SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » Administrator's Guide (LDAP Version)

Setting up an IOM Bridge Server and Spawner
Quick Start: Simple Server and Spawner
Summary of Setup Steps
Spawner Overview
Spawner Requirements
Metadata Overview
Creating the Metadata for an IOM Bridge Server
Using the IT Administrator Wizard
Using IT Administrator
SAS Login Object
Server Object
Spawner Object
Using a Configuration File
Configuring a UUID Generator
Configuring and Starting the Object Spawner on z/OS
Invoking (Starting) the Spawner
On Windows
On Alpha/VMS
Spawner Invocation Options
Administering the Server and Spawner:
Using Telnet
Using the IT Configuration Application
Spawner Error Messages
Metadata Examples
Minimal Configuration
Server and Spawner
Using Logical Names
UUID Generator
Message Queue Polling
Reference Materials
Attributes for Logical Names
Attributes for Logins
Attributes for Servers
Object Server Parameters
Server Startup Command
Attributes for Spawners
Initializing UNIX Environment Variables for Workspace Servers
IOM Bridge Servers

Starting the Spawner on Windows

To start the spawner on a Windows host:

  1. Note: This step is only necessary if you are not starting the spawner as a service.

    Define the user rights for the administrator. The user who invokes the spawner, in addition to being an administrator, must have the following user rights:

    • replace the process level token.
    • act as part of the operating system (Windows NT and Windows 2000, not needed if you install the spawner as a service)
    • adjust memory quotas for a process (Windows XP only, not needed if you install the spawner as a service )
    • increase quotas (Windows NT and Windows 2000, not needed if you install the spawner as a service)

    To set the administrator's user rights on Windows NT:

    1. Select Start arrow Programs arrow Administrative Tools arrow User Manager.
    2. From the Policies pull-down menu, select User Rights.
    3. Click the Show Advanced User Rights check box.
    4. Add rights using the Right: drop-down menu.

    To set the administrator's user rights on Windows 2000:

    1. Select Start arrow Settings arrow Control Panel arrow Administrative Tools arrow Local Security Policy.
    2. Select Security Settings arrow Local Policies arrow User Rights Assignment.
    3. Add rights by double-clicking on each right and assigning the appropriate users.

    To set the administrator's user rights on Windows XP:

    1. Select Start arrow Settings arrow Control Panel arrow Administrative Tools arrow Local Security Policy.
    2. Expand the tree for Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment.
    3. Add rights by double-clicking on each right and assigning the appropriate users.

  2. Define the user rights for each client that connects to the spawner. Similar to the administrator, each client that connects to the spawner must have the following user right: log on as batch job.

  3. Restart Windows to apply the new user rights.

  4. Start the spawner program (called objspawn.exe) using a command that specifies the appropriate options. The spawner program is installed in your installed SAS folder. In most cases, you should install the spawner as a service. Refer to the Spawner Invocation Options for a complete list of valid options for the command.

    In the following examples, c:\sasv9 is the installed SAS folder and objspawn.cfg is an LDIF configuration file. In the last example, spawner2.xml is an XML metadata configuration file that was created using the Integration Technologies Configuration application.

    Note: Some of the example commands are broken into more than one line for presentation purposes. However, the command must be entered as a continuous text stream on the command line.

    • The following command installs the spawner as an NT service and updates the registry to hold the options that are specified (in this case -configFile):

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -configFile c:\sasv9\objspawn.cfg

      When the spawner is started as an NT service, it will self configure utilizing the options that are placed in the registry at install time.

    • The following command installs the spawner as an NT service, specifies service dependencies, and names the service:

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -installDependencies "service1;service2"
        -name serviceName -configFile c:\sasv9\objspawn.cfg -install

      When the spawner is started as an NT service, it will self configure utilizing the options that are placed in the registry at install time.

    • The following command deinstalls the spawner as an NT service:

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -deinstall
    • The following command launches a spawner with an XML metadata configuration file (created Using the Integration Technologies Configuration Application) that contains information for accessing the LDAP server:
      c:\sasv9> objspawn -xmlconfigFile c:\sasv9\spawner2.xml
    • The following command launches the spawner on a non-secure LDAP server with a default port of 389. The -ldapBase tells the spawner where in the tree to start searching for the server, spawner, and login definitions. This command assumes that there is only one spawner definition in the ldap server. (If there are multiple spawner definitions, the user should specify the -sasSpawnercn option. If the -sasSpawnercn option is not specified, the spawner uses the first spawner definition that it finds in the server.)

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -ldapHost             
         -ldapBase "sasComponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc,c=US"
    • The following command launches the spawner on a non-secure LDAP server with a default port of 389. The -ldapBase tells the spawner where in the tree to start searching for the server, spawner, and login definitions. The -sasSpawnercn option tells the spawner which spawner definition to use.

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -ldapHost  
        -ldapBase "sasComponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc,c=US"  
        -sasSpawnercn mySpawner
    • The following command launches a spawner that connects to a non-secure LDAP server listening on port 12345. The -sasSpawnercn option tells the spawner to use the spawner definition WNTSpawner. The -ldapBase tells the spawner where in the tree to start searching for the server, spawner, and login definitions.

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -ldaphost
        -ldapport 12345 -sasspawnercn "WNTSpawner" 
        -ldapbase "sasComponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc,c=US"  
    • The following command start an Active Directory spawner that is set up as secure. The -sasSpawnercn option tells the spawner to use the sasSpawner definition of WNTSpawner. The -ldapBase tells the spawner where in the tree to start searching for the server, spawner, and login definitions. This -ldapbinddn option tells the spawner to bind to the LDAP server with the username and password found in the login definition CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=dtd-dom,DC=sas,DC=com.

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -ldaphost 
        -ldapport 389 -sasspawnercn "WNTSpawner" 
        -ldapbase "cn=AdHoc,cn=Applications,dc=dtd-dom,dc=sas,dc=com" 
        -ldap_binddn "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=dtd-dom,DC=sas,DC=com"
        -lpw mypassword
    • The following command start a spawner that connects to a secure LDAP server with a default port of 389. The -sasSpawnercn option tells the spawner to use the sasSpawner definition of IOMSpawner. The -ldapBase tells the spawner where in the tree to start searching for the server, spawner, and login definitions. This -ldapbinddn option tells the spawner to bind to the LDAP server with the user "uid=sasiom1,ou=People,o=ABC Inc,c=US"

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -ldapHost
        -ldapPort 389 -sasSpawnercn IOMSpawner
        -ldapBase "sasComponent=sasServer,cn=SAS,o=ABC Inc,c=US" 
        -ldapbinddn "uid=johndoe,ou=People,o=ABC Inc,c=US"
        -ldapPw mypassword -sasLogFile objspawnldap.log -sasverbose
    • The following command launches a spawner with an LDIF configuration file:

      c:\sasv9> objspawn -configFile c:\sasv9\objspawn.cfg

Note: After the spawner is started, a message is written to the application event log indicating whether objspawn initialization completed or failed.