What's New Table of Contents![]() |
It's easier than ever to produce enhanced and detailed, informative graphics for your Web presentations. New features in SAS/GRAPH include:
The following procedures are new or enhanced:
Note: The GBARLINE procedure is not
supported for Java.
The new MAPIMPORT procedure enables you to import ESRI Shapefiles into SAS/GRAPH map data sets.
The SINGULAR= option tunes the algorithm that is used to check for singularities.
The following graphics options are new:
The new SAS Maps Online application enables you to download: data updates, sample SAS/GRAPH programs that use the map data sets delivered with SAS/GRAPH, and GIF images of maps. SAS Maps Online is located at support.sas.com/rnd/datavisualization/mapsonline/html
Web graphics now support pop-up data tips. A pop-up data tip is text that is displayed when a user moves the cursor over a portion of a Web graphic. You can add custom data tips to the output of any SAS/GRAPH procedure that supports the HTML= option.
The ACTXIMG and JAVAIMG devices generate images on the server that match the look of the client graphs. These devices are especially useful when you do not need the interactivity that is provided by the client graphs. ACTXIMG is only available for Windows.
The Java and ActiveX clients now support annotation through the Output Delivery System (ODS) for the G3D, GBARLINE, GCHART, GCONTOUR, GMAP, GPLOT, and GRADAR procedures. You can specify the ANNOTATE= option in these procedures when you are using the JAVA, JAVAIMG, ACTIVEX, and ACTXIMG device drivers. All annotate functions are available with each device driver (except the FRAME and IMAGE functions, which are available only with ACTIVEX and ACTXIMG).
ODS styles now affect both table and client graph output. Sixteen new graph styles provide a consistent look for your entire ODS output, which enhances readability and usability.
The following are enhancements for the ActiveX Control:
Note: To create graphs interactively, you
must have Enterprise Guide 2.0 HotFix 11 or higher installed.
The new Java Constellation Applet, which you can generate by using the DS2CONST macro, enables you to see the relationships among node link data, such as Web click data, network flow data, and simple affinity data. You can interactively select a set of nodes to see the relationships among the nodes. You can see all of the links coming to the set of nodes or going out of a set of nodes.
The new Java Treeview applet, which you can generate by using the DS2TREE macro, shows the parent-child relationships of elements in a hierarchical structure. It provides an optional "fish-eye" distortion that highlights the central area of interest, and enables you to search for, hide, and display element subtrees. A Treeview diagram is ideal for displaying data such as organizational charts or the hierarchical relationships of the pages of a Web site.
The following are enhancements for the Java Contour Applet:
The following are enhancements in the Java Graph Applet:
The Java and ActiveX devices now support user-defined formats, except for nested user-defined formats. For information about defining formats, see the documentation for the FORMAT procedure in the Base SAS Procedures Guide.
Color names can now be a maximum of 64 characters in length.
The following fonts have been added:
The new PAGEFIT image attribute enables you to adjust how a PostScript image fits on the page. The PAGEFIT attribute replaces the NOFIT attribute.
The behavior of the GTITLE and GFOOTNOTE options has been changed--when you specify NOGTITLE or NOGFOOTNOTE, the space in the graphic that would have been used for the title or footnote is allocated to the procedure output rather than being left empty. You need to be aware of this change if you are using annotation or mapping coordinates. For more information, see Controlling Where Titles and Footnotes are Rendered.
In addition to information about new features, the SAS/GRAPH documentation now includes information about the following: