SAS® Metadata Server

Access consistent, accurate data with this centralized resource for storing, managing and delivering metadata for SAS applications across the enterprise. The functionality of the SAS Metadata Server is provided through the SAS Open Metadata Architecture, which is a metadata management facility that provides common metadata services to applications.

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The most recent release is SAS Metadata Server 9.4.

What’s New

Metadata Server Clustering

  • Metadata server clustering provides redundancy and high availability of the metadata server. Clustering ensures that the server will continue to operate if a server host machine fails.
  • Effective with the second maintenance release for SAS 9.4, metadata server clustering is supported on z/OS. In previous SAS 9.4 releases, it is supported only on UNIX and Windows. All of the nodes in the cluster must have the same operating system.
  • The third maintenance release for SAS 9.4 includes a new metadata analysis and repair tool called Metadata Server Cluster Synchronization. This tool verifies that metadata is synchronized among all the nodes of a metadata server cluster.

New Batch Tools

  • In SAS 9.4, new batch tools are provided for metadata management tasks such as listing selected objects, deleting selected objects, creating new folders, and managing metadata access.
  • The first maintenance release for SAS 9.4 includes new batch tools for relationship reporting. You can use these tools to identify relationships among the content objects in the SAS Folder tree.
  • The second maintenance release for SAS 9.4 includes a new batch command that you can use to run the metadata analyze and repair tools that are available in SAS Management Console.
  • In the third maintenance release for SAS 9.4, a new batch command enables you to use SAS Metadata Bridges to load third-party lineage information to the SAS Relationship Service.

Videos & Tutorials

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Previous Versions


SAS Metadata Server 9.3

SAS Metadata Server 9.2

SAS Metadata Server 9.1.3

  • What’s New in SAS Metadata Server 9.1.3 HTML
  • SAS 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide PDF
  • Enterprise Management Integration focus area
    • SAS 9.1.3 Metadata Status Utility ZIP
    • Application Response Time Tracking PDF
    • SAS 9.1.3 Metadata Server using IBM HACMP PDF
    • SAS 9.1.3 Metadata Server within a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Failover Cluster PDF
    • SAS Metadata Server, HP ServiceGuard PDF
    • SAS Metadata Server, SUN Cluster PDF

SAS Technical Papers

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