A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


CACHE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.sas.storage.olap.AxisInterface
Represents the beginning index of the tuples in the cache
CacheModel - Class in com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector
CacheModel defines the model that communicates between the service model and the user interface.
CacheModel(TreeNode, boolean, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.CacheModel
Constructs a cache model initialized with the supplied path.
cacheOfMeasureFormatsForExport - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.html.OLAPTableView
CALCITEM_TYPE_BITSTRING - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
A Column or other scalar expression.
CALCITEM_TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
A true or false value.
CALCITEM_TYPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
A character based column or character expression.
CALCITEM_TYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
A date value
CALCITEM_TYPE_INTERVAL_DT - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
An interval value--- Date and time only
CALCITEM_TYPE_INTERVAL_YM - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
An interval value--- YEAR and MONTH only
CALCITEM_TYPE_NOT_SET - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
Unset or Invalid expression
CALCITEM_TYPE_NUMERIC - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
A Numeric column or numeric expression.
CALCITEM_TYPE_OLAP_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
An OLAP Category
CALCITEM_TYPE_OLAP_MEASURE - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
An OLAP Measure
CALCITEM_TYPE_TIME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
A time value
CALCITEM_TYPE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
A timestamp value
CALCULATE_NEW_MEASURE_SELECTOR_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the simple calculated item selector action for an OLAP table view.
calculateCellOrdinal(ResultSetMetadataInterface, int[]) - Static method in class com.sas.storage.olap.OLAPUtil
Calculates a cell ordinal based on a set of tuple coordinates.
calculateColumnIndex(Point) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicTableViewUI
calculateCurrentMaxRowCount(int) - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCRowCountAdapter
Calculates the currentMaxRowCount by attempting to advance the result set cursor ahead of the requestedRow or currentMaxRowCount, whichever is greater.
CALCULATED_ITEM_SELECTOR_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.RelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
calculateDistance(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Returns the distance (in map coordinates) between two points (in screen coordinates)
CalculatedItemInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems
Represents a calculated item and serves as the interface between a data model and the calculated item selectors.
calculatedItemList - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorCommand
The list of calculated item objects processed by this command.
CalculatedItemListInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems
Description: Interface to a list of calculated items Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Company: SAS
CalculatedItemListV2Interface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems
CalculatedItemMetadataInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems
Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Company: SAS
CalculatedItemV2Interface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems
CalculatedObjectFactoryInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems
Description: Interface defining calls to the CalculatedObjectFactory Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Company: SAS
CalculatedObjectFactoryInterface.ImageIconFactoryInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems
calculateMinMaxCoordinates(TupleInterface[]) - Static method in class com.sas.storage.olap.OLAPUtil
Calculate the minimum and maximum coordinate of each element in the list of given tuples.
calculatePreferredHeightForRow(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPRowHeader
Calculates the preferred height for the given row based on it's label and data.
calculatePreferredHeightForRow(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.RowHeader
Calculates the preferred height for the given row based on it's label and data.
calculatePreferredWidthForColumn(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.ColumnHeader
Calculates the preferred width for the given column based on it's label and data.
calculatePreferredWidthForColumns(int[]) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPColumnHeader
Calculates the preferred widths for the given columns based on it's label and data.
calculatePreferredWidthForColumns(int[]) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.ColumnHeader
Calculates the preferred width for the given column based on it's label and data.
calculateRowCount() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCAdapter
Counts the number of rows when the underlying result set is not scrollable (TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY) and resultSetRequeryUsed is true.
calculateRowIndex(Point) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicTableViewUI
calculateSpan(TupleInterface[]) - Static method in class com.sas.storage.olap.OLAPUtil
Calculate the Span and span depth value for an element in a array of tuples.
calculateTextDisplay() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.LabelView
Calculates the location and size of the text to display.
calculateTextDisplay() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.StyledLabelView
Parse the textElements and determine their locations and sizes based on the font and text.
calculateTupleCoordinates(ResultSetMetadataInterface, int) - Static method in class com.sas.storage.olap.OLAPUtil
Calculates tuple coordinates based on a cell ordinal.
calculateViewOffset(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.HoldColumnSupport
calculateWindowHeight() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ComboBox
Calculates the height of the window in which to display the dropdown items
CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.TransformationIdKeys
CALENDAR_CLOCK_ICON - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarPanel
CALENDAR_FORECOLOR - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarDayButton
CALENDAR_SELECTOR - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.TransformationIdKeys
CalendarDayButton - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
The CalendarDayButton class extends the JButton to provide a specialized representation of a day of the month.
CalendarDayButton() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarDayButton
Default constructor.
CalendarDayButton(GregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarDayButton
Constructor that takes a specified date as the initial selected date.
CalendarDialog - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
The CalendarDialog class provides a standard modal JDialog containing a CalendarPanel.
CalendarDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarDialog
CalendarDialog constructor
CalendarDialog(Frame, String, CalendarPanel) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarDialog
CalendarDialog constructor
calendarPanel - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarDialog
CalendarPanel - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
The CalendarPanel class provides a swing-based JPanel that allows the user to view days of the month and select a single day.
CalendarPanel() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarPanel
CalendarPanel(TimeZone) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarPanel
Constructor taking a TimeZone to use for dates.
CalendarPanel(GregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarPanel
callCustomizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SwingCustomizerDialog
Upon closing the window, if the customizer implements CustomizerClosingInterface, call its CustomizerClosingInterface.customizerClosing() method.
callCustomizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.CustomizerDialog
Upon closing the window, if the customizer implements CustomizerClosingInterface, call its CustomizerClosingInterface.customizerClosing() method.
calledFromExecuteQuery - Variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
calledFromFireAll - Variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
calledFromInit - Variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
canAdd(String) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.AddPermissionsInterface
Indicates whether it is ok to add content to a folder.
canBusinessModelObjectHaveChildren(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedObjectFactory
canBusinessModelObjectHaveChildren(Object) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedObjectFactoryInterface
canBusinessModelObjectHaveValues(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedObjectFactory
canBusinessModelObjectHaveValues(Object) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedObjectFactoryInterface
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.commands.MapPropertyCommand
Cancel is called when the user clicks on the cancel button on the selector or another selector becomes active.
cancel() - Method in interface com.sas.commands.CancelInterface
Cancels the command.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand
The cancel method resets the model to its original state and hides or destroys the selector visual.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommandFacade
The cancel method resets the model to its original state and hides or destroys the selector visual.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommandFacade
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.BaseSelectorCommand
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.BaseSelectorCommand
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.DataItemSelectorCommand
Cancel is called when the user clicks on the cancel button on the selector or another selector becomes active.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FilterAndRankSelectorCommand
The cancel method resets the model to its original state and hides or destroys the selector visual.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FindSelectorCommand
Cancel is called when the user clicks on the cancel button on the selector or another selector becomes active.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FormatSelectorCommand
The cancel method resets the model to its original state and hides or destroys the selector visual.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.MemberPropertiesCommand
Cancel is called when the user clicks on the cancel button on the selector or another selector becomes active.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.OLAPTimeBasedFilterCommand
Cancel is called when the user clicks on the cancel button on the selector or another selector becomes active.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.PercentCalculationsCommand
Cancel is called when the user clicks on the cancel button on the selector or another selector becomes active.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorCommand
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SortCommand
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SortSelectorCommand
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.TotalsCommand
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterableListModel
Cancels any changes to the filter model.
cancel() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AdvancedFilterModelInterface
Returns the filter model to its initial state.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessQueryToFilterableListModelAdapter
Voids any changes made by the filter model to the native model and frees any resources (as appropriate).
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter
Reverts the filter logic tree to the original state of the native filter model.
cancel() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterableListModelInterface
Returns the filter model to its initial state.
cancel(Object) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterLogicTreeInterface
Returns the filter model to the state specified by the given filter object.
cancel(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.SimpleFilterLogicTreeAdapter
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetStatement
Cancels a query or execute statement.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculations.percent.html.PercentCalculationsSelectorPanel
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.crossing.html.MapCrossingSelectorPanel
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingChartSelectorPanel
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.export.html.ExportSelectorPanel
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.memberproperties.html.MemberPropertiesSelectorPanel
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.sort.html.SortSelectorPanel
cancel() - Method in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar.EditNavigationInterface
Cancel any changes.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseTableView
Cancel any editing changes.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
Cancels any changes to the current row.
CANCEL - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.calculateditems.AdvancedCalculatedItemEditorInterface
cancel() - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor.EntityAttributeValueModelInterface
Cancels all property value changes.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.NodeViewTextEditor
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
This method should be overidden by subclasses to provide the desired functionality when the Cancel button is activated in the ButtonNavigationPanel.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
This method should be overidden by subclasses to provide the desired functionality when the Cancel button is activated in the ButtonNavigationPanel.
cancel() - Method in interface com.sas.table.TableNavigationV2Interface
Cancels any changes to the current row of the table.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.NodeViewTextEditor
CANCEL - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.OkCancelHelpDialog
The actionCommand for the Cancel button.
cancel() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.OkCancelHelpDialog
CANCEL_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.BaseNavigationBarSupport
The actionType key used to define the cancel action.
CANCEL_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.HttpRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the cancel action when editing is enabled.
CANCEL_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand
pendingAction value when the CANCEL_ACTION is executed.
CANCEL_BUTTON - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.CommonButtons
Identifier for a "Cancel" button.
CANCEL_COMMAND - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.ButtonNavigationPanel
The action command associated with the default "Cancel" button.
CANCEL_COMMAND - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.ButtonNavigationPanel
The action command associated with the default "Cancel" button.
CANCEL_MODE - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.BaseSelectorCommand
Cancel mode indicates the user has canceled his/her changes.
CANCEL_MODE - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.DataItemSelectorCommand
The mode key for cancelling all selector actions
CANCEL_MODE - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BaseDataItemSelectorModel
The mode key for cancelling all selector actions
CANCEL_ROW_INSERT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.SwingRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
cancelAction - Variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.BaseNavigationBarSupport
The cancel action.
CancelAction - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard
CancelAction handles a Wizard's cancel events.
CancelAction(Wizard) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.CancelAction
cancelAction - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
CancelAction - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2
CancelAction handles a Wizard's cancel events.
CancelAction(Wizard) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.CancelAction
cancelAction - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
cancelAction() - Method in class com.sas.util.login.LoginBeanSwingUtil
Implementation of LoginBeanActionInterface This method is included here to support the testing feature of the main program, and to serve as an example of how to implement this interface.
cancelButton - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DirectoryDialog
cancelButton - Variable in class com.sas.util.login.LoginBeanSwingUtil
The Cancel button.
cancelButton - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.CloseCancelCustomizerDialog
cancelButton - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.DirectoryDialog
CancelCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.relational
This class implements the cancel command.
CancelCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CancelCommand
Default constructor
CancelCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CancelCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
CancelCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CancelCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type
CancelInterface - Interface in com.sas.commands
The CancelInterface is implemented by commands that need to give their users a means to reset the command and/or release the objects that it holds.
cancelled - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.BaseRemoteFileSelectorPanel
Tracks the status of the dialog window.
cancelLoadFileInfo() - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileModelInterface
cancelLoadFileInfo() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileServerModel
cancelQuery() - Method in class com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx.OLAPDataSet
CancelRowInsertCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.relational
This class implements the hold Row command.
CancelRowInsertCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CancelRowInsertCommand
Default constructor
CancelRowInsertCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CancelRowInsertCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
CancelRowInsertCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CancelRowInsertCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type
CancelRowInsertStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
CancelRowInsertStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CancelRowInsertStrategy
Default constructor.
CancelRowInsertStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CancelRowInsertStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
CancelRowStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
CancelRowStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CancelRowStrategy
Default constructor.
CancelRowStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CancelRowStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
cancelRowUpdates() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetResultSet
JDBC 2.0 Cancels row updates.
cancelRowUpdates() - Method in class com.sas.storage.flattened.sasmdx.FlattenResultSet
Cancels the updates made to the current row in this ResultSet object.
CANCELSUPPORTED - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
cancelUncommittedRow() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCToTableModelAdapter
cancelUncommittedRow() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.SortableTableModelAdapter
If an uncommited row is present, this will cancel the row insertion and remove the uncommitted row from the model.
cancelUncommittedRow() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TableModelAdapter
cancelUncommittedRow(TableModel) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TableModelInsertRowSupport
Removes the "fake" row from the model, effectively performing a cancel.
cancelUncommittedRow() - Method in interface com.sas.table.InsertRowInterface
Removes the "fake" row from the model, effectively performing a cancel.
canCopy(TableView) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.TableViewClipboardAdapter
Returns true if the given TableView is in a state where the selected cells, rows, and/or columns are all allowed to be copied to the clipboard, false otherwise.
canCut(TableView) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.TableViewClipboardAdapter
Returns true if the given TableView is in a state where the selected cells, rows, and/or columns are all allowed to be cut, false otherwise.
canDelete(RemoteFileMetadataInterface) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.DeletePermissionsInterface
canGroup(TreeNode, TreeNode) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
canGroup(TreeNode, TreeNode) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterLogicTreeInterface
canGroupLeaves(int, int) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterLogicInterface
Returns TRUE if the leaves (or the groups they're members of) at the given indices can be grouped together.
canGroupLeaves(int, int) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterLogicTreeInterface
Returns TRUE if the leaves (or the groups they're members of) at the given indices can be grouped together.
canGroupLeaves(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.SimpleFilterLogicTree
Returns TRUE if the leaves (or the groups they're members of) at the given indices can be grouped together.
canGroupLeaves(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.SimpleFilterLogicTreeAdapter
canMove(int[], int) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.DualSelectorUpDownInterface
Determines whether a particular move is allowed.
canMove(int[], int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.JListDualSelectorAdapter
Determines whether a particular move is allowed.
canMove(int[], int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.JTreeDualSelectorAdapter
Determines whether a particular move is allowed.
canMoveDown(TreeNode) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
canMoveDown(TreeNode, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
canMoveDown(TreeNode) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterLogicTreeInterface
canMoveUp(TreeNode) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
canMoveUp(TreeNode, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
canMoveUp(TreeNode) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterLogicTreeInterface
canPaste(TableView) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.TableViewClipboardAdapter
Returns true if the given TableView is in a state where the selected cells, rows, and/or columns are all allowed to be pasted into with the current contents of the clipboard, false otherwise.
canRemoveAllCalculatedItems() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemListAdapter
canRemoveAllCalculatedItems() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedObjectFactory
canRemoveAllCalculatedItems() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BusinessQueryCalculatedObjectFactory
canRemoveAllCalculatedItems() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemListInterface
returns true if the list can be empty upon commit and false if at least one item must exist
canRemoveAllCalculatedItems() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedObjectFactoryInterface
canRename(RemoteFileMetadataInterface) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.RenamePermissionsInterface
canResize(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicColumnHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler
canResize(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicRowHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler
canResizeColumnHeader(Point) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicOriginComponentUI.MouseInputHandler
canResizeRowHeader(Point) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicOriginComponentUI.MouseInputHandler
canSelect() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CalendarDayButton
Deprecated. This property is no longer needed or available.
canSplit(TreeNode) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
canSplit(TreeNode) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterLogicTreeInterface
CANT_ACCEPT - Static variable in class com.sas.util.ContentServer
Can't accept server connection.
CANT_ACCEPT - Static variable in class com.sas.util.ContentServer2
Can't accept server connection.
CANT_GET_OUTPUT_STREAM - Static variable in class com.sas.util.ContentServer
Can't get output stream.
CANT_GET_OUTPUT_STREAM - Static variable in class com.sas.util.ContentServer2
Can't get output stream.
CANT_GET_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.sas.util.ContentServer
Can't get the full HTTP request from the client.
CANT_GET_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.sas.util.ContentServer2
Can't get the full HTTP request from the client.
CANT_OPEN_SERVERSOCKET - Static variable in class com.sas.util.ContentServer
Can't open server socket.
CANT_OPEN_SERVERSOCKET - Static variable in class com.sas.util.ContentServer2
Can't open server socket.
canTransferAllSourceItems() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
Returns true if the items are allowed to be transfered to the target.
canTransferAllTargetItems() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
Returns true if the target items can be moved.
canTransferSelectedSourceItems() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
Returns true if the selected source items are allowed to be transfered to the target.
canTransferSelectedTargetItems() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
Returns true if the selected target items are allowed to be transfered to the source.
canTransferSourceItems(List) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
Returns true if the items in the list are allowed to be transfered to the target.
canTransferTargetItems(List) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
Returns true if the items in the list are allowed to be transfered to the source.
Canvas - Class in com.sas.awt
Canvas is the base class for heavy-weight webAF visual objects.
Canvas() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Canvas
The default constructor.
CanvasVisualComponent - Class in com.sas.awt
CanvasVisualComponent() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CanvasVisualComponent
canWrite(RemoteFileMetadataInterface) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.WriteObjectPermissionsInterface
This method determines if the folder represented by the specified RemoteFileMetadataInterace node can be modified.
canWrite(String) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.WritePermissionsInterface
This method determines if the folder represented by the specified RemoteFileMetadataInterace node can be modified.
capitalize(String) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.OLAPTimeFilterUtil
Capitalizes the first letter of a string
CAPTIONS_CHECKBOX_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.memberproperties.html.MemberPropertiesSelectorComponentNames
The name of the Dual Tree Selector.
cardContainer - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor.EntityAttributeValuePanel
Panel used for the various containers of the card layout
cardLayout - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor.EntityAttributeValuePanel
Layout manager for the various containers in the panel
cardLayout - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.WizardPageDeck
The layout manager for this WizardPageDeck.
cardLayout - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.WizardPageDeck
The layout manager for this WizardPageDeck.
caretRowBeforeDoubleClick - Variable in class com.sas.awt.TextArea
CARRIAGE_RETURN - Static variable in interface com.sas.storage.jdbc.export.ExportDelimiters
Used to separate lines of data when exporting in CSV or TSV formats.
caseSensitive - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.SortableTableModelAdapter
catalog - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
catalogEntryListBox - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.EISSelectorDialog
ListBox used to display the eis application entries.
catalogList - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
catalogListBox - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
catalogListBox - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.EISSelectorDialog
ListBox used to display catalogs.
CatalogSelectorDialog - Class in com.sas.sasserver
CatalogSelectorDialog(Frame, Connection, Rocf, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
CatalogSelectorDialog(Frame, Component, Connection, Rocf, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
CatalogSelectorDialog(Frame, Component, Connection, boolean, Rocf, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
CATEGORIZATION - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
CATEGORIZATION enables a set of static actions associated with the public CATEGORIZATION_ constants.
CATEGORIZATION_AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Allow the graph to select its preferred categorization strategy given the current state of the graph.
CATEGORIZATION_EQUAL_DISTRIBUTION - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Separate the data into separate categories trying to achieve an equal count of unique values within each bin given the specified number of bins.
CATEGORIZATION_EQUAL_INTERVAL - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Separate the data into separate categories trying to achieve an equal interval spacing in the data given the specified number of bins.
CATEGORIZATION_LABEL_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.graphics.HttpGraphSupport
The actionType key used to define the categorization label actions.
CATEGORIZATION_LABEL_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics.HttpOLAPGraphSupport
The actionType key used to define the categorization label actions.
CATEGORIZATION_LABEL_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.graphics.GraphAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the categorization label area of an graph view.
CATEGORIZATION_LABEL_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics.OLAPGraphAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the categorization label area of an OLAP graph view.
CATEGORIZATION_NATURAL_BREAKS - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Separate the data into separate categories based upon the natural breaks found within the data given the specified number of bins.
CATEGORIZATION_STANDARD_DEVIATION - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Separate the data into separate categories based upon the standard deviation of the data values.
CATEGORIZATION_VALUE_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics.HttpOLAPGraphSupport
The actionType key used to define the categorization value action.
CATEGORIZATION_VALUE_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.graphics.GraphAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the categorization value area of an graph view.
CATEGORIZATION_VALUE_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics.OLAPGraphAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the categorization value area of an OLAP graph view.
category - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemTreeNodeInfo
Used to display the nodes grouped by a category value
categoryLabelZoneList - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
categoryValueZones - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
categoryVariableList - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
cBox - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ColorPanel
ccp - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ColorPanel
CDI_CLEAR_BUTTON_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.RankingSelectorComponents
The name of the Clear button in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
CDI_EDIT_BUTTON_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.RankingSelectorComponents
The name of the Edit button in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
CDI_HINT_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.RankingSelectorComponents
The name of the Hint label in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
CDI_RANKS_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.RankingSelectorComponents
The name of the Ranks label in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
CDI_RANKS_LIST_BOX_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.RankingSelectorComponents
The name of the list box view in the "Choose Data Item" window of the Ranking Selector.
Cell - Class in com.sas.table
Defines an abstract base class for TableView's data and label cells.
Cell(TableView) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.Cell
cell - Variable in class com.sas.table.CellView
Alias for "getCell()".
CELL - Static variable in class com.sas.table.TableView
Cell constant for the selectionElement and transactionElement properties.
CELL_ORDINAL - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseDataCellStrategy
CELL_ORDINAL - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.DefaultDataCellStrategy
CELL_ORDINAL - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.olap.OLAPDynamicValueKeys
CELL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.olap.PerformanceTuning
Constant to indicate the unformatted cell cache type
CELL_VALUE_ASCENDING_SORT_ACROSS_HIERARCHIES_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.HttpOLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the default ascending cell value sort action for an OLAP table view.
CELL_VALUE_ASCENDING_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the default ascending cell value sort action for an OLAP table view.
CELL_VALUE_DESCENDING_SORT_ACROSS_HIERARCHIES_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.HttpOLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the default descending cell value sort action for an OLAP table view.
CELL_VALUE_DESCENDING_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the default descending cell value sort action for an OLAP table view.
CELL_VALUES_BY_COLUMN - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.find.FindSelectorInterface
CELL_VALUES_BY_ROW - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.find.FindSelectorInterface
CellActiveStates - Class in com.sas.table
Defines a set of constants for identifying the different activation states of a TableView cell, and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.
CellActiveStates() - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellActiveStates
CellChangedEvent - Class in com.sas.table
Defines an abstract base class for reporting changes to table cells.
CellChangedEvent(Object) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellChangedEvent
CellContentsCheckBoxEditor - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsCheckBoxEditor is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 that represent the content's of a cell that can be edited via an HTML check box component.
CellContentsCheckBoxEditor() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsCheckBoxEditor
Default constructor
CellContentsCheckBoxEditorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsCheckBoxEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsCheckBoxEditor custom tag .
CellContentsCheckBoxEditorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsCheckBoxEditorTag
CellContentsChoiceBoxEditor - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsChoiceBoxEditor is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 that represent the content's of a cell that can be edited via an HTML choice box component.
CellContentsChoiceBoxEditor() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsChoiceBoxEditor
Default constructor
CellContentsChoiceBoxEditorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsChoiceBoxEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsChoiceBoxEditor custom tag .
CellContentsChoiceBoxEditorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsChoiceBoxEditorTag
CellContentsEditorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsEditor custom tag .
CellContentsEditorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsEditorTag
CellContentsImageRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsImageRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent the contents of a cell as an HTML image.
CellContentsImageRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsImageRenderer
Default constructor
CellContentsImageRendererTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsImageRendererTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsImageRenderer custom tag .
CellContentsImageRendererTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsImageRendererTag
CellContentsLabelRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsLabelRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent the contents of a cell as an HTML label.
CellContentsLabelRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsLabelRenderer
Default constructor
CellContentsLabelRendererTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsLabelRendererTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer custom tag .
CellContentsLabelRendererTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsLabelRendererTag
CellContentsListBoxEditor - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsListBoxEditor is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 that represent the content's of a cell that can be edited via an HTML list box component.
CellContentsListBoxEditor() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsListBoxEditor
Default constructor
CellContentsListBoxEditorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsListBoxEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsListBoxEditor custom tag .
CellContentsListBoxEditorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsListBoxEditorTag
CellContentsNoRowsRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml
The CellContentsNoRowsRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the contents of the TableView when there are no rows in the data model.
CellContentsNoRowsRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml.CellContentsNoRowsRenderer
Default constructor
CellContentsNoRowsRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsNoRowsRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 of a table cell's contents generated when there are no rows in the data model.
CellContentsNoRowsRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsNoRowsRenderer
Default constructor
CellContentsNoRowsRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml
The CellContentsNoRowsRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the contents of the TableView when there are no rows in the data model.
CellContentsNoRowsRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml.CellContentsNoRowsRenderer
Default constructor
CellContentsRadioEditor - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsRadioEditor is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 that represent the content's of a cell that can be edited via an HTML radio box component.
CellContentsRadioEditor() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsRadioEditor
Default constructor
CellContentsRadioEditorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsRadioEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsRadioEditor custom tag .
CellContentsRadioEditorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsRadioEditorTag
CellContentsRendererTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsRendererTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsRenderer custom tag .
CellContentsRendererTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsRendererTag
CellContentsRowSelectionRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsRowSelectionRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent the contents of a cell as an HTML check box.
CellContentsRowSelectionRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsRowSelectionRenderer
Default constructor
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 based on the contents of a SimpleTemplate.
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Default Constructor
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer object with the specified template
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(String, Map) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer with the specified template and object that implements the java.util.Map interface.
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(String, Map, char, char, char) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer with the specified template and object that implements the java.util.Map Interface.
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(String, char, char, char) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer with the specified template.
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(Map) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer with the object that implements the java.util.Map interface.
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer object with the specified template
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer object with the specified template
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(String, Map, char, char, char, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer with the specified template and object that implements the java.util.Map Interface.
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(String, char, char, char, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer with the specified template.
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer(Map, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer
Construct a CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer with the object that implements the java.util.Map Interface.
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRendererTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRendererTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer custom tag .
CellContentsSimpleTemplateRendererTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsSimpleTemplateRendererTag
CellContentsTextAreaEditor - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsTextAreaEditor is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 that represent the content's of a cell that can be edited via an HTML text area component.
CellContentsTextAreaEditor() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsTextAreaEditor
Default constructor
CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsTextAreaEditor custom tag .
CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsTextAreaEditorTag
CellContentsTextEntryEditor - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
The CellContentsTextEntryEditor is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 that represent the content's of a cell that can be edited via an HTML text entry.
CellContentsTextEntryEditor() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.CellContentsTextEntryEditor
Default constructor
CellContentsTextEntryEditorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellContentsTextEntryEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellContentsTextEntryEditor custom tag .
CellContentsTextEntryEditorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellContentsTextEntryEditorTag
cellCount - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.find.OLAPFindSelectorAdapter
The default number of cells to retrieve from the model.
CellEditorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellEditorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellEditor custom tag .
CellEditorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellEditorTag
cellRenderer - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.DualTreeSelector
the cell renderer class for the tree cells
CellRendererTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
CellRendererTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CellRenderer custom tag .
CellRendererTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellRendererTag
cells - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.find.OLAPFindSelectorAdapter
CELLS - Static variable in class com.sas.table.CellVectorChangedEvent
howChanged constant which indicates that a cell vector's cells have changed.
CELLS_TO_SIZE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.sas.table.CellVectorStyle
String used to identify the cellsToSizeCount property in the bag.
CellSelection - Class in com.sas.table
Represents a contiguous range of cells in a TableView.
CellSelection(DataCell) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellSelection
Alias for CellSelection(anchor, anchor).
CellSelection(DataCell, DataCell) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellSelection
Constructs a new selection with the given extent.
CellSelectionModel - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview
CellSelectionModel() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
Constructs a default CellSelectionModel, setting the TableView to null.
CellSelectionModel(TableView) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
Constructs a CellSelectionModel and sets the TableView to the given TableView.
cellsToSizeCount - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.ColumnHeader
cellsToSizeCount - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.RowHeader
CellStyle - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
A CellStyle encapsulates the set of display properties applicable the table-like cells such as what you find in a Row or Column graph matrix axis.
CellStyle() - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.CellStyle
The default backgound color is a white.
CellStyle(Color[], LineStyle) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.CellStyle
CellStyle(Color, LineStyle) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.CellStyle
CellStyle - Class in com.sas.table
A customizable set of cell properties.
CellStyle() - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellStyle
CellValueAscendingSortStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap
CellValueAscendingSortStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CellValueAscendingSortStrategy
Default constructor.
CellValueAscendingSortStrategy(boolean, OLAPActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CellValueAscendingSortStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
CellValueDescendingSortStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap
CellValueDescendingSortStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CellValueDescendingSortStrategy
Default constructor.
CellValueDescendingSortStrategy(boolean, OLAPActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CellValueDescendingSortStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
cellValuesByColumnLabel - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html.FindSelectorPanel
cellValuesByRowLabel - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html.FindSelectorPanel
CellVector - Class in com.sas.table
Defines an abstract base class for TableView's columns and rows.
CellVector(TableView, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellVector
CellVectorChangedEvent - Class in com.sas.table
Defines an abstract base class for reporting changes to table columns and rows.
CellVectorChangedEvent(Object, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellVectorChangedEvent
Constructs an event to signal a change to a range of cell vectors.
CellVectorChangedEvent(Object) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellVectorChangedEvent
Constructs an event to indicate that an entire set of cell vectors has been completely replaced by a new set.
CellVectorSelection - Class in com.sas.table
Defines an abstract base class for representing TableView column and row selections.
CellVectorSelection(CellVector) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellVectorSelection
Alias for CellVectorSelection(anchor, anchor).
CellVectorSelection(CellVector, CellVector) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellVectorSelection
Constructs a new selection with the given extent.
CellVectorStyle - Class in com.sas.table
A customizable set of column and row properties.
CellVectorStyle() - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellVectorStyle
CellView - Class in com.sas.table
Defines an abstract base class for implementations of CellViewInterface.
CellView() - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CellView
CellViewInterface - Interface in com.sas.table
Defines the required interface for TableView cell views.
center() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Dialog
Center the dialog on the screen.
CENTER - Static variable in class com.sas.geometry.HorizontalOrientation
CENTER - Static variable in interface com.sas.geometry.Orientations
CENTER - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BaseBorder
Text CENTER alignment
center(Window) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Center the dialog on the screen.
CENTER - Static variable in interface com.sas.visuals.Alignment
CENTER alignment
CENTER - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.BaseBorder
Text CENTER alignment
CENTER - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.ScrollbarLayout
CENTER - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.TextBorder
Text CENTER alignment
CENTER - Static variable in interface com.sas.visuals.VisualAspects
position constants
CENTER - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.Wallpaper
CENTER_ALL - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseButton
Dynamic button area values - CENTER_ALL
CENTER_BOTTOM - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.Constants
Box-orientation constant used to specify the central position.
CENTER_LEADING - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.Constants
Box-orientation constant used to specify the central position.
CENTER_LEFT - Static variable in class com.sas.geometry.HorizontalOrientation
CENTER_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.sas.geometry.Orientations
CENTER_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.Constants
Box-orientation constant used to specify the central position.
CENTER_LEFT - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.LabelView
CENTER LEFT horizontal alignment.
CENTER_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.sas.geometry.HorizontalOrientation
CENTER_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.sas.geometry.Orientations
CENTER_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.Constants
Box-orientation constant used to specify the central position.
CENTER_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.LabelView
CENTER RIGHT horizontal alignment.
CENTER_TOP - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.Constants
Box-orientation constant used to specify the central position.
CENTER_TRAILING - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.Constants
Box-orientation constant used to specify the central position.
centerImage(Graphics, Image) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.Wallpaper
centerOver(Component) - Method in class com.sas.awt.Dialog
Center the dialog over a component on the screen.
centerOver(Window, Component) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Center the dialog over a component on the screen.
centerOverWindow(Component) - Method in class com.sas.awt.Dialog
Center the dialog over a Window on the screen.
centerOverWindow(Window, Component) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Center the dialog over a Window on the screen.
CHANGE_DATA_ITEM_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.HttpOLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
CHANGE_DATA_ITEM_LABEL_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.HttpOLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
CHANGE_DATA_ITEM_SAME_DIMENSION_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.HttpOLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
CHANGE_QUERY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.DataItemSelectorCommand
Remote scripting action key that indicates the value for the query type changed
CHANGE_QUERY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BaseDataItemSelectorModel
Remote scripting action key that indicates the value for the query type changed
CHANGE_ROLE - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.DataItemSelectorCommand
Remote scripting action key that indicates the selected role changed
CHANGE_ROLE - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BaseDataItemSelectorModel
Remote scripting action key that indicates the selected role changed
CHANGE_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BasicCheckBoxListUI
Used by IncrementLeadSelectionAction.
changeColumnSortState() - Method in class com.sas.table.DataTableSortController.ColumnSort
changeCurrentCell(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Changes the current cell (cell with focus) to the given row-column pair.
ChangeCursorCommand - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.util
A command for changing a component's cursor.
ChangeCursorCommand(Cursor) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.ChangeCursorCommand
CHANGED_CELLS - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseEditEnabledStrategy
CHANGED_CELLS - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.RelationalDynamicValueKeys
ChangeEnabledStateCommand - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.util
A command for changing a component's enabled state.
ChangeEnabledStateCommand(boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.ChangeEnabledStateCommand
changeEvent - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.DefaultTableRowModel
Change event (only one needed)
changeListener - Variable in class com.sas.awt.VisualInterfaceSupportInfo
changeOrientation(Component, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BoxLayout
Change the orientation of a component in this layout.
changeSelection(BitSet, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPColumnHeaderSelectionModel
changeSelection(BitSet, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPRowHeaderSelectionModel
changeSelection(BitSet, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
changeSelection(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
changeSelection(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
Change the selection with the effect of first clearing the values in the inclusive range [clearMin, clearMax] then setting the values in the inclusive range [setMin, setMax].
changeSelection(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Updates the selection models of the table, depending on the state of the two flags: toggle and extend.
changeTempSelection(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
changeTempSelection(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
Change the selection with the effect of first clearing the values in the inclusive range [clearMin, clearMax] then setting the values in the inclusive range [setMin, setMax].
changingCurrentCell - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
CHAPTER - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.OLAPTableRoles
Constant for the name of the chapter role.
CHAPTERS_AXIS - Static variable in interface com.sas.storage.olap.AxisInterface
Represents the Chapters Axis, which is the fifth axis
CHAPTERS_AXIS_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.olap.PerformanceTuning
Constant to indicate Chapter axis type
CHAR - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.HttpConstants
Aligns the text of the cells around a specific character.
CHAR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.entities.AttributeTypeFactory
Constant for creating a char AttributeType
CHAR_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sas.entities.AttributeTypeInterface
Constant for creating char attribute type
CharacterEncodingFilter - Class in com.sas.servlet.filters
Servlet filter which sets the character encoding on every request.
CharacterEncodingFilter() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.filters.CharacterEncodingFilter
CHARSET_FOR_HTML_EXPORT_TO_EXCEL - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.commands.jdbc.export.Util
Unicode charset to use to encode the data when exporting to Microsoft Excel in HTML format.
CHARSET_FOR_NON_HTML_EXPORT_TO_EXCEL - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.commands.jdbc.export.Util
Unicode charset to use to encode the data when exporting to Microsoft Excel in non HTML format.
ChartImageMapInfo - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
ChartImageMapInfo(ChartImageMapInfo) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
ChartImageMapInfo(VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
ChartImageMapInfo(VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, VariableList, ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], ChartValueZone[], LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList, LabelZoneList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
ChartValueZone - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
A BarChartValueZone is used in conjunction with the BarChartImageMapInfo class to record imagemap information to identify graphic element locations with their associated data.
ChartValueZone(Shape, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartValueZone
ChartValueZone(Shape, TupleElementInterface, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartValueZone
ChartValueZone(Shape, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartValueZone
ChartValueZone(Shape, TupleElementInterface, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartValueZone
ChartValueZone(Shape, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartValueZone
ChartValueZone(Shape, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, ValueList, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartValueZone
CHECK - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.GraphicalCheckBox
CHECK image value id
CHECK_BOX_LIST_PROPERTY_EDITOR_LISTBOX - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html.CheckBoxListPropertyEditorKeysInterface
Component key for the CheckBoxList field
CHECK_BOX_LIST_PROPERTY_EDITOR_VALUE_LABEL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html.CheckBoxListPropertyEditorKeysInterface
Component key for the value label of the CheckBoxListPropertyEditor
CHECK_INVALID - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.GraphicalCheckBox
CHECK_X image value id
CheckBox - Class in com.sas.awt
CheckBox is a component that maintains a boolean state and displays a specified text label.
CheckBox() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBox
Default constructor
CheckBox(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBox
Create a CheckBox with the specified text
CheckBox(ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBox
Create a CheckBox with the specified text obtained from a resource bundle
CheckBox(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBox
Create a CheckBox with the specified text and boolean state
CheckBox(String, boolean, CheckboxGroup) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBox
Create a CheckBox with the specified text, boolean state, and Checkbox group
CheckBox - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html
The CheckBox is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 for a checkbox.
CheckBox() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBox
Constructs a new CheckBox Transformation Bean
CheckBox(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBox
Constructs a new CheckBox Transformation Bean with a specified name.
CheckBox(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBox
Constructs a new CheckBox Transformation Bean with a specified name and initial text.
CheckBox(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBox
Constructs a new CheckBox Transformation Bean with a specified name, initial text and initial state.
CheckBox(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBox
Constructs a new CheckBox Transformation Bean with a specified name, initial text, initial state and initial value.
CheckBox(String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBox
Constructs a new CheckBox Transformation Bean with a specified name, initial text, initial state, initial value and whether to submit the unchecked value.
CHECKBOX - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.TransformationIdKeys
To be used with the checkbox renderers.
checkBox - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxListCellRenderer
checkBox to appear in the cell
checkBox - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
CHECKBOX_BOX - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBoxStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style of checkbox.
CHECKBOX_LABEL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBoxStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style of checkbox label.
CHECKBOX_LABEL_SPACING - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBoxStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control spaing style between the checkbox and the checkbox label.
CHECKBOX_LABEL_STYLEMAP_KEY - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.export.html.ExportSelectorPanel
CHECKBOX_LEAF_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseTreeView
SelectionMode constant for using checkboxes next to every leaf node (nodes without any children) for selection.
CHECKBOX_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseTreeView
SelectionMode constant for using checkboxes next to every node for selection.
CHECKBOX_STYLEMAP_KEY - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.export.html.ExportSelectorPanel
CheckBoxCell - Class in com.sas.table
Provides a cell view with the appearance and behavior of a checkbox.
CheckBoxCell() - Constructor for class com.sas.table.CheckBoxCell
CheckBoxList - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html
The CheckBoxList is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript for creating a component that allows the user to select one or more objects from a list by using checkboxes in place of labels.
CheckBoxList() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBoxList
Construct a new CheckBoxList
CheckBoxList(ListModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBoxList
Construct a new CheckBoxList
CheckBoxList(String, ListModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.CheckBoxList
Construct a new CheckBoxList
CHECKBOXLIST - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.TransformationIdKeys
To be used with the checkbox renderers.
CheckBoxList - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
A component that allows the user to select one or more objects from a list by using checkboxes in place of labels.
CheckBoxList(ListModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxList
Constructs a CheckBoxList that displays the elements in the specified, non-null model.
CheckBoxList(Object[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxList
Constructs a CheckBoxList that displays the elements in the specified array.
CheckBoxList(Vector) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxList
Constructs a CheckBoxList that displays the elements in the specified Vector.
CheckBoxList() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxList
Constructs a CheckBoxList with an empty model.
CheckBoxListCellRenderer - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
Renders an item in a CheckBoxList.
CheckBoxListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxListCellRenderer
create the default components of the cell
CheckBoxListPropertyEditor - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html
CheckBoxListPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html.CheckBoxListPropertyEditor
Construct a new CheckBoxList
CheckBoxListPropertyEditor(ListModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html.CheckBoxListPropertyEditor
Construct a new CheckBoxListPropertyEditor
CheckBoxListPropertyEditor(String, ListModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html.CheckBoxListPropertyEditor
Construct a new CheckBoxListPropertyEditor
CHECKBOXLISTPROPERTYEDITOR_LIST_STYLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html.CheckBoxListPropertyEditorStyleKeysInterface
Component key for the checkbox list
CHECKBOXLISTPROPERTYEDITOR_LIST_XP_STYLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html.CheckBoxListPropertyEditorStyleKeysInterface
Component key for the checkbox list(XP)
CHECKBOXLISTPROPERTYEDITOR_VALUE_LABEL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html.CheckBoxListPropertyEditorStyleKeysInterface
Component key for the value label of the CheckBoxListPropertyEditor
CheckBoxListPropertyEditorKeysInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html
CheckBoxListPropertyEditorStyleKeysInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html
CheckBoxListSelectionModel - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
Default data model for CheckBoxList selections.
CheckBoxListSelectionModel() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxListSelectionModel
CheckBoxListTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form
CheckBoxListTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CheckBoxList custom tag .
CheckBoxListTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form.CheckBoxListTag
checkBoxOnLeafNodes - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
checkBoxOnParentNodes - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
checkBoxOnRootNode - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
checkBoxShouldCheckChildren - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
checkBoxShouldCheckParents - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
CheckBoxStyleKeysInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html
Interface that contains the keys for the style map for the CheckBox.
CheckBoxTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form
CheckBoxTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CheckBox custom tag .
CheckBoxTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form.CheckBoxTag
CheckBoxTree - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
The CheckBoxTree is a subclass of JTree that adds the capability of having checkboxes for each node in the tree.
CheckBoxTree() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
Default constructor, trre model will be the default tree model and both parent and leaf nodes will have checkboxes.
CheckBoxTree(TreeModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
Creates a CheckBoxTree and will use the given tree model as the model.
CheckBoxTreeCellRendererWrapper - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
CheckBoxTreeCellRendererWrapper(JTree) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTreeCellRendererWrapper
CheckBoxTreeCellRendererWrapper(TreeCellRenderer) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTreeCellRendererWrapper
CheckBoxVisualComponent - Class in com.sas.awt
CheckBoxVisualComponent() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBoxVisualComponent
CheckBoxVisualComponent(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBoxVisualComponent
CheckBoxVisualComponent(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBoxVisualComponent
CheckBoxVisualComponent(String, boolean, CheckboxGroup) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.CheckBoxVisualComponent
checkChildren(TreePath, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
This method is used to check or uncheck the children nodes for the given node.
checkDownloadRecno(int) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Check final number of records.
checkedTreeModel - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
checkEnabled() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SpinButton
Check if the buttons should be enabled or disabled based on the value and the maximum and the minimum.
checkEnabled() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.SpinButton
Check if the buttons should be enabled or disabled based on the value and the maximum and the minimum.
checkHorizontalKey(int, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.LabelView
Verify that key is a legal value for the verticalAlignment or verticalTextPosition properties.
checkLocal() - Method in class com.sas.awt.WindowInitThread
Check to see if this class was loaded locally.
checkOptions(int) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Check options.
checkParents(TreePath, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
This method is used to check or uncheck the children nodes for the given node.
checkPath(TreePath, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
This method is used to checks or uncheck the node represented by the given path.
checkRenderer - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
checkSetEntityKey() - Method in class com.sas.entities.RemoteEntity
This method is called from setEntityKey before assigning a key.
checkTrackEnabled(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ScrollSlider
Check the height of the thumb to determine if the track should be disabled.
checkValue() - Method in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
checkVerticalKey(int, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.LabelView
Verify that key is a legal value for the verticalAlignment or verticalTextPosition properties.
childCount - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.tree.ProgressiveLevelTreeNode
childList - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.tree.ProgressiveLevelTreeNode
childListIndex - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.tree.ProgressiveLevelTreeNode
childNodeList - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.TreeNodeAdapter
children() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.DataSourceTreeNode
children() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.NodeInfo
children() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode
children - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.tree.NodeDelegate
children() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode
children() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TreeNodeAdapter
children - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.NodeState
Contains the states of any child nodes.
children - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.NodeState
Contains the states of any child nodes.
CHILDREN_KEY - Static variable in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree.RemoteServerNodeInterface
Key for the item which contains a possibly empty list of sublists.
CHILDREN_TREE_OPERATOR - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.olap.Filter
Children tree operator restriction.
childrenRead - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.IndexedMutableTreeNode
Whether or not the node has its children read
Choice - Class in com.sas.awt
Choice is a component that maintains a dropdown list of items for selection.
Choice() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Choice
Default constructor
choice - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
The Choice for user input if getAsText does not return null.
choice - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.UnitsBox
ChoiceBox - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html
The ChoiceBox is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 for creating an HTML SELECT element representing a ChoiceBox.
ChoiceBox() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ChoiceBox
Construct a new ChoiceBox
ChoiceBox(String, ComboBoxModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ChoiceBox
Construct a new ChoiceBox with a specified name and model.
CHOICEBOX - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.TransformationIdKeys
To be used with the choicebox renderers.
ChoiceBoxTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form
ChoiceBoxTag is the tag handler class for the sas:ChoiceBox custom tag .
ChoiceBoxTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form.ChoiceBoxTag
ChoiceVisualComponent - Class in com.sas.awt
ChoiceVisualComponent() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ChoiceVisualComponent
CHOOSE_REPORT_METADATA_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.informationservices.BaseInformationServicesModel
chooseField(Object[], String, String[], int) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIConnection
Selects a field, from those provided, that best matches the provided data.
chooseField(Object[], String, String[], int) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Selects a field, from those provided, that best matches the provided data.
circleImage - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.actions.ViewSelectionAction
Default image used for the popmenu selection
CircularOrientation - Class in com.sas.geometry
CircularOrientation defines a set of constants for identifying a position along a circular path and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.
CircularOrientation() - Constructor for class com.sas.geometry.CircularOrientation
CLASS - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.HTMLConstantsInterface
Key used for style class
CLASS - Static variable in class com.sas.table.CellVectorChangedEvent
howChanged constant which indicates that a cell vector's class has changed.
CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree.RemoteServerNodeInterface
Key for the String item which names the SCL class that should be instantiated should the cached node list not provide enough information.
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCAdapter
One of the valid values for getColumnInfo.
CLASS_PARAMETER - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseDetailDataStrategy
CLASS_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.olap.OLAPDynamicValueKeys
CLASS_PARAMETER - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.MethodInvocationServlet
The name of the class for which the method is to be called.
CLASS_RELATIVE - Static variable in class com.sas.net.ResourceLocatorInterfaceCustomizerPanel
classFactory - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.SASListNode
CLASSID - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.rpf.html.StyleAction
classid - Variable in class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.StyleInfoTag
ClassificationCellStyle - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
A ClassificationCellStyle is a CellStyle that provides properties that enable additional styling to be associated with hierarchical information (such as that found in the row and column matrix axes).
ClassificationCellStyle() - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationCellStyle
The default backgound color is a white.
ClassificationCellStyle(Color[], LineStyle) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationCellStyle
ClassificationCellStyle(Color, LineStyle) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationCellStyle
ClassificationVariable - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
An ClassificationVariable is used by a graph when a sort order can be applied to the associated data values.
ClassificationVariable(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor designating data column by name.
ClassificationVariable(String, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor designating data column by name and defining a sort order.
ClassificationVariable(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor designating data column by name along with the name of the SAS format to be applied.
ClassificationVariable(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor designating data column by name.
ClassificationVariable(String, String, String, String, int, CategorizationModel, SegmentedRangeStyle) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor designating data column by name.
ClassificationVariable(int) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor designating data column by index.
ClassificationVariable(int, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor designating data column by index along with the names of the SAS format and SAS informat and label to be applied.
ClassificationVariable(int, String, String, String, int, CategorizationModel, SegmentedRangeStyle) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor designating data column by index along with the names of the SAS format and SAS informat and label to be applied.
ClassificationVariable(ClassificationVariable) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariable
Constructor for ClassificationVariable.
ClassificationVariableList - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
ClassificationVariableLists are used to form an ordered list of ClassificationVariables.
ClassificationVariableList(String, String, String, String, int, ClassificationVariableList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariableList
Constructor designating data column by name.
ClassificationVariableList(int, String, String, String, int, ClassificationVariableList) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariableList
Constructor designating data column by index.
ClassificationVariableList(String[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariableList
Construct a list of VariableList objects designated by column name in the order provided.
ClassificationVariableList(ClassificationVariable[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ClassificationVariableList
Construct a list of VariableList objects whose properties and order are defined by the Variables in the array.
classify(CategorizationModel, String, String, String[], Double[], Boolean[]) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Classifies the map based on the desired classification type and the number of desired breaks.
classLoaders - Static variable in class com.sas.entities.RemoteEntity
List of classloaders
className - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.tree.NodeDelegate
ClassSelectorPanel - Class in com.sas.visuals
This class displays a TreeView with a ClassPathClasses model and allows the user to select a class.
ClassSelectorPanel() - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.ClassSelectorPanel
Default constructor.
cleanUp() - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand
cleanUp() - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FilterAndRankSelectorCommand
cleanUp() - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FormatSelectorCommand
cleanUp(String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BaseDataItemSelectorModel
cleanUp(String) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelectorInterface
For each added role, removes from the business model all DataItemReference objects created during processing of the selector.
cleanUp(String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelectorModel
cleanUp(String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.TableRoles
cleanup() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.BaseWizardPage
No-op WizardPageInterface method
cleanup() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Calls WizardPageInterface method cleanup on individual wizard pages.
cleanup() - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.WizardPageInterface
Called from Wizard's cleanup method.
cleanup() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.BaseWizardPage
No-op WizardPageInterface method
cleanup() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Calls WizardPageInterface method cleanup on individual wizard pages.
cleanup(Object) - Method in class com.sas.util.TimedCommand
Perform cleanup by executing the cleanup command, passing the argument.
cleanupArg - Variable in class com.sas.util.TimedCommand
The argument to pass to the cleanup command.
cleanupCommand - Variable in class com.sas.util.TimedCommand
A command to execute if the command finishes abnormally
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseExpandCollapse
This method releases all of the necessary resources that were needed by the transformation bean to render itself.
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseTransformation
This method releases all of the necessary resources that were needed by the transformation bean to render itself.
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculations.percent.html.PercentCalculationsSelectorPanel
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.html.OLAPTimeBasedFilterSelectorPanel
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.memberproperties.html.MemberPropertiesSelectorPanel
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.graphics.html.ESRIMapComposite
This method releases all of the necessary resources that were needed by the transformation bean to render itself.
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.ExpandCollapse
This method releases all of the necessary resources that were needed by the transformation bean to render itself.
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olapgraphics.html.OLAPESRIMapComposite
This method releases all of the necessary resources that were needed by the transformation bean to render itself.
cleanUpResources() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseTableView
This method releases all of the necessary resources that were needed by the transformation bean to render itself.
clear() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemListAdapter.InnerListOfCalculatedItems
clear() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterItemSimpleListBase
Removes all of the elements from this collection (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractSimpleLogicListAdapterBase
Removes all of the elements from this collection (optional operation).
clear() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AdvancedFilterModelInterface
Clear the filter selection model and commit the changes.
clear(boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AdvancedFilterModelInterface
Clear the filter selection model and optionally commit the changes.
clear() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter
Clears the current filter logic but does not modify the native filter model.
clear(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter
Clears the current filter logic and optionally commits the change to the native filter model.
clear() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicList
clear() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
clear() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterItemRootToAdvancedList
clear() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterLogicTreeInterface
clear() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterLogicInterface
Removes all existing filter logic from the model.
clear() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterLogicTreeInterface
Removes all leaves from the tree and collapses any remaining support structure.
clear() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.SimpleFilterLogicTreeAdapter
clear() - Method in class com.sas.entities.Entity
clear() - Method in class com.sas.entities.RemoteEntity
clear() - Method in interface com.sas.entities.RemoteEntityInterface
Clear ("unset") all attribute values.
clear(BitSet, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
clear() - Method in class com.sas.util.SystemLog
Clears the log.
CLEAR_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.SwingRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
CLEAR_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand
pendingAction value when the CLEAR_ACTION is executed.
