GCHART Procedure

Chart Terminology

The GCHART procedure produces charts based on the values of a chart variable. These values are represented by a set of midpoints. The chart itself displays information about the chart variable in the form of chart statistics.
Terms Used with Bar Charts and Terms Used with Pie and Donut Charts illustrate these terms as well as other terms used with the GCHART procedure.
Terms Used with Bar Charts
diagram identifying parts of graph
Bar charts have at least two axes: a midpoint axis that shows the categories of data, and a response axis that displays the scale of values for the chart statistic. By default, the response axis is divided into evenly spaced intervals identified with major tick marks that are labeled with the corresponding statistic value. Minor tick marks are evenly distributed between the major tick marks. Each axis is labeled with the chart variable name or label. The response axis is also labeled with the statistic type.
Terms Used with Pie and Donut Charts
diagram showing parts of pie charts
Pie charts show statistics based on values of a variable called the chart variable. Generally, the values of the chart variable are represented by the slices in the chart. Beside each pie slice a number (or character string) appears that identifies the value or range of values assigned to that slice by the GCHART procedure. This number (or character string) is known as the midpoint for that slice. The statistic value for each midpoint is displayed beneath the midpoint. Each pie slice represents a different value of a given variable (the chart variable). Because the pie chart forms a circle of 360 degrees, each slice represents a percentage of degrees of the circle. The number of degrees created by each slice represents the statistic value for the midpoint.