Components |
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Interface Summary | |
Alignment | Alignment is an interface that contains static values for BEGIN, CENTER, and END to be used in com.sas.visuals classes that have an "alignment" property. |
AnimationIconInterface | AnimationIconInterface is an interface that allows for incrementing and decrementing an IconInterface object state and to paint the image in that state. |
BorderInterface | BorderInterface is an interface that provides the necessary methods to draw a border on a visual component in a specified rectangle. |
ButtonListenerInterface | ButtonListenerInterface is an interface used to listen for user events on a button component and change the state of a specific ButtonModelInterface object. |
ButtonModelInterface | ButtonModelInterface is an interface to access a ButtonModel that holds the state information about a specific button. |
ColumnWidthInterface | ColumnWidthInterface is an interface used by the AutoSizingGridLayout when column interlocking is used to synchronize the column widths between two containers. |
DetailedSelectorInterface | DetailedSelectorInterface extends ItemSelectable and provides methods that an adapter class must implement in order to work with subclasses of com.sas.visuals.DetailedEditor. |
Direction | Direction is an interface that contains static values for com.sas.visuals classes that have a "direction" property. |
Dockable | |
DoubleBufferInterface | |
ForwardedActionListener | ForwardedActionListener is an interface for listeners to ForwardedActionEvents. |
ForwardedActionSource | An interface for an object which emits com.sas.visuals.ForwardedActionEvent events. |
ForwardedItemListener | ForwardedItemListener is an interface for listeners to ForwardedItemEvents. |
ForwardedItemSource | An interface for an object which emits com.sas.visuals.ForwardedItemEvent events. |
FullPaintInterface | This interface is designed to allow visual components to indicate that they have the ability to paint in a faster or degraded mode when full painting is disabled. |
ImageDataInterface | |
Justification | Justification is an interface that contains static values to be used in classes that have a "justification" property. |
MessageBoxListener | An interface for objects which listen for MessageBoxEvent
events from a MessageBox . |
MessageBoxSource | Define a type (interface) for an object which emits com.sas.visuals.MessageBoxEvent events. |
MultipleValueEventSourceInterface | An interface for objects that send out events with multiple possible values. |
ResizeToFitInterface | An interface describing an visual component that will attempt to resize itself to fit its preferredSize property. |
RowHeightInterface | A helper interface which allows synchronization of row heights across layout managers. |
ScrollbarVisibilityInterface | ScrollbarVisibilityInterface defines a set of methods and constants for objects that support hiding and showing of scrollbars. |
ScrollingInterface | ScrollingInterface defines a set of methods and constants for objects that support scrolling. |
SelectableInterface | SelectableInterface is an interface used by objects which support behavior where only one object can be selected at a time and any object selected is deselected when a new object is selected. |
SelectionGroupInterface | SelectionGroupInterface is an interface used to group and manipulate SelectableInterface objects. |
Sizing | Sizing is an interface that contains static values to be used in classes that have a "sizing" property. |
SliderInterface | An interface describing methods necessary for user events listened to outside of a slider visual component to modify the value of the slider. |
TabBarInterface | TabBarInterface is an interface for containers of TabButtonInterface objects. |
TabButtonInterface | TabButtonInterface is an interface that provides an orientation and ActionCommand information. |
TabFolderInterface | TabFolderInterface is an interface that contains a tabButton property. |
VisualAspects | This class contains the interface used for drawing methods |
Class Summary | |||
AlarmButtonModel | AlarmButtonModel is a button model that sends ActionEvents while the button is in the pressed and armed state. | ||
AnimationIconView | AnimationIconView is a component that animates an AnimationIconInterface object. | ||
ArrowButton | ArrowButton is a subclass of PushButton that displays an ArrowIcon and uses an AlarmButtonModel. | ||
ArrowIcon | IconInterface implementation that draws an arrow to fit in the size passed in to the paint. | ||
AutoSizingGridLayout | The AutoSizingGridLayout is a versatile LayoutManager that lays components out in a grid similar to a spreadsheet. | ||
BaseBorder | BaseBorder is a subclass of Border capable of drawing several different styles of borders. | ||
BaseButton | BaseButton is an abstract class for creating a button. | ||
BasicColorsCanvas | The BasicColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer. | ||
BasicColorsPanel | The BasicColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer. | ||
Border | Border is an abstract class to draw borders around components. | ||