CLEAR_CELL_VALUE_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the default clear cell value sort action for an OLAP table view.
CLEAR_LEVEL_LABEL_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the default clear level label sort action for an OLAP table view.
CLEAR_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the default clear sort action for an OLAP table view.
CLEAR_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.SwingRemoteFileSelectorSupport
The actionType key used to allow clearing a sort.
CLEAR_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.RelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
CLEAR_SORT_EDIT_ENABLED_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.HttpRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the action which clear a sort when editing is enabled.
clearAll() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterableListModel
Removes the filters from all filterable items.
clearAll() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterableListModelInterface
Clears all filters from all filterables.
CLEARALL_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand
pendingAction value when the CLEARALL_ACTION is executed.
clearAllSteps() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankModel
Clears the step list for both COLUMN and ROW roles.
clearAllSteps() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankModelInterface
Clears the step list for both COLUMN and ROW roles.
clearAllSubsets() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Clears any subsets that have been applied to the map.
clearAnnotations() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Clears any MapAnnotations that have been set on this object.
clearArguments() - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.RemoteObject
Clears out the arguments from the last method call.
clearAttribute(String) - Method in class com.sas.entities.Entity
clearAttribute(String) - Method in class com.sas.entities.RemoteEntity
clearAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.sas.entities.RemoteEntityInterface
Clear ("unset") an individual attribute.
clearBatch() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetStatement
JDBC 2.0 Clears the set of commands in the current batch.
clearButtonText(String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.qualifiers.QualifiersSelectorAdapter
clearButtonText(String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.qualifiers.SwingQualifiersEditor
clearButtonText(String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.qualifiers.QualifiersDialog
clearCache(Object, int) - Static method in class com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx.Metadata
Clear either member cache, non member cache or all caches.
clearCache(Filter, Object, int) - Static method in class com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx.Metadata
Clear the cache that matches the filter and cache type.
ClearCellValueSortStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap
ClearCellValueSortStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.ClearCellValueSortStrategy
Default constructor.
ClearCellValueSortStrategy(boolean, OLAPActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.ClearCellValueSortStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
ClearCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.relational
This class implements the cut command.
ClearCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.ClearCommand
Default constructor
ClearCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.ClearCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
ClearCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.ClearCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type
clearDefaultValue() - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.PromptDefinition
Clears the default value if one has been set.
clearDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.sas.prompts.definitions.PromptDefinitionInterface
Clears the default value if one has been set.
clearEditLines() - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Clears the edit lines.
clearFilter(int) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterableListModel
Removes the filter from the filterable item at the specified index.
clearFilter(int) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessQueryToFilterableListModelAdapter
clearFilter() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterableItem
Clears the filter on this item's filter model.
clearFilter() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterableItemInterface
Clears the filter for this item.
clearFilter(int) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterableListModelInterface
Clears the filter on the filterable item at the given index.
clearFilterCondition(FilterItem) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Clears the expression for the given filter item.
clearFilterCondition(FilterItem) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterObjectFactoryInterface
Clears the properties of the given filter item.
clearFormatB - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.calculateditems.SimpleCalculatedItemEditPanel
ClearLevelLabelSortStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap
ClearLevelLabelSortStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.ClearLevelLabelSortStrategy
Default constructor.
ClearLevelLabelSortStrategy(boolean, OLAPActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.ClearLevelLabelSortStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
clearListLines() - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Clears output lines in the LIST file.
clearLogLines() - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Clears the LOG lines in the internal LOG line buffer.
clearParameters() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetPreparedStatement
Clears all the parameters.
clearPasteBuffer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.RemoteFileServerModel
Clears the buffer of all metadata items.
clearPasteBuffer() - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.RemoteFileServerModelInterface
Clears the buffer of all metadata items.
clearPasteBuffer() - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileModelInterface
Clears the buffer of all metadata items.
clearPasteBuffer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileServerModel
Clears the buffer of all metadata items.
clearPath() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.WizardPageDeck
Removes all elements from the current path.
clearPath() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.WizardPageDeck
Removes all elements from the current path.
clearPromptValue(PromptDefinitionInterface) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.PromptValues
Clears a prompt value which has previously been set.
clearPromptValue(PromptDefinitionInterface) - Method in interface com.sas.prompts.PromptValuesInterface
Clears the prompt value such that isPromptValueSet returns false.
clearPromptValuesDelegates() - Method in class com.sas.prompts.PromptValues
Removes all delegates from this PromptValues.
clearPromptValuesDelegates() - Method in interface com.sas.prompts.PromptValuesInterface
Removes all previously added delegates.
clearPuddleLogins() - Method in class com.sas.util.connection.ConnectionFactoryBean
Removes any puddle logins that may have been previously defined for the factory.
clearRect(Rectangle) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BufferedGraphics
Clear the specified rectangle
clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BufferedGraphics
Identical to java.awt.Graphics functionality
clearRect(Graphics, Rectangle) - Static method in class com.sas.visuals.DrawingSupport
Clear the specified rectangle
clearRowMoves() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.DefaultTableRowModel
This will reset the row indexes back to their original values, before any calls to moveRow were made, that is unless a row is held.
clearRowMoves() - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableRowModel
This will reset the row indexes back to their original values, before any calls to moveRow were made.
clearRowSelectionAfterSorting - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
clearRuleButton - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingChartSelectorPanel
clearSelection() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.components.Graph
clearSelection - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
determines whether to clear the selections
clearSelection() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPRowHeaderSelectionModel
Calls clearSelection() of all ListSelectionModels.
clearSelection() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
Clears all the selected cells
clearSelection() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Deselects all selected columns and rows.
clearSelection() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.TriStateCheckBoxListSelectionModel
Sets all of the values to OFF for all indices.
clearSelectionCursor() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemListAdapter
clearSelectionCursor() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemListInterface
resets the selection cursor so that the isCalculatedItemSelected() call returns false
clearSelections() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Clears any selections that have been set on the map.
clearSelections() - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.DualSelectorInterface
Clears the selections made on the component.
clearSelections() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.JListDualSelectorAdapter
Clears the selections made on the component.
clearSelections() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.JTreeDualSelectorAdapter
Clears the selections made on the component.
CLEARSELECTIONS_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.MapClearSelectionsValueKeys
ClearSortCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.relational
This class clear the sort on a column of a TableView.
ClearSortCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.ClearSortCommand
Default constructor
ClearSortCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.ClearSortCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
ClearSortStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
ClearSortStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.ClearSortStrategy
Default constructor.
ClearSortStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.ClearSortStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
clearStep(FilterAxisEnum) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankModel
Clears the step list for the given role.
clearStep(FilterAxisEnum) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankModelInterface
Clears the step list for the given role.
ClearStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
ClearStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.ClearStrategy
Default constructor.
ClearStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.ClearStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
clearSubset(String) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Clears any subset that's been set on a specific layer.
clearTableColumnEditable() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.components.TableAxisModel
Remove all column-editable settings.
clearTableRowEditable() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.components.TableAxisModel
Remove all row-editable settings.
clearTreeIconModel() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.components.HierarchyModel
Clear all value icon definitions.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetConnection
Removes all warnings that are associated with this object.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetResultSet
Clears all warnings.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetStatement
Clears the warnings for this Statement.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.storage.flattened.sasmdx.FlattenResultSet
Clears all warnings reported on this ResultSet object.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
Implementation of the java.sql.Connection interface.
CLICKX - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.MapActionValueKeys
CLICKY - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.MapActionValueKeys
client - Variable in class com.sas.net.connect.RemoteObjectExtension
clientFcb - Variable in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
ClientInfo - Class in com.sas.servlet.util
Bean to access Client Information from within JSP tags and Servlets.
ClientInfo(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.util.ClientInfo
Constructs a new ClientInfo object and calls the initialize method.
clipboard - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.adapters.JTableClipboardAdapter
clipped - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.LabelView
clipRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BufferedGraphics
Identical to java.awt.Graphics functionality
clipToRange(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPNavigationalAction
clipToRange(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.NavigationalAction
CLOCK - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.TransformationIdKeys
clone() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.BaseAction
Create a new BaseAction object using this Object's attributes.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.AppletVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Button
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ButtonVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.CanvasVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.CheckBox
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.CheckBoxVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Choice
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ChoiceVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Color
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ColorComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ComponentVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ContainerContainerComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone(ContainerInterface, ContainerInterface) - Static method in class com.sas.awt.ContainerInterfaceSupport
Helper method used to clone an object which implements ContainerInterface.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ContainerInterfaceSupportInfo
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ContainerVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.DialogContainerComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.DialogVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Font
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.FontComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.FrameContainerComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.FrameVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Label
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.LabelVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ListBox
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ListBoxVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.PanelContainerComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.PanelVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Scrollbar
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ScrollbarVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ScrollPaneContainerComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ScrollPaneVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextArea
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextAreaVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextField
Clones the component
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextFieldVisualComponent
Return a clone of the object.
clone(VisualInterface, VisualInterface) - Static method in class com.sas.awt.VisualInterfaceSupport
This is a helper method meant to be called by subclasses.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.awt.VisualInterfaceSupportInfo
clone() - Method in class com.sas.commands.CompositeDynamicAttributeCommand
Clones this command.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterLogicBaseNode
Creates a new node with the same user object, label, and description.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTestNode
clone() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterQualifier
Constructs and returns a duplicate of this qualifier.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.OLAPTimeBasedFilterAdapter
clone() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.OLAPTimeBasedFilterAdapterDataSource
clone() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.OLAPTimeBasedFilterAdapterDataSourceInterface
Returns a duplicate and seperate instance of the implementing object.
clone() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.OLAPTimeBasedFilterAdapterInterface
Returns a duplicate and seperate instance of the implementing object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.FilterReferenceNode
clone() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.LogicalConditionNode
Creates a new node with the same user object, label, and description.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.entities.BaseEntity
Create a new BaseEntity object using the BaseEntity's attributes.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.entities.RemoteEntity
Create a new RemoteEntity object using the RemoteEntity's attributes.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.geometry.Rectangles
Returns a clone of the current Rectangles object
clone() - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.DateDefinition
clone() - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.DoubleDefinition
clone() - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.IntegerDefinition
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver._rprxRemoteDesignTimeBookmarkManager
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver._rprxRemoteDesignTimeBookmarkManagerV2
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.SASListDelegate
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.SASProcedureTemplate
Creates a copy of the current model
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteDesignTimeLevelTree
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteDesignTimeLevelTreeV2
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteDesignTimeLevelTreeV3
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteDesignTimeServerNode
clone() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree.NodeDelegate
clone() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.StyleInfo
Returns a copy of this StyleInfo object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.util.StreamContentCommand
clone() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.util.TableScrollCommand
clone() - Method in class com.sas.storage.olap.PerformanceTuning
clone() - Method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
Clone the PopupMenuAdapter instance.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.sort.SortedItem
clone() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.ImageView
Create a clone of this ImageView.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
Returns a clone of this selection model with the same selection.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.ChangeCursorCommand
Clones this command.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.ChangeEnabledStateCommand
Clones this command.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.table.Selection
Clones the selection.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Clones this component.
clone(double, double) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Clones this component.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.And
Clone this object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.ArrayAccess
Clone the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.DynamicPropertyBag
Clone a dynamic property bag.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.IntegerRange
Deprecated. Clone an IntegerRange object
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.MenuSeparatorCommand
Returns super.clone().
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.Not
Clone this Not object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.Or
Clone this object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.ReverseComparator
Clone this reverse comparator.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.StringComparator
Clone this StringComparator
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.Template
Creates a copy of the current model
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.VectorAccess
Clone the object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.util.XOr
Clone this object.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
Clone the PopupMenuAdapter instance.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.AnimationIconView
Returns a AnimationIcon clone of the original AnimationIcon component.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BaseButton
Returns a BaseButton clone of the original BaseButton component called upon
clone() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.Border
Returns a Border clone of the original Border component.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageView
Create a clone of this ImageView.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.LabelView
Returns an object that is a clone of this LabelView.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.PushButton
Creates a clone of this PushButton.
clone() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ToggleButton
Create a clone of the ToggleButton.
cloneModelDependentState(TableView, double, double) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Clones this component's model dependent state.
cloneModelIndependentState(TableView, double, double) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Clones this component's model independent state.
close() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphOLAPDataSet
close() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetConnection
Closes all the ShareNetStatement and ShareNetPreparedStatement objects that are associated with this object and closes the connection to the server.
close() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetResultSet
Closes the ResultSet.
close() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetStatement
Closes the ShareNetStatement object.
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.DataSetSelectorDialog
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.LibrarySelectorDialog
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.MetabaseSelectorDialog
Called when the dialog is being closed.
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxIOMLevelTree
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxJ2LevelTree
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteDesignTimeLevelTree
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteDesignTimeLevelTreeV2
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteDesignTimeLevelTreeV3
close() - Method in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTree
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTreeClient
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTreeServer
close() - Method in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTreeV2
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTreeV2Client
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTreeV2Server
close() - Method in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTreeV3
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTreeV3Client
close() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteLevelTreeV3Server
close() - Method in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree.LevelTreeInterface
Closes the data set if it is open and set the data set to blank
close() - Method in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree.RemoteLevelTreeInterface
This method is for internal implementation only and should not be called by the user.
close() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculateditems.html.SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorPanel
close() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.html.OLAPTimeBasedFilterSelectorPanel
close() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.html.AbstractSelectorContainer
close() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.html.SelectorPanel
Base implementation that does nothing.
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.flattened.sasmdx.FlattenResultSet
Releases this ResultSet object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed.
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.flattened.sasmdx.FlattenResultSetMetadata
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCAdapter
Closes the statement and the result set.
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
Implementation of the java.sql.Connection interface.
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCDataAccessor
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.olap.embedded.OLAPDataSet
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.olap.embedded.ResultSet
close() - Method in interface com.sas.storage.olap.ResultSetInterface
Close the ResultSetInterface
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx.OLAPDataSet
Closes the result set and clears the cache
close() - Method in class com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx.ResultSet
Close the ResultSetInterface
close() - Method in interface com.sas.table.DataTableInterface
Closes the SAS data set if it is currently open.
CLOSE - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.OkCancelHelpDialog
The actionCommand for the Ok/Close button.
close() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.OkCancelHelpDialog
CLOSE_BUTTON - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.CommonButtons
Identifier for a "Close" button.
closeAction() - Method in class com.sas.util.login.LoginBeanSwingUtil
Implementation of LoginBeanActionInterface This method is included here to support the testing feature of the main program, and to serve as an example of how to implement this interface.
closeButton - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SwingCustomizerDialog
closeButton - Variable in class com.sas.util.login.LoginBeanSwingUtil
The Close button.
closeButton - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.CustomizerDialog
CloseCancelCustomizerDialog - Class in com.sas.visuals
CloseCancelCustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass which displays a CloseCancelCustomizerDialog(Component, Object, String, Frame) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CloseCancelCustomizerDialog
Construct a CustomizerDialog for the customizer for the specified object
CloseCancelCustomizerDialog(Component, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CloseCancelCustomizerDialog
Construct a CustomizerDialog for the customizer for the specified object
CLOSED_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseTreeView
Key used by the imageMap for a closed folder.
closeSelector() - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.BaseSelectorCommand
Inform the selector that the a commit or cancel has occured.
closeWindow() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Disposes of the Window that contains the Wizard
closeWindow() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Disposes of the Window that contains the Wizard
CloseWindowAdaptor - Class in com.sas.util
CloseWindowAdaptor is an adaptor object which listens for a WindowEvent and disposes a window (i.e. closes it) when a window receives a close event.
CloseWindowAdaptor(Window) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CloseWindowAdaptor
Construct a CloseWindowAdaptor which will dispose the window when a windowClosing event is received.
closeWindowOnCancel - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
A boolean value indicating if the window containing the wizard should be disposed of when either the cancel button or the close button in the window's title bar are selected, before the cancel method is called.
closeWindowOnCancel - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
A boolean value indicating if the window containing the wizard should be disposed of when either the cancel button, the ESC key, or the close button in the window's title bar are activated, before the cancel method is called.
clusterType - Variable in class com.sas.util.connection.ConnectionFactoryBean.BeanPuddle
CMDID - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.HttpActionProvider
Key used with url template substitution when mapping to the unique identifier of a command instance stored on this HttpActionProvider.
cnl - Static variable in class com.sas.util.transforms.ColorToStringTransform
cnl - Static variable in class com.sas.util.transforms.StringToColorTransform
cnl - Static variable in class com.sas.util.transforms.StringToSASColorTransform
cnl - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.BasicColorsCanvas
cnlNoSysCol - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.BasicColorsCanvas
CODE_BLOCK - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
COL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.HttpConstants
Used to specify the scope of the cell to be "col".
COL_BUTTON - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.ExpandCollapseKeysInterface
Template key for the collapse Button tbean.
colCount - Variable in class com.sas.table.DataCellChangedEvent
The number of columns spanned by the cell range.
COLGROUP - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.HttpConstants
Used to specify the scope of the cell to be "colgroup".
colIndex - Variable in class com.sas.table.DataCellChangedEvent
The one-based identifier of the column that contains the first (or only) changed cell.
collapse(int, int, OLAPESRIMapChart, ESRIMap) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.commands.MapCollapseCommand
Collapse a region based on Mouse click location
COLLAPSE_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.MapCollapseValueKeys
COLLAPSE_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics.BaseOLAPGraphSupport
COLLAPSE_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the default collapse action on the rows and columns of an OLAP table view.
COLLAPSE_ALL_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the expand all action on the rows or columns of an OLAP table view.
COLLAPSE_ALL_ENDING - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.NodeActionEvent
Collapse all ending action command.
COLLAPSE_ALL_STARTING - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.NodeActionEvent
Collapse all starting action command.
COLLAPSE_COMMAND - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.webmddbview.WebMDDBView
Returned by process command method when a collapse command is being processed
CollapseAllStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap
CollapseAllStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CollapseAllStrategy
Default constructor.
CollapseAllStrategy(boolean, OLAPActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CollapseAllStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
COLLAPSED - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.NodeActionEvent
Collapsed action command.
COLLAPSEMODE_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.MapCollapseModeValueKeys
CollapseStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap
CollapseStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CollapseStrategy
Default constructor.
CollapseStrategy(boolean, OLAPActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CollapseStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
COLLAPSING - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.NodeActionEvent
Collapsing action command.
collectionClass - Variable in class com.sas.util.transforms.StringToCollectionInterfaceTransform
Which class to use to make CollectionInterface instances.
CollectionToComboBoxModelAdapter - Class in com.sas.swing.models
The CollectionToListModelAdapter allows collections that extend from java.util.Collection, such as instances of java.util.List and java.util.Set, to be used as the model for a javax.swing.JComboBox.
CollectionToComboBoxModelAdapter() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.CollectionToComboBoxModelAdapter
Default constructor
CollectionToComboBoxModelAdapter(int) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.CollectionToComboBoxModelAdapter
Overloaded constructor that initializes the delegate to be of given size
CollectionToComboBoxModelAdapter(Collection) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.CollectionToComboBoxModelAdapter
Overloaded constructor that intializes the adapter with the data given by the Collection
CollectionToListModelAdapter - Class in com.sas.swing.models
The CollectionToListModelAdapter allows collections that extend from java.util.Collection, such as instances of java.util.List and java.util.Set, to be used as the model for a javax.swing.JList.
CollectionToListModelAdapter() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.CollectionToListModelAdapter
Default constructor
CollectionToListModelAdapter(int) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.CollectionToListModelAdapter
Overloaded constructor that initializes the delegate to be of given size
CollectionToListModelAdapter(Collection) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.CollectionToListModelAdapter
Overloaded constructor that intializes the adapter with the data given by the collection
Color - Class in com.sas.awt
A class representing Color.
Color() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Color
Default constructor
Color(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Color
A constructor that takes a String and creates a new color object.
Color(int) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Color
A constructor that takes a RGB value and creates a color object.
Color(String, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Color
A constructor that takes a String and a RGB value and puts it in the list and creates a color object.
Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Color
A constructor that takes three integers and creates a com.sas.awt.Color object.
Color(Color) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Color
Deprecated. use newColor(java.awt.Color)
COLOR - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.TextElement
COLOR_CHECK - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.GraphicalCheckBox
COLOR_CHECK image value id
COLOR_MAPPED_OLAP_TABLE_CUSTOMIZER - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.SelectorKeysInterface
COLOR_MAPPED_OLAP_TABLE_CUSTOMIZER_SELECTOR_CMD - Static variable in interface com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SelectorCommandKeysInterface
COLOR_PALETTE - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
COLOR_PALETTE enables a set of static actions associated with the public COLOR_PALETTE_ constants.
COLOR_PALETTE_COLOR_SPECTRUM - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Use the DataElementStyles continuous ColorSpectrum property values when mapping a numeric value to a color value representation.
COLOR_PALETTE_THREE_COLOR_CONTINUOUS - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Use the DataElementStyles continuous ThreeColor property values when mapping a numeric value to a color value representation gradating (i.e. blending) the colors between levels.
COLOR_PALETTE_THREE_COLOR_CONTINUOUS_GRADIENT - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Use the DataElementStyles continuous ThreeColor property values when mapping a numeric value to a color value representation to produce a gradient fill in a graphic element (such as a bar or area).
COLOR_PALETTE_THREE_COLOR_DISCRETE - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Use the DataElementStyles continuous ThreeColor property values when mapping a numeric value to a color value representation keeping a constant color between levels.
COLOR_PALETTE_THREE_COLOR_DISCRETE_GRADIENT - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Use the DataElementStyles continuous ThreeColor property values when mapping a numeric value to a color value representation to produce a gradient fill in a graphic element (such as a bar or area).
COLOR_PALETTE_TWO_COLOR_CONTINUOUS - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Use the DataElementStyles continuous TwoColor property values when mapping a numeric value to a color value representation gradating (i.e. blending) the colors between levels.
COLOR_PALETTE_TWO_COLOR_DISCRETE - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Use the DataElementStyles continuous TwoColor property values when mapping a numeric value to a color value representation keeping a constant color between levels.
COLOR_PICKER - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.TransformationIdKeys
Color Picker
COLOR_RANGE - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Deprecated. use COLOR_PALETTE
COLOR_RANGE_CONTINUOUS - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
COLOR_RANGE_DISCRETE - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
COLOR_STRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.entities.AttributeTypeFactory
Constant for creating special color AttributeType (sql type = Types.VARCHAR)
COLOR_STRING_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor.EntityAttributeValueModelInterface
Constant for a Color Type defined with a name of "Color" and a String SQL type
ColorComponent - Class in com.sas.awt
A ColorComponent class.
ColorComponent() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ColorComponent
ColorComponent(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ColorComponent
ColorComponent(int) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ColorComponent
ColorComponent(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ColorComponent
colorContainerCreated - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
ColorDefinition - Class in com.sas.prompts.definitions
ColorDefinition is a prompt type which allows the specification of one color value.
ColorDefinition() - Constructor for class com.sas.prompts.definitions.ColorDefinition
ColorDefinition(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.prompts.definitions.ColorDefinition
ColorDialog - Class in com.sas.visuals
ColorDialog is a subclass of Dialog which displays components for color creation and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
ColorDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.ColorDialog
Construct a ColorDialog owned by a given Frame.
ColorDialog(Frame, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.ColorDialog
Construct a ColorDialog owned by a given Frame.
colorDisplay - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ColorPanel
colorFontTab - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
ColorGradientUtil - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.html
Util methods to apply a color gradient to header cells in an olap table.
ColorGradientUtil() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.html.ColorGradientUtil
colorList - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.BasicColorsCanvas
colorNameList - Variable in class com.sas.util.transforms.SASColorStringToSystemColorTransform
ColorPanel - Class in com.sas.visuals
The ColorPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
ColorPanel() - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.ColorPanel
ColorPanel(boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.ColorPanel
ColorPanel(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.ColorPanel
ColorPosition - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
The ColorPosition class supports an association between a color and a position to facilitate defining a color spectrum.
ColorPosition(Color, double) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ColorPosition
Constructs a ColorPosition object from the specified color double value pair for use in defining a color inflection point in a color spectrum.
ColorPosition(Color, Color, double) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ColorPosition
Deprecated. scheduled for deletion
colorRegionsCombo - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
colorRegionsLabel - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
ColorScheme - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
ColorScheme class contains attributes for a color scheme.
ColorScheme() - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ColorScheme
Default constructor that creates the default Terra color scheme.
ColorScheme(int) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ColorScheme
Constructor that creates the requested color scheme if passed a valid value, otherwise it creates the default Terra color scheme.
ColorToStringTransform - Class in com.sas.util.transforms
ColorToStringTransform converts a java.awt.Color object to a String.
ColorToStringTransform() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.transforms.ColorToStringTransform
cols - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.AutoSizingGridLayout
COLUMN - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseMoveColumnStrategy
COLUMN - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseRelationalStrategy
COLUMN - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.RelationalDynamicValueKeys
column - Variable in class com.sas.commands.relational.HideColumnCommand
column - Variable in class com.sas.commands.relational.HoldColumnCommand
column - Variable in class com.sas.commands.relational.ReleaseAllColumnsCommand
column - Variable in class com.sas.commands.relational.ReleaseColumnCommand
column - Variable in class com.sas.commands.relational.ShowColumnCommand
COLUMN - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.TableRoles
Constant for the name of the column role.
COLUMN - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.TableScrollCommand
Deprecated. COLUMN Axis
COLUMN - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.sort.SortedItem
Column - Class in com.sas.table
Represents a column in a TableView.
Column(TableView, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.Column
COLUMN - Static variable in class com.sas.table.TableView
Column constant for the selectionElement and transactionElement properties.
COLUMN_AXIS - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseDataCellStrategy
COLUMN_AXIS - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.DefaultDataCellStrategy
COLUMN_AXIS - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.olap.OLAPDynamicValueKeys
COLUMN_AXIS - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.find.FindSelectorInterface
COLUMN_GOTO_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.NavigationBarAreaInterface
COLUMN_HEADER - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.html.ColorGradientUtil
COLUMN_HEADER - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.SwapCurrentCellAction
Swaps the current cell between the table and the column header
COLUMN_HEADER_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.HttpRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the column header's label actions.
COLUMN_HEADER_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPTableViewAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the column headers area of an OLAP table view.
COLUMN_HEADER_AREA - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.SwingRemoteFileSelectorSupport
The areaType key used to define the column headers area of a table view.
COLUMN_HEADER_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.TableViewAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the column headers area of a table view.
COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseDataCellStrategy
COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseDetailDataStrategy
COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseHeaderStrategy
COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.DefaultDataCellStrategy
COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.DefaultHeaderStrategy
COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.olap.OLAPDynamicValueKeys
COLUMN_LABEL - Static variable in class com.sas.table.LabelCell
Column label constant to pass as labelType parameter to constructor.
COLUMN_MAJOR - Static variable in class com.sas.table.TableView
Constant value for the printOrder property which indicates that columns should be given precedence when printing.
COLUMN_MAJOR - Static variable in interface com.sas.visuals.Direction
COLUMN_MAJOR direction
COLUMN_MOVE - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.event.SwingTableModelEvent
Identifies that a column has moved.
COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseColumnHeaderStrategy
COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseDataCellStrategy
COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.DefaultColumnHeaderStrategy
COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.DefaultDataCellStrategy
COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.RelationalDynamicValueKeys
COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.event.SwingTableModelEvent
Identifies that a column has moved.
COLUMN_NAVIGATIONBAR_CONTAINER_STYLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar.html.NavigationBarStyleKeysInterface
Style Area Key to retrieve style information using the ComponentStyleManager
COLUMN_NUMBER - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.find.FindSelectorInterface
COLUMN_SCROLL_BACKWARD_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.NavigationBarAreaInterface
COLUMN_SCROLL_FORWARD_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.NavigationBarAreaInterface
COLUMN_SUBTOTALS - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.totals.TotalsSelectorInterface
When column subtotals must be applied this is the value passed to the TotalsCommand.
COLUMN_TITLE_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.OLAPTableViewAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the corner area of an OLAP table view to the left of the column headers.
COLUMN_TOTALS - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.totals.TotalsSelectorInterface
When column totals must be applied this is the value passed to the TotalsCommand.
COLUMN_TUPLES - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseDataCellStrategy
COLUMN_TUPLES - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseDetailDataStrategy
COLUMN_TUPLES - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.BaseHeaderStrategy
COLUMN_TUPLES - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.DefaultDataCellStrategy
COLUMN_TUPLES - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.DefaultHeaderStrategy
COLUMN_TUPLES - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.olap.OLAPDynamicValueKeys
columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseTableView
Invoked when a column is added to the table column model.
columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.TableColumnModelListener
Tells listeners that a column was added to the model.
columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPColumnHeader
Invoked when a column is added to the table column model.
ColumnAreaInterface - Interface in com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational
Interface for specifying the attributes required for identifying a column header cell in a relational tableview component.
ColumnAsRowCellRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html
ColumnAsRowCellRenderer is a class that constructs a TableCellRenderer which writes out the last column in a TableView as a row.
ColumnAsRowCellRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.ColumnAsRowCellRenderer
Constructs a new ColumnAsRowCellRenderer.
columnAtPoint(Point) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.ColumnHeader
Returns the index of the column that point lies in, or -1 if it lies out of bounds.
columnAtPoint(Point, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.ColumnHeader
Returns the index of the column that point lies in, or -1 if it lies out of bounds.
columnAtPoint(Point) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Returns the index of the column that point lies in, or -1 if the result is not in the range [0, getColumnCount() - 1].
columnAtPoint(Point, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Returns the index of the column that point lies in, or -1 if the result is not in the range [0, getColumnCount() - 1].
columnAutoResizeMode - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
columnAxis - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.find.OLAPFindSelectorAdapter
ColumnChangedEvent - Class in com.sas.table
Reports a change to a table's column(s).
ColumnChangedEvent(Object, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.ColumnChangedEvent
ColumnChangedEvent(Object) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.ColumnChangedEvent
Constructs an event to indicate that all the columns have been completely replaced by a new set.
columnComparators - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.SortableTableModelAdapter
columnDisplayTransforms - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.TableModelAdapter
ColumnHeader - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml
A ColumnHeader manages the header of the TableView.
ColumnHeader() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader with a default TableColumnModel.
ColumnHeader(TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a column model.
ColumnHeader(BaseTableView) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a TableView and a default TableColumnModel.
ColumnHeader(BaseTableView, TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a column model.
ColumnHeader - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
A ColumnHeader manages the header of the TableView.
ColumnHeader() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader with a default TableColumnModel.
ColumnHeader(TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a column model.
ColumnHeader(BaseTableView) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a TableView and a default TableColumnModel.
ColumnHeader(BaseTableView, TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a column model.
ColumnHeader - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml
A ColumnHeader manages the header of the TableView.
ColumnHeader() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader with a default TableColumnModel.
ColumnHeader(TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a column model.
ColumnHeader(BaseTableView) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a TableView and a default TableColumnModel.
ColumnHeader(BaseTableView, TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with a column model.
ColumnHeader - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview
ColumnHeader() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader with a default TableColumnModel.
ColumnHeader(TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.ColumnHeader
Constructs a ColumnHeader which is initialized with model as the Column model.
ColumnHeaderArea - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational
Interface for specifying the attributes required for identifying a column header cell in a relational tableview component.
ColumnHeaderArea() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.ColumnHeaderArea
Default Constructor
ColumnHeaderArea(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.ColumnHeaderArea
ColumnHeaderArea(int) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.ColumnHeaderArea
columnHeaderFilter - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
ColumnHeaderRendererTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
ColumnHeaderRendererTag is the tag handler class for the sas:ColumnHeaderRenderer custom tag .
ColumnHeaderRendererTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.ColumnHeaderRendererTag
ColumnHeaderRowTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
ColumnHeaderRowTag is the tag handler class for the sas:ColumnHeaderRow custom tag .
ColumnHeaderRowTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.ColumnHeaderRowTag
columnHeaders - Variable in class com.sas.util.transforms.CSVStreamToTableModelTransform
ColumnHeaderStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
ColumnHeaderStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.ColumnHeaderStrategy
Default constructor.
ColumnHeaderStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.ColumnHeaderStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
ColumnInfoInterface - Interface in com.sas.table
Defines an interface for modifying additional information associated with a table's columns.
columnInfoUsed - Variable in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCAdapter
The value passed in by setColumInfoUsed.
ColumnLabelChangedEvent - Class in com.sas.table
Reports a change to a table column's label.
ColumnLabelChangedEvent(Object, int, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.ColumnLabelChangedEvent
Constructs an event to signal a change to a range of column labels.
ColumnLabelInterface - Interface in com.sas.table
Defines an interface for modifying a table's column labels.
columnLabelRenderer - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPOriginComponent
columnLabelZoneList - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
columnLabelZoneList - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.PlotImageMapInfo
columnLevelHeights - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPColumnHeader
columnLevelLabels - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.graphics.html.GraphSupport
COLUMNMAP_BASEDATABEAN_FUTURES - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
COLUMNMAP_COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
COLUMNMAP_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
COLUMNMAP_COLUMN_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
COLUMNMAP_FORMATTED_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
COLUMNMAP_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
COLUMNMAP_USERBASE - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Invoked when a column is moved due to a margin change.
columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseTableView
Invoked when a column is moved in the table column model.
columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.TableColumnModelListener
Tells listeners that a column was repositioned.
columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Invoked when a column is repositioned.
columnNames - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.MapToTableModelAdapter
Column names for table model
columnNames - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor.EntityAttributeValueTableModelAdapter
Column names for table model
columnNames - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.BaseRemoteFileSelectorPanel
Specifies the column headers being displayed.
ColumnNavigationInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar
Defines the interface to be implemented by a TranformationBean which will use a NavigationBar to navigate through the columns of the TranformationBean's model.
columnNumber - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FindSelectorCommand
columnNumbersAreValid() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.BaseOLAPTableView
Returns whether or not the current start column and end column values are valid given the state of the model.
columnPartitioner - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.AutoSizingGridLayout
columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseTableView
Invoked when a column is removed from the table column model.
columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.TableColumnModelListener
Tells listeners that a column was removed from the model.
columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Invoked when a column is removed from the table column model.
columnRenderers - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.RemoteFileTableComponent
the renderers used to format the column values
columns - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.ExportSelectorCommand
The indexes of the columns to export.
COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BusinessModelTreeModelFactory
COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAxisEnum
COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.dataitems.DisabledDataItemRenderer
Node category key for grouping the nodes as Columns
COLUMNS_AXIS - Static variable in interface com.sas.storage.olap.AxisInterface
Represents the Columns Axis, which is the first axis
COLUMNS_AXIS_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.olap.PerformanceTuning
Constant to indicate Column axis type
COLUMNS_CHECK_BOX_LIST_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.export.ExportSelectorComponentNames
The name of the CheckBoxList that allows the user to choose the columns to export.
COLUMNS_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.export.ExportSelectorComponentNames
The name of the Columns label.
COLUMNS_RADIO_BOX_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.export.ExportSelectorComponentNames
The name of the Columns radio box.
COLUMNS_SUBTOTALS_CHECK_BOX_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.totals.TotalsSelectorComponentNames
The name of the Columns Subtotals check box.
COLUMNS_TOTALS_CHECK_BOX_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.totals.TotalsSelectorComponentNames
The name of the Columns Totals check box.
columnsCheckBoxList - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.export.html.ExportSelectorPanel
The CheckBoxList to allow the user to choose the columns to export.
ColumnSelection - Class in com.sas.table
Represents a contiguous range of columns in a TableView.
ColumnSelection(Column) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.ColumnSelection
Alias for ColumnSelection(anchor, anchor).
ColumnSelection(Column, Column) - Constructor for class com.sas.table.ColumnSelection
Constructs a new selection with the given extent.
columnSelectionChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Invoked when the selection model of the TableColumnModel is changed.
columnsLabel - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.export.html.ExportSelectorPanel
The label for the Columns radio box.
columnsRadio - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.export.html.ExportSelectorPanel
The columns radio box.
columnsSized - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
ColumnsTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
ColumnsTag is the tag handler class for the sas:Columns custom tag .
ColumnsTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.ColumnsTag
columnsToExportAsTextIfCustomFormatted - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseTableView
ColumnStyle - Class in com.sas.table
A customizable set of column properties.
ColumnStyle() - Constructor for class com.sas.table.ColumnStyle
columnSubtotals - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.TotalsCommand
Flag that indicates if the subtotals have to be applied to the columns.
columnSubtotals - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.totals.OLAPTotalsSelectorAdapter
Flag to indicate if the column subtotals have to be applied.
columnSubtotals() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.totals.OLAPTotalsSelectorAdapter
columnSubtotals(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.totals.OLAPTotalsSelectorAdapter
columnSubtotals() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.totals.OLAPTotalsSelectorInterface
Returns true if the column subtotals must be applyed, false otherwise.
columnSubtotals(boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.totals.OLAPTotalsSelectorInterface
Sets if the column subtotals must be applyed.
ColumnTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
ColumnTag is the tag handler class for the sas:Column custom tag .
ColumnTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.ColumnTag
ColumnTemplateTableInterface - Interface in com.sas.table
Defines an interface for modifying column template tables.
columnTotals - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.TotalsCommand
Flag that indicates if the totals have to be applied to the columns.
columnTotals - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.totals.BaseTotalsSelectorAdapter
Flag to indicate if the column totals have to be applied.
columnTotals() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.totals.BaseTotalsSelectorAdapter
columnTotals(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.totals.BaseTotalsSelectorAdapter
columnTotals() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.totals.RelationalTotalsSelectorAdapter
columnTotals() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.totals.TotalsSelectorInterface
Returns true if the column totals must be applyed, false otherwise.
columnTotals(boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.totals.TotalsSelectorInterface
Sets if the column totals must be applyed.
columnTuples - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.find.OLAPFindSelectorAdapter
columnValuesTransform - Variable in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCColumnValuesAdapter
Transform used to transform a Map, containing column names (all uppercased) mapped to column values, to a single Object when retrieveAllColumnValues is true
columnValueZones - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
columnValueZones - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.PlotImageMapInfo
columnVariableList - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.ChartImageMapInfo
columnVariableList - Variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.PlotImageMapInfo
ColumnWidthInterface - Interface in com.sas.visuals
ColumnWidthInterface is an interface used by the AutoSizingGridLayout when column interlocking is used to synchronize the column widths between two containers.
com.sas.actionprovider - package com.sas.actionprovider
Provides the integrated set of classes that comprise the ActionProvider Framework (APF).
com.sas.actionprovider.commands - package com.sas.actionprovider.commands
com.sas.actionprovider.strategies - package com.sas.actionprovider.strategies
com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap - package com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap
com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational - package com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.remotefile2 - package com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.remotefile2
com.sas.actionprovider.support - package com.sas.actionprovider.support
Provides the support classes that define the default areas and actions for components that acquire their Actions via the ActionProviderFramework (APF).
com.sas.actionprovider.support.dataselectors - package com.sas.actionprovider.support.dataselectors
Provides classes that support and define the default actions for data selector components.
com.sas.actionprovider.support.graphics - package com.sas.actionprovider.support.graphics
Provides classes that support and define the default actions for relational Graph Viewer Components.
com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics - package com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics
Provides classes that support and define the default actions for olap Graph Viewer Components.
com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview - package com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview
Provides classes that support and define the default actions for olap Table Viewer Components.
com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector - package com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector
Provides classes that support and define the default actions for RemoteFileSelector Components.
com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector2 - package com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector2
com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview - package com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview
Provides classes that support and define the default actions for relational Table Viewer Components.
com.sas.actionprovider.util - package com.sas.actionprovider.util
com.sas.actionprovider.util.dataselector - package com.sas.actionprovider.util.dataselector
com.sas.actionprovider.util.olap - package com.sas.actionprovider.util.olap
com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational - package com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational
com.sas.actionprovider.util.remotefile2 - package com.sas.actionprovider.util.remotefile2
com.sas.awt - package com.sas.awt
Provides extensions of java.awt components which implement com.sas.ComponentInterface
com.sas.commands - package com.sas.commands
Provides classes and interfaces to perform commands.
com.sas.commands.dataselectors - package com.sas.commands.dataselectors
com.sas.commands.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting - package com.sas.commands.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting
com.sas.commands.export - package com.sas.commands.export
Interfaces implemented by the different Export to Excel commands.
com.sas.commands.relational - package com.sas.commands.relational
Provides classes and interfaces to perform commands on relational data.
com.sas.commands.remotefileselector - package com.sas.commands.remotefileselector
The primary focus of the com.sas.commands.remotefileselector package is to provide the classes that perform the general action provider framework commands.
com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.ifileservice - package com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.ifileservice
The primary focus of the com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.ifileservice package is to provide the classes that perform the action provider framework commands for the IFileService model.
com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.informationservices - package com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.informationservices
The primary focus of the com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.informationservices package is to provide the classes that perform the action provider framework commands for the InformationServices model.
com.sas.commands.remotefileselector2 - package com.sas.commands.remotefileselector2
com.sas.dataselectors - package com.sas.dataselectors
Provides the interface that defines the basic methods required of a data selector.
com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems - package com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems
Provides adapter components used to convert native models to models which can then be used with calculated item selector components.
com.sas.dataselectors.calculations.percent - package com.sas.dataselectors.calculations.percent
com.sas.dataselectors.crossing - package com.sas.dataselectors.crossing
com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems - package com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems
Provides adapter components used to convert native models to models which can then be used with query selector components.
com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting - package com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting
com.sas.dataselectors.export - package com.sas.dataselectors.export
Interfaces, adapters and factories related to the Export Selector.
com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank - package com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank
com.sas.dataselectors.filters - package com.sas.dataselectors.filters
Provides adapter components used to convert native models to models which can then be used with filter components.
com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased - package com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased
com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap - package com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap
com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree - package com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree
com.sas.dataselectors.find - package com.sas.dataselectors.find
com.sas.dataselectors.memberproperties - package com.sas.dataselectors.memberproperties
com.sas.dataselectors.qualifiers - package com.sas.dataselectors.qualifiers
Provides classes for generating a qualifiers selector that is used within the Filter and Ranking Selectors for OLAP data.
com.sas.dataselectors.ranking - package com.sas.dataselectors.ranking
Interfaces, adapters and factories related to the Ranking Selector.
com.sas.dataselectors.sort - package com.sas.dataselectors.sort
Provides adapter components used to convert native models to models which can then be used with sort selector components.
com.sas.dataselectors.totals - package com.sas.dataselectors.totals
Interfaces, adapters and factories related to the Totals Selector.
com.sas.entities - package com.sas.entities
Defines interfaces and classes for Entities, which are a dynamic extension of Java Beans.
com.sas.entities.edit.models.providers - package com.sas.entities.edit.models.providers
com.sas.geometry - package com.sas.geometry
Layout orientations and other geometric classes.
com.sas.graphics.components - package com.sas.graphics.components
Provides swing components for producing a variety of graph types.
com.sas.graphics.components.barchart - package com.sas.graphics.components.barchart
Bar Chart component and its related models.
com.sas.graphics.components.barlinechart - package com.sas.graphics.components.barlinechart
BarLine Chart component and its related models.
com.sas.graphics.components.esrimap - package com.sas.graphics.components.esrimap
com.sas.graphics.components.ganttchart - package com.sas.graphics.components.ganttchart

Gantt Chart component and its related models.

com.sas.graphics.components.linechart - package com.sas.graphics.components.linechart
Line Chart component and its related models.
com.sas.graphics.components.lineplot - package com.sas.graphics.components.lineplot
Line Plot component and its related models.
com.sas.graphics.components.piechart - package com.sas.graphics.components.piechart
Pie Chart component and its related models.
com.sas.graphics.components.radarchart - package com.sas.graphics.components.radarchart
Radar Chart component and its related models.
com.sas.graphics.components.scatterplot - package com.sas.graphics.components.scatterplot
Scatter Plot component and its related models.
com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart - package com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart

Tile Chart component and its related models.

com.sas.graphics.components.waterfallchart - package com.sas.graphics.components.waterfallchart
Waterfall Chart component and its related models.
com.sas.graphics.map - package com.sas.graphics.map
com.sas.models.formats - package com.sas.models.formats
com.sas.net - package com.sas.net
Classes for communicating with the SAS server via SAS/Connect protocols.
com.sas.net.connect - package com.sas.net.connect
SAS/CONNECT driver for Java
com.sas.net.rmi - package com.sas.net.rmi
The com.sas.net.rmi package provides networking components dealing with Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
com.sas.net.sharenet - package com.sas.net.sharenet
SAS/SHARE driver for JDBC
com.sas.net.ssl - package com.sas.net.ssl
The com.sas.net.ssl package provides networking components dealing with Java remote objects and a capability to secure their RMI communications using the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API.
com.sas.prompts - package com.sas.prompts
com.sas.prompts.definitions - package com.sas.prompts.definitions
com.sas.prompts.groups - package com.sas.prompts.groups
com.sas.sasserver - package com.sas.sasserver
Access to base functionality in the SAS system, including selector dialogs and SAS code generation from templates.
com.sas.sasserver.tree - package com.sas.sasserver.tree
Generic Classes for implementing SAS File System hierarchy.
com.sas.security - package com.sas.security
Classes for encapsulating and hiding Java Virtual Machine security differences.
com.sas.servlet.commands.jdbc.export - package com.sas.servlet.commands.jdbc.export
Commands and utility classes to export non multidimensional data (usually named relational or jdbc data) from within a web application to MS Excel.
com.sas.servlet.commands.olap.export - package com.sas.servlet.commands.olap.export
Commands to export multidimensional data (usually named OLAP data) from within a web application to MS Excel.
com.sas.servlet.filters - package com.sas.servlet.filters
com.sas.servlet.tbeans - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans
Provides classes and interfaces for the Transformation Beans.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors
Overview Provides classes for creating data selectors and data selector panels.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculateditems.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculateditems.html
Provides classes and interfaces which provide the user interface components for managing calculated items.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculations.percent.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculations.percent.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.crossing.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.crossing.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.export.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.export.html
Provides user interface (UI) classes of the JSP Export Selector.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.filterandrank.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.filterandrank.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.html
Provides classes for creating dataselectors, and the menubar classes that provide access to the dataselectors from a data viewer.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.memberproperties.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.memberproperties.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.editors.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.sort.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.sort.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dualselector - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dualselector
Provides base classes for generating DualSelectors: DualListSelector, DualTreeSelector and TreeListSelector
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dualselector.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dualselector.html
Provides classes for generating different Dual Selectors to move an item from source to target or from target to source component.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form
Provides classes and interfaces for all form element Transformation Beans.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html
Provides classes and interfaces for form element componenets and their supporting classes.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.graphics - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.graphics
Provides base classes for generating chart objects.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.graphics.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.graphics.html
Provides classes for generating different chart objects.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html
Provides classes and interfaces for several transformation beans such as Button, Label, and TreeView along with their supporting classes.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.ipage - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.ipage
Provides classes used to write menus, text, and other types of content to various client devices in the appropriate markup language, such as WML, HDML, or HTML.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.ipage.iform - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.ipage.iform
Provides classes used to write form content to various client devices in the appropriate markup language, such as WML, HDML, or HTML.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.login - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.login
Provides base "Transformation Bean" classes for the Login bean.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.login.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.login.html
Provides HTML "Transformation Bean" classes for the Login bean.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.menubar - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.menubar
Provides base classes used to generate the MenuBar and SelectorMenuBar.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.menubar.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.menubar.html
Provides classes for generating a MenuBar or SelectorMenuBar.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.models - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.models
Provides classes and interfaces for models which may be displayed in viewers.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar
Provides the base classes and interfaces needed to generate a navigation bar for scrolling.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar.html
Provides classes used to generate an HTML representation of a navigation bar for scrolling.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olapgraphics.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olapgraphics.html
Provides classes for generating different OLAP chart objects.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview
Provides classes and interfaces for viewing OLAP Data.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.html
Provides classes and interfaces for Creating an HTML table representing an OLAPTable.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2 - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview
Provides the base classes and interfaces used to generate a table of data for a given data model.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml
Provides the classes used to generate a table of data in HDML.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html
Provides the classes used to generate a table of data in HTML.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.rpf - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.rpf
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.rpf.html - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.rpf.html
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml
Provides the classes used to generate a table of data in WML.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.util.validators - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.util.validators
Provides classes and interfaces for validators that can be used with transformation beans like the form elements located in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.
com.sas.servlet.tbeans.webmddbview - package com.sas.servlet.tbeans.webmddbview
com.sas.servlet.util - package com.sas.servlet.util
Provides support and utility classes for com.sas.servlet.
com.sas.storage - package com.sas.storage
Classes for accessing data, especially with Java Database Connectivity.
com.sas.storage.flattened.sasmdx - package com.sas.storage.flattened.sasmdx
Provides a set of classes for accessing OLAP data from the SAS OLAP Server with a flattened view.
com.sas.storage.jdbc - package com.sas.storage.jdbc
Classes for Java Database Connectivity.
com.sas.storage.jdbc.export - package com.sas.storage.jdbc.export
Classes and related interfaces to transform non multidimensional data (usually named relational or jdbc data) into data streams suitable to be exported to a spreadsheet.
com.sas.storage.olap - package com.sas.storage.olap
Provides a set of interfaces for accessing OLAP data.
com.sas.storage.olap.embedded - package com.sas.storage.olap.embedded
Provides a set of classes for building an in memory multidimensional Result Set.
com.sas.storage.olap.export - package com.sas.storage.olap.export
Classes and related interfaces to transform multidimensional data (usually named OLAP data) into data streams suitable to be exported to a spreadsheet.
com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx - package com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx
Provides a set of classes for accessing OLAP data from the SAS OLAP Server.
com.sas.swing - package com.sas.swing
Provides a set of interfaces for use throughout the swing packages.
com.sas.swing.adapters - package com.sas.swing.adapters
Miscellaneous listener adapters to handle various user interface events.
com.sas.swing.event - package com.sas.swing.event
com.sas.swing.models - package com.sas.swing.models
Model adapters to convert between existing SAS java models and new JDK1.2 models and visuals.
com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector - package com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector
The primary focus of the com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector package is to provide the classes making up the model portion of the Remote File Selector.
com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.ifileservice - package com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.ifileservice
The primary focus of the com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.ifileservice package is to provide the classes that make up the service model for the IFileService host connection API.
com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.informationservices - package com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.informationservices
The primary focus of the com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.informationservices package is to provide the classes that make up the service model for the InformationService host connection API.
com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2 - package com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2
com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.informationservices - package com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.informationservices
com.sas.swing.util - package com.sas.swing.util
Provides support and utility classes for the com.sas.swing packages.
com.sas.swing.visuals - package com.sas.swing.visuals
com.sas.visuals AWT user interface components ported to swing that are not already provided by JavaSoft.
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors
Provides classes for creating data selectors and data selector panels.
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.calculateditems - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.calculateditems
Provides classes and interfaces which provide the user interface components for managing calculated items.
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.calculations.percent - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.calculations.percent
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.dataitems - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.dataitems
Provides classes for creating the Query data selector.
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.filterandrank - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.filterandrank
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.format - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.format
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.qualifiers - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.qualifiers
Provides classes for generating a qualifiers selector that is used within the Filter selector for OLAP data.
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.ranking - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.ranking
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.showdetail - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.showdetail
Provides classes of UI components for viewing OLAP detail data.
