Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes used to manipulate the user interface when various toolbar, button, and popmenu actions are triggered.


Class Summary
AddFolderAction AddFolderAction adds a default folder and allows editting of the cell to change the folder name.
CopyAction CopyAction allows copying of the selected items.
CutAction CutAction allows cutting of the selected items.
DeleteAction DeleteAction allows deleting of the selected items.
DetailsAction DetailsAction sets the file system view to the details mode.
FindAction FindAction displays a window used to search a file system.
GoBackAction GoBackAction allows the user to move back to the previous view.
ListAction ListAction changes the view to the default list view.
OpenFolderAction OpenFolderAction opens a selected folder.
PasteAction PasteAction completes the cut or copy action and moves the files appropriately.
RenameAction RenameAction allows items to be renamed.
StartSearchAction StartSearchAction initiates the search.
TreeAction TreeAction displays the tree view.
UpOneLevelAction UpOneLevelAction shows the directory information one level above the current level.
ViewMenuAction ViewMenuAction the action that displays the view type dropdown menu.
ViewSelectionAction ViewSelectionAction is the action that displays the view type dropdown menu.

Package Description

The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes used to manipulate the user interface when various toolbar, button, and popmenu actions are triggered. These classes are part of the Action Provider Framework and initiate the calls to the various underlying commands that manipulate the viewer models.

Remote File Selector Actions


The action provider framework breaks an action into two pieces, actions and commands. The actions perform functions on the user interface to gather information about the user action and manipulate the user interface to show the current state of some of these actions.

The actions associated with the remote file selector toolbar are: AddFolderAction, DetailsAction, FindAction, GoBackAction, ListAction, UpOneLevelAction, and ViewSelectionAction. DetailsAction and ListAction are used by ViewSelectionAction to display the dropdown menu for changing the current view of the data.

The actions associated with the view popmenu are: CopyAction, CutAction,DeleteAction, PasteAction, and RenameAction

The OpenFolderAction is used when drilling down on a file system folder.

The StartSearchAction is used by the search window user interface.


Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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