The VARMAX Procedure

Multivariate GARCH Models

Modeling and forecasting the volatility of time series has been the focus of many researchers and practitioners, especially in the fields of risk management, portfolio optimization, and asset pricing. One of the most powerful tools for volatility modeling is the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model proposed by Engle (1982) and extended by Bollerslev (1986) to the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model. The VARMAX procedure supports three forms of multivariate GARCH models: BEKK, CCC, and DCC. This section shows some examples of how to specify, estimate, and compare various forms of multivariate GARCH models.

Data about two indices, the Dow Jones Industrial Average index and the Standard & Poor’s 500 index, are obtained from Yahoo Finance and used in this section. The sample contains daily data from February 16, 2005, to February 13, 2015. The following statements input the daily prices and then generate the daily returns:

data indices;
   input date : MMDDYY10. DJIA SP500;
   logDJIA = log(DJIA); logSP500 = log(SP500);
   rDJIA = (logDJIA-lag(logDJIA))*100;
   rSP500 = (logSP500-lag(logSP500))*100;
2/16/2005    10834.88    1210.34
2/17/2005    10754.26    1200.75
2/18/2005    10785.22    1201.59

   ... more lines ...   

2/12/2015    17972.38    2088.48
2/13/2015    18019.35    2096.99

To model the volatility of bivariate returns, rDJIA and rSP500, you can start with the BEKK GARCH(1,1) model. The following equations describe the bivariate BEKK GARCH(1,1) model:

\begin{eqnarray*} r_ t & = & H_ t ^{\frac{1}{2}} \bepsilon _ t \\ H_ t & = & C + A_1’ r_{t-1} r_{t-1}’ A_1 + G_1’ H_{t-1} G_1 \\ & = & \left[ \begin{array}{cc} c_{11} & c_{12} \\ c_{12} & c_{22} \end{array} \right] + \left[ \begin{array}{cc} a_{11,1} & a_{12,1} \\ a_{21,1} & a_{22,1} \end{array} \right]’ \left[ \begin{array}{c} r_{1,t-1} \\ r_{2,t-1} \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} r_{1,t-1} \\ r_{2,t-1} \end{array} \right]’ \left[ \begin{array}{cc} a_{11,1} & a_{12,1} \\ a_{21,1} & a_{22,1} \end{array} \right] \\ & + & \left[ \begin{array}{cc} g_{11,1} & g_{12,1} \\ g_{21,1} & g_{22,1} \end{array} \right]’ \left[ \begin{array}{cc} h_{11,t-1} & h_{12,t-1} \\ h_{12,t-1} & h_{22,t-1} \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{cc} g_{11,1} & g_{12,1} \\ g_{21,1} & g_{22,1} \end{array} \right] \end{eqnarray*}

In these equations, $r_ t$ is the vector of returns at time t, $H_ t$ is the conditional covariance matrix of $r_ t$, $H_ t ^{\frac{1}{2}}$ denotes the square root of $H_ t$ such that the square of matrix $H_ t ^{\frac{1}{2}}$ is $H_ t$, $\bepsilon _ t$ is the innovation at time t and follows an iid bivariate standard normal distribution, C is a $2 \times 2$ symmetric parameter matrix, $A_1$ is a $2 \times 2$ full parameter matrix for the first lag of the ARCH term, and $G_1$ is a $2 \times 2$ full parameter matrix for the first lag of the GARCH term. Hence, there are 11 parameters in total for a bivariate BEKK GARCH(1,1) model; that is, a vector $\left( c_{11}, c_{12}, c_{22}, a_{11,1}, a_{21,1}, a_{12,1}, a_{22,1}, g_{11,1}, g_{21,1}, g_{12,1}, g_{22,1} \right)’$.

You can use the FORM=BEKK option in the GARCH statement to specify the BEKK GARCH form, or you can omit this option because BEKK is the default value for the FORM= option. The Q= option in the GARCH statement specifies the lags of the ARCH terms, and the P= option in the GARCH statement specifies the lags of the GARCH terms. The forecasts of conditional covariance matrices are output to a SAS data set when you specify the OUTHT= option in the GARCH statement. The parameter estimates and their covariance matrix are output to a SAS data set when you specify the OUTEST= option together with the OUTCOV option in the PROC VARMAX statement.