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.sort - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.sort
Provides classes of UI components used for sorting, generally used in sort selector dialogs.
com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.totals - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.totals
com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector - package com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector
The primary focus of the com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector package is the DualSelector components, which provide a convenient available/selected user interface.
com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview - package com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview
Provides a set of swing classes for viewing and manipulating OLAP data.
com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector - package com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector
The primary focus of the com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector package is to provide the classes necessary to initialize a Remote File Selector.
com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.actions - package com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.actions
The primary focus of the com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.actions package is to provide the classes used to manipulate the user interface when various toolbar, button, and popmenu actions are triggered.
com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.ifileservice - package com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.ifileservice
The primary focus of the com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.ifileservice package is to provide the renderer classes for the various IFileService model displayed columns.
com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.informationservices - package com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.informationservices
The primary focus of the com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.informationservices package is to provide the renderer classes for the various InformationServices model displayed columns.
com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview - package com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview
Provides a set of swing classes for viewing and manipulating relational data.
com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.actions - package com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.actions
com.sas.swing.visuals.util - package com.sas.swing.visuals.util
Utility classes for com.sas.swing.visuals.
com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard - package com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard
A set of classes used to develop a swing-based wizard.
com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2 - package com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2
com.sas.table - package com.sas.table
A set of interfaces for accessing two-dimensional data, and a set of classes for viewing and manipulating that data in tabular form.
com.sas.taglib - package com.sas.taglib
Provides the base set of classes for the SAS Custom Tag Library.
com.sas.taglib.graphics.components - package com.sas.taglib.graphics.components
Provides classes for producing a variety of graph tags.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans
Provides classes for the transformation bean custom tags and their supporting classes.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors
Provides classes for creating data selectors menu bar tags.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.dualselector - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.dualselector
Provides classes for generating DualListSelector tags.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form
Provides classes for creating form element tags.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.graphics - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.graphics
Provides classes for creating different chart tags.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.ipage - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.ipage
Provides classes which implement the custom tags for com.sas.servlet.tbeans.ipage.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.menubar - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.menubar
Provides classes used to generate the MenuBar and SelectorMenuBar tags.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.models - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.models
Provides classes for models tags which may be displayed in viewers, for example, ItemTag.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar
Provides classes which implement the custom tags for com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.olapgraphics - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.olapgraphics
Provides classes for generating different OLAP chart tags.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview
Provides classes which implement the custom tags for com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview
Provides classes which implement the custom tags for com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview
com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.util.validators - package com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.util.validators
com.sas.taglib.storage - package com.sas.taglib.storage
Provides classes for the custom tag that wraps a databean created by the WebAF DataBean Wizard.
com.sas.taglib.storage.jdbc - package com.sas.taglib.storage.jdbc
Provides classes for the custom tag for the JDBCConnection which is used to connect to a JDBC data source.
com.sas.taglib.util.validators - package com.sas.taglib.util.validators
Provides support classes for JSP translation-time validation.
com.sas.util - package com.sas.util
Utility classes for com.sas.servlet.
com.sas.util.connection - package com.sas.util.connection
The primary focus of the com.sas.util.connection package is the ConnectionFactory Bean, which provides a convenient way to configure and use the ConnectionFactory API (com.sas.services.connection package) from within the webAF IDE.
com.sas.util.errorhandlers - package com.sas.util.errorhandlers
An interface and class for general purpose error handlers, normally bound to text fields.
com.sas.util.login - package com.sas.util.login
The primary focus of the com.sas.util.login package is the Login Bean, which provides a way to define properties and behaviors associated with the process of logging into some system.
com.sas.util.transforms - package com.sas.util.transforms
Interfaces and implementations for objects which transform data from one representation or type to another.
com.sas.util.validators - package com.sas.util.validators
Interface and some implementations of input data validators.
com.sas.visuals - package com.sas.visuals
Additional user interface components not provided in AWT.
com.sas.visuals.adapters - package com.sas.visuals.adapters
Adapters and helper classes for visual components.
COM_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.sas.entities.EntityContextInterface
Defines a Microsoft COM context; the editor/customizer/validator name is the name of a COM classid (UUID)
combineDirectoryPathAndFileName(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.ifileservice.IFileServiceModel
Concatenates a path and a folder or file name.
combineDirectoryPathAndFileName(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.informationservices.InformationServicesModel
Concatenates a path and a folder or file name.
combineDirectoryPathAndFileName(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.informationservices.InformationServicesModel2
Concatenates a path and a folder or file name.
combineDirectoryPathAndFileName(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.RemoteFileServerModel
Returns a concatenated file system path given an existing path and a folder/directory name.
combineDirectoryPathAndFileName(String, String) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.RemoteFileServerModelInterface
Returns a concatenated file system path given an existing path and a folder/directory name.
combineDirectoryPathAndFileName(String, String) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.RemoteFileServiceModelInterface
Concatenates a path and a folder name.
combinePathAndFileName(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.informationservices.BaseInformationServicesModel
Concatenates a path and a folder name.
combineWith(Object) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CombiningRendererInterface
Combine with another object.
CombiningRendererInterface - Interface in com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview
Interface for combining with other objects.
COMBO_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.RemoteFileSelectorAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the combo area of the "Detail" view of the RemoteFileSelector.
COMBO_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector2.RemoteFileSelectorAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the combo area of the "Detail" view of the RemoteFileSelector.
ComboBox - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
This class subclasses JComboBox to provide general extensions and corrections to behavior that are useful to applications at SAS.
ComboBox() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.ComboBox
ComboBox(Object[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.ComboBox
ComboBox(Vector) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.ComboBox
ComboBox(ComboBoxModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.ComboBox
ComboBox - Class in com.sas.visuals
ComboBox displays a list of items for selection and contains an optionally editable text control that allows the user to enter text that is not in the list portion of the comboBox.
ComboBox() - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.ComboBox
Default constructor
ComboBoxModelAdapter - Class in com.sas.swing.models
The ComboBoxModelAdapter takes a collection which implements the IndexedGetInterface and allows it to be the model to a Swing ComboBox.
ComboBoxModelAdapter() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.ComboBoxModelAdapter
ComboBoxModelAdapter(IndexedGetInterface) - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.models.ComboBoxModelAdapter
ComboBoxView - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html
The ComboBoxView is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript for creating an element representing a ComboBoxView.
ComboBoxView() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxView
Construct a new ComboBoxView
ComboBoxView(String, ComboBoxModel) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxView
Construct a new ComboBoxView with a specified name and model.
COMBOBOXVIEW - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.TransformationIdKeys
To be used with the comboboxview renderers.
COMBOBOXVIEW_ARROW_CELL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for table cell for the image portion for non-editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_ARROW_CELL_VISTA - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in Vista for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_ARROW_CELL_XP - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in XP for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_BUTTON - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for the button portion of the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_BUTTON_DIV1 - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control the border style around the arrow button for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_BUTTON_DIV2 - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control the border style around the arrow button for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_BUTTON_DIV3 - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control the border style around the arrow button for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_BUTTON_DIV4 - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control the border style around the arrow button for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_BUTTON_VISTA - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in Vista for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_BUTTON_XP - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in XP for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_BUTTON - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for table cell for the button portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_DIV - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for dropdown portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_IMAGE_CELL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for table cell for the image portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_LABEL_DIV1 - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for div1 of textentry portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_LABEL_DIV1VISTA - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for div1 Vista of textentry portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_LABEL_DIV1XP - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for div1 XP of textentry portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_LABEL_DIV2 - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for div2 of textentry portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_LABEL_DIV2VISTA - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for div2 Vista of textentry portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_LABEL_DIV2XP - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for div2 XP of textentry portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_OPTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for dropdown portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_TABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for table that makes up ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_TABLE_DISPLAY - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for table in the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_TEXT_CELL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for table cell for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_EDIT_TEXTCTRL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for textentry portion for editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_FRAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control the iframe style of the IFrame ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_FRAME_SELECT - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control the select style of the IFrame ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_FRAME_TABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control the table style of the IFrame ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_IMAGES - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for images for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LABEL_DIV - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for textentry portion for non-editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LABEL_DIV_VISTA - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in Vista for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LABEL_DIV_XP - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in XP for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LIST - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for dropdown portion for non-editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LIST_DIV - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for dropdown div portion for non-editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LIST_HIGHLIGHT - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when items are selected in the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LIST_SELECTED - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when items are selected in the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LIST_TABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style for the table portion of the non-editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LIST_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style of the text in the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_LIST_UNHIGHLIGHT - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style items are deselected in the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_NO_IMAGES - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when no images in the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_TABLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style of the table that makes up the non-editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_TABLE_CELL_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style left table cell (textentry portion) of the non-editable ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_TABLE_CELL_LEFT_VISTA - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in Vista for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_TABLE_CELL_LEFT_XP - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in XP for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_TABLE_VISTA - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in Vista for the ComboBoxView.
COMBOBOXVIEW_TABLE_XP - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface
Key used to control style when in XP for the ComboBoxView.
ComboBoxViewStyleKeysInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html
Interface that contains the keys for the style map for the ComboBoxView.
ComboBoxViewTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form
ComboBoxViewTag is the tag handler class for the sas:ComboBoxView custom tag .
ComboBoxViewTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.form.ComboBoxViewTag
comboName - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.FontPanel
comboSize - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.FontPanel
comboStyle - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.FontPanel
COMMA - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.HTMLConstantsInterface
COMMA - Static variable in interface com.sas.storage.jdbc.export.ExportDelimiters
Used to separate single piece of data when exporting in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.
COMMAND - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface
The name of a supplemental property of an Action attribute's descriptor that determines if the attribute's value should be applied to the command during the execution phase.
command - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.BaseSwingSelectorPanel
command - Variable in class com.sas.util.CommandDispatcher
command - Variable in class com.sas.util.TimedCommand
The command which executes under the timeout constraint.
command - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ForwardedItemEvent
command - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.MessageBoxEvent
COMMAND_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.sas.commands.DynamicAttributeCommandInterface
Use this key as prefix for a command's name.
commandData - Variable in class com.sas.util.CommandDispatcher
CommandDefinition - Class in com.sas.servlet.util
Deprecated. As of Version 3.0 this class has been replaced by com.sas.servlet.util.commandprocessor.CommandProcessorViewInterface.
CommandDefinition() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.util.CommandDefinition
Deprecated. Default Constructor
CommandDefinition(String, String[], String, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.util.CommandDefinition
Deprecated. Constructor
CommandDefinition(String, String[], String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.util.CommandDefinition
Deprecated. Constructor
commandDefinitions - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.CommandProcessor
Deprecated. Command Defintions
CommandDispatcher - Class in com.sas.util
CommandDispatcher is a class to execute a specified Command when an event is fired.
CommandDispatcher() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CommandDispatcher
Default Constructor.
CommandDispatcher(Command) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CommandDispatcher
Constructor that sets the Command to execute.
CommandDispatcher(Command, Object) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CommandDispatcher
Constructor that sets the Command to execute and the data to send to that command in the execute() method.
CommandManager - Class in com.sas.util
Provides various utility methods for managing commands.
CommandManager() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CommandManager
CommandProcessor - Class in com.sas.servlet.util
Deprecated. As of Version 3.0 this class has been replaced by com.sas.servlet.util.commandprocessor.CommandProcessor.
CommandProcessor() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.util.CommandProcessor
CommandProcessorCommandInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.util
Deprecated. As of Version 3.0 this class has been replaced by com.sas.servlet.util.commandprocessor.CommandProcessorCommandInterface.
CommandProcessorInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.util
Deprecated. As of Version 3.0 this class has been replaced by com.sas.servlet.util.commandprocessor.CommandProcessorInterface.
CommandProcessorViewInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.util
Deprecated. As of Version 3.0 this class has been replaced by com.sas.servlet.util.commandprocessor.CommandProcessorViewInterface.
commandProducers - Variable in class com.sas.swing.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
commandProducers - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
CommandProgress - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals
CommandProgress executes a command asynchronously, giving visual feedback in the form of a Dialog.
CommandProgress() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.CommandProgress
CommandProgress - Class in com.sas.visuals
CommandProgress executes a command asynchronously, giving visual feedback in the form of a Dialog.
CommandProgress() - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CommandProgress
CommandsInterface - Interface in com.sas.util
Defines an interface for command producers.
CommandStatusInterface - Interface in com.sas.actionprovider
This interface is implemented by commands that may not enabled under certain conditions and whose users need to know this status prior to command execution or Action rendering.
CommandSupportedInterface - Interface in com.sas.actionprovider
This interface is implemented by commands that are not enabled under certain conditions and whose users need to know this status prior to command execution or Action rendering.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.commands.MapPropertyCommand
Commits all changes made to the selector model to the viewer's business model.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand
The commit method alters the original model to reflect any changes made by the user and hides or destroys the selector visual.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommandFacade
The commit method alters the original model to reflect any changes made by the user and hides or destroys the selector visual.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.BaseSelectorCommand
COMMIT - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.DataItemSelectorCommand
Remote scripting action key that indicates the OK button was clicked
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.DataItemSelectorCommand
Commits all changes made to the selector model to the viewer's business model.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingChartCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.ExportSelectorCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FilterAndRankSelectorCommand
The commit method alters the original model to reflect any changes made by the user and hides or destroys the selector visual.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FindSelectorCommand
Commits all changes made to the selector model to the viewer's business model.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FormatSelectorCommand
The commit method alters the original model to reflect any changes made by the user and hides or destroys the selector visual.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.MemberPropertiesCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.OLAPSortSelectorCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.OLAPTimeBasedFilterCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.PercentCalculationsCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.RankingCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.ShowDetailSelectorCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorCommand
Invoked when the user presses OK on the selector.
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SortCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SortSelectorCommand
commit(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.TotalsCommand
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculations.percent.BasePercentCalculationsSelectorAdapter
Commits the current set of fractional items to this adapter's associated model.
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculations.percent.PercentCalculationsSelectorDataSource
Commits the new set of fractional items to the model.
commit() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculations.percent.PercentCalculationsSelectorDataSourceInterface
Commits the new set of fractional items to the model.
commit() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.CommitInterface
Commits the current set of fractional items to this adapter's associated model.
COMMIT - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BaseDataItemSelectorModel
Remote scripting action key that indicates the OK button was clicked
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BaseDataItemSelectorModel
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingChartSelectorBQAdapter
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorBQAdapter
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.OLAPExceptionHighlightingChartSelectorBQAdapter
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.OLAPTimeBasedFilterAdapter
Required to satisfy the SelectorCommitInterface
commit() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.memberproperties.MemberPropertiesSelectorDataSourceInterface
Commits the new set of member properties to the model.
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.memberproperties.MemberPropertiesSelectorOLAPAdapter
Commits the new set of member properties to the model.
commit() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.memberproperties.MemberPropertiesSelectorOLAPDataSource
Commits the new set of member properties to the model.
commit() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.SelectorCommitInterface
Used to commit the changes to the model.
commit() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetConnection
Closes all the open Statement and PreparedStatement objects that are associated with this object.
commit() - Method in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.navigationbar.EditNavigationInterface
Commit any changes.
commit() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseTableView
Commit any editing changes.
commit() - Method in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
Commits any changes to the current row to the data source.
commit() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
Implementation of the java.sql.Connection interface.
COMMIT - Static variable in class com.sas.table.NavigationBar
Action command for the commit button.
commit() - Method in interface com.sas.table.TableNavigationInterface
Commits any changes to the current row to the table.
COMMIT_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.BaseNavigationBarSupport
The actionType key used to define the commit action.
COMMIT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.HttpRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the commit action when editing is enabled.
COMMIT_AUTO_COMMIT - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseEditEnabledStrategy
COMMIT_AUTO_COMMIT - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.RelationalDynamicValueKeys
COMMIT_CELL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.sas.table.TableView
Constant used to identify errors that occur when committing cell changes to the model.
COMMIT_DELETE_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.HttpRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key used to define the Commit action when singleRowEditing is disabled.
COMMIT_INSERTED_ROW_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.SwingRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
COMMIT_MODE - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.BaseSelectorCommand
Commit mode indicates the user wants to commit his/her changes.
COMMIT_MODE - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.DataItemSelectorCommand
The mode key for committing changes to the viewer model
COMMIT_MODE - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BaseDataItemSelectorModel
The mode key for committing changes to the viewer model
COMMIT_MODEL - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseEditEnabledStrategy
COMMIT_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.RelationalDynamicValueKeys
COMMIT_ROW - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseEditEnabledStrategy
COMMIT_ROW - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.util.relational.RelationalDynamicValueKeys
commitAction - Variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.BaseNavigationBarSupport
The commit action.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemAdapter
Commit changed data
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemListAdapter
Commit changed data
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemListAdapter.InnerListOfCalculatedItems
commitChanges() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
Commit changed data
commitChanges() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemListInterface
Commit changed data
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterableListModel
Commits any changes made in the filter model to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterItemSimpleListBase
Commit any changes to the filter model and apply them to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractSimpleLogicListAdapterBase
Commit any changes to the filter model and apply them to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessModelFilterItemToAdvancedLogicListAdapter
Commit changed data to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessModelToAdvancedFilterDefinitionModelAdapter
Commit Changes will either update or create (as needed) the LogicTestNode to the DataSelection
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessModelToAdvancedFilterModelAdapter
Commit changes to the native filter model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessQueryFilterItemToAdvancedLogicListAdapter
Commit changed data to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessQueryFilterItemToSimpleLogicListAdapter
Commits any changes in the filter model to the underlying native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessQueryToFilterableListModelAdapter
Commits any model changes in all filterable items to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessQueryToSimpleFilterDefinitionModelAdapter
Commit Changes will either update or create (as needed) the LogicTestNode to the BusinessQuery
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessQueryToSimpleFilterListEditorModelAdapter
Commit any changes to the filter model and apply them to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultAdvancedFilterModelAdapter
Commit changes to the native filter model.
commitChanges() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterableListModelInterface
The master commit for changes made to any/all of the filter models on the filterable items.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterItemListToSimpleList
Commits any changes in the filter model to the underlying native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterItemRootToAdvancedList
Commits any changes in the filter model to the underlying native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterItemRootToSimpleList
Commits any changes in the filter model to the underlying native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.InformationMapFilterItemToSimpleLogicListAdapter
Commits any changes in the filter model to the underlying native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.InformationMapToSimpleFilterDefinitionModelAdapter
Commit Changes will either update or create (as needed) the LogicTestNode to the DataSelection
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterDefinitionModelBase
Commit Changes will either update or create (as needed) the LogicTestNode to the DataSelection
commitChanges() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterDefinitionModelInterface
Commit all changes to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterListEditorModelBase
Commit any changes to the filter model and apply them to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleLogicListInterface
Commit any changes to the filter model and apply them to the native model.
commitChanges() - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor.EntityAttributeValueModelInterface
Commits the property value changes to the Entity model.
commitChangesToField(JComponent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.calculateditems.AdvancedCalculatedItemSelector
CommitCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.relational
This class implements the commit command.
CommitCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CommitCommand
Default constructor
CommitCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CommitCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
CommitCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CommitCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type
commitData(int) - Method in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
CommitDeleteStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
CommitDeleteStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CommitDeleteStrategy
Default constructor.
CommitDeleteStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CommitDeleteStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
CommitInsertedRowCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.relational
This class implements the hold Row command.
CommitInsertedRowCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CommitInsertedRowCommand
Default constructor
CommitInsertedRowCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CommitInsertedRowCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
CommitInsertedRowCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CommitInsertedRowCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type
CommitInsertedRowStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
CommitInsertedRowStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CommitInsertedRowStrategy
Default constructor.
CommitInsertedRowStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CommitInsertedRowStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
CommitInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors
Defines methods and properties required for an adapter implementation of the percent of totals calculation selector.
commitLastEditedValue() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor.EntityAttributeValuePanel
Ensures that the last attribute changed is committed to the default adapter instance.
COMMITLEVEL_CELL - Static variable in interface com.sas.table.TableNavigationV2Interface
Automatically commit cells
COMMITLEVEL_NONE - Static variable in interface com.sas.table.TableNavigationV2Interface
Do not automatically commit
COMMITLEVEL_ROW - Static variable in interface com.sas.table.TableNavigationV2Interface
Automatically commit rows
commitModifiedCells() - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Commits any modified cells to the model.
commitRow() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCToDataTableAdapter
If autoCommit is false, this method calls updateRow on the result set.
commitRow() - Method in interface com.sas.table.DataTableInterface
Commits whatever the current row in the data set is.
CommitRowStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
CommitRowStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CommitRowStrategy
Default constructor.
CommitRowStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CommitRowStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
COMMITSUPPORTED - Static variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
commitTree() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterItemSimpleTree
commitTree() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterLogicTreeInterface
Commits any changes in the tree to the underlying native filter model.
commitTree() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.SimpleFilterLogicTreeAdapter
commitUncommittedRow() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCToTableModelAdapter
commitUncommittedRow() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.SortableTableModelAdapter
If an uncommitted row is present, this will commit the row into the model.
commitUncommittedRow() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TableModelAdapter
commitUncommittedRow(TableModel) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TableModelInsertRowSupport
Commits the data in the row to the underlying model.
commitUncommittedRow() - Method in interface com.sas.table.InsertRowInterface
Commits the data in the row to the underlying model.
commitWithUpdate - Variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
CommonButtons - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.util
A class to identify and create common buttons.
commonInit() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BasicColorsCanvas
commonInit() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BasicColorsPanel
commonInit() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ColorDialog
commonInit performs all the common functionality between the constructors of the FontDialog.
commonInit() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.CustomColorsPanel
commonInit() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.FontDialog
commonInit performs all the common functionality between the constructors of the FontDialog.
commonInit() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.MessageBox
Performs all the common functionality between the constructors of the MessageBox.
commonInit() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.NumericTextField
comparator - Variable in class com.sas.util.Java2ComparatorAdapter
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sas.storage.olap.MemberLevelComparator
Compares two com.sas.storage.olap.MemberInterface objects by their level depth value.
compare(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.NavigationalAction
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sas.util.Java2ComparatorAdapter
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sas.util.ReverseComparator
Compare two objects using the original comparator, and reverse and return that result.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sas.util.StringComparator
Compare two values.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.sas.util.TransformingComparator
Compare the left object to the right object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemTreeNodeInfo
Compares 2 DataItemTreeNodeInfo objects.
complete - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.BaseSelectorCommand
COMPLEX_INDICATOR_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseTreeView
SelectionMode constant for using checkboxes next to every node for selection, and an image next to every node indicating if none/some/all of its children have been selected.
ComplexStyleInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.tbeans
Interface used by all complex components that either use several styles or a composite component that are made up of multiple components.
Component - Class in com.sas.awt
Component is the base class for webAF visual objects.
Component() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Component
The default constructor.
component - Variable in class com.sas.awt.RefreshCommand
The component the refreshCommand will be used on
component - Variable in class com.sas.swing.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
component - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.JListDualSelectorAdapter
The JList component that's being adapted
component - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.JTreeDualSelectorAdapter
the actual JTree component
component - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.BaseRemoteFileSelectorPanel
Represents the main display table component of the view.
component - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.RemoteFileSearchComponent
the table component used to show the search results
component - Variable in class com.sas.util.errorhandlers.JOptionPaneErrorHandler
The frame to parent the JOptionPane dialog to.
component - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
component - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.TextBorder
componentAdded(ContainerEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.BaseKeyAdapter
componentAdded(ContainerEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.TabbedView
ComponentBeanInfo - Class in com.sas.awt
ComponentBeanInfo() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ComponentBeanInfo
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
componentListenerKey - Static variable in class com.sas.awt.AWTEventMulticaster2
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
ComponentPropertyManager - Class in com.sas.servlet.util
The ComponentPropertyManager is responsible for holding global properties which are application specific such as locations for images, javascript, and templates.
ComponentPropertyManager() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.util.ComponentPropertyManager
componentRemoved(ContainerEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.BaseKeyAdapter
componentRemoved(ContainerEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.TabbedView
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
components - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ToolbarLayout
COMPONENTS_INIT - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.BaseUtil
ComponentSelectorInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors
A component selector is a selector that can be included into another selector in order to extend the includer's functionalities.
ComponentSelectorPanelInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors
A component selector panel is a selector panel that can be included into another selector panel in order to extend the includer's functionalities.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
componentTitle - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ListBoxSelector
ComponentToNameTransform - Class in com.sas.util.transforms
ComponentToNameTransform() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.transforms.ComponentToNameTransform
ComponentVisualComponent - Class in com.sas.awt
ComponentVisualComponent() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ComponentVisualComponent
CompositeBorder - Class in com.sas.visuals
CompositeBorder is a subclass of Border that can combine two BorderInterface objects into one border.
CompositeBorder() - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CompositeBorder
Default Constructor.
CompositeBorder(BorderInterface, BorderInterface, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CompositeBorder
Constructor to create a CompositeBorder out of the specified exterior and interior border and with the specified gap between them.
compositeCommitAttrMappings - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseEditEnabledStrategy
CompositeComponentInterface - Interface in com.sas.servlet.tbeans
Interface used by all composite components that are made up of multiple components.
CompositeContainer - Class in com.sas.visuals
CompositeContainer is a subclass of Container with some convenience methods for building composite objects.
CompositeContainer() - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CompositeContainer
The default constructor.
CompositeDataSelectorCommandInterface - Interface in com.sas.commands.dataselectors
A composite data selector command is a data seletor command that can use other data selector commands in order to extend its original functionalities.
compositeDeleteAttrMappings - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseEditEnabledStrategy
CompositeDynamicAttributeCommand - Class in com.sas.commands
A command which manages the order of execution and rollback for a group of sub-commands.
CompositeDynamicAttributeCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.CompositeDynamicAttributeCommand
Default constructor
CompositeDynamicAttributeCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.CompositeDynamicAttributeCommand
Name Constructor.
CompositeDynamicAttributeCommandInterface - Interface in com.sas.commands
CompositeErrorHandler - Class in com.sas.util.errorhandlers
CompositeErrorHandler is a composite errorhandler.
CompositeErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerInterface, ErrorHandlerInterface) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.errorhandlers.CompositeErrorHandler
Default Constructor.
CompositeInterface - Interface in com.sas.awt
compositeMoveColumnAttrMappings - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseEditMoveColumnStrategy
CompositePanel - Class in com.sas.visuals
CompositePanel is a subclass of com.sas.awt.Panel.
