Role Name
specifies a continuous
numeric column.
specifies a character
or numeric column with values that specify the levels of the groups.
The column that you assign to this role must have two or more distinct
Option Name
Normality Assumption
Tests for
runs tests for normality
that include a series of goodness-of-fit tests based on the empirical
distribution function. The table provides test statistics and p-values
for the Shapiro-Wilk test (provided the sample size is less than or
equal to 2,000), the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Anderson-Darling
test, and the Cramér-von Mises test.
Homogeneity of Variance
specifies the type of
test to perform. Here are the valid values:
specifies that no test
is performed.
computes accurate Type
I error rates when the distribution of the data is normal.
Test (continued)
Brown & Forsythe
is a variation of
Levene's test. Equal variances are determined by using the absolute
deviations from the group medians. Although this is a good test for
determining variance differences, it can be resource intensive if
your data contains several large groups.
computes the squared
residuals to determine equal variance. Levene’s test is considered
to be the standard homogeneity of variance test. This is the default.
specifies O’Brien’s
test, which is a modification of Levene’s test that uses squared
variance-weighted ANOVA
tests the group means by using a weighted variance.
You can use this test if the assumption of equal variances is rejected.
You can select from
these comparison methods:
performs Bonferroni t tests
of differences between means for all means of the main effect.
Duncan multiple range
performs Duncan’s
multiple range test on all means of the main effect.
Dunnett two-tail
performs Dunnett’s
two-tailed t test, testing whether any treatments are
significantly different from a single control for all main-effect
Dunnett lower one-tail
performs Dunnett’s
one-tailed t test, testing whether any treatment is significantly
less than the control.
Dunnett upper one-tail
performs Dunnett’s
one-tailed t test, testing whether any treatment is significantly
greater than the control.
performs Gabriel’s
multiple-comparison procedure on all means of the main effect.
analyzes all the differences
with the least squares means.
performs the Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch
multiple range test on all means of the main effect.
performs Scheffé’s
multiple-comparison procedure on all means of the main effect.
performs pairwise t tests
on differences between means with levels adjusted according to Sidak’s
inequality for all means of the main effect.
performs the Student-Newman-Keuls
multiple range test on all main effect means.
Least significant difference (LSD)
performs pairwise t tests
for all means of the main effect. In the case of equal cell sizes,
this test is equivalent to Fisher’s least significant difference
performs Tukey’s
studentized range test (HSD) on all means of the main effect. When
the group sizes are different, this is the Tukey-Kramer test.
You can also specify
the level of significance for the selected test.
By default, the results
include a box plot, a means plot, and a least squares mean difference
plot. You can also specify to include any diagnostic plots, which
can be displayed in a panel or as individual plots.
You can also specify
the maximum number of points to include in these plots.