BorderedContainer | BorderedContainer is a subclass of Container which has a 1 pixel wide, simple border around the outside. | ||
BorderedPanel | BorderedPanel is a subclass of Panel which has a 1 pixel wide, simple border around the outside. | ||
BoxLayout | BoxLayout is a layoutManager that positions components in an arrangement similar to the java.awt.BorderLayout, but also allows for individual margins between the components. | ||
BufferedGraphics | The BufferedGraphics class extends java.awt.Graphics in order to simplify drawing routines and size calculations as well as allow the use of Rectangle instead of x, y, width, height parameters. | ||
BufferedPanel | A panel that allows for doubleBuffering of components within it. | ||
ButtonDialog | |||
ButtonPanel | ButtonPanel creates a consistent looking set of buttons in a row. | ||
ClassSelectorPanel | This class displays a TreeView with a ClassPathClasses model and allows the user to select a class. | ||
CloseCancelCustomizerDialog | CloseCancelCustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass
which displays a
| ||
ColorPanel | The ColorPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer. | ||
ComboBox | ComboBox displays a list of items for selection and contains an optionally editable text control that allows the user to enter text that is not in the list portion of the comboBox. | ||
CommandProgress | CommandProgress executes a command asynchronously, giving visual feedback in the form of a Dialog. | ||
CompositeBorder | CompositeBorder is a subclass of Border that can combine two BorderInterface objects into one border. | ||
CompositeContainer | CompositeContainer is a subclass of
with some convenience methods for building composite objects. |
CompositePanel | CompositePanel is a subclass of com.sas.awt.Panel. | ||
CustomColorsPanel | The CustomColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer. | ||
CustomizerDialog | CustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass
which displays a
| ||
DefaultButtonListener | DefaultButtonListener is an implementation of the ButtonListenerInterface used to listen for user events on a button component and change the state of the ButtonModelInterface property. | ||
DefaultButtonModel | DefaultButtonModel is an implementation of the ButtonModelInterface interface that holds the state information for a specific button and sends out the Action and Item events that the button forwards to its listeners. | ||
DirectoryDialog | The DirectoryDialog allows the user to select a directory,
rather than a single file (java.awt.FileDialog). |
DrawingSupport | This class contains static methods used for drawing | ||
DualSelector | DualSelector is a class used for manipulating items between two lists. | ||
EmptyComponent | EmptyComponent is useful in places where you want a place holder Component, such as in a GridLayout or other layout manager. | ||
FireworkIcon | FireworkIcon is an implementation of the AnimationIconInterface that allows for incrementing and decrementing the FireworkIcon and painting it in the differing states to show an animation of fireworks. | ||
Fireworks | Fireworks is a class that increments and decrements a FireworkIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the icon in that state. | ||
FontDialog | FontDialog is a subclass of Dialog which displays components for font creation and a set of buttons to allow a user response. | ||
FontPanel | The FontPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of FontDialog. | ||
ForwardedActionEvent | ForwardedActionEvent is a sub-class of ActionEvent that also has a sourceEvent property. | ||
ForwardedActionListenerList | Manage a list of listeners for the com.sas.visuals.ForwardedActionEvent event. | ||
ForwardedItemEvent | ForwardedItemEvent is a sub-class of ItemEvent that also has a sourceEvent property and an actionCommand. | ||
ForwardedItemListenerList | Manage a list of listeners for the com.sas.visuals.ForwardedItemEvent event. | ||
GraphicalCheckBox | A GraphicalCheckBox is a ToggleButton with a predefined set of images. | ||
IconView | IconView is a lightweight component class that paints an IconInterface object. | ||
ImageAnimation | ImageAnimation is a class that increments and decrements an ImageAnimationIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the image in that state. | ||
ImageAnimationIcon | ImageAnimationIcon is a class that allows for incrementing and decrementing over a set of images that are then displayed in the new state. | ||
ImageSequence | Deprecated. | ||
ImageView | The ImageView displays an image in the component area. | ||
IndexedPropertyEditorHost | |||
LabelView | LabelView is a class that displays lines of text. | ||
ListBoxSelector | ListBoxSelector is an adapter class that instantiates an UpDownListBox and provides all the neccesary method calls and functionality the DetailedListEditor would use. | ||
Marquee | Marquee is a class that increments and decrements a MarqueeIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the MarqueeIcon in that state. | ||
MarqueeIcon | MarqueeIcon is a class that displays text and an image that when incremented or decremented moves there position based on the direction the marquee is set to. | ||
