QDEVICE Procedure

VAR Statement

Specifies which variables to include in a report. The order of the variables in the report is determined by the order in which they are specified in the VAR statement.
Default: If you do not specify a VAR statement, all of the variables for the report are included, in a default order, in the report.
Tip: If you specify the VAR statement, you must specify at least one variable. Otherwise, the statement is ignored.


VAR variable1<...variable-n>;

Variables Valid for All Reports

displays the default description of the device or printer.
displays the physical location of the GDEVICE0-DEVICE9 or SASHELP library containing the DEVICES catalog where the device entry was found. For universal printers, this variable displays the SAS registry (SASHELP or SASUSER) where the printer was found.
displays the name of the device or printer.
displays the type of device or printer:
  • Graph Device
  • Shortcut Device
  • System Printer
  • System Display
  • System Metafile
  • Universal Previewer
  • Universal Printer

DEVOPTION Report Variables

For more information, see Creating a DEVOPTION Report.
displays the bit position in the DEVOPTS string for the corresponding device option.
See:DEVOPTS in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the bit pattern of the corresponding device option.
See:DEVOPTS in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the default description of the device or printer.
displays the physical location of the GDEVICE0-DEVICE9 or SASHELP library containing the DEVICES catalog where the device entry was found. For universal printers, this variable displays the SAS registry (SASHELP or SASUSER) where the printer was found.
displays the name of the device or printer.
displays the type of device or printer:
  • Graph Device
  • Shortcut Device
  • System Printer
  • System Display
  • System Metafile
  • Universal Previewer
  • Universal Printer
displays the descriptions of the hardware options in effect for the device.
displays the names of the hardware options in effect for the device.
displays the prototype (model) that was used to define the universal printer.
Note:The PROTOTYPE variable has a value for the DEVOPTION report only for shortcut devices or printer interface devices such as WINPRTC, WINPRTG, WINPRTM, SASPRTC, SASPRTG, or SASPRTM. These devices are interfaces to universal printers only when Universal Printing is in effect.
See:Universal Printing in SAS Language Reference: Concepts and Define a New Printer in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
displays the device options.
Interaction:The value of the SUPPORT variable is affected by the SUPPORT= option in the PROC QDEVICE statement. If SUPPORT=YES, the report shows the supported device options. If SUPPORT=NO, the report shows device options that are not supported. If SUPPORT=ALL, the report shows all supported and non-supported device options.

FONT Report Variables

For more information, see Creating a FONT Report.
displays the default description of the device or printer.
displays the name of the default font.
See:Default Fonts in SAS/GRAPH: Reference

Variable Labels in a FONT Report

displays the font style, such as Roman or Italic, for each font and font weight, in an output data set.
Restriction:When the report output is directed to the SAS log, the FONT report display only font family names, such as Courier, Helvetica, Times, and so on. The specific font style is not reported.
Note:If the font name is acquired from a CHARREC list in a device entry, the style is not available. See CHARREC in SAS/GRAPH: Reference for more information.
displays the type of font, such as Printer Resident, System, or Software.
Note:The values for the FTYPE variable in the output data set are Printer Resident, System, or Software. The value Software appears only in a FONT report for a SAS/GRAPH device that has hardware font support disabled.
displays the font weight, such as Normal or Bold, for each font and font style, in an output data set.
Restriction:When the report output is directed to the SAS log, the FONT report display only font family names, such as Courier, Helvetica, Times, and so on. The specific font weight is not reported.
Note:If the font name is acquired from a CHARREC list in a device entry, the weight is not available.See CHARREC in SAS/GRAPH: Reference for more information.
displays the physical location of the GDEVICE0-DEVICE9 or SASHELP library containing the DEVICES catalog where the device entry was found. For universal printers, this variable displays the SAS registry (SASHELP or SASUSER) where the printer was found.
displays the name of the device or printer.
displays the type of device or printer:
  • Graph Device
  • Shortcut Device
  • System Printer
  • System Display
  • System Metafile
  • Universal Previewer
  • Universal Printer
displays the prototype (model) that was used to define the universal printer.
See:Universal Printing in SAS Language Reference: Concepts and Define a New Printer in SAS Language Reference: Concepts

GENERAL Report Variables

For more information, see Creating a GENERAL Report.
displays the minimum size of the bottom margin.
displays the current size of bottom margin.
displays the type of color support (color space) such as RGB, RGBA, CMYK, HLS, and so on.
See:Color-Naming Schemes in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the number of horizontal columns in the output.
See:Cells in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
indicates the compression method used, if compression is supported by device or printer. If compression is not supported, the value is NONE.
displays the default description of the device or printer.
displays the default destination of the device or universal printer if the device or printer does not send output directly to a printer or a display device. If the device sends output directly to a printer or a display device, the value of DEST is blank.
A destination can have a blank value when output is going to a monitor, or on Windows, the output is going to a printer.
indicates whether font embedding is supported.
ALWAYS Font embedding is always in effect for the device or printer.
OPTION The FONTEMBEDDING system option controls whether font embedding is supported.
NEVER Font embedding is not supported.
displays the height, in the respective units, of the default font.
Note:If the font name is acquired from a CHARREC list in a device entry, the height is not available. See CHARREC in SAS/GRAPH: Reference for more information.
displays the name of the default font.
See:Default Fonts in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the output format type. For example, EMF, PostScript, GIF, Host Display, and so on.
See:Commonly Used Devices in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the style of the default font. For example, Roman, Regular, and so on.
Interaction:The results of specifying the FSTYLE variable in a GENERAL report where the output is directed to the SAS log differs from the results that you get when you specify the FSTYLE variable for a FONTS report. In a GENERAL report, the font style is reported to the SAS log. In a FONT report, the SAS log report displays only the font family names. The specific font style is not reported.
Note:If the font name is acquired from a CHARREC list in a device entry, the style is not available. See CHARREC in SAS/GRAPH: Reference for more information.
displays the weight of the default font. For example, Normal, Medium, and so on.
Note:If the font name is acquired from a CHARREC list in a device entry, the weight is not available. See CHARREC in SAS/GRAPH: Reference for more information.
displays the default vertical height of output (in UNITS) sent to the device or printer.
displays the horizontal resolution (pixels per UNIT) of output sent to the device or printer. Horizontal resolution is calculated by the formula HRES=XPIXELS/WIDTH.
Interaction:If either the HRES or VRES variables are specified in the VAR statement, the horizontal and vertical resolutions are displayed together in the SAS log using the label XxY Resolution. In an output data set, HRES and VRES are reported separately.
displays the type of input/output used by the device or printer. For example, DISK, PRINTER, PIPE, GTERM, and so on.
See:FILENAME Statement in SAS Statements: Reference and DEVTYPE in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the size of the left margin of output.
displays the minimum left margin.
displays the physical location of the GDEVICE0-DEVICE9 or SASHELP library containing the DEVICES catalog where the device entry was found. For universal printers, this variable displays the SAS registry (SASHELP or SASUSER) where the printer was found.
displays the maximum number of colors that are supported by the device or printer.
displays the name of the device or printer.
displays the type of device or printer:
  • Graph Device
  • Shortcut Device
  • System Printer
  • System Display
  • System Metafile
  • Universal Previewer
  • Universal Printer
displays the prototype (model) that was used to define the universal printer.
See:Universal Printing in SAS Language Reference: Concepts and Define a New Printer in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
displays the size of the right margin.
displays the minimum size of the right margin.
displays the number of vertical rows in the output.
See:Cells in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the minimum top margin of output.
displays the size of the top margin.
displays the units (IN for inches or CM for centimeters) in which sizes are displayed. In the SAS log, the value of UNITS appears respectively, as inches or centimeters. In an output data set, the value of UNITS appears as IN or CM.
Interactions:If the VAR statement does not specify any variables for size, margins, or resolution, the SAS log shows the units that are used to measure size, margins or resolution. Here is an example:
 Name: EMF
Units: inches
If the VAR statement specifies any variables for size, margins, or resolution, the SAS log shows the units with the value. Here is an example:
XxY Resolution: 96x96 pixels per inch

displays the visual color type. For example, Indexed Color, Direct Color, True Color, Monochrome, or Gray Scale.
displays the vertical resolution (pixels per UNIT) of output sent to the device or printer. Vertical resolution is calculated by the formula VRES=YPIXELS/HEIGHT.
Interaction:If either the HRES or VRES variables are specified in the VAR statement, the horizontal and vertical resolutions are displayed together in the SAS log using the label XxY Resolution. In an output data set, HRES and VRES are reported separately.
displays the width of output (in UNITS) sent to device or printer.
displays the width of the output in pixels.
displays the height of the output in pixels.

