GMAP Procedure

Special GfK Data Sets for Annotating Maps

There are several data sets in the MAPSGFK library that enable you to easily label maps. Some of their names differ from any traditional data sets that you might have used. Though the non-map data sets contain coordinates for map features such as cities, they cannot be used as map data sets.
contains the coordinates of the visual center of each state in the U.S. and Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It also contains coordinates in the ocean for states that are too small to contain a label. There are two pairs of variables for locating labels using Annotate data sets. The X and Y variables contain projected coordinates and can be used with the MAPSGFK.US_ALL data set. The LONG and LAT variables contain the unprojected longitude and latitude in degrees (not radians). These can be used to place labels on any US data set, noting that you can subset the data set by state as needed.
is similar to USCENTER_ALL, except that it does not include Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The X and Y variables contain projected coordinates and can be used with the MAPSGFK.US data set.
contains the locations of selected cities in the U.S. Many city names occur in more than one state, so you might have to subset by state to avoid duplication. There are two pairs of variables for locating labels using Annotate data sets. The X and Y variables contain projected coordinates and can be used with the MAPSGFK.US_ALL data set. The LONG and LAT variables contain the unprojected longitude and latitude in degrees (not radians). These can be used to place labels on any US data set, noting that you can subset the data set by state as needed.
is similar to USCITY_ALL, except that it does not include Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The X and Y variables contain projected coordinates and can be used with the MAPSGFK.US data set.
Duplicate observations can be listed in the output data set. This occurs because the map data set includes towns, villages, hamlets, and other non-city areas that can share the same name with a city.
contains a projected US county map with Alaska and Hawaii in physical locations. Puerto Rico is not included. Many county names occur in more than one state, so you might have to subset by state to avoid duplication. The LONG and LAT variables contain the unprojected longitude and latitude in degrees (not radians). These can be used to place labels on any US data set, noting that you can subset the data set by state as needed.
contains a projected US state map with Alaska and Hawaii in physical locations. Puerto Rico is not included. The LONG and LAT variables contain the unprojected longitude and latitude in degrees (not radians). These can be used to place labels on any US data set, noting that you can subset the data set by state as needed.
contains a projected US state map with Alaska and Hawaii inset into the map. Puerto Rico is not included. The LONG and LAT variables are not included.
contains a projected US county map with Alaska and Hawaii in physical locations. Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands are included. Many county names occur in more than one state, so you might have to subset by state to avoid duplication. The LONG and LAT variables contain the unprojected longitude and latitude in degrees (not radians). These can be used to place labels on any US data set, noting that you can subset the data set by state as needed.