SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) documentation

Base SAS

Style Elements that Affect the RTF Destination

Style Element Description
fonts Establishes a list of fonts.
color_list Establishes a list of color names and their RGB values.
colors Associates parts of SAS output with colors from color_list.
text Provides text for specific parts of the output.
container Abstract: provides a basis for all containers.

document Abstract: controls the various output files.

body Renders the body file.

date Abstract: controls the contents of date fields.

bodydate Renders the date field in the body file.

systitleandfootercontainer Renders the container for system headers and footers (provided by TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements or by GTITLE and GFOOTNOTE statements in combination with the NOGTITLE and NOGFOOTNOTE options in the ODS RTF statement).

titleandnotecontainer Renders the container for titles and notes that the procedure provides.

titlesandfooters Abstract: controls the text of the system titles and footers.

systemtitle Renders the text of system titles.

systemfooter Renders the text of system footers.

pageno Renders the text of the page number.

byline Renders the text of the byline.

proctitle Renders the text of titles that the procedure provides.

proctitlefixed Renders the text of titles that the procedure provides with a fixed font.

bylinecontainer Renders the container for the byline.

output Abstract: controls basic presentation of the output.

table Renders output that is a table.

batch Renders output (like lineprinter plots and calendars) that requires a fixed font

note Abstract: controls the container for the text that precedes notes, warning, and errors from SAS.

notebanner Renders the text that precedes the contents of a note.

notecontent Renders the contents of a note.

notecontentfixed Renders the contents of a note with a fixed font.

warnbanner Renders the text that precedes the contents of a warning.

warncontent Renders the contents of a warning.

warncontentfixed Renders the contents of a warning with a fixed font.

errorbanner Renders the text that precedes the contents of an error.

errorcontent Renders the contents of an error.

errorcontentfixed Renders the contents of an error with a fixed font.

fatalbanner Renders the text that precedes the contents of a fatal error.

fatalcontent Renders the contents of a fatal error.

fatalcontentfixed Renders the contents of a fatal error with a fixed font.

cell Abstract: controls table cells.

data Renders the data in table cells.

datafixed Renders the data in table cells with a fixed font.

dataempty Renders empty table cells.

dataemphasis Renders data in table cells with emphasis.

dataemphasisfixed Renders data in table cells with emphasis and a fixed font.

datastrong Renders data in cells with more emphasis than dataemphasis.

datastrongfixed Renders data in table cells with more emphasis than dataemphasis and with a fixed font.

headersandfooters Abstract: controls table headers and footers.

header Renders the headers of a table.

headerfixed Renders the headers of a table with a fixed font.

headerempty Renders empty table headers.

headeremphasis Renders the headers of a table with emphasis.

headeremphasisfixed Renders the headers of a table with emphasis and with a fixed font.

headerstrong Renders the headers of a table with more emphasis than headeremphasis.

headerstrongfixed Renders the headers of a table with more emphasis than headeremphasis and with a fixed font.

rowheader Renders row headers.

rowheaderfixed Renders row headers with a fixed font.

rowheaderempty Renders empty row headers.

rowheaderemphasis Renders row headers with emphasis.

rowheaderemphasisfixed Renders row headers with emphasis and with a fixed font.

rowheaderstrong Renders row headers with more emphasis than rowheaderemphasis.

rowheaderstrongfixed Renders row headers with more emphasis than rowheaderemphasis and with a fixed font.

footer Renders the footers of a table.

footerfixed Renders the footers of a table with a fixed font.

footerempty Renders empty table footers.

footeremphasis Renders the footers of a table with emphasis.

footeremphasisfixed Renders the footers of a table with emphasis and with a fixed font.

footerstrong Renders the footers of a table with more emphasis than footeremphasis.

footerstrongfixed Renders the footers of a table with more emphasis than footeremphasis and with a fixed font.

rowfooter Renders row footers.

rowfooterfixed Renders row footers with a fixed font.

rowfooterempty Renders empty row footers.

rowfooteremphasis Renders row footers with emphasis.

rowfooteremphasisfixed Renders row footers with emphasis and with a fixed font.

rowfooterstrong Renders row footers with more emphasis than rowfooteremphasis.

rowfooterstrongfixed Renders row footers with more emphasis than rowfooteremphasis and with a fixed font.

caption Abstract: controls the caption field in PROC TABULATE.

beforecaption Renders captions that precede the table.

aftercaption Renders captions that follow the table.

Below is a list of attributes that are used with the RTF destination

To do this ...* Use this attribute
Influence the characteristics of individual cells

Specify how to handle leading spaces, trailing spaces, and line breaks. ASIS=

Specify the height of the cell. CELLHEIGHT=

Specify the width of the cell. CELLWIDTH=

Specify the window or frame in which to open the target of the link. HREFTARGET=

Specify how to handle space characters. NOBREAKSPACE=

Specify a URL to link to. URL=

Specify vertical justification. VJUST=
Influence the characteristics of individual tables or cells

Specify a font definition. FONT=

Specify the font face to use. FONT_FACE=

Specify the size of the font. FONT_SIZE=

Specify the style of the font. FONT_STYLE=

Specify the font weight. FONT_WEIGHT=

Specify the font width compared to the width of the usual design. FONT_WIDTH=

Specify the color of the foreground, which is primarily the color of the text. FOREGROUND=

Specify justification. JUST=

* Specify an image to place after the HTML table or cell. POSTIMAGE=

* Specify an image to place before the HTML table or cell. PREIMAGE=

Determine how less-than signs (<), greater-than signs (>), and ampersands (&) are interpreted. PROTECTSPECIALCHARACTERS=
Influence the characteristics of tables

Specify the amount of white space on each of the four sides of the text in a cell. CELLPADDING=

Specify the thickness of the spacing between cells. CELLSPACING=

Specify the types of rules to use in an HTML table. RULES=
Influence the characteristics of the document

Specify the bottom margin for the document. BOTTOMMARGIN=

Specify the left margin for the document. LEFTMARGIN=

Specify the height for graphics in the document. OUTPUTHEIGHT=

Specify the width of the table OUTPUTWIDTH=

Specify the right margin for the document. RIGHTMARGIN=

Specify the top margin for the document. TOPMARGIN=

* Available beginning in Verion 8.2