Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Layout orientations and other geometric classes.


Interface Summary
Orientations Orientations defines a set of orientation, or positioning, constants.

Class Summary
CircularOrientation CircularOrientation defines a set of constants for identifying a position along a circular path and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.
CornerOrientation CornerOrientation defines a set of constants for identifying a corner along a rectangular path and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.
HorizontalOrientation HorizontalOrientation defines a set of constants for identifying a horizontal position and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.
Orientation Orientation defines a common base class for unifying different orientations.
Rectangles Rectangles is a class which maintains a list of java.awt.Rectangle objects.
RectangularOrientation RectangularOrientation defines a set of constants for identifying a position along a rectangular path and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.
SideOrientation SideOrientation defines a set of constants for identifying a side along a rectangular path and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.
VerticalOrientation VerticalOrientation defines a set of constants for identifying a vertical position and a method for determining whether a given integer is one of them.

Package Description

Layout orientations and other geometric classes.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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