-zip 36 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZC   Ifa-zip 37 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZD   Ifa-zip 38 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZE   Ifa-zip 39 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZF   Ifa-zip 40 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZG   Ifa-zip 41 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZH   Ifa-zip 42 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZI   Ifa-zip 43 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZJ   Ifa-zip 44 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZK   Ifa-zip 45 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZL   Ifa-zip 46 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZM   Ifa-zip 47 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZN   Ifa-zip 48 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZO   Ifa-zip 49 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZP   Ifa-zip 50 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZQ   Ifa-zip 51 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZR   Ifa-zip 52 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZS   Ifa-zip 53 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZT   Ifa-zip 54 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZU   Ifa-zip 55 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZV   Ifa-zip 56 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZW   Ifa-zip 57 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZX   Ifa-zip 58 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZY   Ifa-zip 59 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBZZ   Ifa-zip 60 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCPBXA   Cpu 61 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBXB   Cpu 62 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBXC   Cpu 63 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYY   Cpu 33 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBYZ   Cpu 34 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZA   Cpu 35 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZB   Cpu 36 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZC   Cpu 37 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZD   Cpu 38 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZE   Cpu 39 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZF   Cpu 40 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZG   Cpu 41 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZH   Cpu 42 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZI   Cpu 43 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZJ   Cpu 44 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZK   Cpu 45 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZL   Cpu 46 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZM   Cpu 47 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZN   Cpu 48 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZO   Cpu 49 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZP   Cpu 50 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZQ   Cpu 51 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZR   Cpu 52 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZS   Cpu 53 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZT   Cpu 54 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZU   Cpu 55 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZV   Cpu 56 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZW   Cpu 57 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZX   Cpu 58 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZY   Cpu 59 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCCPBZZ   Cpu 60 percent busy                      PERCENT100
       PCIFBXA   Ifa 61 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBXB   Ifa 62 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBXC   Ifa 63 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBYY   Ifa 33 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBYZ   Ifa 34 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZA   Ifa 35 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZB   Ifa 36 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZC   Ifa 37 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZD   Ifa 38 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZE   Ifa 39 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZF   Ifa 40 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZG   Ifa 41 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZH   Ifa 42 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZI   Ifa 43 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZJ   Ifa 44 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZK   Ifa 45 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZL   Ifa 46 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZM   Ifa 47 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZN   Ifa 48 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZO   Ifa 49 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZP   Ifa 50 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZQ   Ifa 51 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZR   Ifa 52 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZS   Ifa 53 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZT   Ifa 54 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZU   Ifa 55 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZV   Ifa 56 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZW   Ifa 57 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZX   Ifa 58 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZY   Ifa 59 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCIFBZZ   Ifa 60 percent ifa busy time             PERCENT100
       PCONLNY   Cpu 33 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLNZ   Cpu 34 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLYA   Cpu 61 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLYB   Cpu 62 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLYC   Cpu 63 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZA   Cpu 35 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZB   Cpu 36 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZC   Cpu 37 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZD   Cpu 38 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZE   Cpu 39 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZF   Cpu 40 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZG   Cpu 41 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZH   Cpu 42 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZI   Cpu 43 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZJ   Cpu 44 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZK   Cpu 45 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZL   Cpu 46 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZM   Cpu 47 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZN   Cpu 48 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZO   Cpu 49 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZP   Cpu 50 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZQ   Cpu 51 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZR   Cpu 52 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZS   Cpu 53 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZT   Cpu 54 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZU   Cpu 55 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZV   Cpu 56 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZW   Cpu 57 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZX   Cpu 58 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZY   Cpu 59 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCONLZZ   Cpu 60 percent online time               PERCENT100
       PCTPIY    Cpu 33 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIYA   Cpu 61 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIYB   Cpu 62 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIYC   Cpu 63 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZ    Cpu 34 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZA   Cpu 35 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZB   Cpu 36 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZC   Cpu 37 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZD   Cpu 38 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZE   Cpu 39 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZF   Cpu 40 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZG   Cpu 41 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZH   Cpu 42 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZI   Cpu 43 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZJ   Cpu 44 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZK   Cpu 45 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZL   Cpu 46 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZM   Cpu 47 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZN   Cpu 48 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZO   Cpu 49 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZP   Cpu 50 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZQ   Cpu 51 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZR   Cpu 52 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZS   Cpu 53 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZT   Cpu 54 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZU   Cpu 55 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZV   Cpu 56 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZW   Cpu 57 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZX   Cpu 58 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZY   Cpu 59 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCTPIZZ   Cpu 60 % i/o interrupts delayed (tpi)    PERCENT100
       PCZIBXA   Zip 61 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBXB   Zip 62 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBXC   Zip 63 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYA   Zip 10 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYB   Zip 11 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYC   Zip 12 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYD   Zip 13 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYE   Zip 14 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYF   Zip 15 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYG   Zip 16 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYH   Zip 17 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYI   Zip 18 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYJ   Zip 19 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYK   Zip 20 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYL   Zip 21 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYN   Zip 22 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYO   Zip 23 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYP   Zip 24 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYQ   Zip 25 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYR   Zip 26 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYS   Zip 27 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYT   Zip 28 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYU   Zip 29 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYV   Zip 30 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYW   Zip 31 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYX   Zip 32 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYY   Zip 33 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBYZ   Zip 34 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBY0   Zip 0 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY1   Zip 1 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY2   Zip 2 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY3   Zip 3 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY4   Zip 4 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY5   Zip 5 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY6   Zip 6 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY7   Zip 7 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY8   Zip 8 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY9   Zip 9 percent zip busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBZA   Zip 35 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZB   Zip 36 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZC   Zip 37 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZD   Zip 38 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZE   Zip 39 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZF   Zip 40 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZG   Zip 41 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZH   Zip 42 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZI   Zip 43 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZJ   Zip 44 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZK   Zip 45 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZL   Zip 46 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZM   Zip 47 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZN   Zip 48 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZO   Zip 49 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZP   Zip 50 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZQ   Zip 51 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZR   Zip 52 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZS   Zip 53 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZT   Zip 54 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZU   Zip 55 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZV   Zip 56 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZW   Zip 57 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZX   Zip 58 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZY   Zip 59 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PCZIBZZ   Zip 60 percent zip busy time             PERCENT100
       PRSMSYS   This is pr/sm system?                    STRING
       SM70HHF   Hiper dispatch status?                   INT
       SM70MCR   Model capacity rating of smf70mdl        COUNT
       SM70MPC   Model permanent capacity ident           STRING
       SM70MPR   Model permanent capacity rating          INT
       SM70MTC   Model temporary capacity ident           STRING
       SM70MTR   Model temporary capacity rating          INT
       VFFFTMY   Vector affinity time cpu 33              COUNT
       VFFFTMZ   Vector affinity time cpu 34              COUNT
       VFFFTYA   Vector affinity time cpu 61              COUNT
       VFFFTYB   Vector affinity time cpu 62              COUNT
       VFFFTYC   Vector affinity time cpu 63              COUNT
       VFFFTZA   Vector affinity time cpu 35              COUNT
       VFFFTZB   Vector affinity time cpu 36              COUNT
       VFFFTZC   Vector affinity time cpu 37              COUNT
       VFFFTZD   Vector affinity time cpu 38              COUNT
       VFFFTZE   Vector affinity time cpu 39              COUNT
       VFFFTZF   Vector affinity time cpu 40              COUNT
       VFFFTZG   Vector affinity time cpu 41              COUNT
       VFFFTZH   Vector affinity time cpu 42              COUNT
       VFFFTZI   Vector affinity time cpu 43              COUNT
       VFFFTZJ   Vector affinity time cpu 44              COUNT
       VFFFTZK   Vector affinity time cpu 45              COUNT
       VFFFTZL   Vector affinity time cpu 46              COUNT
       VFFFTZM   Vector affinity time cpu 47              COUNT
       VFFFTZN   Vector affinity time cpu 48              COUNT
       VFFFTZO   Vector affinity time cpu 49              COUNT
       VFFFTZP   Vector affinity time cpu 50              COUNT
       VFFFTZQ   Vector affinity time cpu 51              COUNT
       VFFFTZR   Vector affinity time cpu 52              COUNT
       VFFFTZS   Vector affinity time cpu 53              COUNT
       VFFFTZT   Vector affinity time cpu 54              COUNT
       VFFFTZU   Vector affinity time cpu 55              COUNT
       VFFFTZV   Vector affinity time cpu 56              COUNT
       VFFFTZW   Vector affinity time cpu 57              COUNT
       VFFFTZX   Vector affinity time cpu 58              COUNT
       VFFFTZY   Vector affinity time cpu 59              COUNT
       VFFFTZZ   Vector affinity time cpu 60              COUNT
       VFONY     Vector online to cpu 33?                 STRING
       VFONYA    Vector online to cpu 61?                 STRING
       VFONYB    Vector online to cpu 62?                 STRING
       VFONYC    Vector online to cpu 63?                 STRING
       VFONZ     Vector online to cpu 34?                 STRING
       VFONZA    Vector online to cpu 35?                 STRING
       VFONZB    Vector online to cpu 36?                 STRING
       VFONZC    Vector online to cpu 37?                 STRING
       VFONZD    Vector online to cpu 38?                 STRING
       VFONZE    Vector online to cpu 39?                 STRING
       VFONZF    Vector online to cpu 40?                 STRING
       VFONZG    Vector online to cpu 41?                 STRING
       VFONZH    Vector online to cpu 42?                 STRING
       VFONZI    Vector online to cpu 43?                 STRING
       VFONZJ    Vector online to cpu 44?                 STRING
       VFONZK    Vector online to cpu 45?                 STRING
       VFONZL    Vector online to cpu 46?                 STRING
       VFONZM    Vector online to cpu 47?                 STRING
       VFONZN    Vector online to cpu 48?                 STRING
       VFONZO    Vector online to cpu 49?                 STRING
       VFONZP    Vector online to cpu 50?                 STRING
       VFONZQ    Vector online to cpu 51?                 STRING
       VFONZR    Vector online to cpu 52?                 STRING
       VFONZS    Vector online to cpu 53?                 STRING
       VFONZT    Vector online to cpu 54?                 STRING
       VFONZU    Vector online to cpu 55?                 STRING
       VFONZV    Vector online to cpu 56?                 STRING
       VFONZW    Vector online to cpu 57?                 STRING
       VFONZX    Vector online to cpu 58?                 STRING
       VFONZY    Vector online to cpu 59?                 STRING
       VFONZZ    Vector online to cpu 60?                 STRING
       ZIPWATY   Zip wait duration zip 33                 TIME
       ZIPWATZ   Zip wait duration zip 34                 TIME
       ZIPWAYA   Zip wait duration zip 61                 TIME
       ZIPWAYB   Zip wait duration zip 62                 TIME
       ZIPWAYC   Zip wait duration zip 63                 TIME
       ZIPWAZA   Zip wait duration zip 35                 TIME
       ZIPWAZB   Zip wait duration zip 36                 TIME
       ZIPWAZC   Zip wait duration zip 37                 TIME
       ZIPWAZD   Zip wait duration zip 38                 TIME
       ZIPWAZE   Zip wait duration zip 39                 TIME
       ZIPWAZF   Zip wait duration zip 40                 TIME
       ZIPWAZG   Zip wait duration zip 41                 TIME
       ZIPWAZH   Zip wait duration zip 42                 TIME
       ZIPWAZI   Zip wait duration zip 43                 TIME
       ZIPWAZJ   Zip wait duration zip 44                 TIME
       ZIPWAZK   Zip wait duration zip 45                 TIME
       ZIPWAZL   Zip wait duration zip 46                 TIME
       ZIPWAZM   Zip wait duration zip 47                 TIME
       ZIPWAZN   Zip wait duration zip 48                 TIME
       ZIPWAZO   Zip wait duration zip 49                 TIME
       ZIPWAZP   Zip wait duration zip 50                 TIME
       ZIPWAZQ   Zip wait duration zip 51                 TIME
       ZIPWAZR   Zip wait duration zip 52                 TIME
       ZIPWAZS   Zip wait duration zip 53                 TIME
       ZIPWAZT   Zip wait duration zip 54                 TIME
       ZIPWAZU   Zip wait duration zip 55                 TIME
       ZIPWAZV   Zip wait duration zip 56                 TIME
       ZIPWAZW   Zip wait duration zip 57                 TIME
       ZIPWAZX   Zip wait duration zip 58                 TIME
       ZIPWAZY   Zip wait duration zip 59                 TIME
       ZIPWAZZ   Zip wait duration zip 60                 TIME

 64) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFACTTM   Ifa engine executing (active) cpu time   TIME
       SM70CAN   Average this smf70cin engines in cec     AVERAGE
       SM70HDM   Hiperdispatch is active?                 STRING
       SM70PAT   Cpu parked duration                      TIME
       SM70POW   Average hiperdispatch weight             AVERAGE
       ZIPACTT   Zip engine executing (active) cpu time   TIME

 65) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY70Y2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CRYIH5R   Sha-384/512 hashing rate                 RATE
       CRYIH5S   Sha-384/512 hashing size                 COUNT
       R72NH5B   Sha-384/512:data bytes hash              COUNT
       R72NH5C   Sha-384/512:calls to hash                COUNT
       R72NH5I   Sha-384/512:pcmf instr used to hash      COUNT

 66) The following 24 variables have been added to table XTY71:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM71CFA   Avg 64bit common mem objs fixed rstore   AVERAGE
       SM71CFM   Min 64bit common mem objs fixed rstore   MINIMUM
       SM71CFX   Max 64bit common mem objs fixed rstore   MAXIMUM
       SM71COA   Avg 64bit common mem objs allocated      AVERAGE
       SM71COM   Min 64bit common mem objs allocated      MINIMUM
       SM71COX   Max 64bit common mem objs allocated      MAXIMUM
       SM71CRA   Avg 64bit common mem objs backed rstore  AVERAGE
       SM71CRM   Min 64bit common mem objs backed rstore  MINIMUM
       SM71CRX   Max 64bit common mem objs backed rstore  MAXIMUM
       SM71CSA   Avg 64bit common mem auxstor slots       AVERAGE
       SM71CSM   Min 64bit common mem auxstor slots       MINIMUM
       SM71CSX   Max 64bit common mem auxstor slots       MAXIMUM
       SM71LOA   Avg large memory objects allocated       AVERAGE
       SM71LOM   Min large memory objects allocated       MINIMUM
       SM71LOX   Max large memory objects allocated       MAXIMUM
       SM71LRA   Avg nr 1 mb frames backed real store     AVERAGE
       SM71LRM   Min nr 1 mb frames backed real store     MINIMUM
       SM71LRX   Max nr 1 mb frames backed real store     MAXIMUM
       SM71SOA   Avg shared mem obj allocated             AVERAGE
       SM71SOM   Min shared mem obj allocated             MINIMUM
       SM71SOX   Max shared mem obj allocated             MAXIMUM
       SM71SRA   Avg hi vert shared frames backed rstore  AVERAGE
       SM71SRM   Min hi vert shared frames backed rstore  MINIMUM
       SM71SRX   Max hi vert shared frames backed rstore  MAXIMUM

 67) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY72DL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RPRTCLA   This is a report class?                  STRING
       R723RBP   Buffer pool io misses samples            COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY72DL:

       R723BPM   Buffer pool io misses samples            COUNT

 68) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCRPTM   Cpu time at chronic contention           TIME
       CPPRMTM   Cpu time at promoted dispatch prty       TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY72GO:

       R73TPDP   Cpu time at promoted dispatch prty       TIME

 69) The following variable has been added to table XTY74:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM74CAP   Available capacity in cylinders          COUNT

 70) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY74CA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CUSERIA   Cache controller serial                  STRING
       CUVENDO   Cache controller vendor                  STRING
       LCU       Logical control unit                     INT

 71) The following variable has been added to table XTY747C:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R747SDE   Switch device number                     INT

 72) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY77:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AV77QUE   Average queue length                     AVERAGE
       RNAMEHE   Minor enqueue (rname) in hex             HEXFLAGS
       TOT77QU   Sum of queue1- queu4 counts              COUNT

 73) The following variable has been added to table XTY78CU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73HLCU   Hyperpav lcu identifier                  INT

 74) The following 19 variables have been added to table XTY78PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       COBYHWM   Hwm bytes 64bit common 2gb               COUNT
       COBYMAX   Max bytes 64bit common above 2gb         MAXIMUM
       COBYMIN   Min bytes 64bit common above 2gb         MINIMUM
       COBYNTM   Time stamp of min 64bit common           DATETIME
       COBYTOT   Total samples 64bit common 2gb           COUNT
       COBYXTM   Time stamp of max 64bit common           DATETIME
       COMOHWM   Hwm bytes 64bit common                   COUNT
       COMOMAX   Max bytes 64bit common                   MAXIMUM
       COMOMIN   Min bytes 64bit common                   MINIMUM
       COMONTM   Time stamp of min 64bit common           DATETIME
       COMOTOT   Total samples 64bit common               COUNT
       COMOXTM   Time stamp of max 64bit common           DATETIME
       LGMOHWM   Hwm bytes large memobj                   COUNT
       LGMOMAX   Max bytes large memobj                   MAXIMUM
       LGMOMIN   Min bytes large memobj                   MINIMUM
       LGMONTM   Time stamp of min large memobj           DATETIME
       LGMOTOT   Total samples large memobj               COUNT
       LGMOXTM   Time stamp of max large memobj           DATETIME
       R782MEM   Address space memlimit mb                GAUGE

 75) The following variable has been added to table XTY8000:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 76) The following variable has been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 77) The following variable has been added to table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 78) The following variable has been added to table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 79) The following variable has been added to table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 80) The following variable has been added to table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 81) The following variable has been added to table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 82) The following variable has been added to table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 83) The following variable has been added to table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 84) The following variable has been added to table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 85) The following variable has been added to table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 86) The following variable has been added to table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 87) The following variable has been added to table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 88) The following variable has been added to table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 89) The following variable has been added to table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 90) The following variable has been added to table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 91) The following variable has been added to table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 92) The following variable has been added to table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 93) The following variable has been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 94) The following variable has been added to table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 95) The following variable has been added to table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 96) The following variable has been added to table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 97) The following variable has been added to table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 98) The following variable has been added to table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

 99) The following variable has been added to table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

100) The following variable has been added to table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

101) The following variable has been added to table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

102) The following variable has been added to table XTY8028:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

103) The following variable has been added to table XTY8029:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

104) The following variable has been added to table XTY8030:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

105) The following variable has been added to table XTY8032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

106) The following variable has been added to table XTY8033:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

107) The following variable has been added to table XTY8034:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

108) The following variable has been added to table XTY8038:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

109) The following variable has been added to table XTY8039:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

110) The following variable has been added to table XTY8042:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

111) The following variable has been added to table XTY8043:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

112) The following variable has been added to table XTY8044:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

113) The following variable has been added to table XTY8045:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

114) The following variable has been added to table XTY8048:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

115) The following variable has been added to table XTY8050:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

116) The following variable has been added to table XTY8054:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

117) The following variable has been added to table XTY8055:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

118) The following variable has been added to table XTY8057:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

119) The following variable has been added to table XTY8061:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

120) The following variable has been added to table XTY8062:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

121) The following variable has been added to table XTY8063:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

122) The following variable has been added to table XTY8064:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

123) The following variable has been added to table XTY8066:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKASIZ   Assizemax                                STRING

124) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY8216:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM82PAL   Length of fixed audit data               COUNT
       SM82PDE   Description                              STRING
       SM82PDK   First and second parameters              HEXFLAGS
       SM82PFI   Function id                              INT
       SM82PFR   Function return code                     INT
       SM82PTA   Tke authority                            HEXFLAGS
       SM82PUS   User id nonce tsn                        HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY8216:

       SM82PBK   First and second parameters              HEXFLAGS

125) The following 17 variables have been added to table XTY85ST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R8B2ODK   Backup2 bytes deleted frof optical       COUNT
       R8B2ODO   Backup2 objects deleted from optical     COUNT
       R8B2ORK   Backup2 bytes read from optical          COUNT
       R8B2ORO   Backup2 objects read from optical        COUNT
       R8B2OWK   Backup2 bytes written to optical         COUNT
       R8B2OWO   Backup2 objects written to optical       COUNT
       R8B2TDK   Backup2 bytes deleted frof tape          COUNT
       R8B2TDO   Backup2 objects deleted from tape        COUNT
       R8B2TRK   Backup2 bytes read from tape             COUNT
       R8B2TRO   Backup2 objects read from tape           COUNT
       R8B2TWK   Backup2 bytes written to tape            COUNT
       R8B2TWO   Backup2 objects written to tape          COUNT
       R85LOBD   Rows deleted from lob structure          COUNT
       R85LOBI   Rows inserted into lob structure         COUNT
       R85NTE    Tape volumes expired                     COUNT
       R85RCLD   Recalled objects processed this cycle    COUNT
       R85RCLK   Bytes of recalled objectes this cycle    COUNT

Updated Support for Tile Charts

Note. The version of the Tile Chart that shipped with hotfix 82IS08 contained jars that showed incosistent behaviour among certain Windows operating systems. This version fixes all known problems and is a complete replacement of the original version. The documentation below is taken from the 82IS08 hotfix, and amended where necessary to include new features that have also been added. Please note that some of the %CPTILEMP macro parameters have changed from being positional parameters to keyword parameters. Also, one parameter, LAYOUT, is no longer supported.


A Tile Chart is also technically known as a Rectangular Tree Map. It is designed to view a large quantity of hierarchical based data in a limited space. Each unique category combination is represented by a rectangular tile with size and color determined by response variables. These tiles are placed in a hierarchical arrangement.

The tree-based nature of the Tile Chart makes it especially useful in an interactive environment. Because of the large amount of data displayed, detailed labeling is not useful, so data tips are very important to see specific values. Drilling down or zooming is also useful to be able to see small sections of the original chart in more detail.

The TileChart Applet is initialized via HTML applet parameters, and is rendered through the use of an XML file. Within SAS IT Resource management, a macro called CPTILEMP is used to generate both the HTML and XML files. This macro uses a SAS dataset as input, although within ITRM, it will typically use an ITRM table.

Tile Charts can also be made part of a Web Gallery, by executing the CPTILEMP macro from within the ITRM CPSRCRPT report macro. See the examples beneath.


There are two distinct items that comprise support for TileChart Applets, the CPTILEMP macro and the jars that make up the applet itself.

When the hotfix is installed, the CPTILEMP macro will be automatically installed into the correct location for it to be invoked from any SAS IT Resource Management session. The jars are installed as a self-extracting zip file on windows, called TileChartApplet.exe, and can be found in the cpe\sasmisc folder under the SAS install tree. Executing this file will unload the required jars into the same folder.

Once the jars are unloaded, they should be copied to a suitable location for use by the output files that will be created by the ITRM report macros (including CPTILEMP). One of the parameters to the CPTILEMP macro, JAVADIR=, is used to specify the chosen location. See details below.


The following table lists the parameters supported by the new CPTILEMP macro. The column denoting whether parameters are positional or keyword follows SAS Macro language standards. That is, if the parameter is positional, its order of appearance in the CPTILEMP invocation is important. And all keyword parameters must be listed after all positional parameters.

Parameter name Required? Positional or Keyword? Description
sasdsn Yes Positional Name of SAS dataset used as input. This can be any SAS dataset or ITRM table name.
dir Yes Positional Path of directory or folder in which to store the xml and html files.
xmlfile Yes Positional Name of output XML file, typically including the ".xml" suffix.
htmfile Yes Positional Name of output HTML file, typically including the ".htm" suffix.
idvars Yes Keyword List of hierarchical category (or ID) variables, delimited by spaces, typically ranging from general to specific. This sequence can be modified in the Data Options menu of the applet once the chart is running. The ID variables' labels are used in the chart instead of the variable names.
sizevar Yes Keyword Name of response variable to be used to determine the relative size of the tiles. The total size of all tiles makes up the entire tile area. Missing, zero and negative values cause their tiles to be ignored. If the othervars parameter has been used to include other variables, the Data Options menu can be used to change the Size Variable once the chart is displayed. The Size Variable's label is used in the chart instead of the variable name.
colorvar Yes Keyword Name of response variable to be used to determine the color of the tiles. The smallest color response will be assigned the minimum color list value, and the largest color response will be assigned the maximum color list value. Other color responses are assigned linearly in a gradient between colors in the list. Missing color values are assigned a special, user-settable color (default of gray). If the othervars parameter has been used to include other variables, the Data Options menu can be used to change the Color Variable once the chart is displayed. The Color Variable's label is used in the chart instead of the variable name.
othervars No Keyword List of other response variables, delimited by spaces, that are not initially displayed but are available for selection from within the Data Options menu of the applet once the chart is running.
auxvars No Keyword List of auxiliary variables, delimited by spaces, whose values are displayed when the mouse hovers over a tile.
detail No Keyword The initial number of tiles to be displayed. Its value is a number from 1 thru n, where n is the number of IDVARS specified. The default is n. For example, if there are three IDVARS specified, all three levels of tiles are displayed initially. If you specify DETAIL=2, only 2 levels are initially displayed. Note. There are known inconsistencies with how this parameter works. Certain other parameter settings of WEBLINK, for example, can cause a requested lower value of DETAIL to be ignored.
datatip No Keyword Amount of detail to display in the data tips. The accpeted values are HIGH (the default), MEDIUM, LOW and NONE. A value of NONE turns off the data tips. Low results in only the lowest ID variable's value being displayed. Medium results in the lowest ID variable's value plus the analysis variables' values being displayed. High results in all variables' values, including the auxiliary variables, if specified.
No Keyword These three parameters are used in combination to allow dynamic linking to URLs that are constructed dependent on the tile values on which you RMB click. When you regularly use the right mouse button, you will always see options to zoom in and/or zoom out, but if you specify these parameters, you will also see other text (specified by the LINKLABS parameter) that, when selected, take you to the URL that is constructed by joining the value of the LINKVALS parameter with the values of the ID variables of the relevant tile. There must be the same number of LINKLABS labels as there are LINKVALS values. Because of the sometimes necessary presence of special characters in URLs, it may be necessary to enclose the parameter values with the %STR().
a list of space-delimited variables whose values will be used to construct URL links.
a list of URLs (separated by @, the "at" sign) to which the RMB selection will take you. The value would normally include a reference to {&1} where the value for the first weblink variable would be substituted. A reference to {&2} would substitute a second variable's value, etc.
a list of descriptive labels (also separated by @) that you want displayed in the RMB menu that can also include references to {&1} and {&2}.
title1-4 No Keyword Text used for up to four titles. If none are specified, two default titles will be displayed to indicate the name of the XML file and the Size Variable being used.
foot1-2 No Keyword Text used for up to two footnotes. There is no default footnote text.
javadir No Keyword Path of directory or folder containing the java applet (jar) for the TileChartApplet and its dependent jars. If a relative path is used, it is considered relative to the location of the html file. An absolute path can be coded by using the file directive, for example, "file:///c:\applets\TileChartApplet\jars". Default is jars which is a relative location, implying a subfolder called jars under the folder containing the html file.
colorlist No Keyword List of two or more colors, delimited by spaces, to be used across the range of the color response variable's values. Each color must be specified in RRGGBB hexadecimal form, where RR is the hexadecimal red component, GG is green, and BB is blue. By default, these colors are evenly distributed along the color response value set. If a non-even distribution is desired, use the colorvals parameter. If not specified, the default colors are selected from 3 color ramp values of the graph style as specified by the style parameter. If both the colorlist and colorvals parameters are specified, the number of entries in each list must be the same.
colorvals No Keyword List of two or values from 0 to 1, delimited by spaces, to specify the normalized locations for the list of colors specified in the colorlist parameter. The numbers must begin with 0, end in 1 and be listed in ascending order. If not specified, an even distribution will be used. If both the colorlist and colorvals parameters are specified, the number of entries in each list must be the same.
labelcolor No Keyword A color to be used for the labels associated with the variables listed in the IDVARS= parameter. The color must be specified in RRGGBB hexadecimal form, where RR is the hexadecimal red component, GG is green, and BB is blue. If not specified, the default value is 000000, which is black.
labelshadowcolor No Keyword A color to be used for the shadow of the labels associated with the variables listed in the IDVARS= parameter. The color must be specified in RRGGBB hexadecimal form, where RR is the hexadecimal red component, GG is green, and BB is blue. If not specified, the default is no shadows.
style No Keyword Name of style or theme to be used. A style is a set of visual properties applied to the chart, including background, colors and fonts. Default value is ANALYSIS. Other styles include ASTRONOMY, BANKER, BLOCKPRINT, CONVENTION, CURVE, EDUCATION, ELECTRONICS, GEARS, MAGNIFY, MONEY, MONOCHROME, RSVP, SCIENCE, SKETCH, STATISTICAL, TORN and WATERCOLOR.
legendsym No Keyword Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE, used to determine if the legend color mapping should be symmetric about a fixed number (TRUE), or should strictly use the color response data (FALSE). If TRUE, LEGENDBASE must be specified with the value of that symmetry. If not specified, the default is FALSE.
legendbase No Keyword Number about which the legend for the color response variable should be symmetric. This parameter is required when LEGENDSYM=TRUE. Otherwise, it is ignored.

The following represents some examples of using the new CPTILEMP macro.

Example 1

This example uses the CPTILEMP macro directly against an ITRM table, DAY.XRMFINT. It creates the xml and html files in the c:\temp directory. It uses three hierarchical variables, DATE, SHIFT and HOUR, a size response variable of CPUTM__S (sum of CPU time) and a color response variable of PCCPUBY (mean percent CPU busy). Other variables available within the applet will be CPUTM (mean CPU time) and PAGRT (mean paging rate). As each tile is hovered over, the values of SYSPLEX and MACHINE will also appear. There are four colors in the color list associated with four values from 0 to 1. This will mean that the color gradient is skewed, such that colors will graduate from 0000bb to 00bbbb for the first 50% of observations, based on PCCPUBY. The colors will then graduate from 00bbbb to bbbb00 for the next 40% of observations. And finally, the top 10% of observations will be the darkest red color, thus highlighting when the machine was busiest. The labels of the ID variables will be white, with no shadows. When you RMB click on a tile, the popup menu will display an extra label reading "Link to report of machine=xxxx and date=ddddddd". The values for machine and date will be substituted for the values of those variables from the tile on which the RMB was selected.

%cptilemp( day.xrmfint,
           idvars=date shift hour,
           othervars=cputm pagrt,
           auxvars=sysplex machine,
           weblink=machine date,
           linklabs=%str(Details for machine={&1} and date={&2}),
           title1=Mainframe CPU Utilization,
           title2=tile size represents total cpu time,
           colorlist = 0000bb 00bbbb bbbb00 dd0000,
           colorvals = 0 .5 .9 1,

Example 2

This example uses the new CPTILEMP macro in combination with the CPSRCRPT report macro to place a Tile Chart into a web gallery. The CPTILEMP invocation is stored in a catalog entry called SASUSER.TILECHART.SARDAILY.SOURCE and the third positional parameter to the CPSRCRPT macro is used to specify that location.

The CPTILEMP macro uses data from a dataset whose name is represented by a macro variable called &DATASET. This macro variable will represent the correctly-named SAS dataset when executed within the CPSRCRPT macro. CPSRCRPT manipulates the input ITRM table and produces a temporary dataset, whose name is stored in &DATASET.

The output directory name is represented by a macro variable called &HTMLDIR. This macro variable represents the same-named macro parameter that is used in CPSRCRPT. In other words, the directory specified in the HTMLDIR= parameter of CPSRCRPT can be used here unchanged.

The xml and html files are named based on the contents of another macro variable called &OUTNAME. This macro variable represents the same-named macro parameter that is used in CPSRCRPT. In other words, the name specified in the OUTNAME= parameter of CPSRCRPT can be used here unchanged.

It uses three hierarchical variables, MACHINE, DATE and HOUR, a size response variable of FREEMEM (mean free memory) and a color response variable of CPUBUSY (mean percent CPU busy). The colors are as specified in the first example, along with the labels.

LEGENDSYM is specified as TRUE, meaning that the legend should be symmetrical about the LEGENDBASE value of 50. In this scenario, because the color response variable is a percentage, it makes sense to have the legend centered on 50%.

%cptilemp( &dataset,
           idvar=machine date hour,
           title1=UNIX CPU Utilization,
           title2=from sar data,
           colorlist = 0000bb 00bbbb bbbb00 dd0000,
           colorvals = 0 .5 .9 1,

The CPSRCRPT macro follows:

%cpsrcrpt( sar,
           outdesc=Daily CPU Utilization,
           labels=(freemem="Memory available"
                   pccpuby="Percent CPU Busy"

The combination of the first positional parameter and the REDLEVL keyword parameter tells CPSRCRPT to get the data for this report from the ITRM table, DAY.SAR.

The second positional parameter is used to define the name of a dataset used to store transient data.

The third positional parameter is used to specify the location of the catalog source entry that contains the SAS report code to be executed; in this case, the CPTILEMP invocation.

The keyword parameters that all start with "OUT" specify that the output is to be stored in a web gallery with a name of SARDAILY and a description of "Daily CPU Utilization". The report metadata is written to WORK.APPLET3 and the type of the output is ASCII, since the output created by the CPTILEMP macro is text files.

HTMLDIR specifies the directory path for the location of the xml and html files.

WEBSTYLE specifies the type of gallery to produce.

LABELS is used to override the labels used for this report. If not specified, the labels are retrieved from the data dictionary defintions for the table.

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 25.08

Summary of Changes:


 WARNING: Before applying any data dictionary maintenance, please read the
 following warnings:

   -  The following variable has changed from being character to numeric.

          Table      Variable     MXG Variable

          XTY8221    SM82SXT        SMF82SXT

      If this table already exists in your PDB and you wish to apply
      dictionary maintenance to the table, you will need to delete the
      variable first.  This can be done either by using the interactive
      interface or, preferably, by running the %CPDDUTL macro specifying a
      PDS member which contains the following statements:

           SET TABLE NAME=XTY8221;
           BUILD VIEWS NAME=XTY8221;

      Applying subsequent maintenance to the table will create a new
      variable to replace it.



 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 25.08. If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may
 contain variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later
 versions of MXG are compatible.  If new variables or tables have been added
 in a later version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a
 maintenance release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can
 use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary
 update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 Support for MXG 25.08 also implies support for the following
 enhancements to existing tables:

       Support for RMF Capacity Groups.
       Support for z/OS 1.9.
       Support for IMF Version 4.3.
       Support for TYPE89 APAR OA20314.
       Support for unknown TYPE80 TOKDANAMs.
       Support for CICS/TS 3.2.
       Support for TYPE80 CRL PUBLISH and SET UID (events 52, 79).
       Support for DB2 PK37354 Subtype 4 in DB2 1.9.
       Support for SMF 119 for z/OS 1.8.
       Support for Tape Mount Monitor ML-40.
       Support for IMS Version 10.
       Support for TPF thru PUT19.
       Support for Beta 93 Version 3.6.1
       Support for HyperPAV APAR OA12865.
       Support for NTSMF Beta Version
       Support for NetSpy Version 11.
       Support for SMF 99 Resource Group.
       Support for ThruPut Manager Version 6.
       Support for NTSMF Version
       Support for SMF 82 subtype 22.
       Support for z/OS 1.8.
       Support for NTSMF 3.0.0.
       Support for NDM/Connect-Direct Release 4.3/4.5.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been deleted from the supplied data

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NASPNTA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - apps v1.1.4322
        NASPNTV     INTERVAL    WIN NT - v1.1.4322

    This is because these metrics were combined into other, new tables
    NASPN and NASPNAP, detailed below.

 2) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NARMTAP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - armtecap
        NARMTPR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - armtecpr
        NASPN       INTERVAL    WIN NT - aspnet
        NASPNAP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - aspnetap
        NASPNSS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - state service
        NCCMSGQ     INTERVAL    WIN NT - message queue
        NCITRIX     INTERVAL    WIN NT - citrix metaframe pres server
        NDATABI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - database instances
        NDTSBUF     INTERVAL    WIN NT - usage
        NDTSPER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - library
        NETCLDT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr data
        NETCLEX     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr exceptions
        NETCLIN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr interop
        NETCLJI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr jit
        NETCLLK     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr locksandthreads
        NETCLLO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr loading
        NETCLME     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr memory
        NETCLRE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr remoting
        NETCLSE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr security
        NIPV6       INTERVAL    WIN NT - ipv6: nt ipv6
        NPSCHPI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - pipe
        NSAALER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - alerts
        NSASTAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - statistics
        NSJOB       INTERVAL    WIN NT - jobs
        NSJOBTP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - jobsteps
        NSQCUTO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - cursor manager total
        NSQCUTY     INTERVAL    WIN NT - cursor manager by type
        NSQLBFN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - buffernode
        NSQLBRD     INTERVAL    WIN NT - broker/dbmtransport
        NSQLBRK     INTERVAL    WIN NT - brokeractivation
        NSQLBRS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - brokerstatistics
        NSQLCAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - catalogmetadata
        NSQLCLR     INTERVAL    WIN NT - clr
        NSQLEXE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - execstatistics
        NSQLPLN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - plancache
        NSQLSPI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - ssispipeline
        NSQLSQL     INTERVAL    WIN NT - sqlerrors
        NSQLTRA     INTERVAL    WIN NT - transactions
        NSQLWAI     INTERVAL    WIN NT - waitstatistics
        NTCPV6      INTERVAL    WIN NT - tcpv6
        NUDPV6      INTERVAL    WIN NT - udpv6
        VIODHPC     EVENT       VM - hyperpav pool create/delete
        VIODHPP     EVENT       VM - hyperpav pool activity
        VIODLPT     EVENT       VM - lss pav transition
        VMTRHPP     EVENT       VM - hyperpav pool definition
        VPRCAPC     EVENT       VM - crypto performance counters
        VPRCAPM     EVENT       VM - crypto performance measurement
        VPRCDIA     EVENT       VM - diagnose counts per proc
        VPRCINS     EVENT       VM - instruction counts per proc
        VSCLSCA     EVENT       VM - set cpuaffinity changes
        VSTOSCS     EVENT       VM - scsi storage pool sample
        VSTOSXG     EVENT       VM - system execution space global
        VSTOSXP     EVENT       VM - system execution space per procesor
        VSYTLCK     EVENT       VM - formal spin lock data
        VSYTSPT     EVENT       VM - scheduler activity per proc
        VSYTSXP     EVENT       VM - system execution space per procesor
        VVNDLSD     EVENT       VM - virtual network guest link down
        VVNDLSU     EVENT       VM - virtual network guest link up
        VVNDSES     EVENT       VM - virtual nic session activity
        XASM7GC     INTERVAL    Group capacity - cec total
        XASM7GL     INTERVAL    Group capacity - lpar detail
        XCIDBDS     INTERVAL    CICS loader stats lib dsnames
        XCIDHD      INTERVAL    CICS doctemplate resource stats
        XCIISR      INTERVAL    CICS isc ip connections
        XCILDB      INTERVAL    CICS loader stats for library
        XDBTAT4     EVENT       DB2 interval statistics: subtype 4
        XSARU20     EVENT       CA VIEW - User log on
        XSARU21     EVENT       CA VIEW - User log off
        XSARU30     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was viewed
        XSARU31     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was reprinted
        XSARU32     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was loaded to database
        XSARU33     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was deleted
        XSARU34     EVENT       CA VIEW - Report was deleted from disk
        XTPFKC      EVENT       TPF - kcn activity record
        XTPFSB      EVENT       TPF - nsd activity record
        XTY8052     EVENT       RACF event 52 set uid
        XTY8063     EVENT       RACF event 63 unix setgroups
        XTY8079     EVENT       RACF event 79 crl publish
        XTY8222     EVENT       CRYPTO trusted block create call
        XTY8223     EVENT       CRYPTO token data set update
        XTY9214     EVENT       OMVS file system delete/rename
        XTY99RG     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 resource group entry

 3) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NBLKBER     INTERVAL    WIN NT - blackberry server
        NDATABA     INTERVAL    WIN NT database
        NDTSCPU     INTERVAL    WIN NT - dts cpu
        NMEMORY     INTERVAL    WIN NT memory
        NMSQAES     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql access methods
        NMSQCMG     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql cache manager
        NMSQGST     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql general statistics
        NMSQLCH     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql latches
        NMSQLKS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql locks
        NMSQSTS     INTERVAL    WIN NT - mssql sql statistics
        NNETWIN     INTERVAL    WIN NT network interface
        NSQEPLR     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlreplr
        NSQEPME     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlrepme
        NSQEPSN     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlrepsn
        NSQLACC     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlacces
        NSQLCAC     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlcacmg
        NSQLGEN     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlgenst
        NSQLLAT     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqllatch
        NSQLLOK     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqllock
        NSQLSTA     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlstats
        NSQRPAG     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlrepag
        NSQRPDI     INTERVAL    WIN NT sqlrepdi
        NSYSTEM     INTERVAL    WIN NT system
        NTCNFIG     EVENT       WIN NT SMF configuration
        NTHRED      INTERVAL    WIN NT thread
        NTINTRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT interval data
        VAPLCMS     INTERVAL    VM - cms multitasking
        VAPLEDT     INTERVAL    VM Application Data Event Record
        VAPLSDT     INTERVAL    VM Application Data Sample Record
        VAPLSLM     INTERVAL    VM - linux memory
        VAPLSLN     INTERVAL    VM - linux networking
        VAPLSLP     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor summary
        VAPLSL0     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor detail
        VAPLSRV     INTERVAL    VM Application Data (MXG)
        VAPLTCA     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP cpu
        VAPLTCB     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ccb
        VAPLTCC     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP tree size
        VAPLTCD     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP home
        VAPLTCE     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ipv6 home
        VAPLTCY     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb process/device
        VAPLTC1     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb open
        VAPLTC2     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb close
        VAPLTC3     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool limit
        VAPLTC4     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool size
        VAPLTC5     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP lcb link
        VAPLTC6     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP ucb open
        VAPLTC7     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ucb close
        VAPLTC8     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP link definition
        VAPLTC9     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb
        VAPLVMR     EVENT       VM - vmrm workloads
        VBYUSR      INTERVAL    VM User Data (MXG)
        VIODALS     INTERVAL    VM Automated Tape Library Statistics
        VIODATD     INTERVAL    VM Attach Device
        VIODATS     INTERVAL    VM Attach Shared Device
        VIODCAD     INTERVAL    VM Cache Activity Data
        VIODDCH     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Delete CHPID
        VIODDDV     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Delete device
        VIODDEV     INTERVAL    VM Device Activity
        VIODDSB     INTERVAL    VM Disable Terminal
        VIODDTD     INTERVAL    VM Detach Device
        VIODENB     INTERVAL    VM Enable Terminal
        VIODMDV     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Modify device
        VIODMOF     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set subchan measure off
        VIODMON     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set subchan measure on
        VIODQDA     INTERVAL    VM - activate qdio device
        VIODQDD     INTERVAL    VM - qdio deactivate
        VIODQDS     INTERVAL    VM - qdio activity
        VIODSOF     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Vary off subchannel
        VIODSON     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Vary on subchannel
        VIODSTC     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - State change
        VIODSZI     INTERVAL    VM - scsi device activity
        VIODTOF     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set throttle off
        VIODTON     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set throttle rate
        VIODVOF     EVENT       VM Vary Off Device
        VIODVON     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Device
        VIODVSF     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch failover
        VIODVSR     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch recovery
        VIODVSW     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch activity
        VMINTRV     INTERVAL    VM Interval Data (consolidated by MXG)
        VMTRCCC     EVENT       VM - cpu capability change
        VMTRDDR     EVENT       VM Domain Detail
        VMTRDEV     EVENT       VM Device Configuration Data
        VMTRECM     EVENT       VM Event Alteration Command
        VMTREND     INTERVAL    VM Interval End
        VMTREOF     EVENT       VM End of Frame Indicator
        VMTREPR     EVENT       VM Event Profile
        VMTRMEM     EVENT       VM Memory Configuration Data
        VMTRPAG     EVENT       VM Paging Configuration Data
        VMTRPRP     EVENT       VM Processor Configuration
        VMTRQDC     EVENT       VM - qdio device config
        VMTRSCH     EVENT       VM Scheduler Settings
        VMTRSCM     EVENT       VM Sample Alteration Command
        VMTRSOS     EVENT       VM Event Record Start of Suspend
        VMTRSPR     EVENT       VM Sample Profile
        VMTRSUS     EVENT       VM Suspension Record
        VMTRSYS     EVENT       VM System Configuration Data
        VMTRUSR     EVENT       VM Logged on User
        VMTRXSG     EVENT       VM Expanded Storage Data
        VPRCCFF     INTERVAL    VM Remove Access to Crypto Facility
        VPRCCFN     INTERVAL    VM Add Access to Crypto Facility
        VPRCIOP     INTERVAL    VM - iop utilization
        VPRCPRP     INTERVAL    VM Processor Data (Per Processor)
        VPRCVFF     INTERVAL    VM Vary Off Vector Facility
        VPRCVFN     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Vector Facility
        VPRCVOF     INTERVAL    VM Vary Off Processor
        VPRCVON     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Processor
        VSCLADL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Dispatch List
        VSCLAEL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Eligible List
        VSCLDDL     INTERVAL    VM Drop User From Dispatch List
        VSCLIOP     INTERVAL    VM - i/o priority changes
        VSCLRDB     INTERVAL    VM Begin Read
        VSCLRDC     INTERVAL    VM Read Complete
        VSCLSHR     INTERVAL    VM Set SHARE Changes
        VSCLSQD     INTERVAL    VM Set QUICKDSP Changes
        VSCLSRM     INTERVAL    VM Set SRM Changes
        VSCLSTP     INTERVAL    VM System Timer Pop
        VSCLWRR     INTERVAL    VM Write Response
        VSEKSEK     INTERVAL    VM Seek Data
        VSTOASC     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Created
        VSTOASD     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Deleted
        VSTOASI     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Information Record
        VSTOASP     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Storage Management
        VSTOASS     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Shared Storage Management
        VSTOATC     INTERVAL    VM Page/Spool Area of a CP Volume
        VSTOBPG     INTERVAL    VM Block Paging Data
        VSTORSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Management (Global)
        VSTORSP     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Activity (Per Processor)
        VSTOSHD     INTERVAL    VM NSS/DCSS/SSP removed from storage
        VSTOSHL     INTERVAL    VM NSS/DCSS/SSP Loaded into Storage.
        VSTOSHP     INTERVAL    VM NSS/DCSS Successfully Purged
        VSTOSHR     INTERVAL    VM Shared Storage Management
        VSTOVDK     INTERVAL    VM VDisk Information Record
        VSTOXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data
        VSTOXSU     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Per User)
        VSYTASG     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Storage (Global)
        VSYTCOM     INTERVAL    VM Processor Communication Activities
        VSYTCPC     INTERVAL    VM Physical Channel Path Contention Data
        VSYTCPM     INTERVAL    VM Channel Path Measurement Data
        VSYTCUG     INTERVAL    VM Logical CPU Utilization Data (Global)
        VSYTCUM     INTERVAL    VM Physical CPU Utilization Data 4 LPAR
        VSYTCUP     INTERVAL    VM CPU Util. Data (Logical Partition)
        VSYTEPM     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Extended channel measure
        VSYTPRP     INTERVAL    VM Processor Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTRSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTRSP     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTSCG     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Global)
        VSYTSCP     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Per Processor)
        VSYTSHS     INTERVAL    VM Shared Storage Data
        VSYTSYG     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - System data global
        VSYTSYP     INTERVAL    VM System Data (Per Processor)
        VSYTUSR     INTERVAL    VM User Data
        VSYTUWT     INTERVAL    VM User Wait States
        VSYTXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTXSP     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Per Processor)
        VUSEATE     INTERVAL    VM User Activity Data at Transaction End
        VUSEITE     INTERVAL    VM User Interaction at Transaction End
        VUSELOF     INTERVAL    VM User Logoff Data
        VUSELON     INTERVAL    VM User Logon
        VUSETRE     INTERVAL    VM User Transaction End
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMCEL     INTERVAL    Summarized CEC detail
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XBETA0      EVENT       BETA 93 input of lists
        XCICINT     INTERVAL    CICS interval statistics
        XCIDS       INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher statistics
        XCIDSR      INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb resource
        XCIDST      INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb global
        XCILDR      INTERVAL    CICS program loader statistics specific
        XCIM        INTERVAL    CICS monitoring statistics
        XCIMDSA     INTERVAL    CICS storage manager DSA
        XCIPIR      INTERVAL    CICS pipeline resource stats
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XDBACCT     EVENT       DB2 accounting
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBGBPS     INTERVAL    DB2 statistics global buffer pool
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBSTA1     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 1)
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XDB2A       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - summarised to hour
        XDCBKUP     EVENT       DCOLLECT backup
        XDCCLUS     EVENT       DCOLLECT VSAM data set information
        XDCDSET     EVENT       DCOLLECT active data set information
        XDSNREC     EVENT       TMS (CA-1) dataset name record
        XHSFSRT     EVENT       HSM fsr tape volsers for detail records
        XHSM        INTERVAL    HSM fsr statistics - hourly summary
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XIMPROG     EVENT       IMF - IMS program deschedule
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XMIVCF      INTERVAL    MIM virtual control file
        XMQACCT     EVENT       MQM accounting statistics
        XMQACTQ     EVENT       MQM task queue accounting
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XNDMCT      EVENT       NDM copy termination
        XNDMFI      EVENT       NDM subtype fi
        XNDMNM      EVENT       NDM subtype nm
        XORACLE     EVENT       Oracle event record
        XPROREC     EVENT       Pro/sms recovery
        XPROSMS     EVENT       Pro/sms message
        XQACONF     EVENT       AS400 - system configuration data
        XQADISK     INTERVAL    AS400 - disk storage data
        XQAJOBL     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQAJOBM     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQAPOLB     INTERVAL    AS400 - main storage data
        XQASYSL     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XQASYST     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSTVS13     EVENT       STC VSM 13 vtcs vtv mount
        XSTVS15     EVENT       STC VSM 15 vtcs delete vtv
        XTAPES      EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTPFDH      EVENT       TPF - ss/ssu mnemonic table
        XTPFFF      EVENT       TPF - sons and vfa intercept records
        XTPFINT     INTERVAL    TPF - interval statistics
        XTPFSP      INTERVAL    TPF - system pool (gfs) data
        XTPFSX      INTERVAL    TPF - system intrvl start/stop/continue
        XTYMDF      INTERVAL    Amdahl MDFtrack
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY16       EVENT       Sort merge statistics
        XTY21       EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTY23       INTERVAL    SMF interval statistics (status)
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY57J2     EVENT       JES2 network transmission
        XTY6367     EVENT       VSAM catalog entry DEFINE/DELETE
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY70X2     INTERVAL    RMF pci crypto accelerator pcica
        XTY70Y2     INTERVAL    RMF crypto coproc facility ccf
        XTY7002     INTERVAL    RMF pci crypto coprocessor pcicc
        XTY71       INTERVAL    RMF paging and swapping activity
        XTY72       INTERVAL    RMF workload activity
        XTY72DL     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode delay states
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY72MN     INTERVAL    RMF monitor III data
        XTY7204     INTERVAL    RMF subtype 04
        XTY74       INTERVAL    RMF device activity
        XTY74CF     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility - activity
        XTY74ME     INTERVAL    RMF mon III XCF member message statistic
        XTY74PA     INTERVAL    RMF mon III XCF path message statistics
        XTY74ST     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility - structure reqs
        XTY77       INTERVAL    RMF system enqueue data
        XTY78CU     INTERVAL    RMF LCU queuing statistics
        XTY78PA     INTERVAL    RMF virtual storage private area stats
        XTY791      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space state data
        XTY792      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space resource data
        XTY799      INTERVAL    RMF mon II device activity data
        XTY80A      EVENT       RACF catchall if no racftype segment
        XTY80TS     EVENT       Top secret 103-255
        XTY8000     EVENT       RACF event 00 undocumented
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8024     EVENT       RACF event 24 setropts
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY8201     EVENT       CRYPTO initialization
        XTY8221     EVENT       CRYPTO icsf sysplex group change
        XTY85RQ     EVENT       OAM lcs read/write/requests
        XTY85TP     EVENT       OAM lcs tape read/write
        XTY88       EVENT       System logger data
        XTY89       INTERVAL    Measured usage interval
        XTY892      INTERVAL    Measured usage state interval
        XT11901     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection initiation
        XT11902     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tcp connection termination
        XT11903     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp client transfer completion
        XT11905     INTERVAL    IBM TCPIP tcp/ip statistics
        XT11921     EVENT       IBM TCPIP tn3270 server sna session term
        XT11970     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp server transfer completion
        XT11972     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp server login failure
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following variable has been added to table NBLKBER:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BLBINST   Instance name for antigen scan           STRING

  2) The following 2 variables have been added to table NDATABA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOGCKDP   Log generation checkpoint depth          COUNT
       SBPRDRT   Streaming backup pages read persec       COUNT

  3) The following 3 variables have been added to table NDTSCPU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DTPNCOA   Active cores                             COUNT
       DTPNCOS   Supported cores                          COUNT
       PFSENVR   Performance sentry version that wrote    STRING

  4) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMEMORY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCAVLBY   Pct available bytes                      PERCENT100
       VTRATIO   V to r ratio                             PERCENT

  5) The following 21 variables have been added to table NMSQAES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AULBART   Au cleanup batches/sec                   RATE
       AULUPRT   Au cleanups/sec                          RATE
       BYOCRCN   By-reference lob create count            COUNT
       BYOUSCN   By-reference lob use count               COUNT
       DEDRAUS   Deferred dropped aus                     COUNT
       DERROST   Deferred dropped rowsets                 COUNT
       DROCLRT   Dropped rowset cleanups/sec              RATE
       DROSKRT   Dropped rowsets skipped/sec              RATE
       FAEPACO   Failed leaf page cookie                  COUNT
       FALBART   Failed au cleanup batches/sec            RATE
       FARPACO   Failed tree page cookie                  COUNT
       LOEAHCN   Count lob readahead                      COUNT
       LOHCRCN   Lobhandle create count                   COUNT
       LOHDECN   Lobhandle destroy count                  COUNT
       LORCRCN   Lobss provider create count              COUNT
       LORDECN   Lobss provider destroy count             COUNT
       LORTRCN   Lobss provider truncation count          COUNT
       PUFROCN   Count push off row                       COUNT
       PUNROCN   Count pull in row                        COUNT
       USEPACO   Used leaf page cookie                    COUNT
       USRPACO   Used tree page cookie                    COUNT

  6) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NMSQCMG:

       CCHUSRT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CCHUSRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

  7) The following 18 variables have been added to table NMSQGST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACMPTBL   Active temp tables                       COUNT
       EVODLDR   Event notifications delayed drop         COUNT
       HTPAURQ   Http authenticated requests              COUNT
       LOLCONN   Logical connections                      COUNT
       MASDEAD   Mars deadlocks                           COUNT
       NAOMYRT   Non-atomic yield rate                    RATE
       PRCBLKD   Processes blocked                        COUNT
       SOPMEIN   Soap method invocations                  COUNT
       SOPMTRQ   Soap empty requests                      COUNT
       SOPSEIR   Soap session initiate requests           COUNT
       SOPSETR   Soap session terminate requests          COUNT
       SOPSQRQ   Soap sql requests                        COUNT
       SOPWSRQ   Soap wsdl requests                       COUNT
       SQRPRLW   Sql trace io provider lock waits         COUNT
       TMACRDT   Temp tables creation rate                RATE
       TMADEST   Temp tables for destruction              COUNT
       TRNSACT   Transactions                             COUNT
       TRVBIQU   Trace event notification queue           COUNT

  8) The following 4 variables have been added to table NMSQLCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SURDERT   Superlatch demotions per sec             RATE
       SURLACN   Number of superlatches                   INT
       SURPRRT   Superlatch promotions per sec            RATE
       TTALWTM   Total latch wait time (ms)               TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table NMSQLCH:

       TTATWTM   Total latch wait time (ms)               TIME

  9) The following variable has been added to table NMSQLKS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOTIMEO   Lock timeouts                            COUNT

 10) The following 2 variables have been added to table NMSQSTS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FRPRMRT   Forced parameterizations per sec         RATE
       SQATTRT   Sql attention rate                       RATE

 11) The following variable has been added to table NNETWIN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PTNETBY   Pct network utilization                  PERCENT100

 12) The following variable has been added to table NSQEPLR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQLNAME   Sqrl instance name                       STRING

 13) The following variable has been added to table NSQEPME:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQMNAME   Sqrm instance name                       STRING

 14) The following variable has been added to table NSQEPSN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQSNAME   Sqrs instance name                       STRING

 15) The following 21 variables have been added to table NSQLACC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       AULBART   Au cleanup batches/sec                   RATE
       AULUPRT   Au cleanups/sec                          RATE
       BYOCRCN   By-reference lob create count            COUNT
       BYOUSCN   By-reference lob use count               COUNT
       DEDRAUS   Deferred dropped aus                     COUNT
       DERROST   Deferred dropped rowsets                 COUNT
       DROCLRT   Dropped rowset cleanups/sec              RATE
       DROSKRT   Dropped rowsets skipped/sec              RATE
       FAEPACO   Failed leaf page cookie                  COUNT
       FALBART   Failed au cleanup batches/sec            RATE
       FARPACO   Failed tree page cookie                  COUNT
       LOEAHCN   Count lob readahead                      COUNT
       LOHCRCN   Lobhandle create count                   COUNT
       LOHDECN   Lobhandle destroy count                  COUNT
       LORCRCN   Lobss provider create count              COUNT
       LORDECN   Lobss provider destroy count             COUNT
       LORTRCN   Lobss provider truncation count          COUNT
       PUFROCN   Count push off row                       COUNT
       PUNROCN   Count pull in row                        COUNT
       USEPACO   Used leaf page cookie                    COUNT
       USRPACO   Used tree page cookie                    COUNT

 16) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table NSQLCAC:

       CCHUSRT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CCHUSRT   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2

 17) The following 18 variables have been added to table NSQLGEN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACMPTBL   Active temp tables                       COUNT
       EVODLDR   Event notifications delayed drop         COUNT
       HTPAURQ   Http authenticated requests              COUNT
       LOLCONN   Logical connections                      COUNT
       MASDEAD   Mars deadlocks                           COUNT
       NAOMYRT   Non-atomic yield rate                    RATE
       PRCBLKD   Processes blocked                        COUNT
       SOPMEIN   Soap method invocations                  COUNT
       SOPMTRQ   Soap empty requests                      COUNT
       SOPSEIR   Soap session initiate requests           COUNT
       SOPSETR   Soap session terminate requests          COUNT
       SOPSQRQ   Soap sql requests                        COUNT
       SOPWSRQ   Soap wsdl requests                       COUNT
       SQRPRLW   Sql trace io provider lock waits         COUNT
       TMACRDT   Temp tables creation rate                RATE
       TMADEST   Temp tables for destruction              COUNT
       TRNSACT   Transactions                             COUNT
       TRVBIQU   Trace event notification queue           COUNT

 18) The following 4 variables have been added to table NSQLLAT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SURDERT   Superlatch demotions per sec             RATE
       SURLACN   Number of superlatches                   INT
       SURPRRT   Superlatch promotions per sec            RATE
       TTALWTM   Total latch wait time (ms)               TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table NSQLLAT:

       TTATWTM   Total latch wait time (ms)               TIME

 19) The following variable has been added to table NSQLLOK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOTIMEO   Lock timeouts                            COUNT

 20) The following 2 variables have been added to table NSQLSTA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FRPRMRT   Forced parameterizations per sec         RATE
       SQATTRT   Sql attention rate                       RATE

 21) The following variable has been added to table NSQRPAG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQANAME   Sqra instance name                       STRING

 22) The following variable has been added to table NSQRPDI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQDNAME   Sqrd instance name                       STRING

 23) The following variable has been added to table NSYSTEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDTHPER   Ready threads per processor              RATE

 24) The following 2 variables have been added to table NTCNFIG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ORANIZN   Organization                             STRING
       SURYINT   Summary program interval                 STRING

 25) The following variable has been deleted from table NTHRED:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RECNR     n  value of record in input file         INT

 26) The following 3 variables have been added to table NTINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCAVLBY   Pct available bytes                      PERCENT100
       RDTHPER   Ready threads per processor              RATE
       VTRATIO   V to r ratio                             PERCENT

 27) The following variable has been added to table VAPLCMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 28) The following variable has been added to table VAPLEDT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 29) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSDT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 30) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSLM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 31) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSLN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 32) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSLP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 33) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSL0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 34) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 35) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 36) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 37) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 38) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 39) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 40) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTCY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 41) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 42) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 43) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 44) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 45) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 46) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 47) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 48) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 49) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC8:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 50) The following variable has been added to table VAPLTC9:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 51) The following variable has been added to table VAPLVMR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 52) The following 16 variables have been added to table VBYUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMCRPGM   Referenced pgmbks at reorder             COUNT
       VMCTPVA   Private pages above 2gb                  COUNT
       VMCTSHA   Shared resident pages above 2gb          COUNT
       VMCTSHB   Shared resident pages below 2gb          COUNT
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMDTTMP   Ttime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDTTMS   Ttime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMDVTMP   Vtime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDVTMS   Vtime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMPBKCT   Pgmbks currently on pgmbk list           COUNT
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING
       VMTMORD   Last time pgmbk list reordered           TIME
       VMUFOCT   Times when ufo list spin                 COUNT
       VMUFOTM   Elapsed ufo spin time on lock            TIME

 53) The following variable has been added to table VIODALS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 54) The following variable has been added to table VIODATD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 55) The following variable has been added to table VIODATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 56) The following variable has been added to table VIODCAD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 57) The following variable has been added to table VIODDCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 58) The following variable has been added to table VIODDDV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 59) The following 17 variables have been added to table VIODDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAFLAG1   Flags byte                               HEXFLAGS
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PACNTIM   Alias connect duration                   TIME
       PACOUNT   Cum sample count on alias                COUNT
       PACQTIM   Control unit queue duration              TIME
       PADATIM   Device active only duration              TIME
       PADBTIM   Cum alias devbusy duration               TIME
       PADDTIM   Alias disconnect duration                TIME
       PAFPTIM   Alias pending duration                   TIME
       PAINELG   Alias steal ineligible                   COUNT
       PAIRTIM   Cum cmr duration                         TIME
       PAVSSCH   Cum ssch+rsch exec on alias              COUNT
       PAVUSES   Alias took work from base                COUNT
       PRFPATH   Preferred path mask                      HEXFLAGS
       RDVHPPL   Hyperpav pool number                     INT
       RDVPVFG   Pav flag base/alias                      HEXFLAGS
       VDCIOP1   Sie assist flags                         HEXFLAGS

 60) The following variable has been added to table VIODDSB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 61) The following variable has been added to table VIODDTD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 62) The following variable has been added to table VIODENB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 63) The following variable has been added to table VIODMDV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 64) The following variable has been added to table VIODMOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 65) The following variable has been added to table VIODMON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 66) The following variable has been added to table VIODQDA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 67) The following variable has been added to table VIODQDD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 68) The following variable has been added to table VIODQDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 69) The following variable has been added to table VIODSOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 70) The following variable has been added to table VIODSON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 71) The following variable has been added to table VIODSTC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 72) The following variable has been added to table VIODSZI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 73) The following variable has been added to table VIODTOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 74) The following variable has been added to table VIODTON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 75) The following variable has been added to table VIODVOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 76) The following variable has been added to table VIODVON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 77) The following variable has been added to table VIODVSF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 78) The following variable has been added to table VIODVSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 79) The following variable has been added to table VIODVSW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 80) The following 44 variables have been added to table VMINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CACFIFL   Vmdbks dsp list console wait ifl         COUNT
       CACFZAP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait zap         COUNT
       CACFZIP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait zip         COUNT
       CACRIFL   Vmdbks dsp list on ifl                   COUNT
       CACRZAP   Vmdbks dsp list on zap                   COUNT
       CACRZIP   Vmdbks dsp list on zip                   COUNT
       CACWIFL   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait ifl             COUNT
       CACWZAP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait zap             COUNT
       CACWZIP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait zip             COUNT
       CALCFCP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait cp          COUNT
       CALCRCP   Vmdbks dsp list on cp                    COUNT
       CALCWCP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait cp              COUNT
       CALLIFL   Vmdbks dsp list limit list ifl share     COUNT
       CALLLCP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list prevent       COUNT
       CALLZAP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list zap share     COUNT
       CALLZIP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list zip share     COUNT
       CALSWCP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait cp              COUNT
       CASWIFL   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait ifl             COUNT
       CASWZAP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait zap             COUNT
       CASWZIP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait zip             COUNT
       DELTATM   Delta time between records               TIME
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       RSAFRDB   Doublewords real free below 2gb          COUNT
       RSAFRDW   Doublewords real free above 2gb          COUNT
       RSAFRIB   Doublewords in use real free below 2gb   COUNT
       RSAFRIU   Doublewords in use real free above 2gb   COUNT
       RSCALCT   Frames on cleared available list         COUNT
       RSCPLKG   Frames locked above 2gb                  COUNT
       RSFSA2G   Doublewords assigned above 2gb           COUNT
       RSFSB2G   Doublewords assigned below 2gb           COUNT
       RSFSYUA   Doublewords in use above 2gb             COUNT
       RSFSYUB   Doublewords in use below 2gb             COUNT
       RSLGFRM   Useable frames g2 2gb                    COUNT
       RSRFRSG   Frames alloc real free above 2gb         COUNT
       RSRFRST   Frames alloc real free below 2gb         COUNT
       RSSNGAV   All single frames gt 2gb available       COUNT
       RSSNG2G   All single frames lt 2gb available       COUNT
       RSSXACT   Sxs pages on queue above 2gb             COUNT
       RSSXBCT   Sxs pages on queue below 2gb             COUNT
       RSSXCLA   Locked system alias pages                COUNT
       RSSXCPL   Locked system exec space pages           COUNT
       RS2GAVL   All frames on 2gb available list         COUNT
       RS2GAV2   Can represent up to 16t                  COUNT
       SRCPUWT   Bit mask of cpus in wait state           HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its external name changed in
     table VMINTRV:

       DURATION  changed from  DELTATM   to  DURATM

     The following variable has been deleted from table VMINTRV:

       DURATM    Interval duration                        TIME

 81) The following variable has been added to table VMTRCCC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 82) The following variable has been added to table VMTRDDR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 83) The following variable has been added to table VMTRDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 84) The following variable has been added to table VMTRECM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 85) The following variable has been added to table VMTREND:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 86) The following variable has been added to table VMTREOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 87) The following variable has been added to table VMTREPR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 88) The following variable has been added to table VMTRMEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 89) The following variable has been added to table VMTRPAG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 90) The following 2 variables have been added to table VMTRPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

 91) The following variable has been added to table VMTRQDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 92) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 93) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSCM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 94) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSOS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 95) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSPR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 96) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSUS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 97) The following variable has been added to table VMTRSYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table VMTRSYS:

       SYSTEM    System identifier                        STRING
       SYSTERM   Tod clock at termination                 DATETIME

 98) The following variable has been added to table VMTRUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

 99) The following variable has been added to table VMTRXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

100) The following variable has been added to table VPRCCFF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

101) The following variable has been added to table VPRCCFN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

102) The following variable has been added to table VPRCIOP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

103) The following 3 variables have been added to table VPRCPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLSTLCT   Array of stolen vmdbks                   HEXFLAGS

104) The following variable has been added to table VPRCVFF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

105) The following variable has been added to table VPRCVFN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

106) The following variable has been added to table VPRCVOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

107) The following 2 variables have been added to table VPRCVON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

108) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSCLADL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM

     The following variable has been deleted from table VSCLADL:

       VMDMXSH   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM

109) The following variable has been added to table VSCLAEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

110) The following variable has been added to table VSCLDDL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

111) The following variable has been added to table VSCLIOP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

112) The following variable has been added to table VSCLRDB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

113) The following variable has been added to table VSCLRDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

114) The following variable has been added to table VSCLSHR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

115) The following variable has been added to table VSCLSQD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

116) The following variable has been added to table VSCLSRM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

117) The following variable has been added to table VSCLSTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

118) The following variable has been added to table VSCLWRR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

119) The following variable has been added to table VSEKSEK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

120) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

121) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

122) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOASI:

       ASCSMIG   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPGR   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPGW   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPST   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXRD   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXWT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

123) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOASP:

       ASMSSCH   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       EXCURQC   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       ASMSSCH   changed from  BEST12.   to  BEST12.2
       EXCURQC   changed from  BEST12.2  to  BEST12.

124) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOASS:

       EXCURQC   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       EXCURQC   changed from  BEST12.2  to  BEST12.

125) The following variable has been added to table VSTOATC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

126) The following variable has been added to table VSTOBPG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

127) The following variable has been added to table VSTORSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

128) The following 30 variables have been added to table VSTORSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLALNCG   Frames obtained from above 2gb           COUNT
       PLASFCG   Single frame above 2g from above         COUNT
       PLASFCL   Single frame below 2g from above         COUNT
       PLBGCNT   Background replenish clears run          COUNT
       PLBGCTM   Duration spent foreground replenish      COUNT
       PLFGCNT   Time foreground replenish run            TIME
       PLFOBEM   Times when fob list empty                COUNT
       PLFRETA   Free storage returns above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFRETB   Free storage returns below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSCTA   Free storage obtains above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSCTB   Free storage obtains below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSPGA   Free storage requests any                COUNT
       PLFSPGB   Free storage requests below 2gb          COUNT
       PLFSPRA   Free storage pages above 2gb             COUNT
       PLFSPRB   Free storage pages below 2gb             COUNT
       PLFSSGA   Free storage regular above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSGB   Free storage regular below 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSRA   Regular subpool free above 2gb           COUNT
       PLFSSRB   Regular subpool free below 2gb           COUNT
       PLLTDPE   Long term dormant emerg&passes           COUNT
       PLPCPAG   Collab mm pot volatile stolen            COUNT
       PLPUPAG   Collab mm pot volatile unchanged         COUNT
       PLRETFG   Frames returned to above 2gb avail       COUNT
       PLSESSA   Essa instruction count                   COUNT
       PLUPAGE   Collab mm pages stolen                   COUNT
       PLUPREC   Collab mm unused released                COUNT
       PLVATCL   Guest to host logical adrtrans           COUNT
       PLVPAGE   Collab mm volatile stolen                COUNT

129) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 5 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOSHD:

       ASCSPGR   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPGW   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPST   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXRD   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXWT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

130) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

131) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

132) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

     The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VSTOSHR:

       ASCSPGR   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSPGW   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXRD   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE
       ASCSXWT   changed from  COUNT     to  RATE

133) The following variable has been added to table VSTOSHS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

134) The following variable has been added to table VSTOVDK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

135) The following variable has been added to table VSTOXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

136) The following variable has been added to table VSTOXSU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

137) The following variable has been added to table VSYTASG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

138) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTCOM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLIUCVT   Total iucv invocations                   COUNT

139) The following variable has been added to table VSYTCPC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

140) The following variable has been added to table VSYTCPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

141) The following variable has been added to table VSYTCUG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

142) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTCUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCPTYPE   Physical processor type                  STRING
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

143) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTCUP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCCPTYP   Cpu type in character                    STRING
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

144) The following variable has been added to table VSYTEPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

145) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTPRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

146) The following 22 variables have been added to table VSYTRSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       RSAFRDB   Doublewords real free below 2gb          COUNT
       RSAFRDW   Doublewords real free above 2gb          COUNT
       RSAFRIB   Doublewords in use real free below 2gb   COUNT
       RSAFRIU   Doublewords in use real free above 2gb   COUNT
       RSCALCT   Frames on cleared available list         COUNT
       RSCPLKG   Frames locked above 2gb                  COUNT
       RSFSA2G   Doublewords assigned above 2gb           COUNT
       RSFSB2G   Doublewords assigned below 2gb           COUNT
       RSFSYUA   Doublewords in use above 2gb             COUNT
       RSFSYUB   Doublewords in use below 2gb             COUNT
       RSLGFRM   Useable frames g2 2gb                    COUNT
       RSRFRSG   Frames alloc real free above 2gb         COUNT
       RSRFRST   Frames alloc real free below 2gb         COUNT
       RSSNGAV   All single frames gt 2gb available       COUNT
       RSSNG2G   All single frames lt 2gb available       COUNT
       RSSXACT   Sxs pages on queue above 2gb             COUNT
       RSSXBCT   Sxs pages on queue below 2gb             COUNT
       RSSXCLA   Locked system alias pages                COUNT
       RSSXCPL   Locked system exec space pages           COUNT
       RS2GAVL   All frames on 2gb available list         COUNT
       RS2GAV2   Can represent up to 16t                  COUNT

147) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTRSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

148) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTSCG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       SRCPUWT   Bit mask of cpus in wait state           HEXFLAGS

149) The following variable has been added to table VSYTSCP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

150) The following variable has been added to table VSYTSHS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

151) The following variable has been added to table VSYTSYG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

152) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSYTSYP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING
       PLPAGPS   Ssch requests for paging spooling        COUNT
       PLPRVSC   Svc interrupts reflected to the vm       COUNT
       PLSTKPE   Elapsed time slice drops                 TIME
       PLTMRCE   Guest entries moved to enabled           COUNT

153) The following variable has been added to table VSYTUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

154) The following 21 variables have been added to table VSYTUWT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CACFIFL   Vmdbks dsp list console wait ifl         COUNT
       CACFZAP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait zap         COUNT
       CACFZIP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait zip         COUNT
       CACRIFL   Vmdbks dsp list on ifl                   COUNT
       CACRZAP   Vmdbks dsp list on zap                   COUNT
       CACRZIP   Vmdbks dsp list on zip                   COUNT
       CACWIFL   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait ifl             COUNT
       CACWZAP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait zap             COUNT
       CACWZIP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait zip             COUNT
       CALCFCP   Vmdbks dsp list console wait cp          COUNT
       CALCRCP   Vmdbks dsp list on cp                    COUNT
       CALCWCP   Vmdbks dsp list cpu wait cp              COUNT
       CALLIFL   Vmdbks dsp list limit list ifl share     COUNT
       CALLLCP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list prevent       COUNT
       CALLZAP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list zap share     COUNT
       CALLZIP   Vmdbks dsp list limit list zip share     COUNT
       CALSWCP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait cp              COUNT
       CASWIFL   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait ifl             COUNT
       CASWZAP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait zap             COUNT
       CASWZIP   Vmdbks dsp list sim wait zip             COUNT
       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

155) The following variable has been added to table VSYTXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

156) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTXSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       PFCPUTY   Host cpu usage type                      STRING

157) The following 11 variables have been added to table VUSEATE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMCTPVA   Private pages above 2gb                  COUNT
       VMCTSHA   Shared resident pages above 2gb          COUNT
       VMCTSHB   Shared resident pages below 2gb          COUNT
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMDTTMP   Ttime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDTTMS   Ttime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMDVTMP   Vtime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDVTMS   Vtime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

158) The following 5 variables have been added to table VUSEDFC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       OLPUTYP   Former cpu type                          STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

159) The following 2 variables have been added to table VUSEDTC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

160) The following 4 variables have been added to table VUSEITE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

161) The following 9 variables have been added to table VUSELOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCTPVA   Private pages above 2gb                  COUNT
       VMCTSHA   Shared resident pages above 2gb          COUNT
       VMCTSHB   Shared resident pages below 2gb          COUNT
       VMDTTMP   Ttime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDTTMS   Ttime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMDVTMP   Vtime for user on pri processor          TIME
       VMDVTMS   Vtime for user on sec processor          TIME
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

162) The following variable has been added to table VUSELON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING

163) The following 5 variables have been added to table VUSERDC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       NEPUTYP   New cpu type                             STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

164) The following 4 variables have been added to table VUSETRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHINE   System identifier                        STRING
       VMCFGEM   Vmdcfgem bitstring                       HEXFLAGS
       VMDPUST   Vmdpust bitstring                        HEXFLAGS
       VMPUTYP   Cpu type                                 STRING

165) The following 12 variables have been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCMODE   Cpc model identifier                     STRING
       CPTYPE    Cpu model number                         HEXFLAGS
       GMTOFFT   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       IFAUPTM   Ifa processor online time                TIME
       IFAWSTT   Ifa processor wst wait time              TIME
       LPARCHG   Configuration modified                   STRING
       PCIFABY   Pct when all ifa engines are busy        PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   Pct when all zip engines are busy        PERCENT100
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time              DATETIME
       SM70LAC   Lpar 4-hr average smf70lac               AVERAGE
       ZIPUPTM   Zip processor online time                TIME
       ZIPWSTT   Zip processor wst wait time              TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASMCEC:

       STARTIM   Cec constructed startime interval start  DATETIME

166) The following 9 variables have been added to table XASMCEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMTOFFT   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       NRICFCP   Number of icf cpus                       INT
       NRIFACP   Number of ifa cpus                       INT
       NRIFLCP   Number of ifl cpus                       INT
       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus                       INT
       SM70GIE   Cec constructed smf70gie interval end    DATETIME
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASMCEL:

       STARTIM   Cec constructed startime interval start  DATETIME

167) The following 6 variables have been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BEGTMNT   Begin time tape mount event              DATETIME
       BYESU     Total uncompress bytes read and written  COUNT
       ENDTMNT   End time tape mount event                DATETIME
       SMF21DB   Compressed device bytes read             COUNT
       SMF2101   Compressed device bytes written          COUNT
       TOTMNTT   Total duration tape was mounted          TIME

168) The following 9 variables have been added to table XASM70L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMTOFFT   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       NRIFACP   Number of ifa cpus in this box           INT
       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus in this box           INT
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time now local    DATETIME
       SM70GMU   Maximum license units of group           MAXIMUM
       SM70GNM   Capacity group name                      STRING
       TOTSHAR   Total initial share weight               GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current share weight               GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASM70L:

       STARTIM   Startime                                 DATETIME

169) The following 11 variables have been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPPHYTM   Physical cpu time phy engines            TIME
       GMTOFFT   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       ICFPHYT   Physical cpu time icf engines            TIME
       IFAPHYT   Physical cpu time ifa engines            TIME
       IFAUPTM   Ifa processor online time                TIME
       IFAWSTT   Ifa processors wst time                  TIME
       IFLPHYT   Physical cpu time ifl engines            TIME
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time              DATETIME
       ZIPPHYT   Physical cpu time zip engines            TIME
       ZIPUPTM   Zip processor online time                TIME
       ZIPWSTT   Zip processors wst time                  TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XASM70P:

       STARTIM   Minimum interval start datetime          DATETIME

170) The following 3 variables have been added to table XBETA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAARP   Archive retention period                 INT
       BETACTY   Cleanup type                             STRING
       BETARCM   Archive media type                       STRING

171) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCICINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MNGSMFC   Sysevent errors                          COUNT
       MNGSMFN   Sysevent records                         COUNT

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XCICINT:

       MNGSYSE   Sysevent errors                          COUNT
       MNGSYSR   Sysevent records                         COUNT

172) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSEJST    Total tcb cpu time all tcbs              TIME
       DSSRBT    Total srb cpu time all srbs              TIME

173) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIDSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSRCIUH   Cics in use storage above 16m            GAUGE
       DSRCIUL   Cics in use storage below 16m            GAUGE

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XCIDSR:

       DSRSTGH   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DSRSTGL   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

174) The following 4 variables have been added to table XCIDST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSTCIUH   Cics inuse storage above 16m             GAUGE
       DSTCIUL   Cics inuse storage below 16m             GAUGE
       DSTNIUH   Non-cics inuse storage above 16m         GAUGE
       DSTNIUL   Non-cics inuse storage below 16m         GAUGE

     The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XCIDST:

       DSTSTGH   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DSTSTGL   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DSTSTNH   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       DSTSTNL   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

175) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCILDR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LDRLBDN   Program library dsname                   STRING
       LDRLBNM   Program library name                     STRING

176) The following 12 variables have been added to table XCIM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MNGAVCR   Average compressed record length         AVERAGE
       MNGAVUR   Average uncompressed record length       AVERAGE
       MNGFRL    File resource limit                      MAXIMUM
       MNGMRCM   Data compression active?                 STRING
       MNGSMFC   Smf records compressed                   COUNT
       MNGSMFN   Smf records not compressed               COUNT
       MNGTRL    Tsqueue resource limit                   MAXIMUM
       MNGWLCC   Wlm cpu critical?                        STRING
       MNGWLGI   Wlm goal importance                      INT
       MNGWLGT   Wlm goal type?                           INT
       MNGWLGV   Wlm velocity goal value                  INT
       MNGWLSK   Wlm storage critical?                    STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XCIM:

       MNSYSEE   Sysevent errors                          COUNT
       MNSYSER   Sysevent records                         COUNT

177) The following 9 variables have been added to table XCIMDSA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMADCUR   Current address spacees adressable       GAUGE
       SMADHWM   Hwm address spacees addressable          MAXIMUM
       SMCUSLM   Cushion releases                         COUNT
       SMCUSRL   Allocate in cushion releases             COUNT
       SMGDCUR   Current gdsa active                      GAUGE
       SMGDHWM   Hwm gdsa active                          MAXIMUM
       SMGETST   Getstorsize request size                 GAUGE
       SMMEMLM   Memlimit size                            MAXIMUM
       SMMEMLR   Source of memlimit?                      INT

178) The following variable has been added to table XCIPIR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PRSHELF   Pipeline shell directory                 STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XCIPIR:

       PRSHELL   Pipeline shell directory                 STRING

179) The following 23 variables have been added to table XCITRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLIPPOR   Port number of client                    INT
       DHDELCT   Document handler delete requests         COUNT
       ISALLOC   Allocate session requests ip only        COUNT
       ISIOWTC   Wait for control at end ip count         TIME
       ISIOWTT   Wait for control at end ip duration      COUNT
       ISIPCNN   Ipic connection name that attached       STRING
       OAPPLID   Originating cics region of cwxn          STRING
       OCLIPAD   Originating client ip address            STRING
       OCLIPOR   Originating client port number           INT
       OFCTYNM   Originating transaction facility name    STRING
       ONETWKI   Originating transaction network id       STRING
       OPORTNU   Originating task port number             INT
       OSTART    Originating task start datetime          DATETIME
       OTCPSVC   Originating task tcpipservice            STRING
       OTRAN     Originating task transaction name        STRING
       OTRANFL   Originating transaction flags            HEXFLAGS
       OTRANNU   Originating task transaction number      INT
       OUSERCO   Originating task user correlator         HEXFLAGS
       OUSERID   Originating task userid-2 or userid-1    STRING
       PGCSTHW   Container storage hwm bytes allocated    MAXIMUM
       WMQGETC   Wait for mq service of getwait count     COUNT
       WMQGETT   Wait for mq service of getwait duration  TIME
       WMQREQC   Mq requests issued                       COUNT

     The following 11 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XCITRAN:

       CPRLSTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       DBALLTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       PSACTTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       PSSCHTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTEIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTHIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTMIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTNIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTOIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTTIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTWIOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 11 variables have had their format changed in table

       CPRLSTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       DBALLTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       PSACTTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       PSSCHTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTEIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTHIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTMIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTNIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTOIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTTIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTWIOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

     The following 6 variables have been deleted from table XCITRAN:

       MQGETWC   Mqgetwcn count                           COUNT
       MQGETWT   Mqgetwtm duration                        COUNT
       MQONTCB   Mqontcbu count                           COUNT
       MQREQS    Mqreqs count                             COUNT
       MQREQUS   Mqrequs count                            COUNT
       MQWTCBU   Mqwtcbus count                           COUNT

180) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDBACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DB2UNIC   Unicode text is in all %u fields?        STRING
       QWCZIEL   Cpu time zip eligible on cp engine       TIME
       QWCZIS1   Cpu time executing on ziip               TIME
       QWCZIS2   Cpu time in db2 executing on ziip        TIME
       QWCZITR   Cpu time in triggers executing on ziip   TIME
       QWUCPU    Tcb or srb cpu time of dispatched eu     TIME

181) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBCCTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DB2UNIC   Unicode text is in all %u fields?        STRING
       QPCZITM   Cpu time this package or dbrm on zip     TIME
       QWCWLME   Service class name                       STRING
       THREADT   Type of thread                           STRING

182) The following 5 variables have been added to table XDBGBPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBGLCM    Rfcom requests for multiple pages        COUNT
       QBGLCR    Rfco requests for single page            COUNT
       QBGLMW    Warm requests for multiple pages         COUNT
       QBGLWP    Pages written by warm                    COUNT
       QBGLWS    War requests for single pages            COUNT

183) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QW1ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable master asid  TIME
       QW2ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable dbm1 asid    TIME
       QW3ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable irlm asid    TIME
       QW4ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable ddf asid     TIME

184) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBSTA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISECFA   Fails due to stmt pool full              COUNT
       QISECFR   Free pages in stmt free chain            COUNT
       QISECPG   Pages in stmt pool                       COUNT
       QISEDYN   Pages used in statement pool             COUNT

     The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XDBSTA1:

       QLLOWEM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLLOWIM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLLOW1M   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTGEM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTGIM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTG1M   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM

185) The following 8 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISECFA   Fails due to stmt pool full              COUNT
       QISECFR   Free pages in stmt free chain            COUNT
       QISECPG   Pages in stmt pool                       COUNT
       QISEDYN   Pages used in statement pool             COUNT
       QW1ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable master asid  TIME
       QW2ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable dbm1 asid    TIME
       QW3ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable irlm asid    TIME
       QW4ZSRB   Cpu srb on ziip preemptable ddf asid     TIME

     The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XDBTATS:

       QLLOWEM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLLOWIM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLLOW1M   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTGEM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTGIM   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM
       QLSTG1M   changed from  COUNT     to  MAXIMUM

186) The following 5 variables have been added to table XDB2A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBPARTY   Parallel or sequential task type         STRING
       QWCZIEL   Cpu time zip eligible on cp engine       TIME
       QWCZIS1   Cpu time executing on ziip               TIME
       QWCZIS2   Cpu time in db2 executing on ziip        TIME
       QWCZITR   Cpu time in triggers executing on ziip   TIME

187) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       UBRECRD   changed from  _NONE_    to  $MGDCORF.

188) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDCCLUS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCVDPTY   Physical control unit                    STRING
       DCVDVTY   Device type                              STRING

189) The following 2 variables have been added to table XDCDSET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCVDPTY   Physical control unit                    STRING
       DCVDVTY   Device type                              STRING

190) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XDSNREC:

       DSUCODE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DSUCODE   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

191) The following variable has been added to table XHSFSRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSRFALT   Written in duplex mode?                  STRING

192) The following variable has been added to table XHSM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HSMPLEX   Hsm complex                              STRING

193) The following 73 variables have been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SQLCALS   Total db2 sql calls                      COUNT
       TRARVTH   Tran arrival time hhmmssth               TIME
       TRARVTJ   Tran arrival time miju portion           TIME
       TREAPPL   Appl elapsed time                        TIME
       TREAPPU   Trneappu                                 COUNT
       TREDB2    Db2 elapsed time                         TIME
       TREDB2U   Trnedb2u                                 COUNT
       TREDLDB   Dli/db elapsed time                      TIME
       TREDLTM   Dli/tm elapsed time                      TIME
       TREF2     Triwaits settings                        HEXFLAGS
       TRELDLI   Dli last call elap                       TIME
       TREMQS    Mqs elapsed time                         TIME
       TREMQSU   Trnemqsu                                 COUNT
       TREOESS   Ess elapsed time                         TIME
       TREOESU   Trneoesu                                 COUNT
       TREOPCL   Op/cl elapsed time                       TIME
       TRESYNC   Sync elapsed time                        TIME
       TRETFLG   Etime flags                              HEXFLAGS
       TRETIME   Stck at tran start                       DATETIME
       TREWLMC   Ewlm correlator                          HEXFLAGS
       TRE1STD   Schd to 1st dli                          TIME
       TRMODET   Trnmothr detail                          HEXFLAGS
       TRMSCTH   Orig sys arr time hhmmssth               TIME
       TRMSCTJ   Orig sys arr time miju portion           TIME
       TRMSCUT   Org arrival trnxutca value               TIME
       TRNUOWP   Network uow id  primary                  HEXFLAGS
       TROTCLF   Otma client flag                         HEXFLAGS
       TROTCLN   Ims connect client id                    STRING
       TROTCON   Ims connect start time                   DATETIME
       TROTCOR   Otma correlator                          HEXFLAGS
       TROTIP    Ims connect client ip addr               STRING
       TROTMAM   Otma tmember name                        HEXFLAGS
       TROTMAP   Otma map name                            STRING
       TROTPRT   Ims connect port id                      INT
       TROTSCF   Otma security flag                       HEXFLAGS
       TROTSLF   Otma synch level flag                    HEXFLAGS
       TROTSOC   Ims connect socket id                    INT
       TROTSTC   Ims connect stc/jobname                  STRING
       TROTSTF   Otma ims state flag                      HEXFLAGS
       TROTSYF   Otma synchronization flag                HEXFLAGS
       TROTUSR   Otma security user id                    STRING
       TRRSENM   Rse name                                 STRING
       TRSMQGN   Smq group name                           STRING
       TRSTCKE   Stck at tran end                         DATETIME
       TRSTOPA   Tran stop time offset                    TIME
       TRSTOPU   Tran stop time miju                      TIME
       TRSTRTA   Tran start time offset                   TIME
       TRSTRTU   Tran start time miju                     TIME
       TRTCPU    Total cpu by tran                        TIME
       TRUOW     Uow for transaction                      HEXFLAGS
       TRWLMRE   Iwmwqry error reason code                INT
       TRWLMRT   Iwmwqry error return code                INT
       TRWLMSC   Wlm service class                        STRING
       TRWLMZR   If binary zeros, then iwmwqry error      HEXFLAGS
       TRW1OTH   Misc iwait                               TIME
       TRW2IOO   Sync osam i/o iwait                      TIME
       TRW2IOV   Sync vsam i/o iwait                      TIME
       TRW2LCH   Sync latch iwait                         TIME
       TRW2OTH   Sync misc iwait                          TIME
       TRW3LCH   Dli/tm latch iwait                       TIME
       TRW3OTH   Dli/tm misc iwait                        TIME
       TRW4DBR   Opn/cls dbrc iwait                       TIME
       TRW4IO    Opn/cls i/o  iwait                       TIME
       TRW4OTH   Opn/cls misc iwait                       TIME
       TRW5IOD   Dli/db dedb iwait                        TIME
       TRW5IOO   Dli/db osam iwait                        TIME
       TRW5IOV   Dli/db vsam iwait                        TIME
       TRW5LCH   Dli/db latch iwait                       TIME
       TRW5LCK   Dli/db lock iwait                        TIME
       TRW5OTH   Dli/db misc iwait                        TIME
       TRXCKPC   Count of checkpoint/syncpoints           COUNT
       TRXCKPM   Max locks held (high water mark)         MAXIMUM
       TRXCKPT   Total locks held, all checkpoints        COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XIMFTRN:

       ALPCBLT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       ALPCBLT   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX16.

     The following variable has been deleted from table XIMFTRN:

       SQLCA01   Total db2 sql calls                      COUNT

194) The following 4 variables have been added to table XIMPROG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FLGSPCH   Program subtype                          STRING
       OTMATRN   Otma tran?                               STRING
       PGMSA56   Sadflag5 and sadflag6                    HEXFLAGS
       SAPEXIT   Sap pgm using sapexit?                   STRING

195) The following 11 variables have been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCEPTM   Deaccum cpu time while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip eligible cpu time                    TIME
       CPZIPTM   Zip cpu time                             TIME
       ZIEUNIT   Zip eligible units                       COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Zip service units                        COUNT

196) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XMIVCF:

       MIVFRTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       MIVFRTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME13.3

197) The following 2 variables have been added to table XMQACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       UOWID     Originators name for unit-of-work        HEXFLAGS
       UOWIDCH   First 6 bytes of uowid field             HEXFLAGS

198) The following 3 variables have been added to table XMQACTQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM116EV   Event i=interval t=thread end            STRING
       UOWID     Originators name for unit-of-work        HEXFLAGS
       UOWIDCH   First 6 bytes of uowid field             HEXFLAGS

199) The following 3 variables have been added to table XMQQUEU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM116EV   Event i=interval t=thread end            STRING
       UOWID     Originators name for unit-of-work        HEXFLAGS
       UOWIDCH   First 6 bytes of uowid field             HEXFLAGS

200) The following 28 variables have been added to table XNDMCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDCKPI    Checkpoint interval                      INT
       NDCPU     Cpu time of step via timeused            TIME
       NDDBPAD   Dbcs pad char                            HEXFLAGS
       NDDBSI    Dbcs shift-in char                       HEXFLAGS
       NDDBSO    Dbcs shift-out char                      HEXFLAGS
       NDDBTAB   Dbcs table name                          STRING
       NDRIP     Inbound outbound ip address              STRING
       NDRPOR    Outbound port                            INT
       NDTOT01   Cttotal field 01                         COUNT
       NDTOT02   Cttotal field 02                         COUNT
       NDTOT03   Cttotal field 03                         COUNT
       NDTOT04   Cttotal field 04                         COUNT
       NDTOT05   Cttotal field 05                         COUNT
       NDTOT06   Cttotal field 06                         COUNT
       NDTOT07   Cttotal field 07                         COUNT
       NDTOT08   Cttotal field 08                         COUNT
       NDTOT09   Cttotal field 09                         COUNT
       NDTOT10   Cttotal field 10                         COUNT
       NDTOT11   Cttotal field 11                         COUNT
       NDTOT12   Cttotal field 12                         COUNT
       NDTOT13   Cttotal field 13                         COUNT
       NDTOT14   Cttotal field 14                         COUNT
       NDTOT15   Cttotal field 15                         COUNT
       NDTOT16   Cttotal field 16                         COUNT
       NDTOT17   Cttotal field 17                         COUNT
       NDTOT18   Cttotal field 18                         COUNT
       NDTOT19   Cttotal field 19                         COUNT
       NDTOT20   Cttotal field 20                         COUNT

201) The following 3 variables have been added to table XNDMFI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

202) The following 7 variables have been added to table XNDMNM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDNMCC    Return code of update attempt            INT
       NDNMMSG   Update message short text                STRING
       NDNMMSI   Update message id                        STRING
       NDNMMSL   Update message length                    GAUGE
       NDNMNOD   Nodename updated                         STRING
       NDNMSEQ   Sequemce number of date/time             INT
       NDNMUID   Updating uid                             STRING

203) The following 14 variables have been deleted from table XORACLE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCICTM   Cics subtask cpu time                    TIME
       CPSRBTM   Cpu srb duration                         TIME
       CPTCBTM   Cpu tcb duration                         TIME
       CPTIMER   Worker cpu timer                         TIME
       DDCOMIT   Ddl commits                              COUNT
       DDROLLS   Ddl rollbacks                            COUNT
       ENDSRB    Srb ending clock                         TIME
       ENDTCB    Tcb ending clock                         TIME
       ORCMSB    Max additional stacks used               MAXIMUM
       PCCOUNT   Pc count                                 COUNT
       STRTSRB   Srb start clock                          TIME
       STRTTCB   Tcb start clock                          TIME
       SWCHCNT   User/worker switch count                 COUNT
       TCBADDR   Tcb addr space                           STRING

204) The following 3 variables have been added to table XPROREC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PRPMODE   Mode                                     STRING
       PRPMPRE   Message prefix                           STRING
       PSMRDW    Rdw                                      INT

205) The following 2 variables have been added to table XPROSMS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PRPMODE   Mode                                     STRING
       PRPMPRE   Message prefix                           STRING

206) The following 18 variables have been added to table XQACONF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GDESB1C   1st disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB1N   1st disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESB2C   2nd disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB2N   2nd disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESB3C   3rd disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB3N   3rd disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESB4C   4th disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB4N   4th disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESB5C   5th disk response bucket character       STRING
       GDESB5N   5th disk response bucket                 COUNT
       GDESCL    Collection library                       STRING
       GDESCN    Collection name                          STRING
       GDESED    End date of collection in character      STRING
       GDESEDD   End date of collection                   DATE
       GDESET    End time of collection in character      STRING
       GDESETT   End time of collection                   TIME
       GDES21    System asp capacity in bytes             GAUGE
       GDES91    Gdes91                                   STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       GDES2     changed from  TIME12.2  to  TIME8.

207) The following 23 variables have been added to table XQADISK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSBKCT1   Bucket 1 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT2   Bucket 2 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT3   Bucket 3 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT4   Bucket 4 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT5   Bucket 5 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKCT6   Bucket 6 operations                      COUNT
       DSBKRT1   Bucket 1 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT2   Bucket 2 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT3   Bucket 1 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT4   Bucket 4 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT5   Bucket 5 response time                   TIME
       DSBKRT6   Bucket 6 response time                   TIME
       DSBKST1   Bucket 1 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST2   Bucket 2 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST3   Bucket 3 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST4   Bucket 4 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST5   Bucket 5 service time                    TIME
       DSBKST6   Bucket 6 service time                    TIME
       DSCAT     Disk unit category? 0=no 1=external      STRING
       DSIOPF    Managed by iop? 0=no 1=yes               STRING
       DSRDT     Raid type? 0=raid 5 1=raid 6             STRING
       DSSRVT    Disk service time                        TIME
       DSWT      Disk wait time                           TIME

208) The following 4 variables have been added to table XQAJOBL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBACPU    Accumulated job cpu time                 TIME
       JBIPAD    Ip address binary                        STRING
       JBIPAF    Ip type 02x=ipv4 18x=ipv6                STRING
       JBIPPT    Ip port number                           INT

209) The following 5 variables have been added to table XQAJOBM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBACPU    Accumulated job cpu time                 TIME
       JBCUSR    Current user                             STRING
       JBIPAD    Ip address binary                        STRING
       JBIPAF    Ip type 02x=ipv4 18x=ipv6                STRING
       JBIPPT    Ip port number                           INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XQAJOBM:

       JCUSR     Current user                             STRING

210) The following variable has been added to table XQAPOLB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       POUNAL    Unallocated pool space                   COUNT

211) The following 11 variables have been added to table XQASYSL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYCTA     Configured cpu time available            TIME
       SYDPCH    Total dispatch time                      TIME
       SYIFTA    Time available interactive feature       TIME
       SYNPLA    Shared pool cpu time available           TIME
       SYNPLU    Shared pool cpu time used                TIME
       SYNUAL    Noncached user authority lookups         COUNT
       SYNUTC    Uncapped cpu time configured             TIME
       SYSHRF    Shared processor flag 0=no 1=yes         STRING
       SYSPTU    Total cpu time used                      TIME
       SYUTA     Uncapped cpu time available              TIME
       SYVCPU    Virtual processor time configured        TIME

212) The following 3 variables have been added to table XQASYST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYDPCH    Total dispatch time                      TIME
       SYSHRF    Shared processor flag 0=no 1=yes         STRING
       SYVCPU    Virtual processor time configured        TIME

213) The following 38 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BATZIE    Batch cpu zipelig time on cp             TIME
       BATZIP    Batch cpu zip time on zip                TIME
       CICSZIE   Cics cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       CICSZIP   Cics cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       CPZIETM   Task zipelig cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Task zip cpu time on zip                 TIME
       IMSZIE    Ims cpu zipelig time on cp               TIME
       IMSZIP    Ims cpu zip time on zip                  TIME
       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus for this system       COUNT
       OMVSAVG   Average omvs active                      AVERAGE
       OMVSMAX   Maximum omvs active                      MAXIMUM
       OTHRZIE   All other cpu zipelig time on cp         TIME
       OTHRZIP   All other cpu zip time on zip            TIME
       OTH0ZIE   Oth0 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH0ZIP   Oth0 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH1ZIE   Oth1 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH1ZIP   Oth1 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH2ZIE   Oth2 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH2ZIP   Oth2 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH3ZIE   Oth3 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH3ZIP   Oth3 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH4ZIE   Oth4 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH4ZIP   Oth4 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH5ZIE   Oth5 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH5ZIP   Oth5 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH6ZIE   Oth6 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH6ZIP   Oth6 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH7ZIE   Oth7 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH7ZIP   Oth7 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH8ZIE   Oth8 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH8ZIP   Oth8 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       OTH9ZIE   Oth9 cpu zipelig time on cp              TIME
       OTH9ZIP   Oth9 cpu zip time on zip                 TIME
       PCZIPBY   Pct this systems zip busy                PERCENT100
       TSOZIE    Tso cpu zipelig time on cp               TIME
       TSOZIP    Tso cpu zip time on zip                  TIME
       ZIPACTT   Zip engine executing (active) cpu time   TIME
       ZIPUPTM   Zip engine available (up) time           TIME

214) The following variable has been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

215) The following 11 variables have been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCEPTM   Deaccum cpu time while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip eligible cpu time                    TIME
       CPZIPTM   Zip cpu time                             TIME
       ZIEUNIT   Zip eligible units                       COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Zip service units                        COUNT

216) The following 11 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCEPTM   Deaccum cpu time while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip eligible cpu time                    TIME
       CPZIPTM   Zip cpu time                             TIME
       ZIEUNIT   Zip eligible units                       COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Zip service units                        COUNT

217) The following variable has been added to table XSTVS13:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST13MRC   Mounted after a recall?                  STRING

218) The following 2 variables have been added to table XSTVS15:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST15CTP   S-cart or e-cart?                        STRING
       ST15LRI   Hstresidency recall or create?           STRING

219) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTAPES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21CRR   Read compression ratio                   PERCENT
       SM21CRW   Write compression ratio                  PERCENT
       SM21DBR   Compressed device bytes read             COUNT
       SM21DBW   Compressed device bytes written          COUNT

220) The following variable has been added to table XTPFDH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TTTOD     Date time of day                         DATETIME

221) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTPFFF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FFFARF    Farf file address                        HEXFLAGS
       FFFLG     Flag bits (mioflg)                       HEXFLAGS
       FFTOD     Record time stamp                        DATETIME

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTPFFF:

       FFADR     File adrs                                HEXFLAGS
       FFECB     Ecb sva                                  HEXFLAGS
       FTIMECH   Ecb time stamp character                 HEXFLAGS

222) The following 25 variables have been added to table XTPFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SISUTLA   I-stream-a utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLB   I-stream-b utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLC   I-stream-c utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLD   I-stream-d utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLE   I-stream-e utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLF   I-stream-f utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTLG   I-stream-g utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL1   I-stream-1 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL2   I-stream-2 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL3   I-stream-3 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL4   I-stream-4 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL5   I-stream-5 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL6   I-stream-6 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL7   I-stream-7 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL8   I-stream-8 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SISUTL9   I-stream-9 utilization                   PERCENT100
       SXDISA1   4d6 pool dispensed addrs deva per sec    RATE
       SXDISA2   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devb per sec    RATE
       SXDISA3   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devc per sec    RATE
       SXDISA4   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devd per sec    RATE
       SXRTRA1   4d6 pool return hits deva per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA2   4d6 pool return hits devb per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA3   4d6 pool return hits devc per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA4   4d6 pool return hits devd per sec        RATE
       SXTCPIN   Tcp input message counter                COUNT

223) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTPFSP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SXDISA1   4d6 pool dispensed addrs deva per sec    RATE
       SXDISA2   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devb per sec    RATE
       SXDISA3   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devc per sec    RATE
       SXDISA4   4d6 pool dispensed addrs devd per sec    RATE
       SXRTRA1   4d6 pool return hits deva per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA2   4d6 pool return hits devb per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA3   4d6 pool return hits devc per sec        RATE
       SXRTRA4   4d6 pool return hits devd per sec        RATE

224) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTPFSX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SHWMFPL   Frames pending list                      COUNT
       SHWMTPP   Hwm threads per process                  RATE
       SMAXTPP   Max threads per process                  RATE
       SXPFORK   Posix fork count                         COUNT
       SXTCPIN   Tcp input message counter                COUNT

225) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTYMDF:

       GBINTTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       GBINTTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

226) The following 19 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CA7INAL   Ca7 instance alias                       STRING
       CA7INID   Ca7 instance id                          STRING
       JXDBSPR   Jxdbs priority                           INT
       JXDBSUU   Jxdbs unavailable units?                 STRING
       JXDBSWG   Jxdbs workgroup                          STRING
       JXIMPOR   Jximportance                             INT
       JXSERVI   Jxservice group                          STRING
       VLVCPC    Vol vts copycross                        COUNT
       VLVCPCM   Vol vts copycross migrate                COUNT
       VLVCPCO   Vol vts copycross ondisk                 COUNT
       VLVIBM    Vol vts ibm                              COUNT
       VLVIBMN   Vol vts ibm nonresident                  COUNT
       VLVIBMR   Vol vts ibm resident                     COUNT
       VLVSTK    Vol vts stk                              COUNT
       VLVSTKN   Vol vts stk nonresident                  COUNT
       VLVSTKR   Vol vts stk resident                     COUNT
       VLVVTS    Vol vts vtape                            COUNT
       VLVVTSI   Vol vts vtape incache                    COUNT
       VLVVTSN   Vol vts vtape notincache                 COUNT

227) The following 13 variables have been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM14CD1   Encoding mechanism key 1                 STRING
       SM14CD2   Encoding mechanism key 2                 STRING
       SM14DRD   Pdse directory read request count        COUNT
       SM14DRH   Pdse directory read hit count            COUNT
       SM14KET   Key exchange time encryption overhead    TIME
       SM14KL1   Key label 1                              HEXFLAGS
       SM14KL2   Key label 2                              HEXFLAGS
       SM14MCE   Pdse member cache eligible count         COUNT
       SM14MCF   Pdse member eligible cache full count    COUNT
       SM14MNC   Pdse member eligible not cached count    COUNT
       SM14MRD   Pdse member read request count           COUNT
       SM14MRH   Pdse member read hit count               COUNT
       SM14MST   Pdse member cache stolen count           COUNT

228) The following variable has been added to table XTY16:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BGBKSZA   31-bit blocksize available?              STRING

229) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY21:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21CRR   Read compression ratio                   PERCENT
       SM21CRW   Write compression ratio                  PERCENT
       SM21DBR   Compressed device bytes read             COUNT
       SM21DBW   Compressed device bytes written          COUNT

230) The following variable has been added to table XTY23:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFF23   Smf buffer hiwatermk allocation          TIME

231) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

     The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY30_V:

       ACDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       DSDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       REDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       ACDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       DSDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       REDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

232) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

     The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY30_4:

       ACDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       DSDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       REDLYTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       ACDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       DSDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       REDLYTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

233) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

234) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXSRMER   Srm ai ei fields invalid?                STRING

235) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY57J2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESFRMLN   Formlen in ess                           STRING
       ESITRAY   Intray in ess                            COUNT
       ESOFSTB   Offsetxb in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTF   Offsetxf in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTY   Offsetyb in ess                          STRING
       ESPORNO   Portno in ess                            INT
       ESRETAS   Retains in ess                           STRING

236) The following variable has been added to table XTY6367:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SPEEDXX   Do not preformat ?                       STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY6367:

       SPEED     Do not preformat ?                       STRING

237) The following 46 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus in this box           INT
       PCCIBYA   Ifa-zip 10 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYB   Ifa-zip 11 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYC   Ifa-zip 12 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYD   Ifa-zip 13 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYE   Ifa-zip 14 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYF   Ifa-zip 15 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYG   Ifa-zip 16 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYH   Ifa-zip 17 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYI   Ifa-zip 18 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYJ   Ifa-zip 19 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYK   Ifa-zip 20 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYL   Ifa-zip 21 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYN   Ifa-zip 22 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYO   Ifa-zip 23 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYP   Ifa-zip 24 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYQ   Ifa-zip 25 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYR   Ifa-zip 26 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYS   Ifa-zip 27 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYT   Ifa-zip 28 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYU   Ifa-zip 29 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYV   Ifa-zip 30 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYW   Ifa-zip 31 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBYX   Ifa-zip 32 logical busy                  PERCENT100
       PCCIBY0   Ifa-zip 0 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY1   Ifa-zip 1 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY2   Ifa-zip 2 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY3   Ifa-zip 3 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY4   Ifa-zip 4 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY5   Ifa-zip 5 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY6   Ifa-zip 6 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY7   Ifa-zip 7 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY8   Ifa-zip 8 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCCIBY9   Ifa-zip 9 logical busy                   PERCENT100
       PCRDQWT   Pct when q-based n+ tasks are waiting    PERCENT100
       SM70CSC   Sequence code of configuration           STRING
       SM70GJT   Time when partishn joined capacity group DATETIME
       SM70PMI   Avg blked dispatch units may get         AVERAGE
       SM70PML   Opt parameter blwlinthd                  COUNT
       SM70PMP   Max dispatch units being blocked         MAXIMUM
       SM70PMT   Opt parameter blwltrpct                  PERCENT100
       SM70PMU   Blked dispatch units promoted persec     COUNT
       SM70PMW   Avg dispatch units being blocked         AVERAGE
       SM70POM   Plant code of manufacture                STRING
       STFBI02   Opt parm blwltrpct changed?              STRING
       STFBI03   Opt parm blwlinthd changed?              STRING

     The following 34 variables have been deleted from table XTY70:

       NRZIPS    Number of zip engines available          INT
       PCZIBYA   Zip a percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYB   Zip b percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYC   Zip c percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYD   Zip d percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYE   Zip e percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYF   Zip f percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYG   Zip g percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYH   Zip h percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYI   Zip i percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYJ   Zip j percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYK   Zip k percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYL   Zip l percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYN   Zip n percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYO   Zip o percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYP   Zip p percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYQ   Zip q percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYR   Zip r percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYS   Zip s percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYT   Zip t percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYU   Zip u percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYV   Zip v percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYW   Zip w percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYX   Zip x percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY0   Zip 0 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY1   Zip 1 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY2   Zip 2 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY3   Zip 3 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY4   Zip 4 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY5   Zip 5 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY6   Zip 6 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY7   Zip 7 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY8   Zip 8 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY9   Zip 9 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100

238) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       SM70CTN   Count of this smf70cin engines in cec    GAUGE
       SM70GMU   Maximum license units of group           MAXIMUM
       SM70GNM   Capacity group name                      STRING

239) The following variable has been added to table XTY70X2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME

240) The following variable has been added to table XTY70Y2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME

241) The following variable has been added to table XTY7002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME

242) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY71:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM71UAC   Average current system uic               AVERAGE
       SM71UAM   Average minimum system uic               AVERAGE
       SM71UAX   Average maximum system uic               AVERAGE
       SM71UHC   Highest current system uic               MAXIMUM
       SM71UHX   Highest maximum system uic               MAXIMUM
       SM71ULC   Lowest current system uic                MINIMUM
       SM71ULM   Lowest minimum system uic                MINIMUM

243) The following variable has been added to table XTY72:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME

244) The following 12 variables have been added to table XTY72DL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMOFFTM   Gmt offset at end of interval            TIME
       R723BPM   Buffer pool io misses samples            COUNT
       R73RW06   Resource type 6 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW07   Resource type 7 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW08   Resource type 8 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW09   Resource type 9 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW10   Resource type10 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW11   Resource type11 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW12   Resource type12 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW13   Resource type13 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW14   Resource type14 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW15   Resource type15 state samples            COUNT

245) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPZIETM   Zip eligible cpu time                    TIME
       CPZIPTM   Zip cpu time                             TIME
       R73CIFA   Ifa service unit                         COUNT
       R73CIFC   Ifa-eligible service units               COUNT
       R73CSUC   Zip-eligible service units               COUNT
       R73CSUP   Zip service units                        COUNT
       R73GMLP   Percent capacity of lpar?                STRING
       R73GMSS   Percent capacity of single system?       STRING
       R73SUCU   Zip-eligible on cp using samples         COUNT
       R73SUPD   Zip delay samples                        COUNT
       R73SUPU   Zip using samples                        COUNT
       R73TPDP   Cpu time at promoted dispatch prty       TIME
       ZIEUNIT   Zip eligible units                       COUNT
       ZIPHONP   Zip honor priority?                      STRING
       ZIPUNIT   Zip service units                        COUNT

246) The following variable has been added to table XTY72MN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMTOFF7   Gmt offset from type72                   TIME

247) The following variable has been added to table XTY7204:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GMTOFF7   Gmt offset from type72                   TIME

248) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY74:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HYPERPA   Hyperpav base device?                    STRING
       IOTMERR   Connect time in error?                   STRING
       SM74HPC   Hyperpav aliases configured this lss     COUNT
       SM74PSM   Successful pav sample counts             COUNT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY74:

       DEMTPTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DEMTPTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

249) The following 37 variables have been added to table XTY74CF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CFPTY01   1st cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY02   2nd cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY03   3rd cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY04   4th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY05   5th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY06   6th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY07   7th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY08   8th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY09   9th cf cpu processor type                HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY10   10th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY11   11th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY12   12th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY13   13th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY14   14th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY15   15th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPTY16   16th cf cpu processor type               HEXFLAGS
       CFPWG01   1st cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG02   2nd cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG03   3rd cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG04   4th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG05   5th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG06   6th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG07   7th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG08   8th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG09   9th cf shared processor weight           INT
       CFPWG10   10th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG11   11th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG12   12th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG13   13th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG14   14th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG15   15th cf shared processor weight          INT
       CFPWG16   16th cf shared processor weight          INT
       R74FLVL   Coupling facility level                  INT
       R74FMPC   Coupling facility plant code             STRING
       R74FPDN   Number of dedicated cf processors        COUNT
       R74FPSN   Number of shared cf processors           COUNT
       R74FSEQ   Sequence number of this cf               STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY74CF:

       R74VLVL   Coupling facility level                  INT

250) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY74ME:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R742MIN   Status checking interval                 INT
       R742MJO   Job that joined member                   STRING
       R742MST   Extended member state one                HEXFLAGS
       R742M01   Extended member state two                HEXFLAGS

251) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY74PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72PPND   Curr pending signals outbound            GAUGE
       R72PRCT   Path retry count                         COUNT
       R72PSTM   More path status flags                   HEXFLAGS
       R72PUSE   Current blocks of buff space used        GAUGE

252) The following variable has been added to table XTY74ST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R744SET   Structure execution time                 TIME

253) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY77:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RESIN00   Resource still in contention?            STRING
       RESIN01   Scope of systems(a) or system(b)?        STRING
       RESIN02   Owner had exclusive or shared?           STRING
       RESIN03   First job waiting exclusive or shared?   STRING
       RESIN04   Second job waiting exclusive or shared?  STRING
       RESIN05   Resource is global?                      STRING

254) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY78CU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73HAIU   Hwm in-use hyperpav aliases              COUNT
       R73HCAD   Hwm aliases in use one base              COUNT
       R73HCU    Hyperpav cu identifier                   INT
       R73HIOQ   Hwm of io-s queued                       COUNT
       R73HNAI   Times i/o no start no hyperpav available COUNT
       R73HTIO   Hyperpav i/o requests for the lss        COUNT

255) The following 12 variables have been added to table XTY78PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SHBYHWM   Hwm bytes shared above 2gb               COUNT
       SHBYMAX   Max bytes shared above 2gb               MAXIMUM
       SHBYMIN   Min bytes shared above 2gb               MINIMUM
       SHBYNTM   Time stamp of min shared above 2gb       DATETIME
       SHBYTOT   Total samples shared above 2gb           COUNT
       SHBYXTM   Time stamp of max shared above 2gb       DATETIME
       TOBYHWM   Hwm bytes allocated above 2gb            COUNT
       TOBYMAX   Max bytes allocated above 2gb            MAXIMUM
       TOBYMIN   Min bytes allocated above 2gb            MINIMUM
       TOBYNTM   Time stamp of min above 2gb              DATETIME
       TOBYTOT   Total samples above 2gb                  COUNT
       TOBYXTM   Time stamp of max above 2gb              DATETIME

     The following 6 variables have been deleted from table XTY78PA:

       VSDGHWM   Hwm bytes allocated above 2gb            COUNT
       VSDGMAX   Max bytes allocated above 2gb            MAXIMUM
       VSDGMIN   Min bytes allocated above 2gb            MINIMUM
       VSDGNTM   Time stamp of min above 2gb              DATETIME
       VSDGTOT   Total samples above 2gb                  COUNT
       VSDGXTM   Time stamp of max above 2gb              DATETIME

256) The following variable has been added to table XTY791:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R71EXCW   Excp count                               COUNT

257) The following variable has been added to table XTY792:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72EXCW   Excp count                               COUNT

258) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY799:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R799CX6   Hyperpav base device?                    STRING
       R799PSM   Successful pav sample counts             COUNT

259) The following variable has been added to table XTY80A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RECNUM    Smf input record number                  INT

260) The following variable has been added to table XTY80TS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAFTYPE   Data type                                INT

261) The following variable has been added to table XTY8000:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

262) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAFTYPE   Data type                                INT
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

263) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAFTYPE   Data type                                INT
       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

264) The following variable has been added to table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

265) The following variable has been added to table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

266) The following variable has been added to table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

267) The following variable has been added to table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

268) The following variable has been added to table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

269) The following variable has been added to table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

270) The following variable has been added to table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

271) The following variable has been added to table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

272) The following variable has been added to table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

273) The following variable has been added to table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

274) The following variable has been added to table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

275) The following variable has been added to table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

276) The following variable has been added to table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

277) The following variable has been added to table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

278) The following variable has been added to table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

279) The following variable has been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

280) The following variable has been added to table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

281) The following variable has been added to table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

282) The following variable has been added to table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

283) The following variable has been added to table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

284) The following variable has been added to table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

285) The following variable has been added to table XTY8024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASNM5   Fifth class name                         STRING

286) The following variable has been added to table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

287) The following variable has been added to table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

288) The following variable has been added to table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

289) The following variable has been added to table XTY8028:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

290) The following variable has been added to table XTY8029:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

291) The following variable has been added to table XTY8030:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

292) The following variable has been added to table XTY8032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

293) The following variable has been added to table XTY8033:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

294) The following variable has been added to table XTY8034:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

295) The following variable has been added to table XTY8038:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

296) The following variable has been added to table XTY8039:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

297) The following variable has been added to table XTY8042:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

298) The following variable has been added to table XTY8043:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

299) The following variable has been added to table XTY8044:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

300) The following variable has been added to table XTY8045:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

301) The following variable has been added to table XTY8048:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

302) The following variable has been added to table XTY8050:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

303) The following variable has been added to table XTY8054:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

304) The following variable has been added to table XTY8055:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

305) The following variable has been added to table XTY8057:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

306) The following variable has been added to table XTY8061:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

307) The following variable has been added to table XTY8062:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

308) The following variable has been added to table XTY8064:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

309) The following variable has been added to table XTY8066:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDCE    Dce                                      STRING

310) The following variable has been added to table XTY8201:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM82TKS   Tkds name                                STRING

311) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8221:

       SM82SXT   changed from  STRING    to  DATETIME

312) The following variable has been added to table XTY85RQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R85ST74   R85st74f flags st 74-77                  STRING

313) The following variable has been added to table XTY85TP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R85ST78   R85st78f flags st 78-79,88               STRING

314) The following variable has been added to table XTY88:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM88GRP   Group value for the log stream           STRING

315) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY89:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM89LPN   Lpar name                                STRING
       SM89ZNA   License znalc in effect?                 STRING

316) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY892:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       SM89DTO   Offset from local back to gmt            TIME
       SM89HOF   Hypervisor datetime offset               TIME
       SM89LPN   Lpar name                                STRING
       SM89ZNA   License znalc in effect?                 STRING

317) The following variable has been added to table XT11901:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       T119STC   Stck of connection establishment         DATETIME

