Examples: Generating Static Graphics

About These Examples

The examples in this section demonstrate how to create static images for a Web presentation. The examples include:

Example: Using the ACTXIMG Device

Here is an example that uses the ODS HTML destination to create an HTML file that references four PNG files that are created by the GCHART procedure with the DEVICE=ACTXIMG graphics option. Because the ACTXIMG device invokes an SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control, you can run this example only in a Windows environment.
The GCHART procedure in this example uses BY-group processing to display the results of each of the four quarters of the year. Consequently, the procedure produces four separate PNG files. Only the first graph is shown here. To see all of the PNG images in the output, you must scroll down the page in your browser.
Using ODS with the ACTXIMG Device
Sample ACTXIMG, with HTML from ODS HTML
The following is the complete SAS code for this example. In this example, the output files are sent to the default location. If you want to send the output files to a different location, add the BODY= option to the ODS HTML statement to specify the new location of the output files. You can specify the complete path and filename with the BODY= option (or the FILE= option, which is the same), or you can specify the path separately using the PATH= option, and just the filename with the FILE= or BODY= option. If you want to send the PNG files to a separate location, add the GPATH= option to the ODS HTML statement to specify the new location for the PNG files.
See SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide for information about the ODS HTML statement.
 /* Create data set from sashelp.prdsale */
data prdsummary;
  set sashelp.prdsale;
  where year=1993 and (country = "GERMANY" or country = "CANADA")
        and region="EAST" and division="CONSUMER" and
        (product="SOFA" or product="TABLE" or product="BED");

/* Sort the data set by quarter */
proc sort data=work.prdsummary;
    by quarter;

/* Specify the SEASIDE style for the HTML output */
ods html style=seaside;

/* Specify device as actximg */
goptions reset=all device=actximg border;

title1 "1993 Sales";

/* Chart total 1993 sales for each country by quarter */
proc gchart data=work.prdsummary;
   hbar country / sumvar=actual subgroup=product sum;
   by quarter;

/* Close ODS HTML and then reopen it to restore the default style. */
ods html close;
ods html;

Example: Generating PNG Output

Here is an example that uses ODS to create an HTML file that references four PNG files that are created by a SAS/GRAPH procedure. The GCHART procedure in this example uses BY-group processing to display the results of each of the four quarters of the year. Consequently, the procedure produces four separate PNG files. Only the first graph is shown here. To see all of the graphs, you must scroll down the page in your browser.
Generating PNG Output Using ODS
Sample PNG output, with HTML from ODS HTML
The following is the complete SAS code for this example. In this example, the output files are sent to the default location. If you want to send the output files to a different location, add the BODY= option to the ODS HTML statement to specify the new location of the output files. You can specify the complete path and filename with the BODY= option (or the FILE= option, which is the same), or you can specify the path separately using the PATH= option, and just the filename with the FILE= or BODY= option. See SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide for information about the ODS HTML statement.
If you want to send the PNG files to a separate location, add the GPATH= option to the ODS HTML statement to specify the new location for the PNG files.
/* Create data set from sashelp.prdsale */
data prdsummary;
    set sashelp.prdsale;
    where year=1993 and (country = "GERMANY" or country = "CANADA")
        and region="EAST" and division="CONSUMER" and
        (product="SOFA" or product="TABLE" or product="BED");
/* Sort the data set by quarter */
proc sort data=work.prdsummary;
    by quarter;
ods html style=seaside;
goptions reset=all border;
title1 "1993 Sales";
proc gchart data=prdsummary(where=(year=1993));
    vbar3d country / sumvar=actual subgroup=product sum;
    by quarter;
ods html close;
ods html;
Notice that a device is not specified in the GOPTIONS statement in this example. ODS uses the PNG device as the default device for the HTML destination.

Example: GIF Output with Drill-Down Links

Here is an example that generates Web output with drill-down functionality using the GIF device.
In this example, the DEVICE=GIF graphics option generates image output files and the ODS HTML statement generates an HTML output file. The URL= option identifies a link variable that provides drill-down URLs. The values of the link variables are added to the data set with IF/THEN statements. ODS inserts the drill-down URLs into an image map that it generates in the HTML output file. Because the link variable contains the URL string only, the URL= option must be used to identify the link variable. The HTML= option cannot be used in this case.
When you display the HTML output file in a Web browser, the following chart is displayed.
Vertical Bar Chart with Drill-Down Links
VBAR, with drill-down, using GIF driver
If you click one of the three blocks in the chart, you see a table of the data for that block. For example, if you click the Central block, the following table is displayed.
Drill-down data table
Here is the example code, which is available in the SAS Sample Library under the name GWBDRILL:
 /* Close the current ODS HTML destination. */
ods html close;

 /* Set graphic options. */
goptions reset=all border device=gif;

 /* Create the data set REGSALES. */
data regsales;
   length Region State $ 8;
   format Sales dollar8.;
   input Region State Sales;

 /* Initialize the link variable. */
   length rpt $40;

/* Assign values to the URL variable. */
if Region="Central" then
   else if Region="South" then
   else if Region="West" then

West CA 13636
West OR 18988
West WA 14523
Central IL 18038
Central IN 13611
Central OH 11084
Central MI 19660
South FL 14541
South GA 19022

 /* Open the HTML destination for ODS output. Specify the */
 /* filename in BODY=.       */

ods html body="company.html" style=statistical;

 /* Create a chart that uses the link variable.  */
title1 "Company Sales";
proc gchart data=regsales;
   vbar region / sumvar=sales
   url=rpt; /* Set the URL variable to rpt */

 /* Create the Central sales page */
ods html body="central.html";

title1 "Central Sales";
proc print data=regsales noobs;
   var state sales;
   where region="Central";

/* Create the Southern sales page */
title1 "Southern Sales";

ods html body="south.html";

proc print data=regsales noobs;
   var state sales;
   where region="South";

/* Create the Western sales page */
title1 "Western Sales";
ods html body="west.html";

proc print data=regsales noobs;
   var state sales;
   where region="West";

 /* Close ODS HTML to close the output file, and then reopen ODS HTML. */

ods html close;
ods html;