Used to bulk load SAS
and most DBMS source tables to a DB2 target table. For more information, see About the DB2 Bulk Table Loader.
Reads an external file
and writes to a SAS or DBMS table. For more information, see Using an External File in the Process Flow for a Job.
Reads a SAS or DBMS
table and writes to an external file. For more information, see Using an External File in the Process Flow for a Job..
Generates an output
table that lists the tables contained in an input library. If there
is no input library, then the transformation generates a list of tables
from all of the libraries that are allocated on the SAS Workspace
Server. For more information, see Creating a Control Table.
Delivers content from
a Microsoft MQ message queue to SAS Data Integration Studio. If the
message is being sent into a table, the message queue content is sent
to a table or a SAS Data Integration Studio transformation. If the
message is being sent to a macro variable or file, then these files
or macro variables can be referenced by a later step. For more information,
see Processing a Microsoft Queue.
Enables writing files
in binary mode, tables, or structured lines of text to the WebSphere
MQ messaging system. The queue and queue manager objects necessary
to get to the messaging system are defined in SAS Management Console.
For more information, see Processing a Microsoft Queue.
Enables bulk loading
of SAS or Oracle source data into an Oracle target. For more information,
see About the Oracle Bulk Table Loader Transformation.
Enables you to use the
REST approach to read from and write to a third-party web service
in the context of a SAS Data Integration Studio job. For more information,
see Using REST to Access a Third-Party Web Service.
Enables you to use the
SAS SOAP procedure to read from and write to a third-party web service
in the context of a SAS Data Integration Studio job. For more information,
see Using SOAP to Access a Third-Party Web Service.
Reads a source and writes
to a SAS SPD Server target. Enables you to specify options that are
specific to SAS SPD Server tables. For more information, see About the SPD Server Table Loader Transformation.
Reads a source table
and writes to a target table. Provides more loading options than other
transformations that create tables. For more information, see About the Table Loader Transformation.
Enables you to set table
options unique to Teradata tables and supports the pushdown feature
that enables you to process relational database tables directly on
the appropriate relational database server. For more information,
see Teradata Table Loader Transformation
Delivers content from
a WebSphere MQ message queue to SAS Data Integration Studio. If the
message is being sent into a table, the message queue content is sent
to a table or a SAS Data Integration Studio transformation. If the
message is being sent to a macro variable or file, then these files
or macro variables can be referenced by a later step. For more information,
see Processing a WebSphere Queue.
Enables writing files
in binary mode, tables, or structured lines of text to the WebSphere
MQ messaging system. The queue and queue manager objects necessary
to get to the messaging system are defined in SAS Management Console.
For more information, see Processing a WebSphere Queue.
Puts data into an XML
table. In a SAS Data Integration Studio job, if you want to put data
into an XML table, you must use an XML Writer transformation. For
example, you cannot use the Table Loader transformation to load an
XML table. For more information, see Converting a SAS or DBMS Table to an XML Table.
Creates an output table
that contains correlation statistics. For more information, see Creating a Correlation Analysis.
Creates an output table
that contains a distribution analysis. For more information, see Creating a Distribution Analysis.
Enables you to run the
High-Performance Forecasting procedure (PROC HPF) against a warehouse
data store. PROC HPF provides a quick and automatic way to generate
forecasts for many sets of time series or transactional data. For
more information, see Generating Forecasts.
Creates an output table
that contains frequency information. For more information, see Frequency of Eye Color By Hair Color Crosstabulation.
Creates a one-way output
table that contains frequency information about the relationship between
two classification variables. For more information, see One-Way Frequency of Eye Color By Region.
Creates an output table
that contains summary statistics. For more information, see Creating Summary Statistics for a Table.
Creates an output table
that contains descriptive statistics in tabular format, using some
or all of the variables in a data set. It computes many of the same
statistics that are computed by other descriptive statistical procedures
such as MEANS, FREQ, and REPORT. For more information, see Creating a Summary Tables Report from Table Data.
This older transformation
is marked with a flag on its icon. This flag indicates that the transformation
is an older version of an updated transformation. For information
about the current version, see About Fact Tables.