318) The following 15 variables have been added to table XT11902:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIESTCK   Stck at timewaid or lastack              DATETIME
       TISSTCK   Stck at connection establishment         DATETIME
       TTDUAKR   Dup acks received                        COUNT
       TTELAPL   Telnet tarbet application name           STRING
       TTELLGM   Telnet logmode name                      STRING
       TTELSTA   Telnet status word                       HEXFLAGS
       TTELTCD   Telnet term code                         HEXFLAGS
       TTELUNA   Telnet lu name                           STRING
       TTERMCD   Reason code for termination              HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSCS   Tls connection status                    HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSNC   Attls negotiated cipher                  STRING
       TTTLSPS   Tls policy status                        HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSSP   Attls ssl protocol                       HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSST   Attls security type                      HEXFLAGS
       TTTLSUI   Attls partner userid                     STRING

319) The following 8 variables have been added to table XT11903:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FCCIPHE   Cipher specification                     STRING
       FCCPROE   Control connection protection level      STRING
       FCDPROE   Data connection protection level         STRING
       FCLOGIN   Login method                             STRING
       FCMECHA   Protection mechanism                     STRING
       FCPROTB   Negotiated protection buffer size        GAUGE
       FCPROTO   Protocol level                           STRING
       FCUSERI   Login user id or name                    STRING

320) The following 54 variables have been added to table XT11905:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TS6ATTF   Ipv6 attempts to forward datagrams       COUNT
       TS6CDUT   Interval duration                        TIME
       TS6DLVD   Ipv6 datagrams delivered                 COUNT
       TS6DSCA   Ipv6 discarded datagrams address errors  COUNT
       TS6DSCD   Ipv6 discarded datagrams any reason      COUNT
       TS6DSCO   Ipv6 discarded datagrams other reasons   COUNT
       TS6DSCU   Ipv6 discard datagrams unknown protocol  COUNT
       TS6DSDF   Ipv6 discarded datagrams fragmentation   COUNT
       TS6IDUT   Ipv6 interval duration                   TIME
       TS6INAP   In icmp admin prohibited                 COUNT
       TS6INDD   In icmp mcast discovery reduction        COUNT
       TS6INDQ   In icmp mcast discovery query            COUNT
       TS6INDR   In icmp mcast discovery reply            COUNT
       TS6INDS   In icmp unreachable messages             COUNT
       TS6INEC   In icmp echo request messages            COUNT
       TS6INER   In icmp error messages                   COUNT
       TS6INEY   In icmp echo reply messages              COUNT
       TS6INMS   In icmp messages                         COUNT
       TS6INNA   In icmp neighbor adversitement           COUNT
       TS6INNS   In icmp neighbor solicitation            COUNT
       TS6INPA   In icmp parameter problem messages       COUNT
       TS6INRA   In icmp router advertisement             COUNT
       TS6INRE   In icmp redirect messages                COUNT
       TS6INRS   In icmp router solicitation              COUNT
       TS6INTB   In icmp too big                          COUNT
       TS6INTI   In icmp time exceeded messages           COUNT
       TS6MSRS   Ipv6 routing discards                    COUNT
       TS6OUAP   Out icmp admin prohibited                COUNT
       TS6OUDD   Out icmp mcast discovery reduction       COUNT
       TS6OUDQ   Out icmp mcast discovery query           COUNT
       TS6OUDR   Out icmp mcast discovery reply           COUNT
       TS6OUDS   Out icmp unreachable messages            COUNT
       TS6OUEC   Out icmp echo request messages           COUNT
       TS6OUER   Out icmp error messages                  COUNT
       TS6OUEY   Out icmp echo reply messages             COUNT
       TS6OUMS   Out icmp messages                        COUNT
       TS6OUNA   Out icmp neighbor adversitement          COUNT
       TS6OUNS   Out icmp neighbor solicitation           COUNT
       TS6OUPA   Out icmp parameter problem messages      COUNT
       TS6OURA   Out icmp router advertisement            COUNT
       TS6OURE   Out icmp redirect messages               COUNT
       TS6OURS   Out icmp router solicitation             COUNT
       TS6OUTB   Out icmp too big                         COUNT
       TS6OUTI   Out icmp time exceeded messages          COUNT
       TS6RCDR   Ipv6 received datagrams need assembly    COUNT
       TS6RECD   Ipv6 datagrams received                  COUNT
       TS6RECF   Ipv6 fragmented datagrams received       COUNT
       TS6RSMB   Ipv6 datagrams reassembled               COUNT
       TS6RSMF   Ipv6 failed reassembly attempts          COUNT
       TS6TIMO   Ipv6 reassembly timeouts                 COUNT
       TS6XDAT   Ipv6 datagrams transmitted               COUNT
       TS6XDSO   Ipv6 xmit datagrams discarded other      COUNT
       TS6XDSR   Ipv6 xmit datagrams discarded no route   COUNT
       TS6XFGM   Ipv6 fragments generated                 COUNT

321) The following 19 variables have been added to table XT11921:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NTBNDB1   Upper bucket 1 time                      TIME
       NTBNDB2   Upper bucket 2 time                      TIME
       NTBNDB3   Upper bucket 3 time                      TIME
       NTBNDB4   Upper bucket 4 time                      TIME
       NTBRNBE   Bucket 4 exceeded count                  COUNT
       NTBRNB1   Bucket 1 met count                       COUNT
       NTBRNB2   Bucket 2 met count                       COUNT
       NTBRNB3   Bucket 3 met count                       COUNT
       NTBRNB4   Bucket 4 met count                       COUNT
       NTCNTIP   Ip portion rtrip time count              COUNT
       NTCNTRN   Round trip time count                    COUNT
       NTEIPSQ   Ip portion rtrip time ssq                TIME
       NTERTSQ   Round trip time ssq                      TIME
       NTESNSQ   Sna portion rtrip time ssq               TIME
       NTETSNM   Ip trip time metric                      HEXFLAGS
       NTETSSQ   Index into master group                  INT
       NTHSTNM   Tn3270 host name                         STRING
       NTIPRTS   Ip portion rtrip time sum                TIME
       NTRTS     Round trip time sum                      TIME

322) The following 3 variables have been added to table XT11970:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSCCONI   Connection id of ftp control             INT
       FSDCONI   Connection id of ftp data                INT
       FSSESSI   Connection id of ftp logging             STRING

323) The following variable has been added to table XT11972:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FFCCONI   Connection id of ftp control             INT

324) The following 3 variables have been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ABCODE    First  and last abend codes              STRING
       QWCSPCP   Tcb time for sql call in db2 spas        TIME
       QWCTRTE   Tcb time ex triggers under an enclave    TIME

     The following 10 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XUOW:

       WAITOTM   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTDWIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTICIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTLMIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTOTIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTSHIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTTOIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTUNIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTWCIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME
       WTWEIOT   changed from  COUNT     to  TIME

     The following 10 variables have had their format changed in table

       WAITOTM   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTDWIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTICIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTLMIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTOTIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTSHIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTTOIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTUNIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTWCIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2
       WTWEIOT   changed from  _NONE_    to  TIME12.2

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 24.02

Summary of Changes:


 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 24.02.  If you are running an older version of MXG, the dictionary may
 contain variables that are not available in your version of MXG.  Later
 versions of MXG are compatible. If new variables or tables have been added
 in a later version, we will add them to our supplied data dictionary in a
 maintenance release.  If you need to add them prior to that time, you can
 use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE statements using the batch dictionary
 update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 -  Support for MXG 24.02 also implies support for the following
    enhancements to existing tables:

       Support for MQ for z/OS Version 6.0.
       Support for NDM/Connect Direct subtype TF, TL, TW.
       Support for over 60 LPARs.
       Support for Split RMF 70 records.
       Support for CDI/NDM subtypes HW and NM.
       Support for STK VTCS 6.0 and 6.1 SMF records.
       Support for CA TopSecret 103-105,109,255 SMF80DTPs.
       Support for SMF type 82 subtypes 20 and 21 added.
       Support for deaccumulation of NDMCPUTM in NDMCT.
       Support for Mobius/IPAC Rel 6.3.
       Support for z9 CPU, new CPUTYPE='2094'x.
       Support for subtype 11 I/O Configuration Change.
       Support for SMF 99 Subtype 2 additional segments.
       Support for new FTP Server Security Section.
       Support for Top Secret Versions 5.2 and 5.3.
       Support for HSC V6 changes to STCLMU subtype 4.
       Support for DB2 V8.1 Package Data.
       Support for TMON CICS/TS V2.3 for CICS/TS 3.1.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        XASMCEL     INTERVAL    Summarized CEC detail
        XCISBAD     EVENT       CICS bad transactions
        XIPAC08     EVENT       INFOPAC Viewing report/section id
        XNDMHW      EVENT       NDM high-water mark stat record
        XNDMNM      EVENT       NDM subtype nm
        XNDMTX      EVENT       NDM subtypes tf tl tw
        XTYSYMT     EVENT       MXG syslog mount-related event
        XTYSYSL     EVENT       MXG syslog captured record
        XTY22_B     EVENT       I/O configuration change
        XTY80TS     EVENT       Top secret 103-255
        XTY8220     EVENT       CRYPTO coprocessor times
        XTY8221     EVENT       CRYPTO icsf sysplex group change
        XTY99Q2     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 queue server data
        XTY99R2     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 remote queue data
        XTY99S2     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 server sample data
        XTY99V2     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 server data

 2) The following tables have had their labels and descriptions changed:

        Table                   Description

        XTY99_1     EVENT       MVS/ESA 5 type 99 subtype 1
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 system level srm actions
        XTY99_2     EVENT       MVS/ESA 5 type 99 subtype 2
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 service classes
        XTY99_3     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 3 srvclass period
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 srvice class period
        XTY99_6     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 6
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 summary servclas periods
        XTY99_7     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 7 - PAV device
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 PAV device
        XTY99TT     EVENT       MVS/ESA 5 type 99 subtype 1 trace table
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 trace table
        XTY994I     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 4 device cluster
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 device cluster
        XTY998L     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 8 lpar
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 lpar
        XTY998P     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 8 priority table
                    changed to  OS/390 type 99 priority table

 3) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NMEMORY     INTERVAL    WIN NT memory
        NTINTRV     INTERVAL    WIN NT interval data
        VAPLSLM     INTERVAL    VM - linux memory
        VAPLTC8     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP link definition
        VSYTEPM     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Extended channel measure
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XCISJR      INTERVAL    CICS jvm profile resource statistics
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XCMEXTP     INTERVAL    CMF 00 tpg
        XCM27CS     INTERVAL    CMF 27 cache sampling csc
        XCM27C9     INTERVAL    CMF 27 cache sampling model 3990-3
        XDBBPAC     EVENT       DB2 accounting-group buffer pool
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBGBPA     EVENT       DB2 global buffer pool attributes
        XDBGBPS     INTERVAL    DB2 statistics global buffer pool
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBTATB     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: buffer pools
        XDBTATR     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: remote locns
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XEDSVRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm volume information
        XICBGUT     EVENT       Iceberg space utilization
        XIMFTRN     EVENT       IMF - IMS transactions
        XIMPROG     EVENT       IMF - IMS program deschedule
        XIPAC03     EVENT       INFOPAC Online viewing usage statistics
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XLMCINI     EVENT       LMS subtype 25: cart initialized
        XLMEJEC     EVENT       LMS subtype 23: cartridge ejected
        XLMENTR     EVENT       LMS subtype 20: cartridge entered
        XLMEVEN     EVENT       LMS subtypes 5,13-15: atl event
        XLMMOUN     EVENT       LMS subtype 21: atl mount
        XLMSCUP     EVENT       LMS subtype 6:cart update
        XLMSVER     EVENT       LMS subtype 22: cartridge verify
        XLMUNLD     EVENT       LMS subtype 24: unload
        XMQACTQ     EVENT       MQM task queue accounting
        XMQMSGD     EVENT       MQM message and data manager statistics
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XNDMPS      EVENT       NDM process start event
        XNDMRJ      EVENT       NDM run job termination record
        XNPNNRC     INTERVAL    NPM router cisco cip interval
        XNPNSES     INTERVAL    NPM session interval
        XNPSVCS     INTERVAL    VTAM csm common storage manager
        XNPSVMN     INTERVAL    VTAM mnps multinode persistent sessions
        XNPSVRT     INTERVAL    VTAM rtp rapid transit protocol
        XNPTEXC     INTERVAL    VTAM exception/resolution
        XNPVMNE     INTERVAL    NPM netware monitor exception/resolve
        XNPVSAL     INTERVAL    NPM LU exception/resolution
        XNPXCSL     INTERVAL    NPM csl exception/resolution
        XNPXETH     INTERVAL    NPM eth exception/resolution
        XNPXFRP     INTERVAL    NPM frp exception/resolution
        XNPXNEO     INTERVAL    NPM neo exception/resolution
        XNPXTRI     INTERVAL    NPM tri exception/resolution
        XNPXXLK     INTERVAL    NPM xlk exception/resolution
        XNPXXPU     INTERVAL    NPM xpu exception/resolution
        XNPXXVC     INTERVAL    NPM xvc exception/resolution
        XNSACCT     INTERVAL    NetSpy - network accounting record
        XNSALRT     EVENT       NetSpy - network general alert
        XNSAPPL     INTERVAL    NetSpy - application entry
        XNSETHR     INTERVAL    NetSpy - ethernet adapter entry
        XNSFRLY     INTERVAL    NetSpy - frame relay entry
        XNSLANL     INTERVAL    LanSpy - lan
        XNSLANS     INTERVAL    LanSpy - station
        XNSLINE     INTERVAL    NetSpy - line resource entry
        XNSNPSI     INTERVAL    NetSpy - npsi resource entry
        XNSTIC3     INTERVAL    NetSpy - tic3 entry
        XNSTR       INTERVAL    NetSpy - token-ring entry
        XNSVIRT     INTERVAL    NetSpy - virtual route entry
        XOMMSJO     INTERVAL    OMEGAMON II SMS job/dataset/volume
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTCLMU     EVENT       STC 4400 LMU read stats
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSTVS13     EVENT       STC VSM 13 vtcs vtv mount
        XSTVS14     EVENT       STC VSM 14 vtcs vtv dismount
        XTAPES      EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTMDB6      EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture
        XTMDB6B     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture buffer pool
        XTMDB6S     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture sql text
        XTMDB7      EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture package log
        XTMDB7B     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture package buf
        XTMDB7S     EVENT       TMON for DB2 SQL capture package
        XTYSOLV     EVENT       SOLVE NCL CPU-time accounting
        XTYTMNT     EVENT       MXG tape monitor mount event
        XTY1032     INTERVAL    HTTP Websphere server perform
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY16       EVENT       Sort merge statistics
        XTY21       EVENT       Tape error statistics by volume
        XTY22_A     EVENT       3990 storage control configuration
        XTY26J2     EVENT       JES2 purge information
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_1     EVENT       Job/TSO initiation
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY32       EVENT       TSO command data
        XTY33_1     EVENT       APPC/MVS tp accounting - transaction
        XTY42CU     INTERVAL    DFP cache control unit statistics
        XTY6        EVENT       Output writer
        XTY6ENH     EVENT       Enhanced output writer (thruput)
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY70Y2     INTERVAL    RMF crypto coproc facility ccf
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY73L      INTERVAL    RMF logical channel activity
        XTY73PC     INTERVAL    RMF physical channel activity
        XTY74CA     INTERVAL    RMF Cache Reporter - cache controllers
        XTY74PA     INTERVAL    RMF mon III XCF path message statistics
        XTY74ST     INTERVAL    RMF coupling facility - structure reqs
        XTY791      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space state data
        XTY792      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space resource data
        XTY799      INTERVAL    RMF mon II device activity data
        XTY8000     EVENT       RACF event 00 undocumented
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8024     EVENT       RACF event 24 setropts
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY8218     EVENT       CRYPTO online or offline configuration
        XTY88       EVENT       System logger data
        XTY89       INTERVAL    Measured usage interval
        XTY91IC     INTERVAL    MVS pipes - input connection detail
        XTY91OC     INTERVAL    MVS pipes - output connection detail
        XTY9112     INTERVAL    MVS pipes - pipe interval
        XTY9212     EVENT       OMVS file system mmap
        XTY9213     EVENT       OMVS file system munmap
        XTY94       INTERVAL    IBM tape library dataserver stats
        XTY99_2     EVENT       MVS/ESA 5 type 99 subtype 2
        XTY99_7     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 7 - PAV device
        XT11970     EVENT       IBM TCPIP ftp server transfer completion
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NMEMORY:

       BTEAVAI   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT
       BTECACH   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT
       BTECOMT   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

  2) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table NTINTRV:

       BTEAVAI   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT
       BTECACH   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT
       BTECOMT   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

  3) The following variable has been added to table VAPLSLM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PGFAUMJ   Page faults major only                   COUNT

  4) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VAPLTC8:

       IFESCRL   changed from  GAUGE     to  COUNT

  5) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTEPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSCCMCN   Chpid not valid?                         STRING
       CSCCMCS   Shared channel path?                     STRING
       OLDCAL                                             COUNT

  6) The following 1062 variables hav been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LPADSA    Lpar 10 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPAZIPT   Lpar 10 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPAZIUT   Lpar 10 zip up time                      TIME
       LPAZIWT   Lpar 10 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPBDSA    Lpar 11 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPBZIPT   Lpar 11 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPBZIUT   Lpar 11 zip up time                      TIME
       LPBZIWT   Lpar 11 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPCDSA    Lpar 12 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPCTYBY   Lpar 33 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTYOV   Lpar 33 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTZBY   Lpar 34 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTZOV   Lpar 34 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCZIPT   Lpar 12 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPCZIUT   Lpar 12 zip up time                      TIME
       LPCZIWT   Lpar 12 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPDDSA    Lpar 13 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPDZIPT   Lpar 13 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPDZIUT   Lpar 13 zip up time                      TIME
       LPDZIWT   Lpar 13 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPEDSA    Lpar 14 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPEZIPT   Lpar 14 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPEZIUT   Lpar 14 zip up time                      TIME
       LPEZIWT   Lpar 14 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPFDSA    Lpar 15 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPFZIPT   Lpar 15 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPFZIUT   Lpar 15 zip up time                      TIME
       LPFZIWT   Lpar 15 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPGDSA    Lpar 16 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPGZIPT   Lpar 16 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPGZIUT   Lpar 16 zip up time                      TIME
       LPGZIWT   Lpar 16 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPHDSA    Lpar 17 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPHZIPT   Lpar 17 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPHZIUT   Lpar 17 zip up time                      TIME
       LPHZIWT   Lpar 17 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPIDSA    Lpar 18 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPIZIPT   Lpar 18 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPIZIUT   Lpar 18 zip up time                      TIME
       LPIZIWT   Lpar 18 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPJDSA    Lpar 19 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPJZIPT   Lpar 19 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPJZIUT   Lpar 19 zip up time                      TIME
       LPJZIWT   Lpar 19 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPKDSA    Lpar 20 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPKZIPT   Lpar 20 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPKZIUT   Lpar 20 zip up time                      TIME
       LPKZIWT   Lpar 20 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPLDSA    Lpar 21 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPLZIPT   Lpar 21 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPLZIUT   Lpar 21 zip up time                      TIME
       LPLZIWT   Lpar 21 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPMDSA    Lpar 22 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPMZIPT   Lpar 22 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPMZIUT   Lpar 22 zip up time                      TIME
       LPMZIWT   Lpar 22 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPNDSA    Lpar 23 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPNZIPT   Lpar 23 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPNZIUT   Lpar 23 zip up time                      TIME
       LPNZIWT   Lpar 23 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPODSA    Lpar 24 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPOZIPT   Lpar 24 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPOZIUT   Lpar 24 zip up time                      TIME
       LPOZIWT   Lpar 24 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPQDSA    Lpar 25 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPQZIPT   Lpar 25 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPQZIUT   Lpar 25 zip up time                      TIME
       LPQZIWT   Lpar 25 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPRDSA    Lpar 26 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPRZIPT   Lpar 26 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPRZIUT   Lpar 26 zip up time                      TIME
       LPRZIWT   Lpar 26 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPSDSA    Lpar 27 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPSZIPT   Lpar 27 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPSZIUT   Lpar 27 zip up time                      TIME
       LPSZIWT   Lpar 27 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPTDSA    Lpar 28 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPTZIPT   Lpar 28 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPTZIUT   Lpar 28 zip up time                      TIME
       LPTZIWT   Lpar 28 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPUDSA    Lpar 29 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPUZIPT   Lpar 29 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPUZIUT   Lpar 29 zip up time                      TIME
       LPUZIWT   Lpar 29 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPVDSA    Lpar 30 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPVZIPT   Lpar 30 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPVZIUT   Lpar 30 zip up time                      TIME
       LPVZIWT   Lpar 30 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPWDSA    Lpar 31 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPWZIPT   Lpar 31 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPWZIUT   Lpar 31 zip up time                      TIME
       LPWZIWT   Lpar 31 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPXDSA    Lpar 32 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPXZIPT   Lpar 32 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPXZIUT   Lpar 32 zip up time                      TIME
       LPXZIWT   Lpar 32 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPYBDA    Lpar 33 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPYCAP    Lpar 33 capped flag                      STRING
       LPYCHG    Lpar 33 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPYCSF    Lpar 33 cstore                           GAUGE
       LPYDED    Lpar 33 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPYDSA    Lpar 33 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPYDUR    Lpar 33 duration                         TIME
       LPYIFAT   Lpar 33 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPYIFUT   Lpar 33 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPYIFWT   Lpar 33 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPYLAC    Lpar 33 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPYMGTT   Lpar 33 management time                  TIME
       LPYMSU    Lpar 33 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPYMSUH   Lpar 33 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPYMSU7   Lpar 33 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LPYNAME   Lpar 33 name                             STRING
       LPYNRPR   Lpar 33 number of processors             INT
       LPYNSW    Lpar 33 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPYONT    Lpar 33 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPYSHAR   Lpar 33 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPYSHRC   Lpar 33 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPYSTN    Lpar 33 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPYUEDT   Lpar 33 effective time                   TIME
       LPYUPDT   Lpar 33 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPYWAIT   Lpar 33 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPYWST    Lpar 33 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPYZIPT   Lpar 33 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPYZIUT   Lpar 33 zip up time                      TIME
       LPYZIWT   Lpar 33 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPZBDA    Lpar 34 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPZCAP    Lpar 34 capped flag                      STRING
       LPZCHG    Lpar 34 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPZCSF    Lpar 34 cstore                           GAUGE
       LPZDED    Lpar 34 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPZDSA    Lpar 34 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPZDUR    Lpar 34 duration                         TIME
       LPZIFAT   Lpar 34 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPZIFUT   Lpar 34 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPZIFWT   Lpar 34 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPZLAC    Lpar 34 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPZMGTT   Lpar 34 management time                  TIME
       LPZMSU    Lpar 34 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPZMSUH   Lpar 34 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPZMSU7   Lpar 34 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LPZNAME   Lpar 34 name                             STRING
       LPZNRPR   Lpar 34 number of processors             INT
       LPZNSW    Lpar 34 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPZONT    Lpar 34 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPZSHAR   Lpar 34 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPZSHRC   Lpar 34 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPZSTN    Lpar 34 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPZUEDT   Lpar 34 effective time                   TIME
       LPZUPDT   Lpar 34 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPZWAIT   Lpar 34 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPZWST    Lpar 34 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPZZIPT   Lpar 34 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPZZIUT   Lpar 34 zip up time                      TIME
       LPZZIWT   Lpar 34 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP0DSA    Lpar  0 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP1DSA    Lpar  1 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP1ZIPT   Lpar  1 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP1ZIUT   Lpar  1 zip up time                      TIME
       LP1ZIWT   Lpar  1 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP2DSA    Lpar  2 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP2ZIPT   Lpar  2 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP2ZIUT   Lpar  2 zip up time                      TIME
       LP2ZIWT   Lpar  2 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP3DSA    Lpar  3 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP3ZIPT   Lpar  3 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP3ZIUT   Lpar  3 zip up time                      TIME
       LP3ZIWT   Lpar  3 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP4DSA    Lpar  4 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP4ZIPT   Lpar  4 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP4ZIUT   Lpar  4 zip up time                      TIME
       LP4ZIWT   Lpar  4 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP5DSA    Lpar  5 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP5ZIPT   Lpar  5 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP5ZIUT   Lpar  5 zip up time                      TIME
       LP5ZIWT   Lpar  5 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP6DSA    Lpar  6 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP6ZIPT   Lpar  6 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP6ZIUT   Lpar  6 zip up time                      TIME
       LP6ZIWT   Lpar  6 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP7DSA    Lpar  7 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP7ZIPT   Lpar  7 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP7ZIUT   Lpar  7 zip up time                      TIME
       LP7ZIWT   Lpar  7 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP8DSA    Lpar  8 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP8ZIPT   Lpar  8 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP8ZIUT   Lpar  8 zip up time                      TIME
       LP8ZIWT   Lpar  8 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP9DSA    Lpar  9 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP9ZIPT   Lpar  9 zip processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP9ZIUT   Lpar  9 zip up time                      TIME
       LP9ZIWT   Lpar  9 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQABDA    Lpar 44 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQACAP    Lpar 44 capped flag                      STRING
       LQACHG    Lpar 44 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQACSF    Lpar 44 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQADED    Lpar 44 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQADSA    Lpar 44 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQADUR    Lpar 44 duration                         TIME
       LQAIFAT   Lpar 44 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQAIFUT   Lpar 44 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQAIFWT   Lpar 44 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQALAC    Lpar 44 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQAMGTT   Lpar 44 management time                  TIME
       LQAMSU    Lpar 44 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQAMSUH   Lpar 44 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQAMSU7   Lpar 44 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQANAME   Lpar 44 name                             STRING
       LQANRPR   Lpar 44 number of processors             INT
       LQANSW    Lpar 44 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQAONT    Lpar 44 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQASHAR   Lpar 44 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQASHRC   Lpar 44 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQASTN    Lpar 44 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQAUEDT   Lpar 44 effective time                   TIME
       LQAUPDT   Lpar 44 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQAWAIT   Lpar 44 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQAWST    Lpar 44 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQAZIPT   Lpar 44 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQAZIUT   Lpar 44 zip up time                      TIME
       LQAZIWT   Lpar 44 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQBBDA    Lpar 45 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQBCAP    Lpar 45 capped flag                      STRING
       LQBCHG    Lpar 45 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQBCSF    Lpar 45 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQBDED    Lpar 45 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQBDSA    Lpar 45 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQBDUR    Lpar 45 duration                         TIME
       LQBIFAT   Lpar 45 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQBIFUT   Lpar 45 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQBIFWT   Lpar 45 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQBLAC    Lpar 45 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQBMGTT   Lpar 45 management time                  TIME
       LQBMSU    Lpar 45 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQBMSUH   Lpar 45 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQBMSU7   Lpar 45 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQBNAME   Lpar 45 name                             STRING
       LQBNRPR   Lpar 45 number of processors             INT
       LQBNSW    Lpar 45 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQBONT    Lpar 45 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQBSHAR   Lpar 45 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQBSHRC   Lpar 45 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQBSTN    Lpar 45 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQBUEDT   Lpar 45 effective time                   TIME
       LQBUPDT   Lpar 45 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQBWAIT   Lpar 45 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQBWST    Lpar 45 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQBZIPT   Lpar 45 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQBZIUT   Lpar 45 zip up time                      TIME
       LQBZIWT   Lpar 45 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQCBDA    Lpar 46 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQCCAP    Lpar 46 capped flag                      STRING
       LQCCHG    Lpar 46 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQCCSF    Lpar 46 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQCDED    Lpar 46 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQCDSA    Lpar 46 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQCDUR    Lpar 46 duration                         TIME
       LQCIFAT   Lpar 46 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQCIFUT   Lpar 46 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQCIFWT   Lpar 46 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQCLAC    Lpar 46 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQCMGTT   Lpar 46 management time                  TIME
       LQCMSU    Lpar 46 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQCMSUH   Lpar 46 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQCMSU7   Lpar 46 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQCNAME   Lpar 46 name                             STRING
       LQCNRPR   Lpar 46 number of processors             INT
       LQCNSW    Lpar 46 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQCONT    Lpar 46 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQCSHAR   Lpar 46 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQCSHRC   Lpar 46 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQCSTN    Lpar 46 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQCTABY   Lpar 44 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTAOV   Lpar 44 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTBBY   Lpar 45 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTBOV   Lpar 45 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTCBY   Lpar 46 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTCOV   Lpar 46 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTDBY   Lpar 47 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTDOV   Lpar 47 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTEBY   Lpar 48 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTEOV   Lpar 48 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTFBY   Lpar 49 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTFOV   Lpar 49 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTGBY   Lpar 50 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTGOV   Lpar 50 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTHBY   Lpar 51 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTHOV   Lpar 51 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTIBY   Lpar 52 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTIOV   Lpar 52 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTJBY   Lpar 53 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTJOV   Lpar 53 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTKBY   Lpar 54 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTKOV   Lpar 54 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTLBY   Lpar 55 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTLOV   Lpar 55 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTMBY   Lpar 56 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTMOV   Lpar 56 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTNBY   Lpar 57 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTNOV   Lpar 57 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTOBY   Lpar 58 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTOOV   Lpar 58 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTPBY   Lpar 59 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTPOV   Lpar 59 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTQBY   Lpar 60 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTQOV   Lpar 60 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT1BY   Lpar 35 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT1OV   Lpar 35 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT2BY   Lpar 36 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT2OV   Lpar 36 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT3BY   Lpar 37 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT3OV   Lpar 37 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT4BY   Lpar 38 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT4OV   Lpar 38 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT5BY   Lpar 39 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT5OV   Lpar 39 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT6BY   Lpar 40 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT6OV   Lpar 40 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT7BY   Lpar 41 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT7OV   Lpar 41 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT8BY   Lpar 42 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT8OV   Lpar 42 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT9BY   Lpar 43 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT9OV   Lpar 43 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCUEDT   Lpar 46 effective time                   TIME
       LQCUPDT   Lpar 46 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQCWAIT   Lpar 46 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQCWST    Lpar 46 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQCZIPT   Lpar 46 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQCZIUT   Lpar 46 zip up time                      TIME
       LQCZIWT   Lpar 46 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQDBDA    Lpar 47 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQDCAP    Lpar 47 capped flag                      STRING
       LQDCHG    Lpar 47 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQDCSF    Lpar 47 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQDDED    Lpar 47 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQDDSA    Lpar 47 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQDDUR    Lpar 47 duration                         TIME
       LQDIFAT   Lpar 47 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQDIFUT   Lpar 47 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQDIFWT   Lpar 47 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQDLAC    Lpar 47 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQDMGTT   Lpar 47 management time                  TIME
       LQDMSU    Lpar 47 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQDMSUH   Lpar 47 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQDMSU7   Lpar 47 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQDNAME   Lpar 47 name                             STRING
       LQDNRPR   Lpar 47 number of processors             INT
       LQDNSW    Lpar 47 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQDONT    Lpar 47 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQDSHAR   Lpar 47 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQDSHRC   Lpar 47 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQDSTN    Lpar 47 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQDUEDT   Lpar 47 effective time                   TIME
       LQDUPDT   Lpar 47 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQDWAIT   Lpar 47 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQDWST    Lpar 47 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQDZIPT   Lpar 47 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQDZIUT   Lpar 47 zip up time                      TIME
       LQDZIWT   Lpar 47 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQEBDA    Lpar 48 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQECAP    Lpar 48 capped flag                      STRING
       LQECHG    Lpar 48 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQECSF    Lpar 48 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQEDED    Lpar 48 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQEDSA    Lpar 48 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQEDUR    Lpar 48 duration                         TIME
       LQEIFAT   Lpar 48 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQEIFUT   Lpar 48 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQEIFWT   Lpar 48 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQELAC    Lpar 48 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQEMGTT   Lpar 48 management time                  TIME
       LQEMSU    Lpar 48 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQEMSUH   Lpar 48 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQEMSU7   Lpar 48 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQENAME   Lpar 48 name                             STRING
       LQENRPR   Lpar 48 number of processors             INT
       LQENSW    Lpar 48 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQEONT    Lpar 48 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQESHAR   Lpar 48 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQESHRC   Lpar 48 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQESTN    Lpar 48 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQEUEDT   Lpar 48 effective time                   TIME
       LQEUPDT   Lpar 48 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQEWAIT   Lpar 48 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQEWST    Lpar 48 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQEZIPT   Lpar 48 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQEZIUT   Lpar 48 zip up time                      TIME
       LQEZIWT   Lpar 48 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQFBDA    Lpar 49 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQFCAP    Lpar 49 capped flag                      STRING
       LQFCHG    Lpar 49 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQFCSF    Lpar 49 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQFDED    Lpar 49 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQFDSA    Lpar 49 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQFDUR    Lpar 49 duration                         TIME
       LQFIFAT   Lpar 49 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQFIFUT   Lpar 49 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQFIFWT   Lpar 49 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQFLAC    Lpar 49 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQFMGTT   Lpar 49 management time                  TIME
       LQFMSU    Lpar 49 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQFMSUH   Lpar 49 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQFMSU7   Lpar 49 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQFNAME   Lpar 49 name                             STRING
       LQFNRPR   Lpar 49 number of processors             INT
       LQFNSW    Lpar 49 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQFONT    Lpar 49 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQFSHAR   Lpar 49 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQFSHRC   Lpar 49 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQFSTN    Lpar 49 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQFUEDT   Lpar 49 effective time                   TIME
       LQFUPDT   Lpar 49 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQFWAIT   Lpar 49 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQFWST    Lpar 49 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQFZIPT   Lpar 49 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQFZIUT   Lpar 49 zip up time                      TIME
       LQFZIWT   Lpar 49 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQGBDA    Lpar 50 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQGCAP    Lpar 50 capped flag                      STRING
       LQGCHG    Lpar 50 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQGCSF    Lpar 50 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQGDED    Lpar 50 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQGDSA    Lpar 50 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQGDUR    Lpar 50 duration                         TIME
       LQGIFAT   Lpar 50 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQGIFUT   Lpar 50 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQGIFWT   Lpar 50 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQGLAC    Lpar 50 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQGMGTT   Lpar 50 management time                  TIME
       LQGMSU    Lpar 50 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQGMSUH   Lpar 50 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQGMSU7   Lpar 50 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQGNAME   Lpar 50 name                             STRING
       LQGNRPR   Lpar 50 number of processors             INT
       LQGNSW    Lpar 50 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQGONT    Lpar 50 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQGSHAR   Lpar 50 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQGSHRC   Lpar 50 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQGSTN    Lpar 50 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQGUEDT   Lpar 50 effective time                   TIME
       LQGUPDT   Lpar 50 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQGWAIT   Lpar 50 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQGWST    Lpar 50 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQGZIPT   Lpar 50 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQGZIUT   Lpar 50 zip up time                      TIME
       LQGZIWT   Lpar 50 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQHBDA    Lpar 51 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQHCAP    Lpar 51 capped flag                      STRING
       LQHCHG    Lpar 51 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQHCSF    Lpar 51 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQHDED    Lpar 51 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQHDSA    Lpar 51 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQHDUR    Lpar 51 duration                         TIME
       LQHIFAT   Lpar 51 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQHIFUT   Lpar 51 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQHIFWT   Lpar 51 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQHLAC    Lpar 51 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQHMGTT   Lpar 51 management time                  TIME
       LQHMSU    Lpar 51 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQHMSUH   Lpar 51 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQHMSU7   Lpar 51 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQHNAME   Lpar 51 name                             STRING
       LQHNRPR   Lpar 51 number of processors             INT
       LQHNSW    Lpar 51 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQHONT    Lpar 51 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQHSHAR   Lpar 51 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQHSHRC   Lpar 51 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQHSTN    Lpar 51 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQHUEDT   Lpar 51 effective time                   TIME
       LQHUPDT   Lpar 51 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQHWAIT   Lpar 51 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQHWST    Lpar 51 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQHZIPT   Lpar 51 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQHZIUT   Lpar 51 zip up time                      TIME
       LQHZIWT   Lpar 51 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQIBDA    Lpar 52 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQICAP    Lpar 52 capped flag                      STRING
       LQICHG    Lpar 52 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQICSF    Lpar 52 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQIDED    Lpar 52 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQIDSA    Lpar 52 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQIDUR    Lpar 52 duration                         TIME
       LQIIFAT   Lpar 52 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQIIFUT   Lpar 52 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQIIFWT   Lpar 52 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQILAC    Lpar 52 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQIMGTT   Lpar 52 management time                  TIME
       LQIMSU    Lpar 52 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQIMSUH   Lpar 52 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQIMSU7   Lpar 52 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQINAME   Lpar 52 name                             STRING
       LQINRPR   Lpar 52 number of processors             INT
       LQINSW    Lpar 52 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQIONT    Lpar 52 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQISHAR   Lpar 52 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQISHRC   Lpar 52 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQISTN    Lpar 52 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQIUEDT   Lpar 52 effective time                   TIME
       LQIUPDT   Lpar 52 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQIWAIT   Lpar 52 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQIWST    Lpar 52 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQIZIPT   Lpar 52 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQIZIUT   Lpar 52 zip up time                      TIME
       LQIZIWT   Lpar 52 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQJBDA    Lpar 53 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQJCAP    Lpar 53 capped flag                      STRING
       LQJCHG    Lpar 53 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQJCSF    Lpar 53 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQJDED    Lpar 53 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQJDSA    Lpar 53 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQJDUR    Lpar 53 duration                         TIME
       LQJIFAT   Lpar 53 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQJIFUT   Lpar 53 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQJIFWT   Lpar 53 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQJLAC    Lpar 53 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQJMGTT   Lpar 53 management time                  TIME
       LQJMSU    Lpar 53 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQJMSUH   Lpar 53 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQJMSU7   Lpar 53 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQJNAME   Lpar 53 name                             STRING
       LQJNRPR   Lpar 53 number of processors             INT
       LQJNSW    Lpar 53 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQJONT    Lpar 53 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQJSHAR   Lpar 53 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQJSHRC   Lpar 53 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQJSTN    Lpar 53 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQJUEDT   Lpar 53 effective time                   TIME
       LQJUPDT   Lpar 53 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQJWAIT   Lpar 53 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQJWST    Lpar 53 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQJZIPT   Lpar 53 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQJZIUT   Lpar 53 zip up time                      TIME
       LQJZIWT   Lpar 53 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQKBDA    Lpar 54 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQKCAP    Lpar 54 capped flag                      STRING
       LQKCHG    Lpar 54 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQKCSF    Lpar 54 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQKDED    Lpar 54 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQKDSA    Lpar 54 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQKDUR    Lpar 54 duration                         TIME
       LQKIFAT   Lpar 54 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQKIFUT   Lpar 54 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQKIFWT   Lpar 54 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQKLAC    Lpar 54 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQKMGTT   Lpar 54 management time                  TIME
       LQKMSU    Lpar 54 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQKMSUH   Lpar 54 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQKMSU7   Lpar 54 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQKNAME   Lpar 54 name                             STRING
       LQKNRPR   Lpar 54 number of processors             INT
       LQKNSW    Lpar 54 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQKONT    Lpar 54 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQKSHAR   Lpar 54 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQKSHRC   Lpar 54 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQKSTN    Lpar 54 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQKUEDT   Lpar 54 effective time                   TIME
       LQKUPDT   Lpar 54 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQKWAIT   Lpar 54 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQKWST    Lpar 54 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQKZIPT   Lpar 54 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQKZIUT   Lpar 54 zip up time                      TIME
       LQKZIWT   Lpar 54 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQLBDA    Lpar 55 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQLCAP    Lpar 55 capped flag                      STRING
       LQLCHG    Lpar 55 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQLCSF    Lpar 55 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQLDED    Lpar 55 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQLDSA    Lpar 55 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQLDUR    Lpar 55 duration                         TIME
       LQLIFAT   Lpar 55 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQLIFUT   Lpar 55 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQLIFWT   Lpar 55 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQLLAC    Lpar 55 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQLMGTT   Lpar 55 management time                  TIME
       LQLMSU    Lpar 55 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQLMSUH   Lpar 55 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQLMSU7   Lpar 55 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQLNAME   Lpar 55 name                             STRING
       LQLNRPR   Lpar 55 number of processors             INT
       LQLNSW    Lpar 55 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQLONT    Lpar 55 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQLSHAR   Lpar 55 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQLSHRC   Lpar 55 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQLSTN    Lpar 55 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQLUEDT   Lpar 55 effective time                   TIME
       LQLUPDT   Lpar 55 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQLWAIT   Lpar 55 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQLWST    Lpar 55 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQLZIPT   Lpar 55 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQLZIUT   Lpar 55 zip up time                      TIME
       LQLZIWT   Lpar 55 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQMBDA    Lpar 56 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQMCAP    Lpar 56 capped flag                      STRING
       LQMCHG    Lpar 56 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQMCSF    Lpar 56 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQMDED    Lpar 56 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQMDSA    Lpar 56 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQMDUR    Lpar 56 duration                         TIME
       LQMIFAT   Lpar 56 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQMIFUT   Lpar 56 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQMIFWT   Lpar 56 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQMLAC    Lpar 56 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQMMGTT   Lpar 56 management time                  TIME
       LQMMSU    Lpar 56 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQMMSUH   Lpar 56 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQMMSU7   Lpar 56 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQMNAME   Lpar 56 name                             STRING
       LQMNRPR   Lpar 56 number of processors             INT
       LQMNSW    Lpar 56 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQMONT    Lpar 56 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQMSHAR   Lpar 56 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQMSHRC   Lpar 56 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQMSTN    Lpar 56 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQMUEDT   Lpar 56 effective time                   TIME
       LQMUPDT   Lpar 56 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQMWAIT   Lpar 56 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQMWST    Lpar 56 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQMZIPT   Lpar 56 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQMZIUT   Lpar 56 zip up time                      TIME
       LQMZIWT   Lpar 56 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQNBDA    Lpar 57 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQNCAP    Lpar 57 capped flag                      STRING
       LQNCHG    Lpar 57 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQNCSF    Lpar 57 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQNDED    Lpar 57 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQNDSA    Lpar 57 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQNDUR    Lpar 57 duration                         TIME
       LQNIFAT   Lpar 57 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQNIFUT   Lpar 57 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQNIFWT   Lpar 57 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQNLAC    Lpar 57 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQNMGTT   Lpar 57 management time                  TIME
       LQNMSU    Lpar 57 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQNMSUH   Lpar 57 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQNMSU7   Lpar 57 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQNNAME   Lpar 57 name                             STRING
       LQNNRPR   Lpar 57 number of processors             INT
       LQNNSW    Lpar 57 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQNONT    Lpar 57 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQNSHAR   Lpar 57 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQNSHRC   Lpar 57 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQNSTN    Lpar 57 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQNUEDT   Lpar 57 effective time                   TIME
       LQNUPDT   Lpar 57 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQNWAIT   Lpar 57 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQNWST    Lpar 57 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQNZIPT   Lpar 57 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQNZIUT   Lpar 57 zip up time                      TIME
       LQNZIWT   Lpar 57 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQOBDA    Lpar 58 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQOCAP    Lpar 58 capped flag                      STRING
       LQOCHG    Lpar 58 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQOCSF    Lpar 58 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQODED    Lpar 58 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQODSA    Lpar 58 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQODUR    Lpar 58 duration                         TIME
       LQOIFAT   Lpar 58 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQOIFUT   Lpar 58 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQOIFWT   Lpar 58 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQOLAC    Lpar 58 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQOMGTT   Lpar 58 management time                  TIME
       LQOMSU    Lpar 58 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQOMSUH   Lpar 58 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQOMSU7   Lpar 58 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQONAME   Lpar 58 name                             STRING
       LQONRPR   Lpar 58 number of processors             INT
       LQONSW    Lpar 58 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQOONT    Lpar 58 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQOSHAR   Lpar 58 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQOSHRC   Lpar 58 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQOSTN    Lpar 58 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQOUEDT   Lpar 58 effective time                   TIME
       LQOUPDT   Lpar 58 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQOWAIT   Lpar 58 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQOWST    Lpar 58 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQOZIPT   Lpar 58 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQOZIUT   Lpar 58 zip up time                      TIME
       LQOZIWT   Lpar 58 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQPBDA    Lpar 59 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQPCAP    Lpar 59 capped flag                      STRING
       LQPCHG    Lpar 59 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQPCSF    Lpar 59 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQPDED    Lpar 59 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQPDSA    Lpar 59 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQPDUR    Lpar 59 duration                         TIME
       LQPIFAT   Lpar 59 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQPIFUT   Lpar 59 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQPIFWT   Lpar 59 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQPLAC    Lpar 59 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQPMGTT   Lpar 59 management time                  TIME
       LQPMSU    Lpar 59 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQPMSUH   Lpar 59 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQPMSU7   Lpar 59 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQPNAME   Lpar 59 name                             STRING
       LQPNRPR   Lpar 59 number of processors             INT
       LQPNSW    Lpar 59 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQPONT    Lpar 59 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQPSHAR   Lpar 59 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQPSHRC   Lpar 59 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQPSTN    Lpar 59 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQPUEDT   Lpar 59 effective time                   TIME
       LQPUPDT   Lpar 59 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQPWAIT   Lpar 59 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQPWST    Lpar 59 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQPZIPT   Lpar 59 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQPZIUT   Lpar 59 zip up time                      TIME
       LQPZIWT   Lpar 59 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQQBDA    Lpar 60 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQQCAP    Lpar 60 capped flag                      STRING
       LQQCHG    Lpar 60 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQQCSF    Lpar 60 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQQDED    Lpar 60 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQQDSA    Lpar 60 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQQDUR    Lpar 60 duration                         TIME
       LQQIFAT   Lpar 60 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQQIFUT   Lpar 60 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQQIFWT   Lpar 60 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQQLAC    Lpar 60 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQQMGTT   Lpar 60 management time                  TIME
       LQQMSU    Lpar 60 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQQMSUH   Lpar 60 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQQMSU7   Lpar 60 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQQNAME   Lpar 60 name                             STRING
       LQQNRPR   Lpar 60 number of processors             INT
       LQQNSW    Lpar 60 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQQONT    Lpar 60 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQQSHAR   Lpar 60 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQQSHRC   Lpar 60 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQQSTN    Lpar 60 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQQUEDT   Lpar 60 effective time                   TIME
       LQQUPDT   Lpar 60 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQQWAIT   Lpar 60 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQQWST    Lpar 60 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQQZIPT   Lpar 60 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQQZIUT   Lpar 60 zip up time                      TIME
       LQQZIWT   Lpar 60 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ1BDA    Lpar 35 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ1CAP    Lpar 35 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ1CHG    Lpar 35 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ1CSF    Lpar 35 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ1DED    Lpar 35 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ1DSA    Lpar 35 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ1DUR    Lpar 35 duration                         TIME
       LQ1IFAT   Lpar 35 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1IFUT   Lpar 35 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ1IFWT   Lpar 35 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ1LAC    Lpar 35 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ1MGTT   Lpar 35 management time                  TIME
       LQ1MSU    Lpar 35 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ1MSUH   Lpar 35 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ1MSU7   Lpar 35 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ1NAME   Lpar 35 name                             STRING
       LQ1NRPR   Lpar 35 number of processors             INT
       LQ1NSW    Lpar 35 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ1ONT    Lpar 35 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ1SHAR   Lpar 35 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ1SHRC   Lpar 35 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ1STN    Lpar 35 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ1UEDT   Lpar 35 effective time                   TIME
       LQ1UPDT   Lpar 35 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ1WAIT   Lpar 35 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ1WST    Lpar 35 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ1ZIPT   Lpar 35 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1ZIUT   Lpar 35 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ1ZIWT   Lpar 35 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ2BDA    Lpar 36 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ2CAP    Lpar 36 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ2CHG    Lpar 36 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ2CSF    Lpar 36 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ2DED    Lpar 36 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ2DSA    Lpar 36 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ2DUR    Lpar 36 duration                         TIME
       LQ2IFAT   Lpar 36 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2IFUT   Lpar 36 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ2IFWT   Lpar 36 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ2LAC    Lpar 36 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ2MGTT   Lpar 36 management time                  TIME
       LQ2MSU    Lpar 36 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ2MSUH   Lpar 36 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ2MSU7   Lpar 36 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ2NAME   Lpar 36 name                             STRING
       LQ2NRPR   Lpar 36 number of processors             INT
       LQ2NSW    Lpar 36 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ2ONT    Lpar 36 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ2SHAR   Lpar 36 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ2SHRC   Lpar 36 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ2STN    Lpar 36 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ2UEDT   Lpar 36 effective time                   TIME
       LQ2UPDT   Lpar 36 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ2WAIT   Lpar 36 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ2WST    Lpar 36 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ2ZIPT   Lpar 36 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2ZIUT   Lpar 36 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ2ZIWT   Lpar 36 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ3BDA    Lpar 37 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ3CAP    Lpar 37 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ3CHG    Lpar 37 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ3CSF    Lpar 37 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ3DED    Lpar 37 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ3DSA    Lpar 37 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ3DUR    Lpar 37 duration                         TIME
       LQ3IFAT   Lpar 37 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3IFUT   Lpar 37 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ3IFWT   Lpar 37 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ3LAC    Lpar 37 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ3MGTT   Lpar 37 management time                  TIME
       LQ3MSU    Lpar 37 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ3MSUH   Lpar 37 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ3MSU7   Lpar 37 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ3NAME   Lpar 37 name                             STRING
       LQ3NRPR   Lpar 37 number of processors             INT
       LQ3NSW    Lpar 37 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ3ONT    Lpar 37 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ3SHAR   Lpar 37 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ3SHRC   Lpar 37 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ3STN    Lpar 37 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ3UEDT   Lpar 37 effective time                   TIME
       LQ3UPDT   Lpar 37 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ3WAIT   Lpar 37 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ3WST    Lpar 37 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ3ZIPT   Lpar 37 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3ZIUT   Lpar 37 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ3ZIWT   Lpar 37 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ4BDA    Lpar 38 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ4CAP    Lpar 38 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ4CHG    Lpar 38 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ4CSF    Lpar 38 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ4DED    Lpar 38 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ4DSA    Lpar 38 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ4DUR    Lpar 38 duration                         TIME
       LQ4IFAT   Lpar 38 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4IFUT   Lpar 38 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ4IFWT   Lpar 38 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ4LAC    Lpar 38 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ4MGTT   Lpar 38 management time                  TIME
       LQ4MSU    Lpar 38 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ4MSUH   Lpar 38 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ4MSU7   Lpar 38 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ4NAME   Lpar 38 name                             STRING
       LQ4NRPR   Lpar 38 number of processors             INT
       LQ4NSW    Lpar 38 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ4ONT    Lpar 38 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ4SHAR   Lpar 38 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ4SHRC   Lpar 38 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ4STN    Lpar 38 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ4UEDT   Lpar 38 effective time                   TIME
       LQ4UPDT   Lpar 38 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ4WAIT   Lpar 38 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ4WST    Lpar 38 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ4ZIPT   Lpar 38 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4ZIUT   Lpar 38 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ4ZIWT   Lpar 38 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ5BDA    Lpar 39 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ5CAP    Lpar 39 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ5CHG    Lpar 39 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ5CSF    Lpar 39 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ5DED    Lpar 39 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ5DSA    Lpar 39 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ5DUR    Lpar 39 duration                         TIME
       LQ5IFAT   Lpar 39 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5IFUT   Lpar 39 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ5IFWT   Lpar 39 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ5LAC    Lpar 39 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ5MGTT   Lpar 39 management time                  TIME
       LQ5MSU    Lpar 39 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ5MSUH   Lpar 39 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ5MSU7   Lpar 39 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ5NAME   Lpar 39 name                             STRING
       LQ5NRPR   Lpar 39 number of processors             INT
       LQ5NSW    Lpar 39 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ5ONT    Lpar 39 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ5SHAR   Lpar 39 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ5SHRC   Lpar 39 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ5STN    Lpar 39 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ5UEDT   Lpar 39 effective time                   TIME
       LQ5UPDT   Lpar 39 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ5WAIT   Lpar 39 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ5WST    Lpar 39 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ5ZIPT   Lpar 39 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5ZIUT   Lpar 39 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ5ZIWT   Lpar 39 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ6BDA    Lpar 40 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ6CAP    Lpar 40 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ6CHG    Lpar 40 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ6CSF    Lpar 40 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ6DED    Lpar 40 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ6DSA    Lpar 40 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ6DUR    Lpar 40 duration                         TIME
       LQ6IFAT   Lpar 40 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6IFUT   Lpar 40 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ6IFWT   Lpar 40 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ6LAC    Lpar 40 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ6MGTT   Lpar 40 management time                  TIME
       LQ6MSU    Lpar 40 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ6MSUH   Lpar 40 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ6MSU7   Lpar 40 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ6NAME   Lpar 40 name                             STRING
       LQ6NRPR   Lpar 40 number of processors             INT
       LQ6NSW    Lpar 40 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ6ONT    Lpar 40 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ6SHAR   Lpar 40 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ6SHRC   Lpar 40 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ6STN    Lpar 40 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ6UEDT   Lpar 40 effective time                   TIME
       LQ6UPDT   Lpar 40 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ6WAIT   Lpar 40 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ6WST    Lpar 40 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ6ZIPT   Lpar 40 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6ZIUT   Lpar 40 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ6ZIWT   Lpar 40 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ7BDA    Lpar 41 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ7CAP    Lpar 41 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ7CHG    Lpar 41 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ7CSF    Lpar 41 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ7DED    Lpar 41 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ7DSA    Lpar 41 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ7DUR    Lpar 41 duration                         TIME
       LQ7IFAT   Lpar 41 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7IFUT   Lpar 41 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ7IFWT   Lpar 41 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ7LAC    Lpar 41 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ7MGTT   Lpar 41 management time                  TIME
       LQ7MSU    Lpar 41 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ7MSUH   Lpar 41 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ7MSU7   Lpar 41 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ7NAME   Lpar 41 name                             STRING
       LQ7NRPR   Lpar 41 number of processors             INT
       LQ7NSW    Lpar 41 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ7ONT    Lpar 41 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ7SHAR   Lpar 41 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ7SHRC   Lpar 41 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ7STN    Lpar 41 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ7UEDT   Lpar 41 effective time                   TIME
       LQ7UPDT   Lpar 41 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ7WAIT   Lpar 41 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ7WST    Lpar 41 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ7ZIPT   Lpar 41 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7ZIUT   Lpar 41 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ7ZIWT   Lpar 41 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ8BDA    Lpar 42 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ8CAP    Lpar 42 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ8CHG    Lpar 42 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ8CSF    Lpar 42 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ8DED    Lpar 42 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ8DSA    Lpar 42 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ8DUR    Lpar 42 duration                         TIME
       LQ8IFAT   Lpar 42 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8IFUT   Lpar 42 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ8IFWT   Lpar 42 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ8LAC    Lpar 42 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ8MGTT   Lpar 42 management time                  TIME
       LQ8MSU    Lpar 42 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ8MSUH   Lpar 42 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ8MSU7   Lpar 42 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ8NAME   Lpar 42 name                             STRING
       LQ8NRPR   Lpar 42 number of processors             INT
       LQ8NSW    Lpar 42 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ8ONT    Lpar 42 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ8SHAR   Lpar 42 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ8SHRC   Lpar 42 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ8STN    Lpar 42 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ8UEDT   Lpar 42 effective time                   TIME
       LQ8UPDT   Lpar 42 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ8WAIT   Lpar 42 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ8WST    Lpar 42 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ8ZIPT   Lpar 42 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8ZIUT   Lpar 42 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ8ZIWT   Lpar 42 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ9BDA    Lpar 43 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ9CAP    Lpar 43 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ9CHG    Lpar 43 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ9CSF    Lpar 43 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ9DED    Lpar 43 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ9DSA    Lpar 43 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ9DUR    Lpar 43 duration                         TIME
       LQ9IFAT   Lpar 43 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9IFUT   Lpar 43 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ9IFWT   Lpar 43 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ9LAC    Lpar 43 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ9MGTT   Lpar 43 management time                  TIME
       LQ9MSU    Lpar 43 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ9MSUH   Lpar 43 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ9MSU7   Lpar 43 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ9NAME   Lpar 43 name                             STRING
       LQ9NRPR   Lpar 43 number of processors             INT
       LQ9NSW    Lpar 43 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ9ONT    Lpar 43 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ9SHAR   Lpar 43 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ9SHRC   Lpar 43 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ9STN    Lpar 43 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ9UEDT   Lpar 43 effective time                   TIME
       LQ9UPDT   Lpar 43 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ9WAIT   Lpar 43 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ9WST    Lpar 43 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ9ZIPT   Lpar 43 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9ZIUT   Lpar 43 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ9ZIWT   Lpar 43 zip wst time                     TIME
       NRIFACP   Nr of ifa cpus in cpc                    INT
       NRIFLCP   Nr of ifl cpus in cpc                    INT
       NRZIPCP   Nr of zip cpus in cpc                    INT
       PATNCPU   Total number of cpus in the cec          INT
       PCTLYBY   Lpar 33 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLYOV   Lpar 33 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLZBY   Lpar 34 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLZOV   Lpar 34 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQABY   Lpar 44 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQAOV   Lpar 44 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQBBY   Lpar 45 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQBOV   Lpar 45 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQCBY   Lpar 46 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQCOV   Lpar 46 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQDBY   Lpar 47 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQDOV   Lpar 47 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQEBY   Lpar 48 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQEOV   Lpar 48 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQFBY   Lpar 49 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQFOV   Lpar 49 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQGBY   Lpar 50 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQGOV   Lpar 50 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQHBY   Lpar 51 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQHOV   Lpar 51 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQIBY   Lpar 52 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQIOV   Lpar 52 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQJBY   Lpar 53 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQJOV   Lpar 53 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQKBY   Lpar 54 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQKOV   Lpar 54 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQLBY   Lpar 55 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQLOV   Lpar 55 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQMBY   Lpar 56 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQMOV   Lpar 56 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQNBY   Lpar 57 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQNOV   Lpar 57 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQOBY   Lpar 58 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQOOV   Lpar 58 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQPBY   Lpar 59 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQPOV   Lpar 59 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQQBY   Lpar 60 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQQOV   Lpar 60 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ1BY   Lpar 35 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ1OV   Lpar 35 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ2BY   Lpar 36 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ2OV   Lpar 36 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ3BY   Lpar 37 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ3OV   Lpar 37 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ4BY   Lpar 38 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ4OV   Lpar 38 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ5BY   Lpar 39 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ5OV   Lpar 39 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ6BY   Lpar 40 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ6OV   Lpar 40 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ7BY   Lpar 41 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ7OV   Lpar 41 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ8BY   Lpar 42 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ8OV   Lpar 42 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ9BY   Lpar 43 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ9OV   Lpar 43 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   Pct of cec zips busy                     PERCENT100
       STARTIM   Minimum interval start datetime          DATETIME
       ZIPACTT   Zip processor cpu active time            TIME
       ZIPUPTM   Zip processors up time                   TIME
       ZIPWSTT   Zip processors wst time                  TIME

     The following 65 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XASMCEC:

       LPACSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPBCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPCCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPDCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPECSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPFCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPGCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPHCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPHMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPHNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPICSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPIMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPINRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPJCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPJMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPJNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPKCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPKMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPKNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPLCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPLMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPLNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPMCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPMMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPMNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPNCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPNMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPNNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPOCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPOMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPONRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPQCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPQMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPQNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPRCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPRMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPRNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPSCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPSMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPSNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPTCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPTMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPTNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPUCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPUMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPUNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPVCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPVMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPVNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPWCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPWMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPWNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPXCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPXMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPXNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LP0CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP1CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP2CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP3CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP4CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP5CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP6CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP7CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP8CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP9CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XASMCEC:

       NRPRCS    Number of logical partitions             INT
       PARTNCP   Total number of cpus in the cec          INT
       SM70LAC   Ibm 4-hr average hourly msu              AVERAGE