MenuBar | MenuBar is a sub-class of java.awt.MenuBar that sends out events
when any of the MenuItems on it are triggered. |
MessageBox | MessageBox is a subclass of Dialog which displays a text message, an icon, and a set of buttons to allow a user response. | ||
MessageBoxEvent | |||
MessageBoxListenerList | Manage a list of listeners for the com.sas.visuals.MessageBoxEvent event. | ||
NodeState | NodeState is a class used to store the state of a NodeView object. | ||
NodeStyle | A customizable set of node properties. | ||
NodeView | A NodeView object represents a single node in a
object. |
NodeViewTextEditor | Provides a node view for displaying and editing a paragraph of text. | ||
NumericTextField | NumericTextField is a subclass of TextField which has a default validator for integers. | ||
OkCancelHelpDialog | |||
OrientationSelector | |||
Painter | |||
Part | Part is an extension of Rectangle that provides a notion of ultra-lightweight components. | ||
Placement | An Enumeration class. | ||
ProgressDialog | |||
PropertyEditorHost | PropertyEditorHost provides a user interface for a PropertyEditor. | ||
PropertySheet | This is an internal class used by the component framework. | ||
PushButton | PushButton is a class that creates a button where images and text, or both can be displayed. | ||
RadioBox | The RadioBox is a panel that contains a SelectionGroup and multiple
instances of SelectableInterface members(radio buttons) of that group. |
RadioButton | RadioButton is a class that creates a button with text and a default icon. | ||
RadioButtonIcon | RadioButtonIcon is an implementation of the IconInterface that paints a circular radioButton image. | ||
RowColumnLayout | RowColumnLayout is a class that implements the java.awt.LayoutManager interface to be able to layout components within a container in rows and columns. | ||
RowLayout | RowLayout is a class that implements the java.awt.LayoutManager2 interface to be able to layout components within a container in rows. | ||
SASIcons | This class is used by com.sas.visuals.Resources to find classes from the sas.icons.jar. | ||
Scrollbar | Scrollbar is a class that creates a lightweight scrollbar. | ||
ScrollbarLayout | ScrollbarLayout is layout manager which works like a BorderLayout to layout out scrollbars within a container. | ||
ScrollSlider | ScrollSlider creates an object that functions as the track area on a Scrollbar. | ||
SelectionGroup | SelectionGroup is a class used to group and manipulate SelectableInterface objects. | ||
SerialImage | |||
SliderListener | SliderListener is an implementation of the ButtonListenerInterface used to listen for user events on a SliderInterface component and change the state of its ButtonModelInterface properties. | ||
SpinBox | SpinBox is a class that combines a textField and a spinButton. | ||
SpinButton | SpinButton is a class that creates a component with two opposing arrow buttons that can be pressed to increment or decrement a value field. | ||
Splash | |||
StyledLabelView | StyledLabelView is a sub-class of LabelView that parses the text into TextElements and paints it based on tags placed in the text. | ||
TabBar | The TabBar is a sub-class of CompositePanel that implements the TabBarInterface to contain TabButtonInterface components. | ||
TabbedView | The TabbedView is a container that allows multiple views to be defined in the same area and viewed exclusively. | ||
TabBorder | TabBorder is a subclass of Border that draws a specific type of border for tabs. | ||
TabButton | TabButton is a subclass of ToggleButton that implements the TabButtonInterface. | ||
TabButtonModel | TabButtonModel is a subclass of DefaultButtonModel. | ||
TabFolder | TabFolder is a subclass of Panel that has a TabButtonInterface property. | ||
TextBorder | TextBorder is a subclass of Border that draws Text on top of another Border. | ||
TextEditComposite | |||
TextElement | TextElement is a sub-class of com.sas.collection.PropertyBag that holds properties about an element of text. | ||
ToggleButton | ToggleButton is a subclass of BaseButton that creates a button where images and text, or both can be displayed. | ||
ToggleButtonModel | ToggleButtonModel is a subclass of DefaultButtonModel. | ||
Toolbar | |||
ToolbarBorder | ToolbarBorder provides Border support for Windows 95 Window Border styles for Toolbars | ||
ToolbarButton | ToggleButton is a sub-class of PushButton that creates a button that displays images. | ||
ToolbarLayout | |||
TreeView | TreeView is a class which displays a hierarchical list of items. |
UnitsBox | A UnitsBox object is a visual component for entering a measurement value as a number, in one of a set of units. | ||
UpDownListBox | UpDownListBox presents a
class with buttons for moving the items within the list box. |
UpDownTextArea | |||
Wallpaper | |||
Windows95Border | Windows95Border provides Border support for Windows 95 Window Border styles | ||
WordWrapTextArea | WordWrapTextArea is a subclass of com.sas.awt.TextArea that should be used when word-wrapping is desired. |
Additional user interface components not provided in AWT.
Components |
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