
Example 1: Adding Custom Data Tips to a Graph in a Web Presentation


VBAR statement

VBAR options:
Other features:
ODS HTML statement options:

GOPTIONS statement option: BORDER

This example uses the HTML= procedure option to add custom data tips to the vertical bar chart that is shown in the following figure. It generates the data tip North Carolina and Massachusetts for the East bars and California and Oregon for the West bars.
Bar Chart with Custom Data Tips
Bar chart with custom data tips


/* Create the temporary data set named sales. */
data sales;
   length Region $ 4 State $ 2;
   format Sales dollar8.;
   input Region State Sales Year Qtr;
West CA 13636 1999 1
West OR 18988 1999 1
West CA 14523 1999 2
West OR 18988 1999 2
East MA 18038 1999 1
East NC 13611 1999 1
East MA 11084 1999 2
East NC 19660 1999 2
West CA 12536 1998 1
West OR 17888 1998 1
West CA 15623 1998 2
West OR 17963 1998 2
East NC 17638 1998 1
East MA 12811 1998 1
East NC 12184 1998 2
East MA 12760 1998 2
/* Use an IF/THEN statement to assign values to the variable RPT. */
data sales;
   set sales;
      if state in ("NC" "MA") then 
         RPT="title='North Carolina and Massachusetts'";
      if state in ("CA" "OR") then  RPT="title='California and Oregon'";

/* Reset the graphics options to their defaults and specify a border. */
goptions reset=all border;

/* Close the current ODS HTML destination. */
ods html close;

/* Open the HTML destination and specify the ODS output filename */
/* and style.  */
ods html file="datatips.htm" style=listing;

/* Generate the bar chart. Add the HTML= option to associate */
/* the custom data tips with each graph element.             */
title "Company Sales, Mid Year";
proc gchart data=sales;
   vbar region / sumvar=sales

/* Close ODS HTML to close the output file, and then reopen it. */
ods html close;
ods html;

Example 2: Creating a Drill-Down HTML Presentation for the Web


VBAR statement

VBAR options:
Other features:
ODS HTML statement options:

AXIS statement

BY statement

FORMAT statement

GOPTIONS statement option:

LEGEND statement

RUN-group processing

TITLE statement

WHERE statement

Sample library member: GCHDDOWN

About This Example

This example shows how to create 2-D bar charts with drill-down functionality for the Web. In addition to showing how to use the ODS HTML statement and the HTML options to create the drill-down, the example also illustrates other VBAR statement options.
For creating output with drill-down functionality for the Web, the example shows how to do the following tasks:
  • explicitly name the HTML files and open and close them throughout the program
  • specify names and destination for the PNG files created by the ODS HTML statement and the PNG device driver
  • assign anchor names to the graphics output
  • use the HTML= and HTML_LEGEND= procedure options to assign link targets
For more information, see ODS HTML Statement.
For creating 2-D bar charts, the example shows how to do the following tasks:
  • group the midpoints, including patterning bars by group, modifying the group axis, adjusting the space between groups of bars
  • identify midpoint values with a legend instead of labeling each bar
  • subgroup bars
  • remove an axis and its axis plane
  • add reference lines
  • create and use SAS macros for generating multiple charts
The program generates twelve linked bar charts that display data about the world's leading grain producers. The charts are described in Output. The data contain the amount of grain produced by five countries in 1995 and 1996. Each of these countries is one of the three leading producers of wheat, rice, or corn, worldwide.


The first chart, shown in Browser View of Overview Graph as it appears in a browser, is an overview of the data that shows the total grain production for the five countries for both years.
Browser View of Overview Graph
GCHDDOWNa-Browser View of Overview Graph
The next two charts break down grain production by year. These charts are linked to the legend values in Browser View of Overview Graph. For example, when you select the legend value for 1995, the graph in Browser View of Year Breakdown for 1995 appears.
Browser View of Year Breakdown for 1995
GCHDDOWNb-Browser View of Year Breakdown for 1995
Another group of charts breaks down the data by country. These charts are linked to the bars in Browser View of Overview Graph and Browser View of Year Breakdown for 1995. For example, when you click the bar for China in either Browser View of Overview Graph or Browser View of Year Breakdown for 1995, the graph in Browser View of Breakdown for China appears.
Browser View of Breakdown for China
GCHDDOWNc-Browser View of Breakdown for China
Finally the data is charted by grain type. These graphs are linked to the bars in Browser View of Breakdown for China. If you click the bar for Rice, Browser View of Breakdown for Rice appears.
Browser View of Breakdown for Rice
GCHDDOWNd-Browser View of Breakdown for Rice

About This Example SAS Program

The SAS program for this example is divided into four parts:
The following sections describe the functionality and SAS code for each part of the example program.

Overview: Part A

Part A of this program creates the overview graph shown in Browser View of Overview Graph. In addition to setting the graphics environment and creating the data set, Part A of the program does the following:
  • Adds three HTML variables to the data set. The variables contain the link targets and suitable data tip text for all of the graphs that support drill-down functionality. The HREF values for the HTML variables in the data set contain the following information about the link targets:
    • the name of the body file that is the target. The BODY= option in the ODS HTML statement assigns the names the body file
    • the anchor name of the output if the target file contains more than one graph. By default, all output is assigned a unique anchor name unless you specify a name with ANCHOR= option in the ODS HTML statement.
  • Opens the HTML destination for the frame and contents files and the first body file.
  • Creates one grouped 2-D vertical bar chart (shown in Browser View of Overview Graph) with drill-down on the bars and legend values. The bars, represent total production for each year, for each country, are grouped and labeled by COUNTRY. Instead of displaying the year below each bar, the program suppresses the midpoint values with an AXIS statement and creates a legend that associates bar color and year. To create the legend, the chart variable YEAR is assigned to the SUBGROUP= option. Because the chart variable and the subgroup variable are the same, each bar contains only one "subgroup." As a result, the subgroup legend has an entry for each unique value of YEAR, thereby creating a legend for the midpoints. The values of COUNTRY label each group of bars.
  • Assigns the HTML variables that contain link and data tip information for the bars and for the legend values to the HTML= option and HTML_LEGEND= option, respectively.
  • Assigns the Web path. The FILENAME statement defines the fileref ODSOUT.

Part A Program

filename odsout "."; 
goptions reset=all xpixels=550 ypixels=500
data grainldr;
   length country $ 3 type $ 5;
   input year country $ type $ amount;
   format megtons comma5.0;
1995 BRZ Wheat 1516
1995 BRZ Rice 11236
1995 BRZ Corn 36276
1995 CHN Wheat 102207
1995 CHN Rice 185226
1995 CHN Corn 112331
1995 IND Wheat 63007
1995 IND Rice 122372
1995 IND Corn 9800
1995 INS Wheat .
1995 INS Rice 49860
1995 INS Corn 8223
1995 USA Wheat 59494
1995 USA Rice 7888
1995 USA Corn 187300
1996 BRZ Wheat 3302
1996 BRZ Rice 10035
1996 BRZ Corn 31975
1996 CHN Wheat 109000
1996 CHN Rice 190100
1996 CHN Corn 119350
1996 IND Wheat 62620
1996 IND Rice 120012
1996 IND Corn 8660
1996 INS Wheat .
1996 INS Rice 51165
1996 INS Corn 8925
1996 USA Wheat 62099
1996 USA Rice 7771
1996 USA Corn 236064
proc format;
   value $country
      "BRZ" = "Brazil"
      "CHN" = "China"
      "IND" = "India"
      "INS" = "Indonesia"
      "USA" = "United States";
data newgrain;
   set grainldr;
   length yeardrill typedrill countrydrill $ 100;

   /* Assign targets for the YEAR values. */ 
    "TITLE="||quote(trim(left(year)))||' '||
   /* Assign targets for the COUNTRY values. */ 
    "TITLE="||quote(trim(left(put(country,$country.))))||' '||
   /* Assign targets for the TYPE values. */ 
    "TITLE="||quote(trim(left(type)))||' '||
legend1 label=none
   position=(bottom center);
ods html close;
 goptions device=png;
ods html body="grain_body.html"
   gtitle gfootnote
axis1 label=none value=none;
axis2 label=(angle=90 "Metric Tons (millions)")
   order=(0 to 500 by 100)
axis3 label=none
   order=("China" "United States" "India" "Indonesia" "Brazil")
   split=" " offset=(4,4);
title1 ls=1.5 "Corn, Rice, and Wheat Production";
title2 "Leading Producers for 1995 and 1996";
footnote1 ls=1.3 "Click the bars or legend colors to drill down.";
proc gchart data=newgrain;
   format country $country.;
   vbar year / discrete type=sum sumvar=megtons
      autoref cref=graydd clipref
      des="Overview of leading grain producers";

Program Description

Here is a detailed description of the SAS code for the Part A portion of the example program.
ODSOUT specifies a destination for the HTML and PNG files.The files are created in the example program. To assign that location as the HTML destination for program output, ODSOUT is specified later in the program in the ODS HTML statement's PATH= option. ODSOUT must point to a Web location if procedure output is to be viewed on the Web.
filename odsout "."; 
Set the graphics environment. The XPIXELS= and YPIXELS= options specify the size of each graph as 550 pixels wide by 500 pixels high. The CBACK= option sets the graph background to white.
goptions reset=all xpixels=550 ypixels=500
Create the data set GRAINLDR. GRAINLDR contains data about grain production in five countries for 1995 and 1996. The quantities in AMOUNT are in thousands of metric tons. Variable MEGTONS stores the value of AMOUNT in millions of metric tons.
data grainldr;
   length country $ 3 type $ 5;
   input year country $ type $ amount;
   format megtons comma5.0;
1995 BRZ Wheat 1516
1995 BRZ Rice 11236
1995 BRZ Corn 36276
1995 CHN Wheat 102207
1995 CHN Rice 185226
1995 CHN Corn 112331
1995 IND Wheat 63007
1995 IND Rice 122372
1995 IND Corn 9800
1995 INS Wheat .
1995 INS Rice 49860
1995 INS Corn 8223
1995 USA Wheat 59494
1995 USA Rice 7888
1995 USA Corn 187300
1996 BRZ Wheat 3302
1996 BRZ Rice 10035
1996 BRZ Corn 31975
1996 CHN Wheat 109000
1996 CHN Rice 190100
1996 CHN Corn 119350
1996 IND Wheat 62620
1996 IND Rice 120012
1996 IND Corn 8660
1996 INS Wheat .
1996 INS Rice 51165
1996 INS Corn 8925
1996 USA Wheat 62099
1996 USA Rice 7771
1996 USA Corn 236064
Create a format for the values of COUNTRY.
proc format;
   value $country
      "BRZ" = "Brazil"
      "CHN" = "China"
      "IND" = "India"
      "INS" = "Indonesia"
      "USA" = "United States";
Add three HTML variables to GRAINLDR to create the NEWGRAIN data set. Each HTML variable is assigned the targets for a certain variable value. These targets are specified by the HREF attribute within an AREA element in the HTML file. Each HREF value specifies the HTML body file and, can also reference the name of the anchor within the body file that identifies the target graph. The HTML variable YEARDRILL contains the targets for the values of the variable YEAR. The HTML variable COUNTRYDRILL contains the targets for the values of the variable COUNTRY. The HTML variable TYPEDRILL contains the names of the files that are the targets for the values of the variable TYPE.
data newgrain;
   set grainldr;
   length yeardrill typedrill countrydrill $ 100;