  7) The following 42 variables have been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DEVICE2   Type 21 device                           STRING
       DEVNR21   Type 21 devnr                            INT
       MNTHAVE   Syslog mount messages have found         STRING
       MSGID     Syslog message id                        STRING
       SYLASID   Address space id                         INT
       SYLDDN    Ddname from syslog                       STRING
       SYLDEN    Syslog tape density                      STRING
       SYLDEV    Syslog device number char                STRING
       SYLDSN    Syslog dsname                            STRING
       SYLDS17   Syslog last 17 of dsname                 STRING
       SYLEXPD   Syslog expdt                             STRING
       SYLKORM   Keep or mount?                           STRING
       SYLKTIM   Syslog keep event                        DATETIME
       SYLLBTY   Syslog label type                        STRING
       SYLLEN    Length of full message not kept          GAUGE
       SYLMDIA   Syslog media                             STRING
       SYLMNTY   Syslog mount type                        STRING
       SYLMSEQ   Syslog mount sequence number             STRING
       SYLMTIM   Syslog mount event                       DATETIME
       SYLNAME   System name in syslog                    STRING
       SYLPROC   Syslog proc step                         STRING
       SYLTEXT   Syslog message text after msgid          STRING
       SYLTMS6   Syslog iectms6 text                      STRING
       SYLVOL1   Syslog ios690i volser 1                  STRING
       SYLVOL2   Syslog ios690i volser 2                  STRING
       SYLVOL3   Syslog ios690i volser 3                  STRING
       SYLVOL4   Syslog ios690i volser 4                  STRING
       SYLVOL5   Syslog ios690i volser 5                  STRING
       SYLVOL6   Syslog ios690i volser 6                  STRING
       SYLVOL7   Syslog ios690i volser 7                  STRING
       SYLVOL8   Syslog ios690i volser 8                  STRING
       SYLVSER   Syslog volume serial number              STRING
       SYL070E   Syslog ios070e text                      STRING
       SYL5TIM   Iec705i message event                    DATETIME
       SYL7TIM   Ios070e message event                    DATETIME
       SYSTEM2   Type 21 system                           STRING
       SYT6TIM   Iectms6 message event                    DATETIME
       SYT9OPN   Iectms9 count of opens                   COUNT
       SYT9TIM   Iectms9 message event                    DATETIME
       TMNTEXI   Mount exit?                              STRING
       TY21TIM   Type 21 dismount datetimestamp           DATETIME
       UCBTYP2   Type 21 ucbtype                          INT

     The following 14 variables have been deleted from table XASMTAP:

       ALCEND    Deallocation event timestamp             DATETIME
       ALCSTRT   Allocation event timestamp               DATETIME
       ALCVLTM   Duration allocated for this volume       TIME
       ALEERRO   Allocation errors recorded               COUNT
       DENSITY   Tape density                             STRING
       LCU       Logical control unit                     INT
       PERFGRP   Performance group                        INT
       RDRTM     Reader event duration                    TIME
       SMFUCB    Ucb common segment at allocation         HEXFLAGS
       SMVOL01   1st volume allocated                     STRING
       TEMNAME   Terminal identification                  STRING
       TMNT008   Tmnt008i message issued?                 STRING
       XMEMABN   Cross memory abends                      COUNT
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

  8) The following 6 variables have been added to table XASM70L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM70DSA   Diagnose samples                         GAUGE
       STARTIM   Minimum interval start datetime          DATETIME
       SYSNAME   System name from ieasysxx                STRING
       ZIPACTT   Ifa processors cpu active time           TIME
       ZIPUPTM   Ifa processors up time                   TIME
       ZIPWSTT   Ifa processors wst time                  TIME

  9) The following 1060 variables hav been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPZIPTM   Zip processor cpu active time            TIME
       LPADSA    Lpar 10 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPAZIPT   Lpar 10 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPAZIUT   Lpar 10 zip up time                      TIME
       LPAZIWT   Lpar 10 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPBDSA    Lpar 11 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPBZIPT   Lpar 11 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPBZIUT   Lpar 11 zip up time                      TIME
       LPBZIWT   Lpar 11 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPCDSA    Lpar 12 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPCTYBY   Lpar 33 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTYOV   Lpar 33 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCTZBY   Lpar 34 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LPCTZOV   Lpar 34 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LPCZIPT   Lpar 12 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPCZIUT   Lpar 12 zip up time                      TIME
       LPCZIWT   Lpar 12 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPDDSA    Lpar 13 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPDZIPT   Lpar 13 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPDZIUT   Lpar 13 zip up time                      TIME
       LPDZIWT   Lpar 13 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPEDSA    Lpar 14 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPEZIPT   Lpar 14 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPEZIUT   Lpar 14 zip up time                      TIME
       LPEZIWT   Lpar 14 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPFDSA    Lpar 15 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPFZIPT   Lpar 15 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPFZIUT   Lpar 15 zip up time                      TIME
       LPFZIWT   Lpar 15 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPGDSA    Lpar 16 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPGZIPT   Lpar 16 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPGZIUT   Lpar 16 zip up time                      TIME
       LPGZIWT   Lpar 16 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPHDSA    Lpar 17 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPHZIPT   Lpar 17 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPHZIUT   Lpar 17 zip up time                      TIME
       LPHZIWT   Lpar 17 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPIDSA    Lpar 18 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPIZIPT   Lpar 18 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPIZIUT   Lpar 18 zip up time                      TIME
       LPIZIWT   Lpar 18 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPJDSA    Lpar 19 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPJZIPT   Lpar 19 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPJZIUT   Lpar 19 zip up time                      TIME
       LPJZIWT   Lpar 19 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPKDSA    Lpar 20 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPKZIPT   Lpar 20 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPKZIUT   Lpar 20 zip up time                      TIME
       LPKZIWT   Lpar 20 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPLDSA    Lpar 21 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPLZIPT   Lpar 21 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPLZIUT   Lpar 21 zip up time                      TIME
       LPLZIWT   Lpar 21 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPMDSA    Lpar 22 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPMZIPT   Lpar 22 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPMZIUT   Lpar 22 zip up time                      TIME
       LPMZIWT   Lpar 22 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPNDSA    Lpar 23 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPNZIPT   Lpar 23 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPNZIUT   Lpar 23 zip up time                      TIME
       LPNZIWT   Lpar 23 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPODSA    Lpar 24 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPOZIPT   Lpar 24 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPOZIUT   Lpar 24 zip up time                      TIME
       LPOZIWT   Lpar 24 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPQDSA    Lpar 25 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPQZIPT   Lpar 25 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPQZIUT   Lpar 25 zip up time                      TIME
       LPQZIWT   Lpar 25 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPRDSA    Lpar 26 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPRZIPT   Lpar 26 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPRZIUT   Lpar 26 zip up time                      TIME
       LPRZIWT   Lpar 26 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPSDSA    Lpar 27 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPSZIPT   Lpar 27 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPSZIUT   Lpar 27 zip up time                      TIME
       LPSZIWT   Lpar 27 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPTDSA    Lpar 28 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPTZIPT   Lpar 28 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPTZIUT   Lpar 28 zip up time                      TIME
       LPTZIWT   Lpar 28 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPUDSA    Lpar 29 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPUZIPT   Lpar 29 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPUZIUT   Lpar 29 zip up time                      TIME
       LPUZIWT   Lpar 29 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPVDSA    Lpar 30 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPVZIPT   Lpar 30 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPVZIUT   Lpar 30 zip up time                      TIME
       LPVZIWT   Lpar 30 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPWDSA    Lpar 31 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPWZIPT   Lpar 31 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPWZIUT   Lpar 31 zip up time                      TIME
       LPWZIWT   Lpar 31 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPXDSA    Lpar 32 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPXZIPT   Lpar 32 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPXZIUT   Lpar 32 zip up time                      TIME
       LPXZIWT   Lpar 32 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPYBDA    Lpar 33 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPYCAP    Lpar 33 capped flag                      STRING
       LPYCHG    Lpar 33 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPYCSF    Lpar 33 cstore                           GAUGE
       LPYDED    Lpar 33 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPYDSA    Lpar 33 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPYDUR    Lpar 33 duration                         TIME
       LPYIFAT   Lpar 33 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPYIFUT   Lpar 33 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPYIFWT   Lpar 33 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPYLAC    Lpar 33 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPYMGTT   Lpar 33 management time                  TIME
       LPYMSU    Lpar 33 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPYMSUH   Lpar 33 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPYMSU7   Lpar 33 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LPYNAME   Lpar 33 name                             STRING
       LPYNRPR   Lpar 33 number of processors             INT
       LPYNSW    Lpar 33 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPYONT    Lpar 33 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPYSHAR   Lpar 33 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPYSHRC   Lpar 33 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPYSTN    Lpar 33 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPYUEDT   Lpar 33 effective time                   TIME
       LPYUPDT   Lpar 33 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPYWAIT   Lpar 33 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPYWST    Lpar 33 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPYZIPT   Lpar 33 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPYZIUT   Lpar 33 zip up time                      TIME
       LPYZIWT   Lpar 33 zip wst time                     TIME
       LPZBDA    Lpar 34 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LPZCAP    Lpar 34 capped flag                      STRING
       LPZCHG    Lpar 34 cp change flag                   STRING
       LPZCSF    Lpar 34 cstore                           GAUGE
       LPZDED    Lpar 34 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LPZDSA    Lpar 34 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LPZDUR    Lpar 34 duration                         TIME
       LPZIFAT   Lpar 34 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPZIFUT   Lpar 34 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPZIFWT   Lpar 34 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPZLAC    Lpar 34 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LPZMGTT   Lpar 34 management time                  TIME
       LPZMSU    Lpar 34 interval msu count               COUNT
       LPZMSUH   Lpar 34 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LPZMSU7   Lpar 34 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LPZNAME   Lpar 34 name                             STRING
       LPZNRPR   Lpar 34 number of processors             INT
       LPZNSW    Lpar 34 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LPZONT    Lpar 34 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LPZSHAR   Lpar 34 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPZSHRC   Lpar 34 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPZSTN    Lpar 34 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPZUEDT   Lpar 34 effective time                   TIME
       LPZUPDT   Lpar 34 dispatch time                    TIME
       LPZWAIT   Lpar 34 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LPZWST    Lpar 34 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LPZZIPT   Lpar 34 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LPZZIUT   Lpar 34 zip up time                      TIME
       LPZZIWT   Lpar 34 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP0DSA    Lpar  0 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP1DSA    Lpar  1 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP1ZIPT   Lpar  1 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP1ZIUT   Lpar  1 zip up time                      TIME
       LP1ZIWT   Lpar  1 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP2DSA    Lpar  2 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP2ZIPT   Lpar  2 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP2ZIUT   Lpar  2 zip up time                      TIME
       LP2ZIWT   Lpar  2 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP3DSA    Lpar  3 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP3ZIPT   Lpar  3 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP3ZIUT   Lpar  3 zip up time                      TIME
       LP3ZIWT   Lpar  3 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP4DSA    Lpar  4 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP4ZIPT   Lpar  4 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP4ZIUT   Lpar  4 zip up time                      TIME
       LP4ZIWT   Lpar  4 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP5DSA    Lpar  5 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP5ZIPT   Lpar  5 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP5ZIUT   Lpar  5 zip up time                      TIME
       LP5ZIWT   Lpar  5 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP6DSA    Lpar  6 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP6ZIPT   Lpar  6 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP6ZIUT   Lpar  6 zip up time                      TIME
       LP6ZIWT   Lpar  6 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP7DSA    Lpar  7 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP7ZIPT   Lpar  7 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP7ZIUT   Lpar  7 zip up time                      TIME
       LP7ZIWT   Lpar  7 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP8DSA    Lpar  8 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP8ZIPT   Lpar  8 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP8ZIUT   Lpar  8 zip up time                      TIME
       LP8ZIWT   Lpar  8 zip wst time                     TIME
       LP9DSA    Lpar  9 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LP9ZIPT   Lpar  9 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LP9ZIUT   Lpar  9 zip up time                      TIME
       LP9ZIWT   Lpar  9 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQABDA    Lpar 44 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQACAP    Lpar 44 capped flag                      STRING
       LQACHG    Lpar 44 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQACSF    Lpar 44 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQADED    Lpar 44 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQADSA    Lpar 44 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQADUR    Lpar 44 duration                         TIME
       LQAIFAT   Lpar 44 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQAIFUT   Lpar 44 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQAIFWT   Lpar 44 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQALAC    Lpar 44 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQAMGTT   Lpar 44 management time                  TIME
       LQAMSU    Lpar 44 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQAMSUH   Lpar 44 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQAMSU7   Lpar 44 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQANAME   Lpar 44 name                             STRING
       LQANRPR   Lpar 44 number of processors             INT
       LQANSW    Lpar 44 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQAONT    Lpar 44 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQASHAR   Lpar 44 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQASHRC   Lpar 44 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQASTN    Lpar 44 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQAUEDT   Lpar 44 effective time                   TIME
       LQAUPDT   Lpar 44 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQAWAIT   Lpar 44 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQAWST    Lpar 44 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQAZIPT   Lpar 44 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQAZIUT   Lpar 44 zip up time                      TIME
       LQAZIWT   Lpar 44 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQBBDA    Lpar 45 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQBCAP    Lpar 45 capped flag                      STRING
       LQBCHG    Lpar 45 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQBCSF    Lpar 45 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQBDED    Lpar 45 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQBDSA    Lpar 45 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQBDUR    Lpar 45 duration                         TIME
       LQBIFAT   Lpar 45 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQBIFUT   Lpar 45 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQBIFWT   Lpar 45 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQBLAC    Lpar 45 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQBMGTT   Lpar 45 management time                  TIME
       LQBMSU    Lpar 45 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQBMSUH   Lpar 45 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQBMSU7   Lpar 45 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQBNAME   Lpar 45 name                             STRING
       LQBNRPR   Lpar 45 number of processors             INT
       LQBNSW    Lpar 45 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQBONT    Lpar 45 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQBSHAR   Lpar 45 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQBSHRC   Lpar 45 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQBSTN    Lpar 45 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQBUEDT   Lpar 45 effective time                   TIME
       LQBUPDT   Lpar 45 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQBWAIT   Lpar 45 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQBWST    Lpar 45 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQBZIPT   Lpar 45 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQBZIUT   Lpar 45 zip up time                      TIME
       LQBZIWT   Lpar 45 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQCBDA    Lpar 46 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQCCAP    Lpar 46 capped flag                      STRING
       LQCCHG    Lpar 46 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQCCSF    Lpar 46 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQCDED    Lpar 46 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQCDSA    Lpar 46 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQCDUR    Lpar 46 duration                         TIME
       LQCIFAT   Lpar 46 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQCIFUT   Lpar 46 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQCIFWT   Lpar 46 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQCLAC    Lpar 46 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQCMGTT   Lpar 46 management time                  TIME
       LQCMSU    Lpar 46 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQCMSUH   Lpar 46 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQCMSU7   Lpar 46 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQCNAME   Lpar 46 name                             STRING
       LQCNRPR   Lpar 46 number of processors             INT
       LQCNSW    Lpar 46 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQCONT    Lpar 46 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQCSHAR   Lpar 46 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQCSHRC   Lpar 46 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQCSTN    Lpar 46 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQCTABY   Lpar 44 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTAOV   Lpar 44 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTBBY   Lpar 45 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTBOV   Lpar 45 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTCBY   Lpar 46 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTCOV   Lpar 46 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTDBY   Lpar 47 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTDOV   Lpar 47 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTEBY   Lpar 48 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTEOV   Lpar 48 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTFBY   Lpar 49 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTFOV   Lpar 49 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTGBY   Lpar 50 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTGOV   Lpar 50 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTHBY   Lpar 51 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTHOV   Lpar 51 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTIBY   Lpar 52 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTIOV   Lpar 52 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTJBY   Lpar 53 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTJOV   Lpar 53 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTKBY   Lpar 54 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTKOV   Lpar 54 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTLBY   Lpar 55 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTLOV   Lpar 55 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTMBY   Lpar 56 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTMOV   Lpar 56 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTNBY   Lpar 57 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTNOV   Lpar 57 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTOBY   Lpar 58 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTOOV   Lpar 58 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTPBY   Lpar 59 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTPOV   Lpar 59 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCTQBY   Lpar 60 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCTQOV   Lpar 60 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT1BY   Lpar 35 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT1OV   Lpar 35 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT2BY   Lpar 36 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT2OV   Lpar 36 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT3BY   Lpar 37 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT3OV   Lpar 37 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT4BY   Lpar 38 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT4OV   Lpar 38 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT5BY   Lpar 39 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT5OV   Lpar 39 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT6BY   Lpar 40 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT6OV   Lpar 40 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT7BY   Lpar 41 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT7OV   Lpar 41 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT8BY   Lpar 42 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT8OV   Lpar 42 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCT9BY   Lpar 43 logical percent busy             PERCENT100
       LQCT9OV   Lpar 43 logical percent overhead         PERCENT100
       LQCUEDT   Lpar 46 effective time                   TIME
       LQCUPDT   Lpar 46 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQCWAIT   Lpar 46 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQCWST    Lpar 46 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQCZIPT   Lpar 46 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQCZIUT   Lpar 46 zip up time                      TIME
       LQCZIWT   Lpar 46 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQDBDA    Lpar 47 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQDCAP    Lpar 47 capped flag                      STRING
       LQDCHG    Lpar 47 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQDCSF    Lpar 47 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQDDED    Lpar 47 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQDDSA    Lpar 47 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQDDUR    Lpar 47 duration                         TIME
       LQDIFAT   Lpar 47 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQDIFUT   Lpar 47 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQDIFWT   Lpar 47 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQDLAC    Lpar 47 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQDMGTT   Lpar 47 management time                  TIME
       LQDMSU    Lpar 47 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQDMSUH   Lpar 47 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQDMSU7   Lpar 47 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQDNAME   Lpar 47 name                             STRING
       LQDNRPR   Lpar 47 number of processors             INT
       LQDNSW    Lpar 47 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQDONT    Lpar 47 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQDSHAR   Lpar 47 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQDSHRC   Lpar 47 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQDSTN    Lpar 47 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQDUEDT   Lpar 47 effective time                   TIME
       LQDUPDT   Lpar 47 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQDWAIT   Lpar 47 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQDWST    Lpar 47 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQDZIPT   Lpar 47 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQDZIUT   Lpar 47 zip up time                      TIME
       LQDZIWT   Lpar 47 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQEBDA    Lpar 48 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQECAP    Lpar 48 capped flag                      STRING
       LQECHG    Lpar 48 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQECSF    Lpar 48 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQEDED    Lpar 48 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQEDSA    Lpar 48 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQEDUR    Lpar 48 duration                         TIME
       LQEIFAT   Lpar 48 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQEIFUT   Lpar 48 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQEIFWT   Lpar 48 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQELAC    Lpar 48 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQEMGTT   Lpar 48 management time                  TIME
       LQEMSU    Lpar 48 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQEMSUH   Lpar 48 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQEMSU7   Lpar 48 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQENAME   Lpar 48 name                             STRING
       LQENRPR   Lpar 48 number of processors             INT
       LQENSW    Lpar 48 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQEONT    Lpar 48 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQESHAR   Lpar 48 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQESHRC   Lpar 48 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQESTN    Lpar 48 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQEUEDT   Lpar 48 effective time                   TIME
       LQEUPDT   Lpar 48 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQEWAIT   Lpar 48 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQEWST    Lpar 48 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQEZIPT   Lpar 48 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQEZIUT   Lpar 48 zip up time                      TIME
       LQEZIWT   Lpar 48 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQFBDA    Lpar 49 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQFCAP    Lpar 49 capped flag                      STRING
       LQFCHG    Lpar 49 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQFCSF    Lpar 49 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQFDED    Lpar 49 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQFDSA    Lpar 49 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQFDUR    Lpar 49 duration                         TIME
       LQFIFAT   Lpar 49 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQFIFUT   Lpar 49 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQFIFWT   Lpar 49 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQFLAC    Lpar 49 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQFMGTT   Lpar 49 management time                  TIME
       LQFMSU    Lpar 49 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQFMSUH   Lpar 49 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQFMSU7   Lpar 49 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQFNAME   Lpar 49 name                             STRING
       LQFNRPR   Lpar 49 number of processors             INT
       LQFNSW    Lpar 49 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQFONT    Lpar 49 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQFSHAR   Lpar 49 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQFSHRC   Lpar 49 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQFSTN    Lpar 49 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQFUEDT   Lpar 49 effective time                   TIME
       LQFUPDT   Lpar 49 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQFWAIT   Lpar 49 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQFWST    Lpar 49 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQFZIPT   Lpar 49 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQFZIUT   Lpar 49 zip up time                      TIME
       LQFZIWT   Lpar 49 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQGBDA    Lpar 50 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQGCAP    Lpar 50 capped flag                      STRING
       LQGCHG    Lpar 50 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQGCSF    Lpar 50 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQGDED    Lpar 50 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQGDSA    Lpar 50 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQGDUR    Lpar 50 duration                         TIME
       LQGIFAT   Lpar 50 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQGIFUT   Lpar 50 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQGIFWT   Lpar 50 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQGLAC    Lpar 50 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQGMGTT   Lpar 50 management time                  TIME
       LQGMSU    Lpar 50 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQGMSUH   Lpar 50 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQGMSU7   Lpar 50 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQGNAME   Lpar 50 name                             STRING
       LQGNRPR   Lpar 50 number of processors             INT
       LQGNSW    Lpar 50 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQGONT    Lpar 50 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQGSHAR   Lpar 50 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQGSHRC   Lpar 50 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQGSTN    Lpar 50 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQGUEDT   Lpar 50 effective time                   TIME
       LQGUPDT   Lpar 50 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQGWAIT   Lpar 50 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQGWST    Lpar 50 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQGZIPT   Lpar 50 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQGZIUT   Lpar 50 zip up time                      TIME
       LQGZIWT   Lpar 50 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQHBDA    Lpar 51 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQHCAP    Lpar 51 capped flag                      STRING
       LQHCHG    Lpar 51 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQHCSF    Lpar 51 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQHDED    Lpar 51 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQHDSA    Lpar 51 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQHDUR    Lpar 51 duration                         TIME
       LQHIFAT   Lpar 51 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQHIFUT   Lpar 51 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQHIFWT   Lpar 51 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQHLAC    Lpar 51 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQHMGTT   Lpar 51 management time                  TIME
       LQHMSU    Lpar 51 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQHMSUH   Lpar 51 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQHMSU7   Lpar 51 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQHNAME   Lpar 51 name                             STRING
       LQHNRPR   Lpar 51 number of processors             INT
       LQHNSW    Lpar 51 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQHONT    Lpar 51 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQHSHAR   Lpar 51 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQHSHRC   Lpar 51 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQHSTN    Lpar 51 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQHUEDT   Lpar 51 effective time                   TIME
       LQHUPDT   Lpar 51 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQHWAIT   Lpar 51 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQHWST    Lpar 51 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQHZIPT   Lpar 51 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQHZIUT   Lpar 51 zip up time                      TIME
       LQHZIWT   Lpar 51 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQIBDA    Lpar 52 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQICAP    Lpar 52 capped flag                      STRING
       LQICHG    Lpar 52 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQICSF    Lpar 52 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQIDED    Lpar 52 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQIDSA    Lpar 52 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQIDUR    Lpar 52 duration                         TIME
       LQIIFAT   Lpar 52 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQIIFUT   Lpar 52 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQIIFWT   Lpar 52 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQILAC    Lpar 52 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQIMGTT   Lpar 52 management time                  TIME
       LQIMSU    Lpar 52 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQIMSUH   Lpar 52 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQIMSU7   Lpar 52 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQINAME   Lpar 52 name                             STRING
       LQINRPR   Lpar 52 number of processors             INT
       LQINSW    Lpar 52 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQIONT    Lpar 52 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQISHAR   Lpar 52 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQISHRC   Lpar 52 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQISTN    Lpar 52 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQIUEDT   Lpar 52 effective time                   TIME
       LQIUPDT   Lpar 52 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQIWAIT   Lpar 52 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQIWST    Lpar 52 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQIZIPT   Lpar 52 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQIZIUT   Lpar 52 zip up time                      TIME
       LQIZIWT   Lpar 52 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQJBDA    Lpar 53 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQJCAP    Lpar 53 capped flag                      STRING
       LQJCHG    Lpar 53 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQJCSF    Lpar 53 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQJDED    Lpar 53 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQJDSA    Lpar 53 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQJDUR    Lpar 53 duration                         TIME
       LQJIFAT   Lpar 53 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQJIFUT   Lpar 53 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQJIFWT   Lpar 53 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQJLAC    Lpar 53 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQJMGTT   Lpar 53 management time                  TIME
       LQJMSU    Lpar 53 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQJMSUH   Lpar 53 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQJMSU7   Lpar 53 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQJNAME   Lpar 53 name                             STRING
       LQJNRPR   Lpar 53 number of processors             INT
       LQJNSW    Lpar 53 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQJONT    Lpar 53 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQJSHAR   Lpar 53 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQJSHRC   Lpar 53 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQJSTN    Lpar 53 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQJUEDT   Lpar 53 effective time                   TIME
       LQJUPDT   Lpar 53 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQJWAIT   Lpar 53 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQJWST    Lpar 53 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQJZIPT   Lpar 53 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQJZIUT   Lpar 53 zip up time                      TIME
       LQJZIWT   Lpar 53 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQKBDA    Lpar 54 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQKCAP    Lpar 54 capped flag                      STRING
       LQKCHG    Lpar 54 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQKCSF    Lpar 54 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQKDED    Lpar 54 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQKDSA    Lpar 54 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQKDUR    Lpar 54 duration                         TIME
       LQKIFAT   Lpar 54 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQKIFUT   Lpar 54 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQKIFWT   Lpar 54 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQKLAC    Lpar 54 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQKMGTT   Lpar 54 management time                  TIME
       LQKMSU    Lpar 54 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQKMSUH   Lpar 54 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQKMSU7   Lpar 54 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQKNAME   Lpar 54 name                             STRING
       LQKNRPR   Lpar 54 number of processors             INT
       LQKNSW    Lpar 54 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQKONT    Lpar 54 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQKSHAR   Lpar 54 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQKSHRC   Lpar 54 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQKSTN    Lpar 54 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQKUEDT   Lpar 54 effective time                   TIME
       LQKUPDT   Lpar 54 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQKWAIT   Lpar 54 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQKWST    Lpar 54 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQKZIPT   Lpar 54 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQKZIUT   Lpar 54 zip up time                      TIME
       LQKZIWT   Lpar 54 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQLBDA    Lpar 55 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQLCAP    Lpar 55 capped flag                      STRING
       LQLCHG    Lpar 55 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQLCSF    Lpar 55 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQLDED    Lpar 55 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQLDSA    Lpar 55 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQLDUR    Lpar 55 duration                         TIME
       LQLIFAT   Lpar 55 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQLIFUT   Lpar 55 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQLIFWT   Lpar 55 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQLLAC    Lpar 55 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQLMGTT   Lpar 55 management time                  TIME
       LQLMSU    Lpar 55 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQLMSUH   Lpar 55 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQLMSU7   Lpar 55 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQLNAME   Lpar 55 name                             STRING
       LQLNRPR   Lpar 55 number of processors             INT
       LQLNSW    Lpar 55 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQLONT    Lpar 55 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQLSHAR   Lpar 55 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQLSHRC   Lpar 55 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQLSTN    Lpar 55 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQLUEDT   Lpar 55 effective time                   TIME
       LQLUPDT   Lpar 55 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQLWAIT   Lpar 55 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQLWST    Lpar 55 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQLZIPT   Lpar 55 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQLZIUT   Lpar 55 zip up time                      TIME
       LQLZIWT   Lpar 55 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQMBDA    Lpar 56 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQMCAP    Lpar 56 capped flag                      STRING
       LQMCHG    Lpar 56 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQMCSF    Lpar 56 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQMDED    Lpar 56 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQMDSA    Lpar 56 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQMDUR    Lpar 56 duration                         TIME
       LQMIFAT   Lpar 56 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQMIFUT   Lpar 56 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQMIFWT   Lpar 56 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQMLAC    Lpar 56 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQMMGTT   Lpar 56 management time                  TIME
       LQMMSU    Lpar 56 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQMMSUH   Lpar 56 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQMMSU7   Lpar 56 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQMNAME   Lpar 56 name                             STRING
       LQMNRPR   Lpar 56 number of processors             INT
       LQMNSW    Lpar 56 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQMONT    Lpar 56 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQMSHAR   Lpar 56 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQMSHRC   Lpar 56 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQMSTN    Lpar 56 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQMUEDT   Lpar 56 effective time                   TIME
       LQMUPDT   Lpar 56 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQMWAIT   Lpar 56 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQMWST    Lpar 56 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQMZIPT   Lpar 56 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQMZIUT   Lpar 56 zip up time                      TIME
       LQMZIWT   Lpar 56 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQNBDA    Lpar 57 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQNCAP    Lpar 57 capped flag                      STRING
       LQNCHG    Lpar 57 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQNCSF    Lpar 57 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQNDED    Lpar 57 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQNDSA    Lpar 57 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQNDUR    Lpar 57 duration                         TIME
       LQNIFAT   Lpar 57 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQNIFUT   Lpar 57 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQNIFWT   Lpar 57 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQNLAC    Lpar 57 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQNMGTT   Lpar 57 management time                  TIME
       LQNMSU    Lpar 57 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQNMSUH   Lpar 57 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQNMSU7   Lpar 57 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQNNAME   Lpar 57 name                             STRING
       LQNNRPR   Lpar 57 number of processors             INT
       LQNNSW    Lpar 57 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQNONT    Lpar 57 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQNSHAR   Lpar 57 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQNSHRC   Lpar 57 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQNSTN    Lpar 57 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQNUEDT   Lpar 57 effective time                   TIME
       LQNUPDT   Lpar 57 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQNWAIT   Lpar 57 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQNWST    Lpar 57 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQNZIPT   Lpar 57 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQNZIUT   Lpar 57 zip up time                      TIME
       LQNZIWT   Lpar 57 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQOBDA    Lpar 58 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQOCAP    Lpar 58 capped flag                      STRING
       LQOCHG    Lpar 58 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQOCSF    Lpar 58 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQODED    Lpar 58 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQODSA    Lpar 58 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQODUR    Lpar 58 duration                         TIME
       LQOIFAT   Lpar 58 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQOIFUT   Lpar 58 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQOIFWT   Lpar 58 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQOLAC    Lpar 58 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQOMGTT   Lpar 58 management time                  TIME
       LQOMSU    Lpar 58 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQOMSUH   Lpar 58 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQOMSU7   Lpar 58 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQONAME   Lpar 58 name                             STRING
       LQONRPR   Lpar 58 number of processors             INT
       LQONSW    Lpar 58 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQOONT    Lpar 58 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQOSHAR   Lpar 58 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQOSHRC   Lpar 58 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQOSTN    Lpar 58 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQOUEDT   Lpar 58 effective time                   TIME
       LQOUPDT   Lpar 58 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQOWAIT   Lpar 58 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQOWST    Lpar 58 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQOZIPT   Lpar 58 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQOZIUT   Lpar 58 zip up time                      TIME
       LQOZIWT   Lpar 58 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQPBDA    Lpar 59 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQPCAP    Lpar 59 capped flag                      STRING
       LQPCHG    Lpar 59 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQPCSF    Lpar 59 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQPDED    Lpar 59 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQPDSA    Lpar 59 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQPDUR    Lpar 59 duration                         TIME
       LQPIFAT   Lpar 59 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQPIFUT   Lpar 59 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQPIFWT   Lpar 59 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQPLAC    Lpar 59 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQPMGTT   Lpar 59 management time                  TIME
       LQPMSU    Lpar 59 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQPMSUH   Lpar 59 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQPMSU7   Lpar 59 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQPNAME   Lpar 59 name                             STRING
       LQPNRPR   Lpar 59 number of processors             INT
       LQPNSW    Lpar 59 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQPONT    Lpar 59 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQPSHAR   Lpar 59 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQPSHRC   Lpar 59 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQPSTN    Lpar 59 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQPUEDT   Lpar 59 effective time                   TIME
       LQPUPDT   Lpar 59 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQPWAIT   Lpar 59 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQPWST    Lpar 59 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQPZIPT   Lpar 59 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQPZIUT   Lpar 59 zip up time                      TIME
       LQPZIWT   Lpar 59 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQQBDA    Lpar 60 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQQCAP    Lpar 60 capped flag                      STRING
       LQQCHG    Lpar 60 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQQCSF    Lpar 60 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQQDED    Lpar 60 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQQDSA    Lpar 60 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQQDUR    Lpar 60 duration                         TIME
       LQQIFAT   Lpar 60 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQQIFUT   Lpar 60 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQQIFWT   Lpar 60 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQQLAC    Lpar 60 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQQMGTT   Lpar 60 management time                  TIME
       LQQMSU    Lpar 60 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQQMSUH   Lpar 60 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQQMSU7   Lpar 60 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQQNAME   Lpar 60 name                             STRING
       LQQNRPR   Lpar 60 number of processors             INT
       LQQNSW    Lpar 60 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQQONT    Lpar 60 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQQSHAR   Lpar 60 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQQSHRC   Lpar 60 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQQSTN    Lpar 60 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQQUEDT   Lpar 60 effective time                   TIME
       LQQUPDT   Lpar 60 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQQWAIT   Lpar 60 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQQWST    Lpar 60 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQQZIPT   Lpar 60 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQQZIUT   Lpar 60 zip up time                      TIME
       LQQZIWT   Lpar 60 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ1BDA    Lpar 35 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ1CAP    Lpar 35 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ1CHG    Lpar 35 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ1CSF    Lpar 35 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ1DED    Lpar 35 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ1DSA    Lpar 35 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ1DUR    Lpar 35 duration                         TIME
       LQ1IFAT   Lpar 35 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1IFUT   Lpar 35 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ1IFWT   Lpar 35 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ1LAC    Lpar 35 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ1MGTT   Lpar 35 management time                  TIME
       LQ1MSU    Lpar 35 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ1MSUH   Lpar 35 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ1MSU7   Lpar 35 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ1NAME   Lpar 35 name                             STRING
       LQ1NRPR   Lpar 35 number of processors             INT
       LQ1NSW    Lpar 35 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ1ONT    Lpar 35 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ1SHAR   Lpar 35 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ1SHRC   Lpar 35 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ1STN    Lpar 35 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ1UEDT   Lpar 35 effective time                   TIME
       LQ1UPDT   Lpar 35 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ1WAIT   Lpar 35 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ1WST    Lpar 35 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ1ZIPT   Lpar 35 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ1ZIUT   Lpar 35 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ1ZIWT   Lpar 35 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ2BDA    Lpar 36 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ2CAP    Lpar 36 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ2CHG    Lpar 36 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ2CSF    Lpar 36 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ2DED    Lpar 36 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ2DSA    Lpar 36 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ2DUR    Lpar 36 duration                         TIME
       LQ2IFAT   Lpar 36 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2IFUT   Lpar 36 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ2IFWT   Lpar 36 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ2LAC    Lpar 36 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ2MGTT   Lpar 36 management time                  TIME
       LQ2MSU    Lpar 36 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ2MSUH   Lpar 36 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ2MSU7   Lpar 36 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ2NAME   Lpar 36 name                             STRING
       LQ2NRPR   Lpar 36 number of processors             INT
       LQ2NSW    Lpar 36 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ2ONT    Lpar 36 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ2SHAR   Lpar 36 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ2SHRC   Lpar 36 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ2STN    Lpar 36 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ2UEDT   Lpar 36 effective time                   TIME
       LQ2UPDT   Lpar 36 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ2WAIT   Lpar 36 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ2WST    Lpar 36 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ2ZIPT   Lpar 36 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ2ZIUT   Lpar 36 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ2ZIWT   Lpar 36 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ3BDA    Lpar 37 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ3CAP    Lpar 37 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ3CHG    Lpar 37 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ3CSF    Lpar 37 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ3DED    Lpar 37 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ3DSA    Lpar 37 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ3DUR    Lpar 37 duration                         TIME
       LQ3IFAT   Lpar 37 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3IFUT   Lpar 37 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ3IFWT   Lpar 37 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ3LAC    Lpar 37 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ3MGTT   Lpar 37 management time                  TIME
       LQ3MSU    Lpar 37 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ3MSUH   Lpar 37 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ3MSU7   Lpar 37 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ3NAME   Lpar 37 name                             STRING
       LQ3NRPR   Lpar 37 number of processors             INT
       LQ3NSW    Lpar 37 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ3ONT    Lpar 37 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ3SHAR   Lpar 37 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ3SHRC   Lpar 37 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ3STN    Lpar 37 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ3UEDT   Lpar 37 effective time                   TIME
       LQ3UPDT   Lpar 37 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ3WAIT   Lpar 37 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ3WST    Lpar 37 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ3ZIPT   Lpar 37 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ3ZIUT   Lpar 37 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ3ZIWT   Lpar 37 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ4BDA    Lpar 38 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ4CAP    Lpar 38 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ4CHG    Lpar 38 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ4CSF    Lpar 38 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ4DED    Lpar 38 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ4DSA    Lpar 38 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ4DUR    Lpar 38 duration                         TIME
       LQ4IFAT   Lpar 38 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4IFUT   Lpar 38 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ4IFWT   Lpar 38 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ4LAC    Lpar 38 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ4MGTT   Lpar 38 management time                  TIME
       LQ4MSU    Lpar 38 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ4MSUH   Lpar 38 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ4MSU7   Lpar 38 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ4NAME   Lpar 38 name                             STRING
       LQ4NRPR   Lpar 38 number of processors             INT
       LQ4NSW    Lpar 38 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ4ONT    Lpar 38 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ4SHAR   Lpar 38 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ4SHRC   Lpar 38 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ4STN    Lpar 38 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ4UEDT   Lpar 38 effective time                   TIME
       LQ4UPDT   Lpar 38 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ4WAIT   Lpar 38 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ4WST    Lpar 38 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ4ZIPT   Lpar 38 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ4ZIUT   Lpar 38 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ4ZIWT   Lpar 38 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ5BDA    Lpar 39 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ5CAP    Lpar 39 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ5CHG    Lpar 39 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ5CSF    Lpar 39 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ5DED    Lpar 39 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ5DSA    Lpar 39 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ5DUR    Lpar 39 duration                         TIME
       LQ5IFAT   Lpar 39 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5IFUT   Lpar 39 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ5IFWT   Lpar 39 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ5LAC    Lpar 39 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ5MGTT   Lpar 39 management time                  TIME
       LQ5MSU    Lpar 39 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ5MSUH   Lpar 39 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ5MSU7   Lpar 39 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ5NAME   Lpar 39 name                             STRING
       LQ5NRPR   Lpar 39 number of processors             INT
       LQ5NSW    Lpar 39 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ5ONT    Lpar 39 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ5SHAR   Lpar 39 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ5SHRC   Lpar 39 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ5STN    Lpar 39 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ5UEDT   Lpar 39 effective time                   TIME
       LQ5UPDT   Lpar 39 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ5WAIT   Lpar 39 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ5WST    Lpar 39 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ5ZIPT   Lpar 39 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ5ZIUT   Lpar 39 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ5ZIWT   Lpar 39 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ6BDA    Lpar 40 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ6CAP    Lpar 40 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ6CHG    Lpar 40 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ6CSF    Lpar 40 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ6DED    Lpar 40 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ6DSA    Lpar 40 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ6DUR    Lpar 40 duration                         TIME
       LQ6IFAT   Lpar 40 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6IFUT   Lpar 40 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ6IFWT   Lpar 40 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ6LAC    Lpar 40 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ6MGTT   Lpar 40 management time                  TIME
       LQ6MSU    Lpar 40 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ6MSUH   Lpar 40 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ6MSU7   Lpar 40 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ6NAME   Lpar 40 name                             STRING
       LQ6NRPR   Lpar 40 number of processors             INT
       LQ6NSW    Lpar 40 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ6ONT    Lpar 40 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ6SHAR   Lpar 40 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ6SHRC   Lpar 40 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ6STN    Lpar 40 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ6UEDT   Lpar 40 effective time                   TIME
       LQ6UPDT   Lpar 40 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ6WAIT   Lpar 40 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ6WST    Lpar 40 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ6ZIPT   Lpar 40 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ6ZIUT   Lpar 40 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ6ZIWT   Lpar 40 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ7BDA    Lpar 41 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ7CAP    Lpar 41 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ7CHG    Lpar 41 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ7CSF    Lpar 41 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ7DED    Lpar 41 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ7DSA    Lpar 41 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ7DUR    Lpar 41 duration                         TIME
       LQ7IFAT   Lpar 41 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7IFUT   Lpar 41 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ7IFWT   Lpar 41 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ7LAC    Lpar 41 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ7MGTT   Lpar 41 management time                  TIME
       LQ7MSU    Lpar 41 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ7MSUH   Lpar 41 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ7MSU7   Lpar 41 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ7NAME   Lpar 41 name                             STRING
       LQ7NRPR   Lpar 41 number of processors             INT
       LQ7NSW    Lpar 41 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ7ONT    Lpar 41 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ7SHAR   Lpar 41 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ7SHRC   Lpar 41 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ7STN    Lpar 41 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ7UEDT   Lpar 41 effective time                   TIME
       LQ7UPDT   Lpar 41 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ7WAIT   Lpar 41 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ7WST    Lpar 41 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ7ZIPT   Lpar 41 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ7ZIUT   Lpar 41 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ7ZIWT   Lpar 41 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ8BDA    Lpar 42 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ8CAP    Lpar 42 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ8CHG    Lpar 42 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ8CSF    Lpar 42 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ8DED    Lpar 42 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ8DSA    Lpar 42 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ8DUR    Lpar 42 duration                         TIME
       LQ8IFAT   Lpar 42 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8IFUT   Lpar 42 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ8IFWT   Lpar 42 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ8LAC    Lpar 42 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ8MGTT   Lpar 42 management time                  TIME
       LQ8MSU    Lpar 42 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ8MSUH   Lpar 42 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ8MSU7   Lpar 42 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ8NAME   Lpar 42 name                             STRING
       LQ8NRPR   Lpar 42 number of processors             INT
       LQ8NSW    Lpar 42 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ8ONT    Lpar 42 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ8SHAR   Lpar 42 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ8SHRC   Lpar 42 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ8STN    Lpar 42 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ8UEDT   Lpar 42 effective time                   TIME
       LQ8UPDT   Lpar 42 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ8WAIT   Lpar 42 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ8WST    Lpar 42 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ8ZIPT   Lpar 42 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ8ZIUT   Lpar 42 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ8ZIWT   Lpar 42 zip wst time                     TIME
       LQ9BDA    Lpar 43 average logical cpus smf70bda    AVERAGE
       LQ9CAP    Lpar 43 capped flag                      STRING
       LQ9CHG    Lpar 43 cp change flag                   STRING
       LQ9CSF    Lpar 43 cstore                           GAUGE
       LQ9DED    Lpar 43 dedicated flag                   STRING
       LQ9DSA    Lpar 43 diagnose samples                 GAUGE
       LQ9DUR    Lpar 43 duration                         TIME
       LQ9IFAT   Lpar 43 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9IFUT   Lpar 43 ifa up time                      TIME
       LQ9IFWT   Lpar 43 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LQ9LAC    Lpar 43 4-hr average smf70lac            AVERAGE
       LQ9MGTT   Lpar 43 management time                  TIME
       LQ9MSU    Lpar 43 interval msu count               COUNT
       LQ9MSUH   Lpar 43 interval msu as hourly rate      RATE
       LQ9MSU7   Lpar 43 msu defined capacity smf70msu    INT
       LQ9NAME   Lpar 43 name                             STRING
       LQ9NRPR   Lpar 43 number of processors             INT
       LQ9NSW    Lpar 43 pct when lpar was soft capped    PERCENT100
       LQ9ONT    Lpar 43 lpar online duration smf70ont    TIME
       LQ9SHAR   Lpar 43 share initial weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ9SHRC   Lpar 43 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LQ9STN    Lpar 43 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LQ9UEDT   Lpar 43 effective time                   TIME
       LQ9UPDT   Lpar 43 dispatch time                    TIME
       LQ9WAIT   Lpar 43 cpu wait flag                    STRING
       LQ9WST    Lpar 43 wait state duration smf70wst     TIME
       LQ9ZIPT   Lpar 43 zip dispatch time                TIME
       LQ9ZIUT   Lpar 43 zip up time                      TIME
       LQ9ZIWT   Lpar 43 zip wst time                     TIME
       NRIFACP   Nr of ifa cpus in cpc                    INT
       NRIFLCP   Nr of ifl cpus in cpc                    INT
       NRZIPCP   Nr of zip cpus in cpc                    INT
       PATNCPU   Total number of cpus in the cec          INT
       PCTLYBY   Lpar 33 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLYOV   Lpar 33 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTLZBY   Lpar 34 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTLZOV   Lpar 34 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQABY   Lpar 44 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQAOV   Lpar 44 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQBBY   Lpar 45 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQBOV   Lpar 45 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQCBY   Lpar 46 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQCOV   Lpar 46 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQDBY   Lpar 47 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQDOV   Lpar 47 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQEBY   Lpar 48 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQEOV   Lpar 48 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQFBY   Lpar 49 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQFOV   Lpar 49 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQGBY   Lpar 50 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQGOV   Lpar 50 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQHBY   Lpar 51 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQHOV   Lpar 51 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQIBY   Lpar 52 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQIOV   Lpar 52 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQJBY   Lpar 53 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQJOV   Lpar 53 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQKBY   Lpar 54 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQKOV   Lpar 54 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQLBY   Lpar 55 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQLOV   Lpar 55 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQMBY   Lpar 56 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQMOV   Lpar 56 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQNBY   Lpar 57 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQNOV   Lpar 57 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQOBY   Lpar 58 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQOOV   Lpar 58 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQPBY   Lpar 59 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQPOV   Lpar 59 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQQBY   Lpar 60 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQQOV   Lpar 60 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ1BY   Lpar 35 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ1OV   Lpar 35 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ2BY   Lpar 36 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ2OV   Lpar 36 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ3BY   Lpar 37 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ3OV   Lpar 37 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ4BY   Lpar 38 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ4OV   Lpar 38 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ5BY   Lpar 39 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ5OV   Lpar 39 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ6BY   Lpar 40 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ6OV   Lpar 40 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ7BY   Lpar 41 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ7OV   Lpar 41 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ8BY   Lpar 42 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ8OV   Lpar 42 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       PCTQ9BY   Lpar 43 percent busy                     PERCENT100
       PCTQ9OV   Lpar 43 percent overhead                 PERCENT100
       STARTIM   Minimum interval start datetime          DATETIME
       SYSNAME   System name from ieasysxx                STRING

     The following 65 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XASM70P:

       LPACSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPBCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPCCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPDCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPECSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPFCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPGCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPHCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPHMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPHNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPICSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPIMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPINRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPJCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPJMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPJNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPKCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPKMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPKNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPLCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPLMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPLNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPMCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPMMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPMNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPNCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPNMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPNNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPOCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPOMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPONRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPQCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPQMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPQNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPRCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPRMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPRNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPSCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPSMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPSNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPTCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPTMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPTNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPUCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPUMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPUNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPVCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPVMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPVNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPWCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPWMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPWNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPXCSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LPXMSU7   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LPXNRPR   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       LP0CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP1CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP2CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP3CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP4CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP5CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP6CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP7CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP8CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE
       LP9CSF    changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XASM70P:

       NRPRCS    Number of logical partitions             INT
       PARTNCP   Total number of cpus in the cec          INT

 10) The following variable has been added to table XCISJR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SJPRXCH   Sjr profile xmx value in text            STRING

 11) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XCITRAN:

       TAERRFG   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

 12) The following variable has been deleted from table XCMEXTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CMHDTIM   Start of measurement interval            DATETIME

 13) The following 22 variables have been added to table XCM27CS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       C00ANSI   Min interval computing system cpu use    MINIMUM
       C275AID   Device adapter id                        STRING
       C275HDD   Nof hdd-s in raid rank                   COUNT
       C275HSS   Hdd sector size                          GAUGE
       C275NVS   Nvs space allocation                     COUNT
       C275RFL   Flags byte                               STRING
       C275RID   Raid rank id                             INT
       C275RMR   Record mode read requests                COUNT
       C275RRQ   Raid rank read requests                  COUNT
       C275RRT   Raid rank read response time             TIME
       C275RSV   Lower interface i/o response             TIME
       C275RTY   Raid rank type                           STRING
       C275SR    Raid rank fb sectors read                COUNT
       C275SW    Raid rank fb sectors written             COUNT
       C275TSP   Tracks transferred to pprc vo            COUNT
       C275WRQ   Raid rank write requests                 COUNT
       C275WRT   Raid rank write response time            TIME
       C275XCW   Xrc or cc contaminated writes            COUNT
       C275XSF   Xrc or cc sidefile read requests         COUNT
       C276LRE   Loc rcd dmn/rec ca writes                COUNT
       C276RCR   Record cache read misses                 COUNT
       C279XRS   Lower interface i/o response             TIME

 14) The following 22 variables have been added to table XCM27C9:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       C00ANSI   Min interval computing system cpu use    MINIMUM
       C275AID   Device adapter id                        STRING
       C275HDD   Nof hdd-s in raid rank                   COUNT
       C275HSS   Hdd sector size                          GAUGE
       C275NVS   Nvs space allocation                     COUNT
       C275RFL   Flags byte                               STRING
       C275RID   Raid rank id                             INT
       C275RMR   Record mode read requests                COUNT
       C275RRQ   Raid rank read requests                  COUNT
       C275RRT   Raid rank read response time             TIME
       C275RSV   Lower interface i/o response             TIME
       C275RTY   Raid rank type                           STRING
       C275SR    Raid rank fb sectors read                COUNT
       C275SW    Raid rank fb sectors written             COUNT
       C275TSP   Tracks transferred to pprc vo            COUNT
       C275WRQ   Raid rank write requests                 COUNT
       C275WRT   Raid rank write response time            TIME
       C275XCW   Xrc or cc contaminated writes            COUNT
       C275XSF   Xrc or cc sidefile read requests         COUNT
       C276LRE   Loc rcd dmn/rec ca writes                COUNT
       C276RCR   Record cache read misses                 COUNT
       C279XRS   Lower interface i/o response             TIME

 15) The following 9 variables have been added to table XDBBPAC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBGADG    Cf unregister page requests              COUNT
       QBGAP1    P-lock lock reqs for space map pages     COUNT
       QBGAP2    P-lock lock reqs for data pages          COUNT
       QBGAP3    P-lock lock reqs for index leaf pages    COUNT
       QBGAS1    P-lock lock suspnd for space map pages   COUNT
       QBGAS2    P-lock lock suspnd for data pages        COUNT
       QBGAS3    P-lock lock suspnd for index leaf pages  COUNT
       QBGAU1    P-lock lock requests                     COUNT
       QBGAWS    Write and register war requests          COUNT

 16) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XDBCCTP:

       QPACFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       QPACFLG   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX4.

 17) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XDBGBPA:

       QBGBGR1   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       QBGBGR2   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       QBGBGR1   changed from  $HEX8.    to  $HEX12.
       QBGBGR2   changed from  $HEX8.    to  $HEX12.

 18) The following variable has been deleted from table XDBGBPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BEGTIME   Beginning db2 stat interval              DATETIME

 19) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QW1PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable master asid     TIME
       QW2PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable dbm1 asid       TIME
       QW3PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable irlm asid       TIME
       QW4PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable ddf asid        TIME

 20) The following variable has been deleted from table XDBTATB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BEGTIME   Beginning db2 stat interval              DATETIME

 21) The following variable has been deleted from table XDBTATR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BEGTIME   Beginning db2 stat interval              DATETIME

 22) The following 4 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QW1PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable master asid     TIME
       QW2PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable dbm1 asid       TIME
       QW3PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable irlm asid       TIME
       QW4PSRB   Cpu srb time preemptable ddf asid        TIME

 23) The following 4 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XEDSVRE:

       MVEXP01   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       MVMEDAT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       MVMEDCM   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       MVMEDTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       MVEXP01   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX8.

 24) The following variable has been added to table XICBGUT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VDVFDID   Fdid name of functional device           STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XICBGUT:

       VDVNAME   Fdid name of functional device           STRING

 25) The following variable has been added to table XIMFTRN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FLGSPCH   Wfi/pwfi processing flag                 STRING

 26) The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XIMPROG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CTCKPNT   Checkpoints syncpoints                   COUNT
       MAXLOCK   Maximum locks held                       MAXIMUM
       TOTLOCK   Total locks                              COUNT

 27) The following variable has been added to table XIPAC03:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IPPACCE   Page accessed count                      COUNT

 28) The following variable has been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME

 29) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 30) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 31) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 32) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 33) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 34) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 35) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 36) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CELL      changed from  HEX4.     to  HEX8.

 37) The following 3 variables have been added to table XMQACTQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WTADBGT   Wtas db2 bytes read                      COUNT
       WTADBPT   Wtas db2 bytes written                   COUNT
       WTAVER    Wtas version number                      INT

 38) The following 25 variables have been added to table XMQMSGD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LMDEL     Db2 blob delete requests                 COUNT
       LMDSCUW   Db2 blob delete sql delete cum-tm        TIME
       LMDSMXW   Db2 blob delete sql delete max-tm        MAXIMUM
       LMDTCUW   Db2 blob delete thread delete cum-tm     TIME
       LMDTMXW   Db2 blob delete thread delete max-tm     MAXIMUM
       LMINS     Db2 blob insert requests                 COUNT
       LMISCUW   Db2 blob write sql delete cum-tm         TIME
       LMISMXW   Db2 blob write sql delete max-tm         MAXIMUM
       LMITCUW   Db2 blob write thread delete cum-tm      TIME
       LMITMXW   Db2 blob write thread delete max-tm      MAXIMUM
       LMLIS     Db2 blob list requests                   COUNT
       LMLSCUW   Db2 blob list sql delete cum-tm          TIME
       LMLSMXW   Db2 blob list sql delete max-tm          MAXIMUM
       LMLTCUW   Db2 blob list thread delete cum-tm       TIME
       LMLTMXW   Db2 blob list thread delete max-tm       MAXIMUM
       LMSEL     Db2 blob read requests                   COUNT
       LMSSCUW   Db2 blob read sql delete cum-tm          TIME
       LMSSMXW   Db2 blob read sql delete max-tm          MAXIMUM
       LMSTCUW   Db2 blob read thread delete cum-tm       TIME
       LMSTMXW   Db2 blob read thread delete max-tm       MAXIMUM
       LMUPD     Db2 blob update requests                 COUNT
       LMUSCUW   Db2 blob update sql delete cum-tm        TIME
       LMUSMXW   Db2 blob update sql delete max-tm        MAXIMUM
       LMUTCUW   Db2 blob update thread delete cum-tm     TIME
       LMUTMXW   Db2 blob update thread delete max-tm     MAXIMUM

 39) The following 15 variables have been added to table XMQQUEU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       WQFLGS    Flags                                    STRING
       WQGEDVA   Successful destructive gets              COUNT
       WQGEJCE   Elapsed wait for force journal gets      TIME
       WQGEJCN   Force journal gets                       COUNT
       WQMAQDP   Maximum encountered queue depth          MAXIMUM
       WQPUJCE   Elapsed wait for force journal writes    TIME
       WQPUJCN   Force journal writes                     COUNT
       WQPUPWG   Mqput calls where msg passed             COUNT
       WQPU1JE   Elapsed wait force mqput1 journal writes TIME
       WQPU1JM   Force mqput1 journal writes              COUNT
       WQPU1PW   Mqput1 calls where msg passed            COUNT
       WQSEJCE   Elapsed wait for set                     TIME
       WQSEJCN   Number of set                            INT
       WTAFLAG   Wtasflag                                 HEXFLAGS
       WTAFLG2   Wtasflg2                                 HEXFLAGS

 40) The following 2 variables have been added to table XNDMPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PSSDSN    Dataset name                             STRING
       PSSDSNL   Length of dataset name                   INT

 41) The following 6 variables have been added to table XNDMRJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDJOBNM   Job name                                 STRING
       NDMCPUT   Ndm cpu time                             TIME
       NDPACCT   Ndm pnode account data                   STRING
       NDRJDSN   Dsname                                   STRING
       NDSACCT   Ndm snode account data                   STRING
       NDSYSRC   System return code                       STRING

 42) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPNNRC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 43) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNPNSES:

       LSCDSTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 44) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPSVCS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 45) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPSVMN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 46) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPSVRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 47) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPTEXC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 48) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPVMNE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 49) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNPVSAL:

       LSCDSTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 50) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXCSL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 51) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXETH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 52) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXFRP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 53) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXNEO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 54) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXTRI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 55) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXXLK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 56) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXXPU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 57) The following variable has been deleted from table XNPXXVC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Start of interval                        DATETIME

 58) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSACCT:

       NSRCMPF   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSRFLAG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSRCMPF   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSRFLAG   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 59) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSALRT:

       NSPXRES   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 60) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSAPPL:

       APLFLG2   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       APLUIDR   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       APLULOK   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       APLFLG2   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       APLUIDR   changed from  $HEX4.    to  $HEX8.
       APLULOK   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 61) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSETHR:

       NSPNSUB   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSPNS01   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSPNSUB   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSPNS01   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 62) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSFRLY:

       NSPNSUB   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSPNS01   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSPNSUB   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSPNS01   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 63) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSLANL:

       LLANTYP   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       LLANTYP   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 64) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSLANS:

       LLANTYP   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       LLANTYP   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 65) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSLINE:

       NSPNSUB   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       NSPNSUB   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 66) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSNPSI:

       NSNSUBE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSNSUBT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSNSUBE   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSNSUBT   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 67) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSTIC3:

       NSPNSUB   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSPNS01   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSPNSUB   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSPNS01   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 68) The following 5 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XNSTR:

       NSNSUBE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       NSNSUBT   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TRFLAG1   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TRFLAG4   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       TRFLAG5   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 5 variables have had their format changed in table

       NSNSUBE   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       NSNSUBT   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       TRFLAG1   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       TRFLAG4   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.
       TRFLAG5   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 69) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSVIRT:

       VRSTATE   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       VRSTATE   changed from  $HEX16.   to  $HEX2.

 70) The following variable has been deleted from table XOMMSJO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       OMFS2ST   Cycle start datetime                     DATETIME

 71) The following 33 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BATIFA    Batch cpu ifa time on ifa                COUNT
       BATIFE    Batch cpu ifaelig time on cp             COUNT
       CICSIFA   Cics cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       CICSIFE   Cics cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       IMSIFA    Ims cpu ifa time on ifa                  COUNT
       IMSIFE    Ims cpu ifaelig time on cp               COUNT
       LPRNAME   Logical partition name                   STRING
       LPRNSW    Percent lpar soft capped                 PERCENT100
       OTH0IFA   Oth0 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH0IFE   Oth0 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH1IFA   Oth1 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH1IFE   Oth1 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH2IFA   Oth2 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH2IFE   Oth2 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH3IFA   Oth3 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH3IFE   Oth3 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH4IFA   Oth4 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH4IFE   Oth4 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH5IFA   Oth5 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH5IFE   Oth5 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH6IFA   Oth6 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH6IFE   Oth6 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH7IFA   Oth7 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH7IFE   Oth7 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH8IFA   Oth8 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH8IFE   Oth8 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       OTH9IFA   Oth9 cpu ifa time on ifa                 COUNT
       OTH9IFE   Oth9 cpu ifaelig time on cp              COUNT
       SM70BDA   Logical cpus active for this partition   INT
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time now local    DATETIME
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TSOIFA    Tso cpu ifa time on ifa                  COUNT
       TSOIFE    Tso cpu ifaelig time on cp               COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XRMFINT:

       TTSHARC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE

 72) The following 15 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXPERR    Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                GAUGE
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 73) The following variable has been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME

 74) The following 4 variables have been added to table XSTCLMU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LSBCONT   Lsm configuration byte                   INT
       LSECON1   Passthru port 1 connectivity             HEXFLAGS
       LSECON2   Passthru port 2 connectivity             HEXFLAGS
       OLDLSM    Old lsm three bytes                      HEXFLAGS

 75) The following variable has been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME

 76) The following 3 variables have been added to table XSTVS13:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST13CTP   Cartridge type                           STRING
       ST13HST   Originating host name                    STRING
       ST13MNR   Mounted without a recall?                STRING

 77) The following 3 variables have been added to table XSTVS14:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ST14CTP   Cartridge type                           STRING
       ST14HST   Originating host name                    STRING
       ST14ULN   Mvcs to unlink                           COUNT

 78) The following variable has been added to table XTAPES:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21FL1   General flag bytes                       HEXFLAGS

 79) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D6RECNR   Record number in input file              INT

 80) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB6B:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D6RECNR   Record number in input file              INT

 81) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB6S:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D6RECNR   Record number in input file              INT

 82) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D7RECNR   D7 record number                         INT

 83) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB7B:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D7RECNR   D7 record number                         INT

 84) The following variable has been added to table XTMDB7S:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       D7RECNR   D7 record number                         INT

 85) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTYSOLV:

       SOLVFLA   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 86) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTYTMNT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JCTJOBI   Job type and jes number                  STRING
       PROGRAM   Program name                             STRING
       RESGROU   Resource group name                      STRING
       RPTCLAS   Reporting class name                     STRING
       SRVCLAS   Service class name                       STRING
       TMNTEXI   Mount exit?                              STRING
       TYPETAS   Type of task                             STRING
       WLMNAME   Workload name                            STRING

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       ASID      changed from  HEX2.     to  HEX4.

 87) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY1032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STARTIM   Beginning of interval                    DATETIME

 88) The following variable has been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF14LG   Dsntype large format?                    STRING

 89) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY16:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ICEMON    Memory objects allocated                 COUNT
       ICEMOSI   Mosize value in effect                   COUNT
       ICEMOUS   Megabytes used for memory objects        COUNT
       MEMOBJU   Memory object used?                      STRING

 90) The following variable has been added to table XTY21:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM21FL1   General flag bytes                       HEXFLAGS

 91) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY22_A:

       SMF22CY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       SMF22PC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

 92) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY26J2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JOEPURG   Joe purged due to pso/sapi?              STRING
       UNSPUNJ   Job went thru unspun in its lifetime?    STRING

 93) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                COUNT
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 94) The following variable has been added to table XTY30_1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS

 95) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                COUNT
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 96) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SM30ZNF   Zaap normalization factor                COUNT
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 97) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCIPTM   Interval cputime while enqueue promoted  TIME
       CPDZETM   Zip-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPDZITM   Dependent enclave cpu time on zip        TIME
       CPDZQTM   Zip-qualified dep enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPEZETM   Zip-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEZITM   Independent enclave cpu time on zip      TIME
       CPEZQTM   Zip-qualified ind enclave cpu time       TIME
       CPZIETM   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPZIPTM   Total equivalent cpu time on zip         TIME
       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING
       LOCLINC   Local installation field hex             HEXFLAGS
       SRMNODA   Srm no data available                    STRING
       ZIEUNIT   Ifa-eligible cpu service units           COUNT
       ZIPUNIT   Ifa-equivalent cpu service units         COUNT

 98) The following variable has been added to table XTY32:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXCPERR   Excps exceeded 4gig                      STRING

 99) The following variable has been added to table XTY33_1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXCPERR   Excptotl exceeded 4gig                   STRING

100) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY42CU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LATTIME   Last update timestamp                    DATETIME

101) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM6INDC   Record level indicator                   INT
       SM6PAD1   Section indicator                        HEXFLAGS

102) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY6ENH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM6INDC   Record level indicator                   INT
       SM6PAD1   Section indicator                        HEXFLAGS

103) The following 200 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCPDEDA   Lcpu 10 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDB   Lcpu 11 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDC   Lcpu 12 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDD   Lcpu 13 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDE   Lcpu 14 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDF   Lcpu 15 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDG   Lcpu 16 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDH   Lcpu 17 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDI   Lcpu 18 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDJ   Lcpu 19 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDK   Lcpu 20 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDL   Lcpu 21 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDN   Lcpu 22 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDO   Lcpu 23 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDP   Lcpu 24 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDQ   Lcpu 25 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDR   Lcpu 26 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDS   Lcpu 27 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDT   Lcpu 28 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDU   Lcpu 29 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDV   Lcpu 30 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDW   Lcpu 31 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDEDX   Lcpu 32 dedicated?                       STRING
       LCPDED0   Lcpu 0 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED1   Lcpu 1 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED2   Lcpu 2 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED3   Lcpu 3 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED4   Lcpu 4 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED5   Lcpu 5 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED6   Lcpu 6 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED7   Lcpu 7 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED8   Lcpu 8 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPDED9   Lcpu 9 dedicated?                        STRING
       LCPWAIA   Lcpu 10 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIB   Lcpu 11 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIC   Lcpu 12 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAID   Lcpu 13 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIE   Lcpu 14 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIF   Lcpu 15 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIG   Lcpu 16 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIH   Lcpu 17 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAII   Lcpu 18 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIJ   Lcpu 19 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIK   Lcpu 20 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIL   Lcpu 21 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIN   Lcpu 22 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIO   Lcpu 23 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIP   Lcpu 24 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIQ   Lcpu 25 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIR   Lcpu 26 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIS   Lcpu 27 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIU   Lcpu 29 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIV   Lcpu 30 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIW   Lcpu 31 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAIX   Lcpu 32 wait complete?                   STRING
       LCPWAI0   Lcpu 0 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI1   Lcpu 1 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI2   Lcpu 2 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI3   Lcpu 3 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI4   Lcpu 4 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI5   Lcpu 5 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI6   Lcpu 6 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI7   Lcpu 7 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI8   Lcpu 8 wait complete?                    STRING
       LCPWAI9   Lcpu 9 wait complete?                    STRING
       LPRNAME   Logical partition name                   STRING
       LPRNSW    Percent lpar soft capped                 PERCENT100
       LPRSHAC   Lpar current weight                      GAUGE
       LPRSHAR   Lpar initial weight                      GAUGE
       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       NRZIPS    Number of zip engines available          INT
       PCIFBYA   Ifa a percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYB   Ifa b percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYC   Ifa c percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYD   Ifa d percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYE   Ifa e percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYF   Ifa f percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYG   Ifa g percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYH   Ifa h percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYI   Ifa i percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYJ   Ifa j percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYK   Ifa k percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYL   Ifa l percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYN   Ifa n percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYO   Ifa o percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYP   Ifa p percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYQ   Ifa q percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYR   Ifa r percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYS   Ifa s percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYT   Ifa t percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYU   Ifa u percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYV   Ifa v percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYW   Ifa w percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBYX   Ifa x percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY0   Ifa 0 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY1   Ifa 1 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY2   Ifa 2 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY3   Ifa 3 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY4   Ifa 4 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY5   Ifa 5 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY6   Ifa 6 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY7   Ifa 7 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY8   Ifa 8 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCIFBY9   Ifa 9 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYA   Zip a percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYB   Zip b percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYC   Zip c percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYD   Zip d percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYE   Zip e percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYF   Zip f percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYG   Zip g percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYH   Zip h percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYI   Zip i percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYJ   Zip j percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYK   Zip k percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYL   Zip l percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYN   Zip n percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYO   Zip o percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYP   Zip p percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYQ   Zip q percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYR   Zip r percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYS   Zip s percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYT   Zip t percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYU   Zip u percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYV   Zip v percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYW   Zip w percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBYX   Zip x percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY0   Zip 0 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY1   Zip 1 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY2   Zip 2 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY3   Zip 3 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY4   Zip 4 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY5   Zip 5 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY6   Zip 6 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY7   Zip 7 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY8   Zip 8 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIBY9   Zip 9 percent cpu busy time              PERCENT100
       PCZIPBY   All zips percent busy (dispatched)       PERCENT100
       PLATBUS   Platform percent hardware busy           PERCENT100
       PLATCPU   Platform number of engines               INT
       SM70BDA   Logical cpus active for this partition   INT
       SM70HOF   Hypervisor datetime offset               TIME
       SM70HWM   Cpc physical model identifier            STRING
       SM70OIL   Original interval length                 INT
       SM70Q00   Percent when in ready le n cp-s          PERCENT100
       SM70Q01   Percent when in ready le n+1 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q02   Percent when in ready le n+2 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q03   Percent when in ready le n+3 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q04   Percent when in ready le n+4 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q05   Percent when in ready le n+5 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q06   Percent when in ready le n+6 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q07   Percent when in ready le n+7 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q08   Percent when in ready le n+8 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q09   Percent when in ready le n+9 cp-s        PERCENT100
       SM70Q10   Percent when in ready le n+10 cp-s       PERCENT100
       SM70Q11   Percent when in ready le n+11 cp-s       PERCENT100
       SM70Q12   Percent when in ready le n+12 cp-s       PERCENT100
       SM70SUP   Zip processors online at end of interval INT
       SM70SYN   Sync value                               INT
       STFBIT0   Smf70lac no longer includes cpu wait?    STRING
       STFBI01   Smf70mdl model capacity only?            STRING
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZIPACTT   Zip processor cpu active time            TIME
       ZIPAVAI   Zip processor available?                 STRING
       ZIPUPTM   Zip processors up time                   TIME
       ZIPWATA   Zip wait duration zip 10                 TIME
       ZIPWATB   Zip wait duration zip 11                 TIME
       ZIPWATC   Zip wait duration zip 12                 TIME
       ZIPWATD   Zip wait duration zip 13                 TIME
       ZIPWATE   Zip wait duration zip 14                 TIME
       ZIPWATF   Zip wait duration zip 15                 TIME
       ZIPWATG   Zip wait duration zip 16                 TIME
       ZIPWATH   Zip wait duration zip 17                 TIME
       ZIPWATI   Zip wait duration zip 18                 TIME
       ZIPWATJ   Zip wait duration zip 19                 TIME
       ZIPWATK   Zip wait duration zip 20                 TIME
       ZIPWATL   Zip wait duration zip 21                 TIME
       ZIPWATM   Total zip wait duration                  TIME
       ZIPWATN   Zip wait duration zip 22                 TIME
       ZIPWATO   Zip wait duration zip 23                 TIME
       ZIPWATP   Zip wait duration zip 24                 TIME
       ZIPWATQ   Zip wait duration zip 25                 TIME
       ZIPWATR   Zip wait duration zip 26                 TIME
       ZIPWATS   Zip wait duration zip 27                 TIME
       ZIPWATT   Zip wait duration zip 28                 TIME
       ZIPWATU   Zip wait duration zip 29                 TIME
       ZIPWATV   Zip wait duration zip 30                 TIME
       ZIPWATW   Zip wait duration zip 31                 TIME
       ZIPWATX   Zip wait duration zip 32                 TIME
       ZIPWAT0   Zip wait duration zip 0                  TIME
       ZIPWAT1   Zip wait duration zip 1                  TIME
       ZIPWAT2   Zip wait duration zip 2                  TIME
       ZIPWAT3   Zip wait duration zip 3                  TIME
       ZIPWAT4   Zip wait duration zip 4                  TIME
       ZIPWAT5   Zip wait duration zip 5                  TIME
       ZIPWAT6   Zip wait duration zip 6                  TIME
       ZIPWAT7   Zip wait duration zip 7                  TIME
       ZIPWAT8   Zip wait duration zip 8                  TIME
       ZIPWAT9   Zip wait duration zip 9                  TIME

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY70:

       SM70DSA   changed from  INT       to  GAUGE

104) The following 10 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       NRIFACP   Number of ifa cpus in this box           INT
       NRIFLCP   Number of ifl cpus in this box           INT
       NRZIPCP   Number of zip cpus in this box           INT
       SM70GIE   Projected interval end time now local    DATETIME
       SM70HOF   Hypervisor datetime offset               TIME
       SM70HWM   Cpc physical model identifier            STRING
       SM70UPI   User partition id                        INT
       STFBIT0   Smf70lac no longer includes cpu wait?    STRING
       STFBI01   Smf70mdl model capacity only?            STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY70PR:

       SM70DSA   changed from  COUNT     to  GAUGE

105) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY70Y2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CRYIH2R   Sha-256 hashing rate                     RATE
       CRYIH2S   Sha-256 hashing size                     INT
       R72NH2B   Sha-256 data bytes hash                  INT
       R72NH2C   Sha-256 calls to hash                    COUNT
       R72NH2I   Sha-256 pcmf instr used to hash          INT

106) The following variable has been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73NFFS   Normalization factor for zip times       INT

107) The following variable has been added to table XTY73L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYSNAME   System name from ieasysxx                STRING

108) The following variable has been added to table XTY73PC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYSNAME   System name from ieasysxx                STRING

109) The following variable has been added to table XTY74CA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R75DCCU   Configured control unit type             INT

110) The following 3 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY74PA:

       R72PDIR   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       R72PSTA   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       R742PTY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

111) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY74ST:

       R744STY   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

112) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY791:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R71NFFI   Normalization factor for ifa             INT
       R71NFFS   Normalization factor for zip             INT
       R71TIFC   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R71TSUC   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R71TSUP   Zip time spent on standard cps           TIME

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY791:

       R791FLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       R791FLG   changed from  $HEX1.    to  $HEX2.

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY791:

       R71TIFE   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME

113) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY792:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72NFFI   Normalization factor for ifa             INT
       R72NFFS   Normalization factor for zip             INT
       R72TIFC   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R72TSUC   Zip-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R72TSUP   Zip time spent on standard cps           TIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY792:

       R72TIFE   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME

114) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY799:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R799CX2   Timing facility not active?              STRING
       R799CX3   Extended cmb mode?                       STRING
       R799CX4   Model-dependent data not available?      STRING
       R799CX5   Initial cmr time is available?           STRING

115) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8000:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

116) The following variable has been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

117) The following variable has been added to table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

118) The following variable has been added to table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

119) The following variable has been added to table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

120) The following variable has been added to table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

121) The following variable has been added to table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

122) The following variable has been added to table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

123) The following variable has been added to table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8008:

       KW08UAC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

124) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K301DEL   Segment deleted via a noxxx keyword?     STRING
       K301IGN   Keyword ignored insuffient authority?    STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

125) The following 35 variables have been added to table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K10ER00   Keyword ignored error dfltgrp?           STRING
       K10ER01   Keyword ignored error group?             STRING
       K10ER02   Keyword ignored error password?          STRING
       K10ER03   Keyword ignored error nopassword?        STRING
       K10ER04   Keyword ignored error name?              STRING
       K10ER05   Keyword ignored error authority?         STRING
       K10ER06   Keyword ignored error data?              STRING
       K10ER07   Keyword ignored error grpacc?            STRING
       K10ER08   Keyword ignored error nogrpacc?          STRING
       K10ER09   Keyword ignored error uacc?              STRING
       K10ER10   Keyword ignored error adsp?              STRING
       K10ER11   Keyword ignored error noadsp?            STRING
       K10ER12   Keyword ignored error owner?             STRING
       K10ER13   Keyword ignored error special?           STRING
       K10ER14   Keyword ignored error nospecial?         STRING
       K10ER15   Keyword ignored error operations?        STRING
       K10ER16   Keyword ignored error nooperations?      STRING
       K10ER17   Keyword ignored error clauth?            STRING
       K10ER18   Keyword ignored error noclauth?          STRING
       K10ER19   Keyword ignored error auditor?           STRING
       K10ER20   Keyword ignored error noauditor?         STRING
       K10ER21   Keyword ignored error oidcard?           STRING
       K10ER22   Keyword ignored error nooidcard?         STRING
       K10ER23   Keyword ignored error revoke?            STRING
       K10ER24   Keyword ignored error resume?            STRING
       K10ER25   Keyword ignored error audit?             STRING
       K10ER26   Keyword ignored error noaudit?           STRING
       K10ER27   Keyword ignored error model?             STRING
       K10ER28   Keyword ignored error nomodel?           STRING
       K10ER29   Keyword ignored error when?              STRING
       K10ER30   Keyword ignored error addcategory?       STRING
       K10ER31   Keyword ignored error delcategory?       STRING
       K301DEL   Segment deleted via a noxxx keyword?     STRING
       K301IGN   Keyword ignored insuffient authority?    STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8010:

       AUTHFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       UACCFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

126) The following variable has been added to table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8011:

       UACCFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 4 variables have been deleted from table XTY8011:

       K11IG28   Keyword ignored seclabel?                STRING
       K11IG29   Keyword ignored noseclabel?              STRING
       K11SP28   Keyword specified seclabel?              STRING
       K11SP29   Keyword specified noseclabel?            STRING

127) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K301DEL   Segment deleted via a noxxx keyword?     STRING
       K301IGN   Keyword ignored insuffient authority?    STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

128) The following 35 variables have been added to table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K10ER00   Keyword ignored error dfltgrp?           STRING
       K10ER01   Keyword ignored error group?             STRING
       K10ER02   Keyword ignored error password?          STRING
       K10ER03   Keyword ignored error nopassword?        STRING
       K10ER04   Keyword ignored error name?              STRING
       K10ER05   Keyword ignored error authority?         STRING
       K10ER06   Keyword ignored error data?              STRING
       K10ER07   Keyword ignored error grpacc?            STRING
       K10ER08   Keyword ignored error nogrpacc?          STRING
       K10ER09   Keyword ignored error uacc?              STRING
       K10ER10   Keyword ignored error adsp?              STRING
       K10ER11   Keyword ignored error noadsp?            STRING
       K10ER12   Keyword ignored error owner?             STRING
       K10ER13   Keyword ignored error special?           STRING
       K10ER14   Keyword ignored error nospecial?         STRING
       K10ER15   Keyword ignored error operations?        STRING
       K10ER16   Keyword ignored error nooperations?      STRING
       K10ER17   Keyword ignored error clauth?            STRING
       K10ER18   Keyword ignored error noclauth?          STRING
       K10ER19   Keyword ignored error auditor?           STRING
       K10ER20   Keyword ignored error noauditor?         STRING
       K10ER21   Keyword ignored error oidcard?           STRING
       K10ER22   Keyword ignored error nooidcard?         STRING
       K10ER23   Keyword ignored error revoke?            STRING
       K10ER24   Keyword ignored error resume?            STRING
       K10ER25   Keyword ignored error audit?             STRING
       K10ER26   Keyword ignored error noaudit?           STRING
       K10ER27   Keyword ignored error model?             STRING
       K10ER28   Keyword ignored error nomodel?           STRING
       K10ER29   Keyword ignored error when?              STRING
       K10ER30   Keyword ignored error addcategory?       STRING
       K10ER31   Keyword ignored error delcategory?       STRING
       K301DEL   Segment deleted via a noxxx keyword?     STRING
       K301IGN   Keyword ignored insuffient authority?    STRING
       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8013:

       AUTHFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       UACCFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

129) The following variable has been added to table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8014:

       AUTHFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       UACCFLG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

130) The following variable has been added to table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

131) The following variable has been added to table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

132) The following variable has been added to table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

133) The following variable has been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

134) The following variable has been added to table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

135) The following variable has been added to table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8020:

       UACFLGS   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

136) The following variable has been added to table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8021:

       UACFLGS   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 6 variables have been deleted from table XTY8021:

       K21GL00   Globalaudit keyword all?                 STRING
       K21GL01   Globalaudit keyword success?             STRING
       K21GL02   Globalaudit keyword failures?            STRING
       K21GL03   Globalaudit keyword none?                STRING
       K21GL04   Globalaudit keyword success codes        INT
       K21GL05   Globalaudit keyword failure codes        INT

137) The following variable has been added to table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

138) The following variable has been added to table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

139) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY8024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACEEUSE   User name from acee                      STRING
       CLASNM2   Second class name                        STRING
       CLASNM3   Third class name                         STRING
       CLASNM4   Fourth class name                        STRING

     The following 6 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY8024:

       KW24LNG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24LNI   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24MOP   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24PRL   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24SP2   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       KW24SRL   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 6 variables have had their format changed in table

       KW24LNG   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX8.
       KW24LNI   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX8.
       KW24MOP   changed from  $HEX8.    to  $HEX10.

140) The following variable has been added to table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

141) The following variable has been added to table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

142) The following variable has been added to table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

143) The following variable has been added to table XTY8028:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

144) The following variable has been added to table XTY8029:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

145) The following variable has been added to table XTY8030:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING

146) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8032:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

147) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8033:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

148) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8034:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

149) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8038:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

150) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8039:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

151) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8042:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

152) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8043:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

153) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8044:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

154) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8045:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

155) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8048:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

156) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8050:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

157) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8054:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

158) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8055:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

159) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8057:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

160) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8061:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

161) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8062:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

162) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8064:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

163) The following 14 variables have been added to table XTY8066:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKDANM   Token area data element name             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       TOKPOE    Port of entry                            STRING
       TOKPOEX   Port of entry class index                INT
       TOKPROG   Program                                  STRING
       TOKSCL    Seclabl                                  STRING
       TOKSGRP   Submitting groupname                     STRING
       TOKSNOD   Submitter node                           STRING
       TOKSTYP   Session type                             INT
       TOKSUBS   Omvs                                     STRING
       TOKSUSR   Submitting userid                        STRING
       TOKUID    Uid                                      INT
       TOKUSER   Userid                                   STRING
       TOKXNOD   Execution node                           STRING

164) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       SM82CGB   changed from  $HEX2.    to  $HEX8.

165) The following variable has been added to table XTY88:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM88EAF   Ixlogr staging async buffer full         INT

166) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY89:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MACHTIM   Machine tod datetime stamp               DATETIME
       SM89DTO   Local datetime offset dvtldto            TIME
       SM89HOF   Hypervisor datetime offset               TIME

167) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY91IC:

       SM91IEC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

168) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY91OC:

       SM91OEC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

169) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY9112:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INTBTIM   Interval begin timestamp                 DATETIME

170) The following variable has been added to table XTY9212:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM92MMD   Unique device number for the file        INT

171) The following variable has been added to table XTY9213:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM92UDX   Unique device number for the file        INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY9213:

       SM92UDN   Unique device number for the file        INT

172) The following 10 variables have been added to table XTY94:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S9SDEM1   Secure data erase mounts dc 1            COUNT
       S9SDEM2   Secure data erase mounts dc 2            COUNT
       S94LCSG   Vtc 0 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSH   Vtc 1 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSI   Vtc 2 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSJ   Vtc 3 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSK   Vtc 4 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSL   Vtc 5 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSM   Vtc 6 write protect mode                 INT
       S94LCSN   Vtc 7 write protect mode                 INT

     The following 11 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY94:

       S94CPF0   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF1   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF2   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF3   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF4   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF5   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF6   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94CPF7   changed from  PERCENT   to  INT
       S94LCSA   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       S94LCSD   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       S94LCSE   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following 11 variables have had their format changed in table

       S94CPF0   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF1   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF2   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF3   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF4   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF5   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF6   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_
       S94CPF7   changed from  PERCENT9.2to  _NONE_

173) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY99_2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCADP     Curr achieavable demand pct              PERCENT100
       PESCS     Asids explicit storage critical          COUNT
       PGRIN     Group name                               STRING
       PIFAD     Ifa delay samples                        COUNT
       PIFAU     Ifa using samples                        COUNT
       PIFLAG    Flags                                    HEXFLAGS
       PSAMHST   Sample history rows used                 COUNT
       PSBCPUD   Sample based cpu delays                  COUNT
       PSBCPUU   Sample based cpu usings                  COUNT
       PSBIOD    Sample based i/o delays                  COUNT
       PSBNIOD   Sysplex wide non i/o delays              COUNT
       PSPMDP    Minpct proctime demanded                 PERCENT100
       PSWCPUU   Sysplex wide cpu using samps             COUNT
       PSWCT     Short wait count accumulate              COUNT
       PSWIDLE   Sysplex wide wide idle samps             COUNT
       PSWNONI   Sysplex wide non-idle samps              COUNT
       PSWOTHR   Sysplex wide other samps                 COUNT
       SM99SCI   Service class index                      INT

174) The following variable has been added to table XTY99_7:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM97SCS   Sub channel set=                         INT

175) The following 7 variables have been added to table XT11970:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FSPCCPL   Control correction protection level      STRING
       FSPCIPH   Cipher specification                     STRING
       FSPDCPL   Data correction protection level         STRING
       FSPLGME   Login method                             STRING
       FSPMECH   Protection mechanism                     STRING
       FSPPRBF   Negotiated protection buffer size        GAUGE
       FSPPROT   Protocol level                           STRING

176) The following variable has been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DB2IDLE   Db2 idle time                            TIME

Support for SMF NDMCT De-accumulation

The SMF data collector used by the %CMPROCES and %CPPROCES macros has been updated to execute the proper de-accumulation of the NDMCT (NDM Copy Termination) SMF record. Previously, this could only be achieved by adding the necessary MXG code to an exit point. With this fix, exit points or other extra code are not needed.

Updates to sar Data Support on Linux

The default behaviour for processing SAR output from the linux operating system has changed with this hotfix.

The SAR output from the Linux operating system appears to place parentheses around the machine name and, although not representing a major problem, additional code has been added to strip them out. This does mean that the value for the MACHINE column may change slightly and may impact existig reporting or filters that are currently in place. For example, if MACHINE contains the value (PRODLINUX), it will now contain simply PRODLINUX.

Updates to SiteScope Data Support for Daylight Savings Time adjustments

Because SiteScope does not record the duration of the intervals in its data files, it has to be derived. To achieve this, the SiteScope staging code calculates it based on the DATETIME stamps in the data file. However, this calculation method does not currently take into account Daylight Saving Time changes. As such, the duration values may misrepresent the actual duration of the interval when the DATETIME stamp reflects such a change. With this update, the calculation method can automatically adjust the duration when a Daylight Saving Time change takes place if it has been requested.

When the initial calculated duration for an interval is one hour greater than or one hour less than it should be due to a change in Daylight Saving Time, the duration may be adjusted by adding or subtracting 60 minutes. The duration will be corrected in this way only if:

Example 1 - Fall Back Scenario

When the DATETIME stamps in a SiteScope data file reflect a time change due to the end of Daylight Saving Time, there may be data like the following:

01:50:42 10/30/2005 good Monitor: 12% full, 5089MB free, 5122MB total 1:29344 1 5089
01:00:42 10/30/2005 good Monitor: 13% full, 5089MB free, 5122MB total 1:29344 1 5089

The calculated duration for the interval at 01:50:42 10/30/2005 would be -50 minutes. This will be handled in one of the two ways described in the following 2 cases.

Case 1 - &adjustDurationForDSTChange NE 1

If the global macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange is NOT set, then the duration for that interval will be set to missing:

DATETIME                   CLASS                        DURATION

01:50:42 10/30/2005        DiskSpaceMonitor             .
01:00:42 10/30/2005        DiskSpaceMonitor             10

Case 2 - &adjustDurationForDSTChange EQ 1

If the global macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange is set to 1, a daylight saving time change will be recognized as the cause of the negative duration value. 60 minutes will be added to the calculated duration value to get a corrected duration value of 10 minutes:

DATETIME                   CLASS                        DURATION
01:50:42 10/30/2005        DiskSpaceMonitor             10
01:00:42 10/30/2005        DiskSpaceMonitor             10

Example 2 - Spring Forward Scenario

When the DATETIME stamps in a SiteScope data file reflect a time change due to the beginning of Daylight Saving Time, there may be data like the following:

01:55:42 04/02/2006 good Monitor: 12% full, 5089MB free, 5122MB total 1:29344 1 5089
03:00:42 04/02/2006 good Monitor: 13% full, 5089MB free, 5122MB total 1:29344 1 5089

The calculated duration for the interval at 01:55:42 04/02/2006 would be 65 minutes. This will be handled in one of the two ways described in the following 2 cases.

Case 1 - &adjustDurationForDSTChange NE 1

If the global macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange is NOT set, do nothing.

DATETIME                   CLASS                        DURATION
01:55:42 04/02/2006        DiskSpaceMonitor             65
03:00:42 04/02/2006        DiskSpaceMonitor             5

Case 2 - &adjustDurationForDSTChange EQ 1

If the global macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange is set to 1, a daylight saving time change will be recognized and the duration will be adjusted. 60 minutes will be subtracted from the calculated duration value to get a corrected duration value of 5 minutes.

DATETIME                   CLASS                        DURATION
01:55:42 04/02/2006        DiskSpaceMonitor             5
03:00:42 04/02/2006        DiskSpaceMonitor             5

To specify that the calculated durations be adjusted for Daylight Saving Time changes, the macro variable adjustDurationForDSTChange should be set to 1 before the %cpproces macro is submitted, as in the following example:

%let adjustDurationForDSTChange = 1;
           RAWDATA=<location of SiteScope log>,
           GROUPDIR=<location of SiteScope group file directory>

If this macro variable is not set or if it is set to any value other than 1, then the interval durations will NOT be adjusted for Daylight Saving Time changes. As such, the default behavior of this staging code is to remain the same and not recalculate the interval duration.

Viewing/Editing the Active PDB’s DST Definition

The Daylight Saving Time (DST) definition describes the Daylight Saving Time period. There are two ways to express the definition: as a concatenation of ranges (one each for next year, this year, last year, and the year before) and as a formula that takes the system’s year into account. Both forms of the definition work correctly. The advantage of the formula is that it does not require periodic updates. The PDB’s value for the DST definition can be displayed and edited in one of two ways:


Viewing/Editing the Active PDB's DST Definition in the GUI (UNIX, Windows)

In the SAS IT Resource Management GUI for UNIX and Windows, the active PDB’s DST definition can be displayed and edited using the following steps:

  1. On the main window’s Administration tab, select Manage PDBs. The Manage PDBs window opens. The PDB that is active is listed at the top of the window.
  2. Select Properties. The Set Active PDB Options window opens.
  3. Select the Time Zone tab. One of the fields on the tab displays the DST definition.
  4. To make changes in the DST expression, edit the field.
  5. Select OK to return to the Manage PDBs window.
  6. Select Close to return to the main window.

Updates to NTSMF Data Support

The NTSMF data dictionary has been updated to add support for the "DTS.CPU" and "DTS.LogicalProcessor" objects. The following tables list the new NTSMF tables and variables.

Table Name Description
NTDTSLP Windows NT DTS.LogicalProcessor


Variable Name Description
L1CACHE DTS.CPU: L1 Cache - L1 Cache size is broken down into Data and Instruction entries. The format for L1 is "nKB Instr + nKB Data" or "nKuops Trace + nKBData" where uops means MicroOperations.
L2CACHE DTS.CPU: L2 Cache - The format for L2 Cache is nKB or nMB where n is an integer.
L3CACHE DTS.CPU: L3 Cache - The format for L3 Cache is nKB or nMB where n is an integer.
LPRACTV DTS.CPU: # Logical Processors Active
LPSPRTD DTS.CPU: # Logical Processors Supported
DTSCPU DTS.LogicalProcessor: DTS.CPU
LGPRCSR DTS.LogicalProcessor: DTS.LogicalProcessor

Updates to allow support for BMC Patrol Data in IT Service Level Management

Customers have encountered problems when using Patrol data to determine availability, especially when that data is subsequently used within SAS IT Service Level Management.

This is because the method that ITRM uses to calculate the duration of a given interval sometimes results in values that do not actually match the difference between it and the subsequent observation's datetime stamps. When this data is subsequently processed into IT Service Level Management, the effect is to sometimes show that a server is available for greater than 100%.

While BMC Patrol data may not be the best ITRM data source to represent the availability of servers, a new macro, CPGENSLM, has been created to help solve the problem. It is used to identify an existing Patrol table and single analysis column that contains information required to determine availability. After %cpstart has activated the appropriate PDB in write mode, run the macro as follows:

%CPGENSLM(srctab=< source table >,
          srccol=< source column >,
          _rc=< macro_variable >);

Where source table is the name of an existing BMC Patrol table in the PDB, source column is the name of a metric within that table that can be used to determine availability, and macro_variable is the name of a macro variable that can be subsequently tested for successful completion.

The result will be a PTSLMnn table being added to the PDB (where nn is between 01 and 99). This table is defined with COLLECTR=GENERIC with the agelimits for all non-DETAIL summary levels set to 0.

When the next %CPPROCES is executed for the Patrol collector, the staging code will automatically identify the existence of any PTSLMnn tables and create SAS datasets in the WORK library to be used as input to the PTSLMnn tables. After the %CPPROCES macro stages the Patrol data, an additional %CPPROCES macro should be executed to process the WORK datasets into the generic PTSLMnn tables, as follows:


Support for duplicate ID values in BMC Patrol Data

Customers have reported seeing messages similar to the following when processing Patrol data:

ERROR: The ID value xxxxxxxx occurs twice in the same BY group

The result is that the Patrol data is not processed into the PDB. The cause of this problem is typically due to the raw Patrol data containing duplicate BY group data. An example of data that will cause this problem is shown below. In this example, the same logical disk drive 'D:' exists on the same machine and has data with the same datetime stamps but different data values. If Patrol generates data similar to this, either the data has to be corrected manually, or a choice of which data values to use has to be made.

        Thu Jul 16 13:02:55 1998 37.2816
        Thu Jul 16 13:04:56 1998 37.2816
        Thu Jul 16 13:02:55 1998 38.2816
        Thu Jul 16 13:04:56 1998 38.2816

If this situation is encountered, the data should first be examined and a determination made as to why it contains the duplicate by-group data. If it is decided that the data should be processed without change, a new macro variable, CPDUPSOK, should be specified prior to the invocation of the %CPPROCES macro, as follows:

%let cpdupsok=Y;

Specifying this macro variable with a Y will result in the LET option being added to the PROC TRANSPOSE that is executed as part of the staging code. This option will allow duplicate values of an ID variable instead of generating an error message. PROC TRANSPOSE transposes the observation that contains the last occurrence of a particular ID value within the data set or BY group.

The default value for this macro variable is N, which will continue to cause the staging code to fail when duplicate ID variables are encountered.

Updates to MXG-based dictionaries using MXG 22.03

Summary of Changes:


 WARNING: Before applying any data dictionary maintenance, please read the
 following warnings:

   -  The following variable has changed from being character to numeric.

          Table      Variable     MXG Variable

          XNDMSD     SDSEQ          SDSEQ

      If this table already exists in your PDB and you wish to apply
      dictionary maintenance to the table, you will need to delete the
      variable first.  This can be done either by using the interactive
      interface or, preferably, by running the %CPDDUTL macro specifying a
      PDS member which contains the following statements:


      Applying subsequent maintenance to the table will create a new
      variable to replace it.



 The SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary has been updated using MXG
 23.03.  In the process of building these dictionaries, some MXG issues were
 found which precipitated changes in MXG and further modifications to these
 dictionaries.  Therefore, some of these updates are actually based on code
 that subsequently became part of 23.04 and 23.05.  If you are running an
 older version of MXG, the dictionary may contain variables that are not
 available in your version of MXG.  Later versions of MXG are compatible.
 If new variables or tables have been added in a later version, we will add
 them to our supplied data dictionary in a maintenance release.  If you need
 to add them prior to that time, you can use CREATE VARIABLE or CREATE TABLE
 statements using the batch dictionary update utility, %CPDDUTL.

 To apply maintenance to your PDB dictionary, run the data dictionary
 utility macro, %CPDDUTL, in a batch job. See below for a list of some
 possible combinations of control statements for %CPDDUTL. See the macro
 reference documentation or the online help index for more details regarding
 this macro. Please also note that SCOPE=ALL is now an obsolete parameter
 setting for the MAINTAIN function.

    - To obtain a report of new variables that could be added to your
      dictionary, specify:


    - To obtain a report of all changes to existing variables before you
      update your dictionary, specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that only new variables are added (no
      existing variables are modified), specify:


    - To update your dictionary such that existing variables are modified,


 The last two examples also produce a report of what is being changed.  If
 you want to suppress this, specify NOREPORT in place of REPORT.

 If you want to apply maintenance or obtain a report on only one table,
 specify its name as the NAME= parameter value in place of _ALL_. Note that
 you cannot specify multiple tables.


 -  Support for MXG 23.03 also implies support for the following
    enhancements to existing tables:

       Support for IFA CPU time in RMFINTRV
       Support for z/OS 1.5.
       Support for RACF Events 27, 28, 29 for unix.
       Support for z/VM Linux Application Server data.
       Support for z/VM TCP/IP Application Server data.
       Support for TMS Release 11 - no changes.
       Support for Storagetek VSM subtype 20.
       Support for many new RACF events.
       Support for CICS/TS 3.1.
       Support for MQ Series in TPF operating system.
       Support for OS/400 5.3.0.
       Support for z/VM 4.4 and 5.1.
       Support for VPS V1 R8.0 VPS-FAX data.
       Support for Mainview IMS IMF 4.1.00.
       Support for NetSpy Version 7.0.
       Support for OS/400 5.3.0.
       Support for zAAP IFA engines.
       Support for VTS R7.3.
       Support for z/OS 1.6 WITH IFA engines.
       Support for z/VM 4.4.
       Support for NTSMF Release 2.4.7.
       Support for BETA93 Release 3.5 subtypes 0-5.
       Support for ASG/Landmark TMON for DB2 V4.0.
       Support for ASG/TMON TCE for CICS/ESA 2.3.
       Support for NTSMF Exchange/Outlook/DTS CPU objects.
       Support for RMF 74 subtype 8 ESS Link Stats record.
       Support for HMF V2.7 new subtypes, compatible.
       Support for ESS GEPARMKY 003Bx and 0045x fields.
       Support for IPAC subtype 5 IPAC05.
       Support for OS/400 5.2 QAPMMIOP record new fields.
       Support for NT objects SESSION and USER in TNG cubes.
       Support for optional RMI data in CICSTRAN.
       Support for SMF 117 WBIMB WebSphere Business Integration Message
       Support for SMF 82 Crypto subtypes 14 thru 19.

Supplied table changes

 1) The following tables have been deleted from the supplied data dictionary:

        Table                   Description

        VBYCPU      INTERVAL    VM CPU Engine Data (MXG)
        VBYTIME     INTERVAL    VM System and Storage Data (MXG)
        VSUMCPU     INTERVAL    VM Summarized CPU Data (MXG)
        VSUMUSR     EVENT       VM Summarized User Data (MXG)
        XNDMEV      EVENT       NDM subtype ev
        XNDMSB      EVENT       NDM subtype sb
        XNDMWS      EVENT       NDM subtype ws
        XTY82       EVENT       Ty82: old type82 zero obs

    Data that used to be contained in these VM tables can now be found in the
    VMINTRV table.

    Data that used to be contained in these NDM tables can now be found in
    other XND tables. See MXG Change 22.133 for details.

    As its label and description suggested, this specific type of TYPE 82
    SMF data is out-dated and has now been retired.

 2) The following tables have been added to the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NDTSCPU     INTERVAL    WIN NT - dts cpu
        NDTSLOG     INTERVAL    WIN NT - dts logicalprocessor
        NIASACP     INTERVAL    WIN NT - accounting proxy
        NIASAUT     INTERVAL    WIN NT - authentication proxy
        NMSXAS      INTERVAL    WIN NT - exchg activesyncnotifyomapush
        NMSXDC      INTERVAL    WIN NT - exchg dsaccess domain cntrlr
        NMSXGC      INTERVAL    WIN NT - exchg dsaccess global counts
        NMXFS       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchange transprt filter sink
        NMXIM       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangeim
        NNTDB2A     INTERVAL    WIN NT - db2 applications
        NNTDB2D     INTERVAL    WIN NT - db2 databases
        NOUTLOO     INTERVAL    WIN NT - outlook
        NRSVPIN     INTERVAL    WIN NT - rsvp interfaces
        NRSVPSE     INTERVAL    WIN NT - rsvp service
        NSMMSE      INTERVAL    WIN NT - s,ms smsmse 4.5
        NSTRSRJ     INTERVAL    WIN NT - microstrategy server jobs
        NSTRSRU     INTERVAL    WIN NT - microstrategy server users
        VAPLCMS     INTERVAL    VM - cms multitasking
        VAPLSLM     INTERVAL    VM - linux memory
        VAPLSLN     INTERVAL    VM - linux networking
        VAPLSLP     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor summary
        VAPLSL0     INTERVAL    VM - linux processor detail
        VAPLTCA     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP cpu
        VAPLTCB     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ccb
        VAPLTCC     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP tree size
        VAPLTCD     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP home
        VAPLTCE     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ipv6 home
        VAPLTCY     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb process/device
        VAPLTC1     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb open
        VAPLTC2     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP tcb close
        VAPLTC3     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool limit
        VAPLTC4     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP pool size
        VAPLTC5     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP lcb link
        VAPLTC6     EVENT       VM - TCP/IP ucb open
        VAPLTC7     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP ucb close
        VAPLTC8     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP link definition
        VAPLTC9     INTERVAL    VM - TCP/IP acb
        VAPLVMR     EVENT       VM - vmrm workloads
        VIODQDA     INTERVAL    VM - activate qdio device
        VIODQDD     INTERVAL    VM - qdio deactivate
        VIODQDS     INTERVAL    VM - qdio activity
        VIODSZI     INTERVAL    VM - scsi device activity
        VIODVSF     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch failover
        VIODVSR     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch recovery
        VIODVSW     INTERVAL    VM - virtual switch activity
        VMTRCCC     EVENT       VM - cpu capability change
        VMTRQDC     EVENT       VM - qdio device config
        VPRCIOP     INTERVAL    VM - iop utilization
        VSCLIOP     INTERVAL    VM - i/o priority changes
        XCIPIR      INTERVAL    CICS pipeline resource stats
        XCIPIW      INTERVAL    CICS webservice resource stats
        XCIWBG      INTERVAL    CICS urimaps global
        XCIWBR      INTERVAL    CICS urimaps resource
        XNM2200     EVENT       NETM22: event/view statistics record
        XNM3000     EVENT       NETM30: resource/service view record
        XNM5000     EVENT       NETM50: performance record
        XSTVS30     EVENT       STC VSM 30
        XTMBACT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbact
        XTMBAFF     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbaff
        XTMBBND     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbbnd
        XTMBDEA     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbdea
        XTMBLL1     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll1
        XTMBLL2     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll2
        XTMBLL3     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll3
        XTMBLL4     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll4
        XTMBLL5     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll5
        XTMBLL6     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll6
        XTMBLL7     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll7
        XTMBLL8     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll8
        XTMBLL9     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbll9
        XTMBL10     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl10
        XTMBL11     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl11
        XTMBL12     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl12
        XTMBL13     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl13
        XTMBL14     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl14
        XTMBL15     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl15
        XTMBL16     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl16
        XTMBL17     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl17
        XTMBL18     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl18
        XTMBL19     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl19
        XTMBL20     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl20
        XTMBL21     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl21
        XTMBL22     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl22
        XTMBL23     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl23
        XTMBL24     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbl24
        XTMBVOL     EVENT       TPMX instances: jbvol
        XTMCAFT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jcaft
        XTMCBFR     EVENT       TPMX instances: jcbfr
        XTMLIMT     EVENT       TPMX instances: jlimt
        XTMLLIM     EVENT       TPMX instances: jllim
        XTMVVOL     EVENT       TPMX instances: jvvol
        XTPFMQC     EVENT       TPF - mq series channel information
        XTPFMQQ     EVENT       TPF - mq series queue information
        XTYHMFP     EVENT       HMF ultranet snmp enf statistics
        XTYHMFQ     EVENT       HMF ultranet snmp transport
        XTYHMFS     EVENT       HMF ultranet snmp decompress
        XTYSTAT     INTERVAL    MXG tape exit monitor stats
        XTY748      INTERVAL    RMF ess link statistics
        XTY748A     INTERVAL    RMF ess rank array data
        XTY748R     INTERVAL    RMF ess rank statistics data
        XTY748X     INTERVAL    RMF ess extent pool statistics
        XTY8000     EVENT       RACF event 00 undocumented
        XTY8028     EVENT       RACF event 28 directory search
        XTY8029     EVENT       RACF event 29 check access to dir
        XTY8030     EVENT       RACF event 30 check access to file
        XTY8032     EVENT       RACF event 32 change directory
        XTY8033     EVENT       RACF event 33 change file mode
        XTY8034     EVENT       RACF event 34 file ownerahip
        XTY8038     EVENT       RACF event 38 init of process
        XTY8039     EVENT       RACF event 39 term of process
        XTY8042     EVENT       RACF event 42 make directory
        XTY8043     EVENT       RACF event 43 make node
        XTY8044     EVENT       RACF event 44 mount file system
        XTY8045     EVENT       RACF event 45 open new file
        XTY8048     EVENT       RACF event 48 remove directory
        XTY8050     EVENT       RACF event 50 set effective uid
        XTY8054     EVENT       RACF event 54 unlink
        XTY8055     EVENT       RACF event 55 unmount file system
        XTY8057     EVENT       RACF event 57 check privilege
        XTY8061     EVENT       RACF event 61 ipcget
        XTY8062     EVENT       RACF event 62 ipcctl
        XTY8064     EVENT       RACF event 64 chkown2
        XTY8066     EVENT       RACF event 66 racdcert
        XTY8214     EVENT       CRYPTO clear master key entry
        XTY8215     EVENT       CRYPTO retained key create/delete
        XTY8216     EVENT       CRYPTO csfpci calls by tke
        XTY8217     EVENT       CRYPTO interval timing/usage
        XTY8218     EVENT       CRYPTO online or offline configuration
        XTY8219     EVENT       CRYPTO begin/end pci-x-cc operation
        XTY99_3     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 3 srvclass period
        XTY994I     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 4 device cluster
        XTY998L     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 8 lpar
        XTY998P     EVENT       OS/390 type 99 subtype 8 priority table

 3) The following tables have had their labels and descriptions changed:

        Table                   Description

        NWSRMPP     INTERVAL    WIN NT -  process
                    changed to  WIN NT - process

 4) The following tables have had variable changes (variables added,
    deleted, or modified) in the supplied data dictionary:

        Table       Table Type  Description

        NDATABA     INTERVAL    WIN NT database
        NDB2        INTERVAL    WIN NT db2 database manager
        NEPOXY      INTERVAL    WIN NT - epoxy
        NMSXIS      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange info store
        NMSXPU      INTERVAL    WIN NT ms exchange info store public
        NMXAL       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangeal
        NMXOC       INTERVAL    WIN NT - msexchangedsaccess processes
        NTCNFIG     EVENT       WIN NT SMF configuration
        VAPLSRV     INTERVAL    VM Application Data (MXG)
        VBYUSR      INTERVAL    VM User Data (MXG)
        VDEVTOT     INTERVAL    VM Device Data (MXG)
        VIODDEV     INTERVAL    VM Device Activity
        VIODDTD     INTERVAL    VM Detach Device
        VIODMOF     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Set subchan measure off
        VIODSTC     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - State change
        VIODVOF     EVENT       VM Vary Off Device
        VIODVON     INTERVAL    VM Vary On Device
        VMINTRV     INTERVAL    VM Interval Data (consolidated by MXG)
        VMTRDEV     EVENT       VM Device Configuration Data
        VMTRMEM     EVENT       VM Memory Configuration Data
        VMTRPAG     EVENT       VM Paging Configuration Data
        VMTRSYS     EVENT       VM System Configuration Data
        VSCLADL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Dispatch List
        VSCLAEL     INTERVAL    VM Add User To Eligible List
        VSCLDDL     INTERVAL    VM Drop User From Dispatch List
        VSTOASC     INTERVAL    VM Address Space Created
        VSTOASP     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Storage Management
        VSTOASS     INTERVAL    VM Auxiliary Shared Storage Management
        VSTOATC     INTERVAL    VM Page/Spool Area of a CP Volume
        VSUMIOD     INTERVAL    VM Summarized Device Activity (MXG)
        VSYTCUG     INTERVAL    VM Logical CPU Utilization Data (Global)
        VSYTCUP     INTERVAL    VM CPU Util. Data (Logical Partition)
        VSYTEPM     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - Extended channel measure
        VSYTRSG     INTERVAL    VM Real Storage Data (Global)
        VSYTSCG     INTERVAL    VM Scheduler Activity (Global)
        VSYTSYG     INTERVAL    VM/ESA - System data global
        VSYTUSR     INTERVAL    VM User Data
        VSYTXSG     INTERVAL    VM Expanded Storage Data (Global)
        VUSEATE     INTERVAL    VM User Activity Data at Transaction End
        VUSEITE     INTERVAL    VM User Interaction at Transaction End
        VUSELOF     INTERVAL    VM User Logoff Data
        VUSELON     INTERVAL    VM User Logon
        XASMCEC     INTERVAL    LPAR CEC level LPAR details
        XASMTAP     EVENT       MXG tape monitor summary analysis
        XASM70L     INTERVAL    LPAR summarized detail
        XASM70P     INTERVAL    LPAR RMF interval data
        XBETA0      EVENT       BETA 93 input of lists
        XBETA1      EVENT       BETA 93 output of lists
        XBETA20     EVENT       BETA 93 browse/print of list/report
        XBETA41     EVENT       BETA 93 reload of a list
        XBETA5      EVENT       BETA 93 action performed against list
        XCICINT     INTERVAL    CICS interval statistics
        XCICSUM     INTERVAL    CICS transactions - hourly summary
        XCIDS       INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher statistics
        XCIEXCE     INTERVAL    CICS exceptions
        XCIONSR     INTERVAL    CICS ISC/IRC system entry
        XCIRDFI     EVENT       CICS resource file detail
        XCISPOO     INTERVAL    CICS dispatcher tcb pools
        XCITRAN     EVENT       CICS transactions
        XDBACCT     EVENT       DB2 accounting
        XDBCCTP     EVENT       DB2 accounting-packages/dbrm
        XDBSTA0     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 0)
        XDBSTA1     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics (subtype 1)
        XDBTATS     INTERVAL    DB2 interval statistics: summary
        XDB2A       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - summarised to hour
        XDB2B       INTERVAL    DB2 accounting - buf pool hourly summary
        XDCDSET     EVENT       DCOLLECT active data set information
        XEDSARE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm action record
        XEDSDRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm data set information
        XEDSKRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm vital record specification
        XEDSORE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm owner information
        XEDSOVO     EVENT       DFSMSrmm owner owned volume list
        XEDSPRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm software product record
        XEDSPVO     EVENT       DFSMSrmm software product volume record
        XEDSRRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm library shelf location
        XEDSSEC     EVENT       DFSMSrmm security record
        XEDSSRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm storage location shelf location
        XEDSVRE     EVENT       DFSMSrmm volume information
        XHSM        INTERVAL    HSM fsr statistics - hourly summary
        XICBGCH     INTERVAL    Iceberg channel interface statistics
        XICB8SN     EVENT       Iceberg 08 snapshot - snapped extent
        XJOBS       EVENT       Completed jobs
        XJOBSKD     INTERVAL    Job scheduling class summary
        XMQACCT     EVENT       MQM accounting statistics
        XMQACTQ     EVENT       MQM task queue accounting
        XMQQUEU     EVENT       MQM queue detail
        XNDMFA      EVENT       NDM subtype fa
        XNDMFI      EVENT       NDM subtype fi
        XNDMGO      EVENT       NDM subtypes go if nl
        XNDMPI      EVENT       NDM subtypes pq tq
        XNDMSD      EVENT       NDM subtype sd
        XNDMSY      EVENT       NDM subtype sy
        XNDMTP      EVENT       NDM subtype tp
        XNJPURG     EVENT       JES2 NJE purge information
        XNPVSUM     INTERVAL    NPM netware server volume summary
        XNSNCP      INTERVAL    NetSpy - NCP resource entry
        XNSTCP      INTERVAL    Netspy - tcp connections
        XNSTCPS     INTERVAL    Netspy - tcp stack
        XOVEXCE     EVENT       OMEGAMON for VTAM exceptions
        XPRINT      EVENT       Print events
        XPRINTR     INTERVAL    Printer utilisation
        XQACONF     EVENT       AS400 - system configuration data
        XQADISK     INTERVAL    AS400 - disk storage data
        XQAIFC      EVENT       AS400 - ifc
        XQAJOBL     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQAJOBM     INTERVAL    AS400 - job data
        XQASYSC     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XQASYST     INTERVAL    AS400 - system performance data
        XQATCP      EVENT       AS400 - tcp
        XRMFINT     INTERVAL    Combined RMF interval data
        XSMFINT     INTERVAL    SMF interval accounting
        XSPNJOB     EVENT       Incomplete (spun) jobs
        XSTEPS      EVENT       Completed jobs steps
        XSUMPRT     INTERVAL    Printer utilisation
        XTCCSUM     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 1.3+ - hourly summary
        XTCSUM      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON <1.3 - hourly summary
        XTC2CMX     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - cmx segment
        XTC2IDS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - ids segment
        XTC2IWT     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - iwt segment
        XTC2PA      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pa-transaction
        XTC2PI      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - pi-interval
        XTC2SUM     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - hourly summary
        XTC2SYS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - file interval
        XTC2TJ      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - java data
        XTC2TKP     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tkp dispatcher
        XTC2TOS     INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - tos sockets
        XTC2TR      INTERVAL    Landmark CICS MON 2 - region interval
        XTC2TSK     EVENT       Landmark CICS MON 2 - transactions
        XTMDDBR     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail - resource
        XTMDDB2     EVENT       TMON for DB2 thread detail
        XTPALOC     INTERVAL    MXG tape allocations - hourly summary
        XTPFINT     INTERVAL    TPF - interval statistics
        XTPMNTS     INTERVAL    MXG tape monitor mount summary
        XTYHMFT     EVENT       HMF cnt2 compression entry
        XTYHMFU     EVENT       HMF cnt2 ifentry
        XTYHMFV     EVENT       HMF sysgroup/cnt2sys hdw
        XTYTARC     EVENT       MXG tape monitor allocation recovery
        XTYTCPC     EVENT       IBM TCP/IP ftp client
        XTYTCPF     EVENT       IBM TCP/IP ftp server
        XTYTMNT     EVENT       MXG tape monitor mount event
        XTYTPMX     EVENT       Thruput manager job analyzer - extended
        XTY1415     EVENT       Non-VSAM data set activity
        XTY22_A     EVENT       3990 storage control configuration
        XTY26J3     EVENT       JES3 purge information
        XTY30_V     EVENT       Job/TSO interval accounting
        XTY30_4     EVENT       Job/TSO step/program termination
        XTY30_5     EVENT       Job/TSO termination
        XTY30_6     EVENT       System address space data
        XTY30MR     EVENT       Multi-system remote enclave cpu
        XTY30TD     EVENT       Type 30 tape devices
        XTY57J2     EVENT       JES2 network transmission
        XTY6        EVENT       Output writer
        XTY6ENH     EVENT       Enhanced output writer (thruput)
        XTY70       INTERVAL    RMF CPU activity and address space stats
        XTY70PR     INTERVAL    RMF PR/SM statistics
        XTY71       INTERVAL    RMF paging and swapping activity
        XTY72DL     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode delay states
        XTY72GO     INTERVAL    RMF goal mode period resources
        XTY73       INTERVAL    RMF channel path activity
        XTY74CA     INTERVAL    RMF Cache Reporter - cache controllers
        XTY747P     INTERVAL    RMF FCD Global, Switch, and Port data
        XTY77       INTERVAL    RMF system enqueue data
        XTY78CF     INTERVAL    RMF device configuration data
        XTY78CU     INTERVAL    RMF LCU queuing statistics
        XTY78IO     INTERVAL    RMF I/O queueing
        XTY78SP     INTERVAL    RMF virtual storage private area subpool
        XTY79E      INTERVAL    RMF mon II ES9000 I/O queueing
        XTY79EF     INTERVAL    RMF mon II ES9000 I/O config
        XTY791      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space state data
        XTY792      INTERVAL    RMF mon II address space resource data
        XTY8X24     EVENT       RACF event 24 setropts extra type 21-s
        XTY8001     EVENT       RACF event 01 JOB init or TSO logon
        XTY8002     EVENT       RACF event 02 resource access
        XTY8003     EVENT       RACF event 03 end of volume
        XTY8004     EVENT       RACF event 04 rename data set
        XTY8005     EVENT       RACF event 05 scratch data set or tape
        XTY8006     EVENT       RACF event 06 delete vol1 of multi-vol
        XTY8007     EVENT       RACF event 07 define data set of tape
        XTY8008     EVENT       RACF event 08 addsd command
        XTY8009     EVENT       RACF event 09 addgroup command
        XTY8010     EVENT       RACF event 10 adduser command
        XTY8011     EVENT       RACF event 11 adduser command
        XTY8012     EVENT       RACF event 12 altgroup command
        XTY8013     EVENT       RACF event 13 altuser command
        XTY8014     EVENT       RACF event 14 connect command
        XTY8015     EVENT       RACF event 15 deldsd command
        XTY8016     EVENT       RACF event 16 delgroup command
        XTY8017     EVENT       RACF event 17 deluser command
        XTY8018     EVENT       RACF event 18 deluser command
        XTY8019     EVENT       RACF event 19 permit command
        XTY8020     EVENT       RACF event 20 ralter command
        XTY8021     EVENT       RACF event 21 rdefine command
        XTY8022     EVENT       RACF event 22 rdelete command
        XTY8023     EVENT       RACF event 23 remove command
        XTY8024     EVENT       RACF event 24 setropts
        XTY8025     EVENT       RACF event 25 rvary command
        XTY8026     EVENT       RACF event 26 appclu session establish
        XTY8027     EVENT       RACF event 27 general audit
        XTY8059     EVENT       RACF event 59 raclink
        XTY892      INTERVAL    Measured usage state interval
        XTY90       EVENT       MVS operator command issued
        XTY9024     EVENT       Operator cmd: vary wlm service policy
        XTY94       INTERVAL    IBM tape library dataserver stats
        XTY9421     INTERVAL    IBM tape library volume pool detail
        XUOW        EVENT       CICS/DB2 combined resource summary
        XWSEVTP     EVENT       WSF2 EVT printer accounting record

Supplied variable changes

  1) The following 9 variables have been added to table NDATABA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBORDRT   I/o database reads/sec                   RATE
       DBOWRRT   I/o database writes/sec                  RATE
       IOBRDRT   I/o database reads per sec               RATE
       IOBWRRT   I/o database writes per sec              RATE
       IOGRDRT   I/o log reads per sec                    RATE
       IOGWRRT   I/o log writes per sec                   RATE
       LGORDRT   I/o log reads/sec                        RATE
       LGOWRRT   I/o log writes/sec                       RATE
       LOGECKD   Log generation checkpoint depth          COUNT

  2) The following 13 variables have been added to table NDB2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DBMAAFP   Agents assigned from pool                COUNT
       DBMACEP   Agents created due to empty agent pool   COUNT
       DBMACON   Attempted connections for db2 connect    COUNT
       DBMCCON   Current connections for db2 connect      GAUGE
       DBMCWCS   Conns waiting for client to send request COUNT
       DBMCWHR   Conns waiting for host to reply          COUNT
       DBMDCPS   Drda connection pool switch connections  COUNT
       DBMHJTH   Hash join threshold                      COUNT
       DBMIDRA   Inactive drda agents                     COUNT
       DBMMXAO   Max agents overflows                     MAXIMUM
       DBMMXCA   Maximum coordinating agents              MAXIMUM
       DBMNODS   Nodes                                    COUNT
       DBMSTAG   Stolen agents                            COUNT

  3) The following 2 variables have been added to table NEPOXY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXYBYAL   Bytes allocated                          COUNT
       EXYSGAL   Segments allocated                       COUNT

  4) The following 64 variables have been added to table NMSXIS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       MSISAUF   Acl upgrade failures                     COUNT
       MSISCRA   Client rpcs attempted                    COUNT
       MSISCRF   Client rpcs failed                       COUNT
       MSISCRS   Client rpcs succeeded                    COUNT
       MSISEME   Exchmem  memory errors                   COUNT
       MSSAUCU   Acl upgrade completed upgrades           COUNT
       MSSAUHR   Acl upgrade hits in upgrade retrylist    COUNT
       MSSAUPU   Acl upgrade partial upgrades             COUNT
       MSSAUTA   Acl upgrade times attempted              COUNT
       MSSCBFR   Client background rpcs failed/sec        RATE
       MSSCBRF   Client background rpcs failed            COUNT
       MSSCBRS   Client background rpcs succeeded         COUNT
       MSSCBSR   Client background rpcs succeeded/sec     RATE
       MSSCFFR   Client foreground rpcs failed/sec        RATE
       MSSCFRF   Client foreground rpcs failed            COUNT
       MSSCFRS   Client foreground rpcs succeeded         COUNT
       MSSCFSR   Client foreground rpcs succeeded/sec     RATE
       MSSCL0S   Client latency > 10 sec rpcs             COUNT
       MSSCL2S   Client latency > 2 sec rpcs              COUNT
       MSSCL5S   Client latency > 5 sec rpcs              COUNT
       MSSCRAR   Client rpcs attempted/sec                RATE
       MSSCRFB   Client rpcs failed server too busy       COUNT
       MSSCRFC   Client rpcs failed call cancelled        COUNT
       MSSCRFD   Client rpcs failed access denied         COUNT
       MSSCRFF   Client rpcs failed call failed           COUNT
       MSSCRFO   Client rpcs failed all other errors      COUNT
       MSSCRFR   Client rpcs failed/sec                   RATE
       MSSCRFU   Client rpcs failed server unavailable    COUNT
       MSSCRSR   Client rpcs succeeded/sec                RATE
       MSSCTRL   Client total reported latency            COUNT
       MSSDMCE   Dl membership cache entries count        COUNT
       MSSDMCH   Dl membership cache hits                 COUNT
       MSSDMCM   Dl membership cache misses               COUNT
       MSSDMCS   Dl membership cache size                 GAUGE
       MSSECBA   Exchmem current bytes allocated          GAUGE
       MSSECVA   Exchmem current  virtual allocations     GAUGE
       MSSECVB   Exchmem current virtual bytes allocated  GAUGE
       MSSEHME   Exchmem heaps with memory errors         COUNT
       MSSEMBA   Exchmem maximum bytes allocated          MAXIMUM
       MSSEMVB   Exchmem maximum virtual bytes allocated  MAXIMUM
       MSSETVA   Exchmem total  virtual allocations       COUNT
       MSSEXAH   Exchmem  additional heaps                COUNT
       MSSEXHE   Exchmem  heaps                           COUNT
       MSSODAB   Oab full download attempts blocked       COUNT
       MSSODDA   Oab differential download attempts       COUNT
       MSSODDB   Oab differential download bytes          COUNT
       MSSODDR   Oab differential download bytes/sec      RATE
       MSSOFDA   Oab full download attempts               COUNT
       MSSOFDB   Oab full download bytes                  COUNT
       MSSOFDR   Oab full download bytes/sec              RATE
       MSSRCBR   Rpc clients bytes read                   COUNT
       MSSRCBW   Rpc clients bytes written                COUNT
       MSSRFBR   Client rpcs failed server too busy/sec   RATE
       MSSRFCR   Client rpcs failed call cancelled/sec    RATE
       MSSRFDR   Client rpcs failed access denied/sec     RATE
       MSSRFFR   Client rpcs failed call failed/sec       RATE
       MSSRFOR   Client rpcs failed all other errors/sec  RATE
       MSSRFUR   Client rpcs failed server unavail/sec    RATE
       MSSRUBR   Rpc clients uncompressed bytes read      COUNT
       MSSRUBW   Rpc clients uncompressed bytes written   COUNT
       MSSSQPT   Slow qp threads                          COUNT
       MSSSSTH   Slow search threads                      COUNT
       VSEDECN   Virus scan messages deleted              COUNT
       VSEDERT   Virus scan messages deleted/sec          RATE

  5) The following 6 variables have been added to table NMSXPU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOLDLRT   Local delivery rate                      RATE
       LOLDLVY   Local deliveries                         COUNT
       RVHITRT   Restricted view cache hit rate           RATE
       RVMISRT   Restricted view cache miss rate          RATE
       SETSKRT   Search task rate                         RATE
       SLFNDRT   Slow findrow rate                        RATE

  6) The following variable has been added to table NMXAL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LDPMORC   Ldap modify calls/sec                    RATE

  7) The following 3 variables have been added to table NMXOC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LDPRCRT   Ldap read calls per sec                  RATE
       LDPSERT   Ldap search calls/sec                    RATE
       PID       Process id                               INT

  8) The following variable has had its informat changed in table

       MEMINBX   changed from  16.2      to  16.