The following statement specifies the BEKK GARCH(1,1) model:

/*--- BEKK ---*/

proc varmax data=indices outest=oebekk outcov;
   model rDJIA rSP500 / noint;
   garch p=1 q=1 form=bekk outht=ohbekk;

Figure 42.26 shows the log likelihood and the information criteria. They are used later in the model comparison.

Figure 42.26: BEKK GARCH Log Likelihood and Information Criteria

The VARMAX Procedure

Log-likelihood 1360.976

Information Criteria
AICC -2699.85
HQC -2676.68
AIC -2699.95
SBC -2635.82
FPEC 0.080617

Figure 42.27 shows the parameters estimates for the BEKK GARCH(1,1) model. For the constant term C, GCHCi_j, $i,j=1,2$, correspond to parameters $c_{ij}$, respectively. Because C is symmetric, GCHC2_1 is omitted. For the ARCH and GARCH terms, ACHl_i_j, $l=1,i,j=1,2$, correspond to $a_{ij,l}$, respectively, and GCHl_i_j, $l=1,i,j=1,2$, correspond to $g_{ij,l}$, respectively.

Figure 42.27: BEKK GARCH Parameter Estimates

GARCH Model Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
GCHC1_1 0.19101 0.00000    
GCHC1_2 0.09343 0.00000    
GCHC2_2 0.00000 0.01807 0.00 1.0000
ACH1_1_1 0.27518 0.13503 2.04 0.0417
ACH1_2_1 0.20619 0.11122 1.85 0.0639
ACH1_1_2 0.24907 0.11982 2.08 0.0377
ACH1_2_2 0.23448 0.09739 2.41 0.0161
GCH1_1_1 0.11391 0.10984 1.04 0.2998
GCH1_2_1 0.64841 0.11363 5.71 0.0001
GCH1_1_2 0.75455 0.11263 6.70 0.0001
GCH1_2_2 0.20598 0.11520 1.79 0.0739

As shown in Figure 42.27, the standard errors of GCHC1_1 and GCHC1_2 are both zeros. It might be a sign that the numerical optimization for the BEKK GARCH model converges to a local minimum instead of the global minimum, which often happens for nonlinear optimization of complex models that have many parameters. A possible way to solve this problem is to try different initial values. To obtain reasonable initial values, the following statements fit a diagonal BEKK GARCH model (that is, a restricted BEKK GARCH model in which the ARCH and GARCH parameter matrices are diagonal):

/*--- Diagonal BEKK ---*/

proc varmax data=indices outest=oebekk outcov;
   model rDJIA rSP500 / noint;
   garch p=1 q=1 form=bekk;
   restrict ach(1,1,2), ach(1,2,1), gch(1,1,2), gch(1,2,1);

The parameter estimates of the diagonal BEKK GARCH model are shown in Figure 42.28. As expected, the standard errors of the off-diagonal elements of the ARCH and GARCH parameter matrices (namely ACH1_1_2, ACH1_2_1, GCH1_1_2, and GCH1_2_1) are all zeros because they are restricted in the RESTRICT statement. All other parameters have valid standard errors.

Figure 42.28: Diagonal BEKK GARCH Parameter Estimates

The VARMAX Procedure

GARCH Model Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
GCHC1_1 0.01407 0.00254 5.53 0.0001
GCHC1_2 0.01446 0.00262 5.51 0.0001
GCHC2_2 0.01598 0.00299 5.34 0.0001
ACH1_1_1 0.25702 0.01251 20.54 0.0001
ACH1_2_1 0.00000 0.00000    
ACH1_1_2 0.00000 0.00000    
ACH1_2_2 0.26061 0.01302 20.02 0.0001
GCH1_1_1 -0.95794 0.00413 -231.85 0.0001
GCH1_2_1 0.00000 0.00000    
GCH1_1_2 0.00000 0.00000    
GCH1_2_2 -0.95694 0.00443 -216.10 0.0001

Figure 42.29 shows the log likelihood and the information criteria. The log likelihood for the diagonal BEKK GARCH model is larger than that of the previous estimated BEKK GARCH model (which is shown in Figure 42.26). The larger value confirms that the previous BEKK GARCH model does not converge to the global minimium.

