Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.


Additional user interface components not provided in AWT.


Interface Summary
Alignment Alignment is an interface that contains static values for BEGIN, CENTER, and END to be used in classes that have an "alignment" property.
AnimationIconInterface AnimationIconInterface is an interface that allows for incrementing and decrementing an IconInterface object state and to paint the image in that state.
BorderInterface BorderInterface is an interface that provides the necessary methods to draw a border on a visual component in a specified rectangle.
ButtonListenerInterface ButtonListenerInterface is an interface used to listen for user events on a button component and change the state of a specific ButtonModelInterface object.
ButtonModelInterface ButtonModelInterface is an interface to access a ButtonModel that holds the state information about a specific button.
ColumnWidthInterface ColumnWidthInterface is an interface used by the AutoSizingGridLayout when column interlocking is used to synchronize the column widths between two containers.
DetailedSelectorInterface DetailedSelectorInterface extends ItemSelectable and provides methods that an adapter class must implement in order to work with subclasses of
Direction Direction is an interface that contains static values for classes that have a "direction" property.
ForwardedActionListener ForwardedActionListener is an interface for listeners to ForwardedActionEvents.
ForwardedActionSource An interface for an object which emits events.
ForwardedItemListener ForwardedItemListener is an interface for listeners to ForwardedItemEvents.
ForwardedItemSource An interface for an object which emits events.
FullPaintInterface This interface is designed to allow visual components to indicate that they have the ability to paint in a faster or degraded mode when full painting is disabled.
Justification Justification is an interface that contains static values to be used in classes that have a "justification" property.
MessageBoxListener An interface for objects which listen for MessageBoxEvent events from a MessageBox.
MessageBoxSource Define a type (interface) for an object which emits events.
MultipleValueEventSourceInterface An interface for objects that send out events with multiple possible values.
ResizeToFitInterface An interface describing an visual component that will attempt to resize itself to fit its preferredSize property.
RowHeightInterface A helper interface which allows synchronization of row heights across layout managers.
ScrollbarVisibilityInterface ScrollbarVisibilityInterface defines a set of methods and constants for objects that support hiding and showing of scrollbars.
ScrollingInterface ScrollingInterface defines a set of methods and constants for objects that support scrolling.
SelectableInterface SelectableInterface is an interface used by objects which support behavior where only one object can be selected at a time and any object selected is deselected when a new object is selected.
SelectionGroupInterface SelectionGroupInterface is an interface used to group and manipulate SelectableInterface objects.
Sizing Sizing is an interface that contains static values to be used in classes that have a "sizing" property.
SliderInterface An interface describing methods necessary for user events listened to outside of a slider visual component to modify the value of the slider.
TabBarInterface TabBarInterface is an interface for containers of TabButtonInterface objects.
TabButtonInterface TabButtonInterface is an interface that provides an orientation and ActionCommand information.
TabFolderInterface TabFolderInterface is an interface that contains a tabButton property.
VisualAspects This class contains the interface used for drawing methods