  9) The following 58 variables have been added to table VAPLSRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BFAPCAT   Bytefile zapcat requests                 COUNT
       BFBRLWA   Bytefile byterange lock waits            COUNT
       BFCCESS   Bytefile ckfile accessibility requests   COUNT
       BFCHMOD   Bytefile change mode requests            COUNT
       BFCHOWN   Bytefile change owner requests           COUNT
       BFCLOSE   Bytefile close file requests             COUNT
       BFEADDI   Bytefile read directory requests         COUNT
       BFEADLI   Bytefile read link contents req          COUNT
       BFEGFCL   Bytefile unlink file cleanup req         COUNT
       BFENAME   Bytefile rename requests                 COUNT
       BFIACES   Bytefile pipe access requests            COUNT
       BFIAUDT   Bytefile change audit requests           COUNT
       BFICANC   Bytefile cancel requests                 COUNT
       BFICLOS   Bytefile pipe close requests             COUNT
       BFIOOWR   Bytefile pipeopen write requests         COUNT
       BFIPORD   Bytefile pipeopen read requests          COUNT
       BFIREAD   Bytefile pipe read requests              COUNT
       BFISTAT   Bytefile pipe status requests            COUNT
       BFIUTIM   Bytefile pipe utime requests             COUNT
       BFIWRIT   Bytefile pipe write requests             COUNT
       BFKBLKS   Bytefile create block special            COUNT
       BFKCHAR   Bytefile create char special             COUNT
       BFKEXTL   Bytefile create external link            COUNT
       BFKFIFO   Bytefile create named pipe reqs          COUNT
       BFKREGF   Bytefile create regular file req         COUNT
       BFKSYML   Bytefile create symbolic link            COUNT
       BFLINK    Bytefile create link requests            COUNT
       BFLOCKE   Bytefile logical lock exceeds            COUNT
       BFLOCKR   Bytefile logical lock retries            COUNT
       BFLOSDI   Bytefile close directory requests        COUNT
       BFMKCAT   Bytefile makecat requests                COUNT
       BFMKDIR   Bytefile create directory reqs           COUNT
       BFNLINK   Bytefile unlink requests                 COUNT
       BFNLOCK   Bytefile unlock byte requests            COUNT
       BFOCKBY   Bytefile lock byte requests              COUNT
       BFOKRET   Bytefile token return requests           COUNT
       BFOOKUP   Bytefile lookup requests                 COUNT
       BFPENDI   Bytefile open directory requests         COUNT
       BFPENIR   Bytefile openfile intent readreq         COUNT
       BFPENIW   Bytefile openfile intent writreq         COUNT
       BFPENRR   Bytefile openfile read requests          COUNT
       BFPENWR   Bytefile openfile write requests         COUNT
       BFREAD    Bytefile read file requests              COUNT
       BFRMDIR   Bytefile remove directory reqs           COUNT
       BFSLOCK   Bytefile test locked bytes req           COUNT
       BFUTIME   Bytefile change access/mod reqs          COUNT
       BFWRITE   Bytefile write file requests.            COUNT
       DODLOCK   Bytefile dir create/delete confl         COUNT
       FSECLAI   Virtual storage reclaim value            COUNT
       FSEOPEN   Create migrated file                     COUNT
       GLBCBWT   Bytefile callback wait time              TIME
       NATLOCK   Bytefile namecat unall conflicts         COUNT
       OIBLOCK   Bytefile token manager conflict          COUNT
       OIGLOCK   Bytefile global storage conflict         COUNT
       OILLOCK   Bytefile file logical lock confl         COUNT
       TOCBREQ   Bytefile token callback requestr         COUNT
       TOCBTOR   Bytefile token callback timeout          COUNT
       TOCONFL   Bytefile token conflict callback         COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table VAPLSRV:

       SFECLAI   Virtual storage reclaim value            COUNT

 10) The following 16 variables have been added to table VBYUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE
       IPDSKIP   Times dasd i/o req out-prioritied        COUNT
       IPQEFHI   I/o priority effective range hi          INT
       IPQEFLO   I/o priority effective range lo          INT
       IPQFO     I/o priority flag byte                   HEXFLAGS
       IPQRQHI   I/o priority request range hi            INT
       IPQRQLO   I/o priority request range lo            INT
       VEALERT   Alert interrupts                         COUNT
       VEHDWAI   Adapter via sie interrupts               COUNT
       VESVSCT   Guest svs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VETPIAI   Adapter via tpi interrupts               COUNT
       VETVSCT   Guest tvs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VEVIRAI   Adapter via cp interrupts                COUNT
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 11) The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVCONMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDATMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDISMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVPNDMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3

 12) The following 5 variables have been added to table VIODDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EDVTYPE   Edev emulation type                      HEXFLAGS
       SCDBTIM   Scm device busy time                     TIME
       SCGSSCH   Scm ssch and rsch count                  COUNT
       SCIRTIM   Scm cmr time                             TIME
       SGCOUNT   Scm sample count                         COUNT

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVCONMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDATMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDISMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVPNDMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3

 13) The following variable has been added to table VIODDTD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 14) The following 4 variables have been added to table VIODMOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SCDBTIM   Scm device busy time                     TIME
       SCGSSCH   Scm ssch and rsch count                  COUNT
       SCIRTIM   Scm cmr time                             TIME
       SGCOUNT   Scm sample count                         COUNT

 15) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table VIODSTC:

       RDVPVFG   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       RDVPVFG   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 16) The following variable has been added to table VIODVOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 17) The following 31 variables have been added to table VIODVON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EDVFCP1   Path 1 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP2   Path 2 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP3   Path 3 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP4   Path 4 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP5   Path 5 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP6   Path 6 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP7   Path 7 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP8   Path 8 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVLUN1   Path 1 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN2   Path 2 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN3   Path 3 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN4   Path 4 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN5   Path 5 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN6   Path 6 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN7   Path 7 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN8   Path 8 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVTYPE   Edev emulation type                      HEXFLAGS
       EDVWPN1   Path 1 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN2   Path 2 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN3   Path 3 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN4   Path 4 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN5   Path 5 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN6   Path 6 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN7   Path 7 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN8   Path 8 worldwide port number             STRING
       RDCRCUC   Real cu code                             HEXFLAGS
       RDEVSER   Dasd volume serial                       STRING
       RDOBRCO   Obr code                                 HEXFLAGS
       RDVDEVP   Base pav device number                   HEXFLAGS
       RDVPVFG   Pav flag base/alias                      HEXFLAGS
       RDVSIDP   Base pav host subchannel id              HEXFLAGS

 18) The following 13 variables have been added to table VMINTRV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CATLKCT   Spin requests for trqbk lock             COUNT
       CATLKTM   Spin time on trqbk lock                  TIME
       RS2GDCT   Count deferred tasks wait 2gb            COUNT
       SYIOPHI   I/o priority system maximum              MAXIMUM
       SYIOPLO   I/o priority system minimum              MINIMUM
       SYIOPQH   I/o priority queueing hardware flags     HEXFLAGS
       SYSCGCT   Scgbks currently allocated               COUNT
       TCFSHVM   Fair share cache inserts                 COUNT
       TCMNABV   Track cache size  above 2gb              GAUGE
       TCMNBLW   Track cache size below 2gb               GAUGE
       TCMRDCT   Success reads to mdc records             COUNT
       TCPIN4K   4k aligned pageins xstore to main        COUNT
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following 7 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVCONMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDATMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDISMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVPNDMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       SRWSSD1   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SRWSSD2   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SRWSSD3   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.

 19) The following 28 variables have been added to table VMTRDEV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EDVFCP1   Path 1 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP2   Path 2 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP3   Path 3 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP4   Path 4 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP5   Path 5 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP6   Path 6 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP7   Path 7 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVFCP8   Path 8 fcp device number                 STRING
       EDVLUN1   Path 1 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN2   Path 2 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN3   Path 3 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN4   Path 4 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN5   Path 5 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN6   Path 6 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN7   Path 7 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVLUN8   Path 8 logucal unit number               STRING
       EDVTYPE   Edev emulation type                      HEXFLAGS
       EDVWPN1   Path 1 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN2   Path 2 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN3   Path 3 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN4   Path 4 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN5   Path 5 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN6   Path 6 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN7   Path 7 worldwide port number             STRING
       EDVWPN8   Path 8 worldwide port number             STRING
       RDVDEVP   Base pav device number                   HEXFLAGS
       RDVPVFG   Pav flag base/alias                      HEXFLAGS
       RDVSIDP   Base pav host subchannel id              HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table VMTRDEV:

       RDCRCUC   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS
       RDOBRCO   changed from  STRING    to  HEXFLAGS

     The following 2 variables have had their format changed in table

       RDCRCUC   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.
       RDOBRCO   changed from  _NONE_    to  $HEX2.

 20) The following 7 variables have been added to table VMTRMEM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CASCMAX   Scmbks in contig scmbk area              COUNT
       HCPMMO    Start address resident mp modules        COUNT
       HCPSYS    Start address resicent cp nucleus        COUNT
       RSGSTOR   Actual real storage size                 GAUGE
       SYGTORS   System specified storage size            GAUGE
       SYSCMEX   Extra pages requested for scmbk          COUNT
       SYTRCPP   Pct of master trace for alt cpu          PERCENT100

 21) The following variable has been added to table VMTRPAG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 22) The following 16 variables have been added to table VMTRSYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCAPAB   Cpu capability in the configuration      GAUGE
       CPCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       CPCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       CPDEDCT   Dedicated cpus                           GAUGE
       CPRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       CPSHARD   Shared cpus                              GAUGE
       CPSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       CPUCHAR   Lcpu characteristics                     HEXFLAGS
       LPARCAF   Capability adjustment factor             GAUGE
       LPRNAME   Lpar name                                STRING
       LPUMBER   Lpar number                              INT
       SCCAPAB   Secondary cpu capability in the config   GAUGE
       SYMMODL   Machine model number                     STRING
       SYMSEQC   Sequence code of the configuration       STRING
       SYMTYPE   Machine type number                      STRING
       SYSMPOM   Plant of manufacture                     STRING

 23) The following 4 variables have been added to table VSCLADL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SRMATOD   Artificial tod system                    DATETIME
       SRMAT01   Artificial tod2 user                     DATETIME
       VMDCTPV   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMDMXSH   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM

 24) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSCLAEL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CASHARF   Set share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       SRATOD2   Artificial tod2 user                     DATETIME
       SRMATOD   Artificial tod system                    DATETIME
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 25) The following 6 variables have been added to table VSCLDDL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CASHARF   Set share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       SRATOD2   Artificial tod2 user                     DATETIME
       SRMATOD   Artificial tod system                    DATETIME
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 26) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE

 27) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SCGSSCH   Scm ssch and rsch count                  COUNT

 28) The following variable has been added to table VSTOASS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 29) The following variable has been added to table VSTOATC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RDEVDEV   Device number                            HEXFLAGS

 30) The following variable has been added to table VSUMIOD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following 4 variables have had their format changed in table

       AVCONMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDATMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVDISMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3
       AVPNDMS   changed from  5.1       to  6.3

 31) The following 10 variables have been added to table VSYTCUG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       CPCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       CPDEDCT   Dedicated cpus                           GAUGE
       CPRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       CPSHARD   Shared cpus                              GAUGE
       CPSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       CPUCHAR   Lcpu characteristics                     HEXFLAGS
       LPARCAF   Capability adjustment factor             GAUGE
       LPRNAME   Lpar name                                STRING
       LPUMBER   Lpar number                              INT

 32) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTCUP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCPTYPE   Type of logical processor                STRING
       LCPUPID   User partition upid                      INT

 33) The following 11 variables have been added to table VSYTEPM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CSCMCDP   Data unit bytes times scaling factor     COUNT
       CSCMCDU   Bytes in a data unit                     COUNT
       CSCMCMP   Message unit bytes times scaling factor  COUNT
       CSCMCMS   Bytes in a message unit                  COUNT
       ECMDUSC   Cpc data units sent                      COUNT
       ECMMDUS   Lpar data units sent                     COUNT
       ECMMSNT   Lpar message units sent                  COUNT
       ECMMURB   Lpar unavail receive buffers events      COUNT
       ECMSNTC   Cpc message units sent cpc               COUNT
       ECMUATS   Lpar unsuccessful sends                  COUNT
       ECMURBC   Cpc unavail receive buffer events        COUNT

     The following variable has had its format changed in table

       CSCMCMG   changed from  BEST12.   to  MGVXCMG.

 34) The following 4 variables have been added to table VSYTRSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RS2GDCT   Count deferred tasks wait 2gb            COUNT
       SYSCGCT   Scgbks currently allocated               COUNT
       TCMNABV   Track cache size  above 2gb              GAUGE
       TCMNBLW   Track cache size below 2gb               GAUGE

 35) The following 2 variables have been added to table VSYTSCG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CATLKCT   Spin requests for trqbk lock             COUNT
       CATLKTM   Spin time on trqbk lock                  TIME

     The following 3 variables have had their format changed in table

       SRWSSD1   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SRWSSD2   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.
       SRWSSD3   changed from  BEST12.2  to  MGBYTES.

 36) The following 17 variables have been added to table VSYTSYG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCAPAB   Cpu capability in the configuration      GAUGE
       CPCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       CPCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       CPRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       CPSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       CTABORT   Network aborted fast ccw translate       COUNT
       CTNDONE   Network successful fast ccw translate    COUNT
       CTNOTEL   Network not eligible fast ccw translate  COUNT
       SCCAPAB   Secondary cpu capability in the config   GAUGE
       VLCFGCT   Number of lcpus configured               INT
       VLCOUNT   Number of lcpus provided                 INT
       VLCPNAM   Level-3 vm control program               STRING
       VLMNAME   Name of this level-3 configuration       STRING
       VLRESVD   Number of lcpus reserved                 INT
       VLSTNBY   Number of lcpus standby                  INT
       VL3CAF    Capacility adjustment factor             GAUGE
       VL3DBCT   Vm levels here to hardware               GAUGE

 37) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTUSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SYIOPHI   I/o priority system maximum              MAXIMUM
       SYIOPLO   I/o priority system minimum              MINIMUM
       SYIOPQH   I/o priority queueing hardware flags     HEXFLAGS

 38) The following 3 variables have been added to table VSYTXSG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCFSHVM   Fair share cache inserts                 COUNT
       TCMRDCT   Success reads to mdc records             COUNT
       TCPIN4K   4k aligned pageins xstore to main        COUNT

 39) The following 12 variables have been added to table VUSEATE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE
       CASHARF   Set share flags                          HEXFLAGS
       VEALERT   Alert interrupts                         COUNT
       VEHDWAI   Adapter via sie interrupts               COUNT
       VESVSCT   Guest svs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VETPIAI   Adapter via tpi interrupts               COUNT
       VETVSCT   Guest tvs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VEVIRAI   Adapter via cp interrupts                COUNT
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 40) The following 2 variables have been added to table VUSEDFC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 41) The following 4 variables have been added to table VUSEITE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HFLLIST   Times user was on limit list             COUNT
       HFPGACT   Times page fault not in page wait        COUNT
       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       VMSLCNT   Minor time slice expires                 TIME

 42) The following 11 variables have been added to table VUSELOF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE
       VEALERT   Alert interrupts                         COUNT
       VEHDWAI   Adapter via sie interrupts               COUNT
       VESVSCT   Guest svs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VETPIAI   Adapter via tpi interrupts               COUNT
       VETVSCT   Guest tvs instruction interrupts         COUNT
       VEVIRAI   Adapter via cp interrupts                COUNT
       VMCTPVG   Resident private size above 2gb          GAUGE
       VMMVB2G   Pages moved from above to below 2gb      COUNT
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM
       VMTHRCT   Times delayed throttled device           COUNT

 43) The following 3 variables have been added to table VUSELON:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ASDEFSZ   Defined storage size                     GAUGE
       VMBYVAL   Byuser id logged on to this vm           STRING
       VMMXSHR   Users maximum share                      MAXIMUM

 44) The following 170 variables have been added to table XASMCEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFAACTT   Ifa processor cpu active time            COUNT
       IFAUPTM   Ifa processors up time                   COUNT
       IFAWSTT   Ifa processors wst time                  COUNT
       LPAIFAT   Lpar 10 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPAIFUT   Lpar 10 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPAIFWT   Lpar 10 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPASHRC   Lpar 10 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPASTN    Lpar 10 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPBIFAT   Lpar 11 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPBIFUT   Lpar 11 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPBIFWT   Lpar 11 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPBSHRC   Lpar 11 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPBSTN    Lpar 11 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPCIFAT   Lpar 12 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPCIFUT   Lpar 12 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPCIFWT   Lpar 12 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPCSHRC   Lpar 12 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPCSTN    Lpar 12 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPDIFAT   Lpar 13 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPDIFUT   Lpar 13 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPDIFWT   Lpar 13 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPDSHRC   Lpar 13 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPDSTN    Lpar 13 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPEIFAT   Lpar 14 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPEIFUT   Lpar 14 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPEIFWT   Lpar 14 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPESHRC   Lpar 14 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPESTN    Lpar 14 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPFIFAT   Lpar 15 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPFIFUT   Lpar 15 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPFIFWT   Lpar 15 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPFSHRC   Lpar 15 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPFSTN    Lpar 15 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPGIFAT   Lpar 16 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPGIFUT   Lpar 16 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPGIFWT   Lpar 16 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPGSHRC   Lpar 16 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPGSTN    Lpar 16 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPHIFAT   Lpar 17 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPHIFUT   Lpar 17 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPHIFWT   Lpar 17 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPHSHRC   Lpar 17 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPHSTN    Lpar 17 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPIIFAT   Lpar 18 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPIIFUT   Lpar 18 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPIIFWT   Lpar 18 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPISHRC   Lpar 18 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPISTN    Lpar 18 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPJIFAT   Lpar 19 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPJIFUT   Lpar 19 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPJIFWT   Lpar 19 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPJSHRC   Lpar 19 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPJSTN    Lpar 19 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPKIFAT   Lpar 20 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPKIFUT   Lpar 20 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPKIFWT   Lpar 20 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPKSHRC   Lpar 20 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPKSTN    Lpar 20 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPLIFAT   Lpar 21 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPLIFUT   Lpar 21 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPLIFWT   Lpar 21 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPLSHRC   Lpar 21 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPLSTN    Lpar 21 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPMIFAT   Lpar 22 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPMIFUT   Lpar 22 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPMIFWT   Lpar 22 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPMSHRC   Lpar 22 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPMSTN    Lpar 22 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPNIFAT   Lpar 23 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPNIFUT   Lpar 23 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPNIFWT   Lpar 23 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPNSHRC   Lpar 23 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPNSTN    Lpar 23 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPOIFAT   Lpar 24 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPOIFUT   Lpar 24 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPOIFWT   Lpar 24 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPOSHRC   Lpar 24 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPOSTN    Lpar 24 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPQIFAT   Lpar 25 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPQIFUT   Lpar 25 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPQIFWT   Lpar 25 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPQSHRC   Lpar 25 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPQSTN    Lpar 25 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPRIFAT   Lpar 26 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPRIFUT   Lpar 26 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPRIFWT   Lpar 26 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPRSHRC   Lpar 26 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPRSTN    Lpar 26 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPSIFAT   Lpar 27 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPSIFUT   Lpar 27 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPSIFWT   Lpar 27 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPSSHRC   Lpar 27 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPSSTN    Lpar 27 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPTIFAT   Lpar 28 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPTIFUT   Lpar 28 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPTIFWT   Lpar 28 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPTSHRC   Lpar 28 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPTSTN    Lpar 28 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPUIFAT   Lpar 29 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPUIFUT   Lpar 29 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPUIFWT   Lpar 29 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPUSHRC   Lpar 29 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPUSTN    Lpar 29 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPVIFAT   Lpar 30 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPVIFUT   Lpar 30 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPVIFWT   Lpar 30 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPVSHRC   Lpar 30 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPVSTN    Lpar 30 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPWIFAT   Lpar 31 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPWIFUT   Lpar 31 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPWIFWT   Lpar 31 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPWSHRC   Lpar 31 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPWSTN    Lpar 31 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPXIFAT   Lpar 32 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LPXIFUT   Lpar 32 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPXIFWT   Lpar 32 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPXSHRC   Lpar 32 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPXSTN    Lpar 32 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP0SHRC   Lpar  0 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP0STN    Lpar  0 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP1IFAT   Lpar  1 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP1IFUT   Lpar  1 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP1IFWT   Lpar  1 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP1SHRC   Lpar  1 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP1STN    Lpar  1 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP2IFAT   Lpar  2 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP2IFUT   Lpar  2 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP2IFWT   Lpar  2 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP2SHRC   Lpar  2 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP2STN    Lpar  2 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP3IFAT   Lpar  3 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP3IFUT   Lpar  3 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP3IFWT   Lpar  3 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP3SHRC   Lpar  3 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP3STN    Lpar  3 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP4IFAT   Lpar  4 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP4IFUT   Lpar  4 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP4IFWT   Lpar  4 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP4SHRC   Lpar  4 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP4STN    Lpar  4 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP5IFAT   Lpar  5 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP5IFUT   Lpar  5 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP5IFWT   Lpar  5 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP5SHRC   Lpar  5 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP5STN    Lpar  5 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP6IFAT   Lpar  6 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP6IFUT   Lpar  6 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP6IFWT   Lpar  6 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP6SHRC   Lpar  6 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP6STN    Lpar  6 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP7IFAT   Lpar  7 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP7IFUT   Lpar  7 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP7IFWT   Lpar  7 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP7SHRC   Lpar  7 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP7STN    Lpar  7 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP8IFAT   Lpar  8 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP8IFUT   Lpar  8 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP8IFWT   Lpar  8 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP8SHRC   Lpar  8 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP8STN    Lpar  8 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP9IFAT   Lpar  9 ifa processor cpu active time    TIME
       LP9IFUT   Lpar  9 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP9IFWT   Lpar  9 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP9SHRC   Lpar  9 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP9STN    Lpar  9 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       NRPHYCP   Number of physical segments              GAUGE
       PCIFABY   Pct of cec ifas busy                     PERCENT100
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 45) The following variable has been added to table XASMTAP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 46) The following 9 variables have been added to table XASM70L:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCMSU    Cpc hourly msu hardware capacity         GAUGE
       IFAACTT   Ifa processors cpu active time           TIME
       IFAUPTM   Ifa processors up time                   TIME
       IFAWSTT   Ifa processors wst time                  TIME
       LPSHARC   Lpar share current weight pct            PERCENT100
       NRPHYCP   Number of physical segments              COUNT
       SM70STN   Lpar mvs system name                     STRING
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE

 47) The following 167 variables have been added to table XASM70P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPIFATM   Ifa processor cpu active time            TIME
       LPAIFAT   Lpar 10 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPAIFUT   Lpar 10 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPAIFWT   Lpar 10 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPASHRC   Lpar 10 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPASTN    Lpar 10 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPBIFAT   Lpar 11 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPBIFUT   Lpar 11 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPBIFWT   Lpar 11 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPBSHRC   Lpar 11 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPBSTN    Lpar 11 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPCIFAT   Lpar 12 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPCIFUT   Lpar 12 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPCIFWT   Lpar 12 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPCSHRC   Lpar 12 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPCSTN    Lpar 12 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPDIFAT   Lpar 13 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPDIFUT   Lpar 13 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPDIFWT   Lpar 13 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPDSHRC   Lpar 13 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPDSTN    Lpar 13 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPEIFAT   Lpar 14 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPEIFUT   Lpar 14 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPEIFWT   Lpar 14 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPESHRC   Lpar 14 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPESTN    Lpar 14 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPFIFAT   Lpar 15 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPFIFUT   Lpar 15 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPFIFWT   Lpar 15 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPFSHRC   Lpar 15 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPFSTN    Lpar 15 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPGIFAT   Lpar 16 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPGIFUT   Lpar 16 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPGIFWT   Lpar 16 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPGSHRC   Lpar 16 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPGSTN    Lpar 16 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPHIFAT   Lpar 17 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPHIFUT   Lpar 17 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPHIFWT   Lpar 17 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPHSHRC   Lpar 17 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPHSTN    Lpar 17 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPIIFAT   Lpar 18 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPIIFUT   Lpar 18 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPIIFWT   Lpar 18 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPISHRC   Lpar 18 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPISTN    Lpar 18 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPJIFAT   Lpar 19 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPJIFUT   Lpar 19 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPJIFWT   Lpar 19 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPJSHRC   Lpar 19 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPJSTN    Lpar 19 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPKIFAT   Lpar 20 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPKIFUT   Lpar 20 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPKIFWT   Lpar 20 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPKSHRC   Lpar 20 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPKSTN    Lpar 20 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPLIFAT   Lpar 21 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPLIFUT   Lpar 21 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPLIFWT   Lpar 21 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPLSHRC   Lpar 21 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPLSTN    Lpar 21 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPMIFAT   Lpar 22 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPMIFUT   Lpar 22 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPMIFWT   Lpar 22 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPMSHRC   Lpar 22 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPMSTN    Lpar 22 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPNIFAT   Lpar 23 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPNIFUT   Lpar 23 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPNIFWT   Lpar 23 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPNSHRC   Lpar 23 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPNSTN    Lpar 23 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPOIFAT   Lpar 24 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPOIFUT   Lpar 24 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPOIFWT   Lpar 24 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPOSHRC   Lpar 24 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPOSTN    Lpar 24 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPQIFAT   Lpar 25 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPQIFUT   Lpar 25 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPQIFWT   Lpar 25 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPQSHRC   Lpar 25 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPQSTN    Lpar 25 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPRIFAT   Lpar 26 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPRIFUT   Lpar 26 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPRIFWT   Lpar 26 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPRSHRC   Lpar 26 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPRSTN    Lpar 26 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPSIFAT   Lpar 27 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPSIFUT   Lpar 27 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPSIFWT   Lpar 27 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPSSHRC   Lpar 27 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPSSTN    Lpar 27 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPTIFAT   Lpar 28 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPTIFUT   Lpar 28 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPTIFWT   Lpar 28 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPTSHRC   Lpar 28 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPTSTN    Lpar 28 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPUIFAT   Lpar 29 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPUIFUT   Lpar 29 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPUIFWT   Lpar 29 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPUSHRC   Lpar 29 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPUSTN    Lpar 29 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPVIFAT   Lpar 30 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPVIFUT   Lpar 30 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPVIFWT   Lpar 30 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPVSHRC   Lpar 30 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPVSTN    Lpar 30 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPWIFAT   Lpar 31 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPWIFUT   Lpar 31 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPWIFWT   Lpar 31 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPWSHRC   Lpar 31 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPWSTN    Lpar 31 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LPXIFAT   Lpar 32 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LPXIFUT   Lpar 32 ifa up time                      TIME
       LPXIFWT   Lpar 32 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LPXSHRC   Lpar 32 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LPXSTN    Lpar 32 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP0SHRC   Lpar  0 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP0STN    Lpar  0 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP1IFAT   Lpar  1 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP1IFUT   Lpar  1 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP1IFWT   Lpar  1 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP1SHRC   Lpar  1 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP1STN    Lpar  1 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP2IFAT   Lpar  2 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP2IFUT   Lpar  2 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP2IFWT   Lpar  2 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP2SHRC   Lpar  2 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP2STN    Lpar  2 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP3IFAT   Lpar  3 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP3IFUT   Lpar  3 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP3IFWT   Lpar  3 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP3SHRC   Lpar  3 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP3STN    Lpar  3 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP4IFAT   Lpar  4 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP4IFUT   Lpar  4 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP4IFWT   Lpar  4 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP4SHRC   Lpar  4 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP4STN    Lpar  4 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP5IFAT   Lpar  5 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP5IFUT   Lpar  5 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP5IFWT   Lpar  5 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP5SHRC   Lpar  5 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP5STN    Lpar  5 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP6IFAT   Lpar  6 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP6IFUT   Lpar  6 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP6IFWT   Lpar  6 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP6SHRC   Lpar  6 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP6STN    Lpar  6 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP7IFAT   Lpar  7 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP7IFUT   Lpar  7 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP7IFWT   Lpar  7 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP7SHRC   Lpar  7 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP7STN    Lpar  7 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP8IFAT   Lpar  8 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP8IFUT   Lpar  8 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP8IFWT   Lpar  8 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP8SHRC   Lpar  8 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP8STN    Lpar  8 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       LP9IFAT   Lpar  9 ifa dispatch time                TIME
       LP9IFUT   Lpar  9 ifa up time                      TIME
       LP9IFWT   Lpar  9 ifa wst time                     TIME
       LP9SHRC   Lpar  9 share current weight pct         PERCENT100
       LP9STN    Lpar  9 mvs system name smf70stn         STRING
       NRPHYCP   Number of physical segments              GAUGE
       TOTSHAR   Total initial weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       TOTSHRC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 48) The following 4 variables have been added to table XBETA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAAT4   Attribute byte subtype 4                 STRING
       BETAE01   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAF01   Form name                                STRING
       BETARET   Retention period                         INT

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XBETA0:

       BETAEXT   New extension name                       STRING
       BETAFRM   New form name                            STRING

 49) The following 11 variables have been added to table XBETA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETABTK   Original btoken                          STRING
       BETADCR   Dcr name                                 STRING
       BETAEXT   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAFDE   Formdef                                  STRING
       BETAFRM   Form name                                STRING
       BETAPCR   Print characteristic name                STRING
       BETAPDE   Pagedef                                  STRING
       BETARBT   Reprint btoken                           STRING
       BETAREP   Reprint datetime                         DATETIME
       BETARMO   Reprint mode                             STRING
       BETARPU   Reprint user                             STRING

 50) The following 2 variables have been added to table XBETA20:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAE01   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAF01   Form name                                STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XBETA20:

       BETAEXT   New extension name                       STRING
       BETAFRM   New form name                            STRING

 51) The following 2 variables have been added to table XBETA41:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAE01   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAF01   Form name                                STRING

     The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XBETA41:

       BETAEXT   Full extension name                      STRING
       BETAFRM   Full form name                           STRING

 52) The following 5 variables have been added to table XBETA5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       BETAEXT   Extension name                           STRING
       BETAFRM   Form name                                STRING
       BETALTK   Ltoken list token todstamp               DATETIME
       BETARTK   Rtoken report token todstamp             DATETIME
       BETAWRP   Window report name                       STRING

 53) The following 25 variables have been added to table XCICINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSHACT    Sp tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSHPERC   Sp sockets sp tcb cpu percent busy       PERCENT100
       DSHSYSW   Sp tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSHTCT    Sp tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSHTDT    Sp tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSHTWT    Sp tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSIACT    L9 tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSIPERC   L9 open mode l9 tcb cpu percent busy     PERCENT100
       DSISYSW   L9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSITCT    L9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSITDT    L9 tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSITWT    L9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSJACT    X8 tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSJPERC   X8 open mode x8 tcb cpu percent busy     PERCENT100
       DSJSYSW   X8 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSJTCT    X8 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSJTDT    X8 tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSJTWT    X8 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSKACT    X9 tcb duration for tcb                  TIME
       DSKPERC   X9 open mode x9 tcb cpu percent busy     PERCENT100
       DSKSYSW   X9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSKTCT    X9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSKTDT    X9 tcb duration dispatche mvs            TIME
       DSKTWT    X9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 54) The following variable has been added to table XCICSUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 55) The following 85 variables have been added to table XCIDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSHACT    Sp tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSHNTCB   Sp tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSHSYSW   Sp tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSHTCAF   Sp tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSHTCAL   Sp tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSHTCCA   Sp tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSHTCCU   Sp tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSHTCDO   Sp tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSHTCDS   Sp tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSHTCDU   Sp tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSHTCDX   Sp tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSHTCMD   Sp tcb mode                              STRING
       DSHTCMM   Sp tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSHTCMP   Sp tcb pool number                       INT
       DSHTCNM   Sp tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSHTCPA   Sp tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSHTCPU   Sp tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSHTCST   Sp tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSHTCT    Sp tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSHTDT    Sp tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSHTWT    Sp tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSIACT    L9 tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSINTCB   L9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSISYSW   L9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSITCAF   L9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSITCAL   L9 tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSITCCA   L9 tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSITCCU   L9 tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSITCDO   L9 tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSITCDS   L9 tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSITCDU   L9 tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSITCDX   L9 tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSITCMD   L9 tcb mode                              STRING
       DSITCMM   L9 tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSITCMP   L9 tcb pool number                       INT
       DSITCNM   L9 tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSITCPA   L9 tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSITCPU   L9 tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSITCST   L9 tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSITCT    L9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSITDT    L9 tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSITWT    L9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSJACT    X8 tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSJNTCB   X8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSJSYSW   X8 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSJTCAF   X8 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSJTCAL   X8 tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSJTCCA   X8 tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSJTCCU   X8 tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSJTCDO   X8 tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSJTCDS   X8 tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSJTCDU   X8 tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSJTCDX   X8 tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSJTCMD   X8 tcb mode                              STRING
       DSJTCMM   X8 tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSJTCMP   X8 tcb pool number                       INT
       DSJTCNM   X8 tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSJTCPA   X8 tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSJTCPU   X8 tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSJTCST   X8 tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSJTCT    X8 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSJTDT    X8 tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSJTWT    X8 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSKACT    X9 tcb cpu time                          TIME
       DSKNTCB   X9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSKSYSW   X9 tcb system waits                      COUNT
       DSKTCAF   X9 tcb tcb attaches                      COUNT
       DSKTCAL   X9 tcb tcb allocates to task             COUNT
       DSKTCCA   X9 tcb tcbs currently attached           GAUGE
       DSKTCCU   X9 tcb current tcbs used by mode         GAUGE
       DSKTCDO   X9 tcb tcb detaches other                COUNT
       DSKTCDS   X9 tcb tcb detaches stolen from us       COUNT
       DSKTCDU   X9 tcb tcb detaches because unclean      COUNT
       DSKTCDX   X9 tcb tcb detaches excess               COUNT
       DSKTCMD   X9 tcb mode                              STRING
       DSKTCMM   X9 tcb tcb mismatches                    COUNT
       DSKTCMP   X9 tcb pool number                       INT
       DSKTCNM   X9 tcb mode name                         STRING
       DSKTCPA   X9 tcb peak tcbs attached                MAXIMUM
       DSKTCPU   X9 tcb peak tcbs used by mode            MAXIMUM
       DSKTCST   X9 tcb tcb steals                        COUNT
       DSKTCT    X9 tcb duration ds task                  TIME
       DSKTDT    X9 tcb duration dispatched mvs           TIME
       DSKTWT    X9 tcb duration in os wait               TIME
       DSTOTWT   Total wait time at tcb limit             TIME

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XCIDS:

       DSETCMP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT
       DSFTCMP   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XCIDS:

       DSTOTWL   Open pool total wait time at limit       COUNT

 56) The following 2 variables have been added to table XCIEXCE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXMNNID   Network id                               STRING
       EXMNRLU   Real luname                              STRING

 57) The following 9 variables have been added to table XCIONSR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       A14EICN   Interval control fs chan req             COUNT
       A14EICR   Bytes rcvd ic fs channel req             COUNT
       A14EICS   Bytes sent ic fs channel req             COUNT
       A14EPCN   Program control fs chan  req             COUNT
       A14EPCR   Bytes rcvd pc fs channel req             COUNT
       A14EPCS   Bytes sent pc fs channel req             COUNT
       A14ETCN   Terminal sharing channel req             COUNT
       A14ETCR   Bytes rcvd term sharing chann            COUNT
       A14ETCS   Bytes sent term sharing chann            COUNT

 58) The following variable has been added to table XCIRDFI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FCADDCN   File control adds                        COUNT

 59) The following 40 variables have been added to table XCISPOO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSGCMWS   L8 pool current mismatch waits           GAUGE
       DSGCMWT   L8 pool current mismatch wait time       TIME
       DSGMWTM   L8 pool total tcb mismatch wait time     TIME
       DSGMWTS   L8 pool total tcb mismatch waits         COUNT
       DSGPWWS   L8 pool peak mismatch waits              MAXIMUM
       DSGTTMT   L8 pool storage waiting time             TIME
       DSGTTMW   L8 pool storage waits                    COUNT
       DS2CMWS   J8 pool current mismatch waits           GAUGE
       DS2CMWT   J8 pool current mismatch wait time       TIME
       DS2MWTM   J8 pool total tcb mismatch wait time     TIME
       DS2MWTS   J8 pool total tcb mismatch waits         COUNT
       DS2PWWS   J8 pool peak mismatch waits              MAXIMUM
       DS2TTMT   J8 pool storage waiting time             TIME
       DS2TTMW   J8 pool storage waits                    COUNT
       DS3CMWS   H8 pool current mismatch waits           GAUGE
       DS3CMWT   H8 pool current mismatch wait time       TIME
       DS3MWTM   H8 pool total tcb mismatch wait time     TIME
       DS3MWTS   H8 pool total tcb mismatch waits         COUNT
       DS3PWWS   H8 pool peak mismatch waits              MAXIMUM
       DS3TTMT   H8 pool storage waiting time             TIME
       DS3TTMW   H8 pool storage waits                    COUNT
       DS4CMWS   S8 pool current mismatch waits           GAUGE
       DS4CMWT   S8 pool current mismatch waittime        TIME
       DS4CRNW   S8 pool current tasks waiting            GAUGE
       DS4CRWT   S8 pool current waiting time             TIME
       DS4CUAT   S8 pool current tcbs attached            GAUGE
       DS4CUUS   S8 pool current tcbs in use              GAUGE
       DS4MTCB   S8 pool maximum tcbs                     MAXIMUM
       DS4MWTM   S8 pool total tcb mismatch waitme        TIME
       DS4MWTS   S8 pool total tcb mismatch waits         COUNT
       DS4NCBL   S8 pool times at pool limit              COUNT
       DS4PANW   S8 pool maximum tasks waiting            MAXIMUM
       DS4PUAT   S8 pool peak tcbs attached               MAXIMUM
       DS4PUUS   S8 pool peak tcbs in use                 MAXIMUM
       DS4PWWS   S8 pool peak mismatch waits              MAXIMUM
       DS4TBPN   S8 tcbs pool pool number                 INT
       DS4TTMT   S8 pool storage waiting time             TIME
       DS4TTMW   S8 pool storage waits                    COUNT
       DS4TTNW   S8 pool number of waits                  COUNT
       DS4TTWL   S8 pool total wait time at limit         TIME

 60) The following 149 variables have been added to table XCITRAN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       APPLNAM   Application name applname                STRING
       CMADACT   Adabas call time                         TIME
       CMADAWC   Adabas call count                        COUNT
       CMAUTH    Db2 authorization id                     STRING
       CMCORR    Db2 correlation id                       STRING
       CMDBCCP   Dbctl cpu time                           TIME
       CMDBRQ    Database call time                       TIME
       CMDBRQC   Database call count                      COUNT
       CMDB2CT   Db2 call time                            TIME
       CMDB2P    Db2 plan name                            STRING
       CMDB2T    Db2 thread type used                     STRING
       CMDB2W    Db2 thread wait indicator                STRING
       CMDB2WC   Db2 call count                           COUNT
       CMDCLOS   Db2 close cursor count                   COUNT
       CMDCOMT   Db2 commit count                         COUNT
       CMDDEL    Db2 delete count                         COUNT
       CMDFTCH   Db2 fetch count                          COUNT
       CMDINS    Db2 insert count                         COUNT
       CMDOPEN   Db2 open cursor count                    COUNT
       CMDOTHR   Db2 other sql count                      COUNT
       CMDSLCT   Db2 select count                         COUNT
       CMDSPQ    Dispatch (cpu) clock time                TIME
       CMDSQL1   Db2 first sql call wait time             TIME
       CMDUPD    Db2 update count                         COUNT
       CMPGNM    Umbrella program name                    STRING
       CMPTYPE   Umbrella type                            STRING
       CMSAPAC   Sap user/actt                            STRING
       CMSAPLT   Sap transaction id                       STRING
       CMSAPMN   Sap mandant - auth code                  STRING
       CMSAPTM   Sap terminal id                          STRING
       CMSAPTY   Sap transaction type                     STRING
       CMSAPWA   Sap work area                            STRING
       CMSAPWT   Sap work area wait                       STRING
       CMTRID    Umbrella tran code                       STRING
       CMUDATA   User data                                STRING
       CMUSER    Umbrella user id                         STRING
       CNADABN   Canadabn adabase request count           COUNT
       CNADABT   Canadabn adabase duration                TIME
       CNDEXNM   Candexnm waiting resource name           STRING
       CNDEXTY   Candexty waiting resource name           STRING
       CNPROD1   Canprod1 optional field                  HEXFLAGS
       CNPROD2   Canprod2 optional field                  HEXFLAGS
       CNPROD3   Canprod3 optional field                  HEXFLAGS
       DSCHMDC   Dschmdly count                           COUNT
       DSCHMDT   Dschmdly duration                        TIME
       EZ01A01   Eza01 field 1                            COUNT
       EZ01A02   Eza01 field 2                            COUNT
       EZ01A03   Eza01 field 3                            COUNT
       EZ01A04   Eza01 field 4                            COUNT
       EZ01A05   Eza01 field 5                            COUNT
       EZ01A06   Eza01 field 6 reusable                   COUNT
       EZ01A07   Eza01 field 7 attached                   COUNT
       EZ01A08   Eza01 field 8                            COUNT
       EZ01A09   Eza01 field 9                            COUNT
       EZ01A10   Eza01 field 10                           COUNT
       EZ01A11   Eza01 field 11                           COUNT
       EZ01A12   Eza01 field 12                           COUNT
       EZ02A08   Eza02 a 08                               COUNT
       EZ02A09   Eza02 a 09                               COUNT
       EZ02A10   Eza02 a 10                               COUNT
       EZ02A11   Eza02 a 11                               COUNT
       EZ02CON   Eza02 conn                               COUNT
       EZ02DIP   Eza02 disprog                            COUNT
       EZ02DIT   Eza02 distran                            COUNT
       EZ02GIV   Eza02 givesokt                           COUNT
       EZ02INV   Eza02 invalid                            COUNT
       EZ02SEC   Eza02 secexit                            COUNT
       EZ02STA   Eza02 started                            COUNT
       FPSAPPL   Hogan application code                   STRING
       FPSSIPR   Hogan previous screen name               STRING
       ICSACCT   Local ic start requests                  COUNT
       ICSACDL   Bytes in start channel requests          COUNT
       ICSRCCT   Interval control start channel requests  COUNT
       ICSRCDL   Bytes in containers start channel reqs   COUNT
       L9CPUTC   L9cput count                             COUNT
       L9CPUTT   L9cput duration                          TIME
       MAXSTDC   Maxstdly count                           COUNT
       MAXSTDT   Maxstdly duration                        TIME
       MAXXTDC   Maxxtdly count                           COUNT
       MAXXTDT   Maxxtdly duration                        TIME
       PCDLCRD   Bytes in dpl return channel              COUNT
       PCDLCSD   Bytes in dpl requests issued             COUNT
       PCDPLCC   Dpl requests issued                      COUNT
       PCLNKCC   Local program link requests              COUNT
       PCRTNCC   Remote pseudoconv return requests        COUNT
       PCRTNCD   Bytes in pseudoconv containers           COUNT
       PCXCLCC   Program xctl requests issued             COUNT
       PGBRWCC   Browse channel container requests        COUNT
       PGCRECC   Pgcrecct                                 COUNT
       PGGETCC   Get container requests                   COUNT
       PGGETCD   Bytes in get container channel commands  COUNT
       PGMOVCC   Move container requests                  COUNT
       PGPUTCC   Put container requests                   COUNT
       PGPUTCD   Bytes in put container channel commands  COUNT
       PGTOTCC   Channel container requests               COUNT
       RMCPSCN   Rmicpsm  count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMCPSM    Rmi cspm count                           COUNT
       RMCPSTM   Rmicpsm  duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMDATCN   Datacom count in rmi                     COUNT
       RMDATTM   Datacom duration in rmi                  TIME
       RMDBCCN   Rmidbctl count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMDBCTL   Rmi dbctl count                          COUNT
       RMDBCTM   Rmidbctl duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMDBN     Rmi dbn count                            TIME
       RMDB2     Rmi db2 count                            COUNT
       RMDB2CN   Rmi db2 count                            COUNT
       RMDB2TM   Rmi db2 duration                         TIME
       RMEXDCN   Rmiexdli count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMEXDLI   Rmi exdli count                          COUNT
       RMEXDTM   Rmiexdli duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMMQCN    Rmi mq count                             COUNT
       RMMQM     Rmi mqm count                            COUNT
       RMMQMCN   Rmimqm   count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMMQMTM   Rmimqm   duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMMQTM    Rmi mq duration                          TIME
       RMOTHCN   Rmiother count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMOTHER   Rmi other count                          COUNT
       RMOTHTM   Rmiother duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMTCPCN   Rmitcpip count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMTCPIP   Rmi tcpip count                          COUNT
       RMTCPTM   Rmitcpip duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       RMTOTAL   Rmi total count                          COUNT
       RMTOTCN   Rmitotal count in dfhrmi                 COUNT
       RMTOTTM   Rmitotal duration in dfhrmi              TIME
       TCPINIC   Tcpip init events                        COUNT
       TCPINIT   Tcpip init duration                      TIME
       TCPOTHC   Tcpip other events                       COUNT
       TCPOTHT   Tcpip other duration                     TIME
       TCPREAC   Tcpip read events                        COUNT
       TCPREAT   Tcpip read duration                      TIME
       TCPSELC   Tcpip select events                      COUNT
       TCPSELT   Tcpip select duration                    TIME
       TCPWRIC   Tcpip write events                       COUNT
       TCPWRIT   Tcpip write duration                     TIME
       WBBRWOC   Browse httpheader requests               COUNT
       WBCHIN1   Bytes rcvd for receive or converse       COUNT
       WBCHOU1   Bytes sent for send or converse          COUNT
       WBIWBSC   Wbiwbsct                                 COUNT
       WBPARSC   Parse url requests                       COUNT
       WBRCVIN   Receive or converse requests             COUNT
       WBREDOC   Read httpheader requests                 COUNT
       WBREPRD   Wbreprdl                                 COUNT
       WBREPWD   Wbrepwdl                                 COUNT
       WBSNDOU   Send or converse requests                COUNT
       WBWRTOC   Write httpheader requests                COUNT
       X8CPUTC   X8cput count                             COUNT
       X8CPUTT   X8cput duration                          TIME
       X9CPUTC   X9cput count                             COUNT
       X9CPUTT   X9cput duration                          TIME

 61) The following 10 variables have been added to table XDBACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CHIELPT   Summed child wait from qwacesc           TIME
       LEACCT1   Length account one                       INT
       LEACCT2   Length account two                       INT
       LEACCT3   Length account three                     INT
       LEACCT4   Length account four                      INT
       LEACCT5   Length account five                      INT
       LEACCT6   Length account six                       INT
       LEACCT7   Length account seven                     INT
       LEACCT8   Length account eight                     INT
       LEACCT9   Length account nine                      INT

 62) The following 47 variables have been added to table XDBCCTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QBACDPF   Dynamic prefetch requests per pool       COUNT
       QBACGET   Get page requests per thread per pool    COUNT
       QBACIMW   Immediate syncronous write i/o per pool  COUNT
       QBACLPF   List prefetches requested per pool       COUNT
       QBACNGT   Unsuccessful get page ops per pool       COUNT
       QBACRIO   Syncronous read i/o requests per pool    COUNT
       QBACSEQ   Prefetch read requests per pool          COUNT
       QBACSIO   Async pages reads by prefetch per pool   COUNT
       QBACSWS   Setw issued for system pages per pool    COUNT
       QPCALL    Sql call statements                      COUNT
       QPCINSP   Loaded by stored procedure?              STRING
       QPCLOSE   Closes                                   COUNT
       QPCPAC    Auth check without cat access?           STRING
       QPDELET   Deletes                                  COUNT
       QPDESC    Describes                                COUNT
       QPFETCH   Fetchs                                   COUNT
       QPINSRT   Inserts                                  COUNT
       QPLOCK    Lock tables                              COUNT
       QPOPEN    Opens                                    COUNT
       QPPREP    Prepares                                 COUNT
       QPSELEC   Selects                                  COUNT
       QPUPDTE   Updates                                  COUNT
       QTACHG    Change request count                     COUNT
       QTACHUS   Highest cpu seconds used                 TIME
       QTACLMT   Limit cpu seconds                        TIME
       QTACLNO   Claim requests                           COUNT
       QTACLUN   Unsuccessful claim requests              COUNT
       QTADEA    Lock deadlock count                      COUNT
       QTADRNO   Drain requests                           COUNT
       QTADRUN   Unsuccessful drain requests              COUNT
       QTAFLG1   Qtxaflg1                                 STRING
       QTAILMT   Infinite limit?                          STRING
       QTAIRLM   Other irlm request count                 COUNT
       QTALES    Locks escalated to shared mode           COUNT
       QTALEX    Locks escalated to exclusive             COUNT
       QTALOCK   Lock request count                       COUNT
       QTANPL    Maximum page locks held                  MAXIMUM
       QTANRUN   No run or zero limit?                    STRING
       QTAPREC   How limit was determined                 COUNT
       QTAQRY    Query request count                      COUNT
       QTARLID   Resource limit table id                  STRING
       QTASLAT   Suspend count latch conflict             COUNT
       QTASLMT   Limit in su-s asutime                    COUNT
       QTASLOC   Suspend count lock conflict              COUNT
       QTASOTH   Suspend count other conflict             COUNT
       QTATIM    Lock timeout count                       COUNT
       QTAUNLK   Unlock request count                     COUNT

 63) The following variable has been deleted from table XDBSTA0:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       Q3STHIW                                            COUNT

 64) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDBSTA1:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISESTM   Statements in edm dynam cache pool       COUNT
       QXALTSE   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXALTVW   Alter views                              COUNT
       QXCRESE   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXDROSE   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXPRRES   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT

 65) The following 6 variables have been added to table XDBTATS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QISESTM   Statements in edm dynam cache pool       COUNT
       QXALTSE   Alter sequences                          COUNT
       QXALTVW   Alter views                              COUNT
       QXCRESE   Create sequences                         COUNT
       QXDROSE   Drop sequences                           COUNT
       QXPRRES   Prepares restricted pending index        COUNT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XDBTATS:

       Q3STHIW                                            COUNT

 66) The following variable has been added to table XDB2A:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 67) The following variable has been added to table XDB2B:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 68) The following variable has been added to table XDCDSET:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DCVDVNU   Device number                            INT

 69) The following variable has been added to table XEDSARE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 70) The following variable has been added to table XEDSDRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 71) The following variable has been added to table XEDSKRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 72) The following variable has been added to table XEDSORE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 73) The following variable has been added to table XEDSOVO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 74) The following variable has been added to table XEDSPRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 75) The following variable has been added to table XEDSPVO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 76) The following variable has been added to table XEDSRRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 77) The following variable has been added to table XEDSSEC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 78) The following variable has been added to table XEDSSRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 79) The following variable has been added to table XEDSVRE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 80) The following variable has been added to table XHSM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 81) The following variable has been added to table XICBGCH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCHANBY   Percent when channel is busy total       PERCENT100

 82) The following 2 variables have been deleted from table XICB8SN:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SRCDSN    Source data set name                     STRING
       TRGDSN    Target data set name                     STRING

 83) The following 11 variables have been added to table XJOBS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       LOSUSEC   Local system su sec adjustment factor    FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 84) The following variable has been added to table XJOBSKD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 85) The following 23 variables have been added to table XMQACCT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QMCCPUT   Cpu time used                            TIME
       QMCGETA   Mqget requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMCGETB   Mqget requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMCGETC   Mqget requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMCGETD   Mqget requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMCGETS   Total gets                               COUNT
       QMCPUTA   Mqput requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMCPUTB   Mqput requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMCPUTC   Mqput requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMCPUTD   Mqput requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMCPUTS   Total puts                               COUNT
       QWCAID    Authorization id                         STRING
       QWCCN     Connection name                          STRING
       QWCCVMQ   Correlation id for mq                    HEXFLAGS
       QWCNID    Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWCOPID   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWCPSB    Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWCPST    Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWCTASK   Cics task number                         INT
       QWCTNO    Cics thread number                       INT
       QWCTRN    Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWCXTYP   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSIDM   Mq subsystem name                        STRING

     The following 23 variables have been deleted from table XMQACCT:

       QMACCPU   Cpu time used                            TIME
       QMACGET   Mqget requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMACG01   Mqget requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMACG02   Mqget requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMACG03   Mqget requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMACG04   Total gets                               COUNT
       QMACPUT   Mqput requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMACP01   Mqput requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMACP02   Mqput requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMACP03   Mqput requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMACP04   Total puts                               COUNT
       QWHCAID   Authorization id                         STRING
       QWHCCN    Connection name                          STRING
       QWHCCV    Correlation id                           STRING
       QWHCNID   Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWHCOPI   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWHCPSB   Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWHCPST   Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWHCTAS   Cics task number                         INT
       QWHCTNO   Cics thread identification address       INT
       QWHCTRN   Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWHCXTY   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSSSI   Db2 subsystem name                       STRING

 86) The following 12 variables have been added to table XMQACTQ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWCAID    Authorization id                         STRING
       QWCCN     Connection name                          STRING
       QWCCVMQ   Correlation id for mq                    HEXFLAGS
       QWCNID    Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWCOPID   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWCPSB    Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWCPST    Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWCTASK   Cics task number                         INT
       QWCTNO    Cics thread number                       INT
       QWCTRN    Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWCXTYP   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSIDM   Mq subsystem name                        STRING

     The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XMQACTQ:

       WTADBMS   changed from  TIME      to  MAXIMUM
       WTADBMT   changed from  TIME      to  MAXIMUM

     The following 12 variables have been deleted from table XMQACTQ:

       QWHCAID   Authorization id                         STRING
       QWHCCN    Connection name                          STRING
       QWHCCV    Correlation id                           STRING
       QWHCNID   Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWHCOPI   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWHCPSB   Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWHCPST   Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWHCTAS   Cics task number                         INT
       QWHCTNO   Cics thread identification address       INT
       QWHCTRN   Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWHCXTY   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSSSI   Db2 subsystem name                       STRING

 87) The following 12 variables have been added to table XMQQUEU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QWCAID    Authorization id                         STRING
       QWCCN     Connection name                          STRING
       QWCCVMQ   Correlation id for mq                    HEXFLAGS
       QWCNID    Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWCOPID   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWCPSB    Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWCPST    Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWCTASK   Cics task number                         INT
       QWCTNO    Cics thread number                       INT
       QWCTRN    Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWCXTYP   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSIDM   Mq subsystem name                        STRING

     The following 12 variables have been deleted from table XMQQUEU:

       QWHCAID   Authorization id                         STRING
       QWHCCN    Connection name                          STRING
       QWHCCV    Correlation id                           STRING
       QWHCNID   Nid                                      HEXFLAGS
       QWHCOPI   Original operator id                     STRING
       QWHCPSB   Ims psb name                             STRING
       QWHCPST   Ims pst region identifier                STRING
       QWHCTAS   Cics task number                         INT
       QWHCTNO   Cics thread identification address       INT
       QWHCTRN   Cics transaction name                    STRING
       QWHCXTY   Connecting system type code              INT
       QWHSSSI   Db2 subsystem name                       STRING

 88) The following 2 variables have been added to table XNDMFA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FASEQ     Sequence nr of date/time                 COUNT
       FASERVE   Sysplex server name                      STRING

 89) The following 5 variables have been added to table XNDMFI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       FILFILE   Long file name                           STRING
       FILFILL   Long file name length                    INT
       FISERVE   Sysplex server name                      STRING
       NDFIFLG   General purpose flag                     HEXFLAGS
       NDZUID    Expanded user id                         STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XNDMFI:

       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING

 90) The following 8 variables have been added to table XNDMGO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDGOFLG   Flag                                     HEXFLAGS
       NDODLST   Modal step start datetime                DATETIME
       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDRMUID   Userid to be notified                    STRING
       NDSCC     Step completion code                     HEXFLAGS
       NDSCCNR   Completion code numeric                  INT
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING

 91) The following 8 variables have been added to table XNDMPI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPIFLG   General use flag byte                    HEXFLAGS
       NDRTYPE   Record subtype                           STRING
       NDSKDAY   Day of week proc scheduled               STRING
       NDSKDTM   Proc scheduled time                      DATETIME
       NDSUBTM   Proc submitted time                      DATETIME
       PIRETRY   Retry count                              COUNT
       PISEQ     Sequence nr of date/time                 COUNT
       PISERVE   Sysplex server name                      STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XNDMPI:

       NDNODET   Direction of data                        STRING

 92) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNDMSD:

       SDSEQ     changed from  STRING    to  COUNT

 93) The following 10 variables have been added to table XNDMSY:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDPROGN   Program name                             STRING
       NDSCC     Step completion code                     HEXFLAGS
       NDSTEP    Step name                                STRING
       NDSYFLG   Sy flag                                  HEXFLAGS
       NDSYOPL   Sysopt length                            INT
       NDSYOPS   Sysopts text                             STRING
       NDSYSEQ   Sequence number                          INT
       SYSERVE   Sysplex sever name                       STRING

 94) The following 16 variables have been added to table XNDMTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NDACP     Processes active this pnode              COUNT
       NDACS     Processes active this snode              COUNT
       NDBIND    Data bytes inbound                       COUNT
       NDBINN    Network bytes inbound                    COUNT
       NDBOUD    Data bytes outbound                      COUNT
       NDBOUN    Network bytes outbound                   COUNT
       NDIETIM   Interval end datetime                    DATETIME
       NDISTIM   Interval start datetime                  DATETIME
       NDPEN     Processes ended                          COUNT
       NDPRCNM   Process name                             STRING
       NDPRCNO   Process number                           INT
       NDPST     Processes started                        COUNT
       NDRCV     Receives                                 COUNT
       NDSND     Sends                                    COUNT
       NDTPSEQ   Sequence number                          INT
       TPSERVE   Sysplex sever name                       STRING