Loads changed data only
from Attunity and other selected databases. For more information,
see Working with Change Data Capture.
Loads changed data only
from DB2 databases. For more information, see Working with Change Data Capture.
Loads changed data only
from a wide range of databases. For more information, see Working with Change Data Capture.
Loads changed data only
from Oracle databases. For more information, see Working with Change Data Capture.
Marks the beginning
of the iterative processing sequence in an iterative job. For more
information, see Creating and Running an Iterative Job.
Marks the end of the
iterative processing sequence in an iterative job. For more information,
see Creating and Running an Iterative Job.
Provides status-handling
logic at a desired point in the process flow diagram for a job. Can
be inserted between existing transformations and removed later without
affecting the mappings in the original process flow. For more information,
see Perform Actions Based on the Status of a Transformation.
Creates a single target
table by combining data from several source tables. For more information,
see Creating a Table That Appends Two or More Source Tables.
Enables you to use the
business rule flow packages that are created in SAS Business Rules
Manager in the context of a SAS Data Integration Studio job. You can
import business rule flows, specify flow versions, map source table
columns to required input columns, and set business rule options.
The Business Rules transformation enables you to map your source data
and output data into and out of the rules package. Then, the SAS Data
Integration Studio job applies the rules to your data as it is run.
When you run a job that includes a rules package, statistics are collected,
such as the number of rules that were triggered, and the number of
invalid and valid data record values. You can use this information
to further refine your data as it flows through your transformation
logic. For more information, see Using a Business Rule Flow in a Job.
Enables you to detect
changes between two tables such as an update table and a master table
and generate a variety of output for matched and unmatched records.
For more information, see Comparing Tables.
Moves data directly
from one machine to another. Direct data transfer is more efficient
than the default transfer mechanism. For more information, see Moving Data Directly from One Machine to Another Machine.
Cleanses data before
it is added to a data warehouse or data mart. For more information,
see Validating Product Data.
Enables change tracking
in intersection tables. For more information, see Tracking Changes in Source Datetime Values.
Loads a target with
columns taken from a source and from several lookup tables. For more
information, see Loading a Fact Table Using Dimension Table Lookup.
Integrates a SAS Enterprise
Miner model into a SAS Data Integration Studio data warehouse. Typically
used to create target tables from a SAS Enterprise Miner model. For
more information, see Integrating a SAS Enterprise Miner Model with Existing SAS Data.
Ranks one or more numeric
column variables in the source and stores the ranks in the target.
For more information, see Create a Table That Ranks the Contents of a Source.
Enables you to load
a dimension table using type 1 updates. Type 1 updates insert new
rows, update existing rows, and generate surrogate key values in a
dimension table without maintaining a history of data changes. Each
business key is represented by a single row in the dimension table.
For more information, see Loading a Dimension Table with Type 1 Updates.
Loads source data into
a dimension table, detects changes between source and target rows,
updates change tracking columns, and applies generated key values.
This transformation implements slowly changing dimensions. For more
information, see Loading a Dimension Table with Type 1 and 2 Updates.
Reads data from a source,
sorts it, and writes the sorted data to a target. For more information,
see Creating a Table That Contains the Sorted Contents of a Source.
Selects multiple sets
of rows from one source and writes each set of rows to a different
target. Typically used to create two or more subsets of a source.
Can also be used to create two or more copies of a source. For more
information, see Create Two Tables That Are Subsets of a Source.
Creates an output table
that contains data standardized to a particular number. For more information,
see Creating Standardized Statistics from Table Data.
Loads a target, adds
generated whole number values to a surrogate key column, and sorts
and saves the source based on the values in the business key column
or columns. For more information, see Loading a Table and Adding a Surrogate Primary Key.
Creates an output table
that contains transposed data. For more information, see Creating Transposed Data from Table Data.
Retrieves a user-written
transformation. Can be inserted between existing transformations and
removed later without affecting the mappings in the original process
flow. Can also be used to document the process flow for the transformation
so that you can view and analyze the metadata for a user-written transformation,
similarly to how you can analyze metadata for other transformations.
For more information, see Adding a User Written Code Transformation to a Job.
