IOM Bridge Servers
Configuration File Example: Using Logical NamesLogical names provide a mechanism to identify similar functionality. They are specified via the sasLogicalName attribute. For instance, your installation may want to stage a new application without altering its production applications. To do this, the Object Spawner Daemon and SAS Object Server definitions specify the same logical name. Here is a configuration file that illustrates how this is accomplished: # ## Define our production MyApplication Object Spawner Daemon. # dn: sasSpawnercn=production,sascomponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc, c=US objectClass: sasSpawner sasSpawnercn: production sasDomainName: sasMachineDNSName: sasOperatorPort: 6340 sasOperatorPassword: myPassword description: Production MyApplication Object Spawner Daemon # ## Define our test MyApplication Object Spawner Daemon. ## We also log activity into /tmp/myid.objspawn.log # dn: sasSpawnercn=test,sascomponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc, c=US objectClass: sasSpawner sasSpawnercn: test sasDomainName: sasLogFile: /tmp/myid.objspawn.log sasLogicalName: stage sasMachineDNSName: sasOperatorPort: 6342 sasOperatorPassword: myPassword description: Test MyApplication Object Spawner Daemon # ## Define our production MyApplication SAS Object Server # dn: sasServercn=MyApplication,sascomponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc, c=US objectClass: sasServer sasServercn: MyApplication sasDomainName: sasMachineDNSName: sasPort: 6341 sasProtocol: bridge # ## Define our test MyApplication SAS Object Server # dn: sasServercn=testApplication,sascomponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc, c=US objectClass: sasServer sasServercn: testApplication sasDomainName: sasLogicalName: stage sasMachineDNSName: sasPort: 6343 sasProtocol: bridge A spawner locates its object server definitions by using the following rules: