The LOGISTIC Procedure


Syntax: LOGISTIC Procedure

The following statements are available in PROC LOGISTIC:

PROC LOGISTIC <options> ;
BY variables ;
CLASS variable <(options)><variable <(options)>></ options> ;
CONTRAST ’label’ effect values<, effect values,></ options> ;
EFFECT name = effect-type ( variables </ options> ) ;
EFFECTPLOT <plot-type<(plot-definition-options)>></ options> ;
ESTIMATE <'label'> estimate-specification </ options> ;
EXACT <’label’><INTERCEPT><effects></ options> ;
FREQ variable ;
LSMEANS <model-effects> </ options> ;
LSMESTIMATE model-effect lsmestimate-specification </ options> ;
<label:> MODEL variable <(variable_options)>=<effects></ options> ;
<label:> MODEL events/trials=<effects></ options> ;
ODDSRATIO <’label’> variable </ options> ;
OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set><keyword=name <keyword=name>></ option> ;
ROC <’label’> <specification> </ options> ;
ROCCONTRAST <’label’><contrast></ options> ;
SCORE <options> ;
SLICE model-effect </ options> ;
STORE <OUT=>item-store-name </ LABEL='label'> ;
STRATA effects </ options> ;
<label:> TEST equation1 <,equation2,></ option> ;
UNITS <independent1=list1 <independent2=list2 >></ option> ;
WEIGHT variable </ option> ;

The PROC LOGISTIC and MODEL statements are required. The CLASS and EFFECT statements (if specified) must precede the MODEL statement, and the CONTRAST, EXACT, and ROC statements (if specified) must follow the MODEL statement.

The PROC LOGISTIC, MODEL, and ROCCONTRAST statements can be specified at most once. If a FREQ or WEIGHT statement is specified more than once, the variable specified in the first instance is used. If a BY, OUTPUT, or UNITS statement is specified more than once, the last instance is used.

The rest of this section provides detailed syntax information for each of the preceding statements, beginning with the PROC LOGISTIC statement. The remaining statements are covered in alphabetical order. The EFFECT, EFFECTPLOT, ESTIMATE, LSMEANS, LSMESTIMATE, SLICE, and STORE statements are also available in many other procedures. Summary descriptions of functionality and syntax for these statements are provided, but you can find full documentation on them in the corresponding sections of Chapter 19, Shared Concepts and Topics.