Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Interface Summary
RemoteFileSelectorStyleKeysInterface The style keys contianed within the templates that make up the RemoteFileSelector component.

Class Summary
ColumnAsRowCellRenderer ColumnAsRowCellRenderer is a class that constructs a TableCellRenderer which writes out the last column in a TableView as a row.
InformationServicesDateCellRenderer InformationServicesDateCellRenderer is a class that controls the way a date object is rendered in a TableView component.
InformationServicesSearch The InformationServicesSearch is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent the default search component for the InformationServicesSelector.
InformationServicesSelector The InformationServicesSelector is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript to represent a file selector that uses the Information Services interfaces.
NoColumnTableHeaderRenderer The NoColumnTableHeaderRenderer class creates a renderer that writes out nothing for the column header.
RemoteFileSearch The RemoteFileSearch is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent the search facility of the RemoteFileSelector component.
RemoteFileSelector The RemoteFileSelector is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 and JavaScript to represent a file selector.
RemoteFileToolBar The RemoteFileToolBar is a TransformationBean™ that generates the appropriate HTML 4.0 to represent a ToolBar.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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