Summary of Optional Arguments
Appearance options
specifies an annotate data set to annotate plots
that are produced by the SCATTER statement.
specifies a color name or a character variable in
the input data set whose values are color names.
specifies that a plot has no lines that connect
the shapes representing data points to the X-Y plane.
specifies one or more angles at which to rotate
the X-Y plane around the perpendicular Z axis.
specifies a symbol name or a character variable
whose values are symbol names.
specifies either a constant or a numeric variable,
the values of which determine the size of symbol shapes on the scatter
specifies one or more angles at which to tilt the
graph toward you.
Axes options
specifies a color for axis lines, tick marks, and
horizontal grid lines.
specifies a color for all text on the axes, including
tick mark values and axis labels.
draws reference lines at the major tick marks on
all axes.
specifies that a plot has no axes, including labels,
tick marks, and values.
specifies that a plot has no axes labels or tick
mark values.
assigns an axis definition.
specify the number of major tick marks that are
located on a plot's X axis.
assigns an axis definition.
specify the number of major tick marks that are
located on a plot's Y axis.
assigns an axis definition.
specify the maximum data value that is displayed
on a plot's Z axis.
specifies the minimum value that is displayed on
a plot's Z axis.
specify the number of major tick marks that are
located on a plot's Z axis.
Catalog entry description options
specifies the description of the plot.
specifies the name of the GRSEG catalog entry, and
the name of any graphics output file created.