Figure 42.29: Diagonal BEKK GARCH Log Likelihood and Information Criteria

Log-likelihood 1520.235

Information Criteria
AICC -3026.43
HQC -3011.66
AIC -3026.47
SBC -2985.66
FPEC 0.080617

The following statements reestimate the BEKK GARCH model whose initial values are parameter estimates of the diagonal BEKK GARCH model (which are shown in Figure 42.28):

/*--- BEKK with Initial Values ---*/

proc varmax data=indices outest=oebekk outcov;
   model rDJIA rSP500 / noint;
   garch p=1 q=1 form=bekk;
   initial gchc(1,1)=0.01407, gchc(1,2)=0.01446, gchc(2,2)=0.01598,
           ach(1,1,1)=0.25702, ach(1,2,2)=0.26061,
           gch(1,1,1)=-0.95794, gch(1,2,2)=-0.95694,
           ach(1,1,2), ach(1,2,1), gch(1,1,2), gch(1,2,1);

The parameter estimates of the reestimated BEKK GARCH models are shown in Figure 42.30. The standard errors of all parameters are valid.

Figure 42.30: Reestimated BEKK GARCH Parameter Estimates

The VARMAX Procedure

GARCH Model Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
GCHC1_1 0.01999 0.00394 5.07 0.0001
GCHC1_2 0.02043 0.00391 5.22 0.0001
GCHC2_2 0.02112 0.00408 5.18 0.0001
ACH1_1_1 0.07178 0.10153 0.71 0.4796
ACH1_2_1 0.22679 0.09285 2.44 0.0147
ACH1_1_2 -0.09556 0.11262 -0.85 0.3962
ACH1_2_2 0.41214 0.10167 4.05 0.0001
GCH1_1_1 -0.95018 0.03580 -26.55 0.0001
GCH1_2_1 0.01069 0.03266 0.33 0.7434
GCH1_1_2 0.03746 0.04018 0.93 0.3513
GCH1_2_2 -0.97038 0.03589 -27.04 0.0001

Figure 42.31 shows the log likelihood and information criteria of the reestimated BEKK GARCH model. As expected, the log likelihood of the reestimated BEKK GARCH model is larger than that of the diagonal BEKK GARCH model. Moreover, the reestimated BEKK GARCH model has a smaller SBC, compared to the SBC of the diagonal BEKK GARCH model (which is shown in Figure 42.29). The smaller SBC means that the BEKK GARCH model should be chosen instead of the diagonal BEKK GARCH model.

Figure 42.31: Reestimated BEKK GARCH Log Likelihood and Information Criteria

Log-likelihood 1542.362

Information Criteria
AICC -3062.62
HQC -3039.45
AIC -3062.72
SBC -2998.59
FPEC 0.080617

The number of parameters for a BEKK GARCH model increases very quickly as the number of dependent variables increases. There are $(p+q)k^2+k(k+1)/2$ parameters for a k-variate BEKK GARCH(p, q) model. For example, a 16-variate BEKK GARCH(1,1) model has 648 parameters to be estimated.

Compared with BEKK GARCH models, CCC GARCH models are much more parsimonious. In a CCC GARCH model, each series follows a GARCH process and their composition through the constant conditional correlation matrix constructs the conditional covariance matrices. A bivariate CCC GARCH(1,1) has the form

\begin{eqnarray*} r_ t & = & H_ t ^{\frac{1}{2}} \bepsilon _ t \\ H_ t & = & D_ t S D_ t \\ D_ t & = & \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \sqrt {h_{11,t}} & 0 \\ 0 & \sqrt {h_{22,t}} \end{array} \right] \\ S & = & \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 1 & s_{12} \\ s_{12} & 1 \end{array} \right] \\ h_{11,t} & = & c_{11} + a_{11,1} r_{1,t-1}^2 + g_{11,1} h_{11,t-1} \\ h_{22,t} & = & c_{22} + a_{22,1} r_{2,t-1}^2 + g_{22,1} h_{22,t-1} \end{eqnarray*}

where $D_ t$ is the diagonal matrix with conditional standard deviations and S is the time-invariant conditional correlation matrix. Hence, there are seven parameters to be estimated; that is, a vector $\left( s_{12}, c_{11}, c_{22}, a_{11,1}, a_{22,1}, g_{11,1}, g_{22,1} \right)’$. A k-variate CCC GARCH(p, q) model has $(p+q+1)k+k(k-1)/2$ parameters. For example, a 16-variate CCC GARCH(1,1) model has 168 parameters to be estimated, about $1/4$ of the number that a BEKK GARCH(1,1) model has.

