SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » SAS Web Infrastructure Kit: Developer's Guide

Developing Custom Themes
Steps for Defining a New Theme
Style Sheet and Graphics Reference
Theme Template Reference
SASthemes.xml File
Element Descriptions for Themes DTD
Changing the Application Name
Migrating Custom Themes After Installing a Service Pack
List of Theme Changes for Service Pack 3
List of Theme Changes for Service Pack 4
Developing Custom Themes

Style Sheet and Graphics Reference for the SAS Winter Theme

The SAS Winter theme includes several different style sheets and graphics files. As you create your own style sheets and graphics files (as described in Steps for Defining a New Theme), you can refer to the information in the following tables to determine which style classes to override and which graphics files to modify for each area of the portal interface:

Note: The order in which style sheets are applied is based on the value of the order attribute of the StyleSheet elements in the theme descriptor files. In the default installation, sasComponents.css is applied first, followed by sasStyle.css, followed by Portal.css. If a style exists in all three style sheets, the style in Portal.css overrides the others. When you create a new theme, you should create a new style sheet that overrides Portal.css.

Note: With SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 3, sasComponents.css imports styles from two new style sheets: sasComponentsLayout.css and sasComponentsTheme.css. The sasComponentsTheme.css style sheet contains attributes that you are most likely to modify when you create a new theme.

SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 3 and Service Pack 4 contain a number of other changes to theme elements. If you have created a custom theme, and you then install Service Pack 3 or Service Pack 4, you must migrate your theme customizations. For details, see Migrating Custom Themes After Installing a Service Pack.


The following figure shows the classes and graphics that are used in the banner. The table that follows the figure provides the class names, image names, and style sheet locations.

Winter banner with callouts for styles and graphics

Label Number Area Affected Class Name or Image Name Style Sheet Name
Background for the top of the banner, which contains banner links (Options, Search, Log On, Log Off, Help) table.linkbar sasStyle.css
Background color for the left middle area of the banner, which contains the banner title div#banner td#bantitle sasStyle.css
Text for the banner title div#banner td#bantitle sasStyle.css
Background color for the portion of the banner to the right of the banner title td#banbullet sasStyle.css
Background color for the right middle area of the banner, which contains the logo td#banlogo sasStyle.css
Text for role identification (appears if the user is a portal administrator or a content administrator) banuserwelcome sasStyle.css
Text for banner links (Options, Search, Log On, Log Off, Help) table.Linkbar td a sasStyle.css
Arrows to the right of the Options and Help links BannerDownArrowWhite.gif N/A
Dividers between banner links pipetop.gif N/A
SAS logo (you can edit the size in the descriptor file SASThemes.xml) logo.gif N/A
Tab text for the active page menuLink sasStyle.css
Background color of the tab for the active page tabSelected sasStyle.css
Tab text for inactive pages menu:link
Background color of the tabs for inactive pages tab sasStyle .css
Background color of the lower banner area to the right of the tabs div#banner sasStyle.css
Background color of the divider between the banner and the page area secondaryMenuRow sasStyle.css

Vertical Navigation Bar

The following figure shows the classes that are used in the navigation bar when it is displayed vertically. The table that follows the figure provides the class names and style sheet locations.

Vertical navigation bar with callouts for styes and graphics

Label Number Area Affected Class Name or Image Name Style Sheet Name
Tab text for the active page menuLink sasStyle.css
Background color of the tab for the active page tabSelected sasStyle.css
Tab text for inactive pages menu:link
Background color of the tabs for inactive pages tab sasStyle .css
Top and bottom borders of the tab for active page primaryVertMenuSelectedOuterTable sasStyle.css
Top and bottom borders of the tabs for inactive pages primaryVertMenuNonSelectedOuterTable sasStyle.css
Background color of the 6-pixel column to the right of the navigation bar secondaryMenuRow sasStyle.css
Right and left borders of the 6-pixel column to the right of the navigation bar verticalTabDivider Portal.css
Background color of the rectangular area below the tabs td.darkBlue Portal.css

Options Menu and Help Menu

The following figures show the classes that are used in the Options menu and the Help menu. The table that follows the figures provides the class names and style sheet locations.

Options menu with callouts indicating classes in Winter themeHelp menu with callouts to identify style classes

Label Number Area Affected Class Name or Image Name Style Sheet Name
Headings on the Options menu utilmenuHeader Portal.css
Menu links utilmenudropdown:link
Border and dividers on the Options menu utilmenuDivider Portal.css
Background color of the Options menu body sasStyle.css
Border of the Help menu utilmenuTable Portal.css
Background color of the Help menu utilmenuTable Portal.css

Portlet Title Bars, Backgrounds, and Borders

The following figure shows the classes and graphics that are used for the title bars, backgrounds, and borders of portlets. The table that follows the figure provides the class names, image names, and style sheet locations.

