specifies all types of available plots.
displays the autocorrelation function plots for the parameters. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis. The optional LAGS= suboption the number (up to lag n) of autocorrelations to be plotted in the AUTOCORR plot. If this suboption is not specified, autocorrelations are plotted
up to lag 50.
displays the TRACE, AUTOCORR, and DENSITY plots. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis.
displays the predictive analysis. The predictive analysis takes into account the variability of the error term, whereas the
PREDICTED plot-request does not. The BAYESPRED plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis.
displays the posterior distribution, the prior distribution, and the maximum likelihood estimates. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis.
displays the conditional expected values for continuous endogenous variables. Each contributing regressor is set equal to
its mean, except for the parameter that is reported on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the kernel density plots for the parameters. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis. If you specify the FRINGE suboption, a fringe plot is created on the X axis of the
kernel density plot. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis.
displays the error standard deviation versus observed regressors when you also specify a HETERO statement. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the expected values for continuous endogenous variables. Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean, except
for the parameter that is reported on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the marginal effects. Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean, except for the parameter that is reported
on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the inverse Mills ratio. Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean, except for the parameter that is reported
on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
suppresses all diagnostic plots.
displays the model predicted values. Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean, except for the parameter that is
reported on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the predicted response probability. Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean, except for the parameter
that is reported on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the predicted probabilities for each level of the response. Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean,
except for the parameter that is reported on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the profiled log likelihood. Each profiled graph is obtained by setting all the parameters to their maximum likelihood
estimate except for the profiling parameter. The profiling parameter takes values on a predefined grid that is determined
by the maximum likelihood estimate of the corresponding standard deviation. When a restricted optimization is requested, the
profiled log likelihood plots depict the behavior of the profiled log likelihood around the restricted MLE without imposing
the actual restrictions.
displays the residuals versus observed regressors. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the technical efficiency for the stochastic frontier model as suggested by Battese and Coelli (1988). Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean, except for the parameter that is reported on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the technical efficiency for the stochastic frontier model as suggested by Jondrow et al. (1982). Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean, except for the parameter that is reported on the X axis. This plot-request is not available for Bayesian analysis.
displays the trace plots for the parameters. This plot-request is available only for Bayesian analysis. The SMOOTH suboption displays a fitted penalized B-spline curve for each TRACE plot.
displays the structural part on the right-hand side of the model. Each contributing regressor is set equal to its mean, except
for the parameter that is reported on the X axis. This is not available for Bayesian analysis.