IOM Bridge Servers
Using the IT Administrator Wizard to Define a Server and Spawner (IOM Bridge)
The SAS Integration Technologies Administrator provides a wizard to guide you
through the process of creating LDAP-based metadata for an IOM Bridge server and spawner. (Alternatively, you can create this metadata using the regular IT Administrator interface.) For general information about IT Administrator, refer to Using the Integration Technologies (IT) Administrator.
Before beginning this procedure, be sure that you have:
Note: The following attributes which appear in the Commands tab of the IT Administrator interface are not used in Version 9 of SAS Integration Technologies
- Transaction Program Name
- Partner Logical Unit Name
- Logical Unit Name
The Multi-User Process ID Login attribute which appears in the Connections tab of the IT Administrator interface is not used in Version 9 of SAS Integration Technologies
If you are using Version 9, do not use these attributes for your configuration.
To define an IOM Bridge server object and spawner object using the wizard:
Start IT Administrator.
Select the SAS Configuration button in the
Manager Bar.
Click the Wizard button ( ). The welcome screen for the wizard appears.
On each screen of the wizard, follow the instructions given; then select the Next button to move to the next screen. The Next button remains grayed out until you enter the required information. If you need to change information you have already entered, select the Back button. Select the Help button on any screen of the Wizard to receive instructions for the screen currently displayed. Select the Cancel button to exit the wizard at any time; if you select Cancel, no server object or spawner object will be created.
Each wizard screen is described below. For detailed information about a field, click on the corresponding attribute name, which is shown in parentheses. The appropriate definition on the sasServer Attributes List or sasSpawner Attributes List will be displayed. You can then use your browser's Back button to return to this page.
The wizard screens are as follows:
Select a Logical Grouping. On this screen, select a defined logical name (sasLogicalName) from the list. If you want to create a new logical name, select the Create button; the wizard will help you create a new sasLogicalNameInfo object. For more information about logical names, refer to Assigning Logical Names.
Create a New Server. On this screen, enter a server name (sasServercn), (optionally) a description (description), and a domain (sasDomainName).
Specify a Protocol. On this screen, select the IOM Bridge protocol (sasProtocol).
Specify IOM Bridge Connection Information. On this screen, specify a fully-qualified host name (sasMachineDNSName). Also enter a service (sasService) and/or a port number (sasPort). The port number is required if the server will have Java clients.
Specify the IOM Bridge Server Type. On this screen, select the type of server platform: either OS/390 (z/OS) or Other.
Set the Command for this Server. Enter the command (sasCommand) used to start the object server. Include the path relative to the directory in which the spawner will be started. This screen appears only if the server is a machine other than a z/OS.
Specify the OS/390 Command Information. For Version 9, these fields are not used; however, you must enter a value. This screen appears only if the server is a z/OS machine.
Done. On this screen, select the Advanced button if you want to add support for encryption. (For Version 9, multi-user
logins are not supported.) Otherwise, select Next to skip to the Configure a New Spawner window.
If you select Cancel, the server object will not be created.
Specify IOM Bridge Server Security Settings. On this screen, specify client encryption algorithms and server (sasNetEncrAlg) encryption algorithms. Also make a selection to indicate what to encrypt (sasRequiredEncryptionLevel).
Configure a New Spawner. On this screen, select the Next button to begin configuring the spawner. If you select Cancel, the server object will not be created.
New Spawner. This screen displays the domain, host name, and logical name information that are associated with the new server you have just configured. Review this information and, if necessary, select the Back button to make needed corrections. If the information is correct, select the Next button to proceed. If you select Cancel, the server and spawner object will not be created.
Modify Existing Spawner. This screen displays a list of existing spawner definitions that contain the same domain, host name, and logical name as the new server. If you want to use an existing spawner, select the spawner's name and the Next button; the wizard will skip to the Done screen, where you can finish defining the new server. If you want to create a new spawner definition using the displayed domain, host name, and logical name, select the Create button.
Enter a Name and Description for the Spawner. On this screen, enter a name (sasSpawnercn) and description (description) for the new spawner.
Specify the Operator Information. On this screen, enter the service (sasOperatorService) and/or port (sasOperatorPort) and the password (sasOperatorPassword) to allow a user to connect to the new spawner for administration purposes.
Specify the Encryption Information. On this screen, select the key length (sasNetEncrKey).
Done. On this screen, select the Advanced button if you want to add UUID support, or if you want to configure logging (For Version 9, dependent spawners are not supported). Otherwise, select Next to skip to the Done screen, where you can finish defining the new server and spawner. If you select Cancel, the server and spawner definitions will not be created.
Specify the UUID Information. If you are setting up the spawner for UUID generation, specify the service (sasUUIDService), port (sasUUIDPort), and node (sasUUIDNode) to allow SAS to connect to the spawner and obtain UUID information. For more information about UUID generation, see Configuring a UUID Generator.
Specify the Spawner Logging Information. On this screen, specify the log file name and path (sasLogFile), and select the checkbox to indicate whether you want to use verbose logging (sasVerbose).
Specify the OS/390 Logical Unit Name. Version 9 does not use the Logical Unit Name field. This screen appears only if the server is a z/OS machine.
Done. On this screen:
- You must select Finish to create the new server and spawner definitions and exit the wizard.
- If you would like to add another host machine to the server before exiting, select the Add host button.
- If you would like to define another server before exiting, select the Do Another button.
- If you select the Cancel button, the server and spawner definitions will not be created.
When you complete all of the steps in the above procedure, your LDAP directory will contain fully defined sasServer, sasSpawner, and sasLogicalNameInfo objects. You can now start the spawner and begin using the server. For details, see Invoking/Starting the Spawner.