SAS System Options by Category

The categories for SAS system options correspond to the SAS system option groups and subgroups:
Communications: E-mail options associated with sending and receiving email using SAS
Communications: Networking and Encryption options related to remote communication, shared settings, and encryption
Communications: Metadata options to configure SAS to use metadata
Environment Control: Display options to set SAS windows and display preferences
Environment Control: Error Handling options associated with error conditions and error messages
Environment Control: Files options to set SAS library and file location preferences
Environment Control: Help options used to configure the SAS Help
Environment Control: Initialization and Operation options that establish the SAS operating environment
Environment Control: Language Control options to set language and translation preferences
Files: External Files options that define how to process files that are not created by SAS
Files: SAS Files options that define how to process SAS files
Input Control: Data Processing options for data entry and data processing preferences
Input Control: Data Quality options to configure the SAS Data Quality server
Graphics: Driver Settings options that define devices, graphics, and map preferences
Log and Procedure Output Control: SAS Log options that control the display of messages that are written to the SAS log
Log and Procedure Output Control: Procedure Output options that define procedure output and display preferences
Log and Procedure Output Control: SAS Log and Procedure Output options that control both SAS log and procedure output preferences
Log and Procedure Output Control: ODS Printing options to define preferences for printing to ODS destinations
Log and Procedure Output Control: PDF options to define preferences for PDF files
Log and Procedure Output Control: SVG options to define preferences for SVG files
Log and Procedure Output Control: Animation options to define preferences for Animating SVG files
Macro: SAS Macro options that define SAS macro preferences
Sort: Procedure Options options that define preferences for sorting SAS files
System Administration: Installation options for defining site installation settings
System Administration: Memory options that define computer memory preferences
System Administration: Performance options that define performance preferences
System Administration: Code Generation options that define preferences for generating SAS language statements
System Administration: Security options for defining security settings
System Administration: SQL options that define settings for the SQL procedure
Category Language Elements Description
Communications: Email EMAILDLG System Option: Windows Specifies whether to use the native email dialog box provided by your email application or the email dialog box provided by SAS.
EMAILSYS System Option: Windows Specifies the email protocol to use for sending electronic mail.
Environment Control: Display AWSCONTROL System Option: Windows Specifies whether the main SAS window includes a title bar, a system control menu, and minimize maximize buttons.
AWSDEF System Option: Windows Specifies the location and dimensions of the main SAS window when SAS initializes.
AWSMENU System Option: Windows Specifies whether to display the menu bar in the main SAS window.
AWSMENUMERGE System Option: Windows Specifies whether to embed menu items that are specific to Windows in the main menus.
AWSTITLE System Option: Windows Replaces the default text in the main SAS title bar.
COMDEF System Option: Windows Specifies the location where the SAS Command window is displayed.
ENHANCEDEDITOR System Option: Windows Specifies whether to enable the Enhanced Editor during SAS invocation.
FILTERLIST System Option: Windows Specifies an alternative set of file filter specifications to use for the Open and Save As dialog boxes.
FONT System Option: Windows Specifies a font to use for SAS windows.
FONTSLOC System Option: Windows Specifies the location of the SAS fonts that are loaded during the SAS session.
ICON System Option: Windows Minimizes the SAS window.
PRTABORTDLGS System Option: Windows Specifies when to display the Print Abort dialog box.
PRTSETFORMS System Option: Windows Specifies whether to include the Use Forms check box in the Print Setup dialog box.
REGISTER System Option: Windows Adds an application to the Tools menu in the main SAS window.
RESOURCESLOC System Option: Windows Specifies a directory location of the files that contain SAS resources.
SASCONTROL System Option: Windows Specifies whether the SAS application windows include system and control menus and minimize and maximize buttons.
SCROLLBARFLASH System Option: Windows Specifies whether to allow the mouse or keyboard to focus on a scroll bar.
SLEEPWINDOW System Option: Windows Enables or disables the SLEEP window.
SPLASH System Option: Windows Specifies whether to display the splash screen (logo screen) when SAS starts.
SPLASHLOC System Option: Windows Specifies the location of the splash screen bitmap that appears when SAS starts.
SYSGUIFONT System Option: Windows Specifies a font to use for the button text and the descriptive text.
TOOLDEF System Option: Windows Specifies the Toolbox display location.
TOOLSMENU System Option Specifies whether the Tools menu is included in SAS windows.
USERICON System Option: Windows Specifies the pathname of the resource file associated with your user-defined icon.
VIEWMENU System Option Specifies whether the View menu is included in SAS windows.
WINDOWSMENU System Option: Windows Specifies to include or suppress the Window menu in windows that display menus.