 95) The following variable has been added to table XNJPURG:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

 96) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNPVSUM:

       LNVSPVU   changed from  PERCENT100to  MAXIMUM

 97) The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XNSNCP:

       BUFUTIL   changed from  PERCENT100to  MAXIMUM

 98) The following 13 variables have been added to table XNSTCP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NSYAVRT   Vtam average response host telnet        AVERAGE
       NSYINBU   In buffer                                COUNT
       NSYLOGM   Logmode                                  STRING
       NSYNROT   Vtam nr outputs telnet                   COUNT
       NSYNRTT   Vtam nr transactions telnet              COUNT
       NSYOUBU   Out buffer                               COUNT
       NSYRCBS   Receive buffer size                      GAUGE
       NSYSGNL   Signal                                   COUNT
       NSYSOOP   Socket option                            INT
       NSYSSTZ   State stack type zero                    COUNT
       NSYTIMR   Timer                                    COUNT
       NSYTNID   Vtam net id telnet                       STRING
       NSYTUID   Vtam user id telnet                      STRING

 99) The following 28 variables have been added to table XNSTCPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       NSYASID   Tcp/ip address space id                  HEXFLAGS
       NSYIFNR   Interface number                         INT
       NSYIPAE   Ip address errors                        COUNT
       NSYIPFC   Ip fragment creates                      COUNT
       NSYIPFD   Ip forward datagrams                     COUNT
       NSYIPFF   Ip fragment failures                     COUNT
       NSYIPFO   Ip fragment ok-s                         COUNT
       NSYIPFR   Ip forwarding                            COUNT
       NSYIPHE   Ip header errors                         COUNT
       NSYIPID   Ip input discards                        COUNT
       NSYIPIR   Ip in receives                           COUNT
       NSYIPOD   Ip output discards                       COUNT
       NSYIPON   Ip out no routes                         COUNT
       NSYIPOR   Ip output requests                       COUNT
       NSYIPRF   Ip reassembly failures                   COUNT
       NSYIPRO   Ip reassembly oks                        COUNT
       NSYIPRR   Ip reassembly required                   COUNT
       NSYIPRT   Ip reassembly timeouts                   COUNT
       NSYIPSD   Ip input successfully delivered          COUNT
       NSYIPUP   Ip unknown protocols                     COUNT
       NSYIPVE   Ip valid routing entries discards        COUNT
       NSYTSSW   Tcp segments sent with rst flags         COUNT
       NSYUDDC   Udp datagrams delivered to custs         COUNT
       NSYUINE   Udp in errors                            COUNT
       NSYUNOP   Udp no ports                             COUNT
       NSYUOUD   Udp out datagrams                        COUNT
       NSYURBS   Udp receiver buffer size                 COUNT
       NSYUSBS   Udp send buffer size                     COUNT

100) The following variable has been added to table XOVEXCE:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       EXTSWEP   Tsweeps                                  COUNT

101) The following 2 variables have been added to table XPRINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF26WS   Scheduling environment                   STRING
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

102) The following variable has been added to table XPRINTR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

103) The following 6 variables have been added to table XQACONF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       GDESDM1   Total amount of on demand memory         COUNT
       GDESDM2   Available on demand memory               COUNT
       GDESDP1   Total number on demand processors        COUNT
       GDESDP2   Available on demand processors           COUNT
       GDESHM    Total memory used by hypervisor          COUNT
       GDESSP    Shared processor pool attributes         STRING

104) The following 6 variables have been added to table XQADISK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DSHAPS    High availability parity set             STRING
       DSIP      Multi path unit initial path             STRING
       DSMC      Mirror copy remote mirrored asp          STRING
       DSMU      Multi path unit                          STRING
       DSPC      Prod copy remote mirrored asp            STRING
       DSPS      Disk parity set                          STRING

105) The following variable has been added to table XQAIFC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INTSEC    Interval duration                        TIME

106) The following 32 variables have been added to table XQAJOBL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBASH     Client fast ssl handshakes               COUNT
       JBASHA    Server fast ssl handshakes               COUNT
       JBBFA     Bytes deposited journal receiver         COUNT
       JBBFW     Journal bytes written to disk            COUNT
       JBBTA     Bytes journal receiver transient         COUNT
       JBBTW     Transient journal receiver               COUNT
       JBCOP     Primary commit operations                COUNT
       JBCOS     Secondary comit operations               COUNT
       JBCUSR    User profile                             STRING
       JBDOP     Primary decommit operations              COUNT
       JBDOS     Secondary decommit operations            COUNT
       JBFSDC    File system directory reads              COUNT
       JBFSDD    File system directory deletes            COUNT
       JBFSH     Client ssl handshakes                    COUNT
       JBFSHA    Server ssl handshakes                    COUNT
       JBFSNDC   File system directory creates            COUNT
       JBFSNDD   File system nondirectory deletes         COUNT
       JBFSOPN   File system opens                        COUNT
       JBNSJE    Non smapp journal entries                COUNT
       JBPGA     Pages allocate by job                    COUNT
       JBPGD     Pages deallocated by job                 COUNT
       JBPJE     Physical journal write operation         COUNT
       JBSJD     System smapp journal entries             COUNT
       JBSVRT    Server type                              STRING
       JBTNW     Journal bundle write wait count          COUNT
       JBTWT     Journal bundle write wait(ms)            TIME
       JBUJD     User smapp journal entries               COUNT
       JBXRBR    Stream file bytes read                   COUNT
       JBXRBW    Stream file bytes written                COUNT
       JBXRFS    Number fsync operations                  COUNT
       JBXRRR    Random stream file reads                 COUNT
       JBXRRW    Random stream file writes                COUNT

107) The following 26 variables have been added to table XQAJOBM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBASH     Fast ssl server authentications          COUNT
       JBASHA    Fast ssl server and client auths         COUNT
       JBBFA     Bytes deposited to fixed area            COUNT
       JBBFW     Bytes written to fixed area              COUNT
       JBBTA     Bytes deposited to transient area        COUNT
       JBBTW     Bytes written to transient area          COUNT
       JBCOP     Primary commit operations performed      COUNT
       JBCOS     Nested commit operations performed       COUNT
       JBDOP     Primary decommit operations performed    COUNT
       JBDOS     Nested decommit operations performed     COUNT
       JBFSH     Full ssl server authentications          COUNT
       JBFSHA    Full ssl server and client auths         COUNT
       JBNSJE    Non-smapp journal entried                COUNT
       JBPGA     Pages allocated since job start          COUNT
       JBPGD     Pages deallocated since job start        COUNT
       JBPJE     Physical journal writes                  COUNT
       JBSJD     System journal deposits                  COUNT
       JBTNW     Journal bundle waits                     COUNT
       JBTWT     Journal bundle wait time                 TIME
       JBUJD     User journal deposits                    COUNT
       JBXRBR    Stream file bytes read                   COUNT
       JBXRBW    Stream file bytes written                COUNT
       JBXRFS    Fsync operations                         COUNT
       JBXRRR    Random read operations                   COUNT
       JBXRRW    Random write operations                  COUNT
       JCUSR     Current user                             STRING

108) The following 2 variables have been added to table XQASYSC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCTCPUB   Percent when sctact cpus were busy       PERCENT100
       SCTACT    Cpus active                              COUNT

109) The following 34 variables have been added to table XQASYST:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PCTCPTB   Percent when systask cpu busy            PERCENT100
       SYBTAC    Async clear operations                   COUNT
       SYBTAP    Async prebring operations                COUNT
       SYBTAPC   Async create operations                  COUNT
       SYBTAPD   Async delete operations                  COUNT
       SYBTAPP   Parallel prebring operations             COUNT
       SYCTA     Configured cpu time available            TIME
       SYIFTA    Time available interactive feature       TIME
       SYIFTE    Time used exeeding threshold             TIME
       SYIFUS    Time used interactive feature            TIME
       SYJOC1    1st bundles forced                       COUNT
       SYJOC2    2nd bundles forced                       COUNT
       SYJOC3    3rd bundles forced                       COUNT
       SYJOER    Smapp evaluations requested              COUNT
       SYJOES    Smapp evaluations services               COUNT
       SYJOIB    Smapp index build time estimate          TIME
       SYJOS1    1st frequent journal entry type          STRING
       SYJOS2    2nd frequent journal entry type          STRING
       SYJOS3    3rd frequent journal entry type          STRING
       SYLPTB    Lpar time base                           TIME
       SYNPLA    Shared pool cpu time available           TIME
       SYNPLU    Shared pool cpu time used                TIME
       SYNUAL    Noncached user authority lookups         COUNT
       SYNUTC    Uncapped cpu time configured             TIME
       SYSDFAL   Unforced stream files                    COUNT
       SYSDFRL   Forced stream files                      COUNT
       SYSDNFE   Stream files exposed                     COUNT
       SYSDNFO   Stream files overdue                     COUNT
       SYSDNST   Force tasks                              COUNT
       SYSDPFD   Forced stream file pages                 COUNT
       SYSDPFF   Pages forced by fsync                    COUNT
       SYSDTET   Exposure time                            TIME
       SYSPTU    Total cpu time used                      TIME
       SYUTA     Uncapped cpu time available              TIME

110) The following variable has been added to table XQATCP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INTSEC    Interval duration                        TIME

111) The following 12 variables have been added to table XRMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPIFATM   Task ifa cpu time on ifa                 TIME
       CPIFETM   Task ifaelig cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPPDTTM   Total lpar dispatch cpu time             TIME
       IFAACTT   Ifa engine executing (active) cpu time   TIME
       IFAUPTM   Ifa engine available (up) time           TIME
       LPRSHAC   Lpar current weight                      GAUGE
       NRIFAS    Number of ifa engines available          GAUGE
       OTHRIFA   All other cpu ifa time on ifa            COUNT
       OTHRIFE   All other cpu ifaelig time on cp         COUNT
       PCIFABY   Pct this systems ifa busy                PERCENT100
       TTSHARC   Total current weight all lpars this cec  GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XRMFINT:

       ZOS70WL   No longer used                           COUNT

112) The following 28 variables have been added to table XSMFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IDMACT1   Idms batch account one                   STRING
       IDMACT2   Idms batch account two                   STRING
       IDMBLG    Idms dc/ucf billing group                STRING
       IDMCPTM   Idms transaction cpu time                TIME
       IDMLTE    Idms dc/ucf lterm                        STRING
       IDMOPR    Idms erus operator id                    STRING
       IDMTID    Idms task id number                      INT
       IDMTRM    Idms erus terminal id                    STRING
       IDMTRN    Idms erus transaction id                 STRING
       IDMTSK    Idms dc/ucf task code                    STRING
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

113) The following 11 variables have been added to table XSPNJOB:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       LOSUSEC   Local system su sec adjustment factor    FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

114) The following 12 variables have been added to table XSTEPS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       LOSUSEC   Local system su sec adjustment factor    FLOAT
       SMF26WS   Scheduling environment                   STRING
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

     The following variable has been deleted from table XSTEPS:

       RDRTM     Reader event duration                    TIME

115) The following variable has been added to table XSUMPRT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

116) The following variable has been added to table XTCCSUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

117) The following variable has been added to table XTCSUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

118) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2CMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCMXHWM   Class high water mark                    MAXIMUM
       TICMX     Ticmx segment count                      COUNT

119) The following 6 variables have been deleted from table XTC2IDS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIDSQCN   Queued switches now reserved             COUNT
       TIDSQTM   Queued switch time now reserved          TIME
       TINTWRC   Ready queue waits after wait satisfied   COUNT
       TINTWRT   Ready queue wait time after wait satised TIME
       TIWRDCM   Ready queue wait time for dispatch       TIME
       TIWRDCT   Ready queue waits for dispatch           COUNT

120) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2IWT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIWTWRC   Wait for redispatch count                COUNT
       TIWTWRT   Wait for redispatch time                 TIME

121) The following 32 variables have been added to table XTC2PA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PACBRNM   Corbaserver name                         STRING
       PADSCWC   Stg constraint wait count                COUNT
       PADSCWT   Stg constraint wait time                 TIME
       PADSMWC   Tcb mismatch wait count                  COUNT
       PADSMWT   Tcb mismatch time                        TIME
       PADSTHW   Peak open tcbs                           MAXIMUM
       PASOIMC   Socket receive requests                  COUNT
       PASOI1C   Socket chars received                    COUNT
       PASOOMC   Socket send requests                     COUNT
       PASOO1C   Socket chars sent                        COUNT
       PEJBACT   Bean activation requests                 COUNT
       PEJBCCT   Bean creation requests                   COUNT
       PEJBMCT   Ejb method calls                         COUNT
       PEJBPCT   Bean passivation requests                COUNT
       PEJBRCT   Bean removal requests                    COUNT
       PEJBTCT   Total ejb requests                       COUNT
       PHTDLYC   Hot pool delays                          COUNT
       PHTDLYT   Hot pool delays time                     TIME
       PJTDLYC   Jvm tcb delays                           COUNT
       PJTDLYT   Jvm tcb delays time                      TIME
       PJ9CPUC   J9 cpu count                             COUNT
       PJ9CPUT   Mode j9 cpu time                         TIME
       PKY9CPC   Key 9 cpu count                          COUNT
       PKY9CPT   Key 9 cpu time                           TIME
       PKY9DSC   Key 9 dispatch count                     COUNT
       PKY9DST   Key 9 dispatch time                      TIME
       PPTPWTC   Partner wait count                       COUNT
       PPTPWTT   Partner wait time                        TIME
       PROCPUC   Ro cpu count                             COUNT
       PROCPUT   Ro cpu time                              TIME
       PRODSPC   Ro dispatch count                        COUNT
       PRODSPT   Ro dispatch time                         TIME

122) The following 33 variables have been added to table XTC2PI:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       PEJBACT   Bean activation requests                 COUNT
       PEJBCCT   Bean creation requests                   COUNT
       PEJBMCT   Ejb method calls                         COUNT
       PEJBPCT   Bean passivation requests                COUNT
       PEJBRCT   Bean removal requests                    COUNT
       PEJBTCT   Total ejb requests                       COUNT
       PHTDLYC   Hot pool delays                          COUNT
       PHTDLYT   Hot pool delays time                     TIME
       PIDSCWC   Stg constraint wait count                COUNT
       PIDSCWT   Stg constraint wait time                 TIME
       PIDSMWC   Tcb mismatch wait count                  COUNT
       PIDSMWT   Tcb mismatch time                        TIME
       PISOIMC   Socket receive requests                  COUNT
       PISOI1C   Socket chars received                    COUNT
       PISOOMC   Socket send requests                     COUNT
       PISOO1C   Socket chars sent                        COUNT
       PJTDLYC   Jvm tcb delays                           COUNT
       PJTDLYT   Jvm tcb delays time                      TIME
       PJVIRSC   Jvm reset count                          COUNT
       PJVIRST   Jvm reset time                           TIME
       PJ9CPUC   J9 cpu count                             COUNT
       PJ9CPUT   Mode j9 cpu time                         TIME
       PKY9CPC   Key 9 cpu count                          COUNT
       PKY9CPT   Key 9 cpu time                           TIME
       PKY9DSC   Key 9 dispatch count                     COUNT
       PKY9DST   Key 9 dispatch time                      TIME
       PPTPWTC   Partner wait count                       COUNT
       PPTPWTT   Partner wait time                        TIME
       PRECICT   Pi record count                          COUNT
       PROCPUC   Ro cpu count                             COUNT
       PROCPUT   Ro cpu time                              TIME
       PRODSPC   Ro dispatch count                        COUNT
       PRODSPT   Ro dispatch time                         TIME

123) The following variable has been added to table XTC2SUM:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

124) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTC2SYS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TIWRDCT   Wait for redispatch count                COUNT
       TIWRDTM   Wait for redispatch time                 TIME
       TMIDNSC   Midnight non-segmented tasks count       COUNT
       TUSRWCT   Wait for redispatch count                COUNT
       TUSRWTM   Wait for redispatch time                 TIME

125) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2TJ:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TCREQCT   Jvm requests with classcache             COUNT
       TSREQCT   Jvm requests with reset                  COUNT

126) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2TKP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TPTOTMT   Mvs storage constraint wait time         TIME
       TPTOTMW   Mvs storage constraint waits             COUNT

127) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTC2TOS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOSPRIV   Tcp/ip service privacy                   HEXFLAGS
       TSATSEC   Tcp/ip service attachsec                 HEXFLAGS
       TTOSICT   Totos segment count                      COUNT

128) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTC2TR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TSTGWCT   Storage request waits                    COUNT
       TSTGWWT   Storage request wait time                TIME

129) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTC2TSK:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TAWRDCT   Ready queue waits for dispatch           COUNT
       TAWRDTM   Wait for redispatch time                 TIME
       TRNNAME   Transaction name                         STRING
       TUSRWCT   Userwait time                            TIME
       TUSRWTM   Userwait count                           COUNT

130) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DBRTYP    changed from  _NONE_    to  $MGTMDOJ.

131) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       DBLTYP    changed from  _NONE_    to  $MGTMDOJ.

132) The following variable has been added to table XTPALOC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

133) The following variable has been added to table XTPFINT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

134) The following variable has been added to table XTPMNTS:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

135) The following variable has been added to table XTYHMFT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HMFCM07   Compression ratio                        PERCENT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTYHMFT:

       HMFCMA4   Compression ratio                        PERCENT

136) The following variable has been added to table XTYHMFU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HMFIPAD   Ip address                               STRING

137) The following variable has been added to table XTYHMFV:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       HMFIPAD   Ip address                               STRING

138) The following 13 variables have been added to table XTYTARC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       DEVNRCH   Devnr that satisfied-char                STRING
       TARFLAG   Event end flag                           STRING
       TARVL01   1st allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL02   2nd allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL03   3rd allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL04   4th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL05   5th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL06   6th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL07   7th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL08   8th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL09   9th allocation recovery volser           STRING
       TARVL10   10th allocation recovery volser          STRING
       UCBTYPE   Ucb type                                 INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTYTARC:

       TARNUMD   Number of devnrs in list                 COUNT

139) The following variable has been added to table XTYTCPC:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ELAPSTM   Elapsed duration                         TIME

140) The following variable has been added to table XTYTCPF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ELAPSTM   Elapsed duration                         TIME

141) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTYTMNT:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LOCLINF   Local installation field                 STRING
       PROCSTE   Procedure step name                      STRING

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTYTMNT:

       ASID      changed from  INT       to  HEXFLAGS

142) The following 39 variables have been added to table XTYTPMX:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       INCLASJ   Input job class                          STRING
       JBACTNN   Number of activate stmnts found          COUNT
       JBAFFNN   Number of system affinities              COUNT
       JBBNDNN   Number of bind stmnts found              COUNT
       JBDEANN   Number of deactivate stmnts found        COUNT
       JBLL1NN   List jbs add instances                   COUNT
       JBLL2NN   List jbs add last instances              COUNT
       JBLL3NN   List jbs bind instances                  COUNT
       JBLL4NN   List tapevols instances                  COUNT
       JBLL5NN   List jbact instances                     COUNT
       JBLL6NN   List jbdeact instances                   COUNT
       JBLL7NN   List jbs jecl instances                  COUNT
       JBLL8NN   List jbs jecl proc instances             COUNT
       JBLL9NN   List jbs needs instances                 COUNT
       JBL10NN   List jbs set instances                   COUNT
       JBL11NN   List jls add instances                   COUNT
       JBL12NN   List jls add last instances              COUNT
       JBL13NN   List jls enq instances                   COUNT
       JBL14NN   List jls jecl instances                  COUNT
       JBL15NN   List jls jecl proc instances             COUNT
       JBL16NN   List jls limit instances                 COUNT
       JBL17NN   List vol auto instances                  COUNT
       JBL18NN   List vol cart all instances              COUNT
       JBL19NN   List vol disk instances                  COUNT
       JBL20NN   List vol manual instances                COUNT
       JBL21NN   List vol reel instances                  COUNT
       JBL22NN   List vol to eject instances              COUNT
       JBL23NN   List vol to enter instances              COUNT
       JBL24NN   List vol vts instances                   COUNT
       JBVOLNN   Number of job volumes found              COUNT
       JCAFTNN   Number of jlc after stmnts found         COUNT
       JCBFRNN   Number of jlc before stmnts found        COUNT
       JLIMTNN   Number of jlc agent limit requests       COUNT
       JLLIMNN   Number of jls user limit requests        COUNT
       JVVOLNN   Number of job volumes found              COUNT
       TMUSERC   Userc                                    STRING
       TMXPLEX   Sysplex name from format mxtpmpx lookup  STRING
       TSSUSR2   User parm 2 on job statement (8 chars)   STRING
       TSSUSR3   User parm 3 on job statement (8 chars)   STRING

     The following 616 variables have been deleted from table XTYTPMX:

       JBACTC    Number of activate stmnts found          COUNT
       JBACT1    Jbs activate request #1                  STRING
       JBACT10   Jbs activate request #10                 STRING
       JBACT11   Jbs activate request #11                 STRING
       JBACT12   Jbs activate request #12                 STRING
       JBACT13   Jbs activate request #13                 STRING
       JBACT14   Jbs activate request #14                 STRING
       JBACT15   Jbs activate request #15                 STRING
       JBACT16   Jbs activate request #16                 STRING
       JBACT17   Jbs activate request #17                 STRING
       JBACT18   Jbs activate request #18                 STRING
       JBACT19   Jbs activate request #19                 STRING
       JBACT2    Jbs activate request #2                  STRING
       JBACT20   Jbs activate request #20                 STRING
       JBACT21   Jbs activate request #21                 STRING
       JBACT22   Jbs activate request #22                 STRING
       JBACT23   Jbs activate request #23                 STRING
       JBACT24   Jbs activate request #24                 STRING
       JBACT25   Jbs activate request #25                 STRING
       JBACT26   Jbs activate request #26                 STRING
       JBACT27   Jbs activate request #27                 STRING
       JBACT28   Jbs activate request #28                 STRING
       JBACT29   Jbs activate request #29                 STRING
       JBACT3    Jbs activate request #3                  STRING
       JBACT30   Jbs activate request #30                 STRING
       JBACT31   Jbs activate request #31                 STRING
       JBACT32   Jbs activate request #32                 STRING
       JBACT33   Jbs activate request #33                 STRING
       JBACT34   Jbs activate request #34                 STRING
       JBACT35   Jbs activate request #35                 STRING
       JBACT36   Jbs activate request #36                 STRING
       JBACT37   Jbs activate request #37                 STRING
       JBACT38   Jbs activate request #38                 STRING
       JBACT39   Jbs activate request #39                 STRING
       JBACT4    Jbs activate request #4                  STRING
       JBACT40   Jbs activate request #40                 STRING
       JBACT41   Jbs activate request #41                 STRING
       JBACT42   Jbs activate request #42                 STRING
       JBACT43   Jbs activate request #43                 STRING
       JBACT44   Jbs activate request #44                 STRING
       JBACT45   Jbs activate request #45                 STRING
       JBACT46   Jbs activate request #46                 STRING
       JBACT47   Jbs activate request #47                 STRING
       JBACT48   Jbs activate request #48                 STRING
       JBACT49   Jbs activate request #49                 STRING
       JBACT5    Jbs activate request #5                  STRING
       JBACT50   Jbs activate request #50                 STRING
       JBACT6    Jbs activate request #6                  STRING
       JBACT7    Jbs activate request #7                  STRING
       JBACT8    Jbs activate request #8                  STRING
       JBACT9    Jbs activate request #9                  STRING
       JBAFFC    Number of system affinities              COUNT
       JBAFF1    Job system affinity #1                   STRING
       JBAFF10   Job system affinity #10                  STRING
       JBAFF11   Job system affinity #11                  STRING
       JBAFF12   Job system affinity #12                  STRING
       JBAFF13   Job system affinity #13                  STRING
       JBAFF14   Job system affinity #14                  STRING
       JBAFF15   Job system affinity #15                  STRING
       JBAFF16   Job system affinity #16                  STRING
       JBAFF17   Job system affinity #17                  STRING
       JBAFF18   Job system affinity #18                  STRING
       JBAFF19   Job system affinity #19                  STRING
       JBAFF2    Job system affinity #2                   STRING
       JBAFF20   Job system affinity #20                  STRING
       JBAFF21   Job system affinity #21                  STRING
       JBAFF22   Job system affinity #22                  STRING
       JBAFF23   Job system affinity #23                  STRING
       JBAFF24   Job system affinity #24                  STRING
       JBAFF25   Job system affinity #25                  STRING
       JBAFF26   Job system affinity #26                  STRING
       JBAFF27   Job system affinity #27                  STRING
       JBAFF28   Job system affinity #28                  STRING
       JBAFF29   Job system affinity #29                  STRING
       JBAFF3    Job system affinity #3                   STRING
       JBAFF30   Job system affinity #30                  STRING
       JBAFF31   Job system affinity #31                  STRING
       JBAFF32   Job system affinity #32                  STRING
       JBAFF4    Job system affinity #4                   STRING
       JBAFF5    Job system affinity #5                   STRING
       JBAFF6    Job system affinity #6                   STRING
       JBAFF7    Job system affinity #7                   STRING
       JBAFF8    Job system affinity #8                   STRING
       JBAFF9    Job system affinity #9                   STRING
       JBBNDC    Number of bind stmnts found              COUNT
       JBBND1    Jbs bind request #1                      STRING
       JBBND10   Jbs bind request #10                     STRING
       JBBND11   Jbs bind request #11                     STRING
       JBBND12   Jbs bind request #12                     STRING
       JBBND13   Jbs bind request #13                     STRING
       JBBND14   Jbs bind request #14                     STRING
       JBBND15   Jbs bind request #15                     STRING
       JBBND16   Jbs bind request #16                     STRING
       JBBND17   Jbs bind request #17                     STRING
       JBBND18   Jbs bind request #18                     STRING
       JBBND19   Jbs bind request #19                     STRING
       JBBND2    Jbs bind request #2                      STRING
       JBBND20   Jbs bind request #20                     STRING
       JBBND21   Jbs bind request #21                     STRING
       JBBND22   Jbs bind request #22                     STRING
       JBBND23   Jbs bind request #23                     STRING
       JBBND24   Jbs bind request #24                     STRING
       JBBND25   Jbs bind request #25                     STRING
       JBBND26   Jbs bind request #26                     STRING
       JBBND27   Jbs bind request #27                     STRING
       JBBND28   Jbs bind request #28                     STRING
       JBBND29   Jbs bind request #29                     STRING
       JBBND3    Jbs bind request #3                      STRING
       JBBND30   Jbs bind request #30                     STRING
       JBBND31   Jbs bind request #31                     STRING
       JBBND32   Jbs bind request #32                     STRING
       JBBND33   Jbs bind request #33                     STRING
       JBBND34   Jbs bind request #34                     STRING
       JBBND35   Jbs bind request #35                     STRING
       JBBND36   Jbs bind request #36                     STRING
       JBBND37   Jbs bind request #37                     STRING
       JBBND38   Jbs bind request #38                     STRING
       JBBND39   Jbs bind request #39                     STRING
       JBBND4    Jbs bind request #4                      STRING
       JBBND40   Jbs bind request #40                     STRING
       JBBND41   Jbs bind request #41                     STRING
       JBBND42   Jbs bind request #42                     STRING
       JBBND43   Jbs bind request #43                     STRING
       JBBND44   Jbs bind request #44                     STRING
       JBBND45   Jbs bind request #45                     STRING
       JBBND46   Jbs bind request #46                     STRING
       JBBND47   Jbs bind request #47                     STRING
       JBBND48   Jbs bind request #48                     STRING
       JBBND49   Jbs bind request #49                     STRING
       JBBND5    Jbs bind request #5                      STRING
       JBBND50   Jbs bind request #50                     STRING
       JBBND6    Jbs bind request #6                      STRING
       JBBND7    Jbs bind request #7                      STRING
       JBBND8    Jbs bind request #8                      STRING
       JBBND9    Jbs bind request #9                      STRING
       JBDEAC    Number of deactivate stmnts found        COUNT
       JBDEA1    Jbs deactivate request #1                STRING
       JBDEA10   Jbs deactivate request #10               STRING
       JBDEA11   Jbs deactivate request #11               STRING
       JBDEA12   Jbs deactivate request #12               STRING
       JBDEA13   Jbs deactivate request #13               STRING
       JBDEA14   Jbs deactivate request #14               STRING
       JBDEA15   Jbs deactivate request #15               STRING
       JBDEA16   Jbs deactivate request #16               STRING
       JBDEA17   Jbs deactivate request #17               STRING
       JBDEA18   Jbs deactivate request #18               STRING
       JBDEA19   Jbs deactivate request #19               STRING
       JBDEA2    Jbs deactivate request #2                STRING
       JBDEA20   Jbs deactivate request #20               STRING
       JBDEA21   Jbs deactivate request #21               STRING
       JBDEA22   Jbs deactivate request #22               STRING
       JBDEA23   Jbs deactivate request #23               STRING
       JBDEA24   Jbs deactivate request #24               STRING
       JBDEA25   Jbs deactivate request #25               STRING
       JBDEA26   Jbs deactivate request #26               STRING
       JBDEA27   Jbs deactivate request #27               STRING
       JBDEA28   Jbs deactivate request #28               STRING
       JBDEA29   Jbs deactivate request #29               STRING
       JBDEA3    Jbs deactivate request #3                STRING
       JBDEA30   Jbs deactivate request #30               STRING
       JBDEA31   Jbs deactivate request #31               STRING
       JBDEA32   Jbs deactivate request #32               STRING
       JBDEA33   Jbs deactivate request #33               STRING
       JBDEA34   Jbs deactivate request #34               STRING
       JBDEA35   Jbs deactivate request #35               STRING
       JBDEA36   Jbs deactivate request #36               STRING
       JBDEA37   Jbs deactivate request #37               STRING
       JBDEA38   Jbs deactivate request #38               STRING
       JBDEA39   Jbs deactivate request #39               STRING
       JBDEA4    Jbs deactivate request #4                STRING
       JBDEA40   Jbs deactivate request #40               STRING
       JBDEA41   Jbs deactivate request #41               STRING
       JBDEA42   Jbs deactivate request #42               STRING
       JBDEA43   Jbs deactivate request #43               STRING
       JBDEA44   Jbs deactivate request #44               STRING
       JBDEA45   Jbs deactivate request #45               STRING
       JBDEA46   Jbs deactivate request #46               STRING
       JBDEA47   Jbs deactivate request #47               STRING
       JBDEA48   Jbs deactivate request #48               STRING
       JBDEA49   Jbs deactivate request #49               STRING
       JBDEA5    Jbs deactivate request #5                STRING
       JBDEA50   Jbs deactivate request #50               STRING
       JBDEA6    Jbs deactivate request #6                STRING
       JBDEA7    Jbs deactivate request #7                STRING
       JBDEA8    Jbs deactivate request #8                STRING
       JBDEA9    Jbs deactivate request #9                STRING
       JBLL1C                                             COUNT
       JBLL2C                                             COUNT
       JBLL3C                                             COUNT
       JBLL4C                                             COUNT
       JBLL5C                                             COUNT
       JBLL6C                                             COUNT
       JBLL7C                                             COUNT
       JBLL8C                                             COUNT
       JBLL9C                                             COUNT
       JBL10C                                             COUNT
       JBL11C                                             COUNT
       JBL12C                                             COUNT
       JBL13C                                             COUNT
       JBL14C                                             COUNT
       JBL15C                                             COUNT
       JBL16C                                             COUNT
       JBL17C                                             COUNT
       JBL18C                                             COUNT
       JBL19C                                             COUNT
       JBL20C                                             COUNT
       JBL21C                                             COUNT
       JBL22C                                             COUNT
       JBL23C                                             COUNT
       JBL24C                                             COUNT
       JBSDACT   Job binding deactiviate agent            STRING
       JBVOLC    Number of job volumes found              COUNT
       JBVOL1    Job volume #1                            STRING
       JBVOL10   Job volume #10                           STRING
       JBVOL11   Job volume #11                           STRING
       JBVOL12   Job volume #12                           STRING
       JBVOL13   Job volume #13                           STRING
       JBVOL14   Job volume #14                           STRING
       JBVOL15   Job volume #15                           STRING
       JBVOL16   Job volume #16                           STRING
       JBVOL17   Job volume #17                           STRING
       JBVOL18   Job volume #18                           STRING
       JBVOL19   Job volume #19                           STRING
       JBVOL2    Job volume #2                            STRING
       JBVOL20   Job volume #20                           STRING
       JBVOL21   Job volume #21                           STRING
       JBVOL22   Job volume #22                           STRING
       JBVOL23   Job volume #23                           STRING
       JBVOL24   Job volume #24                           STRING
       JBVOL25   Job volume #25                           STRING
       JBVOL26   Job volume #26                           STRING
       JBVOL27   Job volume #27                           STRING
       JBVOL28   Job volume #28                           STRING
       JBVOL29   Job volume #29                           STRING
       JBVOL3    Job volume #3                            STRING
       JBVOL30   Job volume #30                           STRING
       JBVOL31   Job volume #31                           STRING
       JBVOL32   Job volume #32                           STRING
       JBVOL33   Job volume #33                           STRING
       JBVOL34   Job volume #34                           STRING
       JBVOL35   Job volume #35                           STRING
       JBVOL36   Job volume #36                           STRING
       JBVOL37   Job volume #37                           STRING
       JBVOL38   Job volume #38                           STRING
       JBVOL39   Job volume #39                           STRING
       JBVOL4    Job volume #4                            STRING
       JBVOL40   Job volume #40                           STRING
       JBVOL41   Job volume #41                           STRING
       JBVOL42   Job volume #42                           STRING
       JBVOL43   Job volume #43                           STRING
       JBVOL44   Job volume #44                           STRING
       JBVOL45   Job volume #45                           STRING
       JBVOL46   Job volume #46                           STRING
       JBVOL47   Job volume #47                           STRING
       JBVOL48   Job volume #48                           STRING
       JBVOL49   Job volume #49                           STRING
       JBVOL5    Job volume #5                            STRING
       JBVOL50   Job volume #50                           STRING
       JBVOL51   Job volume #51                           STRING
       JBVOL52   Job volume #52                           STRING
       JBVOL53   Job volume #53                           STRING
       JBVOL54   Job volume #54                           STRING
       JBVOL55   Job volume #55                           STRING
       JBVOL56   Job volume #56                           STRING
       JBVOL57   Job volume #57                           STRING
       JBVOL58   Job volume #58                           STRING
       JBVOL59   Job volume #59                           STRING
       JBVOL6    Job volume #6                            STRING
       JBVOL60   Job volume #60                           STRING
       JBVOL61   Job volume #61                           STRING
       JBVOL62   Job volume #62                           STRING
       JBVOL63   Job volume #63                           STRING
       JBVOL64   Job volume #64                           STRING
       JBVOL65   Job volume #65                           STRING
       JBVOL66   Job volume #66                           STRING
       JBVOL67   Job volume #67                           STRING
       JBVOL68   Job volume #68                           STRING
       JBVOL69   Job volume #69                           STRING
       JBVOL7    Job volume #7                            STRING
       JBVOL70   Job volume #70                           STRING
       JBVOL71   Job volume #71                           STRING
       JBVOL72   Job volume #72                           STRING
       JBVOL73   Job volume #73                           STRING
       JBVOL74   Job volume #74                           STRING
       JBVOL75   Job volume #75                           STRING
       JBVOL76   Job volume #76                           STRING
       JBVOL77   Job volume #77                           STRING
       JBVOL78   Job volume #78                           STRING
       JBVOL79   Job volume #79                           STRING
       JBVOL8    Job volume #8                            STRING
       JBVOL80   Job volume #80                           STRING
       JBVOL81   Job volume #81                           STRING
       JBVOL82   Job volume #82                           STRING
       JBVOL83   Job volume #83                           STRING
       JBVOL84   Job volume #84                           STRING
       JBVOL85   Job volume #85                           STRING
       JBVOL86   Job volume #86                           STRING
       JBVOL87   Job volume #87                           STRING
       JBVOL88   Job volume #88                           STRING
       JBVOL89   Job volume #89                           STRING
       JBVOL9    Job volume #9                            STRING
       JBVOL90   Job volume #90                           STRING
       JBVOL91   Job volume #91                           STRING
       JBVOL92   Job volume #92                           STRING
       JBVOL93   Job volume #93                           STRING
       JBVOL94   Job volume #94                           STRING
       JBVOL95   Job volume #95                           STRING
       JBVOL96   Job volume #96                           STRING
       JBVOL97   Job volume #97                           STRING
       JBVOL98   Job volume #98                           STRING
       JBVOL99   Job volume #99                           STRING
       JCAFTC    Number of jlc after stmnts found         COUNT
       JCAFT1    Jcs after job request #1                 STRING
       JCAFT10   Jcs after job request #10                STRING
       JCAFT11   Jcs after job request #11                STRING
       JCAFT12   Jcs after job request #12                STRING
       JCAFT13   Jcs after job request #13                STRING
       JCAFT14   Jcs after job request #14                STRING
       JCAFT15   Jcs after job request #15                STRING
       JCAFT16   Jcs after job request #16                STRING
       JCAFT17   Jcs after job request #17                STRING
       JCAFT18   Jcs after job request #18                STRING
       JCAFT19   Jcs after job request #19                STRING
       JCAFT2    Jcs after job request #2                 STRING
       JCAFT20   Jcs after job request #20                STRING
       JCAFT21   Jcs after job request #21                STRING
       JCAFT22   Jcs after job request #22                STRING
       JCAFT23   Jcs after job request #23                STRING
       JCAFT24   Jcs after job request #24                STRING
       JCAFT25   Jcs after job request #25                STRING
       JCAFT26   Jcs after job request #26                STRING
       JCAFT27   Jcs after job request #27                STRING
       JCAFT28   Jcs after job request #28                STRING
       JCAFT29   Jcs after job request #29                STRING
       JCAFT3    Jcs after job request #3                 STRING
       JCAFT30   Jcs after job request #30                STRING
       JCAFT31   Jcs after job request #31                STRING
       JCAFT32   Jcs after job request #32                STRING
       JCAFT33   Jcs after job request #33                STRING
       JCAFT34   Jcs after job request #34                STRING
       JCAFT35   Jcs after job request #35                STRING
       JCAFT36   Jcs after job request #36                STRING
       JCAFT37   Jcs after job request #37                STRING
       JCAFT38   Jcs after job request #38                STRING
       JCAFT39   Jcs after job request #39                STRING
       JCAFT4    Jcs after job request #4                 STRING
       JCAFT40   Jcs after job request #40                STRING
       JCAFT41   Jcs after job request #41                STRING
       JCAFT42   Jcs after job request #42                STRING
       JCAFT43   Jcs after job request #43                STRING
       JCAFT44   Jcs after job request #44                STRING
       JCAFT45   Jcs after job request #45                STRING
       JCAFT46   Jcs after job request #46                STRING
       JCAFT47   Jcs after job request #47                STRING
       JCAFT48   Jcs after job request #48                STRING
       JCAFT49   Jcs after job request #49                STRING
       JCAFT5    Jcs after job request #5                 STRING
       JCAFT50   Jcs after job request #50                STRING
       JCAFT6    Jcs after job request #6                 STRING
       JCAFT7    Jcs after job request #7                 STRING
       JCAFT8    Jcs after job request #8                 STRING
       JCAFT9    Jcs after job request #9                 STRING
       JCBFRC    Number of jlc before stmnts found        COUNT
       JCBFR1    Jcs before job request #1                STRING
       JCBFR10   Jcs before job request #10               STRING
       JCBFR11   Jcs before job request #11               STRING
       JCBFR12   Jcs before job request #12               STRING
       JCBFR13   Jcs before job request #13               STRING
       JCBFR14   Jcs before job request #14               STRING
       JCBFR15   Jcs before job request #15               STRING
       JCBFR16   Jcs before job request #16               STRING
       JCBFR17   Jcs before job request #17               STRING
       JCBFR18   Jcs before job request #18               STRING
       JCBFR19   Jcs before job request #19               STRING
       JCBFR2    Jcs before job request #2                STRING
       JCBFR20   Jcs before job request #20               STRING
       JCBFR21   Jcs before job request #21               STRING
       JCBFR22   Jcs before job request #22               STRING
       JCBFR23   Jcs before job request #23               STRING
       JCBFR24   Jcs before job request #24               STRING
       JCBFR25   Jcs before job request #25               STRING
       JCBFR26   Jcs before job request #26               STRING
       JCBFR27   Jcs before job request #27               STRING
       JCBFR28   Jcs before job request #28               STRING
       JCBFR29   Jcs before job request #29               STRING
       JCBFR3    Jcs before job request #3                STRING
       JCBFR30   Jcs before job request #30               STRING
       JCBFR31   Jcs before job request #31               STRING
       JCBFR32   Jcs before job request #32               STRING
       JCBFR33   Jcs before job request #33               STRING
       JCBFR34   Jcs before job request #34               STRING
       JCBFR35   Jcs before job request #35               STRING
       JCBFR36   Jcs before job request #36               STRING
       JCBFR37   Jcs before job request #37               STRING
       JCBFR38   Jcs before job request #38               STRING
       JCBFR39   Jcs before job request #39               STRING
       JCBFR4    Jcs before job request #4                STRING
       JCBFR40   Jcs before job request #40               STRING
       JCBFR41   Jcs before job request #41               STRING
       JCBFR42   Jcs before job request #42               STRING
       JCBFR43   Jcs before job request #43               STRING
       JCBFR44   Jcs before job request #44               STRING
       JCBFR45   Jcs before job request #45               STRING
       JCBFR46   Jcs before job request #46               STRING
       JCBFR47   Jcs before job request #47               STRING
       JCBFR48   Jcs before job request #48               STRING
       JCBFR49   Jcs before job request #49               STRING
       JCBFR5    Jcs before job request #5                STRING
       JCBFR50   Jcs before job request #50               STRING
       JCBFR6    Jcs before job request #6                STRING
       JCBFR7    Jcs before job request #7                STRING
       JCBFR8    Jcs before job request #8                STRING
       JCBFR9    Jcs before job request #9                STRING
       JLIMTC    Number of jlc agent limit requests       COUNT
       JLIMT1    Jls agent limited #1                     STRING
       JLIMT10   Jls agent limited #10                    STRING
       JLIMT11   Jls agent limited #11                    STRING
       JLIMT12   Jls agent limited #12                    STRING
       JLIMT13   Jls agent limited #13                    STRING
       JLIMT14   Jls agent limited #14                    STRING
       JLIMT15   Jls agent limited #15                    STRING
       JLIMT16   Jls agent limited #16                    STRING
       JLIMT17   Jls agent limited #17                    STRING
       JLIMT18   Jls agent limited #18                    STRING
       JLIMT19   Jls agent limited #19                    STRING
       JLIMT2    Jls agent limited #2                     STRING
       JLIMT20   Jls agent limited #20                    STRING
       JLIMT21   Jls agent limited #21                    STRING
       JLIMT22   Jls agent limited #22                    STRING
       JLIMT23   Jls agent limited #23                    STRING
       JLIMT24   Jls agent limited #24                    STRING
       JLIMT25   Jls agent limited #25                    STRING
       JLIMT26   Jls agent limited #26                    STRING
       JLIMT27   Jls agent limited #27                    STRING
       JLIMT28   Jls agent limited #28                    STRING
       JLIMT29   Jls agent limited #29                    STRING
       JLIMT3    Jls agent limited #3                     STRING
       JLIMT30   Jls agent limited #30                    STRING
       JLIMT31   Jls agent limited #31                    STRING
       JLIMT32   Jls agent limited #32                    STRING
       JLIMT33   Jls agent limited #33                    STRING
       JLIMT34   Jls agent limited #34                    STRING
       JLIMT35   Jls agent limited #35                    STRING
       JLIMT36   Jls agent limited #36                    STRING
       JLIMT37   Jls agent limited #37                    STRING
       JLIMT38   Jls agent limited #38                    STRING
       JLIMT39   Jls agent limited #39                    STRING
       JLIMT4    Jls agent limited #4                     STRING
       JLIMT40   Jls agent limited #40                    STRING
       JLIMT41   Jls agent limited #41                    STRING
       JLIMT42   Jls agent limited #42                    STRING
       JLIMT43   Jls agent limited #43                    STRING
       JLIMT44   Jls agent limited #44                    STRING
       JLIMT45   Jls agent limited #45                    STRING
       JLIMT46   Jls agent limited #46                    STRING
       JLIMT47   Jls agent limited #47                    STRING
       JLIMT48   Jls agent limited #48                    STRING
       JLIMT49   Jls agent limited #49                    STRING
       JLIMT5    Jls agent limited #5                     STRING
       JLIMT50   Jls agent limited #50                    STRING
       JLIMT6    Jls agent limited #6                     STRING
       JLIMT7    Jls agent limited #7                     STRING
       JLIMT8    Jls agent limited #8                     STRING
       JLIMT9    Jls agent limited #9                     STRING
       JLLIMC    Number of jls user limit requests        COUNT
       JLLIM1    Jls agent limited #1                     STRING
       JLLIM10   Jls agent limited #10                    STRING
       JLLIM11   Jls agent limited #11                    STRING
       JLLIM12   Jls agent limited #12                    STRING
       JLLIM13   Jls agent limited #13                    STRING
       JLLIM14   Jls agent limited #14                    STRING
       JLLIM15   Jls agent limited #15                    STRING
       JLLIM16   Jls agent limited #16                    STRING
       JLLIM17   Jls agent limited #17                    STRING
       JLLIM18   Jls agent limited #18                    STRING
       JLLIM19   Jls agent limited #19                    STRING
       JLLIM2    Jls agent limited #2                     STRING
       JLLIM20   Jls agent limited #20                    STRING
       JLLIM21   Jls agent limited #21                    STRING
       JLLIM22   Jls agent limited #22                    STRING
       JLLIM23   Jls agent limited #23                    STRING
       JLLIM24   Jls agent limited #24                    STRING
       JLLIM25   Jls agent limited #25                    STRING
       JLLIM26   Jls agent limited #26                    STRING
       JLLIM27   Jls agent limited #27                    STRING
       JLLIM28   Jls agent limited #28                    STRING
       JLLIM29   Jls agent limited #29                    STRING
       JLLIM3    Jls agent limited #3                     STRING
       JLLIM30   Jls agent limited #30                    STRING
       JLLIM31   Jls agent limited #31                    STRING
       JLLIM32   Jls agent limited #32                    STRING
       JLLIM33   Jls agent limited #33                    STRING
       JLLIM34   Jls agent limited #34                    STRING
       JLLIM35   Jls agent limited #35                    STRING
       JLLIM36   Jls agent limited #36                    STRING
       JLLIM37   Jls agent limited #37                    STRING
       JLLIM38   Jls agent limited #38                    STRING
       JLLIM39   Jls agent limited #39                    STRING
       JLLIM4    Jls agent limited #4                     STRING
       JLLIM40   Jls agent limited #40                    STRING
       JLLIM41   Jls agent limited #41                    STRING
       JLLIM42   Jls agent limited #42                    STRING
       JLLIM43   Jls agent limited #43                    STRING
       JLLIM44   Jls agent limited #44                    STRING
       JLLIM45   Jls agent limited #45                    STRING
       JLLIM46   Jls agent limited #46                    STRING
       JLLIM47   Jls agent limited #47                    STRING
       JLLIM48   Jls agent limited #48                    STRING
       JLLIM49   Jls agent limited #49                    STRING
       JLLIM5    Jls agent limited #5                     STRING
       JLLIM50   Jls agent limited #50                    STRING
       JLLIM6    Jls agent limited #6                     STRING
       JLLIM7    Jls agent limited #7                     STRING
       JLLIM8    Jls agent limited #8                     STRING
       JLLIM9    Jls agent limited #9                     STRING
       JVVOLC    Number of job volumes found              COUNT
       JVVOL1    Job volume #1                            STRING
       JVVOL10   Job volume #10                           STRING
       JVVOL11   Job volume #11                           STRING
       JVVOL12   Job volume #12                           STRING
       JVVOL13   Job volume #13                           STRING
       JVVOL14   Job volume #14                           STRING
       JVVOL15   Job volume #15                           STRING
       JVVOL16   Job volume #16                           STRING
       JVVOL17   Job volume #17                           STRING
       JVVOL18   Job volume #18                           STRING
       JVVOL19   Job volume #19                           STRING
       JVVOL2    Job volume #2                            STRING
       JVVOL20   Job volume #20                           STRING
       JVVOL21   Job volume #21                           STRING
       JVVOL22   Job volume #22                           STRING
       JVVOL23   Job volume #23                           STRING
       JVVOL24   Job volume #24                           STRING
       JVVOL25   Job volume #25                           STRING
       JVVOL26   Job volume #26                           STRING
       JVVOL27   Job volume #27                           STRING
       JVVOL28   Job volume #28                           STRING
       JVVOL29   Job volume #29                           STRING
       JVVOL3    Job volume #3                            STRING
       JVVOL30   Job volume #30                           STRING
       JVVOL31   Job volume #31                           STRING
       JVVOL32   Job volume #32                           STRING
       JVVOL33   Job volume #33                           STRING
       JVVOL34   Job volume #34                           STRING
       JVVOL35   Job volume #35                           STRING
       JVVOL36   Job volume #36                           STRING
       JVVOL37   Job volume #37                           STRING
       JVVOL38   Job volume #38                           STRING
       JVVOL39   Job volume #39                           STRING
       JVVOL4    Job volume #4                            STRING
       JVVOL40   Job volume #40                           STRING
       JVVOL41   Job volume #41                           STRING
       JVVOL42   Job volume #42                           STRING
       JVVOL43   Job volume #43                           STRING
       JVVOL44   Job volume #44                           STRING
       JVVOL45   Job volume #45                           STRING
       JVVOL46   Job volume #46                           STRING
       JVVOL47   Job volume #47                           STRING
       JVVOL48   Job volume #48                           STRING
       JVVOL49   Job volume #49                           STRING
       JVVOL5    Job volume #5                            STRING
       JVVOL50   Job volume #50                           STRING
       JVVOL51   Job volume #51                           STRING
       JVVOL52   Job volume #52                           STRING
       JVVOL53   Job volume #53                           STRING
       JVVOL54   Job volume #54                           STRING
       JVVOL55   Job volume #55                           STRING
       JVVOL56   Job volume #56                           STRING
       JVVOL57   Job volume #57                           STRING
       JVVOL58   Job volume #58                           STRING
       JVVOL59   Job volume #59                           STRING
       JVVOL6    Job volume #6                            STRING
       JVVOL60   Job volume #60                           STRING
       JVVOL61   Job volume #61                           STRING
       JVVOL62   Job volume #62                           STRING
       JVVOL63   Job volume #63                           STRING
       JVVOL64   Job volume #64                           STRING
       JVVOL65   Job volume #65                           STRING
       JVVOL66   Job volume #66                           STRING
       JVVOL67   Job volume #67                           STRING
       JVVOL68   Job volume #68                           STRING
       JVVOL69   Job volume #69                           STRING
       JVVOL7    Job volume #7                            STRING
       JVVOL70   Job volume #70                           STRING
       JVVOL71   Job volume #71                           STRING
       JVVOL72   Job volume #72                           STRING
       JVVOL73   Job volume #73                           STRING
       JVVOL74   Job volume #74                           STRING
       JVVOL75   Job volume #75                           STRING
       JVVOL76   Job volume #76                           STRING
       JVVOL77   Job volume #77                           STRING
       JVVOL78   Job volume #78                           STRING
       JVVOL79   Job volume #79                           STRING
       JVVOL8    Job volume #8                            STRING
       JVVOL80   Job volume #80                           STRING
       JVVOL81   Job volume #81                           STRING
       JVVOL82   Job volume #82                           STRING
       JVVOL83   Job volume #83                           STRING
       JVVOL84   Job volume #84                           STRING
       JVVOL85   Job volume #85                           STRING
       JVVOL86   Job volume #86                           STRING
       JVVOL87   Job volume #87                           STRING
       JVVOL88   Job volume #88                           STRING
       JVVOL89   Job volume #89                           STRING
       JVVOL9    Job volume #9                            STRING
       JVVOL90   Job volume #90                           STRING
       JVVOL91   Job volume #91                           STRING
       JVVOL92   Job volume #92                           STRING
       JVVOL93   Job volume #93                           STRING
       JVVOL94   Job volume #94                           STRING
       JVVOL95   Job volume #95                           STRING
       JVVOL96   Job volume #96                           STRING
       JVVOL97   Job volume #97                           STRING
       JVVOL98   Job volume #98                           STRING
       JVVOL99   Job volume #99                           STRING
       NBINDS    Binds in job nonunique                   COUNT

143) The following variable has been added to table XTY1415:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SMF14ED   Extended data integrity edi flag         HEXFLAGS

144) The following 2 variables have had their interpretation type changed
     in table XTY22_A:

       SMF22CY   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING
       SMF22PC   changed from  HEXFLAGS  to  STRING

145) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY26J3:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       JBMODE0   Ran in mode=wlm                          STRING
       JBMODE1   Ran f j=job,run                          STRING
       SM26WCL   Service class at execution               STRING
       SM26WIN   Job indicators                           HEXFLAGS
       SM26WJC   Job class                                STRING
       SM26WOC   Original service class                   STRING
       SM26WSE   Scheduling environment                   STRING

146) The following 28 variables have been added to table XTY30_V:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IDMACT1   Idms batch account one                   STRING
       IDMACT2   Idms batch account two                   STRING
       IDMBLG    Idms dc/ucf billing group                STRING
       IDMCPTM   Idms transaction cpu time                TIME
       IDMLTE    Idms dc/ucf lterm                        STRING
       IDMOPR    Idms erus operator id                    STRING
       IDMTID    Idms task id number                      COUNT
       IDMTRM    Idms erus terminal id                    STRING
       IDMTRN    Idms erus transaction id                 STRING
       IDMTSK    Idms dc/ucf task code                    STRING
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

147) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY30_4:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

148) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY30_5:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

149) The following 18 variables have been added to table XTY30_6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPCOEFF   Tcb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       CPDFATM   Dependent enclave cpu time on ifa        TIME
       CPDFETM   Ifa-eligible dep enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPEFATM   Independent enclave cpu time on ifa      TIME
       CPEFETM   Ifa-eligible ind enclave cpu time on cp  TIME
       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       CPTOTTM   Total cpu max tcb,srb from smf or su     TIME
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       IOCOEFF   I/o service coefficient                  FLOAT
       MSCOEFF   Memory service unit coefficient          FLOAT
       ORGUNIT   Original service units in smf record     COUNT
       SM30PF2   Performance section flag byte 2          HEXFLAGS
       SM30TF2   Additional timer flags for ifa           HEXFLAGS
       SRCOEFF   Srb cpu service unit coefficient         FLOAT
       SRVSRBT   Service unit based srb time              TIME
       SRVTCBT   Service unit based tcb time              TIME

150) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY30MR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM30MRA   Cpu rate su sec factor                   RATE
       SM30MRD   Dependent enclaves cpu time              TIME
       SM30MRI   Independent enclaves cpu time            TIME
       SM30MRS   System name where enclaves ran           STRING
       SUBTYPE   Subtype id                               INT

     The following 4 variables have been deleted from table XTY30MR:

       CPMRDTM   Cpu time for dependent remote enclaves   TIME
       CPMRITM   Cpu time for independent remote enclaves TIME
       MRENSYS   System on which remote enclaves ran      STRING
       RMSUSEC   Remote system su sec adjustment factor   FLOAT

151) The following variable has been added to table XTY30TD:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       STEPNR    Step number                              INT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY30TD:

       SUBTYPE   changed from  COUNT     to  INT

152) The following 64 variables have been added to table XTY57J2:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ADRESS1   First  line of address                   STRING
       ADRESS2   Second line of address                   STRING
       ADRESS3   Third  line of address                   STRING
       ADRESS4   Fourth line of address                   STRING
       BUILDIN   Building                                 STRING
       DEPT      Department                               STRING
       DESTNAT   Destination                              STRING
       ESBURST   Burst in ess                             COUNT
       ESCHARS   Chars in ess                             STRING
       ESCHAR2   Chars2 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR3   Chars3 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR4   Chars4 in ess                            STRING
       ESCLASS   Class in ess                             STRING
       ESCOPIE   Copies in ess                            COUNT
       ESDATCK   Datacheck in ess                         COUNT
       ESDEFAU   Default in ess                           STRING
       ESFCB     Fcb in ess                               STRING
       ESFLASH   Flash overlay name in ess                STRING
       ESFLCNT   Flash overlay count in ess               COUNT
       ESFMDEF   Formdef in ess                           STRING
       ESFORMS   Forms in ess                             STRING
       ESFSSDT   Fss data in ess                          STRING
       ESLINCT   Linect in ess                            COUNT
       ESMODFT   Modify trc in ess                        STRING
       ESMODFY   Modify in ess                            STRING
       ESNOTFY   Notify in ess                            STRING
       ESNOTF2   Notify2 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF3   Notify3 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF4   Notify4 in ess                           STRING
       ESOUTDB   Outdisp normal?                          STRING
       ESOUTDC   Outdisp abnormal?                        STRING
       ESPGDEF   Pagedef in ess                           STRING
       ESPIMSG   Pimsg in ess                             STRING
       ESPIMST   Pimst in ess                             STRING
       ESPIM2G   Pims2g in ess                            STRING
       ESPIM2T   Pim2t in ess                             STRING
       ESPRMOD   Prmode in ess                            STRING
       ESPRQUE   Prtqueue in ess                          STRING
       ESPRTY    Prty in ess                              STRING
       ESRETAI   Retainf in ess                           STRING
       ESRETRL   Retryl count in ess                      COUNT
       ESRETRT   Retryt time in ess                       TIME
       ESTRC     Trc in ess                               STRING
       ESUCS     Ucs in ess                               STRING
       ESULIB1   Dsname of 1st userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB2   Dsname of 2nd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB3   Dsname of 3rd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB4   Dsname of 4th userlib                    STRING
       ESUSDAT   Userdata in ess                          STRING
       ESUSDA2   Userdata 2 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA3   Userdata 3 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA4   Userdata 4 in ess                        STRING
       ESWRITR   Writer name in ess                       STRING
       ES0013    Unkn 0013x geparmky in ess               COUNT
       GROUPID   Group id                                 STRING
       NAME      Name                                     STRING
       ROOM6     Room6                                    STRING
       SMF57C1   Smf57 undoc char one                     STRING
       SMF57C2   Smf57 undoc char two                     STRING
       SMF57C3   Smf57 undoc char three                   STRING
       SMF57N1   Smf57 undoc num one                      COUNT
       SMF57N2   Smf57 undoc num two                      COUNT
       SMF57N3   Smf57 undoc num three                    COUNT
       TITLE     Title                                    STRING

153) The following 50 variables have been added to table XTY6:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESCHAR2   Chars2 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR3   Chars3 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR4   Chars4 in ess                            STRING
       ESDATCK   Datacheck in ess                         COUNT
       ESDEFAU   Default in ess                           STRING
       ESFLASH   Flash overlay name in ess                STRING
       ESFLCNT   Flash overlay count in ess               COUNT
       ESFRMLN   Formlen in ess                           STRING
       ESFSSDT   Fss data in ess                          STRING
       ESITRAY   Intray in ess                            COUNT
       ESNOTFY   Notify in ess                            STRING
       ESNOTF2   Notify2 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF3   Notify3 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF4   Notify4 in ess                           STRING
       ESOFSTB   Offsetxb in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTF   Offsetxf in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTY   Offsetyb in ess                          STRING
       ESOUTDB   Outdisp normal?                          STRING
       ESOUTDC   Outdisp abnormal?                        STRING
       ESPIMSG   Pimsg in ess                             STRING
       ESPIMST   Pimst in ess                             STRING
       ESPIM2G   Pims2g in ess                            STRING
       ESPIM2T   Pim2t in ess                             STRING
       ESPORNO   Portno in ess                            COUNT
       ESPRQUE   Prtqueue in ess                          STRING
       ESRETAI   Retainf in ess                           STRING
       ESRETAS   Retains in ess                           STRING
       ESRETRL   Retryl count in ess                      COUNT
       ESRETRT   Retryt time in ess                       TIME
       ESTRC     Trc in ess                               STRING
       ESUCS     Ucs in ess                               STRING
       ESULIB1   Dsname of 1st userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB2   Dsname of 2nd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB3   Dsname of 3rd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB4   Dsname of 4th userlib                    STRING
       ESUSDAT   Userdata in ess                          STRING
       ESUSDA2   Userdata 2 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA3   Userdata 3 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA4   Userdata 4 in ess                        STRING
       ES0013    Unkn 0013x geparmky in ess               COUNT
       SM6C1     Smf6 undoc char one                      STRING
       SM6C2     Smf6 undoc char two                      STRING
       SM6C3     Smf6 undoc char three                    STRING
       SM6FTL    File transfer level indicator            INT
       SM6N1     Smf6 undoc num one                       COUNT
       SM6N2     Smf6 undoc num two                       COUNT
       SM6N3     Smf6 undoc num three                     COUNT
       SM6PQLN   Printway print queue length              GAUGE
       SM6URI    Target universal resouirce indicator uri STRING
       SM6URIL   Length of uri                            GAUGE

