Communications: E-mail | options associated with sending and receiving email using SAS |
Communications: Networking and Encryption | options related to remote communication, shared settings, and encryption |
Communications: Metadata | options to configure SAS to use metadata |
Environment Control: Display | options to set SAS windows and display preferences |
Environment Control: Error Handling | options associated with error conditions and error messages |
Environment Control: Files | options to set SAS library and file location preferences |
Environment Control: Help | options used to configure the SAS Help |
Environment Control: Initialization and Operation | options that establish the SAS operating environment |
Environment Control: Language Control | options to set language and translation preferences |
Files: External Files | options that define how to process files that are not created by SAS |
Files: SAS Files | options that define how to process SAS files |
Input Control: Data Processing | options for data entry and data processing preferences |
Input Control: Data Quality | options to configure the SAS Data Quality server |
Graphics: Driver Settings | options that define devices, graphics, and map preferences |
Log and Procedure Output Control: SAS Log | options that control the display of messages that are written to the SAS log |
Log and Procedure Output Control: Procedure Output | options that define procedure output and display preferences |
Log and Procedure Output Control: SAS Log and Procedure Output | options that control both SAS log and procedure output preferences |
Log and Procedure Output Control: ODS Printing | options to define preferences for printing to ODS destinations |
Log and Procedure Output Control: PDF | options to define preferences for PDF files |
Log and Procedure Output Control: SVG | options to define preferences for SVG files |
Log and Procedure Output Control: Animation | options to define preferences for Animating SVG files |
Macro: SAS Macro | options that define SAS macro preferences |
Sort: Procedure Options | options that define preferences for sorting SAS files |
System Administration: Installation | options for defining site installation settings |
System Administration: Memory | options that define computer memory preferences |
System Administration: Performance | options that define performance preferences |
System Administration: Code Generation | options that define preferences for generating SAS language statements |
System Administration: Security | options for defining security settings |
System Administration: SQL | options that define settings for the SQL procedure |
Category | Language Elements | Description |
Communications: Email | EMAILDLG System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to use the native email dialog box provided by your email application or the email dialog box provided by SAS. |
EMAILSYS System Option: Windows | Specifies the email protocol to use for sending electronic mail. | |
Environment Control: Display | AWSCONTROL System Option: Windows | Specifies whether the main SAS window includes a title bar, a system control menu, and minimize maximize buttons. |
AWSDEF System Option: Windows | Specifies the location and dimensions of the main SAS window when SAS initializes. | |
AWSMENU System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to display the menu bar in the main SAS window. | |
AWSMENUMERGE System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to embed menu items that are specific to Windows in the main menus. | |
AWSTITLE System Option: Windows | Replaces the default text in the main SAS title bar. | |
COMDEF System Option: Windows | Specifies the location where the SAS Command window is displayed. | |
ENHANCEDEDITOR System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to enable the Enhanced Editor during SAS invocation. | |
FILTERLIST System Option: Windows | Specifies an alternative set of file filter specifications to use for the Open and Save As dialog boxes. | |
FONT System Option: Windows | Specifies a font to use for SAS windows. | |
FONTSLOC System Option: Windows | Specifies the location of the SAS fonts that are loaded during the SAS session. | |
ICON System Option: Windows | Minimizes the SAS window. | |
PRTABORTDLGS System Option: Windows | Specifies when to display the Print Abort dialog box. | |
PRTSETFORMS System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to include the Use Forms check box in the Print Setup dialog box. | |
REGISTER System Option: Windows | Adds an application to the Tools menu in the main SAS window. | |
RESOURCESLOC System Option: Windows | Specifies a directory location of the files that contain SAS resources. | |
SASCONTROL System Option: Windows | Specifies whether the SAS application windows include system and control menus and minimize and maximize buttons. | |
SCROLLBARFLASH System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to allow the mouse or keyboard to focus on a scroll bar. | |
SLEEPWINDOW System Option: Windows | Enables or disables the SLEEP window. | |
SPLASH System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to display the splash screen (logo screen) when SAS starts. | |
SPLASHLOC System Option: Windows | Specifies the location of the splash screen bitmap that appears when SAS starts. | |
SYSGUIFONT System Option: Windows | Specifies a font to use for the button text and the descriptive text. | |
TOOLDEF System Option: Windows | Specifies the Toolbox display location. | |
TOOLSMENU System Option | Specifies whether the Tools menu is included in SAS windows. | |
USERICON System Option: Windows | Specifies the pathname of the resource file associated with your user-defined icon. | |
VIEWMENU System Option | Specifies whether the View menu is included in SAS windows. | |
WINDOWSMENU System Option: Windows | Specifies to include or suppress the Window menu in windows that display menus. | |
XCMD System Option: Windows | Specifies that the X command is valid in the current SAS session. | |
XMIN System Option: Windows | Specifies to open the application specified in the X command in a minimized state or in the default active state. | |
XSYNC System Option: Windows | Controls whether an X command or statement executes synchronously or asynchronously. | |
XWAIT System Option: Windows | Specifies whether you have to type EXIT at the DOS prompt before the DOS shell closes. | |
Environment Control: Error Handling | CLEANUP System Option: Windows | Specifies how to handle an out-of-resource condition. |
Environment Control: Files | ALTLOG System Option: Windows | Specifies a destination for a copy of the SAS log. |
ALTPRINT System Option: Windows | Specifies the destination for the copies of the output files from SAS procedures. | |
AUTOEXEC System Option: Windows | Specifies the SAS autoexec file. | |
LOG System Option: Windows | Specifies a destination for a copy of the SAS log when SAS is running in batch mode. | |
MSG System Option: Windows | Specifies the library that contains the SAS error messages. | |
NEWS System Option: Windows | Specifies a file that contains messages to be written to the SAS log. | |
PRINT System Option: Windows | Specifies a destination for SAS output when running in batch mode. | |
RSASUSER System Option: Windows | Controls whether members of the Sasuser data library can be opened for update or for Read-Only access. | |
RTRACELOC System Option: Windows | Specifies the pathname of the file to which the list of resources that are read or loaded during a SAS session is written. | |
SASHELP System Option: Windows | Specifies the directory or directories to be searched for SAS default forms, device lists, dictionaries, and other entries in the Sashelp catalog. | |
SASINITIALFOLDER System Option: Windows | Changes the working folder and the default folders for the Open and Save As dialog boxes to the specified folder after SAS initialization is complete. | |
SASUSER System Option: Windows | Specifies the name of the Sasuser library. | |
SET System Option: Windows | Defines a SAS environment variable. | |
SYSIN System Option: Windows | Specifies a batch mode source file. | |
SYSPARM System Option: Windows | Specifies a character string that can be passed to SAS programs. | |
USER System Option: Windows | Specifies the name of the default permanent SAS library. | |
WORK System Option: Windows | Specifies the location of the Work library. | |
Environment Control: Help | HELPINDEX System Option: Windows | Specifies one or more index files for the SAS Help and Documentation. |
HELPLOC System Option: Windows | Specifies the location of Help files that are used to view SAS Help and Documentation using Microsoft HTML Help. | |
HELPREGISTER System Option: Windows | Registers help files to access from the main SAS window Help menu. | |
HELPTOC System Option: Windows | Specifies the table of contents files for the SAS Help and Documentation. | |
Environment Control: Initialization and Operation | AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN System Option: Windows | Associates a domain suffix with an authentication provider. |
AUTHSERVER System Option: Windows | Specifies the authentication domain server to search for secure server logins. | |
INITSTMT System Option: Windows | Specifies a SAS statement to be executed after any statements in the autoexec file and before any statements from the SYSIN= file. | |
JREOPTIONS System Option: Windows | Identifies Java Runtime Environment (JRE) options for SAS. | |
PRIMARYPROVIDERDOMAIN= System Option: Windows | Specifies the domain name of the primary authentication provider. | |
Environment Control: Files; Macro: SAS Macro | SASAUTOS System Option: Windows | Specifies the autocall macro library. |
Files: SAS Files | BUFNO System Option: Windows | Specifies the number of buffers to be allocated for processing SAS data sets. |
BUFSIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies the permanent buffer page size for output SAS data sets. | |
CATCACHE System Option: Windows | Specifies the number of SAS catalogs to keep open. | |
ENGINE System Option: Windows | Specifies the default access method to use for SAS libraries. | |
FILELOCKWAITMAX= System Option: Windows | Sets an upper limit on the amount of time that SAS waits for a locked file. | |
MEMCACHE System Option: Windows | Specifies to use the memory-based libraries as a SAS file cache. | |
MEMLIB System Option: Windows | Specifies to process the Work library as a memory-based library. | |
OBS System Option: Windows | Specifies when to stop processing observations or records. | |
SGIO System Option: Windows | Activates the Scatter/Gather I/O feature. | |
Graphics: Driver Settings | DEVICE System Option: Windows | Specifies a device driver for graphics output for SAS/GRAPH software. |
FONTALIAS System Option: Windows | Assigns a Windows font to one of the SAS fonts. | |
MAPS System Option: Windows | Specifies the name of the SAS library that holds the SAS/GRAPH map data sets. | |
Input Control: Data Processing | ACCESSIBILITY System Option: Windows | Enables the accessibility features on the Customize Tools dialog box. |
ALIGNSASIOFILES System Option: Windows | Aligns the pages of data in a SAS data set. | |