XCMD System Option: Windows Specifies that the X command is valid in the current SAS session.
XMIN System Option: Windows Specifies to open the application specified in the X command in a minimized state or in the default active state.
XSYNC System Option: Windows Controls whether an X command or statement executes synchronously or asynchronously.
XWAIT System Option: Windows Specifies whether you have to type EXIT at the DOS prompt before the DOS shell closes.
Environment Control: Error Handling CLEANUP System Option: Windows Specifies how to handle an out-of-resource condition.
Environment Control: Files ALTLOG System Option: Windows Specifies a destination for a copy of the SAS log.
ALTPRINT System Option: Windows Specifies the destination for the copies of the output files from SAS procedures.
AUTOEXEC System Option: Windows Specifies the SAS autoexec file.
LOG System Option: Windows Specifies a destination for a copy of the SAS log when SAS is running in batch mode.
MSG System Option: Windows Specifies the library that contains the SAS error messages.
NEWS System Option: Windows Specifies a file that contains messages to be written to the SAS log.
PRINT System Option: Windows Specifies a destination for SAS output when running in batch mode.
RSASUSER System Option: Windows Controls whether members of the Sasuser data library can be opened for update or for Read-Only access.
RTRACELOC System Option: Windows Specifies the pathname of the file to which the list of resources that are read or loaded during a SAS session is written.
SASHELP System Option: Windows Specifies the directory or directories to be searched for SAS default forms, device lists, dictionaries, and other entries in the Sashelp catalog.
SASINITIALFOLDER System Option: Windows Changes the working folder and the default folders for the Open and Save As dialog boxes to the specified folder after SAS initialization is complete.
SASUSER System Option: Windows Specifies the name of the Sasuser library.
SET System Option: Windows Defines a SAS environment variable.
SYSIN System Option: Windows Specifies a batch mode source file.
SYSPARM System Option: Windows Specifies a character string that can be passed to SAS programs.
USER System Option: Windows Specifies the name of the default permanent SAS library.
WORK System Option: Windows Specifies the location of the Work library.
Environment Control: Help HELPINDEX System Option: Windows Specifies one or more index files for the SAS Help and Documentation.
HELPLOC System Option: Windows Specifies the location of Help files that are used to view SAS Help and Documentation using Microsoft HTML Help.
HELPREGISTER System Option: Windows Registers help files to access from the main SAS window Help menu.
HELPTOC System Option: Windows Specifies the table of contents files for the SAS Help and Documentation.
Environment Control: Initialization and Operation AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN System Option: Windows Associates a domain suffix with an authentication provider.
AUTHSERVER System Option: Windows Specifies the authentication domain server to search for secure server logins.
INITSTMT System Option: Windows Specifies a SAS statement to be executed after any statements in the autoexec file and before any statements from the SYSIN= file.
JREOPTIONS System Option: Windows Identifies Java Runtime Environment (JRE) options for SAS.
PRIMARYPROVIDERDOMAIN= System Option: Windows Specifies the domain name of the primary authentication provider.
Environment Control: Files; Macro: SAS Macro SASAUTOS System Option: Windows Specifies the autocall macro library.
Files: SAS Files BUFNO System Option: Windows Specifies the number of buffers to be allocated for processing SAS data sets.
BUFSIZE System Option: Windows Specifies the permanent buffer page size for output SAS data sets.
CATCACHE System Option: Windows Specifies the number of SAS catalogs to keep open.
ENGINE System Option: Windows Specifies the default access method to use for SAS libraries.
FILELOCKWAITMAX= System Option: Windows Sets an upper limit on the amount of time that SAS waits for a locked file.
MEMCACHE System Option: Windows Specifies to use the memory-based libraries as a SAS file cache.
MEMLIB System Option: Windows Specifies to process the Work library as a memory-based library.
OBS System Option: Windows Specifies when to stop processing observations or records.
SGIO System Option: Windows Activates the Scatter/Gather I/O feature.
Graphics: Driver Settings DEVICE System Option: Windows Specifies a device driver for graphics output for SAS/GRAPH software.
FONTALIAS System Option: Windows Assigns a Windows font to one of the SAS fonts.
MAPS System Option: Windows Specifies the name of the SAS library that holds the SAS/GRAPH map data sets.
Input Control: Data Processing ACCESSIBILITY System Option: Windows Enables the accessibility features on the Customize Tools dialog box.
ALIGNSASIOFILES System Option: Windows Aligns the pages of data in a SAS data set.
NUMKEYS System Option: Windows Controls the number of available function keys.
