Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Provides the classes used to generate a table of data in HDML.


Class Summary
CellContentsNoRowsRenderer The CellContentsNoRowsRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the contents of the TableView when there are no rows in the data model.
ColumnHeader A ColumnHeader manages the header of the TableView.
DefaultCellContentsRenderer The DefaultCellContentsRenderer is a TransformationBean™ that generates the contents of the table's cells.
DefaultTableCellRenderer The DefaultTableCellRenderer is the default class for rendering a cell for a TableView.
DefaultTableHeaderRenderer The DefaultTableHeaderRenderer is a class for rendering a cell in the header row of the TableView.
DefaultTableRowHeaderRenderer The DefaultTableRowHeaderRenderer is a class that generates a row header cell of the TableView.
DefaultTableRowRenderer The DefaultTableRowRenderer is a class for rendering the begin HDML row tag for the TableView.
RowHeader A RowHeader manages the row headers of the TableView.
TableView The TableView is a TransformationBean™ for creating HDML tables.

Package Description

Provides the classes used to generate a table of data in HDML.


This package contains the classes needed to represent the data model in a HDML table. The HDML TableView does not allow editing.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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