The following statements estimate a CCC GARCH(1,1) model:

/*--- CCC ---*/

proc varmax data=indices outest=oeccc outcov;
   model rDJIA rSP500 / noint;
   garch p=1 q=1 form=ccc outht=ohccc;

Figure 42.32 shows the parameter estimates for the CCC GARCH(1,1) model. For the constant conditional correlation matrix S, CCC1_2 corresponds to the parameter $s_{12}$.

Figure 42.32: CCC GARCH Parameter Estimates

The VARMAX Procedure

GARCH Model Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
CCC1_2 0.97294 0.00109 890.75 0.0001
GCHC1_1 0.03713 0.00504 7.37 0.0001
GCHC2_2 0.04004 0.00536 7.47 0.0001
ACH1_1_1 0.06862 0.00737 9.31 0.0001
ACH1_2_2 0.06684 0.00690 9.68 0.0001
GCH1_1_1 0.88472 0.01183 74.81 0.0001
GCH1_2_2 0.88916 0.01099 80.92 0.0001

Figure 42.33 shows the log likelihood and the information criteria. Compared to the SBC for the BEKK GARCH model (shown in Figure 42.31), the SBC for the CCC GARCH model is much larger, which means the CCC GARCH model should not be preferred.

Figure 42.33: CCC GARCH Log Likelihood and Information Criteria

Log-likelihood 1474.578

Information Criteria
AICC -2935.11
HQC -2920.34
AIC -2935.16
SBC -2894.34
FPEC 0.080617

The CCC GARCH model is not preferred over the BEKK GARCH model in this case because the basic assumption in the CCC GARCH model—that the conditional correlation matrix is time-invarying—might not hold. A DCC GARCH model relaxes this assumption and models the time-varying conditional correlation matrix in an ARMA form. A bivariate DCC GARCH(1,1) has the form

\begin{eqnarray*} r_ t & = & H_ t ^{\frac{1}{2}} \bepsilon _ t \\ H_ t & = & D_ t S_ t D_ t \\ D_ t & = & \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \sqrt {h_{11,t}} & 0 \\ 0 & \sqrt {h_{22,t}} \end{array} \right] \\ h_{11,t} & = & c_{11} + a_{11,1} r_{1,t-1}^2 + g_{11,1} h_{11,t-1} \\ h_{22,t} & = & c_{11} + a_{22,1} r_{2,t-1}^2 + g_{22,1} h_{22,t-1} \\ S_ t & = & \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 1 & s_{12,t} \\ s_{12,t} & 1 \end{array} \right] \\ s_{12,t} & = & \frac{q_{12,t}}{\sqrt {q_{11,t}q_{22,t}}} \\ q_{12,t} & = & (1-\alpha -\beta )s_{12} + \alpha \frac{r_{1,t-1}}{\sqrt {h_{11,t-1}}} \frac{r_{2,t-1}}{\sqrt {h_{22,t-1}}} + \beta q_{12,t-1} \\ q_{11,t} & = & (1-\alpha -\beta ) + \alpha \frac{r_{1,t-1}^2}{h_{11,t-1}} + \beta q_{11,t-1} \\ q_{22,t} & = & (1-\alpha -\beta ) + \alpha \frac{r_{2,t-1}^2}{h_{22,t-1}} + \beta q_{22,t-1} \end{eqnarray*}

where $S_ t$ is the time-varying conditional correlation matrix at time t. Compared to the CCC GARCH model, two more parameters, $\alpha $ and $\beta $, are added into the DCC GARCH model. There are nine parameters in total; that is, a vector $\left( \alpha , \beta , s_{12}, c_{11}, c_{22}, a_{11,1}, a_{22,1}, g_{11,1}, g_{22,1} \right)’$.