   /* Assign targets for the YEAR values. */ 
    "TITLE="||quote(trim(left(year)))||' '||
   /* Assign targets for the COUNTRY values. */ 
    "TITLE="||quote(trim(left(put(country,$country.))))||' '||
   /* Assign targets for the TYPE values. */ 
    "TITLE="||quote(trim(left(type)))||' '||
Define legend characteristics for all legends. SHAPE= specifies the shape and size of the legend entries. POSITION= specfieis the position of the legend.
legend1 label=none
   position=(bottom center);
Close the current ODS HTML destination.
ods html close;
Set the output device to PNG. DEVICE= generates the SAS/GRAPH output as PNG files.
 goptions device=png;
Open the ODS HTML destination for the ODS graphics output. BODY= names the file for storing the HTML output. FRAME= names the HTML file that integrates the contents and body files. CONTENTS= names the HTML file that contains the table of contents to the HTML procedure output. The contents file links to each of the body files written to the HTML destination. GTITLE includes the graph title in the SAS/GRAPH output instead of the HTML output. PATH= specifies the ODSOUT fileref as the HTML destination for all the HTML and PNG files.
ods html body="grain_body.html"
   gtitle gfootnote
Suppress the label and values for the midpoint axis.The midpoint values 1995 and 1996 do not appear below each bar.
axis1 label=none value=none;
Modify the response axis. The LABEL= option specifies a new axis label and rotates it 90 degrees. The MINOR=NONE option suppresses the minor tick marks. The ORDER= option sets the response axis range to 0 to 500 in increments of 100. The OFFSET= option sets the offsets to zero.
axis2 label=(angle=90 "Metric Tons (millions)")
   order=(0 to 500 by 100)
Suppress the label and order the values for the group axis. Because the values of COUNTRY are formatted, ORDER= must specify their formatted value.
axis3 label=none
   order=("China" "United States" "India" "Indonesia" "Brazil")
   split=" " offset=(4,4);
Define the footnote.
title1 ls=1.5 "Corn, Rice, and Wheat Production";
title2 "Leading Producers for 1995 and 1996";
footnote1 ls=1.3 "Click the bars or legend colors to drill down.";
Generate the vertical bar chart that summarizes all grain production for all countries for both years.DISCRETE creates a separate bar for each unique value of YEAR. GROUP= groups the bars by country. To create a legend for midpoint values, SUBGROUP= is assigned the chart variable YEAR. SPACE= controls the space between the bars. HTML= specifies COUNTRYDRILL as the variable that contains the targets for the bars. Because the COUNTRYDRILL variable contains the TITLE= and HREF= options, the URL= option cannot be used in this case. HTML_LEGEND= specifies YEARDRILL as the variable that contains the targets for the legend values. Specifying HTML variables causes SAS/GRAPH to add an image map to the HTML body file. NAME= specifies the name of the catalog entry. Because the PATH= destination is a file storage location and not a specific filename, the catalog entry name GRAINALL is automatically assigned to the PNG file. DES= specifies the description that is stored in the graphics catalog and used in the Table of Contents.
proc gchart data=newgrain;
   format country $country.;
   vbar year / discrete type=sum sumvar=megtons
      autoref cref=graydd clipref
      des="Overview of leading grain producers";

Overview: Part B

Part B of this program creates the two charts that show the grain production breakdown by year for 1995 and 1996. The chart for 1995 is shown in Browser View of Year Breakdown for 1995. Each bar in these graphs represents a country and is subgrouped by grain type. As before, both the bars and the legend values are links to other graphs. The bars link to targets stored in COUNTRYDRILL, and the legend values link to targets in TYPEDRILL. These two graphs not only contain links, they are the link targets for the legend values in Browser View of Overview Graph, Browser View of Breakdown for Rice, and Browser View of Breakdown for China. Before each graph is generated, the ODS HTML statement opens a new body file in which to store the output. Because each of these graphs is stored in a separate file, the HREF attributes that are stored in the variable YEARDRILL point only to the file. The name of the file is specified by the BODY= option in the ODS HTML statement. Here is an example of the HREF attribute that points to the graph of 1995 and is stored in the variable YEARDRILL:
YEARDRILL is assigned to the HTML_LEGEND= option in Part A.

Part B Program

axis4 label=none
   order=("China" "United States" "India" "Indonesia" "Brazil")
   split=" " offset=(8,8);
%macro do_year(year);
ods html body="year&year._body.html"
  gtitle gfootnote
  path=odsout style=listing;
title1 ls=1.5 "Total Production for &year";
proc gchart data=newgrain (where=(year=&year));
   format country $country.;
   vbar country / type=sum sumvar=megtons
      autoref cref=graydd clipref
      des="Production Breakdown for &year";
%mend do_year;

Program Description

Here is a detailed description of the SAS code for the Part B portion of the example program.
Suppress the label and order the values for the midpoint axis.The ORDER= option specifies the new order for the midpoints. The SPLIT=“ ” option allows the labels to wrap on a blank space, if necessary.
axis4 label=none
   order=("China" "United States" "India" "Indonesia" "Brazil")
   split=" " offset=(8,8);
Open the %DO_YEAR macro definition.This macro accepts a four-digit year as a parameter.
%macro do_year(year);
Open a new body file for the graph of production for the year specified. Assigning a new body file closes GRAIN_BODY.HTML. The body filename includes the year that is passed into the macro so that it can be identified easily. The contents and frame files, which remain open, and provide links to all body files.
ods html body="year&year._body.html"
  gtitle gfootnote
  path=odsout style=listing;
Define the title for the chart.The title includes the year that is passed into the macro.
title1 ls=1.5 "Total Production for &year";
Subset the data for the year that is passed into the macro and generate the vertical bar chart for that year. The AUTOREF option draws a reference line on the backplane for every major tick mark value. The SUBGROUP= option creates a separate bar segment for each department. The HTML= option names the variable that contains the targets for the bars. The HTML_LEGEND= option names the variable that contains the targets for the legend values. The PNG files use the catalog entry name specified by the NAME= option. The name and description include the year that is passed into the macro.
proc gchart data=newgrain (where=(year=&year));
   format country $country.;
   vbar country / type=sum sumvar=megtons
      autoref cref=graydd clipref
      des="Production Breakdown for &year";
Close the %DO_YEAR macro definition.
%mend do_year;
Call the %DO_YEAR macro for the years 1995 and 1996 to generate the graphs.