Class Summary
AlarmButtonModel AlarmButtonModel is a button model that sends ActionEvents while the button is in the pressed and armed state.
AnimationIconView AnimationIconView is a component that animates an AnimationIconInterface object.
ArrowButton ArrowButton is a subclass of PushButton that displays an ArrowIcon and uses an AlarmButtonModel.
ArrowIcon IconInterface implementation that draws an arrow to fit in the size passed in to the paint.
AutoSizingGridLayout The AutoSizingGridLayout is a versatile LayoutManager that lays components out in a grid similar to a spreadsheet.
BaseBorder BaseBorder is a subclass of Border capable of drawing several different styles of borders.
BaseButton BaseButton is an abstract class for creating a button.
BasicColorsCanvas The BasicColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
BasicColorsPanel The BasicColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
Border Border is an abstract class to draw borders around components.
BorderedContainer BorderedContainer is a subclass of Container which has a 1 pixel wide, simple border around the outside.
BorderedPanel BorderedPanel is a subclass of Panel which has a 1 pixel wide, simple border around the outside.
BoxLayout BoxLayout is a layoutManager that positions components in an arrangement similar to the java.awt.BorderLayout, but also allows for individual margins between the components.
BufferedGraphics The BufferedGraphics class extends java.awt.Graphics in order to simplify drawing routines and size calculations as well as allow the use of Rectangle instead of x, y, width, height parameters.
BufferedPanel A panel that allows for doubleBuffering of components within it.
ButtonPanel ButtonPanel creates a consistent looking set of buttons in a row.
ClassSelectorPanel This class displays a TreeView with a ClassPathClasses model and allows the user to select a class.
CloseCancelCustomizerDialog CloseCancelCustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass which displays a ColorDialog ColorDialog is a subclass of Dialog which displays components for color creation and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
ColorPanel The ColorPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
ComboBox ComboBox displays a list of items for selection and contains an optionally editable text control that allows the user to enter text that is not in the list portion of the comboBox.
CommandProgress CommandProgress executes a command asynchronously, giving visual feedback in the form of a Dialog.
CompositeBorder CompositeBorder is a subclass of Border that can combine two BorderInterface objects into one border.
CompositeContainer CompositeContainer is a subclass of Container with some convenience methods for building composite objects.
CompositePanel CompositePanel is a subclass of
CustomColorsPanel The CustomColorsPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of ColorDialog or ColorCustomizer.
CustomizerDialog CustomizerDialog is a ButtonDialog subclass which displays a CustomizerPanel CustomizerPanel is an abstract class from which each component's customizer tabs should derive from.
DefaultButtonListener DefaultButtonListener is an implementation of the ButtonListenerInterface used to listen for user events on a button component and change the state of the ButtonModelInterface property.
DefaultButtonModel DefaultButtonModel is an implementation of the ButtonModelInterface interface that holds the state information for a specific button and sends out the Action and Item events that the button forwards to its listeners.
DirectoryDialog The DirectoryDialog allows the user to select a directory, rather than a single file (java.awt.FileDialog).
DrawingSupport This class contains static methods used for drawing
DualSelector DualSelector is a class used for manipulating items between two lists.
EmptyComponent EmptyComponent is useful in places where you want a place holder Component, such as in a GridLayout or other layout manager.
FireworkIcon FireworkIcon is an implementation of the AnimationIconInterface that allows for incrementing and decrementing the FireworkIcon and painting it in the differing states to show an animation of fireworks.
Fireworks Fireworks is a class that increments and decrements a FireworkIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the icon in that state.
FontDialog FontDialog is a subclass of Dialog which displays components for font creation and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
FontPanel The FontPanel is a panel to be displayed in an instance of FontDialog.
ForwardedActionEvent ForwardedActionEvent is a sub-class of ActionEvent that also has a sourceEvent property.
ForwardedActionListenerList Manage a list of listeners for the event.
ForwardedItemEvent ForwardedItemEvent is a sub-class of ItemEvent that also has a sourceEvent property and an actionCommand.
ForwardedItemListenerList Manage a list of listeners for the event.
GraphicalCheckBox A GraphicalCheckBox is a ToggleButton with a predefined set of images.
IconView IconView is a lightweight component class that paints an IconInterface object.
ImageAnimation ImageAnimation is a class that increments and decrements an ImageAnimationIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the image in that state.