Enables you to select
and apply DataFlux schemes that standardize the format, casing, and
spelling of character columns in a source table. For more information, see Standardizing Values with a Standardization Scheme.
Enables you to analyze
source data and generate match codes based on common information shared
by clusters of records. Comparing match codes instead of actual data
enables you to identify records that are in fact the same entity,
despite minor variations in the data. For more information, see Using Match Codes to Improve Record Matching.
Enables you to select
and execute a DataFlux job that is stored on a DataFlux Data Management
Server. You can execute DataFlux Data Management Studio data jobs,
process jobs, and profiles. You can also execute Architect jobs that
were created with DataFlux® dfPower® Studio. For more information, see Executing a DataFlux Job or Profile from SAS Data Integration Studio.
Enables you to select
and execute a data job that has been configured as a real-time service
and deployed to a DataFlux Data Management Server. For more information, see Using a DataFlux Data Service in a Job.
Enables you to select
and apply DataFlux standardization definitions to elements within
a text string. For example, you might want to change all instances
of “Mister” to “Mr.” but only when “Mister”
is used as a salutation. For more
information, see Standardizing Values with a Definition.
Enables you to connect
all the sources and targets for the various steps in a container step.
This container step allows for one connection to the Hadoop Cluster
in the context of a SAS Data Integration Studio job. Then, all of
the steps that are included in the container are submitted during
the connection. For more information, see Creating a Hadoop Container Job.
Supports submitting
Hive code to the Hadoop Cluster in the context of a SAS Data Integration
Studio job. Hive is a data warehouse system for Hadoop. You can easily
summarize data, run ad hoc queries, and generate the analysis of large
data sets stored in Hadoop compatible file systems. Hive also enables
you to project structure onto this data and query the data by using
an SQL-like language called HiveQL. For more information, see Creating a Hive Job.
Supports submitting
Map Reduce code to the Hadoop Cluster in the context of a SAS Data
Integration Studio job. Hadoop Map Reduce enables you to write applications
that reliably process vast amounts of data in parallel on large clusters.
A Map Reduce job or step splits the input data-set into chunks that
are processed by the map tasks in parallel. The outputs of the maps
are sorted and then input to the reduce tasks. The input and the output
of the job are typically stored in a file system. For an example of
Map Reduce processing in a Hadoop container job, see Creating a Hadoop Container Job.
Supports submitting
Pig code to the Hadoop Cluster in the context of a SAS Data Integration
Studio job. The transformation contains an enhanced, color-coded editor
specific to the Pig Latin language. Pig Latin is a high-level language
used for expressing and evaluating data analysis programs. Pig Latin
supports substantial parallelization and can handle very large data
sets. For more information, see Creating a Pig Job.
Creates an HTML report
that contains selected columns from a source table. For more information,
see Creating Reports from Table Data.
Creates an HTML report
and an archive of the report. For more information, see Creating a Publish to Archive Report from Table Data.
Creates an HTML report
and e-mails it to a designated address. For more information, see Creating a Publish to Email Report from Table Data.
Creates an HTML report
and publishes it to a queue using MQSeries. For more information,
see Creating a Publish to Queue Report from Table Data.
Creates or updates an
SPD Server cluster table. For more information, see Creating an SPD Server Cluster Table.
Lists the contents of
an SPD Server cluster table. For more information, see Maintaining an SPD Server Cluster.
Deletes an SPD Server
cluster table. For more information, see Maintaining an SPD Server Cluster.
Selects multiple sets
of rows from a source and writes those rows to a target. Typically
used to create one subset from a source. Can also be used to create
columns in a target that are derived from columns in a source. For
more information, see Extracting Data from a Source Table.
Provides a simple SQL
interface for inserting rows into a target table. For more information,
see Inserting Rows into a Target Table.
Selects multiple sets
of rows from one or more sources and writes each set of rows to a
single target. Typically used to merge two or more sources into one
target. Can also be used to merge two or more copies of a single source.
For more information, see Creating a Simple SQL Query.
Enables you to use set
operators to combine the results of table-based queries. For more
information, see Using the SQL Set Operators Transformation.