Overview: Part C

Part C of this program produces the five graphs that show the breakdowns by country. The chart for China is shown in Browser View of Breakdown for China. Macro %DO_COUNTRY is defined and used to generate the graphs for each country, and all of the graphs are stored in a one file. When the file is displayed in the browser, all the graphs appear in one frame that can be scrolled. Because the graphs are stored in one file, the links to them must explicitly point to the location of each graph in the file, not just to the file. This location is defined by an anchor. ODS HTML assigns anchor names by default, but you can specify anchor names with the ANCHOR= option. This program assigns a name {COUNTRY} to the ANCHOR= variable value for each country. The graphs created by this part are referenced by the COUNTRYDRILL variable. The NAME= option specifies “country_country” as the name for the graphics output for each country. The DES= option specifies a generic description for the HTML Table of Contents.

Part C Program

axis5 label=none split=" " offset=(4,4);
axis6 label=(angle=90 "Metric Tons (millions)")
   order=(0 to 250 by 50)
ods html body="country_body.html" 
  gtitle gfootnote
  path=odsout style=listing;
options nobyline;
%macro do_country(country);
ods html anchor="&country";
title1 ls=1.5 "Breakdown for #byval(country)";
title2 "(In Millions of Metric Tons)";
proc gchart data=newgrain (where=(country="&country"));
   format country $country.;
   by country;  /* Enables the use of #byval() in title and description */
   vbar year / discrete type=sum sumvar=megtons
      autoref cref=graydd clipref
      des="Grain and Year Breakdown for #byval(country)";
%mend do_country;


Program Description

Here is a detailed description of the SAS code for the Part C portion of the example program.
Suppress the group axis labels.
axis5 label=none split=" " offset=(4,4);
Modify the range axis label and range.
axis6 label=(angle=90 "Metric Tons (millions)")
   order=(0 to 250 by 50)
Open a new body file. Assigning a new body file closes YEAR1996_BODY.HTML.
ods html body="country_body.html" 
  gtitle gfootnote
  path=odsout style=listing;
Suppress the BY line.
options nobyline;
Open the %DO_COUNTRY macro definitionThis macro accepts a country name as a parameter.
%macro do_country(country);
Set the anchor name to the specified country.
ods html anchor="&country";
Define the titles.
title1 ls=1.5 "Breakdown for #byval(country)";
title2 "(In Millions of Metric Tons)";
Generate the vertical bar chart of production for each country.BY-group processing on variable COUNTRY is used here so that #BYVAL(COUNTRY) can be used in the TITLE1 statement and the DES= procedure option. Since the WHERE clause in the DATA= procedure option filters the data to include only one country, only one output file is generated per macro call in this case. The GROUP= option groups the bars by country. The OUTSIDE= option displays the SUM statistic above the bars. The HTML= option specifies TYPEDRILL as the variable that contains the targets for the bars. Because the TYPEDRILL variable contains the TITLE= and HREF= options, the URL= option cannot be used in this case. The RAXIS= option assigns the AXIS4 statement . The GAXIS= option assigns the AXIS5 statement. The MAXIS= option assigns the AXIS1 statement to the midpoint axis. The NAME= option specifies the name of the catalog entry. The graphics catalog entry name increments so the PNG files are named sequentially from COUNTRY to COUNTRY4. The DES= option specifies a general description that appears in the table of contents for all five graphs.
proc gchart data=newgrain (where=(country="&country"));
   format country $country.;
   by country;  /* Enables the use of #byval() in title and description */
   vbar year / discrete type=sum sumvar=megtons
      autoref cref=graydd clipref
      des="Grain and Year Breakdown for #byval(country)";
Close the %DO_COUNTRY macro definitions.
%mend do_country;
Call the %DO_COUNTRY macro for CHN, USA, IND, INS, and BRZ.