The following statements estimate a DCC GARCH model:

/*--- DCC ---*/

proc varmax data=indices outest=oedcc outcov;
   model rDJIA rSP500 / noint;
   garch p=1 q=1 form=dcc outht=ohdcc;

Figure 42.34 shows the parameter estimates for the DCC GARCH(1,1) model. DCCA corresponds to the parameter $\alpha $, DCCB corresponds to the parameter $\beta $, and DCCS1_2 corresponds to the parameter $s_{12}$, the off-diagonal element in the unconditional correlation matrix. The standard errors of many parameter estimates are zeros, which might be a sign that the model does not converge to the global minimum.

Figure 42.34: DCC GARCH Parameter Estimates

The VARMAX Procedure

GARCH Model Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
DCCA 0.01540 0.00000    
DCCB 0.00000 0.00000    
DCCS1_2 0.98743 0.00040 999.00 0.0001
GCHC1_1 1.28530 0.00000    
GCHC2_2 1.50117 0.00000    
ACH1_1_1 0.03378 0.00216 15.62 0.0001
ACH1_2_2 0.02694 0.00084 32.07 0.0001
GCH1_1_1 0.07596 0.00000    
GCH1_2_2 0.09939 0.00000    

Figure 42.35 shows the log likelihood and the information criteria.

Figure 42.35: DCC GARCH Log Likelihood and Information Criteria

Log-likelihood 700.3131

Information Criteria
AICC -1382.55
HQC -1363.58
AIC -1382.63
SBC -1330.16
FPEC 0.080617

Because a CCC GARCH model can be regarded as a restricted DCC GARCH model in which $\alpha $ and $\beta $ in the conditional correlation equations are restricted to zeros, it is expected that the log likelihood of the "unrestricted" DCC GARCH model should always be larger than (or at least equal to) the log likelihood of the corresponding CCC GARCH model, even though DCC might have a larger information criterion and not be chosen. Hence, it is unexpected that the log likelihood of the DCC GARCH model (shown in Figure 42.35) is smaller than that of the CCC GARCH model (shown in Figure 42.33). This unexpected phenomenon confirms that the numerical optimization for the DCC GARCH model converges to a local minimum instead of the global minimum. Different initial values should be tried. In addition to some reasonable values for parameters DCCA and DCCB, the INITIAL statement specifies the initial values for the DCC GARCH model parameters in the following statements; these values are based on the corresponding parameter estimates of the CCC GARCH model (shown in Figure 42.32):

/*--- DCC with Initial Values ---*/

proc varmax data=indices outest=oedcc outcov;
   model rDJIA rSP500 / noint;
   garch p=1 q=1 form=dcc outht=ohdcc;
   initial DCCA=0.01, DCCB=0.98, DCCS(1,2)  = 0.97294,
           GCHC(1,1)  = 0.03713, GCHC(2,2)  = 0.04004,
           ACH(1,1,1) = 0.06862, ACH(1,2,2) = 0.06684,
           GCH(1,1,1) = 0.88472, GCH(1,2,2) = 0.88916;

Figure 42.36 shows the parameter estimates for the reestimated DCC GARCH(1,1) model. All standard errors of parameter estimates are valid.

Figure 42.36: Reestimated DCC GARCH Parameter Estimates

The VARMAX Procedure

GARCH Model Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
DCCA 0.03802 0.00634 6.00 0.0001
DCCB 0.93782 0.01084 86.49 0.0001
DCCS1_2 0.97401 0.00247 394.22 0.0001
GCHC1_1 0.02193 0.00370 5.93 0.0001
GCHC2_2 0.02395 0.00401 5.97 0.0001
ACH1_1_1 0.07842 0.00787 9.97 0.0001
ACH1_2_2 0.07758 0.00770 10.07 0.0001
GCH1_1_1 0.89540 0.01046 85.58 0.0001
GCH1_2_2 0.89738 0.01012 88.64 0.0001

As shown in Figure 42.37, the log likelihood of the DCC GARCH model increases dramatically. Compared to the SBC of the CCC GARCH model (shown in Figure 42.33), the SBC for the DCC GARCH model is much smaller, and the DCC GARCH model is chosen. However, compared to the SBC for the BEKK GARCH model (shown in Figure 42.31), the SBC for the DCC GARCH model is a little larger, The BEKK GARCH model should be chosen although it has two more parameters than the DCC GARCH model.

