GTILE Procedure

Assigning Colors

Color Ramp Colors

When COLORTYPE=CONTINUOUS, the COLORRAMP= option enables you to customize the chart's color ramp. You can specify colors for the color ramp using any of the color-naming schemes supported by SAS/GRAPH.
Examples of Specifying Colors
Color-Naming Scheme
COLORS=(cx98FB98 cxDDA0DD cxFFDAB9 cxDB7093 cxB0E0E6)
COLORS=(a98FB9833 aDDA0DD66 aFFDAB999 aDB7093CC aB0E0E6FF)
COLORS=("FF00FF00" "00FFFF00" "FFFFFF00")
COLORS=(H14055FF H0F060FF H0B485FF H07880FF)
COLORS=(V0F055FF v010FFFF v03BFFFF v12C55E8)
Gray Scale
SAS Registry Colors
COLORS=(palegreen plum peachpuff palevioletred powderblue)
CNS Color Names
COLORS=("very light purplish blue" 
"light vivid green" "medium strong yellow" 
"dark grayish green")
1RGBA color mode is not supported by Java devices. RGBA color mode is supported by ActiveX devices when the output is used in Microsoft applications.
For information about color naming schemes, see Using Colors in SAS/GRAPH Programs.
The COLORPOINTS= option enables you to specify the points at which the colors transition on the color ramp. The values in the COLORPOINT= option map directly to the colors that are listed in the COLORRAMP= option. Each value specifies the transition point as a percentage of the total color ramp range. You can use the MINLEGENDVALUE= and MAXLEGENDVALUE= options to modify the legend range. See Specifying a Custom Range for the Color Ramp.

Discrete Colors

When COLORTYPE=DISCRETE, the COLORS= graphics option enables you to customize the chart’s colors. By default, a color from the GraphData1–GraphDataN color list is assigned to each unique value of the color variable. You can use the COLORS= graphics option to override the default colors with your own color list as shown in Examples of Specifying Colors. For information about the COLOR= graphics option, see COLORS.