Overview: Part D

Part C of this program creates the charts that show the leading producers for each type of grain. The chart for rice is shown in Browser View of Breakdown for Rice. This part of the program defines and uses macro %DO_TYPE to generate graphs that show the leading producers for each type of grain. A leading producer is defined as any producer that produces 30 metric megatons or more of grain. The program subsets the data and suppresses midpoints with no observations. Instead of storing all of the output in one body file, it stores each graph in a separate file using the ODS HTML option NEWFILE=TABLE. Because each graph is stored in a separate file, the links to these graphs reference filename only and do not require an anchor name. The graphs created by this part are referenced by the TYPEDRILL variable.

Part D Program

%macro do_type(type);
ods html body="&type._body.html"
  gtitle gfootnote
  path=odsout style=listing;
%let minamount=30;
title1 ls=1.5 "Top Producers of &type";
title2 "(Producing &minamount Million Metric Tons or More)";
/* Produce the series of bar charts: country and type. */ 
proc gchart data=newgrain (where=(megtons ge &minamount and type="&type"));
   format country $country.;
   vbar year / discrete type=sum sumvar=megtons
      autoref cref=graydd clipref
      des="Top &type Producers (&minamount Million Metric Tons or More)";
%mend do_type;
ods html close;
ods html;

Program Description

Here is a detailed description of the SAS code for the Part D portion of the example program.
Open the %DO_TYPE macro definition.This macro accepts a type as a parameter.
%macro do_type(type);
Open a new body file. Assigning a new body file closes COUNTRY_BODY.HTML. NEWFILE=TABLE opens a new body file for each piece of output generated by the procedure.
ods html body="&type._body.html"
  gtitle gfootnote
  path=odsout style=listing;
Define the lower threshold for the top producers.MINAMOUNT is the minimum amount of grain that a producer must product in order to be considered a top producer. The value is expressed in metric megatons.
%let minamount=30;
Define the titles.
title1 ls=1.5 "Top Producers of &type";
title2 "(Producing &minamount Million Metric Tons or More)";
Generate the vertical bar chart of leading producers for each grain type.
/* Produce the series of bar charts: country and type. */ 
proc gchart data=newgrain (where=(megtons ge &minamount and type="&type"));
   format country $country.;
   vbar year / discrete type=sum sumvar=megtons
      autoref cref=graydd clipref
      des="Top &type Producers (&minamount Million Metric Tons or More)";
Close the %DO_TYPE macro definition.
%mend do_type;
Call the %DO_TYPE macro for Corn, Rice, and Wheat.
Clear all of the titles and footnotes.
Close ODS HTML to close the output file, and then reopen ODS HTML.
ods html close;
ods html;

Example 3: Creating a Drill-Down Java Presentation for the Web


VBAR3D Statement

VBAR3D options:
Other features:
ODS HTML statement options:
GOPTIONS statement options:
The Graph applet is a Java applet that provides drill-down functionality by default. You do not need to add linking variables to your chart data to get drill-down links when using the Graph applet. To use the Graph applet to generate your graph, use the DEVICE=JAVA graphics option. When the Web page is displayed, the drill-down functionality is enabled by default. The Graph applet retains the type and style of the initial graph for all the graphs in the presentation. This example creates a drill-down sequence of three-dimensional, vertical bar charts that use the ODS style LISTING.
The initial graph displayed by this example is shown in the following figure. In this graph, REGION is the independent variable, and SALES is the dependent variable. YEAR is the group variable, and STATE is the subgroup variable.
Graph Applet: Level 1
3d Vertical Bar Chart
Clicking the bar segment labeled East generates the graph shown in Graph Applet: Level 2 . The Level 2 drill-down graph retains the dependent variable SALES. The group variable YEAR is promoted to the independent variable role. The drill-down action creates one bar segment for each unique value of YEAR. SALES is the dependent variable, and YEAR is the independent variable.
Graph Applet: Level 2
3–D Vertical Bar Chart
Clicking the bar segment labeled 1998 generates the graph shown in Graph Applet: Level 3 . The Level 3 drill-down graph retains the dependent variable SALES. The subgroup variable STATE is promoted to the independent variable role. STATE is the last variable that can appear as an independent variable. The drill-down action creates one bar segment for each unique value of STATE. SALES is the dependent variable, and STATE is the independent variable.
Graph Applet: Level 3
3–D Vertical Bar Chart


