Summary of Optional Arguments
Appearance options
specifies a data set to annotate onto maps that
are produced by the CHORO statement.
fills empty map areas in the specified color.
outlines empty map areas in the specified color.
outlines non-empty map areas in the specified color.
stretches map extents to cover all available space
in the device.
causes the same legend and coloring to be used for
all maps produced by the procedure instead of being calculated within
each BY group for each map.
specifies the width of all map area outlines, in
specify the physical dimensions of the map.
Description options
specifies a description of the output.
specifies the name of the GRSEG catalog entry and
the name of the graphics output file, if one is created.
Legend options
specifies a color for the text in the legend.
assigns the specified LEGEND statement that is to
be applied to the map.
suppresses the legend.
Mapping options
generates a separate response level (color and surface
pattern) for each different value of the formatted response variable.
specifies the number of response levels to be graphed
for the response variable.
specifies the response levels for the range of response
values that are represented by each level (pattern and color combination).
accepts a missing value as a valid level for the
response variable.
causes GMAP to collect all response values (or their
statistic) and chart each region as a percentage of the whole.
displays value ranges in the legend.
overrides the GMAP default format for percent of
specifies the statistic for GMAP to chart.
ODS options
the variable in the input data set whose values create links.
the variable in the input data set whose values create links or data
tips or both.
a character variable whose values are URLs.