SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » SAS Web Infrastructure Kit: Developer's Guide

Developing Custom Themes
Steps for Defining a New Theme
Style Sheet and Graphics Reference
Theme Template Reference
SASthemes.xml File
Element Descriptions for Themes DTD
Changing the Application Name
Migrating Custom Themes After Installing a Service Pack
List of Theme Changes for Service Pack 3
List of Theme Changes for Service Pack 4
Developing Custom Themes

List of Theme Changes for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 3

The following table shows the changes that were made to the Default theme and the Winter theme with SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 3.

Theme Element Changes Made Theme Affected
SASThemes.xml The following image definitions were added:
  Edit (Edit icon in the action menu on the search results page)
  portlet_Prop (Edit Portlet Properties icon)
Default, Winter
The following template definitions were added for the action menu on the search results page:
Default, Winter
Images The following image was added:
  PortletProp.gif (Edit Portlet Properties icon)
Default, Winter
Style sheets In Portal.css, the following style classes were added:
  listOfItemsDiv (used to display a list of items that are contained in a page or a portlet that you are sharing or deleting)
  portletLayoutFieldSet (border around the portlet layout information on the Edit Page Content page)
  portletLayoutInnerFieldSet (not used)
Default, Winter
In Portal.css, the following style classes are no longer used. These classes were previously used for the tabs for active and inactive pages.

Instead of the styles listed above, the following styles in sasStyle.css are now used for the tabs for active and inactive pages:
Default, Winter
In Portal.css, the following style classes were removed. These classes were previously used for navigator portlets, and they are still present in sasComponentsLayout.css and sasComponentsTheme.css.
  RFSCancel_button SPAN
  RFSDetailView_tableviewmenuBar A:active
  RFSDetailView_tableviewmenuBar A:hover
  RFSDetailView_tableviewmenuBar A:link
  RFSMenu_menuLink A:active
  RFSMenu_menuLink A:hover
  RFSMenu_menuLink A:link
  RFSMenu_menuLink A:visited
  RFSSearchView_tableviewmenuBar A:active
  RFSSearchView_tableviewmenuBar A:hover
  RFSSearchView_tableviewmenuBar A:link
  RFSSearchView_tableviewmenuBar A:visited

Instead of the styles listed above, the following styles in sasComponentsTheme.css are now used for navigator portlets:
Default, Winter
In sasStyle.css, the following style class was added:
  banuserwelcome (used for the role identifier for administrators in the banner)
Default, Winter
The classes in sasComponents.css have been moved to two new style sheets: sasComponentsLayout.css and sasComponentsTheme.css (which contains the attributes that you are most likely to modify when you create a new theme).

The style sheet sasComponentsTheme.css no longer contains any classes. Instead, it imports classes from sasComponentsLayout.css and sasComponentsTheme.css.
Default, Winter
Theme templates The following templates were added for the action menu on the search results page:
Default, Winter
The following templates were revised:
  utilmenu.html (used for the Options menu, on which the Add Portlet and Share Page selections were removed, and the following selections were added: Edit Page Properties, Edit Page Content, Create Page Template, and Create New Content.)
Default, Winter