/* Create the temporary data set named sales. */
data sales;
   length Region $ 4 State $ 2;
   format Sales dollar8.;
   input Region State Sales Year Qtr;
West CA 13636 1999 1
West OR 18988 1999 1
West CA 14523 1999 2
West OR 18988 1999 2
East MA 18038 1999 1
East NC 13611 1999 1
East MA 11084 1999 2
East NC 19660 1999 2
West CA 12536 1998 1
West OR 17888 1998 1
West CA 15623 1998 2
West OR 17963 1998 2
East NC 17638 1998 1
East MA 12811 1998 1
East NC 12184 1998 2
East MA 12760 1998 2

/* Specify the JAVA device for generating the chart. */
goptions reset=all border device=java;

/* Close the current ODS HTML destination. */
ods html close;

/* Open the HTML destination. Specify vbarweb.htm as */
/* the output filename and GEARS as the style.       */
ods html file="vbarweb.htm" style=listing;

/* Generate the bar chart. Group by YEAR and subgroup */
/* by STATE. */
title "Company Sales, Mid Year";
proc gchart data=sales;
   vbar3d region / sumvar=sales
   group=year subgroup=state;

/* ODS html to close the output file, and then reopen ODS HTML. */
ods html close;
ods html;

Example 4: Enhancing an SVG Drill-Down Presentation Using HTML Attributes


VBAR statement

VBAR options::


Other features:

BY-Group processing

GOPTIONS statement options::
ODS HTML statement options::

OPTIONS statement NOBYLINE option

This example uses the SVG graphics device with the ONMOUSEOVER= HTML attribute in the HTML= string to add special effects to a drill-down graph. The drill-down graph is a simple bar chart of regional sales data. Each bar in the main chart is linked to a drill-down graph that displays detailed sales data for that region. The special effects are activated when the mouse pointer is positioned on a bar. The drill-down link for each bar contains the ONMOUSEOVER= HTML attribute. The ONMOUSEOVER= HTML attribute value includes the showImage and changeOpacity functions. The showImage function displays a pop–up preview image of a bar’s drill-down chart in the upper right corner of the graph when the mouse pointer is positioned on that bar. The changeOpacity function changes the fill opacity of a bar to 50% when the mouse pointer is positioned on that bar. When a bar is clicked, an enlarged version of the drill-down graph for that bar opens in the browser window.
The main graph is stored in file SALESREPORT.HTML. Here is the graph as it is initially displayed when this file is opened.
Initial Drill-Down Graph
When the mouse pointer is positioned on the Central bar, for example, the fill opacity of the bar changes to 50%, and a pop–up image of the Central Region Sales drill-down chart is displayed in the top right corner of the graphics output area as shown in the following figure.
Mouse Pointer Positioned on the Central Bar
If the Central bar is clicked, an enlarged version of the Central Region Sales drill-down chart is opened in the browser as shown in the following figure.
Central Region Sales Drill-Down Graph


filename gout ".";
data regsales(drop=drillurl imgurl);
   length Region State $8 drillurl imgurl $50 htmlstr $256;
   format Sales dollar8.;
   input Region State Sales drillurl imgurl;

   /* Create and add the HTML variable for each observation. */
      " title="||quote(trim(Region)||" Region") ||
      " ONMOUSEOVER=ShowImage("||quote(trim(imgurl))||
      ",400,25,200,200); changeOpacity(.5)";

Central IL 18038 ./regsales.html#rpt  ./sales.svg
Central IN 13611 ./regsales.html#rpt  ./sales.svg
Central OH 11084 ./regsales.html#rpt  ./sales.svg
Central MI 19660 ./regsales.html#rpt  ./sales.svg
South   FL 14541 ./regsales.html#rpt1 ./sales1.svg
South   GA 19022 ./regsales.html#rpt1 ./sales1.svg
West    CA 13636 ./regsales.html#rpt2 ./sales2.svg
West    OR 18988 ./regsales.html#rpt2 ./sales2.svg
West    WA 14523 ./regsales.html#rpt2 ./sales2.svg
goptions reset=all border device=svg xpixels=600 ypixels=450;
ods html close;
ods html body="salesreport.html" path=gout style=listing
title1 "Company Sales";
footnote1 j=c "Click bar to view an enlarged region graph.";
proc gchart data=regsales;
   vbar region / sumvar=sales width=8
   html=htmlstr; /* Set the HTML variable to htmlstr. */
ods html close;
proc greplay nofs igout=work.gseg;
   delete _all_;
goptions reset=all border device=svgt;
options nobyline;
ods html body="regsales.html" path=gout anchor="rpt"
title "#byval(region) Region Sales";
proc gchart data=regsales;
   vbar state / sumvar=sales width=10 name="sales" patternid=midpoint;
   by region;
ods html close;
ods html;

