The VARMAX Procedure

Tentative Order Selection

Sample Cross-Covariance and Cross-Correlation Matrices

Given a stationary multivariate time series $\mb{y} _ t$, cross-covariance matrices are

\[  \Gamma (l)=\mr{E} [(\mb{y} _ t - \bmu )(\mb{y} _{t+l} -\bmu )’]  \]

where $\bmu =\mr{E} (\mb{y} _ t)$, and cross-correlation matrices are

\[  \rho (l) = D^{-1}\Gamma (l)D^{-1}  \]

where D is a diagonal matrix with the standard deviations of the components of $\mb{y} _ t$ on the diagonal.

The sample cross-covariance matrix at lag l, denoted as $C(l)$, is computed as

\[  \hat\Gamma (l) = C(l) =\frac{1}{T} \sum _{t=1}^{T-l}{{\tilde{\mb{y}} }_{t}{\tilde{\mb{y}} }’_{t+l}}  \]

where ${\tilde{\mb{y}} }_{t}$ is the centered data and ${T}$ is the number of nonmissing observations. Thus, $\hat\Gamma (l)$ has $(i,j)$th element $\hat\gamma _{ij}(l)=c_{ij}(l)$. The sample cross-correlation matrix at lag l is computed as

\[  \hat\rho _{ij}(l) = c_{ij}(l) /[c_{ii}(0)c_{jj}(0)]^{1/2}, ~ ~ i,j=1,\ldots , k  \]

The following statements use the CORRY option to compute the sample cross-correlation matrices and their summary indicator plots in terms of $+, -,$ and $\cdot $, where $+$ indicates significant positive cross-correlations, $-$ indicates significant negative cross-correlations, and $\cdot $ indicates insignificant cross-correlations.

proc varmax data=simul1;
   model y1 y2 / p=1 noint lagmax=3 print=(corry)

Figure 35.39 shows the sample cross-correlation matrices of $y_{1t}$ and $y_{2t}$. As shown, the sample autocorrelation functions for each variable decay quickly, but are significant with respect to two standard errors.

Figure 35.39: Cross-Correlations (CORRY Option)

The VARMAX Procedure

Cross Correlations of Dependent Series
by Variable
Variable Lag y1 y2
y1 0 1.00000 0.67041
  1 0.83143 0.84330
  2 0.56094 0.81972
  3 0.26629 0.66154
y2 0 0.67041 1.00000
  1 0.29707 0.77132
  2 -0.00936 0.48658
  3 -0.22058 0.22014

Schematic Representation
of Cross Correlations
Variable/Lag 0 1 2 3
y1 ++ ++ ++ ++
y2 ++ ++ .+ -+
+ is > 2*std error,  - is < -2*std error,  . is between

Partial Autoregressive Matrices

For each $m=1,2,\ldots , p$ you can define a sequence of matrices $\Phi _{mm}$, which is called the partial autoregression matrices of lag m, as the solution for $\Phi _{mm}$ to the Yule-Walker equations of order m,

\begin{eqnarray*}  \Gamma (l) = \sum _{i=1}^ m \Gamma (l-i) \Phi _{im}’,~ ~ l=1,2,\ldots ,m \end{eqnarray*}

The sequence of the partial autoregression matrices $\Phi _{mm}$ of order m has the characteristic property that if the process follows the AR(p), then $\Phi _{pp}=\Phi _ p$ and $\Phi _{mm}=0$ for $m>p$. Hence, the matrices $\Phi _{mm}$ have the cutoff property for a VAR(p) model, and so they can be useful in the identification of the order of a pure VAR model.

The following statements use the PARCOEF option to compute the partial autoregression matrices:

proc varmax data=simul1;
   model y1 y2 / p=1 noint lagmax=3
                print=(corry parcoef pcorr
                       pcancorr roots);

Figure 35.40 shows that the model can be obtained by an AR order $m=1$ since partial autoregression matrices are insignificant after lag 1 with respect to two standard errors. The matrix for lag 1 is the same as the Yule-Walker autoregressive matrix.

