Developing Custom Themes
SASthemes.xml File
The contents of the SASthemes.xml
file for the SAS Winter theme are shown below. You should use this file as a basis for creating
your own theme descriptor(s).
Note: The current version of the
Web Infrastructure Kit does not support localization
of the theme label.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE Themes SYSTEM "http://www.sas.com/webapp/themes.dtd">
Themes consist of images, templates and stylesheets. Templates
are typically HTML files.
Themes must have a name, which will not be localized. Themes
must have a label that will be displayed to users.
All file paths must be relative to the URI path of the theme.
Within the theme-name directory, create subdirectories named
templates, images, and styles.
Put cascading style sheets into the styles folder, image files
into images, and all template files into templates.
<Theme name="" // the name of the theme (without blanks). Not
localized. Required.
label="" // a label for display to users. Required.
description="" // a description for display to users.
device="" // name suitable display device, e.g. desktop
browser, PDA, WAP phone. Required.
URIPath="" //the path to the theme's directory. If it does not
include a final "/", one will be appended when
constructing paths to subdirectories. Required.
<Images directory=""> // the name of directory where the images are
located (without backslash). Required
<Image name="" // Required.
altTextKey="" // Optional. Resource key for alt= text
on img tag
path="" // Optional. Used if path to image is not
URIPath + images
appliesTo="ALL | className(s)" - indicates that ALL
classes will make use of this value, or if there is a
list of classes, only apply to those. 'ALL' is a
reserved word. Required
width="" //Optional. Value for width= attr on img tag
height="" //Optional. Value for height= attr on img tag
file="" // the name of image file (for example, logo.gif).
<Styles directory="" // the name of directory where the stylesheets
are located (without backslash).
<StyleSheet name="" // descriptive name of the cascading style
description="" // description of the style's purpose
media="" // valid values are: screen|print Required.
order="n" // for each media type, the order in which
to load the style sheet. Required. The value for order
must be an ASCII integer (no Unicode-escaped characters).
file="" // The file name, e.g. sasStyle.css Required.
<Templates directory=""> // the name of directory where the
templates are located (without backslash). Required
<Template name="" // name of the template. Required
description="" // description of the template's purpose
markup="" // markup language used in the template Required
file="" // name of the template file Required
path=Theme.URIPath + Images.dir + file OR path=Theme.URIPath +
asset.path + file
The actual path to an asset is the concatenation
of the URIPath attribute on the Theme element, the dir attribute
on the Asset type (style, image, or template), and, of course, the
value of the file itself. For example, for the logo, it would be
Alternatively, if an image element includes a "path=" attribute, then
the actual path to the file is the concatenation of the URIPath
attribute on the Theme element, the path attribute on the image element,
and the value of the file itself.
<Theme name="winter" label="SAS Winter"
description="Winter theme for SAS applications"
URIPath="themes/winter" device="DESKTOP">
<Styles directory="styles">
<StyleSheet name="SAS Style" description="Default SAS style"
order="2" media="SCREEN" file="sasStyle.css"/>
<StyleSheet name="AppDev Studio" order="1" media="SCREEN"
<Images directory="images">
<Image name="logo"
description="SAS Logo" altTextKey="desktop.logo.txt"
appliesTo="ALL" width="70" height="32" file="logo.gif"/> <Image name="banner_background"
description="SAS banner swirl background"
altTextKey="" appliesTo="ALL" height="184"
file="BannerBackground.gif"/> <Image name="Banner_downArrow"
description="banner: a down arrow"
width="4" height="7" file="BannerDownArrowWhite.gif"/> <Image name="Banner_backArrow"
description="banner: a back arrow" width="4" height="7"
file="BannerBackArrowYellow.gif"/> <Image name="tab_left"
description="MenuBar: left side of tab"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabLeftFirst.gif"/> <Image name="tab_left_select"
description="MenuBar: left side of selected tab"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabLeftSelectFirst.gif"/> <Image name="tab_right"
description="MenuBar: right side of tab"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabRight.gif"/> <Image name="tab_right_select"
description="MenuBar: right side of tab-selected"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabRightSelect.gif"/> <Image name="tab_top" description="MenuBar: top of tab"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabTop.gif"/> <Image name="tab_top_select"
description="MenuBar: top of tab-selected"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabTopSelect.gif"/> <Image name="tab_upper_left"
description="MenuBar: rounded upper-left corner"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabUpperLeft.gif"/> <Image name="tab_upper_left_select"
description="MenuBar: rounded upper-left
corner-selected" appliesTo="ALL"
file="TabUpperLeftSelect.gif"/> <Image name="tab_upper_right"