Program Description

Here is a detailed description of the SAS program for this example.
Set the file output path.By default, ODS sends its output to the SAS Work directory. You can create a fileref to specify a different location for your ODS output, which is done later in this program.
filename gout ".";
Create the sales data set.The data set includes the region name, state codes, and the regional sales figures. It also includes the drill-down URL for each the drill-down graphs (DRILLURL) and the path to the pop-up image for each drill-down graph (IMGURL). Notice that the base anchor RPT is used in the drill-down URLs. This base anchor is specified later in this program. The HTMLSTR variable is added to the data for each observation to store the HTML drill-down string. It is formed from the DRILLURL and IMGURL variables, and includes the TITLE= and ONMOUSEOVER= HTML attributes. The ONMOUSEOVER= HTML attribute value contains the ShowImage and changeOpacity functions to achieve the desired effects. After the HTMLSTR variable is formed, the DRILLURL and IMGURL variables are no longer needed and are dropped from the data set.
data regsales(drop=drillurl imgurl);
   length Region State $8 drillurl imgurl $50 htmlstr $256;
   format Sales dollar8.;
   input Region State Sales drillurl imgurl;

   /* Create and add the HTML variable for each observation. */
      " title="||quote(trim(Region)||" Region") ||
      " ONMOUSEOVER=ShowImage("||quote(trim(imgurl))||
      ",400,25,200,200); changeOpacity(.5)";

Central IL 18038 ./regsales.html#rpt  ./sales.svg
Central IN 13611 ./regsales.html#rpt  ./sales.svg
Central OH 11084 ./regsales.html#rpt  ./sales.svg
Central MI 19660 ./regsales.html#rpt  ./sales.svg
South   FL 14541 ./regsales.html#rpt1 ./sales1.svg
South   GA 19022 ./regsales.html#rpt1 ./sales1.svg
West    CA 13636 ./regsales.html#rpt2 ./sales2.svg
West    OR 18988 ./regsales.html#rpt2 ./sales2.svg
West    WA 14523 ./regsales.html#rpt2 ./sales2.svg
Set the graphics options for the top-level graph.The SVG graphics device is used for the top-level graph.
goptions reset=all border device=svg xpixels=600 ypixels=450;
Close the current ODS HTML destination.
ods html close;
Specify the ODS HTML settings for the top-level graph. The top-level graph output is sent to file SALESREPORT.HTML in the directory that was defined earlier by fileref GOUT (the current directory in this example). The LISTING style is used for this graph. The drill-down mode is set to HTML.
ods html body="salesreport.html" path=gout style=listing
Generate the top-level drill-down graph.
title1 "Company Sales";
footnote1 j=c "Click bar to view an enlarged region graph.";
proc gchart data=regsales;
   vbar region / sumvar=sales width=8
   html=htmlstr; /* Set the HTML variable to htmlstr. */
Close the ODS HTML destination.
ods html close;
Clear the GRSEG catalog. Because the image files must be SALES.SVG, SALES1.SVG, and SALES2.SVG, as defined in variable IMGURL in the data set, the existing SALES entries must be cleared from the GRSEG catalog. Otherwise, different filenames might be used. In that case, the pop-up images will not display.
proc greplay nofs igout=work.gseg;
   delete _all_;
Specify the graphics options for the drill-down graphs. Because the drill-down graph images are overlaid onto the main graph, the SVGT device is used for the drill-down graphs so that the background of the main graph shows through the pop-up graph images.
goptions reset=all border device=svgt;
Suppress the BY line. BY-group processing is used to generate the drill-down graphs. To suppress the BY line in the drill-down graphs, set the NOBYLINE system option.
options nobyline;
Specify the ODS HTML settings for the drill-down graphs. The drill-down graphs are stored in file REGSALES.HTML in the directory that is defined by fileref GOUT. The ANCHOR=RPT sets the base anchor to RPT, which is specified in the DRILLURL variable in the data set.
ods html body="regsales.html" path=gout anchor="rpt"
Generate the drill-down graphs.
title "#byval(region) Region Sales";
proc gchart data=regsales;
   vbar state / sumvar=sales width=10 name="sales" patternid=midpoint;
   by region;
Close the ODS HTML destination to close the output file, and then reopen ODS HTML.
ods html close;
ods html;