Summary of Optional Arguments
Appearance options
specifies a data set to annotate all graphs that
are produced by the GCHART procedure.
specifies the chart statistic value of the tallest
block on the chart.
specifies the color for the midpoint grid.
outlines all blocks or all block segments and legend
values in the subgroup legend (if it appears) using the specified
specifies a color for all text on the grid and legend.
assigns the specified LEGEND definition to the legend
generated by the SUBGROUP= option.
suppresses the heading describing the type of statistic.
suppresses the legend automatically generated by
the SUBGROUP= option.
specifies how fill patterns are assigned.
specifies the width of the block outline in pixels.
Catalog entry description options
specifies a description of the output.
specifies the name of the GRSEG catalog entry and
the name of the graphics output file, if one is created.
Midpoint options
treats a numeric chart variable as a discrete variable
rather than as a continuous variable.
organizes the data according to the values of group-variable.
specifies the number of midpoints to be graphed
for the chart variable.
generates default midpoints using the Nelder algorithm
(Applied Statistics 25:94–7,
specifies the midpoint values for the blocks.
accepts a missing value as a valid midpoint for
the chart variable.
divides the blocks into segments according to the
values of subgroup-variable.
ODS options
the variable in the input data set whose values create links.
the variable in the input data set whose values create links or data
tips or both.
a character variable whose values are URLs.
Statistic options
specifies a variable whose values weight the contribution
of each observation in the computation of the chart statistic.
calculates the percentage and cumulative percentage
statistics separately for each group.
specifies a numeric variable for sum or mean calculations.
specifies the chart statistic.