description="MenuBar: rounded upper-right corner"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabUpperRight.gif"/> <Image name="tab_upper_right_select"
description="MenuBar: rounded upper-right
corner-selected" appliesTo="ALL"
file="TabUpperRightSelect.gif"/> <Image name="tab_right_vert"
description="MenuBar: right side of vertical tab"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabRightVert.gif"/> <Image name="tab_right_select_vert"
description="MenuBar: right side of vertical tab-selected"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabRightSelectVert.gif"/> <Image name="tab_upper_right_vert"
description="MenuBar: upper-right corner of vertical tab"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabUpperRightVert.gif"/> <Image name="tab_upper_right_select_vert"
description="MenuBar: upper-right corner of vertical tab-selected"
appliesTo="ALL" file="TabUpperRightSelectVert.gif"/> <Image name="portlet_Close"
description="portlet decoration: close" file="PortletClose.gif"/> <Image name="portlet_Help" description="portlet decoration: help" file="PortletHelp.gif"/> <Image name="portlet_Maximize" description="portlet decoration: maximize"
file="PortletMaximize.gif" altTextKey="MaximizePortlet.alt.txt"/> <Image name="portlet_Minimize" description="portlet decoration: minimize"
file="PortletMinimize.gif" altTextKey="MinimizePortlet.alt.txt"/> <Image name="portlet_Note"
description="portlet decoration: note" file="PortletNote.gif"/> <Image name="portlet_Pipe" description="portlet decoration: vertical pipe"
file="PortletPipe.gif"/> <Image name="portlet_Remove" description="portlet decoration: remove" file="PortletRemove.gif"
altTextKey="RemovePortlet.alt.txt"/> <Image name="Banner_pipeTop"
description="banner: a vertical pipe" file="PipeTop.gif"/> <Image name="Banner_verticalLine" description="banner: a vertical blue line"
file="VerticalLineBlue.gif"/> <Image name="Arrow_down" description="Arrow: down, triangle"
file="Down.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="Arrow_up" description="Arrow: up, triangle" file="Up.gif"
width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="Arrow_right" description="Arrow: move right" file="MoveRight.gif"
width="12" height="14"/> <Image name="Arrow_left" description="Arrow: move left" file="MoveLeft.gif"
width="12" height="14"/> <Image name="Remove"
description="Remove: an x" file="Remove.gif"
width="12" height="14"/> <Image name="Sidebar_right" description="Sidebar, curved blue" file="CommonSidebarLogon.gif"
width="100" height="186"/> <Image name="collapse_left"
description="collapse_left" file="CollapseLeftArrows.gif"
width="11" height="14"/> <Image name="collapse_right"
description="collapse_right" file="CollapseRightArrows.gif"
width="11" height="14"/> <Image name="input_required" description="input_required" file="InputRequired.gif"
width="12" height="12"/> <Image name="Publish" description="publish" file="Publish.gif" width="16" height="16"
altTextKey="Publish.alt.txt"/> <Image name="tbar_Bookmark"
description="bookmark" file="TbarBookmark.gif" width="16"
height="16" altTextKey="Bookmark.alt.txt"/> <Image name="tbar_Email" description="email" file="TbarEmail.gif" width="16" height="16"
altTextKey="email.alt.txt"/> <Image name="ResultsRowDownLast"
description="Search Results Down Arrow"
file="ResultsRowDownLast.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="ResultsRowDownLastDis"
description="Search Results Down Arrow Last"
file="ResultsRowDownLastDis.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="ResultsRowUp"
description="Search Results Up Arrow Last"
file="ResultsRowUp.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="ResultsRowUpDis"
description="Search Results Up Arrow Disabled"
file="ResultsRowUpDis.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="ResultsRowUpFirst"
description="Search Results Up Arrow First"
file="ResultsRowUpFirst.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="ResultsRowUpFirstDis" description="Search Results Up Arrow First Disabled"
file="ResultsRowUpFirstDis.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="ResultsRowDown" description="Search Results Down Arrow"
file="ResultsRowDown.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="ResultsRowDownDis" description="Search Results Down Arrow Disabled"
file="ResultsRowDownDis.gif" width="16" height="16"/> <Image name="logon_art_top" description="Logon page art top" altTextKey=""
appliesTo="ALL" file="LogonArtTop.gif"/> <Image name="logon_art_tile" description="Logon page art tile" altTextKey=""
appliesTo="ALL" file="LogonArtTile.gif"/> </Images>
<Templates directory="templates">
<Template name="banner" description="Banner"
markup="HTML" file="banner.html"/>
<Template name="tab_menu"
description="Default Template for Tab Menu"
markup="HTML" file="TabMenu.html"/>
<Template name="viewer_action_menu" description="Viewer Action Menu"
markup="HTML" file="viewer_action_menu.html"/>
<Template name="secondarymenu"
description="Divider between banner and page content"
markup="HTML" file="secondarymenu.html"/>
<Template name="searchactions"
description="Actions popup on search page"
markup="HTML" file="searchactionsmenu.html"/>
<Template name="utilmenu" description="Options Menu"
markup="HTML" file="utilmenu.html"/>
<Template name="helpmenu" description="Help Menu" markup="HTML"