Create accurate, high-impact visuals that enable decision makers to gain a quick understanding of critical business issues. SAS/GRAPH is a data visualization tool that makes it easy to produce effective, attention-grabbing graphs.

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Most recent releases:

SAS/GRAPH on the SAS Viya platform


What’s New

SAS/GRAPH on the SAS Viya Platform

SAS/GRAPH has been optimized to work with the current release of the SAS Viya platform.


There are many changes and enhancements for SAS/GRAPH 9.4. The full details are in What's New in SAS/GRAPH 9.4: Reference. Here are the highlights.

  • Starting with SAS 9.4M8, SAS/GRAPH Java Applets for Web Servers and SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control are no longer available
  • The GEOCODE procedure now supports non-U.S. street geocoding. A new import macro program, %GEOBASE2GEOCODE, and an updated version of %TIGER2GEOCODE are available from the SAS Maps Online web site. These macros create lookup data sets in the new format. Starting with SAS 9.4M1, a new variable enables handling of multiple street type abbreviations during street geocoding, and two new variables in the SASHELP.ZIPCODE lookup data set further support city geocoding. Starting with SAS 9.4M2, the city geocoding method offers a new variable to handle non-standard state values, changes requirements for the customized versions of the SASHELP.GCSTATE lookup data set, changes variable values within the SASHELP.GCSTATE lookup data set, allows non-abbreviated state names, and offers an improved %TIGER2GEOCODE import program.
  • The map data sets in the MAPSGFK library have been updated.
  • The SVG and GIF devices now support animation. In addition, the GIF device now supports RGBA color mode (transparency) and anti-aliasing.
  • The new TIFF and TIFFK devices produce TIFF images and support the RGBA and CMYK color modes, respectively.
  • The new EMFDUAL device produces graphics file containing both EMF and EMF Plus records. It supports RGBA colors (transparency).
  • The new %SHORTCUT autocall macro creates a shortcut device that is linked to the existing Universal Printer of the same name. It can also define a new Universal Printer and shortcut device and link the device to the Universal Printer.
  • The Annotate Facility has several enhancements. The IMGPATH variable now accepts a URL location for graphics that are on web pages. The HTML= option enables you to animate text labels that are created with the LABEL function. The %CENTROID macro has been enhanced to return more accurate centroid locations.
  • The GKPI procedure now supports user-defined formats.
  • The Tile Chart applet supports adding one or more custom menu items to the tile chart pop-up menu.
  • The Treeview applet supports assigning multiple drill-down links for each node in the diagram.
  • Starting with SAS 9.4M1, the CHORO statement in the GMAP procedure supports a production level of the OSM (OpenStreetMap) option when displaying maps using a JAVA or JAVAIMG device. This is an appearance option that enables you to use the OpenStreetMap (OSM) map as a background map.
  • Starting with SAS 9.4M2, the GRADAR procedure offers a new parameter on the SPKLABEL= option.
  • Starting with SAS 9.4M2, the JAVAIMG and ACTXIMG are supported devices for the PowerPoint destination, and the ZPNG device is disabled. Also, new HTML attributes are added to the SVG, SVGT, and SVGView devices.
  • Starting with SAS 9.4M4, information about creating maps is in a separate document, SAS/GRAPH: Mapping Reference.
  • Starting with SAS 9.4M5, the SAS/GRAPH: Mapping Reference is moved to Base SAS and is titled SAS/GRAPH and Base SAS: Mapping Reference. The mapping reference now includes information about creating maps using SAS/GRAPH and the new ODS Graphics procedure, SGMAP. The reference also documents procedures that prepare data sets for mapping, such as the Base SAS GEOCODE procedure.
  • Starting with SAS 9.4M5, the IMGPNG and IMGGIF devices can be used to improve the performance of SAS jobs that generate a large number of graphs. When used to render a large number of graphs, the performance of these devices is better than their corresponding Universal Printer shortcut devices, PNG and GIF.
  • Starting with SAS 9.4M5, several new options are added to various statements in the GBARLINE and GCHART procedures.
  • Starting with SAS 9.4M5, SAS/GRAPH Network Visualization Workshop is discontinued and is no longer supported.


For more in-depth information, read books written by SAS experts.


Find user's guides and other technical documentation for SAS/GRAPH.


Most of the SAS 9.4 documents have moved to When you open them, you can use the Search feature to search all documents in the table of contents. You can also download documents in PDF or ePUB format.

NOTE: Documentation for ODS Graphics, including the Graph Template Language, SG procedures, ODS Graphics Designer, and ODS Graphics Editor, is in SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) Graphics Suite.

Related Documentation


Previous Versions



  • For information about new features in SAS/GRAPH, see the What's New topic in SAS/GRAPH 9.3: Reference. This topic provides links to the documentation for the new features.
  • Documentation for ODS Graphics, including the Graph Template Language, SG procedures, ODS Graphics Designer, and ODS Graphics Editor, has moved to Base SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) Graphics Suite.
  • SAS/GRAPH 9.3: Reference, Third Edition PDF | HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH: Network Visualization Workshop 2.1 User's Guide PDF | HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH Procedures HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH Sample Programs


  • SAS/GRAPH 9.2: Reference, Second Edition PDF | HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH 9.2: Statistical Graphics Procedures Guide, Second Edition PDF | HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH 9.2: ODS Graphics Editor User's Guide PDF | HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH 9.2: Graph Template Language Reference, Second Edition PDF | HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH 9.2: Graph Template Language User's Guide, Second Edition PDF | HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH: Network Visualization Workshop 2.1 User's Guide PDF | HTML
  • SAS/GRAPH 9.2: ODS Graphics Designer User's Guide PDF | HTML 
    Note: The ODS Graphics Designer is available with SAS 9.2, Phase 2 and later.
  • SAS/GRAPH Procedures HTML



  • What's New in SAS/GRAPH 9.0 and 9.1 HTML  

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