IOM Bridge Servers
Message Queue Polling
For SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies, the object spawner can be configured to perform message queue polling. Message queue polling spawners monitor message queueing and balance the messaging load by launching SAS processes that use the Websphere MQ Functional Interface for application messaging.
Note: Message queue polling is only supported for WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) and the WebSphere MQ Client (MQSeries-C).
For a more detailed overview, see Polling Message Queues from the Object Spawner in the SAS Integration Technologies: Developer's Guide.
Configuring Message Queue Polling
To configure message queue polling, follow these steps:
Using a text editor, create a new text file in a location where all users have read access.
Create a spawner definition using the attributes in Attributes for sasSpawner and sasSpawner Attributes for Message Queuing. For example:
# Spawner Definition
dn: sasSpawnercn=MyTest
objectClass: sasSpawner
sasMachineDNSName: localhost
sasSpawnercn: MyTest
sasOperatorPort: 16338
sasQKillWait: 30
Create a server definition for each message queue that want to monitor, using the attributes in Attributes for sasServer and sasServer Attributes for Message Queuing. For example:
# Polling Server Definition For the LOCAL Queue
dn: sasServercn=MyServer
objectClass: sasServer
sasServercn: MyServer
sasCommand: "/sasv9/sas" -log mq_#v.log -rsasuser
sasMachineDNSName: localhost
sasProtocol: MessageQueuing
sasQTransport: MQSeries
sasQManagerName: MyMQManager
sasQName: Queue1
sasQThreshold: 50
sasQWait: 5
- Save the configuration file and start the object spawner using the configuration file. For example, the following command starts the spawner and uses the
objspawnmq.cfg configuration file.
/sasv9/utilities/bin/objspawn -slf /usr/logs/objspawn.log
-sasSpawnercn MyTest -cf /sasv9/objspawnmq.cfg
Attributes for Message Queue Polling
The following table contains attributes for the sasSpawner definition that are specific to message queue polling:
sasSpawner Attributes for Message Queue Polling |
Attribute Name |
Definition |
sasQKillWait |
specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for started processes to end normally while the spawner is shutting down. If a process is still running after the time specified in sasQKillWait, the spawner terminates the process. The default value is 30 . |
The following table contains attributes for the sasServer definition that are specific to message queue polling:
sasServer Attributes for Message Queue Polling |
Attribute Name |
Definition |
sasProtocol |
specifies the protocol for client connections. Specify the value MessageQueuing . |
sasQManagerName |
specifies the name of the queue manager for the queue that is specified by sasQName. |
sasQName |
specifies the name of the queue to monitor. |
sasQSessionMax |
specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that are allowed for this server definition. The default value is 0 , which enables an unlimited number. |
sasQThreshold |
specifies the number of messages per server that is required to start a new server. For example, if you specify a sasQThreshold of 50 , and two servers are running, the 101st message in the queue causes a new server to be started. |
sasQTransport |
specifies the messaging transport. Specify either MQSeries or MQSeries-C . |
sasQWait |
specifies how often (in seconds) the server polls the message queue. The default value is 10 . |