Several of the analytic
statements offer a CODE option that can be used to produce and store
code for analytic models. The code can be used for scoring data sets
with the models.
Because formatting numeric
variables with thousands separators and decimal points is locale-sensitive,
in rare circumstances, the scoring code can be locale-sensitive too.
This can occur when a numeric variable that takes on non-integral
values is used as a classification or in a GROUPBY= option. The following
code demonstrates how locale-specific code can be generated:
options locale=fr_FR;
proc imstat;
glm mpg_city = weight / groupby=(enginesize)
code(file="/tmp/" replace linesize=256);
For the SAS LASR Analytic Server
2.7 release, the locale is specified in the file header. For locales
that are sensitive to the formatting of numeric variables, the NLBEST
format is used. The following example is for fr_FR:
SAS Code Generated by LASR Analytic Server
Date : 02 juin 2015 12 h 54
Locale : fr_FR
Model Type : Regression
Group-By variable : EngineSize
Response variable : MPG_City
length _EngineSize_ $12; drop _EngineSize_;
_EngineSize_ = left(trim(put(EngineSize,NLBEST12.)));
select (_EngineSize_);
when ('1,3') do;
If the locale in which
you intend to use the code does not match the locale specified in
the file header, then you need to take some action. You can run the
SAS program that produced the scoring code again in the preferred
locale or you can modify the scoring code.