NUMMOUSEKEYS System Option: Windows Specifies the number of mouse buttons SAS is displayed in the KEYS window.
PFKEY System Option: Windows Specifies which set of function keys to designate as the primary set of function keys.
WEBUI System Option: Windows Specifies to enable web enhancements.
Log and Procedure Output Control: ODS Printing PAPERTYPE System Option: Windows Specifies to a printer the type of paper to use for printing.
PRNGETLIST System Option: Windows Specifies whether printers that are attached to the system are recognized.
PRTPERSISTDEFAULT System Option: Windows Specifies to use the same destination printer from SAS session to SAS session.
UNIVERSALPRINT System Option Specifies whether to enable menus for Universal Printing and to set up printing defaults.
UPRINTMENUSWITCH System Option: Windows Enables the universal print commands on the File menu.
Log and Procedure Output Control: Procedure Output FORMCHAR System Option: Windows Specifies the default output formatting characters.
HOSTPRINT System Option: Windows Specifies that the Windows Print Manager is to be used for printing.
PAGENO System Option: Windows Resets the page number.
PRNGETLIST System Option: Windows Specifies whether printers that are attached to the system are recognized.
SYSPRINT System Option: Windows Specifies a destination printer for printing SAS output.
SYSPRINTFONT System Option: Windows Specifies the font to use when SAS is printing to the current default printer.
Log and Procedure Output Control: SAS Log ECHO System Option: Windows Specifies a message to be echoed to the SAS log while initializing SAS.
FULLSTIMER System Option: Windows Specifies whether to write all available system performance statistics to the SAS log.
HOSTINFOLONG System Option: Windows Specifies to write additional operating environment information in the SAS log when SAS starts.
MSGCASE System Option: Windows Specifies whether notes, warnings, and error messages that are generated by SAS are displayed in uppercase characters.
OPLIST System Option: Windows Specifies whether the settings of the SAS system options are written to the SAS log.
RTRACE System Option: Windows Produces a list of resources that are read or loaded during a SAS session.
STIMEFMT System Option: Windows Specifies the format that is used to display the time on FULLSTIMER and STIMER output.
STIMER System Option: Windows Writes a subset of system performance statistics to the SAS log.
VERBOSE System Option: Windows Controls whether SAS writes the settings of all the system options specified in the configuration file to either the terminal or the batch log.
Log and Procedure Output Control: SAS Log and Procedure Output LINESIZE System Option: Windows Specifies the line size of SAS Log and Output windows.
PAGESIZE System Option: Windows Specifies the number of lines that compose a page of SAS output.
Macro: SAS Macro MSYMTABMAX System Option: Windows Specifies the maximum amount of memory available to the macro variable symbol table(s).
MVARSIZE System Option: Windows Specifies the maximum size for in-memory macro variables.
SAS Files FILELOCKWAIT System Option: Windows Sets the number of seconds that SAS waits for a locked file to become available.
Sort: Procedure Options SORTANOM System Option: Windows Specifies options for the host sort utility.
SORTCUT System Option: Windows Specifies the data size in number of observations above which SAS uses the host sort instead of the internal SAS sort.
SORTCUTP System Option: Windows Specifies the data size in bytes above which SAS uses the host sort instead of the internal SAS sort.
SORTDEV System Option: Windows Specifies the pathname to temporary files that are created by the host sort utility.
SORTPARM System Option: Windows Specifies the parameters for the host sort utility.
SORTPGM System Option: Windows Specifies whether to use the SAS sort utility or the host sort utility or to let SAS choose the sort utility.
SORTSIZE System Option: Windows Specifies the amount of memory that is available to the SORT procedure.
System Administration: Installation CONFIG System Option: Windows Specifies the configuration file that is used when initializing or overriding the values of SAS system options.
PATH System Option: Windows Specifies one or more search paths for SAS executable files.
System Administration: Memory LOADMEMSIZE System Option: Windows Specifies a suggested amount of memory needed for executable programs loaded by SAS.
MAXMEMQUERY System Option: Windows Specifies the limit on the maximum amount of memory that is allocated for procedures.
MEMBLKSZ System Option: Windows Specifies the memory block size for memory-based libraries for Windows operating environments.
MEMMAXSZ System Option: Windows Specifies the maximum amount of memory to allocate for using memory-based libraries in Windows operating environments.
MEMSIZE System Option: Windows Specifies the limit on the amount of virtual memory that can be used during a SAS session.
REALMEMSIZE System Option: Windows Specifies the amount of real memory SAS can expect to allocate.
SORTSIZE System Option: Windows Specifies the amount of memory that is available to the SORT procedure.