Figure 35.40: Partial Autoregression Matrices (PARCOEF Option)

The VARMAX Procedure

Partial Autoregression
Lag Variable y1 y2
1 y1 1.14844 -0.50954
  y2 0.54985 0.37409
2 y1 -0.00724 0.05138
  y2 0.02409 0.05909
3 y1 -0.02578 0.03885
  y2 -0.03720 0.10149

Schematic Representation
of Partial Autoregression
Variable/Lag 1 2 3
y1 +- .. ..
y2 ++ .. ..
+ is > 2*std error,  - is < -2*std error,  . is between

Partial Correlation Matrices

Define the forward autoregression

\begin{eqnarray*}  \mb{y} _{t} = \sum _{i=1}^{m-1} \Phi _{i,m-1} \mb{y} _{t-i} + \mb{u} _{m,t} \end{eqnarray*}

and the backward autoregression

\begin{eqnarray*}  \mb{y} _{t-m} = \sum _{i=1}^{m-1} \Phi _{i,m-1}^* \mb{y} _{t-m+i} + \mb{u} _{m,t-m}^{*} \end{eqnarray*}

The matrices $P(m)$ defined by Ansley and Newbold (1979) are given by

\begin{eqnarray*}  P(m)= \Sigma _{m-1}^{*1/2}\Phi _{mm}’ \Sigma _{m-1}^{-1/2} \end{eqnarray*}


\begin{eqnarray*}  \Sigma _{m-1} = \mr{Cov} (\mb{u} _{m,t}) = \Gamma (0) -\sum _{i=1}^{m-1} \Gamma (-i) \Phi _{i,m-1}’ \end{eqnarray*}


\begin{eqnarray*}  \Sigma _{m-1}^* = \mr{Cov} (\mb{u} _{m,t-m}^*) = \Gamma (0)-\sum _{i=1}^{m-1}\Gamma (m-i)\Phi _{m-i,m-1}^{*'} \end{eqnarray*}

$P(m)$ are the partial cross-correlation matrices at lag m between the elements of $\mb{y} _{t}$ and $\mb{y} _{t-m}$, given $\mb{y} _{t-1}, \ldots , \mb{y} _{t-m+1}$. The matrices $P(m)$ have the cutoff property for a VAR(p) model, and so they can be useful in the identification of the order of a pure VAR structure.

The following statements use the PCORR option to compute the partial cross-correlation matrices:

proc varmax data=simul1;
   model y1 y2 / p=1 noint lagmax=3

The partial cross-correlation matrices in Figure 35.41 are insignificant after lag 1 with respect to two standard errors. This indicates that an AR order of $m=1$ can be an appropriate choice.

Figure 35.41: Partial Correlations (PCORR Option)

The VARMAX Procedure

Partial Cross Correlations by Variable
Variable Lag y1 y2
y1 1 0.80348 0.42672
  2 0.00276 0.03978
  3 -0.01091 0.00032
y2 1 -0.30946 0.71906
  2 0.04676 0.07045
  3 0.01993 0.10676

Schematic Representation
of Partial Cross
Variable/Lag 1 2 3
y1 ++ .. ..
y2 -+ .. ..
+ is > 2*std error,  - is < -2*std error,  . is between

Partial Canonical Correlation Matrices

The partial canonical correlations at lag m between the vectors $\mb{y} _{t}$ and $\mb{y} _{t-m}$, given $\mb{y} _{t-1}, \ldots , \mb{y} _{t-m+1}$, are $1\geq \rho _1(m) \geq \rho _2(m) \cdots \geq \rho _ k(m)$. The partial canonical correlations are the canonical correlations between the residual series $\mb{u} _{m,t}$ and $\mb{u} _{m,t-m}^{*}$, where $\mb{u} _{m,t}$ and $\mb{u} _{m,t-m}^{*}$ are defined in the previous section. Thus, the squared partial canonical correlations $\rho _ i^2(m)$ are the eigenvalues of the matrix

\[  \{ \mr{Cov} (\mb{u} _{m,t})\} ^{-1} \mr{E} (\mb{u} _{m,t} \mb{u} _{m,t-m}^{*'}) \{ \mr{Cov} (\mb{u} _{m,t-m}^{*})\} ^{-1} \mr{E} (\mb{u} _{m,t-m}^{*} \mb{u} _{m,t}^{'}) = \Phi _{mm}^{*'} \Phi _{mm}^{'}  \]