LINESTYLE Report Variables

For more information, see Creating a LINESTYLE Report.
displays the default description of the device or printer.
displays the line styles supported by the device or printer.
Interaction:In a SAS log LINESTYLE report, the LINE and SUPPORT variables are reported together. If either the LINE variable or the SUPPORT variable is specified in the VAR statement, the line styles are reported using the Supported Line Styles or Unsupported Line Styles variable labels.
See:Line Types in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the physical location of the GDEVICE0-DEVICE9 or SASHELP library containing the DEVICES catalog where the device entry was found. For universal printers, this variable displays the SAS registry (SASHELP or SASUSER) where the printer was found.
displays the name of the device or printer.
displays the type of device or printer:
  • Graph Device
  • Shortcut Device
  • System Printer
  • System Display
  • System Metafile
  • Universal Previewer
  • Universal Printer
displays the prototype (model) that was used to define the universal printer.
Note:The PROTOTYPE variable has a value for the LINESTYLE report only for shortcut devices or printer interface devices such as WINPRTC, WINPRTG, WINPRTM, SASPRTC, SASPRTG, or SASPRTM. These devices are interfaces to universal printers only when Universal Printing is in effect.
See:Universal Printing in SAS Language Reference: Concepts and Define a New Printer in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
displays the device or printer lines styles.
Interaction:The value of the SUPPORT variable is affected by the SUPPORT= option in the PROC QDEVICE statement. If SUPPORT=YES, the report shows the supported line styles. If SUPPORT=NO, the report shows line styles that are not supported. If SUPPORT=ALL, the report shows all supported and non-supported line styles.

RECTANGLE Report Variables

For more information, see Creating a RECTANGLE Report.
displays the default description of the device or printer.
displays the hardware fill types that are supported by the device.
Interaction:In a SAS log RECTANGLE report, the FILL and SUPPORT variables are reported together. If either the FILL variable or the SUPPORT variable is specified in the VAR statement, the fill names are reported using either the label Supported Hardware Fills or the label Unsupported Hardware Fills.
See:PATTERN Statement in SAS/GRAPH: Reference
displays the physical location of the GDEVICE0-DEVICE9 or SASHELP library containing the DEVICES catalog where the device entry was found. For universal printers, this variable displays the SAS registry (SASHELP or SASUSER) where the printer was found.
displays the name of the device or printer.
displays the type of device or printer:
  • Graph Device
  • Shortcut Device
  • System Printer
  • System Display
  • System Metafile
  • Universal Previewer
  • Universal Printer
displays the prototype (model) that was used to define the universal printer.
Note:The PROTOTYPE variable has a value for the RECTANGLE report only for shortcut devices or printer interface devices such as WINPRTC, WINPRTG, WINPRTM, SASPRTC, SASPRTG, or SASPRTM. These devices are interfaces to universal printers only when Universal Printing is in effect.
See:Universal Printing in SAS Language Reference: Concepts and Define a New Printer in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
displays the hardware fills.
Interaction:The value of the SUPPORT variable is affected by the SUPPORT= option in the PROC QDEVICE statement. If SUPPORT=YES, the report shows the supported hardware fills. If SUPPORT=NO, the report shows hardware fills that are not supported. If SUPPORT=ALL, the report shows all supported and non-supported hardware fills.

SYMBOL Report Variables

For more information, see Creating a SYMBOL Report.
displays the default description of the device or printer.
displays the physical location of the GDEVICE0-DEVICE9 or SASHELP library containing the DEVICES catalog where the device entry was found. For universal printers, this variable displays the SAS registry (SASHELP or SASUSER) where the printer was found.
displays the name of the device or printer.
displays the type of device or printer:
  • Graph Device
  • Shortcut Device
  • System Printer
  • System Display
  • System Metafile
  • Universal Previewer
  • Universal Printer
displays the prototype (model) that was used to define the universal printer.
Note:The PROTOTYPE variable has a value for the SYMBOL report only for shortcut devices or printer interface devices such as WINPRTC, WINPRTG, WINPRTM, SASPRTC, SASPRTG, or SASPRTM. These devices are interfaces to universal printers only when Universal Printing is in effect.
See:Universal Printing in SAS Language Reference: Concepts and Define a New Printer in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
displays the device or printer symbols.
Interaction:The value of the SUPPORT variable is affected by the SUPPORT= option in the PROC QDEVICE statement. If SUPPORT=YES, the report shows the supported symbols. If SUPPORT=NO, the report shows symbols that are not supported. If SUPPORT=ALL, the report shows all supported and non-supported symbols.
specifies the name of hardware symbols.
Interaction:In a SAS log SYMBOL report, if either the SYMBOL or SUPPORT variable is specified in the VAR statement, symbol names are reported using the Supported Hardware Symbols label or Unsupported Hardware Symbols label.
See:SYMBOL in SAS/GRAPH: Reference and SYMBOLS in SAS/GRAPH: Reference