Figure 42.37: Reestimated DCC GARCH Log Likelihood and Information Criteria

Log-likelihood 1531.454

Information Criteria
AICC -3044.84
HQC -3025.86
AIC -3044.91
SBC -2992.44
FPEC 0.080617

Compared to the BEKK GARCH model, in addition to parsimony, another advantage of the DCC (and also the CCC) GARCH model is that you can use subforms other than GARCH to model the conditional covariance of each series. For example, you can use the threshold GARCH (TGARCH) model for modeling the conditional covariances of rDJIA and rSP500. A bivariate DCC TGARCH(1,1) has the same form as the bivariate DCC GARCH(1,1) except that the conditional covariance equations are replaced by

\begin{eqnarray*} h_{11,t} & = & c_{11} + a_{11,1} r_{1,t-1}^2 + \mb{1}_{r_{1,t-1}<0} b_{11,1} r_{1,t-1}^2 + g_{11,1} h_{11,t-1} \\ h_{22,t} & = & c_{11} + a_{22,1} r_{2,t-1}^2 + \mb{1}_{r_{2,t-1}<0} b_{22,1} r_{2,t-1}^2 + g_{22,1} h_{22,t-1} \end{eqnarray*}

where the indicator function $\mb{1}_ A$ is 1 if A is true and 0 otherwise. Compared to the DCC GARCH model, two more parameters, $b_{11,1}$ and $b_{22,1}$, are added to the DCC TGARCH model to catch the so-called leverage effect (that is, the positive and negative returns have different impacts on future volatility).

The following statements include the SUBFORM=TARCH option to fit a bivariate DCC TGACH(1,1) model with the same initial values that are used for the previous DCC GARCH(1,1) model:

proc varmax data=indices outest=oedcct outcov;
   model rDJIA rSP500 / noint;
   garch p=1 q=1 form=dcc outht=ohdcct subform=tgarch;
   initial DCCA=0.01, DCCB=0.98, DCCS(1,2)  = 0.97294,
           GCHC(1,1)  = 0.03713, GCHC(2,2)  = 0.04004,
           ACH(1,1,1) = 0.06862, ACH(1,2,2) = 0.06684,
           GCH(1,1,1) = 0.88472, GCH(1,2,2) = 0.88916;
   output out=odcct lead=0;

Figure 42.38 shows the parameter estimates for the DCC TGARCH(1,1) model. TACH1_1_1 and TACH1_2_2 correspond to the parameters $b_{11,1}$ and $b_{22,1}$, respectively. They are significant, which means that the leverage effect exists.

Figure 42.38: DCC TGARCH Parameter Estimates

The VARMAX Procedure

GARCH Model Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t|
DCCA 0.04302 0.00669 6.43 0.0001
DCCB 0.92807 0.01142 81.26 0.0001
DCCS1_2 0.97309 0.00248 392.01 0.0001
GCHC1_1 0.02068 0.00305 6.78 0.0001
GCHC2_2 0.02329 0.00346 6.73 0.0001
ACH1_1_1 0.00104 0.00684 0.15 0.8787
ACH1_2_2 0.00314 0.00698 0.45 0.6525
TACH1_1_1 0.11443 0.01207 9.48 0.0001
TACH1_2_2 0.10805 0.01166 9.27 0.0001
GCH1_1_1 0.91490 0.00956 95.68 0.0001
GCH1_2_2 0.91574 0.00964 95.03 0.0001

Figure 42.39 shows the log likelihood and the information criteria. The SBC for the DCC TGARCH model is smaller than the SBC for the BEKK GARCH model (which is shown in Figure 42.31). The smaller SBC means that the DCC TGARCH model is the final winner.

Figure 42.39: DCC TGARCH Log Likelihood and Information Criteria

Log-likelihood 1587.793

Information Criteria
AICC -3153.48
HQC -3130.31
AIC -3153.59
SBC -3089.46
FPEC 0.080617

Other subforms of GARCH models—the exponential GARCH (EGARCH) model, the quadratic GARCH (QGARCH) model, and the power GARCH (PGARCH) model—are also supported for the CCC and DCC GARCH models. Furthermore, the multivariate GARCH models can be used together with VARMAX or vector error correction models. For more information and examples, see the sections Multivariate GARCH Modeling and Analysis of Euro Foreign Exchange Reference Rates.