The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Syntax: UNIVARIATE Procedure

BY variables ;
CDFPLOT <variables> < / options> ;
CLASS variable-1 <(v-options)> <variable-2 <(v-options)>> </ KEYLEVEL= value1 | ( value1 value2 )> ;
FREQ variable ;
HISTOGRAM <variables> < / options> ;
ID variables ;
INSET keyword-list </ options> ;
OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set> <keyword1=names …keywordk=names> <percentile-options> ;
PPPLOT <variables> < / options> ;
PROBPLOT <variables> < / options> ;
QQPLOT <variables> < / options> ;
VAR variables ;
WEIGHT variable ;

The PROC UNIVARIATE statement invokes the procedure. The VAR statement specifies the numeric variables to be analyzed, and it is required if the OUTPUT statement is used to save summary statistics in an output data set. If you do not use the VAR statement, all numeric variables in the data set are analyzed. The plot statements CDFPLOT, HISTOGRAM, PPPLOT, PROBPLOT, and QQPLOT create graphical displays, and the INSET statement enhances these displays by adding a table of summary statistics directly on the graph. You can specify one or more of each of the plot statements, the INSET statement, and the OUTPUT statement. If you use a VAR statement, the variables listed in a plot statement must be a subset of the variables listed in the VAR statement.

You can use a CLASS statement to specify one or two variables that group the data into classification levels. The analysis is carried out for each combination of levels. You can use the CLASS statement with plot statements to create comparative displays, in which each cell contains a plot for one combination of classification levels.

You can specify a BY statement to obtain separate analyses for each BY group. The FREQ statement specifies a variable whose values provide the frequency for each observation. The WEIGHT statement specifies a variable whose values are used to weight certain statistics. The ID statement specifies one or more variables to identify the extreme observations.