COINTEG RANK=number <options> ;
The COINTEG statement fits the vector error correction model to the data, tests the restrictions of the long-run parameters and the adjustment parameters, and tests for weak exogeneity in the long-run parameters. The P= option in the MODEL statement specifies the autoregressive order of the VECM. Only one COINTEG statement is allowed.
The cointegrated system uses maximum likelihood estimation. If there are no moving average (MA) terms specified by the Q= option in the MODEL statement, no GARCH terms specified in the GARCH statement, and no general restrictions specified in the BOUND and RESTRICT statements, then PROC VARMAX applies the maximum likelihood analysis proposed by Johansen and Juselius (1990); Johansen (1995a, 1995b). Otherwise, the likelihood is maximized using an optimizer whose options can be specified in the NLOPTIONS statement.
The following statements fit a VECM(2):
proc varmax data=one; model y1-y3 / p=2; cointeg rank=1; run;
To test restrictions on and , you specify the J= option and the H= option, respectively. You specify the EXOGENEITY option in the COINTEG statement for tests of weak exogeneity in the long-run parameters.
The following example of the COINTEG statement specifies tests of restrictions on and , along with tests of weak exogeneity:
proc varmax data=one; model y1-y3 / p=2; cointeg rank=1 h=(1 0, -1 0, 0 1) j=(1 0, 0 0, 0 1) exogeneity; run;
You must specify the following option:
You can also specify the following options in the COINTEG statement:
If the EXOGENEITY, H=, J=, or NORMALIZE= option is specified, the BOUND, GARCH, INITIAL, and RESTRICT statements are all ignored, and the Q= option in the MODEL statement is also ignored.