SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » Administrator's Guide (LDAP Version)

Setting up an IOM Bridge Server and Spawner
Quick Start: Simple Server and Spawner
Summary of Setup Steps
Spawner Overview
Spawner Requirements
Metadata Overview
Creating the Metadata for an IOM Bridge Server
Using the IT Administrator Wizard
Using IT Administrator
SAS Login Object
Server Object
Spawner Object
Using a Configuration File
Configuring a UUID Generator
Configuring and Starting the Object Spawner on z/OS
Invoking (Starting) the Spawner
On Windows
On Alpha/VMS
Spawner Invocation Options
Administering the Server and Spawner:
Using Telnet
Using the IT Configuration Application
Spawner Error Messages
Metadata Examples
Minimal Configuration
Server and Spawner
Using Logical Names
UUID Generator
Message Queue Polling
Reference Materials
Attributes for Logical Names
Attributes for Logins
Attributes for Servers
Object Server Parameters
Server Startup Command
Attributes for Spawners
Initializing UNIX Environment Variables for Workspace Servers
IOM Bridge Servers

Attributes for sasServer

The sasServer object class contains startup and connection information for an instance of a SAS object server. The sasServer object class is defined using the attributes listed in the following table. For each attribute, the table shows:

  • The name that identifies the attribute on the LDAP server (or in the configuration file). Under each attribute name, the table shows the corresponding tab and field name in the IT Administrator application.

  • "Required" or "Optional" to indicate whether the attribute is required.

  • The type of server configuration (COM/DCOM or IOM Bridge) for which the attribute is used.

  • A definition of the attribute.

Note: The following attributes which appear in the IT Administrator interface are not used in Version 9 of SAS Integration Technologies

  • sasTpName
  • sasPluName
  • sasProtocol=corba
  • sasMultiUserObject
If you are using Version 9, do not use these attributes for your configuration.

Note: For the z/OS, you can now use the sasCommand attribute to launch SAS as an object server. Because the IT Admin interface has not changed for Version 9, you can specify the launch command in the Command for non OS/390 IT Admin field.

For step-by-step instructions on defining the metadata for a server, refer to Using the IT Administrator Wizard to Define a Server and Spawner or Using IT Administrator to Define a Server. If you are not using an LDAP server, you can use a configuration file to define the server. For instructions, see Using a Configuration File to Define the Metadata (IOM Bridge) or Using a Configuration File to Define the Metadata (COM/DCOM).

sasServer Attribute Definitions
Attribute Name Required/
Server Type Definition

In IT Administrator::
Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge Text to summarize why this object definition exists.

In IT Administrator:
Required COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge The object class identifier. For sasServer objects, this is always sasServer. If you use IT Administrator, this identifier is assigned automatically.

In IT Administrator:
Encryption (IOM)    Client Algorithm
Optional IOM Bridge The encryption algorithm that is supported on the client side of the connection. Valid values are: RC2, RC4, DES, Triple DES, and SAS Proprietary, depending on the country in which the SAS software is licensed. See SAS/SECURE for more information regarding this attribute.

In IT Administrator:
Commands  Command for non OS/390
Required IOM Bridge The command used to launch SAS as an object server. With the command, specify the path relative to the directory in which the spawner will be started. If you are using a configuration file instead of LDAP, then paths with embedded blanks must be in quotation marks (or, for Windows platforms, double quotation marks).

For more information about the server command, see Server Startup Command.


In IT Administrator:
Connections    Domain
Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge The security domain in which the sasServer definition participates. In IOM bridge servers configurations, the spawner definition must have the same domain name as the server definition. The spawner uses the domain name, along with the machine name and logical name, to determine which server(s) it services. The lack of a domain is considered a domain; therefore, if the server definition has no domain name, it will be associated only with spawners that have no domain name.

In IT Administrator:
Logical Names
Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge The logical names associated with this sasServer definition.

In IOM bridge servers configurations, the spawner uses logical names (along with machine names and domain names) to determine which server(s) it services. If logical names are specified, then only those sasSpawner instances that include all of the logical names that are defined here will support this sasServer.

If you are using a configuration file instead of LDAP, specify each logical name as a separate attribute and value pair.

For a general discussion of logical names, refer to Assigning Logical Names.


In IT Administrator:
Required COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge The DNS name(s) and IP address(es) for the machine(s) on which this server definition may execute. Multiple values can be assigned to this attribute. The machine name must be the official network name (for example, The string localhost can be used to signify the host on which the associated spawner is executing.

In IT Administrator:
Workspace Pool    Maximum Workspaces per Workspace Pool
Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge If you are using connection pooling, specifies the maximum number of workspaces that should be available for a workspace pool that is established on this server. A good starting place for this number is the number of CPUs that are available on the machine that is running SAS.

In IT Administrator:
Encryption (IOM)    Server Algorithms
Optional IOM Bridge The encryption algorithms that are supported by the launched object server. Multiple values can be assigned to this attribute. Valid values are: RC2, RC4, DES, TRIPLEDES, and SASPROPRIETARY, depending on the country in which the SAS software is licensed. See SAS/SECURE for more information regarding this attribute.

Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge The object server parameters that the spawner uses to launch SAS. This field allows you to override or add to the object server parameters. For a list of object server parameters, see Object Server Parameters.

In IT Administrator:
Connections    IOM Bridge    Port
Required if server will have Java clients IOM Bridge The port on which to connect to this object server. If neither sasPort nor sasService is specified, the spawner will attempt to use the service name sasobjspawn as the sasService. If sasobjspawn has been used already, the spawner will remove this sasService definition from its list. The port number is required if the server will have Java clients.

In IT Administrator:
Connections    Protocol
Required COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge The protocol (bridge, com) that clients may use for connection. The protocol bridge must be used for servers that are serviced by the spawner. These include all non-Windows servers, as well as Windows servers that will be accessed by Java clients.

Note: In a configuration file, you can also specify the MessageQueuing protocol. For more information, see Message Queue Polling.


In IT Administrator:
Workspace Pool    Recycle Activation Limit
Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge If you are using connection pooling, the number of times a server is used before the process is disposed of and a new process is used in pooling. A value of 0 indicates that the process will have no limit.

In IT Administrator:
Encryption  Encrypt
Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge The level of encryption to be used between the client and the object server. None means no encryption is performed; Credentials means that only user credentials (id and password) are encrypted; and Everything means that all communications between the client and server are encrypted.

In IT Administrator:
Required COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge The unique name for this sasServer object.

In IT Administrator:
Workspace Pool    Server Process Shutdown  Leave running when idle
Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge If you are using connection pooling, specifies that an idle server should always remain running. If the value of this attribute is true, the server always remains running. If the value is false, the idle server runs for the length of time specified in the sasServerShutdownAfter attribute.

In IT Administrator::
Workspace Pool    Server Process Shutdown  Minute until idle shutdown
Optional COM/DCOM, IOM Bridge If you are using connection pooling, the number of minutes after which an idle server should be shut down. The value must be between 0 and 1440. The default value is 3. This attribute is ignored if the value of sasServerRunForever is true.

In IT Administrator:
Connections IOM Bridge Service
Optional IOM Bridge The service in which to connect to this object server. If you specify a value for both sasService and sasPort, then the value for sasService will be ignored. If neither sasPort nor sasService is specified, the spawner will attempt to use the service name sasobjspawn as the sasService. If sasobjspawn has been used already, the spawner will remove this sasService definition from its list. Note: If the server will have Java clients, specify a sasPort instead of a sasService.