CompositePanel() - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CompositePanel
The default constructor.
CompositeSelectorInterface - Interface in com.sas.dataselectors
A composite selector is a selector that can include the panels/services of other selectors in order to extend its original functionalities.
compositeSortAttrMappings - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.BaseEditSortStrategy
CompositeValidator - Class in com.sas.util.validators
CompositeValidator allows the validation of one or more Validators to be chained together such that all need to validate the value for the composite to be valid.
CompositeValidator() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.validators.CompositeValidator
Default constructor, actuall validators still need to be added to the validator.
CompositeValidator(ValidationInterface) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.validators.CompositeValidator
Constructor which allows specifying the first validator.
CompositeValidator(ValidationInterface, ValidationInterface) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.validators.CompositeValidator
Constructor which allows specifying the first two validators.
CompositeValidator(List) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.validators.CompositeValidator
Constructor which allows specifying a list of validators to use.
CompositeValidatorTag - Class in com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.util.validators
CompositeValidatorTag is the tag handler class for the sas:CompositeValidator custom tag .
CompositeValidatorTag() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.util.validators.CompositeValidatorTag
COMPOUND - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.BorderTypes
computePopupMenuLocation(int, int, int, int, Component) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Determines the location on the screen the popup menu should be displayed at.
computePopupMenuSize(JPopupMenu, Component) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Calculates the size a popup menu will be so that a user will be able to know where to locate the popup menu on the screen.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.AppletVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Button
Returns the preferred size of the component
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ButtonVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.CanvasVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.CheckBox
Returns the preferred size of the component
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.CheckBoxVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.Choice
Returns the preferred size of the component
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ChoiceVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ComponentVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ContainerVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.DialogVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.FrameVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.LabelVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ListBoxVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.PanelVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ScrollbarVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.ScrollPaneVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextAreaVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextField
Returns the preferred size of the component
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextFieldVisualComponent
computePreferredSize() - Method in interface com.sas.awt.VisualInterface
The default implementation of this method calls super.getPreferredSize().
computePreferredSize(ComponentInterface, VisualInterface, Component) - Static method in class com.sas.awt.VisualInterfaceSupport
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DualSelector
Computes the preferred size.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.ImageView
Compute the preferred size of the image.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SpinButton
Get the preferredSize of the RadioButton.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.TreeView
Returns the preferred size of the TreeView.
computePreferredSize(Graphics) - Method in class com.sas.table.CellVector
Returns the preferred amount of space needed to display the cell vector in the given graphics context.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Determines the preferred size of this component.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BaseButton
Compute the preferred size.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ComboBox
Returns the preferred size of the ComboBox
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.DualSelector
Computes the preferred size.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.IconView
Return the preferredSize of the IconInterface
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageView
Compute the preferred size of the image.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.LabelView
Returns the minimum size in pixels.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ScrollSlider
Compute the preferredSize of the ScrollSlider.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.SpinButton
Get the preferredSize of the RadioButton.
computePreferredSize() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.TreeView
Returns the preferred size of the TreeView.
con - Variable in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetConnection
condition - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingRule
The condition for expression
condition - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTestNode
CONDITION_BETWEEN - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorInterface
CONDITION_CHANGED - Static variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand
pendingAction value when the condition is changed.
CONDITION_CHOICEBOX - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html.FindSelectorPanelKeysInterface
Component key for the condition choicebox
CONDITION_EQUAL - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorInterface
CONDITION_EQUALS - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart.TileChartHighlightModel
CONDITION_FORMAT_SYMBOL - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.AppliedFiltersUtil
Constant defining a format type to format filter expressions using symbols for the conditions (for example, use ">" versus "greater than")
CONDITION_FORMAT_SYMBOL_NO_LABEL - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.AppliedFiltersUtil
Constant defining a format type to format filter expressions containing no labels and using symbols for the conditions (for example, use ">" versus "greater than")
CONDITION_FORMAT_TEXT - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.AppliedFiltersUtil
Constant defining a format type to format filter expressions using words for the conditions (for example, use "greater than" versus ">")
CONDITION_FORMAT_TEXT_NO_LABEL - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.AppliedFiltersUtil
Constant defining a format type to format filter expressions containing no labels and using words for the conditions (for example, use "greater than" versus ">")
CONDITION_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorInterface
CONDITION_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart.TileChartHighlightModel
CONDITION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorInterface
CONDITION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart.TileChartHighlightModel
CONDITION_HIGHEST - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart.TileChartHighlightModel
CONDITION_LABEL - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html.FindSelectorPanelKeysInterface
Component key for the condition choicebox label
CONDITION_LESS_THAN - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorInterface
CONDITION_LESS_THAN - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart.TileChartHighlightModel
CONDITION_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorInterface
CONDITION_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart.TileChartHighlightModel
CONDITION_LOWEST - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.tilechart.TileChartHighlightModel
CONDITION_MISSING_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorInterface
CONDITION_NOT_EQUAL - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorInterface
ConditionalRelationType - Class in com.sas.dataselectors.filters
Contains the types of conditional relations (e.g.
conditionChoice - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingChartSelectorPanel
conditionChoice - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
conditionChoiceBox - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html.FindSelectorPanel
The choicebox used to qualify the find value
conditionLabel - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingChartSelectorPanel
conditionLabel - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
conditionLabel - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html.FindSelectorPanel
The label displayed with the condition choicebox
ConditionTableCellRenderer - Class in com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.rpf.html
The class is used for rendering conditions applied to the TableView using the Context class set on the TableView.
ConditionTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.rpf.html.ConditionTableCellRenderer
Constructs a new ConditionTableCellRenderer.
ConditionTableCellRenderer(TableCellContentsRenderer) - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.rpf.html.ConditionTableCellRenderer
Constructs a new ConditionTableCellRenderer with the given TableCellContentsRenderer
CONFIG_TYPE_MANUAL - Static variable in class com.sas.util.connection.ConnectionFactoryBean
Defines a ConnectionFactory configuration that is defined manually by the user
CONFIG_TYPE_PLATFORM - Static variable in class com.sas.util.connection.ConnectionFactoryBean
Defines a ConnectionFactory configuration that is defined in a BI Platform repository
configType - Variable in class com.sas.util.connection.ConnectionFactoryBean
The currently assigned configuration type
configure(SimpleCommand, long, boolean, SimpleCommand) - Method in class com.sas.util.TimedCommand
Configure a TimedCommand which will execute a command, timing out after a period of time.
configure(SimpleCommand, long, boolean, SimpleCommand, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.util.TimedCommand
Deprecated. Since Thread.stop() is deprecated in Java 2, It is best to use a command that can be stopped by Thread.interrupt(). See Interrupting Threads above.
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.BaseDefinitionRange
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.BaseFileDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.ColorDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.DataSourceColumnDefinition
configureAttributes(Map, Map) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.DataSourceDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.DateDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.DateRangeDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.DoubleDefinition
configureAttributes(Map, Map) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.DoubleRangeDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.IntegerDefinition
configureAttributes(Map, Map) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.IntegerRangeDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.PromptDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.SASLibraryDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.StringRangeDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.TextDefinition
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.groups.ModalChoiceGroup
configureAttributes(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.groups.PromptGroup
configureColumnHeaderActionFilter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
configureColumnHeaderActionFilter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
configureDataCellActionFilter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
configureDataCellActionFilter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
configureEnclosingScrollPane() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
If this TableView is the viewportView of an enclosing JScrollPane (the usual situation), configure this ScrollPane by, amongst other things, installing the table's tableHeader as the columnHeaderView of the scroll pane and the table's rowHeader as the rowHeaderView of the scroll pane.
configureGroupBoxBorder(Border, String) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Sets the values on a Border object for it to look like an MS group box.
configureMnemonicForButton(AbstractButton, String) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Configures the mnemonic for the button given the text.
configureMnemonicForLabel(JLabel, String) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Configures the mnemonic for the label given the text.
configurePropertiesFromAction(Action) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BasicButton
Factory method which sets the AbstractButton's properties according to values from the Action instance.
configureRowHeaderActionFilter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
configureRowHeaderActionFilter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
configureTitleActionFilter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
configureTitleActionFilter(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
configureToolBarActionFilter() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Configures the toolbar action filter for the ActionProvider.
configureToolBarActionFilter() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Configures the toolbar action filter for the ActionProvider.
confirmDelAllMsg - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.ListEditor
The message to display in the confirmation box when all entries are to be deleted.
confirmDeleteMsg - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.ListEditor
The message to display in the confirmation box when an entry is to be deleted.
conn - Variable in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCAdapter
The Connection object supplied by the constructor or setModel method.
connect() - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Establish the connection to ArcGIS Server.
connect(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Connects to the remote SAS session.
connect(Socket, CipherInterface) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Connects to the remote SAS session.
connect(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.SASTelnetClient
connect(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.SASTelnetClient
connect to the telnet daemon on the default port.
connect(String, int) - Method in interface com.sas.net.connect.TelnetClientInterface
connect to the telnet daemon.
connect(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.TelnetConnectClient
Connects to the server.
connect(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.TelnetConnectClient
Connects to the server using the default Telnet port of 23.
connect(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.TelnetScriptingTool
Connects to the host using the default Telnet port of 23 and starts the server.
connect(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.TelnetScriptingTool
Connects to the host and starts the server.
connect(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.TunneledConnectClient
Connects to the server.
connect(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.TunneledConnectClient
Connects to the server using a default port of 23.
connect(String, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetConnection
Connect to the server.
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetDriver
Attempts to make a database connection to the server specified by the URL.
ConnectClient - Class in com.sas.net.connect
This is the base class for TelnetConnectClient and TunneledConnectClient.
ConnectClient() - Constructor for class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Constructs a SAS/CONNECT driver for Java ConnectClient object.
ConnectClient(Properties) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Constructs a SAS/CONNECT driver for Java ConnectClient object.
connected - Variable in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
ConnectException - Exception in com.sas.net.connect
The ConnectException class provides information about a SAS/CONNECT driver for Java error.
ConnectException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.connect.ConnectException
Constructs a ConnectException object.
ConnectException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.connect.ConnectException
Constructs a ConnectException object.
ConnectException() - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.connect.ConnectException
No-argument constructor.
ConnectException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.connect.ConnectException
Wrapper constructor.
ConnectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.connect.ConnectException
Wrapper constructor.
connection - Variable in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetResultSet
connection - Variable in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetStatement
connection - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
Connection object for remote access.
connection - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectSelectorDialog
Connection object for remote access.
connection - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.tree.NodeDelegate
CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.Util
connection - Variable in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
CONNECTION_ORDER - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.MarkerStyle
CONNECTION_ORDER enables a set of static actions associated with the public CONNECTION_ORDER_ constants.
CONNECTION_ORDER_DATA - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.MarkerStyle
Connect the markes in the order they appear in the data.
CONNECTION_ORDER_X - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.MarkerStyle
Connect the markers in ascending along the horizontal (x) axis order.
CONNECTION_ORDER_Y - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.MarkerStyle
Connect the markers in ascending along the vertical (y) axis order.
connectionAlternateThreadEnding() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
Called after the thread is either completed or terminated.
ConnectionFactoryBean - Class in com.sas.util.connection
The ConnectionFactoryBean class is a Java bean which wraps ConnectionFactory classes in the com.sas.services.connection package.
ConnectionFactoryBean() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.connection.ConnectionFactoryBean
Default constructor.
connectionFactoryBean - Variable in class com.sas.util.login.LoginBeanCFBValidate
The associated LoginBean instance.
ConnectionFactoryBean.BeanPuddle - Class in com.sas.util.connection
The internal BeanPuddle class holds the set of properties for a puddle.
ConnectionFactoryBean.BeanPuddle() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.connection.ConnectionFactoryBean.BeanPuddle
Default constructor.
connectionInfo - Variable in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
ConnectionRefusedException - Exception in com.sas.net
ConnectionRefusedException() - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.ConnectionRefusedException
Constructs a NoSuchElementException with no detail message.
ConnectionRefusedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.ConnectionRefusedException
Constructs a NoSuchElementException with the specified detail message.
connectionThreadEnding() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
Called after the thread is either completed or terminated.
connectionUtility - Variable in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
Connection utility used to display a default or busy cursor.
ConnectLogException - Exception in com.sas.net.connect
The ConnectLogException class provides information about an error returned in the SAS log.
ConnectLogException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.connect.ConnectLogException
Constructs a ConnectLogException.
ConnectLogException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sas.net.connect.ConnectLogException
Constructs a ConnectLogException.
connectPopupToComponent() - Method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
Called to connect the PopupMenu to the Component.
connectPopupToComponent() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
Called to connect the PopupMenu to the Component.
ConstantCollection - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
Constant collections are used to support a common set of static actions applied on constants defined in the com.sas.graphics.components package.
ConstantCollection(Class, ConstantCollection.Element[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ConstantCollection
Constructor used to specify a collection (an immutable set) of constant values.
ConstantCollection(Class, String, ConstantCollection.Element[]) - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ConstantCollection
Constructor used to specify a collection (an immutable set) of constant values.
Constants - Class in com.sas.net.rmi
Constants denoting standard port numbers used by SAS applications employing remote RMI objects.
Constants - Interface in com.sas.swing
An extension of the SwingConstants that are generally used for positioning and orienting components and text.
constrainSize(int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.EqualSpacePartitioner
Helper method used to constrain the passed in size based on the minimumSize and maximumSize properties.
consume() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.NodeActionEvent
Called to consume the event.
consumeAttributes(AttributesProvider) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.PromptValues
Internal persistence method
consumeRelatedObjects(RelatedObjectListsHolder) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.definitions.ColorDefinition
consumeRelatedObjects(RelatedObjectListsHolder) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.PromptValues
Internal persistence method
Container - Class in com.sas.awt
Container is a subclass of java.awt.Container which implements the ComponentInterface, VisualInterface, and ContainerInterface.
Container() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Container
The default constructor.
Container(LayoutManager) - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.Container
Constructor that allows a layout manager to be set at creation.
container - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.BaseKeyAdapter
CONTAINER_STYLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.ExpandCollapseStyleKeysInterface
Style key for entire table container.
containerComponent - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.JListDualSelectorAdapter
a scrollpane for the JList component
containerComponent - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.JTreeDualSelectorAdapter
a scroll pane used by the JTree component
ContainerContainerComponent - Class in com.sas.awt
ContainerContainerComponent() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ContainerContainerComponent
ContainerInterface - Interface in com.sas.awt
ContainerInterface defines the behavior of container components.
ContainerInterfaceSupport - Class in com.sas.awt
ContainerInterfaceSupport provides a default implementation for the ContainerInterface interface.
ContainerInterfaceSupport() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ContainerInterfaceSupport
ContainerInterfaceSupportInfo - Class in com.sas.awt
ContainerInterfaceSupportInfo provides a place for instances of components to store data used by the ContainerInterfaceSupport implementation of the ContainerInterface.
ContainerInterfaceSupportInfo() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ContainerInterfaceSupportInfo
containerListenerKey - Static variable in class com.sas.awt.AWTEventMulticaster2
ContainerVisualComponent - Class in com.sas.awt
ContainerVisualComponent() - Constructor for class com.sas.awt.ContainerVisualComponent
contains(String) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.ActionList
Returns a boolean indicating whether the list contains an action with the specified actionType.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.ActionOrderList
Returns the boolean indicating whether the specified element is in the ActionOrderList.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemListAdapter.InnerListOfCalculatedItems
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterItemSimpleListBase
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractSimpleLogicListAdapterBase
CONTAINS - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseAdvancedFilterObjectFactory
The "contains" filter condition.
CONTAINS - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultAdvancedFilterCondition
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicList
CONTAINS - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.find.FindSelectorInterface
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.SASListDelegate
contains - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html.FindSelectorPanel
CONTAINS - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.AppliedFiltersUtil
Format key defining the format used to format filter expressions containing the "contains" condition.
contains(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.table.CellSelection
Test for the presence of an item in the selection.
contains(int) - Method in class com.sas.table.CellVector
Checks whether the bounds of this vector contains the specified coordinate.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.table.CellVector
Test for the presence of an object in the cell vector.
contains(DataCell) - Method in class com.sas.table.CellVector
Test for the presence of a cell in the cell vector.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.table.CellVectorSelection
Test for the presence of an item in the selection.
contains(DataCell) - Method in class com.sas.table.Column
Test for the presence of a cell in the column.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.table.ColumnSelection
Test for the presence of an item in the selection.
contains(DataCell) - Method in class com.sas.table.Row
Test for the presence of a cell in the row.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.table.RowSelection
Test for the presence of an item in the selection.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sas.table.Selection
Test for the presence of an item in the selection.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemListAdapter.InnerListOfCalculatedItems
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterItemSimpleListBase
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractSimpleLogicListAdapterBase
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicList
containsAttributeDescriptorNamed(String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.entities.AttributeGroup
containsAttributeDescriptorNamed(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.entities.AttributeGroupInterface
Determine if this AttributeGroup contains a value with the name attributeName.
containsAttributeNamed(String) - Method in class com.sas.entities.BaseEntity
containsAttributeNamed(String) - Method in interface com.sas.entities.BaseEntityInterface
Test if the Entity contains an attribute of a specified name.
containsAttributeNamed(String) - Method in interface com.sas.entities.RemoteBaseEntityInterface
Test if this entity contains an attribute of a specified name.
containsAttributeNamed(String) - Method in class com.sas.entities.RemoteEntity
containsInstance(List, Object) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.Util
containsItem(Object) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.SelectionGroup
Test for the presence of an object set as the item property on one of the SelectableInterface objects in the collection.
containsItem(Object) - Method in interface com.sas.visuals.SelectionGroupInterface
Test for the presence of an object set as the item property on one of the SelectableInterface objects in the collection.
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.sas.util.DynamicPropertyBag
Determine if the property bag contains a property with this name (key).
containsSubgroup(PromptGroupInterface, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.groups.PromptGroup
Returns true if the specified subGroupCandidate argument is identified as a subgroup of this group.
containsSubgroup(PromptGroupInterface, boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.prompts.groups.PromptGroupInterface
Returns true if the specified subGroupCandidate argument is identified as a subgroup of this group.
content - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseExpandCollapse
CONTENT - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.ExpandCollapseKeysInterface
Template key for the div content String.
CONTENT_BYTES - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.StreamContentServlet
The attribute key which stores the content bytes on the request or session.
CONTENT_DISPOSITION - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.StreamContentServlet
The attribute key which stores the content disposition on the request or session.
CONTENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.StreamContentServlet
The attribute key under which the servlet stores and retrieves request and session data.
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.StreamContentServlet
The attribute key which stores the content type on the request or session.
contentBean - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.BaseExpandCollapse
CONTENTS_CENTER - Static variable in interface com.sas.visuals.VisualAspects
image/text manipulation constants
CONTENTS_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.sas.visuals.VisualAspects
image/text manipulation constants
CONTENTS_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.sas.visuals.VisualAspects
image/text manipulation constants
CONTENTS_VALID_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.PanelInterface
Property identifier for the "contentsValid" property.
contentsChanged - Variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.commands.MapBaseCommand
contentsChanged - Variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.commands.MapFilterSelectionsCommand
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.awt.Choice
Called when the contents of the Model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.awt.ListBox
Called when the contents of the model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextArea
Called when the contents of the Model have changed.
contentsChanged - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.BaseSelectorCommand
contentsChanged - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.ShowDetailSelectorCommand
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphOLAPDataSet
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.SASListDelegate
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.BaseSelectorPanel
Satisfies the ContentsChangedInterface All selector panels that use remote scripting should override this method
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculateditems.html.SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorPanel
Processes a ContentsChangedEvent received from the SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorCommand.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
Reads the values stored in the EventInfo by the ExceptionHighlightingCommand in the process() method (when remote javascript)
contentsChanged(Map) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
The ExceptionHighglightingCommand generates a map of info that is interpreted by this method.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.find.html.FindSelectorPanel
Reacts to ContentsChangedEvents.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.html.EntityAttributeValueSelectorPanel
Reacts to ContentsChangedEvents.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.graphics.html.ESRIMapChart
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.BaseOLAPDrillState
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.BaseOLAPTableView
Listens for ContentsChange Events from the Action Provider and update the number of rows/columns accordingly.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileSelector
Sets the mode for the selector based on the executed command.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.ListModelAdapter
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.OLAPTableModelAdapter
ContentsChangedListener method to listen for events sent by the model and to refresh the row and column axis.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TableModelAdapter
ContentsChangedListener method to listen for events sent by the model and fire the appropriate table changed events.
contentsChanged(ListDataEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TransformingListModel
Sent when the contents of the list has changed in a way that's too complex to characterize with the previous methods.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TreeModelAdapter
contentsChanged(ListDataEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.sort.SortSelector
contentsChanged(ListDataEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DualSelector
Event handler for the ListDataEvents received from the models.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPDrillState
Invoked when the OLAPDrillState receives a ContentsChangeEvent from the action provider.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Invoked when the table receives a ContentsChangeEvent from the action provider.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.BaseRemoteFileSelectorPanel
Listens for ContentsChangedEvent for path and view type.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.RemoteFileSearchComponent
Listens for the search contentsChanged events from the command.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SpinBox
Handle contentsChanged events from a collection model.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Invoked when the table receives a ContentsChangeEvent from the action provider.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.TreeView
Handles ContentsChangedEvent sent by the model.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Processes a com.sas.collection.ContentsChangedEvent sent by the model.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.util.Template
Called when the contents of the Model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ComboBox
Called when the contents of the Model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.DualSelector
Event handler for the ContentsChangedEvents received from the models.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageAnimation
Called when the contents of the model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageSequence
Deprecated. Called when the contents of the model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.RadioBox
Called when the contents of the model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.SpinBox
Handle contentsChanged events from a collection model.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.TabBar
Handle a change in the contents of the model.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.TabbedView
Called when the contents of the model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.TreeView
Handles ContentsChangedEvent sent by the model.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.UnitsBox
handle a change in the units association list.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.UpDownListBox
Called when the contents of the Model have changed.
contentsChanged(ContentsChangedEvent) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.UpDownTextArea
ContentsChangedInterface - Interface in com.sas.commands
This interface implemented by commands that can provide specific information about their operation after execution and that need the information fired in the form of an Event.
ContentServer - Class in com.sas.util
A class for sending content to a browser (either through applet.showDocument or directly invoking the browser) or directly to an application.
ContentServer() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.ContentServer
Constructs a ContentServer object.
ContentServer(String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.ContentServer
ContentServer(String, StringBuffer, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.ContentServer
ContentServer(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.ContentServer
ContentServer2 - Class in com.sas.util
A class for sending content to a browser (either through applet.showDocument or directly invoking the browser) or directly to an application.
ContentServer2() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.ContentServer2
Constructs a ContentServer2 object.
ContentServer2(String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.ContentServer2
ContentServer2(String, StringBuffer, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.ContentServer2
ContentServer2(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.ContentServer2
ContentServlet - Class in com.sas.servlet.util
Deprecated. As of version 3.0, this class has been replaced by com.sas.servlet.util.StreamContentServlet.
ContentServlet() - Constructor for class com.sas.servlet.util.ContentServlet
contentShift - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.PushButton
Point value that specifies the amount the PushButton shifts when pressed.
contentShift() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.PushButton
contentShift - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ToggleButton
Point value that specifies the amount the ToggleButton shifts when pressed.
contentShift() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ToggleButton
Returns the amount to shift the contents based on the state of the button model and the icons that have been set.
ContentsModel - Class in com.sas.graphics.components
The ContentsModel class stores common axis appearance preferences for graph axis and graph matrix axis.
ContentsModel() - Constructor for class com.sas.graphics.components.ContentsModel
contentsValid - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.BaseSwingSelectorPanel
context - Variable in class com.sas.swing.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
context - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.adapters.PopupMenuAdapter
contextClasspath - Static variable in interface com.sas.sasserver.BookmarkManagerInterface
contextClasspath - Static variable in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree.LevelTreeInterface
contextClasspath - Static variable in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree.LevelTreeV2Interface
contextClasspath - Static variable in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree.LevelTreeV3Interface
contextClasspath - Static variable in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree.RemoteServerNodeInterface
Name of the default SAS/AF class which implements the remote tree.
ContextCommandsConsumerInterface - Interface in com.sas.util
Defines an interface for context command consumers.
ContextCommandsInterface - Interface in com.sas.util
Defines an interface for context command producers.
ContextInterface - Interface in com.sas.util
ContextInterface is an interface for objects that need to provide a context based on some positional data.
contextLabel - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
CONTEXTPATH - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.HttpActionProvider
Key used with url template substitution when mapping to the request context path.
CONTEXTPATH - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.BaseUtil
contextPath - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.util.ComponentPropertyManager
CONTINUOUS_VALUE_DISPLAY - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
CONTINUOUS_VALUE_DISPLAY enables a set of static actions associated with the public CONTINUOUS_VALUE_DISPLAY constants.
CONTINUOUS_VALUE_PLACEMENT_AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Allows the graph to select its preferred style for rendering the range based on the current state of the graph.
CONTINUOUS_VALUE_PLACEMENT_MAJOR_TICK - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Displays the major tickmarks only.
