Shared Appendix 7: Supplied Reports Naming Convention

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8-character report name schema:  pprrrtnn
pp: Platform, Collector and/or Measurement Source
    First character describes the platform:
       A: Mac (Apple)
       D: VMS (DEC)
       I: VM, VSE (IBM non-MVS)
       M: MVS SMF IBM data source
       N: MVS SMF non-IBM data source
       O: MVS non-SMF (Generic)
       U: UNIX
       V: UNIX and Windows
       W: Windows
       X: Cross-platform or not platform specific
Second character describes the data source; its meaning will vary from platform to platform.
Values of 'pp' recognized at this time (there will be more):
    Mx: MVS SMF IBM data source
       MN: Comm - Network
       MD: Hardware - DASD
       MT: Hardware - Tape
       MM: Operating System
       ME: Operational Events
       MR: Output/Report Mgt
       MS: RACF Security
       MA: Workload - APPC/MVS
       MB: Workload - Batch
       MC: Workload - CICS
       M2: Workload - DB2
       MH: HSM
       MI: Workload - IMS
       MO: Workload - OpenEdition/MVS
       MK: Workload - Started Tasks
       MU: Workload - TSO
       MW: Workload - Multiple/Composite
       MZ: Hardware - Other
    Nx: MVS SMF non-IBM data source
       NN: Comm - Network
       NW: Comm - WAN
       NL: Comm - LAN
       ND: Hardware - DASD
       NT: Hardware - Tape
       NF: MDF
       NM: Operating System
       NE: Operational Events
       NR: Output/Report Mgt
       NS: RACF Security
       NA: Workload - APPC/MVS
       NB: Workload - Batch
       NC: Workload - CICS
       N2: Workload - DB2
       NM: Workload - IDMS
       NI: Workload - IMS
       N4: Workload - M204
       NN: Workload - Natural
       NO: Workload - OpenEdition/MVS
       NY: Workload - Oracle
       NK: Workload - Started Tasks
       NU: Workload - TSO
    Ox: MVS non-SMF (Generic)
      OB: BETA 93
      O1: BGS B1MON
      OE: EREP
      OF: IMF
      OI: IMS
      OL: SAP
      O2: TMON DB2
    Ux: Open Systems
       US: SunNet Manager by Sun/Connect
       UA: UNIX Accounting (ACCTON)
       UT: TRAKKER by Concord Communications
       UR: Rolm PBX Generic Collector support
    Vx: Open Systems and/or Windows
       VH: HP Node Mgr or IBM NetView for AIX
       VC: Spectrum by Cabletron Inc.
       VP: Performance Collector Software by HP
    Wx: Windows
       WS: Windows NT from NT SMF
       WP: Windows NT from PerfMon
 rrr: Resource or Area
    APP: Application
    BRT: Network device report (bridge, router)
    CPU: Processor
    DSK: Disk
    GBL: Global Report
    MEM: Memory
    MIX: Mixed resources
    NET: Network (general)
    NIF: Network Interface
    OTH: Other
    PBX: Related to telephone PBX
    PRT: Print
    SAM: Sample
    SEC: Security
    SEG: Network segment
    TAP: Tape
    TRN: Transaction
    USR: User
 t: Type
    A: Availability
    C: Congestion
    M: Multiple measurements
    O: Other
    Q: Queue length
    R: Response time
    T: Throughput
    U: Utilization
    X: Exception
nn: Rpt sequence number or ID; can be any two alphanumerics
Note: User-defined report definitions do not need to follow the above naming
convention.  If you do follow the above naming convention, you may want to number 
your report definitions downward from 99 to avoid conflicts with supplied 
report definitions.  That is, if supplied report definitions use nn=01, 02, 03, ..., then you may want to use nn=99, 98, 97, and so on.