ImageAnimationIcon ImageAnimationIcon is a class that allows for incrementing and decrementing over a set of images that are then displayed in the new state.
ImageSequence Deprecated.  
ImageView The ImageView displays an image in the component area.
LabelView LabelView is a class that displays lines of text.
ListBoxSelector ListBoxSelector is an adapter class that instantiates an UpDownListBox and provides all the neccesary method calls and functionality the DetailedListEditor would use.
Marquee Marquee is a class that increments and decrements a MarqueeIcon object when an alarm is fired and paints the MarqueeIcon in that state.
MarqueeIcon MarqueeIcon is a class that displays text and an image that when incremented or decremented moves there position based on the direction the marquee is set to.
MenuBar MenuBar is a sub-class of java.awt.MenuBar that sends out events when any of the MenuItems on it are triggered.
MessageBox MessageBox is a subclass of Dialog which displays a text message, an icon, and a set of buttons to allow a user response.
MessageBoxListenerList Manage a list of listeners for the event.
NodeState NodeState is a class used to store the state of a NodeView object.
NodeStyle A customizable set of node properties.
NodeView A NodeView object represents a single node in a TreeView object.
NodeViewTextEditor Provides a node view for displaying and editing a paragraph of text.
NumericTextField NumericTextField is a subclass of TextField which has a default validator for integers.
Part Part is an extension of Rectangle that provides a notion of ultra-lightweight components.
Placement An Enumeration class.
PropertyEditorHost PropertyEditorHost provides a user interface for a PropertyEditor.
PropertySheet This is an internal class used by the component framework.
PushButton PushButton is a class that creates a button where images and text, or both can be displayed.
RadioBox The RadioBox is a panel that contains a SelectionGroup and multiple instances of SelectableInterface members(radio buttons) of that group.
RadioButton RadioButton is a class that creates a button with text and a default icon.
RadioButtonIcon RadioButtonIcon is an implementation of the IconInterface that paints a circular radioButton image.
RowColumnLayout RowColumnLayout is a class that implements the java.awt.LayoutManager interface to be able to layout components within a container in rows and columns.
RowLayout RowLayout is a class that implements the java.awt.LayoutManager2 interface to be able to layout components within a container in rows.
SASIcons This class is used by to find classes from the sas.icons.jar.
Scrollbar Scrollbar is a class that creates a lightweight scrollbar.
ScrollbarLayout ScrollbarLayout is layout manager which works like a BorderLayout to layout out scrollbars within a container.
ScrollSlider ScrollSlider creates an object that functions as the track area on a Scrollbar.
SelectionGroup SelectionGroup is a class used to group and manipulate SelectableInterface objects.
SliderListener SliderListener is an implementation of the ButtonListenerInterface used to listen for user events on a SliderInterface component and change the state of its ButtonModelInterface properties.
SpinBox SpinBox is a class that combines a textField and a spinButton.
SpinButton SpinButton is a class that creates a component with two opposing arrow buttons that can be pressed to increment or decrement a value field.
StyledLabelView StyledLabelView is a sub-class of LabelView that parses the text into TextElements and paints it based on tags placed in the text.
TabBar The TabBar is a sub-class of CompositePanel that implements the TabBarInterface to contain TabButtonInterface components.
TabbedView The TabbedView is a container that allows multiple views to be defined in the same area and viewed exclusively.
TabBorder TabBorder is a subclass of Border that draws a specific type of border for tabs.
TabButton TabButton is a subclass of ToggleButton that implements the TabButtonInterface.
TabButtonModel TabButtonModel is a subclass of DefaultButtonModel.
TabFolder TabFolder is a subclass of Panel that has a TabButtonInterface property.
TextBorder TextBorder is a subclass of Border that draws Text on top of another Border.
TextElement TextElement is a sub-class of that holds properties about an element of text.
ToggleButton ToggleButton is a subclass of BaseButton that creates a button where images and text, or both can be displayed.
ToggleButtonModel ToggleButtonModel is a subclass of DefaultButtonModel.
ToolbarBorder ToolbarBorder provides Border support for Windows 95 Window Border styles for Toolbars
ToolbarButton ToggleButton is a sub-class of PushButton that creates a button that displays images.
TreeView is a class which displays a hierarchical list of items.
UnitsBox A UnitsBox object is a visual component for entering a measurement value as a number, in one of a set of units.
UpDownListBox UpDownListBox presents a ListBox class with buttons for moving the items within the list box.
Windows95Border Windows95Border provides Border support for Windows 95 Window Border styles
WordWrapTextArea WordWrapTextArea is a subclass of that should be used when word-wrapping is desired.

Package Description

Additional user interface components not provided in AWT.

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

Copyright © 2009 SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.