CONTINUOUS_VALUE_PLACEMENT_RANGE - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
Display range values only.
control - Static variable in class com.sas.awt.Color
controlHighlight - Static variable in class com.sas.awt.Color
CONTROLPRESSED - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.MapActionValueKeys
controlShadow - Static variable in class com.sas.awt.Color
controlText - Static variable in class com.sas.awt.Color
convertBusinessObjectListToValuesList(List, String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedObjectFactory
convertColumnIndexToView(int) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.HttpHoldColumnSupport
convertColumnIndexToView(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.HoldColumnSupport
convertColumnIndexToView(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.SwingHoldColumnSupport
convertIconToImage(Component, Icon) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Converts the specified icon to an image.
convertList(FilterValuesInterface) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterValuesToTreeModelAdapter
Converts the given filter values list to a tree node model and returns the root of that new model.
convertLocaleValue(String, Locale, Locale) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.ExceptionHighlightingRemoteScriptingHandler
convertLogicalCondition(ConditionalRelationType) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.LogicTreeToFilterItemTransform
convertRowIndexToModel(int) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.components.ganttchart.GanttChart
Maps the index of the row in the view at viewRowIndex to the index of the row in the table model.
convertRowIndexToModel(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.SortableTableModelAdapter
Returns the true model index for a given viewer row index.
convertRowIndexToModel(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.DefaultTableRowModel
Maps the index of the row in the view at viewRowIndex to the index of the row in the table model.
convertRowIndexToModel(int) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableRowModel
Maps the index of the row in the view at viewRowIndex to the index of the row in the table model.
convertRowIndexToModel(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Maps the index of the row in the view at viewRowIndex to the index of the row in the table model.
convertRowIndexToView(int) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.components.ganttchart.GanttChart
Maps the index of the row in the table model at modelRowIndex to the index of the row in the view.
convertRowIndexToView(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.SortableTableModelAdapter
Returns the true 0 based viewer index for a given model row index.
convertRowIndexToView(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.DefaultTableRowModel
Maps the index of the row in the table model at modelRowIndex to the index of the row in the view.
convertRowIndexToView(int) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableRowModel
Maps the index of the row in the table model at modelRowIndex to the index of the row in the view.
convertRowIndexToView(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Maps the index of the row in the table model at modelRowIndex to the index of the row in the view.
convertScope(Locale, String) - Static method in class com.sas.taglib.BaseTag
Used to convert the string version of the scope to a javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext reference.
convertToCalcItemType(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemAdapter
convertToCalcItemType(int, boolean) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedObjectFactory
convertToCalcItemType(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
Converts a expression type from the com.sas.iquery.metadata.expr.ExpressionTypes to the CalcItem range
convertToDataItem(CalculatedItemInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedObjectFactory
Converts the specified calculated item to a data item.
convertToExpressionType(int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedItemAdapter
convertToExpressionType(int, boolean) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.BaseCalculatedObjectFactory
convertToExpressionType(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.CalculatedItemInterface
Converts a expression type from CalcItem range to the com.sas.iquery.metadata.expr.ExpressionTypes range
convertToFilterableItem(StringExpression, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseAdvancedFilterObjectFactory
Creates a new FilterItemInterface object from the specified properties.
convertToFilterableItem(DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseAdvancedFilterObjectFactory
Creates a new FilterItemInterface object from the specified properties.
convertToFilterableItem(Column, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseAdvancedFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given column to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(Measure, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given OLAP Measure to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(Member, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given OLAP member to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(Level, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given Level to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(Hierarchy, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given Hierarchy to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(Dimension, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given Dimension to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(StringExpression, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given expression to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(Column, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given column to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(ConstantExpression, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given expression to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(FunctionCall, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given function call to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterableItem(ExpressionInterface, String, DataItem, FilterQualifierListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Converts the given expression to a FilterItemInterface for use throughout the filter model.
convertToFilterItem(Object, DataItem, FilterItemListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseAdvancedFilterObjectFactory
convertToFilterItem(Object, DataItem, FilterItemListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
convertToMapCoord(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.graphics.map.ESRIMap
Converts a screen coordinate to a map coordinate
convertValueToText(Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.qualifiers.QualifiersTree
Overridden to properly render the text of a node
Coord2BasicPalette(Point) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BasicColorsCanvas
copy() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
copy() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterLogicTreeInterface
copy() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterLogicTreeInterface
Constructs and returns a copy of this tree.
copy(boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.SimpleFilterLogicTreeInterface
Copies the tree and optionally makes duplicates of the test nodes within it.
copy() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.SimpleFilterLogicTree
copy() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.SimpleFilterLogicTreeAdapter
copy(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.SimpleFilterLogicTreeAdapter
copy(PromptGroupInterface) - Method in class com.sas.prompts.groups.ModalGroup
copy() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Copies the selected cells to the system clipboard if access is permitted to it, otherwise, nothing is done.
COPY_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.SwingOLAPActionTypeKeysInterface
COPY_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.SwingInformationServiceSupport
The actionType key used to allow copying.
COPY_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector2.HttpRemoteFileTableActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType key for the default copy action.
COPY_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.SwingRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
CopyAction - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.actions
CopyAction allows copying of the selected items.
CopyAction() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.actions.CopyAction
Default Constructor
copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BufferedGraphics
Identical to java.awt.Graphics functionality
copyCellsToClipboard(boolean, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.JTableClipboardAdapter
copyCellsToClipboard(boolean, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.TableViewClipboardAdapter
copyChildren(AbstractFilterLogicBaseNode) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterLogicTree
CopyCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.relational
This class implements the copy command.
CopyCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CopyCommand
Default constructor
CopyCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CopyCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
CopyCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CopyCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type
CopyCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.remotefileselector
This class implements the copy command.
CopyCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.CopyCommand
Default constructor
CopyCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.CopyCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name.
CopyCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.CopyCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type.
copyFile(String) - Method in class com.sas.util.ResourceCopier
copyFile(File) - Method in class com.sas.util.ResourceCopier
copyFile(File, String) - Method in class com.sas.util.ResourceCopier
copyMode - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DualSelector
copyModeDuplicates - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DualSelector
copyModeDuplicatesAllowed - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
determines whether items can be copied over to the target more than once
copyModeEnabled - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
determines whether the selector is in copy mode
copySelectedCells() - Method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.JTableClipboardAdapter
CopyStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap
CopyStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CopyStrategy
Default constructor.
CopyStrategy(boolean, OLAPActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.olap.CopyStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
CopyStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
CopyStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CopyStrategy
Default constructor.
CopyStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CopyStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
CORBA_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.sas.entities.EntityContextInterface
Defines a CORBA context; the editor/customizer/validator name is the name of a CORBA service which performs validation via a to-be-determined interface.
CoreTagLibraryValidator - Class in com.sas.taglib.util.validators
Translation-time validator class for a JSP page using the SAS core tag library.
CoreTagLibraryValidator() - Constructor for class com.sas.taglib.util.validators.CoreTagLibraryValidator
Default Constructor.
CornerOrientation - Class in com.sas.geometry
CornerOrientation defines a set of constants for identifying a corner along a rectangular path and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.
CornerOrientation() - Constructor for class com.sas.geometry.CornerOrientation
COUNT - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.RankTypeEnum
COUNT - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.RankingSelectorComponents
Defines a "Count" rank type where the numbers directly references the number of items to be returned.
count(boolean) - Method in class com.sas.entities.AttributeGroup
count(boolean) - Method in interface com.sas.entities.AttributeGroupInterface
Return the number of AttributeDescriptors in this AttributeGroup.
count() - Method in class com.sas.geometry.Rectangles
Returns the number of rectangles in the list.
count(PredicateInterface) - Method in class com.sas.geometry.Rectangles
Returns the number of rectangles in the list that satisfy the given predicate.
count() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.SASListDelegate
count() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.menubar.BaseMenu
Returns the number of menu items on this menu
count() - Method in class com.sas.table.CellSelection
Returns the number of items in the selection.
count() - Method in class com.sas.table.CellVector
Returns the number of cells in the vector, not including the label.
count(int) - Method in class com.sas.table.CellVector
Returns the number of cells in the vector, not including the label, up to a specified count if the real number is not readily determined.
count - Variable in class com.sas.table.CellVectorChangedEvent
The number of changed cell vectors.
count() - Method in class com.sas.table.CellVectorSelection
Returns the number of items in the selection.
count(int) - Method in class com.sas.table.Column
Returns the number of cells in the column, not including the label, up to a specified count if the real number is not readily determined.
count - Variable in class com.sas.table.LabelChangedEvent
The number of changed labels.
count(int) - Method in class com.sas.table.Row
Returns the number of cells in the row, not including the label, up to a specified count if the real number is not readily determined.
count() - Method in class com.sas.table.Selection
Returns the number of items in the selection.
count - Variable in class com.sas.util.Alarm
Number of times to auto-repeat before stopping.
count() - Method in class com.sas.util.AlarmListenerList
return the number of listeners.
count() - Method in class com.sas.util.ArrayAccess
Returns the number of items in the array
count() - Method in class com.sas.util.DynamicPropertyBag
Return the number of properties in the property bag.
count - Variable in class com.sas.util.transforms.ToDataSourceTransform
count() - Method in class com.sas.util.VectorAccess
Returns the number of items in the vector
count() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ForwardedActionListenerList
count() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ForwardedItemListenerList
count - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.MarqueeIcon
count - Static variable in class com.sas.visuals.Placement
Number of enumerations.
countColumns(int) - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCToDataTableAdapter
The maxCount parameter is ignored and the result of getColumnCount is returned.
countColumns(int) - Method in interface com.sas.table.StaticTableInterface
Counts the columns.
countColumns(StaticTableInterface, int) - Static method in class com.sas.table.StaticTableInterfaceSupport
Use when your implementation of getColumnCount() does not return -1.
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.awt.Color
Always returns 0
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.awt.Font
always returns zero
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.SASListNodeDelegate
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxJ2ServerNode
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteDesignTimeServerNode
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in interface com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteServerNode
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteServerNodeClient
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree._rprxRemoteServerNodeServer
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.tree.NodeDelegate
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.NodeView
Counts the children of the current node.
countNodeChildren(int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.NodeView
Counts the children of the current node.
countRankTypeValue() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.BaseRankingSelectorAdapter
countRankTypeValue() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.OLAPRankingSelectorAdapter
countRankTypeValue() - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.RankingSelectorInterface
Returns the value associated to the "Count" ranking type.
countRankTypeValue() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.ranking.RelationalRankingSelectorAdapter
countRows() - Method in class com.sas.awt.TextArea
Returns the number of rows in the textArea
countRows(int) - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCToDataTableAdapter
Counts the number of rows when the underlying result set is not scrollable (TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY) and resultSetRequeryUsed is true.
countRows(int) - Method in interface com.sas.table.StaticTableInterface
Counts the rows.
countRows(StaticTableInterface, int) - Static method in class com.sas.table.StaticTableInterfaceSupport
Use when your implementation of getRowCount() does not return -1.
cp - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ColorDialog
create() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BufferedGraphics
Identical to java.awt.Graphics functionality
create(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BufferedGraphics
Identical to java.awt.Graphics functionality
CREATE_IN_ADVANCE - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
An int value informing the wizard to create all of the pages in advance, before the time they are shown for the first time.
CREATE_IN_ADVANCE - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
An int value informing the wizard to create all of the pages in advance, before the time they are shown for the first time.
CREATE_WHEN_SHOWN - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
An int value informing the wizard to delay instantiation of pages until the time they are shown for the first time.
CREATE_WHEN_SHOWN - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
An int value informing the wizard to delay instantiation of pages until the time they are shown for the first time.
createActionMap() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BasicCheckBoxListUI
create new actionMap to handle key events for changing between rows and selecting rows
createActionMap() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BasicTriStateCheckBoxListUI
create new actionMap to handle key events for changing between rows and selecting rows
createAdapter(OLAPDataSetInterface) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.FindSelectorCommand
createAdapter(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.OLAPTimeBasedFilterCommand
createAdapter(Object) - Method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.PercentCalculationsCommand
createAddItemsList(Vector, Map) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.BaseDataItemSelectorModel
createAdditionalComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.sort.html.SortSelectorPanel
Creates the additional components and add them to the selector template.
createAlternateRemoteObjects() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
Creates an instance of Rocf and tests the connection.
createAndRegisterAction(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.ESRIMapSupport
createAndRegisterAction(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.ESRIToolbarSupport
createAndRegisterAction(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.BaseOLAPTableViewSupport
createAndRegisterAction(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.BaseRemoteFileSelectorSupportV2
createAndRegisterAction(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileSelectorSupport
createAndRegisterAction(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.BaseTableViewSupport
createAttributeType(String, int, String) - Method in class com.sas.entities.AttributeTypeFactory
createAttributeType(String, int, String) - Method in interface com.sas.entities.AttributeTypeFactoryInterface
Create an instance of AttributeType.
createBackgroundImage() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.Wallpaper
createBorderContainer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
createBoundsContainer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
createButton(int) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.CommonButtons
Creates a JButton for the specified button id.
createButton(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.ButtonNavigationPanel
Factory method which creates a JButton to be used in the ButtonNavigationPanel.
createButton(Action) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.ButtonNavigationPanel
createButton(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.ButtonNavigationPanel
Factory method which creates a JButton to be used in the ButtonNavigationPanel.
createButton(Action) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.ButtonNavigationPanel
createButtonPanel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Constucts and returns a ButtonNavigationPanel containing buttons used to navigate through the wizard.
createButtonPanel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Constucts and returns a ButtonNavigationPanel containing buttons used to navigate through the wizard.
createButtons(int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.OptionsDialog
Factory method to create the buttons for the specified identifiers.
createButtons(int) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.CommonButtons
Creates an array of JButton's for the specified button ids.
createCell(Row, Column) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Factory method for creating cells.
createCheckBox() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxListCellRenderer
create the checkBox and add it to the cell
createCheckBox() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.TriStateCheckBoxListCellRenderer
create the triStateCheckBox and add it to the cell
createChildNodes() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.TreeNodeAdapter
createClearFormatButton() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculateditems.html.SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorPanel
Creates the transfer button for this simple calculated item selector panel.
createColorContainer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
createColorsComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
createColumn(int) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Factory method for creating columns.
createColumnLabel(Column) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Factory method for creating column labels.
createColumnRole() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelectorModelOLAPTable
createColumnRole() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelectorModelRelationalTable
createComponents() - Method in interface com.sas.awt.WindowInit2Interface
Create any objects from
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.calculateditems.AdvancedCalculatedItemListSelector
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelector
Creates all of the components of the selector, sets the component properties, and creates the layout for the selector.
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankSelector
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.showdetail.ShowDetailSelector
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.sort.OLAPSortSelector
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.sort.SortSelector
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.totals.TotalsSelector
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DisplayTransformCustomizerPanel
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.FontPanel
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.TextEditComposite
createComponents() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.UnitsBox
Create the components of the composite object.
createCompoundFilter(LogicalConditionNodeInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.LogicTreeToFilterItemTransform
createCompoundStep(LogicalConditionNodeInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.LogicTreeToStepModelTransform
createCondition(String, String, int, String[]) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterConditionList
createCondition(Object, String, String, int, String[]) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterConditionList
createConnection() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
Create the Connection object used to delegate all Connection method calls to.
createControls() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.IndexedPropertyEditorHost
Create the controls for the UI.
createControls() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
Create the controls for the UI.
createCrossingSelector() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
CREATED_DATE - Static variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.RemoteFileSearchFieldsAttributes
used to specify the created date when searching on datetime values
CREATED_DATE - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.informationservices.InformationServicesSearchModel
used to specify the created date when searching on datetime values
CREATED_DATE - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.RemoteFileSearchAttributes
used to specify the created date when searching on datetime values
CREATED_DATE_COLUMN - Static variable in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileModelInterface
CREATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.informationservices.InformationServicesSearchModel
used to specify the created date when searching on datetime values
CREATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.informationservices.InformationServicesSearchModel2
used to specify the created date when searching on datetime values
createDefaultAction() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.OriginComponent
Returns a default action for the OriginComponent.
createDefaultActionProviderFilters() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Creates the default action provider filters that get used for by the action provider to return various actions for the given areas.
createDefaultActionProviderFilters() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Creates the default action provider filters that get used for by the action provider to return various actions for the given areas.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.BaseNavigationBarSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.dataselectors.BaseMenuBarSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.dataselectors.BaseRelationalMenuBarSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.dataselectors.HttpMenuBarSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.dataselectors.HttpRelationalMenuBarSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.graphics.BaseGraphSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.graphics.HttpGraphSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.HttpNavigationBarSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics.BaseOLAPGraphSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics.HttpOLAPGraphSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olapgraphics.SwingOLAPGraphSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.BaseOLAPDrillStateSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.BaseOLAPTableViewSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.HttpOLAPTableViewSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.olaptableview.SwingOLAPTableViewSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.BaseRemoteFileSelectorSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.BaseRemoteFileSelectorSupportV2
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.SwingIFileServiceSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.SwingInformationServiceSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.SwingRemoteFileSelectorSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileSelectorSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector2.HttpRemoteFileSelectorTableViewSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.BaseTableViewSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.HttpTableViewSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.SwingTableViewSupport
Initializes the actionClass property and creates the default actions that this class supports.
createDefaultAdapter(BusinessQueryProviderInterface) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.memberproperties.MemberPropertiesSelectorOLAPAdapter
Returns a MemberPropertiesSelectorInterface adapter based on the specified BusinessQueryProviderInterface.
createDefaultCheckBox() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTreeCellRendererWrapper
createDefaultCheckedModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
Creates the default TreeSelectionModel which stores the check state of each node in the tree.
createDefaultColumnLabelRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPOriginComponent
Returns a default renderer to be used for renderering the column labels associated with the column levels.
createDefaultColumnModel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseColumnHeader
Returns the default column model object which is a DefaultTableColumnModel.
createDefaultColumnModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPColumnHeader
Returns the default column model object which is a javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel.
createDefaultColumnModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Returns the default column model object which is a DefaultTableColumnModel.
createDefaultColumnsFromModel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseTableView
Creates default columns for the table from the data model using the getColumnCount method defined in the TableModel interface.
createDefaultColumnsFromModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Creates default columns for the table from the data model using the getColumnCount method defined in the TableModel interface.
createDefaultDataModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Returns the default table model object, which is a OLAPTableModelAdapter.
createDefaultEditors() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Creates default cell editors for objects, numbers, and boolean values.
createDefaultFileDetailView() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSelector
Creates and returns the default file detailView component.
createDefaultIcons() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.CheckBoxTree
Creates the defaults icons to use for the various check states
createDefaultLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileToolBar
Returns the default instance of the Label Transformation Bean used for the toolbar label.
createDefaultModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.LimitedTextField
createDefaultNavigator() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileToolBar
Returns the default component used for the Location selection component in the toolbar.
createDefaultOriginComponent() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Returns the default origin component object, which is a OLAPOriginComponent for an OLAP model.
createDefaultOriginComponent() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Creates a default OriginComponent to be used at the intersection of the row and column headers.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.BaseHeader
Returns an instance of the default renderer to be used as the header renderer.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml.ColumnHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used when no header renderer is defined by a TableColumn.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.hdml.RowHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used when no row header renderer is defined on the TableView's TableRowModel.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.ColumnHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used when no header renderer is defined by a TableColumn.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.RowHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used when no row header renderer is defined on the TableView's TableRowModel.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml.ColumnHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used when no header renderer is defined by a TableColumn.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.wml.RowHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used when no row header renderer is defined on the TableView's TableRowModel.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPColumnHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used when no header renderer is defined by a TableColumn.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPRowHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.ColumnHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used when no header renderer is defined by a TableColumn.
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.OriginComponent
Returns a default renderer to be used for the OriginComponent
createDefaultRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.RowHeader
Returns a default renderer to be used for the row labels.
createDefaultRenderers() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Creates default cell renderers for objects, numbers, doubles, dates, booleans, and icons.
createDefaultRenderers() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Creates default cell renderers for objects, numbers, doubles, dates, booleans, and icons.
createDefaultRowHeader() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Returns the default table row header object, which is a OLAPRowHeader.
createDefaultRowHeader() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Returns the default row header object, which is a RowHeader.
createDefaultRowLabelRenderer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPOriginComponent
Returns a default renderer to be used for renderering the row labels associated with the row levels.
createDefaultRowModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Returns the default row model object which is a DefaultTableRowModel.
createDefaultRowModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.RowHeader
Returns the default row model object which is a DefaultTableRowModel.
createDefaultRowModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Returns the default row model object, which is a DefaultTableRowModel.
createDefaultSearchDateTimeLimitsComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the ChoiceBox transformation bean used for displaying the date limit type used for searching.
createDefaultSearchDateTimeLimitsLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default search Date/time Limits: label to be use with the search date limits type component.
createDefaultSearchInTheLastLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default date limit unit Label.
createDefaultSearchInTheLastUnitComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the ChoiceBox transformation bean for the date limit unit type.
createDefaultSearchInTheLastValueComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns text entry used for specifying the date limits.
createDefaultSearchResultsDetailView() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default RFS_SEARCHRESULTS_DETAILVIEW.
createDefaultSearchStartComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default search button.
createDefaultSearchStopComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default stop button.
createDefaultSearchSubfoldersComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns search sub folders CheckBox.
createDefaultSearchSubfoldersLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default Search subfolders text to be used to label the the search subfolders CheckBox component.
createDefaultSearchTextComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default Search for: component.
createDefaultSearchTextLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default Search for: Label.
createDefaultSearchWhatComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns default Search what choice component.
createDefaultSearchWhatLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default search field text label.
createDefaultSearchWhereComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns default Search where choice component.
createDefaultSearchWhereLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSearch
Creates and returns the default Search where: text label.
createDefaultSelectionModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Returns the default selection model object, which is a CellSelectionModel.
createDefaultShowDescriptionComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.InformationServicesSelector
Returns the default instance of the Show Description CheckBox.
createDefaultTableHeader() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Returns the default table header object, which is a OLAPColumnHeader if the model is OLAP, ColumnHeader if the model is relational.
createDefaultTableHeader() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Returns the default table header object, which is a ColumnHeader.
createDefaultToolBar() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSelector
Deprecated. use #createDefaultToolBar(Locale)
createDefaultToolBar(Locale) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileSelector
Returns the default instance for the ToolBar component.
createDefaultUpOneLevelComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.remotefileselector2.html.RemoteFileToolBar
Returns an image to be used for the UP_ONE_LEVEL action.
createDefaultViewerSupport() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPTableView
Creates the default viewer support, which by default is an instanceof com.sas.actionprovider.support.SwingViewerSupport.
createDefaultViewerSupport() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Creates the default viewer support, which by default is an instanceof com.sas.actionprovider.support.SwingViewerSupport.
createDelegate() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.CollectionToListModelAdapter
Create the delegate object
createDelegate() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.MapToListModelAdapter
Create the delegate object
createDelegate() - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.MapToTableModelAdapter
Create the delegate object
createDisabledImage(Image) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.ImageView
Create an image based on the image given that greys out the colors.
createDisabledImage(Image) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageView
Create an image based on the image given that greys out the colors.
createDisplayImage(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.ImageView
Create the image to be displayed.
createDisplayImage(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageView
Create the image to be displayed.
createDisplayTransformPanel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SwingCustomizerView
Factory method to create the "Display Transform" tab.
createDoubleBuffer(Component, Graphics, Dimension) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.BufferedGraphics
Create an image used for double buffering
createDownload(String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.ConnectClient
Create download file object.
createDynamicValuesTag(String, Object) - Static method in class com.sas.entities.edit.models.providers.BusinessQueryDynamicValuesTagGenerator
Create a <DynamicValues> node for an InformationMap query.
createEditRuleColorFontComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
Create all the visual components for the Color and Font tab of the edit rule page
createEditRuleComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
Create all the visual components for the Rule tab of the edit rule page
createEditRuleImageTextComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
Create all the visual components for the Image and Text tab of the edit rule page
createEdittingControls() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
Create the controls necessary to change the value of the property.
createExpressionFromNative(Object, int) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Attempts to create a new ExpressionInterface instance from the given native Object for the specified expression type.
createExpressionFromNative(Object, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
createFilterableItem(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterableListModel
Creates an instance of FilterableItemInterface for the given object from the native filter model.
createFilterableItem(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessModelToFilterableListModelAdapter
Creates an instance of FilterableItemInterface for the given object from the native filter model.
createFilterableItem(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BusinessQueryToFilterableListModelAdapter
Creates an instance of FilterableItemInterface for the given object from the native filter model.
createFilterableItemList() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.AbstractFilterableListModel
Creates the list of filterable items based on the underlying native model.
createFilteredImage(Image, ImageFilter) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.ImageView
Create an image based on the image given that is filtered using the given ImageFilter.
createFilteredImage(Image, ImageFilter) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageView
Create an image based on the image given that is filtered using the given ImageFilter.
createFilterItem(FilterLogicBaseNodeInterface, ExpressionInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.tree.LogicTreeToFilterItemTransform
createFilterItemFromNative(Object, FilterItemListInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates and returns a new FilterItemInterface wrapper around the given native object.
createFilterQualifierFromNative(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates and returns a filter qualifier for the given object from the native filter model.
createFilterQualifierListFromNativeList(List, FilterItemInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates and returns a list of filter qualifiers to represent the list of objects from the native filter model.
createFilterStep(FilterOperatorEnum, String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankModel
Creates a new filter step using the current TupleElement and the given properties.
createFilterStep(FilterOperatorEnum, String) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankModelInterface
Creates a new filter step using the current TupleElement and the given properties.
createFilterValueFromNative(Object, FilterLogicTestNodeInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates a FilterValueInterface object that encapsulates the given native object.
createFilterValueFromNative(Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates a FilterValueInterface object that encapsulates the given native object.
createFilterValueFromNative(Object, long, String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates a FilterValueInterface object that encapsulates the given native object.
createFilterValueFromNative(Object, long, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates a FilterValueInterface object that encapsulates the given native object.
createFilterValueList(FilterItemInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates and returns a list containing a FilterValueInterface wrapper for the OLAPTimeBasedFilterAdapterInterface contained in the given FilterItemInterface.
createFilterValueListFromNativeList(List, FilterItemInterface) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates and returns a list of FilterValueInterface wrappers for the given list of native filter object values.
createFocusListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicTableViewUI
Creates the focus listener for handling keyboard navigation in the TableView.
createFontContainer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
createFontLists() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.FontPanel
createFractionalItemInfo(DataItem) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculations.percent.PercentCalculationsSelectorDataSource
Returns a FractionalItemInfo object to represent the specified DataItem.
createGUI() - Method in class com.sas.table.RangeTypesViewPanel
createHeaderSize(long) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.BasicOLAPColumnHeaderUI
createHeaderSize(long) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicColumnHeaderUI
createHeaderSize() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicRowHeaderUI
createIconConnector(StringBuffer, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.TreeView
createIconObject(AnimationIconView) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.AnimationIconView
Creates a new Instance of the AnimationIcon.