NUMKEYS System Option: Windows | Controls the number of available function keys. | |
NUMMOUSEKEYS System Option: Windows | Specifies the number of mouse buttons SAS is displayed in the KEYS window. | |
PFKEY System Option: Windows | Specifies which set of function keys to designate as the primary set of function keys. | |
WEBUI System Option: Windows | Specifies to enable web enhancements. | |
Log and Procedure Output Control: ODS Printing | PAPERTYPE System Option: Windows | Specifies to a printer the type of paper to use for printing. |
PRNGETLIST System Option: Windows | Specifies whether printers that are attached to the system are recognized. | |
PRTPERSISTDEFAULT System Option: Windows | Specifies to use the same destination printer from SAS session to SAS session. | |
UNIVERSALPRINT System Option | Specifies whether to enable menus for Universal Printing and to set up printing defaults. | |
UPRINTMENUSWITCH System Option: Windows | Enables the universal print commands on the File menu. | |
Log and Procedure Output Control: Procedure Output | FORMCHAR System Option: Windows | Specifies the default output formatting characters. |
HOSTPRINT System Option: Windows | Specifies that the Windows Print Manager is to be used for printing. | |
PAGENO System Option: Windows | Resets the page number. | |
PRNGETLIST System Option: Windows | Specifies whether printers that are attached to the system are recognized. | |
SYSPRINT System Option: Windows | Specifies a destination printer for printing SAS output. | |
SYSPRINTFONT System Option: Windows | Specifies the font to use when SAS is printing to the current default printer. | |
Log and Procedure Output Control: SAS Log | ECHO System Option: Windows | Specifies a message to be echoed to the SAS log while initializing SAS. |
FULLSTIMER System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to write all available system performance statistics to the SAS log. | |
HOSTINFOLONG System Option: Windows | Specifies to write additional operating environment information in the SAS log when SAS starts. | |
MSGCASE System Option: Windows | Specifies whether notes, warnings, and error messages that are generated by SAS are displayed in uppercase characters. | |
OPLIST System Option: Windows | Specifies whether the settings of the SAS system options are written to the SAS log. | |
RTRACE System Option: Windows | Produces a list of resources that are read or loaded during a SAS session. | |
STIMEFMT System Option: Windows | Specifies the format that is used to display the time on FULLSTIMER and STIMER output. | |
STIMER System Option: Windows | Writes a subset of system performance statistics to the SAS log. | |
VERBOSE System Option: Windows | Controls whether SAS writes the settings of all the system options specified in the configuration file to either the terminal or the batch log. | |
Log and Procedure Output Control: SAS Log and Procedure Output | LINESIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies the line size of SAS Log and Output windows. |
PAGESIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies the number of lines that compose a page of SAS output. | |
Macro: SAS Macro | MSYMTABMAX System Option: Windows | Specifies the maximum amount of memory available to the macro variable symbol table(s). |
MVARSIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies the maximum size for in-memory macro variables. | |
SAS Files | FILELOCKWAIT System Option: Windows | Sets the number of seconds that SAS waits for a locked file to become available. |
Sort: Procedure Options | SORTANOM System Option: Windows | Specifies options for the host sort utility. |
SORTCUT System Option: Windows | Specifies the data size in number of observations above which SAS uses the host sort instead of the internal SAS sort. | |
SORTCUTP System Option: Windows | Specifies the data size in bytes above which SAS uses the host sort instead of the internal SAS sort. | |
SORTDEV System Option: Windows | Specifies the pathname to temporary files that are created by the host sort utility. | |
SORTPARM System Option: Windows | Specifies the parameters for the host sort utility. | |
SORTPGM System Option: Windows | Specifies whether to use the SAS sort utility or the host sort utility or to let SAS choose the sort utility. | |
SORTSIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies the amount of memory that is available to the SORT procedure. | |
System Administration: Installation | CONFIG System Option: Windows | Specifies the configuration file that is used when initializing or overriding the values of SAS system options. |
PATH System Option: Windows | Specifies one or more search paths for SAS executable files. | |
System Administration: Memory | LOADMEMSIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies a suggested amount of memory needed for executable programs loaded by SAS. |
MAXMEMQUERY System Option: Windows | Specifies the limit on the maximum amount of memory that is allocated for procedures. | |
MEMBLKSZ System Option: Windows | Specifies the memory block size for memory-based libraries for Windows operating environments. | |
MEMMAXSZ System Option: Windows | Specifies the maximum amount of memory to allocate for using memory-based libraries in Windows operating environments. | |
MEMSIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies the limit on the amount of virtual memory that can be used during a SAS session. | |
REALMEMSIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies the amount of real memory SAS can expect to allocate. | |
SORTSIZE System Option: Windows | Specifies the amount of memory that is available to the SORT procedure. |