Portlet with callouts for heading, border, and background styles

Label Number Area Affected Class Name or Image Name Style Sheet Name
Portlet name portletTableHeaderLeft sasStyle.css
Border for portlets portletTableBorder sasStyle.css
Background for the portlet title bar portletTableHeader sasStyle.css
Background for the portlet body workarea sasStyle.css
Edit portlet properties icon PortletProp.gif N/A
Edit portlet content icon PortletNote.gif N/A
Remove icon PortletClose.gif N/A
Minimize icon and maximize icon PortletMinimize.gif

Contents of Collection Portlets

The following figure shows the classes that are used in the body of collection portlets. The table that follows the figure provides the class names and style sheet locations.

Collection portlet contents with callouts for styles

Label Number Area Affected Class Name or Image Name Style Sheet Name
"Click here to refresh collection" message

A (default link style)

Item labels in collection portlets treetext sasStyle.css
Item descriptions in collection portlets treeDescription sasComponentsTheme.css

Contents of Bookmarks Portlet

The following figure shows the classes that are used in the body of the Bookmarks portlet. The table that follows the figure provides the class names and style sheet locations.

Bookmarks portlet with styles and graphics callouts

Label Number Area Affected Class Name or Image Name Style Sheet Name
Background of the first column heading centeredTableHeader sasStyle.css
Button style button sasComponentsTheme.css
Background color and borders of all column headings except the first column heading searchResultsTableHeader sasStyle.css
Border of the table mainTable sasComponentsTheme.css
Heading text for all columns except the last column portalTableSubheading Portal.css
Heading text for the last column portalTableSubheadingTrans Portal.css
Background color of odd-numbered rows dataRow1_tableRow sasStyle.css
Background color of even-numbered rows dataRow2_tableRow sasStyle.css
Link text for contents of the Name column A (default link style) sasStyle.css
Text for contents of the Description column textTableCell sasStyle.css
Text for contents of the Location column textTableCellTrans sasStyle.css

Contents of Navigator Portlets

The following figure shows the classes that are used in navigator portlets such as the Tree Navigator portlet, the Reports Navigator portlet, WebDAV navigator portlets, and the Stored Process Navigator portlet. The table that follows the figure provides the class names and style sheet locations.

Navigator portlet with style callouts

Label Number Area Affected Class Name or Image Name Style Sheet Name
Search label


Contents of Location box


Border and background of the Search box


Up one level icon


Up one level label


Background for column headings


Background of expand/collapse icon; image for expand icon



Location and Show description labels


Text for all column headings, and link text in the Name column


Background for odd-numbered rows


Text in the author, date, and keyword columns for odd-numbered rows


Background for even-numbered rows


Text in the author, date, and keyword columns for even-numbered rows



Search Dialog Box in Navigator Portlets

The following figure shows the classes that are used in the search panel when you expand it in a navigator portlet such as the Tree Navigator portlet, the Reports Navigator portlet, WebDAV navigator portlets, and the Stored Process Navigator portlet. The table that follows the figure provides the class names and style sheet locations.

Search panel in navigator portlet, with style callouts

Label Number Area Affected Class Name or Image Name Style Sheet Name
Search for label


Search what label rfs_SearchWhatLabel sasComponentsTheme.css
Search where label rfs_SearchWhereLabel sasComponentsTheme.css
Date/time limits label rfs_SearchDateTimeLimitsLabel sasComponentsTheme.css
Text entered in the Search for box rfs_SearchTextComponent sasComponentsTheme.css
Choices in the Search what drop-down box rfs_SearchWhatComponent sasComponentsTheme.css
Choices in the Search where drop-down box rfs_SearchWhereComponent sasComponentsTheme.css
Search subfolders label rfs_SearchSubfoldersLabel sasComponentsTheme.css
Choices in Date/time limits drop-down box rfs_SearchDateTimeLimitsComponent sasComponentsTheme.css
In the last label rfs_SearchInTheLastLabel sasComponentsTheme.css
Entry in the In the last value box rfs_SearchInTheLastValueComponent sasComponentsTheme.css
Choices in the In the last units drop-down box rfs_SearchInTheLastUnitComponent sasComponentsTheme.css
Text in the Search button buttonCenter sasComponentsTheme.css
Background of the Search button rfs_SearchButton sasComponentsTheme.css
Background of the search dialog box rfs_SearchContainer sasComponentsTheme.css