154) The following 51 variables have been added to table XTY6ENH:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ESCHAR2   Chars2 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR3   Chars3 in ess                            STRING
       ESCHAR4   Chars4 in ess                            STRING
       ESDATCK   Datacheck in ess                         COUNT
       ESDEFAU   Default in ess                           STRING
       ESFLASH   Flash overlay name in ess                STRING
       ESFLCNT   Flash overlay count in ess               COUNT
       ESFRMLN   Formlen in ess                           STRING
       ESFSSDT   Fss data in ess                          STRING
       ESITRAY   Intray in ess                            COUNT
       ESNOTFY   Notify in ess                            STRING
       ESNOTF2   Notify2 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF3   Notify3 in ess                           STRING
       ESNOTF4   Notify4 in ess                           STRING
       ESOFSTB   Offsetxb in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTF   Offsetxf in ess                          STRING
       ESOFSTY   Offsetyb in ess                          STRING
       ESOUTDB   Outdisp normal?                          STRING
       ESOUTDC   Outdisp abnormal?                        STRING
       ESPIMSG   Pimsg in ess                             STRING
       ESPIMST   Pimst in ess                             STRING
       ESPIM2G   Pims2g in ess                            STRING
       ESPIM2T   Pim2t in ess                             STRING
       ESPORNO   Portno in ess                            COUNT
       ESPRQUE   Prtqueue in ess                          STRING
       ESRETAI   Retainf in ess                           STRING
       ESRETAS   Retains in ess                           STRING
       ESRETRL   Retryl count in ess                      COUNT
       ESRETRT   Retryt time in ess                       TIME
       ESTRC     Trc in ess                               STRING
       ESUCS     Ucs in ess                               STRING
       ESULIB1   Dsname of 1st userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB2   Dsname of 2nd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB3   Dsname of 3rd userlib                    STRING
       ESULIB4   Dsname of 4th userlib                    STRING
       ESUSDAT   Userdata in ess                          STRING
       ESUSDA2   Userdata 2 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA3   Userdata 3 in ess                        STRING
       ESUSDA4   Userdata 4 in ess                        STRING
       ES0013    Unkn 0013x geparmky in ess               COUNT
       SM6C1     Smf6 undoc char one                      STRING
       SM6C2     Smf6 undoc char two                      STRING
       SM6C3     Smf6 undoc char three                    STRING
       SM6FTL    File transfer level indicator            INT
       SM6N1     Smf6 undoc num one                       COUNT
       SM6N2     Smf6 undoc num two                       COUNT
       SM6N3     Smf6 undoc num three                     COUNT
       SM6PQLN   Printway print queue length              GAUGE
       SM6URI    Target universal resouirce indicator uri STRING
       SM6URIL   Length of uri                            GAUGE
       ZTIME     Zee datetime zee obs was created         DATETIME

155) The following 110 variables have been added to table XTY70:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       IFACTTM   Ifa engine executing (active) cpu time   TIME
       IFAVAIL   Ifa processor available?                 STRING
       IFTYPA    Ifa or cp type cpu 10                    INT
       IFTYPB    Ifa or cp type cpu 11                    INT
       IFTYPC    Ifa or cp type cpu 12                    INT
       IFTYPD    Ifa or cp type cpu 13                    INT
       IFTYPE    Ifa or cp type cpu 14                    INT
       IFTYPF    Ifa or cp type cpu 15                    INT
       IFTYPG    Ifa or cp type cpu 16                    INT
       IFTYPH    Ifa or cp type cpu 17                    INT
       IFTYPI    Ifa or cp type cpu 18                    INT
       IFTYPJ    Ifa or cp type cpu 19                    INT
       IFTYPK    Ifa or cp type cpu 20                    INT
       IFTYPL    Ifa or cp type cpu 21                    INT
       IFTYPN    Ifa or cp type cpu 22                    INT
       IFTYPO    Ifa or cp type cpu 23                    INT
       IFTYPP    Ifa or cp type cpu 24                    INT
       IFTYPQ    Ifa or cp type cpu 25                    INT
       IFTYPR    Ifa or cp type cpu 26                    INT
       IFTYPS    Ifa or cp type cpu 27                    INT
       IFTYPT    Ifa or cp type cpu 28                    INT
       IFTYPU    Ifa or cp type cpu 29                    INT
       IFTYPV    Ifa or cp type cpu 30                    INT
       IFTYPW    Ifa or cp type cpu 31                    INT
       IFTYPX    Ifa or cp type cpu 32                    INT
       IFTYP0    Ifa or cp type cpu 0                     INT
       IFTYP1    Ifa or cp type cpu 1                     INT
       IFTYP2    Ifa or cp type cpu 2                     INT
       IFTYP3    Ifa or cp type cpu 3                     INT
       IFTYP4    Ifa or cp type cpu 4                     INT
       IFTYP5    Ifa or cp type cpu 5                     INT
       IFTYP6    Ifa or cp type cpu 6                     INT
       IFTYP7    Ifa or cp type cpu 7                     INT
       IFTYP8    Ifa or cp type cpu 8                     INT
       IFTYP9    Ifa or cp type cpu 9                     INT
       IFUPTM    Ifa engine available (up) time           TIME
       IFWAITA   Ifa wait duration ifa 10                 TIME
       IFWAITB   Ifa wait duration ifa 11                 TIME
       IFWAITC   Ifa wait duration ifa 12                 TIME
       IFWAITD   Ifa wait duration ifa 13                 TIME
       IFWAITE   Ifa wait duration ifa 14                 TIME
       IFWAITF   Ifa wait duration ifa 15                 TIME
       IFWAITG   Ifa wait duration ifa 16                 TIME
       IFWAITH   Ifa wait duration ifa 17                 TIME
       IFWAITI   Ifa wait duration ifa 18                 TIME
       IFWAITJ   Ifa wait duration ifa 19                 TIME
       IFWAITK   Ifa wait duration ifa 20                 TIME
       IFWAITL   Ifa wait duration ifa 21                 TIME
       IFWAITM   Total ifa wait duration                  TIME
       IFWAITN   Ifa wait duration ifa 22                 TIME
       IFWAITO   Ifa wait duration ifa 23                 TIME
       IFWAITP   Ifa wait duration ifa 24                 TIME
       IFWAITQ   Ifa wait duration ifa 25                 TIME
       IFWAITR   Ifa wait duration ifa 26                 TIME
       IFWAITS   Ifa wait duration ifa 27                 TIME
       IFWAITT   Ifa wait duration ifa 28                 TIME
       IFWAITU   Ifa wait duration ifa 29                 TIME
       IFWAITV   Ifa wait duration ifa 30                 TIME
       IFWAITW   Ifa wait duration ifa 31                 TIME
       IFWAITX   Ifa wait duration ifa 32                 TIME
       IFWAIT0   Ifa wait duration ifa 0                  TIME
       IFWAIT1   Ifa wait duration ifa 1                  TIME
       IFWAIT2   Ifa wait duration ifa 2                  TIME
       IFWAIT3   Ifa wait duration ifa 3                  TIME
       IFWAIT4   Ifa wait duration ifa 4                  TIME
       IFWAIT5   Ifa wait duration ifa 5                  TIME
       IFWAIT6   Ifa wait duration ifa 6                  TIME
       IFWAIT7   Ifa wait duration ifa 7                  TIME
       IFWAIT8   Ifa wait duration ifa 8                  TIME
       IFWAIT9   Ifa wait duration ifa 9                  TIME
       LPARWLM   Wlm management of this lpar?             STRING
       NRCPUD    Number of cpu segments in record         GAUGE
       NRIFAS    Number of ifa engines available          GAUGE
       PCIFABY   All ifas percent busy (dispatched)       PERCENT100
       PCONLNA   Cpu a percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNB   Cpu b percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNC   Cpu c percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLND   Cpu d percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNE   Cpu e percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNF   Cpu f percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNG   Cpu g percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNH   Cpu h percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNI   Cpu i percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNJ   Cpu j percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNK   Cpu k percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNL   Cpu l percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNN   Cpu n percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNO   Cpu o percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNP   Cpu p percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNQ   Cpu q percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNR   Cpu r percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNS   Cpu s percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNT   Cpu t percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNU   Cpu u percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNV   Cpu v percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNW   Cpu w percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLNX   Cpu x percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN0   Cpu 0 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN1   Cpu 1 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN2   Cpu 2 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN3   Cpu 3 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN4   Cpu 4 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN5   Cpu 5 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN6   Cpu 6 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN7   Cpu 7 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN8   Cpu 8 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PCONLN9   Cpu 9 percent online time                PERCENT100
       PLCPRDY   Lpar-cp ready-queue delay percent        PERCENT100
       SHORTCP   Short cp-s ratio                         PERCENT
       SM70IFA   Number of ifa processors online          GAUGE

156) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY70PR:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LPRCPUX   Smf70bdn number of cpus in this lpar     GAUGE
       MXGCIN    Mxg-created expanded smf70cin            STRING
       NRCPUD    Number of cpu segments in record         GAUGE
       NRPHYCP   Number of physical segments              GAUGE
       PLCPRDY   Lpar-cp ready-queue delay percent        PERCENT100
       SHORTCP   Short cp-s ratio                         PERCENT

157) The following 6 variables have been added to table XTY71:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM71BLG   Peak shared bytes large virtual          MAXIMUM
       SM71PAH   Avg total auxstore frames above 2gb bar  AVERAGE
       SM71PCH   Avg total cstore frames above 2gb bar    AVERAGE
       SM71PIH   Pageins from auxstor for above 2gb bar   COUNT
       SM71POH   Pageouts to auxstor for above 2gb bar    COUNT
       SM71PTH   Avg total shared frames above 2gb bar    AVERAGE

158) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY72DL:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73RW01   Resource type 1 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW02   Resource type 3 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW03   Resource type 4 state samples            COUNT
       R73RW04   Resource type 5 state samples            COUNT

159) The following 15 variables have been added to table XTY72GO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CPIFATM   Ifa equivalent cpu time on ifa           TIME
       CPIFETM   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       IFACROS   Ifa crossover?                           STRING
       IFAHONP   Ifa honor priority?                      STRING
       IFAUNIT   Ifa cpu service units                    COUNT
       IFEUNIT   Cp ifa eligible service units            COUNT
       R73ECTC   Cpu time while dp raised                 TIME
       R73IFAD   Ifa delay samples                        COUNT
       R73IFAT   Unadjusted ifa cpu time on ifa           TIME
       R73IFAU   Ifa using samples                        COUNT
       R73IFCT   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME
       R73IFCU   Ifa-eligible on cp using samples         COUNT
       R73NFFI   Normalization factor for ifa times       INT
       R73RCOD   Contention delay sample count            COUNT
       R73RCOU   Contention using sample count            COUNT

160) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY73:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CHANCHC   Channel path characteristics changed     STRING
       CHANDCM   Channel path is dcm managed              STRING

161) The following 17 variables have been added to table XTY74CA:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R745CT1   Bytes read                               COUNT
       R745CT2   Bytes written                            COUNT
       R745CT3   Read response time                       TIME
       R745CT4   Write response time                      TIME
       R745PBR   Physical storage bytes read              COUNT
       R745PBW   Physical storage bytes written           COUNT
       R745PRO   Physical storage read operations         COUNT
       R745PRT   Physical storage read time               TIME
       R745PWO   Physical storage write operations        COUNT
       R745PWT   Physical storage write time              TIME
       R745XID   Extent pool id                           INT
       R745XTY   Extent type                              INT
       R7452XF   Extent pool flags                        INT
       R75BYTR   Bytes read                               COUNT
       R75BYTW   Bytes written                            COUNT
       R75RTIR   Response time to read bytes              TIME
       R75RTIW   Response time to write bytes             TIME

162) The following variable has been added to table XTY747P:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R77SPFL   Switch processing flags                  HEXFLAGS

163) The following variable has had its format changed in table

       STATIND   changed from  _NONE_    to  HEX2.

164) The following variable has been added to table XTY78CF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R783CPA   Channel path attributes                  HEXFLAGS

165) The following variable has been added to table XTY78CU:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCUDST    Lcu data status                          HEXFLAGS

166) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY78IO:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R73CSS    Channel subsystem id                     INT
       R73GFLG   Ioq global flags                         HEXFLAGS

167) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY78SP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SUPOOL5   Subpool above 16mb value minimum         MINIMUM
       SUPOOL6   Subpool above 16mb value min time        DATETIME
       SUPOOL7   Subpool above 16mb value maximum         MAXIMUM
       SUPOOL8   Subpool above 16mb value max time        DATETIME
       SUPOOL9   Subpool above 16mb value average         AVERAGE

168) The following variable has been added to table XTY79E:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       LCUDST    Lcu data status                          HEXFLAGS

169) The following variable has been added to table XTY79EF:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R79ECPA   Path attributes                          HEXFLAGS

170) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY791:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R71TCP    Nffi normalization factor                INT
       R71TIFA   Ifa cpu time on ifa                      TIME
       R71TIFE   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME

171) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY792:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       R72TCP    Nffi normalization factor                INT
       R72TIFA   Ifa cpu time on ifa                      TIME
       R72TIFE   Ifa-eligible cpu time on cp              TIME

172) The following variable has been added to table XTY8X24:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASN21   Class name                               STRING

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY8X24:

       CLASNAM   Class name                               STRING

173) The following variable has been added to table XTY8001:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

174) The following variable has been added to table XTY8002:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

175) The following variable has been added to table XTY8003:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

176) The following variable has been added to table XTY8004:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

177) The following variable has been added to table XTY8005:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

178) The following variable has been added to table XTY8006:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

179) The following variable has been added to table XTY8007:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTY8007:

       CAGNAME   Added category name                      STRING
       EV0FLG1   Event 40 flag 1                          STRING
       EV0FLG2   Event 40 flag 2                          STRING

180) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY8008:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CAGNAME   Added category name                      STRING
       EV40FL1   Event 40 flag 1                          HEXFLAGS
       EV40FL2   Event 40 flag 2                          HEXFLAGS
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

181) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY8009:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K09IG06   Keyword ignored universal?               STRING
       K09SP06   Keyword specified universal?             STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

182) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY8010:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASP02   Class specified user?                    STRING
       CLASP04   Class specified dasdvol?                 STRING
       CLASP05   Class specified tapevol?                 STRING
       CLASP06   Class specified terminal?                STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

183) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY8011:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K11IG28   Keyword ignored seclabel?                STRING
       K11IG29   Keyword ignored noseclabel?              STRING
       K11SP28   Keyword specified seclabel?              STRING
       K11SP29   Keyword specified noseclabel?            STRING
       SECLABL   Seclabel name                            STRING
       SECLEVL   Seclevel name                            STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

184) The following variable has been added to table XTY8012:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

185) The following 5 variables have been added to table XTY8013:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASP02   Class specified user?                    STRING
       CLASP04   Class specified dasdvol?                 STRING
       CLASP05   Class specified tapevol?                 STRING
       CLASP06   Class specified terminal?                STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

186) The following variable has been added to table XTY8014:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

187) The following variable has been added to table XTY8015:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

188) The following variable has been added to table XTY8016:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

189) The following variable has been added to table XTY8017:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

190) The following variable has been added to table XTY8018:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

191) The following 9 variables have been added to table XTY8019:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLAS26N   Class name                               STRING
       FROMRES   From resource name                       STRING
       FVOLUME   Fvolume volume serial                    STRING
       K19CL07   Class keyword specified from?            STRING
       K19FC05   Fclass keyword specified conditional?    STRING
       K19FC06   Fclass keyword specified standard?       STRING
       K19FC07   Fclass keyword specified from?           STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT
       VOLSER    Volume volume serial                     STRING

192) The following 62 variables have been added to table XTY8020:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF29AD   Application data                         STRING
       RES25MA   Resource name 10                         STRING
       RES25MB   Resource name 11                         STRING
       RES25MC   Resource name 12                         STRING
       RES25MD   Resource name 13                         STRING
       RES25ME   Resource name 14                         STRING
       RES25MF   Resource name 15                         STRING
       RES25M1   Resource name  1                         STRING
       RES25M2   Resource name  2                         STRING
       RES25M3   Resource name  3                         STRING
       RES25M4   Resource name  4                         STRING
       RES25M5   Resource name  5                         STRING
       RES25M6   Resource name  6                         STRING
       RES25M7   Resource name  7                         STRING
       RES25M8   Resource name  8                         STRING
       RES25M9   Resource name  9                         STRING
       RES25TA   Resource name 10 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TB   Resource name 11 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TC   Resource name 12 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TD   Resource name 13 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TE   Resource name 14 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25TF   Resource name 15 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T1   Resource name  1 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T2   Resource name  2 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T3   Resource name  3 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T4   Resource name  4 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T5   Resource name  5 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T6   Resource name  6 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T7   Resource name  7 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T8   Resource name  8 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RES25T9   Resource name  9 processed flag          HEXFLAGS
       RSBYTEA   10th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEB   11th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEC   12th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTED   13th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEE   14th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEF   15th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTE1   1st resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE2   2nd resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE3   3rd resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE4   4th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE5   5th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE6   6th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE7   7th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE8   8th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE9   9th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSNAMEA   10th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEB   11th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEC   12th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMED   13th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEE   14th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEF   15th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAME1   1st resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME2   2nd resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME3   3rd resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME4   4th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME5   5th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME6   6th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME7   7th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME8   8th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME9   9th resource name                        STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY8020:

       RESBYTE   Resource name flag byte                  STRING

193) The following 32 variables have been added to table XTY8021:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       RAF29AD   Application data                         STRING
       RSBYTEA   10th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEB   11th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEC   12th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTED   13th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEE   14th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTEF   15th resource flag byte                  STRING
       RSBYTE1   1st resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE2   2nd resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE3   3rd resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE4   4th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE5   5th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE6   6th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE7   7th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE8   8th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSBYTE9   9th resource flag byte                   STRING
       RSNAMEA   10th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEB   11th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEC   12th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMED   13th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEE   14th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAMEF   15th resource name                       STRING
       RSNAME1   1st resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME2   2nd resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME3   3rd resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME4   4th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME5   5th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME6   6th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME7   7th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME8   8th resource name                        STRING
       RSNAME9   9th resource name                        STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

194) The following variable has been added to table XTY8022:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

195) The following 8 variables have been added to table XTY8023:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K23GRUP   Group name group keyword                 STRING
       K23IGNR   Group keyword ignored?                   STRING
       K23IGOW   Owner keyword ignored?                   STRING
       K23OWNR   User id or group name owner keyword      STRING
       K23SPGR   Group keyword specified?                 STRING
       K23SPOW   Owner keyword specified?                 STRING
       K23USER   User id to be removed                    STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

196) The following 50 variables have been added to table XTY8024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       CLASN21   Class name                               STRING
       K24ASTE   Flags for asterisk                       STRING
       K24I102   Keyword specified primary language?      STRING
       K24I103   Keyword specified secondary language?    STRING
       K24I104   Keyword specified addcreator?            STRING
       K24I105   Keyword specified noaddcreator?          STRING
       K24I106   Keyword specified list?                  STRING
       K24I107   Keyword specified kerblvl?               STRING
       K24I108   Keyword specified eimregistry?           STRING
       K24I109   Keyword specified noeimregistry?         STRING
       K24I110   Keyword specified mlfsobj(active)?       STRING
       K24I111   Keyword specified mlfsobj(inactive)?     STRING
       K24I112   Keyword specified mlipcob(active)?       STRING
       K24I113   Keyword specified mlipcob(inactive)?     STRING
       K24I114   Keyword specified mlnames?               STRING
       K24I115   Keyword specified nomlnames?             STRING
       K24I116   Keyword specified seclbysystem?          STRING
       K24I117   Keyword specified noseclbysystem?        STRING
       K24KERB   Kerblvl setting                          INT
       K24S102   Keyword specified genlist?               STRING
       K24S103   Keyword specified nogenlist?             STRING
       K24S104   Keyword specified raclist?               STRING
       K24S105   Keyword specified noraclist?             STRING
       K24S106   Keyword specified seclevelaudit?         STRING
       K24S107   Keyword specified noseclevelaudit?       STRING
       K24S108   Keyword specified seclabelaudit?         STRING
       K24S109   Keyword specified noseclabelaudit?       STRING
       K24S110   Keyword specified primary language?      STRING
       K24S111   Keyword specified secondary language?    STRING
       K24S112   Keyword specified addcreator?            STRING
       K24S113   Keyword specified noaddcreator?          STRING
       K24S114   Keyword specified list?                  STRING
       K24S115   Keyword specified kerblvl?               STRING
       K24S116   Keyword specified eimregistry?           STRING
       K24S117   Keyword specified noeimregistry?         STRING
       K24S118   Keyword specified mlfsobj(active)?       STRING
       K24S119   Keyword specified mlfsobj(inactive)?     STRING
       K24S120   Keyword specified mlipcob(active)?       STRING
       K24S121   Keyword specified mlipcob(inactive)?     STRING
       K24S122   Keyword specified mlnames?               STRING
       K24S123   Keyword specified nomlnames?             STRING
       K24S124   Keyword specified seclbysystem?          STRING
       K24S125   Keyword specified noseclbysystem?        STRING
       K24S126   Keyword specified asterisk generic?      STRING
       K24S127   Keyword specified asterisk global?       STRING
       K24S128   Keyword specified asterisk audit         STRING
       K24S129   Keyword specified asterisk statistics?   STRING
       K24S130   Keyword specified asterisk classact?     STRING
       K24S131   Keyword specified asterisk gencmd?       STRING
       K24S132   Keyword specified asterisk logoptions?   STRING

197) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY8025:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K25VI00   Violation command denied by operator?    STRING
       K25VI01   Violation nonzero return code?           STRING
       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

198) The following variable has been added to table XTY8026:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

199) The following variable has been added to table XTY8027:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       TOKGID    Gid                                      INT

200) The following 7 variables have been added to table XTY8059:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       K59ST00   Status flag  association established?    STRING
       K59ST01   Status flag  association pending?        STRING
       K59ST02   Status flag  association deleted?        STRING
       K59ST03   Status flag  password is not valid?      STRING
       K59ST04   Status flag  valid password supplied?    STRING
       K59ST05   Status flag  expired password supplied?  STRING
       K59ST06   Status flag  revoked user id?            STRING

201) The following variable has been deleted from table XTY892:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM89LP3   Lpar partition id                        COUNT

202) The following 3 variables have been added to table XTY90:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM9029A   Name of the lnklst set activated         STRING
       SM9029X   Sequence number for lnklst set           INT
       SM9030Y   Perfgrp after reset                      INT

     The following 3 variables have been deleted from table XTY90:

       SM9029N   Name of the lnklst set activated         STRING
       SM9029S   Sequence number for lnklst set           INT
       SM9030I   Perfgrp after reset                      INT

203) The following 2 variables have been added to table XTY9024:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       SM9024T   Unique token value                       DATETIME
       SVPOLNS   New policy name                          STRING

204) The following 107 variables have been added to table XTY94:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S94AVT1   Avg physical mount seconds 1             AVERAGE
       S94AVT2   Avg physical mount seconds 2             AVERAGE
       S94CCR0   Vtc 0 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR1   Vtc 1 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR2   Vtc 2 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR3   Vtc 3 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR4   Vtc 4 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR5   Vtc 5 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR6   Vtc 6 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCR7   Vtc 7 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CCSA   Vtc 0 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSB   Vtc 0 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSC   Vtc 0 primary i/o                        COUNT
       S94CCSD   Vtc 0 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSE   Vtc 1 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSF   Vtc 1 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSG   Vtc 1 primary i/o                        COUNT
       S94CCSH   Vtc 1 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSI   Vtc 2 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSJ   Vtc 2 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSK   Vtc 2 primary i/o                        COUNT
       S94CCSL   Vtc 2 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSM   Vtc 3 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSN   Vtc 3 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSO   Vtc 3 primary i/o                        COUNT
       S94CCSP   Vtc 3 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSQ   Vtc 4 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSR   Vtc 4 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSS   Vtc 4 primairy i/o                       COUNT
       S94CCST   Vtc 4 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSU   Vtc 5 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSV   Vtc 5 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCSW   Vtc 5 primairy i/o                       COUNT
       S94CCSX   Vtc 5 controller mode                    INT
       S94CCSY   Vtc 6 copy mode                          INT
       S94CCSZ   Vtc 6 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94CCS0   Vtc 0 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS1   Vtc 1 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS2   Vtc 2 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS3   Vtc 3 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS4   Vtc 4 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS5   Vtc 5 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS6   Vtc 6 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CCS7   Vtc 7 configured settings                HEXFLAGS
       S94CLT0   Composite library mounts done b18-0      COUNT
       S94CLT1   Composite library mounts done b18-1      COUNT
       S94CPFA   Vtc 0 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFB   Vtc 0 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFC   Vtc 1 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFD   Vtc 1 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFE   Vtc 2 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFF   Vtc 2 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFG   Vtc 3 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFH   Vtc 3 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFI   Vtc 4 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFJ   Vtc 4 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFK   Vtc 5 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFL   Vtc 5 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFM   Vtc 6 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFN   Vtc 6 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPFO   Vtc 7 preferred i/o                      INT
       S94CPFP   Vtc 7 preferred master                   INT
       S94CPF0   Vtc 0 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF1   Vtc 1 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF2   Vtc 2 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF3   Vtc 3 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF4   Vtc 4 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF5   Vtc 5 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF6   Vtc 6 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CPF7   Vtc 7 compress ratio thru host adapter   PERCENT
       S94CRLA   Vtc 0 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLB   Vtc 0 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLC   Vtc 1 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLD   Vtc 1 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLE   Vtc 2 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLF   Vtc 2 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLG   Vtc 3 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLH   Vtc 3 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLI   Vtc 4 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLJ   Vtc 4 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLK   Vtc 5 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLL   Vtc 5 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLM   Vtc 6 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLN   Vtc 6 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLO   Vtc 7 vts0 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRLP   Vtc 7 vts1 relative link speed           INT
       S94CRL0   Vtc 0 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL1   Vtc 1 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL2   Vtc 2 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL3   Vtc 3 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL4   Vtc 4 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL5   Vtc 5 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL6   Vtc 6 relative link speeds               INT
       S94CRL7   Vtc 7 relative link speeds               INT
       S94LCSA   Vtc 6 primairy i/o                       COUNT
       S94LCSB   Vtc 6 controller mode                    INT
       S94LCSC   Vtc 7 copy mode                          INT
       S94LCSD   Vtc 7 force scratch                      COUNT
       S94LCSE   Vtc 7 primairy i/o                       COUNT
       S94LCSF   Vtc 7 controller mode                    INT
       S94MGTC   Copyvol mgmt preference level            INT
       S94MGTR   Recall mgmt preference level             INT
       S94MGTS   Cache managment setting                  INT
       S94VLMR   Library code release value               INT
       S94VLMV   Library code version value               INT
       S94VVCF   Vts code fix value                       INT
       S94VVCM   Vts code modification value              INT

     The following variable has had its interpretation type changed
     in table XTY94:

       S94CMT1   changed from  COUNT     to  AVERAGE

     The following variable has had its external name changed in
     table XTY94:

       S94CMT1   changed from  S94CLMT1  to  S94CMMT1

     The following variable has been deleted from table XTY94:

       S94CMT0   Composite library mounts done b18-0      COUNT

205) The following 4 variables have been added to table XTY9421:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       S94RDSL   Reclaim days since accessed              COUNT
       S94RD01   Reclaim days since invalidation          COUNT
       S94RD02   Reclaim days since written               COUNT
       S94RMAD   Reclaim min active percentage            PERCENT100

206) The following 38 variables have been added to table XUOW:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       QMCCPUT   Cpu time used                            TIME
       QMCGETA   Mqget requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMCGETB   Mqget requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMCGETC   Mqget requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMCGETD   Mqget requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       QMCPUTA   Mqput requests 0-99 bytes                COUNT
       QMCPUTB   Mqput requests 100-999 bytes             COUNT
       QMCPUTC   Mqput requests 1000-9999 bytes           COUNT
       QMCPUTD   Mqput requests over 10000 bytes          COUNT
       WTABACT   Backout cpu time                         TIME
       WTABAET   Backout elapsed time                     TIME
       WTABAN    Backout calls                            COUNT
       WTACMCT   Commit cpu time                          TIME
       WTACMEC   Ixllstm calls                            COUNT
       WTACMET   Commit elapsed time                      TIME
       WTACMN    Commit calls                             INT
       WTACSEC   Ixllste calls                            COUNT
       WTAGPN    Get pages new                            COUNT
       WTAGPO    Get pages old                            COUNT
       WTAJCET   Duration waiting for forced to dasd      TIME
       WTAJCN    Times when the log was forced            COUNT
       WTAJWB    Bytes written to the log                 COUNT
       WTAJWET   Log write elapsed time                   TIME
       WTAJWN    Log writes wtasjwb if required           COUNT
       WTAMLW    Maximum latch wait time                  INT
       WTAMLWN   Maximum wait latch number                MAXIMUM
       WTAMSTC   Time spent ixllstm calls                 TIME
       WTANEXT   Used when accumulating statistics        COUNT
       WTAOTCT   Other mqi calls cpu time                 TIME
       WTAOTET   Other mqi calls elapsed time             TIME
       WTAOTN    Other calls                              COUNT
       WTAPSE0   Elapsed time logging page set 0          TIME
       WTAPSN0   Logging requests page set 0              COUNT
       WTARMEC   Ixllstm redrives                         COUNT
       WTARSEC   Ixllste redrives                         COUNT
       WTASSTC   Time spent ixllste calls                 TIME
       WTASUSE   Total suspend time                       TIME
       WTASUSN   Times when the task was suspended        COUNT

207) The following variable has been added to table XWSEVTP:

       Variable  Description                              Interpretation

       ACCIPAD   Ip address                               STRING

Updates to NTSMF Data Support

The NTSMF data dictionary has been updated to add support for the "MSExchangeDSAccess Caches" object. The following tables list the new NTSMF table and variables.

Table Name Description
NTACCHS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches


Variable Name Description
CCHHTSC MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Hits/Sec - the number of "object found in cache" events per second.
CCHMSSC MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Misses/Sec - the number of "object not found in cache" events per second.
CCHTTTL MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Hits Total - the total number of "object found in cache" events since system initialization.
CCMSTTL MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Misses Total - the total number of "object not found in cache" events since system initialization.
CESCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Expiries/Sec (Configuration Data)
CETCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Expiries Total (Configuration Data) - the total number of objects expired from the cache since system initialization.
CEXPSUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Expiries/Sec (User Data)
CEXPTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Expiries Total (User Data) - the total number of objects expired from the cache since system initialization.
CINSCND MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Inserts/Sec (Configuration Data) - the number of objects inserted into the cache per second.
CINSSUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Inserts/Sec (User Data) - the number of objects inserted into the cache per second.
CINSTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Inserts Total (User Data) - the total number of objects inserted into the cache since system initialization.
CINTCND MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Cache Inserts Total (Configuration Data) - the total number of objects inserted into the cache since system initialization.
DAPSTTL MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: LDAP Searches Total - the total number of LDAP search requests issued since system initialization.
DNECNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: DN Entries (Configuration Data) - the total number of Distinguished Name objects in the cache.
DNEMCND MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: DN Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all DN objects in the cache.
DNENMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: DN Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all DN objects in the cache.
DNENTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: DN Entries (User Data)- the total number of Distinguished Name objects in the cache.
DSACCHS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: MSExchangeDSAccess Caches
FDNEMCD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found DN Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all "Not Found DN" Entries in the cache.
FDNEMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found DN Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all "Not Found DN" Entries in the cache.
GUIDECD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found GUID Entries(Configuration Data) - the total number of "Not Found GUID" type entries in the cache.
GUIDEUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found GUID Entries(User Data) - the total number of "Not Found GUID" type entries in the cache.
LDAPSSC MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: LDAP Searches/Sec - the number of LDAP search requests issued per second.
NFDNECD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found DN Entries (Configuration Data) - the total number of "Not Found DN" type entries in the cache.
NFDNEUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found DN Entries (User Data) - the total number of "Not Found DN" type entries in the cache.
OASRCHS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Outstanding Async Searches - the number of outstanding LDAP search requests.
OTANTFS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Outstanding Async Notifies - the number of outstanding LDAP notification requests.
OTSARDS MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Outstanding Async Reads- the number of outstanding LDAP read requests.
SEMCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Search Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all Search Entries in the cache.
SENCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Search Entries (Configuration Data) - the total number of Search type entries in the cache.
SRENMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Search Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all Search Entries in the cache.
SRENTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Search Entries (User Data) - the total number of Search type entries in the cache.
TEMCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Total Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all entry objects in the cache excluding the cache tables overhead.
TENCNFD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Total Entries (Configuration Data) - the total number of entries in the cache, including all DN, Search, Not Found DN and Not Found GUID type entries.
TENTMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Total Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all entry objects in the cache excluding the cache tables overhead.
TTENTUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Total Entries (User Data) - the total number of entries in the cache, including all DN, Search, Not Found DN and Not Found GUID type entries.
UIDEMCD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found GUID Entries Memory (Configuration Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all "Not Found GUID" Entries in the cache.
UIDEMUD MSExchangeDSAccess Caches: Not Found GUID Entries Memory (User Data) - the memory occupied (in bytes) by all "Not Found GUID" Entries in the cache.

Support for sar data from SYSSTAT 5.0.0 on Linux

Support has been added for processing sar data from SYSSTAT 5.0.0 on Linux.

Summary of Changes:

Processing sar Data

sar data can be processed from the following operating systems:

Operating System Notes
Linux Use Sysstat 4.0.1 OR Sysstat 5.0.0

Tables and Variables

The Sysstat 5.0.0 support adds the following metrics:

Required Report Job Changes

With Sysstat 5.0.0, sar no longer reports Block Transfer Rate (BLKTRRT). Instead it reports Sectors Read and Sectors Written. Because the ITRM sar QuickStart report job (rreport) uses BLKTRRT, customers with an existing QuickStart report job for sar should change it as follows. Locate the following %CPIDTOPN macro within your rreport job:

         INLIB    = DAY
        ,INMEM    = SARDEV
        ,TOPNSTAT = MEAN
        ,TOPN     = 16
        ,BEGIN    = &QS_BEGDY
        ,END      = &QS_ENDDY

and delete it. Then locate the four references to the &TOPBLOCK macro variable and replace them with &TOPDATA. Upgrading to 5.0.0 and leaving BLKTRRT coded will yield unpredictable results in your reports, since that variable will contain missing values.

If you execute the sar QuickStart Wizard with this hotfix or some future maintenance applied, the rreport job will be re-generated with these changes in place.

Support for new MXG method of summarizing CICS transaction data

MXG Change 21.105 documents an improved method for summarizing CICS transactions. Prior to that change, any site using MRO would see multiple observations per "unit of work" representing work done in different CICS regions on behalf of the original CICS transaction. With this change, all CICS transactions from the same unit of work are merged together to represent the single, originating transaction's workload.

This change affects the SMF table XCICSUM and the ASG (formerly Landmark) Monitor for CICS tables XTC2SUM, XTCSUM and XTCCSUM. When any of these tables are processed, SAS IT Resource Management will now submit the newly recommended ASUMUOW (or ASUMUOWT) and ASUMCICX members, instead of the original ASUMCICS member.

Preliminary Support for SiteScope Data

This update provides preliminary support for Mercury Interactive's SiteScope product on Windows and UNIX platforms. Currently, there are no supplied report definitions or QuickStart Wizard support for this collector.

Summary of Changes:

Processing SiteScope Data

This initial support processes the following SiteScope monitors:

To process SiteScope data into your SAS IT Resource Management PDB, use the %CPPROCES macro as follows:

         ,RAWDATA=<location of SiteScope log>
         ,GROUPDIR=<location of SiteScope group file directory>

SiteScope's default settings are that the log files are stored in a folder referred to as <SiteScope data location>\logs and the group file directory is a folder referred to as <SiteScope data location>\groups. Use the rawdata parameter to point to one SiteScope log file. If the groupdir parameter is not specified, the %CPPROCES macro will assume that the group files can be found according to the above defaults. If the group file directory can not be located using this rule, the groupdir parameter must be used to specify the actual folder that contains the group files.

The SiteScope collector support also includes the automatic execution of duplicate checking macros. As with other similar collectors, code DUPMODE=DISCARD on the %CPPROCES macro to initiate duplicate checking of incoming data.

The Process Wizard has been updated to support this new collector but, as with all collectors that the Process Wizard supports, the tables need to exist in the PDB before invoking it.

Tables and Variables

The following tables list the currently supported SiteScope tables and variables that have been added to the SAS IT Resource Management data dictionary.

Variable Name Description
Table: SSCPU - CPUMonitor - reports the percentage of CPU currently in use.
Table: SSDISK - DiskSpaceMonitor - reports the percentage of disk space currently in use.
DSKFREE Disk free (MB)
DSKUSED Disk used (%)
Table: SSMMR - MemoryMonitor - measures virtual memory usage.
MEMFREE Memory free (MB)
MEMRATE Pagerate (pgs/sec)
Table: SSPING - PingMonitor - checks the availability of a host via the network.
GOOD Good packets (%)
TRIP Round trip time (ms) - the average of the round trip times from 5 pings executed each time the monitor runs.
Table: SSURL - URL Monitor - verifies availability and access time for specified URLs.
AGE Age - the amount of time between the current time and the last-modified time for the page, in seconds.
CONN Connect time (ms) - the amount of time to make the connection, in milliseconds.
DNS DNS time (ms) - the amount of time to translate the host name to an IP address, in milliseconds.
DOWNL Download time (ms) - the amount of time to receive the page contents, in milliseconds.
MATCH Content match
OSTATUS Overall status
RESPONS Response time (ms) - the amount of time before the response was received, in milliseconds.
STATTXT Status text - the text representation of the HTTP status based on the HTTP status code.
STATUS Status - the HTTP status code.
TOTERR Total errors
TRIP Round trip time (ms) - the total time for the entire request, in milliseconds.

Updates to NTSMF Data Processing

In the past, SAS IT Resource Management has allowed processing of NTSMF log files containing comma delimited data only. However, within the NTSMF product, the user has the option of generating log files with a delimiter of either a comma or a TAB. The %CPPROCES macro in ITRM has been updated to process NTSMF log files with either comma delimited data or TAB delimited data. If the delimiter is a comma in your NTSMF files, nothing needs to be changed. If the delimiter is a TAB in the NTSMF files, you should use the DELIM= option on the %CPPROCES macro to specify the delimiter.

For example, if the delimiter in the NTSMF data is a comma, the macro may look like this:

         ,RAWDATA=<location of NTSMF data files>

If the delimiter in the NTSMF data is a TAB, the macro may look like this:

         ,RAWDATA=<location of NTSMF data files>

The default delimiter when processing NTSMF data is a comma, so the DELIM= parameter value does not need to be set if the log files contain comma delimited data.

Updates to NTSMF Data Support

Summary of Changes:

New NTSMF Tables

The NTSMF data dictionary has been updated to add support for the "MSExchangeIS Mailbox" object. The following tables list the new NTSMF table and variables.

Table Name Description
NTSMLBX Windows NT MSExchangeIS Mailbox


Variable Name Description
ACCLGNS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Active Client Logons
AVLDLTM MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Average Local Delivery Time
AVRDLTM MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Average Delivery Time
CLNLGNS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Client Logons
CORITMS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Total Count of Recoverable Items
CTGRCNT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Categorization Count
DAVNRSC MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Notify Requests/sec
EISMLBX MSExchangeIS Mailbox: MSExchangeIS Mailbox
FLDOPSC MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Folder opens/sec
LCDLVRS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Local deliveries
LCDLVRT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Local delivery rate
LOPRTSC MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Logon Operations/sec
MRCPDMN MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Message Recipients Delivered/min
MRDLVRD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Message Recipients Delivered
MSDLVMN MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Delivered/min
MSDLVRD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Delivered
MSGSNMN MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Sent/min
MSGSSNT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Sent
MSOPNSC MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Message Opens/sec
MSSBMMN MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Submitted/min
MSSBMTD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Messages Submitted
NTFCTNS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Current Pending Notifications
PCLLGNS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Peak Client Logons
RCVQSZ MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Receive Queue Size
SBSCRPT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Current Subscriptions
SNDQSZ MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Send Queue Size
SNINSRT MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Single Instance Ratio
SORITMS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: Total Size of Recoverable Items
TNRQSTS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Total Notify Requests
TSEXPRD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Total Subscriptions Expired
VCTLCKS MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Current Transaction Locks
VTLCRTD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Total Locks Created
VTSCRTD MSExchangeIS Mailbox: HTTP/DAV Total Subscriptions Created

Updated NTSMF Tables

The following tables list the NTSMF tables for which new variables have been added to the SAS IT Resource Management dictionary.

Variable Name Description
AEXPNDD MSExchangeIS: Recurring Master Appointments Expanded
APICRTD MSExchangeIS: Appointment Instances Created
APNICRT MSExchangeIS: Appointment Instance Creation Rate
APNIDRT MSExchangeIS: Appointment Instance Deletion Rate
BCKGRN0 MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Scanned in Background
BCKGRND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Folders Scanned in Background
BFBLCKS MSExchangeIS: VM Total 16MB Free Blocks
EQLNGTH MSExchangeIS: Background Expansion Queue Length
FBPBCNT MSExchangeIS: FB Publish Count
FBPBLRT MSExchangeIS: FB Publish Rate
FQRNTND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Quarantined
MQRNTND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Quarantined
OSPCKTS MSExchangeIS: RPC Num. of Slow Packets
PCALTNC MSExchangeIS: RPC Averaged Latency
RAPCRTD MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointments Created
RAPDLTD MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointments Deleted
RAPMDFD MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointments Modified
RAPNDRT MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointment Deletion Rate
RAPNMRT MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointment Modification Rate
RAPPCRT MSExchangeIS: Recurring Appointment Creation Rate
RCMEXRT MSExchangeIS: Recurring Master Expansion Rate
SAPCRTD MSExchangeIS: Single Appointments Created
SAPDLTD MSExchangeIS: Single Appointments Deleted
SAPMDFD MSExchangeIS: Single Appointments Modified
SAPNCRT MSExchangeIS: Single Appointment Creation Rate
SAPNDRT MSExchangeIS: Single Appointment Deletion Rate
SAPNMRT MSExchangeIS: Single Appointment Modification Rate
SMPRCSD MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Processed
SQLNGTH MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Queue Length
TFBLCKS MSExchangeIS: VM Total Free Blocks
TLFBBTS MSExchangeIS: VM Total Large Free Block Bytes
VMLRBSZ MSExchangeIS: VM Largest Block Size
VSBSCND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Bytes Scanned
VSFCLND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Cleaned
VSFCLSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Cleaned/sec
VSFQRSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Quarantined/sec
VSFSCND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Scanned
VSFSCSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Files Scanned/sec
VSMCLND MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Cleaned
VSMPRSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Processed/sec
VSMQRSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Quarantined/sec
VSMSCSC MSExchangeIS: Virus Scan Messages Cleaned/sec
AVLDLTM MSExchangeIS Public: Average Local Delivery Time
AVRDLTM MSExchangeIS Public: Average Delivery Time
DAVNRSC MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Notify Requests/sec
LOPRTSC MSExchangeIS Public: Logon Operations/sec
NTFCTNS MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Current Pending Notifications
SBSCRPT MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Current Subscriptions
TNRQSTS MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Total Notify Requests
TSEXPRD MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Total Subscriptions Expired
VCTLCKS MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Current Transaction Locks
VTLCRTD MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Total Locks Created
VTSCRTD MSExchangeIS Public: HTTP/DAV Total Subscriptions Created

Support for SMF TYPE30_6 De-accumulation

The SMF data collector used by the %CMPROCES and %CPPROCES macros has been updated to execute the proper de-accumulation of the TYPE30_6 SMF record. Previously, this could only be achieved by adding the necessary MXG code to an exit point. With this fix, you do not need to code any exit points or execute any extra code.

Updates to Enhanced UNIX Accounting Support

Common Header File Functionality

Before this release, it was necessary to run the itsvacct shell script against every pacct binary file before it was processed. At a minimum, this script prefixed the binary data with a header record containing information that assists with the processing of the binary data (it can also include passwd and group information).

If a UNIX system produces multiple binary pacct files each day (for example, one per hour), it was necessary to run itsvacct script against each binary pacct file, even though it was prefixing the same information.

To resolve this problem, the itsvacct shell script has been modified so that it can be run without specifying the -i option (no binary pacct file), the result being a file that only contains header information, and possibly passwd and group information. The raw binary pacct files can then be processed with no modification by the %CPPROCES macro using the CPACCHDR macro variable to specify the location of the file that contains the common header information.

      %let CPACCHDR=/mydata/header.only;

As a result of this update the following functionality changes were implemented:

Removal of Passwd and Group Dependency

Prior to Hotfix 82IS04, the passwd and group data where treated as one, that is, they both had to be either included with binary raw data using the itsvacct script, both pre-built using the itsvfmt shell script and the %CPACCFMT macro or both stored locally. With Hotfix 82IS04, the group and passwd data are treated independently. For example, the passwd data could be included with the binary pacct file using the itsvacct command and the group data could be derived from the pre-built formats.

Updates to NTSMF Data Support

Summary of Changes:

New NTSMF Tables

The NTSMF data dictionary has been updated to add support for "Citrix", "Datacore", "WMI", "Psched" and "MSMQ" objects. The following tables list the new NTSMF tables and variables.

Table Name Description
NTCASSN Windows NT ICA Session
NTCMFXP Windows NT Citrix MetaFrame XP
NTCNTWK Windows NT Citrix IMA Networking
NTCNTRL Windows NT DataCore Domain Controller
NTDCCCH Windows NT DataCore Cache
NTFCHNL Windows NT DataCore Fibre Channel
NTMRRNG Windows NT DataCore Mirroring
NTMVPLS Windows NT DataCore NMV Pools
NTSCHDL Windows NT DataCore Scheduler
NTVDSKS Windows NT DataCore NMV Disks
NTQSRVC Windows NT MSMQ Service
NTPSFLW Windows NT PSched Flow
NTWMIOB Windows NT WMI Objects


Variable Name Description
BNDWDTH ICA Session: Input Audio Bandwidth
BNDWDT0 ICA Session: Input Clipboard Bandwidth
BNDWDT1 ICA Session: Input COM 1 Bandwidth
BNDWDT2 ICA Session: Input COM 2 Bandwidth
BNDWDT3 ICA Session: Input COM Bandwidth
BNDWDT4 ICA Session: Input Control Channel Bandwidth
BNDWDT5 ICA Session: Input Drive Bandwidth
BNDWDT6 ICA Session: Input Font Data Bandwidth
BNDWDT7 ICA Session: Input Licensing Bandwidth
BNDWDT8 ICA Session: Input LPT 1 Bandwidth
BNDWDT9 ICA Session: Input LPT 2 Bandwidth
BNDWD10 ICA Session: Input Management Bandwidth
BNDWD11 ICA Session: Input PN Bandwidth
BNDWD12 ICA Session: Input Printer Bandwidth
BNDWD13 ICA Session: Input Seamless Bandwidth
BNDWD14 ICA Session: Input Session Bandwidth
BNDWD15 ICA Session: Input Text Echo Bandwidth
BNDWD16 ICA Session: Input ThinWire Bandwidth
BNDWD17 ICA Session: Input VideoFrame Bandwidth
BNDWD18 ICA Session: Output Audio Bandwidth
BNDWD19 ICA Session: Output Clipboard Bandwidth
BNDWD20 ICA Session: Output COM 1 Bandwidth
BNDWD21 ICA Session: Output COM 2 Bandwidth
BNDWD22 ICA Session: Output COM Bandwidth
BNDWD23 ICA Session: Output Control Channel Bandwidth
BNDWD24 ICA Session: Output Drive Bandwidth
BNDWD25 ICA Session: Output Font Data Bandwidth
BNDWD26 ICA Session: Output Licensing Bandwidth
BNDWD27 ICA Session: Output LPT 1 Bandwidth
BNDWD28 ICA Session: Output LPT 2 Bandwidth
BNDWD29 ICA Session: Output Management Bandwidth
BNDWD30 ICA Session: Output PN Bandwidth
BNDWD31 ICA Session: Output Printer Bandwidth
BNDWD32 ICA Session: Output Seamless Bandwidth
BNDWD33 ICA Session: Output Session Bandwidth
BNDWD34 ICA Session: Output Text Echo Bandwidth
BNDWD35 ICA Session: Output ThinWire Bandwidth
BNDWD36 ICA Session: Output VideoFrame Bandwidth
ICASSN ICA Session: ICA Session
INSLSPD ICA Session: Input Session Line Speed
LLRCRDD ICA Session: Latency - Last Recorded
LTSAVRG ICA Session: Latency - Session Average
LTSDVTN ICA Session: Latency - Session Deviation
OTSLSPD ICA Session: Output Session Line Speed
SCMPRS0 ICA Session: Output Session Compression
SCMPRSN ICA Session: Input Session Compression
APENMSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: Application Enumerations/sec
APLRSSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: Application Resolutions/sec
APLRSTM Citrix MetaFrame XP: Application Resolution Time (ms)
DNMSRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DynamicStore reads/sec
DNSBRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: Dynamic Store bytes read/sec
DNSBWSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DynamicStore bytes written/sec
DNSWRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DynamicStore writes/sec
DSBWRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DataStore bytes written/sec
DSCNFLR Citrix MetaFrame XP: Data Store Connection Failure
DSTBRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DataStore bytes read/sec
DSTRDSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DataStore reads/sec
DSTWRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: DataStore writes/sec
FAPENSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: Filtered Application Enumerations/sec
LCHCRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: LocalHostCache reads/sec
LHCBRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: LocalHostCache bytes read/sec
LHCBWSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: LocalHostCache bytes written/sec
LHCWRSC Citrix MetaFrame XP: LocalHostCache writes/sec
ZELCTNS Citrix MetaFrame XP: Zone Elections
ZELCTWN Citrix MetaFrame XP: Zone Elections Won
BTRCVSC Citrix IMA Networking: Bytes Received/sec
BTSSNSC Citrix IMA Networking: Bytes Sent/sec
NCNCTNS Citrix IMA Networking: Network Connections
NTWRKNG Citrix IMA Networking: Citrix IMA Networking
DCNTRLR DataCore Domain Controller: DataCore Domain Controller
THRGHPT DataCore Domain Controller: Total Throughput
TRCMNSC DataCore Domain Controller: Total Read Commands/sec
TRPNDNG DataCore Domain Controller: Total Read Pending
TRTRNRT DataCore Domain Controller: Total Read Transfer Rate
TWARCSC DataCore Domain Controller: Total Write and Read Commands/sec
TWCMNSC DataCore Domain Controller: Total Write Commands/sec
TWTRNRT DataCore Domain Controller: Total Write Transfer Rate
WAPNDNG DataCore Domain Controller: Total WriteAlloc Pending
CCHNDVS DataCore Cache: CacheNumDevs
CCRHTSC DataCore Cache: CacheReadHits/sec
CCRMSSC DataCore Cache: CacheReadMisses/sec
CCTIOSC DataCore Cache: CacheTotal IO/sec
CCTTRSC DataCore Cache: CacheTotalReads/sec
CCTWRSC DataCore Cache: CacheTotalWrites/sec
CNFBFRS DataCore Cache: CacheNumFreeBuffers
CNFCMDS DataCore Cache: CacheNumFreeCmds
CRPNDSC DataCore Cache: CacheReadPending/sec
DTCRCCH DataCore Cache: DataCore Cache
DCFCHNL DataCore Fibre Channel: DataCore Fibre Channel
INDTRRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Data Transfer Rate
INROPSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Read Operations/sec
INRTRRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Read Transfer Rate
INWOPSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Write Operations/sec
INWTRRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator Write Transfer Rate
OICMNDS DataCore Fibre Channel: Outstanding Initiator Commands
OTCMNDS DataCore Fibre Channel: Outstanding Target Commands
SCSICS0 DataCore Fibre Channel: Target SCSI Commands/sec
SCSICS1 DataCore Fibre Channel: Total SCSI Commands/sec
SCSICSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Initiator SCSI Commands/sec
TDTRNR0 DataCore Fibre Channel: Total Data Transfer Rate
TDTRNRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Data Transfer Rate
TOCMNDS DataCore Fibre Channel: Total Outstanding Commands
TROPRSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Read Operations/sec
TRR1RSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 1 Reads/sec
TRR1WSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 1 Writes/sec
TRR2RSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 2 Reads/sec
TRR2WSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 2 Writes/sec
TRR3RSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 3 Reads/sec
TRR3WSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 3 Writes/sec
TRR4RSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 4 Reads/sec
TRR4WSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Range 4 Writes/sec
TRTRNRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Read Transfer Rate
TWOPRSC DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Write Operations/sec
TWTRNRT DataCore Fibre Channel: Target Write Transfer Rate
CIOTMRR DataCore Mirroring: Pending client I/Os to mirror
DCMRRNG DataCore Mirroring: DataCore Mirroring
KBOOSNC DataCore Mirroring: KB out of Sync
PNDRIOS DataCore Mirroring: Pending Recovery I/Os
RCVRKBS DataCore Mirroring: Recovery rate (KB/s)
RMTRDSC DataCore Mirroring: RemoteRead/sec
RMTWRSC DataCore Mirroring: RemoteWrite/sec
RPRCNTG DataCore Mirroring: Recover Percentage
AVCHNKS DataCore NMV Pools: Available Chunks
CNMVPLS DataCore NMV Pools: DataCore NMV Pools
PHSDSKS DataCore NMV Pools: Physical Disks
TTCHNKS DataCore NMV Pools: Total Chunks
VRTDSKS DataCore NMV Pools: Virtual Disks
CSCHDLR DataCore Scheduler: DataCore Scheduler
PRDCPSC DataCore Scheduler: Productive Polls/sec
UNPRPSC DataCore Scheduler: Unproductive Polls/sec
ALCHNKS DataCore NMV Disks: Allocated Chunks
NMVDSKS DataCore NMV Disks: DataCore NMV Disks
BTIJRNQ MSMQ Queue: Bytes in Journal Queue
BTSINQ MSMQ Queue: Bytes in Queue
MSGIJRQ MSMQ Queue: Messages in Journal Queue
MSGSINQ MSMQ Queue: Messages in Queue
INCMMSC MSMQ Service: Incoming Messages/sec
IPSSNS MSMQ Service: IP Sessions
IPXSSNS MSMQ Service: IPX Sessions
MQIMSGS MSMQ Service: MSMQ Incoming Messages
MQOMSGS MSMQ Service: MSMQ Outgoing Messages
OTGMSSC MSMQ Service: Outgoing Messages/sec
SESIONS MSMQ Service: Sessions
TMSIAQS MSMQ Service: Total messages in all queues
TTBIAQS MSMQ Service: Total bytes in all queues
APISHPR PSched Flow: Average packets in shaper
BSCHDLD PSched Flow: Bytes scheduled
BSCHDSC PSched Flow: Bytes scheduled/sec
BTRNSSC PSched Flow: Bytes transmitted/sec
MPISHPR PSched Flow: Max packets in shaper
NNCPSSC PSched Flow: Nonconforming packets scheduled/sec
NNCPTSC PSched Flow: Nonconforming packets transmitted/sec
PCKDRPD PSched Flow: Packets dropped
PCKDRSC PSched Flow: Packets dropped/sec
PCSCHSC PSched Flow: Packets scheduled/sec
PCTRNSC PSched Flow: Packets transmitted/sec
PINTCR0 PSched Flow: Maximum Packets in netcard
PINTCRD PSched Flow: Average Packets in netcard
PISQNC0 PSched Flow: Max packets in sequencer
PISQNCR PSched Flow: Average packets in sequencer
PSCHDL0 PSched Flow: Packets scheduled
PSCHDLD PSched Flow: Nonconforming packets scheduled
PSCHFLW PSched Flow: PSched Flow
TRNSMT0 PSched Flow: Nonconforming packets transmitted
TRNSMT1 PSched Flow: Packets transmitted
TRNSMTD PSched Flow: Bytes transmitted
HPRCLSS WMI Objects: HiPerf Classes
HPRVLDT WMI Objects: HiPerf Validity


Updated NTSMF Tables

The Interpretation types of 3 variables changed from COUNT to GAUGE in the Windows NT Memory (NTMMR) table.

  1. Committed Bytes (CMTDBTS)
  2. System Code Total Bytes (SSCTBTS)
  3. System Driver Total Bytes (SSDTBTS)

The following tables list the NTSMF tables for which new variables have been added to the SAS IT Resource Management dictionary.

Variable Name Description
JBOBJCT Job Object Details: Job Object
C1TRNSC Processor: C1 Transitions/sec
C2TRNSC Processor: C2 Transitions/sec
C3TRNSC Processor: C3 Transitions/sec
PCTC1TM Processor: % C1 Time
PCTC2TM Processor: % C2 Time
PCTC3TM Processor: % C3 Time
PCTIDTM Processor: % Idle Time

Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent X.03.84.02 on AIX

Support for HP OpenView Performance Agent X.03.84.02 on Solaris added three new metrics to existing tables in the data dictionary:

GLBMAVT GBL_MEM_ACTIVE_VIRT The total virtual memory allocated for processes that are currently on the run queue or processes that have executed recently.
PROFCSW PROC_FORCED_CSWITCH The number of times that the process was preempted by an external event and another process was allowed to execute during the interval.
PROVCSW PROC_VOLUNTARY_CSWITCH The number of times a process has given up the CPU before an external event preempted it during the interval.

Support for SiteScope data on MVS

In February 2004, SAS IT Resource Management announced preliminary support for Mercury Interactive's SiteScope product on Windows and UNIX patforms with hotfix 82IS05 for 2.6. This hotfix now adds support for processing on MVS.

Because of the way in which SiteScope stores its data, the raw data files and the group (MG) files must be stored and processed from HFS. This collector will not work if the data files are stored in a PDS. RAWDATA= must still point to one file, and GROUPDIR= must point to a directory containing the group (MG) files. An example follows:


Otherwise, the rules for processing SiteScope logs, including support for duplicate checking, is the same.

Support for web logs produced by BEA Weblogic

SAS IT Resource Management has supported the processing of web server logs for quite some time. This hotfix also enables the support of web logs produced by BEA Weblogic. These files differ slightly from the web logs encountered previously because of their use of tab delimiters and differently-sequenced header fields.

To process these logs, you must specify the tab character to the %CPPROCES macro to override its default use of the space as a delimiter. An example follows:


Otherwise, the rules for processing BEA Weblogic logs is the same as for regular web logs.

Support for DCOLLECT, EREP, IMF, TMS, TPF and VM collectors on UNIX and PC

Support has been added to the UNIX and PC platforms for the above MXG-based collectors. Similar to the existing support for SMF data, you should use the %CPPROCES macro to load these data sources. You can pre-allocate the raw data with a filename statement, using the appropriate fileref for that collector, or use the RAWDATA= parameter on the %CPPROCES macro invocation.

Duplicate checking is also fully supported, as it is on the mainframe. You can find sample %CPDUPCHK macro invocations in the "sasmisc" subdirectory under the "SAS\CPE" tree on the PC or in the "misc" folder under the "!sasroot/cpe" tree on UNIX. Like their MVS counterparts in the CPMISC pds, they are called, where xxx is the three-letter mnemonic for that collector. Please note the comments at the top of each file that describe how they should be renamed when used on UNIX and the PC.