What’s New in SAS Studio 3.3


SAS Studio 3.3 includes these new features and enhancements:
  • support for the Windows operating environment in SAS Studio Basic
  • new visual programming perspective, which enables you to create process flows
  • new tool to create queries
  • new and enhanced tasks
  • new variable name and encoding options

Support for Windows Operating Environments in SAS Studio Basic

SAS Studio Basic is now supported in both Windows and UNIX operating environments. For more information, see SAS Studio: Administrator's Guide.

New Visual Programming Perspective

This new perspective enables you to create process flows. A process flow consists of one or more objects. Each object is represented by a node in the process flow. The process flow shows the relationship between two or more objects, such as a SAS program, a task, a query, and so on. For more information, see Working with Process Flows.

New Query Feature

You can use the query feature to extract data from one or more tables according to criteria that you specify. You can create a query that is based on only one table, or you can join tables together. When you create a query, you specify the columns to include in the output, and you can filter the rows that are included based on values in the data. You can also perform a summary function on the columns in your data and sort your data by one or more columns. For more information, see Working with Queries.

SAS Studio Tasks

New Tasks

  • The new Analysis of Covariance task enables you to augment the analysis of variance model with a quantitative variable in order to reduce the variance of the error terms in the model. For more information, see Analysis of Covariance Task.
  • The new Bubble Plot task explores the relationship between three or more variables. In a bubble plot two variables determine the location of the bubble centers, and a third variable specifies the size of each bubble. For more information, see Bubble Plot Task.
  • There are six new Combinatorics and Probability tasks:
    • The new Combinations task computes the possible combinations of the total number of objects into sets with the specified number in each set. For more information, see Combinations Task.
    • The Same Birthday Probability task computes the probability that two or more people in a room have the same birthday. For more information, see Same Birthday Probability Task.
    • The Coin Toss Simulation task simulates the tossing of 10 coins and calculates the probabilities for the possible outcomes. For more information, see Coin Toss Simulation Task.
    • The Dice Roll Simulation task simulates the tossing of two dice and calculates the probabilities for the possible outcomes. For more information, see Dice Roll Simulation Task.
    • The Poker Hand Probability task calculates the frequency and probability of poker hands. For more information, see Poker Hand Probability Task.
    • The new Permutations task computes the possible permutations of a given number of objects. For more information, see Permutations Task.
  • The new Generalized Linear Models task enables you to create classical linear models with normal errors, logistic and probit models for binary data, and log-linear models for multinomial data. For more information, see Generalized Linear Models.
  • The new N-way ANOVA task performs an N-way analysis of variance. For more information, see N-Way ANOVA Task.
  • To perform a one-sample t test, paired sample t test, or two-sample t test, use the new T Test task. For more information, see T Tests Task: One-Sample t Test, T Tests Task: Paired t Test, and T Tests Task: Two-Sample t Test.

Enhanced Tasks

  • In the High-Performance Generalized Linear Model task, you can now specify an offset variable to use as an offset to the linear predictor. The new Dispersion parameter option enables you to specify a fixed dispersion parameter for distributions that have a dispersion parameter. For more information, see Generalized Linear Models.
  • The One-Way ANOVA task now includes these comparison methods: Dunnett two-tail, Dunnett lower one-tail, and Dunnett upper one-tail. For more information, see One-Way ANOVA Task.

Updates to the Custom Task Model

If you create custom tasks for your site, here are the changes to the Common Task Model (CTM) 3.3.
  • The new dualselector input type creates a control that displays a list of default values for the option. However, the user can change the list of values by selecting from a list of values that appear in a separate window. The dualselector input type can use the OptionChoice element in the user interface.
  • The new outputdata input type creates a text box where the user can specify the name of the output data set that is created by the task.
  • The required attribute is now available for the combobox, distinct, color, and numstepper input types. Now for these input types, you can specify whether an option is required to run the task.
  • For the combobox and distinct input types, the new selectMessage attribute specifies the message to display when a value is required for the combobox control, and no default value has been set. The default message is Select a value.
  • For the multientry input type, the new reorderable attribute specifies whether the user can reorder the values in a list.
For more information, see SAS Studio: Developer's Guide.

New Variable Name and Encoding Options

The new SAS variable name policy option enables you to specify the set of rules that you want to use for SAS variable names. The Default text encoding option specifies the character-set encoding that is used when text files are read or written. For more information, see Setting General Preferences.