createIconObject(AnimationIconView) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.Fireworks
Called by super in AnimationIconView during cloning.
createIconObject(AnimationIconView) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageAnimation
Creates a clone of itself and sets the properties of the ImageAnimationIcon, which is part of the AnimationIconView object.
createIconObject(AnimationIconView) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.Marquee
Creates a clone of itself and sets the properties of the MarqueeIcon, which is part of the AnimationIconView object.
createItem(String, FilterConditionListInterface, String[], String[], boolean, FilterItemListInterface, boolean, Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterItemList
createItem(String, FilterConditionListInterface, List, List, boolean, FilterItemListInterface, boolean, Object) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterItemList
createItemEvent(int, String, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ComboBox
Processes item events by dispatching them to any registered ItemListener objects.
createJavaDateFromSASDate(double) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Deprecated. use DateAndTimeUtil.createJavaDateFromSASDate(double) instead
createJavaDateFromSASDate(double) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DateAndTimeUtil
createJavaDateFromSASDateTime(double) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Deprecated. use DateAndTimeUtil.createJavaDateFromSASDateTime(double) instead
createJavaDateFromSASDateTime(double) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DateAndTimeUtil
createJavaDateFromSASTime(double) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Deprecated. use DateAndTimeUtil.createJavaDateFromSASTime(double) instead
createJavaDateFromSASTime(double) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DateAndTimeUtil
createKeyEvent(int, long, int, int, char) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ComboBox
Processes key events by dispatching them to any registered KeyListener objects.
createLabel() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.MemberPropertyQualifierData
createLabel(Locale) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.MemberPropertyQualifierData
createLabel(LevelInterface, PropertyInterface) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.MemberPropertyQualifierData
createLabel(LevelInterface, PropertyInterface, Locale) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.MemberPropertyQualifierData
createLabelForComponent(Component, String) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.util.Util
Creates an instance of JLabel and configures the mnemonic for the label given the text.
createLayersComponent() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
createLayersLabels() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
createLayout() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPDrillState
createLayout() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.ButtonNavigationPanel
Creates the layout manager for this ButtonNavigationPanel.
createLayout() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Creates and sets the layout manager for the wizard.
createLayout() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.ButtonNavigationPanel
Creates the layout manager for this ButtonNavigationPanel.
createLayout() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Creates and sets the layout manager for the wizard.
createListeners() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dataselectors.propertyeditor.MultiSelectionListEditorPanel
Internal method for creating a ListSelectionListener
createMainPanel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DisplayTransformCustomizerPanel
createMeasureChoiceBox() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.crossing.html.MapCrossingSelectorPanel
createMeasureLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.crossing.html.MapCrossingSelectorPanel
Creates the label for the measure.
createMetadata() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterBaseModelData
Attempts to create a MetadataInterface from the base model if one is not already available.
createMetadataItems(List) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.informationservices.BaseInformationServicesModel
Creates metadata items that are used to store the various pieces of data retrieved from the Information Service.
createMetadataPackageItems(EntryInterface[]) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.informationservices.BaseInformationServicesModel
createModelWithDisabledOfflineResultSets(BusinessQuery, QueryConnectorInterface, Boolean) - Static method in class com.sas.servlet.commands.jdbc.export.Util
Return a new BusinessQueryToTableModelAdapter with offline results sets turned off.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BasicCheckBoxListUI
Creates a delegate that implements MouseInputListener.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.BasicOLAPColumnHeaderUI
Creates the mouse listener for the JTable.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.BasicOLAPOriginComponentUI
Creates the mouse listener for the JTable.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.BasicOLAPRowHeaderUI
Creates the mouse listener for the JTable.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicColumnHeaderUI
Creates the mouse listener for the JTable.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicOriginComponentUI
Creates the mouse listener for the JTable.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicRowHeaderUI
Creates the mouse listener for the JTable.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicTableViewUI
Creates the mouse listener for the TableView.
createNamedPage(String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
This method should be overridden by Wizard subclasses if delayed page instantiation is selected.
createNamedPage(String) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
This method should be overridden by Wizard subclasses if delayed page instantiation is selected.
createNode(String, String) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.models.JDBCToTreeViewModelAdapter
createNodeInterface(Object) - Method in class com.sas.util.transforms.IndexedGetInterfaceToTreeInterfaceTransform
Factory method to create an object representing o which implements NodeInterface.
createNodeInterface(Object) - Method in class com.sas.util.transforms.ObjectArrayToTreeInterfaceTransform
Factory method to create an object representing o which implements NodeInterface.
createNodeInterface(String) - Method in class com.sas.util.transforms.StringArrayToTreeInterfaceTransform
Factory method to create an object representing o which implements NodeInterface.
createNodeParameterString(Map) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.form.html.ComboBoxView
Returns a String containing the name/value pairs of the properties to be passed to the JavaScript node constructor.
createNodeParameterString(Map) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.models.JavaScriptNode
Returns a String containing the name/value pairs of the properties to be passed to the JavaScript node constructor.
createNodeParameterString(Map) - Method in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.models.JavaScriptNodeInterface
Returns a String containing the name/value pairs of the properties to be passed to the JavaScript node constructor.
createOrdinal(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.OLAPRowHeaderSelectionModel
createOrdinal(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.CellSelectionModel
Creates the ordinal value for the given row-column pair.
createOrdinal(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
createOriginCell() - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Factory method for creating the cell associated with the origin cell.
createOutsideBorder() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.DefaultTableHeaderRenderer
createPathFromArray(Object[]) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.RemoteFileServerModel
Given an array of folder names, this method returns a file system path.
createPathFromArray(Object[]) - Method in interface com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.RemoteFileServerModelInterface
Given an array of folder names, this method returns a file system path.
createPlusMinus(boolean, String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.TreeView
Create the node, a table with one row with columns for the addOns/onTheLeft, plus/minus icon, and the horizontal line before the node icon.
createPlusMinusConnector(StringBuffer, boolean, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.TreeView
createPlusMinusIconConnector(StringBuffer, boolean, String, String, String) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.TreeView
createPlusMinusImage(StringBuffer, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.TreeView
createPopup() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.WideComboBox
createPopupMenu() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Creates the default popupMenu used to display the commands to preform on the table.
createPreview() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.FontPanel
createPropertyChangeListener() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicTableViewUI
Creates the property change listener for the TableView.
createRankStep(RankOrderEnum, int, boolean, RankTypeEnum) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankModel
Creates a new rank step using the current TupleElement and the given properties.
createRankStep(RankOrderEnum, int, boolean, RankTypeEnum) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filterandrank.FilterAndRankModelInterface
Creates a new rank step using the current TupleElement and the given properties.
createRemoteInstance(String) - Method in class com.sas.net.connect.RemoteObjectExtension
creates an instance of the named class on the server and returns a proxy for it
CreateRemoteInstanceRecord - Class in com.sas.net.connect
CreateRemoteInstanceRecord(ConnectClient, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.net.connect.CreateRemoteInstanceRecord
createRemoteObjects() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.CatalogSelectorDialog
createRemoteObjects() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.DataSetSelectorDialog
createRemoteObjects() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.EISSelectorDialog
Creates an instance of MetabaseListInterface.
createRemoteObjects() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.LibrarySelectorDialog
Creates an instance of LibraryListInterface.
createRemoteObjects() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.MetabaseSelectorDialog
Creates an instance of MetabaseListInterface.
createRemoteObjects() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
Creates an instance of Rocf and tests the connection.
createRemoteObjects() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectSelectorDialog
Creates an instance of Rocf.
createRepositoryNodeMetadataItems(List) - Method in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.informationservices.BaseInformationServicesModel
Creates metadata items that are used to store the various pieces of data retrieved from the Information Service.
createRocf() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
createROCFComponents() - Method in interface com.sas.awt.WindowInitInterface
Create any necessary ROCF (Remote Object Class Factory) components.
createRockets() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.FireworkIcon
Create the rocket objects to be painted.
createRoleProvider(BusinessQuery) - Static method in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.DataItemSelectorCommand
Creates the dataitem selector model from the BusinessQuery.
createRoles() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelectorModel
createRoles() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelectorModelOLAPTable
createRoles() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelectorModelRelationalTable
createRow(int) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Factory method for creating rows.
createRowLabel(Row) - Method in class com.sas.table.TableView
Factory method for creating row labels.
createRowRole() - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.dataitems.DataItemSelectorModelOLAPTable
createRulesListDialogComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
Create all the visual components for the rules management page
createSelectFormatButton() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.calculateditems.html.SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorPanel
Creates the transfer button for this simple calculated item selector panel.
createSelectionModel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.DefaultTableRowModel
Creates a new default list selection model.
createSelectLevelsComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingChartSelectorPanel
Create all the visual components for the Color and Font tab of the edit rule page
createSelectLevelsComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
Create all the visual components for the Color and Font tab of the edit rule page
createSeparator() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Returns a separator component used in the wizard layout.
createSeparator() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Returns a separator component used in the wizard layout.
createSizeComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
createSortSelectorChoiceBox() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.sort.html.SortSelectorPanel
Creates the list box for the output types.
createSortSelectorLabel() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.sort.html.SortSelectorPanel
Creates the label for the sort by type.
createSortSelectorRadioBox() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.sort.html.SortSelectorPanel
Creates the sort selector radio boxes.
createSourceLabel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
Creates the component to be used as the source label.
createSplash(Frame) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.Splash
createStatement() - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetConnection
Creates a ShareNetStatement object.
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetConnection
JDBC 2.0 Creates a Statement object by allowing the default result set type and result set concurrency type to be overridden.
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetConnection
Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability.
createStatement() - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
Implementation of the java.sql.Connection interface.
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
Implementation of the java.sql.Connection interface.
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCConnection
Implementation of the java.sql.Connection interface.
createStatusImagePanel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Constructs and returns a JPanel object.
createStatusImagePanel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Constructs and returns a JPanel object.
createStringCollection(StaticOrderedCollectionInterface) - Static method in class com.sas.servlet.util.Util
Creates a copy of the data provided by the model implementing StaticOrderedCollectionInterface.
createStringCollection(StaticOrderedCollectionInterface, boolean) - Static method in class com.sas.servlet.util.Util
Creates a copy of the data provided by the model implementing StaticOrderedCollectionInterface.
createStringExpressionList(List) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates and returns a List of StringExpression instances for the given List of values.
createStringExpressionList(List, int) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
Creates and returns a List of StringExpression instances for the given List of values.
createSwingPanel() - Method in class com.sas.util.login.LoginBeanSwingUtil
Creates a Swing panel from the properties specified on the associated LoginBean.
createTabComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
createTabComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.exceptionhighlighting.html.ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel
createTargetLabel() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.dualselector.BaseDualSelector
Creates the component to be used as the target label.
createTiledImage(Image, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.ImageView
Create an image based on the image given that is tiled over the entire area of the ImageView.
createTiledImage(Image, int, int) - Method in class com.sas.visuals.ImageView
Create an image based on the image given that is tiled over the entire area of the ImageView.
createTitleComponents() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
createToolTipContainer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
createTransformContainer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DisplayTransformCustomizerPanel
createTransformContainerComponents() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DisplayTransformCustomizerPanel
createTreeList() - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.crossing.html.MapCrossingSelectorPanel
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BasicCheckBoxListUI
Returns a new instance of BasicCheckBoxListUI.
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BasicLabelViewUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.BasicTriStateCheckBoxListUI
Returns a new instance of BasicTriStateCheckBoxListUI.
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.BasicOLAPColumnHeaderUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.BasicOLAPOriginComponentUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.BasicOLAPRowHeaderUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.olaptableview.BasicOLAPTableViewUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicColumnHeaderUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicOriginComponentUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicRowHeaderUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.BasicTableViewUI
createUserValue(String) - Method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.DefaultFilterItem
Returns a new object that the Client will understand as a user typed value This should throw an IllegalArgument exception if the valueTyped is NOT valid for this Item.
createUserValue(String) - Method in interface com.sas.dataselectors.filters.FilterItemInterface
Returns a new object that the Client will understand as a user typed value This should throw an IllegalArgument exception if the valueTyped is NOT valid for this Item.
createValidationFunctionCall(TransformationInterface) - Method in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.util.validators.JavaScriptValidationInterface
Returns a String containing the entire Javascript validation function call.
createValidationFunctionCall(TransformationInterface) - Method in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.util.validators.JavaScriptValidator
Returns a String containing the entire Javascript validation function call.
createValidationMessages() - Method in class com.sas.util.validators.DateStringValidator
Stores in the messages collection the set of possible messages generated by validateValue
createValidationMessages() - Method in class com.sas.util.validators.IntegerStringValidator
createValidationMessages() - Method in class com.sas.util.validators.MinMaxIntegerStringValidator
createValidationMessages() - Method in class com.sas.util.validators.RequiredStringValidator
createValidationMessages() - Method in class com.sas.util.validators.Validator
createValidationMessages is called by the constructor to create the collection of message objects that are accessed by validateValue.
createValueItem(TupleElementInterface) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
createValueItemFromUniqueMemberID(DataItem, String) - Static method in class com.sas.dataselectors.filters.BaseFilterObjectFactory
createVisibleEnabledContainer() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
createVisuals(String[], String[], Object[]) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.ButtonNavigationPanel
Calls method createLayout to create the layout manager for the ButtonNavigationPanel.
createVisuals(Action[], Object[]) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.ButtonNavigationPanel
createVisuals() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Calls method createLayout to create and set the layout manager for the wizard.
createVisuals(String[], String[], Object[]) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.ButtonNavigationPanel
Calls method createLayout to create the layout manager for the ButtonNavigationPanel.
createVisuals(Action[], Object[]) - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.ButtonNavigationPanel
createVisuals() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Calls method createLayout to create and set the layout manager for the wizard.
createWizardImageView() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Factory method used to create the imageView object.
createWizardImageView() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Factory method used to create the imageView object.
createWizardPageDeck() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
Factory method used to construct the deckobject.
createWizardPageDeck() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
Factory method used to construct the deckobject.
CROSSING_SELECTOR_CMD - Static variable in interface com.sas.commands.dataselectors.SelectorCommandKeysInterface
crossingSelector - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.customizer.html.MapPropertySelectorPanel
CSS_INFO - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.export.HTMLExportCommandsAttributeNames
Name of the dynamic attribute of an Export to HTML command used to hold the style sheet definitions to be included when exporting "cssInfo"
CSS_MEDIA_LIST - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.export.HTMLExportCommandsAttributeNames
Name of the attribute used to hold the list of media of the style sheets to be included when exporting.
CSS_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.export.HTMLExportCommandsAttributeNames
Name of the attribute used to hold the MIME type of the style sheets to be included when exporting.
CSS_TITLE - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.export.HTMLExportCommandsAttributeNames
Name of the attribute used to hold the title of the style sheets to be included when exporting.
CSS_URL - Static variable in interface com.sas.dataselectors.export.HTMLExportCommandsAttributeNames
Name of the attribute used to hold the URL of the style sheets to be included when exporting.
cssDefinitions - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.export.BaseExportSelectorAdapter
The HTMLExportCSSInfoInterface objects that contain the info on the CSSs to be exported.
cssMediaList - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.ExportSelectorCommand
The media attributes of the CSSs to be exported together with the data.
cssMediaList - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.export.BaseExportSelectorAdapter
The media attributes of the CSSs to be exported together with the data.
cssMIMEType - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.ExportSelectorCommand
The MIME types of the CSSs to be exported together with the data.
cssMIMEType - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.export.BaseExportSelectorAdapter
The MIME types of the CSSs to be exported together with the data.
cssTitle - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.ExportSelectorCommand
The title attributes of the CSSs to be exported together with the data.
cssTitle - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.export.BaseExportSelectorAdapter
The title attributes of the CSSs to be exported together with the data.
cssURL - Variable in class com.sas.commands.dataselectors.ExportSelectorCommand
The URLs of the CSSs to be exported together with the data.
cssURL - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.export.BaseExportSelectorAdapter
The URLs of the CSSs to be exported together with the data.
CSV - Static variable in interface com.sas.storage.jdbc.export.ExportInterface
Represents the Comma Separated Values (CSV) export format.
CSVStreamToTableModelTransform - Class in com.sas.util.transforms
The CSVStreamToTableModelTransform allows a CSV stream (from a file or other source) to be read in and converted into a model for JTable (or any other viewer which uses a TableModel as its model).
CSVStreamToTableModelTransform() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.transforms.CSVStreamToTableModelTransform
Default constructor which uses the default comma delimiter.
CSVStreamToTableModelTransform(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.transforms.CSVStreamToTableModelTransform
Constructor which allows the delimiters to be specified.
CSVStreamToTableModelTransform(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.transforms.CSVStreamToTableModelTransform
Constructor which allows the delimiters to be specified.
CSVStreamToTableModelTransform(String[], String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.transforms.CSVStreamToTableModelTransform
Constructor which allows the column headersm, delimiters and encoding to be specified.
Cube - Class in com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx
Contains the client side implementation for com.sas.storage.olap.CubeInterface.
Cube(MetadataInterface, ISession, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sas.storage.olap.sasmdx.Cube
A constructor
CubeInterface - Interface in com.sas.storage.olap
Represents the metadata in a multidimensional cube.
CUMULATIVE - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.TimeFunctions
This is a function that will calculate the cumulative value in measure over a period.
CUMULATIVE_BASE_PERIOD - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.TimeFunctions
This is a function that will calculate the cumulative value in measure over a period.
CUMULATIVE_DEFAULT_PERIOD - Static variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.calculateditems.TimeFunctions
This is a function that will calculate the cumulative value in measure over a default period.
CURRENT - Static variable in class com.sas.table.CellActiveStates
Indicates that the cell is the table view's current cell.
CURRENT_FIRST_PERIOD_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.html.OLAPTimeBasedFilterSelectorComponentNames
The name of the '(Currently yy)' label of the 'Starting xx' radiobox item.
CURRENT_LAST_PERIOD_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.filters.timebased.olap.html.OLAPTimeBasedFilterSelectorComponentNames
The name of the '(Currently yy)' label of the 'Ending xx' radiobox item.
currentCaretRow - Variable in class com.sas.awt.TextArea
currentCaretRowText - Variable in class com.sas.awt.TextArea
currentColumn - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.find.OLAPFindSelectorAdapter
CurrentDate - Class in com.sas.util
CurrentDate is a text model that updates itself with the current date.
CurrentDate() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentDate
Default constructor.
CurrentDate(DateFormat, Calendar) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentDate
Deprecated. the calendar parameter is no longer used. Use CurrentDate(DateFormat dateFormat)
CurrentDate(DateFormat) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentDate
Custom constructor for non-Locale default date format and calendar.
CurrentDate(int) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentDate
Custom constructor for default date format
CurrentDate(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentDate
Custom constructor for default date format
currentFont - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.FontPanel
currentImageSource - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.Wizard
The source path or URL for obtaining the current image being displayed in the wizard.
currentImageSource - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.Wizard
The source path or URL for obtaining the current image being displayed in the wizard.
currentInsets - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.ImageView
The insets set on the ImageView less the amount of the border insets at the time the insets were set.
currentInsets - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.BaseButton
currentInsets - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.ImageView
The insets set on the ImageView less the amount of the border insets at the time the insets were set.
currentMaxCount - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.TableModelAdapter
currentMaxRowCount - Variable in class com.sas.storage.jdbc.JDBCRowCountAdapter
The current number of rows that have been read from the data source
currentMeasureUniqueName - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.olaptableview.html.OLAPTableView
currentPageName - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard.WizardPageDeck
The name of the current page being shown.
currentPageName - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.wizard2.WizardPageDeck
The name of the current page being shown.
currentPath - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector.informationservices.InformationServicesModel
the file system path currently being displayed
currentPath - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.remotefileselector2.BaseRemoteFileServerModel
currentProperty - Variable in class com.sas.servlet.tbeans.dataselectors.propertyeditor.html.EntityAttributeValueSelectorPanel
currentRow - Variable in class com.sas.dataselectors.find.OLAPFindSelectorAdapter
currentRow - Variable in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetResultSet
currentRowCount - Variable in class com.sas.awt.TextArea
currentRowCount - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.OLAPTableModelAdapter
currentRowCount - Variable in class com.sas.swing.models.TableModelAdapter
currentRowNumber - Variable in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetResultSet
currentTextSize - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.MarqueeIcon
CurrentTime - Class in com.sas.util
CurrentTime is a text model that updates itself with the current time.
CurrentTime() - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentTime
Default constructor.
CurrentTime(DateFormat, Calendar) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentTime
Deprecated. the calendar parameter is no longer used. Use CurrentTime(DateFormat timeFormat)
CurrentTime(DateFormat) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentTime
Custom constructor for non-Locale default time format.
CurrentTime(long) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentTime
Custom constructor for default date format.
CurrentTime(long, int) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentTime
Custom constructor for default date format
CurrentTime(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.util.CurrentTime
Custom constructor for default date format
cursorName - Variable in class com.sas.net.sharenet.ShareNetResultSet
cursorValid - Variable in class com.sas.storage.BaseDataBean
CUSTOM - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.SupplementalPropertyKeysInterface
The name of a supplemental property of an Action attribute's descriptor that determines if the attribute's value should be generated dynamically based on the attribute's name.
CUSTOM_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.CustomAreaInterface
The areaType key used to define the area to which all custom actions registered with this support class are assigned.
CUSTOM_OPTION_TABLEAXISMODEL_AUTORESIZE_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
CUSTOM_OPTION_TILECHART_ZOOM_TO_DETAIL - Static variable in class com.sas.graphics.components.GraphConstants
This value specified on the GraphModel's customOptions property to tell the tile chart that has been zoomed in, to zoom down as many levels as needed to show new detail in the visible portion of the tile chart.
CUSTOM_SUPPORT - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.ActionProviderSupportTypes
Key used to identify the support class that manages custom type actions only.
CustomAreaInterface - Interface in com.sas.actionprovider.support
Interface that defines a single areaType key for support classes that just need to manage custom Actions for a single area.
customButton - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.IndexedPropertyEditorHost
The Button to allow access to the custom editor if supportsCustomEditor returns true.
customButton - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
The Button to allow access to the custom editor if supportsCustomEditor returns true.
customButtons - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.MessageBox
customButtonsFlag - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.MessageBox
CustomColorsPanel - Class in com.sas.visuals
The CustomColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
CustomColorsPanel() - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CustomColorsPanel
customEditorWindow - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.PropertyEditorHost
customizer - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SwingCustomizerDialog
customizer - Variable in class com.sas.visuals.CustomizerDialog
customizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.net.ResourceLocatorInterfaceCustomizerPanel
customizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.sasserver.RemoteObjectCustomizerPanel
Called whenever the customizer is closing.
customizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.DisplayTransformCustomizerPanel
customizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentCustomizerPanel
customizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.JComponentModelCustomizerPanel
customizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SwingCustomizerPanel
customizerClosing() is called when the customizer for a component is closed.
customizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SwingCustomizerView
customizerClosing() is called when the customizer for a component is closed.
customizerClosing() - Method in class com.sas.visuals.CustomizerPanel
customizerClosing() is called when the customizer for a component is closed.
CustomizerDialog - Class in com.sas.visuals
CustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass which displays a CustomizerDialog(Component, Object, String, Frame) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CustomizerDialog
Construct a CustomizerDialog for the customizer for the specified object
CustomizerDialog(Component, Object, String, Frame, String[][]) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CustomizerDialog
Construct a CustomizerDialog for the customizer for the specified object
CustomizerDialog(Component, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CustomizerDialog
Construct a CustomizerDialog for the customizer for the specified object
CustomizerPanel - Class in com.sas.visuals
CustomizerPanel is an abstract class from which each component's customizer tabs should derive from.
CustomizerPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.visuals.CustomizerPanel
Constructor used to pass the tab name up to the superclass.
customizerPanelsAddedDuringMerge - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.SwingCustomizerView
customTagVectorToString(Vector, String) - Static method in class com.sas.taglib.Util
This method takes a custom tag in Vector form and converts it to a custom tag String.
cut() - Method in class com.sas.swing.visuals.tableview.TableView
Cuts the selected cells and copies them to the system clipboard if access is permitted to it, otherwise, nothing is done.
CUT_ACTION - Static variable in class com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector.SwingRemoteFileSelectorSupport
The actionType key used to allow cutting a file or folder.
CUT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.remotefileselector2.HttpRemoteFileTableActionTypeKeysInterface
The actionType Key for the default cut action.
CUT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.sas.actionprovider.support.tableview.SwingRelationalActionTypeKeysInterface
CutAction - Class in com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.actions
CutAction allows cutting of the selected items.
CutAction() - Constructor for class com.sas.swing.visuals.remotefileselector.actions.CutAction
Default Constructor
CutCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.relational
This class implements the cut command.
CutCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CutCommand
Default constructor
CutCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CutCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
CutCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.relational.CutCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type
CutCommand - Class in com.sas.commands.remotefileselector
This class implements the cut command.
CutCommand() - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.CutCommand
Default constructor
CutCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.CutCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name
CutCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sas.commands.remotefileselector.CutCommand
Constructor that accepts a command name and an action class type
cutSelectedCells() - Method in class com.sas.swing.adapters.JTableClipboardAdapter
CutStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational
CutStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CutStrategy
Default constructor.
CutStrategy(boolean, RelationalActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.relational.CutStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
CutStrategy - Class in com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.remotefile2
CutStrategy() - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.remotefile2.CutStrategy
Default constructor.
CutStrategy(boolean, RemoteFileActionUtil) - Constructor for class com.sas.actionprovider.strategies.remotefile2.CutStrategy
Constructor for specifying type ( swing/http ) of strategy object.
cycleEnabled - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.TriStateCheckBox.TriStateCheckBoxModel
Whether the checkBox cycles through all three values
cycleEnabled - Variable in class com.sas.swing.visuals.TriStateCheckBoxListSelectionModel
Whether the checkBox cycles through all three values

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