It follows that the test statistic to test for $\Phi _ m = 0$ in the VAR model of order $m>p$ is approximately

\[  (T-m)\mr{~ tr~ } \{  \Phi _{mm}^{*'} \Phi _{mm}^{'} \}  \approx (T-m)\sum _{i=1}^ k \rho _ i^2(m)  \]

and has an asymptotic chi-square distribution with $k^2$ degrees of freedom for $m>p$.

The following statements use the PCANCORR option to compute the partial canonical correlations:

proc varmax data=simul1;
   model y1 y2 / p=1 noint lagmax=3 print=(pcancorr);

Figure 35.42 shows that the partial canonical correlations $\rho _ i(m)$ between $\mb{y} _ t$ and $\mb{y} _{t-m}$ are {0.918, 0.773}, {0.092, 0.018}, and {0.109, 0.011} for lags $m=$1 to 3. After lag $m=$1, the partial canonical correlations are insignificant with respect to the 0.05 significance level, indicating that an AR order of $m=1$ can be an appropriate choice.

Figure 35.42: Partial Canonical Correlations (PCANCORR Option)

The VARMAX Procedure

Partial Canonical Correlations
Lag Correlation1 Correlation2 DF Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq
1 0.91783 0.77335 4 142.61 <.0001
2 0.09171 0.01816 4 0.86 0.9307
3 0.10861 0.01078 4 1.16 0.8854

The Minimum Information Criterion (MINIC) Method

The minimum information criterion (MINIC) method can tentatively identify the orders of a VARMA(p,q) process (Spliid, 1983; Koreisha and Pukkila, 1989; Quinn, 1980). The first step of this method is to obtain estimates of the innovations series, $\bepsilon _ t$, from the VAR($p_{\epsilon }$), where $p_{\epsilon }$ is chosen sufficiently large. The choice of the autoregressive order, $p_{\epsilon }$, is determined by use of a selection criterion. From the selected VAR($p_{\epsilon }$) model, you obtain estimates of residual series

\[  \tilde{ \bepsilon _ t} = \mb{y} _ t - \sum _{i=1}^{p_{\epsilon }} {\hat\Phi }_{i}^{p_{\epsilon }} \mb{y} _{t-i} - {\hat{\bdelta }}^{p_{\epsilon }}, ~ ~ t=p_{\epsilon }+1, \ldots , T  \]

In the second step, you select the order ($p,q$) of the VARMA model for p in $(p_{min}:p_{max})$ and q in $(q_{min}:q_{max})$

\[  \mb{y} _ t = \bdelta + \sum _{i=1}^{p}{\Phi _{i}}\mb{y} _{t-i} - \sum _{i=1}^{q}{\Theta _{i}} \tilde{\bepsilon }_{t-i} + {\bepsilon _ t}  \]

which minimizes a selection criterion like SBC or HQ.

The following statements use the MINIC= option to compute a table that contains the information criterion associated with various AR and MA orders:

proc varmax data=simul1;
   model y1 y2 / p=1 noint minic=(p=3 q=3);

Figure 35.43 shows the output associated with the MINIC= option. The criterion takes the smallest value at AR order 1.

Figure 35.43: MINIC= Option

The VARMAX Procedure

Minimum Information Criterion Based on AICC
Lag MA 0 MA 1 MA 2 MA 3
AR 0 3.3574947 3.0331352 2.7080996 2.3049869
AR 1 0.5544431 0.6146887 0.6771732 0.7517968
AR 2 0.6369334 0.6729736 0.7610413 0.8481559
AR 3 0.7235629 0.7551756 0.8053765 0.8654079